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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

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er and lov.: Objective Type Questions 5.1. 5.2. ect is to the vis m3 /sec. he jumr Ixam., 1® xmber; 5.3. 5.4. 5 . 5 . The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called (a) specific weight ( b ) mass density (c) specific gravity (d) unit weight The absolute pressure is equal to (a) gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure (b) gauge pressure - atmospheric pressure (c) atmospheric pressure - gauge pressure (, d) gauge pressure - vacuum pressure The pressure intensity in kg/cm2 at any point in a liquid is (a) w ( b) wh (c) wfh (d) h/w where, zv = Specific weight of liquid, and h = Depth of liquid from the surface. The depth of centre of pressure (h) for a vertically immersed surface from the liquid surface is given by (fl) (c) I, ,Q --x Ax Ax X (b) + x h-Ax x (d) ^ b + x Ax where, A = Area of immersed surface, and x = Depth of centre of gravity of the immersed surface from the liquid surface. A manometer is used to measure (a) low pressure (b) moderate pressure (c) high pressure (d) atmospheric pressure 5.6. Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of (a) surface tension of water (b ) compressibility of water (c ) capillarity of water (d) viscosity of water 5.7. A piezometer tube is used only for measuring (a) low pressure (b) high pressure (c) moderate pressure (d) vacuum pressure 5.8. When a body is placed over a liquid, it will float if (. a) gravitational force is equal to the upthrust of the liquid (b) gravitational force is less than the upthrust of liquid (c) gravitational force is more than the upthrust of the liquid (d) none of the above 5.9. The metacentric heights of two floating bodies A and B are 1 m and 1.5 m respectively, select the correct statement : (a) bodies A and B have equal stability (b) body A is more stable than body B (c) body B is more stable than body A (d) bodies A and B are unstable 5.10. According to equation of continuity (a) w1a1 = w2a2 (b) 10 -yVy = w2v2 (c) a1 v1 = a 2 v2 (d) a j v j = n2/ v 2
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er and lov.: Objective Type Questions5.1.


ect is to the vis

m3/sec. he jumrIxam., 1® xmber;




The w eight per unit volum e of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called(a) specific weight(b) mass density(c) specific gravity(d) unit weightThe absolute pressure is equal to(a) gauge pressure + atmospheric

pressure(b) gauge pressure - atmospheric

pressure(c) atmospheric pressure - gauge

pressure(,d) gauge p ressu re - vacuum

pressureThe pressure intensity in kg/cm2 atany point in a liquid is(a) w (b) wh(c) wfh (d) h/wwhere, zv = Specific weight of liquid,andh = Depth of liquid from the surface. The depth of centre of pressure (h) for a vertically immersed surface from the liquid surface is given by



I,,Q- - xAxAxX


■ + x

h - A x x

(d) ^ b + x Ax

w here, A = A rea of im m ersed surface, andx = Depth of centre of gravity of the immersed surface from the liquid surface.A manometer is used to measure(a) low pressure(b) moderate pressure

(c) high pressure(d) atmospheric pressure

5.6. F a llin g drops of w ater becom e spheres due to the property of(a) surface tension of water(b) compressibility of water(c) capillarity of water(d) viscosity of water

5.7. A piezometer tube is used only for measuring(a) low pressure(b) high pressure(c) moderate pressure(d) vacuum pressure

5.8. When a body is placed over a liquid, it will float if(.a) gravitational force is equal to the

upthrust of the liquid(b) gravitational force is less than

the upthrust of liquid(c) gravitational force is more than

the upthrust of the liquid(d) none of the above

5.9. The m etacen tric heights of two floating bodies A and B are 1 m and 1.5 m respectively, select the correct statement :(a) b od ies A and B have equal

stability(b) body A is more stable than body

B(c) body B is more stable than body

A(d) bodies A and B are unstable

5.10. According to equation of continuity(a) w1a 1 = w2a2(b) 10-yVy = w2v2(c) a1v1 = a2v2(d) a j v j = n2/ v 2

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5.22 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

5.11. A flow w hose stream line represented by a curve, is called(a) one-dimensional flow(b) two-dimensional flow(c) three-dimensional flow(d ) four-dimensional flow

5.12. Barometer is used to measure(a) velocity of liquid(b) atmospheric pressure(c) pressure in pipe and channels (id) difference of pressure between

two points in a pipe.5.13. According to Bemoullis equation

P v2(a) Z + — + — = constantW g

P v2(b) Z + ------------- = constantW 2g

P v2(c) Z + ---------- = constantW g

V v2(d) w + 2^ = constant

5.14. The atm ospheric pressure at sea level is(a) 1.03 kg/cm2(b) 10.3 m of water(c) 760 mm of mercury(d) all of the above

5.15. The point at w hich the resultant pressure on an immersed surface acts, is known as(a) centre of gravity (.b) centre of depth(c) centre of pressure(d) centre of immersed surface

5.16. In order to measure the flow with a venturimeter it is installed in a(a) horizontal line(b) vertical line(c) inclined line with flow upwards(d) in any d irectio n and in any


5.17. The ratio of the inertia force to .....is called Euller’s number(a) pressure force(b) elastic force(c) surface tension force(d) viscous force

5.18. When the Mach number is less than, the unity flow is called(a) sub-sonic flow(b) sonic-flow(c) super-sonic flow(d) hyper-sonic flow

5.19. The ratio of the inertia force to the viscous force is called(a) Reynold’s number(b) Froude’s number(c) W eber’s number(d) Euler’s number

5.20. The velocity at which the laminar flow stops, is known as(a) velocity of approach(b) lower critical velocity(c) higher-critical velocity(d) critical velocity

5.21. The unit of absolute viscosity in C.G.S. units is(a) kg-sec/m2 (,b) Newton-sec/m2(c) poise(d) stoke

5.22. The total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessel completely filled up with a liquid is(a) directly proportional to (radius)2(b) in v erse ly p ro p o rtio n a l to

(radius)2(c) directly proportional to (radius)4(d) in v erse ly p ro p o rtio n a l to

(radius)45.23. The m ost e ffic ie n t sectio n of a

channel is(a) triangular (b) rectangular(c) square (d) trapezoidal

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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.23

orce to the nber

is less than,

orce to the

he laminar

iscosity in

le top of a completer.

to (radius - donal to

to (radius * io n a l tc

ztion of £




: Zo.

When a cylindrical vessel containing liquid is revolved about its vertical axis at a constant angular velocity, the pressure(a) varies as the square of the radial

distance(b) increases linearly as its radial

distance(c) increases as the square of the

radial distance(d) decreases as the square of the

radial distanceWhen the flow in an open channel is gradually varied, the flow is said to be(a) steady uniform flow(b) steady non-uniform flow(c) unsteady uniform flow(d) unsteady non-uniform flow The discharge through a siphon spillway is







C d . a f i g H

C d .a JIg .H 3'2

C d . a ^ . H 2

C j . a J 2^ .H 5/2A hydrometer is used to measure(a) velocity of fluids(b) velocity of gases(c) flow of fluids(d) specific gravity of liquid One stoke is equal to(a) 1 mm2/sec (b) 1 cm2/sec (c) 1 m2/sec (d) 10 mm2/secThe pressure of fluid due to hammer blow is(a) directly proportional to density

of fluid(.b) inversely proportional to density

of fluid(c) d irectly p ro p o rtio n a l to

(density)1/2 of fluid

(d) in v erse ly p ro p o rtio n al to (density)1/2 of fluid

5.30. Coefficient of velocity is the ratio of(a) actual velocity of je t at vena

co n tracta to the th eo retica l velocity

(b) area of jet venacontracta to the area of orifice

(c) loss of head in the orifice to the head of w ater available at the exit of the orifice

