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VOL. XXIV. Patroniae S peWlt or Advertitera Z-22S {$ht j td11hlr Mc PHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON KANSAS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 NUMBER SIXTIBJf ·¥ ===; =·= =·= ls ( . J Soc' 1 Cal d Edit R · S d O u Outstanding . Heard In Chapel 0•• A : r1.,. :;:: ............. 8:00 Co oril Tesakigns;A ent Dr . Schwalm Speaka , ""' """'" unc es ction O E t Of Month In Fiftt Chapel Ser.ice o. v. r . o . uand•s• no111nc ...... •o ' ven Tho beglonlog of lho new oerue•ler w ...in..,i_, 1 .. good umefor 1odl•ld•••• to make o ........ II•• •• ..............................7:30 Setup Changed: Spectator To Have . ' Macampu8 To Be Host a new bt:glnolog. wllh loc:rca1ed or· 'Mdll)' Thr Edit w k' T h u . To Talented Array tort lo otrh·e lor moral .. well •• Datbany, ... . . ............................. 7:30 ee ors . or 111g oget er all in- Mo••........... ..... . ..... . s:oo QP'=ned Wedne1do>· mornnt.r. Ofrl' Slumber Party ... !!? ter ested in Christian service l_ ____ . ..... .. ... .... . Sevtsr•l 1t udect1 h •ve been .urrer· lug or late from ealamltlee more 11er- lou1 than the c:omoion cold. f"or • week or 110 Harr ie t Prnlt" '"got uround" Jn crulche•. Jlal1ih Sebllcht, aophomore " , camo dowu wltb the c.hl ck e ·n pox. b ut hn.s re-covered and 1 .11 atfendlag clu15e•. Jncit Fik e, Jim JJurger, u od - Mlle1 Albl'l ght, tre11b- mun l!! uftere(I 111•vendec:toru- kg have ull rcc:on tred 10 1nowha l. Dul J im Bul"ger b: .11 now 1uCfcrcd P.n ot· to.ck or t he men1le11 and ts etlll 111 bed. Na.ny have fouud 1 he tint aenrnt· a nd inspiration is the Regional ter dlfflcull bt>eauae of t he nece•· Conference, to be held on t he adJu1!1lmeuts -·hlch mu at be mude Students Give campus fro ni February 23 to t i) a uev.· mode of ltvlug und bocaull<! ...... . ... 28. An annual which of -: .,·Jou• ba udl •••· "Tho,, ... , l• {\lle' ·A Cl Plays Chief topic o! interest on lhe campus of late bas bqen "Wha.t Ill the student council going to do about the Spectator?" The occasion for this question was the o udden r e8lgnatlori of Ernest Reed, !o.rmer edit or, at the end of the first semest er. As yet, no permanent plan has been worked out under which the Spect ator can continue to be printed weekly. at tracts speakers c hurch .. · Feeling itself "p ut on t he workers a c:ei;Mul wh1m1 wt! ue 1t h doubtCuJ This EveDJllO' Dr. Albert Buckner Coe spot," the st udent council re· fused to release Reed from blposition as editor, when flret they met, four d ays after for - mal notice of hi• resignation. The student council took no definite action but a committee was a ppointed to look into the situation and look for new editor. area, the Regaonal Conference H we cau. be succcutul 1H1ywht!re 1 0 serves the central west area of lel•e." Dr munlic Cometlies the Ch urch of the Brethre n. Du ring the comtn.r week11, Or. ' Re1 treH ent Thr ee <:oll ese s tudents and the general Scb waJm urged th11t each one a\rlve I F Th N . public 81 well a,s Brethren c;lrnrch to iiHalu greater IUCCH8 in the lilChOI· rOlll . ree Q.h0U8 workti;.., have lnteuselr eoJu.red t hela\!Uc field and especlallr In the tlehl Thi8 evening nt 8 p. m. in t he \ areal elven In pa1t Re.global ot morftl coulcllon. co11ege chapel, eleven McPher · e:::: 11 ; Dr . Metzler son col legc !tludenta w ill p re- to coll ege ttudent•. I On u euaineu As Usual" sent three one .. ac t plays which .. sue.t 1 peakf:lra at tblJI In the quiet atmtMpbere of wor 4 hlp repfc-ent not only three d iffere a r' s cont e re11ce a re Al bert. Bud:aer I \\'fllneadar morning. W e Nel!oll. a ent types of plays but also C oe. Thon1aa \\'lllla m1. H. L.. Hart- , 1nudent rnl.ultter. led deYolfon1 whh t h.rec di!ferent nalionM. it0u1h, Paul If . Bowman, A11ne. na tbe aid or the chapel choir . The u.--1 play to bft presented wUl Mow, Raymond Peters, Rath Sbrlnr, Dr. Burton llelal er. head ot the hf! a11 drama. ..Gallant and Paol K. Brandt. Tbts Is an out- Philosophy and Rellglou department Ladt... Thipl•r wH written bf tbe Two ... of tbe buketball st•ndln& array ot 1alen1, a nd the; ot tbe college, •poke upon the uh- kno• .' n pl aywrl1t111.a Florenc e 11 qu•d le ft IK'hool at the end or the 1 Reslooal Conference ts to Jec t or '"Bualueq .. Uaual... 'f'b• Rfenon and Colin Clemen1a and bu n rst semester. but tbl'"ff more Join· conttoue to be the ln1plraUon it bas apea.k. er uume ratftl 11ucb bu1 dnHMa been. br oadent onr the radio br Albert Buckner eoe, one or A. mer· t:d the squ•d at lbe bc. glualuc of the lo the pan. ax tran1portallon. the derenAe pro- profet11lonal act or11. Thia comedy- lea's crest prucherw. 11 pa.tor or the home-Ure. the rleld or finan ce dra m11 I• built around lhe prohl111m Con1;regatlonal t'hurcb at Oa.11 Par k. More Orators Should a.nd go\'ernmen1 In 01111 :.. woman whf'n she di•- llllnolL He Is a inetnber ot the drupped lfot hoOI. The former would Beain Preparati'on Now ... ,•.'.• •. " . a constant c:ba ng"' 1, ta cov, rt ll111t her •dol"f!d huaband, mlaa- £a:ec u1l\'e. Cqmmlu1,.-e or the Oe neral pr Obllbly ha\ " fl bWn luelh;lble anf· o.. .. Ins ror yen1 -., hu beN1 suffering from Council of the Conr r1:gatlonal and wn7. hut the lauer 'IUI an et1•eclaA number or candidates have al- Compared to the. ., are lhe " arune•I1111d 1111 now llvln« bapplly Chrlactan c hun.:her.. Or_ Coe. al10 ly good 1Jtudeut nad wu otttrn on the ready 1111\ted their Intent.ton of t.abJl1bme.nb or Ood"• In- with 11.n01hc1· and their child. dlreclor of the Chlugo Union 111lnce cle.an'Jll H 15 t. Inc l be peace oratorical cont e1t. h clud. lng God'• re1at1on111hlp to the uni - Tbe brne a.11d clever way •blch u u. come1 to McPht:raon Colle1e Vern?o "Oultei" HolmH •ud J ake wu by Prof. Maarlce A. venet the rle ld o.r nat ure with H• thft rlt11t wire handle• the dlUlcult htg"blf reeommeoded. "Uone :r 'Cnmer, both·Cur wer bas k..._ 'He1 l. ' l>lheti°'"di.OU'fd ent 01botfi t h' !! " a&tron omtc117"1)h1fl'fcaf, l1lofotl cal 1111d -;riU.ltto11 nrove111 hr lo be ''hiblt '"' ,.---'- - · ball or Macolleg«i._ "1.tirn- peace conte11t i1nd t he a n ll-tobncco chemical laws, and the mon, I 1111d 1 all•IH l•d)' . neuy J ean Bellon, Q d R ed to JJCh OOI a nd we;·e tellglblu play conteJllt, It Wll.tt alated, bll d It b splrlt ual 11pbere3 Which Ql'r, C.Otu1l1t nL H O)' Mt1 \u)O )'. l (lllhleen Or ubaker, ua S emain at the begllrnl ng 0 t IC sccou l!Om· 11ort1uit thnt c:11ndld 11ten: begi n work 011 <1 de1nmdalJlu-- .. a1t u11u11I' ", and Wil)'nC <; rl.-t lbt etl er . Both tu·c un the \'n1 ·1.11ty 11q1.1ad. on t.be<u· .i-iloua r lgbl Mn 1y, Confu#lon a nd m11111hlllty, 11cco1·d · I r t(l 'l'I or thl " l' la y '' 0 s 1 " Jau:: k Vetter. a ll cout erenco football I c ,. iu; I. n a e The c11m1 ,etlll on In t hei;e contci'i t8 to tha tipenkm·. 11111)' t nku l'loc<! f 'rnm th1> uovl)I "Ci•anf ord" by .;tar. l) h1ycd IHu1kol1Jull on a t own '" ofttm qu ite l'l llrf, LP.tit. au num who hm ortcu foll tu Mr•. Ciuiklll uon 1 c 11 the llMOnd 1 ,1 .. y T' ·ill w dn d I CUm the tl l'&t tl(JIJIClllCI'. hut hkll orntQI' fl'Olll l\llllliUR unh'-=r - 1 . place f irst t hlng11 fll'lll, bll1 tho law.- e es ay Stace no •ludaat could be to.1nd lo l•ke Rtttd'• Place aad edit Uae t)pectator uader tbe Nme aetap, t be ttudeol couacll decided to take what Ill mttmb1tn cou.ldered dr aattc a.t· lloo lo chu1e lbe Htap aod ll&bteo 1he dutlu or adlllna tbti Spectalor. A plan wu M> that 1bree or rour Pffple would a•ume • a r lo u1 tllle. and perform tbe dull" former· J7 done bf Lbt editor. Under lhe pla n eTOIJed, a.a edltor- ln-cblttf, a mana1 ln1 editor, and u u1oe.late or c• mpu1 edtt or woold be lha tbrff OHClUttYn In bandllDI tlleclltorlal probltma ot t be 81)6etator. T he edttor-ln-eblof would ban Ute re1ponalbl1Uf ot prlntlas lbt 8peet&oo tor and taklas au t bt blame aad erll .. kt••,__.•• .... UllM- •I lhe edttorlal polley aad ' probablr wrl t-. Ins the edllorlll11. Tbe maaa.1ta1 1111 tho headllne t, etc. Tho campu• editor would havo t ho dutJ ot &eltlnl ull the tOPY In C rom tho reporlor l a nd wr lltor tho copr whi ch failed to (i luyed tuthe collegu tht1 i;iecond 1111)' won the 11t ate 11 C!llcc <:011te11t held of God 1·enrnlu t he 11at11e null 11111 kt.t !lCm c• tcr. he l'o ond wou 11h 1P the natlouat t:on-1 tor righleoua11 c.1111 In the llvms of mm.1 thl• cotti urne llhiy we flud a once 11r · Quml Cove r Co., Extc ndit WH crHted bJ' t be t Clll. l:Jul 11r lze.M Br., oH.art!d In 1111 1 when the)' Jrnrmonllc the ir lln wlt11 tle lll J(l\ 'M rt:IUrn lng from twe110·- I D E bl' thrtH• dlvh 1 I011I', nallonal, stH.te, and Him_ , - fh•e )'Cl 'lrl'I ot t Hlnnturci to a11k ualn ts c at lll C, nu ang 11tudt1nL council committee, It. wa1 local 1:onte1115for 111111 hf lovi •d ·A hand., T he cut hi Quatl Sales To Co ntinue vrooo1ed In • board of publlcatlon• Or 11 thn 1 Mti:u quite a bit I Corneliua Vanderbilt, J r. I re1m :1tented MuJorle Martin, the Moll oy Cover or and nnd I To Sp eak At B ooater Banqu et .\tu.urine Obi h, l..rnore Shoemaker Co .• the company which makes lm1nedlate •ctloo under lbe plan and ;;:, much I Corne li\1!'1 \"anderblll , J r .. a wo rl d a ud Ahlo Klo(l IUJ •ctont . the covers for the Qua drangles, furthe r recom1n«1nded that tbe •lu• renn., ned lecturer. will be the Tiu c:ond u1 llnK pruductlon will be extended its dCadlirle for COY· deut couucll r ti leue the fonaer ed'"'aker at the arnual Hoofit,.r Han· • r•r('(! Dda 111f'd f rorn tht! Htinl(arl•n .. J I •1 t W II I er orders till februury 12. the tor. 1u., ec:t to 1u tau e arran1 emen . Dr. Tho mas i iama quet. Dr . v. F. Schwalm H 111ouucf'd uf f'"rh1 Karl1th1 by Perctv1111 Wildt:. tJ odlftod t b rtct Seve r.I new •••don ra b ... beOD Is a rearJep ltueltAtual. lion nd ll la thlt tbat the extend il until next \Vednea-- decided t hat the Spectator wo•ld be Ing 1 1 wrong, IAwreau Lowber can day, announced Er nest Peterun for Ule reel of tbe )'Mr wUbHl It) comea to llc Phenio D from SOn, the business manafef Of tllllQC lhe !)Oii.it.iott of edlC.Or•lD-cblef. crO'AAed lhe All•nt lc H 1lme.. Todar. , tc acbe.f"ll who onc"' 11n1duatcd WaNer- Culondg, Conale Alr ar o comes from he ill a de niocr:.tlc lonewolt, • Jf('_lo n kof •rt" t'OIOPflllt'd 10 ree. umlne blni. the Quadrangle. NC"•· Har old Keith M 7 en, a or the Amerlc:ao 11ubllh1 who broltc hiit obJe<"I l)Cl n1t to rau: Arter tl t"X-l t1tudellU (C..IJ""' - . ,... nt.J former 11tuden1 here. enrolled late, •W•T rront lhe 11'.roUJ• 1 010 which he ,. ... t' atnred 111 tllla e.nl crtal nmeot 111 11! be unable to pun:"hue Quad· instead of retur nlu1 to Ne•• Meldto • 'a"' born. , ltue J CJ hU M•iwrn, Keith Pier re, Don· rangl t_-a, exct'pt •t a hl111:her price. Five Teams Compete In Hutch Tourney :as he pl anued t o. l a.Id l) afldM. m, Hlr h•rd \VII· t::vcrr s tudent who hu nol )'el pur· Marvin A1. cht M>n. 11roml11e ut •th- Pr es Se h " ·o lm Wit h ll•m Oahtn, lt•l1•h Sl c: holw u. nooald t'.haaf!d hta anqual •Ill be cont•c ,ced lete gradu.ied trom McPher w<HI Hl111:h 0 b; a Quadr•ngle ulc.11n11.n be ore l!ChOOI, transferr ed from El Dorado North Cc ol nd A titSOC.i Ption 1 1111 ,.,. &r•· JlllOHIWrf: d by tlle Wedtt esd::ay. The ule11 campaign 11 \i_ ., ._ Sd1•/ a h11 wlll atteo<I tlu.• l 11ooel1tl conunhlt ' "' a lld ar.:i directed 111 rnanaict.. "CI by Erne11t Pe ter11on a ud a unual m t:l'lln1 or tho N'orlh Ceutr al I 1hr t t': ThN•l•lll o mf' mbti r lf uuder lbt.1 $. C. Hotn-er. t eam to untold hel1M1 U h«i It tillal· i\i uwclatlon 81 l."hl cago 1 1110 dh · eiih .1u (If l'rot. llHIJ)h Stut&min. K("rlln, t:dltor. .. month. H WH h .•1.r11ed thh 1 'fl 't:Ok . The iludt•flf dll · er torll ot t.hf) r espec- J nated that he work ou aunual Dr. Sch"11o ' al1n • ·Ill ru d 1 IJBPt:•' llvo ur•; John IJU trlck, Douno. w-. DrOJC1" CJ111lng rapidly 11nd bacaue und &ltHcr, who11e fl"nl n a me.1 l can.'l 011 iubJcd of 1htt advontaKf!ll a1ul J cirn J OIWi-Oli a nd Jhymond Slifer. or this fact. 11tudtmt• might b& prl¥· reme mber tor tho lire or me. of accredita ti on. c.11· I 1Je11t!d tu their Quade tttrly. V111lerela11 De batero S pend To day, Tomo rrow At Hutch Juco pecittlly »erli1l11h1K to the 1trt" I 0 ooll6Ke• a ud unh·•.m11tl el!I. Gu c8t S1 .cuk cr Hurt&0ugh Thom1111 WIJUuma, pu\or o r t he Pre,·lou11ly Dr. Sch"'' .. lm l nu 1. 1 Today and tomorrow ten undercla1J8 dcbawl'I will be in Hut<: h ln•on rcpreoentinr Mc- Women'8 Coun c il S pon8on Pherson colege In a weJl-4lzed Heart- Si81cr Week d eba te tournament. Abqut 50 ll11e colhtlb •11d wu head or . thfl bible Yl r11t Methodl•t ch urch of Wich ita. 011 thti Committee ot Evnluatlou 111 1 J\a111uu1, I• 11 vl11:orou11, f orceful the !'l:ortl1 GeJJlrr.1 ;\ HOdatlon » lld 1pcaker. He has aierved on the tr .u: ul· 1 hn.l!I m•11r Qf J llu or £nn• vllle c:olle,;e a.ud Ham· a J11'QClti.Uo11. I department of Oklahom11 City uDf· 1 Coametica Giv en Fr .ee •l!'r11ty for Iii Through the courltaJ of Benn@ tt. 1:1ot ed etar or Ul1e u1d the •udden action taken bf thfor· Set "Re demption" Date I mer Mltor or lbe Spectator In ,..110· Th d 1 r 1h u r 1n1 at the end ot tbe flrwl 9tlDHter. the ;o I llany tbou1bt tb•t Jbe Bpeclator be aJ•en b1 tbe Yc. Pb raon Cbo,..I Dara. &acb week Constance Ben.ant would be •rloa.alJ crlppled U •con· Cnlon. bu bftA llo9for Sunda7 en.n· DaJ I• Thuraday and ...-rlday. aeqae.nct . ln rue. be was aot rrom bh poelllon. by t lH student concll. ud tbe re •H ••ll• a IHU .. .oclal prwnre a.ppHed to II.Im; bat to oo anll. tlace fbe •t. : adfutl)' refHed lo CODtl1u1e _ OlTe.n a.a ad9QUl• ,.. ln111: . AprU H. at tbe City Audltoriam. Lad. IN wtll a dJfrereot h em Tbe date .. .. Ht arter otnctall ot each wtt-11 and ma7 complete ber Mlt tbe Union e:oaforred whb lhf )(lnp b7 a ttending each week uotll ah blerlal Antance . Tbe dl.7 mfDl•ten bu all ei•htffn of tbe ban •Creed nol to hold aa7 c.buttb Bennett Baul,- AldL M'.ttlc:M on the nl&bt o r t.be praeo · 'l'heae COt1me Ur:11 are aold at talion Hd to cooperat• ln en . rt W•J' . dHhe prlcft at the Ulaby-Ltadur Tl10 Womnn' cnunc!I In r ef:ont tea ms win compete ln the a mfi etlng decided to J11>0nMJr •s•ln the nual tourney. held at Hutchin· Mon J unior collere. Some of the tlon1 1peak louder thau worM"' wlll McPhenJOn d e,ba ten will al8o be c.11mued t; 1 the 1tlrlt or Klloe compete in extemporaneous l and Arnold Ha lleulertal ulu1 •II .speakinr contest.ti. ofC·ca.mpu. glrl1 wltb a PettrlOD and Wefae 0• 1· I p.art7 Saturd•1 evt-nlug followlns H · Jlf!rl, Dean Khieky ud c......... IA•glYen ;::. : :: •. ' JI. 1 .. flartllOu•b lt: cb. •lrmaa or tbe opponunltr to " dta•" tbe a.am• n.ttf Burier. a Dd 1.Aclle Hor11u . the Mluloo Board tif lbe of ber beart1l•ter Jo order that abe J ua Obtnl aDd )lu.J•• aaeMea Cburcb or tbt- H"rtithren. He la alto Pll&:bl do -ometblng for ber e.a.cb ma1le 11p tbe t• o womea• a tMJaa. tlfe p .. 1 or or tb Cburth or 1be da1. ldealltlf!ll. or he.rt1llte'• •Ill Botb tbe deN.t" sad t ll••• "9· Drelbrt-n at SoMh Manch\o11ter. lndt- be renelal at lhfl fllumbtr part7 tMta wlll uae 1b• Nm• nb)eet. lM ana. th:. ll•Mht11ter eollt: .:e Sllturda7 e natnc. Glrl• •hould plaa ,..,..u,. dei..1e 4u.tloa ror die ,..,. . lie '" a pract lr aJ, r ar,.fal thln•f'r. Iii.Ir 8aurda1·1 e.Yenlna procram to "R"e.ol• ed. tltat tbe aalloee o1 tae ladadti part7 or the Wtt11tra Hemlphere form a .......
Page 1: {$ht j td11hlrarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v24-16r.pdf · VOL. XXIV. Patroniae SpeWltor Advertitera Z-22S {$ht j td11hlr McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON KANSAS, FRIDAY,



