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HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS...

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' . . . NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-210 HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January 1991 u.s. DEPARTMENT OF I COMMERCE National Oceanic and / Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service
Page 1: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

' . . . NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-210


Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho

January 1991


National Oceanic and / Atmospheric Administration

National Weather Service

Page 2: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

. ·-~ ' .... . .... .-~· .

Tbe ~ Woatllc Sonice (NWS) W....., R.pm (WR) SuboerW proNe~ "" iDl'armal modi11111 fGr lhe doemnentetim IIDII quiet djeezpjnetjm ot .-Ita DOt. appropriaze. or DOt ret nody lor r.-1 puiWatjm. 'l1u ..n. it ...t to nport aa warlt m ~ to ~ tedulic.J pi'IICIIdDNO ad ~ .-to nWe - to a .limic.d audialce. n-o Toclmicol MIIIIJONIIda will ._t .., iawllipQma dfto&Ud primarily to J'lliaall IUIII lacal problea. or iDie.-.t lllliDI.J to paniiiiDel, ad llaDct wiJ1 DOt be widely cliarilruted.

Papen 1to 25 are ill the f.,._....-, BSSA TecbDiDil ............, W....,. JlqiOD TecbDiDil Memorazuia IWRTMl: _.. 24 to 1i are ill tile former IOriel, ESSA Tec:bDical Me1110ruula, Weather Bunau Tacbmc.Jaa-da !WBTM~ 11o1iDzoiDr willa eo, lhe papera are part of tile oeries, NOM TecbDicol .,__.. NWS. Qut..ofopriDt -....a are DOt liDcl.

Popen 2 to 12, _,.t fGr 15 !JwriMcl editiaa), are ...n.ble rr- tile NltioDIJ Weothor s.m.., Wlllerll ReciOD. SciatUic 11tnaa DmoioD, P.O. 110111~ Federol BuiJdiDr, ~ ~utla. State Street, Salt Lake City, Ullb 84147. Paper 15 (noilod edilioDl. &Del all others beJiDDiDJ w.tla 25 are nailable from the Naliaaa1 TecbDicaliDfllniiGioD SerW:e, U.S. Deputmeut of COmme~, Silla Build.i111, &286 Part &,.)Road, SJII'iDIIleld, V'qillia 22161. Pri- ftiY for all paper eap111; IDic:roOcbo are t3.60. Onlor bJ .-ioD Dlllllbor lbOWD ill paratb- at IIKi ot MCh IDtly.

BSSA Teclmical M-=a !WR'1'Ml

2 CJimalalalicol Pncipitatilm Prollobilltioo. Compiled by LaciiDDe Miller, December 11185. 3 w ...... Jlqiou Pre- ad Jlaot..FP-8 Prapom. Decombor 1, 1968, to Febnwy 20, 1966.

Ec1w11ni D. Dioomer, lUrch ae&. . 15 Sl&tioD DoocriptiODI of~ Ell'octa 011 S,..aptic Weother Pottenu. Philip W'lllioml, .Jr.

April 1966 (Rerioed Nmwmbor 1167, October 1869). <PB-178001 8 lDterprotiDJ tho IW!EP. Htlrbort P. lloJmer, Mq 1966 O!nilod """"""' 111117).

11 Some Elt<Cri<ll Pl..- ill tile Amapb-. .J. Lotlwn, .Juue 11166. 17 A Dilitaliled SIIJIIDI&I)' ot Radlr Ecb- witlaiD 100 Mileo ot SacrameDto, c.JifDrDia. J. A.

YoUDJberriDd LB. OnroM. Docember 1966. 21 An OIUecUw Aid for F...-lillc lhe EDd of Eut WIDIII ill tho Columbia Gorp, .July

tbrollih October. D • .Jolm CoparaDia, April 111117. 22 DorinliOD ot Radlr Hun- ill MoiiDWDoaa TorraiD. ~ G. Pappu. April 111117.

BSSA Tec:bDical N-.1&, Weothor Bw.u Toclmicol Mtmor&DA!a (WB'I'M)

25 Verificatiou ofOperatioD Probebility ofProcipitotioD FOZ'OCIIIIa. April1966-Morch '111117. W. W. Dic:by, Oc:lober 11167. (PB-176240)

26 A Study of WIDIII ill lhe Lake Me.d s.cr.tioD Ana. R. P. Allplil, .Jmuuy !MS. <PB-177880)

26 Weothor ~ R. .J. Scbmidli, April 1.968 IRnilod Mardi 19815). <PB86 177672/ASl 29 Smlll.sc.Je .o\Dabllil &Del PnU:IiorL Philip Wi11iama, .Jr. Mq 1968. <PB178425) 30 N-nc.l Weothor ProdicliaD &Del &,~~optic~- CPl' Tb-. D. Murphy, USAF,

Moy 1968. (AI) 873315) 31 Procipitaliou Dotectiaa ~ by Salt Lake AR'l'C Redan. Robert K. Boleoky, July

1968. <PB 179084) 32 Probebilit.y Foreculillr-.\ Problem .o\Dabllil with lief- to the PortlaDd Fire Weothor

DistricL Harold s. A7ftt, July 1MS. <PB 1112611)

311 Tempo..- Tnlldl ill .......... to..Niotbor Heot IIIIDd. ADtbODJ D. LerstiDi, Fobruu)o 1M8. <PB 1830515)

3'7 ~ ot LoaiDI ......,_ W'Jtbom o.m.,. to ltJr Quality. o...u P. en-, Mordl

5 t~~~ :::'ct... N~ Ullited Sl&l& A.L .JaooboOD, • 1Me:· PB 1842911) 40 Tbo MID·Mad>illt Mix iiiAppliod Weothor Foreculillr ill tho 11'70.. ~- 8Do11aD, Aupst

1Me. <PB 186068) -48 F...-m, Yaimum T8mperatune at Ho1eDa, Moataa. Daid E. oe, October 1989.

<PB 1815162) 44 Eltimattd Rtcum Poriodl for llbcm-Dunl:ioll ProcipltatiaD ill AriJODL Paul C. ~.

Oc:lobtr 1169. <PB 187788) 415 Applicatioaa ot tho Net Rtdiomeltr to Short-Rtup FariUIII Stratuo F...-m, at Eupue,

ClropiD. L YH IDd E. BotH.. Docember 1968. <PB 1110476) • 47 Statiltical ADal,u oa a Flood llouWic Tool. &bt!\ .J.C. llurDoah, Decombor 1M8. <PB

188744) 415 TIIID&IIIi. Ricbarcl P. Allplil, Pobruuy 1170. <PB 11018'7) 48 Prot1i1:tiDc PncipitatioD 'l)po. Robert .J.C. lllll1llllb ad Floyd E. H.., Mordl 11'70. <PB

180962) eo Statiltical Report OD Mraallerpaa <PalliDI aDd Molda) F.-t Huach- ""- 1M8. w.,... s. o1.uu.-, April mo. <PB 181743> 151 w ...... Rtiiou Sta State IUIII Surf F_.a MIDual. Gonlaa C. Shielda ad Gota1d R.

