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HT , W'K tsIf V ngr",qs O ft i ik "Wi cnine ulletiii "With, -- which is Incorporated the "Independent," VOL. l. NO. 124. HONOLULU, II. I.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1895. PltlCB f OKN IU THCE yeijii Bulletin With wlilcli Is incorporated tliu Iniie.'K.niv KNT Ilnwnilau Copyrifilit liy A. V. Okui, Juno 22, IbO.'i. Published Tcry day except Sunday nt COO King Street, Honolulu, II. I. HtTllCHIITI(IX ILVTJW. "Per Month, nnywhero in tho Ha waiian Islands 3 " Per Year. 8 00 Tor Year, postpaid to America, Cnnnua. or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, olhor Foreign Countries 13 00 l'nynlilo Invnrlnlilv In Ailviiiieo. Advertisements unaccompanied by specific instructions inserted till ordered out. Adrertlscments discontinued before oxpir.tion of specillcd peti.xl will bo charged ns if continued for full tonn. Liberal allowance on yearly and h!lf yeaily contracts. Address nil communications io tho edi- torial department to "Kditor Bulletin." Business letters should be addressed to 'lilnnnRer Evening Bulletin" Telephono 2a0. 1' O. Box S'J. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. SKBPI DISEASE cimi:i uv Ayer's Sarsaparilla Mr. Ceo. 1V lSnrtricr, Krczictrnvii, Vn., writ en, uh folio kii i " Shortly aftrr .wivinR rollon, I w tuuh.cd with a nVfn i)lcain wliirh nhnwrd Iim If, tint, nt the Mikh'. )'hylciiiiifl jinmonm. J it find treitvtltmi for that cm.ditlnl Tim tlou crept pluuly tin my limb and on thu iMidy, 11 tit tl It PUl'1otl lilt' violt fr uni. It gJiv litn lhtlitUe trouble with confetti: I Id l.ln. noting ntT of dry cilm,aud a watery lii.i id which tuull jam SSl&k ffia KMKJ.3 P. vnif ".'?) w - Wt if Jf --Mil tP,t. ' JLiVl.. 1 ffi&W"' -- t"?k c.Mo tixh. &' wmMmm v M. 5fv;v4 cxtnlo front nmlor tin ntl. I trcMnl It fn? mcr three jean unu I'Wul'v, and was niuMo to rhvrk It, until I It n rt'ti Sir Klin rllla. I used three u) vi i(i m iHdu and w.i completely curt'd my akin lutbtulot; n mootti and clear m In tor l." yei'sSgnsaparilla Has Cured Others, Will Curo You MidubyDr.J.U.AyorAOj., fini'll,luas..U,H.A. Hollister Drug Co., .L'd, Bolo AKents for the llepublio of Hawaii. C TTW. Mf MtfWWAIM Soutliiii TuterustiDS ! Imports of Champagne In- to the United States, fuoji jan. 1st to ju.m: 1st, 1895. G H Mumru it Co.'a extra dry DO.SUl 1'oinmory it Grono 11 ,7!)8 Moet tt Ohandon 9,01)8 Hoidsteok it Co., (dry Monopole) 7.C01 Louis Itoedurcr !i 1:58 lluinart ,'l :() Perrier Jouot ,' 3(i Irroy & Go 1,785 Yve. Clicquot ii,.'J78 Bouchb St-- c U)2 Dolbeck & Co 72S St. Mnrcoiux X) Krug & Co 271) Chns Hoidsieck Jl.'iB Yarious fi.HS) Totnl 81,859 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlane & Co., Solo Agonta for G. II. Mumm t Co for tho IliiwHiiiin IdlnudH f SALE OF FISH PERMITTED. DAVID KKI.IU'IO AI'POINTri) fiOVUHNffir.M' INMECTOII. It OnuOnlr be Sold nt IheTInrkpt mid 'limn tliulrr crtnln HotrlcUon. At u Rpccml mettitiR of tho Boiud of Hcultb 'otordny nfter-r.o- on tho spccml comraittoo on the h.iIo of IihIi Toportcd as fo- llows, tho mnttor Tjeiug hold under advisement until this morning: 1. Tho taking "f scalofish, shell (tali, or miy product of tno sea or water from any pond, stream, crook, inlot, bay or harbor, or up- on tlio riea to n distance of two milop'nnt from tho shore, betwom Diamond Houd Point and Ah tin t'oint, and from mountains to the sea, is hereby strictly prohibited. 2. All scale fish and lobsters from tho waters of Onhu, outside of the nbovo limits, may bo ex-po- bul for sale in tho Honolulu Murket, but not elsewhere within tho limit prescribed in Suction 1. by the obsorvanco of tho follow- ing conditions, viz: First Conveyance of said fish, etc., into tho limits abovo men- tioned shall bo along tho public road which is tho continuation of King stroet, at Moanaltta, or by tho regular trains of tho Oaliu railroad, or along tho Nuuaini avonuo and its continuation, or along Boietania street and its I eastward continuation. Second .Nono of tho articles above prohibited shall bo convoy- ed or brought into tho prohibited limits by any other route or by sen, oxcept the fish known ns aku, alii, maloo, puhikit and ilieihi), and those on tho enn- - jdition that they nro landed at tho hshmarkot and immediately presontod for tho iusioction ot tho Inspector in Chief. Third-Ea- ch lot of fish nbovo mentioned, boforo entering the above limits, shall be inspocteri and obtain a certificate signed by an inspector or guard author- ized by the Board of Health, said inspectors or guards to bo station- ed at points to ho designated horo- pter on the nbovo permitted routes of entrance. Fourth Said cortificatos sin 1! ho on forms provided by tholWul if lloalth, and shall snecifv tho kind and number of containers used, the diameter and inoasuro or amount of tho fish contained in o eli uontuiuor, and the name of the carrier or carriers. Ffth Knid passes shall, as soon as possiblo, be prosentul by tho carrier or carnors with the aiti-cli- ss and in tho identical contain- ers specified in said passes, to the Inspector in Chiof, who will bo stationed at the market in Hono- lulu, and on locoiving a permit rfigm-- by said Inspector in Chiof, will bo allowed to expose said fish tor salo at such stall or tablo in s.iid market, as said Inspector In Chief shall direct, and not olso-wlio- ro within tho prohibited limits. Sixth Permits for tho sale of fish must bo renewed each day. 3. Any pared or container of fish not corresponding as to con- tainer or contonts, with tho des- cription givon by tho inspector or guard on tho routo, shall he li- able to immediate and summary confiscation by tho mspoctor at tho markot. 1. An inspector or 'guard au- thorized to grant passes for bring- ing fish within tho limits of Komi, Ouhu, will bn on duty ut Moana-lu- a road. On tho regular trains c uning from Ewa to Honolulu, at the l'uli, Nuuann road and at Wuialao, continuation of Boro-tan- ia streot. C. Tho Inspector in Chiof at tho Ionolulu market will bo on duty for tho gra.iting of pormits from tho hour of a.m. t p m. each day oxcept Sundays. 0. Fish from tho other islands shall not bo admitted unloss ac- companied by u cortifioate signed by tho pursor or froitrht clork on tho already mentionod certificate, and shall bo landed only at such wnari ns may bo designated by the Inspector in Chief. 7. Any uerson who shnll violato tho nbovo regulations shall bo liable to a fine of $100. At this morning's meoliug of the Board tho recommendations of tho eommitteo were adopted with a fow unimportant changes. David Koliipiu was appointed government inspector of fish at a salary of !fl5 per week, and ho will bo required to personally oxatnine eich lot of lish and iiscortaiu whoio it was caught boforo item be exposed for sale. After ordering that guards be placed ovor tho fish ponds nt tho mouth of tho Wuipilopilo stream tho Board adjourned. the oaaii:ki: piast. Succeux of a Ncv .Tlnclilne fur Sllc-lu- t: llir Hoot. Spoaking of the canaigro plant which Commissioner Mansion is trying hard to introduco in these islands u late San Francisco paper siys: " Out of tho deserts of Arizona thoro has sprung up anothor in- dustry that promises to add to tho wealth of tho Pacific Coat and render usoful many acres of land that might othorwiso long romain barren and worthless. This is tho cultivation of iho wild can- aigro root and its shipment to the East for tanning purposes. Tho Si. n Diego Sun leports that it al- ready .'iinoiints to a considerable industry and says: 'A steam chopping machine was brought on which a local ninoliinist altered so that instead of mincing it shaves tho root into thin slices. These are then put into a large cylinder and pressod into bales for ship- ment. The piojoct is a buccoh.' " This, however, is not all. Out of tho succibi of tho canaigro in- dustry has como a project for es- tablishing a tannory somowhoro in Southern California. Thus ono enterprise loads to anothor and I'aoifio Const development goes on with a constantly increas- ing into of progress. on. y. .n. v. a. ?ii:kiim;. HcpurlM ol" OlliicrM ami Coniliilttrva l'or Tho IUoiiUik. The monthly mooting of the Y. M. C. A., hold last night, was largoly attended and ronowed in- terest was manifpstod in the ailuirs of the Association. Dr. Hyde reported on his re- cent visit to Molokni, and sug- gested nnny ways in which the institution at tho lepor sottlomont could bo aided. Tho treasurer's report for tho two months ended Oct. 4, 1895, was as follows: Receipts, fl73. 71; expenditures. H 70.08; balanco oash on hand, f.'l G.'l. Secretary Corbott reported tho work done during tho past two months, and called attention to tho notd of book casos and shelv- ing in tho rending room. Ho aUo suggested tho lattor should bo made mosquito proof, and stated that tho coming of .Mr. Yatman, the evangelist, was in- definitely postponed. Tho Devotional, Library and Physical Department Committees also reported. H'Yom If. 8. Journal t.f Medieine. frof.W.H.i'cckc.whonwkcsaepeclaltyof Ellcpjr, nun without doubt treated and cured more caien than nyIlvlDK!,hyIUan;,iUiiicCNtliatonlliliif'. Wo lnvolieardofcttjeiofSOyearaVtandliiRCiiredbylilm. epuUUheaavnlualilcwnrkonlhMdniaienblcblio tend Ith a largo linttl of Inn alwolulu cure, fr v to iiyiuflcrerlmmayBeudllnlrr.0.amlKxiircad. urenii. WuadUiKaiiyonawlli!iigacuretoaddii, 1'rof. W. II. 1'KKKlt, Pl).,i Cedar St., New York. GUILTY OF FOOT-BINDIN- G. TllltUIlI.CS OP Tin: ii:iiiio FAMILY srn.i, iN:iti:MM). llemtrkaliln Tentliiiuii)- - of tlio ctilld 1Vlioo l'eel u'era lluuud'-Otli- er t '1'iillco Court Nulr. There was not much business fir Judge Perry to transact this morning, tho ond of tlio weok being at hand and the polico court calendar being pretty woll cleared up. The chnrgo against Ah Tuck r an assault and battery on All Kwni was nolle pros.'d, nnd the fifty dollars bail monoy deposited by tho defendant ordered returned to him to his great joy and heuit-fe- lt thanks. Tho irroprossiblo Jack Kano bobbed up serenely in Court this morning ou a charge this time of boing a common evory-da- y nui-siii- co. His trial is sot fur tho 15th. Potor, Pedro bus furthor com- plicated tho troubles of tho Pedro family by causing his wifo to pre- fer a charge of assault ngiinst his brother's wife, who with her hus- band is out ou 25 bail until tho 15th. The enses of Ah Choc for assault and Chung Lum for violating passport laws wont over. Tho h.ilaiico of His Honor's time was taken up with tlio trial f Leong Clung Keo who was charged with foolhinding, tho practice of which was condemned by tho special session of the first legislature of tho Bepublic and a special law pissed prohibiting it. This was tho first caso to come up under tho now law and Mosr. Hart well and Stnn'.oy were roiained for the dofonso. The complaint stites that the dofendant, being a free agent, is charged with permitting and countenancing and being a party nnd privy to certain foot-bindin- g, to wit: the compressing, mutilating, injuring and deform- ing the feet of a certain female child' Ah Lin by niiiuo, and nino yeai'd of ago, in EInnolii'u, during ono mouth prior to October 3d, 1895. Ah Lin turned out to ho rather a hard and somewhat mixed wit-nos- s for the prosicntion, for in aiibwor to questions she said: '"My feet hnvo never biou hound. 1 hnvo worn thoso shoos sinco my feet woro unbound, that is. loosened about a weok ago JJid not soo Dr. Kinorsou Inn my feet woro unbound about a woek ago. Don't recollect having my picturo taken and did not know I was coming into Court to testify nor that my fathor was arrested. Don't know what was douo to my feet before I put on thtso shoes which I have boon wearing for a woek. Don't know who has boon taking care of mo the last fow months, llavo uevor seun tho picture before." Dr. Emeison testified that about ten days ago ho examined tho girl's feet in tho presonco of wit- nesses and a photographer. Tlio girl unbound tho burning' s and he found tho foot woro much dwarfed and deformed from being bandaged in Chineso fashion. Tho littlo toos wore boat under and on to tho soles of tho foot, and tho foro part of the foot was bent back to tho hool and kept in that position by bandages, causing u dislocation of tho bonos of tho p. Hang Sam said ho was a polico officer and that tho dofendant hnd told him thofoothindingwas nono of his businoos, that his wifo at tended to it, although ho admit- ted having seen it done. Tho dofonso niado an eil'ort to strike out tho testimony of tlio labt witnoes, on the ground that tho defendant had not boon warn- ed that tho testimony might be used against him, but wen over- ruled by tlie Court. Tho Court found tho dofendant guilty and imposod n fine of 'fL'o. His attorneys will nppoal tho enso to tho Supremo Court ou points of law. Diiov.Ni:n in tiii: iiauiioii. Thr Hoily nfn clilnpnc I'lcked Up Off llic Irrnuiinl Wlinrr. Tho body of a doml Chinaman was found Hotting in the hurbor ut 4 o'clock this morning by Cus- toms guard Paul Johnson. The tido was running out and the body, which had ovidontly been in tho wator for sovoral days, was on tho surfaco going towards the miilulo of the harbor. As tlio body wont between tho bark Al- bert, which is discharging at Brewer's, and tho ship Mario Hackfeld at Irmgard wharf, it was ospied by Johnson, who got in his boat and, making tho dead China- man's cuo fast to the gunwalo, towod it around to the boat land- ing whore the polico, who hnd beon notified, took it in chargo and carried it to tho station house. Coroner Hitchcock and a jury hold an inquest over tho remains this rnornii g, at which Dr. Em- erson testified that tho deceased u.uno to his donth by drowning. Tho body had been in tho water 30 hours or more. Thoro woro no signs of violenco or foul play and no mutilation of tho body. The faco was somewhat eaten by crnbs, W. U. Ciawford testified that ho had boon asked to report the distppoiirniuv of the mm at tho Marshal's oflie". Yef Chin had asked him to uo it, and had told lum tho man had been missing since Wednesday night. Loong Sam siid tho deceased was his cousin and that ho camo on the Belgic on a six months, pormit. Ho was not sick or in- sane and had been oating at his placo sinco his arrival. V. A. Ging testified that ho knew tho docoisiil and that his liamo was Ah Sam. The jury found that tho deceas- ed was named Ah Sam and that ho came to his doath ou or about tho evening of tho Dili of October by drowning. Tu Iii1iIii An action of ejoctuiout, on which a motion for a now trial was argued tho other day boforo tho Supromo Court, involved, as often happons in this country, a question of pedigree. Both jmitics claimed by right of in- heritance under a poison of tho same naino, Hopoo, who was tho pitenteo of the laud in quottion. There was evidenco to prove both thoir pedigrees that, howevor, wero different from oaeh othor. llori'limlu Tcuiilo Clult. At last night's mooting of tho members of this club V. L. Stan- ley was elected president, and 15. A. Mott-Smit- h, "W. A. Wall, Frank Yida and Itev. D. P. Bir-ni- o uctivo mombors. A commit-to- o of arrangements for a club tournament, to bo held in tho near futuro, was appointed, but it was decided that tho club should not outer into competition with othor clubs at presont. Yoiun; lluwulluu Iiiktllulr, This association numbers 120 members and is now in n flourish- ing condition. At tho mooting hold last night it was docided to postpono tho oloction of ollicors until noxt Thursday. Tno In- stitute will colobrato its first anni- versary on tho i inst., and an appropriate musical program is boing prepared. THIS PAPER BJ5.S-S- uS I Anew), lit anil l Kicliainje, Sun I KranrUi-u- , I'aUtorula, where eontraiU tor ad i vtrlltlni: enn bu made for It. ANOTHER ROUTE PROPOSED Tin: NiMJAvrsriirAtiRoirrr. srn.r. IIMi:it G'O.tMDKIlATIOX. Thr civ llniilc Will Irbal,ly lis Hie One Adopted for l'liinnrlil llOIIMOIIII. Ministers King and Hatch, ac- companied by Supoiiiit'-ndou- t ol Public Works Rowoll, have ben oxamining this morning another proposed route for tho Nuuanir stream, which for many reasons. will probably bo the ono linalU agreed upou. Tho new route starts from a point noar Iho old John Smithies place nnd from thonco runs in a straight line to the St Louis College property, of which a small comor is cut off. Commencing again at tho stonewall of tho co'loge-i- ; slight curvo will bo mndo which will car rv the strenin Hirm,i, i.;..i. land to Kim fitvnnt n.v u.. bridge. The advantago of this plan is that only two properties have to ho Condemned, tlmi nf l,n St. Louis College and a piece of land owned by .Mrs. Irono Brown. Tho lnttor, it is said, has offered mo required land to tho govern- ment for S2000. Tim i.in r i,r cut olf from the college property is valued at about $1500, but its ownors hnvo offered to exchange wuii too government for another pieco of oqual value. 11ns plan docs away with pay- ing any tnoio attention to tho $95 ,000 worth i f claim film! fur- - damages on tho route first pro posed, ana, oy lining in tho old bed of tho Btrown from the college to its mouth, will give the govern- ment a tract of land that will bo quite valuable, nnd which will moro than pay tho oxponseof the proposed improvements. Tho Cabinot will probably cime to a decision on tlm mnilur ; n fow days, and in the meantime m.. t ii :.. i , . .in. juraun in naving wirings mniio to dotermino tho chnracter of Iho so'l through which tho stream will run if tho new routo is adopted. (IIH'Al.O I'LU.tirs A Sriontltl Sain Hie Windy )U- - .ti, Snrpn London in I'opu- - lullon. Chicago will bo the world'-secon- d lariie-- t city will hnvo a popnl .tiou of nearly 8,0.10,000' within a very few years. This is the startling pronouiicomout of Elmor Cortholl, a distinguished onginoor and scientist. Mr. Cor- tholl mado his notable prediction in his paper on "Tho Glow th ol Groat Cities," road hofore the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science lately iu-- sossion at Springfield, Mnss The followiiiL' is Mr. Corthi-ll's-- i ostimato of the population of the, world's greatest cities in 1920: London S.3H,0u0. Chicago 7,797,-(W- 0, Now York (5,3:17 ,500, Paris 3 808 58(i, Berlin 3 422,221. Phila- delphia 1.833, 1G0, St Petersburg 1,170,833. It was noticoablo that tho bur- den of Mr. Corthiill's theorizing of tho futuro status of these gio.it municipalities rotul largoly en causes which hid contributed to the phonomonal increase of Chi- cago in a marvollously brief period, and advunc d it to a posi- tion whore it was fast clos'ug in on tho cities of tho Old World, whoso accumulations of inhabit- ants had beou tho work of cen-turi- Ono of two cities, Mr. CorthoiJ dcclarod, would woar tho crown of. supromaoy in tho coming century tho greatest nn oarth. Thir-distincti- would fall to eithorr London or Chicogo. Thero oui-- gravo possibility, ho thongUS, that tho youugor might catoh ap with and pass tho older in about.. four dicudos. r&ici y

