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_. ... r 'wwMapffi «.* '.. -" ' ! ;,_l>' Martha* 1$ Pftirwylvania 7 ! ;_/' SpcttlMarveL X •ssr -f-- SRI til ^ :—^ tmfmm HUMOROUS PPS WtiMi Pa It Dre*«d For Church. I uU MM. Collin. Tea wjafcff *\xa »»*« Sagflaj moyb. In p* sited: ^""^"^"' '"™™~E ^"^"T^&T* 'flWffl WfS l ' : HiW i™™**^"™fl^ 1 *w3#"ftt Mfely off.** ft**.",. - 'Cam* i» U kind o' .atmnt, «cw» IT WKR*- iMut aoet.awryr -^ B*>. tlwaya erowis M»0 AflCMS'ao tt attvokt atak*».»*try» HINTS FOR THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE S3* , _i HOUMPI; ' Ol^ ,># cinld hjc.hU)«»«K. I jnttci, an* Sat} d*a*t want aa- **$g|»a«4 ^ni&Hq, rtdjca**^ f < •• •-.. ,. . 1 By WlttOhgME h*.(fellafti «Wfe "jte MMfc 1 tie up«l<3» doim! • | The new* of (*'« abturdUji would reach •II ever townl ' . Ann toon «Vtr? *UK1KS mien »fe*» osh ' . .»* work tiwossbj And «ft» and I are' aw* oo* * • ks>o*> tOW«',J«.ted». . '- -> A eempllcatid wri*» of trotcto* up tbe Stall! »«th»r i»p B»*» Sund*}- clothw and pile, tbem do 1 ehifct • i A plant stand that can b« moved eaaily m alway* in demand by vbo> itrer keeps flower* in tat boas* la „, „, , .winter. The ee«mranyii4rjde*4gn can "agS w^-to* 1 ***. •"" *"|«»«OM»U««<» by W W handy with The* n* woulil *» i. (ucky »»n. '«u»e'<«S«. • '• ts»*«*4»««o , Js« , tteei)fi». f T o e OaHgB i a o w n J« t w » ft** hl$*» «»• **?«« BWt^j*, a^ mix** *Jww - « » t y o fa* tsm *»nt to }»cki*»d ««** f*r Wbieft J*, brispr hl« wllar out then thinja t««lD to bum. OC won*. '}& 'jeoU«r «lw»}-i about a «.= «W» too5roatt—' .,'-'•-•'• .'•.'---.,- Bntl bava let* »M*D»d to po*»»w »om« «aa fcyjooUo pewrw. •ach elKht Inches wW« *n4;Ur«i« IDCJN M £«*p, Tli« top one to-jflir** t**t loBJj, tb« mMhB* tiro and o^*h*lf *«*t jaej «Bd the bottom two-twt ton*. a couple of inch** ot MB% to I»WCJJ r « I ca» ««t bit ocdlar tn&ilw than t)» pott HI* t o be> plungA It tU» half ao bsn?.._ . land kept moUt. it will pctT^nt at»- •• '^aJ^aiSweilg. s ' — . >f^. •!*•_ wiole CBitsework- -poBj* Jb* :0b, p*J^w*-&_ ncer Joaat « mfr ibaifaioffiited On- casien^ «^ 'brljbiSHittoBJS fMux than a ftw aBo«aac<i « alwasa! 1 * pMC ^' " " * 0,p " » nB « srw " «•] T *")J'<.,5 1 " FOR THE CMILDRE vJP «• lN^ta»*»|w»' ..„ T»«4)»-«*ltisi!ja Jt«At, . _ _ , •yw mw^^twlw^niair -WtjWa-^f tNj clock , H » n » a «wriac<tai tU(», U* Dta4» WMMCl »»*•• ^imka-tk*; wW* Tali 5«cu»hMi P * , a<¥«H«#'«hBaika.]li1M«4w4 l IMt *t*»p«4 *OL t)i« «o6r To th» 4r««4 ^ Ma MMi. H* ?*B$*4 Tkk frlnd*W* aM %aMNU£a th«*X» k I K t ij Whkih u)»il» »\»hi«. 4(n that «n sf Kh* »«iihiwm Jtwy n l s w *«« H* toot»3 «»d Mini, P.-1 JMtOikeliiH •nil foauumn town tla* htm ttuBMI wits o u tsoitaa laTaou* " T*k»»th» »»!»•>- <(fiw»> i llwy »«iu)<rM«i 1* 4ow» «Ultji an* *l»n *m4)a«uia«4 h«c«a- Tkat *tW9W^ MUM 1 -** ti»lM an* W»| . »*** Ota-p«a<*. ..,». ,.-;•.> -. ;4 -y - ' iJ WbwttiUVw^ii^iwrne^yi'th" ,^:>* Tte«« aiwlTe* ttouW *»,tt^w»airtttf ^%*H* i J? , R'^*W^'^«»r** 1 ^ 1MU| : SttAPSHQp *T Joi'v: '-*<. > W 1 <** A ^- •** . •si 1 'A 1 ^ L W'^ mint ooao«da " ifcOtWm, a»a aetwlthitmrtliat that rtaS* «mu> pat '. , , , to add—ma HI* haraad cao» »•'»• jrtt •' Oat* tlianitB'tha-hall- .A «Ul» bruahloc of hu eoai. a*4,thw»—1 P*>«t» by Ajntrleu Vrtf Ataoclatlo*. MxeotiiDf to Coacb And? Smltk. femmjlTania bai tn» tpeedlen JHK at the ijldlron is hUnball. who-flay v •a xljtit end ID the eaxlj gtm—, flnUU) •eya that he it a tastar tota than Tex •Uma. fean atea beliert that ha irlU •U9M la'latca-fmmea. . hat yeu pa'll b* later . .