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the MANHASSET press, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 193^ htertainmenfs uor IMjton. »«byion-Utoel«l Lady MndWdaie, strand-Xan I Mairy Oh Suaanna pT«at Neok. PlayhouaeWlvea JftytT KDoar m Bis Stepi Hicksvine. Playhousecareer Woman FMBldent's Mystery Port Washington. Ceacon'Wrtves Ntver Know , Ttt His Steps Bay Shore, Bay Shore8»«waway Roelyn. BnslynAH American Chump Yellcwstone Thuraday, Decawbar 31 ABdtryille. AjnltyTilleliiheled Lady Babylon. BabylonLibeled Lady Farmingdale, StrandWgsAln Parade Without Orders Core Theatre. Olen CoveMaUnee: Sue Basting's Maripnettea and the Phantom Patrol; *wnlng Midni^t ShowPhantom Pa* trol. also the Charge ol the Light &igade. Olen Theatre, Glen CoveSitting on the Moon, also Federal Agent Hlclcsville, PlayhouseCareer Woman Preeldent's Mastery port WasiUngton, BeaconCharlie Chan at the Opera Big' Broadcast Mtmany's- Boy Shore. Bay ShoreStowaway RoslynSitting on the rOR TBS SBCXWD WEEK OP WINTER ZB TUB TEAR OP OOR LORD 1936 Diane's Column Wlit almanack containing asides astronomical CALCULATit,f» A GREAT VARIETY OF MATTER USEFUL AND ENTERTAINING Mum regrato laek of alelghbell weather for tdHh Lorda wedfRag . . •ofidih Q«l- tona for pobllahhig Shnpooa Ooarip Biih Who U the AUracUre WWow? . . Arthar Williams heeps dweka op late. Moon Boss Rider of Gun Creek Friday, January 1, 1937 Farmingdale, StrandPigskin Parade ^Without orders Cove Theatre.' Olen CoveCharge of the Light Brigade, also , Make Way For a lady. Glen Theatre, Glen CoveSitting Op the Moon, also Federal Agent. HickisviUe. PlajlhouseDevil is a Sissy Make Way for a Lady » port Washington, BeaconCharlie Clian at the Opera Big Broadcast ^ Mummy's Boy ^ . .Roslyn. Roslyn^Aftthony Adverse I belteve the old fellcw who said, "Oncst a man-twkst a child'' pretty nearly knevf wMat he was talking about. This Christmas, T saw wown up men and women going wacky over kids games and having a better time with them than the youngsters themselves, nat on their somethnes rotund tunndes. they with elec- tric trains on the floor or sat cross-legged bulkhng erector pro- jects. scarcely giving the kiddies « show with their own toys. And. speaking of games, every- one has gone daffy over Fiddle- sticks and believe me it is some job to keep a steady enough hand, the day after a .party, to pull the sticks out of the pile without moving the works. o' _____ ..ilr-. Barbara Richards and CUfford Michel are engaged and^s^e is wearing a sparkler. ding was BE-iiiUful and shewas. Bkrbara Weld vms at Ih# Kim^ * lovely bride but there was imT dim Gnulds party on Saturday Bew Year TesolutlDiw: Mrs. "WIP liam Kale Harknessto bring home bigger and better jungle animals. J. P. Morganto find some way of avoiding' the ' camera men. Libby Holman Reynoldskeep that sun-tan skin. Joe Ryleto write more publicity stuff. Mrs. George Murnaneto get that fox! The H. P. Baldwin Terrys were Ohrlstmas vlsitcn^ at the Julian Mason home In Pound Hollow. Saturday, January 2, 1937 Farmlngdalfc BtrahdiHgsMh. Parade Without Orders •C.ove Theatre, Glen CoveCharge of the Light Brigade, alAb Make Way for a Lady. Clen Theatre, Olen CoveStraight Prom the Shoiilder, also Reck- less Way. Hicksville, PlayhouseDevil is a Sissy Make Way for a Lady ■port Washington, Beacon^Charlie Chan at the Opera Big Broadcast Mummy's Boy Roslyn, RcslynA,nthony .Adverse SundAy, JanuAry~i^ 193T Famjflgdale, StrandCTiarlie Chan at the Opera Daniel Boone ve Theatre, Olen CoveBanjo On M!y Knee, also Vaiiant is the Word For Carrie, t. len Theatre, Olen Cove: Straight From the Shoulder, also Reck- less Way. ' Hicksville, PlayhouseCharge o# ^ the Light Brigade Port Wtasivingtxin, Beacoii^-Charge of the Light Brigade i, jHWbelyn. Jlcslyn^lLadies in Love ' fiaat Meets West . Mondsy, January 4, 1937 Farmlng^le, strandCharlie 'It looks as slated to be in Januaryonce Allison's wedding and again on January 16 at George Schermerhorn's marriage to Butler OOXr if Elise Grace were bridesmaid 4wice her sister, January 7. To plan a Christmas wedding, evidently ^ visualizing snow-cover- ed field} and drbp '^h- and perhaps even .slelghbeil.*!, and then to have the date turn out to be a record for ,balmy warmth, was the ex- perlencte of Edith Lord. Her wed- snow,. The lighted Chrie'tma& oand- les dcwn the aisle, the holly red and cedar greens of the gowns were effective anddifferent-but ulie day was more like a daffodil and Eastern lilywcene. Eldith and her new Husband are going to stay South until Ju^e. ------- Wasn't it funny that Doth Roosevelt had to get her birth oertlflcate to prove her age when she applied for her license? Somtboth' vrttlspered to Diane that there would be a gala hunt breakfast on Saturday at the Oarvans place. The family' sure is -horseyor to put it more in the manner we were taught to use the family is devoted to hunt- ing. I love to see the three girls and Tony all out together foJlow- Ing the Meadow BrcMk hounds. r vtuhderr now TKaiTTe'ho Tonger owns the precious neck of a mon- arch, if Edward. Duke of Wind- sor. will resume his hunting activi- ties? . Tlte critics are loud In their praise of the Dutton book about Mrs. Simpson. And yet I have heard, in literary circles, that the pubUshecs. have been somewhat criticised for stooping" to a mere gossip book. Htowever, if I were a publisher, it. seems to me I abuld Jump at jhe chance to get the manscm-ipt of a book that is bound to be a 'oesl seller the world over, and mayte go dCwn in history as a record. - There are so many parties -New Year's BVe It isn't even fumiy. 