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FOURTEEN PAGES. > T EW YOEK ST. LOUIS. SEATTLE. You Can't Buy One of These. AH of Highest Standing. Testimonials Are Frequently on the Anction Block and Go to the Highest Bidder. We Point to the Following in Favor of LaMont's Crystallized Eggs With Pride Because They Are Above Suspicion. Let Them Speak for Us. =TBSTIMONIHI_S=* ilsfo Is the Only Article tor the Keeping Qualities of Which an Honest Man Can Vouch. It Alone Has Been Tried. 1 saws W. D. WOOD. A. L. HAWLET, E. BHORROCK. CHAS. H. MORRIS, U President. Vice President. Treasurer. Traffic Mffr. 7 SEATTLE YUKON TRANSPORTATION CO. « Head 0320e5. , 5 40-92 Columbia. Street. Je Telephone. Main 247. P. O. Box, 71 J* FOUR-LEAF CLOVER ROUTE. « bCEAN FIkEET. YUKON FLEET. § #lB. Aj«iance -Seattle No. 1. ?3 ft g. S. Fulton. ' Seattle No. 2. ?*> g S. S. ifueniMne. Seattle No. 3. #2 & Brig Courtney Ford. Seattle No. 4. *2 5 Seattle, Washington. April 6. 1898. *? m S Ir. C. Fred LaMonf. Seattle. Washington S » Dear Sir: Chi our long winter Journey from the Lower Yukon to the roast we £?! \u25a0 « «»d your IMPROVED CRYSTALLIZED EGG, and found It entirely satisfactory E and a good keeper. We shall continue tfc use it. Yours truly, SS 1 W. D. WOOD, 3 H. W. CARR. g rags 6 < E. BOGARDUS, Assay** and Chemist <Clty Chemist), 60 Columbia Street. § \u2666* Seattle. Wash., February 15, 1898. Mr. C. Fred LaMonr. 6 Col man Block, City?D«ar Sir: I have made a careful % m analysl* of your Crystallized Kkjc, with th- result that I find: Ti 1 JT IS FT'RE EGO. NO .ADULTERATION# COULD BE DETECTED. IT JU § C ONTAINS IStM PUR CENH PURE ALBUMEN twhite). Respectfully. gj 8 C. E. BOGARDUS. S 5 Hie Klondike Nujrget. Published at Dawson City. N. W. T. issued Weekly. Zach jB > F. Hickman. Man.vger. Bmn< h Office, Seattle. Wash. Thos. J. Church. Sole » Advertising and Circulation A gent. 3 5> City, January, IS9B. a » C Fred I.aMtom. Manufacturer. 6 Colman Bldg. 2> J Dear Str: After careful investigation and home trial. I can give no better 'n- 5* w 4t>rsem*>rit of your Crystallised El g* than to give you an order for 298 pounds, whl-h £? w I Wilt take with myself and party of five to the Interior gold fields of the N. « ® WT. Inclosed please find my check for ti>e amount of the order. Respectfully 'A C F«ur», 3 ZACH F. HICKMAN. Mgr. "The Klondike Nugget." J* MBBSWiWitiS«»iWSSiSi??iBi V»W?iVyAV»VV%VV »W*V«%VaV W. V*V.VVV.VV« m Mr*. Gen Custer. In her famous book. "Doots arid Saddles," says: "Most valu- 8 m able part of nrmy stores: gave greet sat!sltactlon." a> S*?AV/»%VAVViVVV.V.V WV.VAV & S£888«««? B&BSSg&* C!K?iV/*VAV»V*V iWiW .V. Messt*. Whetlock A- fc'iover, Siiip Chandlers, of Now York. ?ay: "Sent them around the world several limes. Always glvo .satisfaction. Increased orders have V* always followed." ® ?av.%v»wvv«!»v*vv.'sx* vv*v« '/.ww^V4 ?* AUSTIN & VEST, Ward C Austin. & « Office, 413 Washington Hid*. *\u2666 2 Investments and Insurance. Charlie E. Vest. 2* K Klondike Outfits. « Seattle. Wash.. March 1. IKB. 8 C. Fred I.a Mont, E*<l.. Seattle. Wash. »? % D«ar Sir I*ast ysr I t.v>k over the trail to Like Leharjc«* about 4.500 dozen epg*, .% » and ,«oid same* at prices rang 1 n* from $3 ?»'< to |lMjO « dozen. 1 give this informa- % » tion t*> show how e*ii\ a- a foo4<. are appreciated in the Yukon country. % \u2666 Having given vour Crysta.ilaed Eggs a thorotieh and most s.i«lsfn;*torv" trial. Ido R* S not hest:ate to pronounce them Car superior In every way to those sul'd by me at f* 2 prices stated above % .\u2666 I <*t»«-<-t Jo have for Dawson Cit\ next August, and will ? >k<- in a lar*-* supply % » ef your CrystalUaed Egg. Yours truly, CHARLIE K. VEST. »\u2666 FroztJi Egg Man. & mV^V.VW^VAV/.:&%VAVAVAVW/VA%VVVAV.%VW^% VAW< V.V*V.V/.V.W. , .VVA^^V. t»rd In IMM, WHI Pimnil«i In IMV7, .'U.tNNI Pounds. *? Th" D F Breraner Haklss? Co., »? Office and Factory, 7ft-TV*O O'Brien street. Chicago. »* C. Fred UaMont. New York City. ?»* IV-tr Sir. We have used your Crystallised Egg for several years, and ran rec- ?* ©mmend tto anyone a- a tlr«t-*?' ia« article, eouai in every respect to fr>-h eggs ** It Is all y: u claim it. ResjHcifullj-. D. F. HREM NER RAKING CO.. ' A N< w of American Biscuit and Manufacturing Co. * fcV»VAV.V%W»VAS.V*VVV. S»%WV«S V.VJ.WAn'iWJV.V/.V.V.V^.% '.V.V.V. w .v*v.vv»%v.v/.v.v.v.v, /. Saved a < omraile'a I.lie. ?* Seattle, Wash.. March 3, IS3S. Mr, C. Fred LaMont. City. Dear S-.r We have just returned from tie K'ondlke. aft»r a perhM of »welve *? years. -an.< during that l!«f we »-r» formnate MMMfh to have some of your crys- *? Uii £? d >\u25a0'««>. whh'h we all enjoyed to the f<i , % On our W!\y out to the coast one of th/ party w*> taken aick. and for nine days -% £ th» o :>? t Ibe lid eat »!? your Crys'.t ? d whkh we <>; s..?er saved his *? I We % S A* r\;h tto rv'crn ti >rrji in a few d.»v< we take quite a quantltv o* *? £ E--g. -we .vn. der It the m»st \u25a0 ene-:. a ; , ~f the outfit, and will cheerfully > « llßi»!wmd it to others who are going up o Alaska. ? § JOSEPH DELONGEL J* 4 V.V»V. , .'.\V/;V.V.V,V.VA'.V. , .V< V.% VW»V\u2666* »? »*?*?*?*?* ?V«**V»V.V*V«V ? Vs»V»V.'«V»V«VAViV*V»V«'«V»V.V*V« 3 J % 1 bat \V iir Id-Hiimn mil Scont wnrt tiullan Unrrion, Kit < arson'* ?»<»n. IW-ara * .* Wllaei* to the lalo- of LnHant'n ) r> F.ks«. .* IC. Fred LaMont. C 'man Block. Wx<h "' F,>hruar >' =? - 1 I ej:-;- ,? r m ."s i? I "ffi . ' M '. % S lvf - over the ic* ! had iw Mj o®fl[tt »vprv JSt e. iffiK 1 " m| « 1 IWWI h, Ke. ®* ' ,tU niSht tor p r*- I fi lSU:iedt KIT CARSON. § Of Wrangel. Alaska. *e V.VAV.V.'. WWVVV& % Roddewig-Schmi.lt Factory J* of the *2 fa American Biscuit Manufacturing Co. ij£ Mr. C. Fred LaMont. St. Louis, Mo. Davenport, lowa. July 12. ISM. fa fa Dear Sir: Acknowledging your favot of the !Oth inst.. we wish to express our '** & appreciation of your action in allowing the three barrels of Crystallised Egg we still g £* have on hand for the better and improved grade your agent stated you now make. § Si j other gave good satisfaction, and if this is still better your success is assured, \u2666. and you should meet with increased sales on the same. Yours very truly, fa OSWALD SCHMIDT. Manager. SSSSS^SKSSS£SSSSSSSSBSSS^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB^SS!SSSSBS , S2SSS«S»SSSS3S^SSS^SBSSSSSSBBSSS»SSiSiiSSSi3^*SSSSSSSS^SBSSBaBBSSSB&SSSSSSS<SfeS^SSSSSSS^SBSS&eSS)e^ fa The Alhee Bakery & 5 Of American Biscuit & Manufacturing Co. # fa 133, 141, 143 and 145 Second Street. 5j fa Mr. C. F. LaMont. Dubuque. lowa. July IS, 1594. ?