-NitllaH. Slaw la "WotnaniJReme Com- I ptnloa ,, , 0>|teela«ue»,Jf«p,TiiiMyiL... >! > Ttmr tible*po«nfuU of bott»e, fwr H,W«npttR|f«ia •* flour^ pna capfnl «f oyauur .Uquw, one cupful % »c«)d«4 ejittca, etlt,' p«»«r and eatacjr^Matr fw» waUh aim WJ ha emen tn* itep» a»4 ' ebena the front cats. -',^>tfce«--aMitieow->fc,«»»:«»*• wj^jsryjlr^ Cuba. *l§n Lnft HaitaWa. a ' a i c i l i i , NtUonal Ltitsa* elan. »M|«rt was attiaetiA. km* inMcnl; ' MHM|*niMtt-.BBjf tlreaaj,itarted is tn Jtjhtfbilltate lti pitching ttaff for 1»1Z ..---.. '- - - •• -_""'--ttwit^ will be is «wt«r tuyvr mtm. *Ro tie*: Cube, and foQovriaf np ttte'tOta Wmxager Cbane* recently filmed •Walter Najle. a bin; left ' aeaader. from " the Newtrk"" aSaetem tmrngM clnrx. t » addldoa to Nagla, who to tna ant iwatlipaw xifiMd alnce the banlin- atantt of-Jac* Pfrtater.-tbe enDtraaTr U»f«t-N«1brop of tb« Batdlnc one of tht real nndt of the year. «onaUt»«r nttnaa mat, and«tbe«i be alcaoea .'iefori the te^m.ein- next uprnt *°r to* traioUc •4 ——— tCenferenoa Adepts One Year Rvle. cpreaentatiTot of the troatern col athletic conference held a w m**t- recentlj at tikaicorea^to t**e^ac- - OD a nnmbeiOif polflW^of .'Ininor ) to the organization. Application* <&*>tutr colteiea f « J ^ , l ) » a k Were oMDwHlered. fcut no deJifte action waa t t t o o becatwe toe repreeentatzVaawaiit rplace the preaent organlitatlon OB a btiii before more members art Utted. The queatton of tbe mlfra- of atadenta from one college to ather was comldtred. and tt wai de to adopt the.one year,residence The committee-Is anxlont to en- Pnt the Itqnor in |, aanctpaa, wwg to boiling point and strain, flown oy«e Item: pnt then iifx rwm .afince boat. »elL bntttr In. a *ascepan,T«d*1 Bo*c. lUr to a smooth putaaad M cook ooe •Sam. Add - Rewtltefthe Vetfc nneedMr tnrongh tt^ wlian of ; man. . ... -... , ... T»o**plarljr Jeoa^.|tnti-;iiear;tne !••,«» wktte b*«Uag eonetaatly. lilt. nta-wetetoatbafrte-jfttjiBt dcwnf-thr-enalr tax neat aa-|«—aa-Jrnani gaged Jn^s dlaeuamlon^M tjaewbject aadglowy. Seaaoa well with, ealt, per- Ticea. The conTeraation graw-»o ami —.-..:...^ mated that the attention of other pes- 'eiie of tne qntrt«l»ca^ acle««ita aroa* tight e»ptnH-»< aadaald: "'* i, leifoV'lp»»»ang»i£ "I "nwitt" ^I^a^T^ >v appeal Imatfta taat sot more then tiree aow ont ef 8»e ballere to a lift after #*•<».,.« ,..i_cm«;.tift.,|, .m^Ajmmt percentage of tmmanitj toelleTea in pereooal mortality. Wttl all thoe* wno benere that tn«y aate lmn»ortal tenia p)««M lrWl^e^*a<a^daT"'^~ T f~^ ; •»" ""TJtffirFlSanaT^ tat a volet of triumph. "Now, plena* keep yonj hand* rfgnt where, they aire. .•^hr^t^tnritWHe^-nWHi- 2 -^rnllHnr^eSin : %tti^fc^ gad T^m^yntmm~ma~ymm^Trt fc^rfot$B#£ J U I..; §£_:, And It wa« eren to^-Boaton Trav- eler Truth and 1 a Pentrty. "Be manful." taid tbe teacher. "Alwayel 1 " aaked th* boy "Alwaya." answered tbe teicner. -Nerer tell a ller «JioteV«ii*-whitelie*^ i , • **t«6t e*en :, k' wnjtt U**-' , '' ' *^nb!* :r *Jaeolat3!; ,fi«0«a '•««§•• fouy?"* "tt» ^goo^'jiai'lttf yoriiron and addn of competent ain't a boy wltbiiry dad'for a father •'Why?" naked tbe teacher. "Becaane." replied the boy. I f yon wni my oad'l little boy. aff^oo haard wait he enld abottt Attnt Ellita -comtn 4 . J r ."i.!!_ir^!.«^I-.~!.!!-T *UM l"^ aaked jrou If JOB weren't all glad to iaee her, an' yon told the, troth, like t did, yon'd' think f ft»ere wan a ti^ a|ter,«ad f^,n1^nedii«t* yotfc*' "fie went back *o M$ d*»li. and-ia a* eat d^wawTti'lr^t^are there-wai a> eirpweeion on hia face that abowed tine great leaa^ottrttta b«a been, at a tit In a meaattre, loat on Mm.--Tit tt. ' ' -"i— ' s - . i'.Vt; ••».»;.