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Hudson Samples

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THE MOST RELEVANT MEDIA IN THE DAIRY BUSINESS. WWW.DAIRYBUSINESS.COM LEADING OFF The voice of DairyLine Page 10 FEEDING: Successfully transition to new corn silage Page 16 MILK QUALITY: Ensure teat health in changing seasons Page 22 TECHNOLOGY New tool may enhance forage quality management Page 14 OCTOBER 2008 MIDWEST DAIRYBUSINESS


LEADING OFFThe voice of DairyLine Page 10

FEEDING:Successfullytransition tonew corn silagePage 16

MILK QUALITY:Ensure teat health in changing seasonsPage 22

TECHNOLOGYNew tool may enhance forage

quality managementPage 14





“Action, looks, words, steps, form the alpha-bet by which you may spell character.”

-- Johann Kaspar Lavater

AAFACT (American Farmers for the Advancement and Conservation of Technology): Farmers frustrated by

the loss of safe and valuable management tools with no scientific justification and no economic compensation.

Apple: KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET sold for $1 million in the Global Glamour at Arethusa Sale.

BBailouts: $700 billion equals $2,333 (or one pretty good dairy replacement) each for 300 million Americans. Make

checks payable to U.S. Treasury.Biotech: As in “bad.” Mammas, don’t let

your babies grow up to be scientists.

CCWT: 5th and 6th herd retirements were held and export assistance pro-gram moved nearly 2 billion lbs. of

milk off-shore, but there were still skeptics.Cows: Lots and lots. Most since 1996-97.Canadian heifers: They’re back, about

46,000 in 2008.Cross-ventilation and compost barns: The

latest in comfort for productive cows.COOL: The long fight over country of ori-

gin labelling ended. Interpretation, implementa-tion and tweaking remain.

DDigesters: Turning manure into ener-gy and carbon credits.

Downers: Humane Society of the United States film definitely not among America’s funniest home videos. USDA banned downer cows from human consump-tion.

Dairy issues covered the alphabet in 2008, and likely defined the indus-try’s character for years to come.

By Dave Natzke

10 Midwest DairyBusiness December 2008

JJumpy, as in futures markets: Care to speculate?

Judge and jury: Even in dairy, law-suits becoming more popular method to get “our” way. What’s the appeal?

KKozak: Jerry, National Milk Producers Federation CEO. Foresees big changes to dairy policy in the years ahead.

Kentucky: Signs of the times: University of Kentucky partners with U.S. Department of Homeland Security to enhance security of milk moving from the farm to the plant.

LLabels: Hormones and pesticides and antibiotics, oh my. A wicked witch, or the wizard of marketing?

Lines: As in “lines of credit.” Many finan-cial consultants say you’ll need them in 2009.

MMargins: Incredible shrinking; manage ’em, or you’ll suffer in 2009. (See Lines of credit)

MILC: Milk Income Loss Contract pro-gram. Who’d a thunk we’d needed it six months ago? Now with a feed adjuster, higher payment rate and covering more milk. Safety net.

Make allowances: Arguing over pennies that mean millions. California does it fast; fed-eral orders take it slow – really, really slow.

Melamine: Grandpa always said there was a future in plastics – but not in milk. Made in China.

NNo-Match: Letters indicate employ-ee Social Security numbers don’t match with their records. Department

of Homeland Security gets involved. Seek a safe harbor, because if you’ve got mail, you’ve got problems.

NAIS: National Animal Identification System. Securing the food supply and markets, or intrusion by Big Brother?

O Organic: When is an organic dairy not an organic dairy? When the herd is large and not powered by grass.

EEeeek! The economy.Exports: Dairy topped $4 billion

in fiscal year ’08, but signs pointed to slow-down as the year came to a close. Is this the peak, or a sign of great things to come?

Ethanol: Competition for corn, subsidies and energy independence. The result: distillers grains by the tons and debate by the gallons.

Elections: Was a North Dakota winter ever this nasty? After it’s over, Democrats made big gains, from the White House to state houses.

FFarm Bill: 2007 federal ag/food legisla-tion debate reached a bizarre conclu-sion in 2008, and some pieces won’t be

implemented until 2009. Industry leaders say “dairy” won, but warned similar victories may not happen again.

Forward pricing: Program revived in Farm Bill. A way to control volatility, or drive prices lower?

Footprints: As in “carbon footprints.” Now everybody wants smaller feet. Are we learning a new way to walk, or wearing glass slippers?

