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I Did Not Die by Terry Kruse

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Terry Kruse's amazing testimony of being saved from a life-or-death accident. This exciting book shows how he was miraculously delivered from certain death, and what he has done with his newfound passion for life.
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I Did Not Die… But Lived To Declare His Word

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I Did Not Die… But Lived To Declare His Word



Psalms 118:17

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord!”

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Copyright 2006 by Terry & Donna Kruse Edited by Natalie L. Kale Cover Design & Illustration by New-Z Consulting All Scriptures from the Amplified Bible © Zondervan 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Published by Prosperity Now Inc. 2006 November 14, 2006

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This book is dedicated to the Holy Spirit

who spared my life!

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1 A Life-Changing Event 9

2 Four Theories 20

Accident Photos 25

3 His Mercy and His Might 31

4 The Day After 37

7 Steps 43

About The Author 45

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A Unique Meeting Sunday morning October 1, 2006, David A. Newberry and I were

meeting for the very first time in years, to minister together at several meetings. We had come together in Prairieville, Louisiana to do a series of meetings at a church that was led by Pastor Sonny Wahl.

A very unique thing happened there that I want to tell you about ―

how God miraculously spared our lives, how we have lived to tell you about it and about how great God is in His mercy and His might.

David and Terry

Before I tell you the story, let me back up just a bit and give you the background about David and myself. David and I met about fifteen years ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the School of the Prophets. We became friends instantly. We just had this camaraderie between us. We had done a little bit together here and there; David had preached at my church and we did a couple of conferences together with Augustine Alcala, Bob Jones, and others.

I went overseas with David some and our paths would cross

periodically. Through that, this camaraderie and friendship developed. We had always gotten along great.

Over a period of time our lives began to grow apart; David was

busy doing ministry internationally in Africa and I was pastoring churches and coming in and out of evangelistic work.

However, in June of 2006 I felt the need to get in touch with

David, so I began to look for him. His wife Cheryl had passed away about three or four years earlier, and during that time we had lost contact. I finally called Christ For The Nations, where he was teaching

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and began to track him down. I could not find him for a period of about 90 days. When I did finally get a hold of him, I found out that he too was trying to get a hold of me for about a year.

Very uniquely in August of 2006, I made a phone call one morning

to David and instantly our spirits were connected again. We knew that God had done something miraculous here and that He had hooked us up again for His divine purpose.

Immediately, we began to make plans to travel and work together.

God began to speak to us about connecting our ministries; about working together and letting our anointing flow together for the sake of the Kingdom. We started to talk about the things that God was revealing to us and we found that we were dealing with the exact same revelation. Having not talked in many, many years, we found that God had us on the same page.

First New Adventure We had decided to start to travel together and our first adventure

was going to be in the New Orleans area, so we made plans to go there. David had scheduled this meeting and knew the Pastor Sonny Wahl. David invited me to be a part of the meeting and to flow together there with him.

We made our way there and met Pastor Wahl. On Saturday night

we all went out for some great New Orleans food. We fellowshipped together, reminiscing about what we believed God wanted to do and anticipated this great move of God.

David has traveled all over the world and had great moves of God,

and I have traveled all over the United States and some internationally and have had great moves of God. So we were coming together with great anticipation of what God was going to do. Pastor Sonny Wahl is a great worship leader and a great guy who cares for his church. We were anticipating a great time.

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Stirring in Our Spirit Well, we met on Sunday morning. David and I both had something

stirring in our spirit. Knowing that God was in this, we were all excited about everything that was going on.

David preached Sunday morning ― people were saved, healed,

and delivered. It was a wonderful time together. Afterwards we all got together to have lunch, as all preachers do. We had a meal together while enjoying ourselves and having a good time of fellowship. From there we went home, as we were staying with the pastor, and rested a little bit.

Observe this prophecy that a gentleman in the church received prior to the incident.

“You had ministered in my church on Sept. 24th Sunday morning. After you left, it came to me by the Spirit that Satan has had an assignment to take your life for a long time. After receiving this word, I bound the devil and prayed for your safety.

Later after you told me about the accident, God then told me that you were a "Holy Terror to the devil". And I told you about what the Lord revealed to me concerning the devils assignment on your life. The Lord also said "The assignment of the devil to take your life is over. When you came out of that wreck unscratched he was discouraged and the assignment was broken." I then relayed this word to you as the Lord told it to me.

Speaking to you on the phone on Oct. 26th, you told me about Pastor Piersons word to you that ‘things were going to be easy for you’.”

Sunday Night

On Sunday night October 1st, we were headed to church and as we

were en route, something happened that deeply, deeply changed my life.

