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Registered with the IP Rights Office Copyright Registration Service Number: 4056990103 Page 1 of 12 The Human Rights Defenders Rural Free Delivery Route 1, Box # 22 The United States of America, Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8 Office hours: 9 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Monday – Friday Email: [email protected] Human Rights Defender Investigative Report International Public Notice Human Rights Defenders for the Government of The United States of America have initiated an investigation into the nature and purpose(s) of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering --- commonly called chemtrails --- the findings of which are communicated below. To begin, we distinguish between “contrails” and “chemtrails”. Our investigation has confirmed, in our opinion, there exists an intentional miss-information campaign to confuse the two. But contrails and chemtrails are different. Contrails (condensation trails, sometimes called vapor trails) are white vapor trails left behind a jet as it soars across the sky at high altitude. Because contrails evaporate after a few minutes the length of a contrail is approximately 15 or 20 lengths of the jet. Chemtrails are the trails that stretch across the sky, sometimes it seems from horizon to horizon. They often cross over one another forming giant X or checkerboard patterns in the sky. They never evaporate because what you are seeing is not water vapor but fine particles. As the hours pass, these particles disperse, creating a cloudy haze as the particles slowly drift down to the planet's surface. Our research indicates that chemtrails first came to public awareness sometime during the 1990's, although several years would pass before the public would initiate its own research. THE BATTLE AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING It is well established that geoengineering, or chemtrails, is sold to the public as a "battle against global warming." The supposed plan is to cool the “over-heating” planet by

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The Human Rights Defenders Rural Free Delivery Route 1, Box # 22

The United States of America, Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8

Office hours: 9 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Monday – Friday Email: [email protected]

Human Rights Defender Investigative Report

International Public Notice Human Rights Defenders for the Government of The United States of America have initiated an investigation into the nature and purpose(s) of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering --- commonly called chemtrails --- the findings of which are communicated below. To begin, we distinguish between “contrails” and “chemtrails”. Our investigation has confirmed, in our opinion, there exists an intentional miss-information campaign to confuse the two. But contrails and chemtrails are different. Contrails (condensation trails, sometimes called vapor trails) are white vapor trails left behind a jet as it soars across the sky at high altitude. Because contrails evaporate after a few minutes the length of a contrail is approximately 15 or 20 lengths of the jet. Chemtrails are the trails that stretch across the sky, sometimes it seems from horizon to horizon. They often cross over one another forming giant X or checkerboard patterns in the sky. They never evaporate because what you are seeing is not water vapor but fine particles. As the hours pass, these particles disperse, creating a cloudy haze as the particles slowly drift down to the planet's surface. Our research indicates that chemtrails first came to public awareness sometime during the 1990's, although several years would pass before the public would initiate its own research. THE BATTLE AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING It is well established that geoengineering, or chemtrails, is sold to the public as a "battle against global warming." The supposed plan is to cool the “over-heating” planet by

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saturating the atmosphere with particles which then create clouds and thereby block the rays of the sun. However, skeptics claim global warming is a corporate cover story to hide fascist intentions (e.g. carbon taxes, natural resource price manipulation, etc.), which would make the claim that weather manipulation used for a “battle against global warming” a ruse. Interestingly, however, there is motivation for the well-connected to manipulate the weather. BETTING ON THE WEATHER Did you know that extreme weather conditions are sold as derivatives on the market? Conduct a simple internet search on the subject and see for yourself. Consider, for example, the value of knowing in advance that a drought or severe storm was going to decimate corn crops. Clearly, you could make money from that knowledge. And if you controlled technology that could help you orchestrate a range of scenarios, you could probably make a large amount of money. It is not a stretch then, to consider that geoengineering of the climate has been introduced by the well-connected and extremely greedy to stack the deck --- to hedge their bets --- in the market. We found a reference that Mark Nicholls, in “Confounding the Forecasts”, Environmental Finance, July 4, 2008, claims the first weather derivative to have occurred in July of 1996 (LINK). You will recall from earlier in this report, chemtrails first came to the notice of the public at about that time. So, perhaps chemtrails, rather than being a planet-cooling initiative, are really a money-making scheme. But does Wall Street have the power and influence to initiate a multi-decade weather manipulation program? We don’t think so but we do acknowledge that profit motives can lead to much more diabolical behavior than just hedging stock market bets, which we will explore shortly. We make note here that there are reports and studies that indicate that the particles sprayed into the atmosphere consist of toxic substances. If true, why would toxic substances be needed to battle global warming? Or why would toxic substances be used in connection with stock market manipulation? These questions obviously needs to be explored. And if the true intent of chemtrails is not the righteous battle against global warming nor weather manipulation by market players, then what exactly is the point of dumping hundreds of tons of particles into the sky across the globe on a daily basis? Since it is the UNITED STATES that is managing the spraying, let us start there.

