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Hr audit presentation dec 2014 jll

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The HR Audit: A Periodic Review of Your HR Prac6ces Nancy Edwards
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The  HR  Audit:  A  Periodic  Review  of  Your  HR  Prac6ces  

Nancy  Edwards  

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Before  we  get  started…  

•  I  am  not  an  aAorney  •  This  material  is  not  legal  advice  •  This  presenta6on  is  not  a  subs6tute  for  experienced  legal  counsel  

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Why  An  HR  Audit  

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Why  Do  a  Compliance  HR  Audit  

•  Proac6ve  -­‐  Catch  errors  before  a  governmental  agency  does  (i.e.  DOL,  EEOC)  

•  Poten6ally  reduce  the  risk  of  lawsuits  

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What  is  an  HR  Audit?  

•  A  means  of  assessing  the   level  of  compliance  with  federal  and  state  laws.  

•  A  means  of  measuring  the  effec6veness  of  your  HR  policies  and  prac6ces.  

•  The  key  to  an  audit   is  to  remember  it   is  a   learning  or  discovery  tool,  not  a  test.    

•  There   will   always   be   room   for   improvement   in  every  organiza6on.  

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Poll  Ques6on  

Does   your   company   currently   conduct   yearly   HR  Audits?  

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What  does  an  HR  Audit  include?  

•  Compliance  and  Recordkeeping  •  Compensa6on/Salary  Administra6on    •  Employment/Recrui6ng    •  Termina6ons    •  Files/Record  Maintenance/Technology    •  Employee  Rela6ons    •  Training  and  Development    •  Communica6ons      •  Policies  and  Procedures  (including  employee  handbook)  

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The  HR  Audit  Process  Includes:  

•  Management  Interviews  (informal)  •  Issues  that  require  immediate  aAen6on  •  Management  skill  levels  •  Resistance  level  

•  Employee  Interviews  (informal)  •  Cross  sec6on  of  all  employees  •  Employee  issues  (i.e.  morale,  reten6on)  •  Company  has  no  obliga6on  to  adopt  all  sugges6ons  

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The  HR  Audit  Process  Includes:  

•  Document  Review    •  Legal  compliance  •  Recordkeeping  requirements  •  Efficiency  and  effec6veness  •  Consistency  

•  Employee  Handbook  Review  •  Legally  compliant  •  Clear  communica6on  •  Nondiscriminatory  and  appropriate  •  Viola6ons  properly  documented  

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The  HR  Audit  Process  Includes:  

•  Review  Current  and  Poten6al  Legal  Ac6ons  •  Mee6ng  legal  requirements  •  Improved  management  training  •  Revision  of  policies  and  prac6ces  

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Problems  Iden6fied  and  Correc6ve  Ac6on  

•  Findings  •  Applicable  laws  and  prac6ces  •  Penal6es  and  risks  •  Recommenda6ons  

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Ac6on  Plan  

• Must  be  realis6c  and  achievable  • Desired  results  must  be  iden6fied  •  Assign  accountability  •  Target  dates  

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Wage  &  Hour  

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Exempt  Employees  

•  Execu6ve  •  Administra6ve  •  Professional  • Outside  sales  •  Some  computer  professionals  •  Salary  of  $455  per  week  

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Exempt  Employees  cont’d  

•  Fewer  rights  under  FLSA  •  Receive  full  amount  of  base  salary  in  work  period  (less  any  permissible  deduc6ons)  

• May  be  required  to  punch  a  clock  • May  be  required  to  make  up  missed  6me  • May  work  unlimited  number  of  hours  

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Non-­‐Exempt  Employees  

• Must  be  paid  at  least  $7.25  for  the  first  40  hours  worked  in  a  week  (check  specific  state  laws  for  higher  minimum  wage)  

• Must  receive  over6me  rate  of  at  least  6me  and  one-­‐half  their  regular  rate  of  pay  for  all  hours  worked  over  40  in  a  workweek  (check  specific  state  laws  for  more  stringent  requirements)  

•  Cannot  waive  their  rights  to  over6me  

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Non-­‐Exempt  Employees  

• May  be  paid  on  an  hourly  basis,  a  salary  basis  or  piece  rate  basis  as  long  as  they  receive  at  least  minimum  wage  for  all  hours  worked  and  the  appropriate  over6me  

• Must  have  a  6mekeeping  mechanism  •  Private  sector  –  NO  COMP  TIME!  