SpeWltor Ad vertitera



·¥ = = =; =·= =·= · 1Conferenc~. ls ( . J Soc' 1 Cal d Edit R · S d O

u ~ Outstanding . Heard In Chapel 0•• A: r1.,. :;:: ............. 8:00 Co oril Tesakigns;A ~ ent Dr. Schwalm Speaka , ""' """'" unc es ction

O• E t Of Month In Fiftt Chapel Ser.ice o. v. r . o. uand•s• no111nc ...... ~.s:oo •o ' ven Tho beglonlog of lho ne w oerue•ler w...in..,i_,

1 .. good umefor 1odl•ld•••• to make o ........ II•• •• .............................. 7:30 Setup Changed: Spectator To Have ~ . ' Macampu8 To Be H ost a new bt:glnolog. wllh loc:rca1ed or· • 'Mdll)' Thr Edit w k ' T h u . ~ To Talent ed Array tort lo otrh·e lor moral .. well •• Datbany, ... . . ............................. 7:30 ee ors . or 111g oget er

.~~l'._~~~- ~rf .~~=:I s::.~:::0 all in- ::;~·:~'; ;;.~::~.~:,~~.~;·0;ic.~7,:~: Mo••• ........... s.~~~~'. ...... ..... . s:oo ~_____...__.._..._......__...__.. QP'=ned Wedne1do>· mornnt.r. Ofrl'• Slumber Party ... !!? ter ested in Christian service l_ ____ ............... .

Sevtsr•l 1tudect1 h •ve been .urrer· lug or late from ealamltlee more 11er­lou1 than the c:omoion cold. f"or • week or 110 Harrie t Prnlt" '"got uround" Jn crul che•. Jlal1ih Seb llcht, aophomore", camo dowu wltb the c.hlcke·n pox. b ut hn.s re-covered and 1.11 atfendlag clu15e•. Jncit Fike, Jim JJurger, u od - Mlle1 Alb l'lght , tre11b­mun 111ud~1118, l!!uftere(I 111•vendec:toru­kg have ull rcc:ontred 10 1nowha l. Dul J im Bul"ger b:.11 now 1uCfcrcd P.n ot· to.ck or t he men1le11 and ts etlll 111 bed.

Na.ny have fouud 1 he tint aenrnt· and inspiration is the Regional ter dlfflcull bt>eauae of t he nece•· Conference, to be held on the ~n.ry adJu1!1lmeuts -·hlch muat be mude Students Give campus froni February 23 to t i) a uev.· mode of ltvlug und bocaull<! ...... . ...

28. An annua l progr~m which of -:.,·Jou• baudl••••· "Tho,, ... , l• {\lle'·A Cl Plays

Chief topic o! interest on lhe campus of late bas bqen " Wha.t Ill the student council going to do about the Spectator?" The occasion for this question was the oudden re8lgnatlori of Ernest Reed, !o.rmer editor , at the end of the first semester. As yet, no permanent plan has been worked out under which the Spectator can continue to be printed weekly.

att racts speakers an~ church =~-~~~8 re~,1~:e~~11~ 1~0.,,.ct~:111~!~1~~e ::~~ I '( • .. • · Feeling itself "put on the

workers ove~ a w1de~pread c:ei;Mul wh1m1 wt! ue 1t h doubtCuJ This EveDJllO' Dr. Albert Buckner Coe spot," the student council re· fused to release Reed from bl• position as editor, when flret they met, four days after for­mal notice of hi• resignation. The student council took no definite action but a committee was appointed to look into the situation and look for • new editor.

area, t he Regaona l Conference H we cau. be succcut ul 1H1ywht!re 1 0 serves the central west area of lel•e." D rmunlic Cometlies the Church of the Brethren. During the comtn.r week11, Or. ' Re1treHent Th ree Tyt>C8~

<:ollese s tudents and the genera l Scb waJm urged th11t each one a\rlve I F Th N . public 81 well a,s Brethren c;lrnrch to iiHalu greater IUCCH 8 in the lilChOI· r Olll . ree Q.h0U8

workti;.., have lnteuselr eoJu.red t hela\!Uc field and especlallr In the tlehl Thi8 evening nt 8 p. m. in the \ areal •~c:be1 elven In pa1t Re.global ot morftl coulcllon. co11ege chapel, eleven McPher·

~;:.'::~:::· :r°~n::~t~:;~ e::::11; Dr. Metzle r Sp~aka son col legc !tludenta will pre-to college ttudent•. I On u euaineu A s Usual" sent three one .. act plays which

Llit~ .. sue.t 1 peakf:lra at tblJI In the quiet atmtMpbe re of wor4hlp repfc-ent not only three differ· rea r's conte re11ce a re Albert. Bud:aer I \\'fllneadar morning. W e Nel!oll. a ent types of plays but also Coe. Thon1aa \\'lllla m1. H. L.. Hart- , 1nudent rnl.ultter. led deYolfon1 whh t h.rec di!ferent nalionM. it0u1h, Paul If. Bowma n, A11ne.n a tbe aid or the chape l choir. The u.--1 play to bft presented wUl Mow, Raymond Peters, Rath Sbrlnr, Dr. Burton llelaler. head ot the hf! a11 A1n~rlun drama. ..Gallant and Paol K. Brandt. Tbts Is an out- Philosophy and Rellglou department Ladt... Thi• pl•r wH written bf tbe

Two mem~ ... of tbe buketball st•ndln& array ot 1a len1, a nd the; ot tbe college, •poke upon the • uh- w~li kno•.'n playwrl1t111.a Florence 11qu•d le ft IK'hool a t the end or the

1 Reslooal Conference ts exp~led to Ject or '"Bualueq .. Uaua l... 'f'b• Rfenon and Colin Clemen1a and bu

n rst semester. but tbl'"ff more Join· conttoue to be the ln1plraUon it bas apea.k.er uume ratftl 11ucb bu1dnHMa been. broadent onr the radio br Albert Buckner eoe, one or A.mer· t:d the squ•d at lbe bc.glualuc of the lo the pan. ax tran1portallon. the derenAe pro- profet11lonal act or11. Thia comedy- lea's crest prucherw. 11 pa.tor or the =~~;11:m:.~ar. n::~:1-0~el~'!:!: ~ram. home-Ure. the rleld or finance dra m11 I• built a round lhe prohl111m Con1;regatlonal t'hurcb at Oa.11 Park.