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CHEMTRAILS AS AN EXOTIC WEAPON As mentioned, chemtrails came to public awareness sometime during the 1990's. Yet it seems it took until October of 2001 for any type of official acknowledgement from the UNITED STATES. That is when Congressman Dennis Kucinich submitted bill HR 2977, which proposed to ban the weaponization of space. Chemtrails, it just so happens, is included in that bill --- listed as an exotic weapons system. To repeat: chemtrails is defined in a congressional bill as an exotic weapons system. So it appears the skeptics were correct and chemtrails are not used to negate global warming. If we assume at this point that chemtrails consist of non-toxic particles, then placed before us is the concept of non-toxic particles dispersed into the sky as a weapon. The concept of pollution, even tons of it, used as a weapon, seems rather inefficient, if not nonsensical. So we conclude there must be more to the spraying. HAARP AND THE U.S. MILITARY The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was founded in 1990, just a few years before the public began noticing chemtrails, and had a stated goal to "further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems." Electromagnetic frequencies are used by HAARP to fire energy beams into the high sky and excite the ionosphere. Chemtrails tie into the HAARP program because the large clouds created by the release of tons of microscopic particles help improve HAARP capabilities. Putting it all together indicates that the military, in search of improved “communication and navigation systems” has pursued HAARP experimentation. Apparently unsatisfied with the results, the military has decided to dump hundreds of tons of particles into the sky to enhance HAARP experimentation. But if all this is based upon communication and navigation experiments why does chemtrail spraying continue? Are we to believe the military is involved with communication enhancement experiments of 15 or 20 years or longer in length? It seems improbable. And why would chemtrails be defined as an “exotic weapon” in a congressional bill? Additionally, investigators researching HAARP submit that charging the ionosphere can allow one to direct an electromagnetic force over a city and destroy its electronics. Further, HAARP can alter weather, create floods, tornadoes or even earthquakes. So it seems HAARP can be used to create havoc. Considering it is a military program, this revelation is not

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surprising. And if true, then chemtrails are actually used to enhance HAARP capabilities as a weapon system. But if we jump back to the bill introduced by Congressman Kucinich, the bill defines chemtrails as an exotic weapon system, not an enhancement of another weapon system. We also note that the Kucinich bill wants to ban exotic weapons "designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space." So, we can conclude from the bill that chemtrails is considered an exotic weapons system that is designed to induce “damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth” or “natural ecosystems” and more. So it seems, the U.S. military, to enhance its weaponry, has motivation to pollute the skies. But everyone knows HAARP was closed in 2013. Was it? In a press release issued to address the closing, Dr. James Keeney stated the “program” was shut down for lack of funding. There was no reference made to the facility being dismantled or made inoperable. Indeed, Keeney states “a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.” (link: http://www.arrl.org/news/view/haarp-facility-shuts-down ) We would like to highlight that the claim was the “program” was shut down, not necessarily the facility. We interpret this to mean the “old management team is out, new management is in.” In fact, later in the article there is a reference that Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client. But the focus of this report is not HAARP and its capabilities. We feel it was necessary to briefly explore HAARP and its relationship to chemtrails to establish that chemtrails are not considered an enhancement to HAARP, as many promote and believe, but that chemtrails, as defined, is an exotic weapon system, that can damage “natural ecosystems” or “climate” or “weather”. But this brings us back to the inefficient and somewhat nonsensical concept of pollution as a weapon. So there must be more. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? There is a film by Michael Murphy called, What in the World Are They Spraying? The documentary is tightly focused and provides much information. It has a run time of