1 think I sihair stay in town for mine as most of the_ones_out here are for the marrlede. The George JHepburns have 'a baby girl to add to their already nltse family. tvtgtw. In town for Priscilla St. George and' Angie Duke. That "de- butante certainly is having a grand season. The Hearst boys were there and Adrian Moore and such a nice lot of thA.young set. One place I do expect to go this Spring is to London and as fir as I can find out there will be plenty there for the coronation but they will dash back here for the June season.TKe H. Shop Market -FEOeT-BITING* This New Year's Day will be the fifth anniversary of that mad- cap winterwith a capftaV "Wsport known as Five years ago this New Year's Eve (but it probably Was far Into the morning) one of the nembers of a party at the Knick- the Long IslaiMl crowd ovr' e<-boclur Yacht Club in Port A very attractive vHdtow in the North Shore and New York set has an attentive boy-(frlendwho Is hot in the r.eglsterl But then, with pet dogs in the register and baby pandha In" the good hotelswell, we cant pat ourselves on the back so gloriouslyfor beilng listed. "Bcwncone TOS" teasing Arthur Williams the other night because his ducks stay up too late. They told him It was cruelty to wild life to Illuminate; the latoe' At BRook Corners and'pep up the du<dt5»so thAt they thought it u'as daylight. With the Christmas tree and the chimes and the tnoonlight and the soft Springlike air of these holi- day nights, that spot hlas been heavenlythanks to the liost. .It locks as If skating and the fun at Bearver Dam were to te out of It this year. (Maybe by tflie time this is printed we win be freezing our toes.) Saw^ Tcm Dickson home from school last week. Ne»t week Diane hopes to have more to write aboutor. shall we say more energy to write lt''\®th. The holidays put a crimp in your pep and you can't write even chatter unless ybu feel snappy. DIANE Washington challenged another to a sailboat race with dingys on. the following afternoon. It was a crazy Idea liut the two men, coaxed on by some I diare you to!friends, were equal to it, and the race actually took place. Whats mwe, they had a -wonderful time at itso much fun that they decided to jiace .again the following Sunday. TWs time, some of the former spectators joined in the race with t.ieir boats too, and thus on each successive Sunday the group of entbusisatE grew, assuring.th&oper.-. manenr existence of the Frost- Biters", as they were appropiate- Jy named. after a good., look at Man-, hasset Bay on one oi our 20 mornings, you don't believe that people actually get out In a ten- foot dinkand plow Into those white-caps, you had better drag yourself over to the Manhasset Bay Yacht Club on New Year's Day. They are holding air invita- tion meet for all the Frost-Biters on Long Island and also those from far north as Providence R. I., it should be a boauilful sight. The Bay in all its winter grejmess w^l be flecked with orange, blue, red. and green sails, if you feel jx)u cant make it cn * the day After ifew Years Bv<. the race* r i THESE DAYS J 0 LfA N MaToIT h.nve ever seen anywhere, admitted but four men to the house to make a preliminary survey and determine the strategy of the battle. One iy one, others were ordered in as needed. Aji, the door two uniformed men kept out everybody else. Chan at the Opera Daniel Boone' Oove Theatre, Glen CoveBanjo On My Knee. Valiant is the Wjordl for Carrie. Olen Theatre. Olen ObveStraight Fr«m U\e Shoulder. - Reckless Why. i^WckavlHe, Fhi>hoiMOCharge of .. the Ught Brigade Fort Washington, BeaconCharge the Llghi Brigade Roslym -Roslyn-Ladles In Love East ICeeU west FINI Upholstering OF SVIKY OISCRIFTION ■■■ r'- } ' -i. ......... -i- -E + .. i SUP ' DRAPBRiBS A LeU^ Of prateat Against Our AtlU|tude This column has received the following' letter of protest against certain of Its comments upem the abdication of King Edward. VIII: Sl'-; It sems to fce that news- paper reenters and columnists do not use their Intelligence; or :i have they any? , , Here we are Hying in a day of hatred and jealousies. Ever^fj^atlon is thinking of -«v»r. and fighting. And such peo- ple as you would try lb kindle a fire out of* this absurd Slmpbon - case. The King of England h-as a Job which 0^118 for certain restrtettons, one of whh^ Is he may not marry a divorced wenvan. But you would make It appear that it apear that it is because this wo- man la an American. Do your Job. If you have any peramal feelings against any na- tion keep them to yourself and. do not take advanti^e of your job to atlr up hatreds. I am not a horn, American, but 11 l^e my adopted country enough ,to pray, God that t>e will give Jvi m Peace oii Earth and WUI. to all Men. will be held on Saturday and Sun- day also. 'Wihen Frost Biting first started the dingys ranged in length from nine to sixteen feet,, and were rigged in tnory concelvh-ble mann- 'er. Yet from this nondescript as- asmblag^ several distinct - classes have emerged. The most popular is the D-dass, ten feet long, and Notable Nassau Neighbors Two miles or so northwest of the After much discussion, the whole Village of Great Neck, on the, matter was ended; rather abruptly, West Shore Road, lives one of the few grandes damesof the coun- try. As years roll by, these last examples of a-richer and more dig- nified life are l)ecomlng. like true Jewels, exceedingly rare", and it is -jherefore a •distinct privilege for PTpso-Miing. ^ contact with Mrs. Roswell Eldridge. Born Louise Udall Skidmore, on her great-grandfathers place in 1300, She has lived in the same fself. I'.QUse since her second year, her fiist uncertain steps, ^having been i-.ken in the dwelling now known as "Redcote,nearer the entrance gate. The estate was bought by her great grandfather, Richard Uci- all, from a family by name of Treadwell, and "Redcote,already ancient, was standing' at the time of the purchase. Mr. Udall came from Dosoris, Long Island, which old tlnrers w,ill recognize c.'iginai api>ellation of Glen Cove. Being fond of horses and farm- ing in general, tlje lovely three hundred acres, with Us near mile of waterfront stretching through .S.addierock aTnd Beechwood, was Soon knee-deep in good grass and graceful with well-pruned trees .nd jight-hearted flowers. Miss Skidmores grandfather, J-smes Udall. continued the tradi- tion of his father, assisting Time to produce one of the handsomest estates in fhe county. He. was a most public-spirited man. The first paddle-wheeled steamboat from Great Neck had its dock at the foot -QL. hi<; plapp- nn.