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Human Resource Management Practices Case Study

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7/23/2019 Human Resource Management Practices Case Study http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/human-resource-management-practices-case-study 1/23 Human Resource Management Practices A Case Study on Orion Infusion Limited (OIL)
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Human Resource Management Practices

A Case Study on Orion Infusion Limited (OIL)

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Table of contents

1. Introduction

►1.01 Executive Summary

►1.02 Scope and Objective of the Study

►1.03 Methodoo!y of the Study

►1.0" #imitation of the Study


2. $e%cription►2.01 &ompany chronoo!y

►2.02 S'ied (eope are )here *%%et

►2.03 &ompany

►2.0" +uman ,e%ource Mana!ement

►2.0- +uman ,e%ource (annin!

  ►2.0 ,ecruitment and Seection

►2.0/ ob *nay%i% and ob $e%cription►2.0 ob $e%i!n

►2.0 ob Evauation

►2.10 )rainin! and $eveopment

►2.11 (erformance *pprai%a

3.0. indin!% and *nay%i%

".01. &oncu%ion

".02. 4ibio!raphy

".03. *ppendix

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!ecuti"e Summary

)hi% report i% an a%%i!ned job a% a partia fufiment of cour%e re5uirement

 by honorabe &our%e teacher ########################### #ecturer6 $epartment

of Mana!ement Studie%6  acuty of  


7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777. It i% the optimum outcome of 

$+uman ,e%ource Mana!ement (ractice * &a%e Study On Orion Infu%ion

#imited8. )he !oa of thi% report i% to find out the +uman ,e%ource

(ractice% in ca%e of Orion Infu%ion #imited. Orion Infu%ion #imited

committed to dra9 the mo%t taented and dynamic profe%%iona% from the

avaiabe candidate%. )hey con%ider their %'ied peope a% a%%ert% for their 

or!ani:ation. )he main !oa of Orion Infu%ion #imited i% the continuou%

deveopment of the human re%ource% ;+,< throu!h appropriate trainin!

and motivation.

)heir human re%ource department ;+,$< tru%t% in team 9or' and re%pect

each other. or mana!in! the human re%ource OI# foo9 the different

%tep%. *t fir%t they pan their human re%ource for recruitin! and %eectin!

the mo%t taented and dynamic profe%%iona% from the avaiabe candidate%.OI# provide% trainin! and deveopment activitie% to deveop their 

empoyee 9ith future advancement and educate them in job% 'i%. )a'in!

con%tructive %tep% they are tryin! to deveop the %'i% of the human

re%ource poo.


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Sco%e and Ob&ecti"e of t'e Study

*% a bu%ine%% expectative in future6 9e %houd have to !ather experience

 be%ide our %urvey. =e %houd not concern our e%%on ony in ca%%room butto impement it in practica ife that 9i hep u% in our future ife .* cear 

objective hep in preparation of 9e decorated report in 9hich other ta'e

the ri!ht type of deci%ion .So6 9e identifyin! objective% i% very much

important. Our purpo%e of preparin! the report i%>

•   )o 'no9 the human re%ource mana!ement ;+,M< practice of Orion

Infu%ion #imited

•   )o identify the variou% avenue% for improvin! the +,M poicie% of

Orion Infu%ion #imited

• )o 'no9 about the mana!ement abiity of Orion Infu%ion #imited

• Su!!e%tin! %trate!ie% to improve the +,M poicie% of Orion Infu%ion


)hi% %tudy cover% the +,M poicie% of Orion Infu%ion #imited aon! 9ith %ome

recommendation% to improve the +,M poicie% of Orion Infu%ion #imited.

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Met'odology of t'e Study

)hi% report i% ba%ed on both primary and %econdary data. Initiay6 the 9or' i%

%tarted 9ith data tho%e 9ere avaiabe at &ompany?% *nnua ,eport and

company?% ne9% etter. Moreover6 it become% hepfu to !ather %ome more

information from the 9eb%ite of the company.

#ater on6 the 9or' pro!re%%ed throu!h %ome depth intervie9% of !ood ran!e profe%%iona% tryin! to heat %ome expected area of the %tudy. *fter that6 an

effective 5ue%tionnaire i% de%i!ned to coect i'ey data from the tar!et !roup of 


)hen 9e anay:e tho%e data from many an!e%6 in different a%pect and pre%ent

the information in different %e!ment accordin! to their cate!ory6 in compact 9ay.