More Orators Should a.nd go\'e rnmen1 ~ bu1d11eii~" In 01111 f•~• :.. woman whf'n she di•- l lllnolL He Is a inetnber ot the drupped lfothoOI. The former would Beain Preparati'on Now ... ,•.'.• •. ". a constant c:ba ng"' 1, ta kin~ cov, rt ll111t her •dol"f!d huaband, mlaa- £a:ec u1l\'e. Cqmmlu1,.-e or the Oe neral prObllbly ha\"fl bWn luelh;lble anf· o.. .. Ins ror yen1-., hu beN1 suffering from Council of the Conr r1:gatlonal and wn7. hut the lauer 'IUI an et1•eclal· A number or candidates have al- Compared to the.., are lhe "u· arune•I• 1111d 1111 now llvln« bapplly Chrlactan chun.:her.. Or_ Coe. al10 ly good 1Jtudeut nad wu otttrn on the ready 1111\ted their Intent.ton of enter~ t.abJl1bme.nb or Ood"• b1.u1lo~@IM:S" In- with 11.n01hc1· wlf~ and their child. dlreclor of the Chlugo Union 111lnce cle.an'Jll H15t. Inc l be peace oratorical conte1t. h clud.lng God'• re1at1on111hlp to the uni- T be brne a.11d clever way I~ •blch u u. come1 t o McPht:raon Colle1e

Vern?o "Oultei" HolmH •ud Jake wu report~ by Prof. Maarlce A . venet the rle ld o.r nat ure with H• thft rlt11t wire handle• the dlUlcult htg"blf reeommeoded. "Uone:r 'Cnmer, both·Curwer bask..._ 'He1l.' l>lheti°'"di.OU'fd ent01botfi t h'!! "a&tron omtc117"1)h1fl'fcaf, l1lofotlcal 1111d -;riU.ltto11 nrove111 hr lo be a· ''hiblt '"',.---'- - · ball lell~rnu,rn or Macolleg«i._ "1.tirn- peace conte11t i1nd t he a n ll-tobncco chemical laws, a nd the mon,I 1111d 1 all•IH l•d)'. n eu y Jean Bellon, Q d R ed to JJCh OOI a nd we;·e tellglblu ~O play conteJllt , It Wll.tt alated, blld It b Im~ s plrltua l 11pbere3 Which Ql'r, C.Otu1l1tn L H O)' Mt1\u)O)'. l(lllhleen Orubaker, ua S emain at the begllrnlng 0 t IC sccou l!Om· 11ort1uit thnt c:11ndld 11ten: begin work 011<1 de1nmdalJlu--.. 1JushH•~ a1t u11u11I'", and Wil)'nC <;rl.-t ~·Ill 1101· t~ay lbt etl er. Both tu·c un t he \'n1·1.11ty 11q1.1ad. on t.beh · <u·.i-iloua r lgbl Mn1y, Confu#lon a nd m11111hlllty, 11cco 1·d · I r t(l 'l'I or thl" l'la y ' '0 s 1 " Jau::k Vetter. a ll coute renco football I c ,. iu; I. • n a e

The c11m1,etlllon In t hei;e contci'it8 In~ t o t ha tipenkm·. 11111)' tnku l'loc<! f 'rnm th1> uovl)I "Ci•anford" by .;tar. l)h1ycd IHu1kol1Jull on a t own '" ofttm qu ite l'lllrf, LP.tit. r~1ll' a u omon~ num who hm ortcu foll tu Mr•. Ciuiklll uon1c11 the llMOnd 1,1 .. y T' ·ill w dn d ICUm the tll'&t tl(JIJIClllCI'. hut hkll orntQI' fl'Olll l\llllliUR We~leyan. unh'-=r -

1. place first thlng11 fll'lll , b ll1 t ho law.- e es ay

Stace no •ludaat could be to.1nd lo l•ke Rtttd'• Place aad edit Uae t)pectator uader tbe Nme aetap, t be ttudeol couacll decided to take wha t Ill mttmb1tn cou.ldered d raattc a.t· lloo lo chu1e lbe Htap aod ll&bteo 1he dutlu or adlllna tbti Spectalor. A plan wu e•ol•~ M> that 1bree or rour Pffple would a•ume • a r lou1 tllle. and perform tbe dull" forme r· J7 done bf Lbt editor.

Under lhe pla n eTOIJed, a .a edltor­ln-cblttf, a mana1ln1 editor, a nd u u1oe.late or c• mpu1 edttor woold be lha tbrff OHClUttYn In bandllDI tll• eclltorla l probltma ot tbe 81)6etator. T he edttor-ln-eblof would ban Ute re1ponalbl1Uf ot prlntlas lbt 8peet&oo tor and taklas au tbt blame aad erll .. kt••,__.•• .... UllM- • I to,.•&•U~ lhe edttorlal polley aad' probablr wrlt-. Ins the edllorlll11. Tbe maaa.1ta1

:~~~~f 1!d7t~~.·~~8~hewc~~1: a~~·~~~l 1111 tho headllnet , etc. Tho campu• editor would havo t ho dutJ ot &eltlnl ull the tOPY In Crom tho reporlorl a nd wrlltor tho copr which failed to (i luyed tui· the collegu t ht1 i;iecond 1111)' won the 11tate 11C!llcc <:011te11t held of God 1·enrnlu t he 11at11e null 11111 kt.t :·~:~11~lct!"0~1;"'~'~";;:1d --.·:~


1~t~h:::.,. bt>~~ !lCmc• tcr. h e l'o ond wou 11h1P the natlouat t:on- 1 tor righleoua11c.1111 In the llvms of mm.1 thl• cotti urne llhiy we flud a once 11r· Quml Cove r Co., Extc ndit l;:Ul:~t!~·tht.ntlu WH crHted bJ' t be

~ t Clll. l:Jul 11r lze.M Br., oH.art!d In 1111 1 when the)' Jrnrmonllc the ir lln:» wlt11 tle lll J(l\'M rt:IUrn lng from twe110·- I D u· E bl'

• thrtH• dlvh1I011I', nallonal, stH.te, and Him_ , - fh•e )'Cl'lrl'I ot tHlnnturci to a11k ualn t s cat lllC, nu ang 11tudt1nL council committee, It. wa1 local 1:onte1115• for 111111 h f lovi•d ·A hand., T he cut hi Q uatl Sales To Contin ue vrooo1ed In • board of publlcatlon•

Or11thn1• Mti:u 1·e•1 u1r~ quite a bit I Corneliua Vanderbilt, J r . I re1m:1tented ~·Ith MuJorle Martin, Becau~e the Molloy Cover =:,~":;~:;. t~=epl::a:~d0~!:~!::~'::; or polh~hlng and m~morb.to.v;, nnd I To Sp eak A t B ooate r Ban q uet .\tu.urine Obih, l..rnore Shoemake r Co .• the company which makes lm1nedlate •ctloo under lbe plan and

;~:~:1~~:1~~~~,:~t ;;:, 0:•pt~~:~ much I Corne li\1!'1 \"anderblll, J r .. a wo rld a ud Ahlo Klo(l IUJ ll~e • ctont. the covers for the Quadrangles, furthe r recom1n«1nded tha t tbe •lu•

renn.,•ned lecturer. will be the 1u~11t Tiu c:ond u1llnK pruductlon will be extended its dCadlirle for COY· deut couucll rtileue the fonaer edl· • '"'aker at the arnua l Hoofit,.r Han · • r•r('(! Dda 111f'd frorn tht! Htinl(arl•n .. J I •1 t

W II ~ I er orders till februury 12. the tor. 1u., ec:t to 1u tau e arran1emen . Dr. Thomas i iama quet. Dr. v . F. Schwalm H 111ouucf'd u f f'"rh1 Karl1th1 by Perctv1111 Wildt:. ~; tJ odlftod t b rtct

Sever.I new •••donra b ... beOD :::~.,·;:;·.d,~:~:;;:!'~10:.,_~;:::!~~ :.~::\~• :,,••~';,"'~:·::-;0:;•~:~: ~;eandr~~g~I!! :~i::~:~g!o a:~ ;!j~:::h:!~•:•::.::~•:'!:;,:',~~:::: :~:r.ou ~::10ct1::::1;;e(~;c::h:d .:~: Is a rearJep ltueltAtual. lion had~::·· • nd ll la thlt tba t the extend il until next \Vednea-- decided t hat the Spectator wo•ld be

Ing 11 wrong, IAwrea u Lowber can cr:;::t::~dtu~ ~:d ~::.:·~~;"::1 :•11;:1~~!~:t h;~l•dr~:=~Pe;!~~o a::~ day, announced Er nest Peter· run for Ule reel of tbe )'Mr wUbHl corT~t It) comea to llc PhenioD from SOn, the business manafef Of tllllQC lhe !)Oii.it.iott of edlC.Or•lD-cblef.

crO'AAed lhe All•ntlc H 1lme.. Todar. , tc acbe.f"ll who onc"' 11n1duatcd WaNer-Culondg, Conale Alraro comes from he ill a de niocr:.tlc lonewolt, • Jf('_lon kof •rt" t'OIOPflllt'd 10 ree.umlne blni. the Quadrangle. NC"• · ~lexlco. Harold Keith M7en, a or the Amerlc:ao 11ubllh1 who broltc h i it obJe<"I l)Cln1t to r a u : Arter tl t"X-l \\''J'dn~•r. t1tudellU

(C..IJ""' - . ,... nt.J

former 11tuden1 here . e nrolled late , •W•T rront lhe 11'.roU J• 1010 which he ,. ... t'atnred 111 tllla e.nlcrtalnmeot 111•11! be unable to pun:"hue Quad· ins tead of returnlu1 to Ne• • Meldto • 'a"' born. , ltue J CJhU M•iwrn, Keith Pie rre, Don· ranglt_-a, exct'pt •t a hl111:her price. Five Teams

Compete In Hutch Tourney

:as h e planued t o. l a.Id l)afldM.m, Hlr h•rd l'r~nllef'. \VII· t::vcrr s tudent who hu nol )'el pur· Marvin A1.chtM>n. 11roml11e ut •th- Pres Seh " ·olm ~Jeel8 With ll•m Oa htn, lt•l1•h Slc:holw u. nooald t'.haaf!d hta anqua l •Ill be cont•c,ced

lete gradu.ied trom McPherw<HI Hl111:h • 0

b; a Quadr•ngle ulc.11n11.n be ore l!ChOOI, transferre d from El Dorado North Ccolnd A titSOC.iPtion r~Ge

11111,.,. &r•· JlllOHIWrf:d by tlle Wedttesd::ay. The ule11 campaign 11

~~1~0~~:1~~~ ~~~e•a1~~ ~11~1 1::~ Pr~. \ i_ .,._ Sd1•/a h11 wlll atteo<I tlu .• l 11ooel1tl conunhlt'"' a lld ar.:i directed 111 rnanaict.."CI by Erne11t Pe ter11on aud a unua l m t:l'lln1 or tho N'orlh Ceutra l I 1hrt t': ThN•l•lllo mf'mbtirlf uuder lbt.1 $ . C . Hotn-er.

team to untold hel1M1 U h«i It tillal· i\iuwclatlon 81 l."hlcago 11110 11~11 dh·ei•ih.1u (If l'rot. llHIJ)h Stut&min. Vtr~lnlo. K("rlln, Qu•drangl~ t:dltor.

~~:.':t~~~~:u .. ~~co:~~:10!~~r:!.::~ month. H WH h.•1.r11ed thh1 'fl't:Ok . The iludt•flf dll·ertorll ot t.hf) respec- Jnated that he work ou th~ aunual Th~re Dr. Sch"11o' al1n • ·Ill ru d 1 IJBPt:•' llvo pJ~y;.i ur•; John IJUtrlck, Douno. w-. DrOJC1"CJ111lng rapidly 11nd bacaue

und &ltHcr, who11e fl"nl na me.1 l can.'l 011 th~ iubJcd of 1htt advontaKf!ll a1ul J cirn J OIWi-Oli a nd Jhymond Slifer. or this fact. 11tudtmt• migh t b& prl¥· reme mber tor tho lire or me. dfaadnnta~c;. of accredita tion. c.11· I 1Je11t!d tu r~elve their Quade tttrly.

V111lerela11 Debatero Spend Today, Tomorrow At Hutch Juco

pecittlly »erli1l11h1K to the llb~rul 1trt" I 0

ooll6Ke• a ud unh·•.m11tlel!I. Guc8t S1.cukcr Hurt&0ugh Thom1111 WIJUuma, pu\or o r t he Pre,·lo u11ly Dr. Sch"'' .. lm lnu1. R~rved 1 •

Today and tomorrow ten undercla1J8 dcbawl'I will be in Hut<:hln•on rcpreoentinr Mc­

Women'8 Counc il Spon8on Pherson colege In a weJl-4lzed Heart-Si81cr Week debate tournament. Abqut 50

ll11e colhtlb •11d wu head or. thfl bible

Ylr11t Methodl•t church of Wich ita. 011 thti Committee ot Evnluatlou 1111 J\a111uu1, I• 11 vl11:orou11, forceful the !'l:ortl1 GeJJlrr.1 ;\HOdatlon » lld

1pcaker. He has aierved on the t r.u:ul· 1 hn.l!I BUen~ed m•11r 1.1.1e~llnll'.& Qf th~ J

llu or £nn• vllle c:olle,;e a.ud Ham· a J11'QClti.Uo11. • I department of Oklahom11 City uDf· 1 Coametica Give n Fr.ee •l!'r11ty for Iii llm~- Through the courltaJ of C.:0111t11nc:~

vrt~°:~:·~et:eer:1tu::~:i:~:c.au:; Benn@tt. 1:1oted etar or • Ul1e u1d

the •udden action taken bf th• for· Set " Redemption" Date ==~~t:h:C~1t;f T~:~~n:!n ~~:e~ I mer Mltor or lbe Spectator In ,..110· Th d 1 r 1h u r 1n1 at the end ot tbe flrwl 9tlDHte r . the :ra,:r~o ~~be• R~'::;~0:.?. ;o ::m,~t!:r~o 0:ac~0::,~::. •t:::n~;t~ I llany tbou1bt tb•t Jbe Bpeclator be aJ•en b1 tbe Yc.Pbraon Cbo,..I Dara. &acb week Constance Ben.ant would be •rloa.alJ crlppled U •con· Cnlon. bu bftA llo9for Sunda7 en.n· DaJ I• Thuraday and ...-rlday. aeqae.nct.

ln rue. be was aot re.I~ rrom bh poelllon. by t lH student concll. ud tbere •H • ••ll• a IHU .. .oclal prwnre a.ppHed to II.Im ; bat to oo anll. tlace fbe •t.:adfutl)' refHed lo CODtl1u1e _ OlTe.n a.a ad9QUl• ,..

ln111:. AprU H . at tbe City Audltoriam. Lad.IN wtll ~Ire a dJfrereot h em Tbe date .... Ht arter otnctall ot each wtt-11 and ma7 complete ber Mlt

tbe Union e:oaforred whb lhf )(lnp b7 a ttending each week uotll ah blerla l Antance. Tbe dl.7 mfDl•ten bu all ei•htffn of tbe Cou'-nc~ ban •Creed nol to hold aa7 c.buttb Bennett Baul,- AldL M'.ttlc:M on the nl&bt o r t.be praeo· 'l'heae COt1me Ur:11 are aold at U · talion Hd to cooperat• ln en.rt W•J'. dHhe prlcft at the Ulaby-Ltadur