-l he was also responsible for bringing AlTt rai.road to the Village. Engaged ip the business of making tree- nails. which were used in those days in place cf iron onee, he still f jund time for horses, having in- herited this taste from his father. At .one thne, he sold Saddierock^ Xalituua George Janies , Udalls daughter, Louise, married William Skidmore, prom- inent young businessman tof Great Keck. Their only child was christ- ened Louise Udall Skidmore in the i Church of Holy Communion, 20th by the family doctor, who said to the ambitious miss: If you want t.'j go to college, >x)u might as veil get a plot in Greenwood" Ceme- tery at the same time!This pronouncement was a great blow to the young girl, who had a real love of learning"^ Therefore,- rPAOiute that she should not be balked in her search for knowl- sce. across ^Wge refused f,., v/orked ha- ^ or the t DlvonnL>i1 slated In h|f ti-vw.** I trained nise Village Green Of ing to establish C celebration of th, ' , veterans of the war memorial. This I ** attempt'Of the ParkJ cslde land dt . ^ ^e first venture'Sit Water Park, on- the^tie Neck Ba.v. Mr. ,327, anti'his work^.^ Ldncemciii of Great carried nn edge, she set about.teaching'her- Never a year passed that .she did not Improve her mind with s'LU^y. She . took lessons . in (Wm- pnmtive literature, history, nXic, ^L. languages, seeking always 'to ilece out the education which,. on ' the p!-niir,u-. through no fault of her own, she j Prcsidu]'- < f wifa, now p5S"*'' -C'ommlssicn, Besid«., •-rk and Village Grt*,' four other, Point, the '^ 3b'd Petes, Pan -'he ;a:>or an eJJ OPsore, inuin, bjen c .-x-k-golf cour.f Mr... Eldridge is Sacldhrc.ek, the first vSh^ llsit] had mis.s€d. Although she terms | President oi H herself today.^still continuing her Ury aiul a -tan- slv.dies, Jack of all trade.s, master N nijin. .ehoo' c- of none,',' she has made of herself I taxe.s 'i„r" ahnli a far more cultivated woman than ' iv,;iev( .., a.rai ed,-r, ,.f she had .gone to col!ege._Uni-1 a,,d.-rnbre .vcrsit-ies cannot supplant the ini- LfU la.xpr.rr -mnI i. tiel and fiery hunger of the mind, Tuw.-rdtip .and with the winning of a degree. | .-..port p-ctt.v ftnaaher ardour might have waned. A.s I ' " it is^Jn her.:Seveuty-,sixlh_year. sheJ'ocr err-uafs-ga vhich (",npi:i: uwsiub iiT-; iii.w.' K'l out conta io .still learning! Her father died at the age of tiiirty-three and Mrs. Skidmore, grieX-slrickcn, .became almost, a- re- t-lr-rk.-arrri - itr- nttwvrii cluse. 'Therefore, Miss Louise lived Ihe gr-nv;:.-; of, plan-ts for the most part quietly and ccir.:i.iir.:;v |;.a]k., a;:hoR| s udiously with her mother and , la.,i> r ".rv-b;. r.cw i ' maternal grandmother in Great j Neck, occasionally going in to New \ ork for balls and the opera. The litter she adored, having been brought to hear great music* froin^j c!.:cr,ru:i. -/r.f Ur.ion ctjape',( fr.mv- li-.-.d !-.o:bed.'. si.e < (.'..iluc-..- a plan: b'anefr f,f :he Health Leg*J 'S a m.ijoi t>\mv. for sitrj Great l.icia-; do no; ; 1894 .'Hip 'mar- Roswell Eldj'idge of her babyhood. . In. December of riod Mr. Hempstead, in the same New York church which had been witness to her bapti-sm and conflrmatlon. Mr. Eldridge ' had started as a boy in -James Udalis tree-nail business. I lent an-;ro and help :o all later "be'eomtnginterested' iri"r'aiI-'iT-hU wiv;: 'hiiaa'- JM ifijji leads and sliippiiig.- 'lHco 'nic wife's li'-rde!! ri ermfentif pB i tnore.- ^vl'y•-f»rey. jait I wCndtat. 'wl'.at will be -J»a ;he y,; .-id when they i* | C'prtaliily. there are iti i ; the prespiVi-dsy young sspii] : GPP can imagine is pabSk ; factor.-, dt.-per.sir.g flower, i iPTlng. nephew of Washington Irv- ing, famous, .scribe .of Sleepy Hoi- impre-vemento. and in 1916 founded ljw-on-Hud4on, uatej, buying U , Li^ l back. selling for $275. fully- equipped. Street and Sixth Avenue, New A1 piark, of Plandome, is chwm- pion of the class and is expected to win for dear old M. B. Y. C. oyer the big weric-end. The next class is the BO dink. York City. Since there were no proper ^schools in Great Neck in those days, Jlltle Louise was edu- cated at home by goverriesses. I.ater, at the age pf severrteen, she ,Gr J,' O* Hadnt + -E + NSt NOLfE mm. W Beat n»ve The Open? PerhBpi ^e above letter was -written ti^re the Ardhblsh'op of like other countries. But bo many of U8 in Aamerics, the revelation «ame as a fresh 'shock, in view of the professional -love-making to the united St'afes (Jianfas carried on here by prominent Eng- lish visitors durln* the Ethiopian crisis.. Our correspondents atti- tude is perfectly. understandable, and he may 'oe right. But, for my part," 1 believe that it better.for a real Anglo- American understanding, to drag out in the Ught any anti-American feel- ing that may exist in governmental circles in England. We can get uaed to it, so that it will not come as a des- sfcrucUve force when the day conies when Eng- land and America to stand togeth^ A Bauguet for the Otenwood Fire Lads If you want to see in action one of the most efficient organiiar tlons for household protection, "just have your heuae eat^ on Are and wU the Olen Head-Olenwood 'Vol- unteer* Fire Department. We had Om In our house qn Ohrlaluuu eveninc, about ft oHfleck, 'sp wp, iliS'K "dfeWSita^el:' reporter. I've been -to. scores upon scores of flres, and watehed fire compatim rt work Tn many towns. Bit i have never seen anything to lurpats the s>pecd. the discipline and the ef- ficiency of,' the men who operatcii the sU motortged, flre-flghtlng ma- chtnea from, tha picturesque ftte- WKat fhese FlreaMn Want of Us Alt As a result there was little or no damage to the house by water, tfrt or carelessness. All in aH, it WRs a marvelous performamce. Afterwards. 