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'I · ce~ alltJd i.ato ~dU'YSealld.ca 011 Jul7 20. A tull date ot Rubiar&ts aup;pOrtan was We...

Date post: 15-Jun-2020
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00 NOT nI"l IN THIS '''ACI ... FROM TO REF • SUBJECT: 2. .... !1.' W9 b! ••• t. yPfi!] Ai!' ... ...... 1 B. f. SJIl!H pre.,e._ hi! .... irati ale 1le PJretdd ••. BATISTA the..ra1llg f4 Juq 23, t",. with w. ... 0 .,. _t=i'" _ ... ........ 111 CUa. 'fIl ...... s..a .... IIIU.l, .... ___ bt ..... a ....... the cl.e!e trt .... 'iP MtAI •• u. " ... )u.,l .. ad _ ...... 'flr .... arri ... ill GaM _ Nll' U .... ta. ..... _ that da\e ad· Ids 1' ••• " .. \y. Pread . Ii 1a .a..\ tha WIU&l tm. ia .... (lDICUsSirnm) . !Be ....... , \he Arb ............ BafriW .... , hetJl 4um:!,. t.he pr.t ..... __ .... ti.-.., ...... __ ....... , .. ret ..... '- \hePNB_ pe 1 iUW· ..... ", ••• $a ...... Bau.ta .... _ .. ... ,...- W t1ut .t .... P&1G W .. I1 ..... 'I ........... ia .tIle-. Uldi_ ...... whea he .... t.ed ia ta. f...a. ....... _I, I'. *(WJaea 1 ... D .. UJIt.t;ed state.) ..w.-t.iIwWMIi1l8 , .... to.,. t"- V- pHW.oal. ",I __ , able_ ........ =e:'---" .t .,. w.t; ..... .., Ca1a ... .fer . .,...u.. b ..... 1 at ,l't)II '- .. ,.t ua. o o ! \ L er"the law.t tile .... ,. •••.. . . .} . .• . .. : u... re •• .u,. pdai.lt& .' t. ........ --,;..,. (' .. #- '--.j . ACTION COPY.,...' DEPARTMENT OF STATE The actIon omce must return this permanent record cOpy to RMIR flIes with an endorsement of action taken. " j,mr
Page 1: 'I · ce~ alltJd i.ato ~dU'YSealld.ca 011 Jul7 20. A tull date ot Rubiar&ts aup;pOrtan was We el.ected to fillpositiou Oft the Fede1"&t1oa D. Executi ye Committee. ether sipi'; fieut

00 NOT nI"l IN THIS '''ACI

... FROM




----~----~---------~~ ~

2. .... !1.' W9 b! ••• t. yPfi!] Ai!' •

... ~ ...... 1 B. f. SJIl!H pre.,e._ hi! .... irati ale 1le PJretdd ••. BATISTA the..ra1llg f4 Juq 23, t",. with w. ... 0 • .,. ~l,'" _t=i'" _ ... ........ 111 CUa. 'fIl ...... s..a .... IIIU.l, .... ___ bt ~ ..... a ....... the cl.e!e trt .... 'iP MtAI •• u. " ... )u.,l .. ad ~ _ ...... 'flr .... arri ... ill GaM _ Nll' U .... ta. ~ ..... _ that da\e ad· Ids 1' ••• " .. \y. ~ Pread . Ii 1a .a..\ tha WIU&l tm. ia.... (lDICUsSirnm) .

~~ !Be ....... , \he Arb ............ BafriW .... , hetJl t.~ ~ 4um:!,. t.he 1~ pr.t ..... __ .... ti.-.., ~.,,:M._at ...... ~. __ ....... , .. ret ..... '- \hePNB_ pe1 iUW· ..... ", ••• $a ...... Bau.ta .... _ .. ... ,...- W t1ut ~t.:1ea .t .... P&1G W .. I1 ..... 'I ........... ia .tIle-. Uldi_ ...... whea he .... t.ed ia ta. f...a. ....... ~ _I, I'. *(WJaea 1 ... D .. UJIt.t;ed state.) ..w.-t.iIwWMIi1l8 ~ ,.... to.,. t"-V- • pHW.oal. ",I __ , able_ ........ =e:'---" ,,-.~ • .t .,. w.t; ..... ~f .., Ca1a ... .fer . .,...u.. b ..... 1 ~ at ,l't)II '-_,*~ ~ .. ,.t ua.

• o o

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L er"the law.t tile ....,. •••.. '~ . . ~ ~~. .} . .• "'~""'Jld"'~ . ....~j .. ~'.' : u... re •• .u,. pdai.lt& . ' t. ........ --,;..,.


f!Ol,.~ .. #- '--.j .

ACTION COPY.,...' DEPARTMENT OF STATE The actIon omce must return this permanent record cOpy to RMIR flIes with an endorsement of action taken.