Tl10 Womnn'• cnunc!I In • ref:ont tea ms win compete ln the a n· mfietlng decided to J11>0nMJr •s•ln the nual tour ney. held a t Hutchin· ~:;u~~ ·~:,e:;~~~~H~~~1:e:.~nke:trl~.::: Mon J unior collere. Some of the tlon1 1pea k louder tha u worM"' wlll McPhenJOn de,baten will al8o be c.11mued t;1 the 1tlrlt or Klloe compete in extemporaneous

land Arnold Hall• eulertalulu1 •II .speakinr contest.ti. ofC·ca.mpu. glrl1 wltb a alum~r Ern~l PettrlOD and Wefae 0• 1·

I p.art7 Saturd•1 e vt-n lug followlns H · Jlf!rl, Dean Khiek y ud c ......... IA•k ·

• tn~~:n;;l:lo:\~~:;~:~:~ere glYen ~~~ ~~~b~;.l.~~:!• ;::.::: •. Bo.:~ ' JI. 1.. flartllOu•b lt: cb.•lrmaa or t be opponunltr to "dta•" tbe a.am• n.ttf Burier. a Dd 1.Aclle Hor11u.

the Oea~ral Mluloo Board tif lbe of ber beart1l•ter Jo order that abe J ua Obtnl aDd )lu.J•• aaeMea Cburcb or tbt- H"rtithren. He la alto Pll&:bl do -ometblng for ber e.a.cb ma1le 11p tbe t • o womea•a tMJaa.

tlfe p .. 1or or tb• Cburth or 1be da1. ldealltlf!ll. or he.rt1llte'• •Ill Botb tbe deN.t" sad t ll••• "9· Drelbrt-n at SoMh Manch\o11ter. lndt- be renelal at l hfl fllumbtr part7 tMta wlll uae 1b• Nm• nb)eet. lM ana. th:. ll•Mht11ter eollt:.:e ~burd1. Sllturda7 enatnc. Glrl• •hould pla a ,..,..u,. dei..1e 4u.tloa ror die ,..,.. lie '" a pract lraJ, rar,.fal thln•f'r. Iii.Ir 8aurda1·1 e.Yenlna procram to "R"e.ol• ed. tltat tbe aalloee o1 tae

ladadti thl~lg •l•m~r part7 or the Wtt11tra Heml• phere form a .......

Page 2: {$ht j td11hlrarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v24-16r.pdf · VOL. XXIV. Patroniae SpeWltor Advertitera Z-22S {$ht j td11hlr McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON KANSAS, FRIDAY,

Tlie Spectator ; FRit>AY, FEBRUA.ltY 7, 1941

' ' ' • --=:;::::?' • n:..1:1.:-- RePo· rte.... Ger·- .. ,. Prof• Recent . 1 · ' · \ lined rt111re and keeo thoae block cir-

Th S . · l . 1-. Sees · · a.-~ ·•• • ._.... , Arnolc;l iJall Buz.z•Z•Z c1eo trom beneath mr ., .. t e pee: 81.0r ·•• Br:We~,.fw• German Saua-ce · Tai•1·, ·•b•u• bl••" c1 •• , •• under

-----.,.----=-.-~--~---------~ 'Wlti.en ~IU't ~uJr. an b.11Unb'J'1h• .said that be h.id no such th:UJg,"l W~. bete • •are a ll back ln the \ eyea . • Ua., CruIUpack•r waa ao worn · W ~to1; ...-•Mr~ on- JJQna Selll!'1h'l&, ~e went on to exoi.ln. la l!l~COJ:ld tflJ'9,.ee(ar and In full swing out trom bei- '#e-t;kend In Topeka •,!le Toe Many People aJtt · JaeObllohn NOCeot brJde or Dr . ...Nart· 3 burned nour whtt;:h la ul!ed lri mak· Miu Shod.ler began her.i11oclal vfAit.11 1 wa11 unAble to attend cluae11 next

"Som thi F N thing" mann. eh~ Raid, "Thl.8 la the third. 1~ puddln;:i.. .Amer ican 11a1uiage In the glrl8' dorm this week. Orve ll, dq1. She 15al tn 011 a. aeuton ~t"'tbe • e Ilg Qr Q • time .that I 've bMn lnlenlewed. l lsoomed lo pre"ent dltflculUeit. too Detty. a.ud Ma.ry {luth were the tlrAt Lc:s-hJJature •n4 vb lted In the MolOr

1 • • J" f h t d oint of 'f\•v~·n•v•.:: ~t\.fo.JCUJlQ ..... tietoro." t "YOUl U UAa.1:8 Ill n<>l renl 15QU8!lge," \'lcllm.1!1 Fuel Exemption Department In lhe

Otten c.onstdere~ the best . po tcy ro!11 t c ~ arhi~ This While 'W•U1-a (of. v ... uon• to be- "he decJuod, and :l friendly a rgument It JSeemR that the best Improvement Sto~ FIOU1'e whtire .~e •orlu1d lhla • the. epo:isor tS .the pohcy ot gettm.g someth1n' ~or o ac g. us gin. Rh~ 1tetlled h.er MilC cqmrortably thou toJlo,·oo betwee.n her a.nd yours or the 15chool thlfl new "eme11ter Is the ,hun l!IUmmer. We don't be lleve th:U'• pohcy is admittedly the ~edomman~ practice ~n0f:he:i~ci In n. chair and',toolt •P lln knlitlns. trttlY In ,..hlch, e:ich !I.aid tl):it the !!!\U- awenrnnee ot a. tew new studenl8. h ·a.11 ·she did lhottsb. Tberj are many reNK>ns:(_or.it:s p.red0!'""!111ce. •. s<!r;n · I " I llke to b~ i:I01N 14metblag wlth ' sage or their o•"" partleub 1· country aeemi:i good. to. M>e ao.mQ o•w taeee. DuBol11 of. Colorado oearly wore reasons. ~ut m. ao~e ens~ this p_oh~y l.."" de:mtte~y unwise._ . my M11d11 -,~en 1·m t&lklng." •1\e waa tb.e on<! and only retL.I ti,ausa.ge. We wonder, It El\l'I · BrubQ.~er Is !:~ th$ wax ore.the {loor c:4Wng·on Helen

Especially JS this policy UOWlSC in d.ealmg with an activity explained. Mra. Nnumann and h~r husband t~re&tcd In Alta Oi:_o~ or 1 }J.e J 1

o. tt only IH t" a day or t Wo for with such poteuey of wielding influcn.ce as t~e ~pe~tator. But M..._ Natm~.&M t1 •m•ll Lp f tature. have many lntere11ti1 In common. but curlouill! WANTED-Men .,lo ride n !he "oon got bis w&lklnr pa pers. It nevertheless this policy has been used and sttll l~, m regardt~o bu btaek, bobbed h alt, e,nd 1napplng the thing- thnt they l1oth ~eem to ll'ke (nY car-Doris 1'roaoe aa.YJ?d the. day; or l men thd' wax the Spectato~.. The services of every single WO?<ker on JLe blac;k e1ea. She u always a lert and het1t ls walk Ing. The.y u.re oflc 11 seen Cnmpuslng seems to be 1;:etAlng t.o on th!) nOor. Spectator'is not Temunerative in the strfotest sense. It is. stated underlclttndl: and 111peak• the American louring the neighborhood on toot. be a habit around h ci e. It wnsn t Ida. Ma.e Bud:lngha.m baa dei;erted that the editqr and bQs.ineas roa~a:er are ~ncb to re~jlVe Ol).e 111nguage very wan, altbouch • h e h aa Mrfl, l':'a1,1mann'11 (!hle.f hOhby had 50 bad tor tho olher fellows bu.t ~oor I th& ship Jor greener paetures In tho foilrth of-the p~ofits._ But ~cc this sum is a way~ sma or non· bP.en In this· coantf1 Jes~ than two hflen nil tfpe• of photogrnphy, but. l;m\llle , ha~ n d~ubl~b d:"e

10 t~~ 1 wn,- o( tea.chlng school. Brunton,

exisient, tltere Js no incentwe to rnake much profit. montha-and. aa •ff put ll, "I'm nOt 5he wu t1ot allo-v.·ed to bring her cam· -wecb) \\ e enJo,ed e po g ' we have. sui~fi,d · yoU!'r amtling race ·~ ~lm_ost always th,e Spectator comes up o.t the ettd of the homes;lck yet!" era along with her. ao now Rhe ri03oit .. l>oya. b 1 around here lately

ye.iar With a deficit 'Last year it didr;t't, and i,ndicalions are that Cooklnr Hemt to be ono ot the lo knlulng ror A. pastime. The re have boon some c ange~l n S 1 1 d Ve ~a Vnnnorsd.;1 aro itw.on't run a defiCit this year, either. Yet a surer m~ti~e for. its major problc11n1 tor this buay house· When a!lhd of her d b;ltkeJJ. she. ie- Arnold thli' semes ter. ?enkeV.:1~ <jl.~ tbe 11:t:l!lta~nbabl:nnts or our dorni· cominr out on top and not lea!ing the student counc1I hol,dm~ 111:Ue. H ll I• vu tly dlrrerellt !rom vealed hl)r llflhl'lil or bumor wben wllb I h,uber h-.s tipent this ~:~d 0 Itfin~ 1to You know Sylvht was an at" the saek" would be had by giving the editor and the buSJness the Oerm•n wax. "l caUe4 u.p the a twinkle In her dark eyes. l'lbC 1u1· 1' CJ1ta.. Vannorsdel ba! ri t I 'J'- 1 th r lbnJI ieen during manage; all the profits. The student cquncil admits that it grocer and ' ••ked for 'semolina: .. bat ~wered mlsch l(l:VOlll!lly "ReJlOrle rs,• Hall. 'Iii here she ls doh~g I ~or ~wn rl t:n :::9 ~ t: t~:cnsonCI' Maybe she

doesn' t desen•e to mnke a profit off the Spectator. • .. ' . . · "' ~no:<l~!~'11tt\::r ;t;!.:'d· 1~ vl~arnl;.: ~.:e$ a. te:°r1:gs, 'eM rello.,RJ

· Auother feature which would tie tbe Spectator closer to I 'WI ---ri--ID 'mz" -perS- I b•••mcnt. MorJor le Ando.,on and tbe sc.Ji.ooJ al)d the sc~ool adm.inist~ntion would be to give cuts .D.~ 1~ ~ Melba Morrhion have left. us tor 01;1 ~Ul~On to both eQ1tor and busmess maoarer. At ptesenlt y laahef"Crummie" Cnu:npacker awhile AH~e has been be&mlng la.te-- 1,_--..---~-----i t)/.e;e is practically no tie between th,e Spectator.an.d the ll<1:h.OO • • . · - . IY. olnco Cal took up•• new re•ldenco Meet Your Friende Al The AJld Spectator sta~( heads often beco.me quite _irntable at ~h~ "Fil. hnestock P'olly"-tb& name weeks and hnve no d11tes during this hi 1' .. o.nuy. H~' cat" in llie dormitory l'iituaUOn, demandmg, -a s the school do~ active coop.eratiQtl doe1m't u.aetly t lllt tbt author, but time, Wilbur was In bed tor the day. 110w WANTEO-:More ch~lrs and PlJRJT.' Al .r from the Spectator yet not cooperatihg in return. 11!1 a l"ranci lllliei for tb.e column. Slnce Dick Burger thinks that Ir he were soto.~ for 1he 11nr1or. I . ·~ . .nu ..

• 'I I • d rr b 11 J Food &: Fo111>tain Service Obvious is the fn~t that with su.ch changes in the s;!:ii.= Cat1u.noya. 9. Bunyan 111 so well·ln~ caml?used, every day he would t~ko l .t"!rnlo Peterson ho.!! been RPtmdlng the Spectator more students would parlicipate in jou - . formed on t e amorou• ac v tie11 an one 111tep o t e co ege ground11 ul!lt more time 111 Arnold and Jet1s tn and f eel th.at they were n.ot wholly was:tinr their time. The tnteattobl ot th• race, he 111h0uld .. to sho~· 'em" he wouldn't be bo3!ed. Fanny now that Jnc i Is back . You; Und: r New Ma:.nacement question most students ask first in regard to Spectator is '·'-What chana:e tile ·naroe or bis column and Since lne~ .Jo"lke wa.i, unable to take girls hnd better 1i11.i-t polishing up I Mr. aad Mrt. oeo. Walker

and the whole school still wants to get•it$'news weekly, free. Lovelorn ... or anylhlnr( •.hnllar. Clar- thln k" thut she Is enllt.lcd to have bOYJol. you bette r watch your aleD, you · 6llCft I• a. pretty r ood .:uy, anyway, !hem now. Eructt Peterson ca.me might not get n.wkcd. ··

We Appre<iafe Your Busiaess

do you &et ou.l of it?" ThC answer is that experience is the. most rename \t IQwet;htng like tha.t or Dor- advo.ut.ai;-c or the twclvo-o·c1ock~ 1 0.nd cultlvuttng yoUr courage, next! in\~rtant iain and about the only gain. The .studtmt council, oUtJ Dl.\'11 .. eucb. a. "Advtce to the nights during vaeouon time, she week i:J leap-year week end. Anti I

);.,,,.,, Sh uJd Be In 1plte of the fa(!l he 111 a Don Jnnn In to help plcad • thc ~sc hul Miss "-Bwnboozling," "'lnveig~ 0 · · amonr th• ~•- Neher said " No". After Emlo uir~t- . '-------------'

Replacecl By Better Methods ta..~aa:::at;on~a:i~r;~:Pbh~~~s::::~:: ~~:d.:.:v::~1 :~~:e~:~ ~1~t1~~=ot:-~::!~ i I Kline Chim.es ln-"Bumboozling" and •jinveigUng" have been about the only ~':.n.F;:::~ea 7~:!::te~;P~e:u~~~~ ~~':s~e~;r8~

