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Hult Master Brochure 2012

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  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012






    Master Degree Programs

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    GetPluggedInto The



    The London Eye is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe.

    Hult International Business School Inc.

    is an independent, not-or-prot institution

    aliated with the EF Education First Group.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012

    3/603hult.edu 3hult.edu

    Today, success inbusiness is as much aboutunderstanding culturesand globalization as it is

    about understanding financeand marketing. With ourexceptional faculty, rigorouscurriculum, and uniquecampus network, Hult

    International Business Schoolis committed to educatingnot just leaders of business,but leaders of the world.

    Bertil HultChairman Emeritus of Hult International Business School.

    Founder of EF Education Firstthe worlds largestprivate education organizationand educational philanthropist.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012



    HistoryOur legacy in training global business

    leaders since 1964 shapes our uture as the

    worlds most international business school.

    A practical

    business educationIn 1964, Hult, then known as the Arthur D.

    Little School o Management, was established

    as Americas rst corporate university ocused

    on delivering a practical business education

    or managers. The teaching pedagogy was

    dierent rom other business schools due to

    its emphasis on action learningapplying

    classroom theory in the real world. This

    methodology was honed over 40 years and

    is central to Hults pioneering approach to

    practical business education today.

    The worlds most international

    business school

    In 2003, one o Europes most successul

    entrepreneurs, Bertil Hult, nancially

    supported the school to expand its teaching

    methodology to not only train eective

    managers, but also prepare them to thrive on

    a global stage. Bertil Hult strongly believed

    that students must experience cultural

    dierences and global business practices

    rsthand, growing the school rom its

    single Boston location to a global networko campuses including London, Dubai,

    Shanghai, and San Franciscocreating

    Hult International Business School.

    The worlds largest

    graduate business schoolHults compelling vision o a practical and

    global business education has attracted many

    students rom around the world. Today, Hult

    has grown to become the worlds largest

    graduate business school. Our growth

    demonstrates the tremendous demand or a

    hands-on and practical business education.

    The worlds largest graduate

    business schools











    Source: Annual intakes rom Which MBA? 2009 Economist

    Intelligence Unit, Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2010,

    Hult projected intake 2011













    University o Pennsylvania, Wharton




    Northwestern, Kellogg




    1998 Forbes identiiesthe schools ActionLearning curriculum ashighly distinctive, rankingit in the top ive MBAprograms in the U.S.

    1976Thebusiness school is oiciallyaccredited by the NewEngland Association oSchools and Colleges(NEASC), the regionalaccrediting body or allacademic institutions in thenortheastern U.S.

    2002 The Economistranks the school the thirdbest business schoolin Massachusetts,ater Harvard BusinessSchool and theMassachusetts Institute oTechnology (MIT).

    2003The school isrenamed Hult InternationalBusiness School, honoring

    beneactor Bertil Hultspersonal vision andcommitment toeducating internationalbusiness leaders.

    1964Arthur D. LittleInc., the worlds oldestmanagement consultingirm, establishes theManagement EducationInstitute, which developsan innovative, acceleratedone-year Master degreeprogram to trainbusiness leaders.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Hult is the worlds largest graduate business school.

    2009 The FinancialTimesadds HultInternational BusinessSchool to its prestigiousTop 100 Global MBArankings. Hults Londoncampus welcomesundergraduatesand graduates.

    2010Hult is ranked #1in International Experienceby the Financial Times. Theschools ith campus indowntown San Franciscois opened. The irst HultGlobal Case Challenge islaunched, revolutionizingthe business o giving andbeneiting One Laptopper Child.

    PresentHult is ranked#3 in International Businessby the Financial Times.Hults lagship campus inChina opens in the hearto Shanghai. Former U.S.President Bill Clintonawards Hults USD1 millionprize to Water.org at theHult Global Case Challengein New York.

    2008Hult welcomesits irst class o studentsto the MBA program inDubai. Hult is the irst U.S.academic institution to belicensed in the U.A.E.

    2005Hults one-yearMBA program earnsthe accreditation o theAssociation o MBAs(AMBA), making Hultthe irst business schoolin the U.S. to berecognized by thisprestigious internationalaccrediting body.

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    Why Hult?Why students choose the worldsmost international business school:

    Global Campus Rotation

    Hult oers students a unique

    opportunity to see the world while they

    study. As a Master student, you can

    start anywhere and go anywhere. On

    Global Campus Rotation, you can pick

    your home campus and then choose

    to spend up to three months studying

    at two others. Students could begin

    in Boston, then travel to Shanghai

    via London or San Francisco via

    Dubai. Youll get an inside look at the

    worlds astest-growing economies

    and examine international business

    practices close-up. Almost 90% o our

    students choose Hult because they

    are interested in this option, and over

    hal o our students spend time in more

    than one campus.

    Top-rankedbusiness school

    Hult continues its rapid ascent in

    business school ratings, currently

    ranking in the top 1% o all business

    schools. Hult is ranked #1 or

    International Experience and #3

    or International Business by the

    Financial Time. Hult is ranked #20

    in the U.S. and #29 in the world byThe Economist.

    Hands-onbusiness experience

    Unlike other business schools that

    are research-oriented, 80% o Hults

    aculty have real-world experience.Many have worked or companies

    like P&G, Motorola, and Credit

    Suisse, while others have run their

    own businesses or created their own

    patents. Hult empowers students to

    develop their own real-world skills by

    completing a six-week Action Project

    in which they consult or a major

    company like Levis, Philips, Xerox,

    or IBM. This reinorces our mission to

    prepare job-ready graduates who can

    deliver results rom day one.

    A U.S.-accredited degree

    American-style graduate programs

    have long been the premier standard in

    business education. Hult International

    Business School is accredited by the

    New England Association o Schools

    and Colleges (NEASC) and Association

    o MBAs (AMBA). That means that no

    matter where you decide to pursue

    your Master program, you will graduate

    with a U.S.-accredited degree.

    Lielonginternational connections

    Hult immediately takes your network

    global. Hult students hail rom

    over 120 countries and speak 105languages. This unparalleled diversity

    not only creates lielong riendships

    and worldwide connections, but also

    provides you with rsthand experience

    working in multinational teamsa

    undamental skill or a global executive.

    Thought-leading education

    Hult is on the cutting edge o business

    education in several key areas:

    emerging markets, digital marketing,

    social entrepreneurship, and

    crowdsourcing. The school launched

    the rst dedicated Master program

    covering digital marketing, search

    engine technology, and the impact

    o social media. The school also

    organizes the worlds largest business

    school competitionthe annual

    Hult Global Case Challengethat

    crowdsources ideas rom students all

    over the world to help a leading non-

    prot organization tackle a major

    social challenge.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Hult helps map your path to proessional success.


  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012

    9/609hult.edu 9hult.edu


    NetworkJust WentGlobal120 nationalities... 105 languages...Countless new connections hailing

    rom dierent industries, cultures, and

    backgrounds... all united by one goal

    to get plugged into the world. Hult

    International Business School gives

    you an astoundingly diverse network

    o proessional and personal contacts.


    Pre-Master Concentration

    33% Business Administration

    13% Economics

    9% Marketing and Communications

    7% Finance

    6% Engineering

    4% Sciences

    3% Computer Sciences

    3% Languages

    2% Law20% Other

    Snapshot o 2011 class:

    Regions o origin

    34% Europe

    24% Middle East/Arica

    18% Asia

    16% North America

    8% Latin America

    Age o students

    3% Under 21

    50% 212342% 2428

    5% Over 29

    More Hult student photos at hult.edu/liein

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  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    San Francisco




  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Hult Boston overlooks downtownand the Charles River.

    Immerse yourselin the worlds mostinuential cities

    Hults Global Campus Rotation gives youthe chance to study at up to three o our

    ve campuses. This provides you with

    a unique opportunity to experience

    rsthand the emerging markets o the

    Middle East, the powerhouse economy o

    China, or to develop a broad network o

    corporate and proessional contacts

    across multiple continents.

    Once you start your Master on your home

    campus, you can decide where to take

    elective courses. Choose to stay on your

    home campus or the ull year or spend up

    to 12 weeks on one or two other campuses.Imagine starting your Master program

    in London and then spending time in

    Shanghai beore graduating in Boston.

    Its a truly lie-changing experience that

    only Hult can deliver.

    Seamless experience,rom Hult to Hult

    Our Global Campus Rotation is ully

    integrated into our Master program

    curriculum. In contrast to most business

    schools that oer their students study

    abroad opportunities through exchange

    programs with other schools, Hult prides

    itsel on being the ull provider o the Global

    Campus Rotation.

    No matter which Hult campus you are on,

    you will use the same electronic library, the

    same Course Management System, and will

    be amiliar with the way our Career Services

    and Student Services work.