* .? Dear Sir: In reply we say we have used your Crystallized Egg the past two % winters, and find them a great convenience in that they are SAFE to use at a time % g of year when musty Eggs are in market and are very troublesome in a bakery. We also find that they till the place of fresh Eggs and are more moderate in price. 3 THE ALBEE BAKERY. E. A. ALBEE. Manager. £ 6 $ SSSiSiS«S»S^S*SiS«SiSiSiS«^SSS^SSSiSSB^SiS^S»Si3&S»^S^SSSSS»S£SSSSBSSiSSBSSSSSSSSsS£S^SSSiSiS*SS»S^ ijj C. Engelken & Co. Pie Bakery. S fa ? ? .. ? New York, July 24, 1894. £ fa C. Fred I.a Mont, Cooper Union. fa Dear Sir: I have used your Crystallized Egg for some years past, and find It less £ expensive and keeps for any length of time, there being no broken or bad eggs, it § affords me pleasure to recommend It to all pie bakers as being an article long needed. fa Respectfully. C. ENGELKEN. & ?^fafafaVfafafaV4fafafafaW*faV^fafaV^fafafafafaJ.%fafafafa%fafa^fafafafaS*fafafafafaV*fafafa£ ?iSiS£SSSSSS?^S^SSS^SSSSSSSBSBSSS£*SSBSSS^SSSSSSSSBBSBS^ ijj jlj Guided s Uiatlnguiohed Party la Yellomttose Park?They l ied La Mont's fa Crystallised Ekvi. / Seattle, Wash., February 2, ISBB. ?* Mr. C. Fred LaMont. 6 Col man Bk)ck: fa Dear Sir: I first used your eggs about 1882 in Yellowstone Park, where I was «u fa serving as a guide for a party of gentlemen, including Gen. Francis P. Blair, Ros- fa fa coe Oonklin. of New York: Hon. Chas. Broadwarner. jobbing grocer, of St. Paul- fa P. H. Kelly, Col. A. H. Wilder and Senator Martin McGuinness. of Washington* *2 fa and I was very much pleasrd with the egg. I found it all that you claim for it in fa fa every respect, and I wa* only too glad to again use the egg wh-n in Circle City. fa % Alaska, in 1894, and up to the present time have used your eggs whenever it was a* fa fa all possible to obtain them, and nave always found them perfectly satisfactory fa fa When I return th*re. as I propose doing before many days, they will form a con«id- fa g* erabie and very important part of my outfit. % i have not only used them on land, but on sea, having had them served to me on fa £ the steamship Bristol. Very truly yours, jg J* (Signed) H. C. HERNE. fa g Circle City. j$ fafafafafafafafafa%fafafafafafafafafafa ?^Sfafa%%V*V.%V«fafafa%faV^faV.faVV,*fafafaVfaV^V.fafafafafaV*faVfafafafa%fafafa&*^ 1 «ed It Twenty Years Ago. fa Seattle, Wash., January 26, 1536. S £ Mr. C. Fred LaMont. *i fa Dear Sir: I have called several times and tested your omelettes, etc.. and am fa more than pleased with mem. In fact ai>out twenty years ago, in 1867, In crossing «>? fa the Atlantic on the steamship "Aggo." of the American line, on its Paris Exhibition fa fa run. 1 used LaMont s brand of Crystallised Kggs, serving to the passengers and fa fa crew omelettes, custards, scrambled eggs, cakes, etc., made with your eggs, and all fa fa agreed in pronouncing them equal to the best fresh shell eggs in every respect. fa fa We were so perfectly satisfied with them that we had no use for anv other rggs ?. *4 I was steward of the ship. I was very glad to find them here again, as lam going fa fa with a party to Dyea to open a boarding house, and have brought a good lot to take fa % with us, knowing from experience that they will prove the most valuable part of % fa our stores. _ * fa fa I shall use eggs in no other form while there, nnd you will receive orders from fa * time to time as we require them. You are at liberty to refer anyone to me at any fa « time. Sincerely yours, JOHN S. COLUMBUS. fa Ex-Steward American Line Steamships. % w^fafa^v«fafafaw»fafafafafafav^fafafafafafa%fa^^fafafafafafafafafafavfafa%fafavfafafa?«ifafa »* Refn*ed for Half Pound. fa 1+ THE HOTEL DILLER. £ J* L. Dlller. Proprietor. *4! Corner Front and University Streets. ® J 1! Seattle, Wash., March 27, list. %> \u2666* Mr. C. Fred LaMont. No. 6 folman Block. % Dear Sir: Mr. Frederick W. Cobb, one of the pioneers of the Klondike, related In ?" fa Seattle this am . dote illustrative of the value of La Mom 'a Crystallised Eggs: fa college fri. nd visited me for a fortnight on my claim. No. IT, Bonanza creek ear y fa in'the summer of K'T. He had just come into the country and was full of news: we »*? !L shared sti h food as I had. namely, bacon, beans, bread and apple sauce. Tw > j iyn fa after leaving me he reappeared and gave me a small can which he said he thought I ?* fa would appreciate; then he went away. I cooktd for the first time a batch of I?i- »* fa Mont's Crystall ed Eggs. So pl-asin* wa» the sensation, that two hours after, when" a ?* fa neighbor wom l I liked well dropped in. I told him gleefully: *1 had something good' ?* fa : \ ca<e f champagne?' he asked. 'Belt r' an that.' I replied. He looked in. redu- ?* % lou« so 1 told him to lie on the bunk wMt I monkeyed about the stove hit j n a fa f, ,v m ?:.< n:s 1 asked him to s* up the rude table and have some scrambled eires ?* fa lt d toast He did so with a joyous h owl. When through, he asked how l *?t m* ** fa e-gs up the creek without breaking :h« m ! laughed, ar.d showed him the tin can- fa fa he r. ad all the printing on the box and then locked inside. After some though' he fa fa asked: ?Will you take *:/? for that can as it stands'" My reply, of course, aas 'No' fa *? But I told him to come in and eat eggs as long as they lasted." * \u2666 # V.VfafaV.fafafaV.fafafaV.fafafaVfafaWsfafafaVif.V.fafaVafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa-ifav,^ , VifaV.faV*fa From "Jkraaton Trnih." fa fa ej Scranton. Pa.. March 2?, 1898. \u2666* fa "And Just here, pardon ire if 1 pause for a moment to accommodate a gent!*- % fa ma> lv !\u25a0 K'rg voting mat. who tn-ist d that he want- to give me and mv friend Dr % fa Wil oxen *o whom 1 .»m dire -ting this let' ran» gg omelette " " fa fa orre'- 1 te ?'\u25a0 ? n ?? kii and »a'»n. It is < alied LaMont's Crystallized Egg fa % f itttoed *ggs in ore pound can Thi* is. without any question of "S % .. \u2666 * and it -l <-e nomic f<xxt I fver % fa ; r»: wb f" ' -vr .fent.ie ma le hi- e*p|. ration in the Black Hills. I first !\u2666 fa he earn o acouatnted Wttll Crystallised Eggs in the C'>nvmissarv departmen*. I »hall 9 !\u2666 »ak< at b-ast htsrdr-l >;:n-:s f this with my outfit. It Is ea'l- d La.Mont's ,\u2666 fa ITS - A -ti rlgi- 'uthtter® fan scarcely miss it. as they are cookinc om-dettes ®* fa ... «, vera] of tne pla «\u25a0 whefe it is on sale. In fa t. 1 might say that UM taon eon- A fa (iftise ! food one takes along thf trouble he will have, and thia kir;d of fr;-od is if, ? j n - I'est. Fr i stan e. four d>z n ? ggs we'trh about five pounds, these are »? crvstaiUzed Into ore pound. Yours, in clouds of sunshine. 2 CAiT. JACK CRAWFORD. ** V.s.fa'.fafafafafaV.'.fafafafafafaV.'.V.V.fa'.fa'.V.^AfafaVfafafafaVsfafaV.'.faV.V.V^fa 2 . 