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HRoot HR--MarketWatch April

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Global Human Resource Marketwatch
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  • 1. HRoot is a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, with such brands and services as HRoot.com, a worlds leading human resources management website; Human Capital Management magazine, a leading industry journal in China; Overclass, an elite club for HR professionals; Society for HR Executives (SHRE), the only society of HR executives in China; the Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China, a top-notch industry event with utmost authority, scale and influence; the China Human Capital Forum, the largest among such events in China, and the China Human Resources Service Expo, the largest of its kind in the world, which may register over 20,000 visitors in 2014. In 2012, HRoot launched iPhone, iPad and Android apps of its Human Capital Management magazine and its Guide to Human Resources Services Providers, and the mobile app of HRoot Forums and Expo. HRoot releases the annual reports of the Top 100 Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China and the Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers, and the monthly white paper of MarketWatch of Global HR Service Industry, each being celebrated as a guidepost of this industry. The website of HRoot has some two million HR professionals as its registered users, who pay more than 500 million visits in total each year; HRoot has more than 20,000 people attending its off- line events each year and 30,000 readers of its publications; it serves over 20,000 customers now, including more than 95% of the Fortune 500 companies in China. It has more than 250 HR services providers, business schools, associations as its ad clients and sponsors; including nine of the top ten global HR services providers. About The Publisher

2. 2012HRoot HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by CIS (Competitive Intelligence System) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real- time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. For more information please visit: http://marketwatch.hroot.com/ . Contact us Sue Woo 021-5821 5197 5821 5127 021-5821 8663 Suite 511, North Building, No. 77 Eshan Road, Pudong, Shanghai [email protected] http://www.hroot.com http://weibo.com/hrootchina http://www.linkedin.com/company/hroot View more activities via iPhone App "HRoot Expo" Download the "China Human Resources Service Providers Guide" iPad App via Apple Store Download"Human Captial Management"magazine iPad App via Apple Store HRoot 2014 3. MARKETING EVENTS4. DEAL RECORDS5. 6. 7. 8. APPENDIX 2: Global Rankings of Website Traffic of HR Service Providers APPENDIX 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers OTHERS LEGAL ISSUES& PUBLIC POLICY2. ABOUT HRoot1. INDUSTRY TRENDS Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours 3. CONTENTS 4. 2012HRoot HRoot Global HR-MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention. The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever- changing markets with flexibility. Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence: Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modified by national and/or local governments News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR service providers, latest business development, financial statement, major surveys & reports, awards, M&A,etc. Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars,etc. Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers. Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. Ranking of Global Traffic of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffic of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". HRoot 2014 5. 1HRoot 2014 China: seven provinces raise minimum wages, Shanghai leads the country**** (Apr. 1, 2014,/HRoot/) Seven provinces have raised their minimum wages in 2014. From the absolute point of view, the minimum wage in Shanghai reaches CNY1,820 per month, CNY 17 per hour, leading the country. From April 1, Beijing rise the minimum wage to CNY 1,560 per month from1,400 , CNY16.9 per hour from15.2 per hour. The minimum wage in Tianjin adjusted to CNY1,680 per month from 1,500, CNY 16.8 per hour. It is worth noting that minimum wage in Beijing and Shanghai is net income, which doesnt include the pension unemployment, medical and other insurance and housing public accumulation funds. For 2014, 7 provinces, i.e., Chongqing, Shanxi, Shenzhen, Shandong, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin have raised their minimum wages. No professional emails or calls allowed past 6pm in France**** (Apr. 11, 2014,/HRoot/) Workers in Socialist France can now ignore telephone calls and emails from their bosses when they are at home, which means French ordered to ignore the boss after 6pm, according to the latest report in France. It is all part of a new legal agreement which confirms President Francois Hollandes country as arguably the laziest in Europe. As well as enshrining the 35-hour working week as a cornerstone of French life, his party has cut the retirement age by two years since coming to power two years ago. The French also enjoy six weeks paid leave, and extremely generous sick leave and striking rights. Now employers will no longer be allowed to contact staff during the 133 hours of the week designated for rest. It is all part of a new agreement signed by employers federations and trade unions in the digital and technology sectors. The law specifically makes it illegal for workers in the digital and consultancy sectors - including the French offices of Google, Facebook, Deloitte and PwC to respond to emails or phone calls after 6pm. Staff will be ordered to switch off their work phones, and companies must ensure that their employees come under no pressure to look at work-related emails or documents on their devices. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 6. 2HRoot 2014 Australia to raise retirement age to 70 **** (Apr. 15, 2014,/HRoot/) Australia Treasurer Joe Hockey has called for a mature debate on raising the retirement age to 70 and for a discussion about aged- pension asset rules while defending the paid parental leave scheme promised by the prime minister, Tony Abbott. The Treasurer, who is 48, speculated that his generation might have to work until 70 to achieve a particular quality of life and to maintain a sustainable welfare system. In a strong indication that the nation's workers face an increased retirement age, Treasurer Joe Hockey, 48, admits his contemporaries will likely have to keep working until they reach their eighth decade. The previous Labor government raised the retirement age from 65 to 67 from 2023, but the treasurer said other countries, including the United Kingdom, are already eyeing later retirement. As life expectancy continues to grow so too must time at work to provide financial security in retirement while not draining the country's coffers, Mr Hockey said. China: 25 provinces raise the corporate pension for retirees***** (Apr. 24, 2014,/HRoot/) As of April 22, 25 provinces posting notice, raised the basic pension for enterprise retirees. Apart from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and the remaining six provinces adjustment programs to be announced. January 8 this year, the State Council executive meeting decided that from January 1, 2014, the basic pension for enterprise retirees increased by 10% and then the appropriate tilt to groups with special difficulties. Million businesses nationwide over 7400 retirees will benefit. 25 provinces, specific measures raised the basic pension for enterprise retirees varies. Overall, according to the State Council's requirements, and appropriate adjustments to take universal tilt in two ways. In the 25 provinces, Beijing in 2013 the average monthly pension for enterprise retirees CNY2,773 in 2014, the increase rate of 10%, exceeded CNY 3,000. Our pension for enterprise retirees Ten rising, started in 2005, when the monthly basic pension for enterprise retirees were CNY 714, after 10 years of continuous increase, the average monthly pension will be more than CNY 2,000, an increase of nearly 200%. Prior to this, from 1998 to 2004, seven years, China's average monthly pension for enterprise retirees increased by CNY180. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 7. 3HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Australia Govt to cover costs of moving, bond, rent to get young into workforce**** (Apr. 22, 2014,/HRoot/) The Abbott Government will pay the unemployed to get a job plus cover removalists fees, bond and rent for others who relocate to get work. The unemployment carrot is partly aimed at the 18.5 per cent of youth unemployed in Outback Northern Territory. The region was identified as an unemployment hotspot in a recent study by the Brotherhood of Saint Laurence. Employment Minister Eric Abetz labelled youth unemployment a scourge on the country, and hinted at significant productivity reforms to come, including a return to work-for-the dole programs. From July 1, long-term unemployed people aged 18-30 years look set to share in funding of $157 million if they stay in a job for 24 months. Eligible jobseekers will receive $2500 just for staying in work for 12 months and then a $4000 bonus if they remain working for two years. Almost $40 million will also be offered to job seekers who move to get work. Up to $6000 will be available to those who move to a regional area to get work and $3000 for people who relocate to a city. Families could get a further $3000, meaning unemployed parents with dependent children could get up to $9000. The payments will help cover the costs of removalists, bond, rent and travel costs. China: registered urban unemployment rate remains stable around 4.8% in Q1 2014**** (Apr. 28, 2014,Beijing) Li Zhong, the spokesperson of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, announced on the press conference recently China to see a good start of employment in the first quarter, the whole employment situation is generally stable. More specifically, 3.44million urban jobs newly added in China in the first quarter of 2014 and registered urban unemployment rate in the quarter up from 4.05% to 4.08%, still remained the low level. Besides, the employment situation of the key group like college graduates and rural migrant labour remains stable and the Human Resource market to see the supply and demand balance, the overall level of employees has been general stability. In terms of the nest step, Li Zhong said that the government will combines the steady growth, adjusting structure and promoting reform to promote the establishment of linkage mechanism of the economic development and expanding employment to implement the more proactive employment policy; Focused on the employment of college graduates; promote the entrepreneurship to create jobs and strengthen employment service; Try to promote fair employment and explore or establish the long-term mechanism of unemployment insurance, stable and promote employment. 