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Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer...

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Human body Información del recurso .................................................................................. 2 Students ................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................................... 4 Activity 1: My body ..................................................................................... 5 Activity 2: My body moves!.......................................................................... 7 Activity 3: The senses ................................................................................. 9 Self-evaluation ..........................................................................................11 Recursos TIC................................................................................................14 Mapa conceptual ..........................................................................................15 Glosario.......................................................................................................16 Ayuda .........................................................................................................17 Créditos ......................................................................................................18
Page 1: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Human body

Información del recurso .................................................................................. 2

Students ................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................................................... 4

Activity 1: My body ..................................................................................... 5

Activity 2: My body moves!.......................................................................... 7

Activity 3: The senses ................................................................................. 9

Self-evaluation .......................................................................................... 11

Recursos TIC................................................................................................ 14

Mapa conceptual .......................................................................................... 15

Glosario....................................................................................................... 16

Ayuda ......................................................................................................... 17

Créditos ...................................................................................................... 18

Page 2: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Información del recurso

Secuencia didáctica: Human body

Área curricular: Lengua extranjera Inglés

Tercer ciclo de primaria

Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega.

A lo largo del recurso se trabajará con el vocabulario específico sobre el cuerpo

humano, elaborando oraciones en las que se utilice dicho vocabulario. Todo ello se

llevará a cabo a través de diferentes ejercicios y tareas que presenten tanto el

vocabulario específico como las expresiones comúnmente utilizadas para tales


Page 3: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso


Illustration. John and Mary.

To start off

In this unit, John and Mary are going to talk about the body.

This unit is divided into four activities:

Activity 1: In this activity you are going to work with the vocabulary of the

human body.

Activity 2: In this activity, you are going to work with the parts of the body,

their movement and how we can communicate with them.

Activity 3: In this activity you are going to work with the senses. Can you

read this sentence? You are using your senses.

Final activity: In this activity you are going to make a presentation about

the body parts. You are going to make a recording about them.

At the end of this unit, you will have done several types of activities: you will have

to work with classmates or independently, you will have to think, to go a step ahead if you want more information, to evaluate yourself, etc.

These are some of the skills you will be practising along this unit:

You will learn the vocabulary of the body parts, the senses and feelings.

In some activities you will work in pairs and in others you will do it alone. In

all cases, you have to value and respect the different opinion of your


You will work with Audacity to make a voice recording.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

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Illustration. The human body.

Help John and Mary by doing the following activities:

Activity 1. My body.

Activity 2. My body moves!

Activity 3. The senses.

Final activity.

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Activity 1: My body

It's your turn: Expression and feelings

In this activity you are going to work with the vocabulary of the human body.

First of all you have to visit these links:

My body I.

My body II.

Screenshot of the resource My body. Source: Agrega.

You are going to do the activities on the Interactive Whiteboard with your teacher.

The whole class will learn the new vocabulary.

Now, visit the following links and complete every activity. You have to take some

screenshots about the activities to insert them into a Google Presentation (you can use GIMP).


The Canterville Ghost.

Remember to share your presentation with your teacher.

Let's practise together: The body in pictures

Work in groups of 3 people. Ready?

You have to make a Google Presentation and share it with your classmates and

your teacher. Each member of the group must look for a picture on the Internet

about a person. This person must show a feeling (a sad man, a tired woman, a happy boy...).

Page 6: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Look for the pictures in the following links:

Creative Commons.

Intef Images and Sounds Repository.



You have to insert these pictures into the presentation and you have to write about

feelings. For example, in a picture of a sad man: "When you're sad, your eyes and

your mouth are down."

If you have got any questions about the meaning of any word, you can visit this online dictionary:


More...Word game

Screenshot of the resource The human body in movement. Source: Agrega.

In this task your teacher will show you an activity on the Interactive Whiteboard.

The human body in movement.

You and your classmates will do it with your teacher.

When you finish, your teacher will ask you about what you have done.

Page 7: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Activity 2: My body moves!

Illustration. The magazine.

Let's practise together: My body moves!

Work in pairs. Ready? In this activity, you are going to work on the parts of the body, their movement and how we can communicate with them.

In the first exercise, you have to fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences and then

write two more sentences about the movement of the body.

In the second exercise, you and your partner will include the parts of the body that

you have worked on before in a picture in a text document. You can use the

different tools of the text editor. When you finish, you have to save the document and you will send it to your teacher by email.

Page 8: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Let's practise together: The body facts

You are going to work in groups of 4 people. First, you have to visit the following

link, read the text and talk about the topics you can find there with your classmates (after reading, ask your teacher any questions you may have):

The human body.

Then, you are going to make a presentation with Impress with 20 new topics about

the body facts. You have to insert one picture in each topic and write a sentence

similar to the sentences you read in the link above. Look for the pictures in the following links:

Creative Commons.