=e hi!hi!ht different important thin!%6 9hich 9e found durin! our %urvey. *fter 

doin! a of tho%e 9e %ubmit the report to the proper authority.

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Limitations of t'e Study

*% a %tudent of facuty of 4u%ine%% *dmini%tration and Mana!ement6 thi% i% our 

fir%t initiative for ma'in! a report on $+uman ,e%ource Mana!ement (ractice a

&a%e Study on Orion Infu%ion #imited8 by meetin! a %urvey. I 9a% reay unabe

to coect enou!h information from due to their officia re%triction%. Many thin!%

9ere %o confidentia that I 9a% not entited to acce%% there. 4e%ide thi% 9e have

faced the foo9in! hindrance% in preparin! thi% report>

► #ac' of 'no9ed!e and experience

► Short of time

► #ac' of computer faciitie%

► #ac' of %ufficient privie!e%

► #ac' of communication faciitie%

)he %urvey report focu%e% on +uman ,e%ource Mana!ement (ractice of a &a%e

Study on Orion Infu%ion #imited )he %urvey may not be more comparabe or 

more vaid. Moreover6 the report i% empha%i:ed on the primary data %uch a%

intervie9 of the human re%ource mana!er of Orion Infu%ion #imited. +ere 9e

con%ider the information to prepare thi% report that 9e coect from the annu

report and our %urvey.


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Com%any C'ronology

ounded in 1 Orion Infu%ion #td. i% a %tate7of7the7art #ar!e @oume

(arentera% ;#@(< manufacturin! company. It i% inceptionA the company 9a%

named a% Maa &hemica B (harmaceutica% indu%trie% #td. 9hich became a

 pubic imited company in the year 1". )he company i% devoted to producin!

#@( product% and other ife %avin! I@ fuid%. Orion Infu%ion #td. ;OI#< ha%

created a ne9 vi%ta in manufacturin! ar!e voume parentera ;#@(< product%.

Manufacturin! exceence i% one of the core %tren!th% of Orion Infu%ion #td. OI#

i% in the pur%uit of u%in! the %tate 7 of 7 the 7 art technoo!y and hi!h eve

5uaity a%%urance in their production 9hich en%urin! product% of internationa

%tandard. )hrou!h proper documentation and impementation of 5uaity

mana!ement %y%tem throu!h out the or!ani:ation6 OI# ha% achieved ISO

001>2000 ver%ion certification from Cnited Din!dom *ccreditation Service%

;CD*S< uaity Mana!ement Sy%tem6 CD.

)he overa mana!ement of Orion Infu%ion #td. i% ve%ted in a board of director 

9hich i% accountabe to the %harehoder% and entru%ted 9ith the re%pon%ibiity to

!uide the company to9ard% reai:ation% of it% objective% in order to maximi:e%harehoder%? 9eath. * %ound %y%tem of interna and financia contro ha% been

e%tabi%hed by OI#6 9hich invove% periodica reportin!6 continuou% audit of 

different %e!ment% of the bu%ine%% and bud!etary contro to en%ure optimum

utii:ation of the company?% re%ource%. OI# i% a hi!hy profe%%ionay mana!ed or!ani:ation. * team of %'ied

 profe%%iona% ha% been dedicatin! their effort% in order to achieve the corporate


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Silled Peo%le are t'eir Asset

)hey are committed to en%urin! their bu%ine%% practice% meet hi!h %tandard% and

that their empoyee% behave ethica %tandard% act re%pon%iby and compy 9ith

the a9. &ompetitive advanta!e% can ony be achieved by buidin! up hi!hymotivated and %'ied empoyee% at a eve% that 9e enabe or!ani:ation to

compete in a fiercey competitive mar'et %cenario and to re%pond appropriatey

to the mar'et need%6 9ith re!ard to 5uaity product% and %ervice% and

technoo!ica innovation%.

Orion Infu%ion #td. put% maximum empha%i% on tit% vi%ion to be re!arded a%

=ord &a%% Infu%ion &ompany and to be the be%t in the country6 both in term of 

turn over and profit. So the mana!ement of Orion ha% embar'ed upon on

arduou% pro!ram for deveopment of empoyee competence throu!h continuou%

trainin! and coun%ein!.