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Before we got onto the interstate, we were sitting at a stoplight and a policeman crossed over and came up beside us and turned. We all joked that we better put our seatbelts on, so we reached over and grabbed our seatbelts and buckled up. Little did we know what was going to transpire in the next 20 minutes. God had already begun to move in this situation.

I call this the first miracle of the night ― reaching down to buckle

our seatbelts. The light changed. Pastor Wahl was driving. David was sitting in the front passenger

seat, and I was sitting in the back seat behind David. We had about 40 minutes drive to get to the church and we were

fellowshipping, talking, and having a great time. As we were driving along, something happened that I want to give you as much detail about as I can: the mercy and the might of the Lord.

I was sitting in the back seat when all of a sudden, I saw a car

coming up alongside us at kind of a weird angle. It lost control and hit the driver’s side back door of the Honda Odyssey mini van we were riding in.

The car that hit us just about leaped… it was just so incredible

how it hit us! Understand that we were traveling down the interstate going 70 mph, give or take five miles. I am not sure exactly.

We found out that the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel. When

the driver fell asleep, he swerved into the median. He was on the inside lane and we were on the outside lane. So he swerved into the median, evidently waking up as he drove through the grass and realized what was going on. He then instantly counter steered and when he counter steered, he drove the car right into our side. He didn’t just glance the bumper of the car into the side of the van, but drove that car right into our side.

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Pastor Sonny, a very capable driver with a lot of experience, was hanging on quite well. But that car did what the police call a hambone (they use that move to take people out if they are chasing them and want to stop them). What this gentleman did was a perfect hambone and he hit the side of our van, turning us sideways up the highway.

This means we were no longer driving down the highway, but our

van was going sideways and we were skidding down the highway. The force of that car caused us to go up onto two wheels. As we went up on two wheels, Pastor Sonny could no longer control the van. We began to roll over on the passenger side, which was David’s and my side. As we rolled, we were moving 75 mph down the interstate. As we went over, we were still on the passenger side sliding and skidding. Now hear this, the van was not only sliding and spinning, but it was rolling over on the interstate!

We estimate that the car rolled two to three times; spun at least one

total revolution, and maybe more. As that van began to roll, we quickly realized that we were in serious trouble. Now you do not have enough time to react in a situation like this and if you do have time to react, what kind of reaction is going to save you? What kind of human reaction is going to save you? There is none. You feel extremely vulnerable and you feel as though there is absolutely no control.

David’s Cry Out to the Lord Now my friend David Newberry, began to call on the angels of the

Lord and cried out to Him. At that point, the car began to roll over more than once and David felt the roof caving in on him. He was crying out to the angels of the Lord saying, “Don’t let me die here, hold this roof up!”

David is a big guy. I am too - about 6’. David is taller and bigger

than I am. David was strapped in that front seat as the roof was caving in on him, trying to find a way to lay over, to get down low in that van.

All along, Pastor Wahl was still in the driver’s seat ― he was not

as tall as David ― and that side of the roof was not giving in as much.

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In the meantime David was still looking for a place to get lower as that roof was coming down.

Friend, we were in serious trouble right there! However, it is good

to know that in the midst of the worst storms in life, God neither slumbers nor sleeps, nor do His angels. I would have loved to have seen into the realm of the Spirit what God was doing and what the angels were doing in that moment.

Yielding to the Holy Spirit I was in the back seat as it began to roll, and it was apparent there

was nothing I could do, so I began to pray in the Holy Ghost. I love the Holy Spirit ― I will talk about the Holy Spirit in another chapter, but I just began to pray in the Holy Spirit and talk in tongues.

I was praying in the Holy Spirit when the Lord spoke to me as He

had many times. The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said this, “Yield to Me.” When the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me, I just yielded myself and dropped my arms down to my sides in a natural manner as the van was flipping and turning.

I then said in my spirit to the Holy Spirit, “I yield to you.” Having

said that ― as the van was rolling around with me ― I suddenly felt myself separate from the van.

This is a significant point to remember as you continue to read. But

I felt separated from the van. No longer did I hear the noise of crunching metal and uncertainty around me. I just knew I was outside of the van. I felt myself stay limp as I was saying, “Holy Spirit, I am in Your hands. Holy Spirit I yield to You.”

Now that van turned and rolled and spun. From the point of impact

to the point of where the van stopped was 101 yards, the police say. Not 101 feet, but 101 yards…longer than a football field!

I was outside of the van and David and Pastor Sonny were inside

the van. When I stopped, I was lying on my back in the grass parallel to the highway, and all I could think was, “Oh my God.”

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I laid there a moment and then I sat up as I realized that I was

okay. Then instantly along side the highway I got up on my knees and raised my hands in the air and just began to praise God because I knew I had just lived through something that most do not live through, let alone live to tell about!