    Youll mingle with classmates rom other

    campuses during your Global CampusRotation and build valuable contacts as

    you study alongside new aces and learn

    rom dierent aculty on our campuses.

    Our global network ensures that your

    experience is uninterrupted and


    Hult oers you the extraordinary opportunity to live, study,

    and experience international business frsthand at up to

    three o our fve campuses.

    Global Campus Rotation

    A closer look atinternational business

    By learning international business in a

    global setting, youll be able to put complex

    issues into context and gain new market

    insights. Study risk management on our

    Dubai campus and compare your ideas to

    those o regional thought leaders. Discuss

    a case study about the manuacturing

    industry in China and then go on a tour o

    the worlds largest textile actory. Nothing

    can replace the experience o getting an

    on-the-ground understanding o what is

    happening in dierent parts o the world

    international business cannot just be taught

    in a classroom.


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    13/6013hult.edu 13hult.edu

    BostonVisit to Philips Healthcare, division

    headquarters or one o the worlds

    biggest electronics companies

    First annual Hult Energy Conerence

    on campus, including guest speakers,

    exhibitions rom clean-tech companies,

    and industry networking session

    American cultural immersion with trips

    to Red Sox baseball games, Cape Cod

    beach, and amphibious tours o Boston

    Social get-togethers including karaoke,

    BBQs, and outings or students, amilies,

    and alumni

    Spectacular ireworks display on the

    Charles River on Independence Day

    San Francisco Tech trek tour o Silicon Valley, Sandhill

    Road, Palo Alto, and Mountain View


    economics o the wine industry and

    running a vineyard


    by Dr. Toby Beth Freedman, President

    and ounder o Synapse Search

    CompanyvisittoAutodesk, the leading

    company in 3D design, engineering, and

    entertainment sotware


    3M Stadium

    LondonWelcome boat party on the River Thames

    Wide range o speakers on campus

    rom ormer CEO o Apple to head o

    sustainability at a Fortune 500 company

    Experienced the best o Britain, rom

    West End plays, the Wimbledon tennis

    tournament, and the London ood estival,

    to Olympic Walking Tours and Royal


    Networking events with executives rom

    Nokia and Grapple Mobile and one-

    on-one career service sessions with

    personalized job advice

    Social activities, including ootball

    tournaments, drinks at the Gherkin, wine

    tastings, and the Hults Got Talent Show

    DubaiA desert saari, indoor skiing trips, and a

    diving and snorkeling trip to Dibba

    Impressive range o speakers, rom a

    managing director o HSBC to a best-

    selling Middle Eastern business author

    Workshop on Customer and Brand Value

    in the Digital Age by guest speaker Larry

    Hochman, ormer Director o British

    Airways and European Speaker o the

    Year (2011)

    All students received Arabic lessons

    Shanghai Companytoursof:Giant,Chinas

    largest bicycle manuacturer; the Tyco

    Electronics actory; Baosteel, the

    worlds largest steel company; the datamonitoring center o Alibaba, the largest

    e-commerce group in China; and the

    solar power panel plant o Ferrotec, a

    Japanese-listed company


    and ounder o Qingyu trading company

    speak and oer advice on doing

    business in China and strategy sessions

    on winning the Asian consumer markets


    senior executives in Shanghai


    Highlights o past Global Campus Rotations have included:

    Going to a global business school means thatyoull be able to experience the worlds mostinteresting cities frsthand.

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    Americas top student town

    Set on the banks o the Charles River with great views o downtown

    Boston rom your classroom, Hult Boston is in a prime location. Down

    the street rom the great universities o MIT and Harvard, and within

    walking distance o historic Beacon Hill, our campus was designed

    by renowned Swedish architect Thomas Sandell. This internationally-

    acclaimed building has excellent acilities that include an on-site

    restaurant with a bar and outdoor patio. The birthplace o the

    management consulting eld, Boston also serves as headquarters tobiotech, und management, and a host o other key industries. This is

    a great place to build business contacts, as our campus is a magnet

    or an impressive array o speakers.

    Strong school spirit

    Our intensive one-year Master program osters a strong sense o

    school spirit. At any given time, you may listen to guest speakers

    like Steven Forbes, publisher o Forbes magazine, or Michael

    Dukakis, ormer U.S. Presidential candidate and ormer Governor

    o Massachusetts. Join any number o Hults student-run clubs:

    the Hult Student Association, Asian Business Club, Latin American

    Club, Consulting Club, Marketing Club, or Entrepreneurship Club.

    Hult Boston is always buzzing with events, rom alumni gatherings,networking receptions, and distinguished speaker talks to Celtics

    basketball and Red Sox baseball outings, amily barbeques, and

    drinks at Lingothe list goes on. Families and partners are readily

    integrated into the student community and are always welcome to

    join activities.

    Hults Boston campus.

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    Financial District


    Boston UniversityMedical Campus

    BostonInner Harbor


    Boston NavalShipyard




    Back Bay





    New York

    Programs oered


    Master oInternational Business

    Hult Boston

    1 Education StreetCambridge, Massachusetts02141 U.S.


    Boston business glimpse

    } Headquarters o consultinggiants Bain, BCG, and Monitor} Top o Innovation Cities GlobalIndex } Knowledge-basedeconomy based on regionseducational excellence; Harvardand MIT are close by} Financial services center

    global headquarters or Fidelityand State Street } Strongreputation or venture capital} Prestigious healthcare industrywith 17 renowned hospitals

    Boston campus lie,

    snapshot o past events

    } Hosted Steve Forbes } Visits to Fortune 500companies TJX and Philips Healthcare } LinkedIntraining session with president o headhunting rmDubin & Lee } Tour o Federal Reserve Bank}Hult Entrepreneurship Clubs Democamp } Charityashion show or Water.org } Hosted President oCoca-Cola Central and Southern Europe, NikolaosKoumettis } Hult Energy Conerence } WomensExecutive Luncheon hosted by Kathrin Winkler,EMC Chie Sustainability Ocer

    My one year at Hult has been

    an extraordinary and unique

    experience. I have gained the

    condence and business-savvy

    needed to get plugged into the

    world. I cant think o a better

    way to equip mysel with both a

    practical competency and a

    global mindset.

    Molly WuChina, Class o 2011 Interiors designed by renowned architect Thomas Sandell.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    San Francisco

    Epicenter o the high-tech world

    San Franciscos Bay Area is the epicenter o the worlds high-

    tech industry. Silicon Valley, just south o the city, is home to an

    extraordinary array o breakthrough companies including Google,

    Apple, and eBay. The citys entrepreneurial culture, breathtaking

    scenery, and economic clout make it a remarkable place to live and

    study. San Francisco aords a wide range o networking and leisure

    opportunities, like the Venture Capital Summit, which was hosted on

    campus this year and eatures Silicon Valleys movers and shakers inthe VC world. Join the Entrepreneurship Club, the Consulting Club,

    the Innovation Club, or establish your own student club to show your

    commitment to a eld.

    Study in the heart o San Francisco

    Hults San Francisco campus is located in Levis Plaza, adjacent

    to historic Telegraph Hill. The entire city o San Francisco and the

    surrounding Bay Area are easily accessible: the campus is walking

    distance rom the inancial district and Fishermans Whar and close

    to the citys vibrant cultural and shopping venues. Covering 45,000

    square eet over three loors, Hult San Francisco oers a vibrant,

    contemporary studying experienceitting or a city that leads

    the worlds high-tech industry. Formerly a dot-com headquarters,Hult San Franciscos spacious and modern campus boasts our

    amphitheater-style classrooms, a video conerencing station, a ully-

    equipped computer center, student breakout rooms, and stylish

    student lounges, all with high-speed wireless access.

    Hults downtown San Francisco campus.

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    FishermansWharfSan Francisco

    BayNorth Beach

    Nob Hill






    San Francisco-Oakland

    Bay Bridge



    Asian Art Museumof San Francisco

    San FranciscoInternational



    San Jose

    Programs oered


    Master oInternational Business

    Master oInternational Marketing

    Master oSocial Entrepreneurship

    Hult San Francisco

    1355 Sansome StreetSan Francisco, Caliornia94111 U.S.


    San Franciscobusiness glimpse

    } San Francisco Bay Areacenter o social media revolution} Home to Google, Apple,Facebook, Cisco, Intel, and

    Twitter } Consumer industriesin retailing, clothing, and winebeloved American brands like

    Levis, Pottery Barn, and Gapwere born here } Hub or newglobal green technology industry

    San Francisco campus lie,

    snapshot o past events

    } Executive Speaker events eaturing JimmyWales, Founder o Wikipedia, and Steve Wozniak,co-ounder o Apple } Venture Capital Summitwith Guy Kawasaki, top Silicon Valley VC bloggerand investor } Career air with leading employerson campus or recruiting } San Francisco Giantsbaseball game at 3M Stadium } Hult tness bootcamp along the Embarcadero } U.S. Culture Quest} American 4th o July celebration } Tech trektour o Silicon Valley } Intramural ootball match inGolden Gate Park} Dim sum in Chinatown

    Enjoy our newly reurbished and contemporary school.

