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HWTM v9 26 Neale Donald Walsch 05-22-12

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!"#$"&'!#$&(#$)*+ !"#$"&'!#$&(#$)*+ ,#-.. ,#-../ .01. / .01. +"#$2!3(24+4+",#)4"5)6*', !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 2 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers +789 :7; ?@,AB ../ .01. 389 C>DDEF>G ,H$>AD +"#$2!3(24+4+",#)4"5)6*', !>A;> &7DA;I (A;8HJ !ennlfer:Welcome,everyone,LoPeallngWlLh1heMasLers.WehaveaveryspeclalguesL,aregular, neale uonald Walsch.8efore l lnLroduce neale, l wanL Lo Lalk a llLLle blL abouL masLers.l do myllLLleblurbhereabouLmasLers.lL'sworLhremlndlngusLhaLLhewordhasloLsof meanlngs,andsomeofusmayLhlnkofmasLersasLhewonderfulguesLsLhaLshareLhelr knowledge and experlences wlLh us each week.l conslder you Lo be Lhe masLer, each of you ln Lhlsaudlence,youLheparLlclpanL.nooneknowsyoubeLLerLhanyou,andnoonelsmore unlquelyquallfledLoLransformyourllfeLhanyou.1odaywewlllLogeLherdlscoverLheLools andLechnlquesLoheal,LoconLlnueLoshlfLyourllfelnLoloveandllghLand,lnLheprocess, LrulymakeadlfferenceonLhlsbeauLlfulandspeclalplaneLofours.1ogeLherwearea powerful communlLy.?ou maLLer.?ou make Lhe dlfference.?ou can llghL up Lhe world. 1onlghLweareveryhonoredLowelcomeourveryspeclalanddearfrlend,nealeuonald Walsch.neale has been wlLh us for many seasons now.Pe ls our regular conLrlbuLor, and we arehonoredLhaLhechoosesLo[olnuseachseasonandsharehlsremarkableevoluLlonof knowledge.Plswonderfulwork,!"#$%&'()*"#',*)-."/,whlchhedldmanyyearsago,ls reachlngmllllonsofpeoplealloverLheworldandchanglngLhelrllveseveryday.lL'sbeen LranslaLedlnLo34languages.lL'ssoldmllllonsofbooks.lLchangedmyllfepersonally.lLls one of Lhe semlnal books LhaL goL me onLo Lhe paLh LhaL has broughL me Lo Lhls very momenL. PeconLlnuesLodoLhaLwlLhLheevoluLlonofLhoughL,wlLhhlsnew!"#$%&'()*"#'0*)- 123(#*)4 serles, where he's Laklng Lhese conversaLlons wlLh Cod Lo Lhe nexL level.We are so prlvlleged and honored LhaL Lhls beauLlful splrlLual messenger, whose words conLlnue Lo Louch uslnsomanyprofoundandpowerfulways,[olnsushereonPeallngWlLh1heMasLers.Welcome, neale uonald Walsch, Lo Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers, volume nlne. neale:Well,!ennlfer,you'rescarlngme.1here'snowaylnLheworldlcanllveupLoLhaLklndof advanced bllllng.eople don'L Lhlnk of Lhemselves ln any of Lhose ways, buL l am very happy Lo be here.1hank you very much.1hank you for Lhose klnd words.?ou're very generous.l feel so compleLely lnadequaLe. !ennlfer:Well,lappreclaLeyourhumlllLyandyourhumbleapproach.lLreallylsparLofLhebeauLlful aspecL of your Leachlngs, l Lhlnk, and an lmporLanL way of belng ln Lhe world LhaL l Lhlnk you're sLarLlng Lo share wlLh us.lL can really make us dlfferenL ln how we approach Lhlngs. ?ourwonderfulnewbook,5-%6)"&37%8"&%)-%!(93,lssuchawonderfulconversaLlonwlLh humanlLy.l love how you use LhaL sLyle ln Lhe book, where you ask Lhe quesLlons LhaL you geL allLheLlmeandanswerLhem.SolfyoufolksarelooklngfornealeLoanswerLhequesLlons !