(d) actu al d ischarge through an o rifice to the th eo retica l discharge

5.31. A differential manometer is used to measure(n) velocity of liquid(b) atmospheric pressure(c) pressure in pipes and channels(d) difference of pressure between

two points in a pipe5.32. When the pressure intensity at a

p o in t is less than the local a tm osp heric p ressu re , then the difference of these two pressure is called(a) gauge pressure(b) absolute pressure(c) positive gauge pressure(d) vacuum pressure

5.33. W hen the M ach num ber is more than 6, the flow is called(a) sub-sonic flow(b) sonic flow(c) super-sonic flow(d) hyper-sonic flow

5.34. The loss of head due to viscosity for laminar flow in pipes is called

' ' A^ vl n\ 8 ^ vl(«) T 3 2 - (b)



16 nvlwd2



32 iip/wd2


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5.24 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)






where, d = Diameter of pipe, 5.40.I = Length of pipe, v = Velocity of the liquid in the pipe w = Specific weight of the flowing liquidThe discharge through a channel of rectan g u lar sectio n w ill be maximum, if(a) its depth is twice the breadth 5.41.(ib) its breadth is twice the depth(c) its depth is thrice the breadth(d) its breadth is thrice the depth A channel is said to be of m ost economical cross-section, if(a) it gives maximum discharge for

a given cross-sectional area andbed slope 5.42.

(b) it has m inim um w etted perimeter

(c) it involves lesser excavation for the d esign ed am ount of discharge

(d) all of the aboveThe critical depth meter is used to measure(a) v e lo city of flow in an open

channel(b) depth of flow in an open channel(c) hydraulic jump 5 43(d) depth of channelThe pressure m easured with the help of a pressure gauge is called(a) atmospheric pressure(b) gauge pressure(c) absolute pressure(d) mean pressureA vertical w all is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, one of its sides. The total pressure on the wall per unit length is(a) w H (b) w H /2(c) wH2/ 2 (d) zvH2/3where, w = Specific weight of liquid, andH = Height of liquid

When a body, floating in a liquid: given a small angular displace: it starts oscillation about a p known as :(a) centre of pressure(b) centre of gravity(c) centre of buoyancy(d) metacentreIn an internal mouthpiece, if the after contraction does not touch sides of the m outhpiece than mouthpiece is said to be(a) running full(b) running free(c) partially running full(d) partially running freeA tank of uniform cross-secti are (A) containing liquid upto hei (Hj) has an orifice of cross-secti area (a) at its bottom . The tr requ ired to em pty the completely will be

2AVH7 .. - 2AHi

ta x i



(d)2A H ±

C d - a ^ v“ ' Cd-aJ2^

A tank of uniform cross-sectio area (A) con tain in g liquid u~ height (Hj) has an orifice of cxoal sectional area (a) at its bottom, l l f l time required to bring the liqiri^ level from H 1 to H2 will be

2AVM7 (“> Ct . a jT g


{b) c d. a j r g


2A(H?/2 -H ^/2)(d)

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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.25

i a liquid is ^placement, )ut a point


ce, if the je: 3t touch th* :e than the e

IIeess-sectiona upto heigh.: iss-section^ . The time the tan i



' J i gss-sectioru iquid up: ice of cros~- bottom. Thr ; the liqu:: 1 be

- 4 3 .

The d isch arg e (Q) through a rectangular orifice is given by

(a) Q = | c rf.^V2s:(H2 - H 1)

(b) Q = ~ C a . b ^ ( H 12'2 -H\/2)

(c) Q = | c rf. ^ K 2 -H ? /2)

(d) Q = ^ C d. b ^ ( H 22 - H l )

where, H j = Height of the liquid above the top of the orifice,H , = H eight of liquid above the bottom of the orifice, b = Breadth of the orifice, and Cd = Coefficient of discharge The co e ffic ie n t of v e lo city is determined experimentally by using the relation

(a) CB = Vy

4xH(1b) c v

(c) c B =4xH

y— (d) C v =.



5.49. A flow through an expanding tvibe at constant rate is called(a) steady uniform flow(b) steady non-uniform flow(c) unsteady uniform flow(d) unsteady non-uniform flow

5.50. In one dimensional flow, the flow(a) uniform(b) steady and uniform(c) take place straight line-(d) takes place in curve.

5.51. In order to avoid tend ency of sep aratio n at th roat in a v en tu rim eter, the ratio of the diameter at throat to the diameter of pipe should be

The velocity of the liquid following through the divergence portion of a venturimeter(a) remains constant(b) increases(c) decreases(d) depends upon mass of liquid One cubic meter of water weighs (a) 100 litres (b) 250 litres(c) 500 litres (d) 1000 litres A flow th rough a long pipe at constant rate is called(a) steady uniform flow(b) steady non-uniform flow(c) unsteady uniform flow(d) unsteady non-uniform flow








1 1 S ‘° 8 1 1 4 *° 3

W 5 to \

(d) \ to \

The hydraulic m ean depth for acircular pipe of diameter (d) is(a) d / 6 (b) d / 4(c) d / 2 (d) dThe highest efficiency is obtainedwith a channel of .... section.(a) circular (b) square(c) rectangular(d) trapezoidalA flu id h av in g no v isco sity is known as(a) real fluid(b) ideal fluid(ic) newtonian fluid(d) non-newtonian fluidA flow in w h ich .... force is dom inating over the viscosity is called turbulent flow.(a) elastic (b) surface tension(c) viscous (d) inertia R eynold 's num ber is the ratio of inertia force to(a) pressure force(b) elastic force

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5.26 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)








(c) gravity force(d) viscous forceIn a foot-step bearing, if the radius of the shaft is doubled, then the torque required to overcom e the viscous resistance will be (a) double (b) four times (c) eight times (d) sixteen times The shear stress-strain graph for a newtonian fluid is a(a) straight line(b) parabolic curve(c) hyperbolic curve(d) ellipticalIf the depth of w ater in an open channel is greater than the critical depth, the flow is called(a) critical flow(b) turbulent flow(c) tranquil flow(d) torrential flowAccording to M anning's formula, the d isch arg e through an open channel is(a) A M m1/2 i2/3(b) A M m2/3 z1/2(c) A1/2 M2/3 m i(d) A2/3 M 1/3 m iwhere, M = Mannings Constant The m axim um effic ien cy of transmission through a pipe is {n) 50% (b) 56.7%(c) 66.67% (d) 90%A structure used to dam up a stream or river over which the water flows is called(a) orifice (b) notch(c) weir (d) damThe loss of head at exit of a pipe is




(d) none of the above5.64. A pitot tube is used to measure

(a) velocity of flow at the reqi point in a pipe

(b) pressure difference between points in a pipe

(c) total pressure of liquid flow in a pipe

(d) discharge through a pipe.5.65. The buoyancy depends upon the

(a) pressure with which the liq is displaced

(b) weight of the liquid displace;(c) viscosity of the liquid(d) compressibility of the liquid

5.66. A body floating in a liquid is said be in neu tral equilibrium , if ‘ metacentre(a) co in cid es w ith its centre r

gravity(b) lies above its centre of gravity(c) lies below its centre of gravitr(d) lies b etw een the centre c

buoyancy and centre of grav.5.67. The water pressure per meter lengf

on a vertical masonory wall of is(a) w H / 2 (b) itfH(c) wH 2/ 2 (d) wH2/4where, zu = Specific weight of tid liquid, andH = Height of the liquid

