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Human Resource Management Ppp

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Human Resource Human Resource Management Management  Job design and different ways of Job design and different ways of  working  working 
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Human ResourceHuman Resource

ManagementManagement Job design and different ways of  Job design and different ways of 

 working  working 

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 Job design Job design

�� R ecent theories indicateR ecent theories indicate

that workers arethat workers are

motivated by factorsmotivated by factors

other than financial ones.other than financial ones.

�� This creates the need for This creates the need for

jobs to be designed (orjobs to be designed (or

rere--designed) todesigned) to

incorporate these factorsincorporate these factors

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 Job Design Job Design ²  ² Principles to ConsiderPrinciples to Consider

It is suggested that the following principles beIt is suggested that the following principles be

taken into account when designing any incentivetaken into account when designing any incentive

scheme:scheme:�� Principle of closurePrinciple of closure

�� Control and monitoring of tasksControl and monitoring of tasks

�� Task variety  Task variety �� Self Self--regulationregulation

�� Interaction and coInteraction and co--operationoperation

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 Job Design Job Design ²  ² Principles to ConsiderPrinciples to Consider

Principle of closurePrinciple of closure

�� The job has all the tasks The job has all the tasks

necessary to completenecessary to complete

the product or process.the product or process.

�� This helps to give the This helps to give the

 work meaning  work meaning 

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 Job Design Job Design ²  ² Principles to ConsiderPrinciples to Consider

Control and monitoringControl and monitoring

of tasksof tasks

�� The worker takes The worker takes

responsibility for a task responsibility for a task 

themselves without thethemselves without the

interference frominterference from


�� Maslow·s ¶self Maslow·s ¶self--esteem·esteem·


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 Job Design Job Design ²  ² Principles to ConsiderPrinciples to Consider

 Task variety Task variety

�� The tasks need to be The tasks need to be

 varied in order to varied in order to

maintain motivationmaintain motivation

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 Job Design Job Design ²  ² Principles to ConsiderPrinciples to Consider

Self Self--regulationregulation

�� Employees need to beEmployees need to be

empowered to haveempowered to have

control over their work control over their work 

methods and proceduresmethods and procedures

and therefore work in aand therefore work in a

 way that suits them way that suits them

�� Maslow·s ¶self Maslow·s ¶self--esteem·,esteem·,

¶self actualisation· needs?¶self actualisation· needs?

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 Job Design Job Design ²  ² Principles to ConsiderPrinciples to Consider

Interaction and coInteraction and co--


�� The job should give the The job should give the

opportunity for socialopportunity for social

interaction and being interaction and being 

able to work in groupsable to work in groups

�� Maslow·s ¶Love and

Maslow·s ¶Love andbelonging· needs?belonging· needs?

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign

 The following methods of job design might help to The following methods of job design might help toachieve the five principles:achieve the five principles:

�� DelegationDelegation

�� EmpowermentEmpowerment��  Job enlargement Job enlargement

��  Job enrichment Job enrichment

��  Job rotation Job rotation

�� Tele Tele--working  working 

�� Flexible working Flexible working 

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign


�� W hen managers pass W hen managers pass

some of their authority some of their authority 

down the hierarchy todown the hierarchy to

their subordinatestheir subordinates

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign


�� W orkers are given a W orkers are given a

degree of power overdegree of power over

their work, so allowing their work, so allowing 

them to decide forthem to decide for

themselves the best way themselves the best way to approach a problem.to approach a problem.

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign

 Job enlargement Job enlargement

�� The number of tasks The number of tasks

involved in performing ainvolved in performing a

certain job is increased.certain job is increased.

 This increases the multi This increases the multi--

skill capabilities of theskill capabilities of the workers. workers.

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign

 Job enrichment Job enrichment

�� Employees are givenEmployees are given

more responsibilities andmore responsibilities and

the opportunity to usethe opportunity to use

their initiative.their initiative.

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign

 Job rotation Job rotation

�� Employees are allowedEmployees are allowed

to perform a number of to perform a number of 

different tasks in turn,different tasks in turn,

increasing the variety of increasing the variety of 

their job.their job.

