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I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01...

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I ( J \ l " • 1 ' . . ,. _ .... - '. .' oJ \ ., I. , .. 'f p . -- .. .. ., ...... roO t4LL.;HiJ!t .. OF WHATEVER STAT& OR PERSUASION, RBLlGJOUB 0& •. .- . I I" 7 P *81' , 1 r sU , ' ".' '. ' i ;' : I: i r. II. "',: CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1864. .J' NO. ii. 'b ' tA ,," ., 11 .. ;;",1 ::CLUJ ,I .... ,. " . . " T '1i • " 1"- lIitror,1 lona fttlm ev.ry oautoo, not onty for Old Olotbes ami Old Pepple. ·utihNNE. Ita eni61ment, bnt to take part in il- There are two in one word ; life her •• in ita rich and aeniora, inkl , 'I!hicIt_l&r .. r.wpte\i1 RO. 1. ala . 10 fall wile. 11'11- .fiJ,Id. oarael ... ,Lanaaone i ...... er1 1I0lU'iBbing city. "L_' .me the wane. DecliDiJJ, ladieay esneciaLly " a," .. ,.;A , "'-" "). :n-. ,, I. , •. \1'hI. pOD'{ .continnation 0 t e "II IlDle . d I"" . b' ''VVl'I •., Bern,. and G.tnova. It ie Ibo Iar. ' _ ' . .. marne ani more ""gn. rt mk. ... whon Qbeen Burtba spun," tban elr1'6raonal ap- ., .. - ..... ·Wl, · . ... in S"'it&.,land. and Ilnmb.. tt Dear " . , . I 'f ' 20 Qq "Tli'ore IS another fealure in Lau- peaJ:BDce wb.Uh e/ co'DcIDIIS.tb&t, ........ Y.I Dut qUlle, .0 wh l cb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their dcJ.i Tbe inbabiwnle a ... (lilviniltl. 00 •• . notspeak or..tate ",iJr.. ""In ollce. on Buuday afternoona. Ddt patties &Dd ful41t§B* 'Dilll: 'but of IS , . lIlJDoerevery bod, &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly 1lfe. I ; and,lndeed., ,i. tli, touel 6t cboral liogmg 'bive. reacb..o No .. , however. is th. 1ln1tJ, ' ilbhtf "ill eODlidefod Wb10b,8 Th t ' .. ' a f "bllD the wife.·lIJult \det""""'''!. g/T e. aile ooel proll'le rom .' . . ... _ to pulltio worship. tbat it "ould bo bo ..... - '''b h ,. d h'ldr 1 to r.. main tho pleiUlin; wi ..... I .' . w_'" 'II. pDreD .. an e I ep ce - b J h ,"\,0 \Y. - fI: ' . ...... -'-11. gardod an olf"noB of wbicb t.be ''PUblic .. 2O ' , .' I er . 0 n u_18on s au:OctiEfi '. ehral" 'Tbey last, b,. ne WeBS, taste an'll IIP",,PJi. III-Uti. «Iveo by dnvlng a camage refo _bieb bu of the i!aogbte"8Ii1q1pingllbdJ,'&IId' would take tbe 'edtifi tbe worlit ' "rtbe 8pirii in Ibe nrill1 ofdreaa. flili'fi4.·. througb the cit!, during Che Ilo.e nto tbe IbD&rmo8t of b"fe iu the hnaband hard al w:ork · divine aervice. . I' . '. la DO fetillon why abe Iboul" .entar . ... OD-t\lIIidillJ.l .' sODI. wblcb baa converted do· family circle wtth rumJlled bait. Bnt. 10 100D all the .orvloe&. ate eod· mAlitia 10 anallar"" cap. tor nnfastened' gdwn: 'The : ed. the day il devoted tv riety alld A da1.. III' weekI. or monthl prettillit Wom8D io 'file ritJd.'tIIbald be WALDB 9. recreation. Mosio, dl!nciolg, tbe even. t$y he very Y,leasaotly iodeed apoil ed by such iD ber •. and' oommoo amuaemeolB proceed lie uaual. P888e4-ik Tbere are maoy Tho . /lIOrD d lIiblr rfi ,the .- , room aD tIC en. mal e pe ol1l1e III wltbont IIpprelulUaion of any 'W")hg who dlllot \, aa a '8ullllller r81lIdenC8 . 6ttiog.1idy oOlitome. aud tho., II.&JmIJII):Co1nrtJo. <CoR!fl J' doing, All in Frauce. 10' iD Switzer. Wben IIviait.d Launnue in the sum. for pallor habiliments eqoan,'tlctt'aDit 1 .JI. Ialld. the .plae", of amoeement in the tbere were lIe\tenll Ii6n. 8tUng. The oUhatda,' i!roVil IIf oo.lroll. are crowded Witb vieitora. dred .IIt.:deut Enr;lidl iu it. f<lflD4Dg ;. be .... '. ,rt"l " . ., to her poaltion &Dd 8& •• ,the All Xincla Bo;rello nery tblltg nhlhlt. a tbab of cravee for TOri"ty k.,eDly.is the .., UBU,I apP0f,rance of piety. Sunda)' . ... . Ubwiia in ; ""d 1 ' I1hltelll. ii glllumy (ormllJity. wbiob eeema 10 b, .. IRD in a few otber cities the llaud801,D8. For. thought by lome eesentiAI 10 pioly-il neDt of E'lrop .. :" the 1 Ila"e a banpl'OIIle tbere , niats , moro thllll ODO D LAO III 8 H J: T H .... beauty. 'rhere the beaulT of i. , regarded ralher a8 a fVIst Iban Iitlle church of tbeir own to wOI'lihip in the beanty or tOllth. the beau. SOU'1'111N'G'roN. OON.'I. Hone Shoeing done tbe Old Shop, Connerly ",:copled by W • Smith. n62m I Prints oulj 18c. , Pl"(nts onl), IS". w. 'lID """Un". to IOl\ PrIllII U t8_ D1IIt88 GOOP8 eqUllUT -Po BRADLEY. WooDHUFF &: co . fuat-belng tbe day dedicated to the There a.e cbeaper places of IlJaturity; and, beli.eY6 Ule. udiea pn-aching of the gOlpel wbiob broogbt Iholn LaosanDe, but few, or none. al\O. geotierueD. tbe bea.uty of age. if "Jlad lidlngl of great joy to all ,elh., preferable to it. J, is prefer- I do not spoi.1 it by Iour Olm . 'll'aDt . .. ' of Judgmeot. any .. go a "Qme pie." 10 Geneva. Ita 81stor mty. f()r tbe ma be becomio 1 d ' .. , F r b • b b'ita fLa " h' . b a1h Th" y g 1. p.n . p ew 0 t e III a nllo neaone. re ... on, t at It 18 lIfore e y. IS IS LI,."saod, Tbe o\oer error-the 1II0re observel a distillgnislt..d traveler- proved b1 the bllle 01 mortality. and pardonable of the two. .. bo",. Mila B"mel-" aredqb, bot many are II cerlai,nl,lO be attribdled&o itagrei/ot- an .amiable IC>'Ve of approba.tlO? a In e.lY cirolllllBtancea, and life II er bte.ation above the water of the doslkro to ij .!'P ea . . wea ne8&--lll II eontinu.aUon ... 0 COlI- s. TOMLINSON, pIe, They meet at lulle tea luppera. i lake. The mill are numerOlllJ, and ge .. lume and decorations of 1 0uth arter wi&hollt lusury or preleulion. Thoy orally very good. of tbe Holel ' the1 bave ceded to be fittiDg pma. I I . n i':'rWr"""C,'tT cnllveree on the ll'rrlcea. among.t Gibbon il tbe beet, and pnjoys a world· mooll WIla.rer's age. [m9ll! . £t.IlI..I..I.i) Bowers witb U.e Alps beforo tbem as .,ide r'pulation, Tbe promonadn of Ibat ladles ID geDora! are II11l1 Ofllce eo&ys· their and the lovely lake at MonlLenoo Dear it-the terrace. and tOf the .mistake me::., Offiee over .tore of A: ruu ey . , . 0 '" 0 each ... tWlll be _t lhblr roPt. The mar-. ,,<althy occnpy gardena-the walke and rtde. 10 and play tbemulus in socioty in white u _ __ aorff Ibemlelvel muc.b wilb improving tbe arool,d Lausanoe. and tbe excnrsions!IDUalill , , . of the and e'peeiall,. on the Lake of Geueva. or Lam ..n, and lell and a "d .• pmk s!sh ti64 behmS, R04STINO A YeA,erLl .. y ,,·lth Ibe education uf tbe children. I '0 tbe nnmerona hei,bta near. tbe CiIY.1 in contriderabU'b 0.£ old I t' . 1 II fA at I 8"ldler'8 rest . . I ' I bucks witb t ell' p.... e 8U ItiUItBa ' one n ,p I" , I, ' k I " • With these magDlfioent lurroundl"g8, are ct.arm!Dg. F. A. H. ( .... ace their ",Ig" their ",II knowD fill' .rllm oxp ...... . ' " I or .. -, ... . ..,hlle in tlla t:8urti r"om picked up S IlseemB tame that human beloge be. . ••• jewelry. thou p,erfnmel. and even lhell' loaded ten I,oolld Parrot reo Dlore limple, truo. aDd earoe81 ; After tbe UDlon bOy8 took Lookout rogue, . . . ( .muting Ibat WR8 on' of the thlnge "to Iii" il calm. occupied. and full of kind. Mountain, a rebel aoldier wbo bad coo- DitkitN IlrJv#ltdd WortIs . oI']Y me,,'s lUll II." I,ltcbed it into 1,1 influ;oce.. oeaLod him'l'lf.came oot of his bidiDg .i oBlOve. closed Ihe toot. alldThiald qui· " The grand time of Lausanne, tbe plaoe. munnted .. large rock. threw off' troll says that 'D. 11, . dowD In frun. of IL ere weI'(' . . . I Pr tiC6 th ,.nowned wit, and ripU; I .lifrl f. nr auI4!.rs In Ihe tiOle WbBII Voltalre-monarob of WII8-1 hi. hal and coal. and. sbaklng blmae f en . • e . ill rA_.' t_ .otne 3 0>: - ' . , ted edItor of the Loul8v e ..... &&nIIU, IS ruom ..I the tllljr!'; .tid a8 Ihe .hot went "eld h" conrt there, II past; but lta j like a cb,cl!eD freed froOl damp cOD611e- ainking cI<leper and , COllie- !n ' a' tbe r lime. SoemB to me to be, tbe prel' menl. exclaimed ... Boll\' are YOU, South- queoee of his illtemporaWha14t!!-· The Jo rit 1 of rut bero e enL ADd especIally tb e condition of erb CuufederaC1,n paper bas loog linoe puled llOm his .MUb. .!Jel"!' tI the cou0tT)'. witb ita daily work, ita • • • oonlrol. botb 6:nanoiaUv aUd' editDriaIl1. hr. q 0 U "".I no It b h b I "d ' This ie ead . , ,, injared. of parties. ita for T ere avo een twe .... IUICI ell In ' ••• Thl!' 9'1iorl'8 In of the ItB ga1 popu· Bnrlingtou. Cono. the . .. There's musioin dreama," said opi,Dlbb lat feetivals. UDUO aU olllllsel- twenty·!i vo 1eara. and Ita poplllatlon 18 old gentlem,,,tr, . pafa:fM tbo mall Helvetian '1IIl1IinaI featival oDly 1,000. What is the matiin' wid! Aid his Wifh;t.lM ttJ..'w of .bill t.plilqe . Wb'flI,..Oit D. '. Ilnnaa!1r 6daeva per- ' , it, estept fi sQOfa. 4 '.
Page 1: I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l 'PJJt!J ... &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly

• I




l "

• 1 ' . .,. _ .... -' .

,~ , .' oJ \ ., I. , .. 'f p.-- .. .. ., ......

:,,·!jQP~'ir.,'!.#.p .~QT:,roiri~ roO t4LL.;HiJ!t .. OF WHATEVER STAT& OR PERSUASION, RBLlGJOUB 0& ~LtTICA'L."~~ •. .- . I I" 7 P *81' , 1 r • sU , '".' '. ' • i ; '

: i:~~., I: i r. II. • "',: ' ~~ ,;;SQifi'.aWQ'rON. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1864. .J' NO. ii. '!.~" ~N~'~··~'~-~·~'~~·~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'b ' tA ,," .,

11 .. ;;",1 ::CLUJ ,I .... ,. " . . "

T '1i ~ • " 1"-~~ lIitror,1 lona fttlm ev.ry oautoo, not onty for Old Olotbes ami Old Pepple. ·utihNNE. Ita eni61ment, bnt to take part in il- There are two ~me.,.'iiIt'I'I""e1" '

• in one word ; life her •• in ita rich and aeniora, inkl ,'I!hicIt_l&r .. r.wpte\i1 RO. 1. ala . 10 fall wile. 11'11- .fiJ,Id. oarael ... ~ JlI!Q~

,Lanaaone i ...... er1 1I0lU'iBbing city. "L_' "1I01~ eh~~?llefr, Jj~e~pdlO .me the wane. DecliDiJJ, ladieay esneciaLly

"a," ~IoJtm, .. ,.;A, "'-" ").:n-.,, N~7 I., •. \1'hI. pOD'{ .continnation 0 t e "II IlDle . d I"" . '-~I' b' ~ r-:J~\t"~l ''VVl'I ~ •. , Bern,. and G.tnova. It ie Ibo Iar. ' _ ' . .. marne ~e8, ani more ""gn. rt mk.

... whon Qbeen Burtba spun," tban men,Ita'ner;so~6 elr1'6raonal ap-., .. - . .... ·Wl, · .... in S"'it&.,land. and Ilnmb .. tt Dear " . , . 'D:.~" B'.aJVlllAN~ I 'f ' 20 Qq "Tli'ore IS another fealure in Lau- peaJ:BDce wb.Uh • e/ co'DcIDIIS.tb&t,

........ Y.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l'PJJt!J;a.~IlB_ ~ dcJ.i l~" " Tbe inbabiwnle a ... (lilviniltl. 00 •• ·!Jl.~ . notspeak or..tate o~i!lll§/f!0!':9t4iP"

",iJr .. ""In ollce. on Buuday afternoona. Ddt patties &Dd ful41t§B* 'Dilll: 'but of


, .

lIlJDoerevery bod, &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly ~eeting ~. ~oiile&ttb 1lfe. I

~:~~'~~!=~!~;~~; ' ; and,lndeed., 80,~CI~ ,i. tli, touel 6t cboral liogmg 'bive. reacb..o No .. , however. is th. 1ln1tJ, ' ilbhtf "ill p~tlDd eODlidefod Wb10b,8 t~.t.ac Th t ' .. ' a f o~ber~ "bllD the wife.·lIJult \det""""'''!. g/T e. aile ooel proll'le rom . ' . . ... _ to pulltio worship. tbat it "ould bo bo ..... - '''b h ,. d h'ldr 1 to r .. main tho pleiUlin; wi ..... "'Dd~~ I .' . w_'" 'II. pDreD .. an e I ep ce - b J h ~.L. ,"\,0 \Y. - fI:'

....... -'-11. gardod an olf"noB of wbicb t.be ''PUblic .. 2O ' , . ' I er . 0 n u_18on s au:OctiEfi ~ . ~~7i=~n~~~~[1~~~ '. ehral" ~dke'ther r~tly "or~~lp. 'Tbey last, b,. ne WeBS, taste an'll IIP",,PJi.

.Bl~WlJld~~ III-Uti. «Iveo by dnvlng a camage refo _bieb bu laken ' tIi81it~ of the i!aogbte"8Ii1q1pingllbdJ,'&IId' would take oogDlzan~e. ~o dlet~rb tbe 'edtifi tbe worlit '"rtbe 8pirii in Ibe nrill1 ofdreaa. 'l'h~. flili'fi4.· .

througb the cit!, during Che Ilo.e Clll1r~ nto tbe IbD&rmo8t of b"fe iu the hnaband hard al w:ork ,.~hia ~lJiQO-a1l, · ,~:J:;~~ divine aervice. . I' . '. la DO fetillon why abe Iboul" .entar . ... OD-t\lIIidillJ.l .' sODI. wblcb baa converted tb~ do· family circle wtth rumJlled bait.