" j,mr

Page 2: 'I · ce~ alltJd i.ato ~dU'YSealld.ca 011 Jul7 20. A tull date ot Rubiar&ts aup;pOrtan was We el.ected to fillpositiou Oft the Fede1"&t1oa D. Executi ye Committee. ether sipi'; fieut

, . H1Mr ~.neriat1. &et1-nti~ priaeip&l..11' u:pl.etd.eM .1 ...u ....... baN

..... "-.l.eteT eec1ct&1l.8". 'MJltiaae4 thn\lgheut t.ae --17 lUt week., 1'IM7 haft b ..... e

.. routiae t,1t&t th. prea ... gb .. th .. l1t4le pz:ewa ...... but ~ .. frea the ":pert. ~clt han AppearM. ~ .. act.iYitiM ..m.. •• a 8 ... "" ....... acal... Sewral tebaaee ware ..... · 1a P1aar del, R1e PreTiu. ba:ye reeeaU7 ~ aQ twnriat. are BlUlpect.ed tMugb prMt i. latddag. Ha1N.aa waa ~ -aplettit " eala. wi~.' tft iMidut. repertecl. (UlCLASSlFlED)

C,tl,lIt: The taaiea .. _tieeabl. ..... raJ. weeks ~.)bas gI'eat4 diwi.jahed, tM-usa still ex1.at1a&. Frea Saati .. d.e Cuba it 111 reperted that att ...... at _ri- theaters has bMa ~ .tt ter -.... t1ae, UId tat ... theat.en .ft

prep..ed either el. •• 1ag .duriag the ewaiII& .~..n.ag the .t~ ~ llP, 1a , att~. to aYOid further tiBi.aciaJ. leu. It i s .~d that tll. QwelJiilllSt, hu erd __ eci ,~ t. stat opea, Uld haa--hd1cated that it ..... aari a' .~icQ" -" .r-t­m the le .... ~ be fortheaiJlg. It 1s obT1eul1' to the GeTen.eat's adTaJit­

'age to ai.bai •• er ceaeeal sua te..t_ aad UJll'eSt as dee. e.xiat. There are a atIIIber .f ru.r. ud f&gUe repen.. tr.a l»th ,gey6Z __ al ad eppHitiea' circl. ... , that tlle rewllltiaar.y gwupe plaa' SeM sort, .t .pectular aeti .. ,betWMll .." ....

the ead .t the .uth, but _thiag d.tiDit.. (CONFIDENTIAL) ,

4.... CUt'" Gre!J) Set. Forth P.-l.1t'1e&l. Plaa

Oa Juq 20 ud 21· t.M lHal preu p1Ibl1.heci a ~lIdeuat~ .. • t & pelitieal . pl.aJl all.epdl.J- sigud 1a the Sierra Maeatra .. JulT 12 b7 Fid.el: CA3'fRO.. RaW. CHIBAS and.Felipe PAZOS. The pl.aa ealla ter the te1'Jl&ti •• et "Ci~ Rew~

, Freat"; i ... Uat~ de.ipatiea ot a penea _ head the tuture pre'ri.s1na1-ga ....... _at; aDd renpat1e. of Batista ~ uauaptiR .f .. atJrttl. D7 til •• ead or tlIe previ.ieul. .g.Te~. The plaa adds that t_ Cide Rewl.1ltiaar,r Frat Mitller asks ur will it ae_pt. the illteneat1ea .t ...,. .lit.ide "-'17 or iJlt.enat-.u b4td1' and reque.ts tbe UJdteciSt,ates te cease abi ...... .r ... te the pr~ Geve~, 'tat it. will _t a.eapt preYiaieul eelIltJotd. b7 a' iId.ll.tar.r juJIt&;' 0'

t.hat it iateads te rean. the anq rna polities J tllat i\ opreJd.au cap1.w geaeraJ. e1eetions within cme "Tear team. aaAmption of ~, that it 'propos-ea tlae 1Dmediate freedom of all pol.1tieal. prisoners and restuat'ioa of a1l'C8I~1I guarantees; and that JJfJmbersbip is opea to all GJ"g~atieD8, '1neludiDa

parties and civic iDstitutions. (tDICI.\SSIFIE9.) , r

~ I·


i 'I

! I I

Page 3: 'I · ce~ alltJd i.ato ~dU'YSealld.ca 011 Jul7 20. A tull date ot Rubiar&ts aup;pOrtan was We el.ected to fillpositiou Oft the Fede1"&t1oa D. Executi ye Committee. ether sipi'; fieut

.. }~1A~~''ii'lt tU'tj,leip:'eri.l.o$l ot· tM 1' __ "j_~;:!1 ...... ",,,,,liIIs'. ... ··tM' ,thNo,,iouji WIo l~ ~. JII'C-p:rul .... \bel' ~lv,t11 " wtd",oft h~. hG~eJf~~ Men Ofl • • t til~ ~pal &tttft~ of '/' • "-y;ej-.t 8M ~ ~,w&th itt. ~_b-~J.t~ to!" it ~n att1t.ude 01111:.10&1. ~ri.ng. ~ thtl·othv h_:?

