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Humanistic psychology third force

Date post: 18-Dec-2014
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A brief intro into the ideas of Rogers and Maslow.
Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow The Psychology of Humanism The Third Force

Carl Rogers&

Abraham Maslow

The Psychology of Humanism The Third Force

Growth & Health

• Uniqueness of a person’s values and experiences

• person-centered

• Humanism’s assumption = people have an innate desire for growth

Growth perspective

• Freud’s starting point:

• unconscious desires

• Man’s basic irrationality

• Growth is resolving

• neurotic conflicts

Carl Rogers

• The ‘self’ is our overall perception of our abilities throughout time (how you see yourself)


• This self emerges from individual experiences with the world.

Real Self

Real Self - what a person is capable of becoming in an

ideal world

Unconditional positive regard “I love you no matter what”

Can you say that to yourself and mean it?

Ideal selfIdeal Self - not shaped only by personal desires

but by also by other people’s desires

and idea of our self worth

Who do you wishyou were?

self-actualized person

Organismic valuing• Actualizing tendency

• We like what we need. If we trust our instincts, we will eat and behave in ways that contribute to our well being.

• We evolved to favour colours because they indicate ripeness in fruit.

Positive Regard

• We value and need positive regard from others but we also need it from ourselves-positive self regard

conditional positive regard

• External measurement of a person’s worth are everywhere conditions of worth

• Powerful behavioural shaper.

• We need positive regard from others, even if it means (sometimes) not acting in our own best interest.

conditional positive regard

• Over time, this conditioning leads to conditional positive self-regard.

• “I like myself only when I measure up to standards others have imposed.”

rogers - Ideal Self

Pause the video

• and ask yourself these questions...

• Is it possible to have unconditional positive regard for others?

• What is the role of boundaries and conditions in relationships?

• Is it possible to have and give this to yourself?

Abraham Maslow

• Terrible childhood

• Alcoholic father

• Abusive mother

• Both were miserly and unloving

• Set out to model his own life against successful people

Virtues of Self actualized people

• Reality-centered

• Enjoyed solitude

• Autonomous

• Resisted conformity

• Humble

• Respectful

• Value deep connections

Albert Einstein

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

Eleanor Roosevelt Great minds discuss

ideas,average minds discuss

events, small minds discuss


Portrait of success

• Open to new experiences

• Constantly evolving and growing

• A love of learning

• Do not feel defensive

• Seek guidance from others but make their own decisions

• Get along with others

• Realize they don’t have to be well liked by everyone

• Live in the present and not in the past (or only for the future)

Hierarchy of Needs

Growth depends on fulfillment of needs at every level

growth orientation

Focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t

Rick Hansen’s Man in Motion Tour


• Rogers > our natural state is good. Pay attention to that in order to become your true self.

• Maslow > Anyone can achieve their potential. Do not focus on unmet needs but look at what you have instead.