    Along with the excellence o its

    academics, the students at Hult are

    an incredible source o knowledge.

    One o the main strengths o the

    school comes rom its diversity.

    People rom all over the world with

    dierent backgrounds and open

    minds are working, learning, and

    sharing together. There is no day at

    Hult when you dont learn something

    about a country, a culture, or


    Vincent VeyrieFrance, Class o 2011

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012



    The worlds most inuential city

    Live and study in the worlds economic hubLondon. The British

    capital is home to 100 o Europes top 500 companies, with one o

    the most diverse populations o any city on the planet. With so many

    leading companies headquartered in London, our campus is the

    perect launch pad or a successul career in international business.

    Student-led clubs like the Consulting Club, Creative Industries Club,

    Finance Club, Hult Global News Online, Model UN, and more keep

    the campus buzzing with un activities and top guest speakers romcompanies like Facebook, Real Madrid Football Club, and Accenture.

    Central London at your doorstep

    Located in the center o London, Hults campus is a newly reurbished

    landmark building that overlooks Grays Inn Garden in the amous

    literary and academic district o Bloomsbury. As a Hult student, you

    will benet rom what economists call the cluster eect: the added

    value o studying in London where the close concentration o so

    many top academic institutions creates an optimal environment or

    learning and networking opportunities. You are within striking distance

    o the best that London has to oer: world-class museums andparks, Oxord Streets shops, Covent Gardens theaters, Marylebones

    boutiques, and Sohos exciting nightlie, all at your doorstep.

    Hults central London campus.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    St PaulsCathedral




    ParkSt James

    Park Waterloo





    Museum ofLondon

    Big Ben





    5 6

    Programs oered


    Executive MBA

    Master oInternational Business

    Master o Finance

    Master o

    International MarketingMaster oSocial Entrepreneurship

    Hult London

    37-38 John StreetLondon WC1N 2BJU.K.


    London business glimpse

    } Home to 100 o Europestop 500 companies } Top oGlobal Financial Centers Index} Most visited city in the world} Biggest economy in Europe,generating more than USD400billion a year } Destination othe 2012 Olympic Summer

    Games } Global leader inwealth management, privatebanking, hedge unds, andnancial planning

    London campus lie,

    snapshot o past events

    } John Sculley, ormer head o Pepsi and Apple,spoke about game-changing innovation} Young Global Entrepreneur and ounder oTeach a Man to Fish, Nik Kaka, talked aboutsocial enterprise } Faculty vs. student ootballtournament in Hyde Park} Mid-module drinks atthe Gherkin } Trooping the Colour at the Queensbirthday parade } Celebration o European FoodFestival and Eurovision } Optional excursions toParis, Brighton, Oxord, and Stratord-upon-Avon

    London is steeped in culture

    and history. There is always

    something going on. This is

    mirrored by Hults campus

    which has a diverse range

    o programs, which in turn is

    refected by the diverse range

    o students that you meet.

    Emily Bonnell

    Canada, Class o 2011

    Relax in our comortable student lounges.

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    East meets West in Dubai

    Modern, ascinating, and sae, Dubai is an important gateway or

    trade fow between the East and West. As one o the most compelling

    cities in the Middle East, Dubai has also been reinventing itsel as one

    o the worlds most cosmopolitanit is the regions center or nance,

    logistics, shipping, and aviation. Home to more than 150 nationalities,

    with over 80 percent o the population hailing rom outside the United

    Arab Emirates, Dubai is the preerred regional headquarters or many

    o the worlds top multinationals operating in the Middle East. HultDubais impressive contact list gives our students the opportunity to

    meet with experts in industries rom logistics to nance, all year round,

    at company visits and on campus.

    Dynamic city, dynamic campus

    Hults Dubai campus is located in the Dubai International Academic

    City (DIAC), an exclusive cluster o universities and institutes. Our

    secure, modern student accommodation is located ve minutes rom

    Mirdi City Center, one o Dubais largest commercial outlets and

    shopping malls. Designed by internationally renowned architects,

    Hults uturistic campus is bathed in natural light and is a beehive

    or activities. From terric speakers to networking events with top

    executives (the campus hosted over 50 guest speakers last year),Hult Dubai is a gathering point or international talent.

    Hults Dubai campus.

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    5 6

    Dubai Investment

    ParkDubai Airport

    Dubai Outsource Zone


    Burj Al Arab

    Burj Khalifa

    Dubai Silicon Oasis

    The Gulf


    Saudi Arabia


    Programs oered


    Executive MBA

    Master oInternational Business

    Master oInternational Marketing

    Hult Dubai

    7th Floor, Block 10Dubai International

    Academic CityDubai, U.A.E.


    Dubai business glimpse

    } Middle East's leading cityor international business,ounded on reputation or culturaltolerance } More than 80% othe population are expats, mosto them postgraduate-age }Major retail center with biggestmall in the world } Regional hub

    or nancial services } GrowingIslamic nance industry} One o the worlds busiestinternational airports

    Dubai campus lie,

    snapshot o past events

    } Kayaking around the man-made Palm Jumeirahisland } Desert saari on camels and sand dunebuggies } Company visits to Emirates FlightCatering, Cisco, and the Tourism DevelopmentInvestment Corporation } Arabic lessons atthe Sheikh Mohammed Center or CulturalUnderstanding } Larry Hochman, CustomerRelationship Expert, hosted workshop onCustomer and Brand Value in the Digital Age} PADI diving certicate courses

    Hult Dubais ultra-modern school.


    For the rst time as a student I did

    not constantly ask mysel, What on

    earth do I need to learn this or? Hults

    teaching method allows you to learn

    and develop tools and apply them to

    a real business scenario. This makes

    the learning experience much more

    proound and gives you condence

    to deal with the challenges o a

    proessional work environment.

    Jan Steinho

    Germany, Class o 2011

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    Live in the worlds astestgrowing economy

    Shanghai is a city o breathtaking transormationstowering

    skyscrapers springing up next to ancient lane houses, sophisticated

    boutiques emerging out o open-air markets. The ascendancy o

    China as an economic superpower centers around Shanghai. Known

    as the Pearl o the Orient, Shanghai boasts unrivaled cultural status

    in China as the birthplace o new trends and lie-changing ideas. With

    nearly 23 million residents, Shanghai is one o the worlds largest cities

    and is considered Chinas most cosmopolitan metropolis. Hult puts

    you in the center o one o the most dynamic cities on earth.

    Amazing downtown location

    Hults downtown Peoples Square campus sits in the heart o the

    citys commercial, nancial, retail, and social scene. Footsteps away

    are Shanghais most amous shopping street, Nanjing Road, and the

    extraordinary Shanghai Museum. Our school recently won rst place

    in an architectural interior design competition or its state-o-the-art

    classrooms, computer laboratories, and student lounges. Feel the

    incredible energy behind the worlds most populous nation at our

    centrally-located Peoples Square school. Convenient subway andpublic transportation access make exploring the city easy, while

    residential accommodations are a short commute away.



    Hults Shanghai campus.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    5 6

    Peoples Square

    Nanjing Road

    Shanghai Railway Museum

    Huzhou Assembly Hall

    Shanghai Museum

    Yuyuan Garden

    Childrens Park

    Huaihai Park


    Hanzhong Square

    Jin Mao Tower

    Fuxing Park

    Municipal LibraryShanghai Grand Theatre

    Oriental Pearl

    Television Tower

    Jiaotong Park

    The Bund

    Huangpu River







    Programs oered


    Executive MBA

    Master oInternational Business

    Master o Finance

    * Programs oered on Hults Shanghai campus arenot available or China nationals. We encourage

    Chinese nationals to apply to Hults othercampuses in Boston, San Francisco, London,and Dubai.

    Hult Shanghai

    4th Floor, Jinling Haixin Building666 Fuzhou RoadHuangpu DistrictShanghai 200001China


    Shanghai business glimpse

    } Biggest city in the worldslargest emerging economy} Center o Chinas growingafuent middle class } Home toChinas largest stock exchange} Worlds busiest containerport } Growing pharmaceuticalhotspot } Capital o Chinas

    ashion scene } Host o 2010Shanghai World Expo, thebest-attended trade air inworld history

    Shanghai campus lie,

    snapshot o past events

    } Investor Jim Rogers speaks on Hult Shanghaisgrand opening } Company visits to Chineseactories o Giant, Tyco Electronics, Alibaba,Ferrotec, Baosteel, Wahaha } Roster o C-levelspeakers on doing business in China } Tour oWorld Expo China Pavilion } Chinese acupuncturedemonstration } Mandarin lessons } Kung usessions } Toured ancient water town } Huangpuriver cruise } Talk on special careers and Chineseleadership styles by a partner at headhunting giantKorn Ferry } Excursions to Hangzhou, Suzhou,Guilin, and Beijing

    At Hult, you get to have some

    o the greatest experiences

    through the relationships you

    make, the knowledge you

    cultivate, and the amazing

    cities you live in. I learned

    more about the world in one

    year with Hult than I have in

    my entire lie.