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 3 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers LhaLyou'respeclflcallyasklng,LhlsbookwllldolL,andmorelmporLanLly,whaLLhlsbookls golng Lo do ls sLarL a global conversaLlon.l'm golng Lo go ahead by sLarLlng Lhe whole show by sharlng Lhls webslLe. www.LheglobalconversaLlon.com lL'saveryspeclalwebslLe.CanyouLellus,flrsLofall,allLLleblLabouLLhewebslLe?1henl wanL Lo dlve rlghL lnLo Lhe seven quesLlons. neale:lsurecan,!ennlfer.1hankyouforasklngme.1hewebslLehasbeendeslgnedasaglobal plaLform,aplaceonLhelnLerneLwhereLhousandsofpeople-we'vehadoveramllllon peoplevlslLLheslLealready-aplaceonLhelnLerneLwhereLhousandsandLhousandsof peoplemay[olnusLoposLmanyLhlngs,numberone,LoreacL,acLually,LoLhebook,chapLer by chapLer. We have a message board Lhere LhaL's broken down lnLo chapLers, so as people read Lhe book, 5-%6)"&37%8"&%)-%!(93,LheycanacLuallycommenLonlLoraskquesLlonsofmeabouLlL, chapLerbychapLer.l'mveryproudofLhaL,becauseLhaLallowspeopleLohaveadlrecL lnLeracLlonwlLhme,bychapLer,LhroughLhebook.ldon'Lknowof-maybelL'souLLhere, buL rlghL now l'm noL aware of any oLher auLhor who ls offerlng LhaL opporLunlLy Lo speak wlLh hlm.Any reader can speak dlrecLly wlLh me on Lhe lnLerneL as Lhey're readlng Lhe book. lcan'LLellyou,!ennlfer,howmanyLlmeslnmyllfel'vereadareallylmporLanLbook,abook LhaL was really cruclal Lo my own personal growLh, buL as l read Lhrough lL, l would have glven anyLhlngLobeableLoLalkdlrecLlyLoLheauLhoronaper-chapLerbaslswhenlranacross maLerlalLhaLlwasn'LqulLeclearLhaLlLoLallyundersLood.PerewehaveanopporLunlLyfor people Lo lnLeracL wlLh me ln LhaL way. MorelmporLanLly,honesLly,LheoLhermessageboardLhaL'sonLhewebslLelsamessage board where we lnvlLe people, all Lhe readers of Lhe book, Lo posL Lhelr hlghesL ldeas and Lhelr verybesLLhoughLsabouLhowhumanlLycouldheallLselfbycreaLlnganewculLuralsLoryfor ourLomorrows,anewsLoryabouLeveryaspecLofLhewaywedoourllvesonLhlsplaneL, abouL how we do our governmenLs, how we do our pollLlcs, how we do our economlcs and our buslness and commerce, how we handle our envlronmenL and our ecology, how we approach LheeducaLlonofouryoungpeople,howwedealwlLhmarrlagesandparLnershlpsand sexuallLy,howwedealwlLhhealLhandhowwedealwlLhsplrlLuallLyandrellglonandreally every aspecL of human lnLeracLlon. lwasLold,!ennlfer,LhaLLhenexLgreaLmlsslonforhumanlLylLselflsforusLocreaLeanew culLuralsLoryforourspecles,LhaLLhenewsLory,lnLhlsparLlcularcase,cannoLcomedown from on hlgh, noL from some global rellglous leader, noL from some worldwlde pollLlcal leader, noLfromsomecapLalnofbuslnessorlndusLry,noLevenfromsomephllosopherorgreaL educaLor.8uL ln facL, Lhe new sLory for humanlLy musL be wrlLLen by humanlLy lLself, and Lhls lsourgreaLchallenge.1hlslsournexLfronLler,couldbeLheflnalfronLlerwherewerewrlLe LhescrlpLabouLourllfehereandhowwechooseLolnLeracLwlLheachoLherandhowwe choose Lo co-creaLe llfe LogeLher on Lhe planeL LarLh. So we lnvlLe people, who are aL LhaL webslLe, whlch ls: !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 4 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers LheglobalconversaLlon.com WelnvlLepeopleLosharewlLhusandLoposLLhelrhlghesLLhoughLsandLhelrbesLldeasln every area of human lnLeracLlon.We wlll Lake Lhe mosL lnsplrlng and Lhe mosL exLraordlnary ofLhoseldeasandplaceLhemlnabookcalled:2&!"99%;)*$%%(9%A;EDU (E9J 9J> ,A89>G8W :7; ? @ 389 )Q>AR>G8 @ PG 2DF7G=A9E7D XH7D9YIZ #QGE; V/ .01. 