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I 1 Thecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa...

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. . 't I I VOLtlME XXXI, , ['I'wo ::x>r.LARB Pltn YEAR.] . 1 r' I ;t •I , I I 1 " The "The ' Ri[llts or our Fellow-Subjects in Ntld. o t b& 'aoriftced. " French SillP!Iil i [:Ro ' hfl fl a IWBlTBOURNEi!illiR7cuLTURAL · and · otb er .., " " ... ,. -- .. ... ......... --.... ,,_._......,, ................ _ .... "' ........ -- . .................... ... .................. . Nor oul y dnt>tl F r;L 'e '1\•tt tqt.l:tt e I .r II aeccnt i ssue we llllltliahcd the JIIO· ''"'' ""' ''"'..' •.• doe rl,;hf'rir>&-- m CI.- , .• JII'CiHlly. of tl •c 11Love C om l'·•ny, ami uskctl f or l"Rt Ccnscn'nt wns th o Rh · J \1 'I , ltmd k now& to (, ,.,. ,to111, t.l •eo> .. \HOIIccn ted •· n of opiuiuu thereanent froru Ro.!ctor of l:1..1rLor Grace. Mr.· 1\,,,.l 1 • • i: ,. uound the ebo1e8 on tllfl of tltiR 1 li me of 011r •r .. ule1 11. OnP of thtlm, we are cxtrcmt!ly wellllltm· his t our ·" i···. .... _ _,.,._ ....... _._._,_ ....... __ _,.,., .... """"' _____ _ GLOUGESTER'S DECLI N E. WjE , 1 Pa#Ha'\l ' wiili ' in to-day'a is-ue e the having reference. lo Colony-hut 11h1> 11 : "IJ:rtuoiM l• ttuntieR on pl ci\Sucl to sny. hns k iucl l. " to ou r --- · -We hue plet\lure io rlirectiol! I I•·· ··tocnaioo , made . by ae•eral of t.hft leadmg "'"' ltttV'="'i"" I ''•·S· t- 18. I 'tcqnut--M 1ollowa, ,·jz ,- · · 1 of our readera to aoothcr ver1 iuter• a olio e Bernal, t.ltf' Driti .. h C. at (:,.,,,.,.,1 ttt HavcP, [TO Til l: t nrrou OF from Mr. Qoilflt. of the Y ork '/ f,, l,t. nu A. Mo-ve \br Reciprocity. reat in regard to the An- glo·FreR'W: · 4greement lately arri-recl 1\t be· tween Greab Britain ' •nd France with respect tO matters wb!ch the two triea were concerned m AfEIC.. Very lme6y it be _..1d that the (1) provid. ed foc ... by France of Eogland'a Prot.ectm'l'te over while Great. Brit- ain in return recognized thA Protectorate of Franoe over Madaguc.1r. {2) Tbe AgreemAnt r.lao drew a line of delim't.at.ion between tbe apberea of- activity o( the Nige 'r cOmpany ttnd .:>f the French Governo1ent of the Medi· in his rrcent. '"l'orl ,.. "'"' tltl' qnestinn ot DEAn . Xetttfonodlaod affnira. Twi ll ... : tho prolongation f 01 . 1 , ctlwr t ea 01 of yel\r ll 1 do tntenu cull at to uaal. of t he law ftrRnting . •he .,folesa itl honnliu "b" AgncuShurbnl Uompaoly Wbllltt· · · •o 1 1 J ouroe. uc a propo1a cornea w1 muc o Welaro tlo•• ""i• tl ,r wore of our veCJcla from lh·· :-. .. , ,., '" "' "•• week. oamely. the Pr omi .•t. ,J ,,I ... .. .. 1.. .. '" •I the Ezctl, 'fhnmaa Connolly t: .. d, uo'll n1.o.: .,ell·fi•bed...JTrinity R tcn11l As we told our rea in laat iaaue, tbe steady ahrinkaae of plouCf'lter fishery. ia causing a lara. to the fishermen. They-not to their own interest s, aa the ill- sue ia demonstrating_: eted lhe overtures made hy the D..om_ipion for re .. ciprocity in certain prodnct11, which ouLlined the "admiuion of fro' fish for frPe fishing." Pre.ident Cleveland's atlmini11tra .. tion tbat. fuored the propoeal weae deJlouuced ae trait.ora to the The Americana •l'parently ditl not want any such ' 6.tling pri vilegea, prefetring to retain their mat keta for their own people. The r eaulta of the pro- tect . ion ayetem l ately in force have been the reverae nf It ia now aacertained that " period of reciprocity when their 6sherm11n bad free inte rcourse, and were n ot hampered by reatriotiona, wa!l when t.er was the moat proepe:-oua If the Ohincse wall weru remo"ed, business would be aguin and Gfouceater would take her place among the prosperous cities of Ne.., Eogland." It ia not tberefllre, aowe incl ine t.o think, that this change in se ntiment may le1d to an enlurRed !'eciprocity beLween the U nit.cd Statea and th e Dominion of Cunadu, 84'-eua-iog to tbe laLter the free ttdmiaaion of her 6ab producta into the U nit.ec.l S tales market.a. Should aucb an agreement be e ntered into, and should it happen that Newfoandla:Jd will be left out. in tho cold, then we won1d certain· ly find ouraelvea to be in a pitiable position. It is to be hoped LhaL ou r Go"e rnment may k eep ll watchful eye on any negotiations upoo Lhia important. matter that may arise between th e two Governme nts aforesa id ; and that Newfoundland in te res I.! may not be loat of. There ia no ahadow uf Joubt that tbiA colony •ery mnch to gain by 8och an arrangement aa the oue above referred to - by buing, tbat is, all h er products admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa duty freA- and not have them, as they now are, •u lljected to such dutiea aa th ev &t prese nt have to enc;lllnt.er when entPring 1ny of tho Ameri.:lln porta; rhat ia,- Wll.t ex putS on t " 1 1 0 . ttnnaa Y next. , commend it. There is here a departure froot our Tlua, we IIIP told, l lf rrw t• JCIIIOJ: \'f'ry time -booo r coi modeaofapccala- inte reBt. " Peu)'l" in. -En:.:l,.l tcl ," Mr. Hernlll tina ; coonectccl witb fishery remarks, "11ro vety Mt•t t.u cuufourd t.be two poreuiti will oot hau nt ua midat aleep'a refrub- olaaaea of bountice to cunclnllfl th..c in(C hours; nor "ill tl.Je bu rricaoe dislreaa us by cause those gi•en. thtr- tnu:\iD!f-Qf- !JI&ra of the buoc it may worlt. Wooao aee tbat -A Los;=:ilr ·-:n, 41 , 1 1111 1 .. 1,.t. 11,.. 1 bave not produced Ill Jliererore the . comfort aod peace are fore.alladowea in tbe pr _ o- -:th a , ·e r1Rerioua lor>' lw "' .' M ·..:iol o•ht .. l.ic t. 1.., . • . •· . poaal to settle down farmw.: the laod at Wb1t- " .. 1 hue . ed .• faiJu'"'l. bourne . Tbere is a atipulntion. bowever, wbicb fe(l a vnlulble c•f It: .. "" 'attllnlly ut-lu tlua 11 not 110. Ur1t11l bulldnlJ yarda bOUlft kills tile proposal, onme ly . . fouode ra' abaret! :accident which endctl ·, .. t/u· fi,.n uuinoa l'll nenlh. able to conttruct ve88ililla' 1\ lower rate, and ' Are th ese founders tbe owner• of tbe laod? lf Much r.ympx lhy i'l fl·l• I• Jt' II•" J) oo:or ; tho loKj mo re rapidly than tJri1ee in banoe, marty oot. is it uoderatood tb:lt the t600 lor fou ode ra' , is a serious 'll"'· __ _ terranean, etc. One. leading pape1·, on the Agreement, that. " the only mat\er of regret is ' that.· the Net!lfoundland embroglio tD<U not includld in tlze uUlement." Frenob ahip-ownera -ial•e found it au advan- abaru ia a booue to tboeo who orgaoizo tLe Uom- Emera ld id I!:CIItt't.-d 10 nrrivo tu:r .. tage to purchllae ua, alLbongb by paoy 1 If laller. theo bow tbe IBod to bo G1\ '.Chursda.y. Amou rz t l:o notable• oo board doing ao tbeyloao hall the navigation bounty. obtaioed ?. lake out ehsrea farat.- will be, iLia enid, Bi/4 Excc lleoc_y thefGovornol "' •- t'. .• ,J ........J tb • . 'h aod tbeo let us talk ab out tt . nnd Lady O'"r'leD, .... :ir Held" 10 \\ aoq A.nother . journal tbat "the main conaidt>ration is not eo m'u::h that. England hu !oat anything tbat as France hu gained a great deal, and that Lord Saliabury baa not taken the OJ: portunity of' tb(a ajtreement tQ •eWe the Ji.Jficulty t/rJ Frenr1, ./i&hermen in New• foundland. Tbat leflma to 111 an unpardon· able omiaai'on," etc. ..&0 coun.orao., tliS 1 .. 111 propo.uu lw 1n " e SO 1-' A HM ER. u "" new law bountiea 'ahaU be only given to vee. · · · LlJy Wa; ker, aeta built in France . The coet to FROM LABRADOR. i.e about .£400,000 pert pam, allilttlfe r.eeufW are that while in ._d only 699' •1 Our corresponc.lcnt "t 0<Htwright, w1 iti1 g .ateamerM.of 265,959 toaa, ·1 he in:. '!nder date 15th A.ogoat, says: Yet another prominent paper say a: ". There remain other que11tions . which require settle- ment between the two nations, anti notably that of NewfoundlanJ folterju. The aatia· factory concl usion of \he African nPgotiationa will at prepare the pubUc mind in both cou ntries for a friendly treatme . nt of other difficu!Lies." crea11ed 10 1881 to }Jtl6, Ql'lf09,8(10 ' tona. '>or aa.lmoo fiaber1 i• oow over. nod ahc.ws a In 1880 Havre aaltiag co .. jderable iocreue O\'er lnat catch. l o 48 5_.8 toua and tbialnd l• :squimnux Hay it is probably double tl-! 1t . together 286 veiaela f las perbapa rathe r moru. Yeteveo tb.lt ' 1 8 ' euu t rather below an n, · erago U d- ln 1889 the nn.llbert were- S of 55,687 . lorluoat ely 118 usunl lhoao who oeede t.ona, and 138 uf 1581 116 tona, , tbf teut. Tbo prospects fur the coming wr.er ,·eeeela, of cak&inly look mucia brighter with 1uoat peopJo oreue. however, muat be deducted that wbico then; tbeJ did I nat vear tbis time. Codfish ie hu t..ken place in the ! lrlumber and tonn .. ge pleotiful, ooly on the out.side but nl1111 of the ateame 111 belon8'\Kf& to tbe large maril ao tbe U11y. Even a_ t Cartwri ght th o boata time postal companies which l'eetsive aub+eb· get oue to a day. On tbe · One of the lead ing exponenll of public opiniou in tb e Old Country-thA T..ondon Daily .Kew1-sarcaatically ·• We bav e no intention of attacking ftordSajtabury for undue subserviency to France. He ia an e min e ntly pacific statesman, who baa learned caution, if riot eUA:U, wi.dom, vperieoce, and. who baa lldopted .the LiLeral, that ia tb& winning, aidts in tLe great controveray ,a rashly by Lord Be aconsfield rourt.een years ago. It ia of immenae importance that this coun try should be on good. terms with France. . . • Bu.t righu o( our fellOw. mb,jecu i1l .Kew{oundland cannot be &acrijiud." . . ' ' out.a de tb o1 are s:ud to ue getb og more faah thao fr.>m .the but do not abate tber can -.ell handle. l' llleave it to the stellmor 10 th e nangataon \Vhether Lbeae to 2 ive the reports from that q, arter. relllltll are worth to the oounLry at The warm weatber or the past moot:b has fa- lar ge is a matter of In tbe oon· Yo a red the fruit, of whicll tboro ao abuodau ce fitant. 11upply of leamen, who ' do kinds . If it did aomo little goo'tl in "this w11y . not gh•e a tithe \)f to theiLoa., . 1& Hnt cauea harlb io 'Ot '. u r •!lye. t.aina · which Briti sh aeamen 10 frequently do E•nJiblog becan1o duod up, aud aa a: cooee- 'fbd London Daily Cl"o1U ·cte says : "There is uo coun try in th e world, except perhaps the U nit.ed St.atea, with whioh we could ill to have strained u with our Gallic neighbour, and, 10 looJt aa British inter· este are safeguarded, we aball hail with ati&o fa ction evf!ry atep whiou Lringa aa into more cordi ... l union with France in tb e oommoo work of ciyilitation. It would hAve been more satisfactory if the question oithe French 1J oaitioo in N ewfoundiRnd could hue been , queoce t.he forest at the h03d of Hay waa set and whoae wages are a goocl tbRn ablaze bJ the ligbtoio!(, and for some 10 or 12 onboard our the French ah1pown .er daye the fire raged between Eagle aod Paradiae poaseaeea a dec1ded a-hantage. Thua wb1le River, and tbrea to oed 10 sweep thtt whole our A. B.'s are paid £4 5s. per month on Bay. Mu ch timb er hru been destroyed. ateart era and £3 on sailing veasela, the French and trap• . aod by it aailoc only get3 £2 16s. and £2 Sa.: and 1\S about Wlatte . aod lttvere. Mo st amoinst thll £4 lOs. aud £3 5s. earned b oar of tbo hvmg 10 1ho :>od .,- . ! up t betr tluoga and th oa r booaea. Oo Cod6sb ooe ceot a lb. (dr1 ) t! e rriog ooo dollar a barrel. ·• Sa lmon ooe dollar aod a half a tioree. " Oils 25 per cent ad valorem. Tbe aforegoing 11cale of imposts, it will he admiCtea, ia almost, if not wholly, prohibiti,·o. and checks the growth of anything like la rge trade rellltioos the United Statee. firemen and tnmmars, the French pay IS £3 t hat tbeae would bo burut Fortunately e re tb is 12s. and £2 16s. The French captainK, bappeoed tL ere came a uowo -pour of raio wllich ruatea, and engineers are, on the oLh er band, pat tbe fire out or nearly ao. One mau lost his rath er better paid than and while we bouse but eAVed nil thaL was th.:rni o. Tho awoko only give £4 15L or .£5 to a cook or au or- tbat now over &y .would seem to dinary long voyage steamer, Lhe French pay tbat th ere 111 aull fi re 10 the H ia £8. A carpenter owe.ver who is a·d lbe a httle drJ weather aod ., • . . P t wrod w11l eeL all ID flames agam. . The of rec iprocity, as will be no- ticed by to-day a and ycaterday'a public de- is ega in co ming before tbe American Congrqsa. We sha ll l'elurn to this subj ect £5 103. to £5 oo board a Bnhah vessel, 1& it reMrted tba.t at Mark's Ticklb io Esqui· only geta £2 l6J. to £3 121S. on boarcl R maux ua 1 tltere are several cn1ea o( t.lipbtbena ; French one. but no ioformatioo bu come f rom included in the aettlernent whiob has just been Beport or L&bTador J'l.ahery -3rd Trip s s. mRd.e, and if .Franco could have been ind.tced c. Lady Gio·nr," 1890, to withdraw her claims in that p: nLion of oar Aoo: 16.