That Was Amazing

As I literally began to raise my hands and praise God for His mercy and His might, the cars going in the opposite direction on the highway began to stop as the people shouted, “Are you all right? That was amazing!”

Car after car, person after person, kept shouting, “Are you all

right? That was amazing!” I responded back to them saying, “I think so… call 911.” They responded saying, “We have! That was amazing!”

I am sure that it was amazing to the natural eye what they saw. It

was amazing to me as well, but I want you to know that ‘amazing’ is a normal word that describes the realm of God. ‘Unbelievable,’ ‘unexplainable,’ ‘beyond comprehension,’ ‘that blows my mind,’ ‘I cannot understand,’ and ‘what just happened?’ are all phrases that describe the realm of God. There are so many words that we can use to describe the realm of God.

Friend, that is a realm that is at work all around and about us, even

in the midst of what we see in the natural. There is a realm and it is the realm of God, which He has called us into. It is a realm of provision, of the supernatural, of healing, of deliverance, of angels, of revelations, and it is the realm of dreams!

I so thank God that there is a realm that is beyond the natural,

because I know on that day that God had done something very profound for us.

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What Pastor Sonny Saw

Now Pastor Sonny’s church is a very unique church ― he has many local judges, constables, firemen, retired policemen, and all different kinds of people. Pastor Sonny made a call and the people of his church were there as fast as the emergency people.

As I was kneeling on my knees, praising God, Pastor Sonny recalls

seeing me. He was still sitting in the van in the driver’s side strapped in just 3 to 5 feet from me; realizing that he was okay and knowing that he was fine throughout everything that went on. He was not scared or nervous through the whole accident. He was fine.

But when the car stopped he looked out his window and saw me on

my knees with my hands raised praising God. He later told me that he said, “Am I dead looking at him or is he dead looking at me?”

Looking for My Bible and Glasses Friend, it is a cute story, but we should have died. I truly should

not have lived to tell this story. By that time the ambulance arrived and they had my friend Dave out on a stretcher to check him out. They had to pry Dave and Pastor Sonny out of the van. They were getting checked out as I grabbed for my camera and looked for my glasses and Bible that had been flung from the car. Friend, life is precious and the Word is all we have to hang on to.

In the meantime I was looking for my Bible and glasses as well as

taking pictures. But everybody that came to me said that I was so fortunate because nobody ever gets hurled from a vehicle without at least being maimed or usually killed. In the next chapter I am going to speak to you about the four theories there are about what happened.

Ride to the Hospital It was miraculous. The police came to me and asked, “Are you

okay?” I said, “I am fine.” They exclaimed, “That’s amazing!” I simply said, “Yes. God spared my life tonight.” They said, “Yes He did.”

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Everyone knew that night, sinner and saint, that God had done

something miraculous. The fire department, the policemen, everybody, and even the ambulance drivers said, “You shouldn’t be alive. This shouldn’t have happened.”

They then said to me, “Here, we are going to put something around

your neck,” and forced me to go to the hospital. And you know, preachers don’t like going to hospitals. We just don’t like those places, and none of us wanted to go. But they said, “Listen, we always take people that are ejected from vehicles to the hospital, because most of them are bleeding, have internal injuries, are maimed, or dead. So you are going to go to the hospital.”

Well, I tell you what, the accident was one thing, but it was more

humiliating to have to get on a stretcher and be all strapped up in order to ride in the ambulance to the hospital. But I conceded and decided to go with them and knew that was wisdom even though I didn’t want to, knowing that they would take care of me.

On the way to the hospital, Kathy, a friend of my wife and mine,

who has been in business with us called me on my cell phone. She called while I was in the ambulance and asked, “Terry, how are you?” I told her that I had just been in a tragic accident. I told her that the car rolled, but God was good and God supernaturally spared my life. She said, “Are you sure?” I said, “Yes I am fine.” I kept telling everybody that I talked to, “God spared my life tonight. God kept me alive. God kept us alive for a reason.”

St. Elizabeth’s Hospital They took us to the hospital; I believe it was St. Elizabeth’s

Hospital. We got there and they wanted to x-ray us. I had sore ribs, with a scrape or two on my elbows. Along with a bit of a rug burn on my shoulder and a rug burn on my lower back. David had sore ribs as well, and believed that he might have had serious injuries because he was in a lot of pain and was having a difficult time breathing.

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There was a gentleman that goes to the church where we were preaching, who is a judge and in fire-rescue. He usually gets to these kinds of accidents first in order to have an opportunity to pray and believe God for people. God has used him in that way before.