    Arnaud Colin

    France,Class o 2011

    *For ull details on terms and conditions please reer to page 57.

    Experience China frsthand at Hult Shanghai.

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    San Franciscos iconic Golden Gate Bridge.


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    Hult taught me how to seebusiness from a macroperspective rather than a

    micro one. Collaboration wasalso a large component ofmy experience. Working withpeople from different cultures

    and mindsets really helpedto develop my skills as ateam player.

    Marc MahabirFinance Analyst, PepsiCoMaster of International BusinessCanada, Class of 2010


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    Our hands-on approach to learning helps you becomejob-ready rom day one.


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    Employers want graduates who are job-ready. Weve

    designed our curriculum so that you dont just study

    abstract theoryyou also get hands-on experience.

    Our innovative curriculum is based on three components,

    Learn, Experience, Action Project: LEAP.

    OurLEAP Method

    1. Learn

    Hults LEAP method is an integrated

    approach to learning that enables you

    to be able to put classroom theory

    into practice.

    Start your Master by learning theory

    and business undamentals in the

    classroom. Like most top business

    schools, Hult aculty employ the

    case study method to illustrate how

    business principles are applied in

    practice. Proessors encourage

    thought-provoking class discussions to

    acilitate the exchange o ideas and the

    sharing o experiences. Hult provides

    you with the theory, tools, terminology,

    and trends to give you a broad

    perspective on business. However,

    unlike other top business schools,

    Hult goes beyond the theoretical to

    the practical.

    2. Experience

    Experience is a critical component

    o our LEAP method. Your year

    will include panel discussions

    with industry experts, company

    visits, and exclusive networking

    opportunities. These eatures will

    give you an opportunity to relatetheory to practice.

    Meaningul dialogue with prominent

    business leaders will oer valuable

    insights into how executives make

    decisions in a ast-moving,

    competitive environment with

    imperect inormation.

    Past classroom speakers include

    a senior executive o Real Madrid

    Football Club, who explained the

    economics o running one o the

    worlds largest sports ranchises; the

    co-ounder o Apple Computer, who

    discussed how to maintain innovation

    in a changing business environment;

    and the head o a major Silicon

    Valley venture capital rm, who

    advised students on how to approach

    and evaluate potential venture

    capital opportunities.

    3. Action Project

    Participate in a real-world project or

    a major company. Advised by a

    mentor (typically an experienced

    management consultant), small teams

    o students compete with one another

    to develop a business strategy or a

    leading multinational.

    No other business school oers such

    access to key decision-makers o

    the worlds leading companies. Over

    a period o six weeks, each team

    will consult with company managers

    to make a business case or the

    development o a novel idea. Each

    team will present its recommendations

    to a senior company leader.

    Hults Action Projects are designed to

    emphasize competition, innovation,

    and growth. Though the scope o

    Action Projects varies, projects ocus

    on a central challenge acing the senior

    executive team o the company.


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    We apply technology to help enhance yourlearning experience.


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    Access Hults global Master program anywhere.

    Our mobile initiatives are designed to enhance

    and extend your learning beyond the classroom.



    iPad-enhanced learning

    At Hult, we apply technology and innovation

    to make sure your Master experience is

    extraordinary. We embrace learning using

    tablet and mobile technology, which is why

    we provide an iPad or every incoming Master

    student. The iPad that awaits you on campus

    is integrated into your learning experience

    and will be loaded with useul apps, including

    productivity and study tools like iAnnotate,

    media-rich supplementary videos, interactive

    textbooks, and access to campus and

    class inormation.

    Hult Tutors on Demand

    Hult TOD (Tutors on Demand) Podcasts

    are short tutorials that eature engaging

    or complex topics accessible to Hult

    students all around the world. Download TOD

    Podcasts to enrich your learning experience,

    and review key concepts rom the classroom,

    available on iTunesU. For example, students

    who need extra help on specic concepts,

    like the Black-Scholes option pricing model or

    nancial statements analysis, can download a

    Hult TOD on the topic.

    iHult campus app

    iHult is a simple app that keeps you

    connected to the latest events at our

    ve global campuses. iHult stores maps,

    recommendations on restaurants, and things-

    to-do guides, as well as the ull schedule

    o workshops, guest speakers, and special

    events happening around the Hult world.


    Watch Hult proessors and classmates

    debate or watch top speakers present

    current trends, available across Hults ve

    world-class campuses via HultTV. LEAP

    lectures, Executive Speaker Series, case

    challenge competitions, and events taking

    place on Hults campuses are broadcast on

    the Internet. Whether you are in Boston, San

    Francisco, London, Dubai, or Shanghaiwith

    HultTV, you can access whats happening on

    campus anywhere in the world.

    Lie in

    There will be times when youll want

    to close your textbooks and get out

    o the house, but you might not be 100%

    amiliar with social oerings available to you.

    Thats why we created Lie ina website

    eaturing social content generated only by

    Hult students. The site eatures extensive

    galleries o user-submitted photos and a

    wealth o student reviews o restaurants,

    caes, night clubs, local bars, and attractions

    to help you plan your ree time. When youre

    ready to add to the discussion, you canupload photos and reviews o your own.

    The site can even be accessed through your

    existing Facebook prole. Take a moment and

    see what Lie in is all about at hult.edu/liein.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012



    Illuminating insight

    From ormer U.S. President Bill Clinton, to

    Steve Wozniak, the co-ounder o Apple, to

    John Sculley, ormer President and CEO o

    Pepsi and ormer CEO at Apple, Hult attracts

    an impressive array o guest speakers.

    We make sure you get out o the classroom

    and in ront o some o the best business

    people and companies in the market. Our

    Executive Speaker Series is open orums or

    questions, answers, and revealing thinking

    about the latest business practices and

    industry insights.

    Access all areas

    No matter which campus you study at, you

    will have access to speaker broadcasts

    around the Hult world through HultTV.

    Previous speakers on campus orm an

    impressive roster, rom industry mavericks todistinguished corporate titans: Jimmy Wales,

    ounder o Wikipedia; Steven Forbes, Editor-

    in-Chie o Forbesmagazine; George Fisher,

    ormer CEO o Motorola and Kodak; and Jim

    Rogers, investment guru. Hults speakers also

    include Young Global Leaders (under 40), a

    select group o representatives o business,

    government, civil society, the arts and culture,

    academia, media, and social enterprise.

    Great guest speakers

    Previous speakers at Hult include:

    Bill Clinton

    42nd President o the U.S.

    John Sculley

    Former CEO, Apple Computer and

    ormer President and CEO o Pepsi

    Steve Forbes

    Chairman, Forbes Media

    Jimmy Wales

    Founder, Wikipedia

    Jim Rogers

    Co-ounder o the Quantum Fund

    Steve Wozniak

    Co-ounder, Apple Computer

    Michael Dukakis

    Former U.S. Presidential candidate and

    ormer Governor o Massachusetts

    Ronald Jonash

    Head o Innovation, Monitor

    Harry Markopolos

    The Mado Whistleblower

    Ulrich Nielsen

    CTO, Merrimack Pharmaceutical

    Guy Kawasaki

    Founder, Garage Technology Ventures

    Dave Balter

    Founder and CEO, BzzAgent

    Jonathan Rowe

    COO, GeneExpress

    David Contrada

    Partner, Palladium

    Anil Kapur

    Formerly o the World Bank, Citigroup,

    and McKinsey & Co.

    Scan this barcode with yourmobile phone to watch anExecutive Speaker event.

    Hults Executive Speaker Series brings to our

    campuses the brightest minds rom a wide

    range o industries and backgrounds to share

    path-breaking business trends and sage

    proessional advice.

    Serving as judges at the Hult Global Case ChallengeFinal, rom let to right: George Fisher, ormer CEOo Kodak and Motorola; Jerey Fulgham, GEs ChieSustainability Ofcer; Michael Birch, co-ounder oBebo; and Peter Thum, co-ounder o Ethos Water.

    Jimmy Wales,ounder o Wikipedia,is a eatured HultExecutive Speaker.

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    Jim Rogers,American investor,best-selling author,and co-ounder o theQuantum Fund, speaksat Hult Shanghaisgrand opening.

    John Sculley, ormer President and CEOo Pepsi and CEO o Apple, talks to Hultstudents about game-changing innovation.