)o au!ment a activitie% reated to deveopment of +uman ,e%ource6 the

mana!ement ha% e%tabi%hed a +uman ,e%ource $epartment and hired on

experienced mana!er for it% operation.

)he hi!hy %'ied profe%%iona% of OI#>

Silled Professionals umbers

(harmaci%t% 0-

&hemi%t% 1"

Microbioo!i%t% 02

En!ineer% 0

$octor% 01

Fraduate% More then 300

Human Resource Management

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)he term human re%ource refer% to the peope in an or!ani:ation. +uman

re%ource mana!ement i% concerned 9ith peope dimen%ion% in mana!ement.

=hen mana!er% en!a!ed in human re%ource activitie% a% a part of their job6 they

%ee' to faciitate the contributionA peope ma'e to achieve an or!ani:ation%

%trate!ie% and pan%.

+uman re%ource mana!ement encompa%%e% tho%e activitie% de%i!ned to provide

for and co7ordinate the +uman effort%6 %o that they can contribute to achieve the

!oa% of the or!ani:ation%.

+uman re%ource department of OI# foo9% the foo9in! %tep% for mana!in! the

human re%ource.

*+ Human Resource Planning Policies of Orion Infusion Limited

+uman re%ource pannin! i% the proce%% of e%timatin! human re%ource need% for 

achievin! human re%ource and or!ani:ationa !oa%. It i% the proce%% throu!h

9hich or!ani:ationa !oa% are tran%ated into objective. *t Orion Infu%ion

#imited6 they beieve that their +uman ,e%ource% !ive the company a %i!nificant

competitive ed!e in term% of 'no9ed!e and experience%.

*on! the ine up adoptin! ne9 innovative and advanced technoo!ie% for it%

hi!h7tech manufacturin! pant6 the company continued to dra9 taented and

dynamic profe%%iona% of the indu%try6 a% 9e a%6 ta'in! con%tructive %tep% indeveopin! the %'i% of the human re%ource poo.

)he effective 9or'in! day% of thi% or!ani:ation i% day% per 9ee' and each

empoyee 9i 9or' hour% per day.


If it i% re5uired to %ot in them for overtime dutie% then the duty time 9i be

utmo%t 0 hour%G 9ee'%.

or fe%tiva eave6 u%uay they 9i !et the vacation of 13 day%.

Orion Infu%ion #imited u%uay paid their %aarie% to empoyee% 9ithin 10 day%

of the next month.

)hey try maintainin! to continuou% deveopment of the human re%ource throu!h

appropriate trainin! and motivation.

,+ Recruiting and Selection Policies of Orion Infusion Limited

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,ecruitin! i% the proce%% of %earchin! the potentia job candidate% in order to fi

up the vacant po%ition of the or!ani:ation and %eection i% the proce%% of 

choo%in! the be%t candidate amon! the avaiabe candidate%. )he candidate% 9ho

are %ucce%%fuy perform the job.

Orion Infu%ion #td. foo9% both the interna and externa %ource% of recruitment.In ca%e of interna %ource they mainy foo9 H promotion6 tran%fer and job

rotation and in ca%e of externa %ource they foo9 H adverti%ement6 empoyment


In ca%e of recruitment and %eection Orion Infu%ion #imited con%ider% the

foo9in! proce%%>

eed assessment

Orion Infu%ion #imited ta'e need a%%e%%ment to identify in 9hich %ector6 it i%

needed to recruit the empoyee for achievin! their tar!et and !oa%. In their 

a%%e%%ment they have to reai:e that they need human re%ource ;+,< in the

foo9in! %ituation7 vacancy in exi%tin! po%t;%<6 mar'et expan%ion6 increa%e in

 production capacity6 aunchin! ne9 product6 introducin! ne9 %y%tem.

C'ecing t'e recruiting o%tions


&urrent empoyee% are a major %ource of recruit% the empoyee% but entry7eve

 po%ition. Interna %ource are incuded7 promotion6 tran%fer6 job rotation6 friend%

and reative% of exi%tin! empoyee%. In Orion Infu%ion #imited promotion andtran%fer are typicay directed by operatin! mana!er 9ith itte invovement by

the +,$.