-~~~~~~~~~~~~'~"'"7'" Bnt. 10 100D all the .orvloe&.ate eod· mAlitia ~arUt 10 anallar"" cap. tor nnfastened' gdwn: 'The : • ~.. ed. the day il devoted tv riety alld A ~ . da1.. III' weekI. or monthl prettillit Wom8D io 'file ritJd.'tIIbald be

WALDB 9. recreation. Mosio, dl!nciolg, an~ tbe even. t$y he very Y,leasaotly iodeed apoiled by such ~ins iD ber &oiIlltt~ • . ~ttornell and' oommoo amuaemeolB proceed lie uaual. P888e4-ik Labll~bue. Tbere are maoy Tho ./lIOrD

d IkO~8h4utles,'VJjb lIiblr

rfi,the ~~d- .-

, room aD tIC en. mal e pe ol1l1e III wltbont IIpprelulUaion of any 'W")hg who dlllot \, aa a '8ullllller r81lIdenC8. 6ttiog.1idy oOlitome. aud tho., cbang~ '

II.&JmIJII):Co1nrtJo. <CoR!fl J' doing, All in Frauce. 10' iD Switzer. Wben IIviait.d Launnue in the sum. for pallor habiliments eqoan,'tlctt'aDit 1

:au~y .JI. efJJ''l'~~I1'J',:, Ialld. the .plae", of amoeement in the lIlerot~1850, tbere were lIe\tenll Ii6n. 8tUng. The faabio~ oUhatda,' i!roVil • ~.JlI!(&ot.na:oJ', IIf , ~ oo.lroll. are crowded Witb vieitora. dred .IIt.:deut Enr;lidl iu it. f<lflD4Dg ;. be ~ef.lec\e~ ~ .... OIlUlill~eJ8.

'. ,rt"l " . ., to her poaltion &Dd 8& •• ,the All Xincla Bo;rello nery tblltg nhlhlt. a UI~~e tbab 8Ilclet11 .ltog~er Uld,pel\d~nt of cravee for TOri"ty k.,eDly.is the

• .., UBU,I apP0f,rance of piety. Sunda)' . U'l~~ .... Ubwiia in ; ""d 1 ' I1hltelll.

ii glllumy (ormllJity. wbiob eeema 10 b, .. IRD in a few otber cities o~ the llaud801,D8. For. thought by lome eesentiAI 10 pioly-il neDt of E'lrop .. :" the1 Ila"e a banpl'OIIle tbere , niats ,moro thllll ODO

D LAO III 8 H J: T H.... beauty. 'rhere ~ the beaulT of i. , regarded ralher a8 a fVIst Iban Iitlle church of tbeir own to wOI'lihip in • the beanty or tOllth. the beau. SOU'1'111N'G'roN. OON.'I.

Hone Shoeing done ~ tbe Old Shop, Connerly ",:copled by W • ~. Smith. n62m


Prints oulj 18c. , Pl"(nts onl), IS".

w. 'lID """Un". to IOl\ PrIllII U t8_ D1IIt88 GOOP8 eqUllUT -Po


fuat-belng tbe day dedicated to the There a.e cbeaper places of IlJaturity; and, beli.eY6 Ule. udiea pn-aching of the gOlpel wbiob broogbt Iholn LaosanDe, but few, or none. al\O. geotierueD. tbe bea.uty of age. if "Jlad lidlngl of great joy to all ,elh., preferable to it. J, is prefer- I yo~ do not spoi.1 it by Iour Olm . 'll'aDt

. .. ' of Judgmeot. ~t any .. go a "Qme pie." ,bl~ 10 Geneva. Ita 81stor mty. f()r tbe ma be becomio 1 d ' ~eti,8ingb

.. , F r b • b b'ita fLa " h' . b a1h Th" y g 1. p.n . p ew 0 t e III a nllo neaone. re ... on, t at It 18 lIfore e y. IS IS LI,."saod, Tbe o\oer error-the 1II0re observel a distillgnislt .. d traveler- proved b1 the bllle 01 mortality. and pardonable of the two. b~Jl~e ~t .. bo",. Mila B"mel-" aredqb, bot many are II cerlai,nl,lO be attribdled&o itagrei/ot- an .amiable IC>'Ve of approba.tlO? an~ a In e.lY cirolllllBtancea, and life II er bte.ation above the water of the doslkro to ~Iea&. !-ho~hof ij .!'P ea

. . wea ne8&--lll II eontinu.aUon ... 0 COlI-

s. TOMLINSON, pIe, They meet at lulle tea luppera. i lake. The mill are numerOlllJ, and ge .. lume and decorations of 10uth arter wi&hollt lusury or preleulion. Thoy orally very good. Th~ of tbe Holel ' the1 bave ceded to be fittiDg pma.

I I . • ni':'rWr"""C,'tT cnllveree on the ll'rrlcea. among.t Gibbon il tbe beet, and pnjoys a world· mooll f~r t~e WIla.rer's age. [m9ll! ~J . £t.IlI..I..I.i) • Bowers witb U.e Alps beforo tbem as .,ide r'pulation, Tbe promonadn of Ibat ladles ID geDora! are II11l1 addi~ted.

Ofllce Day....Jd:o~,. B~~I' 'l'aeId& eo&ys· their b~riElln: and the lovely lake at MonlLenoo Dear it-the terrace. and tOf the.mistake ~~ me::., Tb~munb ~: Offiee over .tore of A: ruu ey . , . 0 qWDquage!l"~ wu~en '" 0 •

each ... tWlll be _t lhblr roPt. The mar-. ,,<althy occnpy gardena-the walke and rtde. 10 and play tbemulus in socioty in white u ~~m!:" r;;::;:t~ _ __ aorff Ibemlelvel muc.b wilb improving tbe arool,d Lausanoe. and tbe excnrsions!IDUalill rroc~, wi~ th~ir lo~ka ~ ~n&-

, , . of the ~oor. and e'peeiall,. on the Lake of Geueva. or Lam .. n, and lell and a "d .• pmk s!sh ti64 behmS, R04STINO A I.oAn~DSnELL:-YeA,erLl .. y ,,·lth Ibe education uf tbe children. I '0 tbe nnmerona hei,bta near. tbe CiIY.1 in contriderabU'b ~ess '~daUdth~b 0.£ old

I t' . 1 II fA at I h~ 8"ldler'8 rest . . I ' I bucks witb t ell' p.... e 8U ItiUItBa ' one n ,p I" , I , ' k I " • With these magDlfioent lurroundl"g8, are ct.arm!Dg. F. A. H. ( m~col'~ .... ace their ",Ig" their ",II knowD fill' 1 . t.rulD-~ .rllm oxp ...... . ' " I or ~ .. -, ... . ..,hlle in tlla t:8urti r"om picked up S IlseemB tame that human beloge be. . ••• jewelry. thou p,erfnmel. and even lhell' loaded ten I,oolld Parrot iflen~lIlld reo c~me Dlore limple, truo. aDd earoe81 ; After tbe UDlon bOy8 took Lookout rogue, . . . ( .muting Ibat WR8 on' of the thlnge "to Iii" il calm. occupied. and full of kind. Mountain, a rebel aoldier wbo bad coo- DitkitN IlrJv#ltdd WortIs. oI']Y me,,'s lUll II." I,ltcbed it into t~e 1,1 influ;oce.. oeaLod him'l'lf.came oot of his bidiDg .i LoOi8villooo~;:p~~deDt of~Dl:' oBlOve. closed Ihe toot. alldThiald qui· " The grand time of Lausanne, tbe plaoe. munnted .. large rock. threw off' troll Adverti8~r says that Geo~& , 'D. 11, .dowD In frun. of IL ere weI'(' . . . I Pr tiC6 th ,.nowned wit, and ripU; I

.lifrlf. nr ·~ort., auI4!.rs In Ihe tiOle WbBII Voltalre-monarob of WII8-1 hi. hal and coal. and. sbaklng blmae f en . • e . ill rA_.' t _ .otne 3 0>: - • • ' . , ted edItor of the Loul8v e ..... &&nIIU, IS ruom .. I the tllljr!'; .tid a8 Ihe .hot went "eld h" conrt there, II past; but lta

j like a cb,cl!eD freed froOl damp cOD611e- ainking cI<leper and deepe~ ~ ,COllie-