-Naio-A few .enela io tbia oeigb- Q UEEN'S ... SPEECH. t erritory. It not to be diffic11lt to in· borbood; doiog fair It well. - duce her to make a. aa.cri6ce •bibb would coat' 19 -Cape Rarrigao-40 bert; 200 to in ne xt' iaaue. THE _ Tne full text of tbit important .document, her -rery little, but which, for the ako of our 600 each. 011r read era will recollec(, we pubh11h ed colonists beyond the Atlantic, we ahould esti · Faoor'• Harbor-boat.a 0006 ; " trapt 4.00 to 600 in t he last iaaue of tbe STA.WJJ4&D. Reference, mat& at a bigh value. It mua at the same Double lalaod-l f> •enela bere ; li!OO to 600 eacb. -.--...... Ra ou r readers •ill remember, was made there timA be admitted t.hat the aituation in New- Wioaor HarbJr-l.Joau !10 to 20; traps 200 to in to the vexed fiabery CU.put.e between tLis foundland i.e complicated bJ> queatirna of local 600. Colony and France-the acsjnatme nt of which conaider:ation whioh require tim*' for their Aoo . 20 -Turnaviok a 90 to 1 20 ; difforencea, Her Majeaty observed, " ia occupy· proper adjustment. When these have been traps 250 to 400 ing the anxious attention of my Go\'ernment." eliminated from the controversy we truat we '1' uronick (W)-b bata 100 to 120; tra ps 250 'Ibe Glasgow Hn-ald, commenting on the shall aee the en'.l of it in t.he fullest recogni.. to 760. ' h ked "Th · · I t1 ' on of the claims of our 6ahermen in New. Aillak-boata 80 to l20; traps 260 to S 0 apeec remar : ere a&e certam Y two Mako•iok Ialanda-boata 80 to 120 ; tn 400, paragraphs in the Speech which suggest com. fonndland waters." Ironbound hlaode-20 ftas e la here 2()() to 600 pli::alt.iona yet alliOlYed, avon whicb In thia connection the oommenta made by each. ous pouibilitiea depend. But poaaibilities cert&in of the French press polll6111 1\ peculiar Loog Tickle-boats 80 to HO; traps 2!10 to are not neceuarily probabilities, aod th e bope intereat for ua :- 800. may fairly be entertained tl:.at, by toe ·me Telegrwpbiog receot11 the Pari a cor tee· Adouick-boata 4.0 to 60; trapa 60 to 100. Parliament reueemble., both the Behnnl poodeDt of tbe StamJard UJI that tbe rawarka Cape Harriaon-boata 36 to 60; trapa 80 to Se d h N dl d d' wit-h which Lord SaU..bury aupplemeoted the lSO. a an t e ewlOWl an llpute. may be preaeotatioo to Parliacneot of 'be Eogliab aud Auo 21-Sloop Uo•e-boab 80 to 40; traps e ither aett.le4 or on a fair way to eettlemen t. French declaratiooa co!roiog_ Afrioa ban 40 to 100. The BebrinJ Sea affair la not. likelrlo be dia · cooail7erllbfe trri tlon tlie political to . SO ; 200 to 800. posed of refereuoe to aome third ne world tbere, tbua oeukal 'oi..!YJO!,De exteot the Emil1 lfarbor. &o-boata-60 &o 70 ; trap• lOU tral Power, and the Queen 'a makea moral effect wblob the aigoatare of tboee to 800. , re fere nce to an explicit offer to aubmit the <iooumeot.a 'bad Wbeo· tbe oatlioM Wblte Bear .{alauda-boata 80 to 150; traps 100 caaf\ \o arbitration. Tl:e of he the were f{!'K made Go· to 200. N t=t1l J. . ..J qt oa, aoa, loliHd, joaroale of. all Smoky Rao-tioi&e 60 i trapr 160 lo 260 . 6 w 0 'uLe ia more ww akill u..oac1ea· of ' pol treat opiaido, balled t.IJe coaclaaioo lod•ao Harbor-boa11 60 to ,.0; trape 160 to diplofl haps the:e la...r£oh W r&- wiUl col')tic;tarable aaUifaotion. 800. gret that it waa not .made part and of ootao f'baoi ooeooon,of &het&oJible rdnat.jn Auo, H ,-Paok'a Harbor-boltl 60 to 100; the 4nglo l'reooh qreement onr :Africa and Fraboe migbt deriYo from it. aa becaue &be iaaae &rape 800 t9 6QO Madagascar." of' th oeroftatiooa waaa ft"Utep knrardatbe a-. Loog lalaod-bo1t1 60 I o 120; \rape 800 to tuJ " ••• c r at of otber nutioaa aad loaa-oa&eaaodlor 500. ' . -'fa& n.umu•o or ntc .. UueoBaaroar ." - ooa be&weeo Eoalaocl aod J'nuoe 1 aDd bf· · Graa.,-botlta tOO to 160 ; lrape 260 to 600. 'l'be partioalara are pabliltbed 1 bt>Joor waa alao 'a-proof' that Fraboe ooald make , •co. 28.-lo(llaa .1'iokle....boa&e 10 to' 110 ; the Bmlld, lo r4;vd .0 L titl.8bote lo &be ooocer& of aatlooL traps 260 to d , 1 acclde':)' wblob waa referred tcrlo Frldar'e iMua : "' Natitrn. ol, aad 1 odler 'a , 260 to 860, .. Tlt•tA6a .... , ••••er lJtWtlfl, by die U. to tcdd mloo..!.b9ltl' ov \q.1Q j trape 200 to 8()0. , ll. 8. ateuier Brlgl• bam&tnt l lfe .... ,. bj 8 to 70', · taa 1 fl 'nJ ._ p.Jied ,. tU roek .c &IW, after all, .. .,,, ,noob-.a ''' i>qoob" Bowl-boaia 6\) td' 69; 100 to co ......... , ........ 1.1Mee .. ID ...... ..... tar 'Ill• Opor too. ., , l t 'I 1 with her aU clay. nldat loe &be dele eo uti U.. ,..._, . ptliltl T .. ,. 0011• Bol•e.r ·a lb>ak-\oa.- 40' (b · 601 tn,. 100 &o at 6 I I dill l al' \ cable •• .. •DIJIIMCI d Jtill be .&&tilL I ... , ;SO jO 861 ...,. 200 .. ftrat n.. A ..... ball- .... ' ftMpl ' •"'' D &a ez- 26Q, 1 lJI 1 1 " ." < looR4 ... . ... U4 LObe lltld. 10 •.. M. afbOr-j'oah bar' 160 &o cable ... - ..... c. froa the Pelka . -. "'--dit liUU w:HoD bJ &boee pN41eatiJ · AooLM!-Dud '-aid; lnpl &lat c.;. t61 11daj ..... .... , ...... ,, 100 to 169, ,•· ,1-J, tlJ I J 1 •• " .t .n.m. . 1P &o .16,' J1W 80 to lot to ........... 7 •• ,._.., ............ T'bt JOQ. ' · u. ' r)O ' 'I •I :. h-I .. ud Ia· JICtD s, 8'tat.l Sial ' - ---r ...._ ..a 10 &o- ro OD Doc* ror ' i60krat:. ,,..,, II t - .,.. ...... · quarter, and aa our people are very easily frigh t- coed, 1 trust tbat it way turo ouL to bc notbiog more t ban an ordiuary aoro 1 broM. All nrc well iu tb ia B1y. (FOR THE II ARDOR OP..AO£ STA.'WA.ItD.) GONE TO REST. At IV ttkyville. 011 Juue 2Slh, af ter a painj'ul ill- ll tU. MARY, 'llarlir 1g child of l'&TER and J!:)JILY \V1S" SOR, a qtd 3 ytart a11d 2 111011t/u. Ho (oldctb tbe lambs io His bosont, Aud Cl\ rri otb them io Hls arma. Our darli og l\Jiooie'" gooo To ber eh rn al bome ; She ia a little bloasom Gone to Paradi11e to bloom. A bloasom l eot us for a while, Bot to bloom do\Vo here ; io th e fields of Paradiso Sbe 1 11 bloom forever there. Wo cnuat uot, wou ld not, wish ber bn ok To this poor world a.g11i o : It wu Jeeus t ook her from tbia world To ut her frea from paio. Free from all pain abe oow ill be. Aod free from e•ery care, Wbere eigba of eorJow oe.er como, Nor falla tbe burning t ear. Her t6odor vt>ico oo wore wo'll be u, her pretty smile, For abe baa goae to wear a robe, A robe uode61ed. She waoted be carried up Ooe hour before aha died; Perbipa 11be nw the Angela tbeo J o1t hoyeriDg bi her eide. T( bear oar darliog Mionie ,up 'l'p 'be Cbrit& above- Safe io Hr. arms ebe'a _ now at rest. Aa4 abeltered by bla lova. \ ' t r A lit"• wbUe ebe lloaered bare Afopa4 f.hla b9 , ueehol'\ beuth ; Bot. oh ! t09 waa •be - .l'ob falt aod frail for •arth . ' ' \ I 1 I AaCl.._ ao the Hbepberd took bet op 'er- ... ; He lo,ealhe w.... _ eo lfe cal!• I Aod folda thiCP lO ar. Tau' puente loot r Whert aaiottd ataadt,; , A orowo eba w•ra upon ber A barp whhlo her haada. , -Tltl! a tcnaner Con .:ript :trri,· cn here til rout' to Lubrnde r th ia ,.Jteruooo. ,\s usual, she had quite a oun 1 ber pf paucogcrs A her a sho rt clt! · ),.y 11 to 11 r eau med h -l r ,.nynj::i. :Shfl tonk a largto Llbrador ma\'1. -- . ,. r L tlo,.·e wreek 1111: .11o:h r. .l"!Jfl la r" -vllp <1\ 1 · , t tu roed f rc> m 1h e stetllllCr .hlac"': t 118 n I() 1 ·t·, l\ quRo'itv of 1rott hlti0)-:8 .111<1 o c ceo.. 'n · J other Sbtth u !!t01111Cr IO · d 1\l.. o ut •J \ tOO fc•·L piCCI!8 fn s t. 1 ';ap\ . L. uo. er - of lumbE-r "' hi• tb h& ltlndo tl iu 1 r tid, .! ng :10. -- lhnk Fisb.Ory. ' llMl>or r. b.u had ooo nrr i al siuco Ins\ iMuo-lhr ll. li -. B.(; ·!I scboCincr Tll· a.•l•rr, (.;n11t Neil. !:i'Je had t he fair tri p of -lfl qu intals. Sho It er tiah ou t.he Flclllisb C11p. She brincd no rop-Jrt- . . A f•J w dnya ngo the , R.:hoo ocr. / da/111, <-::tplatn Leggr '· nrri\'OU nt Hr. y 1-.ol>e rttl w1tb :JOO q utnl!tla; nnd th o Gt11e.·al r.; 11 ·d"''· (.;nptaln Joy, ol ll oly- rood. nh1o with q ui utala . . •• 11 oe scboo uer JJrotllt r.•, to 1 borburn & 'J ·e8llier w:u ot II e ut'l! Contunt n fllw daye •vitb 1' 5u qninUJ.Is ot fish for thrco dories. __._ -- A 11.\I !ROH Gr.. \CI . \S UtES AT L\tli :AOOR.- Eiso "·hero qQp ea ra t ho 0 , ,_tice of · tho denth nl Tur1tn,•ick Eas t, on r. be lib of r. Chat les Toy lor, to th1a to w.n A friend oow preeeut nt th ., al. ove place v. ·rttes us by la., t o1nil to any thnt th u d• J wM audllt• nly ill 00 til e 1st Aug • 18t aod llO\ 'Cr rnll.aed nfter . Uc l ea ves a wife anti ae \'C .n. atnnll reo to mourn their ud los ' · I hrcc. of hut c hildren are nt 'lurnBviek tbo ela eat buos.: ooly 1 [> years of ngo .. Tbey 0 o P• 1raon here to co re for them now .'' Frn : \ .£SS t: LS Los r os LAnn ADOt .... ANI.. .' IS Till\ ·TIIA ITS -By...she lnst atenmer Con;c, ;J'I tlh : re nr- ri\·ed up from the Labrndor cout t \Je crewt.· of four l\ cwfouodlntJd \·essels and oL e Euglia.'l schooner rece ot:y los t :)U tbo co 11st of L1brador r111d tho S trnita uf l>c llo [ale 'fbo first wna th o Su,ji otrcr. beloL to . \lcsara. r. & L Tess ier. nod C:l WIIlliL ·.1od by CBpl. Peddle, of Trinity. Sbe was lost at ,·\:ello- pix on tho 4tb of Aug ust, aod hnd ·1 00 qui. •Hats of fiab oo bonrd llt tbo time. The eccouC: Wil l the ;slcrt, owoed by Measre. Watortcau & (. 'onod commanded by Cap t. Jo bn Pearce, aho Wl. ·a lost at C ape llu gforu oo t he :J rd of aLn t.ad only 50 quiiuals or fish oo bonrcl Tho tbird wns tile William. Bl so to Mesare. Wnter- mno & Oo. She '"as wrecked at Stag Uny oo ith Augue t, with 110 qtls . fish. Her cJptnin'e unme wna James Cox. fhe fourth l\ owl ouud- lnnd vessel lost wn s tho llart:tst 1/ umc, o wn ed by Mr. Mnrk Osmood, cf llnrbor, C to\. J oaiah .Noel : &btl was loatat Edwm'aHa rbor oo the ltith o( Au gust, w1t b 200 quiotals of 6sb oo boned. The faht> vessel lost was ao English barque - tho .\Jar y Graham wbioh weu' asho re iu tile ol Helle lal o. !)he wna b ouo d ffom Quo- bee for t he 'l'yne. luo1ber ladeo The \'easel lolt Quebec oo tbe !)tb o( August . nod weot well till the 1 j th, whco a he rno ashore at Gargene lle, oear Poiot lt icho. Tho c11ptain and crew n.aaort a bat t ho ab!eocc of th o light -house io tbe oeigbborhood (it bnd boeo burot down six daya before) was tuQ cause of abe l ou of tbo ves- sel The .ll ar.IJ f:ra1tam struck about midniilbt, nod it was witb mu ch difficulty the moo e fftcted a. l11odrog. lodeod, it would be diffic ult to give ao opinion as to whether the crow woulrl eao1pe or not, bu t for the brnery of tb e firat officer, Mr. Crofc.on Elliot, who boldly pluog ed ioto th e aea and swam to the aboro witll a lioe It waa bJ tbia lloe all tbe rea' of the craw effected a land- iog. After gettiug ou shore tbe men travelled but a abor t. distvoce wh en tboy reached tbo of Mr. Laogdoo , by whom they 'fere treated with the utmou ltindoea1 durioa tbeir stay. After recruiting aomewbat, th ey atouted for Loop. wnera tbef were alao reoeiYed moa' kindly by Mr. Watson , aod from where they were oo board ( witb the exceptioo of t l•e Cl&ptaio, who rem•ioed) en r oute for St. ,J oho'a. The Mary Grol2m waa 700 tooa. aod wne owced by Grabam & Co , of Maryport. Eoglaod The capsalo atilt r emaiJ:la wiLh tbe ahip, awaitior the aoner aoo sale. The steamer Bogle, at tho io- naoce of Lloyd 'a ageot. waa aeol oortb oo Sat- urday moroiog in oonneotion witb tile wreok· For the aboYe torormatloo we are lddebted to our ooutemporary tbe Tb• lumber t.deo rque alhaded t.> abo•• Ia the ODe rererrea to 1 io our inue of Frlda1 'l.'b" ligbt-ltoon also alluded tu i• the one meuaioa .. ed iD the ame laue>. -- &lae_esl tO to 100. •j ', o 0 I (J t1 10 r;,,, t • 1 Ia .... .. a ftllll ep.r llubor-boMillto •1 to 100. r.:.w.:=- .:too•..-r .,..., .... .. •, A litUe •bile too. •· 'roroath help wblab God afYeo, · rn too IMll bid tbll world fareweU, A14ao to lltt Ia lttiYto. IL K, A. 1 -Piao'a Core for Uoaau•nptlou and l'i'"'' Btaecl1 for Oa&arrb are aold bJ W H 'l'hncnt , ( - I ;\ .I
Page 1: I 1 Thecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa duty freA- and not have them, as they now are, •ulljected to such ~heavy dutiea

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't I I

VOLtlME XXXI, , ['I'wo ::x>r.LARB Pltn YEAR.] . 1 r ' I ;t • I , I

I 1 "

The ~Anglo-French ~reemeni ' "The 'Ri[llts or our Fellow-Subjects in Ntld. can~ o t b& 'aoriftced. "

French SillP!Iili[:Ro 'hfl fla Frencb .~eamen.' · I ·,HE IWBlTBOURNEi!illiR7cuLTURAL 1~ccr ~ .crro'i~dcai ·and ·otber T+~ · ~~~· .., " " ... ,. -- .. ... ......... --.... ,,_._......,, ................ _ .... "' ........ --..................... ... .................. .