    42nd U.S. President Bill Clinton addresses theaudience at the Hult Global Case Challenge Final.

    Hult Proessor Hitendra Patel conducts aorum with Apple co-ounder, Steve Wozniak.

    Steve Forbes,Chairman o ForbesMedia, presents atHult Boston.


  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Nick Amdur, Proessor o OperationsM.B.A., Boston University

    Proessor Amdur has over 30 years o line, sta, and executive

    policy experience in engineering, manuacturing, computer systems,and education settings. He is President o Amdur Associates, anoperations consulting irm that ocuses on enterprise and supply-chainsolutions. He has taught graduate courses in Operations Managementat Northeastern University, Bentley College, Boston University, andSimmons College.

    Rob Anthony, Proessor o Global ManagementM.B.A., Harvard Business School; A.B., Occidental College

    Proessor Anthony has pursued a dual career as a generalmanagement consultant and an educator. As a consultant, he hasa broad practice in assisting global corporate clients in changemanagement, strategy innovation, and leadership development. AtHult, he has taught Organizational Behavior, Leadership, StrategicManagement, and Strategic Innovation.

    Federic Chartier, Proessor o FinancePh.D., University of Texas at Austin

    Proessor Chartier has worked 21 years in banking at AmericanExpress, Dresdner Bank, and Bank o Boston. His banking expertiseranges rom credit analysis to domestic and cross-border lending,treasury sales, oreign exchange, and hedging interest rate risk.He has taught economics and inance at several schools includingBabson College and Boston University. Proessor Chartier received anOutstanding Faculty Award, presented by the New England Collegeo Finance.

    Julie Yao-Cooper, Proessor o MarketingM.B.A., A.B.D., D.B.A. Program, Harvard Business School;

    A.B., Harvard University

    Proessor Yao-Cooper specializes in marketing, brand loyalty, andquantitative methods. She has also lectured at Harvard BusinessSchool, Boston University, and Huazhong University in Wuhan, China.Proessor Yao-Cooper has over 15 years o consulting experience inmarket research, strategy, and corporate training.

    Patrick Courtin, Proessor o NegotiationsPh.D. in EE and Systems Sciences, Columbia University; M.A.

    in EE and Computer Science, Columbia University; Diplme

    dIngnieur de lEcole Suprieure dElectricit de Paris

    Dr. Courtin has extensive experience as the CEO or a series osuccessul high-tech, Boston-based companies. As CEO, henegotiated alliances, joint ventures, and partnership agreements inmore than 30 countries. Dr. Courtin currently serves on the boards odirectors o Kashya Inc. and OpenNetwork.

    Viktoria Dalko, Proessor o FinancePh.D. and M.A., University of Pennsylvania

    Proessor Dalko has served on the aculties o Harvard and CUNY

    Baruch College. She has been a visiting scholar at the University oMunich and a visiting proessor at Thunderbird, The Chinese Universityo Hong Kong, Corvinus University Budapest, the Hong KongUniversity o Science and Technology, and the University o Illinois.Dr. Dalko has also served as Advisor to the President o the NationalBank o Hungary and Chie o Sta o the Budget, Tax, and FinanceCommittee o the Hungarian Parliament.

    Daniel Denee, Proessor o ManagerialEconomics and StrategyPh.D. and M.A. in Industrial Organization/Strategy, M.A. in Economics,

    Cornell University; A.B. University of Toronto

    Proessor Denee is an international partner in consulting at ArthurD. Little. Prior to teaching at Hult, Dr. Denee taught strategy at DukeUniversitys Fuqua School o Business. He is widely published ineconomic and managerial journals and co-authored a book onmarket evolution.

    John C. Edmunds, Proessor o FinancePh.D. in Business Administration, Harvard Business School; M.B.A.,

    Boston University; M.A., Northeastern University;

    A.B., Harvard University

    Proessor Edmunds specializes in inance with particular interest in theareas o capital markets and emerging markets, international inance,and derivatives. A member o the aculty at Babson College, he hasteaching experience at other Boston universities as well as in Spain,Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic.

    William Hancock, Proessor o Accounting,Finance, and Business

    M.B.A., Wharton Business School, University of PennsylvaniaProessor Hancock has over 30 years o experience as a seniormanagement consultant or IBM, Ernst & Young, and Keane. He wasalso worldwide marketing manager or a division o Digital EquipmentCorporation, where he created the worlds irst business-to-businessonline e-commerce site. He is listed in Whos Who in America,Whos Who in the World, and Whos Who in Finance and Industry.

    George Kastner, Proessor oManagement PracticesPh.D., M.Sc., and B.Sc., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Proessor Kastner has over 30 years o experience in management,consulting, and strategic planning. He is CEO o REDITUSInternational, a management consulting irm that develops strategicplans or corporate executives. Proessor Kastner has served asDirector o the Nomos Project at Harvards Center or InternationalStudies. He has taught at IESA in Venezuela and UNIANDES inColombia. He has also been a visiting scholar at New York University,Cornell, and MIT.

    Hults aculty have hands-on experience running and

    growing businesses. Faculty members include:

    Learn FromProfessors Who Have

    Real Business Experience


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    Agnieszka Kuzniarski, Associate Dean,Proessor o Management CommunicationPh.D. and M.Phil. in Applied Linguistics and English, Cambridge

    University; M.A., Warsaw University

    Beore joining Hult in Dubai as Associate Dean and Proessor oManagement Communication, Dr. Kuzniarski taught at the Universityo Michigans Ross School o Business, where she also engagedin curriculum development and research on intercultural aspects oproessional communication.

    Joanne T. Lawrence, Proessor oGlobal CitizenshipM.B.A., New York University; M.A. in Corporate and Political

    Communication, Fairfield University

    Proessor Lawrence has extensive experience with transormingglobal organizations or greater economic and social impact.She has been engaged in cross-border mergers, alliances, andrestructurings, and her clients have ranged rom Morgan Stanley andthe World Bank to small social enterprises. Prior to Hult, she taughtat INSEADs MBA and executive education programs. Her 20 years

    o corporate experience include being Vice President o CorporateCommunications or SmithKline Beecham.

    Lawrence Louie, Proessor o Accountingand FinanceM.B.A., Stanford Graduate School of Business; B.A.,

    University of California, Berkeley

    As the Founder o Alibris, Proessor Louie transormed it rom a start-up to a highly successul online retailer. Proessor Louie went on tobecome a aculty advisor at the University o San Franciscos Schoolo Business Incubator and direct the business schools New VentureCenter. He has also directed the MBA program at University o SanFrancisco and helped pioneer the schools Career Services. He haswon many awards as an educator.

    Keith Merron, Proessor o ConsultingPh.D., Harvard University

    Proessor Merron is the Founder and Managing Partner o AvistaConsulting Group, an organizational consulting and leadershipdevelopment irm dedicated to helping organizations with bold visionsachieve sustainable high perormance and industry leadership.With over 25 years o experience assisting executives in business,government, and education, he has also successully conductedover 25 large-system strategic, cultural, and technical change eorts.Proessor Merron has authored multiple books, including Riding theWave: Designing Your Organization for Enduring Success and TheGolden Flame: The Heart and Soul of Remarkable Leadership.

    Agnes Naim, Proessor o MarketingPh.D., University of Bath; M.B.A., Manchester Business School;

    PGCE, University of London; B.A. (Hons.), Cambridge University

    Proessor Naim has over 15 years o experience teaching. Her areao research expertise is the ethics o marketing to young people.She works as a consultant to a range o governments, NGOs, andcorporations including UNICEF, Family and Parenting Institute, Coca-Cola GB, Unilever, and Mothercare. She has served on governmentpanels or the U.K. Department o Education and the Department oHealth to conduct a major review o the impact o the commercialworld on childrens wellbeing. She is a requent press, radio, and TVcommentator on the ethics o marketing to children, and published abook, Consumer Kids.

    John Newman, Proessor o EntrepreneurshipM.B.A., Harvard Business School;

    B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara

    Proessor Newman has extensive experience with entrepreneur-shipand small businesses. The ounding director o the entrepreneurshipprogram at Boston University, he has also taught entrepreneurshipat Babson College or over a decade. He has consulted touniversities and government bodies on the design and delivery oentrepreneurship programs internationally.

    Shawn ODonnell, Proessor o ManagementPh.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Proessor ODonnell is an engineer turned industry analyst or thetelecommunication and media industries. His research ocuses on theintersection o technology, policy, and economics in the development

    o new markets. He has studied consumer and market reactions tonew communications technologies or the MIT Media Laboratoryand corporate and NGO clients. He also teaches internationalcommunications courses at Tuts Universitys Fletcher School.