!n 'a' n~~er mJII~ (raC~B. ~~ot tbe r lime. SoemB to me to be, tbe prel' menl. exclaimed ... Boll\' are YOU, South- queoee of his illtemporaWha14t!!-· The Jorit1 of tll~d~df 1I<1r:~t rut bero e enL ADd especIally tb e condition of erb CuufederaC1,n paper bas loog linoe puled llOm his tb~ .MUb. .!Jel"!' tI ~t~¥~'JC) l~t'~Vmaat~ the cou0tT)'. witb ita daily work, ita • • • oonlrol. botb 6:nanoiaUv aUd' editDriaIl1. ato~ hr. q 0 U "".I no It b h b I " d ' This ie ead . , ,, w"t~~rt;:'''wai· ilIr~Utllldll1g injared. ~al'lIicl of parties. ita in~~totione for T ere avo een twe .... IUICI ell In ' ••• Thl!' 9'1iorl'8 In ~a!gl(, . bel\l'~ of the IhI,I1u.~n~ adnn~6ment, ItB ga1 popu· Bnrlingtou. Cono. w~tbin the . la~t .. There's musioin dreama," said a~ opi,Dlbb tbat ,.~c bi!~tlb'dce' 8Ln1llcl lat feetivals. ~hlob. UDUO aU olllllsel- twenty·!ivo 1eara. and Ita poplllatlon 18 old gentlem,,,tr, . '."~ea, ~ tD.~·1be, pafa:fM ~':\'e 'rl~ ~We~a1. tbo mall Helvetian '1IIl1IinaI featival oDly 1,000. What is the matiin' wid! Aid his Wifh;t.lM ttJ..'w ~O~11Ig of .bill t.plilqe !~ . Wb'flI,..Oit D.'. Ilnnaa!1r ~ 6daeva per- BurliDcto~' ' , it, estept fi sQOfa.



Page 2: I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l 'PJJt!J ... &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly

• ~.J .~~, ~ .\.~ ~:~ 8114 cast all apPI!l\Ullli The leaden QlOuas were dropping - .

-,\~ .. m>~!'f;m~; , their misty v~il oVQr t..he ;;;iaf oity as DPO~ ~~~ brothl!r. , ;1..... '..: = ~ ... . -.' ..... It p;'.. t' "(To be cont.1nuod.) [CaIltlllue4 thl)ug;h to-hi"e thll',J~li~o and mioery

... ' , .. r l '

A few ell,!;f81.ty,rfll'd'm the eye. orH~"en, anet-ihe oUler ~ ~,~Ot0l aud thi' ""ug girt, It w~ 'wiiji a ,he~vy heart thllt : ~<f§'~l!.~'. ~ brothedtOIll. lhe- Warre.prwent to h:f:al'York ' :.awY~~Us one. • ..... . gather-" .uo-d tb-' l.MII;l1ib~. '-Uocb ~y hia applioation : • : W -'" .br-o'll-.....

"" -~.. y ., <JU81 ,.1 Barn',lJ hlive-llilme to'g~t your ad. • ..... ~"1iONllliiu.. closed bb'b1nd them, once more pnsa~d tbe busy throng, Somo le- vice in .. CAlle tltat II th'iug '\b~JlIome !.ARG~'" ANIl'~~~t~~~ Kir.~ llreaUied £reell·, keen, frosty that seon1 f~ce. wiUJ Ita firmly uouble." : ' • 8 0 0 a!I'-:callderl-tissed> htor oheek. lips aDd glowing eyes with 11'00- .. Well. :wti"t,ia 'bll mat tel: tI ' \~~tt f qp DS "

J . • .. s" ... r •.• 1efI, ~_~.Io~ • and ilia 'Illata seemed abine 1II0re otheril with Cill;ositl' but nooe Upp0811 now , 8I'id \bl' oUQIII., ~'U

"" • ' h . , lis ' ,. tl@\ " man had onll spring "f waler , 9 V:, ~.II. " •• lovinglY, as tbey 100~8J[jj ul-0n or 10 p .. nsed to pIty. Ab, s~1 b world I too ou \i'ialand a d hi" "lob" ,; "? • . .. , . U 8 .n,e.g,. Dr., !,"«lng TI",a"'riIlM Deptll-n4.-.lOnt bBrmisSicm of len-e. : ""lit' bome. much absorhed 10 your own , I'i'loresta. b~low ' shopld ,!luild .,. dB!!l ~qrl('8 wru"-o " ~1-U.LU'I:1

ward W'IIS in silence. t were ocen, I to deig)lll comp~68iouate thOUght npon II ~re.k £!Iro' both tbeir fa~m1j, "lid. it was S~:~I~~~' !¥~ 3~'i rilgb~ pied with their own ODII ' a poor, sorrowiog sister. That morn. , to bllck tbe ~ater up lOtI) the otber;;' , .,,,, •.

thougbJ An .Ma,,·, I ing she bad given h(jJ" I"a~ q"fn to Wi!, m~~~d~p~,::, d~h~~~~~~ ~t'J'1 ::J~tJ--mind, lind tbat, how sbe save her I lie, and though abe lorely ne~ded It, enid the law;er.' Who alwa:rrei'b . 1 '~B.EI" -idol from .. -drunkard's Sbe had , bad uttered no word of reproaob. She ell;cited in prcportioll to' Ill" IIggtava-" 'II

implote'd n~ to leave he knew to I Celt 8he conld. not long endoro this con· tion of his olients. .. You, can reooter ''tliat the:: 10"01 iJ'Il to be ~.i ~t tho be a C1UIIEI', but still hI!' to it 3S ; tlDual strain UpOD body and miud I heavy damages, air, and tbe Ir.w' will p.n .... t ....... n~" post ' Oftlee, " .

.. • I I " " 'make b.im p~,. weJ~ for it. JOlt gIve "'- "'-~ to a dearest blessing. she coo u BDt perha.pa, thought sbe. enter· I th • 'lId 1 I b" 'th A CHOT--~. .~"'" , . , . me e cu.e. a nllg" 1I!0(I"1 ,,,,,, ... """,. ."R ... ., not give him uP. 0 no. tbat would ! lUg the hUie dmgy workshop. "wheo i from him; and if be balnl, a grea~ deal IIAIB at1.B. ~ 'm ' . HooDB,' be TOO bitter. At tboy reacbed ! he sees me cold in Death'8 em brace, of pro pert", it will hrlllll:l blm up .ir," bl'"'"le;r.o 4 r' " •• the hOll8e called by home. All- : he will tnrn Crom his svit ways, 0 " Bd! Il\op. Barna," criedtqe terrified .. VilItoria-'CoUeI!BTbt,'J.&c. ceDding ,everal flights Btalr8 they I could it he 80 to die were sweet" applicant for legal ad1ico;" fl8 J .u.slli co

'I • ' 1 bOllt tbe dam. and it'a neighbor Jones Thc)se Bea1iHA.-l4'~ t n t" found themselves iD little room I Weanly tbe labor of the dllY waa , that O1OM the ~riug, and Ite tbrelliens ftJloU.o,u. •• ",\a ..... 0 whicb Mr.,. had so , performed, tbougb dhe brougbt a smile i to tine me," , »~"r$, left. a .!rort time befor~. Lighting the to more than ope sali [Me, by h~r kind I The keen lawyer hesitated a mOlDeot L, P. NOllTON I •

candle, abe -withdrew tiny cloth, words and gentle ways. Bh$ had r&- i before he tack~d his ship and bpI 00, _ ~tovIlIe, 111"" !8, lero,~ no:Jl!