Nor ouly dnt>tl F r;L'e'1\•tt tqt.l:tt e I .r II aeccnt issue we llllltliahcd the JIIO· -PERSO~Ar.-Amon;; ''"' ' ""' ' '"'..' •.• d oe h~>a· rl,;hf'rir>&--mCI.- , .• JII'CiHlly. •\~ Kt~wfoun.:· ~tj:rctn" of tl•c 11Love Com l'·•ny, ami uskctl for l"Rt Ccnscn'nt wns tho Rh · J \1 \ · 'I, ltmd k now& to (, ,.,. ,to111, t.l•eo> .. \HOIIccnted •·n rxpu s~iLn of opiuiuu thereanent froru Ro.!ctor of l:1..1rLor Grace. Mr.· 1\,,,.l 1• • i: ,. uound the ebo1e8 t~nclJ on tllfl llt~ni:H of tltiR 1 lime o f 011r •r .. ule111. OnP of thtlm, we are cxtrcmt!ly wellllltm· his tour cor~fit ·" i · ·· .

.... _ _,.,._ ....... _._._,_ ....... __ _,.,., .... """"' _____ _ GLOUGESTER'S DECLINE. WjE,

1Pa#Ha'\l' wiili' p~ure in to-day'a is-ue

e po<~~~ the i~m;arlta having reference. lo Colony-hut 11h1> 11: " IJ:rtuoiM l•ttuntieR on ~ho plci\Sucl to sny. hns k iucl l." ru -ponu~;~cl to our --- ·

-We hue plet\lure io rlirectiol! II•·· ··tocnaioo , Newf~~·R l~a.4 made. by ae•eral of t.hft leadmg

coue~ruc~ion "'"' ltttV'="'i"" I ' '•·S· t-18. ~[ r. I 'tcqnut--M 1ollowa, ,· jz ,- · · 1 o f our readera to aoothcr ver1 iuter• ••11 ·~t a olio e Bernal, t.ltf' Driti .. h C. at (:,.,,,.,.,1 ttt HavcP, [TO Til l: t nrrou OF T!l('l.\~0.\I!IJ) from Mr. Qoilflt. of the ~e"' York '/ f,, l,t. nu A. Mo-ve \br Reciprocity. pap;e~of, reat Bri~n in regard to the An­

glo·FreR'W:· 4greement lately arri-recl 1\t be· tween Greab Britain '•nd France with respect tO aev~f!ll matters wi~h wb!ch the two c~un­triea were concerned m AfEIC.. Very lme6y it ma~ be _..1d that the A~treement. (1) provid. ed foc ... ~ognit"'n by France of Eogland'a Prot.ectm'l'te over Z~anzibar, while Great. Brit­ain in return recognized thA Protectorate of Franoe over Madaguc.1r. {2) Tbe AgreemAnt r.lao drew a line of delim't.at.ion between tbe apberea of- activity o( the Nige'r cOmpany ttnd .:>f the French Governo1ent aou~h of the Medi·

in his rrcent. '"l'orl ,.. "'"' tltl' qnestinn ot DEAn ~Jr:.-:- . Xetttfonodlaod affnira. Twill ... : o.t·~ Y 1'"~-tho prolongation f01. 1 , ctlwr tea 01 of yel\rll 1 do ~ot tntenu ~o cull at 1h~ 1~ropoul to fo~m uaal. of t he law ftrRnting . •he .,folesaitl honnliu "b" AgncuShurbnl Uompaoly (Llmtte~)tbat Wbllltt· · · •o 1 1 J ouroe. uc a propo1a cornea w1 muc o Welaro ple:~aed ~e~ tlo•• ""i• •tl ,r ~~~

wore of our veCJcla from lh·· :-. .. , ,., '" " ' "•• week. oamely. the Promi.•t. ,J , ,I ... I· .. .. 1.. .. '" •I the Ezctl, 'fhnmaa Connolly t: .. d , H·uo'll n1.o.: .,ell·fi•bed...JTrinity R tcn11l

As we told our rea e~ in laat iaaue, tbe steady ahrinkaae of ~be plouCf'lter fishery. ia causing a lara. to the N~En~land fishermen. They-not to their own interests, aa the ill­sue ia demonstrating_: eted lhe overtures made hy the D..om_ipion Go~ment for re .. ciprocity in certain ~turif prodnct11, which ouLlined the "admiuion of fro' fish for frPe fishing." Pre.ident Cleveland's atlmini11tra .. tion tbat. fuored the propoeal weae deJlouuced ae trait.ora to the coun~ry. The Americana •l'parently ditl not want any such '6.tling pri vilegea, prefetring to retain their mat keta for their own people. The reaulta of the pro­tect.ion ayetem lately in force have been the reverae nf aatiafac~.nry. It ia now aacertained that " ~be period of reciprocity when their 6sherm11n bad free intercourse, and were not hampered by reatriotiona, wa!l when Glou~e8 · t.er was the moat proepe:-oua If the Ohincse wall weru remo"ed, business would be aguin re~ived, and Gfouceater would take her place among the prosperous cities of Ne.., Eogland." It ia not imvrohaabl~, tberefllre, aowe incl ine t.o think, that this change in sentiment may le1d to an enlurRed !'eciprocity beLween the U nit.cd Statea and the Dominion of Cunadu, 84'-eua-iog to tbe laLter the free ttdmiaaion of her 6ab producta into the U nit.ec.l S tales market.a. Should aucb an agreement be entered into, and should it happen that Newfoandla:Jd will be left out. in tho cold, then we won1d certain· ly find ouraelvea to be in a pitiable position. It is to be hoped LhaL our Go"ernment may keep ll watchful eye on any negotiations upoo Lhia important. matter that may arise between the two Governments aforesaid ; and that Newfoundland in t e res I.! may not be loat sigh~ of. There ia no ahadow uf Joubt that tbiA colony wool~• •ery mnch to gain by 8och an arrangement aa the oue above referred to - by buing, tbat is, all her 6~hery products admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa duty freA- and not have them, as they now are, •ulljected to such ~heavy dutiea aa thev &t present have to enc;lllnt.er when entPring 1ny of tho Ameri.:lln porta; rhat ia,-

Wll.t ex putS on t ~ft " 1 1 0 . • ttnnaa Y next. ,commend it. There is here a departure froot our Tlua, we IIIP told, llf rrw t•JCIIIOJ: \'f'ry ~relit time-booorcoi eo~Aj!I!111Cill83nd modeaofapccala­inte reBt. " Peu)'l" in. -En:.:l,.ltcl ," Mr. Hernlll tina ; t~ocertniuties coonectccl witb fishery remarks, "11ro vety Mt•t t.u cuufourd t.be two poreuiti will oot haunt ua midat aleep'a refrub­olaaaea of bountice an~ to cunclnllfl th..c l~U in(C hours; nor "ill tl.Je burricaoe dislreaa us by cause those gi•en. ~n thtr- tnu:\iD!f-Qf- !JI&ra of the buoc it may worlt. Wooao aee tbat -A S~r.JOt:S Los;=:ilr·-:n,41 , 1 1111 1 .. 1,.t. 11,..1

bave not produced Ill Jliererore the . comfort aod peace are fore.alladowea in tbe pr_o- -:th a ,·er1Rerioua lor>' lw "'.' M·..:iolo•ht .. l.ict. 1.., . • . •· . poaal to settle down farmw.: t he laod at Wb1t- -· " .. 1

ot~e~s hue hliPWI~e. . ed .• faiJu'"'l. ~ut. bourne. Tbere is a atipulntion. bowever, wbicb fe(l a vnlulble lo~ue c•f It: .. "" 'attllnlly ut-lu tlua 11 not 110. Ur1t11l bulldnlJ yarda bOUlft kills tile proposal, onmely . . fouodera' abaret! :accident which endctl ·, .. t/u· fi,.n uuinoal'll nenlh. able to conttruct ve88ililla' 1\ lower rate, and 'Are these founders tbe owner• of tbe laod? lf Much r.ympxlhy i'l fl·l• I•Jt' II•" J)oo:or ; tho loKj more rapidly than tJri1ee in banoe, marty oot. is it uoderatood tb:lt the t600 lor fouodera' , is a serious 'll"'· __ _ terranean, etc.

One. leading pape1·, comme~ting on the abo~e Agreement, re~!lrhd that. " the only mat\er of regret is 'that.· the Net!lfoundland embroglio tD<U not includld in tlze uUlement."

Frenob ahip-ownera -ial•e found it au advan- abaru ia a booue to tboeo who orgaoizo tLe Uom- -IL~LS. Emera ld id I!:CIItt't.-d 10 nrrivo tu:r .. tage to purchllae Y~•from ua, alLbongb by paoy 1 If tl!~ laller. theo bow i~ tbe IBod to bo G1\ '.Chursda.y. Amourz t l:o notable• oo board doing ao tbeyloao hall the navigation bounty. obtaioed ?. lake out fo,~o1c ra ehsrea farat.- will be, iLia enid, Bi/4 Excclleoc_y thefGovornol "' •- • t'. .• , J ........J tb • . 'h aod tbeo let us talk about tt . nnd Lady O' "r'leD, ....:ir Held" 10 \\ alk~:r aoq

A.nother. journal obaer~ed tbat "the main conaidt>ration is not eo m'u::h that. England hu !oat anything tbat as France hu gained a great deal, and that Lord Saliabury baa not taken the OJ: portunity of' tb(a ajtreement tQ •eWe the Ji.Jficulty WitT~ t/rJ Frenr1, ./i&hermen in New• foundland. Tbat leflma to 111 an unpardon· able omiaai'on," etc.

..&0 coun.orao., tliS 1 .. 111 propo.uu lw 1n " e ~QI( SO ~ 1-' A HM ER. u "" new law bountiea 'ahaU be only given to vee. · · · LlJy Wa;ker, e:~.

aeta built in France . The coet to the.:~~"utry FROM LABRADOR. i.e about .£400,000 pertpam, allilttlfe r.eeufW are that while in 1 879~nce ._d only 699' •1 Our corresponc.lcnt "t 0<Htwright, w1 iti1 g .ateamerM.of 265,959 toaa,·1he qt~~nber ~ad in:. '!nder date 15th A.ogoat, says:

Yet another prominent paper say a: " .There remain other que11tions .which require settle­ment between the two nations, anti notably that of tl~ NewfoundlanJ folterju. The aatia· factory conclusion of \he African nPgotiationa will at lf\~&et prepare the pubUc mind in both countries for a friendly treatme.nt of other difficu!Lies."

crea11ed 10 1881 to }Jtl6, Ql'lf09,8(10 ' tona. '>or aa.lmoo fiaber1 i• oow over. nod ahc.ws a In 1880 Havre• had~3 aaltiag v~· 'Of co .. jderable iocreue O\'er lnat y~r'R catch. l o 48 5_.8 toua and 103 1 ateaw~of 62\,.~09 tbialnd l•:squimnux Hay it is probably double tl-! 1t ~s . together 286 veiaela oC,}JO'tfi~llol· f las ~"er, perbapa rather moru. Yeteveo tb.lt

' • 1

8 ' euu t rather below an n,·erago tis~. U d-ln 1889 the nn.llbert were- S of 55,687 . lorluoately 118 usunl lhoao who oeede ~·ot t.ona, and 138 uf 1581116 tona, ~Lt.oge~h~r.~ , tbf teut. Tbo prospects fur the coming wr.er ~21 ,·eeeela, of Q13,90"~na. Fro~~ cak&inly look mucia brighter with 1uoat peopJo oreue. however, muat be deducted that wbico then; tbeJ did I nat vear n~ tbis time. Codfish ie hu t..ken place in the! lrlumber and tonn .. ge ~·ry pleotiful, ~ot ooly on the out.side but nl1111 of the ateame111 belon8'\Kf& to tbe large maril ao tbe U11y. Even h~ ro a_t Cartwright tho boata time postal companies which l'eetsive aub+eb· get ~rom oue to ~wo. quant:.l~ a day. On tbe

· One of the leading exponenll of public opiniou in tbe Old Country-thA T..ondon Daily .Kew1-sarcaatically o~vea: ·• We bave no intention of attacking ftordSajtabury for undue subserviency to France. He ia an eminently pacific statesman, who baa learned caution, if riot eUA:U, wi.dom, b~ vperieoce, and. who baa lldopted .the LiLeral, that ia tb& winning, aidts in tLe great controveray ,a rashly raise~ by Lord Beaconsfield rourt.een years ago. It ia of immenae importance that this country should be on good. terms with France. . . • Bu.t tl~ righu o( our fellOw. mb,jecu i1l .Kew{oundland cannot be &acrijiud."