BuniweU, oluly 11'70. <PB 183102) 152 Soaomnlo W..tbor lladar Climatolo&J. R.G. Pappoa IUIII C. II. Voliqu.U.. .July 11'70. <PB

1113347) 154 A RtfiDemtDt ot tile Y~ Fiold to Daa- Anoa ot Sipificut ProcipitatiOD. Bony

B. ArODavitch, Aupst 11'70. 1515 Application ot tile SSARR Modo! to a BoliD withom Dioclwp RtCDrd. Vail Schtrmerhoru

1Dd DmW W. Kuehl. A1J1111t 11'70. <PB 11M3Ml 156 Anol Conrop ot Pmpilatioa ill North-.. Utah. Pbilip Wllliamo, .Jr. aDd Wtmtr .J.

Htck, September 11'70. <PB J.N388l 81 l'rolimiDaly llaport ., ~ Field BllrDiDJ ,._ Amapbuie Vllihilil;y ill tho

w-.._ v.n.y ot OropD. Eari 11. Batoa ad Dmd o. ChilccKt, Soptemlltr 1110. <PB 1M710)

158 ltJr PallutiOD by .Jet Aircraft at Seattlt-TteamaltJrport. Walloee R. DaaoldiOD, OciObtr 11'70. (COM 71 00017)

S9 Applicatioa ot PE Model F- Paremttaro to Weai..U. FortcllltiDJ. t-an~ W. S...l.lmiJI, October 11'70. (COli 71 00011)

eo AD Aid fGr Fanaot.illr lhe Millim11111 1'amptnturo at llodfanl. Oropa, Arthur w. Fritz, October 11'70. <COM 71 00120)

88 7oo-mb WarmltJr A~Mctiaal• a Fanaot.illr Tao! for IIDIIWia ad Northoru ldlho. Norria E. WOtrDor, Fobruuy 11'71. (C01171 00349)

84 W'md IDd Weothor Rocimoa at Groat Falla, MoataJia. WIIITOD R. Price, Much 11'71. 1115 Climate ot s.a-..to. CaliCanlia. TODy MatiDi, April 1180. (Fjftb RnilioDl (PB88

207711/ASl M A l'rolimiDaly Report 011 CGrnletim ot ARTCC lladar Ecb- ad ProcipitalioD. Wilbur K.

Hall, .JUJie 11'71. (CO!o( 71 0082tl tH1 Natiaaal Woatllc Semoo Suppart to lloariDI Al:tiriliiL Ellia Burtaa. Aupst 11'71. (COli

71 OOSISI) . 71 w-.. llqiaa S-""'Ptic ADaJ,Iio.Prabl.. ad llothDda. Pbilip W'llliaml, .Jr. Pobruuy

11172. (COM 72 10433) 14 Th-s- aDd lili1 n.,a l'nbebilitHI ill N...u. ClareDoo II. SolwDa&o, April1172.

(COli 72 10111541 •

::.'~: ·-:' W>"f,O~. "~·~·~·~,..~~~~. ·;:?t!'~~-~~~-;~~--~·-=.:.t ~-;"":;'" . , ...

'715 A 8taolJo .r the t- J.N1 Jet a.- ot the S.. .MquiD V.olle.J. a-Id A. W'dlio ed PbiJip WillioaM, .Jr. 111Q' 1172. (COM 72 107071 ·

76 llaathly Ojppt,)op-1 C1wto ot lhe BoUrior ot Far aDd ~ S&rataa at 1M ADploa lDttnlaliaaa1 A;rpclrt.. o.-Jd 11. a.., July 11172. <COM 72 11140)

77 A Study ot lladar Ecbo lliltriloomaa ill Arimaa l:luriDI.Iuly IUIII Aucuat- .Jolm E. H.l-. Jr. .July 11172. (COM 72 111311) .

18 F..-m, Precipi&atiOD at Bot.olleld, c.liforDia, Ulilll Prooaure GnodieDt Voctora. Eari T. RiddioiJih, .July 11172. (COM 72 111415)

79 Climate ot Stoc:ktoD, c.JifDrDia. &bt!\ C. N.-.... .July 11'72. CCOM 72 109201 80 EotiD.tiOD ot NIUIIbor ot n.,a Abcmt or Below Saloctld Temperatura Claron.., M. ~ October 11172. (COM 72 10021)

81 AD Aid for F-.tiDJ Sllmllllm' Muimum Tomparetura at Suttle, Wubiqton. Edpr G. ol.uu.-, N-'- 11172. <COM 73 1011101

82 Flub Flood Foreculillr IUIII W...W., l'npull ill tile Wlllerll Recion. Philip Williams, Jr., Cb-. L GlaD, &Del Ro1amG L Rtot&. Doeember 11'72, (Rniled Morch 1978). (COM 73 10251)

88 A comporioDn ot MIDIIII ad !!omj .. ,,_,Hc Yetbodl ot Dilililinc Allllar W'md Recorda. Glam E. Boa, Mordl 1973. (COM 73 10869)

86 Couditlaal Prolllhi1ilioa for~ otWet n.,a at PbDODiz, Arisoaa. Paul C. Kaq;.er, .Juue 1973. (COM 13 11284)

81 A RelinemoDt ot the U.. of K·Val- ill F...-lillc ThllDdentorms ill Wuhington cd ClropiD. Robert Y.G. Lee, .JUDe 11'73. (COM 73 11276)

89 ()IUocl;ive Faroc:ut Procipitaliou Oror the w ...... RtliDD or the UDited Sl&teo. .lulia N. · PatBio 1Dd Lorry P. Kierul11', Septombor 11'73. (COM 13 11946/SASI

11 AriloDa 'Eddy" Tonladooa. &bt!\ S. IDp-un. October 1973. (COM 73 10f615l 112 8IIUib Manlpmnt ill the W~ Valley. Eari II. Boleo, ~ 1974. <COM 74

11277/ASl 93 AD Oporotioaa1 EnlualioD ot 600-mb 'l)pe Rt,rooaiOD Equatioaa. ~dor E. MacDonald,

.JUDe 11'74. <COM 74 1140'1/ASl IN CODditioDal Probability ot V'llillilli1 x- tbc ODe-Half Mile in Radiation Foe at Fromo,

c.JiforDia. .John D. Thoma, Aupst 1974. (COM 74 111555/ASI 95 Climate ot Flqotalr, ArimDa. Paul W. Sornoon, &Del updated by Jlqinald W. Preaton,

.Jan....,. l.N'7. (PB87 1431eo/AS) 96 Map typo Pncipitoticm Probebilitioa for the Wootem RqioD. GleDD E. Rtacb IJid Aleuuder

E. MocDolllld, Februaly 1976. (COM 715 10426/ ASl 1'7 Eutern Pacific Cut-011' ~ of April 21-28, 11'74. Willilm ,J. Alder cd Georce R. MiUer,

Jm....,. 11'76. <PB 260 711/ASI 18 Study em a SipificaDt ProcipitatiDD Epiooda ill W....,. UDited Sl&teo. Ira S. Bronuer, April

1976. (COM 76 10718/ASl 19 A Study otFlub Flood SUICIIptihility-A BoliD ill Soutlaoru AriJODL Gerald W'lllioml, Ausuat

11'76. (COM 76 11li60/ASl 102 A Sot ot Ruloa for FoncoatiDr Tomporatuno ill Napa IJid Sonoma Counties. Wesley L

Tun, October 11'76. <PB 2411 'Rl/ASl 103 ApplicatiOD ot tile NltioDil Weothor s.m.., Flub·Fiood J>rarrom ill tile W-m Rtlion.