His name is Dean and his wife is Stacy. So David grabbed hold of

Dean and had him ride in the ambulance with him because he knew he was in bad shape and wanted Dean to pray for him. As a result, Dean rode in the ambulance with David. David has had broken ribs before and knows how it hurts. After they prayed, however, David was fine and without pain or injury!

We all arrived at the hospital and they checked us out and took x-

rays. Dave was pulling little pieces of glass out of his head and forehead. Sonny had a jammed finger on his hand. But that was it!

They wanted to check me out a little more thoroughly, because

they thought I might have some internal damage. So they injected me with iodine and did a CAT scan, I believe, and an MRI ― this will all be clear on the doctor’s bill I am sure.

Within three hours, at 9:20 pm I talked to my wife in Florida, when

David, Pastor Sonny, and I were discharged from the hospital – and headed right back to church.

Back on a Mission Because of what the devil tried to do to stop us, we decided we

were going to finish the mission. So we headed right back to church with my shirt torn from when I skidded along in the grass by the highway! Me with a torn shirt, grass stains, and a little bit of blood ― but not much, thank the Lord ― and David without glasses headed right to church.

It is like the story of Paul: they drug him outside the city and

stoned him and left him for dead. Paul then got up and went right back into the city. We were going back, and we were going to finish the mission.

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When we got to the church it was probably 9:30 pm or so. It was getting late and some had left, but word had gotten out what had happened and the house was full.

When we came in, the people had been praising and blessing the

Lord, and praying for us. When we walked in you can imagine the thundering ovation the Lord got! We were just something to look at, but it was the Lord who got the applause.

A Week of Revival The Lord spared our lives. The Lord made a way. And the Lord kept us. I want you to know that we had revival that week ― blind eyes

were opened, deaf ears could hear, people were getting healed and saved!

Just about every night the place was full. There wasn’t a seat left in

the house. God touched people. It was glorious. We had a great time. Pastor Sonny, David, and I know that this was the mighty, mighty

hand of the Lord that kept us. We thank Him for His mercy and we thank Him for His might on that day.

I tell you this day that God is able to take care of you, too!

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You know from reading the testimony above, that God

supernaturally spared our lives. I now want to share with you four theories that developed, and then I will give you my conclusion at the end. But first let’s look at the four basic theories that have developed about what actually happened that night.

The car traveled 101 yards rolling and spinning ― Dave and

Pastor Sonny Wahl stayed in the car while I was thrown right through the side window. Which side window we do not know, but we do know it was a side window.

The car rolled at least twice as the roof of the car and windows

began to give in. Just so you understand, I am not a small guy. I am about 6’ tall and about 250 pounds. (248 pounds to be exact!)

I want you to understand what happened and from that, pick

whichever theory you believe took place.

Theory One The first theory is that as the car began to roll ― I immediately

submitted to the Spirit of God and was ejected through the passenger window and flew 101 yards; miraculously landing in a specific spot that ended up being just 3 to 5 feet further from where the van was going to roll and stop. So the van was going to be 5 feet behind me, and I was going to be 5 feet in front of it. It was just supernatural that I was catapulted for 101 yards.

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(There is going to be a problem with all these theories to the

natural mind, I can guarantee as you read this.) It is hard to imagine that I could travel 101 yards in the air and

miraculously land, say in a bulls-eye target-type thing, as the van rolled and stopped 5 feet behind me.

I did have to get out of the vehicle before the roof caved in to get

through that window. Going 101 yards through the air is a hard pill to swallow. Knowing how and where to land is just as hard to imagine, but it is a possibility.

Theory Two

The second theory is that sometime as that van began to roll, in one of the rotations, I again shot out the window. You need to understand the significance of that van rolling and spinning. I would have had to be as straight as a board in perfect timing to shoot out that window just right. The policeman said, “It was amazing that you did not get caught up in that van as it was rolling and turning and how you could have gotten out that window.”

From this theory some distance shorter than 101 yards, I was

catapulted. Maybe 50 yards, 40 yards, 30 yards, 20 yards, we are not quite sure. But again I miraculously landed in a spot that is just 5 feet beyond where the van stopped.

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This means that I miraculously shot out of the window while the roof that was caving in, I landed, and then I scooted far enough away from the rolling van's resting spot. The Holy Spirit could have pushed me down the grass and kept me moving away from the van. Another theory…pick which one you like so far.

Theory Three

The third theory is that I stayed inside the van for most of the rotations and shot out at the last possible moment. The last possible moment would have been after the van had rotated numerous times, because it landed on all four wheels. A quarter back would be on the side and a quarter before would be on the roof. So when the van was on its roof for the very last time, I shot out that window as straight as a board. This would have been probably 30 feet, having enough momentum to shoot out that window as straight as a board.

