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Hydrogen and Fuel Cell guide of Sweden 2012...Powertrekk, myFC, middle, left Mercedes-Benz F-CELL,...

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Hydrogen and Fuel Cell guide of Sweden 2012
Page 1: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell guide of Sweden 2012...Powertrekk, myFC, middle, left Mercedes-Benz F-CELL, middle, right Linde Group, bottom, left Hyundai ix35 Hydrogen, bottom, right 3 In

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell guide of Sweden 2012

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The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Guide 2012This is the first Swedish guide to the hydrogen and fuel cell sector. It has been edited by the non-profit organization Hydrogen Sweden. We hope you will find it interesting and useful!

This is how the categories in the catalouge shall be read:

Suppliers: End products, component- and system suppliers, both hydrogen and fuel cell systems

Services: Engineering companies, consulting firms, other services

End users: Progressive and integrating users, all applications

Infrastructure: Hydrogen producers/distributors and infrastructure builders

Organizations: Public organizations, universities, NGOs, municipalities, regions, institutes

The smaller images on the cover page include images from:Air Products and Chemicals Inc., top, leftPowertrekk, myFC, middle, leftMercedes-Benz F-CELL, middle, rightLinde Group, bottom, leftHyundai ix35 Hydrogen, bottom, right

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In old days the one who controlled the fire had the power. To keep the fire burning was crucial, in order to get heating, to keep dangerous animals away and for preparing the food.

In a near future the one who can store energy will have the power and can control probably the most impor-tant asset on earth. Energy can take many shapes. It can never disappear, but it can be transformed into differ-ent energy carriers. One energy carrier that is sometimes forgotten is hydro-gen. Hydrogen gets more and more attention today and with increased knowledge about hydrogen’s potential,

we will find new, smarter and more complete solutions to the energy chal-lenges that we face in the modern way of living.

Increased knowledge can only be gained by learning from each other. Our purpose with this catalogue is to show some of our most important ac-tors within this area of competence. Use it and find the one who can help you with the answers to your questions or support you in solving the upcom-ing energy challenges.

Björn AronssonHydrogen Sweden

Göteborg, June 2012

The one who can store energy will have the power

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Hydrogen will become a new, efficient and environmentally friendly energy carrier. It can be produced from a number of energy sources and with different processing technologies. Around the world major industries and national authorities collaborate for the market introduction of hydro-gen and the fuel cell technology, aim-ing to replace fossil fuels with sustain-able alternatives.

As a member of the European Un-ion, Sweden has an obligation to follow the 20-20-20 plan for climate change. The large parts of the plans are; a 20% cut in emissions of greenhouse gases by 2020 (compared with 1990 levels), an average share of 20 % renewable in the European energy mix and a 20% cut in energy consumption. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology can play an impor-tant role to fulfil these objectives.

Fuel cell electric vehicles – a long term solution

The growing shortage and the rising cost of energy resources make it neces-sary to look for several different tech-nologies to secure our mobile lifestyle. A majority of the automotive industry has declared that it considers Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) to be one of the final answers to a sustainable and affordable mobility for the general pub-lic. This statement was made officially

for the first time in 2009, when Daim-ler, Ford, GM/Opel, Honda, Hyundai/ Kia, Renault, Nissan and Toyota signed a letter of understanding, announcing that they will have series of hydrogen powered cars for sale in 2015.

The joint statement from the car industry was a way of getting out of the chicken and egg situation often referred to when talking about hydro-gen infrastructure. By declaring that the cars are on the way, they encour-age stakeholders to begin the build-up of a commercial network of hydrogen refuelling stations. Public organiza-tions and industry have together joined the cause in Europe, Asia and North America.

Reduction of greenhouse emissions

A reduced usage of the private car is one important part to achieve the goals of reduced energy demand and a cut in emissions. However, Sweden’s geo-graphy makes a large part of the inhab-itants dependant of the car on a daily basis. Good public transports, bicycle roads and wise urban and rural plan-ning are absolutely necessary. Though it does not solve the transportation need for those who lack the option to commute by bus or bicycle to work. For a more rapid abandonment of fossil fu-els it is vital that Sweden joins in on the

Why hydrogen in Sweden?

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“Lack of transmission capacity for wind power in the north to consumers in the south is a stumbling block for Sweden’s energy transition. Hydrogen as a new parallel infrastructure can remove a brake pad for conversion to future sustainable energy systems. It can also provide significant regional eco-nomic benefits. The building of a regional infrastructure for hydrogen would greatly stimulate the development of wind power in the North and be a regional energy boost for jobs with low environmental impact.”

Roger Fredriksson, Apoidea.

Clean energy and regional development in the north

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The value of the FCEV over alterna-tive power-trains in terms of TCO (To-tal Cost of Ownership) and emissions (including the cost of the hydrogen infrastructure) is positive beyond 2030. The economic gap prior to 2030 is almost completely determined by the higher purchase price, not by the cost of the hydrogen infrastructure.

A portfolio of power-trains for Europe: a fact-based analysis, by McKinsey and Company, 2010. The study is available on:www.zeroemissionvehicles.eu

development like our neighbour coun-tries Denmark and Norway.

According to an analysis made by McKinsey in 2010, at the request of 30 companies and organizations, the cost for hydrogen refuelling stations is in line with the price for an infrastruc-ture for battery electric vehicles. The McKinsey study confirms the conclu-sion made by the automotive industry, that technological breakthrough in fuel cell and electric systems have in-creased their efficiency and cost-com-petitiveness significantly. The evalu-ation, based on proprietary industry data, continues to say that ”the focus has now shifted from demonstration to planning commercial deployment so that FCEVs, like all technologies, may benefit from mass production and the economies of scale”.

Work opportunities

When a growing number of nations, local authorities, and companies from the transport and energy sectors invest in hydrogen and fuel cells technology, the sector will be a job creator and an area of development. The Swedish line of business is still well positioned, but Swedish researchers and SMEs need support from national authorities. The demand for trained and skilled people will increase the coming years and this need to be matched by universities and schools. Possibilities for research, for growing domestic and external markets and for product development placed in Sweden also wait around

the corner. Estimations show that up to 5000 new jobs can be created until 2020 in Sweden in this sector, if right and fair support mechanisms and incentives will be decided and intro-duced.

Energy storage

Renewable energy production from intermittent sources can only expand if economic energy storage technology is available. An effective complement to existing methods is to convert electric-ity into hydrogen via electrolysis. The process causes a loss of energy, but the method still has great advantages. For instance, hydrogen offers larger scale energy storage capacity and over longer periods of time, compared to other en-ergy storage solutions. Hydrogen stor-age can be a valuable complementary solution to the expensive investments into new grids. ■

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The introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the society can be described in terms of an innovation system. This means that the introduc-tion and commercialization of hydro-gen in the energy system not only is a question of technology, but technol-ogy, economy and humans in interac-tion. Hydrogen Sweden has for several years cooperated with regions and mu-nicipalities to support the innovation processes at a regional and local scale. The work is usually formulated in a cooperation project which focuses on four keystones; increased competence, strengthening the local network, co-operation between hydrogen and other technologies and energy sources, and promoting demonstration projects.