. . ' ' out.ade tbo1 are s:ud to ue getbog more faah thao ~rona fr.>m .the .oo~ ernrD~nt, but do not abate tber can -.ell handle. l 'llleave it to the stellmor 10 the nangataon b~nO&fM- \Vhether Lbeae to 2 ive the reports from that q , arter. relllltll are worth ~be1r-'c0st to the oounLry at The warm weatber or the past moot:b has fa­large is a matter of ap~iatioo. In tbe oon· Yo a red the fruit, of whicll tboro ~ ao abuodauce fitant. 11upply of d~cirftnea leamen, who 'do ~fall kinds . If it did aomo little goo'tl in "this w11y . not gh•e a tithe \)f th~oubl& to theiLoa., . 1& ~aa Hnt cauea ~f m~oh harlb io 'Ot'.u r •!lye. t.aina ·which Britis h aeamen 10 frequently do E•nJiblog becan1o duod up, aud aa a: cooee-

'fbd London Daily Cl"o1U·cte says : "There is uo country in the world, except perhaps the U nit.ed St.atea, with whioh we could a~ ill ~tffortl to have strained rela~iona u with our Gallic neighbour, and, 10 looJt aa British inter· este are safeguarded, we aball hail with ati&o faction evf!ry atep whiou Lringa aa into more cordi ... l union with France in tbe oommoo work of ciyilitation. It would hAve been more satisfactory if the question oithe French 1Joaitioo in N ewfoundiRnd could hue been

, queoce t.he forest at the h03d of ~be Hay waa set and whoae wages are a goocl deallo~er tbRn ablaze bJ the ligbtoio!(, and for some 10 or 12 on• board our ~.easels, the French ah1pown.er daye the fire raged between Eagle aod Paradiae poaseaeea a dec1ded a-hantage. Thua wb1le River, and tbreatooed 10 sweep thtt whole our A . B.'s are paid £4 5s. per month on Bay. Much timber hru been destroyed . ateartera and £3 on sailing veasela, the French and trap• . aod furrin J:·l:r~uorl a~iled by it aailoc only get3 £2 16s. and £2 Sa. : and 1\S about Wlatte ~~llr . aod I::a~lo lttvere. Most amoinst thll £4 lOs. aud £3 5s. earned b oar of tbo peopl~ hvmg 10 1ho uc~gbborb :>od pac~ed .,- . ! up tbetr tluoga and lei~ thoar booaea. tl o1o!.m~e

Oo Cod6sb ooe ceot a lb. (dr1 ) "· t!erriog ooo dollar a barrel. ·• Salmon ooe dollar aod a half a tioree. " Oils 25 per cent ad valorem. Tbe aforegoing 11cale of imposts, it will he

admiCtea, ia almost, if not wholly, prohibiti,·o. and checks the growth of anything like la rge trade rellltioos wi~la the United Statee.

firemen and tnmmars, the French pay IS £3 that tbeae would bo burut Fortunately e re tbis 12s. and £2 16s. The French captainK, bappeoed tLere came a uowo -pour of raio wllich ruatea, and engineers are, on the oLher band, pat tbe fire out or nearly ao. One mau lost his rather better paid than oun~, and while we bouse but eAVed nil thaL was th.:rnio. Tho awoko only give £4 15L or .£5 to a cook or a u or- tbat now b.ang~ over th~, &y .would seem to ,~how dinary long voyage steamer, Lhe French pay tbat there 111 aull aom~ fi re 10 the grno~o.d . H ia £8. A carpenter '·owe.ver who is a·d a~cb b~ lbe ~s~. a httle mo~e drJ weather aod

• ., • . . P t wrod w11l eeL all ID flames agam.

. The ~'ueation, of reciprocity, as will be no­ticed by to-day a and ycaterday'a public de­apat~, is ega in coming before tbe American Congrqsa. We shall l'elurn to this subject

£ 5 103. to £5 J(j~ oo board a Bnhah vessel, 1& it reMrted tba.t at Mark's Ticklb io Esqui· only geta £2 l6J. to £3 121S. on boarcl R maux ua1 tltere are several cn1ea o( t.lipbtbena ; French one. but no reh~ble ioformatioo bu come from tbn~

included in the aettlernent whiob has just been Beport or L&bTador J'l.ahery -3rd Trip s s. mRd.e, and if .Franco could have been ind.tced c. Lady Gio·nr," 1890, to withdraw her claims in that p :nLion of oar Aoo: 16.-Naio-A few .enela io tbia oeigb-

Q UEEN'S ... SPEECH. territory. It oogh~ not to be diffic11lt to in· borbood; doiog fair It well. - duce her to make a. aa.cri6ce •bibb would coat' 19 -Cape Rarrigao-40 Yo~uela bert; 200 to

in next' iaaue. • •

THE _Tne full text of tbit important .document, her -rery little, but which, for the ako of our 600 each.

~· 011r read era will recollec(, we pubh11hed colonists beyond the Atlantic, we ahould esti· Faoor'• Harbor-boat.a 0006 ; "trapt 4.00 to 600 in t he last iaaue of tbe STA.WJJ4&D. Reference, mat& at a bigh value. It mua at the •same Double lalaod-l f> •enela bere ; li!OO to 600

eacb. -.--...... Ra our readers •ill remember, was made there timA be admitted t.hat the aituation in New- Wioaor HarbJr-l.Joau !10 to 20; traps 200 to in to the vexed fiabery CU.put.e between tLis foundland i.e complicated bJ> queatirna of local 600. Colony and France-the acsjnatment of which conaider:ation whioh require tim*' for their Aoo. 20 -Turnaviok (~)-boat a 90 to 120 ; difforencea, Her Majeaty observed, " ia occupy· proper adjustment. When these have been traps 250 to 400 ing the anxious attention of my Go\'ernment." eliminated from the controversy we truat we '1'uronick (W)-bbata 100 to 120; traps 250

'Ibe Glasgow Hn-ald, commenting on the shall aee the en'.l of it in t.he fullest recogni.. to 760. ' ~ h ked "Th · · I t1'on of the claims of our 6ahermen in New. Aillak-boata 80 to l20; traps 260 to S 0 apeec • remar : ere a&e certam Y two Mako•iok Ialanda-boata 80 to 120 ; tn 400,

paragraphs in the Speech which suggest com. fonndland waters." Ironbound hlaode-20 ftase la here 2()() to 600 pli::alt.iona yet alliOlYed, avon whicb danger~ In thia connection the oommenta made by each. ous pouibilitiea depend. But poaaibilities cert&in of the French press polll6111 1\ peculiar Loog Tickle-boats 80 to HO; traps 2!10 to are not neceuarily probabilities, aod the bope intereat for ua :- 800. may fairly be entertained tl:.at, by toe ·me Telegrwpbiog receot11 the Pari a cor tee· Adouick-boata 4.0 to 60; trapa 60 to 100. Parliament reueemble., both the Behnnl poodeDt of tbe StamJard UJI that tbe rawarka Cape Harriaon-boata 36 to 60; trapa 80 to Se d h N ~ dl d d' wit-h which Lord SaU..bury aupplemeoted the lSO.

a an t e ewlOWl an llpute. may be preaeotatioo to Parliacneot of 'be Eogliab aud Auo 21-Sloop Uo•e-boab 80 to 40; traps either aett.le4 or on a fair way to eettlement. French declaratiooa co!roiog_ Afrioa ban 40 to 100. The BebrinJ Sea affair la not. likelrlo be dia· ~reated cooail7erllbfe trri tlon ~o tlie political llolt~a-boall ~0 to .SO ; tra~ 200 to 800. posed of ~it.ltout refereuoe to aome third neu· world tbere, tbua oeukal 'oi..!YJO!,De exteot the Emil1 lfarbor. &o-boata-60 &o 70 ; trap• lOU tral Power, and the Queen'a S~b makea ~ood moral effect wblob the aigoatare of tboee to 800. , re fere nce to an explicit offer to aubmit the <iooumeot.a 'bad prodp~. Wbeo· tbe oatlioM Wblte Bear.{alauda-boata 80 to 150; traps 100 caaf\ \o arbitration. Tl:e aclj~tatmeot of he the Agree~ol were f{!'K made knowo,~e Go· to 200. N ~ t=t1l J. . ..J qt ~r oa, aoa, loliHd, joaroale of. all Smoky Rao-tioi&e 60 ~·100 i trapr 160 lo 260.

6 w 0 • 'uLe ia more ww ~ akill ~l u..oac1ea·of 'pol treat opiaido, balled t.IJe coaclaaioo lod•ao Harbor-boa11 60 to ,.0; trape 160 to diplofl haps the:e la...r£oh W r&- ~ranaemeat wiUl col')tic;tarable aaUifaotion. 800. gret that it waa not .made part and ~roel of ootao f'baoi ooeooon,of &het&oJible rdnat.jn Auo, H ,-Paok'a Harbor-boltl 60 to 100; the 4nglo l'reooh qreement onr :Africa and Fraboe migbt deriYo from it. aa becaue &be iaaae &rape 800 t9 6QO Madagascar." of' th oeroftatiooa waaa ft"Utep knrardatbe a-. • Loog lalaod-bo1t1 60 I o 120; \rape 800 to

tuJ " ••• c r at of otber nutioaa aad loaa-oa&eaaodlor 500. ' • . -'fa& n.umu•o or ntc .. UueoBaaroar."- ooa be&weeo Eoalaocl aod J'nuoe1 aDd bf· · Graa.,-botlta tOO to 160 ; lrape 260 to 600.

'l'be f~~-.c partioalara are pabliltbed1bt>Joor waa alao 'a-proof' that Fraboe ooald make , •co. 28.-lo(llaa .1'iokle....boa&e 10 to' 110 ; ooole~J the Bmlld, lo r4;vd .0Ltitl.8bote lo &be ooocer& of aatlooL traps 260 to 8~ d , 1 •

acclde':)' wblob waa referred tcrlo Frldar'e iMua : "' Natitrn. ol, aad 1odler :!f~derate ~.ftlo 'a Ha~bor ,A~oala ~o~ , ~pa 260 to 860,

.. Tlt•tA6a ...., ••••er ~ lJtWtlfl, by die U. to ,wtia~ lll.j1~1 tcdd mloo..!.b9ltl' ov \q .1Q j trape 200 to 8()0. , a~AitJI. ll. 8. ~ ateuier Brlgl• bam&tnt llfe....,. bj 8 t~a-bOatiOO to 70', l~ra ~~ 'tO 2~. · taa 1 fl 'nJ ._ p.Jied ,. tU roek .c &IW, after all, .. .,,,,noob-.a ''' • i>qoob" Bowl-boaia 6\) td' 69; tta~ 100 to co ......... , ........ 1.1Mee .. ID...... • ..... tar DO~ 'Ill• Opor too. ., , l t 'I 1 with her aU clay. nldat loe &be dele eo tt~tp-a.kt uti U.. ,..._,.ptliltl T .. ,. 0011• Bol•e.r·a lb>ak-\oa.- 40' (b · 601 tn,. 100 &o at 6 e:•~-JO!I'~ ~.~4 ,tibwtm---~otUr1 1~. I • I dill l al' \

cable •• ~ .. &UBI~ •DIJIIMCI d ~ Jtill ~ be .&&tilL u~ ~· I V~a ... , 'fJckl~r.-bfW ;SO jO 861 ...,. 200 .. ftrat ~ n.. A ..... ~~ ball-.... 'ftMpl '•"'' ll 'la~D D ~a~ &a ez- 26Q,

1 lJI 1 1 " ." • <

looR4 ....... U4 LObe lltld. 10 • •.. ~!*_!D~la L.~!o.o~ M. afbOr-j'oah f~• lp ,.~; bar' 160 &o cable ... -.....c. froa the Pelka. -. "'--dit liUU w:HoD bJ &boee '~'Ja. pN41eatiJ • ·AooLM!-Dud U~M•_._.IO '-aid; lnpl ~- &lat c.;. t6111daj ..... ....,......,, 100 to 169, ,•· ,1-J, tlJ I ~ J 1

•• " .t • ~ • .n.m. . a.....~ BeJ-n~ 1P &o .16,' J1W 80 to lot to ........... 7 •• ,._.., ............ T'bt JOQ. ' · u.' r)O' 'I •I • : . h-I .. ud Ia· JICtD s, • 8'tat.l Sial ' - ---r ...._ ..a 10 ~ • &o-ro OD Doc* ror 'i60krat:. p~l .~ ,,..,, II t -

.,.. ...... ..,~- · ,.,....~~~~AM.IOrttt~

quarter, and aa our people are very easily frigh t­coed, 1 trust tbat it way turo ouL to bc notbiog more tban an ordiuary a oro 1 broM. All nrc well iu tbia B1y.


GONE TO REST. At IVttkyville. 011 Juue 2Slh, after a painj'ul ill­

lltU. MARY, 'llarlir1g child of l'&TER and J!:)JILY \V1S"SOR, aqtd 3 ytart a11d 2 111011t/u.

Ho (oldctb tbe lambs io His bosont, Aud Cl\rriotb them io Hls arma.

Our darliog l\Jiooie'" gooo To ber ehrnal bome ;

She ia a little bloasom Gone to Paradi11e to bloom.

A bloasom leot us for a while, Bot no~ to bloom do\Vo here ;

~ut io the fields of Paradiso Sbe111 bloom forever there.

W o cnuat uot, wou ld not, wish ber bnok To this poor world a.g11i o :

It wu Jeeus took her from tbia world To ut her frea from paio.

Free from all pain abe oow • ill be. Aod free from e•ery care,

Wbere eigba of eorJow oe.er como, Nor falla tbe burning tear.

Her t6odor vt>ico oo wore wo'll beu, No~'marlt her pretty smile,

For abe baa goae to wear a robe, A ~bite robe uode61ed.

She waoted 't~ be carried up Ooe hour before aha died;

Perbipa 11be nw the Angela tbeo J o1t hoyeriDg bi her eide.

T( bear oar darliog Mionie ,up 'l'p 'be ~ltb Cbrit& above-

Safe io Hr. arms ebe'a_ now at rest. Aa4 abeltered by bla lova.

\ ' t r

A lit"• wbUe ebe lloaered bare Afopa4 f.hla b9,ueehol'\ beuth ;

Bot. oh ! t09 b!!&~Ufal waa •be-.l'ob falt aod frail for •arth. ' ' \ I 1 I

• AaCl.._ao the Hbepberd took bet op T~ 'er-e&er~ ... ;

He lo,ealhe w...._ ~ eo lfe cal!• I Aod folda thiCP lO ar. breu~. Tau' aorrowla~ puente loot •~••

r Whert aaiottd M•~vie ataadt,; , A orowo eba w•ra upon ber ~·ad,

A barp whhlo her haada. ,

-Tltl! a tcnaner Con•.:ript :trri,·cn here til rout' to Lubrnde r thia ,.Jteruooo. ,\s usual, she had quite a oun1ber p f paucogcrs A her a short clt! · ),.y 11to11 r eau med h-lr ,.nynj::i. :Shfl tonk a largto Llbrador ma\'1. --. ,. r L tlo,.·e wreek 1111: .11o:hr. . l "!Jflla r" • -vllp • <1\1 I · · , t tu roed frc>m 1h e stetllllCr .hlac"': t 118 ."' ~rulug n I() • 1 • ·t·, l\ quRo'itv of 1rott hlti0)-:8 .111<1 o c ceo.. 'n • · J •

other ~:enr. Sbt• report~& thu !!t01111Cr J!~lnl! IO · d 1\l..out •J \ tOO fc•·L

piCCI!8 fnst. 1 ';ap\ . L.•uo. e r sa.v~ -of lumbE-r "' hi• tb h& ltlndo tl iu 1 rtop:lt~uy.-.Jit r tid, .! ng :10. --lhnk Fisb.Ory.

