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Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human...

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Human Fit Elliot Sather Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene
Page 1: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Human Fit

Elliot Sather

Eddie Minkoff

Jonathan Fiene

Page 2: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

What is Human Fit?

• Human Factors

• Ergonomics

• Anthropometrics

• Universal Design

• Usability /

Ease of Use

Page 3: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Human Factors

• Physical Abilities

• Cognitive Abilities

• Social Factors

Page 4: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.


• Environmental Fit

• Prevent Injury

• Increase Comfort

• Increase Worker


• Increase Productivity

Page 5: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Anthropometrics• Study of human body measurement• Used extensively by military after

WWII• Applied to product

development by HenryDreyfuss in 1950s

• The Measure of Man,1959

Page 6: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Universal Design

•The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible

•Patricia Moore

Page 7: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Usability / Ease of Use

• Learnability

• Efficiency

• Memorability

• Errors

• Satisfaction

Page 8: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.


• Computer Interface (mice, keyboard, etc.)

• Cutlery

• Chairs

Page 9: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Computer Interface• Ergonomics is a key focus in

designing keyboards and mice.

Page 10: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.


• A variety of knife handle configurations are available

• Informal research

Page 11: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.


• A large amount of anthropometric data was used in the development of the Freedom chair

Page 12: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

More Examples

• Home Electronics

• Shoes

• Architecture

• Cars

Page 13: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Case Study

• OXO - Good grips line–Improve existing products using

human fit

–Product showcase

Page 14: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

OXO Philosophy

• Dedicated to providing innovative consumer products that make everyday living easier

Page 15: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

OXO Methodology

• User testing key to design process

• Large number of prototypes

Page 16: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

OXO Products

Page 17: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.

Implementation in Design

• Know the User• Research• Observation• Adjustable Products• Conspicuous Function• Adequate Feedback• Make the design

forgiving• Fit vs. Function

Page 18: Human Fit - Stanford University · Eddie Minkoff Jonathan Fiene. What is Human Fit? •Human Factors •Ergonomics •Anthropometrics •Universal Design •Usability / Ease of Use.


• Norman, The Design of Everyday things

• Dreyfuss, The Measure of Man and Woman