HT ,W'K tsIf V

ngr",qs O

ft i ik"Wi cnine ulletiii

"With, --which is Incorporated the "Independent,"VOL. l. NO. 124. HONOLULU, II. I.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1895. PltlCB f OKN IU

THCEyeijii Bulletin

With wlilcli Is incorporated tliu Iniie.'K.nivKNT

Ilnwnilau Copyrifilit liy A. V. Okui,Juno 22, IbO.'i.

Published Tcry day except Sunday ntCOO King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

HtTllCHIITI(IX ILVTJW."Per Month, nnywhero in tho Ha

waiian Islands 3 "Per Year. 8 00Tor Year, postpaid to America,

Cnnnua. or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, olhor Foreign

Countries 13 00l'nynlilo Invnrlnlilv In Ailviiiieo.

Advertisements unaccompanied byspecific instructions inserted till orderedout.

Adrertlscments discontinued beforeoxpir.tion of specillcd peti.xl will bocharged ns if continued for full tonn.

Liberal allowance on yearly and h!lfyeaily contracts.

Address nil communications io tho edi-

torial department to "Kditor Bulletin."Business letters should be addressed to'lilnnnRer Evening Bulletin"

Telephono 2a0. 1' O. Box S'J.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.


Ayer's SarsaparillaMr. Ceo. 1V lSnrtricr, Krczictrnvii, Vn.,

writ en, uh foliokii i

" Shortly aftrr .wivinR rollon, I w tuuh.cdwith a nVfn i)lcain wliirh nhnwrd Iim If, tint, ntthe Mikh'. )'hylciiiiifl jinmonm. J itfind treitvtltmi for that cm.ditlnl Timtlou crept pluuly tin my limb and on thu iMidy,11 tit tl It PUl'1otl lilt' violt fr uni. It gJiv litnlhtlitUe trouble with confetti: I Id l.ln. noting ntT

of dry cilm,aud a watery lii.i id which tuull

jamSSl&kffiaKMKJ.3 P.

vnif ".'?)

w -

Wt if

Jf --MiltP,t. 'JLiVl.. 1

ffi&W"' -- t"?kc.Mo tixh.

&' wmMmmv M.5fv;v4cxtnlo front nmlor tin ntl. I trcMnl It fn?mcr three jean unu I'Wul'v, and was niuMoto rhvrk It, until I It n rt'ti Sir Klinrllla. I used three u) vi i(i m iHdu andw.i completely curt'd my akin lutbtulot; nmootti and clear m In tor l."

yei'sSgnsaparillaHas Cured Others, Will Curo YouMidubyDr.J.U.AyorAOj., fini'll,luas..U,H.A.

Hollister Drug Co., .L'd,Bolo AKents for the llepublio of Hawaii.


Soutliiii TuterustiDS !

Imports of Champagne In-

to the United States,

fuoji jan. 1st to ju.m: 1st, 1895.

G H Mumru it Co.'a extradry DO.SUl

1'oinmory it Grono 11 ,7!)8Moet tt Ohandon 9,01)8Hoidsteok it Co., (dry

Monopole) 7.C01Louis Itoedurcr !i 1:58lluinart ,'l :()Perrier Jouot ,' 3(iIrroy & Go 1,785Yve. Clicquot ii,.'J78Bouchb St--c U)2Dolbeck & Co 72SSt. Mnrcoiux X)Krug & Co 271)Chns Hoidsieck Jl.'iB

Yarious fi.HS)

Totnl 81,859


Macfarlane & Co.,

Solo Agonta for G. II. Mumm t Cofor tho IliiwHiiiin IdlnudH




It OnuOnlr be Sold nt IheTInrkpt mid'limn tliulrr crtnln


At u Rpccml mettitiR of thoBoiud of Hcultb 'otordny nfter-r.o- on

tho spccml comraittoo onthe h.iIo of IihIi Toportcd as fo-

llows, tho mnttor Tjeiug hold underadvisement until this morning:

1. Tho taking "f scalofish, shell(tali, or miy product of tno sea orwater from any pond, stream,crook, inlot, bay or harbor, or up-

on tlio riea to n distance of twomilop'nnt from tho shore, betwomDiamond Houd Point and Ah tint'oint, and from mountains to thesea, is hereby strictly prohibited.

2. All scale fish and lobstersfrom tho waters of Onhu, outsideof the nbovo limits, may bo ex-po- bul

for sale in tho HonoluluMurket, but not elsewhere withintho limit prescribed in Suction 1.by the obsorvanco of tho follow-ing conditions, viz:

First Conveyance of said fish,etc., into tho limits abovo men-tioned shall bo along tho publicroad which is tho continuation ofKing stroet, at Moanaltta, or bytho regular trains of tho Oaliurailroad, or along tho Nuuainiavonuo and its continuation, oralong Boietania street and its

I eastward continuation.Second .Nono of tho articles

above prohibited shall bo convoy-ed or brought into tho prohibitedlimits by any other route or bysen, oxcept the fish known ns

aku, alii, maloo, puhikitand ilieihi), and those on tho enn- -

jdition that they nro landed at thohshmarkot and immediatelypresontod for tho iusioction ottho Inspector in Chief.

Third-Ea- ch lot of fish nbovomentioned, boforo entering theabove limits, shall be inspocteriand obtain a certificate signedby an inspector or guard author-ized by the Board of Health, saidinspectors or guards to bo station-ed at points to ho designated horo-pter on the nbovo permittedroutes of entrance.

Fourth Said cortificatos sin 1!

ho on forms provided by tholWulif lloalth, and shall snecifv tho

kind and number of containersused, the diameter and inoasuroor amount of tho fish contained ino eli uontuiuor, and the name ofthe carrier or carriers.

Ffth Knid passes shall, as soonas possiblo, be prosentul by thocarrier or carnors with the aiti-cli- ss

and in tho identical contain-ers specified in said passes, to theInspector in Chiof, who will bostationed at the market in Hono-lulu, and on locoiving a permitrfigm-- by said Inspector in Chiof,will bo allowed to expose said fishtor salo at such stall or tablo ins.iid market, as said Inspector InChief shall direct, and not olso-wlio- ro

within tho prohibitedlimits.

Sixth Permits for tho sale offish must bo renewed each day.

3. Any pared or container offish not corresponding as to con-tainer or contonts, with tho des-cription givon by tho inspector orguard on tho routo, shall he li-

able to immediate and summaryconfiscation by tho mspoctor attho markot.

1. An inspector or 'guard au-thorized to grant passes for bring-ing fish within tho limits of Komi,Ouhu, will bn on duty ut Moana-lu- a

road. On tho regular trainsc uning from Ewa to Honolulu, atthe l'uli, Nuuann road and atWuialao, continuation of Boro-tan- ia

streot.C. Tho Inspector in Chiof at tho

Ionolulu market will bo on dutyfor tho gra.iting of pormits fromtho hour of a.m. t p m.each day oxcept Sundays.

0. Fish from tho other islandsshall not bo admitted unloss ac-companied by u cortifioate signedby tho pursor or froitrht clork ontho already mentionod certificate,and shall bo landed only at suchwnari ns may bo designated bythe Inspector in Chief.

7. Any uerson who shnll violatotho nbovo regulations shall boliable to a fine of $100.

At this morning's meoliug ofthe Board tho recommendationsof tho eommitteo were adoptedwith a fow unimportant changes.

David Koliipiu was appointedgovernment inspector of fish ata salary of !fl5 per week, andho will bo required topersonally oxatnine eich lot oflish and iiscortaiu whoio it wascaught boforo item be exposedfor sale.

After ordering that guards beplaced ovor tho fish ponds nt thomouth of tho Wuipilopilo streamtho Board adjourned.

the oaaii:ki: piast.Succeux of a Ncv .Tlnclilne fur Sllc-lu- t:

llir Hoot.

Spoaking of the canaigro plantwhich Commissioner Mansion istrying hard to introduco in theseislands u late San Francisco papersiys:

" Out of tho deserts of Arizonathoro has sprung up anothor in-

dustry that promises to add to thowealth of tho Pacific Coat andrender usoful many acres of landthat might othorwiso long romainbarren and worthless. This istho cultivation of iho wild can-aigro root and its shipment to theEast for tanning purposes. ThoSi. n Diego Sun leports that it al-

ready .'iinoiints to a considerableindustry and says: 'A steamchopping machine was brought onwhich a local ninoliinist altered sothat instead of mincing it shavestho root into thin slices. Theseare then put into a large cylinderand pressod into bales for ship-ment. The piojoct is a buccoh.'

" This, however, is not all. Outof tho succibi of tho canaigro in-

dustry has como a project for es-

tablishing a tannory somowhoroin Southern California. Thusono enterprise loads to anothorand I'aoifio Const developmentgoes on with a constantly increas-ing into of progress. on.

y. .n. v. a. ?ii:kiim;.

HcpurlM ol" OlliicrM ami Coniliilttrval'or Tho IUoiiUik.

The monthly mooting of the Y.M. C. A., hold last night, waslargoly attended and ronowed in-

terest was manifpstod in the ailuirsof the Association.

Dr. Hyde reported on his re-

cent visit to Molokni, and sug-gested nnny ways in which theinstitution at tho lepor sottlomontcould bo aided.

Tho treasurer's report for thotwo months ended Oct. 4, 1895,was as follows: Receipts, fl73.71; expenditures. H70.08; balancooash on hand, f.'l G.'l.

Secretary Corbott reported thowork done during tho past twomonths, and called attention totho notd of book casos and shelv-ing in tho rending room. HoaUo suggested tho lattor shouldbo made mosquito proof, andstated that tho coming of .Mr.Yatman, the evangelist, was in-definitely postponed.

Tho Devotional, Library andPhysical Department Committeesalso reported.

H'Yom If. 8. Journal t.f Medieine.frof.W.H.i'cckc.whonwkcsaepeclaltyof Ellcpjr,nun without doubt treated and cured more caien thannyIlvlDK!,hyIUan;,iUiiicCNtliatonlliliif'. Wo


tend Ith a largo linttl of Inn alwolulu cure, f r v toiiyiuflcrerlmmayBeudllnlrr.0.amlKxiircad.

urenii. WuadUiKaiiyonawlli!iigacuretoaddii,1'rof. W. II. 1'KKKlt, Pl).,i Cedar St., New York.


TllltUIlI.CS OP Tin: ii:iiiioFAMILY srn.i, iN:iti:MM).

llemtrkaliln Tentliiiuii)- - of tlio ctilld1Vlioo l'eel u'era lluuud'-Otli- er

t'1'iillco Court Nulr.

There was not much businessfir Judge Perry to transact thismorning, tho ond of tlio weokbeing at hand and the polico courtcalendar being pretty woll clearedup.

The chnrgo against Ah Tuck r

an assault and battery on AllKwni was nolle pros.'d, nnd thefifty dollars bail monoy depositedby tho defendant ordered returnedto him to his great joy and heuit-fe- lt

thanks.Tho irroprossiblo Jack Kano

bobbed up serenely in Court thismorning ou a charge this time ofboing a common evory-da- y nui-siii- co.

His trial is sot fur tho15th.

Potor, Pedro bus furthor com-

plicated tho troubles of tho Pedrofamily by causing his wifo to pre-

fer a charge of assault ngiinst hisbrother's wife, who with her hus-

band is out ou 25 bail until tho15th.

The enses of Ah Choc for assaultand Chung Lum for violatingpassport laws wont over.

Tho h.ilaiico of His Honor'stime was taken up with tlio trial

f Leong Clung Keo who wascharged with foolhinding, thopractice of which was condemnedby tho special session of the firstlegislature of tho Bepublic and aspecial law pissed prohibiting it.This was tho first caso to come upunder tho now law and Mosr.Hart well and Stnn'.oy wereroiained for the dofonso.The complaint stites that thedofendant, being a free agent,is charged with permittingand countenancing and being aparty nnd privy to certain foot-bindin- g,

to wit: the compressing,mutilating, injuring and deform-ing the feet of a certain femalechild' Ah Lin by niiiuo, and ninoyeai'd of ago, in EInnolii'u, duringono mouth prior to October 3d,1895.

Ah Lin turned out to ho rathera hard and somewhat mixed wit-nos- s

for the prosicntion, for inaiibwor to questions she said: '"Myfeet hnvo never biou hound.1 hnvo worn thoso shoos sincomy feet woro unbound, that is.loosened about a weok ago JJidnot soo Dr. Kinorsou Inn my feetworo unbound about a woek ago.Don't recollect having my picturotaken and did not know I wascoming into Court to testify northat my fathor was arrested.Don't know what was douo to myfeet before I put on thtso shoeswhich I have boon wearing for awoek. Don't know who has boontaking care of mo the last fowmonths, llavo uevor seun thopicture before."

Dr. Emeison testified that aboutten days ago ho examined thogirl's feet in tho presonco of wit-

nesses and a photographer. Tliogirl unbound tho burning' s andhe found tho foot woro muchdwarfed and deformed from beingbandaged in Chineso fashion.Tho littlo toos wore boat underand on to tho soles of tho foot, andtho foro part of the foot was bentback to tho hool and kept in thatposition by bandages, causing u

dislocation of tho bonos of tho p.