The experience from this kind of work has resulted in an increased under-standing of the important success cri-teria for a region or municipality that begins to use hydrogen. The regional platforms can be described schemati-cally in the picture on next page.

The regional projects collect dif-ferent kind of organizations. A typical network consists of energy companies, technical consultants, chemical and manufacturing industries, vehicles companies, universities, science parks and public bodies at local and regional levels.

Hydrogen Västra Götaland

The Region Västra Götaland in west-ern Sweden has a platform for net-

Support to regional innovation system

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working and competence building in the field of hydrogen since 2003, when the environmental secretariat in the administration took the initia-tive. With the regional cooperation as a ground, further initiatives were taken to form the national platform and organization Hydrogen Sweden. The cooperation with the region has however continued and the current collaboration project is running until the end of 2013.

Possibilities for hydrogen in western Sweden

The collected knowledge and expe-rience in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology is particularly high in western Sweden. The sup-port from region Västra Götaland to networking activities, competence building and exchange of experienc-es has been very valuable to reach this high level. From the about fifty member organizations in Hydrogen Sweden about a third are based in

western Sweden and the Gothen-burg area.

Gothenburg is the main centre for the Swedish automotive industry. The headquarters of Volvo Car Corpora-tion, as well as the Volvo Group and many related suppliers, are situated within the city limits. Small to medium scale fuel cell research and develop-ment is currently being undertaken within the Swedish motor vehicle in-dustry, the most significant being fuel cells used as auxiliary power supply in heavy trucks. Sweden’s center for petrochemical industries is situated in Stenungsund, sixty kilometers north of Gothenburg. Here hydrogen is pro-duced as a byproduct in very large quantities, and the company Ineos Chlor Vinyls is investigating the pos-sibilities to use this as an energy carrier together with a fuel cell application.

Western Sweden is recognized as a successful demo-arena with long standing support for green technolo-gies like wind power and biogas. The

Initiative from a regional or local government, from commercial life or Hydrogen Sweden.

Phase 1Survey

Phase 2MobilizationStart-up

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regional plattform for hydrogen seeks to cooperate with other green technol-ogies and energy sources, in order to find ways for hydrogen to be a part in a sustainable and variable energy system.

Western Sweden is on the doorstep to introduce hydrogen at several places and in several applications. If your company wants to be a part of hydro-gen demonstrations, wish to gain un-derstanding, experience or contacts we welcome you to the network.


At the beautiful coast of Halland lies the town Falkenberg, which is well known for a great deal of wind power establishment and other renewable energies. The region of Halland has for several years supported the develop-ment of hydrogen. 2011 a project was set up to focus on Falkenberg who has shown a special interest in supporting the establishment of a hydrogen refu-elling station and the use of fuel cell vehicles. To facilitate the realization of

the project, Hydrogen Sweden acts as a process leader for the network of in-terested organizations and companies and has performed a study of the local preconditions.

The network participants all have in common that they see the positive possibilities to be early users and adop-ters for new technology. The driving forces are a mix of arguments based on environmental, commercial and PR reasons in the long run. The vision is a multi fuel center just outside the town center along the motorway E6, which connects the Malmö-Copenhagen area with Gothenburg and Oslo. The pro-ject welcomes more organizations who wish to realize the ideas. Participants can be users of fuel cell vehicles, tech-nology provider, energy provider, own-er of the station, financier or observer.

The project is financed by the mu-nicipality of Falkenberg, the Region of Halland, Falkenberg Energy Com-pany and the Swedish Transportation Authorithy. ■

Leadership and feed back is important to reach a successful process.

Phase 3Active phaseTransfer of leadership

Phase 4Self-driven regional network

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In 2012 a project will start that brings together public bodies, network or-ganizations and institutes from seven countries around the North Sea. The aim is promotion and adoption of hydrogen technology. The lead part-ner is Aberdeen City, one of the mu-nicipalities in the oil dependent eco-nomics on the east coast of Scotland. The transition from fossil economy is taken serious and Aberdeen puts both efforts and money in making the renewable energy sector grow.

Hydrogen is recognized as one of the important pieces of the puzzle, both for allowing energy storage from in-termittent sources and as a transport fuel.

Hydrogen Sweden’s experience and ongoing work at regional and local scale will be used in the framework of the North Sea project. Some of the ac-tivities in the project are to:• Establish a Hydrogen Transport

Stakeholder Group to identify barri-ers hindering access to and adoption

Common strategic approach in the North Sea Region

Linda Nilsson, project manager at Hydrogen Sweden.

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of innovative hydrogen technologies, and develop strategies/initiatives to create a fully functioning North Sea Region hydrogen corridor.

• Develop a transnational pilot study to improve the accessibility and connectivity of existing regional hydrogen corridors and support the development and deployment of a hydrogen supply chain infrastruc-ture in urban and rural settings.

• Develop a North Sea Region edu-cation forum to identify skills gaps and develop training solutions including two modular training programmes concerned with the

design of infrastructure and hydro-gen safety.

• Support the development of SME clusters to deliver new hydrogen turnkey infrastructure solutions.

The Swedish project partners are SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and Hydrogen Sweden.

Project time: 1 June 2012 – 31 March 2015.

Contact: Linda Nilsson [email protected]+46 31 334 37 71

Four regions in Sweden are members in HyER, the European Association for Hydrogen and fuel cells and Elec-tro-mobility in European Regions. It’s the region of Skåne, Halland, Västra Götaland and Värmland who are rep-resented by Sven Wolf from Hydrogen Sweden, who also holds a seat in the HyER board.

HyER started as HyRaMP, an or-ganization for regions and cities in Europe who wants to be forerunners in introducing hydrogen as an energy vec-

tor. In 2011 HyRaMP was transformed to HyER and included in it’s mission the development of all electric trans-ports; both battery electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles. HyER is representing over 30 regions and cities in Europe. This forum has been highly valuable to ensure cost efficient moni-toring and collection of project results, as well as exchange and collaboration for project development. For more in-formation about HyER please visit:www.HyER.eu

European regions for hydrogen and electro-mobility

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Since 2006 Hydrogen Sweden is en-gaged in SHHP – Scandinavian Hydro-gen Highway Partnership, a successful collaboration with the sister organiza-tions HyNor (Norway) and Hydrogen Link (Denmark). The aim is to make Scandinavia one of the first regions where you can drive a Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) and fill it with hydro-gen on a commercial basis.