    Hitendra Patel, Proessor o InnovationPh.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University;

    M.B.A., Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

    Dr. Patel chairs Hults Innovation and Growth Action Learning Programin conjunction with the IXL Center. Prior to Hult, Dr. Patel was a seniorleader and co-ounder o the Monitor Groups Innovation Practiceresponsible or Asia and Latin America. Dr. Patel has worked atMotorola in the portable energy space and is the owner o six patents.He is also a ounder o various venture-backed companies. Dr. Patelis the co-author o101 Innovation Breakthroughs and The State ofInnovation at the Firm Level in Singapore and Greenovate! CompaniesInnovating to Create a More Sustainable World.

    Bill Ryan, Proessor o AccountingPh.D., M.B.A., University of London

    Previous to Hult, Proessor Ryan held a number o seniormanagement positions in Accounting and Strategic ChangeManagement in companies such as Chrysler and the 3M Corporation,where he completed assignments in the U.K., Europe, and the U.S.His research and publishing covers management control, accounting,and business strategy.

    Wahyd Vannoni, Proessor o MarketingM.B.A., Boston University

    Proessor Vannoni has more than 15 years o international experience

    in media, corporate communications, digital marketing, and socialmedia. He holds an MBA rom Boston University and began his careerat CNNs World Business Today show. Dr. Vannonis current clientsinclude a USD4 billion market-cap company as well as the Italianenergy regulator. In 2005, he was elected member o the Board at the

    American Chamber o Commerce in Croatia.

    Michael Wagemans, Proessor oGlobal ManagementPh.D., London School of Economics

    Dr. Wagemans is a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers, leading thePublic Services Advisory Practice. Prior to PwC, he was a strategyconsultant at Arthur D. Little. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Economyrom the London School o Economics. He was the recipient o theHoover Foundation Fellowship while at Brown University and has beena Visiting Fellow at Oslo University.

    Yael Zi, Proessor o LeadershipPh.D. in Humanistic, Developmental, and Organizational Studies,

    Boston University

    Dr. Zi has extensive experience in leading training and developmentprograms or managers in dierent cultures and environments.She has served on the aculty o the Executive MBA Programo Tel Aviv University since 1982, and at the Graduate School oManagement o Boston University since 1987. Her areas o expertiseinclude leadership, organizational behavior, and cross-culturalcommunications.

    For a ull list o Hults current aculty, please visit hult.edu.


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  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    The Hult one-year Master issomething specialnotjust a Master degree, but a

    degree completed in two orthree different countries. Ivelived and worked with peoplefrom many different cultures,

    and have learned how tohandle business situationswith colleagues from all overthe world.

    Katya GomerMaster of International BusinessGermany, Class of 2011

    Get plugged into the business hub o theMiddle East at Hults Dubai campus.


  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Launch yourcareer directly aterundergraduate studieswith a one-year,intensive Master oInternational Business.

    Meet the challenges o a

    global marketplace

    A strong understanding o how the world is

    interconnected through inance, marketing,

    operations, technology, and strategy gives

    students an immediate head start to launch

    their careers. Hults Master o International

    Business (MIB) degree helps students acquire

    practical business knowledge with a ocus on

    international and cross-cultural understanding

    o the marketplace. This degree is particularly

    well-suited to recent university graduates

    (business and non-business majors) who do

    not have extensive work experience. This

    degree is also appropriate or those with

    work experience who seek to move into the

    international business realm.

    Curriculum combines hard skills with

    lessons in decision making and strategy

    Hults MIB curriculum delivers an

    understanding o todays global marketplace.

    Initially, students ocus on learning hard skills

    in international inance, marketing, operations,

    and strategy. Subsequently, graduates also

    gain the analytical, problem-solving, and

    critical-thinking skills necessary to make

    decisions in a rapidly evolving, cross-cultural

    world. Through a combination o case study

    discussions and lectures, students will also

    acquire presentation and communication

    skills necessary to work and excel in

    multinational settings and companies.

    Hults Global Campus Rotation Program

    Our business school has been ranked

    #1 in International Experience and #3 in

    International Business in the Financial Times

    (2012). We irmly believe that an international

    perspective is crucial to understanding

    todays business issues. Hults Global

    Campus Rotation Program allows students

    to gain critical insights into the worlds

    key economies and irsthand international

    business experience. You can pursue your

    MIB in Boston, San Francisco, London,Dubai, or Shanghai. During the elective

    module, you can choose to remain at

    your home campus or study at a dierent

    Hult campus.

    Action Project gives you great exposure

    Our Action Project gives students exposure

    to real-world companies. They work in small

    teams, led by a aculty advisor to solve a

    business problem or think o growth channels

    or multinational companies. MIB students

    are given the chance to apply what they have


    learned in a true business setting, helping

    them get job-ready or their uture.

    How your Action Project works

    We place you in small teams and assign each

    team to a leading business or company to

    help solve a real business problem. Each team

    is led by a aculty advisor. At each o Hults

    international campuses, we have created

    partnerships with leading global multinationals

    and business executives. Within each o

    these companies, ve student teams work

    intimately with a high-level executive in charge

    o growing the company. Student teams are

    urther motivated to work at high standards by

    competing with each other.

    Over six weeks, these teams meet with

    the company executive(s) our times while

    acing the task o developing a ull-fedged

    plan to grow the company. Simultaneously,

    they are aided through the process by one

    o Hults world-class consulting coaches.During this distinctive project, each team will

    develop insights about the particular industry

    and business, identiy breakthrough ideas,

    develop a business concept, and build an

    implementation plan to present to senior

    executives and CEOs.

    Master of

    International Business

    Sample One-Year MIB Curriculum1

    1Courses may be oered out o this sequence.2Electives may be taken at any Hult campus, subject to capacity constraints.3An MIB specialization in Project Management is available.

    Digital MarketingCorporate Finance

    Project Management3Entrepreneurship

    Sample additional electives:2

    ValuationCapital MarketsManagement

    ConsultingNew Product


    Doing Businessin China


    Managing PeopleLeadership in the

    Global VillageManagement


    Toolbox Module A Module B Module C Module D Module ESeptember OctoberDecember JanuaryFebruary MarchApril MayJune JulyAugust

    Accounting and Finance Global Financial Strategy Standard electives:2 Action ProjectBoot Camp Management Management

    Leadership & International Technology CorporateTeam Building Accounting Management Social Responsibility

    Presentation Global InternationalSkills Economics Marketing

    Business Math ConsultingMethods

    Lietime Career Management

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012

    37/6037hult.edu 37hult.edu

    Participating Companies

    (2008 to 2012)

    Hults one-year Master o International Business degree pathway

    no work experience required or admission

    Hults Master oInternational

    Business degreeUniversity graduate

    Launch your career

    3 years o workexperience + 23 credits

    Conversion toHults top-ranked

    MBA program

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Get ready or a world o opportunities

    We provide a sound oundation in

    international business that students can

    bring to any new job and apply on day one.

    Hults Career Services works closely with

    students in job searches, arranging recruiting

    airs, campus networking opportunities, and

    internship placements. Major multinationals,

    like PepsiCo, PricewaterhouseCoopers,Deutsche Bank, and Accenture, actively

    recruit graduates who have both strong

    business skills and possess an international

    perspectives. There is no shortage o

    opportunities or MIB graduates.

    Convert seamlessly to a Hult MBA

    Hults MIB is taught by the same aculty

    as Hults top-ranked MBA program, and

    ollows an abbreviated version o the MBA

    curriculum. Because our MIB and MBA

    curricula are highly synchronized, MIB

    graduates can convert to a Hult MBA degreeater three years o work experience and an

    additional 23 credits.** To enroll in the MBA program, MIB graduates must have 2 years post-MIB workexperience (and three years overall work experience) and demonstrate requisiteGMAT scores or admission.

    Enhance your employability with project

    management skills

    In todays business world, the demand

    or skilled project managers is urgent and

    growing. About 80 percent o all major

    projects ail to meet expectations because

    o cost overruns or substandard quality.

    Fewer than 20 percent o all major projectsare completed on time. Key projects are

    expanding not only in terms o numbers, but

    also in terms o scale, scope, and medium.

    They are stretching the capabilities o or-

    proit and non-proit organization managers,

    rapidly moving rom the physical to the virtual,

    accelerating the pace o globalization, and

    changing the way in which we do business.

    Hults Project Management specialization

    will equip you with the technical and people

    skills required to manage major projects or

    multinationals, amily businesses, and NGOs.

    Concurrent Project

    Management specialization

    Hults MIB program oers a unique Project

    Management specialization, designed to

    give you the broad skills needed in planning,

    organizing, securing, and managing

    resources to meet business objectives. To

    be eligible or the specialization concurrent

    with your Hult MIB degree, an MIB studentmust take project management electives

    (9 credits) and successully pass a project

    management certiication exam. Ater earning

    the additional nine credits and passing the

    certiication exam, the student will receive

    the specialization in Project Management, in

    addition to the Hult MIB degree.

