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HP Pueblos Magazine

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Here is my final project for my first semester of Spanish. This is a magazine containing information on immigration to and from Latin America, and the reasons surrounding it. It also has images and an autobiography.
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HP Pueblos 2011 Immigration Book.
Page 1: HP Pueblos Magazine

HP Pueblos 2011 Immigration Book.

Page 2: HP Pueblos Magazine

Table of Contents

Page 3 - Autobiografia, Autobiography (Spanish)Page 4 - Political Reasons People Migrate to Central and South America (English)Page 5 - Political Reasons... (Spanish)Page 6 - Economic Reasons People Migrate (English)Page 7 - Economic Reasons... (Spanish)Page 8 - Religious, Cultural, and Racial Reasons why People Migrate (English)Page 9 - Religious, Cultural, and Racial Reasons (Spanish)Page 10 - Reasons why Spain colonized the Americas (English)Page 11 - Colonization (Spanish)Page 12 - Summary of this Book (English & Spanish)Page 13 - Bibliography PagePage 14 - Gracias

Page 3: HP Pueblos Magazine

Autobiografia (Autobiography)Mi nombre es HP. Yo soy de Chicago Illinois y yo vivo en el area por toda my viva. Yo tengo diesyseite años y yo soy un estudiante en la escuela GCE High School. Yo vivo solo con mi madre en el lado norte. Mi hermana asiste a un escuela cerca de Wisconsin. Yo juego baloncesto lo mas posible y yo amo este deporte. Mis dos viajes favoritos son proyectos de servicio en Sudafrica y Ecuador. Mi familia es de Inglaterra. Mi familia son immigrantes y este nacion es una nacion de immigrantes.Yo soy alto y delgado, pero cada vez mas fuerte. Yo tengo pelo marron y ojos azul, con un pequeña barba. Yo juego baloncesto todos los dias con amigos o solomente yo. Cuando yo no juego baloncesto o estoy a escuela, yo duermo mucho pero a veces yo como con mis amigos o voy a el cine. Mi comida favorita es pizza y mi bebida favorita es leche con chocolate, pero mi pelicula favorito es Batman. Batman es mi apodo a escuela. Yo llevo un elastico en mi muñeca izquierda por buena suerte pero yo no se por que. Yo resvelvo (me esfuerzo) mucho por saltar mejor (lo mas alto posible) y convrtirme mas fuerte por baloncesto. Yo estoy muy cerca de dunking (llegar a una volcada). Yo puedo conducir pero yo no tengo un auto y yo no conduzco mucho. Me gusta tomar el tren porque es posible de pensar mucho. Un pocas cosas interesante que yo he hecho afuera de Chicago es proyectos de servicio. Yo vivi en Sudafrica y Ecuador para assistar en la construyar de canchas de futbol, escuelas, y baños. Este viajes fue muy diversion y es posible assisto otras personas que medio mucho para mi. Despues en mi vida, yo quiero assistar mas personas. Idealmente, yo quiero juegar baloncesto, pero si no es posible, yo encuentro algo mas.Este es los cosas que me definen. Con suerte es posible de graduado GCE y asistar a universidad por juegar baloncesto. Yo espero mas tarde en mi vida yo puedo asistir otras personas con mi exito.

Page 4: HP Pueblos Magazine

Political Reasons People Migrate to Central and South America.(-¿Por qué las personas migran por razones politicas de y hacia Centro Y Sud America?)

People migrate from their home countries for many different reasons. One of the main reasons is for political reasons. In certain countries like Colombia, the leader abuses his power and the country is not a safe place to live. People will emigrate to countries like America or nearby countries such as Ecuador for more freedom and safety. Argentina is a Latin American country which hosts many immigrants. A major group of them come from Africa, from countries like Senegal, Nigeria, and the Ivory Coast started to emigrate in the 1990's because European countries such as Italy were becoming more racist. In Argentina, there isn't very much discrimination, and a good opportunity for working. The government is very kind to the immigrants. Yet people are not just coming in, they are leaving too. Record numbers of emigrants are leaving. Israel is a very popular destination for Jews even though Palestinian bombings threaten them. Why leave Argentina? People are looking to avoid its economic collapse even though there are still some working opportunities. Another destination that may seem like an odd choice is Italy. Immigrants from Africa found it hard to enter Europe especially in Italy, but the Argentines, leaving find refuge there. This may not be so good for South America. In nearby Ecuador, a country with desperate need for teachers, 10,000 teachers left the country looking for jobs elsewhere for a better chance at money. On one hand, who can blame them, yet their country needs them in a growing time of desperation. Europe and South America seem to be switching out their people. Europe, while receiving many immigrants from South America, is sending just as many back to South America. In Argentina a whopping ninety seven percent of the population is of European descent (not recent immigrants). Argentina also has a small Indian community. Yet it can be interesting to see how many citizens of countries are of native tribe descent. Especially in Peru and Bolivia this is true. The original surge of this immigration of Europeans started 500 years ago but after World War two increased heavily. It was only in the 1990's when Africans started their migration. Even though Spanish rule has an enormous influence in Latin America (Spain has always been a Catholic country) there are many Jews in Argentina. Although Latin America is very Christian, Jewish presence has to be noticed. In fact, Argentina has the fifth most jews in the world, Brazil is eleventh, and Mexico is fifteenth. South America is rapidly changing since World War 2. Many people are leaving and yet just as many are coming in, Argentina is a prime example of this in Latin America. It will be interesting to see how this pattern evolves in the future...

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Personas emigran de su pais por muchas de razones. Una mayor razon es la situacion politica. Muchos paises tienen un lider horrible y este es un problema para los ciudadanos. Las personas dejan por opportunidades de libertidad y trabajar por mas dinero. Judios y Africanos tiene que mover a paises como Argentina porque Europa no acepto. Pero, en Argentina, muchos personas dejan su pais por Europa que es muy interesante. Sudamerica es un continente que cambio muy rapido despues de la segunda guerra mudial.

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Economic Reasons(¿Por qué las personas migran por razones economicas de y hacia Centro y SudAmerica?)

People migrate for many reasons but one of the main ones is economic reasons. Under this umbrella of terms, possible reasons include finding work, being offered work, no economic prosperity at home, or just looking for a higher quality of life. While I was in Ecuador an interesting concept was brought to my attention. The original culture and livelihood of the rural villages are rapidly being lost due to the pursuit of money. Instead of taking up the family business of farming or a simlair job, they choose to go the big city for a chance at more money, even though their roots are dug deep into their communities. Living conditions in these rural towns is pretty desperate and so for the last twenty or so years, people have been increasingly eager to leave for better living conditions. Yet this doesn't just happen domestically. Doctors and school teachers are a prime example of this. Even though there is a great need for them in their original countries, moving to another country where doctors or teachers are payed much better seems like an obvious choice to them. This leads to a huge lack of public servants in poorer countries. Yet moving for an economic reason doesn't always entail something negative. Many families who have pursued the "American Dream" have actually become very prosperous which is not a possibility that they had in their country. Between 2000 and 2005 over 8 million people legally moved to the U.S. Yet I had to say legally because thousands of others feel the need to do this illegally. Although I personally don't believe any human is illegal and that this country is built off of immigrants (reinforced by the mural made in Pilsen, Chicago that we visited), this puts their kids future in jeapordy. In Alabama there is a big debate on weather a law should be passed which entails kids having to tell the school about their parent's legal status in America. Economic migration is extremely popular in the world yet there are positives and negatives to it.

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Las personas emigran por razones diferantes, pero una opcion que es muy popular es por razones economico. En paises como Ecuador, los hombres en pueblos pequenos paso a las ciudades grandes por un opportunidad de prosperidad. A partir de 2000 y 2005 ocho million personas movieron a los Estados Unidos legalmente. Pero muchas personas, es necesitan emigrar ilgalmente y los ninos sufren. Entonces, la immigracion economico es popular pero tiene cosas positvas y negativas.

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Religious, cultural, and Racial Reasons People Move to Spanish Speaking Countries.

Latin America is an area of the world that is extremely prone and vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. South America's most devastated country of the last year was Chile which was hit by a category 8.8 earthquake and tsunami which left 800,000 people homeless and cost 30 million dollars. Other South American countries have been hit to, like Argentina yet luckily no one died. Yet Central American countries have been hit even harder then South American countries. A good example is Guatemala. They had an earthquake in the 1970's which killed over 23,000 people, and not only that, people left the country because of the political instability and the civil war that only ended in 1996. Another Central American country that was effected by a natural disaster was Mexico(hit by Hurricane Paula) and the Honduras (who were hit by Paula and Alex). In all this small sample of storms may not seem like much at all, but if you add up all of the natural disasters of 2011 so far, nearly 300,000 people have died and 14 million have become homeless in Latin America due to their awful storms. This is a huge reason for emigrating from Latin America. Many South Americans are actually turning to Europe to immigrate to, especially Southern Europe like Spain and Portugal. Yet Central American countries tend to lean towards the U.S for migration. Haiti, who was hit by a massive earthquake in 2010, has 535,000 new Haitian immigrants and it's clear that the hurricane was the reason for this. Emigration is a common result of natural disasters and as Latin American's are hit very hard by tropical storms, they find refuge in Europe and the United States. Another reason why people emigrate is for cultural reasons. A cultural reason can be anything from seeking religious freedom, educational opportunities, or the loss of a culture in their home country. Venezuela is a country who is on the UN's "watch list" for religious persecution and Cuba's socialist ways have caused controversy for many years. For a long time Cubans have been trying to leave to the United States and other Latin American countries. In 1994 30,000 Cubans flooded into the U.S when the American government allowed them to, and as a result, had to make an immigration quota of 20,000 for Cuban nationals. Venezuela on the other hand have it even worse religious freedom wise. Jews have been attacked in recent years and as a result over one fifth of the Jewish community has emigrated in recent years because of Chavez's tension with that community. Pursuit of a better education is another reason why people emigrate from their original country. For example in Ecuador there are only 5 hospitals in the entire country and only one medical school to teach them. Therefore anyone who aspires to become a doctor ends up leaving for scholarship opportunities in the U.S. All in all people migrate for many reasons but sometimes they are forced to for natural disasters pushing them out, or in pursuit of freedom away from religious persecution.

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America Latina es un area del mundo que es muy vulnerable de sufrir desastres naturales como terremotos y hurracanes. Chile es un pais que sufrio de un terremoto, un terremoto que en Enero termino con 800,000 personas que no tienen una casa. Guatemala es un pais en America Central que tuvo un terremoto que cavaso muertos 23,000 personas. En America Latina (en 2011) mas de 300,000 personas murieron y catorce millones que no tienen (quedaron sin) una casa. Pero desastres naturales no es la unica razon porque las personas emigran. Razones como persecucion religiosa y oportunidades educativas. Venezuela es un pais que el Presidente no le gusta los Judios, y a consecuencia de eso, uno de cada cinco de los Judios de Venezuela han dejado su pais. La busqueda de una mejor educacion es un otra razon por emigracion. Ecuador, tiene solamente cinco hospitales y uno escuela por medicos. Entonces, muchos de los medicos dejan su pais por los Estados Unidos. Estas son las razones (desastres naturales, religioso, y educativo) porque personas en America Latina dejan.

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Original Colonization of the Americas (¿Qué es la colonización española?)The Spanish colonized the Americas everywhere from Florida and almost all of South America with Central American in between, it's why there are so many Spanish speaking countries and also why the U.S. will soon become a bi-lingual country. As many people know Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to bring his ship the Santa Maria to the Americas. He was doing this for the country of Spain and so when he discovered his first island it was named Hispaniola (the island that now holds Haiti and the Dominican Republic). This was Europe's first contact with the Americas and Spain would prove to be the biggest player in colonizing them. Most of South and Central America speaks Spanish now, due to explorers like Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Amerigo Vespucci, and Hernando Cortes who under the rule of Ferdinand and Isabella started their first colonies in Santo Domingo, printed maps of the Americas, and colonizing Cuba all in the first "season" of colonization. Next, Mexico slowly started to get colonized. Native Aztecs started to meet Spaniards and the culture collide began. Colonization was occurring to spread the word of god (Christianity), for more land, collect resources they didn't have in Europe, and most importantly they were looking for gold. The changes that ensued were massive and left a permanent mark on the America's that can still be felt today and will be felt as long as we last. Latin American culture is an intricate mix of indigenous populations and European Spanish culture. Spanish is the most popular language in the world as an estimated 300 million people speak it, due in large part to the colonization of South America and Central America. Traditionally Mexico has a very rich culture of Aztecs and Spanish mixed but since the country is so large, their identity can often be confused. In the north it is more European influenced but in the South more tribal influence can be felt. That differs from the rest of Central America as well as South America, which also feels influences from the Portuguese and French. When dealing with the countries closer to the Pacific, a more traditional Latin culture is present because it simply took longer for Europeans to reach that part of the continent.

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Los Espanoles colonizan los Americas para Florida, America Sur, y America Central. Este es el contacto primero de Europa en los Estados Unidos, y America Sur. Christopher Columbus fue el explorador primero en los Americas en su barco, el Santa Maria. El navego por España (Ferdinand y Isabella)y el ducbren el isla Hispaniola (que es Haiti y el Dominican Republic). Tambien Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Amerigo Vescuppi, y Hernando Cortes son mejor razones porque mucho de los Americas hablan español. Espana queire colonizar los Americas porque, difundir el cristanismo, territorio, y oro. Cultura Latina Americano es un cultura que es un mezcla de europeos, españoles y los pueblos indegnas. En Mexico al norte es mejor europeo pero en el sur es mejor indegna. Pero en America Sur tienen influencia de Francia y Portugal. Espana tienen un muy grande influencia en los Americas y mucho de los personas hablan espanol.

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(Resúmen) (Summary)

Overall Latin American migration has had a major influence on the world and people have migrated for many reasons. People migrate to Central and South America for reasons such as economic opportunity, avoiding natural disaster, or getting away from oppressive governments or rebel forces. Oddly enough people emigrate away from Latin America for some of those same reasons, like natural disasters, religious persecution, and a chance for a better quality of life. Usually those immigrants move north to the United States, but even so, countries like Argentina, Mexico, and the rest of Central/South America are quickly developing as world leaders due to their strong culture and improving economic opportunities.

La migracion de America Latina tuvo un mejor influencia en el mundo y personas habia migrado por muchos razones. Personas migraden a America Sur y America Central porque tienen oportunidades economico, evitan los desastres naturales, o evitan gobiernos opresivo. Personas emigrar afuera de America Latina por razones como desastres naturales, persecuccion religioso, y un opportunidad a un mejor vida. Muchos de los vecas personas movimento al norte pero America Central y America Sur estan lugares que es rapido desarollo porque tienen un cultura fuerte y oportunidades economico.

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Bibliography Pagehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spanish_America_XVIII_Century_(Most_Expansion).pnghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasco_N%C3%BA%C3%B1ez_de_Balboahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_colonization_of_the_Americashttp://www.sheppardsoftware.com/southamericaweb/factfile/Unique-facts-SouthAmerica5.htmhttp://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/spanish-explorers.htmhttp://spain-1400s-1500s.wikispaces.com/Spainish.Colonies.Americahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Paula_(2010)http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?ID=392http://english.ruvr.ru/2010/12/15/36856545.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquakes_in_2011http://www.migrationinformation.org/USfocus/display.cfm?id=770http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/cubaimmigration.htmlhttp://www.directorio.org/pressreleases/note.php?note_id=2305http://www.persecution.org/2007/12/06/venezuelas-president-chastened-reports-of-persecution-rising/http://www.uscis.gov/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_the_United_Stateshttp://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/alabama-immigration-law-pressures-schools-check-immigration-status-174952328.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Argentinahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Latin_Americahttp://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/history/migration/chapter53.html#1http://www.everyculture.com/South-America/Europeans-in-South-America.htmlhttp://www.economist.com/node/999559http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy68khUIpfw

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Gracias Por Leer