-. .'i . . • ' Tttot f*4towt"Agahfcr ,H '*—' - " 5 - •tance 4,- Tltna,' twice? olusmpl** i acnller of tbe United State* and of the arfeattet oawmem AWalea prodoced, la to retntnto the raw- game neit Waimer''afteo-an'«b- »of fir* yean, Jtte.wjU tow,to ttte • reg^ttafr aa ettW to Sta> tht title of champion slngl* that he forfeited by failing to npete. Since bin retirement Titan rowed for the pleirtre,of ttlnd kept blnuelf Ih-flne eondltioB. He that two months' work In a -^ willfa*ing~bJatback- to- bia o » ^ Yala Hit a MotlltU Tank,' * . pVirty odd wells snpply the *wl«. tOmg tank at the Tale gytrinaeloin^ F*w persona realize wbafrai-Wa/jin It ht~ to All the mosaic set pool back of t i e gymniaSnm- Jav-regulattog tho flow or water. 'The tank hois when Oiled jnst SoS.000 gallons of water, andi after tho pnaafpsItifrrswckiSff t i e wntef oat of' the gnrand back of the building it mate* two days and two nights to statrt the water roaming at the oter- SOTW. _ ! _ ! ' ' »**<**'WfOfld^SwirtmTtisJ fttcord;' ~ vebt wofMI. atrtmintog record wan nemten by a second at the Kentlsb (England) town bathi feoently by Battensby,. wno swam 400 meters In 8 xnlnnte* 36 +-C second*. The broken record was held by H. Taylor, tbe Olympic champion. •V.I* Crew Candtdatea Niimh.ril6; ' - A total of 216 candidates **aponde« fo tbe call flor crew candidate* at ,f ale tntfrerafty. and Princeton, too, Dae ^oore tun aaxUma for' seat* tn the. •aaUaek.for nwtag la nfoadaf^g. HI* Uen, YVlIt ' (The man "who bad been wilting for a chance at *be public pb*M began to ahow.aignaof aanrtMUnasaU. "Aren't: you almost tnroagb tberer be daiMndwl of tbe •trnngex with the Ptcelten jSIen don't eeeni to be doing any-^klngi'' •«« '"'Kof * amJt throngh," jJnipped the otter man. "An' the reason X ain't Ibjikln-* to 'cause rw, wilting. I.jsst oi1l5|"nij # nnniDer I Mtibsbti an* W gtrl aald w pnone bad beer* taken ont. back.'VOereland HaJn Pealw- "plrlgttle balloon." r Tortunea itnickXy and aarily Made by Bnising' Cntek«mit« *»m •Boa.'V. •& i^aggie*." «*Maite*of Aifa." " ^rOWpTltoWllSeeon'f^lSws Hnr- tied to Pay That «on«yr T'Wa»n r t Cneaay Alxmt I t " " iTredigeated $ o ^ * - 4 l i | e t g » . 3Mb. aae. . "•"• 'i'-..t. ? tern* •ueeeM. «tMd yon And ttie promoter of tbnt gat-rlchHrnick concern?" agkff ohV.de- ntenlse.' . *-• / '•' "tea,'' replied tbe other. "Arreited Mmr» v A V - "No; no* yet He-la a latglp and eon*inctag man, But. I managed aeetk flroa abas'te Wasafngtea •tar. ir^^""^ -#w:^^«i*'W#"^*W:i"iW^.|o " " 'oejt, T^at aUyae tieaie*> the reaaef faa*wr~«aaa»et'-.*ia>n--4a 5^w^r^w^. • T^W^^^^W- . Met Y ^~ ^r .... MlneewMet.- r o w eopfal*«fi ' capfn)* 'M-t|aMaiai: L twti'iLM' a''half eapfttle- of-»<iaej'; *a**0f e*af«l>*ae tut tat et three fnaitai t»Tfal w*i " af water meat bolls la "Tit llliHailaiN.ia»t twr taeaeooafmle eack >U 'aad-'^eirc^'TeaJ»>(ka* •a*' po«»d' eacJa-'cf 'rarraant' »»4" - 'twV r a»fc. jMMrnaK^mm^^S^ ,-^^''. Irx. i. lawll -*!.. »JM*iV ilV*,'**.'?**.- 1 ' i^S-' 'Hr fo) eael) t* -«iaB*»efl _ , „ . spkt, ooVMf" tWpoenfnl . ^ ,..,,- flcfr to «ake a atlff batter ,(abeat fear «wtnla) podding, ^ t atWare, Into pnMHi«**nag:iia«r™gari - ^ a ^ ' i w i r * ' rilte-nBt-i^'ioBWtiW^cnja'-irta^M pumpkin -with a; -beat** -*«g. * '*ea- spooiifnl coraatarcn, twoHWrdk ntg.- brown angar, a. teaapoon ef.<inaMi»ea, 0f>e-1uUf tieepeoB of nntmeg, -«»eaUf' teaapooo « Wttj- e»»*alf. teaeBOot ef llngar,.a.daab.iMfcp*ppti^and.tilD»-* of-rkbmnit.--aVild tUnllk.lrat.a] let a Wt of bntter melt to It whfte icalding. Be^e witk one crnat tlU fen te'JUM- r clta^aiiftrbiP»^o«'^— bancb ,«|';c«|p^:»%tt;&3«ie^ri* nUed wibr aa»tB. teader eaeagk te aiaab'a^.attain. ^ MaiU^wMr tabtea|ieaa «f'bwtter 'and -««etebteaiMoaof floao- until aasooth had attt btteene jplntef tot anTk or cream; d«a a«4.