5.68. When a body is immersed whoLf or partially in a liquid, it is lifted n by a force equal to the weight of liquid displace by the body. Thil statement is called(a) Pascal's law(b) Archimede's principle(c) Principle of floatation(d) Bem aulli's theorem

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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.27

The loss of head at entrance in a pipe is

v2 0.5p2ia) ~2g (b)

0.375P2 0.75u2<f) 2g {d) 2gwhere, v = velocity of liquid in the ripeThe discharge through a channel of circular section will be maximumwhen the depth of water i s ........thediameter of the circular channel. u> 0.18 times (b) 0.34 timesif) 0.81 times (d) 0.95 timesThe force exerted by a moving fluid :r. an im mersed body is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum due to the presence

• the body. This statement is called Xew ton's law of motion Xewton's law of cooling Newton's law of viscosity Newton's law of resistance

In a footstep bearing, if the speed of the shaft is doubled, then the torque required to overcom e viscou s resistance will be ui) double (b) four times(c) eight times (d) sixteen times If the depth of w ater in an open channel is less than the critical depth the flow is called(a) critical flow(b) turbulent flow(c) tranquil flow id) torrential flow In a b ro ad -crested w eir, the discharge is maximum the head of water on the downstream side of weir is .... the head of water on the upstream side of weir, u) equal to (b) one-third ic) two-third (d) three-fourth

5.75. An internal mouthpiece is said to be running free if the length of themouthpiece i s .... the diameter of theorifice.(a) less than twice(b) more than twice(c) less than three times(d) more than three times

5.76. The discharge through an external mouthpiece is given by(a) 0.855 a p g H

(b) 1.855 a H j 2 g

(c) 1.585 «/2^H

(d) 5.85 a H j l gwhere, a = Cross-sectional area of the mouthpiece, and H = H eight of liquid above the mouth-piece

5.77. A jet of water discharging from a40 mm d iam eter o rifice has adiam eter of 40 mm as its vena- co n tracta . The co e ffic ie n t of contraction is

(a) 0.46 (b) 0.64(c) 0.78 (d) 0.87

5.78. A flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path, and the paths of individual particle do not cross each other, is called(a) steady flow(b) uniform flow(c) streamline flow(d) turbulent flow

5.79. The flow in a pipe or channel is said to be uniform when(a) the liquid particles at all sections

have the same velocities(b) the liquid particles at different

sections have different velocities(c) the quantity of liquid flowing

per second is constant(d) each liquid particle has a definite


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5.28 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)





The flow in a pipe or channel is said to be non-uniform when(a) the liquid particles at all sections

have the same velocities(b) the liquid particles at different

sections have different velocities(c) the quantity of liquid flowing

per second is constant(d ) each liquid particle has a definite

pathThe torque required to overcome viscous resistance of a collar bearing is





- R 2) 60 t v 1 2>

60 t 2] 7t2|.tN

60 t 7I2(i N


(R ?-R | )

r ( Rt - R9w here, Rt and R0 = External and internal radius of collar A vertically im m ersed surface is shown below. The distance of its

Water Surface


j L T•G d

± .K- b

Fig. 1.centre of pressure from the water surface is

(a)bd2 _12

■ + x (b) U x■ + x

. . b2 -(c) — + x \ t 12, A\ d2 _ (d) — + x

In a lockgate, the reaction between two gates is



sin a




2P sin a

2P2 sin a s in a /2

where, P = Resultant pressure on lock gate, and a = Inclination of the gate with normal to the side of the lock

5.84. The theoretical velocity of jet vena-contracta is

(a) 2g H (b) H j 2 g

(c) 2g^fH {d)where, H = Head of water at v contracta.

5.85. Which of the following statem wrong ?(a) A flow w hose stream line

represented by a curve, is c two dimensional flow.

(.b) The to tal energy of a liq particle is the surface of pot en ergy , k in e tic energy pressure energy.

(c) The length of divergent pox in a venturimeter is equal to convergent portion.

(d) A pitot tube is used to m e' the velocity flow at the req point in a pipe.

5.86. The tim e of o sc illa tio n (I) floating body is given by


271, H1 K 1

1j h

2n V K2where, K = Radius of gyration of floating body about its centre gravity, and h = m etacen tric h e ig h t of t floating body.

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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.29

2P sin a

2P s in a /2 :pressureonl

le gate with of the lock ocity of jet

K f i g

( ¥ hi water at ve

mg statement

stream line i curve, is ca 1 flow.Jy of a liq i race ofpotenta. I


u rgent por r is equal to I ion.sed to mea at the reqi

ation (I)m by

L- h-gK2


h-g K 2

: gyration of! It its centre

le ig h t of

5.87. The m etacen tric h e ig h t is the distance between the(a) centre of gravity of the floating

body and the centre ofbuoyancy

(b) centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre

(c) m etacen tre and centre of 5 .91 .buoyancy

(d) original centre of buoyancy and new centre of buoyancy

5.88. A vertical w all is subjected to apressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. W hich of the following statement is correct ? 5.92.(a) The pressure on the wall at the

liquid level is minimum.(b) The pressure on the bottom of

the wall is maximum.(c) The pressure on the wall at the

liquid level is zero, and on the bottom of the wall is maximum.

(d) The pressure on the bottom of the wall is zero.

5.S9. The intensity of pressure at any point, in a liquid is (1a) directly proportional to the area

of the vessel containing liquid. 5 .93 .(b) d irectly p ro p o rtio n a l to the

depth of liquid from the surface.(c) d irectly p ro p o rtio n a l to the

length of the vessel containing liquid.

(d) inversely proportional to the depth of liquid from the surface.

5.90. The discharge over a rectangularnotch is 5.94.

(c) — C d.by[2g ,H3/2

(a) - C d. b j 2g R

(b) 2g H

(d) - C d.b^2g .H2

where h = width of notch, and H = Height of liquid, above the sill of the notchThe discharge through a convergentm outhpiece is ..... the dischargethrough an internal mouthpiece of the sam e d iam eter and head of water.(a) equal to (b) one-half(c) three fourth(rf) double The discharge over a right angled notch is

(a) ^ Q

(b) ^ Q

M £ Q H 115

^ C d

where, H = Height of liquid above the apex of notch.The power transmitted through the nozzle is maximum when the head lost due to friction in the pipe is(a) equal to the total supply head(b) one-third of the total supply

head(c) one-half of the total supply head(d ) tw o-third of the total supply

headThe loss of head due to friction on a pipe of uniform diameter in which a viscous flow is taking place, is(a) 1/Rn (b) 4/Rn(c) 16/Rn (d) 64/Rnwhere, RN = Reynold number.

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5.30 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)






The diameter of the nozzle (d) for maximum transmission of power is given by

^5 y / 2 / \l/3

(b) d =

(a) 0.5 a J l g H

(«) d :

(c) d-




(d) d =




where, D = Diameter of pipe / = Darcy's coefficient of friction for pipe, andL - Length of pipe The total energy line lies over the h y d rau lic g rad ien t lin e by an amount equal to the(a) pressure head(b) velocity head(c) pressure head + velocity head(d) pressure head - velocity head According to Francis formula, the discharge over a rectangular weiris



- C rf(L -n H )V 2^H

| c rf(L -0 .1n H )V 2^ H 3/2

(c) - C rf(L -n H )V 2 ^ H 2

(d) | Q ( L - 0.2nH)V2^ H 5/2

w here, n = N um ber of end contractions.The m axim um discharge over a broad crested weir is(a) 0.384 C d. L.H1/2(b) 0.384 Cd . L.H3/2(c) 1.71 C(/. L.H 1/2(d) 1.71 Cd . L.H3/2W hen an in ternal m outhpiece is running free, the discharge of the mouthpiece is

(b) 0.707 a J l g H

(c) 0.855 a^2gW

(d)where, a = Area of mouthpiece,H = H eight of liqu id above tt mouth-piece.

