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Html Expression Web

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(X)HTML WITH EXPRESSION WEB Mark Frydenberg Technology Intensive IT 101, Bentley College
Page 1: Html Expression Web

(X)HTML WITH EXPRESSION WEBMark FrydenbergTechnology Intensive IT 101, Bentley College

Page 2: Html Expression Web

Concepts HTML XHTML Hypertext Hyperlink Deprecated Tags Attributes Style sheet CSS Layers EW: Interactive Buttons EW: Dynamic Web Templates

Local Reference Relative Reference Absolute Reference

Microsoft Expression Web WYSIWYG Released May, 2006 Beta 1: Sept, 2006 Public: Dec. 2006

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Microsoft Expression Web Microsoft® Expression®

Web is a professional design tool to create modern, standards-based sites that deliver superior quality on the Web.

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Use XML to describe data. Use HTML to display data.

XHTML Works in all browsers Backward browser compatible Pages can be read by all XML

enabled devices (phones, PDAs, browsers)

Documents must be "well-formed"

XHTML tags must be properly nested closed lowercase

Attributes must be lower case quoted

Examples<img src="pic.jpg" /><a href="page2.htm">Page 2</a>


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Local References

File, web page, or image is in the same folder as the page referencing it

<img src="mypic.jpg" />

<a href="page2.htm">Page 2</a>


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Relative References

File, web page, or image is in a subfolder of the page referencing it

<img src="images/mypic.jpg"/>

<a href="project/projecthome.htm">Project Home</a>

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Absolute References

File, web page, or image somewhere else on the World Wide Web

<img src="http://www.catfacts.org/cat-facts.jpg" />

<a href="http://www.bentley.edu">Bentley</a>

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Common HTML Tags

Headers<h1> … </h1> through

<h5> … </h5> Horizontal Line

<hr /> Paragraph

<p> </p> Line Break

<br> </br> (or <br/> )

Headers<h1> … </h1> through

<h5> … </h5> Horizontal Line

<hr /> Paragraph

<p> </p> Line Break

<br> </br> (or <br/> )

Preformatted<pre> </pre>

Big Text <big> </big>

Bold <b> </b> Emphasis <em>

</em> More <strong>


Preformatted<pre> </pre>

Big Text <big> </big>

Bold <b> </b> Emphasis <em>

</em> More <strong>


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<ol><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li><li>Item 3</li>


1. Item 12. Item 23. Item 3

<ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li><li>Item 3</li>


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3

Ordered (Numbered) Unordered (Bulleted)

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<table style="width: 100%" class="style1"><tr>





<table style="width: 100%" class="style1"><tr>





.style1 { border: 1px solid #008080; background-color: #CCCCFF;}</style>

.style1 { border: 1px solid #008080; background-color: #CCCCFF;}</style>

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Common XHTML Style Attributes

color text-decoration text-size font-weight font-style

color text-decoration text-size font-weight font-style

font-family font-size background-color background-image

font-family font-size background-color background-image

• You can string together as many attribute:value pairs as you wish in a single style.

• Each attribute:value pair must end with a semicolon.style="attribute:value;attribute:value;"

• You can string together as many attribute:value pairs as you wish in a single style.

• Each attribute:value pair must end with a semicolon.style="attribute:value;attribute:value;"

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Div and Span

Defines logical divisions of a page

Lets you define a style for a particular section of a page

Breaks paragraphs Identifies Layers

Changes style of the text it encloses

Apply the style to whatever’s in the span, but no paragraph break after

Example: Style a specific word to be redThis word is <span style="color: #FF0000;">red</span>

divdiv spanspan

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Deprecated Tags and Attributes in HTML 4.0: Tags

Attributesalign=left style="text-align:left ;"

background=cat.jpg style="background-image: url('http://www.catfacts.org/cat-picture.jpg'); "

bgcolor=#FF00FF style="background-color: #FF00FF; "

Deprecated: Use this instead:

<center> style="text-align:center; "