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approximately 90 minutes and can be found HERE. The film outlines the miss-information and organized propaganda related to chemtrails and introduces the viewer to a disturbing reality --- the particulates that make up the chemtrails consist of many toxic substances, particularly aluminum. It may be difficult for many people to believe but there are now sufficient tests and reports to tell us chemtrails consist of toxic substances. Are there really individuals so depraved that they would allow mass poisonings of the people? And what could be their motivation? There is an old cliché that has served investigators well over the years: “follow the money”. POISON FOR PROFIT What industries stand to gain from the slow poisoning of the American society --- and world populace --- with toxic substances? Well, there is Big-Pharma. Consider all the medicines that can be sold to millions of people around the world as they physically breakdown from years of constant exposure to toxic particles. The unending search by the poisoned peasants to improve their breathing, stop skin lesions or keep their hair from falling out probably equates to billions of pills, yes? We are not accountants but, to us, someone that sells billions of pills is someone that will make billions of dollars. And like the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry would benefit from a “poison for profit” campaign that generates endless customers for check-ups and surgeries, all desperate to end the health problems stemming from intentional poisoning. Depending on your age, you may have noticed that over your lifetime it seems cases of Autism and Alzheimer's have increased. Indeed, a 2011 report entitled Alzheimer’s disease Facts and Figures, published by the Alzheimer’s Association, includes the following: Between 2000 and 2008 (preliminary data), deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s disease increased 66 percent, while those attributed to the number one cause of death, heart disease, decreased 13 percent –REPORT LINK: http://www.alz.org/downloads/facts_figures_2011.pdf Alzheimer’s disease attacks the brain and produces dementia which, in turn, destroys an individual’s ability for independent activity. The Alzheimer’s report states, “…the slow, insidious nature of the progression of Alzheimer’s, with loss of memory and thinking abilities, as well as loss of independence over the duration of the illness. On average, a person with Alzheimer’s will spend more years (40 percent of the

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total number of years with Alzheimer’s) in the most severe stage of the disease than in any other stage.” But why this discussion of the brain attacking disease of Alzheimer’s? Simply this: it is known that aluminum, a major ingredient used in chemtrails, attacks the brain. Coincidence? It is not our intention to assert that Alzheimer’s is tied directly to chemtrails but rather, to use the disease as an example of how a well thought out “poison for profit” plan can be implemented and go unnoticed by the majority of the populace. The reality is, Big-Pharma and Big-Medicine will benefit from any and all symptoms generated by long-term, toxic poisoning as the victims spend everything they have to correct the effects of their 10 or 20 or 30 year poisoning. The premise, although utterly horrifying, is really very simple --- rot mankind over decades and make trillions. And it is not only people's health that needs to be considered when exploring the motivations for dumping hundreds of tons of toxic chemicals into the sky for money. What about Mother Nature? Plants and animals are slowly poisoned, too. Today, there are amazing genetic-based technologies rapidly developing. Big-Agro, already selling genetically modified food, also benefits from a “poison for profit” campaign. You may find it interesting --- we did --- that Aluminum Resistant gene Patent #7582809 was issued in September, 2009. What is it? It is gene technology that allows seeds, after being genetically modified, to grow in toxic aluminum sludge. Within the patent filing, under “We claim” item #1 (e) it reads, “regenerating a plant from the plant cell or plant seed, wherein tolerance to aluminum in the plant is increased compared to a wild type plant.” (LINK) See how it works? Spoil the soil with aluminum and then make billions selling aluminum-resistant seeds. Going further, maybe the lab wizards are just steps away from genetically-modifying the human immune system. Perhaps sometime soon all the world’s people can be aluminum resistant --- assuming they can pay the fee. Poison for profit --- the idea is deeply troubling. But with a corporate-controlled, fascist UNITED STATES, the idea cannot be ignored.

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Murphy's film also references reports that indicate toxic levels of aluminum have been measured in certain parts of the country at 61,000 parts per billion. For comparison, the published alert level from California is 1000 parts per billion. Tests reported by ChicoSkyWatch.org from different parts of Chico, California, demonstrate levels well in excess of the alert maximum (LINK). It would seem certain individuals working for the California EPA are not doing their jobs. Finally, if “pollution to improve military weaponry” or “poison for profit” wasn't enough, there is always the population reduction plan attributed to the New World Order globalists. POPULATION REDUCTION We know from Agenda 21 literature, the Georgia Guide Stones and various leaks by whistle-blowers that reducing, controlling and strictly managing the human population is an important objective of the globalists. A small sample of quotes addressing population reduction/control available with minimal research includes: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill …” - Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, Club of Rome “Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license … All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.” - David Brower, Executive Director of The Sierra Club “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” - Ted Turner, CNN founder and supporter of UN “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” - Prince Phillip The ideal world population is believed to be approximately 500 million. However, with the planet’s population last reported in the range of 7 billion, it seems a well-organized and long-term population reduction plan is required. Population reduction efforts can take many forms. Initiatives like family planning and use of contraceptives are somewhat tame but require education and the management of social outlooks. Other initiatives like abortion, forced sterilization, wars or the poisoning of natural resources are far more sinister.