In order to get there we work to make Scandinavia attractive for the au-tomotive industry as a dynamic arena where they can demonstrate their state of the art technology. These vehicles come only in limited numbers and are highly demanded in all countries and regions active in the development of hydrogen. The Scandinavian efforts

have been worthwhile, and as a result there are currently close to 50 hydro-gen powered vehicles (20 FCEVs) used on a daily basis in Denmark and Nor-way, refuelling at circa ten operative hydrogen stations. There are more sta-tions opening in the near future and in addition there will be mobile stations in use the following years.

Another important piece of the puzzle is the users. The partnership therefore works locally with clusters of committed organizations that want to be early users of zero emission vehicles.

Over the last years the SHHP has proved to be a stable ground for large-scale demonstration projects, like H2moves Scandinavia and Next Move. Even though individual projects

One result of the positive collaboration between the Scandinavian countries is the signing of a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the SHHP partners, the Icelandic hydrogen organization and Hyundai-Kia in South Korea.

Scandinavia on the world map of hydrogen – Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership

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One result of the positive collaboration between the Scandinavian countries is the signing of a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the SHHP partners, the Icelandic hydrogen organization and Hyundai-Kia in South Korea.

Scandinavia on the world map of hydrogen – Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership come to end, they are important steps in building the infrastructure and will leave lasting results.

The overall activities in the region have put us on the world map of hy-drogen, which facilitate for Swedish organisations and authorities as they venture into demonstration projects and begin to found our own hydrogen infrastructure.

The Swedish representatives in the SHHP board are Björn Aronsson and Sven Wolf from Hydrogen Sweden’s secretariat. ■

SHHP visionSecure scandinavia as one among the first regions in the world where hydrogen cars are market introduced


In operation

Under construction

Strategic location






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The Robust project will demonstrate how fuel cells function in a system for backup power. The demonstration sys-tem is developed jointly by two Goth-enburg companies; the fuel cell com-pany PowerCell Sweden and FOAB, experts in central safety solutions.

FOAB will implement the demon-stration system at one of its large, well known customers. Over a three-month period it will serve as a backup if the main power source fails. The system will also be subjected to scheduled tests.

There are a number of different tech-nologies to choose from among emer-gency power systems, especially in the

power output around 5 kW, which is typical for the application in the Robust project. Compared with other technolo-gies, the fuel cell system has both opera-tive and environmental benefits. In ad-dition, there are currently changes in the legal requirements demanding longer backup times in several countries. This also affects the choice of technology and points towards an increased demand for fuel cell back up systems.

Ready for commercialization

This kind of hydrogen-based energy system is an example of fuel cell tech-nology ready for commercialization.

ROBUST – Clean and stable backup power with fuel cell

Andreas Bodén, PowerCell, demonstrates the Robust back-up system.

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Thousands of similar systems have already been installed on commercial basis, mainly in North America. The on-going commercialization of the technology has been preceded by ma-jor demonstration projects in which challenges concerning technology, cost, durability and safety have been worked out. The result is a competitive back-up system with a huge global market. More extreme weather conditions calls for an increased dependency on a sta-ble and reliable communication infra-structure and electricity supply, which paves way for a further growing market for fuel cell based back-up.

Regional support

In addition to PowerCell and FOAB, Hy-drogen Sweden works with the commu-nication tasks in the project. The region Västra Götaland is supporting the Robust project with the motivation that it is con-sistent with both the industrial policy and the environmental political visions that the region has formulated.

The region of Västra Götaland has for several years supported the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the area. The region was early to see hy-drogen’s potential in environmental im-provements and work opportunities and therefore it is even more pleasant to fea-ture this demonstration in Gothenburg, the capital city of the region. � ■

“PowerCell is proud to be part of Robust providing us a great opportunity to demonstrate not only our products (fuel cells) but also our know how in master-ing one of the most promising energy technologies around. Robust is the first regional evidence that the hydrogen technology is here to stay and just as importantly, the technology behind is Gothenburg engineered! Thanks to the highly entrepreneurial cooperation be-tween the two locally based companies, PowerCell and FOAB, the technology is designed into a very promising appli-cation that is gaining large momentum globally. Proving its case, PowerCell is looking forward to deploy and support more systems with its partners.

  PowerCell is also pleased to co-operate with Region Västra Götaland and Hydrogen Sweden who show their strong commitment to follow the trend and introduce fuel cell technologies!”

Philip Chaabane, Product & Business Development,


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With a clear political commitment, the region of Skåne has teamed up with other Scandinavian regions and municipalities in becoming early users of zero emission vehicles, powered by fuel cells. Since 2011 they have joined forces in Next Move, an EU-funded project that facilitates cross-border cooperation in challenging ar-eas like purchasing, service and analysis. Next Move brings early users together in a structured way and the organisations build up demand, knowledge and expe-rience – critical steps in creating a market for these vehicles.

Aiming at a collaboration structure

The project will show very concrete and visible outcomes, such as procure-ment of tens of vehicles, a training cen-tre and a hydrogen road tour. The aim is a permanent collaboration structure. Coordination is not only desirable from a resource perspective, it is also necessary to seriously attract the auto-motive industry and provide access to smaller fleets of the latest environmen-tal technology in cars and buses.

Copenhagen first out

After one year of operation all work packages have been activated in the pro-ject. The procurement processes have started and will be carried out during 2012. First out was the City of Copenha-gen, in line with their ambitious objec-

tive for abandoning fossil fuel vehicles - since 2011 the city authorities may only purchase cars powered by electricity or hydrogen. Expected delivery of the fuel cell cars is in spring 2013.

The project has also started produc-ing its first results, one of them being a report on the possibilities and obstacles for a joint Scandinavian procurement. Another result is an overview of the po-litical incentives promoting non-pol-luting vehicles in the three countries. It shows that both Norway and Denmark are fore-runners in encouraging both private citizens and companies to buy electrical vehicles, including hydrogen powered cars. Strong incentives like tax reductions together with a favour-able driving and parking regulations are used.

Join us!

The project invites interested organisa-tions to become associated partners. By following Next Move close up, taking part of results and benefit from the project out-comes your organisation will gain know-ledge, a valuable network and experience. An offer with no strings attached – no fi-nancial commitment is required.

Next Move runs from April 2011 until March 2014. The total budget is approximately 6 million EUR and co-funded by the Interreg IVA Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak programme. Lead Partner is Hydrogen Sweden. ■

Next Move – Scandinavian cooperation for the deployment of zero emission vehicles

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Next Move – Scandinavian cooperation for the deployment of zero emission vehicles

“As a public organization Region Skåne supports the development and use of hydrogen technologies. It is a strate-gic development issue in line with the vision of Skåne as a ‘Green valley’ for the future cleantech industry. It is im-portant that the question of hydrogen refuelling stations and hydrogen cars does not become a catch-22. Thus by procuring Skåne’s first hydrogen cars through the project Next Move, Region Skåne pushes the development of a hy-drogen infrastructure, which in turn can generate more vehicles. In this way we, as a public organization, take the lead and in a responsible manner pave way for future opportunities.”