Gerold w.m.m., """"""' m&. <PB 253 063/AS> 104 ()bjoctift Aida for F...._u.., MiDimam Temperatures at Reno, Newdl, During the

Sllmllllm' Maatha. Christopher D. Hill, .Jan....,. 11'76. <PB 252 866/ASl 105 F..-m, tho MODo Wmd. Cbarloa P. &.cha, .Jr., Febnwy 11'76. <PB 2154 6501 106 U.. ot MOS Paroc:ut Paremttaro ill Tempenbuo Forec:utiDc. John C. Plonkinton, Jr.,

Much 11'76. <PB 2154 15411) 107 Map '1'1Poa oa Aida ill UliDc YOS PoPa ill W-.... UDited Sl&teo. Ira S. BreDDer, AIJIUit

11'78. <PB 2fi 84) 108 Other JtiDda ol WIDd Sh-. Cllriltopber D. Hill. Auplt 11'76. <PB 260 431/ AS>

1011 POI'ICIItiDc North W'mda ill lhe Upper Soaomn1o Valley &Dd Alljoilli111 Foresta. CbriltopUr E. r--. September 11'78. <PB 273 mtAS>

110 Cool !..a- oa a WeokmiDIIDll- ., .._, Pacilic Tropical Cycloues. WIUiam J. Domaey, N ........... 11'76. <PB 284 W/IIS)

112 Tbt MAN/MOS J1rarram. AJ.audor E. Maciiollald, Febnwy 11'77. <PB 265 Ml/ASl 113 W'- S.... MIDinwiD TllllpiiUnn P-..la for Boktrlliold, c.Jifomia, Ulinl Multiple ~ Miclultl J. Oud, February 1177. <PB 278 894/ASl

114 'bapieal CJdoM liCatlaleOD. ,_ R. Fen, l'obnwy 1177. <PB 273 676/ASl 116 A Study ot Wmd a- 011 Lake Meld. lindley Colman, April11'77. <PB 268 847) 117 'l1u Rtlatiwo l'nq1MDCy ot Omnlonjmlg Clauda at lhe NIVIda Toat Site u a Flmctiou of

K·Valuo. R.F. QUiziDi. Allri11177. <PB 272 U1l 118 Moilturo IliltribiltiOD lloolilicatiou by Upnnl Vortieai MotiOD. Ira S. llnrDDer, April 11'77.

<PB 288740) 118 Rtlalift Fnquacy ot Oc:curronce ot Warm a-n Ecbo Actmty u a Fuuction or Stability

IDdicoa Computed~ tho Y- Flat, Nenda. RniDIODde. Duryi Rande-n, .June 11'77. <PB 271 290/ASI

121 C!i-to't';o' ProdictiOD otCumulonimbw Clouda ill tilt VICiDity of tile Yua:a Flat Weather S&aticm. • QuiriD&. oiUDI 11'77. (PB 271704/ASl

122 A Mttbod lor Tnuranninr Temponture Diatribatiaa to Nonnalil.y. Morria S. Webb, olr., .JU11e 1177. <PB 271 742/ASl

124 SWiotical GDidcco far ProdictiOD of Eoaurn Nortia Pacillc Trvpical c,dcme Motion • Part L Clwlaa J. NIUIII&DD ad ,_ W. Leltwich, Aupst 1177. <PB 272 861)

1215 Statiltieal GuidaDc:e OD tilt ProdicliaD ot ~ North Pacific TrDpical Cyclone MotioD • Part II. P-.. W. Lelmch IUIII Clwlaa .J. N...__ A1Jcu1t 11'77. <PB 273 165/ASl

12S Climeta ot SID Frccioco. E. .liD NuU, ,.....,. 11'76. Brriotc! by Georp T. Pericbt, April 11188. <PB86 2081524/ASl

127 ~ot·~!f~ far W--'l)po Procipitatiou Pattemoin Groat Fallo. Moutana. Knuotla R. . , February 19111. <PB 261 387/ASl

126 Had CakuiatAil- J>rarrom to Compute Parcel Tbonnal Dyuomica. DID Gudpl, April 1978. <PB 183 OIJIJ/ASl

128 Fire wbirla. Dmd W. GolDa, Me 1I'IL (PB 183 I!M/ASl 130 Fluh·PIDod Promduro. Rtlpb C. H.tcb &Dd Gerald w-.nu-, Moy 1978. <PB 286 014/ASl 131 Au-*1 FU.Weothor F...-. lllrl< A. Yollnor ad Dmd E. Olaeu, September 1978.

<PB 289 1111/AS) 132 ~ ottho Ell'octa ofTorraiD BlockiDr OD the 1M ADplea WSR·74C Weather Radar.

R.G. Pappu. R.Y. Lee, R.W. FiDite, October 11'78. <PB JPN187/ASI 138 S]IICUal TechDiquoa ill 0.... w ... F.-me. .John A. oi&DDuai, October 1978.

<Pl1211317/ASl 134 Solar Radiatiaa. .Jolm A. JODDIIIIi, NIINII!ber 11'711. <PII2e1195/ASl 135 Application ol a SpoelnuD ADal)our ill F..-;, OceoD SweU ill Southern c.Jifomia

c-1 w-. x-r.- P. Kioru1lr, Jan_,. 11'71. <PB292716/ASl 1311 Buic lbdnlloD: PriDciploa Tb- L Dietrich, .J"""""' 11'78. <PB292247/ASl 13'7 LFM 24-Hour l'nolictieD ot Eutoru Poc:iJic c:,.IODeo RtliDod by Sotellite lmapo. .Joilll R.