1 asked ^i«f what his department wiuited of the peoiAe in oar Iie4gbbarh< Get them to organise fire tricts,he said. Under the : rules by the -underwritel's village authorltieswjre soon will be' unable to give Ore protection out- side regularly organized, .dls^lcts,v/hich seemed 'ta be a pretty rea- sonable and unselBstv requMt. eleven feet six Inchesschool in-NewYork,-af around Sports Calendar Buckram Pirates vs. Nassah Filers at Locust VaUey School Field. New Year's Day. Kick-off at ft o clock. ga^tedby. Ja^ry ft ; Sea cuff Alumni vs an unnamed ciTiponent at the Sea OHfl High court at 8:16 p. m. SiMsday, lanaAry 3rd Olen Oeve 8eb«s vs anclevUle Centre A. A. in hanketball < game at the South school gym In Glen Cove at 8:30 p. in. Roslyn^ K. 'cd. C, in basketball game at' the Roslyn High School court at 4:00 p. m. Tagadgy, B*|«air 5 FarmingBale lUgh vb Mineota ^gh In basketball game at Min- eoja at gMb pi. nt. jitanji*aB, High » East Rock- wway In ba^tball game at East lUokaway at 8;16 p. m. Comirtg Events Her* euid Therm MatdOhl rigging (the Ds are gaff rigged) whd can be bought for about $900. The X Class Boat, same length |is the BOs, - and price, has a Mid Is less likely to and . while speaking of you might be Inter- that when such a occurs and you _&dng cdclBBd .up by ohwsh obat-which is always on band, you have kuto- matlcally become a memher of the order ol "Loons". There are aireat^ three new metnibers this. ^rl The order of Mud Hens" .for MfiOqp .who Ikll olf the. dock while rigging their, boats, isi far tees of a ^chsUnotion, and a far greater embarrassment, for an equally wet ducking. KOnmMUXiLER'S rUOIRflBT Oh to wake up. on New Year's morn amid a sea of pure white iOfohidbr It WOUM take away half Uie pain oi awakeiitng, ,and would be such a magnificent entree into grand .New Year. Somehow its even more thxlBlng to think cf bcckate white ovehlds at this time el year when you can get themooet anywhere IToni $lo. - to $20. apiece, aooording,, to Kotlmlller's. The KotUnlll* Florist Shop Shbp FhSch J! visited is On Searlng- town Road cppbslte the Shelter Rook Golf Oh^ Mr. Kottmlller also has three other stores, in the Roosevelt, Rltz-Carlton, and Vandwdnitt. fiotels. i found out a tav.. facts about flower prices for iVeW Y'Nrs. Corsages for New Year's Eve can be bcugWt here- •tam |S.^for a roee corsage—on o|^ to aimoet any prl«. Gardenias, me Ijtnfe <m*e.,C08t $1. each. Or- chitis' sell ttoai '$S. up. '1ft. . KottihtHer specializes in Had always been very delicate. family, he was heedful of public i let us, with humble heirtii a deep, o:d-fa,:h:or.ed c-jnsefl ,tne .Pall? plstlicti Iphich ,hki made I. euateiaiae cf ,o.u; ,!M-| Great Neok famous as an example | Saddlcrcck! of planning for the good of the - ci^nonwealth. Air one time he I _z: owned the "Town Crier,' now known as The Great Neck News.ijis hobby was Kentucky horses. lerwards firmly informing her par- c.nts that she.desired to go to col- lege, an unukial thing for a young girl to wish in those days, al- though Vassar had already opened its dcors to the gentie-women of the era. Mr. and Mrs. Skidmore- were distressed by this determii ............... .. atlon of their daughter, since shaJj^ust, 1914, caught them in this w.iich he bred and raised, trans- porting carloads of Kentucky soil and blue grass to the Eldridge p'ace, in order that the colts r-ight thrive- -on the , same diet - as ether ancestors. V' Until - the - outbreak of thewarn -Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge went abroad al-nost every summer, Mr. Eldridge hunting with Somerset Hounds in Mnehead, England, and Mrs. Eld- ridge passing some of this, time' with her mother in Divonnes-les- Ealns, at the foot of the Jura, In the .Swiss Alps. The third of peoceful spot, whence one can C OA EGG - NUT . SD 100'., PI KE FIX! ASI| 7$1 1.25 11 PERTONj PEA COAL mJCitWHEAT SEASONED HA WOOD, All FREE BElH J. H. « 258-03 Northern 1 GREAT NBCI Phone iMperUlfl? /V th9t m teMK uBDO Qie "alknolJole sur- rouiidkig BgWaftl. tha - exact issue wiblch ouiF bBKrea^olident dtoe* not yrim to mlM. AroMslshop, Tn^waver mka^ftfully, made it clear tiHtt ^ Ambrlban blrtk of M!r$. Aikliiju mgt 'iu fact an element tq- fht... «Mtr Ha refloated unmlk- teMlr tb« ^ AOtel^jitanii inop OI r , Miw FAvuureK|u« me- mava Mmm f ^ ^ r'*''****«o m ------ -eettag at Oy«<er Bay "" qne lota oi needless damage to bouse and furni^lngs, I have net* seen .them equalled. They eaplaln .that this Is the “modern wayol Qgbtlng fires. In the good oM days, as many firemen as pqsBMa eushed peU-msH Into the aflUaled houae dtaffgtn a$ many hoaai as Imialblt,. ihoe^ out as miHb' 'r.star m Th* 6lewp& upartmiBt, lad by Chki " efflotent an offlogr High e^hool. Churches from slic North CBiore vtlligM wlH par- tldpaiie, and a thoUx at one hundred will aftig, l>r. E. O. Qoqddtl.. fadto MfttOdMr, wu t$ at Cblldrapik IMat KlU iSSj gr M IV -.Hlftita . \ , \ . Tinfte<l sinUaes, bcttled anch'o- vlaianB, ahehevy paste ought al- Iiopi .UB hand, ; ara in preparing many Intareatlng dishes. rule, foods preearve'd in kwa and glam are better mmr mow oa- than Uwoe in tins. Why then, on |nto town, risK Or car on a glassy highway? Confine ,our driviog the jcllu Jlery, and back home sately, surely »-* changeable days'to in and/(bout the village! \ ^ -"Ott-triprlitiS'fown. .7 anylittledisunce.e.'lfAKBTHP TRAIN! It will get you there bile you reffax and read In war® coihfort,' nd body « i LOIMG ISlAf^DPAlL is .