Oddvar Fiskesjö, Pro tempore head of department of Environmental strategies

at Region Skåne

“That public organizations from differ-ent countries go first in line and work together for the deployment of emis-sion-free vehicles is both exciting and important. When they buy vehicles and build up their skills together, they give a great boost to the introduction of a type of vehicle that really can make a difference to the environment,”

Jessica Vacklid, Project Manager Next Move

+46 705 088 906 [email protected]

Project partners:Norway:  Akershus Energi,  Kunnskapsbyen Lille-strøm, Hynor Lillestrøm, Skedsmo Municipality, Ruter AS, Rådet for Drammensregionen, ZERODenmark: City of Copenhagen, Hydrogen LinkSweden: City of Malmö, Region Skåne, Hydrogen Sweden

Co-financiers: Akershus County Council, Transnova.

Contact:Next MoveVätgas Sverige/Hydrogen SwedenDrottninggatan 21411 14 Göteborgwww.scandinavianhydrogen.org/nextmove EUROPEISKA


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The focus of this project is to accelerate the market introduction of hydrogen powered fuel cell electric cars.

The ambition is to launch the lat-est “state-of-the-art” hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and to consolidate the existing hydrogen fuelling network in the south of Norway by adding a new refuelling station in Oslo.

The project will also equip the as-sociated workshops and educate their staff. Oslo will then have an infrastruc-ture enabling private customers to pur-chase or lease their own fuel cell elec-tric car. Hydrogen Sweden coordinates the projects communication activities to gain customer acceptance. The first main activity was the opening of a hy-

drogen station and the operation of 15 FCEVs in Oslo in November 2011. Sec-ondly, a road tour across Europe will be held in the autumn of 2012.

By organising public events, such as test drives, we want to reach out to peo-ple and let them know about this excit-ing technology – we want to offer them a way to see this sustainable fuel in every day operation, and understand it is an alternative to fossil fuel.

Certification and safety

Development of a project safety plan and a study of certification procedures is done by TÜV SÜD (Germany) and SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. Approval requirements and procedures

H2moves Scandinavia

Mayor Fabian Stang at the opening of the Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Oslo.

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throughout Scandinavia are analysed to facilitate future commercialisation of vehicles and refuelling stations.

The study will also develop a set of harmonised requirements and proce-dures, exchanging related information and experience between the countries, as an important step to reduce costs and lead times for market introduction of vehicles and fuelling stations.

The performance of cars and station is monitored and assessed and large

amounts of operational data is accu-mulated. The cars are leased to private and industrial customers to enable the collection of real life, data, feedback and comments from real users, allow-ing the understanding of customer sat-isfaction to be maximised.

The experience from Nordic cli-mate conditions will yield additional insights to ensure that the vehicles are capable to perform in more extreme climatic markets. ■

Budget: circa 20 M€ • Funding circa 8 M€ (EC), circa 2 M€ (DK, NO) Public private partnership.

DG / Unit: FCH JU • Contract n° FCH-JU-2008-245101 Lighthouse project.

Main Partners: Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBST), Daimler AG, H2 Logic A/S, Hyundai

Motor Europe GmbH, Hydrogen Sweden, Hydrogen Link Denmark Association, TÜV-

SÜD Industry Services GmbH, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

Coordinator: Dr. Ulrich Buenger, LBST,

[email protected]

Duration: January 2010 – December 2012.

Website: www.scandinavianhydrogen.org

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Air Liquide

Air Liquide Gas ABBox 2911212 09 Malmöwww.airliquide.se

Contact:Emmanuel RothanBusiness Developer Hydrogen & Biogas +46 8 444 10 18+46 70 310 89 00

Air Liquide, world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment, has mastered the entire hydrogen chain for many years now. On the strength of this expertise, the Group is currently and actively developing hydrogen en-ergy.

For nearly 50 years, Air Liquide has mastered the entire hydrogen chain for industrial applications, from production through to distri-bution at customer sites. In addition to its significant production capac-ity, Air Liquide operates a distribu-tion network that is adapted to the needs of all its customers, the world over.

By leveraging this experience and this unique expertise, the Group has taken up the challenge of developing hydrogen as a vector of clean energy. Today, Air Liquide occupies a unique role in this sector, managing the pro-duction and distribution of hydrogen

as well as the production of clean pow-er via fuel cells.

Air Liquide is present across the en-tire hydrogen chain• Production• Distribution• High-pressure storage• Hydrogen filling stations• Fuel cells

Blue Hydrogen

Air Liquide´s commitment to the de-carbonisation of hydrogen energy pro-duction

Air Liquide takes a commitment to produce, at least 50% of its hydrogen energy through carbon-free processes by 2020, by combining:• Renewable energy sources, water

electrolysis and biogas reforming• Carbon capture and storage technol-

ogies during the hydrogen produc-tion process based on natural gas.



End users



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Apoidea ABBox 489901 09 Umeåwww.apoidea.se

Contact: Roger FredrikssonEnergy Analyst/MD +46 90 77 70 30+46 70 30 02 [email protected]

Lack of transmission capacity for wind power in the north to consumption in the south is a stumbling block for Swe-den’s energy transition. This fact will prevent more than 30 billion kWh of electricity reaching consumers and in-dustry in the year of 2020, a consider-able shortfall of renewable energy even with EU standards.

Hydrogen – the new hydropower from north

Hydrogen as a new parallel regional in-frastructure can remove this brake pad and contribute to a sustainable energy system, develop regional business and expose the national electricity grid for competition.

The scenario is that wind power is used for water electrolysis. The hydro-gen is compressed and distributed to Germany or Denmark, which already has advanced plans for fuel cells in cars and power generation.

The plants for production of hydro-gen will be located close to urban cen-tres near to the coast of northern Swe-den that has port for tankers, access to railway and is close to large wind power parks, such as the municipality of Nordmaling and Piteå. Since 20% to 30% of the energy becomes heat in the electrolysis with current technology, it can then be used in local heating dis-tribution networks or to new activities, such as greenhouse.

Apoidea – a small consultant busi-ness owned by a large private real estate company; Balticgruppen in Umeå - is going to develop the idea of a regional infrastructure for hydrogen produced with wind power. Our wind power pro-jects will be used as case studies. Dur-ing 2012/13 we will search for partners and financing of a system analysis for more in detail investigate strengths and barriers for realising the idea.