The reason that I would have had to be as straight as a board, is because if I would have had my arm stuck out or my knee stuck out, it would have ripped one or more of my limbs right off. I should have been maimed, because like the policeman said, most people are. Again, I would have had to shoot out that window as straight as a board, to that target place, with the van rolling two more turns. However, I went further than that van rolled, yet again miraculously. Stopping anywhere short of that point I would have been crushed by a

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vehicle. No other cars were coming or involved, just the initial car that had hit us. This is again a theory with a miraculous consideration.

Recapping the Theories So Far So far we have theory one where I was thrown 101 yards. Theory two: where I wasn’t thrown 101 yards, but was scooted

supernaturally to that place 5 feet beyond the automobile. Theory three: where I stayed in the vehicle for more rotations and

exited later. The problem with this theory, is that the roof was coming down so it was less likely for me to have gotten out.

Also, during all this time, David said he was praying out loud and

Sonny witnessed this, “God send your Angels, don’t let me die here.” I did not hear any of the prayer that David prayed; I had already left the vehicle. David believes he prayed that and his eyes were opened and he was very intuitive. David had already started to pray on the second rotation when the integrity of the roof began to fail. I was already out of the van before David began to pray, so there are some problems with that theory.

Theory Four The fourth theory is this: I was supernaturally translated by the

power and might of God! I was taken out of that vehicle and miraculously

moved forward to that point.

Now, that

works in the theory which I felt, when I sensed the Spirit of God tell me to yield to Him. As I yielded to the Spirit of the Lord, the Lord removed me from

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that van. I remember that and I felt that. This is the one that I go for, that God miraculously, somehow by His awesome presence and power, delivered me out of that van! That’s the fourth theory.

Every Theory is Miraculous Like I tell everybody, I do not care which theory you want to

choose, you pick whatever you like. Every theory has a miraculous underlying event.

So we know absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt that on

October 1, 2006, what the devil meant for bad, God meant for good. God spared three preacher’s lives ― Pastor Sonny is alive to pastor his church, bother David and I are alive to run around the world and to reach souls for the glory of God.

We thank the Lord for what He has done and in the next chapter I

am going to talk to you about the Holy Spirit.

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Accident Photos

David on a gurney. Terry looking at the car. Notice the middle bag

in front of the van. This is where Terry landed.

Terry (right) taking pictures. David being tended to by the


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Pastor Sonny on a gurney being taken to the ambulance.

Terry’s torn shirt.

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The crushed interior where David and Pastor Sonny were trapped.

The back seat where Terry was at before being removed.

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Left to Right: Pastor Sonny Wahl, David A. Newberry

and Terry Kruse, miraculously spared and glad to be alive.

This image is from the official police report. Notice they added

Terry later, indicating that he had been ejected with no injuries.

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This image is also from the police report. Notice the Point of

Impact. This is the place that they believed that Terry was ejected from the car. Also note that the police measured out 303 feet (approx. 101 yards.) Lastly, take note of the Resting Point of the car.

Go to http://www.miraclelifenow.com

To see all of the pictures!

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Romans 8:26-28, “So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God's will. We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.”

I want you to grasp this because the Holy Spirit has become very

real to me over the last few months of my life. I believe what the Holy Spirit began to speak to me several months ago is what got me through that crash; and why I live to tell a wonderful story and to share this truth with you.

“The Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our

weakness.” The Holy Spirit came to our aide that night as that van lost control. “For we do not know how we should pray, nor how to offer worthily as we ought.” We did not know how to pray that night in that van. We didn’t know to say, “God, don’t let any other cars hit us. God, save us. God, stop this from happening. God, have mercy on us. God, save our souls.” Whatever. “God, forgive us.”

“But the Spirit himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads on

our behalf in unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.” I began to pray in the Holy Spirit as I usually do since I spend most of my time praying, in the Holy Spirit..

Almost all my prayer time, I spend praying in the Holy Spirit. It

has become the most significant part of my life. I have been in the

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ministry for many years, but in recent years and especially recent months, the Lord has drawn me to pray in the Spirit more than anything else that I possibly do. You can read more about this in our books, In His Presence and Saturate (coming soon!) to grasp everything I am saying, but I want you to understand this just in case you are just picking up reading this testimony. The Holy Spirit is absolutely a friend that you cannot afford to live without. He begins to plead on our behalf with unspeakable yearnings.

Verse 27, “And he who searches the hearts of man, knows what is the mind of the Spirit.”

The Spirit intercedes and pleads before God on behalf of the saints. At that moment, the Spirit of the living God was praying through me, interceding. God’s will, and God’s will for my life was that I should not die, but I should live to declare the mighty praises of God. So the Spirit of God was interceding. The Spirit of God was praying on my behalf as I was praying in the Spirit.