5.100. A compound pipe is required to replaced by a new pipe. The pipes are said to be equivalent,(a) length of both the pipes is s(b) diameter of both pipes is s(c) loss of head and discharge

both the pipes is same(d) loss of head and velocity of fl

in both the pipes is same5.101. The velocity through a channel

circular section will be maxim- when the depth of water is . diameter of the circular channel (a) 0.18 times (b) 0.34 times (c) 0.67 times (d) 0.81 times

5.102. The pressure of a liquid meas' with the help of piezometer tube(a) atmospheric pressure(b) gauge pressure(c) absolute pressure(d) vaccum pressure.

5.103. The m agnitude of water ham depends upon the (a) length of pipe line (.b) elastic properties of the pi

material(c) elastic properties of the liq'

flowing through the pipe(d) all of the above

5.104. A pipe flow having R, = 3500 w' be known as(a) laminar flow(b) turbulent flow(c) transition flow(d) radial flow

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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.31

*.105. Thickness of lam inar boundary layer is proportional to(a) x

(c) x2

3/2 (b) X'5.1/2

(«i )1

4~x5.106. The Prandtl type Pitot tube has the

coefficient about{a) 0.98 (Jo) 0.45(c) 0.63 (d) 1.01

5.107. The unit of kinemetic viscosity (v) is(a) m/sec2 (b) m/sec(c) m2/sec (d) m4/sec2.

5.108. The n o n -d im en sio n al num ber influencing channel flows as critical or subcritical is(a) Euler number(b) Weber number (ic) Nusset number(d) Froude number

5.109. Concept of boundary layer was first introduced by(a) Von-Karman(b) Nikuradse(c) Bernoulli(d) Prandtl

5.110. Discharge of 1 cumec equals(a) 1 m3/sec (b) 1 m3/min(c) 1 m3/hour (d) 1 litre/sec

5.111. Low head turbines are(a) axial flow{b) radial flow(c) tangential flow(d) mixed flow

5.112. Hydraulic coupling is analogous to(a) gear box (b) clutch(c) flywheel (d) universal joint

5.113. The exam ple of non-N ew tonian fluid is the flow of(a) kerosene oil(b) toothpaste(c) diesel(d) water at 100°C

5.114. M ain characteristic curves for a turbine are plotted at(a) constant speed and pressure(b) constant efficiency(c) constant discharge and velocity(d) constant head

5.115. Cavitation is caused by(a) high velocity(b) low barometric pressure(c) low pressure(d) high pressure

5.116. The taper of draft tube is kept about (a) 15° to 20° (b) 25° to 30°(c) 8° to 10° (d) 2° to 5°

5.117. For h y d ro d y n am ica lly rough boundary, the friction of coefficient(a) remain constant(b) varies inversely w ith Reynold

number(c) is function of Reynold number

and relative roughness(d) is d ep end en t on relative

roughness only.5.118. The turbine which is air-tight from

head-race to tail-race is(a) Jonval(b) Pelton(c) Propeller(d) Any impulse turbine

5.119. The graph shown in Fig. 2 is true for

(a) Francis turbine(b) Deriaz turbine(c) Pelton turbine(d) Foumeyron turbine

Page 12: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

5.120. A pipe of 100 mm diameter tapers to 50 mm and bends by 30°. The force on the bend connecting this pipe will be about(a) 3.610 kN (b) 1.805 kN(c) 5.415 kN (rf) 7.220 kN

5.121. The difference between the power obtained from turbine shaft and the power supplied by water at its entry to the turbine is equal to(a) hydraulic and windage losses(b) mechanical and electrical losses(c) hydraulic and mechanical losses(d) hydraulic and volumetric losses

5.122. Cargo shifting on a ship results into(a) sinking (b) capsizing(c) pitching (d) rolling

5.123. A tainted gate shown in Fig. 3 has length of 0.6 m perpendicular to the

5.32 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

plane of w ater. Total horizontal push of water on the gate will be {a) 47.088 kN (b) 88.74 kN(c) 74.88 kN (d) 22.5.18 kN

5.124. Kinetic energy correction factor forturbulent flow in pipes is about(a) 1.40 (b) 1.04(c) 0 .104 (rf) 4.10

5.125. Pitot tube is used to measure(a) pressure head(b) velocity head(c) discharge coefficient(d) velocity variation

5.126. Mixing of milk with water is due to(a) very good cohesion(b) very good adhesion(c) very good surface tension(d) very good vapour pressure

5.127. The seepage flow of pure water through soil mass is normally(a) laminar (b) turbulent(c) transitional (d) highly turbulent

5.128. A cubical box, 2 m on each edge has its base horizontal and is half filled with a liquid of specific gravity 1.5.

* The remainder of the box is filled with an oil of specific gravity 0.9. One of the sides is held in position by means of four screws one at each corner. Find the reaction (tension) in each screw due to hydrostatic pressure (<i) 6 kN, 14 kN(b) 12 kN, 128 kN(c) 24 kN, 56 kN(d) 6.386 kN, 14.215 kN

5.129. The co n tin u ity equ ation s for incom pressible and compressible fluid flow are(a) different (1b) same(c) almost the same {d) by chance the same

5.130. Surface tension a s in a tube, 80 mm below the top water level exposed to atmosphere, will be(a) negative (b) zero(c) positive (d) 80 units

5.131. Hydraulic jump is expected when slope of a channel changes from(a) mild to milder(b) mild to steep(c) critical to steep(d) steep to steeper

5.132. A control volume refers to(a) a fixed region in the space

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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.33

(b) a specified mass(c) a closed system(d ) a reversible process

5.133. Name the turbine operating under high head and low discharge(a) Pelton (fc) Kaplan(c) Propeller (d) Deriaz

5.134. Velocity component |j. for the velocity potential function tan-1 x(y/x) will be(a) - y / { x 2 + y2)(b) y / { x 2 - i/2)(c) y / ( x 2 + y2)(d) - y{x2 - i/2)

5.135. In the Fig. 4 below the areas of plunger A and cylinder B are 40 and 4000 cm2 respectively. The weight of cylinder B is 4100 kgf. The vessel and connecting passage are filled





= 1 (b)

= 1 (d)



= 1

= 1

w ith oil of specific gravity 0.75. W hat force F is requ ired forequilibrium if the w eight of A isneglected ?(a) 80.12 kgf (b) 20.42 kgf(c) 40.85 kgf (d) 9.63 kgf

5.136. The brake horse power (B.H.P.) of turbines may be measured by(a) stroboscope(b) rope brake dynamometer(c) expanding brake(d) governor

5.137. C ritica l d epth in a chan nel is expressed by

g H2 - * v ' g V5.138. A channel laid on constant slope

and having parabolic section all through its length is(a) non-prismatic(b) prismatic(c) unsteady(d) non-uniform

5.139. For low head and high discharge the most suitable turbine is(a) Pelton (b) Francis(c) Kaplan (d) Banki

5.140. Shed d ing of v ertices from the cylinder is expressed by(a) Nusselt number(b) Euler number(c) Lewis number(d) Strouhal number

5.141. Unit power of turbine is given by(a) P/H1/2 (b) P/H3/2(c) P/H3/4 (d) P/H5/2

5.142. Name the turbine operating under low head and large discharge(a) Francis (b) Kaplan(c) Bulb (d) Pelton

5.143. The value of kinetic correction factor C k for tu rb u len t flow ranges between(a) 1.0 to 1.1 (b) 1.05 to 1.35(c) 1.5 to 1.8 (d) 1.8 to 2.10