=hen job openin! can not be fied internay6 the +,$ mu%t oo' out%ide

or!ani:ation for expert empoyee%. Externa %ource incuded7 adverti%ement6

empoyment a!encie%6 and campu% recruitin!. C%uay Orion Infu%ion #imited

con%ider% the adverti%ement for their externa recruitin!. )hey mainy provide

the notice of avaiabe job in both 4an!a and En!i%h daiie%.

Screening and S'ort#listing A%%lications 

)he re%pon%e% to the adverti%ement% are %orted and %creened. )he &@% a% 9e a%

the coverin! etter% are jud!ed. Experience6 educationa de!ree6 computer 

iteracy6 etc are the ba%i% of jud!in! the candidate% appication.

-ritten test

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It i% the mot important and effective too for jud!in! the candidate%. )he 9ritten

te%t incude% I te%t6 behaviora competencie%6 and communication %'i%.



)he %eection intervie9 i% a forma6 in7depth conver%ation conducted to evauate

an appicant?% acceptabiity. )rou!h intervie9% the intervie9er% of OrionInfu%ion #imited %ee' to an%9er three broad 5ue%tion%>

1. &an the appicant do the job

2. =i the appicant do the job

3. +o9 doe% the appicant% compare 9ith other 9ho are bein! con%idered for 

the job

Seection intervie9 are mo%t 9idey u%ed %eection techni5ue. )hey can be

adapted to un%'ied6 %'ied6 and mana!eria and %taff empoyee%. )hey a%o

ao9 t9o79ay exchan!e information> intervie9er% earn about the appicant and

the appicant% earn about the empoyer.

Reference c'ecing

,eference and bac'!round chec' are important6 9hich refer% the proce%% to

underta'e of tho%e appication that appear to offer potentia a% empoyee%.

,eference chec' i% indented to verify that 9a% %tate on the appication from

correct and accurate information. Some 5ue%tion are ari%e% throu!h reference

chec'in!. )ho%e are>

1. I% the appicant a !ood6 reiabe 9or'er

2. *re the job accompi%hment%6 tite%6 educationa bac'!round6 and other 

fact% of the ,e%ume or appication true

3. =hat type of per%on i% the appicant

". =hat information id reevant to match the appicant and the job

Medical c'ec#u%

 Jormay6 the evauation con%i%t% of a heath chec'i%t and a%'ed the appicant to

indicate the heath and accident information. )he medica evauation may>

1. Entite the empoyer to o9er heath or ife in%urance rate% for company

 pain in%urance.

2. 4e re5uired by %tate or oca heath officia%6 particuary in food handin!

operation% 9here communicabe di%ea%e% are a dan!er.

3. 4e u%efu to evauate 9here the appicant can hande the phy%ica or 

menta %tre%% of a job.

Offer letter

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=hen the candidate% %ati%fy the +uman ,e%ource ,ecruitin! 4road6 then the

 broad provide to the candidate offer etter.

Orientation /induction

)hrou!h orientation Orion Infu%ion #imited thy to introducin! the ne9 comer%

or ne9 empoyee% 9ith it% 9or' unit6 rue% and re!uation6 cuture6 norm%6 vaue6 beieve and expo%ure to a important function% and ocation% of the company

and %o forth.

0ollo. u%

or ma'e the empoyee more effective and efficient +uman ,e%ource

$epartment continuou%y interact% 9ith the ne9 entrant% a%%i%tin! to cope up

9ith the 9or' environment6 9or' cuture6 peer !roup% etc. In thi% %ta!e the

mana!ement trie% to hep the empoyee to !et %etted herGhi% probem% in the job6

9or' environment and 9or'pace7cuture.

1+ Training Policies of Orion Infusion Limited

)rainin! i% a earnin! proce%% that invove% the ac5ui%ition of %'i%6 concept%6

rue%6 and attitude% to increa%e% the performance% of the empoyee% in the

or!ani:ation%. On the other hand deveopment i% more future oriented6 and more

concerned 9ith education6 than i% empoyee% trainin! or a%%i%tin! a per%on to

 become a better performer. Orion Infu%ion #imited !ive% empha%i% both for interna and externa trainin!. *ny ne9 operation% or product i% mar'eted6 they