In verse 28 it says, “We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.”

I have come to a belief several months ago that there is something

beyond what we have ever experienced before regarding God taking care of those He loves. There is even something more for those who pray in the Holy Ghost.

It says in the prior verse that the Spirit of God prays through us,

searches the mind of the Spirit, intercedes on our behalf, and then it follows up with ‘all things working together for good to and for them that love God and are called according to His purpose.’

If you keep this in context, you see that God does something about

things working together for the good of those who love God, and who are tongue-talkers. I believe with all my heart that because I pray in the Holy Ghost, as Brother David does also, that God was working on our behalf in that situation.

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I want to share with you how very valuable it is for you to pray in

tongues. We have a comprehensive study that you need to read, about the Holy Ghost, but there are a few things you need to grasp right now. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you have direct access to the Father.

When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you know how to pray. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, your mind is not in the way. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you do not have to find the

English words to communicate what you are trying to say, the Spirit does that for you.

When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you do not pray in fear. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you are not praying opinions or

what you think the answer is. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you bypass logic. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you are in the realm of the

Spirit; you are in the language of God. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you are in His realm.

See, the biggest thing that you and I struggle with is trying to get in

sync with God, trying to get Him in our realm or us trying to get in His realm. We are not walking in sync with the Lord, and I believe the purpose of the Spirit and of speaking in other tongues is that we begin to get in sync with the Holy Ghost, to the Father. We begin to walk in His timing, in His ways, in His methods, and in His plan and no longer are we sitting there, battling the natural mind and the natural realm.

We have now yielded to the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God is

causing all things to work together for the good of them that love God and are called according to His purpose.

Why is it so significant for you and me to pray in the Spirit of

God? We are incapable and we are full of lack and unbelief and doubt. We need to bypass all that human reasoning and we need to get around all of that. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, you bypass all of that and you are talking directly to the Father by the Spirit of God.

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God has made this wonderful gift for you and me to use. It will take us farther and it will help us to accomplish more.

We will accomplish greater exploits. We will get more things done for the Lord. We will have happier families. We will have better marriages. We will make more money. And we will have more fulfillment, the more that we let the Holy

Spirit get involved in our life How we do that, how we get the Spirit of God more involved in

our lives, is simply by praying in tongues.

You can pray in tongues at will whenever you want to. There is a diversity of gifts of the Spirit, and you can begin to pray in the Spirit at will. Everyday, schedule time for prayer and pray in the Holy Ghost. Three words in the Holy Ghost will go further and do more for your life than praying all day in English because when you pray in the Holy Ghost, you’re praying the language of God.

God wants you to do great and mighty exploits. God wants to bring you through diverse situations. God wants you to live to declare the mighty praises of God, to rise

above everything that tries to destroy your life. Every dart the enemy shoots at your life, God wants to make fall

worthless at your feet. God has given you the gift of the Holy Ghost, the gift of praying in other tongues, to help you to accomplish that.

I just exhort you, in the name of the Lord, to use that wonderful

gift. Start praying in the Spirit today. If you do not have the wonderful baptism of the Holy Spirit, you need to receive that gift right now. I want to pray for you if you do not have that wonderful gift. The Spirit of the Lord is going to begin to come on you and you are going to begin to speak in a heavenly language that you never knew and it’s going to come on you.

Now, if you haven’t prayed in the Holy Ghost for a long time, I am

going to pray that the Spirit of God will begin to stir that up in you so

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that you will start to pray again. Will you do me a favor? Once you get that gift, will you start to exercise that gift and use it everyday of your life?

Paul said, “I pray in the Spirit more than you all”. I believe that is

why Paul was mighty. I believe that is why Paul saw vast miracles. I believe that is why Paul had so many revelations. He practiced this awesome gift of the Holy Ghost. Let me pray for you right now. I want you to receive that gift. I want your life radically changed, and it will happen. God will radically change you from the inside out and the outside in. You will never be the same again as you yield your life to the Holy Ghost.

“Father, right now I pray for the people who are reading this book. I pray for the mighty, mighty gift of the Holy Spirit right where they are. I pray, Lord, that the Spirit of the Lord will come on them and they will start to get stammering lips and the presence of God will come on them and Lord, I pray for the heavenly language to well up within them. Lord that they will start to speak in unknown tongues.; in syllables they do not understand, in things that do not make sense. Lord, in things beyond their logic, Father. Lord, let it bubble within and even within the privacy of where they are at, they are hearing this prayer, they are reading this prayer. Lord, I pray that You will do this supernaturally. Father, minister to them by the power of the Holy Ghost. Fill them now in Jesus’ name with the evidence of the Holy Ghost by speaking with other tongues. Be filled; be filled in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.”