' llMl>or (~r.\c r. b.u had ooo nrri\·al siuco Ins\ iMuo-lhr ll. li -. B.(; ·!I scboCincr Tll· a.•l•rr , (.;n11t Neil. !:i'Je had t he fair trip of -lfl quin tals. Sho go~ Ite r tiah ou t.he Flclllisb C11p. S he b rincd no rop-Jrt- . .

A f•Jw dnya ngo the ,R.:hooocr. /da/111, <-::tplatn Leggr '· nrri\'OU nt Hr. y 1-.ol>erttl w1tb :JOO q utn l!tla; nnd tho Gt11e.·al r.;11• ·d"''· (.;nptaln Joy, ol lloly-rood. nh1o with :~ou q uiutala. . • •

11 oe scboouer JJrotllt r.•, belon~tns;: to 1 borburn & 'J ·e8llier w:u ot II e ut'l! Contunt n fllw daye a~o •vitb 1'5u qninUJ.Is ot fish for thrco dories.

__._ - --·A 11.\I!ROH Gr..\CI .\S UtES AT L\tli:AOOR.­

Eiso "·hero qQpeara t ho 0 , ,_tice of · tho denth nl Tur1tn,•ick East, on r.be • lib Au~ust, of ~I r. Chat les Toy lor, bclon~:iosr to th1a to w.n A friend oow preeeut nt th ., al. ove place v.·rttes us by la., t o1nil to any thnt th u d • 1cea~c J wM ta~en audllt •nly ill 00 til e 1st Aug •18t aod llO\'Cr rnll.aed nfter . Uc leaves a wife anti ae \'C.n. atnnll cl11l~· reo to mourn their ud los ' · I hrcc. of hut children are nt 'lurnBviek tbo ela eat buos.: ooly 1 [> years of ngo .. Tbey h:\vo~ 0 o P• 1raon here to core for them now.''

Frn: \ .£SSt:LS Losr os LAnn ADOt .... ANI...' IS Till\ ·TIIA ITS -By...she lnst atenmer Con;c, ;J'I tlh: re nr ­

ri\·ed up from t he Labrndor cout t \Je crewt.· of four l\ cwfouodlntJd \·essels and oL e Euglia.'l schooner receot:y lost :)U tbo co11st of L1brador r111d tho S trnita uf l>c llo [ale

'fbo first wna tho Su,jiotrcr. beloL ·~·iug to .\lcsara. r . & L Tessie r. nod C:lWIIlliL ·.1od by CBpl. Peddle, of Trinity. Sbe was lost at , ·\:ello­pix on tho 4tb of August, aod hnd ·100 qui. •Hats of fiab oo bonrd llt tbo time. The eccouC: Wil l

the • ;slcrt, owoed by Measre. Watortcau & (. 'o.· nod commanded by Capt. J obn Pearce, aho Wl. ·a lost at Cape llugforu oo the :Jrd of Au~uat. aLn t.ad only 50 quiiuals or fish oo bonrcl Tho tbird wns tile William. Blso beloogin~ to Mesare. Wnter­mno & Oo. She '"as wrecked at Stag Uny oo ith Auguet, with 110 qtls. fish. Her cJptnin 'e unme wna James Cox. fhe fourth l\owlouud­lnnd vessel lost wns tho llart:tst 1/umc, owned by Mr. Mnrk Osmood, cf ~lore too'a llnrbor, C to\. J oaiah.Noel : &btl was loatat Edwm'aHarbor oo the ltith o( August, w1tb 200 quiotals of 6sb oo boned.

The faht> vessel lost was ao English barque­tho .\Jary Graham wbioh weu' ashore iu tile ~t ruits ol Helle lalo. !)he wna bouod ffom Quo­bee for the 'l'yne. luo1ber ladeo The \'easel lolt Quebec oo tbe !)tb o( August. nod everythio~ weot well t ill the 1 j th, whco a he rno ashore at Gargenelle, oear Poiot lticho. Tho c11ptain and crew n.aaort abat t ho ab!eocc of tho light-house io tbe oeigbborhood (it bnd boeo burot down six daya before) was tuQ cause of abe lou of tbo ves­sel The .llar.IJ f:ra1tam struck about midniilbt, nod it was witb much difficulty the moo efftcted a. l11odrog. lodeod, it would be difficult to give ao opinion as to whether the crow woulrl eao1pe or not, but for the brnery of tbe firat officer, Mr. Crofc.on Elliot, who boldly pluoged ioto the aea and swam to the aboro witll a lioe It waa bJ tbia lloe all tbe rea' of the craw effected a land­iog. After gettiug ou shore tbe men travelled but a abort. distvoce when tboy reached tbo hou~ of Mr. Laogdoo, by whom they 'fere treated with the utmou ltindoea1 durioa tbeir stay. After recruiting aomewbat , they atouted for L\ooa-!\u ~ Loop. wnera tbef were alao reoeiYed moa' kindly by Mr. Watson, aod from where they were pu~ oo board ( witb the exceptioo of t l•e Cl&ptaio, who rem•ioed) en route for St. ,Joho'a. The Mary Grol2m waa 700 tooa. aod wne owced by Jam~~o~ Grabam & Co , of Maryport. Eoglaod The capsalo atilt remaiJ:la wiLh tbe ahip, awaitior the aoner aoo sale. The steamer Bogle, at tho io­naoce of Lloyd'a ageot. waa aeol oortb oo Sat­urday moroiog in oonneotion witb tile wreok·

For the aboYe torormatloo we are lddebted to our ooutemporary tbe Ct~lo11ut

Tb• lumber t.deo rque alhaded t.> abo•• Ia the ODe rererrea to1io our inue of Frlda1 'l.'b" ligbt-ltoon also alluded tu i• the one meuaioa .. ed iD the ame laue>. -- ~ &lae_esl ~~~ tO to 100. •j ', o 0 I :.~~ (J t1 10 r;,,, t • 1

Ia ...... a ftllll ep.r llubor-boMillto •1 ~eo to 100. r.:.w.:=- .:too•..-r .,..., .... ~· .. • , A litUe •bile I~ fal~flll too. • · •

'roroath help wblab God bt~~ afYeo, ·rn too IMll bid tbll world fareweU, A14ao to lltt Ia lttiYto. IL K, A. 1

-Piao'a Core for Uoaau•nptlou and l'i'"'' Btaecl1 for Oa&arrb are aold bJ W H 'l'hncnt ,

-··~ ( -

~ I

;\ • .I

Page 2: I 1 Thecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa duty freA- and not have them, as they now are, •ulljected to such ~heavy dutiea

Miscellany. 'rHE Bir.D•S SONG.

~W••t' l ! t(Wt'•' ' ! If'" '' "IJ,J hi, ft

I ous. Out. of the fulness.ofa,\f.b enrt have who may oom fter )Jle. ·Y<TG b~~· ) -~ d de my offer bed me-robbecl me l1 .So f~ 4f JO

I spoKen to you~ an J ma ' . d the power. yon 'have mad~meo. 1lt.na.a ~ 'fho property I ODtl~ ~\~ be yours, nn de~jMi I y~ ... nloUet f!ltb ~-r""!: it shnll be for 1 itt elf ~en, if you are ro·r y dl'"fra~..J.~. ('1·--e t ' M~' ~ur ever so hl&eed; o.nd tha.t...K may be se· '' ., no ..._. cure, both to you and yours, I w1ll have ~nd. Let the other plotter lo -. n care of it." self. Ob, nnd now you offer me a ftibe

111\ll · \\ I<J Up {u lh" 11 '111\IIIC f ~ky, Wilh yciiO"' la hurnllm ru I"'" .

llawthorn 1111cl crcl\lllY e ltie r - hlow Over And round us 11 trcmblin£! "''".t"

By the '~indy ru11 tltnr.: h l'cch ll'IIVt'll maclc•. •\Oil II - "'1\Yinc bmnch in thu ftt•l\rt or the I f t'C

Vnr m•• ; lr•' .""Y hrn wu . wi>l c••d 1111111' "'"'Oil'

Jasper follo\yed_his b.roth~r·s e~nmple, -n {?nltry fifty tQ.ousand-.RQ_unds .ou~ f and nroso to his feet. pool of mil)ions-anato ffiit, even, 18 at: ---

. \

/ Utod both l.ntem2ll1 &nd ut~ 1

'lhbt.. gnlllklr ,d'oidiM lllmoiL relict rrom tile 10nreat pala..

· w·· •t ! ... "'- t:tt l ! •u ~ hnd •. nudatun••

" Richard " he daitl. his dark "yes liter· tached q condi~ion na humilla,}ng'~.\t.ia. nlly on fire, 'nnd his hands clench~d," · I menn nnd contemptible. ~o, ~ w~t nm neither blinn nor " fool I S1nce 1 none of it. Give me 'hat...wh1ob 18 JJWle havo hecn homo this time whnt have I -that which my mother gave m~d seen ! Listen, nnd I will toll you. I len.ve 41e to myself, You have YO'!r •WOt ha ,.0 seen you give your band to n womnn u poe me now. RICHARD SEFTON, Beware you did not love-perjute yourself At 10hcnm}{ tum oomu I Betoare I Now g,o I God's holy altar." Go wh1le you .cnn. Go before the demon

BE 8UU to QB<T THK G~Ul.Ma . -. .,

. ...., . . I

·) r KIN G

S .11 lt• •·n•' r •l lilllo· lo ve ~o f minr

I r .. '"''· 'Y nl .. h ·•· r o ue'• th·· '""!.! hut II ' Ill•

( H 1\ cl ll ll lll l·~~~ .!My ill lllitltll .. . J IIII U

l>o\\'n bl!low. 1111 lhe w :ui111t l(tKS~ F lo·cl ill t: """ lr::hll\tlcl s lu1olilw pllll•

Sorlly re111. uh lir ell'q wi11t.: !

26o per boLllo.


. S we·ct ;, rt!~•: lhe r t• ;,_ •i •n•• en -i••l!. ~I I•' .•LC'~ -=•:u

AN - - --•· Stop, Jnsper I Do no\ tempt me .fur· within me gains utt.ez: con~ll'' , ~ JJ

ther l I nm human, nnd have pa1;s~ons Richard Sefton stood for a bne{ space . like other men; nndfthere are somo ttrlngR like one transfixed. There was a some-which I cnnnot be~r even from n brother. thing in the look of his bro~her that


.~MULSION ... · or ClJOlJV~R OIL .C /(r;D ~'!.1$«1'*' ~ fl ~ 'w.e.liu.~!Jtron LlJqfJ. ... u .

o.nc1 ~ervee.

N -, HERN ~ssuran-ce Com:pany.


.\ "'"'I ' ll· 11od-n co nrtly bow­,\ '"''l'" Jl ur tonr.h .,r """"-

1\ ro• ~: r••••li"L!Il 1h 11t ,.,, • .t •tly :~ ill t'

\\ , , , 11 1 tt"•l u~ tla r••ll~th •ht• lnud. I l"l• t• ' C'U"' belt dl f h r \ tol t,,"y fiiUt:ll

' I Ito \' 1111• )' 1.,. I ll ool.- Ill It'll

.\ • 11 . ,;~ llt~y ~"Y · I ,.,.,.J.Lye!' · (;nml ·• lay r · t :n .. 1 1, ,,.,,., I w 1 ~1t you wull !"

I did love Fenella l Before God, I loved upon him n charmed spell, a spell hor­hcr 1 '' rib1e beyond tho l'ower of lanseuake to

"Excuse m<+.Sir Richard. I did not tell . Presentl¥, 'wtth an eftort, he sllodk know your henrt wns mnd~ of such ac: ~ff the parnlyzmg incubus, imd without commotlnting stuff. You married thnt furt~cr · speecl~, loft the r~om. ·· But he womnn-mark me, Ricbnrd Seflon-you Wrted w1th h1m those lnst words he had mnrried that womnn for the purpose of henrd, and the last look he hnd seen u~1n cutting me off from the "Huccession, nnd the dempn fnco-words and looks Iippa -for no other. Look me in the eye-look ling nnd P,O~t.·n~ous-never,, ne~er to be

rric~ 50o.lllld $1.00 per DotUe. · . :a!:::=mi~-----IIIJ·-W D' ffifWM

ldini:stc.rs :u1d Public Spealtera.use SPENCER'S

Chloramine Pastilles T ... r Cl,.arlnl' and SlroJ!I'I!icnlol' rthTho 't'Oiao. Ca:v lloa.r'IICn~ a:od Soroncn o roat.

Price 25c per boule, E=p:o (Mo oo oppUcat.iou to Druuilt.a.

• .J.\Iltl'\ . I, .'. l t JI J I: I ;_\TE:5TIU~ I·:T, I!:C \l~EI:DEE:\: I. CXIOX Tt<:HBM; K '

llut cu011: tluw l l.ia wou ld lo ver11 Ill\)' II rl.cy , hou h.l e brwcc ro 1111'1:1,

l'ioou~h uo t 1\ .. ·on ! ti"'Y mi.:ht rxcltrl'\ e Cpon t!Je c ro wdl!d elrt•ct;

me in the cye-mnn ft to !Dan, heart to forgotten 'il;l ll c hfe should lnst l henrt-nnd tell mo that I ·he. I'll thank y ou for the word if you cnn h~nostly speuk it. Tell me that I nro nusta~en



. ~ ..... . fPALMO-TAR SOAP

,!)>U •ll '. ·"" ~T~I>:-4 (I ' Si ). 1· : 11 -'romiun:> .... . £ 607,000 Li•c ProwiumJ ..... . ... . 197,000 [n~o:-os!. ....... ... ......... ...... .. .. ... 148,000 '\.ccuou!atod F unds .. .. ...... £ 3 121,000

1 ,,.. '· " l,·rr.l.:n•·J j., •·;t.t• IW I'n· .! 111 dli.·ct in , .... .:r:. .,n .dl 1":1•1" ,,f l'n:pc-•t,r in X o w­, oib11.J at CLI I'I I'II( !! lit' ' .Jf f' H' Ill illm. r • · d 0\'C 4 • •II! 1' • !I • I " t·ll k IIOWII for its

·, ,., I · ,, 11 1•: 1 ' • A •u M'l Llin~ loRSMI. , •, ,1.,· ·t . h•·:~. F . r :u , ' " A ppli,·ation l or • , ., : I.;:,· 1 .. .. r r·111 .,. , and ttll oLI.Jer In·

1 , , •• . ,., ,,, .• u . . . 1, •:· ··! .1l the .,!lice ot

\ . I) 11 .-\ '.' \\'.\.RD, ST. J ou:s's,

: r .. t ,;" . . \'e1o/otmd!and. :·. 1! . T l k>~IPSON,

··.,' .I J··~ct for II ttrbor !lrnct.

llut t•J C" W(•UIJ rpuld u. ch.-o:-k s \\ Oullljtlow. Auri lips with r .. pt U':II llllrl,

r\ s cnch nolo lieu oll•e r J(I' Yil

Tlu· ~:• cl'liuJ.! ,)r ll>e h~:nrr

II "" cold nud fu rm " l then oppcnrs !'lou l~nclll lll( or the schools.