<font> … </font> style="color : #f00; "

<u> </u> style="text-decoration:underline; "

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Hyperlink and Image Tags

<a href="mypage.htm">My Page</a>

Common Attributes: href name <a name=“top”>Top</a><a href=“page.html#top”>Top</a> target=“_blank”

(open in new window)

<a href="mypage.htm">My Page</a>

Common Attributes: href name <a name=“top”>Top</a><a href=“page.html#top”>Top</a> target=“_blank”

(open in new window)

<img src="picture.jpg" />

Common Attributes: src alt height width

<img src="picture.jpg" />

Common Attributes: src alt height width

Hyperlink (Anchor) Image

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XHTML allows these 16 color names.

Web Safe RGB Values

(Older) Browser-Specific Names

XHTML allows these 16 color names.

Web Safe RGB Values

(Older) Browser-Specific Names

color: #ff6600; color: red; color: #ff0000; color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%);

Each RGB values ranges from 0 to 255

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In line (this tag) Internal (this page) External (this site)

To create a style sheet: File New CSS Save it as

YourNameStyles.css Add it to all pages in your

web site Add styles to the style


In line (this tag) Internal (this page) External (this site)

To create a style sheet: File New CSS Save it as

YourNameStyles.css Add it to all pages in your

web site Add styles to the style


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Inline Styles

Inline styles appear as a style attribute of the tag being styled

Use it once to style individual elements

Inline styles appear as a style attribute of the tag being styled

Use it once to style individual elements

<p style="font-family: Arial Black; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000">This is an inline style</p>

<p style="font-family: Arial Black; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000">This is an inline style</p>

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Internal Styles

Define in the head section of the document

Can re-use styles within the document

<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" /><title>Internal Style</title><style type="text/css">p {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 80%;font-variant: small-caps;color: #0000FF;}</style></head>

<body><p>This text is controlled by an internal style.</p>

<p> Here is more text controlled by the same internal style.</p> </body></html>

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External Styles

Style syntax is the same as inline and internal styles

Share styles among web pages by attaching a style sheet to each page in the web site using the link tag

Identify the style by its name (no style tags in the HTML document)

Style syntax is the same as inline and internal styles

Share styles among web pages by attaching a style sheet to each page in the web site using the link tag

Identify the style by its name (no style tags in the HTML document)

<p class="cssexample">

StyleSheet.css :

.cssexample {font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace;border-style: dashed;border-width: 1px;border-color: #FF6600;padding: 5px;background-color: #FFFFCC;}

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="MarkStyles.css" />

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Styling Hyperlinks

a:link { }a:visited { }a:hover { }a:active { }

Hover is useful for creating rollovers Order of defining styles for links is

important: LoVe/HAte

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Interactive Buttons

Insert Interactive Button

Set button properties

Save the page.

Change folder for saving button images to one within your web site

What HTML code does this generate?

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Any absolutely positioned page element is a layer.

Position is taken from top/left of browser window.

Layers generate a div tag

Design areas of the site in layers

Create a navigation bar layer

Create a content layer

Use layers with a dynamic web template to specify content regions to be copied to each page

Any absolutely positioned page element is a layer.

Position is taken from top/left of browser window.

Layers generate a div tag

Design areas of the site in layers

Create a navigation bar layer

Create a content layer

Use layers with a dynamic web template to specify content regions to be copied to each page

<!-- #BeginEditable "contentregion" --> <div style="position: absolute; width: 600px; height: 400px; z-

index: 2; left: 136px; top: 67px" id="layer2"> This is the main content.</div> <!-- #EndEditable -->

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Dynamic Web Templates/ Editable Regions

Use a DWT to specify an overall Web-site design.

When you edit individual pages, you can modify regions designated on the template as editable.

Create a Dynamic Web Template. Attach the template to individual web pages in

your site. Match regions (i.e., body tag to a content

region) EW will ask you if you want to update pages in

the site when your template changes.