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Stories of tainted vaccines that kill or are meant to sterilize more than immunize are common and come from across the globe (LINK #1, LINK #2, LINK #3) Mass forced sterilizations have and will continue to occur (LINK). Fluoride, a toxic substance, has been intentionally placed in the water supply for many decades. It has very little to do with teeth and cavities and lots to do with submission and control (LINK #1, LINK #2 ) And the toxins regularly added to the sky via chemtrails will eventually end up in rainwater and then in streams, ponds and lakes. A video produced by an enterprising citizen of the world discusses the tests on rainwater (LINK) that yielded the following results: 780 times safe levels of Aluminum 593 time safe levels of arsenic 4000 times safe levels of manganese 300 times safe levels of barium 8000 times safe levels of zinc 2000 times safe levels of iron 4000 times safe levels of boron Anyone thirsty? Boron, by the way, has a proclivity for attacking testicles producing atrophy in as little as 90 days at low levels of exposure. It has also been cited as causing premature ovarian failure. If you had a desire to control population growth, sprinkling boron down into the water supply to destroy the testicles and ovaries of the peasants would help your cause, yes? Could these de-population proponents and their political puppets be instituting massive atmospheric pollution, along with other “population reduction initiatives”, as a way to slowly --- over several decades --- sterilize, poison or kill most of the world’s populace, to thin the herd so to speak, and bring about their target population? Or is the purpose of chemtrails enhanced military capability? Or is it poison for profit? Perhaps it is all three. It does make sense. It is clear there are globalists that want population reduction. These globalists fund the foundations and scientific community and push them to develop slanted reports of global-warming and shortages of natural resources. Simultaneously, easily manipulated political puppets are placed in position to legislate slow-poison agendas like chemtrails or fluoride added to the drinking water. And Big-Business, ultimately owned by many of the same globalists, rings the register the entire time the peasants rot.

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During our research we made note that of those people knowledgeable on chemtrails, the only individuals claiming this chemtrail debacle is not occurring are those that directly benefit from the agenda --- corrupted politicians, compromised scientists, patent holders of emerging technologies, Big Business and the globalists that think you and your family are “useless eaters”, not worthy of a dignified life, but only of a slow rot and anguishing death --- with you paying top dollar for the experience. CONCLUSION We have investigated chemtrails and, with this report, explored several motivations for their use. Now, in 2016, there exist multiple years of science samples, tests and reports. The evidence is in. Chemtrails include toxic substances like aluminum. Humans are being sprayed and poisoned like bugs in a crop field. In addition, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes all over the country are being polluted with toxins. It is now documented that some of our lands have undergone a Ph change that will effect crops and other plant life. There are huge swaths of trees within forests across the country that are dying or dead, the silver-white bark providing a big clue as to what brought about their demise. Murphy's film mentions that firefighters believe wild fires have intensified in ferocity due to increased levels of aluminum and magnesium in the woods. It turns out, aluminum as a fine particle, is actually an accelerant. What justification can be made to allow the organized spraying of toxic metals to drift down and glaze everything on the surface of Mother Earth? What type of scoundrel would initiate --- or allow --- the slow, systemic poisoning of men, women and children, or allow the destruction of natural resources for whatever reason--- weaponry, profit or warped agendas from apparently deranged globalists? This investigation brings to light numerous human rights violations. However, it is the opinion of the investigators that in addition to the numerous Human Rights Violations there are in fact, War Crimes being committed, as defined within the Elements of Crimes published by the International Criminal Court, against the people of the world. Autographed this 1st day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 (March 20, 2016)

Joseph Louis George, III Secretary for the Human Rights Defenders, International

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Juan Antonio Ceniceros Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Thomas Frank Goudey Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Mark Eugene Moffett Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Robert Thomas MacPherson, Jr. Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Marcus Lamont Yarborough, Jr. Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Delant Cory Palmerton Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Alice Ceniceros Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Gregory Clay Layton Human Rights Defender / Investigator

Stella Marie Lehn Human Rights Defender / Investigator

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LINKS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RESEARCH DOCUMENTATION RELATED TO GEOENGINEERING http://www.aircrap.org/documention-of-geoengineering/ PATENTS DIRECTLY RELATED TO GEOENGINEERING http://www.aircrap.org/evidence/patents-directly-related-to-geoengineering/ WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0khstYDLA CHEMTRAILS PH CD-ROM https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PtlOXhSnNw8 WHAT CHEMTRAILS ARE DOING TO YOUR BRAIN – Dr. Russell Blaylock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3lW-TGGlk0

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I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief. The office of the registrar accepts and acknowledges the document: Human Rights Defender Investigative Report - International Public Notice and is recorded on: 1st day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 (March 20, 2016) 2:43 UTC-6 RH-30160320-HRDI-4FFC-9EA3-79EF8F102IPN Document Date Time Record File Number File Name: 20160320-HRD-IPN-Chemtrails Report

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