uorIMjton. »«byion-Utoel«l Lady MndWdaie, strand-Xan I Mairy

Oh SuaannapT«at Neok. Playhouae—Wlvea

JftytT KDoar m Bis Stepi

Hicksvine. Playhouse—career Woman

FMBldent's Mystery Port Washington. Ceacon—'Wrtves

Ntver Know ,Ttt His Steps

Bay Shore, Bay Shore—8»«waway Roelyn. Bnslyn—AH American

Chump Yellcwstone

Thuraday, Decawbar 31ABdtryille. AjnltyTille—liiheled

LadyBabylon. Babylon—Libeled LadyFarmingdale, Strand—WgsAln

ParadeWithout Orders ‘

Core Theatre. Olen Cove—MaUnee: Sue Basting's Maripnettea and the Phantom Patrol; *wnlng Midni^t Show—Phantom Pa* trol. also the Charge ol the Light &igade.

Olen Theatre, Glen Cove—Sitting on the Moon, also Federal Agent

Hlclcsville, Playhouse—Career Woman

Preeldent's Masteryport WasiUngton, Beacon—Charlie

Chan at the Opera Big' Broadcast Mtmany's- Boy

Shore. Bay Shore—Stowaway Roslyn—Sitting on the





Diane's Column



•asides astronomical CALCULATit,f» A GREAT VARIETY OF MATTER


Mum regrato laek of alelghbell weather for tdHh Lord’a wedfRag . . •ofidih Q«l- ton’a for pobllahhig Shnpooa Ooarip Biih Who U the AUracUre WWow? . . Arthar Williams heeps dweka op late.

MoonBoss Rider of Gun Creek

Friday, January 1, 1937Farmingdale, Strand—Pigskin

Parade^Without orders

Cove Theatre.' Olen Cove—Charge of the Light Brigade, also

, Make Way For a lady.Glen Theatre, Glen Cove—Sitting

Op the Moon, also Federal Agent.

HickisviUe. Plajlhouse—Devil is a Sissy

Make Way for a Lady » port Washington, Beacon—Charlie

Clian at the Opera Big Broadcast ^Mummy's Boy ^ .

.Roslyn. Roslyn^Aftthony Adverse

I belteve the old fellcw who said, "Oncst a man-twkst a child'' pretty nearly knevf wMat he was talking about. This Christmas, T saw wown up men and women going wacky over kids games and having a better time with them than the youngsters themselves, nat on their somethnes rotund tunndes. they with elec­tric trains on the floor or sat cross-legged bulkhng erector pro­jects. scarcely giving the kiddies « show with their own toys.

And. speaking of games, every­one has gone daffy over Fiddle­sticks and believe me it is some job to keep a steady enough hand, the day after a .party, to pull the sticks out of the pile without moving the works. • o'

_____ ..ilr-. •Barbara Richards and CUfford

Michel are engaged and^s^e is wearing a sparkler.

ding was BE-iiiUful and she“was. ■ Bkrbara Weld vms at Ih# Kim^ * lovely bride but there was imT dim Gnuld’s party on Saturday

Bew Year TesolutlDiw: Mrs. "WIP liam Kale Harkness—to bring home bigger and better jungle animals. J. P. Morgan—to find some way of avoiding' the ' camera men. Libby Holman Reynolds—keep that sun-tan skin. Joe Ryle—to write more publicity stuff. Mrs. George Murnane—to get that fox!

The H. P. Baldwin Terrys were Ohrlstmas vlsitcn^ at the Julian Mason home In Pound Hollow.

Saturday, January 2, 1937Farmlngdalfc Btrahd—iHgsMh.

Parade Without Orders

•C.ove Theatre, Glen Cove—Charge of the Light Brigade, alAb Make Way for a Lady.

Clen Theatre, Olen Cove—Straight Prom the Shoiilder, also Reck­less Way.

Hicksville, Playhouse—Devil is a Sissy

Make Way for a Lady■port Washington, Beacon—^Charlie

Chan at the Opera Big Broadcast Mummy's Boy

Roslyn, Rcslyn—A,nthony .Adverse

SundAy, JanuAry~i^ 193TFamjflgdale, Strand—CTiarlie

Chan at the Opera ‘Daniel Boone

C« ve Theatre, Olen Cove—Banjo On M!y Knee, also Vaiiant is the Word For Carrie,

t. len Theatre, Olen Cove: Straight From the Shoulder, also Reck­less Way. '

Hicksville, Playhouse—Charge o#^ the Light Brigade

Port Wtasivingtxin, Beacoii^-Charge of the Light Brigade

i, jHWbelyn. Jlcslyn^lLadies in Love ' fiaat Meets West .

Mondsy, January 4, 1937Farmlng^le, strand—Charlie

'It looks as slated to be in January—once Allison's wedding and again on January 16 at George Schermerhorn's marriage to Butler OOXr

if Elise Grace were bridesmaid 4wice

her sister, January 7.

To plan a Christmas wedding, evidently ^ visualizing snow-cover­ed field} and drbp '^h- and perhaps even .slelghbeil.*!, and then to have the date turn out to be a record for ,balmy warmth, was the ex- perlencte of Edith Lord. Her wed-

snow,. The lighted Chrie'tma& oand- les dcwn the aisle, the holly red and cedar greens of the gowns were effective and—different-but ulie day was more like a daffodil and Eastern lilywcene.

Eldith and her new Husband are going to stay South until Ju^e.

------- ■Wasn't it funny that Doth

Roosevelt had to get her birth oertlflcate to prove her age when she applied for her license?

Somtboth' vrttlspered to Diane that there would be a gala hunt breakfast on Saturday at the Oarvan’s place. The family' sure is -horsey—or to put it more in the manner we were taught to use —the family is devoted to hunt­ing. I love to see the three girls and Tony all out together foJlow- Ing the Meadow BrcMk hounds.

r vtuhderr now TKaiTTe'ho Tonger ■ owns the precious neck of a mon­arch, if Edward. Duke of Wind­sor. will resume his hunting activi­ties?

. Tlte critics are loud In their praise of the Dutton book about Mrs. Simpson. And yet I have heard, in literary circles, that the pubUshecs. have been somewhat criticised for “stooping" to a mere gossip book. Htowever, if I were a publisher, it. seems to me I abuld Jump at jhe chance to get the manscm-ipt of a book that is bound to be a 'oesl seller the world over, and mayte go dCwn in history as a record.

- There are so many parties -New Year's BVe It isn't even fumiy. 1 think I sihair stay in town formine as most of the_ones_outhere are for the marrlede.