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Independent  Contractors  

•  Self-­‐employed  • Not  just  one  customer/has  customer  base  •  Responsible  for  own  taxes  and  expenses  • No  employer  direct  control  • No  benefits  

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FLSA  -­‐Liability  

• WHD  review  prior  2  years  •  3  years  if  willful  •  Possible  criminal  prosecu6on  •  Li6ga6on  

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•  Name  •  Address  •  Social  Security  Number  •  DOB  •  Gender  •  Job  6tle  •  Time  and  day  of  week  when  employee’s  workweek  begins  •  Hours  worked  each  day  •  Total  hours  for  each  workweek  

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Recordkeeping/  Non-­‐Exempt  

•  Basis  on  which  employee’s  wages  are  paid  (e.g.  “$10  per  hour”)  

•  Total  daily  or  weekly  straight-­‐6me  earnings  • Over6me  worked  and  paid  • Deduc6ons  • Wages  for  each  pay  period  • Date  of  payment  and  pay  period  covered  by  payment  

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Recordkeeping  /  Exempt  

•  Name  •  Address  •  Social  Security  Number  •  Date  of  Birth  •  Gender  •  Occupa6on  •  Time  and  day  of  week  on  which  the  employee’s  workweek  begins  

•  Total  wages  paid  for  each  pay  period  •  Date  of  payment  and  the  pay  period  by  each  payment  •  PTO  

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Personnel  Files  

Personnel  Files  

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Personnel  Files  

• What  should  be  in  a  personnel  file?    •  Employment  

•  Employment  Applica6on  /  Employment  Offer  •  Handbook  Acknowledgment  •  Resume  •  Performance  Reviews  •  Training  and  Development  Documents  •  Termina6on  Form  •  Job  Descrip6on  •  Exit  Interview  

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Personnel  Files  

• What  should  be  in  a  personnel  file?  •   Benefits  

•  Vaca6on  Request  •  Request  for  Non-­‐Medical  Leave  of  Absence  •  Tui6on  Reimbursement  Documents  

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Personnel  Files  

• What  should  be  in  a  personnel  file?  •  Payroll  

•  W-­‐4  form  •  Timesheets  •  AAendance  Records  •  Garnishment  Orders  •  Authoriza6on  for  Payroll  Deduc6ons  •  Compensa6on  History  Records  •  Status  Change  Documents  

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Personnel  Files  

• What  should  be  in  a  personnel  file?  •  Employee  Rela6ons  

•  Report  of  Coaching/Counseling  Sessions  •  Commenda6ons,  Awards  •  Disciplinary  Documents  

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Personnel  Files  

• What  should  NOT  be  in  a  personnel  file?  •  Medical  Records  

•  Physical  Examina6on  •  Diagnos6c  Records  •  Lab  Results  •  Drug  Tes6ng  Results  •  Any  other  medical  records  with  personally  iden6fiable  informa6on  about  the  employee  

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Personnel  Files  

• What  should  NOT  be  in  a  personnel  file?  Inves6ga6on  Records  

•  Accusa6ons  of  legal  and/or  policy  viola6ons  •  Discrimina6on  complaints  and  inves6ga6on  

•  Clearance  Inves6ga6on  Records  •  Background  check  informa6on  (including  criminal  history,  credit  history)  

•  Opinions  •  Notes  on  documents  indica6ng  management  bias  or  discrimina6on.    For  example,  “He  is  too  old  for  the  job.”  

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Reten6on  and  Storage  

•  Varies  depending  on  document  

•  Follow  Federal  Record  Reten6on  Guidelines  

• Hardcopy  Storage  

•  Paperless  Storage  

• Destroying  Documents  

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Job  Descrip6ons  

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Job  Descrip6ons  

• What  should  a  job  descrip6on  include?    •  Job  Title  •  Department  •  FLSA  Status  (exempt,  nonexempt)  •  Job  Type  (regular,  seasonal,  temporary,  etc)  •  Job  Status  (full  6me,  part  6me)  •  Travel  Required  •  What  posi6on  this  posi6on  reports  to  •  Work  Schedule  

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Job  Descrip6ons  

• What  should  a  job  descrip6on  include?    •  Posi6on  Summary  •  Essen6al  Func6ons  •  Posi6on  Qualifica6ons  •  Skills,  Abili6es  (educa6on,  computer  skills,  experience,  etc.)  

•  Physical  Requirements  (standing,  sinng,  lioing,  speaking,  bending,  etc.)  

•  Work  Environment  •  Signature  Lines  

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Job  Descrip6ons  

•  Job  descrip6ons  •   Determine  the  essen6al  func6ons  of  the  job  

• Useful  when  dealing  with  unemployment  claims  

• Helpful  when  measuring  performance  •  Should  accurately  describe  the  job  

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Job  Descrip6ons  

•  Recommenda6ons  •  Review  your  job  descrip6ons  on  a  periodic  basis  •  Update  your  job  descrip6ons  when  essen6al  func6ons  for  a  posi6on  changes  

•  Contact  your  G&A  Partners  HR  Advisor  for  assistance  

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•  Learning  and  discovery  tool,  not  a  test  •  There  will  always  be  room  for   improvement  in  every  organiza6on  

•  Contact   your   G&A   Partners   HR   Advisor   for  more  informa6on  

•  Sources  •  www.dol.gov  •  www.prospera.com  •  www.twc.state.tx.us  


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HRCI Certification Credits: "This webinar has been pre-certified for 1 hour of general recertification credit toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. We will send out a confirmation e-mail with the Program ID code to note on your HRCI recertification application form to everyone who is confirmed as attended and watched the live version of this webinar.

The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute's criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit."

QUESTIONS?  G&A  Partners  

[email protected]  (800)  253-­‐8562  

*This webinar has been recorded and will be posted on the G&A website by Friday