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Autoliv Sverige AB

Autoliv Sverige ABWallentinsvägen 22447 83 Vårgårdawww.autoliv.comwww.testcenter.autoliv.com

Contact: Kjell EnevoldsenTel: +46 322 626 [email protected]

Autoliv Inc. has developed a new product technology, APG (Autoliv Passenger-inflator Gas) for inflation of airbags which is more environmental friendly and cost effective than tradi-tional inflator technologies. The APG-technology was launched for serial production early this year (2012), and introduced into a passenger airbag for a European OEM. The APG-technol-ogy will primarily be used for frontal passenger airbags where larger cush-ions are required.

APG uses hydrogen (H2) and oxy-gen (O2) in combination with inert gasses, replacing conventional pyro-technic substances for inflation of the bag. As a result there are no particles nor smoke from the combustion and no effluent gases. The remaining prod-uct after combustion is vapor which, when cooled off, becomes just a few drops of 100% pure water. The APG technology allows a reduction of the weight by up to 20% compared to in-flators with comparable performance.

The mixing and activation of the gases now takes place inside the cushion, instead of inside the vessel as in tra-ditional inflators, allowing thinner vessels to be used. If only a quarter of Autoliv’s internal needs for passenger airbag inflators is converted to the new APG technology, Autoliv would save 1,000 tons of steel every year. The de-velopment of this new technology is to release a dual-stage version to offer a gas flow adaptable to the severity of the crash.

Autoliv Inc., the worldwide leader in automotive safety systems, develops and manufactures automotive safety systems for all major automotive man-ufacturers in the world. Together with its joint ventures, Autoliv has more than 80 facilities with nearly 50,000 employees in 29 countries. In addition, the Company has ten technical cent-ers in nine countries around the world, with 21 test tracks, more than any oth-er automotive safety supplier. Sales in 2011 US $8.2 billion.



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University of Borås

University of BoråsAllegatan 150190 Boråswww.hb.se/ih/resourcerecovery

Contact: Biological H2 production:Prof. Mohammad TaherzadehTel: +46 33 435 5908 or +46 70 717 [email protected]

Contact: Thermal H2 production:Prof. Tobias RichardsTel: +46 33 435 4207 or +46 073 230 [email protected]

University of Borås with 15,000 stu-dents in six different schools has a broad range of education and specific profiles in research.

The department “Resource Recov-ery” with a total of about 50 researchers, more than 1,500 m² of well-equipped labs and great national and interna-tional networks is a unique profile in Sweden in developing technologies and social aspects of converting wastes into several value-added products and energy, including hydrogen.

The labs are equipped with several equipments and reactors for research on hydrogen, such as several different ovens, pressurized TGA equipment, a continuous entrained flow lab scale re-actor. There are also more than 40 con-tinuous bioreactors and hundreds of batch reactors, aerobic and anaerobic incubators, HPLC, GC, GC-MS, Ion Chromatograph, FTIR, qPCR, Freeze dryer, low temperature (-80°C) freezer, normal, continuous and high-speed centrifuges, high-temperature and

pressure pretreatment reactors in lab and pilot scales, etc.

The research on hydrogen produc-tion is carried out by thermal processes using gasification; and biological pro-cesses using dark fermentation. The thermal group experimentally looks at the production of synthesis gas and the reaction rate of different substanc-es with respect to temperature and gasifying media. On a theoretical basis (quantum mechanical calculations), the group investigates on different ma-terials that have a catalytic effect on especially the water-gas shift reaction and thereby enhance the production of hydrogen already inside the gasifier. The biotechnology group is investigat-ing on simultaneous production of hydrogen and biogas, with the goal to develop a rapid and economically vi-able dark fermentation and digestion process.

University of Borås welcome collab-orations with companies and universi-ties in this field.



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Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of TechnologyPhysical Resource Theory, Department of Energy and Environment, 412 96 Göteborgwww.chalmers.se/transportwww.chalmers.se/energy

Contact: Maria Grahn, PhD+46 31 772 31 04 +46 706 22 09 [email protected]

Together with our researchers, students and entrepreneurs, we coordinate our work in eight Areas of Advance. We create arenas where new ideas are born and different people take initiatives. The Areas of Advance brings together education, research and innovation, which create excellent possibilities for cooperation and dynamics.

One of the Areas of Advance that supports the development of a possible hydrogen future is the Energy area. This is the largest single Area of Advance at Chalmers and covers all the important elements of basic science, energy tech-nology and systems research, as well as connections to economy and social sciences. Special strengths are the close cooperation between different energy technologies and system areas. Chalm-

ers has also developed internationally acclaimed energy systems models.

Another area of Advance where hydrogen and fuel cells are in focus is Transport.

Chalmers has a long scientific tradi-tion in sustainable vehicle technologies. All conventional transport modes are represented and this area is developed together with the Energy Area of Ad-vance and has a set of strong research centres, for example

Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre (SHC) and Swedish Centre for Renew-able Fuels (f3).

Three active fields have been identified in the Transport area; Ef-ficient powertrains, Vehicle concept development, and System aspects of vehicles.



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Energigas Sverige/Swedish Gas AssociationBox 491 34100 29 Stockholmwww.energigas.se

Contact: Anders Mathiasson+46 8 692 18 41+46 702 963 [email protected]

Biogas, natural gas, hydrogen, vehicle gas and LPG are gases used in the en-ergy sector. These gases are clean and efficient. They reduce climate emis-sions, improve air quality and are good alternatives to oil-based products for industry, as well as in the transport sec-tor. The gases are a natural part of the sustainable society and contribute to efficient energy utilization, more jobs and a cleaner environment.

Altogether, these five gases today represent 4 percent of the Swedish en-ergy supply. By increasing their use, the Swedish Gas Association believes that a number of political objectives in the field of reducing climate and envi-ronmental emissions could be reached. Therefore, the association and its mem-bers have set up an ambitious target to increase from 4 to 7 percent of the Swedish energy supply by the year 2020.

The Swedish Gas Association is a member-funded, industry association dedicated to promoting a greater use of these gases for energy. The association

works towards a safe, environmentally responsible and efficient utilization of gas and acts as a voice for all gases where safety, technical matters, marketing and advocacy are key elements. The asso-ciation also promotes R&D within the sector through its shares in the Swed-ish Gas Centre, SGC, where some big-ger gas companies are the other share holders. The assignment of SGC is to co-ordinate Swedish industrial interest in R&D concerning gas fuel technology.

Prioritized areas

• Increase knowledge and acceptance concerning the potential of the gas-es in the energy sector.

• Increase awareness of the growth con-ditions of the gases and the need of po-litical guidelines, goals and strategies.

• Develop guidelines, industry stand-ards and authorization in the whole gas field.

• Offer professional courses towards a safe, environmentally friendly and efficient use of gases.