5.144. A slip oscillates about its transverseaxis. The phenomenon is known as (a) spinning (b) pitching(c) rolling (d) bowing

5.145. The discharge through a V-notch varies as(a) H1/2 (b) H2(c) H3/2 (d) H5/2

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5.34 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

5.146. C onvective norm al acceleration develops for steady flow in case of streamlines pattern of(a) concentric type(b) straight type(■c) curved converging type (d) diverging type

5.147. Purpose of providing surge tank is to prevent(a) cavitation(b) water hammer(c) excessive turbulence(d) surge waves

5.148. For an open ch an n el flow b est hydraulic section is(a) circular (b) semi-circle (c) trapezoidal (d) rectangular

5.149. For a channel of circular section, shown in Fig. 5, the hydraulic radius is



1 -

1 +


sin 0 ^

1 sin0 ̂ ,' » i( <r)

, I f , sinO^ ,e A{1 + ~ r ) d



Vi2 - V 222-8

(V1- V 2)22g



V i - V 22

( v , - v 2)2

5.151. Rotameter is used to measure(a) velocity through the pipe(b) discharge through the pipe(c) velocity profile through the pipe(d) static pressure in the pipe

5.152. A channel will have turbulent flow if the(a) Re > 600 (b) Re > 1200(c) Re > 1500 (d) Re > 2000

5.153. A p ip e of 600 mm d iam eter is deflected through 90°. The ends of the pipe are anchored by the rod at right angles to the pipe at the ends of the bend. If the pipe is delivering 1.5 m3/sec of water, the tension in each tie-road will be(fl) 3900 N (b) 7800 N(c) 1950 N (d) 5850 N

5.154. The Chezy's coefficient C is related to D arcy -W eisb ack 's friction coefficient / by

5.150. The loss of head due to sudden enlargement in a pipe is expressed by (V, > V2)

(a) C = j 8 g 7 f ( b ) C = 8 g/f

(c) C = J I i 7 f ( d ) C = 4 g/f5.155. What is the position of the centre of

pressure for a vertical semi-circular plane submerged in a homogeneous liquid with its diameter d at the free surface ?(a) 3 71 d (b) n d / 3 2

(c) 3 71 d / S (d) ^

5.156. Find the pow er produced by the runner of a reaction turbine using 0.68 m3/s of water. The peripheral velocity of the runner is 20 m/s. The tangential and radial components of velocity of water at inlet are 15 m/s and 2 m/s respectively. The water comes out of the runner at an angle of 90° (i.e., without swirl)(a) 2.046 kW (b) 20.46 kW (c) 204.6 kW (d) 2046 kW

Page 15: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.35

5.157. C oefficient of d ischarge C d of a venturimeter lies between(a) 0.7 to 0.9 (b) 0.6 to 0.8(c) 0.75 to 0.95(d) 0.95 to 0.99

5.158. Surge tank is placed between the turbine and(a) another turbine(b) tail race(c) draft tube(d) head race

5.159. W hich turbine is known as axial flow type ?(a) Francis (b) Pelton(c) Kaplan (d) Impulse

5.160. A co m p ressib ility of steel as compared to that of water is about (a) 1/10 times (b) 1/200 times(c) 1/50 times (d) 1/800 times

5.161. A venturim eter of cross-sectional area a1 and at inlet and throat respectivley will have its constant k measured by

«i f i s

(d) a2^

5.162. The cross-section of the tube of Bourden's pressure gauge is(a) circular (b) paraboloid(c) square (d) elliptical

5.163. The tem p eratu re d ecreases uniformly in the atmosphere above the ground upto about(a) 3 kms (b) 300 meters(c) 6.5 kms (d) 11 kms

5.164. Find the velocity of flow of carbon tetrachloride, sp. gr. 1.6, through a p ip e, w hen d iffere n tia l gauge attached to a Pitot static tube shows a deflection of 80 mm of mercury. Assume <]) = 1(a) 10.29 m/sec(b) 3.43 m/sec(c) 13.72 m /sec(d)6.86 m/sec

5.165. For which of the following diameter of tube, the capillary rise of water will be maximum ?(,a) 0.01 mm (b) 0.1 mm(c) 1.0 mm (d) 2.0 mm

5.166. C ontinuous m om entum transfer between adjacent layers in turbulent flow developes(a) Reynolds stress (.b) gravitational stress(c) viscous stress(d) Eulers stress

5.167. The value of polytropic index n in p o ly trop ic sta te of atm osphere varies between(a) 1.2 to 1.4 (b) 1.4 to 1.6(c) 1.6 to 1.8 (d) 0.9 to 1.0

5.168. Which of the follow ing is most incompressible fluid ?(a) Gasolene (b) Kerosene oil(c) Helium (d) Water

5.169. The zone of tran sitio n of temperature in the atmosphere is known as(a) stratosphere(b) tropopause(c) troposphere(d) stratopause

5.170. Occurrence of flow under gravity through a circular pipe is the case of(a) channel flow(b) pipe flow(c) tube flow (cl) orifice flow

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5.36 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

5.171. As show n in the Fig. 6, pipe M contains carbon tetrachloride of sp ecific grav ity 1.594 under a p ressure of 105 kN /m 2. If the menometric fluid is mercury, find the difference x between the levels of mercury

Carbon Tatrachloride

(Sp. gr. 1.594)

3Oil(Sp. gr. 0.8)


Fig. 6.(a) 1.133 (b) 11.33(c) 0.1133 (d) 113.3

5.172. Fig. 7 below depicts shear stress vs

Fig. 7.

velocity gradient dy

pipe is inversely proportional to(d2 < d j

(a) d\ (b) dl

(c) d\ (d) dt

of a fluid that

is known as(a) plastic (b) thixotropic (c) Newtonian (d) inelastic

5.173. Metacentric height is more in case of(a) rolling motion(b) precession motion(c) pitching motion(d) all of the above

5.174. Head loss due to friction in tapper

i2 V"/ U[5.175. The n ear v e lo c ity of flow in a

channel of depth h will occur below the free surface at(a) 0.1 h (b) 0.6 h(c) 0.3 h (d) 0.9 h

5.176. The ratio of the percentage error in the discharge and percentage error in the measurement of head, over rectangular notch, is(a) 1/2 (b) 2/3(c) 3/2 (d) 3/4

5.177. One metric slug is equal to(a) 1 kg weight(b) 9.81 kg weight(c) 9.81 kg mass(d) 0.98 kg weight

5.178. Maximum efficiency of transmission of power through a pipe, is(a) 25% {b) 33.3%(c) 50% (d) 66.67%

5.179. The gases are considered incompressible if Mach number is(a) equal to 1.0(b) equal to 1.5(c) is more than 0.5(d) less than 0.2 .

5.180. For maximum power transmission through a nozzle,


(c) hf =H

(b) hf = ̂

W » / - jw here hj is the head lost due to friction.