*» tbe celery, Wit* wit ana MPA u4 boll all togetnac for fit* mtetttai. JL f*w drop* of onlop juice imptoTes tkit •labJtor *m» people. elm one ounc*. licorice root one horebonnd one ounce^tnaJieroot^oae onnce. fltxteed one ounce, laumar together In one quart of water, (tm well cooked, add one pint of ssoUien* and. one-half pound of loaf mlkr it^rTnen-cold-ada One-luui tehee of anise Take i>n* tanletptfoir ful foar time* a day for «n idnlt ^r-* : Tomata ftshsh. Six large g«*» tomatoes, font *m*li or three Urge onion* two pepper*, on* red and one green fcbop all line Add * 'enp raiaiUR ohopped>- ^ut in' kettle with a Quart *in>#ar, two cap* brown augar one of-wMtet * tabl#. apoonfal mustard teed and on* <A ground cloTes. Boil until soft. j..fi*»* cnopped fine twelve iargt *our,*ppl«i«. Add and let come to a bott, , Cranberry «f«Hyi . over end wash ont qnart «t « « orerdone add^foWnD«nrf«»,.aa*AS?* ' - ieupfnl of boiling water and. boll tweti- nlnutes. ftnb throngh *• sieve and to pmp two cupful* of augar,. .Con* ^ " mm? IMtt&tmmt P ni*n«w*. w w e ' St™.^7** x ^^w' ' "%*f%WW- h ^l*^fwmf [ •T7f*'^*-^"r t ^J^*^r ^ io^lt*, r lrTpan;»ttt«.to*i^:-p^ can .taktiji^f; *jh*fc-!|n%;?$ife :t*o formiag-a-4^1^ rln«r;:fs>ci)i|; tit* c*n eJiaaa^-^Si^vaafsi^ , ^ aid *t »* te* wbjeet *f tl» a****, tot- t e r 'PMay^.'PiflslteittildJiilatfijnf'^ ***v^^'.'.ai^a-i. *»: .SaWiU-. *-4._k .!». a— **i,.«iA ^rT^^li'iai* W*. jmA • taUal ' i i h i a a i r , vis .«M i»^l«Ww«*'? ^\^^^^^k^»^W : i ouisets ta a •tzAHat-sww.. aeettt a ..' ^™warwp^.^wi ^^»-^e i^iaau^waawee.a^a* ^v^t^ai^ w w/^, anaae '^mM't^^^M^'M^'' " * * *""" '*" ""^-^' ' ---•*** aal llali'""!!!!' Mai anal an t aw a* back ngaaa.' beaftal ^ • e d ilir-liiC^oete^jtt'tne taTll^ w a ^ a ^ g ^ - H . ifStll be £t* la UUiway^eaeat^a-thn*. iTrag. »(|aaj|aj witn at* a a e te^^ao«e»*a.waea.a»ni' big an^the etjeeta, « ^ i * * « M : t w k e •*rs*s£r > *' '^""'.' l:\* ,-,„.,. aaartaMiadkaK.^ra^aMes >at dated Mter iban l S f ^ l a m i w w l j p t Ma* flat J N ^ r ^ t i e ICnVfTtw * ,,va., ,,,,,, .'• ^ L ,c^t^'^ri^gant. : : %b0wt twwlrw (d*f" " ^jora^-Tmr^lw-lHWar-t^*** g)ieete v lr8ttt3for tham ajtd.k* ' on**' «M* t «iA, Jfla*.JDla6» , ..._..^, aVlte, tbena. lnttf ta* Jctttnen,' wbarf 4b«tr^ouBdMr*e«fe*>r* *fi»*d>.- Li Anally wttfen. ^^. - *. *J Wm imfm^ if iWiitiafa TSfuJpa^ r "» Jtlt-IBrJ'toy afteot^p ..AndJht •ome of the great one* of «*toir> » n : »; ^•,nsB^ U 43a^ate'** #',] then ' VfSa>Uf .igclSs^cs:'• *A»8' > wbOKoantell;«*ei._ _^. ^„_., . . . _ ,^ „_ . _ .. Jc*8 of A*cf» tue «klaMlria%wai&,' V S a».aa a nlfifcT'/H- .'P^SS^ little WHBe* B*fetf****J op ^ A i r j p p n i t a . no. es* a e ? b * «C « i g r ' ^ n ™ eligernanv-"^- s* -**VTP - ? ^ % . ' |wV«*wnt partt^r U*ln»£J*e(aae^b« , *Wl»Wa»m«vWjll!t^ ^iL^aJemli and MtlaMl'MtJijijM<| I utninlitlv. J •* ^ V » f^ -2 r * . ft ***** aid national alWrt Mr efer «_ ^?7*Sr^ Ji * ^#J. ^- |w*»*ri1r*Mi and baa bean a defecate A*Wipi««rW*e.a.***, | i *j» * • attleatal -Twotoosrf T Is• *eryf»dga-»*If MB*.S'" V^Odsaska and bt* ttvad » eynrj. Prior m mat,*Jua* '"- in fmabiaai aagnaat )*,.«* MWjat attMelHf,»• *•> n itf LJ"»S< •^—-t.» ,/ .' HfH 1 "^ : ' u^ '• • A ^ ••-.• ^ y •-"^viiaKSa C ; -,'V *t M ^;i ^^» raEjls^:! "i.V If*; Jf Jfl»Litk
Page 1: HUMOROUS PPS HINTS FOR THE FOR THE CMILDRE …lib.catholiccourier.com/1908-july-1911-december-catholic-journal... · Bntl bava let* »M*D»d to po*»»w »om« ... Jav-regulattog