T ho how . ll•e touch of llol(er · tipa, T he MtlCl'Cb t.ltat Faabioo rules ;

l'or Jo,·e will brook no h:.rsb reatraiot, :\or net tbe caitifl"e pa~t.

B rit w stb t h e ewceteat impulse givo 'I ho r.:rt!oting of the heart.

J OSE PIIISF. l ' OLLAIID. ....... .. ___ _

even and I will tell myself I nm n har. TnE TP.Ati, OF THE SEftPENT.

Whn't says Sir Richard Sefton. to that?" On tho morning following the scene Whnt a position was tbnt I To have lnst recorded, Sir Ricbard walked opt

saved his life Richard could not flatly and early. with ~tr. Kane, ,w~om he found directly denr the charge. He hnd 2iven astir. He wanted soruethu.g of the ad­himself to hts father's plan for tho very vice of th!\t n,1an. He kne"N t~at Solomon

1 purpose specified. He stood before h1s •Knn~t wns deeply vqrsed in human .na­brother,. pale and stern-not with an~er, ture, that he bad reduced the stud1 of but wtth righteous indignation bormng man to a science, nnd be could select out wit~in, · · and anal~ze f\lany springs of human act· "

11 Jnsper "he said, slowly, nnd.scarcely tio~ bidpen from comn:ion 1eyes and un­

..above n whisper; •.before Fenella Hart.- derstandinga. Knne was more thaJ,l 4J. 1well be<'ame my wife I had held ber to keen, well-rend, shrewd lawyer-he was my heart; I hndt_k.issed fher sweet lips, a philosopher, whose ~was stored The Scourge of Seftondale nod told her thl\~ I loved her. I did not witl;l mines ofintellect ual w~h, derived lie to her.


• not more from books than from observa-CHAPTER III


" .Before y_oll were Wl\rried I'' sneered tioq, e:t verience, nnd the exercise of his J aspe11,1 .rPadiog tho fnce of . the stro.ng, own renson in research. , IUchard Senon frank, truthful mnn, as he would hn,·e hnd been considering whether 'be h.aa rend a book. •· Hnd vou kissed her sweet better sny nnything more to his broilier,

TilE sTon:u BURST~. lips, and sworn to her of love, before you nn~ to this man he applied for counsel. ' ' Ah , [ rcmember,


said Jas per, with offered her your Land f• 'rhoy w:tl~cd upon thegrnss-grow11 toll u cu:-1 of the lips benenth h1s heavy Richard st.am1Jed his foot with n. force ol the renr wnll oftbe old Normnn Court.

f) i ; e. s n i ilSU ran ce Company moustnche-''lt was. OD your wedding th:tt shook the fvrniture in the room. This wns n part of t~e old feudal struc· day '?" •· God forgh·e yuu, Jnsper, for all the ture, nnd the wall wn5 so thick that two·

• !'t I \I.

. :

.. Y cs," responded Richard, frnnkly. wrong you have done, nnd for nil the sor- horsezuen cpulo ri~ side by side upon it. ~ :: · 111

; . I.




:-\I e rl i 11 g · H c ;:a w the curling lip, nod he detected row vou have urought u poe this hou~c. Of lute years great trees bad been suffered

the insinuation of the tone, but he would ~fn.y ·ae forgive you for tho shame nnd to grow up and embower this wnlJ afford· not bo moved to ill-feeling. ''And now, the dishonourof vour lite! But-if you ing·n promenade of the most charming J asper. I want_ to say to you that I will speak to me ngnln ns you spoke last, I description. Here they walked and·talk­do a ll thnt our father would hnve done. will not-! will not-gtve you opportun- ed, completely hidden from the view of li e would have done for you all tbnt wns ity to repent tl.e offence, We will not those in the dwellings •.>f the castle. If necessary to y our comfortable mninten- prolong this interview. You have my there were eyeR looking ~n them from

\ '\ I•

• l I: . \ \ t • :·. H l ' I !.I> J XC; . •.;: \t 'J:•'Ill '!:<' l l :->T I{ f: ET,

1,11\''" ';!,

. . ... . · •, .' \~l' .\L HE I'O irt . ... If • r .\ n:• unts lo r tho yl'a r

I''.: I ••.. • : •••• , ..... h:.lrf'holu('n. aL thE' \ ·.·1a 1 \l •. · . .,:. 11 Tlnu~Jay .ith ~I a\'

. , ' ., "' : n t! F I!~ 1: : , J: .\ .. f' i I ,

ancc and I will do tho same. So you offer. I hope yuu will nccept it." anqther dire~tion, they d1d not know it I :-hall not go to your rest with bitter ' 1 One moment, Richard." 'fhe bnronet hnd resolved to make an thoughts ol the dead .'' 'fhe young butonet stopped and turned entire confidnnt of the old lawyer, and he

·• Well, Richard ," said the younger bro· hnck. He had stnrtcd fo1· the door. did it. HP. gave nn account of his late in· lher. speaking slowly, and with marked Jas per, when his brother stamped his terview with Jn..,per, setting forth every-Il l phn:,is, •· will you ndci to the favour of foot, had quailed, but only for one instnnt, thing just ns it hnd occurred; and so

vou r communicn~ion by telli::cg me just nnd after thnt there ,,·as IICW expression clenr, concise, and persP.icuous was he-~'·hnt nw fntber would hn,·e done ?" of hnlc nnd lllalc,·olcnce in his evil eye. sp careful of every detatl, and every con-~· ~~ , · t