Hang Sam said ho was a policoofficer and that tho dofendant hndtold him thofoothindingwas nonoof his businoos, that his wifo attended to it, although ho admit-ted having seen it done.

Tho dofonso niado an eil'ort tostrike out tho testimony of tliolabt witnoes, on the ground that

tho defendant had not boon warn-ed that tho testimony might beused against him, but wen over-ruled by tlie Court.

Tho Court found tho dofendantguilty and imposod n fine of 'fL'o.

His attorneys will nppoal tho ensoto tho Supremo Court ou points oflaw.

Diiov.Ni:n in tiii: iiauiioii.

Thr Hoily nfn clilnpnc I'lcked Up Offllic Irrnuiinl Wlinrr.

Tho body of a doml Chinamanwas found Hotting in the hurborut 4 o'clock this morning by Cus-toms guard Paul Johnson. Thetido was running out and thebody, which had ovidontly beenin tho wator for sovoral days, wason tho surfaco going towards themiilulo of the harbor. As tliobody wont between tho bark Al-

bert, which is discharging atBrewer's, and tho ship MarioHackfeld at Irmgard wharf, it wasospied by Johnson, who got in hisboat and, making tho dead China-man's cuo fast to the gunwalo,towod it around to the boat land-ing whore the polico, who hndbeon notified, took it in chargoand carried it to tho station house.

Coroner Hitchcock and a juryhold an inquest over tho remainsthis rnornii g, at which Dr. Em-erson testified that tho deceasedu.uno to his donth by drowning.Tho body had been in tho water30 hours or more. Thoro worono signs of violenco or foul playand no mutilation of tho body.The faco was somewhat eaten bycrnbs,

W. U. Ciawford testified thatho had boon asked to report thedistppoiirniuv of the mm at thoMarshal's oflie". Yef Chin hadasked him to uo it, and had toldlum tho man had been missingsince Wednesday night.

Loong Sam siid tho deceasedwas his cousin and that ho camoon the Belgic on a six months,pormit. Ho was not sick or in-

sane and had been oating at hisplaco sinco his arrival.

V. A. Ging testified that hoknew tho docoisiil and that hisliamo was Ah Sam.

The jury found that tho deceas-ed was named Ah Sam and that hocame to his doath ou or about thoevening of tho Dili of October bydrowning.

Tu Iii1iIiiAn action of ejoctuiout, on

which a motion for a now trialwas argued tho other day boforotho Supromo Court, involved, asoften happons in this country, aquestion of pedigree. Bothjmitics claimed by right of in-

heritance under a poison of thosame naino, Hopoo, who was thopitenteo of the laud in quottion.There was evidenco to prove boththoir pedigrees that, howevor,wero different from oaeh othor.

llori'limlu Tcuiilo Clult.

At last night's mooting of thomembers of this club V. L. Stan-

ley was elected president, and 15.

A. Mott-Smit- h, "W. A. Wall,Frank Yida and Itev. D. P. Bir-ni- o

uctivo mombors. A commit-to- o

of arrangements for a clubtournament, to bo held in thonear futuro, was appointed, butit was decided that tho clubshould not outer into competitionwith othor clubs at presont.

Yoiun; lluwulluu Iiiktllulr,

This association numbers 120

members and is now in n flourish-

ing condition. At tho mootinghold last night it was docided topostpono tho oloction of ollicorsuntil noxt Thursday. Tno In-

stitute will colobrato its first anni-

versary on tho i inst., and anappropriate musical program isboing prepared.

THIS PAPER BJ5.S-S- uSI Anew), lit anil l Kicliainje, SunI KranrUi-u- , I'aUtorula, where eontraiU tor adi vtrlltlni: enn bu made for It.


Tin: NiMJAvrsriirAtiRoirrr. srn.r.IIMi:it G'O.tMDKIlATIOX.

Thr civ llniilc Will Irbal,ly lisHie One Adopted for l'liinnrlil


Ministers King and Hatch, ac-

companied by Supoiiiit'-ndou- t olPublic Works Rowoll, have benoxamining this morning anotherproposed route for tho Nuuanirstream, which for many reasons.will probably bo the ono linalUagreed upou. Tho new routestarts from a point noar Iho oldJohn Smithies place nnd fromthonco runs in a straight lineto the St Louis Collegeproperty, of which a small comoris cut off. Commencing again attho stonewall of tho co'loge-i- ;

slight curvo will bo mndo whichwill car rv the strenin Hirm,i, i.;..i.land to Kim fitvnnt n.v u..bridge. The advantago of thisplan is that only two propertieshave to ho Condemned, tlmi nf l,nSt. Louis College and a piece ofland owned by .Mrs. Irono Brown.Tho lnttor, it is said, has offeredmo required land to tho govern-ment for S2000. Tim i.in r i,rcut olf from the college propertyis valued at about $1500, but itsownors hnvo offered to exchangewuii too government for anotherpieco of oqual value.

11ns plan docs away with pay-ing any tnoio attention to tho$95 ,000 worth i f claim film! fur- -

damages on tho route first proposed, ana, oy lining in tho oldbed of tho Btrown from the collegeto its mouth, will give the govern-ment a tract of land that will boquite valuable, nnd which willmoro than pay tho oxponseof theproposed improvements.

Tho Cabinot will probably cimeto a decision on tlm mnilur ; nfow days, and in the meantimem.. t ii :.. i , ..in. juraun in naving wirings mniioto dotermino tho chnracter of Ihoso'l through which tho streamwill run if tho new routo isadopted.

(IIH'Al.O I'LU.tirs

A Sriontltl Sain Hie Windy )U- - .ti,Snrpn London in I'opu- -


Chicago will bo the world'-secon- d

lariie-- t city will hnvo apopnl .tiou of nearly 8,0.10,000'within a very few years. This isthe startling pronouiicomout ofElmor Cortholl, a distinguishedonginoor and scientist. Mr. Cor-tholl mado his notable predictionin his paper on "Tho Glow th olGroat Cities," road hofore theAmerican Association for the Ad-vancement of Science lately iu--

sossion at Springfield, MnssThe followiiiL' is Mr. Corthi-ll's-- i

ostimato of the population of the,world's greatest cities in 1920:London S.3H,0u0. Chicago 7,797,-(W- 0,

Now York (5,3:17 ,500, Paris3 808 58(i, Berlin 3 422,221. Phila-delphia 1.833, 1G0, St Petersburg1,170,833.

It was noticoablo that tho bur-den of Mr. Corthiill's theorizing oftho futuro status of these gio.itmunicipalities rotul largoly encauses which hid contributed tothe phonomonal increase of Chi-cago in a marvollously briefperiod, and advunc d it to a posi-tion whore it was fast clos'ug inon tho cities of tho Old World,whoso accumulations of inhabit-ants had beou tho work of cen-turi-

Ono of two cities, Mr. CorthoiJdcclarod, would woar tho crown of.supromaoy in tho coming century

tho greatest nn oarth. Thir-distincti-

would fall to eithorrLondon or Chicogo. Thero oui--

gravo possibility, ho thongUS,that tho youugor might catoh apwith and pass tho older in about..four dicudos.





priwiPPR" wf ir V a



aiAitnon Dni:ijiNis m jaiiii:iyVi a hiiinace to iikai.iii.

,rr h Ainoit virain ""oil or rttiItricil" I'n cr lint Aliotil I'nrlior


Emrou Bulletin. I was gladAor-m- l n your isai o of tho IHh

inst. a letter ova- - tlio signatureNeino." I nm houtily in .icord

with the p iron expressed by

that writer to tl o ell'oct that tho

rr pos 1 f spreading tho mutterrirmlirnil from tho bottom of thisharbor in the neighborhood of thooutfall of tho iMiiiunii stioani unafrom thesitoof tho old iishuuirkotcannot ho other than most inj.-ii- -

H19 to the health of tlio dlstiiotif enrried out n suggested

If the itimuntios in the Xuiiaun.ttrantn are. while iu a stato ofmisnonsion. suflicieut to inducecholor.i and to toccs-'itat- thodestruction of a quantity of valu-

able foodstuffs, what may not ho--tho effect of lifting quantities of'the sediment from tho sameiRtroum and, nurse, spreadingth'in on tho surfaco of groundSo bo built over by hahititionsor oven laid opon to the notion ofssun and wind in tho immediate--vicinity of habitations.

It is woll known that epidomicsai' diphthoria, typhoid and otherfevers have boon occasionod inhouses and wholo district- -

nuilt and laid out upon'uiade" ground, made, that is,largely of housohold rofuso, thoinccumulations perhaps of years,"but no such made ground as thatcan comporo with tho sludge tobo dredged fiom tho Niiuanu ondof this haibor. 1 notice amongiho "Locil and Gonoral" not'eosin tho sumo bsuo of your piperthat "thoro is a lnrg- - amount offever on tho Ewu planta-tion;- "

that "malarial always"broaks out to ii greator or lossuxtont when tho plowing seasonis on hand," ond that it is pre-sumably ' 'cumed by exhalationsfrom tho ficshly turnod soil." Ifthere bo ft fovor specially con-

nected with the plo wing season,tho presumption as to its originis probably coriect. How muchmoro thon must tlio accumulatedsediment of years from tlio watersof a sou ago-pollut- stroam, andthe refuse of an old fish market,ho likely to induce disease than

fbho moro turning ovor of thoalmost virgin soil of tho Ewnplant ition ?

That the head of tho harborshould be thoroughly drodgod is

to my mind porloctly dear, thattho matter raisod should be ed

outside tho reef is equallyo,but t disposeof it by spreading

it on ii large surfaco nnyw.horonear human hahititions appearsto mo to bo just tho worat uso4hat could bo devised for it.

S.vlus Poi'ULI.

.WlMtKlhD on tiii:iii viii:ei.s.

.SKUe Knl Tld While Colnn Tennile Hour.

The following romance of tho.vheel is related in a telegram

irom Unadilla, Now York Stato:Tho opposition of a pnspootivo

.aiothor-in-hi- w to bicycles and thoVblocmer costimos rosultod in a

no'voi b cyclo weddi g last night.yr . Fran Mos s ha- - prsi-t- -

eut! y opposed her ttraot. v sovon- -ttou-veur-o- ld d.iughtor Florencoever "sinco sho purchased herwheel and bloomors. Mh, Globesregarded .leiomo Suow, herdanglit' r's eseort, as boing ohieilyiUBtrumontal in inducing tho girlto adopt bloomors.

When Mr. Snow called lastaight to invito M ss Moses to joina cycling paity, Mrs. Mosesordortd him to leave and nevor

Tho dauehter thon ap--

vvnrfil droHsod for tho cvcliticArip, and, hastening from the

1 o.ix" n tlnir heols, tho youngcouple wero soon joined by thocycling parly, one of whom was

Ilev. M. S. Mead.Tho necessary arrmgomonts

''boing compioted, tho clergyman.repeated tho marriago coromouy,ssecoived tho rospons s, and pro-noii-

d tho couple husband andwife whi'o tho wheels woro inak- -

Ting ten milos an hour.t midnight tho party of cyolists

. called at the house of Mrs. Mosos,whrro oil past difi' ronccs wero

Uorgivon and dismissod.

Bido your Wheels oasyfor a fow days, so ns tokoep thorn in good con-

dition toscll second hand,for as soon ns you soo thofamous "Stearns" oyclo,you will want ono, andyou will want to get allyou can for your oldwheel from some ono whocan't a fiord to rido such ahigh grade wheel as tho"Stearns."

We have twenty ono(2D whools on tho bark"Albert" now two weeksout from S. F.f and wo

aro going to sell wheels,DON'T FOKGET IT. .

Our prices and tortusaro going to bo in hoop-ing with the times, nudyou will bo able to get ahigh grado wheel at a"bod rock" prico

Watch for tho "Yellow Fellow."

1 0. Hall k Son,,

IW-- tf Audits tor H. 0. Steam A. C o



A Naturally Boiled

Wator, pronounced by

peoplo who know to bo

the best on tho Market.

This "Wator received

tho vory highest award

at tho . . .

California :. International


As a Table Boverago,



is a favorito and easily

leads all othor Mineral


Benson Smith & Co.

Wholeanlo and rttail agents for tuivlla-wniia- u


Ordway & Porter gHB


y iki 'ii''- - v "ir ' jyvjEpWffi p i.!wwilCTl I IPtJI&il 1 1

-- fgA- - .1iiS.L

Mw- - 1 Ii M

ft Hiff 1


II ' JW tlK ' ' J4 ml


ffilUItaiini sincoHjfganiM oflias ueon to supply thopooplo of Honolulu withfirst class furniture at amodi urn prico. Thogrowth of tho business istho best ovidnnco wo canolTor us a verificationthat wo have nover di-

verged from our motto.Iu this advortisemont

wo call your attention ina gonoral way to tho var-ious articles of furniturowo carry by submittinga fow dosigns of piecesthat should bo in everyhomo.

China Closets arn asmuch in demand as bod-stoad- s,

they nro no long-er in tho list of luxurios;tho crazo for collectingodd bits of China or brioa brae, and tho desire tokcop them in a conven-ient placo for showingto ouo's friends, has madeilin nhinn nlnsnr. iikIi'h- -pensablo. "Wo have them

v&. in var'nus styles, singlo& or double, for wall or

Thosotique oaK aro iasuionauiobocauso thoy nro sorvico-abl- o,

tho durability ofthe finish on oak

ssSseflbet of making




ways appoar new.

'OU pinhibly know what it is to scattor sowing, hooks, paporsand sundrios on shelves, lmreaus and wherevor is most con--

voniont. This lias hr on t'o caso with many peoplo because thoyhavo pot boon nblo to securo tables at anything liko roasnnablojiriee?. Wo soil you tablos with tojis 22x22 inches, olegantly finish-ed and durablo, for 2 00. You'vo paid double tho monoy for bomo-tlnn- g

of half tho valuo and thon stoppod buying bocauso you con-sidered yomsolf sold. Wo do not coulino oursolvos to this cheaj)lino but havo them in evory concoivablo stylo. Heavy quartorodoak with handsomoly curved logs and brass mountings. Diniugtables in endloss vaiiety in oither oak or walnut.

Wo also carry a largo stock of chairs suitiblo for any room in thohoiies. As with tho tablos tho prico doponds largely upon tho qua-lity; wo havo no old stock so that ago of tho goods makes no dif-ference iu tho prico. Wo do not' keop furnituro long onough forpieces to got old. Tho only goods of that character soou in our storeis what pooplo havo bought elsowhero and brought to us to havo madeovor. Wo havo an upholstery department in which work of thefinest character isdono. Porhips you'vo noticed ologantly upholster-ed Couches in tho show rooms and thought thoy woro mado abroad 1

Thoy aro tho work of our mon and we fool a just pride in turningout work that comparos favorably with that mado in tho largostfactoiies iu tho United Stn'ns.

tho or--

the firm

k WMmwiiTTii mm T 'iirriTirrmyM!'fl

TTHE uttor impossibility of an attempt to havo a din-- M

ing room woll furnishod without a sideboard hasboon demonstrated in half tho hom-- s in Honolulu.Thoro is no necessity for nnroiio going without ono'when they havo a stock liko ours to dnw from. Thenno shown is of quartered Oik stin polish finish andhas French hovol plato glass. In the highor pricedsidoboards amplo space is allowi-- for silverware. Ourstock of plain oak sideboards has nover boon equalledin Honolulu.

in an

has thethem al

BDOCK(QjNE bureau is scarcely ado-- T

quato to hold all tho "shirts,undorwoar, etc., of a gentlemanand wifo; two buroaus.iu a roommako it lop-side- d particuluilywhen they are not tho same pat-tor- n.

A CinrroNiiut, no matterwhat tho design or color, addsfinish to tho room just as a pianodoos to a parlor.

It may sound egotistical, but noholiovo ho havo tho lnigost stockof thoso articles to belect fromoutside San Francisco.

Oak is tho style of touost selectedfor tho samo reason as given re-

garding China closets, but withour stock thero is no limit as tostylo of wood. Oak, Birch or Ash,it is all tho same, wo can supplythorn in twonty odd styles. Wohave them with or without toilots;plain top and with eithor Gormanor Fionch bevel mirrors, andpolished or varnishod surfaco.