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Energigas SverigeSwedish Gas Association

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Göteborgs Gatu ABBox 1086405 23 Göteborgwww.gatubolaget.goteborg.se

Contact: Pelle Grönberg+46 31 368 49 [email protected]

Gatubolaget is specialised on the coordination of Gothenburg City’s vehicles and transportation. The or-ganization is assigned to deliver en-vironmentally friendly vehicles and transport solutions to the municipal companies and administrations in the City of Gothenburg. The aim is to create a clean and safe traffic con-dition in the city. This is achieved, for instance, by delivering low emis-sion vehicles consistent with high safety requirements, car and bicycle

pools and training officials in eco-driving.

Other functions of Gatubolaget are vehicle insurances and the training of city employees in safety aware driv-ing, according to the “Gothenburg City Safety policy”.

Since Gatubolaget has a history of being early adaptors of alternative vehicles and fuels, it is consistent that the organization takes interest in the development of hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles.



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H2 Skånewww.h2skane.se

Contact: Anna Alexandersson+46 709 71 99 [email protected]

H2Skåne is a network with the aim to increase the growth of environmen-tal technology in the region of Skåne. Supported by the European Regional Development Fund we work in a pro-ject that focuses on the cooperation between regional actors dealing with hydrogen.

We believe that hydrogen will play a major role in the transition to a more sustainable energy system. Through networking and common projects we promote the development of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Activities in this area also lead to an increased profit-ability for companies as well as to a stronger research and innovation cli-mate in Skåne.

The political will of the region and a growing commitment for renewable

energy makes Skåne suitable for early in-vestments in hydrogen technology. The geographic position also allows an in-spiring cooperation with other countries.

What can hydrogen do for the environment?

Hydrogen can be produced from all kinds of energy sources, even from renewables such as solar, wind and water.

Fuel cells are a technology that in a very efficient way can transform hy-drogen’s chemical energy into electric-ity and heat. The emission of a fuel cell together with hydrogen is pure water. The environmental benefits are signifi-cant, provided that the step before the final use does not imply any major en-vironmental impact.



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Honda Nordic ABBox 505 83202 15 Malmöwww.honda.se

Contact: Maria Johansson +46 40 380 709 +46 73 699 07 [email protected]

Honda’s first fuel cell vehicle was dem-onstrated as early as 1999. Since then development has taken great steps for-ward. Today’s fuel cell stacks are small-er, lighter, more compact and more powerful than before. The FCX Clarity has since 2008 been leased out to cus-tomers in California and Japan.

– Honda’s own developed FCX Clarity is ready for production, but is dependent on a functioning in-frastructure for refuelling hydrogen. Once in place, many people will en-joy uncompromising mobility with zero emissions, as this is clearly de-scribed in our environmental vision

“Blue Skies for our children”, says Ma-ria Johansson PR Manager for Honda Sweden.

Honda, along with several other manufacturers, has made a joint state-ment (9 Sept 2009) that we can pro-

duce and introduce fuel cell vehicles to the market from 2015.

– It is important that everyone tries to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and develop technical solutions using alternative energy sources, continues Maria Johansson.

2011 Honda pledged to reduce CO2 emissions from its products by 30% by 2020. To achieve the vision of a sustain-able future, research is conducted in a variety of techniques, such as natural gas-, hybrid-, fuel cell-, battery/electric- and plug-in hybrid -vehicles, but also with solar cells.

Fuel cell vehicles powered by hy-drogen does not emit CO2 or other harmful emissions and still meet high standards of performance and conven-ience. They can be the key to a bright and sustainable future for the automo-tive industry in the community.



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InnovatumBox 902461 29 Trollhättanwww.innovatum.se

Contact: Lillemor Lindberg+46 520 289 [email protected]



End users




Innovatum is one of northern Europe’s strongest development centres. We focus on energy technology and en-vironmental engineering, production technology and the creative industry. We consist of a science centre, a project arena and an incubator.

Innovatum wants to inspire new thinking and our point of departure is that the very best way to generate learn-ing and new knowledge is when people cooperate. We are therefore concen-trating on arenas with resources which stimulate and utilize precisely this.

The operations and projects are financed by public funds as well as

by active participants in the industry and the world of academia. Innova-tum is operated according to the Tri-ple Helix model. This means a strong collaboration between university, in-dustry and government in order to drive activities.

Since the beginning we have runned over 100 projects and helped over 60 start up companies. Each year we run 35 projects at a total current project balance of 200 MSEK. And each year over 70 000 people visit the interactive exhibitions at our science centre.

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Intertek Semko ABTorshamnsgatan 43, P O Box 1103164 22 Kistawww.intertek.se

Contact: Eva FontesManaging Director Energy Storage+46 8 750 04 [email protected]

Intertek is a leading provider of testing and advisory services for batteries and fuel cells. With more than 50 years of track record in evaluating power sourc-es, Intertek has developed a deep under-standing of operating conditions across a wide range of end-use applications.

From electrical vehicles to cellular phones and medical devices, Intertek has the expertise to ensure that your product meets the performance reliability and safety criteria for batteries and fuel cells. We go beyond testing, inspecting and certifying products; we help customers improve performance, gain efficiencies in manufacturing and logistics, over-come market constraints, and reduce risk.

Energy Storage

Intertek’s fuel cell services cover all chemistries and sizes – from smaller

micro fuel cell systems up to larger sta-tionary fuel cell systems, as well as elec-trolyzer systems. Intertek’s diversity of test environments allows for testing against national and international fuel cell standards as well as customized test programs. We hold extensive global ac-creditations, recognitions, and agree-ments for virtually every market in the world and these can take the form of test reports, or full certifications and product marks.

Intertek’s laboratory and procedures have been assessed to ISO 17025 – Gen-eral Requirements for Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

Intertek Semko AB

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KTH - Royal Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Chemical Engineeringand Technology Applied ElectrochemistryTeknikringen 42 100 44 Stockholmwww.kth.se

Contact: Prof . Göran Lindbergh+ 46 8 790 81 [email protected]

KTH has a strong environmental awareness, which is reflected in the orientation towards the environment and energy in KTH’s education and research. KTH accounts for one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at uni-versity level with over 17,000 students, more than 1,500 PhD students and nearly 3,000 full time equivalent em-ployees. To meet societal and industrial needs for the future, KTH has consoli-dated research, innovation and educa-tion into prioritized focus areas and formed cross-disciplinary platforms. Research on hydrogen and fuel cells is one of the important activities in the Energy platform.

The Department of Chemical En-gineering and Technology has a long history on fuel cell related research.