_. ... r 'wwMapffi


' . . - " ' • • !


Martha* 1$ Pftirwylvania7! ;_/' SpcttlMarveL


• s s r




^ :— tmfmm

HUMOROUS P P S WtiMi Pa It Dre*«d For Church. I uU MM. Collin. Tea wjafcff *\xa »»*«

Sagflaj moyb. In p* sited: • ^""^"^"' '"™™~E ^ " ^ " T ^ & T * ' f l W f f l WfS l ' :HiW i™™**^"™fl^1 *w3#"ftt

Mfely off.** ft**.",. -'Cam* i» U kind o' .atmnt, «cw» IT WKR*-

iMut aoet.awryr — - — B*>. tlwaya erowis M»0 AflCMS'ao tt attvokt




, _i HOUMPI; '

Ol^ ,># cinld hjc.hU)«»«K. I jnttci, an*

Sat } d*a*t want aa- **$g|»a«4 ^ni&Hq, rtdjca**^ f < •• •-.. , . . 1

By WlttOhgME h* .(fellafti « W f e "jte MMfc 1 tie up«l<3» doim! • |

The new* of (*'« abturdUji would reach •II ever townl ' .

Ann toon «Vtr? *UK1KS mien »fe*» osh ' . .»* work t» tiwossbj

And «ft» and I are' aw* oo* * • ks>o*> tOW«',J«.ted». . '- ->

A eempllcatid wri*» of trotcto* up tbe Stall! T» »«th»r i»p B»*» Sund*}- clothw and pile, tbem do 1 ehifct • • i

A plant stand that can b« moved eaaily m alway* in demand by vbo>

itrer keeps flower* in tat boas* la „ „, „, „ , .winter. The ee«mranyii4rjde*4gn can

"agS w ^ - t o * 1 ***. •"" *"|«»«OM»U««<» b y W W handy with The* n* woulil *» i . (ucky »»n. '«u»e'<«S«. • '• ts»*«*4»««o ,Js« ,tteei)fi». f T o e OaHgB i a o w n J« tw» ft** hl$*» « » • * * ? « « BWt^j*, a^ mix** *Jww - « » t y o fa* t s m * » n t to } » c k i * » d « « * * f*r Wbieft J*, brispr hl« wllar out then

thinja t««lD to bum.

OC won*. '}& 'jeoU«r «lw»}-i !« about a «.= «W» too5roatt—' .,'-'•-•'• . ' • . ' - - - . , -

Bnt l bava let* »M*D»d to po*»»w »om« «aa fcyjooUo pewrw.

•ach elKht Inches wW« *n4;Ur«i« IDCJN M £«*p, Tli« top one to-jflir** t**t loBJj, t b « mMhB* tiro and o^*h*lf *«*t jae j «Bd the bottom t w o - t w t ton*.

a couple of inch** o t M B % to I»WCJJ r « I ca» ««t bit ocdlar t n & i l w than t)» pott HI* to be> plungA I t tU»

half a o b s n ? . . _ . land t» kept moUt. it will pctT^nt at»-

•• ' ^ a J ^ a i S w e i l g . s ' — . >f^. •!*•_ wio le CBitsework- - p o B j * J b * :0b, p*J^w*-&_ ncer Joaat « mfr ibaifaioffiited On- casien^ « ^ 'brljbiSHittoBJS

fMux than a ftw aBo«aac<i « alwasa!1* p M C ^ ' " " * 0 , p " » n B « s r w " « • ]

T *")J'<.,51"


« •

lN^ta»*»|w»' ..„

T»«4)»-«*ltisi!ja Jt«At, . _ _ , •yw mw^^twlw^niair -WtjWa-^f tNj

clock , H » n»a «wriac<tai tU(»,

U* Dta4» WMMCll »»*•• imka-tk*; wW* Tali 5«cu»hMi P * ,

a<¥«H«#'«hBaika.]li1M«4w4lIMt *t*»p«4 *OL t)i« «o6r

To th» 4r««4 ^ Ma MMi. H* ?*B$*4 W» Tkk frlnd*W* aM %aMNU£a

th«*X»k I K t i j

Whkih u)»il» »\»hi«. 4(n that «n sf Kh* »«iihiwm Jtwy n l s w

*«« H* toot»3 «»d M i n i , P.-1 JMtOikeliiH

•nil foauumn town tla* htm ttuBMI wits o u tsoitaa laTaou*

" T * k » » t h » »»!»•>- <(fiw»> i llwy »«iu)<rM«i 1* 4ow» «Ultji an* *l»n

t « *m4)a«uia«4 h«c«a-Tkat *tW9W^ MUM1-** ti»lM an* W » | . »*** Ota-p«a<*. ..,». ,.-;•.> -.;4-y - ' i J

W b w t t i U V w ^ i i ^ i w r n e ^ y i ' t h " ,^:>*

Tte«« aiwlTe* ttouW *»,tt^w»airtttf ^ % * H * i J ? , R ' ^ * W ^ ' ^ « » r * * 1 ^ 1MU|:

SttAPSHQp * T Joi 'v :

' - * < .

> W 1 <** A ^- •** . •si1'A

1 ^ L W ' ^

mint ooao«da " ifcOtWm, a»a aetwlthitmrtliat that rtaS* «mu> pat '. , , ,

to add—ma HI* haraad cao» »• '»• jrtt •' Oat* tlianitB'tha-hall-

.A «Ul» bruahloc of hu eoai. a*4,thw»—1

P*>«t» by Ajntrleu Vrtf Ataoclatlo*.