, . . I "Ah I well Sir yoo sav you built a. R ad M 'd' ' - - - -. from the delicate bit of upon the I celved ber wages aod was walking , dam across that ~reek. 'What' lort 0' '8 ·v .lu.a e Clotldng. ~ble, aDehras about the. tea. : home In the gathering cluok. The Iirat ! a dam was that. sirY" 'J, . . ... beu ber brother her by I thougbt was c.f W lUie, She must just ' .. It w,as a milJ:'dllm." ,. --,,--eayil'ig: • '~ .. HM .... hop. .... ,,1 bUllllim sDlDe-l .. A m-uf-dam for grluwop1(mlJ. Hats, c~,., S~ Wl'rtP-

M I b' . d' Iltl"" CI DiI11't'ge'tilfd lily thing t. oy. t 109 nice an t~mphnG· "Perbaps" " PCI'''' Drn'W .. .......

d iu Y 8S. It wriB Jost tbaL" ' , ..... 0, I am not m the lust aod can- : -an how her beart leaped at the I Ud' . . . '

, . lb' An II IS a gOl>d nelghborhoodlbil'-,' ~TIars nll<l Cfn'atll ""d an kind. or n'dt eat.'" • , It loog t_U perhaps he wonld be h'm- is it 1" , Sbe cast upon biJp, a , r~' self, ber ' own Ilo.hle W iUie," Sbe ! ':,80 it ia, Bir, nnd you may well 0")1 : Gents' }'1I1"1l i,~lt illg floods,

Proachfdliiook. while. eye. fined : quiokeoed her pact!. but lis she drew Is(>. I I "A d II • hb b . h IIlwnYR 011 hnnd at th h his Rushed ' near home her heart faltoreu and it n a yO\lf nelg ors flog I eir '

wi I teao, A8. - eo , ' IlIr,In to b~ groond, do Ibey T' I Bra.dley '1lIl' ... ~, . &;'0 I ' che.ek, and, UDDa~ly bright eye. I was With trembling sbe opAned Ibe: .. Y8il. Air, all bot .Jooos." • 1- _. - _ . '~~tr~ _, DB • . . Approaching her, b;'1 hie hand I doo~. Bhe waB startled at aeelDg her ' .. ThOll it .s a great I'noJic cOI"'oll'l MAR'l\TN ' UN (IS, upon her 8boilider lind I brother with anotber young man, -both, ,ence, i. it not r' At the old ''''DU. baa Cor oaln

t. me88 .Y~U I' May. how yoo are , evidently IDloxicated. TLe latter aroee U T" he 80re it IA. I would 1I0t have j Beet, POl'k, "'aosage'l, t In b d t " these lat~ ao-i m .. klD~ an attempt 10 bow, exten:lb.I1Uttit,but rUthf tbllt:

ll J~jl"ao I", SUpt-

l· ......... __ Ponltry, &e.

yon mua $!! ea. , nor ° any 0 e, ml ,Sir. --_.an. D .... U,'I1!8D.

hours dhiil agree yoo-good . ded hIS hand and o .. ld: I .. .lou now," said the old 'awyer" TIIE ",. ", " d kis ' h I f h ,. G d ' '!' no I " '1 • PI .... U'" TO OI!.'T. YOUR uigM, pat, an slog • e e t t e 00 eveomg, "'S" "arren. , ron te, me that mao Jonea IS OOln. , .

rooU). tock a mi-hty .blUe 10 YOU the olher plalning jUbt "ec·Boo. the waler fro ,m ' . o how-she longed to herself ui!;l>l. I :n .. st Bay '0'" tHO .how u Yl1l1r dam .'IIPV~It. 10 Vue back iul', bid,' Clothing (Jut, or Cut

• : 'l liLllo spring anfl h. IB U.re"le,.illlt I.. ~ , • . ' ~ at his f.et-to tell him of deep, lhe d~al of pluLk, ,,, ,d II III dad I ml~nl.u on ... II II I L and Mi d t &. d

' .. ' ~ y . .. A ,a '''IV., I" •• av I. to a ' -e . Q. .vr er y~iDg love aho Celt h.m, tue 'orne and Stoll y"o 'I " I, m _n, , nod h,'11 t"o .. tbo d .~ , .. ; , , ':" • ~ ,I' '

agony he caused,her, an-that ShtJ rnadt· , . , \. \0 " d~ ,I, . ~ ·I , I ~ '1r,· ,lB m 1,;"WI.. it! B. ~ !I1~ , ~ I Mt

. A'" " , , • ft ~'7t1i,tll t'""~, '$ ..

seemed burning out . 810vd "ear lile ' ''A,r .... , .. "0' d, d·",'d I '. " , I BRAD&»Y'," WP~)J.Wl ~ CO·S ' . ill f I I h d I A ltuwutuu. clM!, ~'v~. the r .. UOWlhg ,' , ,'., . '

*.1;tlll~ b~tb ahe <!'laId at ee 0"1' IV .. at 10, o. .. acconnt or 'h~ Dlalt"er 11\ which he wlla L'a' -:t:'e" c;:n;l"'bo' ,,: .. t,;;:Lnon' her cheak8eomed to e blood In D,>o t be scured, ~I'"d Warr~n, I h"ed ten dollars by a poh~o mllK,"I, .. I. W jfI ,ul}1) ~ ~~O u • herveins,and tber& she where1uld her VISitor. '" kllu,,' I look pret- III Chi~"go for klclting up a row ala 1'0IJW!f1.CDlh~_~It'DI" he;teft ber, aD atill, so ber ' t1 rOllgh, but I WUUII well ell<lugh." I public ball: "T~e next III<lrDing t~u Sl':Ol:' "':ot ' H'Oslety

• 'd I" In'lge of the Pohce Oourt Reht for 101' "11 I white faclI"'-tuln~ tlie oor "Come, MaJ' •• ,,,,j hd brother. "IeI'M [ t d d h d GIO~e8or all kJulb

• I wGn IJWn, an e race I ve tile eftr- ." J;. • .' , , , througb which Wilhe pas.ed- , have supper a8 Roon aB P088lble. Bar- di'!Uy. ~ald h .. had heard 1)( th~ wu" .. Embro~ry, ' ~g'lJVorUls of And tbeh nard and I want to go down town. derful thing. I had acoomplidhed ,at .' :'" , .. 6Jh. , " tightTj'clattping Jler witb ber Tremblingly .he ,.eot aboot her ta8k. Bryan's Hall' IIDd w4s ' proud of Qlp. . I - Bm " thiu, JI3lriDgtl'l, &,ho II chair' laod when all was prop',reel sAated ber. was II proruiailtg young. mau Illld all thtt. ' 0 ~lD~ .-.,:

.. If 'th ' Thet> be off .. red a toast: " Gllilty or noi • C-n --"0 rum; ruDJ," shl! YOU,8e WI . the othera, but.t Boomed tha~ gniley?" 1 responded iD 1\ brief 'blJt ~-s- &c., &e.,

are robbing me of my my dar- I every b,t oC food would choke her. eloquent speech, sstting ,fortTi tP,!I 1m, WlIII.IbCll1Al14 pJ/j em, PlBCV AJlTIDLEB too ling, my idol I nrl!, IOU I 0 I Tbe,lwo yoong m~n kept up a coutinu· portanoe of tbe ot:Callfon ~bat b~d num"""" to menUon. II

my God, .;by wilt tbou It I" , aI 00 .. of nOli sense, occasio""lIy apeak. brought, U8 togetber. Aft~r 'th~ U1111,1I1 ,BIUDIlEY. W?,~R~ ~ CO

~Dr, toPg $11' 'tl}P8, uuill iog to May, to which .h. replied in. the ~ae;se~onJo8, Iloahed the olty teu dol- APPLES I

the candle died out in sotlket, aud br:eCeat manDer possible. Wben thel' • • • r I f::FTY Bt1Sa~¢'l#iMT'QUALITY a. ahIIJ. cmtlt. o.vei!. ber rEheo bad don oed Ihelr, bats ready fOr., Confederete mODeY' mnst. be in. -:"'~ ,10. " 0 >0,. , arising, I~~t her IlII \fiB dim .ttoU Bal'Jlllrd appn'acbed to wliere W&y do .. " Bomb, iHbe ~rovetbll"lJ1,)e xbU1='Y Ri'o',se't 4p:plea gr~ daWlJing .began to ~ M .. • i! t.l,a'l\ d h • .. .• bat all ill !'tllme wIn kill " a~g'. ', One Ai-~~. I ,

"J' • an 8J was 88., ,0 e.oril , AAI~, W~ •• e1ftt.o1spealao'tifa:e,apt.!ruPP.JI8illle, Oi.J:.IJZl"\I''' __ D..~''

BOon 80rrow Willi for·got.tenjlll trouhled aware, bad placed his hand fsmiliarly ted dog. I:Ilue.jldpaadfl .lD~' pi' AlI<\I'.I'I'IUU''''~ Apply IOOD Ie>

.Ieep. upon her sboulder? aDd attemllted' til periaaue." "'l .0: • ., ~,",. ~ Dec. ft~£t ~~




, . )

Page 3: I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l 'PJJt!J ... &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly

• -

unr trn'inll,ml

o( .. rtho , Hia.wasso: tb~nt " , pufSued tbe epomj' it ~df,eatEld clllrt~riD'g lOne briildf.dl The;y alI tak,e Aold on eler· IIoway. A1Jt.umn dyed ill

on~ra. . , . : , nily. .All mOfal

canses ate mlgh regal ri!lAnQP.II;~nd B'Ppl:e:;\l~ao;:~~';';~:ilt;;'bJ' ~~,~~ll~(W:~~\:~j\!t Newa,from We:.t~i'll '\1lirll:lnill, dated sweep j, ev"rlaaung. 'IlIIeir goldeD,:P'Irp'le 1IDel. ,I'

Wedn~ildoy sl4les Kelley eiTeots are m~cil more., cOftain ~ab ""~Ih lre.f bal~y dill'S, ancl JIIa,gdi.\!ol'bt.tsblti8ti~1I had reoeived' from ·Gen. tbos& of,nataral canat1Bo' !fAey. work aunseta, ,Iil!~illg lhe, aIr;y Iik~~Ilo: l:iame anp~E'~~i"g sun~van with nine I'p the mI)IJDtal*s' of Vir· from ~pav,o.I,l:II· ,gate, ~1Il!l.,I\~d,. went.

thbus3ud : NIlw MBr- may be f~und a'liltle' ~pring. Wiute" wilh .skills, of. c'~arp.~ ... , I!nd I~i~flm~~i~~~~~~~ kat and Moun.1 iG,on. Rosser than on~ of tbQse . whioh Icy, .jliweUed 'orpw!', Pils mlrl'allY.Y("afte.d' alall has lev~ 'relhl'll troops monly soppll families. The litt1~ ollt the. OLD Bnd wBfled in,ijI.,!"l!ie.w Dnd Geb. men. stream It s.Dd~ fortb is often buried Ypar. Tuus havo. thE!.soa~0.D8 ~ep!!~~d.

Great dissatisfactioo i :is to u.ist u)lder leaves a~d shrubs. Tna.1 sEling &I)d the yearly record. is aeal~d'~~~1~~~~gii§~~~~ BJDl)ng the ,r,~b.ei!- ii' • is the head of (be, Missilsippi river. : has.QI'eo a YOBT of hist~ric,re~~wn, IIU",ltimA, cul-

General 5Pllil1l\l\'s" has .A very small caoae, lefUo.ita, ~ ita 1ID1iaia will, be i!Dpo.lila!1B~le. . 'tit . tnrned to, limrper's with olle Datural operation, will pl'9l1uce, greBt ~f peBCO hilS 1\0t.i:1J\~ loomQ ; !pen l~t

hundred pri~bders ~na many borses, effecls. .A lellk in a IlIilp, lli.o.og\! not Iltop~ !,nd. IlQr(OJV" ,aro ~,,\lIlP<\ lomu be"pI'l':i'!li'd~~~' General KelIqy states he has cap- larger Ihau a rtestraw, will sooner but,lllt.us hQPIl and p'~aJf ' whojle <luty It. h\ibg out

, tured in all oTer prisoners sin~ her. I The sm1l<l~oat. oP~Ding ~ew Y~r sh"n,..,. t)'jlpg,· ,o~'1I!C!"'JJhjecl. and a large in the 'bank of ,. C/lnal. will of Iisolf "oP,o.1! ,tb!! .fapo~ pf ,t.l;l.e w,eekli . I~ your

~ , grow to a WIISI or.~lkth'e" ,,!,ater ' and. u th~' paper.' 1'. P. • .. "k • i.. .

A~ iIP • .r,~w~ .AccUl,~$!~.18'o fat as wo IJI in it. Oa" ~ak link in Ittchain co.- war sweep ."WIl;Y, cql)..;~an .A,'genJlem.m, ... nalive 4f 8pnthing-have beon lIo~le to been very ble caoses the ~esael, to :~if~, 00 tbe the sta~:? a,e 1Il1 therl) Yilt. f)Vl)~ l~kie8 f!' in{~r~s~ lJ!;J~o I?fO- .\

successful., Ifhls should be rocks. Ono of !l "obl~st .d~ells ever !lee~ w~1 go op, .to Heavep a . gros' an~f ge~eral ~r~8pbnr, at fIll r,A-

and! SPI!I'ks' t' ell' ' performed was ,~e~t~" .b;r.pthe froJII,- l!pople. . live tow"" writes o( hi~ carly qOYd as· tlie ~itizl,ns: r' The severance.of Ih ant. ~ ,li(tl<f ~r u~g- flllIiI~.: l :! ." :i', get*~rs up ,0 ~~ no' may end 111 Ihe esl.ruction of' ' .. My ~tiit rcDi~~~lltr, 'pi(, oC II.

in making ~ haa,)1ro. ~~on. realiz)3d or blasted, gn.ves, cap, wfrltlJ my;' nt6thar !I'illa'd;' itirmc: aod, in decqtatillg I tBsteinl termioaled fatal . A gl!1oce of tbe wbil!e. we kotlJly feel the, of dl!' cO:llppse~ of ~1.,er.y!,I!" l'hW~,~~d r,ed and 'ppro'I,';ate .Ifnr I • ~. has led to.crimJl lth,,1 will nover,l)!! oneS'-nll, all is gODe. stripes "'ilh Ii ru1 .. no ..... ~·,.llt III"u

"i> p.... r 1 OCCo.o,OD. •• • ''T''.. J.' YI Y. ~~ •• ~ .....

Amoni .the TlllmeroM' dis oded gotten 00 earth r I1\. etermty. h';ln~red alld ,sjltty-four i~ u~ This \V~8 a \\'O"~i!r,rll' iI'r(j~ j! 1 WIIJD

f "".- P Th Tbe greater bart of buman life is with its ler~ib.l8 And it ad th,,1 (imo id ,J1':\llQ.iJ~:" ~~j..,i ·O'·'tl~'. o , wero som,": 0 d f h d • ,'I,. JI ""MP'+ u , amonnt rece.ved tht)< evenlDg, we ' .' ,,,. , I. an ft op w rf Ou !'~ lug ~ / r. .' • ' • rna e op 0 nets t at a oot seem grelll gaze niPon tho pa.~ d f t lib {':'" .• ~M~:ig'"

• I 10 themelves, bitt the whole serle~ de- earth" re"d the friendlv w,., .... lng· 6 I • f h' <t .'I!J;..'A "I ~" u!l~~stBnd, Was Iho secoud,. ' k' ' , . r 'w , rs plllr 0 s 04S W~!'" a 80 m,a, e $160. • termmeslhe cb~racter, B~d ~a. es O~!l mourn over f.ormer traosgreeeions. by m,.1 Diodler. 'Tbey wero pi.de

blessed or one fBlal result. Wha~, is walk- 'maofully 'in the path ~f' duty, of difrJront materials, 'and bar. nil ,a~point~d lighter than, 'Wordl Yot for. every, drop' the fr1onc!ly tear over thel graves ' tl> one ·ihbiher. I

PI",co"ll:le'lao ~ewls, word tbBt men shall speak, they of those you'lol/o,.mid henceforth be tliem BII llio bettel' for their jr., baving l~sigo,od, Way IS. well give acco~nt to God. As" sands true to theJil!teresta of your fellpW mell d . kDO~ Ina bUlJlnes8 tb m a taO s d 't k .J.. ~,~"r e'lra.or~l11lll'Yl' ,ppeal; ~. • e 0 0, 10 an mum ~s lIla, e aroond yoo, truo' to .Ihe bol,. l'l'pulses 'IIb~f ;;'erJl'btlhleil'li~t ib\"l,bllr maa, a~d :J.1t)_,JUlU,b~1 mn~go Ihe year.," so syJlBbles composo. the of your own being, trne til ~o\lrst!lf, but '~t!fI!9fiV4:;lilJMnguRln." aiTairs' of ordltBble to of each man'scouveraation. Onehatsh yoor connlfy,aod yoor God I 'I H. M,. ~po.fIl!,~~~J:~·'·t pl_yllll tag!' hj~DB~'lf,:~~~~!~~~public. wprc! now, Bnolher an 'hour bence. aDd ' •. 1. j , .• h~8 ".gpiqg in l)Vimm l l1gt ADd

The foElow'in2 oll.wm prove a mao a churl. A very B. 1'[. a..VJL"'!!D!,)1.B~.: ~h.e ... d,o!i.lr" ,,1lr,~!liqg Will

]i~~~~;i~~irJ. irrenrent, words sCBttered a.lollg Sif,-"-I~not~e,d ,,,,lth a~ong ,tb",ho",J,ut 1 through a' day jmad, It. man as profane. call haa boell mad., by BOn;tIl,ol ....Elealloh.