8. 5HRoot 2014 Unemployment continues to hold steady in Europe*** (Apr. 1, 2014,/HRoot/)The unemployment rate across the Eurozone in February 2014 was 11.9%, stable since October 2013, but down compared with 12% in February 2013. Across the European Union unemployment fell to 10.6% in February 2014, down from 10.7% in January 2014 and down from 10.9% in February 2013, according to the latest figures published by Eurostat, the statistical body of the European Union. Eurostat estimated that there are 25.9 million unemployed people in the EU, of whom 19 million are in the Eurozone. Compared with February 2013, unemployment decreased by 619,000 in the EU and by 166,000 in the Eurozone. Compared with January 2014, the number of persons unemployed decreased by 65,000 in the EU and by 35,000 in the Eurozone. Compared with a year ago, the unemployment rate increased in 11 countries, fell in 15, and remained stable in Romania and Sweden. The highest increases were registered in Cyprus (rising from 14.7% to 16.7%), Greece (rising from 26.3% to 27.5% between December 2012 and December 2013), Italy (rising from 11.8% to 13%) and the Netherlands (rising from 6.2% to 7.3%). First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 9. 6HRoot 2014 Zhaopin.com survey: recruitment rises by +18% in Q1 in China*** (Apr. 3, 2014,/HRoot/) Companies in China have stepped up hiring during the first quarter of 2014, indicating a stable domestic economy, according to a report from online job board Zhaopin.com. The number of job vacancies posted on Zhaopin. com increased by +18% in the first three months of the year compared with the same period last year. The financial sector led the growth with an increase of +48%.According to the report: Economic data in the past few months revealed slower growth than last year but industrial activities continued to expand and a mild recovery is on the way.The report added that financial reform, along with more collaboration between financial institutions and online firms, will continue to fuel recruitment activity this year in the financial sector.Private businesses increased hiring by +24% during the first quarter, while state-owned and foreign companies posted a -2% dip in recruitment. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 10. 7HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". ADP: private sector employment increased by 191,000 jobs in March**** (Apr. 4, 2014,/HRoot/) Private sector employment increased by191,000 jobs from February to March according to the March ADP National Employment Report, produced by ADP, a leading global provider of Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, in collaboration with Moody's Analytics. Goods-producing employment rose by 28,000 jobs in March, down from a downwardly-revised figure of 25,000 in February. Nearly all of the growth came from the construction industry which added 20,000 jobs over the month; this followed increases of 16,000 in the prior two months. Manufacturing increased 5,000 jobs in March, remained the same with the prior two-month. Service-providing industries added 164,000 jobs in March. The ADP National Employment Report indicates that professional/business services contributed the most to growth in service-providing industries, adding 53,000 jobs. Expansion in trade/transportation/utilities slowed to a gain of 36,000 jobs in March. Financial activities added 5,000 jobs in March, being the highest rise since November 2013. 11. 8HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Temporary workers make up nearly one-third of the employed in Japan *** (Apr. 15, 2014,/HRoot/) Young Japanese are very difficult to find a formal job, they have to seek temporary work to maintain life, according to a Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare survey. It is also reported that the number of temporary worker in Japan reaches 19 million, and 19 million-odd part-timers and other temporary workers make up nearly 40% of the employed in Japan. The number of the labour under 35 increased by 2.5 times in the past twenty years. In order to solve this problem, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare plan to establish the support center for youth in 25 employment agency strengthening the support for young temporary workers to find a formal job. U.K. unemployment rate falls to five-year low to 6.9%*** (Apr. 17, 2014,/HRoot/) Britains unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in February, underscoring the strength of the economic recovery and raising the prospect of a debate among Bank of England officials about whether to raise interest rates. The jobless rate measured by International Labour Organization methods dropped more than economists forecast to 6.9 percent in the three months through February from 7.2 percent in the quarter through January, the Office for National Statistics said in London today. The number of people out of work in the UK has fallen by 77,000 to a five-year low of 2.24m in the three months to February, official figures indicate.The report also showed that wage growth accelerated in the period to 1.7 percent, matching the inflation rate in February. A third of workers still unemployed a year after redundancy in Singapore*** (Apr. 24, 2014,/HRoot/)Despite the notoriously tight labour market, three out of 10 employees (32%) who were made redundant during the first three quarters of 2013 failed to find another job by December 2013, according to a release from Singapores Ministry of Manpower, reports sbr.com. Two-thirds (66%) of Singaporeans made redundant in the first three quarters of 2013 re-entered employment by December 2013, within 12 months of redundancy. This was slightly lower than the rate experienced in 2012 (68%), due to the number of Professionals, Managers, Executives, and Technicians (PMETs) who take longer to secure re-entry into employment, as they spend more time seeking jobs that match their skills, qualifications and salary expectations. However, there was a noted improvement in the last three quarters of the year, with the rate of re-entry into employment within six months of redundancy rising from 49% in March 2013 to 59% in December 2013. Jobless claims average up 4,750, total claims jump 24,000** (Apr. 25, 2014,/HRoot/)The U.S. four-week moving average of initial claims for unemployment insurance rose by 4,750 in the week ended April 19 to 316,750 from the previous weeks unrevised figure of 312,000, according to seasonally adjusted numbers released today by the U.S. Department of Labor. The four-week moving average decreases the volatility of the weekly numbers. Total initial claims for unemployment insurance for the week rose by 24,000 to a total of 329,000 from the previous weeks upwardly revised figure of 305,000. 12. 10HRoot 2014 Talent2 announced to rebrand**** (Mar. 31, 2014,/HRoot/) Talent2, the recruitment managed services (RMS) provider is rebranding as Allegis Global Solutions. The previously listed company was taken into private ownership by Allegis and Morgan & Banks Investments in 2012. According to the company Over the next several months, we are introducing a new identity that is more representative of the depth of our expertise and the breadth of our offerings in integrated talent solutions. The future as one global organisation will optimise how we design, implement, and deliver all of our programs across the globe for our clients. There will be a transition phase, as we migrate to the new brand over the coming months, so for some time the RMS business in APAC will continue to trade as Talent2. The rest of Talent2, which includes Recruitment and HRMS (Payroll, Learning, HR Advisory outsourcing) will remain branded as Talent2 and will remain closely connected as part of Allegis Group. CDI Corporation announces leadership transition*** (Mar. 31, 2014,/PRNewswire/) CDI Corp. (NYSE:CDI) a multinational company with six decades of experience delivering engineering and technology solutions and recruitment and staffing services to businesses with operations around the globe, today announced that president and CEO, Paulett Eberhart has departed the company upon completion of her contract and has entered into an agreement to perform consulting services through year end. She is leaving to pursue other, non- competitive, business interests. Executive Vice President and CFO Robert Larney has agreed to act as interim President and CEO while the Board of Directors initiates an executive search for a permanent replacement. "In her time as CEO, Paulett set a new strategic direction, restored profitability, improved the balance sheet, and strengthened the cash position of CDI," said Walter Garrison, Chairman of the CDI Board of Directors and the founder of the company. "In recent months, Paulett and the executive leadership team have put in place a strategic direction and structure that moves our organization forward by improving accountability and further optimizing the cost structure." First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 13. 