6~~:::~~r11s~~1~:;.::1~ f W,ith A Klioite Reporting methods of g etting sufficient C?operation !roll'I stu..dent rep~rt.- It to th• proe and hit the head ot a was well enoui;b to take gyzi1. And Eleanor Macklin bo.s already ln-ers. The former is. n bombastic, demandmg, and _threatening vlsltlns player. It llldn't knock htrn that Bellied thnl. \'lted all the m1ulteK to her ru.,ture method, u~d by editors who nre suceesaful as bulhes an~ wh.o out but onb' "ca uUtlowered" one oo.r 1\liu:lnc lluehlcra ls " little Je:iry heme In Colorado. Eleanor, how become quite UnJ?Opular as ~ result. The la!ter. meth_od 18 one a tiltl&. 10 open a. book · s lnco thti'-muo a.ct soon can we a.c.copt tbal in\'.ltallon? . of artfu~ l?ersu.as1on, seduction, or one of bbndJ!ti the su.tdect Row$Da Wampler can c:erta\nly gave. her o. bad icaro. To explain- Rcgle1·, elln't you do nny better!' to the. dif.ficult1es-to be encountered and emphas1zJng the b.ene- drh·e. Ju •lJ.le. now, for her sw.eet pa-~ tiomeone lie.d inserted n llttle gadget Taking S11enghlr out_ only fh•e out of fits.. tootle Lyle Albrl1hl ha11 gone P.Jld t1omethlng liken tlrc-cracker bet.ween seven nlghte. Ny! My! •

lnveiglin,g has largely be~n u.nsuccessful .in convincita1r ~tu ... . got 1~louielt a n.•.w huagy. The model the pages ot the book J1o that when- Whnt a rl.i>--snorlln' good t!me ""~

Welcome To

Engllorgs Drug Store

913 N. M ain


dent reporters that the benefits are. worthwhile. B.um.bo.O.Zhl\i la a Reo, and. the n&n).& b.Ot1towed upQn &ve r the book wa. opened, the Fourth 1had ar~uud thla place between ae&0el!I· w as not used by the editor of the Spectator last s~meat,er. '"' Any lt la i...o. Becauae th& two name& ot July torpedo gave orr a. retort tere. Shows, aka.ting, iee-eream, mid.· reo,..anization of the Spectator sh!>uld take into accou~t the rb)'Ole .. •proNblJ' the only reason which sounded llkb n cannon (t.hat ls • . 111,ght a oackR. nnd slumber parties. ,.,-----------­di.fftculty of getting students to wnte nnd to be prompt 1Jl co-ltbat th• c&r rttelved iuch a teroetour!f If you weren't ax.peeling It). Mu:- Ooodn&f!.11, how can I keep tbat •treo.m- . operation wit-h the stall heads. nomtul attachment. ine- knows who did such an act-BO I============

In the pa.at. editors have only become unpopular by the.tr Heretoto.r•, Jjm Bur1or b u bad .J us t b e wnlt! &'"ctivitiee intended to gain more student coop,ereJlon. Th\18 every dtaeuc .. 1,Ui;n.aJ •. n.lld aOl.cllon Jt 1A tact that wbllo talking about 1 Jarold Shop editors hate the job of asking for belp, and Often the job is to. be U4--ei:cept tb.e measles. To hope chest19.. Mary Jo Holzemer saye, I h~rder for the editor"'to get help on, thnn to do. the work him.· do evert~ln.g ~"'P rl1ht, he hllS t.hem " I don•t ha.,-u tbe ehe-t, but 1 sure Dresses .. Lin.erie self:' • no;_, H:• occuples tbe gueat room .or have hope11." To.It, erect Eberl Lotini;- fl Millinery .. Sportswear

One method of compulsion would be to have a class teach- the boJ'• dorro.., a.nd with the room berry Is known tor bis r.etuse of hum- ... ip,J journalism,~nnd students enrolled in the class would have very well d1rken_ed. h e becomes bb or nnd hla .. on-the-spur.of-the-mo-! Stud• nts Welcome )?&rt of their grades dCp_endent upon their ability and eo..nscicnti- pU.s~t. Som.• • tudenta aro wurlns meut '' wlse-crucks. Marlys Me-1 QUtn,4!&8 ns reporters. This method has Qeen said to be imp08$i· a path over to MlH Neher'• qu.arterx Knight's uncle wafl \•ery generous and ,.----...,..------~ bleat McPberso.n college1 since no faculty member is qualified Lo,.-h1.11:0. tb.elr tl\roau swabbed In the aent he r o. t:ute HttlQo radio tor her to teach journali'sm. t11ar ,01.- hav!Jlr b;6en ex.po11ed to tbe birthday 'tbhs week. ~rotenor Hess! DR. A. V. ROBB

Another method would be to give credit for work on the now tdendleH. J.lm. thlnk.s tlH1t "the "-'DY to ga1. n s tray OPTO)fl~RlST

Dr. L. G. Reiff DENTIST

Ottie. Phone 1:38 Bet.. Pbon& 1"8G

90&~' N. l\lat•

Archie W. Gra~eo, 0. D. orro¥ETRIST

n~WSPAPeJ". Band work, choral work. and other activities have. Poor Wilbur Lin.ville lakH thlnca Pi& Into his ~11. 1.s to point hls nose ! Phone '169 bee)l liven some credit on the tran..script3 of several students too much to .h,.eart-. ACter lt wa11 an· toward the gate---o.nd then pull bnck1 New Grund B.ldg. Phone 190 1ooii N. M• t•

!~tt:1:s:p~i~:dnt~:f~~~k b:f~h~e ;~bli~!ti~~~.;!11-ellbbr t~: ~o~~~~~ay l~~t l~=t~a::~u.·B::rba~~~ :~o~~s::1;_j'~6.;n:::l~r:;~~Y: today ls L ____ _.-._ _____ Jj!------------" tlult the $pectator and the Quadrangle have no faoolty super. . . visors but onl,Y faculty representative• who act as, advisors. Ben-.v Speaks For I ft.I"

Yet, ,it iH also true th.a.t students learn a great d.eal !roll\ . --. v . _ • '-'• . "FOUow dae Bulldop" ud

alter the same-follOw tile crowd to active •lll!J>rting. It ls ,also true that the work of •tude11tA o.n a,. Tllom.u Doeppner

tAe new•.l'llP•rs can be 11\eaaured and irade.d according t.o ' Fl ' '1-·f · ability,, PrOlX!Ptnus, reliability, etc. Merely givin.11 some·currl- '-1 N•w• Editorial, " I& Lond-lk••• n Step ·ago s '-4.U' e cul um c,redit ·to jou.nialie.m work would attract a few mo~ re· Today at ., o'c1oek. dlftereot mem· to \Vo.rt" New Re.pub lie,. 104 : 103. porters and wo11ld probably help Spectator staff heads quite bera or t•• cldb w.m roo••l on Inter- January 27, lH!. A Cood Place For

Sheaffer Pen & P~ncil Sets Wahl Ennharp

a little. OA..Uon&l. eY.ellU d,u.ripg- the tut week. Yu t o.Di:":. Liu. •'China. . Speaks to Coller• Stude.U It rem.ms to be S<l•n wh;ether any step_ in this direction Alt.et ••- r•DO•lt, Ed\lh •11"•1ler, America! Ibid. p. 107· ''To Son• Yoa -Is o.. $2.75 to $15.00

wUl be taken soon. Studen~ have come to McPherson college who ~ soJ.ng tc9" the tntt..::oauonal Harling• :. Albert. "Who Are 'the BMt eo.c.." wantlng joumaliam and !\ave been unable to 8'et it despite its ne1auon• •l•b conference In Mis- Appeuers? Ibid. p. llO. Bixby Lindsay annual·listigg in the ®liege catalog as a •ei1JIRI' t~o-aemester sour!, wlll 11.je • s hort talk on lhe H•nlghon, P, c ., "Tr•••P•rl•Uon FLAGO KING, Mer. • · coune. SJ: hour.. lU't SUPPO!le<lly offered, but even the editor <••le "'!'he &ood n~!\bor pouav. ~,n• I>elenoe. "Harpero •. 1089,303. - N. """' ,,_ F Pboae 7<& oft))eS1>eetlltorwilltumup.attheendofhissenloryearwith. wD&t ll.oea 11 moau." Thia 11 <•• F.ebruary. l Hl.

108 N. Mata

out a •~rle aemester hour or fraS;tion thereof in joumallsm. ::~:.:::• s oln& t.o dlacu1s at t•e ---~- --,,..-,-..,,,,,,;_,,..,,,..--


m~_,. ~tt~...f -f ........ 11'e Worl)I AJ: Lai:re " W'l'f~' ...... ""'~~~· 81.-.. ... -~ ....... ~ ot ~ OoDese. 11.~ . ......._ The Hou... con.Un.uu.. to debalo on ...,... !IW l'!!l!eJ' ...... tbe 'icbool e., bf &Mi......&' ODmdJ, the ~lU to 1lH -.id to Brltal.D. 111 ...

" .t- • ........,. ,.. .... ~ _ .., tortan :ae.rd atated that tlae Unltt~

~ • .........._ S.., llc. StalOI CUA<>t. u A -1>ould not at- or· 2 for I' Dime

Select yea In Spring· CHI New 9.75 to 39.50


"40 • ...._btt 1941. ,.,,.,.,.;:;;.._~ temptto..tuai..tat•rul atfat~Qf ~Cole~·Ptess • .. o"•-••c. ................. 'zu,opo, Htll•bUllo-wewm TWO NEW CABS GENUINE PARTS ---'------------.=-=:...·_,..,..::o·=·_, ... =-=='-=-== anln be ltd lato a world ~ar o·n t alfJe Mawnetos, S.tartina an'd T : .... htiD°' Q.u...+ems --ma IAJLLDOGI lfBa ICllOOL - 41UAIB"I' pretenML °'*' IMU-. .. tha t the PHONE 6 8 for • • ....... •. u3.o"' .. =i,·..m::;r-=.~ ... .......... _ --- flailed Sta ... ""' tr•ta•• .... iiever 7 G. O. Swanson

............, ...._ I'• .• ..,_. All~• • win a ~W~o"' Germany l'------------•ll ELBOI'RIOAL SERVl<:B 9.-,er; y.., ~ ~... ~~~:~ld .. t.• -~ u ffODOmle11-----------11!.......:l'll:..::;:•::":..:•::87;_...:__....:. ______ .,.&.. ... -..:":;'0;_;;N~ . .:-::;:.::pl::;•:....i

TH» l'lDl 'l'O!ll.U. 81:ilT • Tho ~Ilk '- - htUl•c ...= Ibo I~ la - •- hoping ???·~~~~-~. . to I~-=-.:.-:.-n:~~:=~ Deluxe Cleaners

DON DAVIDSON, A-t 111 II:. Marlla ;a~;;.~ax:™' ~''' ::=:: ':;:!:, i;:~t;;

~....;,_ wu- - ;,:;,,..-,;;... - bd-W. 1nau..- tM ••u·r------------.-•11 :;:;::- =~ "' ~-=--- ... --n.t, ... 4Ce81Dk. ttoltuW .. 4~-------------:11 TBJI. Bt78Q11118 nur = eoauo.1 o/. ne ..,...,h "°"' ~,. Y-~ Neecla

---~ .. ~~§~,~~~~ ..... ~ ::= ..._.....Mid. Of i.&nat Rothtock Grocery .:..~ :' -= CDJICl!LA.Tl,Oll •~ ~. Btetu, -Cu 8rltalA a. ·-..:-.n>JIB ~_J.J!.J_{-=~=======:::::::=·=BT=,.,.=======..:~ :......:~1·• ti&~. U.l,tt. Jaauary -ll....... ~ ..

Lake Su~rior Lumber Co. GEORGE H. GOODHOLM, Jilv',



301N .....


Page 3: {$ht j td11hlrarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v24-16r.pdf · VOL. XXIV. Patroniae SpeWltor Advertitera Z-22S {$ht j td11hlr McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON KANSAS, FRIDAY,



Five Are ·Inducted Into AlpbaPsiOinega

II Br~ ~ . . I B~o~si~ .~?1er Has Eve~ From M6D'a couBc:n-whit ' ~ .. '\.:~.,_~ :;1:_:, B'-•d•' "807 Coblua. f<om wba t Fiction To Higher Economic Theory. Fir1t .Pr~e· <ither_ ~ll .. ~bqol ~'"· • ( •

I '.b~r Leap Year Weekend Isn't to · Stu.at N.lgbt, whk:h wu •J>ausoN4 ... , rar ·a.waf 18 it?" Contalnhf.c enythlo.r Imaginable ·SAA'', a book_ or tb,e Federal WQten b7 the Social ~.mmtttee ot td<.Pller- Patron.11$"8~ ~

Coblnll: "No, 1 gues.'l II. l.en' t by trom flcU0:n to . hl1hr econpmle ProJecl. teH ,tbetr atorle. or thfl ceo-- son college, wu beld. in Sbai;p Hall. : =9. , ( aw' .. now- the Cln.Y..• Iml's so Q.Ulckly. Tbnt'R thco:,r, n ne w feature ~~ th$ ltbrary le L~al 8tate. and a local a ut.bor, Edn~ Ja.nu.ary 28 Tu.eltdu Di&ht. Co t nlwayri. o. lot of (u.u. but I dO' wlli1b tho bro..,,·~lug- come.-. The brow11· S)'Q."'lit~. h~ hul\o~d l>Y ba vln1 h~r taou tor .a'e.n; \ lllOl \tl•(l;r"'.m~ti.e :p ':; ~ some or the glrll1 and fellow'8~ol1hin'l Ing corner Is located In lbe notlh· book. "LI~ and Lore O( .MeP~ersoo meml)erff Qf t;hf} dU'.(er(lnt ~11.&bs h•_re i . Joluwin. Dav.la, Sherfy,

0.-elley, De1rick, Joia Dramalies Fraiernlty

t eEtlo.boUt It M the)~ do." • wes t c:or11.e r or the college library. County, Ku.tum•'', on th! e.belt. on. !iSac.Am.pu.a.. Cn~h .Prlau wti::e l nreiida: "\Vbot do you mean?• I AltMug.h tho CoTDer ls a collection The mere tact th.at James CrlU •warded to -ihe lbree h.IPC&t by Don

Lat t Wec:laead.J' eY..ea.i1'1', thought eve.ryone e njoyed that." or the m0$t lnterestln~ hooks tn th~ t becked out H. L .• ~enckto'a "Tbe Nt)wlt:trk. 'Wh,o wu lu .ch:irse -1 the fi.ve m emlten of the Thespian Cohina: ... Ob. t,bey do, but Iola o r llltro.ry, tbl) b-Oc1'r:11: ~re 1tllowed to ~•"' ~\merlcan Lana u.a.ge tllree tlme5 In. .evening ot f•n. ~

the glrl11. would ll'ke to go and )'et culate a nd bo cb~ked on t ror two three d.llJ!• and no ono else bu check· Fir8t prlt$ of.. U.00 .went to t'he We Welco~e You Studenbl