Intef Images and Sounds Repository.



When you finish, share your presentation with your teacher using Authorstream.


Later, write a post on the classroom blog with the link to your presentation.

Page 9: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Activity 3: The senses

Let's practise together: The senses

In this activity you are going to work on the senses.

First of all, your teacher will write on the Interactive Whiteboard some words about

the different senses (sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing).

Can you say some words about them? For example:

Sight: fuzzy, sharp...

Touch: soft...

You must suggest to your teacher some words related to the senses he/she has

just written. When the brainstorming has finished, you have to write 5 sentences

using some of the words in a Google Document. Then, share your document with your teacher.

Now, work in pairs. Ready? You and your partner will search the Internet for any saying about senses.

You have to write those sayings in the text document and you have to explain their meaning. Can you find a similar saying in Spanish?

For example:

They are hand and glove together ("son uña y carne").

Let's practise together: Learn about the senses

Work in pairs.

In this activity you are going to make a presentation about the senses. You and your partner will make a presentation with these slides:

5 slides about the senses.

In each slide you have to insert a picture. Look for the pictures in the following links:

Creative Commons.

Intef Images and Sounds Repository.

Mediateca. Pics4Learning.

In each slide you have to write a little description of the sense.

In each slide you have to write a sentence about this sense.

Page 10: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

In each slide you have to insert a recording about what you have written.

You can use Audacity to make the recording.


When you finish the presentation, send it to your teacher and other classmates through a wiki.

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Before starting the final evaluation, check what you have learned with all the activities you have been doing so far.

Page 12: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso
Page 13: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Final Activity

Illustration. Final activity.

Task: Cat to her kind

In this activity you have to complete a presentation that your teacher will send you

by email.

In this presentation you have to do 3 things:

First. You have to write the names of body parts that can be found in the


Second. You have to write one sentence with each word.

Third. You have to make a recording, with the different sentences. You have

to insert a link for each recording near the sentence. You can use Audacity. You have to insert a link for each recording.

When you finish the presentation you have to send it to your teacher by email.

You will also find instructions on how to install the software you need in the Help section.

Page 14: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Recursos TIC

Programas y aplicaciones:

Google Docs.

Grabación y edición de audios. Audacity.

Impress. Paquete Open Office.


Máquina Virtual de Java.


Writer. Paquete OpenOffice.

Sitios web utilizados durante la secuencia:

My body I.

My body II.


The Canterville Ghost.

The human body in movement.

The body facts.

Human body facts.

Bancos de imágenes con Licencia Libre o Creative Commons:

Banco de imágenes Pics4 Learning.

Banco de imágenes y sonidos del Intef.

Buscador de imágenes Creative Commons.


Page 15: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso

Mapa conceptual

Ilustración. Mapa conceptual.

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Angry: enfadado.

Arm: brazo.

Body: cuerpo.

Eyes: ojos.

Face: cara.

Finger: dedo de la mano.

Foot: pie.

Hand: mano.

Happy: feliz.

Head: cabeza.

Hearing: oído.

Leg: pierna.

Muscle: músculo

Nose: nariz.

Scared: asustado.

Sad: triste.

Sense: sentido.

Sharp: fuerte.

Shoulder: hombro.

Sight: vista.

Smell: olfato.

Soft: suave.

Taste: gusto.

Thumb: pulgar.

Tired: cansado.

Toe: dedo del pie.

Touch: tacto.

Page 17: Human body - educaLABrecursostic.educacion.es/.../humanbody/html/ING16RDE_imprimir_al… · Tercer ciclo de primaria Illustration. Human body. Source: Agrega. A lo largo del recurso


Cada pantalla del recurso tiene una estructura definida:

Las actividades se inician siempre con una situación o presentación del

tema que vas a trabajar.

A continuación se proponen una serie de actividades, para trabajar de

manera individual o colaborativamente con el grupo. Se trata de "It's your

turn" o "Let's practise together". En estas actividades tendrás que

realizar alguna acción:

Actividades autoevaluables, para que puedas practicar con los conceptos.

Actividades que tendrás que trabajar individualmente o

colaborativamente, y el resultado enviarlo a tu profesor o profesora para


Recursos para profundizar en el tema.

En ocasiones puedes encontrarte información complementaria, "More...",

que puede resultarte interesante, relacionada con el contenido con el que

has estado trabajando, acompañado de ejercicios de autoevaluación de

diferente tipología.

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Este material didáctico digital ha sido desarrollado por el Ministerio de Educación,

Cultura y Deporte, el Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del

Profesorado, el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo y la entidad pública

empresarial Red.es. Se ha desarrollado en el marco del programa Escuela 2.0 y

puede ser utilizado y adaptado en los términos de la licencia Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual España de Creative Commons.
