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HURDLE BUSTERS: HOW TO: Understand & use LinkedIn

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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HURDLE BUSTERS HOW TO: Understand & Use LinkedIN Chelsea Dygert #StartupPhoenix viralblog.com


HOW TO: Understand & Use LinkedIN

Chelsea Dygert#StartupPhoenix viralblog.com

Create ContextName

Where are you from

What do you do / working on

How did you hear about Eureka/My talk

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another,

connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.

A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”

― Seth Godin, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

What is a TRIBE







Social Media Rules




● Every social site has a culture - understand, engage, innovate

● Everything has balance.

● USE the Content Rules:○ 20% rule: Only 1 of 5 posts should be self-promotion

● Make sure profile / content, and contest matches business. ○ if you wouldn’t do it offline, don’t do it online

● Strategize, PLAN & AUTOMATE

What is LinkedIn● The Interview Session of all social media● Profile Site originally built for career presence● Created in 2003 ● Took off (20 million users) 2006● Worth: 7.5 billion● 2013 - started publishing content (from influencers)● Feb 2014 - all can publish content

● Highest use = educational (Bachelors +)● 332 million globally (107 - USA)● 2 new users every second● Millennials on linkedin: 13%● Most used Adjective (2013) - responsible● Most used Adjective (2012) - creative Statistics

More Statistics

● CONTROL your first impression○ Consider what it might already be, clarify or debunk

● To be recruited ○ As employee, collaborator, etc.

■ 98% of recruiters, 85% hiring managers use LinkedIn● To recruit

○ Talent, partners, capital, ideas● Show “more” than your resume● Get endorsed - create social proof

Why Use LinkedIn

● To connect with your tribe○ Potential tribe, Current, tap into others

■ Individual connections, groups, “In-common”● To stay relevant

○ Understand culture, engage, innovate● To promote (yourself, events, products, services, campaigns)

● To do research● Add / create context

● Increase visibility● Join / encourage conversation

● Build brand value over time

● Same: CONTROL your first impression○ Consider what it might already be, clarify or debunk

● To recruit○ Talent, partners, capital, ideas

● Create Professionalism for your business● Generate leads

○ Highest visitor-to-lead generation (2.7%)● Drive Traffic (can create your own groups / discussions)● Research market needs prior to launch● Target readers / viewers / talent

○ Status updates, Focused pages

Why Use LinkedIn - for your biz

Optimize your business page

● Temporarily turn off Activity Broadcast● Fill out profile completely● Come back to it twice (days apart)● DO NOT LIE● Customize profile URL● Have (the right) profile picture (11x more activity)● Personalize LinkedIn requests● Be active in groups

○ At least know what’s there, and join a few to watch conversations

How to set up your LinkedIn

Extras:Add button to your website

Add link to your email signatureAdd widget

Connect to Twitter (don’t recommend)

The Secrets to LinkedIn1. Categorize contacts2. Filter by locations

a. (when traveling - reason to connect)3. Filter by associations

a. Sun Devils helping Sun Devilsb. non-profit associations

4. Organize your biz cards & link to LinkedIna. Download CardMunch app -

i. UPDATE: Don’t think it’s working any moreb. There are many more “business card organizers” on App Store

THE RULES:● Use etiquette.

○ If someone ____ to you, do something in return.If they endorse you, endorse them for something back, or write them a nice note.If someone sends you a message, responsd. etc.

● Don’t Overuse Endorsements. Everything has balance.

● Use ON each platform needs to match CULTURE of each platform○ Don’t hijack conversations (join, add value, or shut up)


● Promote OFFLINE.○ Don’t have to be pushy - just use it


● Goal = WHY are you using social media○ Have a presence, check it few times a month

● Make sure you act w/ general purpose

TO DO cont...A) Join: Meetup.com/Eureka-Scottsdale

B) Suggestions for talks?-Google drive / google calendar

C) Connect with me

What do you want to hear about? Write down or email me: Hashtags, Facebook Contest, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogging, Wordpress,

Instagram, Graphics help, iPhone tips, creating a website, email campaigns, OTHER CONTENT

Find me:Chelsea Dygert +

Dygert #[email protected]


twitter / instagram


at Local coffee shop #StartupPhx