The George JHepburns have 'a baby girl to add to their already nltse family.

tvtgtw. In town for Priscilla St. George and' Angie Duke. That "de­butante certainly is having a grand season. The Hearst boys were there and Adrian Moore and such a nice lot of thA.young set.

One place I do expect to go this Spring is to London and as fir as I can find out there will be plenty

there for the coronation but they will dash back here for the June season.■

TKe H.ShopMarket

-FEOeT-BITING’*This New Year's Day will be

the fifth anniversary of that mad­cap winter—with a capftaV "W” sport known as Five years ago this New Year's Eve (but it probably Was far Into the morning) one of the nembers of a party at the Knick-

the Long IslaiMl crowd ovr’' e<-boclur Yacht Club in Port

A very attractive vHdtow in the North Shore and New York set has an attentive “boy-(frlend’’ who Is hot in the r.eglsterl

But then, with pet dogs in the register and baby pandha In" the good hotels—well, we can’t pat ourselves on the back so gloriously’ for beilng listed.

"Bcwncone TOS" teasing Arthur Williams the other night because his ducks stay up too late. They told him It was cruelty to wild life to Illuminate; the latoe' At BRook Corners and'pep up the du<dt5»so thAt they thought it u'as daylight. With the Christmas tree and the chimes and the tnoonlight and the soft Springlike air of these holi­day nights, that spot hlas been heavenly—thanks to the liost.

.It locks as If skating and the fun at Bearver Dam were to te out of It this year. (Maybe by tflie time this is printed we win be freezing our toes.)

Saw^ Tcm Dickson home from school last week.

Ne»t week Diane hopes to have more to write about—or. shall we say more energy to write lt''\®th. The holidays put a crimp in your pep and you can't write even chatter unless ybu feel snappy.


Washington challenged another to a sailboat race with dingys on. the following afternoon. It was a crazy Idea liut the two men, coaxed on by some “I diare you to!” friends, were equal to it, and the race actually took place. What’s mwe, they had a -wonderful time at it— so much fun that they decided to jiace .again the following Sunday. TWs time, some of the former spectators joined in the race with t.ieir boats too, and thus on each successive Sunday the group of entbusisatE grew, assuring.th&oper.-. manenr existence of the “Frost- Biters", as they were appropiate- Jy named.

after a good., look at Man-, hasset Bay on one oi our 20 mornings, you don't believe that people actually get out In a ten- foot “dink” and plow Into those white-caps, you had better drag yourself over to the Manhasset Bay Yacht Club on New Year's Day. They are holding air invita­tion meet for all the Frost-Biters on Long Island and also those from far north as Providence R. I., —it should be a boauilful sight. The Bay in all its winter grejmess w^l be flecked with orange, blue, red. and green sails, if you feel jx)u can’t make it cn * the day After ifew Year’s Bv<. the race*


J 0 LfA N MaToIT

h.nve ever seen anywhere, admitted but four men to the house to make a preliminary survey and determine the strategy of the battle. One iy one, others were ordered in as needed. Aji, the door two uniformed men kept out everybody else.

Chan at the Opera Daniel Boone'

Oove Theatre, Glen Cove—Banjo On My Knee.

Valiant is the Wjordl for Carrie. Olen Theatre. Olen Obve—Straight

Fr«m U\e Shoulder.- Reckless Why.

i^WckavlHe, Fhi>hoiMO—Charge of .. the Ught Brigade Fort Washington, Beacon—Charge

the Llghi Brigade Roslym -Roslyn—-Ladles In Love

East ICeeU west




-i. ......... -i- -E + .. i


A LeU^ Of prateat Against Our AtlU|tude

This column has received the following' letter of protest against certain of Its comments upem the abdication of King Edward. VIII:

Sl'-; It sems to fce that news­paper reenters and columnists do not use their Intelligence; or :i have they any? • , ,

Here we are Hying in a day of hatred and jealousies. Ever^fj^atlon is thinking of -«v»r. and fighting. And such peo­ple as you would try lb

■ kindle a fire out of* this absurd Slmpbon - case.The King of England h-as a Job which 0^118 for certain ■ restrtettons, one of whh^ Is he may not marry a divorced wenvan. But you would make It appear that it

apear that it is because this wo­man la an American.

Do your Job. If you have any peramal feelings against any na­tion keep them to yourself and. do not take advanti^e of your job to atlr up hatreds. I am

not a horn, American, but 11 l^e my adopted country enough ,to pray, God that t>e will give Jvi

’m Peace oii Earth and WUI. to all Men.

will be held on Saturday and Sun­day also.

'Wihen Frost Biting first started the dingys ranged in length from nine to sixteen feet,, and were rigged in tnory concelvh-ble mann-

'er. Yet from this nondescript as- asmblag^ several distinct - classes have emerged. The most popular is the D-dass, ten feet long, and

NotableNassau Neighbors

Two miles or so northwest of the After much discussion, the whole Village of Great Neck, on the, matter was ended; rather abruptly,West Shore Road, lives one of the few “grandes dames” of the coun­try. As years roll by, these last examples of a-richer and more dig­nified life are l)ecomlng. like true Jewels, exceedingly rare", and it is -jherefore a •distinct privilege for PTpso-Miing. ^ contactwith Mrs. Roswell Eldridge.

Born Louise Udall Skidmore, on her great-grandfather’s place in 1300, She has lived in the same fself. I'.QUse since her second year, her fiist uncertain steps, ^having been i-.ken in the dwelling now known as "Redcote,” nearer the entrance gate. The estate was bought by her great grandfather, Richard Uci- all, from a family by name of Treadwell, and "Redcote,” already ancient, was standing' at the time of the purchase. Mr. Udall came from Dosoris, Long Island, which old tlnrers w,ill recognize c.'iginai api>ellation of Glen Cove.Being fond of horses and farm­ing in general, tlje lovely three hundred acres, with Us near mile of waterfront stretching through .S.addierock aTnd Beechwood, was Soon knee-deep in good grass and graceful with well-pruned trees .nd jight-hearted flowers.

Miss Skidmore’s grandfather, J-smes Udall. continued the tradi­tion of his father, assisting Time to produce one of the handsomest estates in fhe county. He. was a most public-spirited man. The first paddle-wheeled steamboat from Great Neck had its dock at the foot -QL. hi<; plapp- nn.-l he wasalso responsible for bringing AlTt rai.road to the Village. Engaged ip the business of making tree­nails. which were used in those days in place cf iron onee, he still f jund time for horses, having in­herited this taste from his father.At .one thne, he sold Saddierock^Xalituua George

Janies , Udall’s daughter, Louise, married William Skidmore, prom­inent young businessman ’tof Great Keck. Their only child was christ­ened Louise Udall Skidmore in the i Church of Holy Communion, 20th

by the family doctor, who said to the ambitious miss: “If you want t.'j go to college, >x)u might as ’veil get a plot in Greenwood" Ceme­tery at the same time!”