We Carey College Seal Stationery: · '·

Club ol ,McPhenae coll .. :" ~c· they don't gQ bocaUse or what they weeks at n time •. Al.I fie.Ids are repre· ed ll out probably does no~ mean tha t Men:• Couuou. \'biO {rqup; 'belna: ceufully camplet.cl the· lftlba· (eel lhe rellowa will think ot them." !Jt:nted In this corner, v.•here liltude:nt.$ Crill la the only ooe to noUce ~be Judred by mentbera ot the ·r..cu1ty, tion eserciaes pr,eteribed. b)' Brenda: "WhY what ' do you mean muy c:ome and read n paragrApb or brOW$lng c~rner Ytt, but. It. co.1114 w~ condctertd lo ''nJs..l.b'e bt1he-11t tQ. the AlJlha Pa.i.Omoaa.Dtama.tic t.pe fellows will thi11k?-I dou't uu· two In a hook, look thro~gb the iue4n Uiu.t mo1t other Mo.cl)l\ette t tU· tbe g roup. ,,.Their 91.Ullt waa.a ptt&•

Fraternity aad tht» beee.me. derstand." • books, "browse around", or cboek d<:nt5 are not 10 lnter~sted ln >.in.e..., entaUon or a Dr.,X v'rogram. Second charter memb.en of the local · Cobl.nn; "Oh ~oine or the girls them Out Ir they wlsb. lenu hrnguage and s lang ~s Sage prln -.u 'awa.rded to the women's Th E a.ii C don't go a.nd tn'ke Ql))'C>IU! to _the Tlie brow.sing corner· wlll probabl3' ? rlll hi, Perhap1 lhey haven t notlc· Cou!'cll, wbo rece.lved $1.00. Tbe j'-----'--'.._ ___ _.

eta p on ut. . ~arty or anywhe~e el!1e fo1· t"ha.l .111a.l· be onln.i·ged and many more lnle r· cd the book yet. s . C. M., took thtrd place. and W'"l' llr----.,...:....--...;.~_; .... Tboae s.harhlX In l~c honor are ter, ror tr they fl!!k n new re~low or eating hook• will be added. At pres· Other !a.mmu1 rrntlior$ to be nollt · •awftrded with rtfty _centiJ. Mi(} W L · ~L

Donn~ J ean JohnROll, -:Slillher Sher!)', one they have alre,!ld.Y dnt@d, they ent a.bout h" lf or tl1e book• on tho ed l.n this corne r are Edna. Fe rber, Much fUll a nd RD aH around lood • a-y - unuu Ma rgaret Onvhs. Pau.1 Dannelley nnd are nrr~ld he wlll thin k s l1.e hn:. 11 • hl:lf u.re llew to the Jlhrriry, lt) waa Pearl Buck. Wtlfred T. Oreintell of time 'WA~ bad by th0&e who attended ~wic.bea ·.P~a. ·~· John Delr~k. Stephen. Stover, o g-r&d· !).ecre t crush on blrn aml a.It that report~ by Claxton He l Ol\.lbC 1 t.a brador tnme, Ren·Admlrn.I R. E. ":::::::-:·-:-:-::·::--:::-:;:;:;:;:;~~~11 Caad. -• It n....!-L-. , ua.te of U40 now attondtng Knnsa11 • ort of 11.turr." llbrnrlau. - ms, y u Byrd. Clnence Day, Sluclnfr I:.ewlri, r " __.-i.qaa

Univers ity, was granted membersbtp l\re ncla: "Oh ltJ tbat \lt'bO.l you John Ounther. Hendrik Wiiie m Van Dr w· E ,...__ H. C. Ci.AU.SSEN, ,Prop. • ror the outsrnndlng dramatic work , mean'!-We ll. p~r~onally. 1 think tha.t Several bookl!o in this corner contain .. t.oOn, nnd Lin Yutnng. Aviation el1· • • •. ~Col"J

he did duriug his caroe r on ?,lcPber- Is Ju6I n mlX-up like thl• thing or 8 lu<er e•tlng okNch., or Knnsas hli- thn•I•• .. will prohnbly be plea sed to -~ !ltJn <::atnpU$. 1.Uss Della Lehman and couple or dates. for i t new re1low 0.nd tory, Lawrence Svoblda, a Meade see "Lei 's Fly", u book on the A D omce 1'ttoDe 8'r9 J"rot. Re.lph Stutzman also rocelved 81r1 nnd then en~-ryoue i:>eem$ l() tbtnk county fnrmer, 1$ the author of "An C'e ot rlylng- written IJy a Heuten.sut a.. Pho•...,_ mtm'IMlr&hlp Into the 01·a:au1utton as they hre going t;,t.eady. tr they would Em nlro of Du"'l.'' "When lfamms Was In the United Sta.let. Naval Air Re-- New Fa.rmfJl't &llla.1)~ ha. lllcJc, rnctulty me mbera who coutrlbutc only ge t toi!;e tll(lr on It, I llllUk tlleY YotmJ!" by T. A . M cN(lal u.nd "' f.\:an· eer,·o. o.nr). othc i- lnU'lrn11U.n~ books.

n11..1cb to the ~ram_atlc lite ot McPhe r· would find that the glrlff dlPillko ------------'--.,------------!'>OU eollego. lh&t as much M Hu~ fellows do." A Ca ell Ch • glu ce about blm to an If anyoM bad 'Du.art .


Wailu, lelllle SMPlll .. JD Dlm.•8tme Row ..

Omega Fraternity 1111 to provlde an ralhe r silly to me. Why can' t- we Prepares FOr Concert · ttdded to the humor of th• s ituation ~ .. .-Tlie pu.rpose or the Alpha Ps i Cobtna.: "W~ll &U)o'WllY it a.II 11.ee.nu l pp a Olr wlt11e1:1sed hiR ruome ntou.a blunder n---...a. "'"""

sta ndard of work tn drarrta.tlcg and n.bout lhlFJ ' love' nnd ·ateady' 1JtUH. Mc Pbf.'rRon colic e 8 w : 11 ° h lr l1:cre both amnted a 11d amused.. SALON. U..-...... ..... ~~...., honor so<:le ty tor thoi;e doing a high Just have tun together arid rorgP.t all In pre vh>us yellrs me mb hi r lhe aud a gfoup of onlooking studeutl!I ! EDNA .. LOU BE:A:UTY

to rirn\•lde a wider fellow1;.blp tor lt'a n lot inoro tun." ho.Ye nlw.oys stn~tcd be:t ~o:c:tt. The ndvemures ot Finny Ffofrock PboM Sll1'r \JU.\..~~ \I t hose in tereiiLed in the collese theatre. Bre nda: "I thtnk so too. Well, l I trated work nt 'th11: begintJ~ or the were t he chief t opic of dh,cut•lon at;i.:llo:;.;;l;;;::,1,.0:;:f:.;· =~1:::4: ... ="'-~.::!:~0o;::;.· ! I l\le mi>ersh!p la uuntoed only by meet· must he g~lng, but we mus t i:et. w .1

1 ue w year, In prcpa.rntlon r~r their the recent BOQiter ehib m~tuar. ~ lr---------..--.1

Jng the requ.lrcmentl'I set forth ln the / get her soon ond doolde who would one big event or tho ye th 1 1 lnvesllBllll<rn or hlR ettrrellt. aetlTIUts c<msUtutton or the Iraterolty. he run to tnke to tho Lenp Year mnl 00 r t Thi u.r. h e r lB or· proved that be wrus 3~1 in n ffld ot


neeo.uae the orgnnlzntlon ls an party." • o.~ee1n1:r1~r r~r It ~::·:~re~dolrb :: dl8cl11llne. Finn)' r~lved uld dJcl· ho11ora.ry ROClety whose membe rship CoMna: "All rl tch t . Let'$ go to- long hard practlcesi, which Y wn~g be p·llnc to the extent or belns c&mpuaed !a baRed upol'l' meritorious • •ork In gcthc r though ; It's a lot mol"e tun climaxed th is year on Ma.rch 7 whon tor 11 tter iod ot oue w~ek, t nd accord· dro.mntles, It In no way takes the when V.:~ go In !\ p:nng, So long. II. wlU give Its formnl concert ' 1n the in~ to tbe ume rulttlli u the Arnold

~~::vi::i ~;u~l:~m~~~ e~':P::.cse:~ Dre nda. McPhersC?,n High school auditorium. re~llty, the- presence ot the Tbeta. EP· . "" At pre:i;ouL the member8 _of the choir sllon cast wlll strengthen a nd atd Hold Conference ui.1dc:· the cHroctton or Prof. Se~ln In the progress or lhe McPhereon cot~ Here Next Month '\ :i:~~er arehhavlni thrue~ one.a.n.d· lcge T.heaplan Club. t n· 1 our re earsa a a. wee k ln pre·

Here on the campus, n 1e n¢he r edu· par-a.lion tor t he concert. J+"'1.1jlowln;: tlie prh•ah~ inltlo.llon, cation conrere 11ce tor t h& enllr~ atnte All.hough ouly abOut halt the Ilse

Hall lnmntH iare ~ubj-&ct Lo. U any· one would like tu.rtbcr lnforwa.t1011 on theso rulefl the1 mlahl uk Ka.tY Dr ubuker . tn vie w or 1''1nfr0ck's put record tbla must have necusltated a ~ery great change ln hl1 da lly .cMdule.

Warren Buber & • Beauty Shop

"The Place for College Students"


which wn~ nttond.ed onJy by thoseror Ka.nsns will b& he-Id Mnr<:h 14 u11d o r las t years ' eholr, this 11 cappella hold.Jug metnberahlp Ju the rratern· ' l G. Al this con(ere uce. lhe trahtlug choir or 30 11elect volces twrapldly be· fly, n !ormel d.lnner was enjoyed In Or secondary teachers In llbe rdt nrts comtng a choir of quallty n.'nd dlstl:;c­thin Pino Room of tb.e Worrcn H4t<:I. collcre11: will be discu1&ed. tluu and cuncen -goer111 ·may weu ne Tho11e present Included Margaret Planned JO!ntlf by the North Cen· promlsed f~ very 1ntere&fl~g. nrlt*d:

Ho! I-Jo! Pardou n:i.t bol1lroua 1'------------lll lnughler , hut eYery time J tblO.k O( 1,------------.tl R•lr>ll "Ch ick" Sc:hlloht m.la•llJ..r tbe rtrst week of l!Chool beau., of tbtJ chicken por. J almOM · d._ lau1blo1~ . The Chicken Pox ! Hn! Hs! H a! Per· haps, If Ralph la V(!r)' carotul b e w_lU 11.urvlve the rc.mn.ln.der ot Lb.e aeme .. ter without ,gettln.g the wboopln1

Da.vl9• Donna Jean Johnson, Del.I& tral A11oc.lotlon and the McPhe rson tmd pteaalng concert In Marc h. It waa ~hmnn. Sara Jane Olwln, Eatber coll~ge fsculty, the progr-nni promh1e9 reported . ·rhll!! dctulled plans for the Sherfy, Pa.ul Dannelley, John Detrlek, to be Interesting and. Informative. c::oucc rt are U<ll a.e; ye t i·eady for P•b-

~l~xt.;.,n ~~lme. Ralph Sluti.mun aud Concerning this conference, P reH. V. llc lty. . cough or tho croup.

Not so funny lis tho plight of "C.I· e . as urn. IF. Sch". ·a im s tated, "We expect dele- 'J'bl11 1en as usual t here wlll be n

gates !roru a.II Kn.n&o.s c:olleg:ea."' pat.rou 118'. Dy this list persons nre gh•en the prh-ilege or pa ying a little am1ty Jim' ' nurger. Jus t reeovarlng

Dean Sprouse la To Be w·n F hm ~ A h" ,rnoro" for their ticket nnd (hua aldtng from IHI appendectomy operation tb&t Gr d f S ak . I ree en c 1evc lhe cllolr toward t heir aprlng l o"H. kepL the doetor11 1ueis.aln1 for ruoro

a ua ton pe er VO(alion.al Goals? jlil)' paying f2.50 Or more tor two tlek· thttn llll hour al tbe operaUn,; table Clo.uae ,'Q. Sprou!Je, dean or the Will Urn members of the freshman l et~ t hese ricoplc will be on a patron bcc11.use tbcy couldn't find the bJam-

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, ~la1s all acl1leve their voca tional II.st and wlll be given cbol<:e seatK ed 1111ni:::. Jim'a ('Xa ubernnce wu l<ansas• City, Missouri, will be •the go.ah'! Time wlll perhaps nm;wer the In the high 8<:bool n.udltorlu m, The squelche d by •11 M!vere a ttack of tho comme ncement s peaker next June 2, above- que11tlons and ln Uie. meantlmc patrons wlll bavc tbe oilly reatrved German ineuleA. Qerm.an m.eu.Jes. H was announced by Or. V. F . It L"I luterel!llnc to k now\lrnt a lar ge,. seats for thc concort nr:id will al~O Hrnmmm. 8ound1 Uke 111.i.tn•eretve &c­Schwalm. number arc Interes ted In teaching, have their na mes on tl1e progranu11. Uvlle»! Even though fate 1ec1n1 to

Sproll$e, who bait lfoen dean ot e ithe r In the elementary o r high The sale or tlcket.11: "''Ill begin 1otu1. have It Jn for Jlw. It- cau't drowa. blJI





BtuC. A 8tamp OoUeedoa Jt•1 Eda~ aDd ..........

llOTOl!'9 •J'TUDIO 106'-ll H. Meho P"- HO


IXPilT PHOTO moSHING Q If! .u.o· OHi Plln lfiil@C 5"7 INL.AlGIMDn

Fresh a Er• HacbJ._ -Pacbd Pt•IJI tao

•for Me. __ ........ _ Select Dairy

u.a &lll.vlho

the Grace and Holy Trln1ty Catbedra.l school1. ..... broad grin a nd Jo¥1al 9ptrlt Slncei--slnce 1931. Is a member or the Na· Varll)Uff typejj ar engi neerlnr; appea l HokansOn Plays est wisheA for" t1pead1 recover)', J iJn! s1·d Bae~" \ l1011a1 Cou ncil or tho Protestant to a number of rncn whllo 11ome Well, eo·long boy1 and alrll. I'll ;u,.u: Eptscopal church and la honored by pha.ses or home economic pr<:varaUon To Large Crowd be ba.ck In a f\&311 wllh aoma more Motor Co.