GGlobal demand: More people in more places want more dairy on the menu. (See Exports)

Genomics: New tool added to the dairy reproduction toolbox. Coming soon: genetic maps on MapQuest?

Greenhouse gas: It’s now OK to talk about cow flatulence in mixed company.

HHay: High, as in prices.

IImmigration: Ag labor supply at stake, but election-year politics ruled the day. The key to good neighbor relations is a good (big)

fence. Stay tuned in 2009, and beyond. IOFC: Income over feed costs gained

acceptance as a way to measure dairy producer financial prospects. The year started strong, but shrunk. (See Margins)

Idaho: Keeps moving up the state milk pro-duction rankings. Is third place far away?

Please turn to page 12

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California RaisinsH e a l t h & N u t r i t i o n B e n e f i t s o f C a l i f o r n i a R a i s i n s

One serving of Raisins is 40 grams, about 1/4 cup.

Raisin Nutrition Facts• Raisins are fat-free, sodium-free, and


• Raisins have about 2 grams of fiber or 9% of the Daily Value.

A 40-gram (1/4 cup) serving provides• 306mg potassium (9% of the DV)

• 14mg calcium (2% of the DV)

• 1mg iron (6% of the DV)

• This 40-gram serving of Raisins provides nearly 31 grams of carbohydrate composed mostly of glucose and fructose.

• A 40-gram serving of California Raisins is an easy way to add a serving of fruit to help reach the daily recommended of 9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.

• Raisins contain catechins, a family of readily absorbable antioxidants that have been shown to reduce cancerous colon tumors. Also, Raisins are rated as the second highest source of antioxidants by ORAC.

• California Raisins like the other California Dried Fruits deliver fiber for heart and colon health while improving cholesterol levels.

• Recent research at the University of Chicago, shows that oleanic acid and other compounds in raisins help to prevent periodontal and gum disease.

California DrieD fruits -- are so versatile!• Combine with nuts for satisfying, nutritious trail mixes.

• Top off salads, cereals and pizzas - especially fruit pizzas.

• Add flavor to pancake batters, as well as puddings and cobblers.

• Help oatmeal cookies and other baked goods stay fresh longer.

• Bring new characteristics to stews and ragouts.

• Find a place in many ethnic preparations.

California DrieD fruit Coalition

The California Dried Fruit Coalition (CDFC) was formed as a cooperative effort by the raisin, dried plum, dried fig and date industries to promote the nutritional value and versatility of uses for these traditional dried fruits to policy makers influencing food purchase decisions for America’s schools and foodservice agencies.

our vision

The California Dried Fruit Coalition (CDFC) works cooperatively to keep these traditional dried fruits at the forefront of the minds of school foodservice administrators and nutritionist as real fruit ingredients and health snacks for consumers -- young and old alike.

c a l i f o r n i a d r i e d f r u i t s a r e

Real Fruits. . . a n d M u c h , M u c h M o r e !

raisins, DrieD figs, Dates anD DrieD Plums are• Economical -- Readily available all year

• Easy to store -- Need no refrigeration

• Perfectly ripe, never bruised

• Easy to prepare with little or no waste

• Portable -- perfect for grab-and-go snacks and lunches

• A supply of all-natural energy

• Delicious fruit servings to count toward the Daily Fruit and Vegetable Requirement

• A source of readily absorbable antioxidants and fiber for heart, digestive and colon health while improving cholesterol levels.more about California raisins at


California Date Commission

P.O. Box 1736Indio, California 92202-1736


California DrieD Plum boarD

3840 Rosin Court, Suite 170 Sacramento, CA 95834-1699


California raisin marketing boarD

3445 North First Street, Suite 101Fresno, CA 93726


California fig aDvisory boarD

600 West Shaw Avenue, Suite 300Fresno, CA 93704


For Further Information Contact:

California Raisins, Dried Figs, Dates and Dried Plums are

Real Fruits . . . and Much, Much More!

California DatesH e a l t h & N u t r i t i o n B e n e f i t s o f C a l i f o r n i a D a t e s

One serving of Dates is 40 grams, about 1/4 cup of chopped Dates or 5 to 6 Dates.

Dates Nutrition Facts• Dates are fat-free, sodium-free, and


• With 3 grams of dietary fiber per serving, Dates are a good source of fiber and provide 11% of the Daily Value.