~,o1!~d, One stealthy' ~9YC lBkint: 1. cellt ot rl\~pondenlB bf y'o~ .pl\per.,.f'1r . d1l<,., pin pro'l'es a m'~al heart a thfe', Be tOl,)' of the prol!l!.nept men oC ~hll.·

G.<jV~ wbo wo~ld av~id g~BDd larceD~f. • g,enerJltipn oK ~\!:,p~aoe. '

:U~~:N."y. not 'Comm;l: p .• tty l~rcency, M~, ., ~bjl~I~~eIf~ '~fii::l~"a~~,J.n ' wonld DOC ~~m it perjury, most or.p~ip$r,!~i,oIf,;lJ-,Wfl~J,~, 'lJ1BigQI'Lt~~t

; ho ,,111,0 would nqt lie, mlJ~t se,il' of le~fer~ ,I!~~~~!I b!l.~liqe'B~!!..iifl

TIIis oharaotet· s In,de up of a great fiC!?' Yl'al'lj, bp Pl,\lparod )ly

t4(Jnsl~rli who I nOIDlD"r of a Ellrtlntly small thlnglt. otmo~p .I}nd publlB~ed in Drll~a.p.e.~., ;Q~I~it;!~es ,'heir one' spfiilg' ~8 tbe b~ad, ,Yet , J..et them 1~v.e the

th\;h",· thoosand Spri1t$8 f~ed the current pro~e.s8 aI\d;~ftent of thQ b1l4lt!.eIB.a re~~!~f~~;~~'~~~i!~i~~~~~~~~nJ~~~9b..~!~~J, ~'n.<$!If'" -il~ ot~erl, the ~is81sBipph ,\phe life (Ii m~n il .• eac~,,~Ia~tihg porlylps,wil~ .. -,',.,1'-",.~ r

It(JIlOrJl~. stream ev~r floWibg. Its great Jeedb~~ & ?o., manufil(i~1lJ~s of T~~IDl~;~'~:.~~:1 :~ro?~tt;1 ~+--,.., ..... -~_ 'are apparently lrivilll thiogs. ' J l oh,1~e8~ and foIlo~lDg down

lrelliJ!:tled ~he • 1 , , .. ' 'l:. their successors to tbe IJt!j.el~~

Ilev. J. O. \\jighlwan, late c!JBpl~j~ Also' Capt • .A~80il Mtltth'~WII,WBfttt6n 1;~;;'.~~j~;;~,.~;;t:.}II~d!p'~ he . 1'" 24th 'C R - 't t t" mlinnfaotrl1:er, and,· II

q~:b:fJd.fQ):'. great a:o-"e . ,ODO. egtmen, I a~ EllP j"

Cl!J1,ta!?i1itl,i 10 B~;~t;~~:I::' in bec9!D..\' ,~Pilstor of the Filat 13a~, i~.! & OP., ~,' 1:~~~;~~~1\~ lI'it¥'4men'.1teUef Ch~ro~. ~ li'~.L!IlIlioU:· ,~': 1>i' I~oklf

, •

t ' ,

• • .,

Page 4: I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l 'PJJt!J ... &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly


J .

An elltl!~Hillil\I'f~7otk was destlo,)'lIw>dQ' ~01"',odlre!ll" !Ond Bt. AndcftW8

grol,lId by (li.,


BlirgamBlf' .... t~. . .

R""~"'.~'. _ u~. ~~::~~~~~t:1~~~~~tl~lb~~~~~~~~~~' ' ! ,Asr:e;_tIhalldM't> 'tQ I

la\lOO~tlhO : .. ,*Ihe*,JD4~

a curo, If .rtnd . • Wol'Otecl,tDr 186:1, ODd 0~"T'th'l'11I"T~T _111_ ,pa",~IlIM<, t - •.

, No f)lDlJ!J' oholtl.U,a ..... 111._, U. : Ob. 18M1 HCIW It _, ~,I~.:Ia 41.fw!do,&lI4I ""f\!i'N : II bl'lrlthJn the rcaob of all, lb. prke beiDa: _eDn •• t pe~ tar It. _

0 .. 41 . "s·Bli1·.:....)ulll1s'B. S'lvag"r V. U. ~ l"';t~. ! UlVLl' 93 ~·ElIT8. I CURISTlfAS lAND 'NE~\t ;YEAR . \W.;Ift1ilalh " • I • II . • ,~.~t br~!I?> ANN( ted0l1llJ: TO I An41f1ll11n._ •• tand-tllb1'<>1ll/h trIAl d .. S,·' . P~E:lENq'IMI .. " ' , t,

".'-- {'._ 4D" k J I.lo'C" pnbllC", that ua. OOJDP e new \ Dot .. back ftp" tht abo"" lltatement.. Ile IDQIlOY ti}% PLU,-::-vr.ep() , Ie e,~aJlt" blll\dIIqf. t,II~ hu opel104 a wID 'bOTet1In4od. W • ..,. tb\Jo ""owllfit .. "'""'Is Lulg of ltbiugs appmprillta, at>.

B~i.tl,l. ' , FIRST CUSS HOTEL. t,IId r.oI co~.nt thai 0 .... trW w!Jl.~ for It I B. .A. :Ii S 0 ~ • S. '(' '( L ... f A J L ebomolD aYe.., II_hold. ".

URRIl • 0.- (f .. ,11 • U""", emile Wbcro 110 would ho IIIod til, _ .. , or hIo lliendo, Do not WOOIe .on1 .ub ('.wghlng. when 110 : w r. G 'SElf .)4cunfxs. ()huk lIilttf(ird'" ;lJqSI!PllipQ ,tJlark; .'tIiDr'tlme. 1I!IIAII ... lDftAIm""twID eJU1!)VO. It marho baa u.cox ~ II)IlS urn,

o ., " of '0, roopoetablr Ur1JJ/JdiI'1n 10_ whQ wID fur. I A "",e:,.!Jrf.! for ~ IIDd 'f1la.'.nr!F1 Chulure. ;i' ,: CoJDl)l>I'o-eQmo>.u. DWlyouWllho<1rt'lll4Fof'ganUlhr·certlJlcateao('fm>II1 ·baTt. We 1S<ri!.-IM 1IM!iaI' . , ;. ... • TWa b""'l being Pl ..... ~~;:.tua .. d, wllb Iar!IO\ eurc. It hu ",odc. . 1_... ODd odIIcU .. are." .

4 ~ yard. 0CI1]Jlortable out 1rb1l aDd IlD the DtIOo ';;' 11 'It . C ~ . . . . ~. D'· ....,., 000""" ...... fou 11_ lbo CIJIdor.. \I, u. CLAd{ & 0., Owalts! C/oales! Oloaking8 J

,- .~.. ,.- Dee. !/.8.k· ~_.L WIIIIaDLo. alped foela eonIIdelIt or matIna II • d_1o 1"- u__.... . ~ ..... P- .... · pmce ror lb ..... volllu,8 pu~Uc aoJ tho oommUDItJl ropnmm. ,,'ID. LUROU'. ",. 90 .. ....,...Dd 6,...-.0 .. _1/1. ~_

agt<! 2'J 1~ • oJ lin (lCDefl\I.. At Wholesale. by D. 8. B.m.'0!8 I: ro .. Now 11. and 7I't _loave 'Cbm> ID ~ nNtt, I ~a 4W!q~ ~.iliOlI , !f!,lI\oIdoll,"'j .'b I ___ .n ~... 'tabl' l1:ork' GID. C UOODIVlN It Co., Booton. new ~5.~uw.Jt:ur.. r.ttltlD:~~. -ifl4eA.. .L c~ a"oouu"""'ons ....... , 8m 0 .or 1!w'ealo b7DruggI.talD tho rlly.COIlD!:rT,ao41Intheoluide. I _-md ' . ,~

beftIiO IiOr deoth. thahli. ro =.ood enW~uwCllbl, &.c. ' .. ...,....b..... _ \\'hat~fo... . ~ l/IIIIl!"~ 10b"=~'" ~1II.'l:"l;m . UJ.d 1hVilllcrawiU "ero fin,] good stabling,' - - - -- - .. . . - - --- tlfllJCIiIoIr.fllr ~ i'o~ •• g~on1~lI·#:~ .... 3 lI~u~ n-nt..r.'lIdR nn coovenlenciCfl n~ccssary for The War is Raving' 1 Piece AII~W'OOl Ptintta Frilnob' .. hIlIo IbllooilthaD_fIIh. tbeir I!&&I8fuctory l\CCOIlJJJIodo.t1on, at l'CtIIIOO' . D..... • • ,.' .,