This pronouncement was a great blow to the young girl, who had a real love of learning"^ Therefore,- rPAOiute that she should not be balked in her search for knowl-

sce. across

^Wge refused f,.,v/orked ha- ^ “

or the“t DlvonnL>i1

slated In h|f ti-vw.** I trained nise

Village Green Of ing to establish Ccelebration of th, ' , veterans of the war memorial. This I ** attempt'Of the Park“J cslde land dt . ^^e first venture'SitWater Park, on- the^‘ tie Neck Ba.v. Mr.,’327, anti'his work^.^ Ldncemciii of Great carried nn —

edge, she set about.teaching'her- Never a year passed that

.she did not Improve her mind with s'LU^y. She . took lessons . in (Wm- pnmtive literature, history, nXic,^L. languages, seeking always 'to ilece out the education which,. on ' the p!-niir,u’-. through no fault of her own, she j Prcsidu]'- < f ’•

wifa, now p5S‘"*''-C'ommlssicn, Besid«., ‘•-rk and Village Grt*,'

four other,Point, the “'^

3b'd Petes, Pan-'he ;a:>or an eJJ

OPsore, inuin, bjenc .-x-k-golf cour.’f

Mr... Eldridge is Sacldh’rc.ek, the first vSh^

llsit]had mis.s€d. Although she terms | President oi Hherself today.^still continuing her Ury aiul a -tan- slv.dies, “Jack of all trade.s, master N nijin. .ehoo' c- of none,',' she has made of herself I taxe.s 'i„r" ahnl“i a far more cultivated woman than ' iv,;iev( .., a.rai ed,-r,,.f she had .gone to col!ege._Uni-1 a,,d.-rnbre .vcrsit-ies cannot supplant the ini- LfU la.xpr.rr -mnI i. tiel and fiery hunger of the mind, Tuw.-rdtip .and with the winning of a degree. | .-..port p-ctt.v ftnaa” her ardour might have waned. A.s I ' ‘ "it is^Jn her.:Seveuty-,sixlh_year. sheJ—'ocr err-uafs-ga

vhich (",npi:i: uwsiubiiT-; iii.w.' K'l out conta

io .still learning!Her father died at the age of

tiiirty-three and Mrs. Skidmore,grieX-slrickcn, .became almost, a- re- ■ t-lr-rk.-arrri - itr- nttwvrii cluse. 'Therefore, Miss Louise lived Ihe gr-nv;:.-; of, plan-ts for the most part quietly and ccir.:i’.iir.:;v |;.a]k., a;:hoR| s udiously with her mother and , la.,i> r ".rv-b;. r.cw i ' maternal grandmother in Great j Neck, occasionally going in to New ’\ ork for balls and the opera. The litter she adored, having been brought to hear great music* froin^j

c!.:cr,ru:i. -/r.f Ur.ion ctjape',(

fr.mv- li-.-.d !-.o:bed.'. si.e < (.'..iluc-..- a plan: b'anefr f,f :he Health Leg*J 'S a m.ijoi t>\mv. for sitrj

Great l.icia-; do no; ;

1894 .'Hip 'mar- Roswell Eldj'idge of

her babyhood.. In. December of riod Mr. “Hempstead, in the same New York church which had been witness to her bapti-sm and conflrmatlon. Mr.Eldridge ' had started as a boy in-James Udali’s tree-nail business. I lent an-;ro and help :o all later "be'eomtng■ interested' iri"r'aiI-'iT-hU wiv;: 'hiiaa'- JM ifijji leads and sliippiiig.- 'lHco 'nic wife's li'-rde!! ri ermfentif pB

i tnore.- ^vl'y•-f»rey. jait I wCndtat. 'wl'.at will be -J»a ;he y,; .-id when they i* | C'prtaliily. there are iti i

; the prespiVi-dsy young sspii] : GPP can imagine is pabSk ; factor.-, dt.-per.sir.g flower, i

iPTlng. nephew of Washington Irv­ing, famous, .scribe .of Sleepy Hoi- impre-vemento. and in 1916 founded ljw-on-Hud4on, uatej, buying U , Li^ lback.

selling for $275. fully- equipped. • Street and Sixth Avenue, NewA1 piark, of Plandome, is chwm- pion of the class and is expected to win for dear old M. B. Y. C. oyer the big weric-end.

The next class is the BO “dink”.

York City. Since there were no proper ^schools in Great Neck in those days, Jlltle Louise was edu­cated at home by goverriesses. I.ater, at the age pf severrteen, she

,Gr J,' O*


+ -E +



W Beat n»ve The Open?

PerhBpi ^e above letter was -written ti^re the Ardhblsh'op of

like other countries. But bo many of U8 in Aamerics, the revelation «ame as a fresh 'shock, in view of the professional -love-making to the united St'afes (Jianfas carried on here by prominent Eng­lish visitors durln* the Ethiopian crisis.. Our correspondent’s atti­tude is perfectly. understandable, and he may 'oe right. But, for my

part," 1 believe that it better.for a real Anglo- American understanding, to drag out in the Ught any anti-American feel­ing that may exist in governmental circles in England. We can get uaed to it, so that it will not come as a des- sfcrucUve force when the day conies when Eng­land and America to stand togeth^

A Bauguet for the Otenwood Fire Lads

If you want to see in action one of the most efficient organiiar tlons for household protection, "just have your heuae eat^ on Are and wU the Olen Head-Olenwood 'Vol- unteer* Fire Department. We had

Om In our house qn Ohrlaluuu eveninc, about ft oHfleck, 'sp wp,

iliS'K "dfeWSita^el:' reporter. I've been -to. scores upon scores of flres, and watehed fire compatim rt work Tn many towns. Bit i have never seen anything to lurpats the s>pecd. the discipline and the ef­ficiency of,' the men who operatcii the sU motortged, flre-flghtlng ma- chtnea from, tha picturesque ftte-

WKat fhese FlreaMn Want of Us Alt

As a result there was little or no damage to the house by water, tfrt or carelessness. All in aH, it WRs a marvelous performamce. Afterwards. 1 asked ^i«f what his department wiuited of the peoiAe in oar Iie4gbbarh< ‘‘Get them to organise fire tricts,” he said. “Under the : rules by the -underwritel's village authorltieswjre soon will be' unable to give Ore protection out­side regularly organized, .dls^lcts,” v/hich seemed 'ta be a pretty rea­sonable and unselBstv requMt.

eleven feet six Inches—school in-New—York,-af


Sports CalendarBuckram Pirates vs. Nassah

Filers at Locust VaUey School Field. New Year's Day. Kick-off at ft o clock.

ga^tedby. Ja^ry ft ;Sea cuff Alumni vs an unnamed

ciTiponent at the Sea OHfl High court at 8:16 p. m.