4 ? ? ? ? * ? ; s 18641 U.v.v.v.v.v.: : 18115 IB 111 IB 11L SB 5 Mr. cFI. m ? Troii Raking Co.. 123-226 Eas* Main Street, Waterbury. Conn., July 10. ISS4, J* c »fh,-sr-T'' V * V* C<n " ' r,? J ' r c Lee <*er sir ?* you Introduced it. We are tiain* St now. and would net be without it summer or *Sr.«er. u«* it ta *<x»j #,c - TROTT BAKINO CO. g Ask Your Outfitter for It?Look for LaMont's THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCEI?. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1898. FED Id GREEIY 111 I ITH PfllL PAGES li TO 14 HUB HI UK SO MKRCtIANDIsn AILOWED OX PI ULIC THOKOI'(iiIFAHKS. Board of I'nbllr U'ork* Declare* War on Slorrbrr|>er* \\ ho llloek the Street*? Merchant* Take He- vcncr on Dray and Eiprra* Mm. The board of public works ha< declared war against merchants who insist on oc- cupying the sidewalks with their goods, warts, or in fact merchandise o' any de- scription. The board says that the side- walks must be clear. if trie combined ef- forts of the entire police force are neees- saty 10 enforce an ordinance recently passed by tr.e council covering :he question. Merchants are not the only ones who are to be called to account. Even the boot- blacks and peanut venders have not es- caped the vigilant eyes of the members cf the board. While the mimUr,- art* taking in hand tht- question of keeping the side- walks free for the accommodation of the public, the merchants, against whom they have declared war, have In turn turned their batteries on the draymen and tx- prtssmen, who ins.si oa allowing ".heir ve- hicles to temain In front of stores. A merry war is now on and tins result wiii be looktd forward to with interest, as the merchants aver in unmistakable terms thai tne> are entitled to at least a portion of the sidewalk, and the dray m**n cla.m that under no circumstance will they be driven cut of business by being com- pelled to surrender their "stands." In a communication sent to Chief of Police He*4 yesterday by the board of public works his attention was called to the alltged tiagrajit violation of the ordi- nance governing the use and occupation cf the sidewalks, especially those on tlie main thoroughiares, such as First, Second and Western avenues. The chief is told that the merchants have evidently re- moved a large portion of their goods and many of their clerks from the inside to :ho outside of the stores. The letter says that in many parts of the city beer kegs « r «! piled up in front of saloons in row?, three and four feet deep, and many sa- loons look as though they might l*» brew- eries. The chief is also informe i that the commission merchants on Western avenue evidently believe they have a mortgage on the sidewalk, as it is almost Impossible tor pedestrians to pass along the stret c at times. The board of public works, while not intending any sarcasm, begs to suggest to the chief that the sidewalks are the property of the city, and not the property of owners of abutting property. The communication to Chief Reed states that the bootblacks who have stands on the sidewalks, as weil as the peanut ven- ders whose establishments occupy similar position#, are violating a city ordinance and must obtain other locations. The board admits tha: the bootblacks and pea- nut sellers have In nearly every instance obtained permits from the owners and «K- --cupants of the buildings. In front of which they cairy on their humble business, but it Is argued that the owners and occupants have no legal right to issue such permits, as the sidewalks art- the property of the city, and not of the owners of abutting property. Another matter which is to the at- tention of Chief Ke-d by the Iward Is one which is now receiving the attention of the health departments of many Kastern cities. It is claimed by the I»oard that the merchants of Seat tit, as well as others", are in the habit of dumping rubbish of every description on the streets, and that the practice should pot only be d'acon- tlnued as a measure to prevent siekmss, but to assist the street cleaning depart- ment in keeping the streets as clean as possible. After the board of public work* had forwarded their communication to Chief Reed, the owners and occupants of budd- ings on Cherry street put In an appear- ance at the city hall, with a petit .'on ad- dressed to Major Humes. The mayor 1* asked to take immediate action looking toward the adoption of radical measures to prevent expressmen and draymen from allowing their vehicles to stand on that street when not in use. The merchants who presented the petition sa'.d that sim- ilar action would be taken by the mer- chants on other streets and that a gen- eral war would be waged against the ex- pressman and draymen who indulge in th« practice. Several merchants who would IM* affect- ed by the enforcement of the sidew »lk ordinance were Interviewed by a f'oat- Int lllgencer r< porter. One of thtm said: "The enforcement of this ordinate would cos' rn» lots of money and 1 don't believe that the board of public works 1* act'ng wisely In a«k ng Chief Heed to comj>el us to k«-<p a'.l of our goods on the InsMe of our stores. I would not be sur- prised if the merchants would all stand together and refuse to comply with the provisions of the ordinance, and if n»ve«- sary t st the legality of the measure." The draymen say that they will not be driven out of business by being com- pelled! to zo to a back street, while th« b<>otbla< ks and peanut venders will doubt- less alidn by th'- decision of the poi.ee partment. TO IMI'HHVK *\\lT\TlO*. Orilinnnrr to Refrnlnte Conatrnotion \u25a0 nil ( IrNiilnx nf OanpiHil*. If the e!ty council Is of th<- mmc min I a* th*» hoard n{ health an ordinance will h«» pawd to the ef>ns'ru-.-i!."» and c'.raning out of cesspools Plumbing ln- »}« ctor Bwyney ha# sriv>-n the matter on- .«!i!frabt« attention and ha- :n<">rpora*->1 his tdoa* in the form of a proposed ordi- nal e. According to provisions, ail prrsor.* w.rt<. ih-rirt- to rr.snare in th» bus.ne#* of rlfißinf c*w s pooss must takeout » llcmw and hav< a reKU.ar piar\u25a0 of bus'.ne**. Be- for- -ioftiK* any ' * rk a permit must be secure*l. Work may **+ done only between the hours of W oViook at n ght and 5 o'clock in the mornlne* K»fi»e mar- ?*r inn" h* * rt»-J in an air-tight wagon hot ar '! posit' Ia? .* piar® designated by the* city. K'satd-.-.r the jttatrue; on of cr**- p. TV ordinance *?»>"* that the dim«-n- --eior.* - i;iil n - be smaller than * by ? feet and 12 ft* t deep. Tf the ground is w*t t: « o-'SFpof-'i must mad* of brlek, w»H foncnt AH cpaa;>ools must t* approval by the snnitary in»i»e«~!or, violation.-* of the ordinan-# ar punishable by a fine of not to |K#», FOP. Portland canal, Wn*n»r»:. Juneau. Skaxwar and I)yea. Wasnir.jjton Steam saUla from Co!man dock WtdamUy. Mjy 11. Bell A Atktnaoa. Onsra! Agents. Bos- ton biock. oppos ?e pO*tOfDce, A PIANO in the home edocates. reflnes, entertains and Is on* of the family. Call or write for prices D. 8 Johnston. M Second avenue. Burke bulldir*. PATRONIZK the new tee factOTT. S««lr Cm Joa Co. 'Pfeaa. Pika fL 101 Hi BIH. COWKVTIOX OF WO MA VS SOCIETY OF «\TTl,fi DISTRICT. o|ip»* Toinarrnn Kara lair in Trla> it> M. K. ( harvh?OOleera All at This ( ltj-l'r»nr.in»mr tar the Day Or. aail Mra. I omland (.ucstn. In Triniiy \I. E. church will »e held to- morrow the sixth annual convention of the Woman's Foreign MMoturjr Society of the Settle district. IVlegate-s will !>? present from every auxiliary in the district and a lengthy programme has been arrang- ed for the tiay. The officers of the society are all Seattle women and the work is car- ried on from here. Those now at the head of the movement are ;uh follows: President, Mrs. \V. S. H trrtngton; corresponding wo- re t a ry, Mr-». K. B. Fowler; recording secre- tary. Mis. Silas Munro; general secretary, Mrs. Whitfield. The convention will open tomorrow morn- ingl at 3:30 o'clock with devotional exor- cises. led by Mrs. Sprigiw. At 10 a. m. the address of welcome will lie delivered by .Mr*. C. M. Sheafe. and the response by Mr A Chloe Baker. The convention wtM then KO tnto business session. The remain- der of the rooming will be taken up by a paper on ' Motives and Mean? of Missions." Mrs. Alice I*arker; recitation. Mfcss Kin- near; paper. "All Nations of the Earth Un- der One Flag," Mrs. E. M. Rand«ll; alpha- ltciical roll call. Mrs. t'ousiand. who returned a»month ago after six year.* of missionary work in Somh China, will rxhibit a number of cu- rios brought from thut country. Poor health will not permit her to address the conven- tion. but her husband. Dr. Oousland, will speak in the evening. The closing addres* bad been'allotted to MM. C. A. Stephenson, but at her request Dr. Cousland will take her place. After a basket lunch In the church, the remainder of the day will 1* taken*, up by the following order of esercisest beginning at I:3ft p. m.: Devotional exercises?l.ed by Mrs. Rev. K. M. Randall. Reading minutes of morning session. Paper?"God's Tenth." Mrs. Rev. W. H. Wilson. Reports and election of officers, Po*«n?"Then and Now," Mrs. 9. D. Crockett. Missionary exhortation?Mrs. Rev. H. D. Brown. Paper?"To What Purpose la Thl» Waste?" Mrs. Rev. W. H. Helleck. !>uet?Mr. and Mrs. Gut on. Paner?"Woman and Missions." Mrs. Dr. Martin. In the evening. beginning at & o'clock: Devotional exerclsei»-Eed by Mrs. Dr. Whitfield. Solo Mrs. C. E. Hughe*. Introduction of women and children in Chinese costumes. Address?Dr. Constant. Address -Dr. Cousland. FIUIITISU MNtAL KVII.iI \V. V. T. I. Sen*!* ? < Irewlar Istter to Prenchrrw In Title State. An activo campaign against social evils . is being renewed by the W. C. T. r. for Western Washington. Circular letters »y President Mary L. Page and Secretary Al- ice R. RSdeout have been sent to preachers all over the state, urging them to make a strong fight against the legalised saloon and the social evil. In her letttr. President Page says: "Pub- lic sentiment about womankind Is wrought up to somewhere near concert pitch In re- gard to personal purity and personal re- epunslblllty in the home and In society. Will you not give more direct teaching on social purity to the end that the condition cf a 'fallen man* may tx» as much an ob-^» ject of horror as that of a 'fallen woman;' that It may be thought as disreputable for a boy to sow his wild oata as for a girl; tlfli: a pure llfeffor both may become the rule In the family," riKIC <>> 'MI K \ OSBMITH. Prompt Arrival of liar Fire Boat * the flarnl»K Ship, Ship Yosemlte would have been entirely destroyed by Are curly yesterday morning while fastened to the middle sfty buoy, had U not been for the prompt assistance ren- dered by the Are boat Snoqualmle. when her officers were finally warned of th« trouble. Capt. C< ttlnby and the crew of th« Yo- jw-mlte wer# just preparing to board th* tug Wallowa, whicn wis laid up alongside, and leave the ship, when the tire boat ap- peared. They had intended to let the tug drift out of danger f-'oni the dames on the Yosemlte, as was no fire In her bolt- ers. It took but a few second* for tha crew of the fire IMMt to string a line of hose from th< top of their pilot house to the burning ship and soon a heavy stream of salt water was washing Its way around th«* after cabin where the lire was locat- ed. The fire boat stayed alongside the big ship for nearly an h<sur The firt- was st ir<ed by the explosion of an oil stov«' ov*-r which Capt. Olttltiby was preparing his breakfast. He went on de< k w liln waiitr wan heating and did not discover th* !lr« until the smoke pour- ing out >f ttuf cahfn attracted his atten- tion II- tried to gi>t his signal flags or foK horn but th* flames drove him back. He th-n shut all the doors and kept th« nre inside. Sump one finally n©tlo»d th» cm< ke from th"- < <»al bunkers and tele- phoned the fire boat. The loss Is estimate*! at ISO©, with no In- surance. (Hlpt. Oettinby lost all of hUI clothe* and son»« k valuable instrument* In th" fir*'. The belonga to th« White Star Navigation Company at.d !? held here for orders. t tthlrlr*. A distinguished writer in a pamphlet published »«y the lnurco!l«(lit<! Athletic Association nays tn.it «n immense im- provement in thft n»»ral and physical status of college graduates naa taken lilte* sin'f* th<* imrrodti-iion of athtetio icamcs in «r»J.effe. In fart. the honor Uat of any < oii*«*, it will «h»>w tha names ot prom'tv ;it aAbiete* amoitf 'ha f. w who have earned that proud dlaline- tlon. There is no r<***oo why ' train and brawn" *-ou.'d he antagonist!- In support of this last proposition the \u25a0> tWm of that genia-1 InrlfOfiint, HMtftlrr's S:otna<l» Tlstter*. wnich n sirenjctbentng tha body increases mental activity, may be author- itatively cite«j. This famous med icing overcome* »h* dysp* psia. to per- son* of inaettve habits, yields sound, refr«at»ing alwp. and Improve* tha appetite. it also remedies liver dtmpiaint. constipation. m&iarta, rheumatism, ner- vousness and kidney tcofbie. EXfI'RSIO.V to Knscjualmi* next Sun- day. Train leave* 9:30 a. m. Kara #I.OO. CASTOR IA for la£wti.a&d Cbildjr** ' \u25a0 4 ,1. \u25a0\u25a0 , '
Page 1: HUB UK EW YOEK ST. LOUIS. SEATTLE. You Can't Buy One of These. · FOURTEEN PAGES. >TEW YOEK ST. LOUIS. SEATTLE. You Can't Buy One of These. AH of Highest Standing. Testimonials Are



You Can't Buy One of These.AH of Highest Standing. Testimonials Are Frequently on the Anction Block and Go to the Highest Bidder. We Point to

the Following in Favor of LaMont's Crystallized Eggs With Pride Because They AreAbove Suspicion. Let Them Speak for Us.

=TBSTIMONIHI_S=*ilsfo Is the Only Article tor the Keeping Qualities of Which an Honest Man Can Vouch. It Alone Has Been Tried.


President. Vice President. Treasurer. Traffic Mffr. 7SEATTLE YUKON TRANSPORTATION CO. «

Head 0320e5. , 540-92 Columbia. Street. Je

Telephone. Main 247. P. O. Box, 71 J*FOUR-LEAF CLOVER ROUTE. «

bCEAN FIkEET. YUKON FLEET. §#lB. Aj«iance -Seattle No. 1. ?3

ft g. S. Fulton. ' Seattle No. 2. ?*>g S. S. ifueniMne. Seattle No. 3. #2& Brig Courtney Ford. Seattle No. 4. *25 Seattle, Washington. April 6. 1898. *?

m S Ir. C. Fred LaMonf. Seattle. Washington S» Dear Sir: Chi our long winter Journey from the Lower Yukon to the roast we £?!\u25a0 « «»d your IMPROVED CRYSTALLIZED EGG, and found It entirely satisfactoryE and a good keeper. We shall continue tfc use it. Yours truly, SS1 W. D. WOOD, 3

H. W. CARR. g

rags6 < E. BOGARDUS, Assay** and Chemist <Clty Chemist), 60 Columbia Street. §\u2666* Seattle. Wash., February 15, 1898.

Mr. C. Fred LaMonr. 6 Colman Block, City?D«ar Sir: I have made a careful %m analysl* of your Crystallized Kkjc, with th- result that I find: Ti1 JT IS FT'RE EGO. NO .ADULTERATION# COULD BE DETECTED. IT JU§ C ONTAINS IStM PUR CENH PURE ALBUMEN twhite). Respectfully. gj8 C. E. BOGARDUS. S

5 Hie Klondike Nujrget. Published at Dawson City. N. W. T. issued Weekly. Zach jB> F. Hickman. Man.vger. Bmn< h Office, Seattle. Wash. Thos. J. Church. Sole» Advertising and Circulation A gent. 35> City, January, IS9B. a» C Fred I.aMtom. Manufacturer. 6 Colman Bldg. 2>J Dear Str: After careful investigation and home trial. I can give no better 'n- 5*w 4t>rsem*>rit of your Crystallised El g* than to give you an order for 298 pounds, whl-h £?w I Wilt take with myself and party of five to the Interior gold fields of the N. «® WT. Inclosed please find my check for ti>e amount of the order. Respectfully 'AC F«ur», 3

ZACH F. HICKMAN.Mgr. "The Klondike Nugget." J*


»W*V«%VaV W. V*V.VVV.VV«

m Mr*. Gen Custer. In her famous book. "Doots arid Saddles," says: "Most valu- 8m able part of nrmy stores: gave greet sat!sltactlon." a>

S*?AV/»%VAVViVVV.V.VWV.VAV& S£888«««? B&BSSg&*


Messt*. Whetlock A- fc'iover, Siiip Chandlers, of Now York. ?ay: "Sent themaround the world several limes. Always glvo .satisfaction. Increased orders have V*always followed."

® ?av.%v»wvv«!»v*vv.'sx*vv*v«'/.ww^V4

?* AUSTIN & VEST, Ward C Austin. &« Office, 413 Washington Hid*. *\u26662 Investments and Insurance. Charlie E. Vest. 2*K Klondike Outfits.« Seattle. Wash.. March 1. IKB.8 C. Fred I.aMont, E*<l.. Seattle. Wash. »?

% D«ar Sir I*ast ysr I t.v>k over the trail to Like Leharjc«* about 4.500 dozen epg*, .%» and ,«oid same* at prices rang 1 n* from $3 ?»'< to |lMjO « dozen. 1 give this informa- %» tion t*> show how e*ii\ a- a foo4<. are appreciated in the Yukon country. %

\u2666 Having given vour Crysta.ilaed Eggs a thorotieh and most s.i«lsfn;*torv" trial. Ido R*S not hest:ate to pronounce them Car superior In every way to those sul'd by me at f*2 prices stated above %

.\u2666 I <*t»«-<-t Jo have for Dawson Cit\ next August, and will ? >k<- in a lar*-* supply %» ef your CrystalUaed Egg. Yours truly, CHARLIE K. VEST.

»\u2666 FroztJi Egg Man. &


VAW<V.V*V.V/.V.W.,.VVA^^V.t»rd In IMM, WHI Pimnil«i In IMV7, .'U.tNNI Pounds. *?

Th" D F Breraner Haklss? Co., »?Office and Factory, 7ft-TV*O O'Brien street. Chicago. »*

C. Fred UaMont. New York City. ?»*IV-tr Sir. We have used your Crystallised Egg for several years, and ran rec- ?*

©mmend tto anyone a- a tlr«t-*?' ia« article, eouai in every respect to fr>-h eggs **It Is all y: u claim it. ResjHcifullj-. D. F. HREM NER RAKING CO..


AN< w of American Biscuit and Manufacturing Co.



'.V.V.V.w.v*v.vv»%v.v/.v.v.v.v,/.Saved a < omraile'a I.lie. ?*

Seattle, Wash.. March 3, IS3S.Mr, C. Fred LaMont. City.

Dear S-.r We have just returned from tie K'ondlke. aft»r a perhM of »welve *?years. -an.< during that l!«f we »-r» formnate MMMfh to have some of your crys- *?Uii £? d >\u25a0'««>. whh'h we all enjoyed to the f<i , %

On our W!\y out to the coast one of th/ party w*> taken aick. and for nine days -%£ th» o :>? t Ibe o» lid eat »!? your Crys'.t ? d whkh we <>; s..?er saved his *?I We %S A* w» r\;h tto rv'crn ti >rrji in a few d.»v< we take quite a quantltv o* *?£ E--g. -we .vn. der It the m»st \u25a0 ene-:. a ; , ~f the outfit, and will cheerfully >« llßi»!wmd it to others who are going up o Alaska. ?