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As I rose up the day after the accident, which was Monday

morning October 2, 2006, I was very emotional. I was laying there just kind of weeping; just weeping before the Lord and grateful that God spared my life just 12 hours earlier. I was overwhelmed by the power and the might of God. I was thinking about how He somehow got a 250-pound guy like me out a small side window of a van in split-second timing, and somehow, kept me miraculously moving far enough and fast enough to keep me in front of that van.

I was very overwhelmed as I reminisced in my mind what God

had done. I thought of the great sorrow He spared my three beautiful daughters and my wonderful wife from. It was a very, very emotional time, and as I just began to praise Him, praying in the Holy Ghost (which I do all the time), just kind of, ‘God, where do I go from here? What do You want to say to me? What is on Your heart, God? Because I’m all ears, and I’m all Yours.’ As I continued to just bask in the presence of God that morning, God truly did begin to speak to me in a very profound way.

He took me to the book of 1 Kings, where in the 18th chapter, most of it tells an incredible story. I’m going to pick it up around verse 21-22:

“Elijah came near to all the people and said, How long will you halt and limp between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him! But if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. Then Elijah said to the people, I, I only, remain a prophet of the Lord, but Baal's prophets are 450 men.”

What began to transpire right here was that the man of God rose up because the people had lost their absoluteness that God was God. They began to see the false prophets rising up, very similar to our day: the psychics rising up, the worldly things rising up. People go to church now, and they don’t really see God’s manifested presence, so

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they begin to flip between the two, back and forth. ‘Well, I’ll serve the world…well I’ll serve God.’ –or– ‘When I need God, I’ll serve God.’

Well, the man of God, Elijah, watched this and he became intolerant of it. The morning after the accident I realized the enemy had tried to take out three preachers, and I was upset. I was very upset. And as I laid there praying, God began to reveal this through 1 Kings 18, and it opened my spirit up.

I was getting stirred up because the Prophet of God didn’t

appreciate the enemy thinking he could do whatever he wanted to do, and I did not appreciate the enemy thinking that he could just come and take out three preachers as he wanted. Throughout the entire evening prior, I was saying in the hospital, I was saying to the police, I was saying in the ambulance, and I was saying to my missionary friend David Newberry, I was saying to the pastor, and anybody that would listen: “The devil should have killed us when he had the chance because he’s going to regret that he didn’t.”

As I read through this story in verses 25-27, I had that prophetic indignation rising up in me, if I may, of ‘how dare the enemy attempt to do this’.

“Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, Choose one bull for yourselves and dress it first, for you are many; and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it. So they took the bull given them, dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, O Baal, hear and answer us! But there was no voice; no one answered. And they leaped upon or limped about the altar they had made. At noon Elijah mocked them, saying, Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is musing, or he has gone aside, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.”

Here we see Elijah saying, ‘Hey, my God is real, and He is

mighty.’ And that’s what I really want to say to you. The day after, what was pulsing through my veins, was that God is

alive and well, and the gods of Baal, call them psychic gods (whatever

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you would like), are nothing to God Jehovah. And so I was stirred in my spirit and God began to speak to me, and I said, “God what are You going to do? How are You going to respond to this attempt of the false gods, or the attempt of the enemy, that tried to take us out? How are we going to respond? What are we going to say God? What is on Your heart?”

And I began to cry out to God, and God began to stir in me deeper

and deeper, and I started to share with David and Pastor Sonny that God was going to answer just like He answered in 1 Kings 18. He was going to demonstrate His anointing. He was going to demonstrate and defend His name.

I began to get very excited as I began to pray throughout the day, which is the norm when we are traveling a lot. I just knew that something phenomenal was going to begin to happen. In verse 29:

“Midday passed, and they played the part of prophets until the time for offering the evening sacrifice, but there was no voice, no answer, no one who paid attention.”

Here again, nothing is happening at all as they cry out loud. In

verses 30-34:

“Then Elijah said to all the people, Come near to me. And all the people came near him. And he repaired the [old] altar of the Lord that had been broken down [by Jezebel]. Then Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord came, saying, Israel shall be your name. And with the stones Elijah built an altar in the name [and self-revelation] of the Lord. He made a trench about the altar as great as would contain two measures of seed. He put the wood in order and cut the bull in pieces and laid it on the wood and said, Fill four jars with water and pour it on the burnt offering and the wood. And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.”

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I want you to picture this please. Here, the other ones are yelling. They’re screaming. They’re crying. They’re trying to get their god to answer, and Elijah’s over there getting his altar prepared. He knows in whom he serves. He knows that his God will answer.