Zi--.. 11D11 Clwlaa P. Ruocba, .Jr • .JID!IIJ)' 11'78. <PB214324/ASI 138 A Simpla ~/Dialnoaia &,~~am fGr Rtel Time EnluatiDD ot Vertical Motion. Scott

Helllck ad Jamoa R. Fon, Pobrua7 lm. <Pl1214216/ ASl 139 Aida fGr F.-a., MIDinwiD ~ ill lhe WODalchH Froot Diltrict. Robert S. ~ Allri!lm. <PB218389/ASl

140 IDll- o! Oolacim- 1D ~ Taup~~atww ill the Eutem Wubiqton Fire Weothor dillrict. ,_ Holcomb, April 1m. (PB218674/ASl

141 COIII)IIriooD of U'M ad MFM Pncipital:iaa Guidanoa for NIVIda DuriDc Doroeu. ChrilcGpllor Hill, April11171. 0'B28811S/AS)

' '

!f. '

Page 3: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-210


Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho

January 1991



Robert A Mosbacher, Secretary

National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration

John A Knauss, Under Secretary

and Administrator

National Weather Service

Elbert W. Friday, Jr., Assistant

Administrator for Weather Services

Page 4: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

This publication has been reviewed

and is approved for publication by

Scientific Services Division,

Western Region


Kenneth B. Mielke, Chief

Scientific Services Division

Salt Lake City, Utah

Page 5: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

IT. Envrronment, Setup, and Running Hytools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

How to Use HydroTools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Sheet 1.1 River Travel Time (Flow is Known) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Sheet 1.2

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5.1

Sheet 5.2

Sheet 6

Sheet 7

Sheet 8

Sheet 9

Sheet 10.1

Sheet 10.2

River Travel Time (Flow is Computed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Synthetic Unit Hydrograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Discharge: Given Area, Runoff, and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Equivalent Rainfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Penman Evaporation Formula ........................ 14

Estimating Solar Radiation .......................... 16

Streamflow (Chezy-Manning) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Reservoir Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. . . . . . . 19

Max Breach Outflow (Dam Break) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Make-a-Dam .................................... 22

Runoff vs. Per Capita Water Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Where Is All My Water Going? ....................... 24


Page 6: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January



The Service Hydrologist is called upon to answer a variety of hydrologic questions. HydroTools was developed to take advantage of the quick computing and "what-if?" capabilities of a spreadsheet to answer those questions. Though HydroTools was developed for the QUATTRO spreadsheet environment, it will run under 1-2-3 as well.

The Table of Contents lists various sheets. Instead of presenting the material in the form of chapters or topics, sheets were chosen because HydroTools is one large spreadsheet that runs several small sheets. Integrating all the small spreadsheets into a single large spreadsheet puts a great deal of computing power instantly at your fingertips.

The future of the NWS will bring the hydrologist and meteorologist professions closer together. The hydro toolkit is a device designed to help foster the merger. These sheets are not expected to replace the powerful modelling tools found at a typical RFC. Answers in these sheets are to be interpreted as estimates only. Probably the biggest benefit obtained in using these sheets will be the development of a better understanding of hydrology. For instance, do you know how long it would take to float river x for 10 miles? Sheet 1.1 can give you a rough idea. How about building a dam from a mud slide or ice jam; got any idea on the size and capacity of the resulting pool? HydroTools will likely stimulate many questions. A greater interest in and appreciation for hydrology should probably result.

On a personal note, this programmer was delighted with the speed and flexibility of programming in QUATTRO. The entire spreadsheet could have been written in a high level programming language like C, Basic, or FORTRAN, but experien~e shows the same results would have taken 10 to 20 times as long. Now that I have become heavily involved in spreadsheeting and really enjoy it, I, for one, will fmd it very difficult to write long computer codes to accomplish tasks that can be done so quickly and with so much fun. I am sold on spreadsheets!

Most of the formula used in the sheets were taken from Linsley/Kohler/Paulhus HYDROLOGY FOR ENGINEERS. The author welcomes comments and suggestions.


HydroTools is driven by QUATTRO or 1-2-3 on an IBM compatible machine running DOS 2.1 or higher. Needs: 512K of RAM, one floppy drive and a hard drive, a monochrome or color monitor. Although it is possible to setup Quattro or 1-2-3 on a dual floppy system with no hard drive, operation of the program is seriously degraded. No instructions are provided for non-hard drive users.

The distribution floppy should contain the following files:

HYTOOLS.WKQ- the QUATTRO spreadsheet version HYTOOLS.WK1 - the 1-2-3 spreadsheet version HYTOOLS.BAT - the QUATTRO/HYTOOLS start-up batch file HYTOOLS.DOC - the HydroTools User's Guide


Page 7: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

For QUATTRO Users: Setup is easy. Copy HYTOOLS.WKQ and HYTOOLS.BAT to your Quattro directory. If /QUAT is the Quattro directory, then follow this example:

Put the HYTOOLS floppy in the A: drive. From the A: prompt,


While in the \QUAT directory, type HYTOOLS. hi. a moment the HydroTools spreadsheet will appear on the screen. To set up the screen defaults for color or monochrome, activate one of the following macros:

ALT X - monochrome ALT Y - color

Unless you run the spreadsheet on a different monitor, the ALT-X or ALT-Y macros will not have to be run again. Proceed to the "How to Use HydroTools" section.

For 1-2-3 Users: Copy HYTOOLS.WK1 to your 1-2-3 data directory. Bring up the 1-2-3 program, then select HYTOOLS.WK1 from the filer menu. hi. a few moments the spreadsheet will be on line. No provisions have been made to alter screen defaults using 1-2-3. Check your 1-2-3 User Manual for further details. Proceed to the "How to Use HydroTools" section.

How To Use Hydro Tools .

Bydro~oola: Spreadsheet solutions to several hydrologic probleaa.

~oa Bgger I WSFO-Boiae, Idaho l (208) 334-9860

Sheet 1-2 ••••• River ~ravel ~iae Sheet 2 ••••••• synthetic Unit Bydrograph (Snyder MOdel) Sheet 3 ••••••• Diacharge, Given: area, precip., tiae

ver. 3.7

Sheet '·~··•••Bquiv. Rainfall, Given: area, discharge; tiae Sheet 5-2 ••••• Bvaporation (Penaan) Sheet 6 ••••••• streaaflow (Chezy-MaDD.iDg) Sheet 7 ••••••• Reaervoir Fill/Empty tiaea Sheet 8 ••••••• Max Breach OUtflow (Daa Break) Sheet 9 ••••••• Make a Daa (ice jaa- .earth slide) Sheet 10-2 •••• Per CApita Water Conauaption

>input cell< <output cell>

Boae key for aenu page ••• Page Up/Page Down keys to proper page (sheet). Arrow keys aove to input cella. Do not use delete key in output cells.


Page 8: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

If the above menu page is not what you now see, then hit the Home key on the number pad (make sure the Num Lock is not engaged). Anytime you get lost in the spreadsheet, just hit the Home key to return to the home page. On the home page you will find a list of sheets available in the tool kit, instructions on how to use the cursor keys, and reminder of input vs. output cell appearance.

Try moving the cursor with the cursor arrows. Notice the highlighted block moving around the screen. Notice a few sheets have a different numbering scheme: 1-2, 5-2.... Those sheets have side-pages as well. To get to a side-page just hold dovro. Ctrl and the right arrow key on the number pad; to return: Ctrlleft arrow. For now, let's just get used to moving around the sheets vertically.

Depress the Home key, then the Pg Dn key to page 1. Page down several times. Each page is a different sheet. Let's return to sheet 1 and begin doing some hydrology. Depress the Home key, then touch Pg Dn once.