!ive% trainin! to the empoyee% attached to the operation%. $eveopment hep%

the individua% hande future re%pon%ibiitie%6 9ith itte concern for current job


In order to exce in a competitive mar'etin! environment there i% no aternative

to deveopment 'no9ed!e and %'ied eve of peope throu!h trainin!. )rainin!

and deveopment pro!ram of OI# incude orientation activitie% that

► Inform empoyee% of poicie% and procedure of OI#

► Educate them in job %'i%

► $eveop them for future advancement

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i!ure> (reiminary %tep% invove in preparin! a trainin! and deveopment pro!ram

)he above fi!ure %ho9% the %e5uence% that %houd be foo9ed by OI# before

any trainin! and deveopment be!in. Jeed a%%e%%ment identify the current

 probem% and future chaen!e% to be met throu!h trainin! and deveopment.

)hen they %et different trainin! and deveopment objective% for the ne9 comer%G

empoyee%. *ctua trainin! pro!ram are %et from the avaiabe pro!ram

accordin! to the performance of the empoyee. *fter the end of trainin! period

their %'i%6 'no9ed!e6 and abiity of 9or'in! are evauated. In the year 2006the foo9in! trainin! pro!ram% 9ere conducted>

► M(O ,ecruitment trainin!

► )eam buidin! and eader%hip

► $eveopment of team buidin! and eader%hip

► $eveopment of mana!eria %'i%










abiity of





)rainin! B


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2+ 3ob Analysis and 3ob "aluation Process of Orion Infusion Limited+

3ob Analysis

ob evauation i% the proce%% of apprai%in! the different po%ition% of empoyee%

in the or!ani:ation 9ith a vie9 to e%tabi%h a 9e conceived for pay7%tructure.

or job anay%i% OI# con%ider %evera common u%e% %uch a%7 job definition6 job

re7de%i!n6 orientation6 %ociai:ation6 carrier coun%ein!6 empoyee %afety6 performance apprai%a and compen%ation. OI# foo9% the ob%ervationa method

for job anay%i%. In thi% proce%% they ob%erve the individua or individua%

 performin! the job and pertinent note% de%cribin! the job% or de%cribin! the


)hi% information incude% %uch thin!% a% 9hat 9a% done6 ho9 it 9a% done 6 ho9

on! it do6 9hat the job environment 9a% i'e6 and 9hat e5uipment 9a% u%ed. In

thi% proce%% information about job% i% %y%tematicay coected6 evauated6 and

or!ani:ed. )hi% action are u%uay done by human re%ource %peciai:ed about

each job and every per%on in the or!ani:ation. In the time of job anay%i%foo9in! matter% are need to be con%idered>

1. Identify the job to be anay:ed.

2. $eveop a job anay%i% 5ue%tionnaire.

3. &oect appropriate job anay%i% information.

3ob "aluation

Orion Infu%ion #td. foo9% the ,an'in! and the &a%%ification method for 

evauatin! the job. In ca%e of ran'in! method a committee typicay compared of 

 both mana!ement and empoyee to repre%entative to arran!e the job in a %impe

ran' order6 from hi!he%t to the o9e%t ran'. In ca%e of ca%%ification method thi%

ca%%ification are created by identified %ome common denominator% i'e H %'i%6

'no9ed!e6 re%pon%ibiitie% 9ith the de%ired !oa% bein! the creation% of a

number of di%tinct ca%%e% on !rade% of job%.

4+ Performance A%%raisal System of Orion Infusion Limited

(erformance apprai%a information can provided needed input for determinin! both individua and or!ani:ationa trainin! and deveopment need%. *nother 

important u%e of performance apprai%a i% to encoura!e performance

improvement. In thi% re!ard (erformance apprai%a% are u%ed a% mean% of 

communicatin! to empoyee% ho9 they are doin! and %u!!e%tin! needed

chan!e% in behavior6 attitude6 %'i or 'no9ed!e.

or appri%in! the performance Orion Infu%ion #imited ;OI#< con%ider the

different criteria of the empoyee6 %uch a% attendance6 attitude6 cooperation6

initiative6 dependabiity6 5uaity of 9or'6 overa output6 hone%ty6 per%onaity6

ready to ta'e chaen!e etc.