5.181. An ideal fluid(a) is frictionless and incompressible(b) obeys Newton's law of velocity

Page 17: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.37

(c) is similar to gas(d) is very viscousThe notch angle for m axim um discharge over a triangular notch, is(a) 30° (b) 60°(c) 90c (d) 120°



An ideal flow of a liquid obeys {a) continuity equation(b) Newton's law of viscosity(c) Newton's second law of motion(d) dynamic viscosity lawIn flowing liquids pitot tubes are used to measure (a) discharge (b) pressure(c) velocity (d) depth

EL1S5. To avoid the force of surface tensionin an in clin ed m anom eter, the 5.193 minimum angle of inclination is (a) 2° (b) 3°(c) 4° (d) 5°

5.1Sfa. Weber number is the ratio of inertia force to(a) surface tension(b) gravitational force(c) elasticity(d) viscosity

5157 . The ratio of the percentage error inthe discharge and percentage error in the measurement of head over a triangular notch, is (a) 2/3 (b) 3/2(c) 2/5 (d) 5/2

5.188. Dimension of the dynamic viscosity (H) are(n) MLT~2 (b) M-1L~1T~1(c) ML-’T-1 (d) M L-'T-2

5.1S9. For the two dimensional flow, the stream function is given by vy = 2xy.The velocity at a point (3, 4) is (ji\ & m fsec (b̂ 8 m/sec

(c) 5A0 m ) sec\fr) o.Yl tcv) sec 5.190. To measure very low pressure, we


(a) barometeres(b) piezometers(c) manometers(d) differential manometers

5.191. The time required to close a valvegradually is

(a) ~ (b) - 2L



ofOn an in clined p lan e, centre pressure is located(a) at the centroid(b) above the centroid(c) below the centroid(d) anywhereThe shape of fire hose nozzle is generally kept(a) divergent(b) convergent(c) convergent divergent(d) cylindricalCritical depth (h) of a channel, is




h = -2§



h :

h = l S




The ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity of viscous fluid through a circular pipe is (fl) 0.5 (b) 0.75(c) 1.25 (d) 2.00If the total head of the nozzle of a pipe is 37.5 m and discharge is 1 cumec, the power generated is (a) 400 H.P. (b) 450 H.P.(c) 500 H.P. (d) 550 H.P.Molecules of fluids get attracted due

(rt) capillarity action(b) surface tension

Page 18: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

5.38 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

(c) adhesion(d) cohesion

5.198. A p iezom eter opening in pipes measures(a) velocity head (1b) static head(c) total pressure(d) negative static pressure.

5.199. When the whole fluid mass rotates either due to fluid pressure or gravity or rotation previously imparted, the motion is known as(ia) free vortex(b) forced vortex(c) non-potential vortex(d) rotational vortex

5.200. D ischarge over an O gee w eir remains the same as that of(a) sharp crested weir (£>) triangular weir(c) cippoletti weir(d) drowned weir

5.201. Reynold num ber is the ratio of initial force, and(a) viscosity(b) elasticity(c) gravitational force (id) surface tension

5.202. Inside pressure in a hollow soap bubble in air is

(«) K (b)


~d (b)2ct~d

< \ 6a (c) T8a

(c) (d) -zK

5.203. To ensure that water does not rise more than 100 cm above the crest, for a discharge of 5.0 m3/sec, the length of water will be(a) 2.48 m (b) 2.49 m(c) 2.50 m (d) 2.51 m

5.204. The m inim um specific energy of flow of water in open channel is

3K2 3

5.205. If jet of water com ing out from a nozzle with a velocity 9.81 m/s, the angle of elevation being 30°, the time to reach the highest point is(fl) 0.25 s {b) 0.50 s(c) 1.0 s id) 1.5 s

5.206. For m axim um horse pow er of a nozzle, the head supplied must be equal to(a) head loss in the pipe due to

friction(b) twice the head loss in the pipe

due to friction(c) thrice the head loss in the pipe

due to friction(d) four times the head loss in the

pipe due to friction5.207. The velocity distribution of viscous

fluid through a circular/pipe is (a) hyperbolic (b) circular(c) parabolic (d) elliptical

5.208. Orifice-meter is used to measure(a) pressure at the point(b) discharge(c) average speed(d) velocity

5.209. Kinematics viscosity equals to(a) dynamic viscosity h- density(b) dynamic viscosity x density(c) dynamic viscosity + density(d) pressure -s- density

5.210. A nozzle is fitted at the end of a pipe whose length is 320 m and diameter is 10cm. If the value o f/ = 0.01, the d iam eter o f the no zzle for the maximum transm ission of power through the nozzle is(fl) 2.4 cm (b) 2.5 cm(c) 2.6 cm (d) 2.7 cm

Page 19: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.39

5.211. If H is the depth of water retained by a vertical w all, the height of centre of pressure above the bottom is

H(.b)(*) T




5.212. The ratio of frictional factor and coefficient of friction used in general equation for a head loss in a pipe, is («) 1 (b) 2(c) 3 (d) 4The diameter (d ) of a nozzle fixed at the end of a pipe (diameter D, length L) for maximum energy, is

: i 3 .








I D2

{b) V h(«) Vh

(c) H3/2 (d) H7' 25 116. In tw o d im en sio n al flow the

components of velocity are given by u = ax, v = by. The stream lines will be(a) circular (b) parabolic (c) hyperbolic (d) elliptical

5-217. Rain drops become spheres due to(a) adhesion(b) cohesion(c) surface tension(d) viscosity

5.218. If R(J is the Reynold's number, the coefficient of friction for laminar flow is

(a) R. (b) R,

(c)12 16 R W R

5.219. The depth of flow after hydraulic jump is

(«) y +d2

+ 8(Fr)

{b) f + u + m )

(c) -^ V l + 8 (Fr)2 - l

(d) d: Vl + 8(Fr)3

8/L -\| 4/L5.214. Highest dam in India, is

(a) Bhakra dam (,b) Hirakund dam (c) Nagarjun Sagar dam (id) Iddiki dam

: 215. The discharge through a V-notch weir varies as


5.220. The valu e of a k in etic energy connection factor (a) for a laminar flow through a circular pipe is(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0(c) 1.5 (d) 2.0

5.221. The imaginary line drawn such that the tangents at its all points indicate the direction of the velocity of the fluid particles at each point, is called(a) path line(b) stream line(c) potential line(d ) streak line

5.222. Total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessel completely filled with liquid, is directly proportional to(a) radius (b) (radius)2(c) (radius)3 (d) (radius)4

5.223. The ratio of the inertia and viscous forces acting in any flow, ignoring other forces, is called(a) Euler number

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5.40 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

(b) Froude member(c) Reynold number(d) Weber number

5.224. To avoid vapourisation, pipelines are laid over the ridge so that these are above the hydraulic gradient line, not more than(a) 2.4 m (b) 6.4 m(c) 10.0 m (d ) 5.0 m

5.225. If the forces are due to inertia and gravity, and frictional resistance plays only a minor role, the design of the ch an n els is m ade by comparing(a) Reynold number(b) Froude number(c) Weber number(d ) Mach number

5.226. The ratio of the hydraulic radius of a pipe running full to the hydraulic rad iu s of a squ are sectio n of a channel where side is equal to the diameter of the pipe, is

(«) 1 (b) \

(C) \ (d)

5.227. The ratio of inertia force of a flowing fluid and the viscous force of the liquid is called(a) Reynold's number(b) Froude's number(c) Euler's number(d) Weber's number

5.228. N on-over flow double curvature concrete arch, is provided in(a) Bhakra dam(b) Hirakund dam(c) Nagarjun sagar dam(d) Iddiki dam

5.229. An error of 1% in m easuring the head of water over the crest of a

rectangular weir, produces an er in the discharge which is equal(a) 1.25% (b) 1.5%(c) 1.75% (d) 2.25%

5.230. A tank 4 m x 3 m x 2 m contaiian oil of specific gravity 0.83: moved with an acceleration g / 2 1 sec2. The ratio of the pressures at i bottom when it is moving vertica up and down, is(a) 2 (b) 3(c) 1/2 (d) 1/3