§ JOSEPH DELONGEL J*4V.V»V.,.'.\V/;V.V.V,V.VA'.V.,.V< V.%

VW»V\u2666* »? »*?*?*?*?* ?V«**V»V.V*V«V? Vs»V»V.'«V»V«VAViV*V»V«'«V»V.V*V«3 J% 1 bat \V iirId-Hiimn mil Scont wnrt tiullan Unrrion, Kit < arson'* ?»<»n. IW-ara *

.* Wllaei* to the lalo- of LnHant'n ) r> F.ks«. .*

IC. Fred LaMont. K« C 'man Block.Wx<h "' F,>hruar >' =?

- 1I ej:-;- ,? r

m ."s i?I "ffi . ' M'. %

S lvf- over the ic* ! had iw Mj o®fl[tt »vprv JSt e. iffiK1 "m| «1 IWWI h, Ke. ®* ' ,tU niSht tor p r*- Ifi lSU:iedt KIT CARSON.§ Of Wrangel. Alaska. *e


% Roddewig-Schmi.lt Factory

J* of the *2fa American Biscuit Manufacturing Co.

ij£ Mr. C. Fred LaMont. St. Louis, Mo. Davenport, lowa. July 12. ISM. fafa Dear Sir: Acknowledging your favot of the !Oth inst.. we wish to express our '**

& appreciation of your action in allowing the three barrels of Crystallised Egg we still g£* have on hand for the better and improved grade your agent stated you now make. §Si j

other gave good satisfaction, and if this is still better your success is assured, \u2666.and you should meet with increased sales on the same. Yours very truly, fa




fa The Alhee Bakery &5 Of American Biscuit & Manufacturing Co. #fa 133, 141, 143 and 145 Second Street. 5jfa Mr. C. F. LaMont. Dubuque. lowa. July IS, 1594. ?*

.? Dear Sir: In reply we say we have used your Crystallized Egg the past two %winters, and find them a great convenience in that they are SAFE to use at a time %

g of year when musty Eggs are in market and are very troublesome in a bakery. Wealso find that they till the place of fresh Eggs and are more moderate in price.


ijj C. Engelken & Co. Pie Bakery. Sfa ? ?

. . ?New York, July 24, 1894. £

fa C. Fred I.a Mont, Cooper Union.fa Dear Sir: I have used your Crystallized Egg for some years past, and find It less £

expensive and keeps for any length of time, there being no broken or bad eggs, it §affords me pleasure to recommend It to all pie bakers as being an article long needed. fa

Respectfully. C. ENGELKEN. &


ijj <«

jlj Guided s Uiatlnguiohed Party la Yellomttose Park?They l ied La Mont'sfa Crystallised Ekvi. /

Seattle, Wash., February 2, ISBB.?* Mr. C. Fred LaMont. 6 Col man Bk)ck:

fa Dear Sir: I first used your eggs about 1882 in Yellowstone Park, where I was «ufa serving as a guide for a party of gentlemen, including Gen. Francis P. Blair, Ros- fafa coe Oonklin. of New York: Hon. Chas. Broadwarner. jobbing grocer, of St. Paul-fa P. H. Kelly, Col. A. H. Wilder and Senator Martin McGuinness. of Washington* *2fa and I was very much pleasrd with the egg. I found it all that you claim for it in fafa every respect, and I wa* only too glad to again use the egg wh-n in Circle City. fa% Alaska, in 1894, and up to the present time have used your eggs whenever it was a* fafa all possible to obtain them, and nave always found them perfectly satisfactory fafa When I return th*re. as I propose doing before many days, they will form a con«id- fag* erabie and very important part of my outfit.% i have not only used them on land, but on sea, having had them served to me on fa£ the steamship Bristol. Very truly yours, jgJ* (Signed) H. C. HERNE. fag Circle City. j$fafafafafafafafafa%fafafafafafafafafafa

?^Sfafa%%V*V.%V«fafafa%faV^faV.faVV,*fafafaVfaV^V.fafafafafaV*faVfafafafa%fafafa&*^1 «ed It Twenty Years Ago. fa

Seattle, Wash., January 26, 1536. S£ Mr. C. Fred LaMont. *ifa Dear Sir: I have called several times and tested your omelettes, etc.. and am <£fa more than pleased with mem. In fact ai>out twenty years ago, in 1867, In crossing «>?fa the Atlantic on the steamship "Aggo." of the American line, on its Paris Exhibition fafa run. 1 used LaMont s brand of Crystallised Kggs, serving to the passengers and fafa crew omelettes, custards, scrambled eggs, cakes, etc., made with your eggs, and all fafa agreed in pronouncing them equal to the best fresh shell eggs in every respect. fafa We were so perfectly satisfied with them that we had no use for anv other rggs ?.

*4 I was steward of the ship. I was very glad to find them here again, as lam going fafa with a party to Dyea to open a boarding house, and have brought a good lot to take fa% with us, knowing from experience that they will prove the most valuable part of %fa our stores.



fafa I shall use eggs in no other form while there, nnd you will receive orders from fa* time to time as we require them. You are at liberty to refer anyone to me at any fa

« time. Sincerely yours, JOHN S. COLUMBUS. faEx-Steward American Line Steamships. %


»* Refn*ed for Half Pound. fa


J* L. Dlller. Proprietor.

*4! Corner Front and University Streets. ®

J 1 ! Seattle, Wash., March 27, list. %>\u2666* Mr. C. Fred LaMont. No. 6 folman Block. %

Dear Sir: Mr. Frederick W. Cobb, one of the pioneers of the Klondike, related In ?"

fa Seattle this am . dote illustrative of the value of La Mom 'a Crystallised Eggs:fa college fri. nd visited me for a fortnight on my claim. No. IT, Bonanza creek ear yfa in'the summer of K'T. He had just come into the country and was full of news: we »*?!L shared sti h food as I had. namely, bacon, beans, bread and apple sauce. Tw > j iyn

fa after leaving me he reappeared and gave me a small can which he said he thought I ?*

fa would appreciate; then he went away. I cooktd for the first time a batch of I?i- »*fa Mont's Crystall ed Eggs. So pl-asin* wa» the sensation, that two hours after, when" a ?*

fa neighbor woml I liked well dropped in. I told him gleefully: *1 had something good' ?*

fa : \ ca<e f champagne?' he asked. 'Belt r' an that.' I replied. He looked in. redu- ?*

% lou« so 1 told him to lie on the bunk wMt I monkeyed about the stove hit jn afa f, ,v m ?:.< n:s 1 asked him to s* up the rude table and have some scrambled eires ?*

fa lt d toast He did so with a joyous h owl. When through, he asked how l *?t m***

fa e-gs up the creek without breaking :h« m ! laughed, ar.d showed him the tin can- fafa he r. ad all the printing on the box and then locked inside. After some though' he fafa asked: ?Will you take *:/? for that can as it stands'" My reply, of course, aas 'No' fa*? But I told him to come in and eat eggs as long as they lasted."




