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Hum 202 - Homework

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  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    KEYWORDS1. Chiaroscuro = An Italian technical term for light and shade. Two examples

    below are good ones for this technique to understand it.

    Caravaggio - Cena in Emmaus/ c. 1601

    Caravaggio - Salome with the Head of John the Baptist (Madrid) / c. 1609

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    2. The Waking of the Soul = An understanding developed by Greeks, used insculptures to represent the human body in any position or movement to be able to

    reflect the inner life of the figures represented. According to Socrates, while

    dealing with this understanding, an artist should accurately observe the way

    feelings affect the body in action. These sculptures below simply shows thatbody parts are important on explaining the inner story of an statue.

    No Name -Apollo Belvedere/ c. 350 BC

    Myron - Discobolos/ c. 450 BC

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    3. Drapery = A technique in sculpture used by Greek artists. It was an effort byGreek sculptors to understand better the human body, so they tried several waysin gaining a more realistic aspect about human body. Drapery was a challenge forthem for this purpose. In this technique the body is mostly covered by a sheet,which makes it hard to determine the body lines, but not makes it impossible to

    see, so that sculptors were able to learn how to make a body more realistic.

    No Name - Goddess of Victory/ 408 BC

    No Name - Three Goddesses/ 438 432 BC

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    4. Nave= A general term for the main central hall in Church. The real meaning ofthis term is ship. In nave, the congregations were assembled.

    No Name - Basilica of S. Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna / c. 530 AD

    No Name Cathedral of Monreale/ c. 1190

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    5. Foreshortening = A development in painting, which discovered by Greekpainters. Actually they were not painting canvases, they were painting vases. This

    development means to paint figures shortening from front to back, from side view.

    In vases we can see that the parts of figures, which are left in back in picture (like

    their hands, arms etc.) were drawn smaller than other parts of the body, like inactual eyesight.

    No name (Exekias?) -Archilles and Ajax playing draughts/ c.540 BC

    Andrea Mantegna The Lamentation over the Dead Christ/ c. 1480

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    6. Romanesque Style= The style of churches, which are still existing everywherein Europe, known as Romanesque style, or Norman style. This style flourished fora hundred years and more after the Norman invasion. This style is very differentfrom the form of old basilicas. In Romanesque and Norman churches there areround arches resting on massive piers. And the whole impression that these

    churches make is at both inside and outside of them.

    Durham Cathedral/ 1908 - 1128

    Benedictine church of Murbach, Alsace/ c. 1160

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    7. Gothic Style= This style is known as the discovery that the method of vaultinga church by means of crosswise arches could be developed much more consistentlyand to much greater purpose than the Norman architects could imagine. It wasdeveloped due to the clumsy and obsolete look of Romanesque style.

    Sainte-Chapelle, Paris/ 1248

    Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Paris/ 1163 1250

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    8. Flying Buttress = A buttress is a supporting structure in a building. They havethe same function in churches as well. A flying buttress means building thesebuttresses outside of the church and so that solving the sideway pressure problemof heavy stones in vault structures.

    St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague / Completion = 19th century

    Strasbourg Cathedral/ 1647 - 1874

  • 7/28/2019 Hum 202 - Homework


    9. Cinquecento = This term is actually an Italian number corresponds to numbersixteen. And it represents the sixteenth century for Italian art, in the manner of

    art. This period is the most famous period for Italian art and one of the greatest

    periods of all time. This was the time when Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo,

    of Raphael and Titian, of Correggio and Giorgione and etc.

    Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper/ 1495 1498

    Albrecht Drer -A Young Hare/ 1502

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    10. Sfumato = This is Leonardos famous invention, which is consist of blurredoutline and mellowed colours that allow one from to merge with another and

    always leave something to our imagination.

    Raphael Sanzio da Urbino - Madonna of the Meadow /1505

    Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa/ 1502