MxeotiiDf to Coacb And? Smltk. femmjlTania bai tn» tpeedlen J H K at the ijldlron is hUnball. who-flayv •a xljtit end ID the eaxlj gtm—, flnUU) •eya that he it a tastar tota than Tex

•Uma. fean atea beliert that ha irlU •U9M la'latca-fmmea.

. hat yeu pa'll b* later . .-NitllaH. Slaw la "WotnaniJReme Com-I ptnloa

,, , 0>|teela«ue»,Jf«p,TiiiMyiL... >! > Ttmr tible*po«nfuU o f bott»e, f w r H,W«npttR|f«ia •* flour^ pna capfnl « f oyauur .Uquw, one cupful % »c«)d«4

e j i t t ca , etlt,' p « » « r and eatacjr^Matr fw» waUh aim WJ ha emen tn* itep» a»4 ' ebena the front cats.

-',^>tfce«--aMitieow->fc ,«»»:«»*• w j ^ j s r y j l r ^

Cuba. *l§n Lnft HaitaWa. a ' a i c i l i i , NtUonal Ltitsa* elan. »M|«rt was attiaetiA. km* inMcnl;

' MHM|*niMtt-.BBjf tlreaaj,itarted is tn Jtjhtfbilltate lti pitching ttaff for 1»1Z

. . - - - . . ' - - - •• -_"" ' - - t tw i t^ will be i s «wt«r tuyvr

mtm. *Ro tie*: Cube, and foQovriaf np ttte'tOta Wmxager Cbane* recently f i l m e d •Walter Najle. a bin; left

' aeaader. from " the Newtrk"" aSaetem tmrngM clnrx.

t » addldoa to Nagla, who to tna ant iwatlipaw xifiMd alnce the banlin-atantt of-Jac* Pfrtater.-tbe enDtraaTr

U»f«t-N«1brop of tb« Batdlnc

one of tht real nndt of the year.

«onaUt»«r nttnaa mat, and«tbe«i be alcaoea .'iefori the te^m.ein-

next uprnt *°r to* traioUc •4 — — — tCenferenoa Adepts One Year Rvle.

cpreaentatiTot of the troatern col athletic conference held awm**t-

recentlj at tikaicorea^to t**e ac-- OD a nnmbeiOif polflW of .'Ininor

) to the organization. Application* <&*>tutr colteiea f « J ^ , l ) » a k Were oMDwHlered. fcut no deJifte action waa tttoo becatwe toe repreeentatzVaawaiit

rplace the preaent organlitatlon OB a btiii before more members art

Utted. The queatton of tbe mlfra-of atadenta from one college to

ather was comldtred. and tt wai de to adopt the.one year,residence The committee-Is anxlont to en-

Pnt the Itqnor in |, aanctpaa, wwg to boiling point and strain, flown oy«e

Item: pnt then iifx rwm .afince boat. »elL bntttr In. a *ascepan,T«d*1 Bo*c. lUr to a smooth putaaad M cook ooe •Sam. Add

- Rewtltefthe Vetfc

nneedMr tnrongh tt^ wlian of; man. . . . . -... , ... T»o**plarljr Jeoa^.|tnti-;iiear;tne !••,«» wktte b*«Uag eonetaatly. l i l t .

nta-wetetoatbafrte-jfttjiBt dcwnf-thr-enalr tax neat aa-|«—aa-Jrnani gaged Jn^s dlaeuamlon M tjaewbject aadglowy. Seaaoa well with, ealt, per-

Ticea. The conTeraation graw-»o ami —.-..:... mated that the attention of other pes-

'eiie of tne qntrt«l»ca^ acle««ita aroa* tight e»ptnH-»< aadaald: "'*i,leifoV'lp»»»ang»i£ "I "nwitt"

^ I ^ a ^ T ^ >v appeal

Imatfta taat sot more then tiree aow ont ef 8»e ballere to a lift after

#*•<».,.« ,..i_cm«;.tift.,|, .m^Ajmmt percentage of tmmanitj toelleTea in pereooal mortality. Wttl all thoe* w n o benere that tn«y a a t e lmn»ortal tenia p)««M lrWl^e^*a<a^daT"'^~Tf~^ ; •»" ""TJtffirFlSanaT^

tat a volet of triumph. "Now, plena* keep yonj hand* rfgnt where, they aire.

.•^hr^t^tnritWHe^-nWHi-2 -^rnllHnr^eSin:%tti^fc^ gad T^m^yntmm~ma~ymm^Trt fc^rfot$B#£ J U I..;§£_:,

And It wa« eren to^-Boaton Trav­eler

Truth and1 a Pentrty. "Be manful." taid tbe teacher. "Alwayel1" aaked th* boy "Alwaya." answered tbe teicner. -Nerer tell a l ler

«JioteV«ii*-whitelie*^ i , • **t«6t e*en:,k' wnjtt U**-' , '' ' *^nb!*:r*Jaeolat3!; ,fi«0«a '•««§••

fouy?"* "tt» ^goo^'jiai'lttf yoriiron

and addn of competent

ain't a boy wltbiiry dad'for a father •'Why?" naked tbe teacher. "Becaane." replied the boy. I f yon

wni my oad'l little boy. aff^oo haard wait he enld abottt Attnt Ellita -comtn4

. J r ."i.!!_ir^!.«^I-.~!.!!-T *UM l"^ aaked jrou If JOB weren't all glad to iaee her, an' yon told the, troth, like t did, yon'd' think fft»ere wan a

t i ^ a|ter,«ad f^,n1^nedii«t* yotfc*' "fie went back *oM$ d*»li. and-ia

a* eat d^wawTti'lr^t^are there-wai a> eirpweeion on hia face that abowed tine great leaa^ottrttta b«a been, at

atit In a meaattre, loat on Mm.--Tit tt. ' ' -"i— 's

- . i ' . V t ; • • » . » ; . - . . ' i • . . •

' Tttot f*4towt"Agahfcr,H'*—' - "5-•tance 4,- Tltna,' twice? olusmpl** i acnller of tbe United State* and

of the arfeattet oawmem AWalea prodoced, la to retntnto the raw-game neit Waimer''afteo-an'«b-»of fir* yean, Jtte.wjU tow,to ttte