Tho half dozou drawors iu aChifibnior mako it possible tosoparato tho clothes and keep thornalways iu place. If youhavo evorhad one you know tho valuo; ifyou have not got ono while thoprico is below bed-roc- k.

llVry1'' ' iiT"ffjEMaMafl'1

iUR hair mattressos aro madeings, bouml with tho host


l?C?ff,nmf? im

up in tho best quality of tickbed laco, havo bordeis i inches

deep, stitohod twico around.Mattressos made of moss have the same euro on our part as

thoso of hair. Tho diilerouco in prico is accounted for by tho tlifilbrenoo botwoon moss and hair. Tins work has tho attention ofoxporioncod upholstorers, aud no bettor mattresses can be boughtanywhoro thau wo mako. The prices aro govoruod by tho size ofthe beds and number of pounds of hair us.-d-.

Hotel Street.




INI'F.CTION I'HO.71 tiii: JrATvitAUVE AVtr.n NiN:rv vi.Aits.

"Wonderful Mnrrnlliv nfn ClcruyniHii'iiAction In nn Knicruciicv In "

Ncvoutccntli oiiturr.

Tho following iiilorostiiig Blory

of tho great plugno, 1GCG, is fromtho Diocosan Mngnzino of llono-lul- u

for Soptombor. Bishop"Willis, tho editor of tho periodi-

cal, adds only ouo "moral" to it,Thoro are sovorul things in thouarrativo that have tv boarlng ontho rocont pestilonco hero:

Eynm ia u lovoly villngo inDorbysliire between Buxton uudChatsworth, nestling amongtho hills, which shut itin, so that tho windsswoop tibovo it, nnd whon thopestilonco got in it hud litidis-puto- d

possession. Tho plagnobroke out in tho family of thovillage tailor, who hud receivedsorao patterns of cloth fiom Lon

don. In ouo day they sickouedand died. Tho villugo was lilledwith disrany. But thoy woro notpanic-stricke- n. Tho rector, thoRev. William Mompossoi),ii youngman, inspired his imrisliioi-or- s

with his own corn go. He wroloto London for tho niobt approvedmedicines and proscriptions. Attho samo time he sont n letterto tho Earl of Devonshire, atChatsworth, engaging Hint hisparishioners would quarantinethomsolvcs from tho whole neigh-borhood, and thus confine thocontugion within thoir ownboundaries, provided the Eurlwould undertuko that food andother necessaries should boplaced at ceitain appointedspots, at regular times, upontho hills around, whero tho Eya-mitO- B

might como, leavo paymentfor them, and take thorn withoutholding any communication withtho brlngors. oxcept by letters,which could bo placed on a stone,and then fumigated, or passedthrough vinegar, before thny werotouched with the hand. To thistho Eurl coubented, and for soronwholo months tho engagementwas kept. Such is tho nature oftho country, that a regiment ofeoldiors could not have hopt thovillagers from oscuping, had theySought to do so. But all yieldedto tho Rot-tor'- s remonstrance, andnot one parishioner was known tohavo passed tho boundary, andtho plagno novor spread to thoneighboring villages.

Day and night tho Roctor andhis wife were among tho sick,nursing, feeding, and tending themwith ull that care and skill coulddo; but, in spito of all thoir en-deavors, four-fift- hs of the inhabi-tants died. To losse'i tho possi-bility of infection ho conductedthe services of the Church in thoopen air, the people assemblingin a dell which to th:a d".y ntaiastho narao of Cucklot Church.

Before tho plugno cousod Mrs.Mompesson had died, but thoKectir was never touched. Thoroworo no frosh cases after Octoberlllh, and ho then sot hiuiFolf toburn all woolen clothing lest theinfection should remain. In aletter, datod Nov. 20th, 1GGG howrote: "Tho condition of thisplace hath been so dreadful, thutI porsuado mysolf it oxceodothnil history and oxample. I maytruly say our town has bocomo aGolgotha, a placo of skulls; andhad thoro not boon a small remnant of us loft, wo hud been usSodom, and liko unto Gomorrah.My ours never hoaid such dolefullamontutions, my noac seversuch noisome smolls, ami myeyes nover bohold such ghastlyspectacles. Woro have boonseventy-si- x families visited withinmy parish, out of which died '2CU

persons." For tho avoidance ofinfection thoso who died wore notintorrod in tho churohyaid, huton a heathy hill abovo tho villago,whoro tho burial sorvico wusdaily road.

Tho wisdom of this precautionwas mournfully demonstratedninety-on- o yoars after. In17o7, fivo laboring men indigging up lund neor thoplaguo-grave- s for a potato-cardon- ,

camo upon what uppoarcil to boand somoliinn, though thoy buriedit aeain dirctlv. thoy ull sioken- -

od with typhus fever, throe of I

i iiMayi i'i I,'' ip " JIPIP"" "m '

them died, and it was bo infectiousthat no less than snvonty porsonsin tho parish woro carried nir.Abridged from Miss Yoiige's Bookofyolden Deeds,

Moral: Don't oxhumo thobodies of thoso who have diod ofcholera.

Finely furnished rooms withbnth and olhor modern improve-ments for rent at roasonabloprices at 29 Boretania atrcot.

20 lbs. Wof o

Nestled 11

Your doctorwill tell you

it la thesafest dietfor baby



Acenls for the Hnwallnn Islandd

Business Cards.


103 Hotel street, Honolulu.47-t- f ,


and IlluminatorEngrosser - -120, Nuuanu Avo., next totho "Whito House".Telophono G10.


318 Fort St. - Telophono 91.27-3t-

ED. C. EOWE,Houho, Sitfu nndOrnamental . .

. . PAINTER . .Paper Hanger and Decorator.


Howe's Liquid Slating.C20 KiuR Street

SI KHnfj Stroot.Q. J. Wallgii ... JlANAont.



Haw Contractors.


A Good FertilizerTo Suit the Times

At 330 nor ton of 2000 lbs.Anulyzod a follows:

10 per cent. Phosphorio Acid. solublennd nvullublo.

(t pur cent, rotw.li (actual)..1 Alllllintlltl.ID per cent. Mmu (Carboiiatv.






10 per cent, to 15 per centHolublo in water, m quan-tities to suit.



. . ..



Business Cards.


Gl'NEltAI, Co&tlllSStOX AoENTS.

Cor. Fort nud Queen Htrcetn, Honolulu.


IurotiTRiis and Deal-bu- s in LoiinnnAND ALI, KINDS OF liUIMJINO


Fort Honolulu.Street, - -


Manufaotuiiino Jhweleu AND WATCH- -


Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. Particularattention paid to nil kinds of rcpnirs.

Campbell Mock, - - Merchant Street.


Steam Engines, Scoaii Milia Hoir.nns,Coolkiih, Ikon, Hhars and Luad


Mnchiucry ot Every Description Made,to Order. Particular attention paid toShips' HlackHmithtiiK. Job Work ex-ecuted at Short Notice.


Doulors in Lumber nnd Coaland Building Mntortuls of nilkiuds.

Quoon Rtroot, "Honolulu.

H. MY k CO.,Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS98 Fort Streot, Honolulu

Telophoner 2a P.O. Box 170iul tf



G3- - 'G0U KiiiR St.


Stand (idjoiuiug H. Hackfeld fc

Co., Fort street. General Cart-in- gund Drnyngo Business dono.



Japanese Goods!SOS """Tort Street.


SAIL AND TENT MAKER.Awnings n (Specialty. Over Cali-

fornia Feed Company's store.36-t- f.


T. ETro-va.oo- , ... Prop.

I'er Day 8 2.00l'or Week 12.00

Tbo Host of Attendance, tlio Hest Situn-tio-u

and tho Finest MeaLi iu this City




Hi i.o, Hawaii.

TOURISTS AND OTIIE1W VISITINnllllii can lli.il Biiltnl'lu board and IoiIl'Iiil' bvcalling oa JOHN I.YCUUOUS.

In I'liiiai'vtlon Itli tliu above lie can mimlvyon wltliVorcl'ii and Domestic Traits,Cljjarii end Tobacco,Cod l)rlnkn, itc.

83-l- y.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - Preaulont and MnnaRer?,ia,i? Snreokols, - - ., M' G,tfar'l. - Secretary nnd TreasurerIheo. O. Porter, Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.




Business Cards.

Merchants ExchangeS. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Corner King A .Niumlitl Nlrvrlii, llimiilulu

Choice Liiiuors and Fine Ueor.

Tolopliono UOX.

(Successor to Chas. Hammer.)

HARNESS MAKERKino and Foirr Stiiei-.ts- ,

Is prepared to manufacture nli kindsand grades of Hand-mad- e Harness atshort notice.

i.ownsT op nticus cash.All work guaranteed to ho satisfactory

before Icaviui; tho shop.

Jose Do Espirito Santo,GUITAR MAKER

Taro-Patc- h and Ukulele GuitarsMailo of Hnwnilnn Woods.


ISO Fort Street Opposite Club Stablcn.r.i-t-

H. Q. BIART.FINE WATCH R15PAIIUNG.Island Jew(-h- y mado to ordor,

Sonvonii Sjioons, Gold wireJewelry, etc.

ST lslaud oidors solicited.1. O. Box Mo; atO. Gortz's Btoro.

Fort Streot. G'2- -t

BHJCElS.Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands


Principal Pnrts of the "World,nud

Transact a General Banking,


To the Public and Tourists.

Any party wishing to tako nrido around the Island, or to thePali, can be nccomomdatod at asmall cost by F. Smith, tho Busman. At Smith's Stables can bofrill nil lit n mnmnnt'u nntiKn Itnua.es, WngonottOH, Buggies, SaddleHorses, etc. , for hiro.

Spooinl nttontion paid to Tour-ists wishing to tako in tho sightsat a small fare. This is the cheap-est placo in town.

llorsos broke, donblo or single;uIeo horsos bought, sold or ex-changed. For further particularsapply to

F. SMITH.Bus nud I.ivory Stables.

King St, botwoen Fort and Bothol.Telophono J08. Juno 18, G--

Castle fc Cooke(LIMIT!!))


aoi:.th roit


Life Insurance Com'y


Etna Fire Insurance Companyor iiAiiTFonu.

115-t- f.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOll SALE

A Few Shares of

l'tilsi SiiKiir Stock,Iltiivnliiui Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Gorormnciit and 1stMorttruiro Siiirar Planta- -

tloii JtoiulH.tSf For prticularn aiiply to

Tho Hawaiian Safo Deposit &Investment Company,

108 Furl Streot ItuuulaluI

Merit Wins rfflift'Tiiiiii-ii-

We Have Led The Market For Six Years-- ,

are constantly improving our our cus-tomers know this is no boast

New Lasts, New Patterns nnd New Bows and.Ornaments, and you can find no with ourprices, no does. .

Tlie nCa -rL -u.fact


CREOLERecord, 2:15.Champion Hawaiian

Hirt nf 07i(, it. 'i:inmi hi

I'ltoMiTrn nana. nrrs ol wSlru of CriMilo, 2:n KiikIv, 2.u iivrformi'rH

2111; Apt, 2:S6; Trinixlt,w'nikiT, 'J:j;i,:

Wiiln, 2:.T!i; t'liloo, 2.21; I'iiaiiiik Iliiin,Hint i( the (Iidiih of llrlllliiii-tliii;- , limn nt

2:17: ViKiir,2:2S ol Hit'!,

nmi It (tiinm

2:2.--lllclit. 2:2!l:

-- I'ial

IlUirANEi.KHlru i(

MIkIiI, 22:31; nmiI'rlncH', jI'mii Froii(lltIK. .

I mill ot Grculc, 2:15; KiikIc-- , I IlilillA,llllll II,

z.rj31; (ilililil,

1 j'V Mintii lliln,Kill rin'i, 3 Jl.ji;

Kli-v- l'!ij


IIiik, Iru oftniii of ,

DESCRIPTIONCrioi.e nattiest, fiifitost anil best

uil into tliu liiiwnliun iHliiiulH. Ho rviluceaCnl., Au(?tii,t24, 181)1, lUstniicniK IiIh wholeL':15 in Stockton, Suituiubvrheat iii2:ir(, anil lllth heat in 2 10J,

a st'eedy race horso. ("Cruolo bvUnit ho caimblu of uuttini- - a mark ofthis year, and besides benij,' line, one



..i.Jyvs .J

your Shoe of TJfflE




- -rs' Slxoe Co.,


Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

IlLl'E 11UU. (1'ruJyHt).7,. - .orpwim

. it....!..n, 2

. m QU1I.N- -iK'riik'x,

oi:oflU ITAIL 8i:i

in II1 kihI ilii3.-w- ,

ol J I nil Urn ami 2 I ncinilam

2:lcs, till Klul.Kahiion

Dam ot 1'ialii ltticlow i ClIIKF jig. ....

ftru of j jyo lintIfiV, ........lluluiT. 2 '('iU.

MiuiiirfMk J,, lTlL.v Maid- - . . .ilaiim of Monroe

a'i; I ,', jlit. 11I.. lto,i- -

SJl- - - .Pin." 01 Dun, 1 jo: Kf-iltii-

rotK- -, ) &i; unit ol Si

ill .' ,,; I.ti,j ,;i i, rm 1,



bri'il itnlliou that hnr tcr wvn iiniiin r

10 anil one of the Km''st ntnli'oiit 6ce:i"f the best formed, and in



1 43irml .is1)111)1 of VUCX. 3 j6- SlfP

ilum of Criiilc, . is

is the

Cul., 23,



liis rocniil of !!0 toL'itS in AVtiiliiinnlli'ld in tin tirst htr.t, :lii twwinning the firbt heat it. L'lle", fourtlthat ho 11 remarkably r.m.ih U

rroninter out of Cir.i bv iiinv:ir.s'i Kjmu ..

leingem. ifrttaerami hejit. juiu.) lie IuiiiiIb hieh ami esfbuild tlirotiL-hou- t. His color (,'lossy black with one 'Hliito hind fooS

HIh diHposition all that could be desired, his action orb. He a uirafoal uetter.'iuriim with usual return privilege. make the at tho



Buy Now & Second-Hand-L



King Nuuanu Sts.







ji,l'n ro. ii;





UU-i- ,

is aj

aporumnn, -- .i, is 16powerful is

in and eti is

if.'iO, Will


IXL Honoluluu. 1.









w- -



.Piepilations of tho Board of Health.

Ihuitimr IIkaitii,Honoici i', 11.1., Ucronnt II, lSilj.J

Tie tnMug 1 f flh, shell-fis- or nny pro-in-

of the son or vrntcr of nny pond,rtrenin, eieek, Inlet, bny or hnrlior, or uponllio ten lo a dintiiuiu of tuo miles fiotn theshore, between Diamond Ilcnd nnd Almit

Touit, hi the l)ilrh t of Konn, Island ofOalni, nnil from I lie inountiiiiis to tl.o sen,

.ii strictly prohibitedThe K.ile of llsli nuil of nil product of the

fr.uk im prohibited in tho DUtriot of Honolulu,ArrptitiK itt tlio N'i'W MnrLct lluildmu,,wlicio cnli' Hub, clams mill lobsteri fromthe watcrx outsido of tlic aboe limits ma)T)8 exposed for Halo under tlio supervision ifInspecU.ru appointed by the llonrd ofllenlth.

Oyster from l'enrl Hnrlior nmy 1)' soldilscwhero under special permit.

Such Injectors shall hwo tho power toseize, ondtinu nuil destroy nny fish or pro-

duct of tho hen exposed fur Mile, or broughtlo tho innrket, which they shall have rensonlo Inhere was taken from the locnlity prohibited by those Regulations, or which ttlinll

appear to be unlit for food.The UiBUbition of the llonrd of llenlth

relating tn tlic taking mid salo of lish in thetaiil District of Konn, dnted SoplembrJrd, ls'i.i, is herebj resciudid.

11 order of the llonrd of Health

WILLIAM 0. SMITH,.2l.'Jt I'rcmdent llonrd of llenlth.

"QrricK or Tim lloiiin op IIfii.th, I

Honolulu, II. 1 , Oct V, 1893. f

TLe filiation of tho llonrd of llenlth of:Septeiuler Jitli, foibiding nny person toentirtho vnlleyHiif l'alolo, Mnnon, I'nuon,Nutiunu mid Kntiul uithout n permit, hasthis dnj inen rescinded.

Hy order of tho llonrd.

WILLI M 0. SMITH,a2.1-l- t President Hoard of llenlth.

51 Euer?ir?$ Bulletin,

"Willi ulilch l lurorporuleil the"liulcin'iiili'lil."


FRIDAY. - -,-- OCT. 11, 1895.


Thoio is not a dull pago in thoBullkti.v. fio through it and see.