    A 21st century Project

    Management curriculum

    Hult courses in Project Management are

    cutting-edge, encompassing topics covered

    in Project Management certiication examsand imparting skills o current and uture

    applicability. Sample topics covered in Project

    Management electives include:


    and principles





    These Project Management courses will

    prepare you or careers in:








    Accelerated Leadership Track available or

    high potential Master candidates.

    For more details, please see page 49.

    Master of International Business


  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012

    39/6039hult.edu 39hult.edu

    Start date


    Program length

    1 year

    How to apply


    Tuition ee

    please see page 56

    Who is this program or?

    Candidates with zero to threeyears work experience whoare interested in elds related tointernational business.

    Campus locations

    Boston San FranciscoLondon Dubai Shanghai

    General Contact


    BostonTel +1 617 746 1990

    San FranciscoTel +1 415 869 2900

    MiamiTel +1 305 648 9746

    Mexico CityTel +52 55 5283 3307

    Asia PacicTel +852 2111 2399

    EuropeTel +44 207 341 8555

    Middle East, Arica, South AsiaTel +971 4 375 3088





    Master o International Business

    (39 credits)

    Courses Credits*

    Toolbox 3

    Module A 10

    Module B 9

    Module C 5

    Module D 6

    Module E 6

    Total credits 39

    Project Management Specialization +9

    * Typical sequence.

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Master of FinanceHults Master o Financeprovides a highly relevantand rigorous educationor proessionals who areserious about pursuinga career in international

    inance or business.

    Master o Finance goes East and West

    available in London and Shanghai

    Hults Master o Finance provides an

    extraordinary opportunity to live and study in

    two o the worlds major inancial centers

    London and Shanghaiand gain a unique

    international perspective on global markets.

    Gain a competitive edge in the world

    o inance

    Todays global economic climate underscores

    the critical importance o the inancial sector

    in shaping both markets and current events.

    A irm grasp o this area gives graduates

    o Hults Master o Finance a unique and

    competitive edge in the job market. A

    Master o Finance signals that you possess

    a high degree o inancial knowledge and

    skill. During this program, you will gain an

    in-depth understanding o corporate inance,

    investments, and capital markets.

    A thorough education in inance

    Hults Master o Finance has been designed

    in consultation with top banking and inance

    proessionals to provide irst-class training

    or students wishing to gain more detailed

    knowledge o inance. The programs core

    courses provide a solid oundation or a

    career in inance, with a range o electives

    covering the main areas o applied inance aswell as an Action Project, which brings theory

    to lie. Some o the core courses include

    Financial Instruments, Corporate Finance, and

    Capital Markets; possible elective courses

    include Fundamental Analysis, Futures and

    Derivatives, Alternative Investments, and

    Mergers and Acquisitions. Participate in

    simulated trading exercises to get a taste

    o how global markets work with multiple

    players and interests.

    Learn rom experts in inance

    Hults aculty draws rom real-worldpractitioners. Study best practices with ormer

    inance executives and expert accounting

    proessionals who have many years o

    combined experience in both business and

    academia. Take or instance Proessor Dalko,

    Hults Proessor o Finance, who taught at

    Harvard and was a national advisor to the

    National Bank and government o Hungary.

    Unlike at many other business schools, Hults

    proessors remain close to the real business

    world, serving as consultants or directors to

    some o the worlds largest companies.


    Hult Trading Program Action Project

    In this exciting Action Project, you will put

    theory learned during the program into

    practice. You will experience the ast pace

    o a real trading room and learn rom the live

    experts trading. This is a unique opportunity

    to gain practical experience within inancial

    markets. Master o Finance students will

    be provided with a USD1 million simulatedtrading account and given access to real-time

    data and asset price movements. You will

    need to appreciate how behavioral inance

    and trading psychology aect short-term

    volatility as you seek to pit yoursel against

    colleagues and the market. At all times, real

    traders will be at hand to provide you with

    advice, and you will experience the thrill o a

    simulated trading loor.

    Preparation or the CFA

    Hults Master o Finance covers all o the

    areas required or the Chartered FinancialAnalyst (CFA) Level I and II qualiications.

    Thereore, students who perorm well

    during Hults Master o Finance should be

    adequately prepared or the CFA exam.

    Students preparing or the CFA may need to

    choose particular electives to cover the ull

    Level I and II curricula.

    1Courses may be oered out o this sequence.2Electives may only be taken where the MFIN program is oered, subject to capacity constraints.

    Toolbox Module A Module B Module C Module D Module ESeptember OctoberDecember JanuaryMarch MarchApril MayJune JulyAugust

    Introduction to the Quantitative Methods Analysis and Valuation Options, Futures, Sample Module D electives:2 Action Project

    MFIN Program and Derivatives

    International Accounting Corporate Finance Financial Instruments Investment ManagementStandards

    Capital Markets Ethics and Practice

    Sample One-Year Master o Finance1

    Mergers and AcquisitionsTrading PsychologyFinancial Statement Analysis

    Financial Modeling and ValuationInvestment BankingPrinciples o Arbitrage

    and TradingThe Yield CurveBehavioral Finance

    Lietime Career Management

    Global Trading Simulation

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Start date


    Program length

    1 year

    How to apply


    Tuition ee

    please see page 56

    Who is this program or?

    Candidates interested inobtaining a Master-level degreethat can help to secure a careerin international inance.

    Campus locations

    London Shanghai

    Mexico CityTel +52 55 5283 3307

    Asia PacicTel +852 2111 2399

    EuropeTel +44 207 341 8555

    Middle East, Arica, South AsiaTel +971 4 375 3088


    Master o Finance

    (39 credits)

    Courses Credits*

    Toolbox 3

    Module A 9

    Module B 9

    Module C 8

    Module D 6

    Module E 4

    Total credits 39

    * Typical sequence.

    Understand cutting-edge inance

    This degree program gives you the most

    up-to-date tools and knowledge o inance

    to prove to potential employers that you

    have the skills to be an equity or research

    analyst or qualiied investment manager or

    a major bank. Hult alumni now work at ABN

    Amro, State Street, Goldman Sachs, Morgan

    Stanley, Deutsche Bank, HSBC,and Standard Chartered Bank.

    Career opportunities or

    Master o Finance graduates

    This program opens opportunities in a wide

    range o areas including: institutional sales

    and trading, private equity und management,

    investment management, security analysis,

    institutional sales, risk management,

    security brokerage, capital markets, inance

    unctions or companies or non-proits,

    accountancy irms, regulatory bodies,

    and investor relations.

    Accelerated Leadership Track available or

    high potential Master candidates.

    For more details, please see page 49.

    General Contact


    BostonTel +1 617 746 1990

    San FranciscoTel +1 415 869 2900

    MiamiTel +1 305 648 9746

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Master of

    International Marketing


    Clever marketingdrives proit, productlongevity, and brandloyalty. As companieslook to take theirproducts and services

    into new markets andchannels, Hults Mastero International Marketing(MIM) explores marketingon a global scale.

    Jump start your career straight

    rom university

    Marketing plays a vital role in every major

    business, with the power to make or break

    an enterprises success. Consequently,every business manager must have an

    in-depth knowledge o modern marketing

    principles. Hult oers an exceptional Master

    o International Marketing program designed

    to equip uture managers with the marketing

    skills and savvy they will need to thrive in a

    highly competitive, rapidly changing global

    business environment.

    A highly relevant education in both

    business and marketing

    Hults Master o International Marketing has

    been designed in collaboration with leading

    marketing proessionals. Within 12 months,

    students will acquire a set o generalized

    skills in management and strategy, as well

    as specialized skills in digital marketing,

    advertising, public relations, sales, andpricing. This combined business-marketing

    skillset prepares MIM students or a wide

    array o exciting careers that goes beyond

    unctional marketing. MIM graduates continue

    on to industries and sectors as diverse

    as retail, ashion, technology, branding,

    manuacturing, inancial services, leisure and

    tourism, and consumer goods.

    Our Master o International Marketing

    goes global

    Study marketing in some o the worlds most

    active consumer markets. Our Master oInternational Marketing program is available

    on Hult campuses in San Francisco, London,

    or Dubai. No matter where you choose to

    study, Hults Master o International Marketing

    helps you harness your energy to think

    strategically and creatively about marketing in

    a global business context.

    Learn rom marketing experts

    Hults MIM aculty combine extensive

    academic experience with in-depth practical

    knowledge. Several Hult proessors

    have managed their own marketing and

    communication irms or run major marketing

    initiatives or multinationals. You will learn

    undamental marketing principles and

    practices rom experts who bring a wealth oreal-lie experiences to the classroom.