SiMsday, lanaAry 3rd Olen Oeve 8eb«s vs anclevUle

Centre A. A. in hanketball < game at the South school gym In Glen Cove at 8:30 p. in.

Roslyn^ K. 'cd. C, in basketball game at' the Roslyn High School court at 4:00 p. m.

Tagadgy, B*|«air 5 FarmingBale lUgh vb Mineota

^gh In basketball game at Min- eoja at gMb pi. nt.

jitanji*aB, High » East Rock- wway In ba^tball game at East lUokaway at 8;16 p. m.

Comirtg EventsHer* euid Therm

MatdOhl rigging (the D’s are gaff rigged) whd can be bought for about $900. The X Class Boat, same length |is the BOs, - and

price, has a Mid Is less likely to

and . while speaking of you might be Inter-

that when such a occurs and you

_&dng cdclBBd .up by“ohwsh obat” -which is

always on band, you have kuto- matlcally become a memher of the order ol "Loons". There are aireat^ three new metnibers this. ^rl The order of “Mud Hens" .for MfiOqp .who Ikll olf the. dock while rigging their, boats, isi far tees of a ^chsUnotion, and a far greater embarrassment, for an equally wet ducking.


Oh to wake up. on New Year's morn amid a sea of pure white iOfohidbr It WOUM take away half Uie pain oi awakeiitng, ,and would be such a magnificent entree into

grand .New Year. Somehow it’s even more thxlBlng to think cf bcckate white ovehlds at this time el year when you can get them— ooet anywhere IToni $lo. - to $20. apiece, aooording,, to Kotlmlller's.

The KotUnlll* Florist Shop Shbp FhSch J! visited is On Searlng- town Road cppbslte the Shelter Rook Golf Oh^ Mr. Kottmlller also has three other stores, in the Roosevelt, Rltz-Carlton, and Vandwdnitt. fiotels. i found out a tav.. facts about flower prices for iVeW Y'Nr’s. Corsages for New Year's Eve can be bcugWt here- •tam |S.—^for a roee corsage—on o|^ to aimoet any prl«. Gardenias, me Ijtnfe <m*e.,C08t $1. each. Or­chitis' sell ttoai '$S. up.

'1ft. . KottihtHer specializes in

Had always been very delicate.

family, he was heedful of public i let us, with humble heirtiia deep, o:d-fa,:h:or.ed c-jnsefl

,tne .Pall? plstlicti Iphich ,hki made I. euateiaiae cf ,o.’u; ,!M-| Great Neok famous as an example | Saddlcrcck! of planning for the good of the - ci^nonwealth. Air one time he I _z:owned the "Town Crier,” ' now known as “The Great Neck News.” ijis ■ hobby was Kentucky horses.

lerwards firmly informing her par- c.nts that she.desired to go to col­lege, an unukial thing for a young girl to wish in those days, al­though Vassar had already opened its dcors to the gentie-women of the era. Mr. and Mrs. Skidmore-were distressed by this determii ............... ..atlon of their daughter, since shaJj^ust, 1914, caught them in this

w.iich he bred and raised, trans­porting carloads of Kentucky soil and blue grass to the Eldridge p'ace, in order that the colts r-ight thrive- -on • the , same diet - as ether ancestors. V' • — ■

Until - the - outbreak of “the—warn -Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge went abroad al-nost every summer, Mr. Eldridge hunting with Somerset Hounds in Mnehead, England, and Mrs. Eld­ridge passing some of this, time' with her mother in Divonnes-les- Ealns, at the foot of the Jura, In the .Swiss Alps. The third of

peoceful spot, whence one can


100'., PI KE FIX! ASI|

7$1 1.2511 PERTONj




J. H. «258-03 Northern 1

GREAT NBCI Phone iMperUlfl?




teMK uBDO Qie "alkn” olJole sur- rouiidkig BgWaftl. tha - exact issue wiblch ouiF bBKrea^olident dtoe* not yrim to mlM. AroMslshop,Tn^waver mka^ftfully, made it clear tiHtt ^ Ambrlban blrtk of M!r$. Aikliiju mgt 'iu fact an element tq- fht... «Mtr Ha refloated unmlk- teMlr tb« ^ AOtel^jitanii

inop OI r , Miw FAvuureK|u« me- mava Mmm f ^ ^ r'*''*‘***«o m

------ -eettag at Oy«<er Bay ""qne lota oi needless damage to bouse and furni^lngs, I have net* seen .them equalled. They eaplaln .that this Is the “modern way” ol Qgbtlng fires. In the good oM days, as many firemen as pqsBMa eushed peU-msH Into the aflUaled houae dtaffgtn a$ many hoaai as Imialblt,. ihoe^ out as miHb' 'r.star m Th* 6lewp&upartmiBt, lad by Chki "

efflotent an offlogr

High e^hool. Churches from slic North CBiore vtlligM wlH par- tldpaiie, and a thoUx at one hundred will aftig, l>r. E. O. Qoqddtl.. fadto MfttOdMr, wu t$

at CblldrapikIMat KlUiSSj

gr M IV -.Hlftita . \ , \ .

Tinfte<l sinUaes, bcttled anch'o- vlaianB, ahehevy paste ought al-

Iiopi .UB hand, ;ara in preparing manyIntareatlng dishes.

rule, foods preearve'd in kwa and glam are better

mmr mow oa-than Uwoe in tins.

Why then, on |nto town, risK s«Or car on a glassy highway?

Confine ,our driviog the jcllu Jlery, and back home sately, surely »“-*

changeable days'to in and/(bout the village! \ ^

-"Ott-triprlitiS'fown”. .7

anylittledisunce.e.'lfAKBTHPTRAIN! It will get you there

bile you reffax and read In war® coihfort,' nd body «


is .