Next quarantine filibuster rum--or- s.

Thev do indirect mischieffully as groat as cholera dros.

After quurantino shall havobeen eutiro'y misod, the Govern-ment shi-ul- immediately considertho question of lomoving thomilitary buideu from the backs ofIhe people.

By its admission of schoolchildren to the piivilpges of itsronding room and referenco lib-

rary, tho Honolulu Library nndleading Room Associ.ition givos

ifiesh evidence of its usefulness.

Tho Call romnrks that if it betru, ns reportod, that tho 1'rincoof "Wales said Dunravon had randoan ik's of thoro will bo

euoral ngreomont that Wnlos:inissud his vocation wl on he didaot set up n nn umpire

With tho raising of tho ennnigroplant extensively in Californiacomes tho suggest on that tan-neries should bo st.irtod ti uothe resultant tannio acid in theTnome mannfaeturo of leather. Itought t bo tho simo in Hawaii,

snot tho suggestion but its adop-


No regulations of tho Hoard of

IIMlth weio ovor issued whiohcuind more happiness tou gro.itormumbcr tliuu will thoso of tod.iy,allowing thu of fresh fUhGuught outHido of certain bounds

abutting in woteis suspected of

Looking plain facts square inTsr.lio face is not pessimism. In thomutter to which allusion is mndo,.tho Minister of Finance has sup--plie- d

tho facts. Optimism is no--Ginedy for thoir doplorable char- -

i'A ' i jySf i' '

actor, nny moro tliiin tlio buryingof Hh hond in tho sand is protoc-tio-n

to tho ostrich.

Homo manufactures nro steiidilyinorensing in thoso islands fromyear to your. Uy tho economicallocal production of olectric powerntnl light the country saves incoal mid oil bills. Honolulu snapis flipping ahead, tho making ofleitiliz-r- s lw taken u groat boundfonviml. 1'iosoivoil pinoapplcsnow run dy for oxpoit will liktlybo followed by otlior prosorvodproducts of tlio soil, and tln dny

tniy not bo fur distant when itmay bo pioiit.iblo to refine ourentire Hogircrop in tho is'nndH.The IJullktix Rtill hns faith in thecountry, although grieving ovortlte empty condition ofitspub'ictroasury.

Another correspondent comesout forcibly in this issue with a

protest ng.unst having hnibordredgings discharged in tho midstof an inhabited locality. Ho alsoindicates the future d.ingor fromhnvitig houses built upon landmado up of such foul inatorial.It is hotter to be sure than Borry,and tho Government ought topause and consider before pro-ceeding with tho operation inquostion.

If Honolulu can sustain suchan inteiisoly pjitisan magazino nstho Hawaiian, gotten up in a fctylorivaling sonio of tho finost printedperiodicals nbroad, it ought tosupport a magazino that wouldbo a welcome guost in everyhouse, irrespective of party orsect. Thoro is a good doal oftalont ovincod in many of thecontributions of the Hawaiian,which might most if not nil bo

unlisted for a moro catholic pub-


Wlion tho invitations are boingformulated to American yeomanryto como and possess availablefunning lands in theso islands,somo should be includedof tho chances for their childrento got along in life hoio after get-

ting through school. Evorvnvenuo to an houost livelihood ineither industry or commorco israpidly becoming jammed withnatural incroaso of Hawaiianborn and lung-resid- ent families, roinforcod with thodrift from all nations attract-ed to tho country within lateyears by the agitation of its littloaffairs nbroad.

By u political tost oath tho na-ti-

sons of Hawaii woro drivenout of nil employment to mnkoroom for strangms, to whom thooath wus as much a mattor of

us tho persons who pro-scribed it. As a result Hawaiiansfur tho first timo in history havebeen fain to nocopt food and cloth-iu- g

from tho hand of charity.Thero is a reilox action of thatippressivo policy now in opera-tion, from which its authors arobeginning to suflor, in u decreaseof collectable tuxes whore theroshould bo an incroaso. Moioover,unless thoio boa chungo of policy,oither through reconciliation orc icession. tho prospect is thnt a

-- olio paupor fund will have tobe udded to tho country's presentbunions.

Matter for reflection, in connec-tion with tho lato visitation, is tobe found in tho romarkublo storyof " 1'ho Bravo Mon of Eyam" ro- -printed in this issuo. That clorgy-ma- n

nnd his holpors who battledwith tho plaguo, stamping it outonly nftor it had done groat havoc,229 years ago, weio fully as btrictin thoir qu.iiuntino and thoirmeasures for destroying causos ofinfection, as our sanitary workeishuvo been in tho presont emor-gonc- y.

Yet ninoty - ono yoius


ufteruiurt a feiuful opideiniobreaks out in the villngo from thetouching of somo linon, unearthedfrom tho pltiguo burial ground,by tnon ongaged in planting pota-toes. Tho account of tho conflictwugod ngninst tho plague, nnd thostringont monsurcs adopted toprovont its Bpreud, in tli-- t absciiro English villngo "n voarsnco, disproves the assertion' h os

hoard in thoso days of ner-bnnst-

onlightonmo t, to theollbot thnt such visitations weioin thoso old times met only withsuporstitionand helpless passivity

Athlolici in great variety havo

cotno into great practical fuvor in

Honolulu. Tlioro woro probablynever so tnuny organizations for

tho prosecution of manly sportsas today. It is well that it is so.Systematic oxerciso is tho bestantidote to the lussitutlo ongon-doie- d

by tho climato. Even thosewho toil at mechanical crafts willfind athletic sports boneficinl inexeicisiug different sots of tnusclos

from thoso that nro most used in

thoir diily employments.

Tiiiurv tons oi' soap.

t'roduet of tlio Honolulu .Soni Workfor Three I7.

Tho Stur of the 9th inst. st itosthat McChesuoy it Sons, tno Honolulu soap manufacturers, ship- -pod four tons of soap during thetlireo days ending October othIn their issue of tho 10th thosame pnpor conects the error byassorting that they huvo made anofliciul inquiry into the mutterand found that tho actual amounts'-n-t out during that period wastwenty fivo tous.

It would be woll for tho Starpooplo if they would invest in a caseof Messrs. MoChosneys' cleansingproduct nnd uso it lavishly whenthey porform their ablutionsin order to g'-- t tho cobwebs out ofthoir oyos.undimprovothenuditoryfinalities of their oars. As is thocustom of the Bulletin whon itfriends got into mathematicald (lieu lties, it will help tho Starbo3's out.

Thoso aro facts: McUhosney tfc

Sons tent out from thoir soapworks, during tho first three daysof this week, nearly thirty tons ofsoap. Twenty-fiv- e tons were ship-po-

to other islands. This ismoro than tho total consumptionof foreign soup on tho wholegtoup for six months.

ITIuuim'H tlio I. cuillii Wine.Mucfarluno it Co., Ltd., are

solo agonts for G. H. Muinm itOo.'b extra dry champagne.Elsewhcro that firm gives a tableof imports of chumpugno into theUnited States for tlio fast sixmonths of this j'enr. It showsthat Mumms' amounts to nearlyone-thir- d of the total of till brands.

L. B. Kerr bus roceivod by theAustralia a new lino of Scotchginghams, white and cruamoropon8 and whito cotton duckfor ladies' and children's dresses.

$50 PRIZE.

The Joint Committee appointed to reportupon ikelgnt for n Great Seal and Depart-ment SiaU, Invites uggetlon for a deilnfor n Great in ill of the Itepuullc, nnd nffen apilzu of Fifty Dollar to be paid to tho per-m-

wlioko dclgn In ucicpted by tlic I.cgln- -lutme.

It lii thu opinion of tho Committee that theffiil ulimiUl Iju about tlneclneliitiili-- . diameterand that tho prcneut motto, "Uu mail ku ta okn nlna I Uft ponu," bo rctnineil.

Competitors are reipii'iled to sinnnnin-de-plum- u

to their and ilte theirreal names on n separate piper, cnclonlng tlicHlioleln a sealed euelope addrcssid to theSecretary of tho Committee and markid'Drslirn for Great Seal."

'1 lie eompctltlou will close on the 1st day olDecember, ISfl'i.

Further Information may be had of the8ecietary.

A. (!. M r.OIII'.KTSON,ISi-l- Seeretarj of thcCommlttec on Seals

Oysters,Spawn ing Senson over.Quarantine at uu end.Fresh Hawaiian Oystersfrom 1'eurl Harbor cannow bo bud every day byordering tlioin Irom thoGrocory Store of

124-t- f H. B. McINTYRB & BRO.

JiTelyJopie5Judjjc Oijden of Oakland

recently gave a yoiing marriedwoman some good advice whenhe i of used lo grant her adivorce. The couple had beenmarried three years and werequite young, but they evident-ly got along about as well asmost married people do. How-ever, the young woman thoughtshe ought to have a divorceand filed a complaint againstner Husband alleging cruelty.The specific facts set forthwere that her husband fre-

quently slapped her, whetherplayfully or not the complaintdoes not state, and that oncehe spoke crossly to her. This,however, was while the hus-band was putting up a stove,and therefore cannot be won-dered at. On another occasionthe young wife says her hus-band threatened her, but inanswer to the Judge she ex-

plained he had only told herthe proper thing to bring herunder subjection would be toraise a family. But this poorhusband's greatest offense layin his feet. He had big onesaccording to his wife, and onope occasion he had the auda-ci- tv

to place them in her lap,and she said, "he had his bootsoff."

In refusing to grant a divorceon such trivial testimony JudgeOgden gave the wife a littlefatherly lecture. " You canhardly expect the court to grantyou a divorce upon such testi-mony. If we were to grantyou a divorce upon that show-ing there would not be acouple in Oakland that wouldnot be entitled to a divorce. Itis impossible to find humannature that is ideally perfect.There are many little imper-fections that education ancf as-

sociation will smooth off, andmarried people must exerciseforbearance and patience. In-

stead of widening the breachclose it up. A young couplesuch as you are will find mar-ried life a very happy existenceif you will return to your homeand not do just what you havebeen doing heretofore."

That Oakland Judge hadsome sense, indeed it is ap-

parent that his wisdom aroseIrom experience. It is a pitythere are not more like him. Ifthero were there would befewer divorces and more hap-

py homes. What is homewithout a mother-in-la-w andthe privilege of putting yourfeet on your wife's lap withoutputtingjyour boots on first.

AH of which reminds us ofanother little story. By thesteamer Australia we have re-

ceived one of the largest con-

signments of hardware everlanded cm these fly specks ofthe Pacific. It comprises anassortment of plated ware, idealcoffee pots, three and five-thousa- nd

gallon tanks, steelwire cloth, Hour sifters, black-smith's bellows, wire mats,cutlery, feather dusters, hoehandles, California lawn sprink-lers, lanterns, shovels, riceplows, bath tub enamel, Dis-sto- n's

No. 2 cane knives, millsaw files, sole leather and as-

sorted goods such as varnishes,patent water closets, paintburner's, Hendry's mixedpaints, hose in all sizes andqualities, metallic paint in oiland shooting coats.

We have also received afresh shipment of "Tribune"and "Aonarch" bicycles, withlamps and fittings of all kinds.

All of the above goods areon the wharf and may be ship-ped to any port of the islands.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co, Ltd.

Oppoalt EprooluiU Block,

Now Advortiscmcn's.

Typewritor For Sale.

A UKMINHTON Typewriter, In llrt-rla-

condition, Hill bomild iluap.l'JI-l- f A. V. OKA It.

For Sale.

nAimocr,iNKi:iuuTiT,T sail iioatU iHli center bonrd, length Hi del. Xcwnnd in line ahnpe, n willii. Apply

O. W. Macfarlane.11U-.-- U


NOT'ph'reuf.KncnlliM the ninrtjji;fMOW SiNtiMAI, on land In Moanalua. hai been paid nnil

to the ntlfiictlon of both partita..Mow Slue ui nuaumesnll obllgalloiu aijalintaid land. liSl-i- t

For Sale.

D HNSMOltE TVl'KWIUTKIl IN l'KKFKCTcentimoii. Apply atomic of

I1HUCK WAKINO .t CO.,lKMw Fort Street.



nolulu Library nnd Honding KooiiihAssociation will bo held nt their building onFUIDAY, tho 11th inst. nt 4 v. M.

H. A. PAltMlXEE122-.1- t Secrotnry.

Learn to Read Music.

PllOF. E. COOK will teach a class In Vocalat thu Y. M. C. A Hall, lieelimlus

MUIJAY KVENINtS, Oct. ItJth, and lonthm"hi for 12 weeks, ti for the courec. Kami hijour name to Mr. Corbett or 1'rof. Cookbefore thut time. 1!U-3- t.


family of widower with children pteferretl.Apply nt Mrs. Gcrtz's residence on lleretnuinRtreet. '

MHS. SIIAFEIt.119-l-

Horse for Sale.

rOIt OFboard, wo will sell on TUESDAY.

O. tolicr 2!)th, 180.1, at Publio Auction, ntthe Auction rooms of Jiuncs 1'. Morgan, inHonolulu, onoUayMnie. CLU1I STA1ILECOMPANY.

Honolulu, September 27, 1M)3. 113-t-

Rooms to Let.

NEATLY FUHNISHED ItOOMS.TO LET4 Garden Lnno, nt very rennou-nblomtc-

109-t- f





made unci ropuirod.

231'urticular utlontion puid to



121-- tf Queen St.

Save Money!

You throw away dollnrs evoryyoar in broken lamp chimneys.Rotter Htoji it now whilo you canget ii preparation that will preventa chimney from breaking whonput on wet. Prof. Humholt's anti-oxplosi-

compound will do thismid will prevent tho explosion ofkorosouo oil nnd gasoline Wonro solo agonts for this prepara-tion us well ns for tho Now Ideal.Sowing Mnchino, thooquul to nnyhigh priced article and wo sell itfor 'f!5C and ?35 with attachments.1C000 feet of mouldings for pictureframos just received by tho"Albeit;" ulso oval and circularframes, somothing now and ele-

git nt.

flic Fade Hardware Co.

Cummins' Blook.



U pan and the city of Honolulu! lodij the ilenucst pot onlartli. WVmi had sirkiKim Inthe ton ii hut It Ii over andI'tery niifts hnpplcr III comeqiiuice, n not Inn bat sit InnndbiirttiiM Is on the mine npnlti.(.miles do not bae to duotoso much time to houc elian-li- ij

nll.ilrs, nnd thej ran j;1iosomi of the hours 'during thoday to tniklni; their dree orM'liclhiK uinterl.il lor Hum.

Dnrlnc Ihe dull ili.n of thejdaKiie ho have (iviTliiiulul nilof our Immenee Kind, amimirkcil dim n prlics to iult Ihelimn. Jiml look at tliu nuodnnd compare the prices h!illui' lou hao been pajlmr inthe vi

.'Boys"' Suits,tipunriN.

Children' Suits,l.ntit kljle, llfly d-n- t to amuili us jou want to pay.

Shoeslor the children a' Ou cents a pair.

Ladies' ShoesFine ipiallty from f 1.4..

You ncer-n- n ruilinllnuof liouac-furni--

ilroo.b,11,orllte s c mrrj, nor didou cci teu kurli alue for your money.

iSheetlnrjs, Toweling, BedSpreads, Hair and Clothes


low"epriecmCr0rL8S e0iU m,lKC,, ,0 th8














All The Worry.

At the World's


tho CoMi'TOJiKTEit re-

ceived tho highestaward on adding andcalculating machines.

JSTCall around andseo this tnno-saviii- "'

machine; computes in-

terest, discount, ex-

change, etc.





JJiiticl concert at 1,

Lmcrosso prnotico nt 5 o'clockthis afternoon.

Lncrosso tliiB aftornoon nt tliobaseball grounds.

Tho Bishop Museum is opentoday anil tomorrow.

Now is tlio tiino to Kiibscribufor tllO UUMiUTIN.

Tlio Loi Mima Olub moots nttlio Huwuiian Hotol tins uvuniiig.

Alcxiuulor Young and familyaro expected homo boforo Christ-mas.

Tlio Bonding Room and LibraryCommittoo of tbo Y. M. 0. A.moets tonight.

New uniforms for CompaniesO and H will bo supplied in abouttwo woeks.

A. V. Gour odors n ltnningtontypewriter, in firet-clas- a condition,lor salo clicup.

Tlio Afong, May and Holds-wort- h

fnmilios liuvo moved intotown from Waikiki.

Tlio lloalani Boat Club direc-tors held no meeting last night,no quorum being present.