    A key to a promising career

    MIM graduates will understand the power

    o media in all its orms and have the critical

    communication skills to add value to any

    venture. You will be prepared to assist clients

    with their marketing strategies, advertising

    campaigns, public relations eorts, brand

    building, and product design. Students that

    specialize in digital marketing will be able to

    advise clients on web-based strategies and

    techniques, an exciting and expanding ield.

    Action Project provides

    hands-on experience

    Conduct a groundbreaking survey o

    consumer preerences or devise an

    e-marketing strategy or a real-world

    company. Hults Action Projects allow you

    to acquire practical marketing skills through

    learning by doing. During the last module o

    the MIM program, students orm small teams

    led by a aculty advisor to research real-lie

    marketing issues and propose strategically

    sound and practical solutions.

    Sample One-Year o International Marketing1

    Toolbox Module A Module B Module C Module D Module ESeptember OctoberDecember JanuaryMarch April MayJune JulyAugust

    Economic International Marketing New Product Development Pricing Strategy Sample Module D electives:2 Action ProjectStrategy Development

    Business Math Advertising Sales Public Relations

    Case Method Digital Marketing Digitizing Your Business Social Networks

    Presentation Skills



    1Courses may be oered out o this sequence.2Electives may only be taken where the MIM program is oered, subject to capacity constraints.

    Scan this barcode with yourmobile phone to learn moreabout the importance odigital marketing.

    Lietime Career Management

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Start date


    Program length

    1 year

    How to apply


    Tuition ee

    please see page 56

    Who is this good or?

    Candidates with or without priorwork experience who want tolaunch a career in marketing.

    Campus locations

    San Francisco London Dubai

    Mexico CityTel +52 55 5283 3307

    Asia PacicTel +852 2111 2399

    EuropeTel +44 207 341 8555

    Middle East, Arica, South AsiaTel +971 4 375 3088


    Prepare yoursel or the digital age

    Marketing has changed or good.Digital

    media now plays a vital role in most

    advertising campaigns, and digital marketing

    has become a massive multi-billion

    dollar global industry. Online advertising

    expenditures are projected to triple over the

    next ive years. In the not-so-distant uture,

    all marketers will need to have an in-depthknowledge o digital techniques. Hult is one

    o the ew business schools in the world to

    oer a Digital Marketing specialization. This

    specialization is designed to equip students

    with the strategic marketing skills they will

    need to compete in todays wired world.

    A concurrent Digital

    Marketing specialization

    Hults Master o International Marketing (MIM)

    program oers a unique Digital Marketing

    specialization, designed in consultation with

    digital marketing experts around the world.To be eligible or the specialization concurrent

    with your Hult MIM degree, an MIM student

    must take digital marketing electives (9

    credits) and successully pass the digital

    marketing certiication exam. Ater earning

    nine additional credits and passing the

    certiication exam, the student will receive the

    specialization in Digital Marketing in addition

    to the Hult MIM degree.

    Accelerated Leadership Track available or

    high potential Master candidates.

    For more details, please see page 49.

    Master o International Marketing

    (39 credits)

    Courses Credits*

    Toolbox 3

    Module A 9

    Module B 9

    Module C 8

    Module D 6

    Module E 4

    Total credits 39

    Digital Marketing Specialization +9

    * Typical sequence.





    General Contact


    BostonTel +1 617 746 1990

    San FranciscoTel +1 415 869 2900

    MiamiTel +1 305 648 9746

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Master of

    Social EntrepreneurshipHults Master o SocialEntrepreneurship is ahighly practical programocused on how toapply business skills toimportant global social

    problems. Learn howto deploy innovativebusiness solutions tolarge-scale social issues.

    What is social entrepreneurship?

    Social entrepreneurs are oten rom the

    corporate sector or people who are business

    entrepreneurs, who are passionate about

    social issues. They think about ways to

    combine resources in innovative ways to

    address social, political, or environmental

    concerns as any proit-making enterprise

    does. The most important dierence between

    a traditional business and a social enterprise

    is that proit is not the main motive. The

    enterprise must be sustainable and not incur

    losses, but the overall driving orce is about

    maximizing social impact.

    Why is social entrepreneurship

    important now?

    Solutions to global social problems need

    innovative and entrepreneurial approaches

    more than ever. Increasingly, central

    governments are reducing their expenditures

    on social issues, either unable to und

    expensive programs, or concluding that

    traditional methods have ailed to haveimpact. At the same time, needs are

    becoming greater and more complex.

    Evidence indicates that social entrepreneurs

    are making a dierence, oten in areas where

    government and international development

    may have ailed. In some countries,

    governments are looking into how social

    entrepreneurs are solving problems.

    The scope o social entrepreneurship

    Social entrepreneurs tackle major social

    issues, rom increasing the availability o

    quality education or low-income studentsto ighting poverty in developing countries.

    Social entrepreneurship takes place in both

    non-proit and or-proit organizations, and

    successul social entrepreneurs must build

    relationships with corporations, charities,

    and governments alike. Social entrepreneurs

    must be knowledgeable about contemporary

    global issues, solution-oriented, and adept

    at mobilizing human, inancial, and political

    resources to support their project.


    Pragmatic learning outcomes

    Hults pioneering Master o Social

    Entrepreneurship (MSE) gives you the skills

    necessary to engage in successul issue-

    advocacy, problem-solving innovation,

    and project development. Graduates will

    be empowered to act as eective leaders

    o change, either via new ventures o their

    own or through existing or-proit, non-proit,and governmental institutions. The program

    emphasizes building core business skills

    optimized or socio-political contexts.

    Action Project provides

    hands-on experience

    The capstone o Hults Master programs,

    the Action Project, calls upon students to

    put knowledge and skills to the test as they

    become consultants or actual organizations

    working on real-world challenges. Social

    entrepreneurship is about thinking and

    doing, and the Hult program is unique inplacing you in a position to do both, not just

    in the classroom, but in ront o a real client.

    Become part o Hults commitment to

    social change

    Hult is at the oreront o social

    entrepreneurship among the worlds

    leading business schools. As a Clinton

    Global Initiative member, Hult is committed

    to tackling the worlds toughest social

    challenges through crowdsourcing innovative

    ideas and solutions rom the worlds best and

    brightest business school students.

    Sample One-Year o Social Entrepreneurship1

    1Courses may be oered out o this sequence.2Electives may only be taken where the MSE program is oered, subject to capacity constraints.

    International NegotiationSocial MarketingStakeholder Management

    Perormance Measurementand Evaluation

    New Product DevelopmentConfict Management

    Toolbox Module A Module B Module C Module D Module ESeptember OctoberDecember JanuaryMarch April MayJune JulyAugust

    The Landscape o Global Crises 1 Global Crises 2 Sustainability Sample Module D electives:2 Action ProjectSocial Entrepreneurship

    Presentation Skills Social Innovation Project Management Strategy

    Leadership and Financing Social Global Management Consulting MethodsTeam Building Enterprises

    Lietime Career Management

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012


    Start date


    Program length

    1 year

    How to apply


    Tuition ee

    please see page 56

    Who is this program or?

    Candidates with or without priorexperience who want to launch acareer in social entrepreneurship.

    Campus locations

    San Francisco London

    Mexico CityTel +52 55 5283 3307

    Asia PacicTel +852 2111 2399

    EuropeTel +44 207 341 8555

    Middle East, Arica, South AsiaTel +971 4 375 3088


    Master o Social Entrepreneurship

    (39 credits)

    Courses Credits*

    Toolbox 3

    Module A 9

    Module B 9

    Module C 6

    Module D 6

    Module E 6

    Total credits 39

    * Typical sequence.

    The annual Hult Global Case Challenge

    (hultglobalcasechallenge.com) showcases

    the schools commitment to social

    entrepreneurship. Students rom business

    schools around the world compete in small

    teams to think o the best solutions to

    problems presented by a Clinton Global

    Initiative-ailiated non-proit. Recent ailiates

    have involved One Laptop per Child (laptop.

    org) and Water.org (water.org). Hult awards

    the non-proit USD1 million to implement the

    winning teams idea.

    Global career opportunities

    Graduates o Hults MSE have an exceptional

    knowledge base o key business skills

    coupled with project design and management

    in the social arena. This is a highly lexible tool

    kit, transerable in the or-proit or non-proit

    sectors, especially in the development o

    CSR, sustainability, or innovation strategies.

    Graduates will be eicient collaborators,accomplished problem-solvers, and will

    always be asking the question: Why dont

    we ix this problem? Employers increasingly

    seek graduates with the right combination

    o keen business mindsets, global outlooks,

    and awareness o the ethical dilemmas acing

    modern multinational managers.

    Accelerated Leadership Track available or

    high potential Master candidates. For more

    details, please see page 49.

    General Contact


    BostonTel +1 617 746 1990

    San FranciscoTel +1 415 869 2900

    MiamiTel +1 305 648 9746

  • 7/28/2019 Hult Master Brochure 2012