11HRoot 2014 Internet recruiter to set up global talent development centre **** (Apr. 17, 2014,/HRoot/)Chinese internet-based recruitment service provider, Liepin. com, plans to set up a global talent development centre with a base of 20 million professionals by the end of 2014. The company also announced that it received financing totalling USD 70 million from equity investment companies Warburg Pincus and Matrix Partners China, which equates to the largest investment in the sector for the past five years. In addition to using the new funding to set up a global talent development centre, it will also be used to promote the company's brand, Chief Executive Officer Dai Kebin told China Daily.Mr Dai said the company has already signed up 11 million professionals, and the candidate base will reach 20 million by year-end. Liepin.com will promote the healthy development of the Chinese recruitment services market because we solve the problem of information asymmetry, Mr. Dai added, saying that headhunters who can only provide employees' CVs will be less competitive. Hay Group announces the acquisition of Talent Q**** (Apr. 15, 2014,/Business Wire/) Hay Group, the global management consultancy, today announced that it has acquired leading online psychometric assessments, training and consultancy services provider, Talent Q. The acquisition adds to the already strong assessment services Hay Group offers clients as part of its broader people-related advisory services. It enables the firm to provide objective and actionable insights about applicants and employees at all levels in an organization. Founded by leading occupational psychologist Roger Holdsworth in 2006, Talent Q is a pioneer of online psychometric assessments and one of the most innovative players in the market, serving all sizes of organizations, across many different industry segments. As a result of the acquisition, clients in over 125 countries will benefit from Hay Group and Talent Q's combined expertise. Today's announcement reinforces our strategy to be a leading advisory company both in consulting- and technology-led services. It brings together exceptional talent to help our clients gain a competitive advantage by putting the right people in the right roles, at every level, faster. said Stephen Kaye, President and CEO of Hay Group. SEEK buys 25% stake in BDjobs.com*** (Apr. 15, 2014,/HRoot/) Australia-based job board SEEK (SEK: AU) has acquired a 25% stake in Bangladeshi job board BDjobs.com for a total consideration of USD 5 million, reports thefinancialexpress-bd.com. SEEK made a bid in February 2014 for Malaysian job board Jobstreet, and currently has operations in China, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Africa. BDjobs.com has been valued at USD 20 million, which is the highest value of any Bangladesh-owned internet company to date. The investment will be funded by SEEKs cash reserves and is intended to provide exposure to a large, early stage/high growth market. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 14. 13HRoot 2014 SAP acquires contingent staffing tech firm Fieldglass**** (Mar 26, 2014, /SAP/) German tech firm SAP announced plans to acquire contingent staffing software maker Fieldglass. Terms of the deal, which is scheduled to close in the second quarter, were not disclosed. Fieldglass cloud based Vendor Management System (VMS) allows organizations to better procure and manage their flexible workforces, including contingent labor and services managed through Statements of Work, such as project based spend, offshore engagements and independent contractors, which meets the growing demand among employers to manage flexible workforces that can be quickly engaged and onboarded to support rapidly changing business and customer needs. The combination of Fieldglass market leading VMS solution with SAP promises to transform workforce management. It will enable a flexible and comprehensive approach to managing the entire workforce and life cycle. Combined with the collaborative, network-based procurement capabilities of Ariba and the human resources expertise of SuccessFactors, the acquisition uniquely positions SAP to deliver a platform for businesses to manage their entire workforce, both temporary and permanent staff, from initial recruiting and on-boarding to ongoing development, performance management, retention and retirement, SAP said. Beisen launches Hangzhou Branch*** (Apr. 2, 2014,/HRoot/) Beisen, a leading talent management software and solution provider in China, announced on March 26th that the company established its Hangzhou Branch, the eleventh branches in China, which means that Beisen shall offer talent management software and solution for clients through its eleven branches. Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are both facing with many challenges on talent management, especially for the lacking of the essential tools for HR, the Hangzhou Branch of Beisen is coming to introduce the forefront of international talent management concepts and technology to the local companies to clear up the gap between the demand of corporate and talent status quo. said Ji Guowei, the CEO of Beisen. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 15. 14HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Broadbean acquired by CareerBuilder*** (Apr. 2, 2014,/HRoot/) London-based job distribution and candidate sourcing tool provider, Broadbean, has been acquired by Chicago-based job board, CareerBuilder, for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition is intended to bring recruiters and HR managers a faster, more convenient, and more cost-effective way to acquire talent. CareerBuilder specialises in talent management software and labour market intelligence that can tell employers anything they need to know about talent supplies, compensation, and local workforce dynamics. Broadbean distributes more than 2 million jobs and generates more than 10 million job applications each month. Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder, commented: "CareerBuilder is excited to expand our portfolio and continue the rapid growth of our global HR SaaS operation. With the addition of Broadbean, we are the unparalleled leader in unifying the recruiter experience in one pre-hire platform. Clients will benefit from broader job distribution and one simple workflow to manage all external and internal sources for candidates. Broadbean's robust technologies complement our product offerings as we deliver a more intuitive, data-driven talent acquisition experience for our clients." Adecco China announced to integrated with FESCO Adecco**** (Apr. 2, 2014,/HRoot/) Adecco, the world's largest employment agency, announced that Adecco China is formally integrated into the FESCO Adecco, which does not have any effect on the market of Northeast Asia , since the integration is only for Mainland in China. Meanwhile, Spring Professional, the wholly-owned professional recruitment arm of the Adecco Group in Asia, began operations on April 2th in China. Adecco set up a joint venture in Shanghai with Chinese HR services company Fesco. FESCO Adecco began operations on January 1, 2011. And since 2010, Adecco began operations with tow brands, Adecco China and FESCO Adecco. But from April 2th, business of Adecco China will be integrated in FESCO Adecco. The branch of Adecco China in Beijing ,Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shanghai will also be integrated in FESCO Adecco to continue to operate. Beisides, the official website of Adecco China stop to operate from April 2th and the visitors will be available for the website of FESCO Adecco or Spring Professional. The WeChat of Adecco China wont release any information from tomorrow. 16. 15HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Allegis Group Services, Talent2 Subsidiary Combine to Form Allegis Global Solutions**** (Apr. 7, 2014, /HRoot/) Human capital management industry leader Allegis Group announced this week that it is formally combining the recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), managed services provider (MSP) and integrated talent operations of its subsidiary Allegis Group Services with the MSP and RPO operations of Australian-based Talent2 under the name Allegis Global Solutions. The combined businesses (www.allegisglobalsolutions.com) create one of the largest human capital solutions management firms in the world. In Asia, Australia and New Zealand, the recruitment managed services division of Talent2 will continue to operate as part of Talent2 while the transition to the new organization, Allegis Global Solutions, takes place. This combination immediately strengthens our global ability to serve clients in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America, said Rick Haviland, president of the newly combined Allegis Global Solutions. It builds upon a strategic partnership created earlier by the two organizations and provides unique value and powerful resources for clients globally. ADP announces plan for spin-off Dealer Services Business (Apr. 10, 2014,/HRoot/) ADP, a leading global provider of Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, announced recently that the companys Board of Directors has approved a plan to separate the Dealer Services business into an independent publicly traded company through a tax-free spin-off of 100% of Dealer Services to ADP shareholders. Dealer Services is a leading global provider of retail and digital marketing solutions to automotive retailers and manufacturers. The global automotive market is the strongest it has been since 2007, and the volume of U.S. vehicle sales continues its recovery to pre-crisis levels. This recovery, combined with Dealer Services global breadth and depth of service offerings, makes it the appropriate time to establish this business as its own stand-alone public company. Consistent with our strategy to grow our position as a global provider of HCM solutions, we have concluded that the separation of Dealer Services will allow both companies to focus on their respective industries, said Carlos Rodriguez, president and chief executive officer, ADP. 17. 16HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Oracle plan to turn to third party for Customer Care*** (Apr. 15, 2014,/HRoot/) It is reported that Oracle is planning to shift its customer care to consultants and third party service providers . In China, over 90 percent of Oracles business were conducted through these kind of partner. Besides, in order to further the performance , Oracle bought an island in Hawaii. As vice president, Craig Guarent, who leaved the Oracle and joined Palisade, is very clear about the companys strategies, with 16-year experience in contract management, software license management and software auditing. Palisade is the company that responsible for helping the customer of Oracle providing software contracting , auditing intervene and permit " optimization" business. He said that Palisade companys business is developing very rapidly. As a third party service provider, with the advantage of close to the market, having better understand of clients need, Palisade have helped clients get larger orders. The CEO of Oracle said that at the beginning of application, enterprises should recognize third party service provider as the support side of service, which can help companies to get the patch repair and support for free, not just to buy the intellectual property. Companies also need to make full use of consultants to control cost instead of leaving software provider to predict and conjecture the process outsourcing software on one's own terms. Hydrogen Group expands Houston Office, adds technology practice*** (Apr 21, 2014,/Marketwired/) Hydrogen Group, a global specialist recruitment firm, recently added a technology practice to its Houston-based North American headquarters that will focus on SAP, big data and data analytics roles to respond to growing market demand in those areas. The company excels at locating hard- to-find, highly skilled professionals for contract and permanent placements. Its dedicated technology teams each focus only on one area of expertise, such as data analytics or SAP, which allows them to stay abreast of developments in the rapidly changing IT field and recruit high-quality contract and permanent IT professionals for companies. Hydrogen's specialized consultants develop long-term relationships with niche professionals and are able to quickly locate candidates with skills in evolving applications that are not available on the open market."The IT field constantly evolves," said Denise McAnulty, vice president and managing director of Hydrogen USA. "Recent changes, including the integration of business applications and companies collecting large amounts of unstructured data, result in a growing demand for experienced technology professionals, particularly in SAP, big data and data analytics. Our expertise and the unique approach of developing relationships with both client companies and with the candidates allows us to secure the most sought-after talent to accommodate Houston companies' IT employment needs." 