A spreadsheet is interactive. You provide the data; the sheet does the computing. The only areas on the screen that can be changed or overwritten are the highlighted input cells enclosed in > < arrows. Move the cursor to the first input block on sheet 1.1. Turn to the Sheet 1 section of this manual.

To EXIT at any time: enter the following keystrokes /QY.


Page 9: HYDROTOOLS - National Weather Service€¦ · ~ G. Pappu. April 111117. BSSA Tec: ... HYDROTOOLS Tom Egger National Weather Service Weather Service Forecast Office Boise, Idaho January

SHEET 1.1 RIVER TRAVEL TIME (flow is known)

Sheet 1.1 --~---------------------------- ---------.----RIVER ~VEL ~IME (Pollution travel eatiaates, Givens Q, Ad, Aw)




100 66. 50 25 00



Q => Ad => Aw =>

1200 <= cfa 3 <= ft

200 <= ft

distance =>


< 1.30 < 1.36 < 0.82 < 0.27 < 0.07


A=AUA IH SQ. P'r •. Ad= average depth Awe average width

4 <= ailea 6 <= hours


HOURS 3.1 2.9 4.9

14.7 58.7


MILES . 7 .a >

8o2 > 4.9 > 1.6 > 0.4 >

To compute the amount of time to travel (float) a given stretch of river. Whether a chemical spill or someone that just wants to ride the river, knowing an estimate of the travel time is expected of a hydrologist. Your office may have thorough tables based on empirical studies. If it does not, Sheet 1.1 and 1.2 will provide useful estimates.


Q = AV therefore V=Q/A


Q is flow in cfs V is velocity A is area cross section

The cross section A was broken down into a rectangle with depth Ad and width Aw. A trapezoid would have been more accurate, an ellipse even more. But they would not have been fun! The flow can usually be obtained or estimated from a nearby gauge. The average depth and width can usually be supplied by an observer where the spill occurred.


Move the cursor to the Q input block Q = > < = cfs. Using the number keys at the top of your keyboard (not the number pad keys), enter a flow in cfs, say 1350 cfs. Instantly the speed, arrival time, and distance travelled is computed. Changing the other input blocks will naturally result in different output values as well. For example, move the cursor to the distance block and enter 12 miles. Instantly the computed values change. The same thing occurs when the hours block is changed. Now enter the following values and see if we agree with Quattro:


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Q Ad Aw

= = =

distance hours

1200 cfs 3ft 200ft

= 4 miles = 6 hours

The computed velocity on the water surface is 1.30 mi/hr, the arrival time 4 miles downstream is 3.1 hours, and the distance travelled for 6 hours is 7.8 miles. Notice the other values for different levels above the stream floor. In particular, note the fastest water is below the surface at the .66 percent level above the floor. The slowest speed, of course, is along the bottom at the 0.00 level. The table allows for vertical position only - not horizontal.

If no flow is available, then let the computer figure it - hold down the Ctrl key and the right arrow. Another spreadsheet! Sheet 1.2 - for computing travel times when the flow is not known.


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SHEET 1.2 RIVER TRAVEL TIME (flow is computed)

Sheet 1.2 ~-------------------------------------------------~------RIVER ~VBL ~IKB (Pollution travel eatiaatea, Given: Ad, Aw, slope, n) IHPu.r:

n:> Ad => Aw => alope:>

o.oso <-' <= ft

150 <= ft 0.001 <-

•enning coef. Ad= average depth Aw= average width ft./ft.

diatance => 1 <= •ilea 2' <= hours Olr.rPtr.r:

q= < 1628 > cfa eat.


FLOOR MI/Jilt BOU'R.S MILES 100 < 1.76 0~6 . 42.2 >

66 < 1.85 o.s ''·' > 50 < 1.11 0.9 26.6 >

25 < Oo37 2.7 8.9 > 0 < 0.09 10.8 2.2 >


Unlike Sheet 1.1, this sheet does not assume you know the flow in cfs. This version will compute the flow if the slope and Manning friction coefficient are known. An average Manning value would be .035; see Sheet 6 for further details on the Manning number. The slope of the stream can be derived from a good quad map.




Q is flow in cfs V is velocity A is area cross section


Q = (1.49 /n)*(AR"2/3)*(S"1/2)


n is the Manning Coef. A is the cross sectional area R is the hydraulic radius S is the slope of the river

Note: the " convention means "to the power of'.


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Move the cursor to the INPUT box that you would like to change. Enter an appropriate value. Watch the OUTPUT values change instantly. Try a high friction value, then a low one. Observe the changes velocity, arrival times, and distances travelled.

Suppose you get a call that a chemical spill has occurred on the Windy River at City X. State officials would like some estimates of when the pollutants would arrive at City Y, 25 miles downstream. They would also like to know how far down river the pollutants would be in 48 hours.


.035 4 200 7/5280

25 48

Manning Ad - average depth Aw - average width slope (7 feet per mile)

distance in miles hours elapsed time

Notice the slope was entered "as is" 7/5280- let the computer compute .0013. The tabled values below will give you some rough estimates of the velocity, travel time, and distance travelled. Remember to advise the officials these values are rough estimates based on average values.

To move to any other sheet, hit the Home key first, then Pg Dn to the appropriate sheet.


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She•t 2 ---------------------- • --------· SYKr!IEriC UHIT DDilOGRAPB • SlfY])Eil MODEL

. IRPtr.r: Basin:>· Cottonwood

. Size (sq.ailes):> 20 < sq mile 10 < ailea

4 < ailes 2.00 <

'Length of streaa froa outlet to clivicle':> Length of aain streaa fa outlet to centroid:>

Slope II Storage -> ct (1. 8 <> ·2 • 2) : > Flood Wave II Storage -> Cp (.56 <>.69):>

Unit Tiae:> Unit Rainfall:>

. 0.63 <


Lag-to-Peak of Unitgraph:< Peak discharge:<

Peak discharge at outlet:<


6.5 > hours tpll 122·.6 > cfs/sq ai qpll

2452.6 > cfa Qpll

3 < hours 2 < inches

To provide rough estimates of peak flow in cfs and the time to the peak flow, given basin geometry, time, and rainfall.


Snyder's model was chosen:

tp = Ct(LLc)" .3 qp = CpA/tp


tp = lag time to peak discharge Oag is most frequently defmed as time from the centroid of rainfall to the hydrograph peak)

Ct = coefficient varying from 1.8 to 2.2 that compensates for slope and storage (steeper slopes get lower values)

L = length of main stream from outlet to divide Lc = stream distance from outlet to a point opposite the basin centroid (center of

area) qp = peak flow Cp = coefficient varying from .56 to .69 - handles flood wave and storage factors A = area of basin in square miles

NOTE: Snyder's methods are the results of extensive studies in the Appalachian Mountain region. The formulas have been tried elsewhere with mixed success.