• reg^ttafr aa ettW to Sta> tht title of champion slngl*

that he forfeited by failing to npete. Since bin retirement Titan

rowed for the pleirtre,of ttlnd kept blnuelf Ih-flne eondltioB. He

that two months' work In a -^ will fa*ing~bJat back- to- bia o »

^ Yala Hit a MotlltU Tank,' * . pVirty odd wells snpply the *wl«. tOmg tank at the Tale gytrinaeloin^ F*w persona realize wbafrai-Wa/jin It ht~ to All the mosaic set pool back of t i e gymniaSnm-Jav-regulattog tho flow or water.

'The tank hois when Oiled jnst SoS.000 gallons of water, andi after tho pnaafpsItifrrswckiSff t ie wntef oat of' the gnrand back of the building it mate* two days and two nights to statrt the water roaming at the oter-SOTW. _ ! _ ! ' '

»**<**'WfOfld^SwirtmTtisJ fttcord;' ~ vebt wofMI. atrtmintog record wan

nemten by a second at the Kentlsb (England) town bathi feoently by Battensby,. wno swam 400 meters In 8 xnlnnte* 36 +-C second*. • The broken record was held by H. Taylor, tbe Olympic champion.

•V.I* Crew Candtdatea Niimh.ril6; ' - A total of 216 candidates **aponde« fo tbe call flor crew candidate* at ,f ale tntfrerafty. and Princeton, too, Dae ^oore tun aaxUma for' seat* tn the.

•aaUaek.for nwtag la nfoadaf^g.

HI* Uen, YVlIt ' (The man "who bad been wilting for

a chance at *be public pb*M began to ahow.aignaof aanrtMUnasaU.

"Aren't: you almost tnroagb tberer be daiMndwl of tbe •trnngex with the Ptcelten jSIen don't eeeni to be doing any-^klngi'' •«« '"'Kof * amJt throngh," jJnipped the otter man. "An' the reason X ain't Ibjikln-* to 'cause rw, wilting. I.jsst oi1l5|"nij # nnniDer I Mtibsbti an* W gtrl aald w pnone bad beer* taken ont.

back.'VOereland HaJn Pealw-

"plrlgttle balloon." r

T o r t u n e a itnickXy and aar i ly Made b y Bnising' Cntek«mit« *»m •Boa.'V. •& i aggie*." «*Maite*of Aifa."

" ^rOWpTltoWllSeeon'f^lSws Hnr-tied to Pay That «on«yr T'Wa»nrt Cneaay Alxmt It" "

iTredigeated $o^*-4li |etg». 3Mb. aae. .

"•"• 'i '-..t. • ?

tern* •ueeeM. «tMd y o n And t t ie promoter o f tbnt

gat-rlchHrnick concern?" agkff ohV.de-ntenlse.' . *-• / '•'

"tea,'' replied t b e other. "Arreited Mmr» v A V

- "No; no* yet He-la a l a tg lp and eon*inctag man, But. I managed

aeetk flroa abas'te Wasafngtea •tar.

i r ^ ^ " " ^

-#w:^^«i*'W#"^*W:i"iW^.|o " " 'oejt, T^at a U y a e t ieaie*> t h e reaaef

faa*wr~«aaa»et'-.*ia>n--4a 5^w^r^w^. • T^W^^^^W- . Met Y ^ ~ ^ r

.... — MlneewMet.-r o w eopfal*«fi '

capfn)* 'M-t|aMaiai:Ltwti'iLM' a''half eapfttle- of-»<iaej'; *a**0f e*af«l>*ae tut tat et three f naitai t»Tfal w*i "

af water meat bolls la "Tit llliHailaiN.ia»t twr taeaeooafmle eack >U 'aad-'^eirc^'TeaJ»>(ka* •a*' po«»d' eacJa-'cf 'rarraant' »»4"-'twVr

a»fc. jMMrnaK^mm^^S^ ,-^^''.

Irx. i. l a w l l -*!.. » J M * i V


' i^S-'


fo) eael) t* -«iaB*»efl _ , „ . spkt, ooVMf" tWpoenfnl . ^ ,..,,-flcfr to «ake a atlff batter ,(abeat fear «wtnla) podding, ^ t atWare, Into pnMHi«**nag:iia«r™gari -^a^'iwir*'

rilte-nBt-i^'ioBWtiW^cnja'-irta^M pumpkin -with a; -beat** -*«g. * '*ea-spooiifnl coraatarcn, twoHWrdk ntg.-brown angar, a. teaapoon ef.<inaMi»ea, 0f>e-1uUf tieepeoB of nntmeg, -«»eaUf' teaapooo « Wttj- e»»*alf. teaeBOot ef llngar,.a.daab.iMfcp*ppti and.tilD»-* of-rkbmnit.--aVild tUnllk.lrat.a] let a Wt of bntter melt to It whfte icalding. Be^e witk one crnat tlU fen te'JUM-rclta^aiiftrbiP»^o«'^—

bancb ,«|';c«|p^:»%tt;&3«ie^ri* nUed wibr aa»tB. teader eaeagk te aiaab'a^.attain. MaiU wMr tabtea|ieaa «f'bwtter 'and -««e tebteaiMoa of floao-

until aasooth had attt btteene jplntef tot anTk or cream; d«a a«4.*» tbe celery, Wit* wit ana M P A u 4 boll all togetnac for fit* mtetttai. JL f*w drop* of onlop juice imptoTes tkit •lab Jtor *m» people.