Tbo nnnual mooting of thePlanters' Lnbor and Supply Com-

pany is sot for Novotnbor 27.

Twolvo mon from tho militarydoiiiirtment nro now ut workguarding tho Nuuanu stream.

T. B. Murray is branching outin business and will add u lino ofcarriages to his stock in trurio.

Health Agont Reynolds burnedhis Lands yesterday whilo fumi-gating freight on tho Kaimilou.

Captain Griflilhs of tho Albertmourns the loss of a Btnull blackand tnn dog, stolen from his vos-s- ol.

Special business will bo pre-edit- ed

by tho socrotnry at thoScottish Tliistlo Club this ovo-nin- g.

Mis. Dr. Walters, Mies DoraMobsman and Miss lioeman arriv-ed from Kuuai by tho Makco thismorning.

Tho Amorican Loagno holds anopen session this ovening. A. B.LoobuiiBtoiu of Hilo will deliveran address.

Rov. D. P. Burniu will shortlydelivor a locturo on "Trnvols inEustorn Lauds," for tho benefitof tho Y. M. C. A.

Miss Culiill nnnouncos her FallOpening of nowly fin ported hats,millinery, feathers and flowers forSaturday, Octobor 12th.

ijjA carload of whisky rocontlyexplodod whilo on routo to NowYork from Pooria, Illinois, andnearly killod two men.

The L"i lliuaa Club danco atlndopoudonco hall takes placonext Friday, instead of tonightas previously nnuouueod.

Chioago rocontly experioncod afall of temperature of 25 degreesin one day, from 91 dogroos ut 3p. m. to GC degrees at 11 p. m.

The San Francisco Call of tho' 23d ult. s.ija tho U. S. S. Marion

is fitting out ut Maro Island for acnuso to tho Hawaiian Islands.

C. B. Riploy will give a stere-optic- ou

locture ut tho Y. M. C.A., illustralivo of viows in Cali-fornia, within two or throo wooks.

Oilicers of tho Bouningtou ox-po- ot

to bo rolievod in u month ortwo by tho Philadelphia, which isnow paying a round of visits toPortland and cities on tho S unci.

The finest grado of org indiesat tho Tomplo of Kushiou clear-ance sale has boon reduced from50cts. to UScts. per yard, and thenext grade has beou reduced from35ets. to 25nts. per yard. Thosogoods cn ho bought at this figuroThursday, Friday and Satin dyonly.

D. Howard Ilitchcook has re-

turned to town and is located athis studio at tho corner of Hoteland Fort streets upstairs, ontrancoon Uotol street, whero ho has

his classes in drawing andpainting. Studio afternoon athomos Fridays from 2 p. in. to 1

p.m. Visitors always wolcome.

Tho Tomplo of Fashion has animiuoiibo stock of dotted Swissmuslins 45 inches wido, formorprico 50o. Tlioy aro now soilingfor :J5c por yard. Anothor quali-ty that sold for 35o bus boon

to 25c por yard. Thisotl'ur holds good for Thursday,Friday and Saturday of this wcokonly.

In tho ofilctiil column will bofound the Hoard of Itoulth regula-tions for tho sale of lish.

A daily train to Wuiunno willloavo tho depot 'very day at 11n.m. until further notico. ir,

it will leavo Waianao at5 p.m.

Tho return of the warships isanxiously expected by businessmen Thoy nic liableInput in an appearanco at anytiino now.

Tho Cull adds insult to injurywhen it enys that if the Vnlkyriohad waited a liltlo she could havecarried homo tho team of tho Lou-don Athletic Club.

The Chinoso on tho qunrnntinoisland sooin to bo a quarrelsomelot, but that noed not intorforowith their bocominggood citizensaftor their cuutritoU aro out.

Tho next nows from tho nulsidoworid will bo brought by thoMariposa, duo from the Coloniesnext Thursduy. Sho should bringovor a wook s later tolographicdispatches.

Chiof inspector R. L. Varnonwill iuterviow the business mentomorrow for monoy to pay thotwenty inBpootors undor hisohargo. It will be forthcomingwithout a doubt.

Tho annual moeting of tho Ho-

nolulu Library and HoadingRoom Association takes placo attho library at i o'clock this after-noon. A good attendance ofmombors is lookod for.

G. II. Harrison, practical pianoand organ maker und tunor, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at Hawaiian Nows Co.will recoivo prompt attontion. Allwork guaranteed to be tho sameas douo in factory.

Dr. Hydor makes physical ex-

amination gratis of tho hearts andlungs of membors of the Y. M. 0.A. gymnasium classes in order todotcrmino tho character andamount of exercise most suitedto tho individual.

The Cabinet has decided tostart tho dredger at woik at themouth ofNuuunustroara, omtherMinister Damon has docided thatmonoy from the appropriation fornow wharves and sea wall may boused for that purpose.

J. Hutohiugs, forraorly of H.May it Co.'s store, is in quaran-tine to go to Kauai next Tuesday.Ho has been omployod by II.Hackfold & Co. to tako ohargo ofthoir brnnch store at Kekaha.His many friends will bo glad tohear of his good fortuno.

Mrs. B. Froimann has anolsowhore of the

oponingof tho Richelieu Hotel ,unevent that was horulded first inuu itom in tho Bulletin a fowdays ago. Tomorrow will be thoopening day and tho moal hoursaro mentioned in tho advertise-ment.

Correspondents of tho Bulletindhould hand in their communica-tions early in tho day to insuronublication. All tlintilnv mlvnr.1. .- ...,-- . H.,w.tisemonts should be sent to thobusiness oflico boforo noon of eachday. Roading'and "By Author--uy nonces may uo sent in anytimo up 2 p. m.

Miss Burbunk, librarian of thoH. L. tfc R. It. Association, willhavo a table iu tho reading room,supplied with suitablo periodicalliterature, for tho uso of schoolchildren. Tho children will bolikowiso favored with tho perusalof suoh works of reference as thoymay desire to assist thorn in thoirstudies.

Tho private Kindorgarten ofMiss Craig will bo opened onMouday morning, Oot. 7th, at 9o'clock. With Miss Craig thorowill ho associated this your in thooaro of tho Kindergarten MissPuuuhi Judd, a recent gruduuto ofthe Golden Gato KindoigartonAssociation, and also Miss EllaThrum.

EXTI.NOUISHIXO FlKES. OnO oftho old school readers furnishestnnio oxcellent firo rulos whichrun thusly. Yoll as much uspossiblo, throw all minors andchinawaro out of tho windows,persons bolow will rocoivo thoinupon thoir heads, wrap tho coulscuttle up in a blankot and lowerit carefully to tho ground, placetho tongs astride of your sliouhlorund carry them gently down stairs,got oxcitod. Whon tho hubbubhas co.ised go to Brown fe Kuboy'sand thov will replacoyour missingjowolry and cutlery at reasonableprioos.



Claronco Micfurluno has a cat-ri- g

clinker built limit for sale.Iluby Dexter is going, to dis-pos- o

of Ids racing horse Daylight.There is a lull in police circles

anil very few airests aio beingmade.

Ilonvy iron girders fur tho VonUoll building are being unloadedat tho promises.

Jack Haro has accepted a por-tion with W. S. Lnco, tl.oauctioiiier.

Fresh Pearl Ilmbor oysters cannow bo had by leavingorders with11. E. Molntyre ,te Hro.

Mitchell, who is under arrestfor robbery, will bo rolcased up-on filing n 11000 bond.

Tho first footbindingcaso undortho new law came up in thoI'olico Court today.

The Hawaiian llardwaro Company has just oponod up a linolino oi a gato wure.

Iloilth Officer Reynolds foolsencouraged over tho situation, ifho uiu burn his hands yostorday.

A long string of Chineso wait-ing for passes was noticed at theBoard of Health office this morn-ing.

Business mon aro realizing moreand moro every day tho value oftho Bulletin as an advertisingmoumm.

II. D. Johnson of tho Post Officeis at work grading a lot on Thurs-ton avenue in preparation for theerection of a rosidoucc.

The Amorican Loaguo flag hasbeen flying today, to call tho at-

tontion of the members to tlio re-

sumption of moetings tonight.

Ahua Point, ono of tho boundarymarks mentioned in tho new fishrigolation of tho Board of Health,is beyond the lopor experimentalstation.

Spaco of tho National IronWorks is filled today. Mr. Lynnthe proprietor is prepared to filloidors in machinery and wroughtand cast iron and brass work.

Rf Auctioneer Luco held a success-ful sale this morning, at whichfair pricos woro roalizod. W. W.Wright securod a fine brako for$50 and many others got bargains.

Officor David Kaapu has orrost- -od Maluao for malicious mischiefin lotting looso a ferocious dogwhich goos after tho neighbors'ohickous und othorwiso makeshimsolf a nuisance.

It. II. Thompson, WullomsacPaper Co., Troy, N. Y., writes totho manufacturers of tlio (Jo niptometor: "It is only a mattor oftime before it will bo as mdispensablo in all braiichos of business astho typewriter.''

Tho sum of $17 hos boen re- -

coived by tho Hawaiian Beliefhocioty lrom Uonrgo U. luurchilcl.It was tho proceeds of n concertgiven by the natives in Hanahola,Kauai, for tho bonofit.of the society. Thore aro only oighteon ortwenty native iaminos rosiuingthoro.

A sensational story well writtonby Ralph Tumor, sovoral pugosof chiefly political humor in pioseand vorso and some prosontublopoomsofu sorious cast compriso,togother with tho usunl dishes ofboiled and roasted "missionary,"tho ct.ntonts of tho latest numborof tho Hawaiian.

White muslins figured andstriped and of tho finest qualitycan bo had in any quantity at theTemple of Fashion clouranco salo.Tho 10 ct goods aro now 25cts,tho 25ct prices have boon murkeddown to Idols and yon can buy forlOots por yurd all that wero form-erly IGJ-Jct- These prices holdfor Thursduy, Friday and Satur-day of this week.

Cm a

a morbid appetite for strongdrink (alcohol) by drinking ourmild, refreshing Souttlo Beor. Ondruught at Critorion. It



OLAA restaurant.lln.o, IIawaii.

TOUItlSTS AND OT1IEKS VISITINdlUlo can Und unliable Itiinnl und IouVIiij; liycallliiv on JOHN I.VCl'UHL'S.

In connection "llli tlio aboo lio cnu aunnlyyou with

Pori'lcii ami Duineatic Fruits,Clears end Tobacco,Cool Diliiku, etc.

b5-l- y.

Now Advo tisomonts


removes wrinkles nucl nil traces of nye. Itccils through tho ioich ami build up thefatty mcmbraueii nail wasted tiHsitex,nounsucs mo Hlinvollrtl jinil Blirillikonskin, tones r.ul iuviyonitcs the nerves nmlmuscles, enriches the hip. verisliecl blood-vessel-

and HUtmlies youth ami elasticity totbo nctlon of tho skiu. It's perfect.

Yale's Skiu rood.iirico $A0 nud$3,at nil drug stores. JUIU. M. YALE,

Specialist, MO Htnto St.,Chicago. Dcuuty Guide, mailed frco.

noimoN Ditua co.,Wholesale. Aseiits.

Fall Opening.

Tho fallXlI'l'ON

opening nt tho DaiMillinery will

rounnenco on

Saturday, Oct. r.Mli,

continuing for thiod days. Alargo aud hnudhoiuo Ubsortuiout


Hats, Fcatliers, FIohits, Xmcltle-- ,Killing lluto, Lingerie, Kte.

All of tlio very latest stylo nu.l direct fromNow York will lo shown.

Miss Cahill.Arlington Muck, Hotel stiojt. 12l-.-

rFo Epicures.

Mn. II FiiBlMANN wlnlies to niinouiiie tothe public of Honolulu that hu has tendedtho DIcKhoii prtines on Ilurct.tnlii atrvi't

here lic will open a H Hotel to beknown as

"THEDo you u)i a hrst-cla- m meal of the llnett

th.it the market altordi served In such amanner a to make tho idlului doubly pulaluhle If you do, try

The dlnlni: room will he Dennaucnllv onencd on October IStli, frlundieon. .Me.ils eered u la carlo or tabicd'hote.


,.1L' to 2S0.,'i 1 to 7.30....r. toy.

A limited number of clcirniilly furnUhfdroom, llltid with elerlrle llulit. finale oren milte, can be obtained on

15.l'23-3- t



i i









Mrs, Ereiimmn.

And want the properthing both in cut andstylo nml dosiro tohave the latest Pat-tern you must call on

edeiros $ Co,Hotel Mrcct.

Aiul lon'l You II'


Tlxo jLdoX:o.oVOW SAL15 AT

N. S. SAGHS.18 llnrPT A Ml lino of stws, iu nil qualities,r1 Ub vUUI p'GB.V&!jllt roilncod prices, at Snchs.'






Honolulu, fl. I.

rm Votl Street

N. S.

When It Comes


ask rou


To Disinfectants still linvo

plenty, our stock has not

heen exhausted, and new

arrivals hand.


Home Seeker

Out new tract of hinrl. him 7ij,uuucioiLfia uuiu uic mai'h'ct. These

hoit College, lacing on Mukiki and Puliat-ion, streets ana, ildov .ilnnnuo. nlnim.every advantage for these tots; they are on

lliii;. iiii-i- i iiinw kiiii tiitt,tf tiiminiouy .jyuu '.VM, till' JlllCSl rCSIdl'ltCC

uriuiii located arou ml runhou College, and the magnificent view cainever oesnut, out, oy other buildiivjs; theelevation high and entirelii suitable forresidence mi rjoses. Thelotsure Toft frontand, liio (lee and, th.n .twins mm mion application.


wwns& Co.




OITer for unlo bext imlity Limptho tiling uiurkct ruto. Tins theyeiiuiuo article, puro ami Himplo. n


Jltint; leavo jouiouloni.




t 5 m a n rj. u "


me on

..is on

I 1 1 f I l ft 1$ rt t 4 n it r t r ....... ..... t T

v II

i it; nit r9 It mm it 11 rt o , ,t .1 .. . It... ,?. - 1 . ..I-- . ''X nits v '

I uj 1 iu; ci 111 is a


Lime Stone


-- acxssS22.i33S3Ky'

Turkeys !


V ..::


i). lm '

tho of1 I, line is


up 217 uiul





Honolulu, H.l



A large lloek, enough for ever) Iwily.Place oulou earl) to hnure l.irnct hlrJs.




& & .f '

iy m J





I 'j


ft mtAVi: act oi' a .iim'Kijv navim3 a ciiimi's i.ii'i:.




i -,


J'adirtlr Mor ol lii 'Iurr-".- ll Hoi.on St'lUrr IliTlnrtMl off" ! u

(Viil l.o.l

Mortality has swung out, und

is following closo bohiml, thirdfrom the polo. Tho wire is lor-sib- ly

near. Whoever wins will

win by a abort bond.Suddenly gomuUiiiig huit'oiia.

A nurse-gi- rl witb her uncurl downcloso by tho fonce h is becomo toodeeply 'interested, and bor littloclmrgo li'is toddled out upon thotrack nnd stands piteoiisly help-

less right in tho path of the lly-iii- rt

nieors. Billv oos it nil inan instant tho lm-rifi- cil ex pros- -

sion on the iune girl'b f.uo anddnzoil loo!; if the little todd'-- r n

the track ahead, lie can guideSoltzor arc und lior. he thinks,but nothing can .nvo tin- - babvfiom tin- - nishing "li.'ld" bciiird.

What can ho do 1 A singlo falsomove nnd tho nico is lost, itwon't bo his fault if tho child iscrushed, anyway, and to win the j

raco moans so much. But soino j

wuy, something in tho appoalinglace of tho baby makos him thinkof the little sister asleep in thotiny English church aid so farn way over tho water, and he can'thelp it ho must dt something.But what ?

Like a flash ho remombors n

picture bo onco saw of a bravoliossar who enutched a child fromin front of a flying regimontof horse. After l'io Wxlct Woslshow was on tho other side, allthe lnda nbout tho stublos badpracticed for weeks picking uparticles from tho ground by drop-ping over tho horses' sides, andho bad boon the best of them nil,but this was so vastly difforont.Ho know bo would fail, but bomust try. With one hard pull onthe reins he drops them, and witha cry to Seltzer bo slips bis lottfoot through the stirrup and drawstho slender iron 'up to bis knoo.kicks bis other fool clear nndthrows himself wildly to tho right,straight duwn over tho horse'ssido. Theio ho bungs, by onekuco. hoad down, his arms ed

and hi littio bodyswinging wildly against the racer'nsido at ovory bound.