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You know a little about the basins in your service area - the length, width, and size of the basins. Suppose 3 inches of rain fell in 2 hours over the Basin X. Using Snyder's technique, give an estimate of the peak flow and time to peak discharge for the basin.


basin size length of stream center of basin average slope & storage average flood wave & storage unit time unit rainfall

the computed answers:

lag-to-peak of unitgraph peak discharge at outlet

= 20 sq. miles = 10 miles = 4 miles = 2.0 = .63 = 2 hours = 3 inches

= 6.5 hours = 2452.6 cfs

Adjusting the input one way or the other will help to build a better understanding of unitgraphs and runoff vs. rainfall.


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SHEET 3 DISCHARGE: Given area, runoff (inches) and time (days)

-Sheet 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------

DZSCBARGE: Given area, rainfall (inches) and tiae (days).


454 < SQ. ICZ. 35 < ZHCHES

365 < DAYS

OUTPUT: Q (flow) voluae voluae

< 1,171 > CFS OUTPUT: < 36,915,648,000 > ~ CF OUTPUT: < 847,414 >ACRE~

DZSCBARGE: Given area, rainfall (inches) and tiae (hours).


454 < SQ. MI. 1 < ZHCJIES 5 < HOuRs

OUTPUT: Q (flow) volume volume

< 58,596 > CFS OUTPUT: < 1,054,732,255 > ~ CF OUTPUT: < 24,212 > ACRE FE~


How much flow and what volume of water results from a given rainfall in inches? Remember: rainfall and runoff are two different quantities. In some areas, ygry little runoff results from a given rainfall.


Q = (Di*5280"2*A)/(86400*Td*12)


Q = (A*Di*645.4)/Th


Q = flow in cfs Di = inches of rainfall A = area in sq. miles Td = time in days Th = time in hours


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During the past three days, 5 inches of rain has fallen over the Payette Basin (454 sq. miles).

Given the above information, answer the following questions:

1. What is the average discharge (flow) of the original 5 inches? 2. What volume in acre feet could end up in reservoirs, if all the rainfall was runoff?


454 = area of basin in sq. miles 5 = inches of rain time = 5 days

computed answers:

flow 12,208 volume volume 121,059

Another What If!

= cfs (entire basin, not just in river) = cf = acre feet

Suppose half the basin had an average 3 inches of SWE (snow water equivalent) in snowpack. Very warm temperatures melted all the snow in 12 hours. What would be the most you could expect from a meltdown in local reservoirs (assume no evaporation or inflltration)?

Using the lower part of the sheet for time period hours,


454/2 = area of basin in sq. miles 3 = inches of snowmelt 12 = hours

computed answers:

flow volume volume

36,623 XXX 36,318

= cfs = cf = acre feet


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Sheet 4 ~----------------------------------------------------------·-EQUIVAI.l!:w.r RAINFALl.: Given area, discharge (cfs), and tiae (days).

INP1JT AREA SQ. III • ===> IHPtr.r DISCHARGE Cl"S -> IHPtr.r !riME IH DAYS =->

Di < < <

454 < SQ. MI. 183 < Cl"S

2 < D~YS


7 26 :> ACRE FEE!r

EQUIV~ RAINFALL: Given area, discharge (cfs), and time (hou;s).

IHPtrr AREA SQ. MI • ==-> IHPtrr DISCHARGE CFS ===> IHPtrr ~IME IH HOURS =--=>



Di < < <

20 < SQ. MI. 163 < CP'S

48 < HOURS

0. 61 > EQUIV RAINFALL IH IHCHES 28,166,400 > ~ CUBIC FE~

64 7 > ACRE FEET

To give an estimate of the equivalent rainfall from a given flow.


Di = (84400*Td*Q*12)/(A*5280"2)


Di = equiv. rainfall (discharge) in inches Td = time in days Q = flow in cfs A = area of basin in sq. miles


Di = (86400*Th/24)*(Q*12)/(A*5280"2)


Th = time in hours

Note: for easier comprehension, the formulas have not been reduced.


Runoff from recent rains caused an average increase in flow of 200 cfs in the Payette River for 15 days. What is the equivalent rainfall for a 500 sq. mile basin? Remember, unless the ground was impervious and there was zero evaporation, we are really estimating runoff in inches.



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500 = area of basin in sq. miles 200 = discharge in cfs 15 = days

computed answers:

0.22 259,200,000 5,950

= inches = total cubic feet = total acre feet

Ah, but the actual rainfall was 5 inches not 0.22 inches. Does that say something about antecedent soil conditions?

The same scenarios can be run on the bottom-half of Sheet 4 with a time period of hours .


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Sheet 5.1 --------------------------------------------------------------PEHMAJI EVAPORM:IOH PORKD'LA (English units)



~ ~ ~ci


~a Vp

=> => => => => =>

=> =>

90 <= 70 <= 45 <=·

8 <= 440 <=

30 <=

80 > 192 >

cieg 1" cieg 1" cieg F a ph cal/ca"2/ciay

cieg F est. ailes per ciay


< <

0.38 > inches/day 11.36 > inchesfaonth



El < <

0.27 > inches/day 7.95 >inches/month

Compute evaporation for Class A pans and shallow lakes.

FORMULA: (as in Linsley /Kohler /Paulhus)

E = (delta/(delta+gamma))Qn + (gamma/(delta+gamma))Ea


Ea = ((es-ea)"'.88) (.37 + .0041vp)


Qn = (2.81x101\-4)Qs + (6.90x101\-8)Qs(Ta)l\1.87 + (1.55x101\·7)Qsl\2 - (3.14x101\-11)QS"'2(Ta-45)1\2 - .040

(es-ea) = (.0041Ta + .676)1\8 - (.0041Td + .676)1\8 Td > = 16oF


delta = (.00252Ta + .4149)1\7 Ta > = -13°F gamma = .011 in Hg;oF

also •

delta/(delta+garnrna) = [1 + .011/(.00252Ta + .4149)1\7]1\-1 gamma/(delta+garnrna) = 1- delta/(delta+gamma) vp = wind movement miles per day Td = dew point •F Ta = air temp. •F QS = daily solar radiation in cal./ sq em


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I bet you are wondering how all these equations fit into the few input and output cells indicated on Sheet 5.1. Well, they didn't.

I used a little of the side page. Development of this sheet was not as involved as it may appear. Transplanting textbook formulas is not hard, if you are careful.


Gathering all the input parameters should be easy except for average solar radiation. The following table may help.


Jun 22 300 430 525 500 450 400 325

Dec 22 390 220 110 20 0 0 0

0 15 30 45 60 75 90

Equator Lat ( 0 N) Harth Pole

. Suppose the following conditions existed on June 22:


90 =max temp 52 =min temp 45 = average dew-point 8 = average wind speed mph 500 = solar radiation 30 = days in June

the computed evaporations should be:

.34 = pan evap. inches/day 10.18 = pan evap. inches/month .24 = shallow lake evap. inches/ day 7.13 = shallow lake evap. inches/month

If you prefer to let the spreadsheet interpolate a value of solar radiation between dates, then use Spread 5.2 - the side page.


