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HUBUNGAN PROFITABILITAS DAN KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN … · p汀bungan Profitabilitas Dan Kebijakan...

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HUBUNGAN PROFITABILITAS DAN KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN TUNAI DENGAN KECUKUPAN KAS DAN LIKUIDITAS SEBAGAI VARIABLE Megawati Oktorina Dosen Tetap Fakultas Ekonomi , Universitas Katolik IndonesiaA!ma Jaya Michell Suharli Staf Pengajar Program dan Universitas Katolik IndonesiaAtma Jaya Absfracf The objective ofthis research is to determine the relationship between profitabilffy and the amount of cash dividend policy. However this research examines the influences of cash adequate and liquidffy (current ratio) toward the relationship between profdability and cash dividend the influence as variables. In general , investors have primarily objective that is to increase theirweafth by retum as diviåenå orcapffal gain. On the other hanå, the company expects continuous growth and its going concem, increase its stockholåer' s weaffh. Factor fhat pre- åicteå influencing diviåend distribution amounf in fhis research are focused on profitabilif y. Thus, profitability influences cash åiviåenå policy in a company. However cash dividend should be paid only when a company has adequate cash and good ratio. This research examines financial sfafemenf of several companies are lisfed af Jakarla Sf ock Exchange for period ended December 31, 2000 until December31 , 2003. from Jakarla Sfock Exchange and Inåonesia Capital Market Directory 2004. This research "EViews version 4 , 1". The resuff is cash adequafe and liquidify moåerate relafionship between retum on invesfmenf andcash dividen policy. On the otherhand, retum on equity has nof significanf relafionship wffh cash dividend polic y. Keyword: dividend, cash liquidffy 141



Megawati Oktorina

Dosen Tetap Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Katolik IndonesiaA!ma Jaya

Michell Suharli

Staf Pengajar Program Sa时ana dan Pascasa咱ana, Universitas Katolik IndonesiaAtma Jaya


The objective ofthis research is to determine the relationship between profitabilffy and the amount of cash dividend policy. However this research examines the influences of cash adequate and liquidffy (current ratio) toward the relationship between profdability and cash dividend policy. 陆 call

the influence as m口åerating variables. In general, investors have primarily objective that is to increase theirweafth by retum as diviåenå orcapffal gain. On the other hanå, the company expects continuous growth and its going concem, a,阳o increase its stockholåer's weaffh. Factor fhat pre­åicteå influencing diviåend distribution amounf in fhis research are focused on profitabilify. Thus, profitability influences cash åiviåenå policy in a company. However cash dividend should be paid only when a company has adequate cash and good Ii可uidity ratio. This research examines financial sfafemenf of several companies are lisfed af Jakarla Sfock Exchange for period ended December 31, 2000 until December31, 2003. Dafaisc口,lIecfeå from Jakarla Sfock Exchange and Inåonesia Capital Market Directory 2004. This research uses刷刷1calsoftware "EViews version 4, 1". The resuff is cash adequafe and liquidify moåerate relafionship between retum on invesfmenf andcash dividen policy. On the otherhand, retum on equity has nof significanf relafionship wffh cash dividend policy.

Keyword: profitabil,吻 cash dividend, cash adequa侣, liquidffy


p汀bungan Profitabilitas Dan Kebijakan Dividen Tunai Dengan Kecukupan Kas 159 Dan Likuiditas Sebagai ModeratÍl lg Variable


Beberapa simpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini, yaitu 1. Profi恒bilitas dengan proksi ROI yang mempengaruhi positil (searah) secara

signifikan pada kebijakan tunai perusahaan. Hal ini konsisten dengan penelitian Lintner (1956), Wirjolukito el. al. (2003), dan Suharli dan Oktorina (2005);

2. Kecukupan kas memperkuathubungan ROI ke kebijakan tunai perusahaan, namun tidak sebagai moderating variable untuk hubungan ROE ke kebijakan tunai perusahaan. Kecukupan kas tidak mempengaruhi kebijakan tunai perusahaan secara langsung. Hal ini berbeda dengan hasil penelitian Aharony dan Swary (1980);

3. Likuiditas perusahaan memperlemah hubungan ROI ke kebijakan tunai perusahaan dan tidak sebagai moderaling variable untuk hubungan ROE ke keb加kan tunai perusahaan. Likuiditas secara langsung mempengaruhi keb司akan tunai perusahaan pada saat model menyertakan variabel ROI Hasil 皿i menyetujui hasil penelitian Suharli dan Oktorina (2005)

Saran Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah variabel independen yang diteliti

memasukkan unsur selain profitab出tas, sehingga akan menghasilkan penelitian yang memberikan kontribusi banyak yang berkaitan tentang kebijakan deviden tunai perusahaan


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