Dr.~ L. Hodae DENTIST •.ue- .

llJIW GJUJO> BLOO. helng listed fn "Wbo's Who fn .Amer- attract a. numbe r of women. The t h' k a." tn:rm continues to otte r promlso to a fca~0:1~~1~~. ~.:~":~~·r::e~::d Aw~~~ riu . TOWING SERVICE

::~:~:rat~~~p1n .. ~~be1:v::~1 m~o:Qnn~ ~:o~:~et7!:d c~hn~~:tata!:c1!~~o~t ~~~ :::.==========~.I I 218 N. A1b Phone 830 -.,n

Editor Resigns seve r.al m.en •ant to try ~he medica l son her e Janu11ry Z9. A large cr.o·• d CLEANIN~PRESSING lj;~§§§§§§§§§~f~~~~~§~~~~~: (Collllnu«I f rom P..-ti Ont!) proteslilon a nd few mor,e women are Was present at the Senlor High school at An hi

------------1 sure that they wa.at to be f.ecrc tur· auditorium. cut only 111lghtly by the OKERUND A ASPECREN yt ·ng For Your Car

It wM sta\ed that the expe rience or Je! . had w~ather. Globe Di &--!l. l Jn · the former editor would be capltallt· Work.Ing th.rou.g:b. the nenues pf- Pa.rllcula rly outs ta nding WH lfok· See Sa.rwu ors.. c. ed upon aa much as poaalble and lhat fe t ed by religion utLraeta tour men, an!ion't. pre~entalton ot "Rondo : . ),)' le Alb,.lght - Colh~ Ag(:.nt 319 5. Main ... . Phone 574 no other lj,tudent had the nece&11ary whllo three young la dles hope to Allegro." by B«!tboven; "Waltt•ln A .. ,-----------~II expcrlenco. marke t their ablllUea

111 m,uslc. Lt- Flat, opus 64.", by Cb .. ophl a nii "Toe· Supply Your ti~::::::~~~~::~~!!:::;!!::::~~=~!:~!!::; ~ppltcatlone were called for and brary work, iuleis work. mortician cal.ti. !tom •Le Tombeau de Co11r-

acllve ly .aought- Definite action was work. buslncH, cotHstructlon work. er lu.' ·~ bY Ravel. Hok aoaon'a en..- NEEDS to have been t ak en upon the a ppll· b.a.nkltl£'. advertil!log, a rt, journal· core• lneludtd number! by BrabJru1. ca llooa rec-elved, but the meet.l.ng oC are attracHve to a tree,hman. Chopin DJ'ld. Debl.UJl!l)'. Hok.aDJIOn pl~f· the board of publications took place cd 16 n1.1m~u during bis concert . nfter preu time. So t ta act ion could Febnaary Haa Many Birthdays

c.-tr-•­sta.w~ -Nodo.u

DUCK.WALL'S not-be r eported. Quite a few Macolle1ta.ns celebrate .-·=...,.-----------.1.------------•I

lndlc&Uons were tb•t t b.• Spocta- their blrtbda1' thl• montb, the birth I Fahnestock FoH l n · & So tor wouJd 1'emalD a weekly new ... O( many fa'IJlOUA IA1opl~. The Febru· y J. s. Di on n -paper and not re.Tert to a bl·•e.klr, at')" 4at.et of the blrtbdays or .Mac· By an l~te .. tor as most ot t he newspapers ot tb.• '.ollerlant- are. listed below. • ~'Chan«e· parlnera" .ee.ma to be the Quality Food.a Kn.nu• Confe rence college-a. The !. Arlos Tarn. · Uteme or &.taeampu• aa tbe tin t IEIP· tas.k would obvlou• lr be a. bea,.,. ' 6.· Jobn Detrick. e&te r romance• are UQU.ld.ated 1.nd task, but It waa deeld•cl Us.at t~.uld 1 . Ro1lln Wuamaker. n.ew partnel'I a rc chosen on the untll-

at Beot Price•


"W-1" flOUI MAD£BY

The Wall-Roaal1ky MillinsCo.

p ..... 100 ( be actornp1l1bed with the eooperaUon 9. Robert Frants and Ole n Fltnk .. aummer-va.catlon..-do-u .. part. plan. I\.------------" of m any 11tude-nt1. 10. Dorothy OT01111. Tbla ta hardly ne'W• bee•~ it II an ._ ______________________ _.

·au~~~~uh1e Rlxnmet a nd Deur Dean ~::!:r~;!~~~4u::e ~:n;::~~:e.~~ Need A ~ooo~~a~cut?? They Tell ~.e u_ Oalen Deng1ton and M.a.r}' Ruth Blea.nor b.an beu negoUaUnc nur· cor ------'--- ---!Herr. KU and de.areau ai mid Te&r.

(C-tJnued rrem Paa'Oa•) U. Harold Voth. · F lub ! Flaib! HUtory bu beeD -Upert Work - Good Price• sona 1or bla course or actlou wu tbe l t . .MuJne Ruehlen and Kettb made! The lneTitable haJI occored f Phnm~y Bar.ber Shop detlre to i nrace Ito 1tudr. apart., Sloan. Prore11or IUat, t.amou.,.tor lliJ &ma._ ,_ __ ...;;.....; _____ ...;..._,

imPQUlble ·ror t a.n1 editor of thf. 17. IJ•bel Crumpu lt·ier, Ja mea Ll.Dg t htl library keJ' bole, IDteTtlnr; Typewriters· SPtetator, tbe dfil re to haYe hlt lu l Ma.on, and Ma.rle- Jtr•llle-r. tb.e key. opealog the dOor, a.ad e.a-ae.meete.r iure t:ree from Jle,TTOUI · U. £4~1 JoMlfon. ttrlnc t be Ub~.rt lo the aatAe deft Rihbo .. &: ~ strain aue-b aa tb.a-t cav.Md. trr eclllllll U . MUa n Blo•s'h.. • moUoo and without ~alaetajpg bl• lbe- Spee-Lttor. and the detlre to PDT· 20. RaJpb ScbJlcbt. pace, mJ.tMd tb6 k.., bolt !! y"· he Buemeot ot F. A. '-• Bide'.


At a colle1e cbrtsll1D, do I 11,ude"t.and tbe me.ntn-g accordlna to Ood'i will u It i. wr!uen : "A11d b$ HI& unto them, Ye are tMJ' wt\_teb Ju,tt.lfy 1ourae1Ye1 before men: but God knowelll 1AIU' !aii(&tt.I, for tha.l whleh. ll b l.lblJ ~t"m-4 a mon1 men. la aJJoml.a.aUoa IA the •l.fbt of Cod.•• AIJo: '"for u btr;b, ., lb$ b•avea are abon t be earth. to a re Odd'& \HY• abo•e ' man*a.•• PbariHe .peace ot mind fl not t uttlclenl Jn 'LOVE1 tn SPfRIT a nd In TRtJ'Tff.


a.u4 otber acUYillet. wbleh woa~d b:!- ' 15. Sara J ..u Olwin. lll&" aceuraey a nd eUiclency IJ! •tt- ,-----,-------1 ··. aate act.lvel1 .-uc.b coarses u Pr1lC· U. Bob Jlalhbuo. LIJllan Ta ylor • .c:U.&i ly made t wo trlH before set.tins • Douglaa M. Bale H,..., ~.. • ..... ............. .,Wit- • • thA lfnn r 1uw1nt Rf111 ftmhllll"H~ ::;_ _ __ __.;;. _______ fl------------------------

Page 4: {$ht j td11hlrarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v24-16r.pdf · VOL. XXIV. Patroniae SpeWltor Advertitera Z-22S {$ht j td11hlr McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON KANSAS, FRIDAY,


~n111-tn11enl 1 Conference Standinp , •. · ' . · · I BUketbaJI Schedule · 11,.nb • 101a1 oi 21 pol nu. •nd Tboru-r--- - , '<•• oi )etterday) .. ' W·A·A.· a .... Athletes Play . ElOorado JC U, llePbenon H. '1.on "Red .. McDaniel• trailed. with tvJ Ult } w L Pct. , EJDorado JC 32, McPberaoa 24. a total ~r u point.a . . -;;/,~ e er y Baker·····-·····-··············· & O J.000 Hold ·.lk&tl~ Meet.lo« lion elub lt1 laklnk op badtnlnlo~ •" Ottaw& U, MePheNJoo 34. _.._.:;..,._. --.-------D:.:...~n ran Belban1 ···-·· ·················· 6 1 .833 Attention Wah~r;tJ! Tuesday el'• t.helr new un.ll. atemben ,wbo do not liay1 Teachittr-. 41, MePbt-teOQ u. Diii. es ~ers Kao1u Wealeyan ........ [t 2 .1H enln&, Februat1' 11, meml)ert of ~~ own rackeUJ and blrd1 way UH those Relbel Sf, McPhe.non 40 .

.Ottawa .•.............•.......... 4 3 .671 \V. A. A. •r~ to m~t· l.n th~ gymnae· o/ the department. FrleDd• so, McPhtrsoa u. u~~T~~w 1: Coj-otee Outplay McPRERSO~ ................ ! C .333 lum at 8:30 tor a 1hort bualnt118 Out.en u.,·o HkAte Belba.n7 21, McPberao~ U . f Ballcloga Lad Night C. ot E ......................... 1 . 167 meeting. · Plans tor thl• 1ieetoe1ter pqUterS of the Ouliug Club enjoyed Friends 38, McPherson %9. ~

~ To Win 72 To 39 Bethel ............................ O .000 wJIJ be df1cu11ed; they Include the a "!aCk·luncb" and a akate recently lJe thany 39, M(!Pber10u 37. f · much looked forward to formal ban: ai the ak.atlng rink. Trageay reign- i Kunsua We1leyu 56, McPhenon t 1i Phone 197 , ·

Dlappolntlng manr local Bulldog Bak Sli quet t-0 be gl•en Aprlt 5. 01r111 who ed. howe•er. wheo Harrl~t Pratt had 45. i fPO?U tans who bad ·journeyed to er ps a.re active memben tn the w. A. A. the mtsrortuno ot falllng and burUng Uethel 26, McPberMn 35. ! Carlson Plumbing Co. Sallna lut nlgbt. McPbe,..on college · ore lnYJted to attend. They may Cllto her knee. Jo"or a while HarrJett. lutd Bet.bet it, McPherson 3!. -~ • . batmnc bukethll aame to tbe Past Cagers bring eilcort. .tr I.be)' ao desire. How- to h()bble ou, supporu.. Baker 36. McPherson as. Kauaa Weetenn Coyote• 72 to U. ever1 any glrJ ,may come by ber1elf. Revl.slng CoQUtuUon ~eb. lZ-Ottawa, lher~. T~e same ,,, .. expttted to be Cl0$e T w· 36-35 "Plan• are being made. to hold the. . Feb. H-Betbaay, here. for nrfoca: reason&. 0 fil banquet at the Country Club or at A «!Ommiltee headed by Edith f'eb. U-0. of E.: here.

• lmproYed. In material and 1tyle the MePlierson Forces Baker / lng the club constitution. When Peb. 21>-c. ot E., there.

PJ'Umbln1 - Heatln,J - Wells Wtodmi111 • - Pumps

Spectator Ada· 1•a7 McPherton bad a:uppoaedly Im- 1 oue or the downiown hotehi. Spengler hJ In chfl procears or revle.- Feb. ! 4-Daker. there.


. MCOnd eemeeter, after pu.shlng Wea- Into Overtinte, Yet Due8 Arc Due all revb;lo1a1 are completed It wlll be Mar. 1-Haye Teachers, here. 1e7an to the Umlt In a prnlou1 e n· ]J With the clo-slng or 1bc fll'&L aem- gl\'en to the executive committee to ,,.-----------...., aasement. Wetle1an had auppo1edJr Loses. Thril.ler·Di er etler comea the plea ror second tent- a.ct Upon._ However, before 1be final for the ball and e lbows were tiring , Dr. Galen R,. • De~n · loet Sf'OUnd lo loelog It• 1t...r center, Baker unh'er11ty roalntal11ed lt.8 ester dues. Of counc •. w. A. A. 1.ci::ep1nnce of the n¥o' coniUltutloo ls tor a good parL or the contest. j :fl9bert HunL Dope went haywire. undhiputd leaderehip or the Kan11as gl~I• never rorget their obllgnllo11.11 mnde, It vdll be 11rescnted to the club ; That tile Bulldop were not b.adly 1 - Dentiat-Co1'ote c .. en -went hol, the BulldQgs C(tnfercnce by defeating McPher11on .But Jut1t In cas~ there hu been 0 at luge. • beaien Is evidenced by the tact thl\t Ottlco Phone 68 •~re battled, and lbe aporll fan• college 36 10 35 Tue11dn.y night at " 1llp-11p'4aud g1rl8 June forgotte n £\!any wc.r~ tlle 8tift Jolnt11 of the l'tbey ma.de exa.ctly th~ aame amount

1 Ree. Phone 10.ClJ

were d11app0l.11«id. cou•entlon Hall, but Mt unlll a!ter any ortlcer of the W. A. A. will g1{l.., h1 Tumbling Club, headed by or fiel.d goals as theh opponent.3'. 21 : Ove~ Lorett »ruC·store Howe•tr, the game "''-' an e:ccel· t.he a ulldog11 had forced th~ game gladly nccepl your pecunlnry of rlftY -~ta Deckne r, after their ftrs l few 1·in all. Their charity tol!ltelf prov!d '.'-------------'

lent port.raral of t.he tlrtHte partmeDt tnto an overtime period. ceota tor "Lhe seme1ter. · ' "work-oulif'. A more .convenie nt the ir downfall, how~ver, tor . they I •lple of buketball played by, the Coy· Junior French, forw'1td, s&nk a ... ~rw Club ()qcanJzed time has been arranged tor lbe meet· ·~iade good only :~ree out of 13 at· Continuoua Showa Saturday Qt.el. Tbe at,yle featured a batnlng. long gonl with l O iseconda r~malntng lugs. ltuitead ot Jo~riday ot 7: 50. e mpt!!. ruehlog deteo~. tut breab with a ll In the regular g-Rme period lo ·ue t.he Max.lne Uuehlcn bead!! the nn.-ly tho club will meet on Wedueadnya at Hunt wu high score r or the game 1

aortt or treaklah setups.-ob•loualy ore 31 lo 31 tor McPbereon. Jn organized club In the W. A. A .• the C:OO. d tho IJ>f!lcl&lty or tbe Coyote ca.gen, ~e orerUme erlod Baker ~cored Baske tball Club. R<lgular meet.lugs