18. 17HRoot 2014 19. 18HRoot 2014 Robert Walters report strong Q1 growth*** (Apr. 7, 2014,/HRoot/) International recruitment firm Robert Walters (RWA: LSE) reported net fee income of 48.1 million for the first quarter ending 31 March 2014, an increase of +11% in constant currency compared with 46.6million last year. Net fee income rose organically by +2% in Asia-Pacific, the companys largest business region, despite reporting a drop of -11% in reported currency from 22.2 million in Q1 2013 to 19.7 million in Q1 2014. The company reported strong performances from Japan and Hong Kong; however, market conditions in Australia remained challenging. In Robert Walters home market, the UK, net fee income rose by +21% in constant currency to 15.3 million, up from 12.7 million last year. Good performance was maintained across the UK. Net fee income from European operations rose by +11% in constant currency to 11 million, up from 10.2 million a year ago. Robert Walters, the companys eponymous Chief Executive, commented: The Group continues to trade in line with current market expectations with net fee income for the first quarter of 48.1 million; delivering our sixth successive quarter of net fee income growth, in constant currency, across all of the Group's regions. PageGroups Q1 reports organic gross profit growth across all regions*** (Apr. 16, 2014,/HRoot/) Specialist recruitment firm PageGroup reported gross profit of 126.6 million equating to growth of +6.8% in constant currency during the first quarter of 2014 compared with the same period last year. The companys temporary recruitment business reported year-on-year gross profit growth of +4.6%, in constant currency, while permanent recruitment grew by +7.4%. Across EMEA, PageGroup reported gross profit of 52.7 million, equating to growth of +5.6% in Q1 2014, compared with Q1 2013. The UK increased its gross profit growth rate to +8%, following two consecutive quarters of +5% gross profit growth. Gross profit rose to 32.8 million in Q1 2014, up from 30.3 million a year ago. Across Asia Pacific, the company reported gross profit of 23 million, equating to growth in constant currency of +1.2%. Across the Americas, gross profit was up +16% in constant currency to 18.1 million, with all countries recording growth and Canada, Argentina, and Colombia posting record quarters. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 20. 19HRoot 2014 ManpowerGroup reports 1st quarter 2014 results*** (Apr. 23, 2014, /HRoot/) ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) today reported that net earnings for the three months ended March 31, 2014 were $70.1 million, or 86 cents per diluted share, compared to net earnings of $23.9 million, or 31 cents per diluted share, a year earlier. Revenues for the first quarter were $4.9 billion, an increase of 3% from the prior year period. Gross profit increased 3.3% to $816.5 million due to higher revenues, partly offset by a rise in cost of services. Gross margin remained almost unchanged at 16.6%. ManpowerGroup posted operating profit of $126.9 million, which rose more than twofold from the prior-year quarter. By geographic segments, revenues from the United States grew 2.1% year over year to $720.5 million. In France, revenues rose 6.3% year over year to $1,217.3 million while the segment's operating profit increased 72.0% to $51.2 million. In Italy, revenues increased 6.5% year over year to $274.7 million. The segment's operating profit rose 7.8% to $12.6 million. In APME (Asia Pacific Middle East) , revenues came in at $573.7 million, down 9.3% year over year. The segment's operating profit came in at $20.2 million, up 38.1% from the prior-year quarter. Revenues from Right Management decreased 4.3% year over year to $73.3 million. Robert Half reports Q1 growth*** ( Apr. 24, 2014,/HRoot/) US-based recruitment firm Robert Half reported revenue of USD 1.08 billion for the first quarter ending 31 March 2014, a rise of +6% compared with USD 1.02 billion for the same period last year. The company achieved gross profit of USD 438.5 million, a rise of +7% from USD 410.3 million a year ago. Net income for the period rose to USD 61.6 million, up by +10% from USD 55.9 million in Q1 2013. It is said that this was Robert Halfs 16th consecutive quarter of double- digit net income growth on a year-over-year basis. US staffing revenues were USD 720 million in the first quarter. International staffing revenues were USD 230 million in the first quarter. During the first quarter, revenue from Robert Halfs permanent placement operations was 9.7% of total staffing revenue, compared with 9.2% for the same period last year.Harold M. Messmer Jr., Chairman and CEO of Robert Half, commented: We were pleased with the companys operating results for the first quarter. We saw strong demand in all areas of the business, especially in the latter part of the quarter. Growth was strongest in our Protiviti, technology staffing, and permanent placement divisions. Non-US operations also improved, particularly permanent placement services, which reported solid sequential and year-over-year revenue gains during the quarter. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 21. 20HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". TrueBlue revenue rises 14%*** (Apr. 22, 2014,/HRoot/) Industrial staffing firm TrueBlue Inc. (NYSE: TBI) reported first-quarter revenue rose 14.3 percent year over year to $396.1 million. Net income was approximately $1.7 million in the first quarter compared to a net loss of approximately $1.1 million in the same quarter last year. Gross margin at TrueBlue edged up to 25.1 percent from 25.0 percent in the same quarter last year. TrueBlue is controlling costs and operating more efficiently, said CEO Steve Cooper. The Tacoma, Wash.-based company consolidated 20 branches during the first quarter and expects to consolidate another 40 over the remainder of the year.The demand for our services is strong and weve created good momentum for future earnings, Cooper said. Were using new technology and innovative approaches to better serve our customers. On Assignment revenue rises 16%*** (Apr. 25, 2014,/HRoot/) On Assignment Inc. (NYSE: ASGN) reported revenue rose 15.9 percent in the first quarter to $439.3 million. On a pro forma basis assuming the companys December acquisitions of Whitaker Medical LLC and CyberCoders Holdings Inc. occurred at the beginning of 2013 revenue rose 9.8 percent. On Assignments first-quarter gross margin improved to 31.3 percent from 29.0 percent in the year-ago quarter. Net income fell 43.5 percent to $13.9 million in the first quarter from $24.6 million in the first quarter of 2013, but net income for 2013 included a $14.4 million gain on the sale of the companys nurse travel division.We reported strong financial results for the quarter despite the effects of the inclement weather, said President and CEO Peter Dameris. Our IT segments continue to report strong performance led by our Apex Segment, which grew 16 percent year- over-year. Demand for our IT services continues to be robust and we are well positioned to expand our market share. 22. 21HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". IBM net income down 21.4% Q1 2014*** (Apr. 29, 2014,/HRoot/) International Business Machines (IBM) announced its first quarter 2014 results on April 16, 2014 that its first quarter 2014 diluted earnings fell to $2.29 per share, which represents a year-to-year decrease of 15 percent. Operating diluted earnings were 2.54 per share, compared to operating earnings of $3.00 per share in the first quarter of 2013; this again represented a decrease of 15 percent. The company also reported first quarter net income of $2.4 billion, which was down 21 percent year-over-year. IBM reported total revenues for the first quarter at 22.5 billion representing a four percent decrease. Software, Services and Global Financing each grew, adjusting for currency. Software up 2 percent as reported and adjusting for currency; Services down 2 percent; up 2 percent adjusting for currency and excluding divested customer care outsourcing business. Global Financing up 3 percent, up 6 percent adjusting for currency. Systems and Technology down 23 percent as reported and adjusting for currency. Services backlog of $138 billion, up 1 percent adjusting for currency and excluding divested customer care outsourcing business. Business analytics revenue up 5 percent, up 6 percent adjusting for currency. Cloud revenue up more than 50 percent, for cloud delivered as a service. First-quarter annual run rate of $2.3 billion doubled year to year. Harvey Nash reports revenue growth up +17%*** (Apr. 25, 2014,/HRoot/) Staffing firm Harvey Nash (HVN: LSE) announced in its preliminary results that it achieved revenue of 697.3 million for the year ending 31 January 2014, an increase of +17% compared with 594.7 million last year. The company achieved gross profit of 88.6 million, up by +7% from 83 million in 2013. Operating profit for the year fell by -17% to 7.1 million, however, down from 8.6 million a year ago. Revenue in the UK & Ireland increased by +6% to 223.7 million, up from 210.4 million last year. Revenue from Europe increased by +26% to 421.2 million, up from 334 million in 2013. Revenue from the Benelux countries increased by +42% with gross profit increasing by +29%.Revenue in the US increased by +3% to 46.9 million, up from 45.6 million last year, and gross profit rose by +4% to 11.4 million. Results from the two new offices in Hong Kong and Sydney were mixed. 23. 