A 40-gram (1/4 cup) serving provides • 290mg potassium (8% of the DV)

• 2% of the DV of calcium and iron

• This 40-gram serving of Dates provides 32 grams of carbohydrate composed of glucose and fructose.

• A 40-gram serving of California Dates is an easy way to add a serving of fruit to help reach the recommended 9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.

• A serving of Dates also provides 4% of the DV for Niacin (B3), 3% of the DV for Pantothenic Acid (B5), and 2% of the DV for Thiamin (B1) and Riboflavin (B2).

• Adding sweet Dates to many preparations will help to reduce added sugars.

• California Dates and date products have a natural sweetness and smooth richness that makes them the perfect ingredient in many preparations.

California Dried PlumsH e a l t h & N u t r i t i o n B e n e f i t s o f C a l i f o r n i a D r i e d P l u m s

One serving of Dried Plums is 40 grams, about 1/4 cup or about 5 Dried Plums.

Dried Plums Nutrition Facts• Dried Plums are fat-free, sodium-free, and

cholesterol-free.• Dried Plums are a good source of fiber, both

soluble and insoluble; one serving provides 15% of the Daily Value or about 3 grams.

• Dried Plums score high in total antioxidant capacity and contain phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants.

A 40-gram (1/4 cup) serving provides• 293mg potassium (about 9% of the DV)

• 17mg calcium (2% of the DV)

• This 40-gram serving of Dried Plums provides nearly 26 grams of carbohydrate in the form of naturally occurring glucose and fructose.

• Consuming about 5 (40g) California Dried Plums is an easy way to add a serving of fruit toward the recommended intake of 9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.

• Dried Plums are a source of dietary fiber, sorbitol, potassium, copper, boron and phenolic compounds which form a web of interrelated health promoting functions. Acting together, these compounds help regulate glucose

metabolism, promote cardiovascular health, are involved in bone metabolism, protect against cancer, and contribute to digestion.

• Combined with those and a low glycemic index, researchers at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece showed that the desire to eat, the preoccupation with food and thoughts regarding the amount of food that could be consumed were lower when participants included a Dried Plum pre-lunch snack; and the feeling of satiety was higher.

• Dried Plums contain no sucrose, a fermentable sugar that contributes to dental caries. A non-fermentable sugar alcohol, sorbitol, and fructose contribute to Dried Plum’s low glycemic index.

California Dried FigsH e a l t h & N u t r i t i o n B e n e f i t s o f C a l i f o r n i a D r i e d F i g s

One serving of Dried Figs is 40 grams, about 1/4 cup or 3 Calimyrna or 4 to 5 Black Mission Figs.

Dried Figs Nutrition Facts• Figs are fat-free, sodium-free, and


• Figs are high in fiber, providing 20% of the Daily Value from 5 grams of fiber per serving.

A 40-gram (1/4 cup) serving provides• 244mg potassium (7% of the DV)

• 53mg calcium (6% of the DV)

• 1.2mg iron (6% of the DV)

• This 40-gram serving of Dried Figs also provides nearly 30 grams of carbohydrate as glucose and fructose.

• A 40-gram serving of California Dried Figs is another easy way to add a serving of fruit to help reach the daily recommended of 9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.

• Foods that are rich in insoluble fibers, protect against colon cancer; while foods rich in soluble fibers, usually help to lower blood cholesterol. Experiments conducted at George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC suggest that the unique combination of soluble and insoluble fibers found in California Dried Figs may work better than either of these fibers do alone in preventing both breast and colon cancer.

• Research at the University of Scranton determined that Dried Figs have a phenol makeup ranging from 4 to 50 times higher than other fruits. These antioxidants have been credited with protecting humans from various diseases.

• Research at Rutgers University shows that Dried Figs contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids and other phytosterols credited with decreasing natural cholesterol synthesis in the body and lowering overall cholesterol counts.

more about California DrieD figs at www.californiafigs.org

more about California Dates at www.datesaregreat.com.

more about California DrieD Plums at www.californiadriedplums.org.

What a year it has been! Like life in general, our association has had its share of chal-lenges this past year. We’ve had three different office managers, included Jerseys into our state show and contracted with the Holstein World to publish our annual magazine. All this, while the dairy industry is still feeling the effects of a year of low milk prices and a heat wave last summer that was devastating.