1•• l' rr-mi11nls for I. 'KG, .l tlt• r tlt>tlnc· .. lie ' would have given to you fifty ·• You bnve lllnde your offer. 1 hn\'0 nection-that .when lris story had been

~~~~~ I: •. iac;urancPs :tmotJn tNI t·• ~Gi l I ,G-19 thousand pounds in addition to the sum told you ~ truth w!1ich you dare not d,eny. t~, ·his hearer understood it ~rfectly. and tb· I.o~·;(''i tu £:15:1.19 1 ; nr :,.'{. 7fJ p~r left to you by your mother." While you Hing nt my, head accusations He, bad but few questions to Mk, and

I r- Indlrpe:~m~blo for tbo Batti, Toilet or . 1\~. r.t{)ryj!or cloanloa tho Scalp or Sklo.

i·::E B.EST,.BABrS SOAP KNOWII. ' ' P rloo 20o.

•. ~-sJitfW • , t c ,..: •

~ t' J ; 11 r Mt,..,.lolana 1t~l.T recommend

W~eth·s M~lt Extract, " (i.il)uiu>

T, l'" t\o"t'l n •rr:lnz !:?:':\ no:Toru ~xbatt~t­t ir·, · to llnprn~ll 1.•·· Ar·;>Aito, to auiiL Dl· rv•' ;.,:J, 1\ \'..&W:.illo.'iu~ I C.

4 0 C cnt-4 i)c r b o Ule.

· --========a~·· •e~~~ ~-··--no DlDI't natlr.~c::c:n BL':>Cl> PtilUl'lllll!a

Ch'1nt:·i··'f ~ Scr<.:ap'lrilla, 1: Is ll Cr~ :m::J'..l.:'::i r.t:STOBEB.

Will r nre t bo ~ol'l't f":-::l c~ r~in d~~uo: wiD Oll l'\' }U.~UIIc.lli>W: Wl!f CU:O ~~~~ }.bOWDo

Lor;l;o eoulo~, 31.00.


Fo: CO~:iU~PTIOX, Couthl, D<'trtoc:led Colds, Drcncbitll , AJthDU a utl ull c}1..,..,c~ uf tho Lttn~·

In rluoo 11!:::~ b?: ::cu ~~c. !i~c, :~nd Sl.OO.

- SWi& ¥·? · 2+'


Proprietors 'or General Ageuts I'Oil110ST 011 n!Jl POPUL.All •

h-oprllltarf or Phtll'maceutict~/Medicin ... Teilet Artie/., and Pfl'f ll•tl'f·

: c•·nt. .. \\'ould he l;lnve turned that nmount of nil that is evil and contemptible, yon tho8e benring upon points not introduced 1 :\' T II r: Ll FE DnA X t' 1 1 o\·er to me in n frank and manly wny ? " must not h lld your own i m mncu late self befpre, :md finally he said : 't; n 1

: x .. w p ,.J icit•• lmJ been isKurd for . Richard hesitated, but only for R. mo· beyond tho reach of g~~stiOf!. Witbo~1t ''Sir Ricbnrd, you can d() nothing • · ment. Absolute truth l\'n.s the only Aufe love in )'OUr he.ut,. but ocly ouL nf a \Vill more. Yon say your brother -will h'ave r~ ·.;-:,!)!)11, yi· :.lin~ in ]'rl' ll.ium .£9,9 15. and . Lh . . d'd l' k

0 ... course. to rob me or n~r~lr r}fh~ 1, Y.ou see · his inheritn.nce from his m<itber in ;,1 tthr- (1 tn : O~t!. l'rt;JlliiiUI inCOIIIC'Wil!l £ 2,1.' h "' ) 1

· '· J asper, you could not expect t nt tho hand of ene In n.rtwel m u.uu- money .?" ·1; 1 Tl·nt Ll,,. p: tyrncnl~< tl) p(Jltcy holders b • r Your father would hnve plnced fifty t ou- ringe l Our goorl father, in the event of :'Yes, so I unde1'8tood-h'idi." , .... .Cl:i,711, •u1d that l lu· .ifc lund was d ·r I

~nod pounds in your hande, lor you to o y oQr dying fvitho1,1t iss11e, snw me, 1 " Then, sincA I .am one of th~ e.t.ecutors ··sl·d '') .£ 1o,ocu. d f ..J

11 h d •~d

with as you pleased." lived , lor o e tonua e- n presen~ with you, I will see tha.t the a.mount1s ['!,.. B.,latFC' nt Cn·.hL 111 Profi t arul Loo~, h' k h · 11' · f 0 h . • " No, honesth7,. I did not t 111 • e to him tb\3 h~, R.ppn tng k1cture o nlnced tn his credit. Your father held1it "'• r ul.!tn~ £23, (}I) to I o F src 1:- nnd, was .7 11 d h L.: 1 ld r Y

wo ld . I knew him too we . An ow my issue upon tu1

throne . e cou 1n the bank at Carcllii, ' It now amounts ~1,.,.,,, l•J unlonn t w .£ 134, 196 10" 'l u, 11nd Vh '11 h I b 'fh h is it witb Sir Richard ? \ nt w1 e not endure it. t must not e. oug to tw~and-twen~~tho1 usand and nve ,. , , •h•.1 ' "' d l) j 1-1 I du11 .. :-

£:.17,00!5 5 o For Dbirlotlnnn d Donua do?" your heart lny buried with its one dend hundred. It ha& n dnntingtbree and !G,701 17 o Atlded to Rosorve F u ntl, a nd A hectic spot was upon Dick's chenk, love-oh, yo~,t mu~t l.enr me. I will a hfllf per cent. , ,,.& ~ill hnve the whole , • 90 ,489 8 1 Carried forwnr tl nnd n sudden blaze jn his eye. bat he did spcnk sobE'rly, nml only the sulcmn truth. surn placed to Ju~'s credit, n.nd I will

T: r 1·: IT x o. · not let th e emotion master him. By heavens, you DHJst list~ I You be- inform hjm of it. You ·hnd better not ' ' H on estly, J nspur, until I hnve some gan the ta lk ; you gave the! }~ r. t blow··- sr~~'nk with him aa,:ain on business. It Yl \ . .,. ,.1,., .... , .', .. • ·.d tt· j to :~tnuJ ""' follow~J :- ld · 1 J • r-- C'

p roof that you will cut y our o nssocz. " I gnvo no bow, asper.' migh~ not be safe. , Dick-kup •cutif~ur n ''·"··I

1'";, " ;• ·" .. · .. · .. · £1 SO,QSO • tes or Bristol o.nd Bath, and th nt you will " You run I You etruek me the very broth<r'• " "Y 1 · !t !~·;:· · \v~;.,. 11j·;ll~-~i:;, ,;;j · ·.·.· ... ·: ;~~':~~~ s top gambling, 11nd R.pply yoursE'If to severestblowmancnngiveor.mnnreceive The ba.ronet

8ta:rted nt the ·sound of -

'"'";,, , .• ,.,, ... ... ... .. 2->,000 your pro[e,.ion, I will not trust you "ith - you ftung nt me the follies and sins of thoSe wot<ls 08

t.hough an arrow had !' · o r \1. Ft; :\ llS I:\ IIA \ U ... ...... £1 , ~96,000 more money . I am sorry you must rc- my youth, which I ' could riot deny I pietced him ir. the bosom. He looked up ~

.10 11 .:-1 UO IU IA C K, ceive the bequt~st of y ou: mother. For Now, stand you, in turn, nnd henr me. mto ~he lnwyer's face, to find there an ~!1 Central Agr11t for •Vfitl your own snke, my brother, I f\m sorry. I will not sny much more. The lnst word anxious, yearning~ ·prayerfn1 expreMion, >

' uo-.\ G£ST. I wish y ou 'vould let it lie where it is, ~ spoke was true. I hnve heard you de- with evid9nt fear behind it. c A I' DRYSDALE, and QO content ~rnw theint6rest. Sup· clnre that you had buried your heart with (TO BE CONTINUED.) ~

' arbor Grace pose you let t \\/e oty thousand of that he y our d~ad love, And yet, with it thus :=; -· - -----::----------- in the Chickwru~d inc ; then add the entoml{ed, y-ou could offer the deaq husks - ... GU A D IAI" Mty thousand! will give you, nnd I will to Fenella Hlirh.-.ll for the pdrp'l'lO of ·• Gtlu•ol 'l'llftrkt ! ,i '

" I


Assurance Company Olf LONDON

~sure you no in como of nt least twenty- keeping me from the head of onr family A girl's first d~~ lies at home-. e ight hundred pounds n . year I How - for the rurpose of robbing me of the I( ld -llr.J- , i ( · ffi

th . th ll ith b t . /i. '11 tell hn"e de you wou aa n ~ . .ction l=oeatow t. lit I • H' t ~ 1nany o cera are• ere to e n vy w nr~me cy <n.y,.you WI n " ' • _ fiih, .. dn~s. 'lUce'grain. ,lner~a by sow· · t ~~ ·ntJ C . 0 ~ t . a quarter part 0 f thnt income· over and liberate Jie ifl)tOU den.tlit I - . a ~ . nbove their pny .'=' "Oho, Sir Richard, how does tbnt come mg ,. · ' · bUd •Lt-k f i'· old N "

:lf ' h 1 b b ld ·~· R' b d t n}~olrlll&~i qp ~ 0 • t.:.UUI. 0 .. ~·· ' •• - .!"lj. _T.J.I.. hn'a. . 4:td. ' " !ulg t e S• > , ' oJr to ar , as o home to you? Noble, generoils, qevote~ - • .~ H "f ...,. - .41! nsk what will be the income of my elder self·sacrifioiqg;}n9t.ber I Oh, th_op. J?~· tb bl f good

--- brother per annum?" gon of fraternal love I Thou quuiles'· ~en lll~DJle•"" • • , 011011 :n ° '~ moctn aa4-w.U4.U•·Betabli.ah!Jl•l . ESTABLISHED A.D., 1821 This was .. ked so menoly, r.nd with ••~• oCconoubWoontrhaoee h Look o1 n'l"tco~r •ie thO oop thalaemilp will 'Dol '• lo-"-9


ua~er nt.UeDIR.tt lfinl · _ _ such foolishness of' impotent wrath, \hBt the thing-you ofer-look at i• ~ll' ~w~ten. 1 , ~ ~'lli!&B £Mf _ A:,O ., ~flU • ~ ,,

· C {12 000 Rio,hard smiled 1\t jt. At this point Jnsper looked liken tow· 1 Don'.t put,'V"nr!!.\;.""i In IYIODe.J ·, bu• .ntH • , ~UilSORJBED A.PITA.L ... ... ... .c. J ,000 •tr . I'll t 11 ou Jnsper Bebond tbe t: ·~ . l .(or ~ ,.,._, - 1 "r..., l'oTAL INVESTED F oNDS 'UP.. • • • e Y • · ering d6infneering spifJt rQtn rifiona in· r w,o~ 1n u;t.

ma1ntammg of the ho';lBe for t e bene9t fernni. Th :. Jras mont ' tha.D bat~e<t in Th .ft.~ .. ~ ... ..t ' tU WARD OJ' .... ................... 2,760,000 ,. • of all who choose to avall ~emselveaof1bt hts •wh{te @f~J;r .f.-.. e.: The a· •nfq~t'h&( . r' r •'IW' l ~Dill· ' II

A NNUAL booxE 'UPWARDs or 360,000 "· I sh .. ll not s , .... nd 80 much 88 your income bAA)& """' , r Ut~l a&epPlDf e&ooee. , • ' • .. r"' nnss"'•sed 1m, and sspoke in every mea- , .. ... l ...... ,.,_ o1'l ~....... h "~~==~;~~ which I have named. All beyond that will .r~ ""' aie Lb u ~-- _,u,-r · a~ ... ~• ten

Tho"Gu'A.RDIAN" boiog a 6rat..r.. gotothebaro.nt.wbofollowune; .andGod' ment, .wud~ly. tee wel'll ··t~d ~!'..-~. tni·.~~llaldt 1'. anl~si ... -. gngliah .lnai..rnnee Com~y offeta aU .,_.. grant that btllbe a tl'Qe ~4 JoyaJ Seno~,.'' Iiiia )ips com~ until tho 8Weepi 'Ui: "' ~'(,"J p u ath •cmtager, moat. desirable to inaore.t. ._ , "And who, jf I may presume atm fur· molistt.ehe .mUely • .werect thtPlboath, ,:,}

8•. ~a~ ,. .. ~...~ ~~~~.tt T.~ !~~~

lllduubtb.l 6~bility, favomble Ter•, aati: ther, will t.ake care o( your propeny for ~he ll~w bro!'.J1!-!t!!r.bfpa~ con}r~~· ~~T •· P~s!f' 'Q h.!~' ' iJ tMIIWirllt l'"omp~ aattlement to clailoa for 1011• ? 0 will~ your guardian 1 For and1the eyel oauea tb & c b!tiin n5 e. . p ~..,o _. ~ ~ ~ " 'rbe uaderaigned hsri;1e been appoiaaeC. ~::'ely you w:Dl no' have a Sefton Jert ·· "Looll aU~I·t-...,..w~ r....t~ben,. ~ "Prk· . W .1 _...

Agent. for .Newfoundlaqd arv prepared &o u.r, at liberty to loolr .after hia O\\'D.u ih tone~ u'&erly dreadful, he went ·oo c ,JI~caBUplM!UJ ,IeMIIIMI•Im~W~J•••·~ ~ •ue Policie. •pinaL l011 b7 ~re. ThiP wu ~rather DGfU' ~. q11iek, ~ ~ly aatl'l ....... "", JtrKb 'J" :.ib:. .

1 ,1


JAMBS 8 WINTKR, and Richard felt iS. r!e aroeetobie feet.. o.rr~aed. baa.&he ~ttt: '1 N fer feat eq~ Bt. J ohD... nod for the tint tf.me there WM" rtng of) sol! to 'tllt W'oft,v~d U , 1\ll.o .tt\~ •Dla1

1-JOSEPH OIJDD.D, . anger in hie voice. . · mov~m lofteal\e~~'~ 1 lab-..... & Hr. 0... ,~. ••Juper, you· Utile. l ,.-ould be strL. ~ifalit; • . ~ ~-·-.w.~~,. ...



Page 3: I 1 Thecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa duty freA- and not have them, as they now are, •ulljected to such ~heavy dutiea

lly ~Uo8 of tbe l!>fOirosoopo 1\ Ye~outler­ful tliaco'fery bu been made rea pee .. rius Aalrooomera bad notice!! that thie atll w s in rapid motioo t1JrOU$1h 11p11Ct!, 1111 it was found tim year by Jlll't It Willi ch11us;:in2 ita poeition io the heaveoa, traversing iuabontf>OO yearu~J=ace equal to t he apparout diometel' of tho moon. at~ \ICio· city of oot leu than t.weoty toiles per aecood. Of course, ~y actual obserY<llioo , t.B ooly mo­tion capaule or being dt!tected would be thRL wlli <'h wu squ'aro to the lioe of.aigbt, ao that al­tboagu Siriua appe11n to ue to move acroea the beaveue, he may really be travelliQ_g in a alnoti•.'" Jirectioo, either toward or rrom""'ll e. No one would over have e xpected to• be able to t ell wbetber a alar lf'OI ap(lroachiog' to or receding from· ue, yo~ &Yeo thit aeeu1iogly insolvable pro­blem h111 of late yeaM' been nccompliahed by the ~pectroscove. Dr. Hug~ios, eur-greateaf aut~or­tty on tbia subject, , having i Jcntilied certnio linea in the epectrum or Si riur R8 tboee of hydro . ~co, found oo comparleon these w.,re displ11ced Ill euch 11 manner aa to iodicllo tbat tho fit tr

wu receding from ua. It wu been e•timato~d t~at tbie recession . combined with tho ,thwArt motiou of,Lwtoty miles per second. gives us th6 actual mo•emeot of Sirius in apace, a apoed or abou~ thirty-three per aecond.

Tbeae. tbeo, roo11it:1te some of tbe cbief ircme of information about Sirius at preeeot within our knowledge. There aeems to be no re:uon to doubt tbu, in common with other sur.•. he hM hi. ayatem of planet eclrcli••g r ouod him 11her tht> manner o( our own snn ; and wbat a system ! Vu& aa O'lih.&ppeau. it ie dwa:fed in insiguifio­aoce compared with a eyetem whose rulio~: orb ia 6000 timee larger tbao that wbicb does dnty for oa. ~bere nerua, also, no reaao•• to tloull~ •bat Lbeee plaoeta are intended l!> b.e the abode ot life. it may bo t hat at tbe preaeu' womt~ot nonu of them pre.aeot aoJeigua of l ife. tJut I think 1 hl\t

. we may oalely iofer wi~l.!..ou~ iroprob¥!ilitJ. tha~ ou or· these worlds llu a deatioed period in itll denlopa;~eot durlog wbich life. eimilar to t!•~t ·"bleb oow prevaila on our plauot~ .would be in existence. What a world each a one would be, io aize, perbape, oot iorerior to tbat or our eao, bllusetr a million t imes larger t hao onr earth ; aod it may be that a.s t bia Sirl4n world ia 10 vuOy superior to oura in -ize ita inbabHaota would be ou a scale in proportion to il11 cflmen • alou. a racopf beings of auob iotelleot and civil· iutioo compared witb wbom we are but nvages. -Chmn~r't'*Journal.

Yatea' Gouip by Cable'


SKIN DISEAS.S j /lcllit~.q, l:i11ruiRg. Sr111il f .'r•r•l11l. I ;,,.,J., rturl

lJ/Qtd•!J C11rcd I•!JI 1u! (;,tii:w" fl,., .: • A cterumnn'• Toat.iOO'liiJI

Abou\ ·,·~o ve•rot " . ., I •u , •... iotlamroatory diee~ee ••n '"v I •··· , wbtcb wnl! ~t'r'J tron'•l ... · ,... : .. ;, itchy 11nd p11ivful. uh" .. ·· • · tl• ~ • qf am., JI bmu-like "" ~ , ,, . ., ..... · wu IJ'fTP.Cit>tl by it I " · · ..... ~ ' IITtr:l :: , ENl', CUTICUIIA. Ill IIi l i ' I IC't ., ' .... 'I ) ....