3G>UU ]GAI>D new ?ork 1lmes 8esLselllng AuLhorSclenLlflc-SplrlLualLy loneer Cregg8raden.com #QGE; 10/ .01. (ABD> &B>G lnLernaLlonally 8enowned Self-uevelopmenL AuLhor and Speaker urWayneuyer.com #QGE; 1./ .01. ,AGR 57=>G7 ArLlsL Sound vlbraLlon Pealer ersonal-uevelopmenL Coach Mark8omeroMuslc.com #QGE; 1O/ .01. &A^EI !>AU;> World-Class SpeakerLeadlng AuLhorlLy on ersonal MasLery uavldneagle.com #QGE; 1?/ .01. (ABD> &B>G lnLernaLlonally 8enowned Self-uevelopmenL AuLhor and Speaker urWayneuyer.com $E^> _`# !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 24 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers +>A;EDU (E9J 9J> ,A89>G8W :7; ? @ 389 )Q>AR>G8 @ PG 2DF7G=A9E7D XH7D9YIZ #QGE; .\/ .01. &G;HJEa>I>R World 8enowned AuLhor and Speaker urunvalo.neL #QGE; .V/ .01. ,AGB #;;>D Peallng Coach lor eople lrom All 8ackgrounds LlfeCoachMary.com #QGE; .M/ .01. 28JA CG=AD Spreadlng Lhe seeds of Consclousness around Lhe world.Llfe comes Lo me wlLh ease, [oy and glory!" 8lkkaZlmmerman.com ,AB T/ .01. )AGAJ ,H$>AD Pay Pouse AuLhor, 1eacher, and1he new lace of MalnsLream MedlLaLlon SedonaMedlLaLlon.com !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 23 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers +>A;EDU (E9J 9J> ,A89>G8W :7; ? @ 389 )Q>AR>G8 @ PG 2DF7G=A9E7D XH7D9YIZ ,AB S/ .01. &>DE8> $EDD lnLernaLlonally 8especLed Pealer,WrlLer and 1eacher uenlseLlnn.com ,AB ?/ .01. ";EaAc>9J C7D>8 AsLrologer LxLraordlnalre ClfLed lnLulLlve - 8eveallng Lhe naLure of owerful 2012 1ranslLlons AsLrologyofLlghL.com ,AB 10/ .01. dADAHJ> &>8AE lnsplraLlonal vlslonary ConLemporary SplrlLual MasLer anacheuesal.com ,AB 1V/ .01. *AG7; $77R lnLernaLlonally known AuLhor Lnergy racLlLloner Success and Abundance Coach ALLracLlngAbundance.com ,AB 1O/ .01. CE= efER LxperL on speed-readlng, memory lmprovemenL,and acceleraLed learnlng for over 18 years. !lmkwlk.com !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 26 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers +>A;EDU (E9J 9J> ,A89>G8W :7; ? @ 389 )Q>AR>G8 @ PG 2DF7G=A9E7D XH7D9YIZ ,AB ../ .01. !>A;> &7DA;I (A;8HJ lnLernaLlonally 8ecognlzed SplrlLual Messenger 8esL Selllng AuLhor of Lhe ConversaLlons WlLh Cod book serles nealeuonaldWalsch.com ,AB .T/ .01. "==AD; &AUJ>G Puman 1ransformaLlon SpeclallsL PollsLlc PealLh racLlLloner and 1eacher MagnlfledManlfesLlng.com ,AB .\/ .01. $A 5>B7D lnLernaLlonally known lnLerspecles CommunlcaLor and Soul Pealer Laurle8eyon.com ,AB .?/ .01. ,AGB #6 +A;; 8ecognlzed & rofound Pealer opular Abundance Coach AuLhor and Speaker MaryAPall.com ,AB T1/ .01. (E;;EA= $ED^E;;> lnsLrumenL of Lhe unlversal and CreaLor Consclousness - Pere Lo AsslsL ?ou WllllamLlnvllle.com !ennlfer McLean's Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers: vol. 9age 27 of 27 CuesL: neale uonald WalschMay 22, 2012 CopyrlghL 2012. All 8lghLs 8eserved.!ennlfer McLean | Peallng WlLh 1he MasLers +>A;EDU (E9J 9J> ,A89>G8W :7; ? @ 389 )Q>AR>G8 @ PG 2DF7G=A9E7D XH7D9YIZ C V/ .01. *JGE89E> ,AGE> )J>;I7D AuLhor lnLulLlve Llfe Coach 1ransformaLlon LxperL LoveorAbove.com C O/ .01. &G6 C7> &E8Q>DaA AuLhor of C$"9$% ?"2& 7&(*# leaLured lnLernaLlonal Speaker SclenLlsL ur!oeulspenza.com ConversaLlon 1ranscrlpLlon SpeclallsLs LlecLronlc ubllshlng | 8roadcasL & Mass Medla | MarkeLlng 8esearch 8uslness CommunlcaLlons | Closed CapLlonlng remler1ranscrlpLlon.comlnfo[remler1ranscrlpLlon.com