5.231. To replace a pipe of diameter D 1 n parallel pipes of diameter d, formula is

D(a) d = — n

(c) d =D


(b) d =

(d) d =


D,2/5n ~ ' ' n~

5.232. The most efficient channel sectic is(a) semi-circular(b) rectangular(c) triangular(d) h a lf hexagon in the form

trapezoid5.233. If C v, Cc and C r are the hydrai

coefficient of an orifice, then

<«) = C«-C,(6) Cd = 1+ Cv5-2/ C d W = C(, ,+ Crf(d) Cc = C v/ C d

5.234. A rise or fall of liquid in a glass I of a very sm all d iam eter wl dipped is(a) directly proportional to the fo

per unit length of peripherv(b) directly proportional to the :

of the angle of contact(c) d irectly p ro p o rtio n a l to

specific weight of liquid(d) inversely proportional to

diameter of the glass tube

Page 21: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.41

.235. Uniform flow is said to occur when(a) size and shape of the cross-

section in a particular length remain constant

(b) size and shape of the cross- section change along a length

(c) frictional loss in the particular length of the channel w ill be m ore than the drop in its elevation

(d ) frictional loss in the particular length of the channel, will be less than the drop in elevation

.236. The depth of the centre of pressure on a vertical rectangular gate (4 m wide, 3 m high) with water upto top surface, is(ia) 1.0 m (b) 1.5 m(c) 2.0 m (d) 2.5 m

237. A pipe of 0.1 m2 cross-sectional area suddenly enlarged to 0.3 m2 cross- sectional area. If the discharge of the pipe is 0.3 m3/sec, the head loss is(a) 2 g m of water(b) g / 2 m of water(c) 1 g m of water

(d) ^ m o f water238. If k is the radius of gyration, h the

m etacen tric h e ig h t, g the acceleration due to gravity, the time of oscillation of a floating body, is

Ik2(a) (b) 2tt

(c) 2* j S " (d) n I w

dv239. The eq u atio n t = n— for the

dxjviscosity, is suggested(a) Bernoulli (b) Newton(c) Chezy (d) Bezin

5.240. Water flows through a convergent m outhpiece of diam eter 4 cm at convergen ce under a head of 3 m etre. If the m axim um vacuum pressure is 9 metres of water, the maximum diameter of divergence, to avoid separation of flow, is(a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm

(c) V2 cm (d) 2V3 cm5.241. Bernoulli's equation assumes that

(a) fluid is non-viscous(b) fluid is homogenous(c) flow is steady(d) all the above

5.242. Cappoleti weir is a(a) rectangular weir whose length

is kept 3 times the height of the water above sill

(b) triangular w eir, w hose notch angle is 90°

(c) trapezoidal weir, whose sides slopes 1 horizontal to 2 verticals

(d) a com bination of rectangular and triangular weirs

5.243. The radius of gyration of the waterline of a floating ship is 4 m and its m etacentric height is 2.5 cm. The period of oscillation of the ship, is(a) n (b) 2 n(c) 3 n (d) 4 7i

5.244. When a liquid rotates at constant angular velocity about a vertical axis of a rigid body, the pressure(a) increases linearly to its radial

distance(b) varies inversely as the alitude

along any vertical line(c) varies as the square of the radial

distance(d) decreases as the square of the

radial distance5.245. For ah irro ta tio n a l flow , the


Page 22: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

5.42 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

^ + ^ = Ois given by8x dy(a) Cauchy-Riemann(b) Reynold

•(c) Laplaces(d) Bernoulli

5.246. If H is the difference of liquid levels on two sides of an orifice (width b, depth d), the discharge through the orifice will be

(a) Cdbd2 J l g H

(b) Cdb2d ^ H

(c) Cdb d J l g H

(d) Cdbd.2gHl/25.247. The property of steam function \\i is :

(a) v|/ is constant everywhere on any streamline.

(b) the flow around any path in the fluid is zero for continuous flow.

(c) the rate of change of vy w ith d istan ce in an arb itrary direction, is proportional to the component of velocity normal to that direction.

(d) all the above.5.248. For m ost econom ical rectangular

section, of a channel, the depth is kept(a) one-fourth of the width(b) three times the hydraulic radius(ic) half the width(d) hydraulic mean depth

5.249. When two layers of a fluid separated by dy move over the other with a difference of velocity dv, causes a

civshearing stress Y = ------, where x isdy

known as(r<) coefficient of viscosity(b) absolute viscosity

(c) dynamic viscosity(d) all the above

5.250. A water tank partially filled with water is being carried on a truck moving with a constant horizontal acceleration. The level of the water(a) rises on the front side of the tank(b) falls on the back side of the tank(c) remains the same at both sides

of the tank(d) rises on the back side and falls

on front side5.251. If velocities of fluid particles vary

from point to point in magnitude and d irectio n , as w ell as from instant to instant, the flow is said to be(a) laminar(b) turbulent flow(c) uniform flow(d) non-uniform flow

5.252. The line joining the points to which the liquid rises in vertical piezometer tubes fitted at d ifferen t cross- sections of a conduit, is known as(a) hydraulic gradient(b) piezometric line(c) pressure grade line(id) all the above

5.253. Pick up the incorrect statement fro the following(a) In radial flow, fluid flows su

that pressure and velocity at an point change with respect to " distance from the central axis

(b) In radial flow, velocity of flo- is in a radial direction

(c) In radial flow, flow may ta* p lace rad ia lly inw ard to outward from the centre

(d) In rad ia l flow , flow is or.f dimensional with stream line? parallel

Page 23: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.43

5.254. Equation of continuity of fluids is applicable only if(a) flow is steady(b) flow is compressive(c) flow is one dimensional(d) all the above

5.255. Hydraulic grade line(a) remains above the centre line of

conduit(b) remains below the centre line of

conduit(c) remains parallel to the centre

line of conduit(d) m ay be above or below the

centre line of conduit5.256. The acce lera tio n / req u ired to

accelerate a rectan g u lar tank containing w ater horizontally so that the slope of its free surface is 45°, is

(b) g






L (H -L )

L(H + L)


C. Internal mouth piece running free

D. Convergent divergent

3. 0.855

4. 0.50

A B C D(a) 1 5 4 1(b) 1 5 3 4(c) 4 3 5 1id) 5 4 1 3

5.259. Match List I with List II and select a suitable answer by using the codes given below in the lists

(c) 2g (d) 3g5.257. If S is the length of the crest, H is

the height of water source of a weir whose length is L and discharge is Q m3/sec, the velocity of approach


L(H + S) Q5.258. Match List I with List II and select

a suitable answer by using the codes given below in the lists

List I List II(Mouth Piece) (Coefficient of

discharge)A. External mouth 1. 1.0

pieceB. Internal mouth 2. 0.707

piece running full


List I List II(Liquid) (Type)

A. Incompressible 1. Real fluidwithout viscosity

B. Viscous 2. Non-Newtonianfluid

C. Shear stress 3. Ideal plasticproportional tothe velocitygradient

D. Shear stress not 4. Newtonianfluid proportionalto the velocitygradient

E. Shear stress is 5. Ideal fluidmore than yieldvalue

A B C D E(a) 5 1 4 2 3(b) 1 3 2 4 5(c) 5 4 2 1 3(d) 4 1 4 3 2

M atch List I w ith List II and selecta suitable answ er by using the codesgiven below in the lists

List I List IIA. Inertia force 1. Product of shear

stress due to* viscosity and


area of

Page 24: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

5.44 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

B. Viscous force 2. Product of elasticstress and area of flowing fluid

C. Pressure force 3. Product of massand acceleration of the flowing fluid

D. Elastic force 4. Product ofpressure intensity and cross-sectional area of the flowing fluid

CodesA B C D

(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 3 4 1 2(d) 2 4 1 3

5.263. Match List I with List II and select a suitable answer by using the codes given below the lists

Codes :A B C D

(«) 4 2 3 1 B.(b) 3 4 1 2

C.(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 4 2 3 1

5.261. Match List I with List II and select a suitable answer by using the codes given below in the lists

List I(Coefficient of

discharge)A. External mouth

pieceInternal mouth piece ringfall Internal mouth piece running free

D. Convergent divergent

List II(Value)