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)he proce%% of evauatin! the performance of the empoyee of Orion Infu%ion

#imited are %ho9n in the foo9in! chart7




Exceent Food *cceptabe air poor  

1. *ttendance

2. *ttitude

3. &ooperation

". Initiative

-. $ependabiity

. uaity of 9or'6

/. ,eady to ta'e chaen!e

. Overa output

. +one%ty

10. (er%onaity


)ota Score

4a%ed on the above mentioned criteria the rater provide% %core to the empoyee

and accordin! to the tota %core their performance i% apprai%ed.)he human

re%ource department ;+,$< of OI# u%uay de%i!ned and admini%ter% the above

 performance apprai%a %y%tem%. or evauatin! the performance apprai%a OI#

mo%ty foo9% the ratin! %cae method.

5+ Promotion Policies of Orion Infusion Limited

)he movement of per%onne 9ithin an or!ani:ation7 their promotion6 tran%fer6

demotion6 and %eparation i% a major a%pect of human re%ource mana!ement. )heactua deci%ion about 9hom to promote6 and 9hom to fire can a%o be amon! the

mot difficut6 and important6 a mana!er ha% to ma'e. or every or!ani:ation

 promotion i% extremey important6 9hen the proce%% ba%ed on merit% and %'i%

of the empoyee. )he empoyee of Orion Infu%ion #imited are !et% both re9ard%

and puni%hment from their empoyer ba%ed on their performance. C%uay money

tran%fer or other benefit% are provided a% re9ard%. On the other hand a major 

 probem of promotion i% di%crimination and favoriti%m.

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6+ Pay Policies of Orion Infusion Limited

Once the job evauation i% compete6 the data !enerated become the nucea%e for 

the deveopment of the or!ani:ation?% pay %tructure. )hi% mean% pay rate% or 

ran!e 9i be e%tabi%hed that are compactabe 9ith the ran!e%6 ca%%ification%6 or 

 point arrived at throu!h job evauation.

Pay structure

 Jo information i% !iven6 a% thi% i% con%idered hi!hy re%tricted information.

Pro"ident 0und

In Orion Infu%ion #imited 12L of the ba%ic %aary !oe% to the provident fund

and the empoyee pay% the %ame amount of their ba%ic %aary.

Medical 0acilities

$octor% are arran!ed to vi%it each ocation of number% of time% a 9ee' to

 provide nece%%ary medica %upport to the empoyee%. Moreover6 the non7

mana!ement %taff% enjoy medica treatment at +oy amiy +o%pita at company


Healt' Insurance Policy

 Jo information i% !iven by the authority of OI#.

0indings and Analysis

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a< Orion Infu%ion #td. beief%6 in pre%ent competitive and dynamic environment

human re%ource department are the mo%t vauabe department than the other%. 

 b< )hey con%ider their %'ied peope a% a%%ert% for their or!ani:ation.

c< OI# committed to dra9 the mo%t taented and dynamic profe%%iona% from the

avaiabe candidate%.

d< Orion Infu%ion #td. foo9% both the interna and externa %ource% of 


e< )rainin! and deveopment pro!ram% of OI# incude orientation%6 and

%ociai:ation% activitie% to inform empoyee% about poicie% and procedure%.

f< OI# try to deveop their empoyee 9ith future advancement and educate them

in job% 'i%.

!< or job anay%i% OI# con%ider %evera common u%e% %uch a%7 job definition6

 job re7de%i!n6 orientation6 %ociai:ation6 carrier coun%ein!6 empoyee %afety6

 performance apprai%a and compen%ation.

h< Orion Infu%ion #td.6 de%i!n their job in %uch 9ay6 9hich i% the ri!ht per%on at

the ri!ht pace at the ri!ht time to achieve their objective% and !oa%.

i< Orion Infu%ion #td. foo9% the ,an'in! and the &a%%ification method for 

evauatin! the job.

 j< or evauatin! the performance apprai%a OI# mo%ty foo9% the ratin! %cae


'< )a'in! con%tructive %tep% they are tryin! to deveop the %'i% of the human

re%ource poo.

< )heir human re%ource department ;+,$< tru%t% in team 9or' and re%pect eachother.

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In pre%ent competitive and dynamic environment6 human re%ource are

no9 bein! vie9ed a% the mo%t vauabe mean for !ainin! advanta!e%over other. &ompetitive advanta!e% can ony be achieved by buidin! up

hi!hy motivated and %'ied empoyee%. )o fufi the vi%ion6 mi%%ion6

and core objective% of a company the mana!ement ha% needed to

e%tabi%hed a effective and efficient human re%ource department and

hired the confident and mo%t promi%in! profe%%iona%. 