,flaa a good percentage ot goals made wo tietd oat~ and a tree throw are on Monday and Tut!11day nights Pl.u.11 l'h'>' Xl.ijht. J f GusfafSOR Jeweler rrom t~etr freakish aUemplt. ~bile the B~ll~Oll aank two Uelden. at 6:30. Any alrl lrs tnvllefl_to come Although uo derlnlte 11me hi\$ betln ' ' ~ • · , The box tcore; ,.. FG :FT . F ltofcPhtlr~n probably pJayed IU be•t and the meetings are tsttll open for set, Doris Voshell, president of W. Watch and Clock Repairina

::~::n ...................... G 2 2 game of the •euo11 with the team ~~~s:n ~-l~~fl P~~u"b.lo be an nclh•e mem- ~J; ~~·11c~;~:~na~:~1~~.:~:~~;~n;r~1::~ Out Specialty Deecb_ .......................... 3 1 S working t.ogetber aplendldl~. The All hough the plng-11ong lo11rua- which will be sponlored by the W. A., 302 N. Maln

~~=:~~ ··::::::::::::::::::::: ! : ,: !~~ld::d 1~:~111::11 fl~a.."nd~~=~ra::, 11t~: ment 111 sUll progreulng. the Rccrea- A. More plans wlll IJe re vealed fpter. -------------' Bennett -··~···--·····--·-- ·· G 1 , 0 be1t eeen here this year. McPherson , 1r------------.,

-Em1 ............................ 3 3 2 acored tbree more field goals than when he made good a free thro-..· at· fore bowing to them In a free-scoring


Safeway Groc. ~E::t~:::::::::::::::::::: i f r ;~:. n;bkr:'w:1:'::'1~~\~:~=:·:::.:~:~ ~:~:· :~1~~:;•:h~:!0~';.'!~:~b ... ~~::~: ;~~~~ ';:·,~;:d ·rn ·M~~~~~ .• :·7~~:.:.; I Di1tribution V•n Pelt ...................... Cl • 1 0 tor 10 charity 1Mte out -0r U at- another, to put Baker out In front 36 lfl. . . · I Without

:l~1:~:-~.::::::~::::::~~::::::: ~ ~ g ~~~1::~. tT<>:c;bbee~:: th ~l;e~!e. six ~~e 3

t~· pl~~1

~r~=:~o::: ahn8o1:h:r



,:~ In ~h1:e:-~~~~~·:1:1~::::e1~n:r~;;oer;f;:!~ W a.te Lcipdon ···-·············---- 1 1 l The score was tied three times goal to boo!lt McPherlJQn'lf ,;core to muter Gene Johnson wa~ aware of It ~-----------'j

' · - during the tlrBl part ot the 'openlllC 36. The game ended a. few 11.econd.15 his mighty Coyotea were on thp tihort 1r-----------...,.,, ' Total• ····--·····-·········-!9 14 12 halt and then McP~en1on 8tprted later arter McPherson fought de11.per· end of n l 2·6 score The We11leykn- ) Oe T A.XJ J Oc · f :::;,~~r~~........ . ·····--F~ "F'[ ~ barraslnc the goal to pull away tnlo ntely to ge~pouesslon or the ball und lte~ riut on n little . f!lpurt, hut t (> no t

1 2 for the price of one I

~ 3 3 ! a 19 to 12 lead. The hulf ended a ahoor. av.all. for the Bulldogs 11tlll wero Hol~b~rt .. ::::~:::~~~::::::::::: C, 1 3 few escondrs laler after JlerRCh scored Poppo and Ar!lold, both Baker tor· leading 20-12. and 11ho .... ·et1 no rirom· 1 NU-WA y CAB CO. I Bruit .......................... 1 o a for Baker with tho Dulldoga 8un ••rd$. and Brus1, McPher11100 ,;uurd, j iee of ~lowing up. f Unnab .......................... 1 O~ 1 leadlng 19 to 14 Hhared high .IJCOrlng bonora of Lbe 1 The Coyotes huld a rtho1 l lead at I l'lumt• 622 Jo.Ht .......................... 0 0 a Baker l!ltarted cutt.ln1 Into the Can- game with U 1~tnU. ea.ch halt time. however, and p •hort pep , Cnmer ········--···········-· 2 1 S l.ne• ' lead earlt In lhe second halt., talk by Conch Johni;;on to John11-on, ;r------------, W•••m•ker ................ • 2 ~ catchlnr uo and tying the ,oco!:,• at Bulldogs Win Ebaugh, Hunt, and C•, • •toed the Birkholz Bakery I'

20 !1 to !1. McPbenon regaln6d t.b• e boys to come out on top lffter !OFlY. Total• ...................... l6 lead, 2s to u , a nd then went Into a In Ove.rthne mlnuteB by a 58-Cli potnt margin. The • COOKIES- ROLI.1)

S' ' d s•- 27 to u l! Ad. only to have the score I . Bulldoga. hO'lt'tlVe r threatened during I DONUTS & BREAD tea y, _,.,w tted a t 29 to 19 with IH I than' one Bethel Battle• Hard the entlre game and the game waa f WELOOHB 8TODBNT9



"Seven Sinners" with





"Chad Ha1iua" (IX Tlo:CHNICOIA)lt)

Constance Benncll Matched Cosntelics

Free To LtuliCil



"Maizie Was A Lady'·' Ball Wins 35-26 mlnut.a remalntnr to play. Arnold In Second Half, so exciting that "Moose" Huni even I 114 E. Elltlld

Bethel F.U. To SuJlel'tor 1cored a field roal wlt.b 30 second to LOaet Jn Overtime s tooped to tht; Pl"1&etlce of acrambllng ~§§§§§§§§§§~~~P~a~tro~nlze~~St~""'~'~•~lo~r~A~d~v~ert~•i.e~·~rs~.:-~ Moorpi.1-. Teamwol'!' or ~DN ~~·:-on ~=~~:;"i: ;:::r ~b:ocb:~~ ;:! The Bulldogs captured their ·- -.· ;. Wtth "Dulce'' Holmefll playln.J hi& ball out of bound•. McPbereoa call· second cage victory in three l THE

rt~t c.•fe game wllh the Bu. lldoga ed time out with 10 seconds to play. nights from the Bethel college' McPherson thl1 :r;-:oa. nd .leading bl• mate• coach Tom Hayden eent CalTla Jonea Graymaroons Friday evening, ID, tbe r oftea.se tor lho entire eve.Ji- In to replace Lee Unruh. Jooes pu1· although they were forced in- & Citizens laf. tJae Bulldop encountered 1_1u1e ed the ball ~u to French on the islde- , • dllfJcultl' In n uqul.abtna the Bethel ot the court and with tfl·o Bulldog11 to an overtime penod and fac- State Bank co Iese Ora7marO:?a' In a cage arratr blocking orf Bake.r gUards French ed a considerab)y more dc-j at NeW"too, W~dne11da1. J anuary 29. t arched ·a long s hot that went tbrouab termined team than they had'i of McPberwon~ Kansas

Captal & Surplua $160,000.00

Member P.D.LO;




O. U. HlEBER'I\ Cashlt:r 3J. o. 31A7H1S, Asst. ~hlcr

Holme1 wu the high •corer or the jl thfl<rlog to tte the score 31 to 31.# opposed at Newton two nightsi euoluc with • tota.l of 13 polata, After a .2-mlnute reat the 6-miuuto before ' j a nd Rousell ..-u New!On'• blgb. acor. oYerttme period opened wllh <Brust With 'the score lied at :rn.a.11 at the j er,wlt)l 9 polbll to_ hlB credit. Mc- jdroppod. In a long- fie ld goal for M•- end of the regular pla>•lng ·period. f'~enon held a !3·14 advantage at 1 Phf!lr.t.on to she hi• t eam a 83 to 31 1 n lid 1 d d t th I b•lt· ttme aod th


elr lead WM never liadvanta&e. Seymour, tl'aker gliard, ~~:ru:e P:~~od8e~!: ~wl:t~~ u:1e ne~

aerlou1ty threatened. • cut 'McPher~on.'1 lead to one point roi· n total oi JJevoii poinu whlht hold~ r------------. ~=======================~ Ing their opposition lo one' tong field-~ Baker Motor Co.

Reserves Play Games Almost As er and. lree to .. , l HUDSON l · • McPherson started the eicorlug and

Thrilling As Varsiry Games Which Follow ""h only. lew minute• .... ...... l SALES-SERVICE I Peoples State Bank P~lng practleally every ~ar- Ju•t llHn both&red with flu, led ht~ !::~~:~e~8t:tl~~h~!~:~ 7p~~n:· ac~~':. 1 Tel. 765 318 N. Main , Mcl,benon. KanJJa5

A •ma.II service charge l.1 cheap Insurance for lh'1 i,afety or your runda and a check le. the beat receipt tor tho payment ot bllla. Avold -w-orry and poa.;lble Jo .. by depoaltJng with an tnaure-d bnnk.

•111" game pla7ed 1110 far lhh1. seuon, team In scoring 11nd aha.red high ta&@ and lead at ha lf-llrne 12 to 5. i l Member.- of Federal D0poelt lnauranco CorriornUon.

!~ ':~r~=~eat-:::,1:r~e't~!:~1!:: ~:~h~ :c0o~: .:!~hn ~:~~~: 0;b~~~1~; !:r~l~t:-:;ru~:':i:.~ ~:e;; :e~~~: "~:~~ Z BIG HITS • IOe eH lOc ' ~======================;; McPllen.Oo QCODd team and nrloua and came trom behind lo lie the score •L 1-rftOM l qt.lier t,eam•. It la In these ~ames Burkholder 81._111 took Individual 011 several QCta.lhm~. Ju fa~l. Bethe ~....... .... :ti'

Ua1t tbe faaa ba...-e been able tot sc:orlng b.onora In the return same ~eld their only lead ot the g•me with .. NOW AND. SATURDAY watch Ute ate.n lo th niaktnr, high J wlth BetheJ on· the Convelltlon Hall but a few mlnute-1 remalutnr. 22 l.o "PHAllJOM SUBMARINE"

1 ' '°bit men of tbe future. J maJiles. The Qra1marooni turned 21. . l"rolh tb• 1tandpolnt or acUoa ~nd l the tablee however, and mariaged to ~· Art Schubert, veteran 80phomore

tilt amount of acortaa done, l11e lake home the bacon and even Ibo cager, turned In what waa probably "WfSJ Of ABILENE" MOOD4 toam.1 han been almon aa . score wnb t'he oulldogt. Cbach Un~ hi• heal. conference , came p~rform· l'lttertalnlas 111 lhe ma.la ennll. , rub u1ed a total of thirtee n pl*.)"era lo a uee. PUd_ waa high 1corer for the ......:.. ST ARTS SUN DA y _ Wtua a larp amougt ot rtaene thl• game and pretty hea.vy 1e:orlng .Bulldog•, with 10 points to hl!!I credit. ll~b to plck from, Co•ch H_a.1- l ~ept the: Or&,J'maroon~o the lead ror Schubert made tour or 1th1 Point• 4• llu been iibl8 ta PUl • strong .tbe. 1reateat 111obare of the garue. Ja ck during Lhe ea1~a period, when they reee"e fl'n on tbe noor for each Vemer, newly acquired Bulldog, and •ere mo1t needed, a ud . lhroug lHIUt PNllmlaUJ'. Rlcba.rd PrentJce, la.ti center, alao the evening be was pulling down re-

IJcPbenon'• MCODdl led lbe Kan· a.'pped the net r~r 11lx point.a apiece. bounds. Junlor French. frethman Ml! WK1971111 MCODdl for a 1arce part I Tba: ac:ore WH 40-!5. forward who made 5" O\ll or M• ter.m"I\ ef U.tlr eacoautel' but lal,\efed late -- flrtt 8 polntl, wu. 11eeond lo ~lc-

tM lut b&lf ~ad bowed to lhe Jn the prellruhiary same before the Phenon's acorin& 'ffith i points. c.roi.. 41-f.O, lD t.bjl• ciiont.eatJ Balr.er game lbe reaene. had no little 91111 Leoa.ard led to lodhldu:1 acor-f dtlflcu.ltp In defeating the Galva Hieb CO·yotes Defeat

w.tUa a total or U pola&a to hl.1 l aobool rlt'lt te.m\.~ whtch wlll pla1 IS.. llcPheno~ 111arti, al•<> liere lbla week tn tbe coun1y toorna· BUildogs 5645 · .. tM but and took MCOncl ment. The collece 1eCond1 woo :t .Ub a tolll of 10 polntl. • to 17. Tbe coH•re 1~ I toe a t 1he F~ Affair

4 UWtVIHAt rKTUll --PLUS --

t end a[ the flnl quart~r. U to S at ExcelliatlJ' Wutratea . ' tlbo boll and u to B •• the ••4 ol FU. ~Dt Style COMING FRIDAY - FU. 14 .

111100a4 t.eua'• aat' oo»011e.nt1 tbe µ.lrd Quarter. , Oaln kept puib- n,-•"Drc!.a 8tack7 .. ....---M. •·. 'Clle ~ eeeo••• .ltl • same ills the · Colle.re 1"41 all the w.,.. Ne-Phei'aoa ltleaet'd the Kan.A t

la ~ .... Ull• Ball~: Bamber, tall GalTa Of'Dltr, .... blgb. We1Jle7ao (:01ot•~ btgce-t- bl& gun. t a -.rOrtaltle lead •hkb ator«r ot tbe came with to ~Int.a . .:Vic Kbausb, ho1dtac hlni to a tou.1 .~ la ~• _,cto.IDI V~UeT at!d,. Burkboldn, wttll eight t tw-a p;olala for one Heal•• at P1a.>'i

1 .......... klclt .Orto& 1 polnlt ll&Cb. ••"'> blgh for th& tee-- llod lo gent.ra•. sue the Co1otu [rqnl' llOIJ ~· wbo lla4 oads. Tb! bO.z ROre: • the. JobuoD CUDP one bis ~re. ·b..,. •

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