1. 1.0

2. 0.5

3. 0.855

4. 0.767


Codes :

List IA. Coefficient of

velocity (CK)B. Coefficient of

contraction (Cc)C. Coefficient of

discharge (Crf)

List II1. 0.95 to 0.99

2. 0.61 to 0.65

3. 0.64

A B C D(a) 4 3 2 1(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 3 2 4 1(d) 1 4 3 2

A B C(«) 4 1 3(b) 3 2 4(c) 1 3 2id) 4 3 1

5.264. Match List I with List II and select a suitable answer by using the codes given below in the lists

5.262. Match List I with List II and select a suitable answer by using the codes given below in the lists

List I List II(Physical Quantity) (Dimensions)

A. Angular velocity 1. L2T_1B. Angular 2. T-1

accelerationC. Discharge 3.




List IIdeal fluid Real fluid Newtonian fluid Non-NewtonianfluidIdeal fluid

List II

CodesVelocity gradient ■

Fig. 8.

r-2D. Kinematic

viscosity4. L3T-1

A B C D(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 2 1 3 4(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 3 4 1 2

Page 25: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics □ □ 5.45

5.265. Match List I with List II and select 5.266. Match List I with List II and select a suitable answer by using the codes a suitable answer by using the codesgiven below in the lists given below in the lists

List I List II List I List II *■(Property) (Units) A. Viscous force/ 1. Fraud's'number

A. Viscosity 1. m2/sec elastic force i \ J5 I p (V, \ 2 2 iB. Kinematic 2. N.s/m2 B. Inertia force/ 2. Mach number

viscosity gravity force___ I C. Inertia force/ 3. Euler's number

C. Surface tension 3. kg KD.

elastic force Inertia force/ 4. Reyn'old's number

D. Gas constant 4. N/m pressure force• Codes :

A B C D A B C D(a) 4 3 2 1 (a) 4 1 5 3(b) 2 1 4 3 (b) 1 3 2 4(c) 3 2 1 4 (c) 4 1 3 2(d) 1 4 3 2 id) 3 2 4 1


5.1. («) 5.2. («) 5.3. (b) 5.4. (d) 5.5. (c) 5.6. («) 5.7. (c)5.8. (b) 5.9. (c) 5.10. (c) 5.11. (b) 5.12. Cb) 5.13. (b) 5.14.it v * (d)

5.15. (c) 5.16. (d) 5.17. («) 5.18. (a) 5.19. («) 5.20. (b) 25.1. (c)5.22. (c) 5.23. (d) 5.24. (a) 5.25. (b) 5.26. (a) 5.27. (d) 5.28. (b)5.29. (c) 5.30. («) 35.1. (d) 5.32. (c) 5.33. (d) 5.34. (d) 5.35. (b)5.36. (d) 5.37. (c) 5.38. (b) 5.39. (c) 5.40. (d) 5.41. (b) 5.42. («)5.43. (c) 5.44. (c) 5.45. (b) 5.46. (c) 5.47. {d) 5.48. (a) 5.49. (b)5.50. (c) 55.1. id) 5.52. (b) 5.53. (d) 5.54. (b) 5.55. (d) 5.56. (d)5.57. fa) 5.58. (a) 5.59. (c) 5.60. (b) 5.61. (c) 5.62. (c) 5.63. (d)5.64. (a) 5.65. (b) 5.66. (a) 5.67. (c) 5.68. (b) 5.69. (b) 5.70. (d)5.71. (d) 5.72. (a) 5.73. (d) 5.74. (c) 5.75. (c) 5.76. («) 5.77. (b)5.78. (c) 5.79. (a) 5.80. (b) 5.81. id) 5.82. (b) 5.83. (c) 5.84. (d)5.85. (c) 5.86. («) 5.87. (b) 5.88. (c) 5.89. (b) 5.90. (C) 5.91. (d)5.92. (d) 5.93. (b) 5.94. (c) 5.95. (c) 5.96. (b) 5.97. (b) 5.98. id)5.99. («) 5.100. (c) 5.101. (d) 5.102. (b) 5.103. (d) 5.104. (c) 5.105. (b)

5.106. («) 5.107. (c) 5.108. (d) 5.109. (d) 5.110. (a) 5.111. (a) 5.112. (b)5.113. (b) 5.114. (d) 5.115. (d) 5.116. (c) 5.117. (d) 5.118. (c) 5.119. («)5.120. (d) 5.121. (c) 5.122. (d) 5.123. («) 5.124. (b) 5.125. (b) 5.126. (a)

Page 26: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

5.46 □ □ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)

5.127. (a) 5.128. (.i ) 5.129. (a) 5.130. (b) 5.131. (b) 5.132. (a) 5.133. (a)

5.134. (c) 5.135. (c) 5.136. (b) 5.137. (a) 5.138. (b) 5.139. (c) 5.140. (d)

5.141. (b) 5.142. (b) 5.143. (b) 5.144. (b) 5.145. (d) 5.146. (a) 5.147. (b)5.148. (b) 5.149. (b) 5.150. (c) 5.151. (b) 5.152. (d) 5.153. (b) 5.154. (a)

5.155. (d) 5.156. (c) 5.157. (d) 5.158. (d) 5.159. (c) 5.160. (b) 5.161. («)5.162. (d) 5.163. (d) 5.164. (b) 5.165. (a) 5.166. («) 5.167. (a) 5.168. (d)

5.169. (b) 5.170. (a) 5.171. (b) 5.172. (b) 5.173. (c) 5.174. (c) 5.175. (b)5.176. (c) 5.177. (c) 5.178. (d) 5.179. (d) 5.180. (b) 5.181. (a) 5.182. (c)5.183. («) 5.184. (c) 5.185. (c) 5.186. (a) 5.187. (d) 5.188. (d) 5.189. (c)5.190. (c) 5.191. (c) 5.192. (c) 5.193. (b) 5.194. («) 5.195. (d) 5.196. (c)5.197. (c) 5.198. (b) 5.199. (a) 5.200. (c) 5.201. (fl) 5.202. (d) 5.203. (b)5.204. (c) 5.205. (b) 5.206. (c) 5.207. (c) 5.208. (b) 5.209. (a) 5.210. (b)5.211. (fl) 5.212. (d) 5.213. (c) 5.214. (a) 5.215. (d) 5.216. (c) 5.217. (c)5.218. (d) 5.219. (c) 5.220. (d) 5.221. (b) 5.222. (d) 5.223. (c) 5.254. (b)5.255. (b) 5.256. (d) 5.227. (a) 5.228. (d) 5.229. «b) 5.230. (b) 5.231. (d)5.232. (d) 5.233. (a) 5.234. (c) 5.235. (a) 5.236. (c) 5.237. (a) 5.238. (b)5.239. (b) 5.240. (c) 5.241. (d) 5.242. (c) 5.243. (c) 5.244. (c) 5.245. W

5.246. (c) 5.247. (d) 5.248. (c) 5.249. id) 5.250. (d) 5.251. (b) 5.252. (d)

5.253. (d) 5.254. (d) 5.255. (d) 5.256. (b) 5.257. (c) 5.258. (a) 5.259. («)5.260. (ia) 5.261. (c) 5.262. (b) 5.263. (b) 5.264. (c) 5.265. (b) 5.266. («)

□ □