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OI# i% a hi!hy profe%%ionay mana!ed or!ani:ation in 9here %afety ead%improved productivity6 %o Orion Infu%ion #imited need to provide the

empoyee more 5uaity 9or' ife a% 9e a% more attractive environment

for 9or'in!. )hey %houd 'eep the 9or' environment %ound and heathy

for the empoyee to 9or' in their o9n environment. Empoyee?%

%ati%faction need% to be increa%ed by maintainin! the company poicy

efficienty to !et maximum productivity throu!h empoyee%? %ati%faction.

)hou!h the company ha% o%% in different %ector6 above a it ma'e% profit

in the current year but it need to prevention of o%% by adoptin! effective

technoo!y and continuou% deveopment of human re%ource mana!ement.OI# i% a pharmaceutica company %o for the re%pon%ibiity of the %ociety it

need% to competey obey the nationa a9 and order of the Fovernment.

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$e&en:o $avid *. and ,obbin% Stephen (.6  Personnel/Human Resource

 Management 68 (rentice7+a of India (rivate #imited6 - *u!u%t ;200-<6

 p.p. 1"722/

*nnua ,eport68 Orion Infusion Ltd .6 inancia year 200-72006 p.p. *.

Darim Md. Ebadu6 &hief +uman ,e%ource Officer6 Orion Infusion Ltd.

=erther =iiam 4. and $avi% Deith.6 +uman ,e%ource and (er%onaMana!ement68 Mc Fra9 +i 4oo' &ompany6 4o%ton6 CS*7116p.p.

117 2"1.

Stoner ame% *.. and reeman ,. Ed9ard and r. $anie Fibert.6

“Management,”  (rentice7+a of India (rivate #imited ;2003<6 Sixth


+uman ,e%ource Mana!ement (ractice%> httpGG 999. hrmpb.comG

,etrieved date une 206 200/.

+uman ,e%ource Mana!ement (ractice% in the 21 %t &entury> httpGG 999.

hrmp21.comG ,etrieved date May106 200/.


 Human Resource Management and Expatriate> httpGG 999. hrmexp.comG

,etrieved date une 2-6 200/.

 Human Resource Management of !!P 6> httpGG 999. hrm. bccpba. comG

,etrieved date May 3167200/.


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Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices

1. In your or!ani:ation 9hich department i% mainy practice

  +,M ;+uman ,e%ource Mana!ement< (M ;(er%onne Mana!ement<

2. =ho i% the re%pon%ibe per%on for pannin! the +,MG(M in your 






3. In the recruitment proce%% 9hat 'ind of %ource% i% u%ed by your 


  Externa Interna

". or recruitment the empoyee 9hich thin!% i% foo9ed by your 


  *dverti%ement &ampu% ,ecruitin!

-. In ca%e of %eection> +o9 your or!ani:ation% %eect the be%t candidate

amon! the avaiabe candidate

  Or!ani:ation >KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

$e%i!nation >KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK..





  Educationa 5uaification>KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

  &ontract no. >KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

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. +o9 do you evauate the 9or'in! efficiency of the empoyee% of your 





/. or the job anay%i% of the empoyee 9hich method i% performed by your 


  Ob%ervationa Intervie9 ue%tionnaire unctiona

. In ca%e of job anay%i% any time do you face any probem6 if it i% occur 

9hich type of probem i% faced




. or deveopin! the 9or'in! efficiency of the empoyee% do you provide

any trainin! pro!ram



10. If you arran!e any trainin! pro!ram for the empoyee%6 9hich type of 

trainin! pro!ram% are tho%e




11.or motivatin! the empoyee 9hat %ort% of activitie% i% performed by your 


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  (romotion )ran%fer ob ,otation 4onu%

12.+o9 much you !ive importance on or!ani:ation and %ociai:ation




13. =hat proce%% i% foo9ed for apprai%in! the performance of the


  orma apprai%a Informa apprai%a

1". *ccordin! to your company the eve of empoyee?% job %ati%faction

  @ery hi!h +i!h #o9 @ery o9

1-.=hat are you thin'in! about the importance of +,MG(M