From "Jkraaton Trnih."fa faej Scranton. Pa.. March 2?, 1898. \u2666*fa "And Just here, pardon ire if 1 pause for a moment to accommodate a gent!*- %fa ma> lv !\u25a0 K'rg voting mat. who tn-ist d that he want- to give me and mv friend Dr %fa Wil oxen *o whom 1 .»m dire -ting this let' ran» gg omelette "


fafa orre'- 1 te ?'\u25a0 ? n ?? kii and »a'»n. It is < alied LaMont's Crystallized Egg fa% f itttoed *ggs in ore pound can Thi* is. without any question of "S% .. \u2666 * and it -l <-e nomic f<xxt I fver %

fa ; r»: wb f" ' -vr .fent.ie ma le hi- e*p|. ration in the Black Hills. I first !\u2666fa he earn o acouatnted Wttll Crystallised Eggs in the C'>nvmissarv departmen*. I »hall 9!\u2666 »ak< at b-ast htsrdr-l >;:n-:s f this with my outfit. It Is ea'l- d La.Mont's ,\u2666fa ITS - A -ti rlgi- 'uthtter® fan scarcely miss it. as they are cookinc om-dettes ®*fa ... «, vera] of tne pla «\u25a0 whefe it is on sale. In fa t. 1 might say that UM taon eon- Afa (iftise ! food one takes along thf trouble he will have, and thia kir;d of fr;-od is if,

?j n - I'est. Fr i stan e. four d>z n ? ggs we'trh about five pounds, these are »?crvstaiUzed Into ore pound. Yours, in clouds of sunshine.


V.s.fa'.fafafafafaV.'.fafafafafafaV.'.V.V.fa'.fa'.V.^AfafaVfafafafaVsfafaV.'.faV.V.V^fa 2.

4 ? ? ? ? * ?

;s 18641U.v.v.v.v.v.: : 18115 IB 111 IB 11L

SB g»5 Mr. cFI. m ? Troii Raking Co.. 123-226 Eas* Main Street, Waterbury. Conn., July 10. ISS4, J*c »fh,-sr-T'' V *V* C<n " 'r,? J ' r c Lee <*er sir ?* you Introduced it. We are tiain* St now. and would net be without it summer or *Sr.«er. u«* it ta *<x»j


Ask Your Outfitter for It?Look for LaMont's





PAGES li TO 14



Board of I'nbllr U'ork* Declare*

War on Slorrbrr|>er* \\ ho llloek

the Street*? Merchant* Take He-

vcncr on Dray and Eiprra* Mm.

The board of public works ha< declared

war against merchants who insist on oc-cupying the sidewalks with their goods,

warts, or in fact merchandise o' any de-scription. The board says that the side-walks must be clear. if trie combined ef-forts of the entire police force are neees-saty 10 enforce an ordinance recentlypassed by tr.e council covering :he question.

Merchants are not the only ones who areto be called to account. Even the boot-blacks and peanut venders have not es-caped the vigilant eyes of the members cfthe board. While the mimUr,- art* takingin hand tht- question of keeping the side-

walks free for the accommodation of thepublic, the merchants, against whom they

have declared war, have In turn turnedtheir batteries on the draymen and tx-prtssmen, who ins.si oa allowing ".heir ve-hicles to temain In front of stores.

A merry war is now on and tins resultwiii be looktd forward to with interest,as the merchants aver in unmistakableterms thai tne> are entitled to at least aportion of the sidewalk, and the dray m**ncla.m that under no circumstance will theybe driven cut of business by being com-pelled to surrender their "stands."

In a communication sent to Chief ofPolice He*4 yesterday by the board ofpublic works his attention was called tothe alltged tiagrajit violation of the ordi-nance governing the use and occupationcf the sidewalks, especially those on tliemain thoroughiares, such as First, Secondand Western avenues. The chief is toldthat the merchants have evidently re-

moved a large portion of their goods andmany of their clerks from the inside to:ho outside of the stores. The letter saysthat in many parts of the city beer kegs« r«! piled up in front of saloons in row?,three and four feet deep, and many sa-loons look as though they might l*» brew-eries. The chief is also informe i that thecommission merchants on Western avenueevidently believe they have a mortgageon the sidewalk, as it is almost Impossibletor pedestrians to pass along the stret cat times. The board of public works,while not intending any sarcasm, begs tosuggest to the chief that the sidewalksare the property of the city, and not theproperty of owners of abutting property.

The communication to Chief Reed statesthat the bootblacks who have stands onthe sidewalks, as weil as the peanut ven-ders whose establishments occupy similarposition#, are violating a city ordinanceand must obtain other locations. Theboard admits tha: the bootblacks and pea-nut sellers have In nearly every instanceobtained permits from the owners and «K-

--cupants of the buildings. In front of whichthey cairy on their humble business, but itIs argued that the owners and occupantshave no legal right to issue such permits,as the sidewalks art- the property of thecity, and not of the owners of abuttingproperty.

Another matter which is to the at-tention of Chief Ke-d by the Iward Is onewhich is now receiving the attention ofthe health departments of many Kasterncities. It is claimed by the I»oard that themerchants of Seat tit, as well as others",are in the habit of dumping rubbish ofevery description on the streets, and thatthe practice should pot only be d'acon-tlnued as a measure to prevent siekmss,but to assist the street cleaning depart-ment in keeping the streets as clean aspossible.

After the board of public work* hadforwarded their communication to ChiefReed, the owners and occupants of budd-ings on Cherry street put In an appear-ance at the city hall, with a petit .'on ad-dressed to Major Humes. The mayor 1*asked to take immediate action lookingtoward the adoption of radical measures toprevent expressmen and draymen fromallowing their vehicles to stand on thatstreet when not in use. The merchantswho presented the petition sa'.d that sim-ilar action would be taken by the mer-chants on other streets and that a gen-eral war would be waged against the ex-pressman and draymen who indulge in th«practice.

Several merchants who would IM* affect-ed by the enforcement of the sidew »lkordinance were Interviewed by a f'oat-Int lllgencer r< porter. One of thtm said:

"The enforcement of this ordinatewould cos' rn» lots of money and 1 don'tbelieve that the board of public works 1*act'ng wisely In a«k ng Chief Heed tocomj>el us to k«-<p a'.l of our goods on theInsMe of our stores. I would not be sur-prised if the merchants would all standtogether and refuse to comply with theprovisions of the ordinance, and if n»ve«-sary t st the legality of the measure."

The draymen say that they will not bedriven out of business by being com-pelled! to zo to a back street, while th«b<>otbla< ks and peanut venders will doubt-less alidn by th'- decision of the poi.eed« partment.


Orilinnnrr to Refrnlnte Conatrnotion\u25a0 nil ( IrNiilnx nf OanpiHil*.

If the e!ty council Is of th<- mmc min Ia* th*» hoard n{ health an ordinance willh«» pawd to the ef>ns'ru-.-i!."» andc'.raning out of cesspools Plumbing ln-»}« ctor Bwyney ha# sriv>-n the matter on-.«!i!frabt« attention and ha- :n<">rpora*->1his tdoa* in the form of a proposed ordi-nal e.

According to provisions, ail prrsor.*w.rt<. ih-rirt- to rr.snare in th» bus.ne#* ofrlfißinf c*wspooss must takeout » llcmwand hav< a reKU.ar piar\u25a0 of bus'.ne**. Be-for- -ioftiK* any ' * rk a permit

must be secure*l. Work may **+ done onlybetween the hours of W oViook at n ght

and 5 o'clock in the mornlne* K»fi»e mar-?*r inn" h* *rt»-J in an air-tight wagonhot ar '! posit' Ia? .* piar® designated bythe* city.