Our association took it all in stride and as usual, we have plenty to be proud of. Our junior association always amazes me with their enthusiasm, assertiveness and courage to do so many things so well. The California Juniors had their best year ever at the national convention placing strongly in the Dairy Bowl and the Dairy Jeopardy contests of 2006. They are now entering the Speech contest as well and look to have very competitive teams for 2007. California was also well represented at Madison with excellent results in both the show ring and the All-American contests.

At the recently completed California Holstein Show, I heard many comments that it was one of the strongest state shows ever. Many of the classes were filled with great cows, ten to fifteen cows deep. The competitiveness was evident with the awards spread across many of the breeders. The one thing you can always count on in our association is the fun and fellowship between the members. It was never more evident than at our annual con-vention in Monterey. Great times with great friends at a beautiful setting at a well planned event are hard to beat. Fun can also be found during the evenings at the state show. Go-ing from string to string, listening to a mix of jokes, stories, news and gossip is priceless.

I would like to sincerely thank Carol Garrett for her years of service as our office man-ager. She stayed efficient through it all while always being light hearted and enjoyable. I would like to thank Tara Davis, who went from dedicated board member, to a caring office manager, to an actively involved member, each time making my job easier. I would also like to thank Janet De Mello for all of her years of service as editor of this annual, she truly set the highest of standards for this publication. The association is indebted to Kirsten Are-ias for her continued dedication to the junior association. Also deserving a big thank you is the Merced Club for hosting a very memorable convention, the state board and commit-tees for their time and dedication, and all the members that helped make the state show a great success. Lastly, I would like to welcome Kate Chapman to our association as our new office manager. I look forward to working with her throughout my term as President.

Let’s keep up the good work and as always let’s keep it fun while we’re at it.

Patrick MaddoxPresident

Patrick Maddox

PresidentPatrick Maddox 559-867-4457E-mail: [email protected]

Vice PresidentJamie Bledsoe 559-867-3545E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary/TreasurerJared Fernandes 559-685-9120E-mail: [email protected]

Central Valley DirectorTony Borba Jr. 209-838-7018E-mail: [email protected]

Merced DirectorFrankie Coderniz 209-392-6735E-mail:[email protected]

Fresno–Madera DirectorRon Kuber 559-779-5961E-mail: [email protected]

Redwood Empire DirectorLucas Deniz 707-484-3798E-mail: [email protected]

South San Joaquin DirectorMatthew Evangelo 559-816-4224E-mail: [email protected]

Stanislaus DirectorBill Genasci 209-545-0685E-mail: [email protected]

Northern California DirectorFredrick Plocher 530-661-0268

Northern CA At–Large DirectorRay Quaresma 209-825-7774E-mail: [email protected]

Southern CA At–Large DirectorRyan Matheron 209-634-7523E-mail: [email protected]

4 Ca l i fo r n i a H o l s te i n N ews An n u a l 2 0 0 7 cahols te in .com

President’s Message

Markwell Durham Raven Very Good-86 @ 2 yrs

1-11 2x 365 33,661 3.8 1280 3.2 10731st Jr Two-Year-Old, Western National

Spring Show 2006Rhoda and Rhonda carried the

Raven banner in the 2007All-American contest!

Look for more daughters from Durham Raven to hit the

ground in 2008 – sired byGoldwyn, Talent, Roy,

Mr Burns, Dundee, Prontoand Advent!

Raven’s Dam:Markwell Rudolph Rhoda

Excellent-923-11 2x 365 33,890 4.0 1345 3.1 1050

Raven’s 2nd Dam:Markwell BStar E Raven

Excellent-95 3E GMDLife: 154,520 4.1 6389 3.6 5506

Next two dams EX GMD

Right -Pappys Sept Storm Rhoda-ET RC1st Winter Yearling & HM Junior Champion, Western National Spring Show 20078th Winter Yearling at Int’l Holstein ShowFresh and looks good!

Left - Pappys Sept Storm Rhonda-ET RC2nd Winter Yearling, Western National Spring Show 2007Owned by Triple Crown Genetics

Both Rhoda and Rhonda were members of our winning Junior Best Three Females at the 2007 Western National Spring Show and were our Nominated All-American Produce of Dam group!

Premier Breeder Western Spring National 2006, 2007


THE PAPAGEORGES1630 W. Farr West Drive • Ogden, UT 84404Harry 801.782.9383 • Jim 801.782.9631Ted 801.782.4150 • Alex 801.782.5556Email: [email protected]: www.holsteinworld.com/Pappys






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