23HRoot 2014 jobsBD survey: Hong Kong to see salaries up +5.9% in 2014*** (Mar. 28, 2014,/HRoot/) According to the jobsDB Job Seeker Salary Report 2014, 62% of Hong Kong workers received a pay rise in 2014 and the average rate was 5.9%, up by +1.1% from last year. Over half of the surveyed employees plan to make career moves this year, and they expect a 13.3% pay increase after job change. In the coming months, it is predicted that recruitment activities will continue to be active as the number of job vacancies is increasing. Across the 23 surveyed business sectors, the Professional Services sector reported the highest base pay increase (9.6%), followed by Marketing/Public Relations (8.2%) and Building and Construction (8%). The average bonus size across all surveyed sectors was 1.3 months of basic salary, with Hospitality (2 months) and Banking/Finance (1.7 months) being the highest. According to the report, 51% of respondents plan to change jobs this year and on average they expect a 13.3% salary increase after job change. The top three reasons for career move are Not satisfied with current salary/benefit (60%), Slim advancement prospect (39%) and Discontent with company culture (31%). First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 24. 24HRoot 2014 Robert Half International survey: majority Australia CFO confident in economic prospects*** (Mar. 30, 2014,/HRoot/) A majority of chief financial officers in Australia and New Zealand are confident about their countrys economic prospects for the year ahead, according to a survey by Robert Half International Inc. (NYSE: RHI). The survey found 93% of the 300 CFOs surveyed in Australia are confident in their countrys economic prospects for the year ahead and 84% of New Zealand CFOs said the same.CFOs also expect their business to grow in 2014 with 93% of Australian CFOs expecting growth and 82% of New Zealand CFOs expecting growth. And 81% of Australian CFOs (and 72% of New Zealand CFOs) said they would increase their finance and accounting headcount if budgets permit.It is positive to see such high levels of optimism among business leaders but firms also face the headwind of regulatory change, said David Jones, managing director of Robert Half Asia-Pacific. Hiring and retaining outstanding finance and accounting professionals is critical in making future plans of growth and expansion a reality. PwC survey: the practices of long-term incentive to be more reasonable in China**** (Apr. 1, 2014, / HRoot /) Long-term incentive, an important means of improving performance, attracting and retaining talent for corporate, has become the key force for the development of Chinese corporate, according to the 2013 China Corporate Long-term Incentive Survey released by PwC. The survey also showed that in the complex economic environment, the practices of long-term incentive is becoming more reasonable in China: from the view of design, corporate is increasingly focused on the financial stability and the performance guidance; from the view of practice, the company emphasized on the dynamic management to deal with changes in the external management environment positively. Meanwhile, the study also noted that there are obvious differences on industries on the scope of incentive objects when to implement the long-term incentive, the job grad and performance are the top key considerations factors when to choose the objects of the long-term incentive. Adecco survey: increasing demand for IT and engineering talent in China*** (Apr. 2, 2014,/HRoot/) Spring Professional, the wholly-owned professional recruitment arm of the Adecco Group in Asia, has opened offices in Beijing and Shanghai to support the increasing demand for IT and Engineering professionals in China. The country continues to be a favoured regional hub for the IT sector; with high demand for cloud computing and digital data experts, as well as research and design engineers. The Spring Professional brand is now fully operational in seven countries across Asia, with the introduction of Spring IT & Spring Engineering in China complementing Spring Property & Construction, which was launched in Shanghai on 12 March 2014 to support companies hiring property, construction, and facilities management professionals. In Beijing and Shanghai, Spring IT and Spring Engineering are focusing exclusively on the recruitment of middle to senior level management and specialists in the sectors of IT and engineering. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 25. 25HRoot 2014 Michael Page survey: Recruitment to hold steady as moderate salary increases awarded in Singapore *** (Ari. 4, 2014,/HRoot/) The majority of employers in Singapore are expected to continue hiring steadily during 2014 and, while skill shortages and staff turnover are likely to persist, salary increases will remain conservative, according to the 2014 Michael Page Salary & Employment Forecast for Singapore. The vast majority (88%) of employers surveyed expect hiring activity to hold steady or improve in 2014, painting an optimistic forecast for Singapores employment market in the coming 12 months. However, persisting issues for employers will be skill shortages, according to 48% of survey respondents, and staff turnover, expected by 53%. Jerome Bouin, Managing Director of PageGroup Singapore, commented: While Singapores employment market will continue to be active during 2014, employers are generally adopting a more considered approach with tighter controls around the recruitment process to make sure professionals are the right fit for their organisation. This approach, coupled with effective retention strategies will be key to addressing staff turnover and the shortage of talent over the coming year. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Hudson survey: hiring intentions remain steady in Q2 Australia*** (Mar. 31, 2014,/HRoot/) Hiring intentions among Australian employers remains steady with 23.3% intending to take on more staff next quarter, down 0.1 percentage point from first-quarter expectations, according to new report by Hudson Global Inc. (NASD: HSON). We are seeing the Australian economy go through a shift from being natural resources-driven to one that is more balanced; a move away from Permanent Hiring Expectations: Australia by State All states ACT Western Australia Victoria Queen stand South Australia New South Wales 23.3% 15.8% 20.2% 21.7% 22.5% 24.7% 27.9% 64.5% 67.9% 67.0% 66.3% 62.2% 65.5% 62.7% 12.1% 16.3% 12.8% 12.0% 15.2% 9.8% 9.5% Increase Steady Decrease the two-speed economy, said Dean Davidson, executive general manager, Hudson Australia. An improved hiring outlook for NSW gives confidence because its economy is broad-based, with a balanced range of industries and professions. Often a strong employment outlook for NSW is a good indicator for the direction the national economy might take. 26. 26HRoot 2014 Robert Walters survey: Nanjing to hire with cautious optimism in 2014*** (Apr. 1, 2014,/HRoot/) Robert Walters China delivered its key predictions for Nanjings job market according to the latest Global Salary Survey 2014. The exclusive event was attended by 50 senior level professionals across industries. David Nie, Director of Nanjing office presented an overview of Nanjings recruitment activity in 2013, and the following key highlights for 2014: Across all sectors, companies will look for finance controllers, cost controllers and finance analysts to control budget and focus on top-line growth; New projects from chemical and automotive manufacturers and foreign SMEs investment in surrounding cities will create vacancies for human resource professionals; Companies in automotive, chemical, electric and electronic sectors are likely to compete for experienced sales and marketing professionals, mid- level engineers, environmental health & safety experts and continued improvement specialists; Automotive sector will be seeking individuals with strong technical and industry backgrounds in supply chain quality assurance and logistics to enhance quality while keeping within budgets. PwC survey: talent mismatch costing the global economy USD 150 billion*** (Apr. 8, 2014,/HRoot/) New research by professional services network PwC, commissioned by LinkedIn Corporation (NYSE:LNKD) reveals that poor talent adaptability, namely the inability of people to retrain for new skills or switch industries, is costing the global economy billions of dollars in lost productivity and leads to businesses wasting huge sums on avoidable recruitment costs. When these costs are combined this could mean the economy is missing out on USD 150 billion. The research spans a wide spectrum of economies by development phase, size, and industry types. Each market is assigned a Talent Adaptability Score based on five key behavioural factors. The Talent Adaptability Score is an indicator of a market's ability to respond to future shifts in demand, not a snapshot of current economic performance. Scores vary significantly by country, with the Netherlands' multilingual workforce and international business base placing it first in the ranking. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 27. 27HRoot 2014 Zhaopin.com survey: the employment competition index of 2014 college graduates fell slightly *** (Apr. 8, 2014, /HRoot/) Zhaopin.com, one of the most professional human resource service provider, released its 2014 College Graduates Employment Situation Report recently, showing that the number of job positions for college graduates released on the website increased by 10.14% compared with the seem period of previous year, and the employment competition. According to Zhaopin.com that private enterprises and the tertiary industry continued to keep the high passion for college graduates; the rapid expansion of the market in second and third tier cities strengthened the demand for expand the market, which brings plenty of new opportunity for the career development of college graduates. The biggest difficult for the grim employment is not the lack of job position but the confusion generated by cognitive dislocation of their future and the need of society and lack of self- knowledge. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 28. 28HRoot 2014 Bridge HR survey: pay growth to slow down*** First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". (Apr. 10, 2014,/HRoot/) Bridge HR one of the e a r l i e s t H R s e r v i c e providers approved by the government, released its 2013CEIBS- Bridge HR Salary Index Survey recently, showing that tier cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai to see the high level on the salary increase with the average annual salary of over 60,000CNY , which ahead of other cities in China, leading the trends of pay rise, the salary of Shanghai is the top one. Besides, cities in the eastern region ranked the second tier on the national salary distribution. Among the ten-industry, since the big difference on natural of business, profitability and other aspects, the g a p b e t w e e n t h o s e ten industries varies significantly. The salary level of financial and real estate industry is much higher than other traditional industries. The survey also shows that there is a big gap on the salary between senior management and grass- roots employees. 