K'satd-.-.r the jttatrue; on of cr**-

p. TV ordinance *?»>"* that the dim«-n---eior.* - i;iil n - be smaller than * by ? feetand 12 ft*t deep. Tf the ground is w*tt: « o-'SFpof-'i must mad* of brlek, w»Hfoncnt AH cpaa;>ools must t* approvalby the snnitary in»i»e«~!or, violation.-* ofthe ordinan-# ar punishable by a fine ofnot to |K#»,

FOP. Portland canal, Wn*n»r»:. Juneau.Skaxwar and I)yea. Wasnir.jjton Steam

saUla from Co!man dock WtdamUy. Mjy11. Bell A Atktnaoa. Onsra! Agents. Bos-ton biock. oppos ?e pO*tOfDce,

A PIANO in the home edocates. reflnes,entertains and Is on* of the family. Callor write for prices D. 8 Johnston. MSecond avenue. Burke bulldir*.

PATRONIZK the new tee factOTT. S««lrCm Joa Co. 'Pfeaa. Pika fL



o|ip»* Toinarrnn Kara lair in Trla>

it> M. K. ( harvh?OOleera All atThis ( ltj-l'r»nr.in»mr tar the Day

Or. aail Mra. I omland (.ucstn.

In Triniiy \I. E. church will »e held to-morrow the sixth annual convention ofthe Woman's Foreign MMoturjr Society

of the Settle district. IVlegate-s will !>?

present from every auxiliary in the districtand a lengthy programme has been arrang-ed for the tiay. The officers of the society

are all Seattle women and the work is car-ried on from here. Those now at the headof the movement are ;uh follows: President,Mrs. \V. S. H trrtngton; corresponding wo-re t a ry, Mr-». K. B. Fowler; recording secre-tary. Mis. Silas Munro; general secretary,Mrs. Whitfield.

The convention will open tomorrow morn-ingl at 3:30 o'clock with devotional exor-cises. led by Mrs. Sprigiw. At 10 a. m. theaddress of welcome will lie delivered by.Mr*. C. M. Sheafe. and the response byMrA Chloe Baker. The convention wtMthen KO tnto business session. The remain-der of the rooming will be taken up by apaper on ' Motives and Mean? of Missions."Mrs. Alice I*arker; recitation. Mfcss Kin-near; paper. "All Nations of the Earth Un-der One Flag," Mrs. E. M. Rand«ll; alpha-ltciical roll call.

Mrs. t'ousiand. who returned a»monthago after six year.* of missionary work inSomh China, will rxhibit a number of cu-rios brought from thut country. Poor healthwill not permit her to address the conven-tion. but her husband. Dr. Oousland, willspeak in the evening. The closing addres*bad been'allotted to MM. C. A. Stephenson,but at her request Dr. Cousland will takeher place.

After a basket lunch In the church, theremainder of the day will 1* taken*, up bythe following order of esercisest beginningat I:3ft p. m.:

Devotional exercises?l.ed by Mrs. Rev.K. M. Randall.

Reading minutes of morning session.Paper?"God's Tenth." Mrs. Rev. W. H.

Wilson.Reports and election of officers,Po*«n?"Then and Now," Mrs. 9. D.

Crockett.Missionary exhortation?Mrs. Rev. H. D.

Brown.Paper?"To What Purpose la Thl»

Waste?" Mrs. Rev. W. H. Helleck.!>uet?Mr. and Mrs. Gut on.Paner?"Woman and Missions." Mrs. Dr.

Martin.In the evening. beginning at & o'clock:Devotional exerclsei»-Eed by Mrs. Dr.

Whitfield.Solo Mrs. C. E. Hughe*.Introduction of women and children in

Chinese costumes.Address?Dr. Constant.Address -Dr. Cousland.


\V. V. T. I. Sen*!* ? < Irewlar Istterto Prenchrrw In Title State.

An activo campaign against social evils .is being renewed by the W. C. T. r. forWestern Washington. Circular letters »yPresident Mary L. Page and Secretary Al-ice R. RSdeout have been sent to preachers

all over the state, urging them to make astrong fight against the legalised saloonand the social evil.In her letttr. President Page says: "Pub-

lic sentiment about womankind Is wroughtup to somewhere near concert pitch In re-gard to personal purity and personal re-epunslblllty in the home and In society.Will you not give more direct teaching onsocial purity to the end that the conditioncf a 'fallen man* may tx» as much an ob-^»ject of horror as that of a 'fallen woman;'that It may be thought as disreputable fora boy to sow his wild oata as for a girl;tlfli: a pure llfeffor both may become therule In the family,"


Prompt Arrival of liar Fire Boat* the flarnl»K Ship,

Ship Yosemlte would have been entirelydestroyed by Are curly yesterday morningwhile fastened to the middle sfty buoy, hadU not been for the prompt assistance ren-dered by the Are boat Snoqualmle. whenher officers were finally warned of th«trouble.

Capt. C< ttlnby and the crew of th« Yo-jw-mlte wer# just preparing to board th*tug Wallowa, whicn wis laid up alongside,and leave the ship, when the tire boat ap-peared. They had intended to let the tugdrift out of danger f-'oni the dames on theYosemlte, as was no fire In her bolt-ers. It took but a few second* for thacrew of the fire IMMt to string a line ofhose from th< top of their pilot house tothe burning ship and soon a heavy streamof salt water was washing Its way aroundth«* after cabin where the lire was locat-ed. The fire boat stayed alongside the bigship for nearly an h<sur

The firt- was st ir<ed by the explosionof an oil stov«' ov*-r which Capt. Olttltibywas preparing his breakfast. He went onde< k w liln waiitr wan heating and didnot discover th* !lr« until the smoke pour-ing out >f ttuf cahfn attracted his atten-

tion II- tried to gi>t his signal flags orfoK horn but th* flames drove him back.He th-n shut all the doors and kept th«nre inside. Sump one finally n©tlo»d th»cm< ke from th"- < <»al bunkers and tele-phoned the fire boat.

The loss Is estimate*! at ISO©, with no In-surance. (Hlpt. Oettinby lost all of hUIclothe* and son»« k valuable instrument* Inth" fir*'. The belonga to th«White Star Navigation Company at.d !?

held here for orders.

t tthlrlr*.A distinguished writer in a pamphlet

published »«y the lnurco!l«(lit<! AthleticAssociation nays tn.it «n immense im-provement in thft n»»ral and physical

status of college graduates naa takenlilte* sin'f* th<* imrrodti-iion of athtetioicamcs in «r»J.effe. In fart. the honor Uatof any < oii*«*, it will «h»>w thanames ot prom'tv ;it aAbiete* amoitf 'haf. w who have earned that proud dlaline-tlon. There is no r<***oo why


train andbrawn" *-ou.'d he antagonist!- In support

of this last proposition the \u25a0> tWm of thatgenia-1 InrlfOfiint, HMtftlrr's S:otna<l»Tlstter*. wnich n sirenjctbentng tha bodyincreases mental activity, may be author-itatively cite«j. This famous med icing

overcome* »h* dysp* psia. to per-son* of inaettve habits, yieldssound, refr«at»ing alwp. and Improve* thaappetite. it also remedies liver dtmpiaint.constipation. m&iarta, rheumatism, ner-vousness and kidney tcofbie.

EXfI'RSIO.V to Knscjualmi* next Sun-day. Train leave* 9:30 a. m. Kara #I.OO.

CASTOR IAfor la£wti.a&d Cbildjr**

' \u25a0 4 ,1. \u25a0\u25a0, '