Seltzor fultors in her paco anddrops b.iok. With a wild swoopof bis arms Hilly clasps tho littleform closo and lifts the baby clearof tho ground as the horses hurlby. The straiu is a terrible one,and he can only drag himself up alittlo way. His leg is almostbroken by tho sharp stirrup. Hocan only bond himolf up as faras possible, close his eyes andhold tight. Ho bears tho wildshout" from tho crowds as Davidsweeps by, a winner On thoy gofor it K'ems a mil- - but iu realityonly a dozon rods. Soltzorslackens and stops. A dozonstable boys uio springing at borLoad. SnmeoiiH snatches thebaby from bis arms, and Billydrops diown and steals hurriedlyaway to a quiet corner of thostable,-,-. It has all como over himnow. Beltor has lost. HisdrenniHof making a name for him-sel- f

aro pono. Mr. Uurnott willnever ailow him to rido again.His be.id is whirling yet. Hofeels dent lily sicK. Everythinglooks black, and ho wishes hewero dead.

Sinking down on tho straw, heburies his fitco nnd sobs as thoughbis faithful littlo heart wouldbronk.

'Well, young man!"It is Mr. Nnrnott.Billy does not look up. "I'm

corry 1 lost tho race, sir," hosnbs. "I couldn't 'olp it, ynuknow, sir. Sh'-'- 'a' boon killed,bir tho babv."

"Well, I should say she would.And bow in heaven's name it hap-

pened that you weren't boats mo.""I'm sorry, sir, I didn't win.""Eh? What? didn't win? Why,

"boy, I'd rather havo my jockeydo that thing than havo ray horsoswin a dozon races yos, n hun-

dred," adds young Mr. Burnett,aftor computing the matter morecarefully.

"But tho money, sir, wot'sboonlost?"

"Not a cent, except the purse.All bets on Holtzor doolarod off.Come along up in the stand, now;thoy'ro nil howling for you."

And Bill) went. CUa-l- ot Nev-'- oi

llood in LippincoU'a.

After PneumoniaCatarrh, Abscossos,

DyapopslaHood's Snrsaparllln Cnvo Rooust

Health and 8trongth.

Sir. llm. W. OtlaIs a veil known blAcksralth of Trenton, N. J.He wrltn Illustrating the great liulldlns up,blood purlt)liig potters o( Hood's SusaparllUattcr serious lllncis i

"C. I. Hood It Co., Lowell, Mhh"Iiun plaited to make a statement of my ex-

perience with Hood's S.iMAparlllii. I mblacksmith and contracted a se?cre cold whichdsTeloped Into pneumonia, lleforo I got orerthe Illness, two largo abjct'iies gatherod on tnjlimbs. Different medicine! Tilled to do lne anyfood. Catarrh and djrspepsU

Mado Ma Very Weakand I lost flesh. I was advised to Like Hood'sSarsaparllla. Iletoro I had used a bottle I beganto feel better. I continued and hare taken (Itsbottles nnd It has cured mo of all my troublesand mads mo perfectly woll. 1 now hat o n good

Hood's? Curesappetlto and weigh Ore pounds heavier thanertr before. I cannot recommend Hood's Sar-

saparllla too highly." Wm. W. Otis, 809

Koobllng Street, Trenton, New Jersey.

Hood's Plllscure all Llvor ills, lilllousness,Jaundice, IndlceiUon, Sick, Headache. 25c.

Hobron Drug Co., L'd,Hole Attenta for the Iteimblio of Hawaii.


BiiaAprters Eiilerorise Brew Co


Largest Consignment of Beerthat over arrived bore, now

on DraughtJ. DODD. Vrop'i


Harness, cither singlo or double, mado intho latest ntylc nnd of tho host material. Ifyou want u now I'nrriago top. If you wantn firttt class Saddle inndo or any other

in the Harness or Saddlery line, it w illpay vou to call on

C. R

P. 0. Box 190R4-- tf

COLLINS,337 King St.

Telephone Uli'J.

N. F. BURGESSRepairs Garden Hose, Sprinklers. Water Taps.

Etc, Etc.

Snw Filiiitf nml nil kinds of Tools Sharp-ened, including CiirvinK Kuivett nnd Scis-

sors. Ijsiwii Mowers repaired nnd for rent.Also, ScttiuK Glass in fnct nil kinds otJobbing. Work called for nnd returned.Shop mill ri'Mtluiico on Miller street.ltiu tip Telephouo 852. tf



- - w - -


tin IIUIMHXO ItUHNT.I) lli:OKNTIA'la Milwaukee, without Insurance,

U'ciiuho n clerk IOltCJOT tu renew eetliilnpollclo promptly nit Instructed.

"Ho was dlictinrged.

"A fotf days later, Uio owner died wlllioiitInmirniieo on Ms life, leaving n widow muitlireo younc clilMren in poverty, Iicchuhoho lnul NIIGI.KCI'KD to insure. As procrnr.t.inntiou It mora ettljiahlo than forgetfuluehspcrhnpH tho owner is having hln jmnislfwent NOW.

".MOltAIi I CotiHiillntton nail ofilco treat-

ment free. Special attention given to pro'crastlngtoru."


The Equitable Lifo Assurance Society

of the UnitedStates.

Bruce Cartwright,Gcncrnl Manager for tho Hnwaliuu IhIiiucIb;



Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FOItT STJtEKT.

Carriage BuilderAND lirjl'AIHEll.

Blacksmiiliing in All Its Branches.

Orders from tho other Islands in Build.injr, Trimming, 1'nmtiuff, etc., etc.,

Promptly nttumlcil to.

W. W. WIUU1IT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. AVcst.)


: and :

Undertaking Establishment.

XTTAItlNG BLOCK, COR." Fort and Berotauia Sts.

Day TolophonoNight



H. H. Williams,80-t- f Manager.

Building Lots!At AVAIKIK1 on enr lino nnd onPA- -

LAMA ltOAI) nenr FertilizingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts nenr tho city nndother Properties for sale.

1JKUCK, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots nnd LnndB,

tf 503 Fort Street, near Kins

TcLcrnoNK 007. P. O. Box 821.


Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

Tlio plcnsuntost, quietest,flluttliest nml most perfectly ap-pointed Honaide resort oil UioIslimds. It is only four milesfrom tho bonrt of tho city midwithin onsy rencli of tho trumcars,which run every twenty minutesor oftonor. Klegantly furnisheddotnclied cottnges or rooms nroobtnitiiiblo on oasy terms. Thetublo is suporier to that of any oftho city hotels nnd nil tho modernconveniences nro provided.

Picnics mid bathing pnrtics citnobtain extra accommodations bytelephoning in advance

Tho bittliinR fncilitios of SansSouci aro superior to thoso of anyphicoon tho bonch. 89-t- f

Jewelry !

Our Stock o( Summer Goodsis acknowledged by every-

body to bo tho finest on thoHonolulu market, and con-

sists of everything Usefuland Ornamontal. Our pricesaro moderate. Jewelry inspecial designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER.P. O. Box 287 Fort Street.



I nm now prepared to Move Fnrcitniriu better shapo than any other expit'lconcern iu tho city, ns I have n WACiOllnrco enough, to movo n whole houailvof Furniture nt one load.

I hnvo tho lntest PIANO MOVINGAPPARATUS nnd Kunrnuteo to movoPianos without scrntching, to nuy part oftho city for 82.50. I nm n rustler nnddon't enro who knows it; urn nhtnys tobo found nt my Stand,

Cor. Nuuanu & King Streets,Telephouo 215.

P CETI movo my Furnituro SO FASTthnt it mnkes my competitors SWEATto even look nt me.

Yours for Business only






This is the Medicine ThatMakes People Well!

Wells, Hichaudsox Ac Co, Mo.sthosk. Va Sent 2.'.. 1894

J'i i.'!','!",,..ri,cw'.!nn ' rnn down' lmi1 " "invito at nil, wns very nervous, had 110 hlocp night or day; to sum it all, I WAS1U11 I.C1IA WUI.ICHUJ. lint thanks to Paino's Colory Compound I can now cat nml sleep and work just as

well as l eouui ueioro i whh taken sick. When I eonimeneed taking tlio Comiioiind I weii-he- d 1(1 pounds; Jnoio weigh IBSpuuntlt ii ml du nil the uurkjur myiimilu of Jlie. I have rceommendod the Cotnpouml to thieu families already and they aroH''1 m1,1,:, .'''iV.'iViVi'.l'.1.1' I,0ttk'- - 'ld would IT 10 ALL WHO AKKBUKKEllINGWIIH810MACH OIlNi:ilV0USTJtOUllU:. Yours lespecttully,


Pause's .", Celery '. CopodiD:IS FOR SALE BYTHE:

KOLLISTER DRUG Co.,V Resale Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands.



White Brothers' Cement,

Corrugated Iron Roofing,

Galvanized Water Pipe

Paints and Oils.


Roche Harbor Lime,

C. & C. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain' and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Elo.


Oldest Furniture and Under-taking Establishment mHonolulu.

Tel. 179.

Beaver Saloon,II. J. NOITE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL HOCUS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON nAND.


Hawaiian Electric


lias a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-

trical GoodsConstnntly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a bpocialty.





Horizontal Slide Valvo En-niu- o

mado by Honolulu IronWorks Co. in 1885. Boro ofCylindor 13": Lenth of Stroke40": Crunk Shaft on loft ofCylinder: HnndEovorsing Goar.Diamotor of Fly-whe- el 14ft.: Sizeof Engine Bod 3 foet wide x 20ft.long.

For further particulars apply to

Theo. H. Davies'fe Co., Ltd.49-t- f."

Gil St.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMorchant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Company'sStoro. my 13.

Seattle Draught Beer!

Ex " Miowera,"

The finost in tlio land at









rnr nr



Qood foundation


Merohnnt strcot.










TiiAiii:snr..N xr.vnt iuin im'r.itiAi,crsro.iiiiim.

Mill)' Vrurx Ollrn i:ln Withouti lllll HrliiK 1rcirillPil

or I'al.l.

Tliero aro mnny poreons whowill onvy tho privilego whichroyalty' enjoys of novor boing dun-

ned for tiulosnion's bills, Bays

tho Chicago Uocord. Tho groutParisian drossniakors in purticu-ln- r

mako n point of ncvor sondingin iiny account to their royal nndimporial customors nnloss spooinl-l- y

roquoatod to do so. At thosumo timo, nil sorts of clovor

and dovicos nro adoptM toromind customors of this oxaltod

rank without appearing to do so

that money is duo and paymentsdesirable.

Very different from tho Princessof Wales is tho downgor Quoon of

Portugal, who is porennially hnrtl

tip in spite of tho largo allowancesalio recoivos from tho Portuguesoand Italian civil lists. Ilor trades-men at Paris, whonco alio gets nilhor olothos, have to wait yearsfor their money, which thoy gotonly when some of thoso Portu-gueso loans happon to bo floated,or when tho Quoen is ablo to gothor brother, King Humbert ofItaly, to coino to her roscno nndfill hor deplotod purso.

Tho membors of tho Russiancourt nro very oxact and unques-tioning in their payments, andso, too, is Quoen Marguorito ofItaly, hor punctiliousness in thisrespect being duo to hor husband,King llumbort, who, still ou tier-

ing from tho disastrous effects oftho insano extravngnnco of hisfathov, Victor Hmmnnuol, is caro-f- ul

to run ns fow bills aa possible,nnd, so far as ho can, to pay asho goes.

Tliero is n popular impressionnbroidthut the Princo of Walesis froquontly dunned by trades-men, but this is not tho caso. Idon't supposo ho over received atailor's bill in his life, and hispressing needs for money,which drivo him into suchextraordinary and promis-cuous friendships nnd associ-ations, aro attributable to loanscoming duo and to gambling andracing debts. Porhups tho mostnnpunctual and loast satisfactoryof royal porsonngos with whom torun a bill is tho prosont Einpororof Gormany, a reigning sovoroiguwho comes about as near boingdunned like an ordinary mortal asany one could find, the tradesmenwho aro unablo to got their mon-o- y

taking out thoir annoyanco indiBngreoablo romarks that bringthem dangerously noar indict-ment for tho crime of o.

Mechanics' Ilomo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging bydny, wook or month. Torms: 25and CO conta per night $1, and$1.25 por week.

Ladies ou tho othor Islands cando thoir shopping by pont byapplying to L. B. Kerr forsamples. Thoy should embracothis opportunity, and got a singloyard at wbolosulo prices.

City Carriage- Co.. J. S. And-rnd- o,

mnnager. If you want abnck with good horso nnd enro-f- ul

drivor ring up iVlophono 113,corner of Fort and Merclmntstreets. Ilaok at all hours.

Bicyolors nro likely to got cut,scrnpod, sprained, bruised, orsomo way hurt. No mutter which,an application of Iledding'sItussia Salvo will tnko away thosmart and pain, and cure thotroublo in a hurry. Thousandsof whoolmon novor go on thoroad without it. Why shouldyon ? 25 conts buys it of any drug-gist. Handy box for your pockot.Hollister Drng Co.. Au'ts.




,nitli's OjxhIl Store.

ll.l llfl l'ronl St.,SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.

flr '' i W' ' mSf,H rr rCT Trf' r '


Tin: JJkht Turatmkst ion Ciio-i.Kit- A

Whon promptly and pro-perly treated a loeovory is almost,certain. This una fullv demonstrated during the provalonco ofCholora in Now York in 180(i.Go to bod as soon as tho firstsymptoms nppoar, remain ns quietas possiblo, and take Clinmbor-Iain'- s

Colic, Cholera nnd Diar-rlui'- n

Uomedy in double dosoauntil tho pain consos, and then J

alter oaou operation of the bowelsmorothnn natural. Send for aphysician, but tnko this romndyin this way until hu arrives. Theromody should bo kopt at handroutly for instant uso. It shouldbo takou within fivo minutcB aftortho first symptoms appear. Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholora nnd Diar-rhtu- a

Remedy ia tho moat succea-fu- lmedicino that hns yet boon

producod, not only for tho milderforms of bowel complaint, but forthe Miost virulont forms of AsinticChoWn. Forsaloby BENSON,SMITH ,fc CO. 114-- 1 m

lllf ) g

lift! 53 I

mat 5 I

III 2 1

A p ST a ss si IL

"E, 13. THOMAS,

CONTRACTOR AMD DUILDI3REstimates I'ivim on all

kmda of Ston9, Brick and AVonlwork. Ifirg si root. 47 If

ILANIWAI BATHS.Tho popular Soasido Resort for

ladies and childron. Good ac-commodation.



WINE MERCHANTS.225 Qnoen stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

47-t- f


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraiscmont of RealEstato and Furniture,

n'J lin

The SINGER Received

54 First Awards for Sicwjno Ma-

chines and EMnuoii)i:itv WoitKat tho World's Fair, Chicaijo, HI.,boing tho largest number of award,obtained by any Exhibitor, andmoro than donblo the numborgivon to all other Sewing Ma-chin-

B. BcitaEltsoN,Agont.

mv3l tf Bothol at., Honolulu.




Also Whito anil Black Sandat tho vory lowest marketrates. Tolphono No. 414.

H. HACKELD & CO.Uavo just rocoived a now Supply of tho

Celebrated "Danish Beer"Of tho following Brinds :

"Gold Label,""Mimic" and

"Export."Also, Just to hand a largo consignment of

Genuine Bavarian Hops!







Lincoln Block, King stroet.

Clias. Hustace,Tolophono







Rooms 12



B- -O

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Honolulu, H,

I'. Walton


en ra2. .H






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l" BO (S









p. o, BOX 10


Groceries, - Provisions - and Feed.HiW Ooodi Beodnd by Brery l'tcket from tbt BUrn BUUi met Barop.


Ail OnUn talthfallr atUnded to and Goodi DllTrd to myFart of tbt City VUKB.

Ut Oidsm Souomm. 8AraTAono QviuirrmJULf OOKMBB FOBI AKS UNO BIBBITH,



puriiiPY x"ott;r

-- I Only l)





We have the besTIf you will oxnmineour stork of


URNISHINGS,You will ngroo that for

StT-le- ,Q-m.a,lit3- 7-

a-rLd- . Prices.

They Stand UnequalledIn Honolulu

S5TOur Goods receivod by wssols just from tho Const aro artislvotho minutest detail.





New Goods! New Goods! New GoodslBY STEAMEIt THE COAST

All Delicacies in Our Line.