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign

 Tele Tele--working working

�� W orkers are able to work  W orkers are able to work 

a proportion of theira proportion of their

time from home (ortime from home (or

other remote location).other remote location).

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Methods of  Job ReMethods of  Job Re--designdesign

Flexible workingFlexible working

�� W orkers are able to work in a manner that suits W orkers are able to work in a manner that suitsthem.  This may mean flexible hours or patternsthem.  This may mean flexible hours or patterns

throughout the year in order to fit around thethroughout the year in order to fit around the

needs of the worker.needs of the worker.

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Flexible WorkforcesFlexible Workforces

Flexible workforces are becoming more popular asFlexible workforces are becoming more popular as

they allow firms to adapt their human resourcethey allow firms to adapt their human resourcesupply to meetsupply to meet fluctuations in demandfluctuations in demand and try and try 

toto maintain their competitive advantagemaintain their competitive advantage inin

the face of external changes.the face of external changes.

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Flexible WorkforcesFlexible Workforces

Flexible workforces have been achieved through:Flexible workforces have been achieved through:

�� Increasing self Increasing self--employmentemployment

�� R eduction in full time employmentR eduction in full time employment�� PartPart--time working time working 

�� ContractorsContractors

�� Temporary employment Temporary employment

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Flexible WorkforcesFlexible Workforces -- Advantages Advantages

�� Helps firms meetHelps firms meet

fluctuations in demandfluctuations in demand

�� Useful for covering staff Useful for covering staff 


�� R educes wage costsR educes wage costs

�� Enables a quick responseEnables a quick response

to changing to changing circumstancescircumstances

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Flexible WorkforcesFlexible Workforces -- DisadvantagesDisadvantages

�� R educed effectiveness of R educed effectiveness of 


�� Difficult to build teamsDifficult to build teams

�� Difficult to developDifficult to develop


�� Security problemsSecurity problems

�� Increased staff turnover?Increased staff turnover?

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


Employee commitment and participation can beEmployee commitment and participation can beimproved through:improved through:

�� Quality circlesQuality circles

�� W orks councils W orks councils

�� Employee share optionsEmployee share options

�� W ork groups  Team working  W ork groups  Team working 

�� More open communicationMore open communication

�� Softer leadership stylesSofter leadership styles

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


Quality CirclesQuality Circles

�� Groups of workers meetGroups of workers meet

to try and identify waysto try and identify ways

of improving the quality of improving the quality 

of the product.of the product.

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


 Works councils Works councils

�� A forum within the A forum within the

business where workersbusiness where workers

and management a canand management a canmeet regularly to discussmeet regularly to discuss

issues relating toissues relating to

company policy andcompany policy and


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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


Employee share optionsEmployee share options

�� Employees are givenEmployees are given

shares to give themshares to give them

direct financial interest indirect financial interest in

the company andthe company and

encourage them to work encourage them to work 

together to increase thetogether to increase the

 value of their investment. value of their investment.

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


 Work groups Work groups

�� Teams of employees are Teams of employees are

given a higher degree of given a higher degree of 

control over the work control over the work 

they do day they do day--toto--day.day.

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


 Team working Team working

�� Production is carried outProduction is carried out

by teams of workersby teams of workers

rather than using therather than using thetraditional assembly linetraditional assembly line

approach (division of approach (division of 

labour). Teams of labour). Teams of 

 workers follow the workers follow theproduct carrying out aproduct carrying out a

range of tasks.range of tasks.

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


More openMore open


�� Opening upOpening up

communication channelscommunication channelsto help employees have ato help employees have a

better awareness of better awareness of 

company policy andcompany policy and


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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


Softer leadership stylesSofter leadership styles

�� Moving away fromMoving away from

autocraticautocratic leadershipsleaderships

styles towards morestyles towards more

democraticdemocratic oror laissezlaissez--

fairefaire styles of leadershipstyles of leadership

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Employee Commitment andEmployee Commitment and


If successful theseIf successful these

strategies should:strategies should:

�� Improve motivationImprove motivation

�� Improve attendanceImprove attendance

�� Increase productivity Increase productivity 

�� Increase profitability Increase profitability 