With a focus on energy conversion processes, fuel cells are studied from a system perspective at Energy Processes. The chemical conversion of energy and matter is the focus of Chemical Tech-nology with activities in fuel reform-ing to hydrogen-rich gas for fuel cell applications. The research at Applied Electrochemistry addresses electrolytic processes and electrochemical devices, such as batteries and fuel cells. Fuel cells is a major field with activities both on high temperature MCFC and SOFC, and low temperature PEMFC. Recent and on-going projects concern cell design, activity and stability of compo-nents in the system, including catalysts, supports and electrolytes, mass trans-port of species in the system, and the influence of fuel contaminants.

KTH - Royal Instituteof Technology

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myFC ABSaltmätargatan 8A113 59 STOCKHOLMwww.myfc.se

Contact: Björn WesterholmCEO +46 70 656 20 [email protected]

No matter where you go in the world, there is one common challenge - energy. It was with this in mind researchers at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technol-ogy started to develop a new energy solu-tion a few years ago, and finally founded myFC in 2005. Our mission is to provide high performance, environmentally friendly and affordable portable power and energy solutions. Having secured numerous patents around proprietary shape-flexible fuel cell systems with re-cord high power density, myFC is today a world leader in micro fuel cells.

myFC technology and products serve a range of markets and applica-

tions to improve and simplify the lives of people throughout the world within three market segments; outdoor, safety and daily use. Our product Power-Trekk is the world’s first Water Charger consumer product for mobile phones, cameras, GPS devices. PowerTrekk is both a fuel cell and a portable bat-tery pack. The fuel cell enables instant charging from a depleted battery state without ever needing a wall charge. Us-ers simply insert a fuel pack and add water.



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Permascand ABP O Box 42, Folkets Husvägen 50840 10 Ljungaverkwww.permascand.com

Contact: Erik Zimmerman+46 691 355 [email protected]

Permascand AB

Permascand AB celebrating 40 years of experience this year! Permascand head office and main site is in Ljungaverk in central Sweden.

Permascand is one of the leading producers of electrodes and electro-chemical equipment, serving electro-chemical processes such as Chlorate, Chlor-Alkali, Alkaline Water Electrol-ysis, Water treatment or Electrowin-ning worldwide.

On account of the stringent re-quirements in this field for mate-rial strength, weight and corrosion resistance, Permascand has devel-oped high level of know-how in the forming and welding, design and construction in different demanding materials.

Historically the manufacturing know-how in titanium equipment have led Permascand into the process, off-

shore and marine industries in Scandi-navia, Europe and worldwide.

Our range of services includes

• Design, modelling, construction and manufacturing of electrodes, cells and systems

• Production of electrodes, mainly for the process industry

• Renovation and surface treatment of electrodes

• Design, modelling and construction of lightweight, strong, corrosion re-sistant products for various markets

As a total supplier Permascand offers turnkey projects.

Permascand is a brand of AkzoNo-bel, the largest global paint and coating company and a major producer of spe-cialty chemicals with headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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PowerCell Sweden ABRuskvädersgatan 12418 34 Göteborgwww. powercell.se

Contact: +46 31 720 36 20Andreas Bodé[email protected] Philip [email protected]

PowerCell Sweden AB is a Gothenburg based company founded in 2009 with heritage from extensive research ac-tivities within the Volvo Group. Our mission is to offer our customers en-vironmentally friendly power systems developed with unique fuel cell and reformer technology that is suitable for both existing and future fuel infra-structures.

PowerCell is convinced that future energy supply needs to become cleaner and more efficient and that those tar-gets will be met by a combination of various breakthrough technologies. One of those is the fuel cell technology that will play a major role in many ap-plications due to its: • ultra low to zero emission foot print • high efficiency and durability• attractive life cycle cost

Throughout the years, PowerCell has gained significant know how and ex-perience in fuel cell systems which currently is being translated into near term product demonstration projects running on pure hydrogen and soon also on road diesel fuel. Thus, Power-Cell is about to show that the technolo-gy not only works, but it is here to stay!

The applications that benefit from the features are many; backup power systems, vehicle propulsion systems, auxiliary power supply onboard trucks, local heat and power generation at greenhouses and residents.

PowerCell is stand by to help you find out how you can make your en-ergy cleaner and more efficient.

Please contact Andreas Bodén or Philip Chaabane for further informa-tion.



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Processkontroll GT ABTankstationsbyggarna Box 2088444 02 Stora Högawww.pkgt.sewww.tankstationsbyggarna.se

Contact: Tarmo PohjonenManaging Director+46 303 79 81 [email protected]

GT means Green Technology. Pro-cesskontroll GT AB designs, manufac-tures and erects various types of gas refueling stations for natural gas and biogas (CNG, CBG, methane) and Hydrogen in Northern Europe. We are mainly focused on methane but the same compressor technology is suit-able for hydrogen refueling also.

We have considerable experience of mother, daughter and bus stations, transport systems and service. A mother station is the type that is connected to a pipeline, and can be erected anywhere there is a permanently installed gas pipe-line that can be extended to the station.

We have developed a transport system that supplies our daughter stations with gas. The system is based on the standard-ised swap loader system. Compressed gas is held in steel or carbon fibre composite cylinders. Carbon fibre composite gives best volume per transport unit.

Processkontroll GT is part of family owned entrepreneur company founded

1970 within Swedish process industry. Since 1997 we have built more than 100 gas refueling stations for methane.

Processkontroll GT is the leading constructor of CNG-gas refuelling stations, and offers a national service network for all their refuelling stations. Regular maintenance means that the quality is retained and any malfunc-tions are prevented.

Processkontroll GT contributes to:

• Design, manufacturing and erec-tion of gas refuelling stations.

• Hands-on development of reliable technology within refuelling sys-tems for gas driven vehicles.

• Design, manufacturing and supply of high volume gas transportation units. Based for existing and widely used swap load system.

• Preventive maintenance.• Repairs.• 24/7 on call service.

Processkontroll GT AB

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Region Västra Götaland

Region Västra GötalandThe Environmental Secretariat462 80 Vänersborgwww.vgregion.se

Contact: Tomas Österlund +46 10 441 40 [email protected]

The climate issue is a huge challenge, but also a business opportunity for small and large entrepreneurs. Region Västra Göta-land and the region’s 49 municipalities have defined the challenges and determined what agreements are needed to make things happen. The aim of the regional climate strategy, adopted in 2009, is to re-duce climate effects impact while creating growth and jobs. The main objective is to be independent of fossil energy by 2030.

Think local, lead global

Region Västra Götaland promotes devel-opment and investments in the renewable energy area, in the form of and hydrogen and fuel cells, biogas, solar energy and wind power. The region also supports the market for energy-efficient building including passive houses as well as smart grid solutions in Västra Götaland.

A multitude of networks and partnerships in Västra Götaland

Public and private stakeholders – from municipalities, trade and industry, aca-

demia and organisations – together decide on more concrete measures and agreements and take responsibility for their implementation in Västra Götaland.

It is through collaboration and re-gional policymaking these environ-mental measures can make a larger impact, when creating markets for new products or trying to change attitudes in people.

Region Västra Götaland is the dem-ocratically elected organisation charged with promoting growth and sustainable development and offering the region’s inhabitants good healthcare. Region Västra Götaland supports and drives development for a good life in Västra Götaland. With just over 50,000 em-ployees Region Västra Götaland is one of Sweden’s biggest employers.



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Sweco ABGjörwellsgatan 22Box 34044100 26 Stockholmwww.sweco.se

Contact: Farzad MohseniEnergy Systems Analyst +46 8 [email protected]

SWECO delivers qualified consulting services in all areas regarding devel-opment of society. We work with the whole chain in projects, from feasi-bility studies, strategic planning, to engineering design and project man-agement. SWECO has about 7400 em-ployees and is among the largest play-ers in Europe in terms of technical consulting. Sustainability is key for SWECO and sets the foundation for the way we work. We analyze complete energy systems and incorporate the

“Sustainable City” concept wherever it is possible.

Participating in development of hydrogen as the new energy alternative

Energy is needed in all parts of today’s society and transport has a significant share of the demand. It is heavily dom-inated by fossil fuels and is growing continuously; hence it is of utmost im-portance to find renewable alternatives. Hydrogen is an important link be-

tween intermittent power and its stor-age possibilities. That’s why SWECO is a member of Vätgas Sverige (Hydrogen Sweden). We believe that hydrogen will become a vital component in future so-ciety and we want to explore its fullest potential, for stationary and backup applications as well as for transporta-tion use.

SWECO has great experience in energy supply and transport issues and our expertise covers most aspects. Some examples are:• Renewable energy• Scenario analyses• Strategic optimization• Sustainability evaluations• Infrastructure planning• Energy storage and distribution

systemsAdditionally we are experienced in international collaborations involving EU commissions, stake holders, pri-vate companies and governmental au-thorities.


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Triventus ABBox 33311 21 Falkenbergwww.triventus.com

Contact: Martina Braglin+46 10 45 40 732+46 706 52 11 [email protected]

Triventus is a renewable energy group focusing on wind power and biogas.We have specialized on developing sus-tainable business ventures, from idea to recycling, we are offering complete solutions that creates added value for our customers.

Accumulated in the group we have a width and competence that makes Triventus unique on the market.• Triventus supplies high quality re-

newable energy solutions.

• We have a large number of special-ists in biogas, and wind power who work together in teams.

• Our products and services are cus-tomised to meet our customers’ needs and comply with the require-ments of current legislation and li-cences.

• The services we provide are charac-terized by a professional approach and an understanding of safety and the environment.



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Volvo TechnologyCTP avd. 6104405 08 Göteborgwww.volvogroup.com

Contact: Azra Selimovic +46 31 322 67 [email protected]

Volvo Technology is the centre for in-novation, research and development in the Volvo Group.

The mission of our company is to develop a lead in existing and future technology areas of high importance to Volvo. This means that we focus on both hard and soft projects within a system approach framework. Our expertise is also used to drive common group initia-tives in certain key expert functions such as intellectual property, standards, intel-ligence and Volvo Production System.

Our customers include all Volvo Group companies and Volvo Cars but also some selected suppliers.

We participate successfully in national and international research programmes involving universities, research institutes and other companies. The range of areas where we participate is very broad and in-cludes e.g. telematics, logistics, ergonom-ics, electronics, combustion and mechan-

ics. Simulation, modelling  and systems engineering are important tools.

Volvo Technology is located at Lundby strand and Chalmers Science Park in Göteborg and at Volvo’s estab-lishments in Lyon, France and Greens-boro, USA.

Being part of the Volvo Technology team is challenging and gives oppor-tunities for personal development in many different directions. More than in most other companies the main asset in Volvo Technology is the indi-viduals and our ambition is that our different tasks shall result in a good working environment. Therefore we are constantly looking for individuals who can create sustainable concepts,

“sell” these to colleagues and customers and realise them in a way that gener-ates benefits for the Volvo Group.

Volvo Technology

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Vätgas SverigeHydrogen Sweden

Vätgas Sverige Hydrogen SwedenDrottninggatan 21411 14 Göteborgwww.vatgas.se

Contact: Björn AronssonManaging Director +46 31 334 37 73 +46 70349 09 [email protected]

Hydrogen Sweden is a Public Private Partnership with members and finan-ciers from industry, NGO’s and local, regional and national government. The PPP was founded in January 2007 and promotes a balanced and pragmatic approach to hydrogen. Hydrogen Swe-den is non-profit, includes circa 50 members, financiers and partners at the moment. Hydrogen Sweden’s mission is to facilitate the introduction of hydro-gen as an energy carrier in Sweden. To do so we initiate demonstration projects, disseminate information and strengthen the collaboration between actors from various fields with a joint interest in hydrogen. We are also open to exploring synergies

with other alternative fuels and tech-nologies.

Hydrogen Sweden contributes to:

• Increased knowledge and aware-ness about the potential of hydro-gen as an energy carrier

• More practical applications and demonstrations of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies

• Involving more actors with inter-ests in the hydrogen area

• Hydrogen being included to a larger extent in political strategies, regula-tions and legal framework as well as in research programmes

• Economical growth and more working opportunities in the trade and industry related to hydrogen



End users




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Hydrogen Sweden Board Members 2012

Magnus BlingeSenior Lecturer, Co-directorArea of Advance, TransportChalmers University of Technology

Andreas BodénManager Fuel Cell DevelopmentPowerCell

Oddvar FiskesjöPro tempore head of department of Environmental strategies Region Skåne

Jeanette JohanssonCEOConsat Sustainable Energy Systems AB

Göran LindberghProfessorKTH, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology Applied Electrochemistry

Lillemor LindbergUnit head/Operation Manager Energy and Environmental Technologies, Innovatum

Else-Marie MalmekenCEO Malmeken – Sustainable Business Development

Claes TullinDirectorBiomass Combustion, Aerosol ParticlesEnergy and EnvironmentSP Technical Research Institute of Sweden

Leif ZachrissonGlobal Account ManagerAir Liquide Gas AB

Erik ZimmermanBusiness Development ManagerSpeciality Products, Permascand AB

“Hydrogen is very interesting as an energycarrier for the future. It is a way of storing excess renewable energy from for instance wind and solar power.”

Oddvar Fiskesjö,Pro tempore head of department of Environmental strategies at Region Skåne

and newly elected member of Hydrogen Sweden’s board, May 2012.


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Turning WasTe inTo HYDrogen


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We will soon introduce our first diesel fueled 3 kW PowerPac.

POWERCELL FUEL CELLS PEM fuel cell stacks leverages the best of two worlds being hydrogen or reformate indifferent.

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