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' '


Shee-t 5. 2 -----~-------~-------------------------------.---------Estiaatilig solar radiation for a giveu'latitude:

IHPur: (use Ctrl D for date input)

Rad. on 12/22 > 50 < cal/ca"'2/day (use table) r12 Rad. on 06/22 > 500 < cal/caA2/day (use table) r6 January 1 > 01/01/90 < (should be 01/01 of current year) Date to coapute > 06/22/90 <


Julian < SIRE <


173 > day 1,;00 >

500 > cal/caA2/day


Compute the Julian day, then estimate solar radiation.


Julian day Sine

Solar Radiation


= today's date - January 1 (in Quattro) = used to interpolate solar radiation on days other than 12/22

& 6/22 = ABS(@SIN(@RAD(360-(Julnday+9)/365)*360)/2)))) = SINE*(r6-r12)+r12

Find the ranges of solar radiation that apply to your latitude and enter for 12/22 and 06/22. If the January 1 date is not for this year, then change it to 1/1 of the current year (Ctrl D then 1/1). Using the Ctrl D entry mode for dates, enter the date to compute.


Ctrl D CtrlD

50 500 1/1 3/15

radon 12/22 radon 06/22 January 1 this year Compute for this date

will compute the Julian day, sine of the day of the year, and estimated solar radiation for March 15.


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Sheet 6 ----------------·-----------------------------------------------STUAMl"LLW: Chezy-MaD.ning Foraula q= (1.49/n)(ARA2/3 * SAl/2)


n:> av dpth:> av wdth:>


OUTPUT: A= < R= < wet pra:<

q= <


0.035 <= 1<=

. 50<= 0.014 <=

50 > •q 0.962 > ft

52 > ft

249 > cf•



A= eros• •ec. area (•q ft) R= hydraulic radiu• (ft) S= energy •lope (ft/ft)

n value•: .018 •aooth earth .020 fira gravel .029 clean, strt, no pool•, FS .035 weed•, •tone•, FS .039 winding, pool•, clean, FS .042 like .029 but LS .052 like .035 but LS .112 very •luggi•h ~ weedy

N~: error of .001 n = 3'11 q

Compute streamflow in cfs, given slope, Manning friction coefficient, average depth, and average width of a river.


The Chezy-Mannjng Formula

q = (1.49/n)(AR"2/3)(S"l/2)


q = flow in cfs n = Mannjng coefficient A = cross sectional area R = hydraulic radius S = slope wet prm. = wetted perimeter FS = full stage LS = low stage


1. The wetted perimeter is that portion of the stream channel in contact with the water.

2. The hydraulic radius is the cross sectional area divide by the wetted perimeter.


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Assuming a gauging station is not available and the flow of a stream or river is needed; estimates of the flow can be made from the above formula. Varying any of the input parameters will affect the flow. See how juggling the input affects the output.

You just passed an ungauged stream on a field trip. The stream appeared to have a normal amount of rocks and vegetation along the channel, average depth wa:S 2 feet, average width 80 feet, and from a quad map the slope is 40 feet per mile. What is the flow? ·


.035 2 80 40/5280

=n = avg. depth = avg. width = slope

At the bottom of the screen the answer appears instantly. Suppose the depth wa,s in question. ~nter a range of values from 1.5 to .2.5. Notice the changes. Remember,' you never need a calculator with a spreadsheet; the slope is entered "as is" 40/5280. Let your spreadsheet compute the value.


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Sheet 7 -----------·-------------·-----------·-·---------·----------------------RESERVOIR LEVELS: IHPtr.r:

Current Voluae:> Capacity:>

inflow (cfs) :> outflow (cf•) :> project day•:>

re•ervoir •fc area:> daily evaporation:>

Daily increa•e: < Daily out (ac ft): <

Daily lo•• to evap: < Het change: <

Voluae: <


day• to empty: < day• to fill: <

210,000 < ac ft 280,000 < ac ft

2 < cf• 0 < cf• 0 < day•

25 < •q ail•• 0.20 < inch••

4 > ac ft 0 > ac ft

267 > ac ft -263 > ac ft

210,000 > ac ft in>

799 > day• > day•

75\> full

16000 > acre•

0 day•

Tedious arithmetic makes keeping track of our reservoir levels a cumbersome task. Sheet 7 turns the process into fun. This sheet will project a fill or empty time based on inflow/outflow or evaporation as a function of surface area. Use your results from Sheet 5 for the shallow lake evaporation rate.


daily increase/decrease

daily loss to evap.


= current volume * days * net change (in acre feet)

= daily evap. * sfc area (convert volume to acre ft)

White Peak Reservoir holds 280,000 acre feet of water and has a surface area of 25 sq. miles. It's current volume is 210,000 acre feet. With 1230 cfs coming in and 1812 cfs going out. What will be the volume in 15 days? How long will it take to empty?

Suppose nothing was going in or out. How long will take to evaporate the reservoir with a daily evap. rate of .25 inches?

Would it be better, with respect to evaporation, to have a deeper reservoir or a shallower one? Juggle the surface area and find out.

If the basin was 800 sq. miles, how many inches of runoff would you need to fill White Peak Reservoir? Use Sheet 3 to determine the answer.


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Sheet .8·~-----------------------------·-------- --------------------NA% BUACB Ou.rFLOW DISCHARGE:


where Qbaax=Qo+Br(C/(tf/60)+(C/hA2))A3


IHPtr.r: Reservoir surface area > Dpth aax pool abv brch > Avg final breach width > ~~e of Failure > Added flow spill/turbine >


Qbaax <


3 < Aa 5 < h

60 < Br 15 < tf

150 < Qo

794 > cfa

acres feet feet ainu tea cfa

A dam break, however remote, is always a possibility. Most large dams have Emergency Action Plans, so there is no need for. max flow estimates. However, there are many dams that have no studies for max flow. Also, what about all the potential dams resulting from an earth slide or ice jam. Do you have a feel for the max flow that would result from a breach? Sheet 8 will give you estimates. -


The Broad-Crested Weir Equation:

Qbmax = Qo + Br(C/(tf/GO)+(C/hl\2))1\3


C = 23.4AS/Br


The person reporting a dam failure usually has the vital statistics of the dam that you need to run the model. Probably the toughest statistic to get would be the surface area. See Sheet 9 Make-a-Dam for surface area estimates .

.. Example:

A small power dam along the Boise River is getting ready to fail. Failure time is estimated on the scale of weeks. A site inspection revealed the following observations and possibilities:


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surface area of pool behind dam = 5 acres maximum depth of pool above breach = 10 feet average final breach width = 60 feet failure time = 15 minutes added flow through spillway = 150 cfs

(obsvd.) (1 possibility) (1 possibility) (5 minutes to several hours) (given)

With the following list of inputs, a single estimated value will quickly appear in the output section of the sheet. Make a note of this input vs. out. Enter several other possibilities. It may never happen but at least you will have something.