A completo lino of an I onoy groceries, as low ns tho lowest.solicited.

LEWIS & CO.,Tolophono No. 210. P. O. Box 297


HodroomSiflo "Boards

Xo 74 King

I'nr Snlr Hum- -






miimin. rPnMnu




staploIsland ordurs



E L pholstorod GoodsMaltrossos LoungesChairs in Vai'iety.

Honolulu, II. r.


77 tf

- "."'''i;,' j4:











JAMES MAKEE ARRIVES. Wilder'8 Steamship Co. Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line SPECIAL CLEARANCE SAL,vti:a:ii:iis maki.i: ami kii u


Nclnioncr llrrllii Jlliior Ti l.rno 'le- -

morroir llcnrliire nftlic Nchmiii"cr Katvnlluiil"(licr llrnn.

RU'liu steamer Iliiwnii In undergoing re-

pairsNothing entcrul, tiothlnc cleared ut thu

'utouu ttiilnj

Kllmiin Hon nrrlwd in port

M noon today Iroin Hawaii.

The ehooner Knwalltul It ft tills afternoon

wllh n full otigii ofRimrrKl rrtlglit tor Wnl

hole anil way lortThf hulk Knlmlloa will llnlili dluharKliiR

her rartfo of I IiIihw iniri'liimlle tills

Ins ami reMimir her U1 ponltlon n line hip

of the naval rn .

The silioonrr Hertle Minor ua finished

licr rnritouf lntnlier anil liinillnj

tulhist lor Kur ka to fall

thence tomorrow

The ttcnmilii)' Kmu left this nflernoon for

llllo with an inii.uiiiii laiKi fi hat place

ami way prti she a tltni il for tomorrow

but iouIJ lali no more frL;ht .

1 he appraiser ol i utoin in u aluins a

Chinese thcatrlml wardrobe whh h urriM.il on

the liner China from HontfLnns ht Monilnj

for the new Clilnee theatre at I'alauia.

The steamer .lanus Makcc errled In portIhlsmornlnirfioni Ka with JPs hngs rice

nnil 13 cabin and iluU pasfensirs Captain

l'ctirson report- - every thins quiet on the

Harden llcThe steamer MIKiihala, on account of not

liliii2 Ktcani, hulls' out In the stream nlhtfor iii irnnttiie. She lll leoho fuurl.t toila

fur her regular Kauai, route hit lmllliK NH'iau,

which she sails lor on next lunula) after-

noon.They get ton dollars eioh for pulling

drowned Chiueso out of thu lay in Sau

i'rancisco, niul the c itim loys are won-

dering whether the pike fmnils of tho

dc.ul Chinaman fouml flouting in the liar-lui- r

this uioruing will pouy up like theirJ'riico countrymen.

AltMYAI.Stuir James Iakec from Kauai.

Stmr Kllain a Itou, from Maul anil Hawaii.

nr.I'AltTl ItES.

Sdir Knuallaul, for Koolau.Stmr Klnau, Clarke, for Maul and Hawaii.Stuir I.lkillkc, Wilsl.arth, for Hawaii and



Vir stoincr Makeo, from Kapaa Mrs St1) li Wallers, MUi Dora Moesmuuu, MUilleinian and 'J on deik


Mlk.thala, rreeraau, tor Na. illwlll, Koloa,Eletle, Maknwcll, Walima, Kekalia and Nillull, Tumlav Oi t 1'). ut 5 p III.

American sih Bertie Minor, for Eureka,SatunUj, Oct I J, at noon

Stmr Jn Makec, Peterson, for Kapaa,Satnnliy, Oct U, at 4 p in


Ex Mallei "I1 lir ile

vtatsi.i.i in ruiir.

".At it. FisM..V SS lennliiktoii,l'ii:mnn. Mart Island (HlloU S 3 Oljmpla llenl, S 1 (l.aliiiii.0


(Conki not Included in this Hit )

II iw bk Amlriw Wih li, Uruw, S 1'n 1.1 All., rt l.illlltli N IV

1iurliark.fi u'.i.'i.U rpool.Amidit'l'HlKluiMk, MAm bk Muiiu'iu, ineoii, I'jjt SoundAm bk C 1 Drri t, Ih'iI)u, I.iijpiiu IslandAm sth Hi r'ii M.i or l(ai n, Euieka(icrship Mane llai kteld. Walters, llrtmcnAm lik 1'iiiist tju in. l)iebori:, Lahalna.

tOHKIii.N M'.-ll- S KM'ECTKII.

Verselt here troin DueAm bk Edward Mm Hilton DueAm bk Amj turner New York. . .Duellr sch (illl.ud Newcastle DueAm rchr Anuu 1 (Kahiilul) I)uellrbk lit or A'lilald Newcastle.. .. Due(ivr Ids J (' l'fliMtjer. .llnmen .. ..Duellr bk Aldir.ToM .l.lerpool DueHuw bk It Hltlthet ,SF ... DueAm mIi Itobeil Lowers.. .l'i;t Sound DueAm schr Klrj; Cjru... Newcastle. ... Oct 15CcrshH llaekkld ...NY Oct 15llr bk Cor phi ne. Newcastle Oct 15Am Bib ItiiUrt Mnilis Newcastle ...Oct 15Am bk Sitnluolc . .. Newcastle Oct 15NorbkiMiriiu.il Niwcaslle Oct 'J!iAm bktn M : i Mle h I' Oct 30Am sch lui Bowdeii Neuinstle . ... No 1

Am liktn iii. lis Kunka . . . No 'MAm bk Hnlllnvuiiiil Huston . .Decau

Wm. S. !rwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - 1'irhiilent mill MnmiRerClaus Spicil.i'ls, - - -W. M.OilTnrd, - !Seriliiry nnd TrenurerTheo. C. l'orter, Auditor

Suaa? Factors

Commission Agents.




TIME TABLE.0. h. WIGHT, Pre. B. B. UOBR, B--.

Opt. J. JL. KINO, Fort Supt.


WU1 Imtv Honolulu at 2t.u.. toaohtDR atLahalna, Maalaea Bay and Makana thawu day: Mahokonc, Kawalha and Lan-ho- ho

the foUowinc day, arrtvinc atHllo the umi eranln.


Tuesday. Oct. S Tiimday. Oct. 10Friday Oct. 10 KrldBy. . .Oct. 25Tuesday Oct. 2) Ttifwhiy Nov. eKrldnv Nov. Frldav . Nov. 15Tuesday. Nov. ID ) Tunlay Nov. 2tlliMdav Nov. !M . ..Deo. 0Tnday Deo. 10 Tneilay Dec. 17

Friday. .Dee. ?0 Friday ..Dec. 27

ttetanuuj;, will inn Hllo at 1 o'clockr. ., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mahn-ton- s

and Kawaihao tamaday; Makona,Maulaea Bay atvl Ivihalna the followingJm ; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and I'rldays

$XV No Freight will be reoelrad alter13 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAXJDINE,0MOEB0R, CoBunandet,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesdajs at 5 r. M..torching at Kihulul. Hnna, Hamoa andKihalu, Maui, lleturnlng arrivei aiHonolulu Hunday mornings

wui can at nuu, iv.aupo, on lecona inpot each month.

tat-- No Freight will be reoelved afterr. h. on day of sailing.

Thin Company will reserve the right tomake changes m the time of dcpnrtuie nndaxriinlof Its stuinii ri wit houl notice nndIt vld not he reonnlhle for any cnie.quence arising tht ref'uni.

( oiitlciirei mint be nt the Landings torecuhe Uieir Freight, this Company willnot hold lLs-l- f rejponalble for freight afterit has been tattdeil.

Mve Stock only at owner's risk.lhls Company v,illnot be resionstble for

Mony or Valuables of passengers unlesspUced in tho care of Parsers.

I'nu-eiier- are requested to purchasetlokecs b- - fore embarking. Those falling todo so nil! he subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-fiv- e percent.


ic uieaiiiii




Arrivo Honolulu I.cnvo Honolulufrom S. F. for H. F.

Sept. 110 Oct. i!Oct. '21 Oct.ii7Nov. 15.... Nov. '20

THROUGH LIKEfrom Sun Fnmcu-c- From Sjdnoy for

for Sjdnt). San Frnucibco,

.In lie Jlmitih'lit. I.euic llolinliilu.

Aln'itodn ..Oct. '21 Mariposa... Oct. 17

ASK YOUJi GliOCERFoit I'ate.vt Excellent Flodii.Hiuhost Knido Flour on Iho market.Cost tho sumo us nil other firbt-cliia- J

erudt"5, Mm

Central Ieat VIapetLoe's lluililinn Nuuanit St.

A I'lltsr CI.AhS Market in ever)

Onlori (iLliM'reil pioiuptlv to nil phrth ofhe city.

wisTimooK ic a Airesl'ronritton.

SJST Telephone IW.Mnv 20-t- f.

C. 13. DAYIGHT,Does nil kinds of Work iu

Cement & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

Ho hns on hand ti largo supply ofChineBo Granite Curb nud ulwnys keepsHiuwiiiiin CurbitiK Stone. Estimntesgiven nnd lowes4 prices assured. 'I'eJe-oho- no


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

lias a largo nssorltnent of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on bund.

Estimntos givon for hctisa wir-ing nnd Electrical pl.nitH.

Marino V ring a spociulty.

THEO.32-t- Manager.

MLStonintTB of tin tilimo Lino nuitiiiiK in couiioction with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC HAIL WAYlJoiwccu Vnucouvcr, U. C, mid 8ilney, N. S. W., nud callitiK nt Victoria, H. 0.,

Honolulu nuil Sun (Fiji),

On or nbout tlio dates

l'rniu Hjdtipj nnd Sum. for Mctnrln nnil

Vnncoinrr. It. ".:

Stmr "Wnrriuioo" . . . .October 2


TIii-oiikI- i Ti'l(H Issued from Honolulu Cunuiln,United Stales and Ktiroiie.

FiintoiiT ANDrAHsr.NfiuitAOKNTs: C3?" For Freilit and I'nsRnuo and nilGeneral Information, npply to

MoNicoLL, Jlontrenl, Canada.ItoimiiTKKiiii. Viiiii?,Cniindn. JHEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'd

M. M. Stkii.v, Sim 1 ratioisro, Cnl.McIj. llnowN, Vancouver, O. Agents for tho Huw(iiim Islands.


z$mAustralian M Wee.

For San Francisco:The New nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship

"Mai'iposa"Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company Mill

duo nt Honolulu from Sjdney andAuckland on or nlioitt

October 17th,And will leino for tlio ii1hio ixirt withMnils and 1'absenneiH on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"Alameda"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or ulxmt

October 24,And will hae prompt despatch withMails nud l'nsw'tiirerH for the olxio ports.

The undersigned are now preparedto issue-

Thnmsli Tickets to All Pointsin Uu 1'iilti'il States.

C5For further particulars rcgaidiiiRFrei(,'bt or I'iissaku npjily to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,tf General Axents.

rsTAin.isirr.D in 18i8.

BISHOP & COMPANY,-- iiianki:iis, -

IIoiiululii, Iln.illnn InlmnU.

Trull act u general llmilting andIliihiness. Iwns ninilo on nppioMd

M.curity. Uilih disc .unteil, Couinnici.ilcicilitH gmnttil. Utposits ucihoJ on cur-len- t

account hubjitt to iIuc'k,letters of cuilit lsaucil on thu principalcities of the world.

Agents of Tho Liverpool, London andUIjIiu IiibUiiiute Coiiipmy.

U." tin

Short Talks.TO ll.Wr TIOUUOWKD SAY J.'I.OOO,I fnini tho 1. 1'. .V Ij. t

their last meeting, would uo jou?.'17.ri0 pel month, wiy, 10 jeaio, .1 lutiilof St.ntM) Il.OOO when your nioitcngi wouldhuciilicillid.ijI.riOOSlfiOOiiitiiiM in 10

ars, or 6 1.'iO interest in 1 juii, $iri(J.'ipel cut on $!1,000.

j 8.30 to .S0a m.Olllcc Hour: j 4 to 5 ,. M

Chutnher ol Comuiereo Itoouis,A. V G12A?v,

79-t- f Socrctiiry



noxt to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmitliint

Carriage Building

and Repairing

Drays, Carts and

Wagon Building




below iz.



O. 11.



I'rmii Vlrlnrln nnil Vntiemivrr, II. ;., In'

Smi!nnil HjilncviStmr "Miowcni". Sept.

Pacific M llmU kANI THK

OcciQental & Oriental Steamship Co.


Steamers of tho obovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to theabove tKirts on or nlxmt the followingdates:

Stmr China Oct. 20, 1805Stmr Coptic Nov. 1!R, 180.riStmr City ot Peking Dec. i!8, 1805


Steamers of the nbovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to the alioveport on or about tho following dates- -

Slmr Coptic Nov. 0, 80."Stmr City of Peking. . . Dee. C, 18115

Stmr Coptics Jan. 15, 180(iStmr Chum Feb. 24, 1890

Rates of Passage are as follows:TO VOKO- - TO llONO-IIAM-

KONO.Cabin 81.7)00 S175.00Cnhm, round trip, 4

months '225.00 202.50Cabin, round trip, 12. months 2G2 50 310.25European Steerage... 85.00 10000

KTI'assengers paying full faro will beallowed 10 peieeiit on" return faro if

within twelve months.

U'-F-or Freight and Pnsbago apply to


't Agents.

Consol'datel Soda Water LX M

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


J .1 Sl r.LlVAN, J. Ill ( KI.EV.'tJl'risiili'iit Kio'.

Fashion Stables Co.,L'fl.Honolulu, II. I.

SutiLiVi .v .t ISiicKTiRr, Jrun'g'rs.


in thu City, w ith Competent oml Care-ful Drivers.

tSTTourists nl"i others desirous of view--

ing tlio most desirable p tints ofinter- -est in and about tho City will do

well to Focnro 0110 of ourCarriages.

OENTLE SADDLE HOUSES,For Ladies or Oentlomou, iilwnjH on


Siand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Foit oud Hotel Streets.

ToLErjio.NE:Ilnw'r. Hotel Stables, 82.Puulhcon Stables, HI

tf e'lisluou Stables, 148.



ONLY.FOHiAIER PRICES ,5 ccllts ,10w 3r routs

(. .ys " " 25 "

.40 cents now 25 centsFORMER PRICES J '35 " " 20 "

.25 " " ifja kI .ififf " " 10


HVTJLjsliixjsFORiMER PRICES j "f J CG,l,lts "JV


'55 centsforgot tlio dnys,





HIRE'S R00TBEER.rpriarrJ'i?fprrf:t?rfJfra rfafrr.fgTr! frJ'SEMTaflS5I?J?JrJJ'rniJ rrrpjnJJp'rfarfTi rarfa'JirarnJraTOra

This grent honio-nind- o drink is as lionltliful ns it is plens-nn- t.

It is good nil tho time; good for tho children; good fortho grown-u- p folks; good for eveiybody- - hnrmful to none.It keeps tho blood pure nnd cool, strengthens tho system nnilcounteracts tho effects of tho lient. It is nbsoltttoly free fromn single iutoxicnting property nnd is everywhere recognized ns

A Temperance Drink

For Tempranc? P eop!e.

A pnekngo of lliro's Roolbeor extinct will mnke live gnl-lon- s.

Tlio directions nro so simplo that nnyono can ninko thomost delicious, sparkling, effervescent bovcrago withouttrouble or exponso. Ask your storekeeper for it, ninilo onlyby Tho Charles E. Hires Co., Philadelphia, U. S. A.

atp pout

And so yououtsitlo nnd

tho wnyby


" Wo lmu used your Itootltcr for tho lust three years and think theio Isnothing it. 31ns. N, Sii SOS htriut, lloston, Jlass."

' I huu been nsing your Uootbeer for tlneo yuirs, and huvo rftoniuitiideilit to ninny of my friends. 1 ho heeu much lilc.i-e- d with it. It U

nonriKliiug, iu fact words are iinttlemiiilo tooxiiruss its wmth, JIns.S. Ukaun, Btiitobtri-u- , between Coiiktuuce, Suw Orlciius, U. A., U.S.

Honnos Dnva Company,Bknbon, Smith & Company,HoLLiHTi:n Dituo Company,Lr.wiH & Company,

Do IVot


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.AVholesnlo Druggist.

loi'jyet the

Mutem Cigar1

npiiils Northuiuptou





This is nn especial brand imported only by us. Jt is p sitively

the best Cigar in tho city tho money.

65-t- f.

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