2013 29. 29HRoot 2014 SEEK survey: Labour market showing gradual improvement*** (Apr. 10, 2014,/HRoot/) The latest figures from job board SEEK indicate continuing confidence in the labour market, with new job adverts in March 2014 increasing by +1.1% month-on-month. Over the last few months SEEKs data has shown a consistent improvement in labour demand, with the number of job adverts rising by +2.1% year-on-year (March 2012-13). Year-on-year, the industries that have shown the greatest growth in job advertising volume are: Design & Architecture (+29%), Sport & Recreation (+24%), Education & Training (+22%), and Community Service & Development (+20%). However, SEEK does warn that there could be a future skills mismatch as jobseekers from flat and declining sectors, such as the manufacturing industry, come into the market to find work. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 30. 30HRoot 2014 Accenture survey: large companies to be the subversives of digital era*** (Apr. 12, 2014,/HRoot/) Large companies has already started to make full use of their skills, the advantage of their size and influence to transition to be the true digital organization, according to a new global study by consulting and outsourcing firm Accenture. The company discovered the six major technology trend, which is very helpful for those large companies to expand the field of innovation and use the digital technology to build the competitive advantage, and even being the subversives of the market like start-up company. It is also reported that the there is a blurred boundaries between digit and reality which makes intelligence expand to edge. Borderless enterprise rise abruptly , the data supply chain makes information flow together and application reorientation: software recognized as the core competitiveness of the digital world. The company said that regardless of whether the business leaders have clear understanding of digital ear, the business is fully digital. Besides, the digital technology have already applied in the every aspect of high-performance corporate. Randstad survey: global employers image become more positive *** ( Apr. 15, 2014 , / HRoot /) Randstad, a global leading provider of HR services and the second largest staffing organization in the world, released its 2014China Employer Branding Survey recently showing that the global employer brand image become more positive, which reflects the positive attitude of potential employees on the economic recovery. The survey also shows six important attracting characters of employees :competitive pay and benefits ( 70% ) , career development opportunities (51%) , long-term stability of work ( 51% ), pleasant work atmosphere (43%) , better financial condition (41%), work-life balance (41%). Besides that the survey also indicated the top-five industry which are very popular among white-collar: Financial (72%), Electricity, Public Utilities and Communications (72%), Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry (68%) , Information Technology and Consulting(66%) , and Construction( 65% ). First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 31. 31HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Kelly Services survey: several industries to see some headcount freezes in recruitment in 2013*** (Apr. 15, 2014,/HRoot/) Kelly Services, the leading workforce solutions provider has today launched its 2014 Salary Guide for Greater China showing that by industry there was significant hiring activity within the automotive industry with a particular demand for sales professionals. The industry of Banking, Finance and Commodities recruited actively. In Chemical, there was a slowdown in investments and many organizations focused on restructuring resulting in a slowdown in hiring activity. For the industry of consumer, there was a high demand for sales and marketing professionals, store managers, retail assistants and visual merchandisers to help with expansion plans. Hiring activities fluctuated particularly within the pharmaceutical sector. For the industry of Human Resources , we saw a large number of organizations focusing on talent retention and building-up internal talent pipelines. As a result, we saw demand for learning and development and HR business partner roles. There was a slowdown in hiring activities as well as several headcount freezes throughout 2013 in Industrial and Manufacturing. Organizations were observed to be focusing on cost control due to slow economic growth which resulted in some headcount freezes in the industry of Information Technology and Telecom. Mercer survey: related indicators of Human Resource remained stable *** (Apr. 16, 2014 , Beijing ) With the gradual recovery of the global economy and the insisting on the faith of seeking progress in stability in China, 93% of surveyed said the company are expected to achieve the growth of their business in 2014, according to China Monitor, released by Mercer, a global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement, and investments. The survey also indicates that the several key indicators of human resource remained stable, no significant changes, and the overall situation can be summarized as stable and cautious. More specifically, 80% of participants saw the annual revenue growth. By industry, the automotive, pharmaceutical and medical device industry are leading the trend. By region, cities like Fuzhou , Xiamen and Suzhou reported strong performance; 63% of questioned almost exceeding the 2013 performance targets. For 2014, 93%of them expected to achieve business growth, reflected in the specific business plans, 20% of questioned companies plan to open new branches in 2014 (including offices, factories and research centers , etc.) , the majority of those will be in second and third tier cities. 32. 32HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Glassdoor survey:one in five UK employees fear losing their job in next six months*** (Apr. 16, 2014, /PRNewswire/) A new survey by Glassdoor, a jobs and careers community, reveals that one in five (21 percent) UK employees say that they fear losing their job in the next six months. The Q1 2014 UK Employment Confidence Survey, conducted online by Harris Interactive among UK employees, monitors four key indicators of employee confidence: job security, salary expectations, job market optimism/re-hire probability and business outlook optimism. While 21 percent of employees are concerned that they may be made redundant, in the North East and North West, one in four (25 percent) employees report concern of this. In addition, employees concerned about co-workers being made redundant stands at more than one in three (35 percent). When it comes to how UK employees are feeling about a pay increase, one in three (34 percent) employees expect to receive a pay rise in the next 12 months. Pay rise confidence is higher among men (42 percent) than women (24 percent). Tianji.com releases the Re-starting Report of Employees in China*** (Apr. 16, 2014,/HRoot/) Tianji.com, the largest professional social networking site in China released its Re-starting Report of Employees in China in Beijing, showing that the concept of re-start became more flexible and open with the obvious and significant geographical and industry differences. More specifically, from the geographical point of view, employees in first-tier cities have different intend compared with employees in the other cities in China. When it comes to the reason, the report shows that employees who dont work in first-tire cities take more consideration on the job stability than work challenge, besides that human relationship is an important factor to choose a job, and most of them said that the space of choosing a career is limited, job-hopping can not change and improve the work situation. For industry, employees from almost all the industry said they dont pay much attention to pressure but to the career prospects. From a practical perspective, contacts and experiences makes it possible for re-starting. 33. 33HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 51job.com release employers recruit willingness report in Q2 2014 *** (Apr. 18, 2014,/HRoot/)The largest HR service providers 51job.com (NASDAQ: JOBS) releases employers recruit willingness report in Q2 2014 .The report shows that 88.6 percent of employers will recruit more employees in the second quarter of this year than last year, and 46.9% of employers' recruitment reason is business expansion ,and 27.2% for the staff turnover ,which are both higher than the findings of the first quarter of 2014. In addition, the survey also shows that: undergraduates is the hardest employment groups, tier cities have strong demand for talent, front-line positions salary increases not less than 10%, and about 90% employers provide training for employees. Japanese companies hand out biggest raises in 16 years*** (Apr. 20, 2014,/HRoot/)Monthly pay at major Japanese companies will grow an average of more than 7,000 yen ($67.90) for the first time since 1998, bolstered by base pay hikes in particularly prosperous industries. The average of 2.39%, or 7,697 yen, trounced last year's 1.91% uptick and broke the 2% mark for the first time in 15 years. These figures include both increases in base monthly pay and automatic seniority-based raises. The manufacturing sector reported an average wage hike of 7,900 yen, or 2.5%. Generous raises in the metalworking industry and the automotive sector, at 3.33% and 2.78%, respectively, pushed up the overall figures. The food and rubber industries were hit by rising material costs due to the soft yen. Their average pay increases languished in the 1% range, even smaller than last year's hikes. Wages in the nonmanufacturing sector are set to rise by an average of 2.18%, or 7,295 yen. It is unclear, however, whether the trend will continue into next spring's negotiations. With the government forecasting 3.2% inflation for this fiscal year, this round of pay raises alone will not compensate for this month's sales tax hike. Cigna survey: China employers promote health in the workplace*** (Apr. 20, 2014,/HRoot/) Cigna, a leader in serving the health and wellness needs of multinational employers around the world, hosted 2014 Global Healthy Workplace Awards, the first global awards program recognizing healthy workplaces, and also released Working Well: A Global Survey of Health Promotion and Workplace Wellness Strategies showing that nearly half of Chinas employers surveyed say they promote health at the workplace, and 73 percent say they measure specific health outcomes. The preliminary findings, reflecting results from 1,000 employers worldwide, including more than 80 in China, were released today as part of a pre- publication preview of results from the 2014 Buck Consultants global survey, Since 2007, this survey has investigated emerging trends in employer-sponsored health promotion and wellness programs. It is also find that 48% of Chinese respondents offer a health risk appraisal (HRA) while another 22% plan to offer an HRA next year.73% of Chinese employers surveyed measure specific outcomes from health promotion programs compared to 53% globally. This may be related to occupational health indicators that are better established and easier to track.54% of surveyed employers have had a strategy for five years or less. 34. 34HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Randstad survey: too much overtime harming work-life balance*** (Apr. 19, 2014,/HRoot/) The Randstad China's 2014 Employer Branding Survey shows that too much overtime is among the three main causes affecting work-life balance among Chinese people. The survey showed that among 13 factors affecting work-life balance, pressure from short-term projects was chosen by 62 percent of respondents, followed by too much overtime (59 percent) and too many work projects (49 percent).The report also determined that poor work environments influence the work-life balance of male workers and those over 35 years old, while mental pressure caused by their superiors affects female workers and those under 35.Most Chinese white collars said that more autonomy and more flexible work schedules might encourage them to put off retirement, according to the report. The results showed that female workers and those over 35 would work longer if given opportunities for further study and development, and that suitable time schedules and work hours would encourage male workers to delay retirement. Most Chinese employees think the ideal retirement age is 52, but the group under 35 hopes to retire at 49, and most female workers don't want to work after 50, according to the study. Monster survey: Online job market grows +14% in Middle East*** (Apr. 22, 2014,/ arabianbusiness.com /) Middle Easts online job market grew by +14% in the past year, on the back of buoyant activity in the retail, logistics, and banking & finance services sectors, according to the Monster Employment Index, reports arabianbusiness.com. The Index, which charts online job posting activity, found that between March 2013 and March 2014 Egypt recorded the most notable growth in online job activity with +28%, followed by Kuwait with +21%. Bahrain and Qatar also reported positive growth in recruitment activity, both rising by +2%, year-on-year. However, significant downturns were recorded in the UAE, where job postings were down by -16%, as well as in Saudi Arabia (-14%) and in Oman (-5%). By individual occupations, the biggest growth was in marketing and communications/ arts/creative (up +52%), while the biggest declines were in customer service and healthcare which reported a fall of -13% and -7%, respectively. 35. 35HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Morgan McKinley survey: nearly half of financial services professionals dissatisfied with bonus in Japan*** (Apr. 23, 2014,/HRoot/) Nearly half (42%) of all financial services professionals working in Tokyo reported that they were dissatisfied with their 2013-14 bonuses, according to the Morgan McKinley Japan Bonus Satisfaction Survey. Only 2% of respondents, however, stated that bonus payments were the primary motivating factor when considering a new position. Salary was more important for 37% of respondents, while 44% indicated that the entire compensation package was their primary consideration. At the same time, basic salaries are showing a modest positive trend. Two-fifth (40%) of respondents reported that they received a raise in 2013-14, compared with 31% in 2012-13. Lloyd Morgan Executive releases China Employment & Salary Guide 2014*** (Apr. 23, 2014, /PRNewswire/) Lloyd Morgan Executive, a leading recruitment service provider, launched its bilingual China Employment & Salary Guide 2014 today, presenting keen market insights on the 2013 employment marketplace and an outlook for the remainder of 2014. The guide services as a useful reference book for professionals in all the key industries and functions, including Consumer Sales & Marketing, Industrial Sales & Marketing, Operations and Manufacturing, Engineering, Supply Chain, Human Resources, Accounting & Finance, Banking & Financial Services, Legal and Information Technology. According to the survey, replacing the sluggishness that prevailed in 2012, the year 2013 was generally a recovery year with companies and industries' operating revenue back in black, and this trend is likely to show an even stronger momentum in 2014. Recruiting demand is rising with the recovery of the economy, the growth of the business as well as the optimising of the organizational and industrial structure, the hiring, however, remained rational and cautious. The demand was mainly for professionals who are capable of saving cost, improving productivity and creating more effective distribution and sales strategies. In other words, those that had a direct impact on the bottom line were sought eagerly after. Banking & Financial Services are predicted as hot in market. Sales & Marketing are in high demand. Information Technology: Recruitment need and salary raise in 2013 was moderate and rational and the trend is predicted to continue in 2014. Hot areas like big data, cloud computing and mobile will have a large talents demand and salary rise. 36. 36HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Hays survey: language skills give jobseekers an edge*** (Apr. 23, 2014, /HRoot/) Speaking another language is a hugely important business skill, and it will only become more so according to recruiting experts Hays in China. The survey indicates that while the ability to speak English has been the deciding factor in the success of numerous businesses around the world, it is increasingly true that its role as the language of international business is under threat. Besides that, Brazil has overtaken the UK to become the worlds sixth largest economy, meaning fluency in Portuguese will become increasingly useful. And the ability to communicate with clients and colleagues in the rapidly growing Russian market will be advantageous. It is obvious that more businesspeople who have learnt new languages and when speaking to these candidates many talk of the value these skills have brought to their career. Therefore improving your language skills benefits both your personal development and the organisations capability in an increasingly global business environment. Adecco survey: one in ten of LinkedIn lied on their CV*** (Apr. 28, 2014,/HRoot/) One in ten of LinkedIn lied on their CV, according to the latest research conducted by Adecco, the worlds leading provider of HR solutions. It is also showed that 10 per cent of users of LinkedIn lie about their qualification, 9 per cent lie about their job titles, 9 per cent lie about their age, 7 per cent lie about their school and 5% of them lie about the length of time in a particular job or experience. According to Alex Fleming at Adecco, Managing Director of Adecco UK, Your CV is your opportunity to communicate your career history and strengths to prospective employers. It should be as accurate as possible. Although the temptation may be there to smooth out areas of your experience and qualifications that arent quite perfect, we would always advise candidates not to lie. Its often said that the truth will always come out in the end and so its much safer to concentrate on your real achievements rather than inventing fictitious ones. Companies continuing to recruit in Germany*** (Apr. 29, 2014,/HRoot/) German companies are continuing to recruit staff, according to the results of the Institute for Economic Research (Ifo) Employment Barometer. The index remained unchanged in April at a level of 107.4 points compared with March, however, compared with a year ago the index rose by 2.7 points, up from 104.7 last April. The services sector showed a strongly improved recruitment trend, while other sectors were slightly more cautious about hiring new staff. As a result of the positive business and economic outlook, however, various segments, including the capital goods sector, still intend to hire additional staff. Construction was the only sector in which the employment barometer fell considerably. There was no indication from the Ifo report whether or not the changes to Germanys minimum wage legislation, which was agreed in a coalition deal in November, has had any impact on the intention of companies to recruit additional staff. A new minimum wage of 8.50 will be introduced across Germany in 2015. 37. 38HRoot 2014 Trademark of CIIC recognized as China Famous Brand***** (Apr. 2, 2014,/HRoot/) The trademark of CIIC was recognized as China Famous Brand by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which named the another giant leaps on the brand building after the award of The 60th anniversary of the establishment CIIC by CCTV. Famous Brand is an important concept of international law in the field of intellectual property; China Famous Brand is the trademark that is identified by the national competent authorities with the high reputation and widely known brand. Founded in 1987, China International Intellectech Corporation (CIIC) is one of the state-owned backbone enterprises under the direct management of the Chinese Central Government. Headquartered in Beijing, it has 91 subsidiaries and branches focusing on international cooperation in the fields of economy, technology and talent in China and other 76 countries and regions around the world. Keeping abreast of the latest development of knowledge-powered productivity amid the global economic integration, the mega trends of structural change and transfer of worldwide service sector as well as complete outsourcing especially offshore arrangements, and catering for Chinas demands for restructuring of service industry and growing of new economic paradigms, CIIC has been building its core competence in the field of intellectual services, standing out as the leading HR service provider which demonstrates proven competitiveness and influence in talents, resources, networks, scale and experience. Furthermore, it is extending its expertise to new fields like investment and trading services. CIIC has becoming a newly exploring enterprise with its high competence and leading advantages. Experis Hong Kong named the Most Comprehensive Recruitment Firm in the Greater China Region*** (Apr. 24, 2014,/HRoot/) Experis Hong Kong, the global leader in professional talent resourcing within ManpowerGroup, has been named the Most Comprehensive Recruitment Firm in the Greater China Region at the Most Valuable Services Awards. We are proud and honored that Experis has been recognized for excellence in delivering customized, comprehensive and innovative workforce solutions that drive business performance of our clients throughout the Greater China region, said Lancy Chui, Regional Managing Director, ManpowerGroup Greater China Region. This accolade reaffirms the continued trust companies place in Experis expertise to identify the professional talent and expertise to enable them to deliver on objectives and remain competitive.The pace of business change in the region has been staggering, added Chui. In order to succeed in the global marketplace and overcome the complexities of the Human Age, the regions growing multinational corporations must be able to successfully source, assess, recruit and retain the right leadership talent. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 38. 40HRoot 2014 SAP held CHRO SAP Discovery together with HRoot**** (Apr. 10, 2014, Shanghai, /HRoot/) SAP, a global leading enterprise management software provider announced recently that the company plan held the CHRO SAP Discovery on April 9th at SAP Executive Briefing Center successfully together with HRoot, a leading human resources media and Internet company in China. The guests are all there to get to know the creative technology of SAP in the field of Cloud, HRSSC, mobile-commerce, business intelligence and enterprise application with the on-site visit. It is reported that the event attracted over thirty SHRE members and HR executive form the global fortune 500 and well-known domestic large enterprises. The guests are from Standard Chartered Bank, Bayer, Momentive, Far East Horizon, Leggett & Platt, AVNET, Arvato China, CMA CGM, Spreadtrum, Hai Liang Group, Moen, AdChina.com etc. All of them were focused on the integration of global business practices and local development and based on the hot trend of loud computing, big data, mobile and socialize to discuss that the abundant opportunities for HR industry on the HR management frame transition. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 39. 41HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". Cigna to host the World's Healthiest Workplaces Awards & Summit in Shanghai*** (Apr. 11, 2014,/HRoot/) Cigna, a leader in serving the health and wellness needs of multinational employers around the world, hosted the the second Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit on April 9-10, 2014 at Andaz Hotel, Shanghai as the search continues for the programs making the biggest impact on the health and well-being of the worlds workforce. Building on the success of the inaugural Awards and Summit held in London last April, the Shanghai Summit will expand the audience and scope of awards. This is the only truly global awards program dedicated solely to the recognition of practices and programs in the global workplace. Workplace health program submissions from around the world will be accepted through Jan. 24, 2014, and will be reviewed by an international panel of judges representing five continents with expertise in health promotion, health policy, occupational health and associated disciplines. The workplace health conversation is being heard around the world. Communities and workplaces in every corner of the globe are faced with increased health risks and rising health care costs. Cigna is once again supporting the Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit, convening employers and other experts to share the programs that are most effective in improving health and well-being and in making workplaces more productive and competitive, said David Guilmette, president of Cigna's Global Employer Segment. GUANAI TONG to start Chinese Enterprises Employee Care Action Plan*** (Apr. 16, 2014,/HRoot/) GUANAI TONG, part of CIIC, one of the state-owned backbone enterprises under the direct management of the Chinese Central Government, announced today that the company initiated the Chinese Enterprises Employee Care Action Plan in Shanghai, together with JD.COM, Yihaodian, BMW, GAP and other mainstream electric and well-known brands. It is reported that the plan will be held in Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. In the launching ceremony, GUANAI TONG also officially announced the establishment of Care Fund of CIIC together with Chinese Volunteer Association, to make it easier for employees realize their CRS easily, which created the new mode of Corporate Social Responsibility in China. 40. 42HRoot 2014 First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". HRoot held China Human Resource Services Expo 2014 in Shanghai successfully**** (Apr. 16, 2014, /HRoot/) HRoot, Chinas leading HR website and media company, held the China Human Resource Services Expo 2014 at Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai on April 16 successfully. The expo attracted 8,212 HR directors, HR managers, corporate senior managers, general managers and buyers with need of human resource service, which makes the number of exhibitors and participant to a new high. More specifically, the 2014 China HR Services Expo had a total of over a hundred exhibitors which include leading players of a range of services in the global human resources industry, i.e., HR outsourcing, consulting, recruitment and headhunting, recruitment process outsourcing, talent dispatch, payroll and benefit outsourcing, payroll data research, talent assessment and research, HR software, e-learning, training, employee background check, associations and societies, and HR media. All the exhibitors showed a wide variety of new products and services in the field of human resource. All the participants had the opportunity to have face-to-face communications based on their own demand. The expo provide a platform for participants have easier access to new technology, new services, new products and solutions, best practices and new trends of HR industry trends and the strategic direction of the development of human resources services .Besides, China Human Resource Services Expo 2014 will be held in Shenzhen on May 8, Beijing on June 27 and Guangzhou on November 12. Randstad released the Randstad Award in Shanghai**** (Apr. 17, 2014, /HRoot/) Global recruitment firm Randstad held the ceremony of Randstad Awards, the worlds largest employer brand ceremony at Pu Dong Four Season Hotel in Shanghai. Over two hundred of HR professionals and expertises from IBM, Intel, Ailibaba, China Merchants Bank, Vanke, Bayer and other well-known international and domestic enterprises attended the ceremony. Randstad also shared its latest result of leadership survey2014 Randstad China Employer Branding Survey officially. It is reported that the Randstad Award survey is released since 1999, which is the largest employer branding research in the world and its completely independent. The 2014 Employer Branding Research covers twenty-three countries and regions worldwide, covering 75% of the global economy. 41. 43HRoot 2014 Kronos adds Callaway Golf Company as global and mobile cloud customer*** (Apr. 25, 2014,/HRoot/) Kronos Incorporated announced recently that Callaway Golf Company, a leading manufacturer of premium golf equipment, has selected its solutions deployed in the Kronos Cloud to globally standardize workforce management processes. Callaway Golf selected Kronos time and attendance and absence management applications to accurately collect employee time- worked data and minimize compliance risks associated with leave laws. The Kronos solution will integrate with Callaway Golf's SAP ERP system, improving the overall accuracy of labor data entering the ERP system. Lynn Lafond, director of North American disbursements, Callaway Golf Company We selected Kronos for its market leadership in global deployments, mobile workforce management, and proven success with cloud computing. We are not aware of another vendor that can match Kronos in these areas. In addition, the Kronos solutions are highly innovative and intuitive, helping us simplify complex workforce management functions on a global scale. CoreStaff acquires executive search firm Beilby*** (Apr. 28, 2014,/HRoot/) Darwin-based recruitment firm CoreStaff has acquired a 75% stake in Perth-based professional and executive recruitment firm Beilby for an undisclosed sum, reports The West Australian. CoreStaff said that the acquisition would allow it to provide hiring and recruitment services from the shop floor to the C-suite. Rob Blekinship, Founder and Chief Executive of CoreStaff said the merger would break the barrier between labour hire companies and the executive recruitment and HR sectors: "As Australia enters a new phase of economic development and stabilisation, companies will be looking to gain urgent access to a broad range of specialist skills, while retaining industrial and corporate flexibility.""The strategic partnership of Beilby's executive recruitment capacity and the CoreStaff labour hire programs across Australia will be uniquely positioned to deliver the nation's staffing needs," he added. First for HR industry news, trends and analysis, please follow us on Wechat"hrmarketwatch". 42. 44HRoot 2014 More women at work but still under-represented at senior levels in Malaysia *** (Apr. 10, 2014,/HRoot/) Malaysia's Female Labour Participation Rate (FLPR) grew to 52.4% in 2013, compared to 49.5% in 2012. Speaking at the 'Sustainability and Diversity Roundtable Session', Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak noted that this development will enable the country to achieve its target of 55% by 2015, reports nst.com.my. However, female representation in top management is still lacking. Citing the TalentCorp-PwC Diversity in the Workplace Survey 2013, the Prime Minister added: There is a need for greater efforts to improve diversity at top management, now represented by only 24% women, 18% [are] aged 40 and below, and only 34% [are] Bumiputra (of the Malay race or indigenous to southeast Asia). Raising the retirement age can benefit everyone in Hong Kong*** (Apr. 10, 2014,/HRoot/) In an effort to respond effectively to Hong Kong's ageing population and the problems brought about by a shortage of labour, the government is proposing to raise the retirement age for new civil service recruits to 65, from 60. Existing civil servants could continue up to the age of 65, subject to approval from their department heads, reports University of Hong Kong Professor, Paul Yips in The South China Morning Post. After 2000, the government stopped the recruitment of civil servants on pensionable terms, and now faces the prospect of an increasing number of retirements up to 2023. With this in mind, raising the retirement age would help reduce the acute shock and ensure the government's team of civil servants is able to carry out its dut