That’s where God wants to take you; to that place where you know

that God will answer when you cry out to Him. Elijah is so confident in his God that he’s saying, ‘Now that we’ve made the altar, we’re going to challenge the god of Baal. Now go get four barrels of water.’ They got three barrels of water. It goes on through verse 34 and 35. They poured the three barrels of water on it until the altar was dripping with water, and the water filled the trenches around the altar. Verses 36-38:

“At the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet came near and said, O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant and that I have done all these things at Your word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You, the Lord, are God, and have turned their hearts back [to You]. Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust, and also licked up the water that was in the trench.”

Friend, I’m telling you, coming out of that wreck, I am declaring

to you that God wants to send fire. God told me He wanted to send the fire of the Lord to that revival, and there was not even standing room left.

Night after night, there were people coming, and they were being

saved. They were being healed. God was healing blind eyes. God was healing deaf ears. Cancers were going in the name of Jesus. We were having a visitation of the Lord, and God was answering with fire.

Friend, I want you to know that as you are in a perplexing situation that the God of Heaven is going to answer by fire. He is going to answer by a supernatural demonstration of His power into your life, to demonstrate His might, and to demonstrate who He is.

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Do not settle for less. Do not serve other gods. Do not serve the god of pleasure, the god of sex, the god of drugs,

and all that there is to offer out there. Young people, it’s your time; it’s your generation. Church, it’s your time;,time to rise up and to see God do great

exploits in His name.

Just as God saved three preachers on October 1, 2006 to declare the praises of the most-high God, God is putting this word into your hands. You are coming across this book soveriegnly by the Spirit of the living God. He’s saying to you with every bit of clarity that He can!

God is a God of fire! God is real! God is supernatural, and He will answer on your behalf!

All God is requiring of you is to sell out to Him, and to serve Him

with all your heart. As you do, you are going to see the miraculous power of the living God manifested before you in your life. Your life will never be the same. God bless you, lets pray:

“Father, supernaturally, by the power of the living God, let hearts be converted. Let sinners repent this moment, and turn their life to You the living God. God I ask you to answer with fire in their life. Come down and prove yourself mighty in their midst, and in their situation. I speak for miracles to be released; financial miracles and breakthroughs. I declare it right now in the name of Jesus. Father I speak to sickness, I speak to incurable diseases. Lord I speak to situations that nothing can repair. Lord I speak to marriages that are being broken up Father because of indifferences and I speak for them to be mended supernaturally by the power of God. Unexplainable but absolute. In the name of Jesus I command change to come by the authority of God’s Word of whose servant I am, and whom I serve. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.”

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1. If you are not a Christian. Give your life to Him right NOW.

Tell Him you are sorry for sinning, and ask Him to forgive you. Now turn away from your sins.

2. Read the Word and Pray everyday.

Start in the Book of John. Talk to Him like a friend.

3. Tell 5 people that you just gave your heart to the Lord.

We overcome the enemy by the word of our testimony. 4. Get into fellowship with people of similar beliefs.

Find some people that love God. They come in many sizes and styles. 5. Begin to ‘Live to Give’.

Give everywhere you can; to church, to missions, to the needy, whatever! If you want financial blessing, you must sow finances.

6. Start your giving at 10% of your Gross income and start working up.

It’s not what you hold on to that God uses. It’s what you give away. 7. Go to our website and contact with us.

I want to know what God has done and I want to pray for you. http://www.miraclelifenow.com

If we have been a blessing to you, please let us know that our labor is not in vain WE LOVE YOU. GOD IS MIGHTY AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT HE CANNOT DO. JESUS CAN, AND HAS, RESTORED ALL THINGS.

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ABOUT THE AUTHORS Terry & Donna Kruse are the founders of Prosperity Now! Ministries and co-founders of Miracle Life Global Ministries. They have spent over 30 years in the ministry, preached on three continents to crowds of over 25,000, established three churches, and developed many evangelistic ministries. They have now dedicated their ministry to activating the Body of Christ to preach the Gospel, to teaching Kingdom Finance and revealing Total Restoration to the Body on the Cross. Terry and Donna have been happily married for 27 years. They have three precious daughters; Trina, Natty and Jessy. Contact:

Prosperity Now! Ministries [email protected] www.miraclelifenow.com Miracle Life Global Ministries [email protected] www.miraclelifenow.com

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Check out I DID NOT DIE, Terry’s amazing testimony of being saved from a life-or-death accident.

This exciting book shows

how he was miraculously delivered from certain death, and what he has done with his newfound passion for life.

Also, check out

Prosperity Now! Financial Revival to learn about the prophetic rains that fell to confirm the word of the Lord! This hot testimony of how God intends to fulfill His covenant of total provision, total supply won’t last long!!

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