directions. aud expo ri • •' · " very fi rst rl .. y: ~h.:y " .. , • tbetr cootinuJd " ''-' I•, ,,.

. .

completely curocl. I ''" v· • • 'be Cl111CURA lt~. l.l t:tm.'\. I ...... , . • Rt:aOL\'E!Io"T 1111 thu \' l!r'J 1., · • •·•·" · trial will convince any o",. I h., I • • ·, , is the beat io tbe mK• krl utad ..-... ·' prcaeoL prier . I ehall """ " " otto ~:• and batb. \\"ith tbe t•r.,va'"" "" ,,,

, ... . ...


among ue 88 1\ penplc (""'' ,,,_, ,. • · ,., difficult to deal with) . I •· , . , •=• •• , HEllEDIES of more impu• !~• .. • . , ... . to tho wl)rld tban any otucr ... .... • ' " r ... . . th~;~ ~ublic. I aD' with cit'., ... ,. , . .... . _.

(Hev) \\'til. CREEL:'.! •\·" · 1 . ~ · , .. ,., .\Tc. , Cuticura llcme:Ee1

Are compounded upon 1r· ··• t ,- •• J•fl··i! p ' •·· ,.,; abao!utcly pure. dclicl' •··· ··• " 1., .. .J ·• '" every re~pect benr th r ,..,, ''I'.:. .. I· " tinted origin. Wile·· •·o: r .... • · •• iotelligcoce, there Y' " .. ••t fi precinlioo or lhC!l' , .. I"' .

o• ol 1'111•

,, .... ...... . ' ... ,. , .. , -

' . t -CUBA llt::II:ILY F.ST, I lot• • . I :a . \. • ., •• . 6er nod &.:'<:"'" ~' or I ',, . , •. , (tO OledUdU tile UIUU(! ' '" • • " " I I ' " •I •

remove· · the clu~c), .. , · • • .ac•=•·" ..... . ,. , Skio Cure. and CL'TICli ol,\ ,:,11.\ l'. au t'Jqute&lu ~luu Beautifier, externally (to clo:Rr the skiu and scalp, aod reatoro lll) bair) . cn rc .,vl!ry 8pecies or itcb­in!!. buroiog. acaly. nnd l'impl,t tliae311ea and l.au ­u:or>~ or tbo akin, ecnlp, ood blood. with lou or ,,,,;, _ frn10 Infancy~.> n;;r whrt'•" r ,.;,n ple ~crt•fu-1·•11•. 01r ,,.,rerliu~ry.

Sol.l l!verywl~o~rc: !'ric.,. CUTICliiiA. io 1: ;

SoAI', :J5c.; Hf.S:l i.\'f~"T. 81 ~0. l'r .. Jinr .. ol lo~ ll111 l'lllTErt Ottuo A:w cm:~tcAC Corn·oHAl los Boa · ton. .

fi'"Seod rur - l lo"' to Cure Skin IJ ill.-hli .. ,..' li~ pa!le&, 50 illustrntious, nuc\ 1 \.IO tesl imouinl:~.

~ ~~~~~~~r ~c~r~~~~~~ ·nc~i~~.~i~!.~~ ... \ .1\all -gnou eensa~ion.- relieved in one

minute uy the Cut.icurn Antt·Plun Plost.er, the qnly p:un-killin~o: plos ter .

, 1\'1. 8EAi{LE, Watch-Maker & Jer.veller,

Water Stroot, Harbor Grace.

All wo rk in the (.h.fieren~ br~n.:lhl~ uf the trlde uoatly executed 'vith dosp11~ch.

Outport work will receive careful Bod prompt uttoutlon.

!:)bop- rwo doMR west Tele~rnpb Office.

lfro~-IN C4~SEY Ta.llor ~o.

iso Watc.r St., Harbor Grac~, Nfid. Prices moderate Ba.t.isfact.ion guaranteed

J. A. Wfii"f1\'lAN, Custom Tailoring.

------ ' Will guarabtce Fit, WorkrunnsWp and

Style. ' Glvo usn. call. Outport Orders receive prompt attention

Comer Victoria and Water Str~u. HARBOR GRACE.

GEQ. WEBBER, Dr'U.gg1s1i1

Water St., Harbor Grace. Prescri1)tion~ curefully compounded.


The co 1. o :n.1 s 1i, DESORmES IT ALL '

Monthly lllustrated _Magazine for $1.00 a year.

~ample Copy Teo <Jeote. Trial bag " Mauitoba Hftrd'' Seed WheaL free to

every oew subscriber. Address-The OOLONIB'.!'. Winnipeg. Can.

~TEWART f~UNN & Co., Shipping and Commission · · Merchants, ·

· 22 St. John Street, Montreal. I

~pooialllttflotion gi~en to t.be aale of IUh ,aod Fiah Oit.. . • · •• t.o, to tbe ba1.ing llnd ~tbijtpiJag of ll'lour &tid Prov;ieione and .t~eneral PrOclQo8. . , "" Q,,IJle A.ddreK'I-"llut•n, .~lontreal.

-ASD-(}IJ,VCJ)/'/'/I.IN IJ.l Y A.O VH1t1 JlJKR.

l1 1•rjntu·l '""lltlll>l~&!u, .l ct!fdry ' l'ueet.lllJ aad Fri· Jay .,w.uin~. Kt thv ::)lautlard Ulfic11, \Vouer~ ~~ctl, llltf'hiJr \~mco:, bJ AIUKM & U.-.:.

SUI:tOtnrrtOJt JL.\ rl-1.:.._~ per lUI IlVIa f •1 rot•. balf ·1ct•r; ~~~ f•lfvhrn IUbtoritt.r" th• 1aNe wttl w S~bO

~\11\'l(t:fi~INil t:,,,rrs-60 Odnt.• 1" r illob for e,, iu ""' "': t • .,.,,, u.ou ..... lhhb ror ... O JUlillll ~IIUU. Sr>uC1•1 ra~e· '"' t~tl'ft df.-e 180Utlta l'be aowb.r vi '"*'"'o... ,.. ..... ·- " •petllled•bJ ,b. , , .. ,..,

Page 4: I 1 Thecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...admhted into United St4ttea m.arketa duty freA- and not have them, as they now are, •ulljected to such ~heavy dutiea


Old Nfld. POSTAGE STAMPS, THE NE:W 1 'I A,D81\'Clr to nn nll'§rtisem~nt-7nh :1 w,.t

Dn11- l " m "'ll inl• 111 ci"•' O()L"UU: ,,,.. 1 nn •

,lf,. , . ,ll y ~I• II AI:T '"' Olol

~I ,\ \I I ' :-; II • !tCdt•lll 111 1\lt.l 11 1••1 • " •·• v .. l••11,."

............ Jh.i 7, lliG:J nut! l~lili

G l" A ~I I'll 1·: 1.1 . en •..• ,; fi,. ( .,., .lllllli ll

. I~ 1:•1 T E!l:lli.AlW

f!t/i \.,t'ua -A. 0 . I(A"\'AI: I• S t.l nl·J• • :-; ,. ;. 1,,1, •• u .... .J

. I 111\ I

their Dry Goods and MUlineJ:y Est 1 blishment on Saturday, 28rd inst · ·

~·Having bought for Cash, we will sell for Cash at

. • .1 I

W~ T £~:sio£•fJUj eitunle t)ll tbe Beach at T~~ and 'k nmvn lL8 Thomey's E.ta~ ~VUJ._. .• _.. ing of Dwelling Ho~ Store, Sbo~ Office, Wharf. Also, DwelUQg H~ Shop, Stable and Yard tm thAonh.:e.ii side of Road leading to Beach.

For further particulara ~j)j)!J to

Prices that cannot be beaten. .. i. \~. ~J. { ~ ~~1· .. 1.~1., h} T~ '(W S E

I'IL\\ 'TIC.\L p \ l \ ' l'lt:lt. Runcmber t c BROWN &, J&IL.,....t.a.·· ater ~ t. ast., . 1... . address- ' 1 ST. JOHN'S.

' ' rtfl•r • 'tn ·c:l, lll'lll" lfGP1lt L ·"'t ~ed. I



II.\ RUOR GRACE. ~FLO. · -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ EIATFLD'S

,\II ~ ... .ra o. l ' l.o· ... • .. r·'·" J'llii)' IJ""· &c .. cau h~ ll•k 1 o io J:OOU o~ty l •· hut! 111 luw l'ric .. •

t: •l u a.:• Ill~ I• I of l'1c1 u rt·d cn11' ''" tltlnc ut •• lu " a 1 rice nutl in ,._ cooo l 1\ atyle '"' ""Y io•­porlcd wurk. Oo uot !end your Jtic tur,·• 11way 10 ho.' ~ul.. r:.:cd-w._. our pri : ea lirat. ·

Outdoor \ 'tewll of 1\ll du cription" recei•e prornpt nne cnrdull\tteut ion.

i ·~· d , . ...... ~ for snlo.

l:.wrull d 1 r~ct ly oppositu tho ollice of ~l eurs. .1 · 11 .\lunu .~Co

t::u\\'AHD l'AitSO~S

~aird's Balsam of Horehound \ ! l \ Y :-' "'' ' 1rr itntion. Uy its T onic pro. • :" ,.,, • 11 s t reng thens t ire mus 11'8 of the

w •• • ,. 1 of 1i c J'lrront nod s.:1ves tone and •igor t • 111<' o r .; 'Ill~ of speech. 'J berc is oo remedy u .c • · • ff ctnnl for CO t;t;m; 1 C IWU P. IIOARSE· \ I' ,..., ·.1 .. 1 nil niTecttons of the T II HOAT and ; I \' r, -.. t l,au 1! ,\)I{J) '::) liAL · .\M OF IIORE· .11 ,, . \ ll l' n rl•l y \'• 1 ~:c t nul <· . ::>old c1•erywhere

., • .. , ". 11. Tmnr p::;u :-.' ~ cu.

One pound o~ Johnston's Fluid Beef 9Q~rts as much ' - ~T •

actual and real nut:t:ition as Fourteen and & quarter

pounas of Prime Beef Steak i T~Ea.EFOR.E,

:Balsam of Eorehoun!

Said by W . fl. THOMPSON & 00.

POPl &.&L:&I -.lT TB&-

FANOY & TOY BAZAAR, r~·.&r.c ..

One teaspeonful, or half an ounce, is equal ·to halt pound of Prime Beef BteaJr.

Fire Grate Ornament., conaat.io1 oi­Sbielda, Japanese Fan•, Foldi~ijt ~oreezaa,

a Lace ud i>arlonr Stan, from 20 ~~La. White Willow, :~mk Graa, Gold ind Sllur

Sharioga " ' A1 21v2 'II

. ' "I

Parlor ~a·mmer Decoratiou. conainiog oi­Pana, Bird1,BuUer6iee, 8pidera' W _,b., 4co.

I'ANS !rom 10 ~ota npwarde. .

I H E R I E -..,.. Bm~ .net ~erforated Wall Br¥keta-

~ ta.l ~ ' 611ed 1ntb Dned Gra'fll, ~ •• ~ • .. •. ~ . ·' .!. ~ ~ ~ ~~'j.f!;,!•~0~~ Flower~ Earthenware

======== === ==:..;::=========== . A. & A. BiuNLEES.

AMI ERIGAN NET '& rlwll\m r. "., ~:.\~;.~~~-.~:~-:~~:~.~~~~~~~~!; 11fl l.Ju M Ou the premleu ,,;. ... eouud .. d ••·ao~d m!lter•al. ,

S4· Commercial Street, BOS'.iiO N, lk1 q,sfl Ueda~ade. Uureaaa. CIJain (all klod•} 1 Sidtboardt, IWa,batabQ..• Wtdl'o• P~lte) ~ Rloar. Sprin~t ntda,t ., .• &o ,

MANUFACTURERS OF Uedroo lf(l ~ait•. mede co order- fro'm · 110 op'farda. Other FanrU:u·e mad~ to order.

col> .. . HEl~ HlNG & C :-\ 1~1~1.~ ~ElN ~~~~ aiutn~r badut~~o~:·~!~~~p:erleoce lo ~. aa~rtakin.~ llt!pArtment ~atfefectl.>n1 Ia ·•••rr par(icolar 11 l'lllltlrf'd. · •

Ordera ruo .. ive pro~&pt and prrtooal atteattoa· fif'atiM'II ror hire_ ,. C



1 -11~ 1-{ I< IN G -ALL O F THE VERY BE~T QUALITY \~II \1.\IJfo; ••I" UUit--

\'a!uable Property for Sale S ~J EP·A HI )

In '''" ...... ,., fiood• Shop, oooorcted wltb the Fnmllur .. 't·"•'. CAD be had Fancy Uooda, Boob ~tlonuy .l .. w, J f'ry, aod a flSDer•l aa•ort•tDI Of ltnaJ t W l\ tll , '


I' t• :-; ,af"Ci ilu•r offers for 1111fe, lty pri \'R le uf WlliCit WO IUO l l1 •· .. Xcl ll .. l\1• ltl.tnllriiCIIII .. III,

, . r.ua~·t . ~hr ft)llowin~ Frr~l10ld Properties, 'II --

situate on Water Street, foot of Cochrane Street.


Carlton Ska,ting Rink with the Land on which it is built.

Bsta!Jlished, 1 ~55. Wlwles~ and &au.

The Subscribers, whit .. tl1"" 1.. ;,. : t l ... ir ntunHt.n.- , ... t.rons fur t. f••ou·r,. · ,..j,. l1 •o 0 11 attention to the following l•:11 , .. " .,.,, 1·118 l .tt~u ... 11•·•1 ~ lu ... ol 1 he ne""~· Jt.,;d111 ., 1 at.' t ce<licinea, 111 follows :- . • · ' . , ., 1

.Pc~r S S Ca1pia., for Halifn-'l'wo Slaten of CbaritJ, lliaea ~-.By,ao, N J Hyao,. KellJ, · Hallero, A C WUa. UeYlloo, lttUI~ )Voot.l, Miaoie Sallifao,L McKay, Duuie atuoD, Uarban Eddie, Mtedimll tl•cou,lJewiJoo, Wo·od1 Mao•;;. ' M\u,., H11too, tiatoliffe, t; Muoa, tir., r» Mgoo, Jr., lind A Woodt, JllO ueblbald, , Rn Mr F""liWI; 1 iotermediate, aod,661a eu.r~ .,., I I • tf

Per S S Conacript frou• t!Je Norlbward.­J4Mdaraee JoHpb, )lodlater '•d dbilcl, EdHJI Whlte•aJ, maid and S oblldru, .ieodric:k aod.l obildrn, 1're.dW'ell, lfaddoo, Unioe, 1'hmbtda, .UaU.tooe aocl 2 olalldreo. 'V IJ, Millll Croeemai GrOftl PaJUe, Fo:r, Cole, Dilloa, QalobJ \'V.t ~a, P.kiol, Co•ao1 AliiiiJ, Si!Ytlj, COW.. illaa1 '.J tbt-. .. HopkiM, Nicholl, Ut••reuf,IPib. Berif Wbite, LookJer, Parkioe, aild Father l>oa~ •· Cas-t Moee, Coaaiable Solllno, M_,. G H I chlaa•. Jardiae, KDiabt., Po•ell, Lindberg, la&er, Ward, Grib~l, WhitewaJ, eTread•a Haddoa, Cormack, .M A VeYioe, .Gallop. ~ · lJnioe,H BoraeU, W Crag8'i Uodlekl, A C~ tiao. A H <Jbriaiao. J W .Nicbolle ; 60'lD llHI+ '· . aae For 8arbo6 G~,10aa.1ooa ud lOlo etttf•



Ita ian and American M arb let{) . SOAPSTONE. &a. .

FJ?r particnlnrs apply to 1 D. J. GRE!::N .

Boschee's German Syrup, · tt1i..y'a Flait.l ,\I agu611i", l-'•111 .. , ·... t-:.~ 1U1 Green's Aogoa~ Flower, fl Pe,tu~~l~:~ Q~.\11 ~~~~("~ij~ • .,~ 1 , .• ! Piao'a Consumption Curn, I( t'MI.IIll( "lnMCL 'Powiler, Put t1 . 1'11 .,;,uulaien

- Monum~nts, Headstones, ·

Our~~~&o. [{a rbor GrncP, April' 23.- tf.

Removal : Notice !

W. R. OKE. & SONS beg to ncquaint their customers and the public generally that they have removed their place of business from 123 ,Duck­worth Street to

l1RESmiT ST.,iOOR. DU~l \WRTH ST. the premises formerly occupied by Mr. R. GoFF, Cabinet maker. '· Having~~eater facilities in their new

Factory they are prepared to attend promptly to all orders. Ou~port Work receives prompt and ear~

ful afi.ention. W. R. OKE A SONS,

Wheelrichta, Ouriap, Oart ~d Bleilfh Bcallden. • •

8~ Jobe'•· MaJllm

u Catarrh Remedv I K .. MtinJe'".O,mgh .L'""'"K""• ~• ... \ . ., m T•bleta Sanford's J amaica Ginger · ll'e·llmvtt' ~OU.JlOUt~J ~yrnp· ' Warner's Saf~ Core, Warner'" Pith•. I :itt-+·du1""" Tet!thmg Pu••lt!n. Wistar'a Balaam of Wild c~t'rn· J w .. u·rproof Nurain~ A~ronK . Wyeth's Liquid Malt Extrnct, t.lo JW .~ (fur· cHal"rrn L.;thit,11,)

White Enamel (for filling let>th) : Owl.~ridae'a L\lll!l Tuuic, 8ody Oelt~e Benzine (for oleanaiog purpn" .. ", ) J Beet ham'" Glyce1 in .. Mild Cuet1mt ... ,. Tamar Iodien (Cor coetivenflflll' . Atlult.'11 TruMftJIO, OhilJ'• Tru,..... .. Eno'a Me<:licated)i~r (for "'"r•u ... )', D1ied 8uor7, Dritul ~Ji.,, IJrl1·•l Cklf'ry

" ' Frnil Sal~ Te'aber:Y Toutlt p.,.., ,J,., Judaon'11 Oo~d P•i'n t, Ayer'a Saraaparill&r'AJer·~ Clte,.ry l'h:t.m·"i A)len'• H•ir. Re..~rer,· <tu. Lon( 11.1"~ '"

do Hair ViJor, C..mpbf'll'a Tuuic Elixir, Oouu: .. AceL1o Ac~t.l, Ueecl1J1J•'K Pill.., Dr. Wii10D

11 Herbine Bitten~ I Chf'tlt rroteQI.OI .. C:.h e.rt.'• CariiOJio &..f~

Guard's Hair d1e, Trioo;>hero1:1 Ctelvf'rL'K D~aa,.f-:oJiu• Powdttr ' Wyeth'• Beef [roo anrl Win~t Wrigtu:. U'nleuunted Wit,.. ., Northrop & L1man'a ~ ~e,t.Lie .PriiOO\' .. r~ K t'i'ler'• Ood l-iver Oil •"cJ lJ"lt., • I ,.· Northrop & Lyman'• Gmu!•lor I FA!ieu~ or a,,~ce, l>f-MIOM~I Ouoo.nnt, •

·Kelloq't.AftbmaRetRed}',do.O.&&arrb Snuff.• , -:;•tao- · •. · 1

Oaticara, Oati~ra Relolvent, Cnticortt Rlllll•, o.ar •. w.lnut, "\IJI .A&.ber 81.f1lDII,, V'th'Dlallei. Malrine, Halline Yitl: CllSCIIra S..grad~ • M.•aecf, ~·~q~ AJWti ~f. "•'-'· e ohm. Lime J'rol~ J nloe, Hollowa1 a Corn Our., llfll~tOn oJ· Rl\\.AAJ»IP881 .A'.M 8Ul Peu't Soap, Pear't&barhaa fluch. ijnPI!·'·f\ .. !,etrume, .. J>r..«ins c fti~NI, n.t. 1UI

Mother an .... Wan. Bo~t.Nmlna&or, I ~. Ult't ... sn.u.. ' :t I

Uebl(• .&not of K·•· . I " *~ R»r ftn\f-..... ..._.,-w. Lemon 81ftp, ~'"'"r H1•ar. p;,.~.l ·~·.~u~~~~ ~'"~· ro ·r~ •. ~ loh.uoD'I A1lodJD• Unlmeat, •-.d •oon.._¥fll!~et*•f.ct •It~ ._.,,.:nc.;.:

w. a. •oo '

exeoutecl in Oricinal ~ EDglilh and. Amerioan piau funailhe4 '-

ordtr. o.ni.Jaae, a epecialt7, 1 Bote-Bee~ lltook, A.rtietio azad 8ulNitaD-

tial Work p&ruteed. ~ Prioe Lia\e azad llpeoimen Boo~ oa

applloation to aD.7 addrela. t

Bee~ a~'-nUOil ci•• t.o orden reoelncl., mall or ot.benriM. • ai~ work .-ou'-4 u~penonal F~·

o•••wT and. I'I.M'I'D -....u tw ..ae.