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Sheet 9 · ....;...., ___ _.__ ___________________________ -:.;.----. ... _____ _

IOl.D-A-DAMa (dete:naine voluae of re•ultiDg wedge-•haped re•e:r:Voir froa ice jaa or earth•lide aero•• river.) ·




height of daa: > width of daa: >

•lope of river: > flow into daa: >

length of pool: < length of pool: <

volume of pool: < volume of pool: <

pool •fc area: <

full pool time: <

10 <• feet 1200 <= feet

0.0114 <= ft/ft 450 < • cf•

880 > = feet 0.17 > = aile•

5,280,000 > = cu ft 121 > = acre ft

24 > = acre•

3.26 > = hour•

Rivers can be dammed-up from a variety of causes; mud slides, log jams, and ice jams, to name a few. This sheet was designed to answer several questions regarding the pool that forms behind the dam; its volume, surface area, and length. Answers to all those questions are vital to flood and flash flood planning.


A wedge-shaped reservoir is the design pool.

length of pool = height • (1/slope) volume of pool (wedge) = .5 • ht. • length • width sfc area (acres) = length • width/ 43560


A mud slide has caused a 30 feet dam across the Payette River. The dam is 600 feet wide. Slope from a quad map is 50 feet/mile. Current flow is 450 cfs. Estimate the length of ~he pool, volume, surface area, and time to fill.


30 600 50/5280 450

= height in feet = width of dam = slope = flow into dam

The answers could help you decide several things:

1. The area above the dam for a flood watch/warning. 2. Spill over and possible breach time.


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Sheet 10.1 ------------------ -----RtJHOl"l" v•. PBR CAPin WADit COHSUMPTIOH:

IJ~Ptr.r: annual runoff: >

ba•in •ize: > per capita water con•umption: >

Otr.rPtr.r: aillion• of gallon•/ba•in/year: <

gallon•fper•on/year: < nuaber of people ba•in •upport•: <


1 < = inch•• 4000 < = •q· aile•

150 < = gal/per•on/day

9,293 > = ail. gallon• 54,750 > = gallon•

169,732 > = people

Determine the number of people a basin can support given runoff in inches and per capita consumption.


millions of gal/basin/year = runoff inches * 2323200 * sq. miles I 10"6 gallons/person/year = per cap wtr consum. * 365 people basin supports = (mil. gals. / galjpersjyear) * 10"6


A new city is being planned in a dry region. Runoff is only 1 inchjyear. If every drop in the 400 sq. mile basin went into home use, how many people could the basin support?

annual runoff = 1 inch basin size = 400 sq miles per capita water consum.. = 150 gals./ person/ day

What if the community was conservative and only used 125 gallons/person/day?


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' '

Sheet 10.2 ~---------~-----------------------~--------------------------WDRJ!: IS ALL MY WADR GOING? I~: COHSUMP!l'IOH

people in houaehold: > no. week• to water lawn: >

water the lawn (nozzle wide open): > batha: >

3-ainute ahowera: > toilet fluahea: > run diahwaaher: >

waah diahea by hand: > no. large laundry loada: >

waah car: > lli.ac.fday: >

ai.ac ./month: >

4 < = 5 or older 0 < = week• 0 < = hourafweek 1 < = no./wk/peraon 7 < = no.fwk/peraon 5 < = no.fday/peraon 1 < = no.fday 3 < = no. tiaea/day 8 < = no.fweek 1 < = no.fweek 0 < = gal/day 0 <· = gal/aonth

Water consumption: < 236 > gal/day no watering no watering no watering no watering. no watering


: < 1,655 > gal/wk : < 7,091 > gal/aon : < 84,143 > gal/yr : < 84,143 > g&l/yr

0 20

560 100

5 33 9.6'

12.5 0 0

Per capita water consumption described in 10.1 can be determined using a sheet similar to 10.2. The real purpose of "Where is all my water going?" was to give Quattro users a chance to experiment with spreadsheet development.

The answers above were based on a "typical" American home - the Egger house. Whenever you are brave enough, the basic values that go into each formula can be adjusted for your household.


water the lawn bath 3-minute showers toilet flushes dishwasher hand dishwash large laundry loads car wash

= > 600 gal * hours per week = > 20 gal * number * persons = > 5 gal * number * persons = > 5 gal * number * persons = > 5 gal * number per day = > 11 gal * number per day = > 11 gal * number per week = > 12.5 gal * number per week

The consumption numbers appearing along the right margin of the sheet are the results of the above formula. The total water consumption formulas at the bottom of the sheet are summations of the above with appropriate multipliers for the respective time period.


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The purpose of this sheet was to get your feet wet with spreadsheeting (Quattro users only). Instead of entering numbers and watching the results, let's adjust the formula to fit your home. By the way, I noticed an error in one of the formulas. While we are at it, let's fix it. Before we begin editing the spreadsheet, turn on the column and row headers and turn protection off. To make this easy, I developed a macro - ALT E.

Turn off protection, turn on cell labels, and prepare to edit.


Move the cursor to cell 0206 (column 0 and row 206), you are going to fix my mistake, then we'll go into edit/fix mode with the F2 function key.


Notice the formula in the upper right hand corner of the screen. It should appear as + 1207*20. This means, take the contents of cell 1207 and multiply it by 20. To put another way, multiply the number of baths per week per person times 20 gallons. The error was neglecting to multiply by the number of people in the family (1204). You are in the edit mode. Type this now *1204.


The upper right should now appear as + 1207*20*1204. Hit enter.


The formula has changed; so should the answers. Any of the formulas can be adjust~d by moving through the locate, F2, edit, enter steps.

The formulas mentioned earlier have constants in them. I invite you to adjust the constants to suit your home. When you are all done, return HYT001S to its original configuration.

AL T X for monochrome screens or

AL T Y for color screens

Remember, to EXIT HYTOOLS at any time enter the following keys /QY.


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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was established as part of the Department of Com­merce on October 3, 1970. The mission responsibilities of NOAA are to assess the socioeconomic impact of natural and technological changes in the environment and to monitor and predict the state of the solid Earth, the oceans and their living resources, the atmosphere, and the space environment of the Earth. ,

The major components of NOAA regularly produce various types of scientific and technical information In the following kinds of publications.

PROFESSIONAL PAPERS-Important definitive re­search results, major techniques, and special in­vestigations.

CONTRACT AND GRANT REPORTS--Reports prepared by contractors or grantees under NOAA sponsorship.

ATLAS-Presentation of analyzed data generally in the form of maps showing distribution of rainfall, chemical and physical conditions of oceans and

' atmosphere, distribution of fishes and marine mammals, Ionospheric conditions, etc.

TECHNICAL SERVICE PUBUCATIONS-Reports containing data, observations, instructions, etc. A partial listing includes data serials; prediction and outlook periodicals; technical manuals, training papers, planning reports, and information serials; and miscellaneous technical publications.

TECHNICAL REPORTS-Journal quality with ex­tensive details, mathematical developments, or data listings.

TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS--Reports of preliminary, partial, or negative research or tech­nology results, interim instructions, and the like.

Information on availability of NOAA publications can be obtained from:




