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HQp May 2015

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panorama media CORP A 6-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION TO HQPONY + A COOL T-SHIRT WIN! MORE INSIDE! www.coolmags.com RSA R25.00 incl VAT Your ponies RIDER and PONY of the month Your letters, pics and art Are YOU inside ? 4 1 0 FAB POSTERS Other African countries R21.93 excl TAX COOL THINGS ABOUT HELP THOSE HOCKS COWBOY HATS IS SUPER COOL! We bet you never knew this! CONFORMATION TRICKY SA's TOP PONY RIDER ... HANNAH GARTON CAN YOU HALT? STOP. START. YOUNG RIDER SERIES ... #2
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Your ponies RIDER and PONY of the month Your letters, pics and art

Are YOUinside?





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We bet younever knew this!







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Page 3: HQp May 2015

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PUBLISHER Urs Honegger

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Gerard PeterEDITOR Brigitte BillingsMANAGING EDITOR Deanne DudleySENIOR SUB EDITORS Vanessa Koekemoer, Noleen FourieSUB EDITOR Nicolette Els



GROUP ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Urs HoneggerADVERTISING [email protected] 011 468 2090

SUBSCRIPTIONS [email protected] Tel: 011 468 2090 Fax: 011 468 2091FINANCE [email protected]

DISTRIBUTION Republican News AgencyISSN 2075-5651PRINTERS BusinessPrint

DisclaimerHQPony is published monthly (12 issues per annum) and is available by subscription nationally as well as at retail outlets countrywide. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written permission of Panorama Media Corp (Pty) Ltd. Copyright © 1994-2015 Panorama Media Corp (Pty) Ltd. The views expressed in HQPony are not necessarily those of Panorama Media Corp and the acceptance and publication of editorial and advertising matter in HQPony does not imply any endorsement or warranty in respect of goods or services therein described, whether by HQPony or the publishers. HQPony will not be held responsible for the safe return of unsolicited editorial contributions. The Editor reserves the right to edit material submitted and in appropriate cases to translate into another language. HQPony reserves the right to reject any advertising or editorial material, which may not suit the standard of the publication, without reason given.

Published By Panorama Media Corp (Pty) Ltd.Private Bag X4, Kyalami, 1684, South Africa. 92 Campolino Road, Kyalami.Tel: 011 468 2090 Fax: 011 468 2091

ON THE COVERRock star pony!Photography: Rita Kochmarjova

In this issue

Brushing up your skills


Shuga says ...


July - Sept 2014 3 791 certified

Last month we started a new Young Rider series, explaining some of the basic principles of riding that many

of us forget along the way. How often have you heard an instructor telling you to take a contact or put your leg on, and realised that you’re not entirely sure what they mean? The team had to face a similar challenge with these articles because it made us aware of how hard it is to explain many of the foundations of good riding.

This month we take a look at the aids to ask your horse to halt or go forward. Sounds simple, but it’s not! I hope our article on page 22 will help to explain things. The feature on safe horsemanship on page 7 gave us a similar challenge. When you’ve been around horses your whole life, there are things that just come naturally to you – but they’re not always obvious to people who are new to the scene.

Somebody who seems to have a solid grasp of the basics (and more) is young rider Hannah Garton, top-ranked South African Showjumping Pony Rider for 2014. See Hannah’s advice on riding to the top on page 4 – it’ll make you see that you can make it too!

This month we bring you another article in our series on schooling the less-than-perfect pony. On page 18 we focus on strengthening exercises for hocks.

Till next month, keep loving your horses … and happy riding!

First, let’s get one thing straight: I AM a perfect pony hehe. But the schooling tips from Mandy Schröder are cool even

when you’re as awesome as I am. Stretching and building balance are good for all horses – and riders

too! But I’d rather spend my time stretching out under the stars. Which is what members of the SA Pony Club have been doing lately! Check out the

fun on page 8 in this month’s Pony Club pages highlighting their camping trips; you’ll probably

want to pack your tent and join in!

Shuga says ...

Brushing up your skills

FEATURES4 Chatting to Hannah Garton Happiness and horses

7 Horse sense ... Behave safely around horses!

18 Training for tricky conformation Help those hocks

22 Explaining the aids Stop-Start – does your pony understand?

25 10 Cool things about ... Stetsons. We bet you didn’t know this!

REGULARS2 Events calendar What’s coming up in the horse world

3 Your letters We want to hear from you!

6, 12, 14, 29 Posters Gorgeous pull-out posters!

10 Your art Fab art from talented readers

28 Next month What to expect in June …

YOU AND YOUR PONY8, 20 Out & about SA Pony Club camping and SANESA NW qualifiers at Le Godimo

13 RIDER of the month

16 PONY of the month

26 Your ponies Our fave peeps … that means YOU!

In this issue7




© Ashleigh K Photography


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2015 SA Pony Rider & Junior

DerbyApril 30 -

May 3


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PERFECTPONYHey HQPony! In 2013 I got my very first horse and I loved her to bits. She was so sweet! Sadly, I had to sell

her. It broke my heart and I cried for a while, but it was for the best. The thing was, I didn’t always have the time to go to her. I had other activities taking up my time. I felt so guilty, because she was an ex-racehorse and needed regular work, but I just didn’t have the time. Also, my mom wasn’t very comfortable with her. She was scared I would get hurt.

One day my friend and I were out riding and when we dismounted for a while, a branch fell and my friend’s horse took off. I wanted to get on Sasha (my horse) and go after her, but my friend, who is a more experienced rider than me, told me I wouldn’t be able to control her, as she was also pretty spooked by the other horse taking off. I dropped the reins and Sasha took off like a shot. After that my mom was very wary of her. Luckily the person I sold her to is very experienced and I know her well, so I am sure Sasha is in even better hands now. I am sure now after everything, God will someday give me an even better horse, and I will be able to make time for him! Thanks for all the good horsey advice in your mags! Never stop doing what you do! Lots of love, Nina Bell (14)Nina, sometimes we have to make tough decisions and we think you handled your situation very responsibly. We love all horses, but that doesn’t mean that every partnership is perfect. The right horse will be out there for you and it’s wonderful that you made sure that you found the right owner for Sasha. Well done! Ed


Hi HQPony! I absolutely ADORE reading your magazine

each month. I especially liked the showjumping tips from Anne-Marie Esslinger. I have a subscription to your magazine, and I was reading the latest issue today, and I thought it might be a nice idea if you could please put in an article on how to convince your parents to let you own a pony.

Last year I moved back to South Africa after living in Perth, Australia, for 8 years. I wasn’t able to ride in Australia because it was too expensive

and too far out for my parents, although I was desperate to. When we moved back here, I was allowed to start riding in Summerveld. I’ve been riding for about a year, and I’m still loving it.

A few months ago, my uncle who lives on a farm found a pony, and he offered him to me for free. His name is Bruno and he is absolutely gorgeous. When I met him I brushed him for a while and then I let him out into the paddock, and I also went in. Wherever I walked, he followed me. My uncle

said that this is called join-up. I knew that we had a special bond, so I was desperate to have him. I made a table of all the costs, and I made a table of when I could go riding. I also made a presentation of the benefits of owning a pony, but my parents still said no.

My uncle still has the pony, and I thought that if you could write an article on how to convince your parents to let you own a pony, I might be able to persuade my parents to say yes.

Lots of pony kisses.From Kate Malcolm (12)Kate, you sound like a very sensible and determined young woman and we hope by now your folks have changed their minds. If not, show them the article we ran in January on why horses are good for you – there is a lot of research which explains the benefits of horses for people of all ages. We’ve mailed you a copy of the article in case you missed it. Good luck! Ed

Rocking Horse Togs t − shirt LUCKYLETTER!

We want to hear from you! Send your letters via email to [email protected] with HQPony Letters in the subject line or post them to HQPony Letters, Private Bag X4,

Kyalami, 1684. Remember to include your name, age and telephone number. Send us your letters and you could win a t-shirt from

Rocking Horse Togs. www.rocking-horse.co.za

Hi HQPony! I love your magazine!!! Last year I got my very own pony. It took a long time to find just the right one, but I finally got him. My mom and I looked at sooo many horses, but they were too small, too big, too wild or too naughty!

We were just about to give up when we saw one being advertised. So we went to have a look and he was just PERFECT!! He is a pinto gelding and I instantly fell in love with him. He is such a sweetheart and one of his weird habits is to lick lollipops! For now I am keeping him at my granny’s farm, but I will soon move him to our farm.Thanks for being the best mag ever!!!Lots of love from Rachael (11) and Prince XOXOSo glad you found your perfect pony, Rachael. Prince sounds like a cutie pie! Shuga says he’ll find a palomino to put in our next issue just for you! Ed



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Chatting to

Text: Michele WingPhotography: TBImages

Hannah Garton from KwaZulu-Natal is our top-ranked South

African Showjumping Pony Rider for 2014! HQPony caught up with her to find out what makes her tick.

HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RIDING AND WHAT GOT YOU STARTED? I was 4 years old when I started riding. I used to sit on the front of my mom’s saddle when she rode her horse.

WHO WAS YOUR FIRST PONY AND TELL US ABOUT HIM OR HER? My first pony was a lovely fat, grey Welsh Pony named Peppermint. We got him from the Hanburys in the Midlands. He was the sweetest pony ever!

WHO TEACHES YOU SHOWJUMPING? Grant Langley. He has been my instructor for about 3 years. He is really strict but I love his lessons (Grant is very nice too!!). In his lessons we do all sorts of tricky and fun things which improve our riding.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR CURRENT HORSES.Vito is a German Sport Pony who competed in Europe. He has a powerful jump and I really do love riding him. At first I found him quite difficult, but now we have really bonded and when I call him he always answers.

Shiva is also a German Sport Pony. She belonged to

Hannah and Shiva in the prizegiving for the 1.10m Speed Class , Maple Ridge 2014



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a family in Germany and was passed down from daughter to daughter. They follow us on Facebook and are really excited when she does well. She is a great, fun pony and is also very sweet and honest.

WHY DO YOU LOVE SHOWJUMPING? I love showjumping because it is exciting and it gets my adrenalin pumping. I also love it because it is such fun to be on the ponies with my friends.

WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT AND HOW DID YOU FEEL AFTERWARDS? My biggest achievement has been winning the SA Pony Rider rankings for 2014. My mom picked me up one afternoon after school and as soon as I got into the car she handed me a piece of paper that had the 2014 high performance rankings on it. I looked at the top of the page and I saw my name there. I almost jumped out of my school shoes I was so excited!

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO ACHIEVE ONE DAY? I would like to compete in the Olympic Games.

WHAT ENCOURAGEMENT CAN YOU GIVE SOMEONE JUST STARTING OUT IN PONY RIDERS?To never give up. Some days are really tough, especially when things aren’t going right. Keep your head in the game and you will be successful.


Hannah and Shiva jumping at Maple Ridge in 2014

Hannah and Vito jumping in fine style

How old are you? 14 years old

What school do you go to? St Mary’s DSG Kloof

What grade are you in school? Grade 8

Do you have a nickname? Yes. Han from my friends and my dad calls me Happiness.

What is your favourite food? Avocados and macaroons, but not together!

Do you have a favourite TV programme? Yes, Dance Moms. I think we should have a riding moms TV series. (It would be a big hit!)

Do you keep your horses at home? Yes. It’s great because I can give them carrots every morning and night.

What is your favourite horse colour? I have to say bay because Vito and Shiva are both bays.

What do you love to do when you are not riding? I love to run, swim, play hockey, play softball and do hurdles. And think about riding.


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The magazine for pets and their people

Autumn beauty ... Photography: Alexia Khruscheva

The next best thing to riding

Page 9: HQp May 2015

Horse sense

Practice groundwork – it’s

important to teach your pony good manners. Ponies need to learn how to stand still when you’re tacking them up, and to walk next to you without

pulling when you’re leading them.

In case you’ve forgotten about some of horseriding’s golden rules, here are some to jog your memory:

Don’t stand behind a pony. Even if it’s the safest pony in the world, you never know if he is going to get a fright. When brushing his tail, stand to one side and pull the tail aside. G Always wear closed shoes when you’re around ponies, even if you’re just there to visit your pony. You don’t want them to accidentally stand on your feet.

Text: Charlotte BastiaansePhotography: 123rf.com

them carrots or apples in a plastic bag so that they get used to them. G Make sure all your tack fits your pony properly before getting on. Tack that doesn’t fit can make your pony sore. This can cause your pony to misbehave and buck.G Check that your girth is tight enough before getting on, and check again once you’ve mounted. Always remember to keep your hand flat when feeding treats. Your fingers can easily be mistaken for carrots!


Horse senseDon’t tie ponies to

poles; it is not safe. If you

need to tack up or groom your

pony, rather do so in the stable. If

you absolutely have to tie up your

pony, make sure that you tie a

quick-release knot in case he panics.

Sometimes we get so used to being around ponies that we forget the basic rules of good horsemanship. Whether you’re just starting out or even if you’ve been riding for a while,

care and safety around horses should always be remembered!

G Try and mount from a mounting block rather than from the ground. Mounting from the ground can put serious strain on your pony’s back and also stretches your stirrup leathers! Always approach horses from the side. They have a ‘blind spot’ directly in front of them and might get a fright if they don’t see you coming. G Keep stable doors and gates at the yard closed. G Horses and ponies can be very skittish around plastic bags. It’s a good idea to bring

G When passing a mounted rider with a whip or crop, do so discretely from the side – waving it in a pony’s face could cause an upset. G It’s a good idea to sometimes watch other people ride – you can learn a lot! Don’t be scared to ask questions. Most riders will be more than happy to offer you advice. Remember to always reward your pony with a pat or a treat when he responds to you correctly, but learn the difference between reward and spoiling – a rude pony can be dangerous.






In SA most horses are not used to being tied up and may panic and hurt themselves

Good horsemanship can help you avoid accidents around horses



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SLEEPOVER … Text: Michelle Mackenzie

Photography: Courtesy of SA Pony Club

Campers wearing reflective gear leave on an outride,with the most experienced riders at the front and back

Pitching a tent on the first day of Pony Club camp

Stable inspection takes place every morning

Swimming on horseback in the dam to cool off!

The Red team follows instructions to create their Masterchef hats

There is nothing quite like the anticipation of packing items on a list which begins like

this: pyjamas; toothbrush; sleeping bag, grooming kit; water bucket; spade; shavings …

Thousands of Pony Club members all over South Africa (and the world) look forward to the holidays when they can take their horses and ponies on a sleepover with a difference! Who wouldn’t want to spend a long weekend, or a week of your school holidays, with your best friends?

Going campingRiders go on Pony Club camp to learn, have fun and have the chance to spend time doing lots of different things with their horses. Pony Club branches organise camps for their local members at venues

which accommodate both ponies and campers, like stable yards, adventure camp venues or agricultural show grounds. Members of Pony Club centres who don’t own their own ponies often attend shorter camps as day trippers. They hire stable ponies for the day, and go home at night.

Fun themesCamps may be organised around a specific theme or with the purpose of test preparation. Last year, a ‘Masterchef – Walkerville’ camp was attended by members of several branches in Gauteng. Outside instructors and experts were invited to give lessons on specific topics as a part of Efficiency test training. There is also no better time to get practical training on Achievement badges like Mucking Out, Handling and Grooming and




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Members of all ages have been invited to attend the camps. It is an opportunity to meet up with members of other

branches, to make new friends and have an amazing time! For more information on Pony Club camping in your area, check out www.ponyclubgauteng.co.za, www.kznpc.co.za and


Feeding, since your horse has to be clean, comfortable and eating happily before you can sit down for your eggs and bacon in the morning!

Equine-related activities were interspersed with culinary team challenges at the Masterchef camp, with activities like following the instructions to cook bread on a stick and creating dessert masterpieces over the camp fire! The Red and Blue teams donned their aprons and chef’s hats several times during the camp, and astounded themselves and the camp committees with their creativity and teamwork. Pony Club camps encourage lots of interaction between members of all ages – giving younger members role models and newer campers the chance to be guided by more experienced ones.

Preparation and testing campsThe Newmarket Training Centre in KZN specialises in Efficiency test training for members from all over the region. Nadine Parker was recently elected as National Testing Co-ordinator

for the SAPC. She and her team run preparation and testing camps for all levels of members in line with the progressive training and development plan of the Pony Club internationally.

Fun activities which have been great hits at Pony Club camps include swimming on horseback, night outrides, playing ‘stalk the lantern’ in teams in a dark field at night, Le TREC activities (with both mounted and unmounted components), putting together musical kurs, scavenger hunts, craft and painting activities like making baling twine teff nets, and a triathlon which included running, target shooting and a mounted cross country course.

A 3-day regional Gauteng camp was also planned for April this year, with a ‘Warrior Race’ theme, which entailed fun group challenges with (and without) horses. The regional Inter-branch Quiz took place at the camp, as well as a mini mock B testing session for older members to get a feel of what is required from oral group testing at a higher level.

Masterchef cooking challenge 1 – the Blue team making bread on a stick to be cooked over the fire

Teams designed a musical kur to a song of their choice, and performed it to the parents on the last day of camp

Training on the Handling and Grooming badge includes catching a horse in the field and leading him safely to the stable

Learning how to put on a tail bandage

in preparation for the C test


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▲ In the field. Rolé Rich (8), Ladysmith, KZN

▲ Galloping free! Ninke Myburgh (10), Ladismith, WC

pony- ing artists!

From our

▲ My little pony. Karli van Rooyen (6), Ladismith, WC That looks like a naughty pony, Karli! Ed

▼ Summer Gray-Browne (11), East London

▲ Magical horse. Angelica dos Santos

When I ride I feel freeI feel like I can touch the skyAnd when I’m on her, I can flyWhen I’m in a photoI feel proud of what I did

I do what I like but I love herWith my heartI don’t waste time trying toimpress other ridersI love what I do I do what I love

When I knock a poleI don’t really careBut as long as I have my girl I very much do care.I adore her and she adores meLong lost love forever

I don’t care what her quality is but I am the loveof her life!

By Jared Keene (13), Johannesburg (to his horse, Free Spirit 2)

Spirit and I fly


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Send us your artand poetry! HQPONY,

Private Bag X4, Kyalami, 1684 or

[email protected] remember to

include your name, age and home town.

Get creative!

Are you inspired by all our arty horse-lovers?

You can make your own artwork – just colour in these gorgeous ponies

and you can get creative too!


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The next best thing to riding

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I’m mad about horses! You can ask anyone. As soon as I realised horses were an

animal on Earth I was caught in a perfect storm. Whenever I saw

a horse I would beg my mom for a pony ride. I would cry because I

wasn't a horse. I finally started at a riding school when I was 5 years old

and I've never stopped smelling like the stables since then. I was with Jess

Fourie for three and a half years when I had to move.

I started riding at Sleepy Hollow with Nadine Fürst. My first ride there was

on a pony called Nutmeg, who bolted and I fell. The second ride there I fell off

Nutmeg again! The third ride there, I rode another pony, Smartie. I fell off him as well!

Then on my fourth ride I found the best pony, well hony, ever! Rebel. It’s funny because he’s the exact opposite of his

name! Well sadly, he got too old and I outgrew him and I had to change horses. After trying out a few horses I found Paddy, an American Saddlebred.

Well, I fell off him too. It was my worst fall. We were on an outride cantering along the soccer fields when a man swung his golf club and spooked the horse behind me. That rider fell off and Paddy turned and bolted home. We galloped flat-out for kilometres, through a group of horses, until I finally got tired before Paddy did. I landed on my shoulder and arm in a mud puddle. The doctors said it would all be okay and it was. The next week I was back in Paddy’s saddle, cantering around on a circle with jumps as well.

A show was coming up and I had entered Cognac (said: CON-yac) in the Optimum Time (60cm) and the normal 60cm. A week before the show he hurt his leg. I then met Black Velvet (BV) a day





Are you a rider who is worthy of the RIDER Of The Month title? Tell us why in 300 words. Be sure to include a large, high resolution (no less than 1,000kb) photo of your pony and one of you (cellphone pictures not accepted), as well as your vital stats. Send your story to: [email protected].

Or post it to: Rider Of The Month, HQ Pony, Private Bag X4, Kyalami, 1684.

Vital statsName: Tabitha CruickshankAge: 11Lives in: Noordhoek, Cape TownStarted riding: age 5Horse: Black Velvet

(riding school horse)

. .


before the show. So I rode BV! We came 1st in the Optimum Time and 3rd in the 60cm. That was my second time riding BV.

I have loved BV since then and I will love him forever. But ... of course none of this would have been possible without all the coaches who have been in and out of my life and that goes especially to Nadine Fürst and Jess Fourie!

A tip for little riders entering the life of equestrians: believe you will get to your dreams and never give up. Because that’s what I did and I’m still doing it now and loving it!


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The magazine for pets and their people

Beautiful Shetland stallion. Photography: Vera Zinkova

The next best thing to riding

Page 18: HQp May 2015


Is your pony worthy of the PONY Of The Month title? Tell us why in 300 words. Be sure to include a large, high resolution (no less than 1,000kb)photo of your pony and one of you (cellphone pictures not accepted), as well as your vital stats. Send your story to: [email protected].

Or post it to: Pony Of The Month, HQ Pony, Private Bag X4, Kyalami, 1684. .

Hansie is my big beautiful baby boy and my ‘hart se punt’. Right now I don’t yet call myself

Hansie’s rider because he hasn’t been backed yet – but he will be soon!

It was hard getting a halter on Hansie for the first time – it took a while. Every

day I spent time with him until one day he allowed me to put the halter on. I was so pleased! Now we’ve made progress to a bridle with a bit, a flymask, and I even lunge him a little!

Every day after school I go to the field in front of my house and I will call his name. He always replies with the most beautiful neigh ever and comes towards me to greet me, and see if I’ve brought him a treat.

Hansie and I have built a strong bond because the first time I put the bridle on I could see in his eyes that he was nervous but I could also see that he trusted me. I can’t wait to ride him! We will definitely do dressage and showing! We would make a perfect team because, after all, he is my ‘hart se punt’.


Vital statsName: HansieAge: About 6 yearsBreed: Percheron x Colour: Dapple grey (black)Height: About 16hhOwner: Nicole SinclairHometown: Klapmuts






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The magazine for pets and their people

White horse in the sunset. Photography: mariait

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Text: Mandy SchröderPhotography: Shutterstock

We all know that our ponies’ hind legs are the ‘engine’. If you

think of the hind leg as a series of levers (bones) and angles (joints), you will understand the importance of the correct angles in staying sound. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, and many ponies with conformation faults work for their whole lives with no problems. This is just a guide to help them do that.







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LOAD BEARINGThe hock is the most visible joint of the hind leg – it is easy to see its conformation and load-bearing areas. However, it is only one of the many joints that make up the hind leg; to protect the hock you need to develop and strengthen everything else as well.

SICKLE HOCKSSickle hocks have a more increased (more acute) angle than a better conformed hock, and because of this they are thought to be weaker and more prone to injury. The degree can vary from hardly noticeable to really severe. Luckily joints don’t do the work on their own – the related muscles, ligaments and tendons support them, so while we can’t change the angle of your pony’s hocks, we can make everything stronger to help him.

OWalking Walking is highly underestimated as an exercise. When starting to strengthen a weak pony, WALK. Uphills, downhills, through water, over uneven ground and poles, just keep walking. When you see the muscle mass improve, you can start with slow trotting and build on it.Be careful when riding or trotting on downhills. Ponies with sickle hocks can be

more prone to slipping than those with better leg conformation.

OPerformTex K-TapingK-Taping can remind a pony how to use a specific part of his body correctly. It can also help isolate muscles that need development.

OPhysiotherapyA qualified physiotherapist can help you use resistance bands for horses to assist in strength development.

COW HOCKSCow hocks are a lateral deviation of the hock (that is, they bow outwards) and unless extreme, tend to cause very few problems in terms of soundness.

OCross training Focus on the typical strengthening of the hind leg in general, such as gymnastics and bounces, transitions, pole work and hill work.

ORein-backsRein-backs are a very useful tool for suppling the back and strengthening the whole hind leg. They can be performed in-hand or ridden. To gain maximum benefit, a rein-back can be done up a slope. Start with a gradual one and build up to a steeper slope. You will be surprised how difficult even a ‘strong’ pony finds it.

Try slow trotting up a gentle slope once your horse has built some muscle

Simple gymnastic exercises can be helpful – so are trotting poles and small jumps

The hock is the most visible joint of the hind leg – it is easy to see its conformation and load-bearing areas


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Photography: Benita Meyer, Mike Nell

The SANESA Bojanala (North West) Qualifier 1 took place on 21 and 22 February 2015 at

Le Godimo near Hartbeespoort. The event incorporated core league, all disciplines. Here’s some of the fun!

SANESABojanala Q1


Zoe de Chaves on Serengeti and Meade Mckie on Solo Legend doing the Extreme Equitation, primary schools

Erin Bergh and Issy (jumping level 0)

Emma Krause and Shandy in the level 0 equitation

Mikayla Bertulis and Carmello in the level 0 jumping

Tibby Gray and Destiny in the level 1 Working Hunter

Zoe Vermaak and Magic Ruby in the level 2 equitation

Alexandra Corke and Western Fire during the primary schools equitation

Kaitlyn Bennet in the level 1 Working Hunter (high schools)

Leago Mahlangu and Strawberry

Daquiri in the level 2

showjumping. This was their

first time at inter-schools!



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Daneel Ehlers in the level 1


Zoe Hieber and Copy Cat winning the lead rein equitation. Pictured with handler, Morgan Muzondi

Annika Pistorius and Duchess in the level 0 jumping

Shannon Featherstone and Chocco in the

level 0 showjumping

Shannon Featherstone and Chocco in the

level 0 showjumping

Danelle Voster and Kyla in the level 2 jumping

Erin Smith and Serengeti waiting for a showing class

Zoe Hieber and Copy Cat winning the lead rein equitation. Pictured with handler, Morgan Muzondi

Courtney Langmore and Abbey-Gail in the level 0 jumping Holly Smith and Hey Mister in the level 0 jumping


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Text: Mandy SchröderPhotography: Shutterstock


Simply put, legs are for going and hands are for stopping – although there is so much more to it than that, and a heavy hand will never create a

happy horse. When we improve our riding and progress, we start to develop more feel and a better balance between the two.

If you think about being ‘in conversation’ with your pony, your aids are the questions that you ask him. Thinking about it this way keeps it simple. You ask a question and he answers! In addition to using legs and hands, we also use our seat – we’ll cover this in future articles.

RIDING FROM THE HIND LEG As discussed in our previous article ‘Explaining the aids – taking a contact’ (HQPony April 2015, Issue 64), we always ride from the hind leg forward to the bridle. Before any transition, your leg should be used a fraction ahead of your hand, to make sure that your pony stays in front of your leg. The pony’s response to the aids is

By riding with even pressure on both legs, both seat bones and both reins, the halt should end up being straight and square. That hasn’t happened here

All wrong!This horse is resisting a harsh hand



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really important. It allows the rider to rebalance in a split second in front of a jump, to adjust the striding, to engage the hind leg before a downhill fence in eventing, or in preparation for the next movement in a dressage test. The aids create power, balance, rhythm and ultimately harmony with the rider.

HANDS ARE FOR STOPPING! This is obviously a simplified statement because the use of the hands in conjunction with the legs and seat influences flexion, suppleness and bend as well as controlling speed and direction. Simply put, you shouldn’t hold with your hands and use your legs at the same time. They should be used split seconds apart, with the leg always used a fraction ahead of the hand. If we get too heavy with our hands or hold too much for too long, we start to ride our ponies backwards from the front. This can make them slow to the leg aids, it means that they don’t push properly from behind, and makes them strong in our hand as they fall on to the forehand.

SIMPLE SEAT While riding transitions it is important that the rider’s seat stays balanced and supple, following the pony’s movements. For downward transitions, a slight bracing of the lower back and a weighting of the seat bones assists the pony’s understanding of the aid for the downward transition. For an upward transition the rider stays sitting upright and can think about the image of keeping the belly button and the front of the hip bones swinging up to the rider’s hands or the pony’s ears. It is an image that is very useful in creating awareness of the balance of the seat in forward movement.

FLOWING FORWARD Riding from halt to walk or trot, the rider needs to keep a sensitive or soft hand that gently follows the movement of the pony without dropping or blocking the contact. The seat allows the energy created by the pony’s back legs to travel forward through a soft hand to the bit. In this way, when the rider puts their leg on, the pony is able to respond immediately.

HALTS When riding a downward transition from trot or walk to halt, the rider gently uses their legs to remind the pony to keep stepping forward, followed a split second later by a gentle bracing of the lower back and weighting of the seat bones, and finally a gentle stopping of the hand. Each phase only last as long as it takes you to breathe in and the aid should be released as soon as the pony responds. By riding with even pressure on both legs, both seat bones and both reins, the halt should end up being straight and square.

Once your pony and you understand the aids and how you use them,

riding is like sitting and talking to your best friend

– you finish each other’s sentences and it is FUN!

THE GOAL The goal is to be able to use lighter and lighter aids, with your pony responding immediately in a relaxed, powerful way. By training transitions like this, the rider is training and developing the understanding for the half halt.

Also never forget the value of your voice when training your pony. If you are teaching a pony to go forward and he doesn’t understand the aids, then using your leg with a click of the tongue or the command for walk or trot can really help him to understand. The same applies to the downward transition; using the lunging command for ‘walk’ or ‘woah’ can help a horse understand the aid for a downward transition.


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Stetson hats

Text: Charlotte BastiaansePhotography: Shutterstock

Stetson hats

1Inventor The hat is named after John Batterson Stetson. He originally

designed the hat in 1865.

2How it all began $100 went towards making the Stetson hat. John B.

Stetson used this money to rent a room, buy the tools and buy the materials to make the hat!

3Iconic The Stetson is symbolic of the wild Western American

cowboys but it’s now worn by Western riders all over the world.

4Function vs fashion The Stetson was originally designed to protect

cowboys from the blistering sun, to withstand all types of weather, and to stay securely fastened while they galloped around the ranches. Nowadays, cowboy hats are mostly worn to be fashionable and trendy.

Cattleman crease, Pinch Front crease, Telescope crease and the Tom Mix crease. Each type of crease suits a different face shape, so there is something for everybody!

7Infinite styles As well as five different crease styles, a Stetson hat can

be totally customised. It can be made in any colour, any material, any shape and any size. Whatever you want, they can make!

5Historical The Number 1 Quality Stetson hat used to belong to

Hawley Needham of Kansas. His grandson donated the hat to the Historical Society in 1963. It’s now lying in the Kansas Museum of History – this hat is priceless!

6Five different creases! The Stetson is designed in five different crease

styles: Montana crease,

8Largest factory The largest factory that makes these awesome

Stetsons is in Garland, Texas. The good news is that they can be ordered worldwide.

9Safety first For safety reasons, wearing a Stetson hat is not a good

idea when riding, since there’s no protection to the skull if a rider falls off! Hat companies have started making helmets that look like Stetsons but actually have a hard hat inside to protect your head. This way, the rider can get the look and still be safe.

10Happy anniversary! This year is the

150th anniversary of the Stetson hat.



Page 28: HQp May 2015

A nice roll after a nice ride! Ilona Blijdorp, Hout Bay

He is such a teddy bear, I just love him to death.

Calen van Dyk and Wasabi at Lipizza, Langebaan

Flying together. Jared Keene, Johannesburg

My drama king! Amy Roper, Johannesburg

The sweetest kiss. Sarah

Jane Ackland, Tokai

Braveheart doing his yoga. Anja Hougaard, Langebaan

In the trees! Eve Jerram, Hout Bay

Sloopy, my weird horse! Zilderie Steynberg,


In your hands ... Hermione Taljaard, via email

Best friends! Cara Seitz and Jhordan Harmony, Port Elizabeth

Your poniesVisit HORSE.CO.ZA and check out the GALLOPING GALLERY

for more pics of Your Ponies!

And the winner

is ...


Page 29: HQp May 2015

I ‘lick’ you! Kayle Maree, via email

When we ride,

we borrow


Blazer and

Jordan taking

a powerful

leap at a show.

Sent in by

Jordan Keene,


Me and my bestest friend!Nicoleen Brits, Marble Hall

Hannah and Scooby.Hannah van Niekerk, via email

What my pony, Magic 95,thinks of dressage!Reece Valentine, Summerveld

What did you say?Marak and Iza Otto, Quebella Equine Centre, Louis Trichardt

and WIN!

And this is what happens after a loooong day competing! Tamaryn Zofka and her pony Llandilo

Paragon, sent in by Roxanne Thaine via email

Cara and Alfi practise jumping. Cara van Wyk, Port ElizabethChloe Pagel and Dimmock Creme

Caramel (Cremmi for short) ride at Ebb

and Flow Equestrian Centre in Gonubie

with coach Michael Blom. Sent in by

proud gran, Joan Hempel

Send in your fave pics for Your Ponies

and our Galloping Gallery

@ horse.co.za

Send your pictures to HQPony’s Your Ponies pages and stand a chance of winning a 6-month subscription to HQPony! If you are already a subscriber we will extend your subscription by 6 months! To win, include your name, postal address and telephone number with each entry, along with a caption. Email: [email protected] with Your Ponies in the subject line. Post your photographs to: HQPony Your Ponies, Private Bag X4, Kyalami, 1684Rules: Only LARGE, CLEAR photographs over 1,000kb in size will be published. No colour photocopies will be accepted. If you would like your photographs returned to you, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your entry.


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Coat colour refresher –

spot the difference between an

Appie and a Paint!

Tentpegging teams in action!

The half-halt. Do you know

what it is?

Training tricky conformation,

part 4 … Straight behind


Page 31: HQp May 2015


The magazine for pets and their people

Cheeky pony! Photography: Ashleigh K Photography

The next best thing to riding

Page 32: HQp May 2015