~. ','" ~.,l.8 ~~q'u~t.t-. to ~l.i..t t~~'_.~ broad;fli> .~,for ~.,e..u~ .. ~-.mt" \Ote~-:tt1i.1at-~it._q, tRtt &~-that~-~ -, t:i.1'Ul'7J:~u ~ ~t.1tu_ caaot .c~rU8h thrW.- u.';La BOt ~ •. '!M

",~-. -". :Iiilr'~_,iiM:,.-:-&-\Uiii~or=vift;ci_&'1i".~ Or=~~"11r~I'.Jlil:.~-"" t1~ C!nl~.~!"ceat :WMll::6, "mi. mrq b .• lOW 'i:t-porU7 or ~ iM1~&tG tae lMg1Juab.p ot: 41.tt:U1oa ,ud. biek.ri.J&g ~ tiw '~sroupllt. ~, ~ ~6 C&frt.ro @ s C'II'l.il' of Jul.J'~ )'.it\I~nt ill ~u .:in,~~s1ng t.1d .. ". to qu.e.tion his leadership, md to iuist that will not head ~ iO,":maDt whick

tOl~ itB3.ti~t. * (O')NF~IAL)

,. l!~l~ there ij1!,.ro' Btill & ~om;id.rabl.. ~-mmh.r ettl:i.oru-ls ",,:ad col1llMUltari~ on international ,affairs 1D. the C=an pre •• durl,ng t.he WIHk. no $ing1e theme pred~~,ted" Th,is cOllitr.<Jta ~dtb. thehea\7 @Jk~~1s giTeu' Kbrua·oheT's purge of the Bonet Presidium ~ th. prerl~ two WMike. (UNCLASSIFIED) -

-6-.-r=1~r& Re-;.f}l~~ Se@~r.r General. o,f Telephone t'lol'ke!i

Vicente 'RUBIER! Fei'tQ.'!t.U re-el.ecteci lIecr.tu:r generalot the .i.mpm;tu.t ~r F8deratioll of Telephone Workers at the Federation.-s .natiorW. ce~ alltJd i.ato ~dU'YSealld.ca 011 Jul7 20. A tull date ot Rubiar&ts aup;pOrtan was We el.ected to fillpositiou Oft the Fede1"&t1oa D. Executi ye Committee. ether sipi'; fieut aetioM taka at, the CeBgren included mtio_ requeetiag the CTC (1) to reiut,.,te 5lJ.8p3nd.ed lAbor leaders of the F.J..eetric Workers Fader&ti0il ud' (2) te auist, ill getting the t"eem.plo,ment of .. rken diam:.UsHd duriRg -the illegal .1 ..... down strike in. the e~eetrie 'indust17. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Comm.eAt: The EldiraerdiBI.r.Y N~t.iomd COagreH of the T~lepbo_vl~ent which waa held ~t to an agreemem. roaehed. hT ladera of the GTC am the Federatioa, thraugh the IIilediatiOD efforts of the Min1st17 of Labor, wu, praid._ OTer DJr Dr. PIO Elizalde of that MiJdst17. 'fribu1#e i.e hb 'fa:i.rauf lJiU.~JJade, .. ill ~ rosolutioa _pt.EIId at the Congrelllis whi.ch praised 'both Elizalde and Labor, -­Miniatft'SUAREZ RIVAS tor "the ~al ~ in. which. tke7 direRed the tel:.ephoae eleetiou. thus per.mitting the exercise of unioa de'lllltenq in i~. broadest eonce:pt.... (UNCLASSIFIED)



Page 4: 'I · ce~ alltJd i.ato ~dU'YSealld.ca 011 Jul7 20. A tull date ot Rubiar&ts aup;pOrtan was We el.ected to fillpositiou Oft the Fede1"&t1oa D. Executi ye Committee. ether sipi'; fieut

~'. ~

c.atriblttore: PGliti~: JLTeppbtc P~ycil~gieui RSBr;ra LalJor; JFCol"Nll k"7:CowuwierLKrisel

.. FY\' ~~~


Dlatribut:Lea by Embuq: ~u8iea. pli)~~, Oiwiad 'l'rujj.l.'a _c.ulil.&te, SDtiap: tie Cub.. . -V~'1}-Hll(2) J ta(5) ..-- --.

~- - -- - -- - -- - - . -------;: --c'-r-----'-c~
