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Hrm Unit III

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  • 8/6/2019 Hrm Unit III



  • 8/6/2019 Hrm Unit III


    Training Training Training is concerned with imparting anddeveloping specific skills for a particular

    purpose.It is the act of increasing the skills of anemployee for doing a particular job.It is a process of learning a sequence of

    programmed behaviour.

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    Development Development Development is any activity developed toimprove the performance of an individual.It aims to improve the overall personality of anindividual executives / managers .It refers to the direction of change induced inemployees, particularly managerial personnel,

    through the process of training and educative process .

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    Difference Between Training andDifference Between Training andDevelopmentDevelopment

    TRAININGMeant for operation

    Aims to developspecific skillsIt is a one shot affair Initiative comes frommanagementIt is a reactiveprocess

    DEVELOPMENTMeant for executives

    Aims to develop thetotal personalityIt is a ContinuousprocessInitiative comes fromindividualIt is a proactiveprocess.

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    C onceptual framework for training C onceptual framework for training Pre - training factors Preparation Learning motivation

    ExceptionsTraining event Curriculum

    Specific events Specific session

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    Training management

    Areas of satisfaction Training facility Other facility

    Training process

    Learning climate Training methods Trainer team effectiveness

    Participant development Conceptual development Learning of skills Change in values, attitudes.

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    Organizational development

    Job effectiveness Team effectiveness Organizational effectiveness

    Post training factors Cost Organization support Organizational factors entering

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    Determination of training objectives Determination of training objectives Task description analysisDetermining training needsIdentifying training problems

    Anticipating of impending the future problem.Management requestInterviewing

    Performance appraisalQuestionnairechecklist

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    Objectives of training Objectives of training To train the employeesTo increase the quantity & quality of output

    For promotion to higher jobsIn the formation of his goalsTowards job adjustment & moraleTo reduce supervision, wastage andaccidents .

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    Importance Of Training andImportance Of Training andDevelopmentDevelopment

    Optimum Utilization of Human Resources.Development of Human Resources.

    Development of skills of employees.Training and Development helps in developingleadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successfulworkers and managers usually display.

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    Role of training & development Role of training & development

    Increase in efficiencyIncrease in morale of employees

    Better human relationsReduced supervision

    Increased organizational viability andflexibility.

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    Planning training & development Planning training & development

    activities activities Assessment stageMethodology stageOrganizing stageEvaluation stage

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    Training process Training process Need analysisInstitutional designValidation

    ImplementationEvaluation & follow up Reaction

    Learning Behaviour results

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    Training process ideas andTraining process ideas andoutline processoutline process

    Ass ess and agree training need sC reate training or development

    specification .Consider learning styles & personality.Plan training and evaluation .

    De sign material s, method s and delivertraining .

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    A System is a combination of things or parts thatmust work together to perform a particular function.An organization is a system and training is a subsystem of the organization.

    It establishes a logical relationship between thesequential stages in the process of training needanalysis (TNA), formulating, delivering, andevaluating .

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    Identification of Training NeedsIdentification of Training Needs A. Whether training is needed?.Standards of work performance

    AccidentsExcessive scrapsFrequent need for equipment repairsHigh rate of transfers and turnovers

    Too many low ratings on employee evaluation

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    People using different methods to do thesame job.

    Excessive fatigueStruggling with the jobDeadlines not being met.

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    SOURCES OF EVIDENCE FOR TRAININGNEEDSInformal observationsMerit ratingSuggestion systemsGroup discussionsQuestionnaire to trainers on supervisiorsMorale Surveys

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    TestsInterviews with union officials

    Exit interviews Analysis of reportsEmployee Counselling

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    B. Where training is needed?can be known by a detailed analysis of

    the following factors1.Structure of the organisations2.Objectives

    3.Human Resource and future plans4.Cultural values

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    C. Which training is needed?This involves determining what

    knowledge ,skills or attitude eachemployees should develop to be able toperform his task in an effective way.

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    Assessing training & development needs Assessing training & development needs

    All gaps between employees & job requirements areto be filled through training & development


    Should training & development needs assessmentcover all employees at all levels or should berestricted to few groups of employees?What model of training & development needs

    assessment be applied?From where & how information will be collected?Who will be responsible for collecting information?

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    Model for assessing training & development Model for assessing training & development needs needs

    Organizational analysisTask analysisMan analysis

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    Resistance to change Resistance to change Important repercussions of a job change for anemployee: It may make the existing skills obselete & may

    threaten to displace them. This may destroy public image. It may impose production goals. It may reduce promotion prospects. It may threaten employees established social

    relationship .

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    Methods to make people accept change Methods to make people accept change

    Alteration in the environmental forcesaffecting employees.

    Alteration in the persons perception of forceswhich surround him.Alteration in the basic value system of the

    persons involved in the change which includes psychological counseling methods.

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    Parameters to training & development Parameters to training & development

    Technical skillsHuman skillsConceptual skills

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    Training methodsTraining methods

    1. On the job training:Trainers learn a job by actually performing it

    Under the watchful eyes of an experienced person.2. Off the job training:

    the method by which the personnel learnsomething away from their work place.

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    S teps in On the Job Training S teps in On the Job Training

    Preparation of the learner.Presentation of the operation.Performance try out.Follow up.

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    On the Job Training methods On the Job Training methods 1J ob in struction training

    Many jobs consists of a logical segments of steps andare best taught step by step and the process is calledJIT.

    Stepsa.The preparation of the Trainee for instruction b.Presentation of the instruction in a clear manner c.Having the trainee try out the job to show that he has

    understand the instructions.d.If there are any errors they are correlated.e.Encouraaging the questions and allowing the trainee

    to work along and the trainer fol,lows up regularly.

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    Contd..Contd..2. Apprentice shipIt is a structured process by which individuals become

    skilled workers through a combination of class roominstruction and on the- job training

    3 .C oaching / under studyThe employee is trained on the job by his immediateBoss

    4 .M entoring

    Training is imparted by experienced senior fellowworkers.It is useful for departments in which workmenadvance through successive jobs to perform a seriesof operations.

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    5 .J ob rotationA trainee is made to move from job to job at

    certain intervals and the job vary in content.6 .Participation in deliberation

    A Trainee is made to deliberate in a common

    platform where in experienced personnel in thesame field contribute to enhance his/her Knowledge.

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    Off the Job Training Methods Off the Job Training Methods 1 .V estibule training

    It is a technique in which trainees learn on the actualsimulated equipments they will use on the job but areactually trained off the job.2.L ecture s They are formal organized talks by the training

    specialistsIt is useful when facts , concepts, principles,theories

    and problem solving abilities are to be taught.3 . C onference s

    The participating individuals confer to discuss points of common contract to each other.

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    Type s of conferencea.Directed Discussion

    b.Training Conferencec.Seminar Conference4.Brainstorming

    A group of trainees are made to discuss on a particular topic where in no limitations areimposed on the feasibility or its practicality .

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    5 . S en sitivity trainingIt provides participants an opportunity to actuallyexperience some concepts of management just as a

    manager would experience them in his ownorganisational situation.6 .Tran sactional analy sis

    It is a training concept which improves the

    interpersonal relationship among the trainingemployees. This is conducted based on differentmodels.

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    Managerial development methodsManagerial development methods

    A .On the J ob development method s1.Job rotation2.Coaching or understudy3.Junior Boards or multiple management

    A method of providing middle managementtrainees with experience in analysingcompany problems by inviting them to sit ona junior board of directors and makerecommendation on overall company


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    4.Action learning A training techniques by which

    management trainees are allowed to work full time on projects,analysing andsolving problems in departments other

    than their own .

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    B. Off the J ob development method s:

    1 .C a se study methodThe method presents the trainee with a written

    description of an organizational problem to

    diagnose and solve.

    2.M anagement game s method

    It is a technique in which teams of managerscompete with one another by making decisionsregarding realistic but simulated companies.

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    3 .Outside seminarsMany organizations offer seminars and

    conferences aimed at providing skill building

    training for managers by providing courses inall related functional areas in the organization4.University related programsa. Continuing education programs

    b. Individualized coursesc.Degree programs

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    5 .Role playing It is to create a realistic situation and then havethe trainees assume the roles of specific

    persons in that situation.6 .Behaviour modeling It is a technique in which trainees are firstshown good management techniques in a filmare thus asked to play roles in a simulatedsituation and are them given feedback and

    praise by their supervisors.

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    7.In-house Development Centres A company based method for exposing

    prospective managers to realisticexercises to develop improvedmanagement skills

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    O O D interventions D interventions 1 .Action research

    Gathering data about the organization and itsoperations.

    Feeding back these data to the employees involvedHaving these parties team plan solutions to the problems

    2 .Survey feedback

    Employees attitudes are surveyedFeedback is provided to department managersProblems are solved by the manager and employees.

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    3.Sensitivity training 4.Team building

    Consultant interviews the leader of the groupHe interviews the each member of the groupHe asks them what their problems are , how

    they think the group functions and whatobstacles are in the way of groups performing better.

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    The consultant usually categorizes the interview datainto themes and present the themes to the group at the

    beginning of the meeting.

    The themes are then ranked by the groups in terms of their importanceThe group examines the underlying causes and beginsto work on a solution to the problems.

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    S elf development S elf development

    F actor s in developing self development

    Job responsibilities Leadership qualities Relationship

    M odel of a self evaluation balancesheet . Assets and Liabilities

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    Organizing training & development Organizing training & development programs programs

    Organizational training & development policy Training & development objectives Basis of training & development Cost of training Resource personnel Training methods

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    C onducting training & development C onducting training & development programs programs

    In company training & development. programmes.External agencies.Selection of program & agency.

    Nomination of participants.Use of trained personnel.

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    C onsidering factors in T&D effectiveness C onsidering factors in T&D effectiveness

    Learning principlesPedagogy

    Characteristics of traineesCharacteristics of trainers

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    Learning principles Learning principles

    Conditions of practiceKnowledge of results

    Relevance of materialTransfer of learning

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    Pedagogy Pedagogy

    Establishing a climate conducive to learning.Creating a mechanism for mutual planning.

    Diagnosing the needs for learning.Formulating program objectives.Designing a pattern of learning experiencing.

    Evaluating the learning outcomesRedesigning learning needs.

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    C haracteristics of trainees C haracteristics of trainees

    Learning curve Negative accelerated curve Positive accelerated curve S-shaped curveImplications of learning curve on T & D: Converting slow learners to fast learners.

    To make suitable amendments to make employeesconducive for learning. To make Decision regarding plateaued employees .

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    C haracteristics of trainers C haracteristics of trainers

    Creating learning environmentMotivating trainees

    Keeping uptodate knowledge.Handling trainees of diverse natureDelivering knowledge according to

    requirements of trainees.Providing non-threatening feedback .

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    Evaluation of T & D Evaluation of T & D

    Training & development objectivesEvaluation criteria

    Collection of informationAnalysis

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    Internal criteria for T & D evaluation Internal criteria for T & D evaluation Uirle-Patrick approach: Reaction Learning Behaviour Results

    CIRO approach: Context evaluation Input evaluation Reaction evaluation Outcome evaluationCIPP approach: Context evaluation Input evaluation Process evaluation

    Product evaluation

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    Topics of Employee TrainingTopics of Employee Training

    Communications: The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a wide variety of languagesand customs.

    Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming anecessity for conducting administrative and officetasks.Customer service: Increased competition in

    today's global marketplace makes it critical thatemployees understand and meet the needs of customers.

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    Topics of Employee TrainingTopics of Employee TrainingDiver sity : Diversity training usually includes explanationabout how people have different perspectives and views,and includes techniques to value diversity

    Ethic s: Today's society has increasing expectations aboutcorporate social responsibility. Also, today's diverseworkforce brings a wide variety of values and morals tothe workplace.

    Human relation s: The increased stresses of today'sworkplace can include misunderstandings and conflict.Training can people to get along in the workplace .

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    Topics of Employee TrainingTopics of Employee Training

    Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total QualityManagement, Quality Circles, benchmarking, etc.,require basic training about quality concepts,

    guidelines and standards for quality, etc.

    Safety: Safety training is critical where workingwith heavy equipment , hazardous chemicals,repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with

    practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc

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    B enefits from Employee TrainingB enefits from Employee Trainingand Developmentand Development

    Increased job satisfaction and morale amongemployees.Increased employee motivation.Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting infinancial gain.Increased capacity to adopt new technologies andmethods.Increased innovation in strategies and products.Reduced employee turnover.Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethicstraining.Risk management.

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    Developing people andDeveloping people andcapabilitiescapabilities

    Many organizations face the challenge of developing greater confidence, initiative,solutions-finding, and problem-solvingcapabilities among their people.

    Staff at all levels to be more self-sufficient,resourceful, creative and autonomous.

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    FiveFive--step approach for trainingstep approach for trainingprepare the trainee - take care to relax them aslots of people find learning new things stressfulexplain the job/task, skill, project, etc - discussthe method and why; explain standards and

    why; explain necessary tools, equipment or systemsprovide a demonstration - step-by-step - themore complex, the more steps - people cannotabsorb a whole complicated task all in one go -break it down - always show the correct way -accentuate the positive - seek feedback andcheck understanding

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    Have the trainee practice the job - we alllearn best by actually doing it - ('I hear andI forget, I see and I remember, I do and Iunderstand' - Confucius)monitor progress - give positive feedback -encourage, coach and adapt according tothe pace of development

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    Specific training programmes should be outlined based on the type of performance required andorganizational objectives.

    Improvements in the training towards intelligence,maturity and motivation should be made to accepttraining.The trainee should be aware of the personal benefitsthrough trainingCreation of good learning environment

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    Training programme should be plannedIf necessary, combination of training methodscan be selected .

    Active participation of the trainee should be got.Rewards should follow performance after training.

    Trainee should be given constructive feedback

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