elm one ounc*. licorice root one horebonnd one ounce^tnaJieroot^oae onnce. fltxteed one ounce, laumar together In one quart of water, (tm well cooked, add one pint of ssoUien* and. one-half pound of loaf mlkr

it^rTnen-cold-ada One-luui tehee of anise Take i>n* tanletptfoir ful foar time* a day for «n idnlt r-*

: Tomata ftshsh. Six large g«*» tomatoes, font *m*li

or three Urge onion* two pepper*, on* red and one green fcbop all line Add * 'enp raiaiUR ohopped>- ^ut in' kettle with a Quart *in>#ar, two cap* brown augar one of-wMtet * tabl#. apoonfal mustard teed and on* <A ground cloTes. Boil until soft. j..fi*»* cnopped fine twelve iargt *our,*ppl«i«. Add and let come to a bott,

, Cranberry «f«Hyi . over end wash ont qnart «t «« orerdone

add^foWnD«nrf«»,.aa*AS?* ' -ieupfnl of boiling water and. boll tweti-

nlnutes. ftnb throngh *• sieve and to pmp two cupful* of augar,. .Con*

^ • "

mm? IMtt&tmmt


w w e ' St™.^7**x ^^w' ' "%*f%WW- h^l*^fwmf [ •T7f*'^*-^"rt^J^*^r ^

io^lt*,rlrTpan;»ttt«.to*i^:-p^ can .taktiji^f; *jh*fc-!|n%;?$ife :t*o formiag-a-4^1^ rln«r;:fs>ci)i|; tit* c*n

eJiaaa^-^Si^vaafsi^ , ^

aid *t »* t e * wbjeet * f tl» a****, tot­

ter 'PMay^.'PiflslteittildJiilatfijnf'^

***v^^'.'.ai^a-i. *»: .SaWiU-. *-4._k .!». a— **i,.«iA ^rT^^li ' ia i* W*.


• taUal ' i i h i a a i r

, vis .«M



ouisets ta a •tzAHat-sww.. aeettt a . . ' ^™warwp^.^wi ^^»-^e i^iaau^waawee.a^a* ^v^t^ai^ w w/^,

anaae '^mM't^^^M^'M^'' " * * *""" '*" ""^-^' ' ---•***

aal llali'""!!!!' M a i anal a n t aw a* back ngaaa.' beaftal

^ • e d ilir-liiC^oete^jtt'tne taTl l^ w a ^ a ^ g ^ - H .

ifStll be £t* la UUiway^eaeat^a-thn*.

iTrag. »(|aaj|aj witn at* a a e te^^ao«e»*a.waea.a»ni' big an the etjeeta, «^i**«M:twke

•*rs*s£r>*' ' ""'.' l:\* ,-,„.,.

aaartaMiadkaK.^ra^aMes >at dated Mter iban l S f ^ l amiwwljpt Ma* flat J N ^ r ^ t i e ICnVfTtw *

, , va . , , , , , , , .'• ^

L , c ^ t ^ ' ^ r i ^ g a n t . :

: %b0wt twwlrw (d*f" "

^ jora^-Tmr^lw- lHWar- t^*** g)ieetevlr8ttt3for tham ajtd.k* ' on**' «M*t«iA, Jfla*.JDla6» ,..._..^, aVlte, tbena. lnttf ta* Jctttnen,' wbarf 4b«tr^ouBdMr*e«fe*>r* *fi»*d>.-Li

Anally wttfen. ^^. - *. *J


imfm^ if

iWiitiafa TSfuJpa^ r "» Jtlt-IBrJ'toy afteot^p ..AndJht

•ome of the great one* of «*toir> » n: » ;

^•,nsB^U43a^ate'** #',] then '


.igclSs^cs:'• *A»8'>wbOKoantell;«*ei._ _ ^ . ^„_. , . . . _ , ^ „_ . _ . . Jc*8 of A*cf» tue «klaMlria%wai&,' VS a » . a a a nlfifcT'/H- . ' P ^ S S ^

little WHBe* B*fetf****J op ^ A i r j p p n i t a . no. es* a e?b* «C «igr ' ^ n ™ eligernanv-"^- s* -**VTP - ? ^ % . ' |wV«*wnt partt r U*ln»£J*e(aae^b« ,

*Wl»Wa»m«vWjll!t^ ^ i L ^ a J e m l i and MtlaMl'MtJijijM<| I

utninlitlv. J •* ^ V » f -2 r * . ft ***** aid national alWrt Mr efer «_ ^?7*Sr^ Ji * ^ # J . ^- |w*»*ri1r*Mi and baa bean a defecate

A*Wipi««rW*e.a.***, • | i *j» * • attleatal -TwotoosrfTIs• *eryf»dga-»*If MB*.S'"

V^Odsaska and bt* ttvad » eynrj. Prior m mat,*Jua* '"- in fmabiaai aagnaat )*,.«*

MW jat attMelHf,»• *•> n itf

L J " » S <

•^—-t .» , / .'


1 "

•:' u^ '• • A ^

••-.• ^ y •-"^viiaKSa


-,'V *t

M ;i ^ ^ »



I f * ; Jf Jfl»Litk