"1.0 ""I"".r.d 1110111 to j>p,)'l'qr h .... ~d HOOD.X- nfI1c l,rilX>'. ADd I!O ta lbo Fiu.uol'ls, for !Gents Dreiling GO\fI18 ! cl.olwcd. J 10,.1/1,. __ .1 am hapPTlIUW. Ring to E J MILL ,..,., ... ~~ ____ -.------··--1 · · ' . .........."."1' ..... _"'.~.~w m8iu, ~~~':9~~~ JU=aol_r '_!ld~:-1NIt '!; noU I IUD localo4 ID a TfIQ' _Inc!ed spot. IJ -ian Hooo!!, NUBlAll, CoDo~ Warn-S, 11>'11 Ibr'liJIt~«dOiiaO<\lD'ro"f1Ol\··ao"OIIJI'!'IIaIl1 -- , wmt 101U' r·.A.Blo.1mI, HOI/llIln., GLOVES. ' ~.~i,=~;~.'!':i'!li~~.:!~~Y1~ W 40NTED % Clothing Cut and !lade in the Best I a-t,' lV~Jcr GI<P!a. .... .; "'h '-"-I I b' hlloh '(1 B~' TUE SU.BSCIUBER, A PRAC- Styles, here is thB PlaC$to get it Done. 'I Fine n..oda. ' '.. . . .

Hhpft'qUClwu erUl&DO ObO ",ug er.".. , ,_ .. , B' 'J t . tb ' ,~~. I... . hronll':id.cUI' .. _m!>!D"'litl""'''''''' hanl to lea.. . tluw UII,meSI ~ an 0 eogllge '0 e J hn.1n Il1Y cmplO)' lb. be.1 workmen th .... DaImOl':" Wb ...... 1 Bnnn IiIIYI_a! I. bu~ ali. elOl!iWJWI I can IrUAt It Wllb my I B toh' B"~- bID thIII to_ or _ olber. i .&! ~ ....... ~ y.1"!.O" "'f'!"I'I&f"O ' ,.~ he til oIllDllll!" ~ U ermg' ........... 88. TlolB .... Iudcd spot I. over ' ~_ Utile f~ 80 bewltchlqg. J~ 1!b·''P. ·t'J\lllil/!f.~r101<n'o~eJmcJ .. d . Oouwhobaa lind HOmeespet!.ebcc In tho P k 8 ;th'M'£tt C. ato I .-Inc\. . ". '

":::ra..W:-d "':;~~'OfW:~ ... ~ I~!N' .::: ; hUIIIIIUllil preferred. lnqniru of eo • m1 .uu g. 0 a re· i . I . 'f., lit. cI"~· .. A".h1lb iIfu\Il&r" O!!",hj!colll' I O· P WOODRhFF 1 """,he Pattern. evor)' wed from tho boott "R. FHA';" BIRGE ~'Q tog lllC.JioItWid' tilrMIt6foill!6i,"'".,b: ~ fdU '''(,CI)' I •• U. I TaUOl' lD thl'state. : aa ,TJ1rr,. • ~, ~~J!i..ODd DO_·~tt'tt ~ffid'1II of lbo .... ; ~GTON'lll!L 1,1_ 3,.' ('W'.l·H~ AND TRlMMl!\GS n:R.'USHED, A CHOWE STOCK OF .

Thul &IIotb", vktlm~ - CIMID1\ tlMtIt, 11 k t IF m:,<;ulEl). 'NING G08n~ ~.= lb~l:i ~d :,,~:::mtb=,": .Q"ft7, ar.' et TIl~C Old {10tbes. that we Cleno and MOUR fl' W' . '. ' .• tho cloo"" of fl'.D Itt • .E~o lb. oleOJl\Di o. ,.:1 n ~ • Repair Is "orth IIpcaluog about. 2 ''Ilnl wide MerldOe; Emprei1:'hbths. dbl.ii:.' ODd ID lllat glorluulo dor.}:';ura wID como rurtb; . . th n •• • ,_ "'_"'~-'~'L..o. lIot mortal. but lwirlaJ,.~. DO w....... :lIt·that __ I take the rcllpotudbility for the above. (e-,,·,d UUU>UIes, ....... ~ft W1U ...., ~3r:;'mr '! ~~;£.~: MR. S..m~N JUDD, H. M. MATTHEWS. 1 I.ru~b':,; ~, "ihr: ~.ft~te~. , QonI protI'OAIOII8 b~' ooa~~ OV,U. FIlm· ~ to Int'orm tho peoplo of Sout4lJlirlon, !lo. 1lI 1863. Dostf I IJombazinea and ~~~T~!,~:r "'~Jl: c~~ , . SOUTBISGTON - -" --- ' .~- - --.. --- - i Alpine ll\Des. .

ga~U:::'~;:;tJ.~. 004 oil """. J toot ho hna taken 0.0 ' For Sale! ,A, Year's Stotf. ~thbet Sold .i~,~ o.dod \\'lIb hor. wh~ db" .... petlt, be prepouoed I I I mon , lr U,1Jlg. ~~ III ~Io meet 1.¥1'II1D1I~l ' MARKET UNDER GRlDI.EY'SSTORE, '-.....L-

bled morn. ' '. d .... n k t1 L._~ ........ A HorSE A~D LOT, SITt] ATED' ]I "---' ..... :....'u .--'_.... it.h..nb iii' .~ w. - An w... ccp WD8tao yon ............. ~ I' pw!' ~"'" wd':dik: u~sj~ ~ OnOt •. r,' i" i . ;rrtm:::~_ ~ i:k. :o~sap, Jnst soulh of the Catholic Chnrch 10 this ililkll, blue, p purple, ~~b, l>roW'il. 4mb, .. " ~ . r, pe, "IIqo.,,t' ,.,. DolOtf place. being onJyj the Ud hoU8ll from BIlid I green odlks. •

1: Ro1\Ihiqtol1, &D. I. 11IGi. I Church. I JII8' ~OW is tIl~ til:r.tll &0 tlll1 Silb .. t

, ~-;" !l;\rp.»ee.u. WL CH,\NCE 'FOR A BUSINESS th!~:Of:;:~=rIlBtl'ots~lnlng I • RANSOM'S. . ....,. u.1"ah' MAN l'art of tbe maney way remain an bood I _

. Wld 1I\oTtlmgtl. I ~....... ~== -'4 • I-'"r further p:utlculars loqulre of . ut~ b::eU':~.!: arU ... or nceh'c;,..

""BE8Ul1SC~R80FFEBFOn8ALE, JOHN R YOUNG tolm_~~~~ 8111Detr..

~~~~~~!.~1~~~5~~:~ .1. 00 y~" ~lWblo tenos, tbeir lVawr I . • • Twooda, __ ~~. to. ~ 1't?llego : ruw . Factory llulfdJng. 81tuaJro I BoulblDgtoD. 1 ... ....,.. I. 1863. DolOtf ~ ~~~ ~-: Clwt~u.!"l1n'!n.!!!B!I:.. OIle-qU~ot a milo .... est or thotr mBln I 1..-... dtbarealto'btlp,_U ~ ~~ ••

~~g~~~~lf;~~~~1IFacto'1 I PlnntsvUlo. Tho po"er and , NOTICE. iu_aod_mcne. . .' Ia "I\ItlIcient for the employment of THE TAX PAYIN'" lNRAlllT.urrs OF "OW IB THE ...... t> A'" twenty-ftl!~ to lIfly handa. "I ., , I~, , .~ If tbe PllJtlea who I\1IIY purchlUle baye no Boutblngton. are hereby notifIEd. that u ~ Q

bUlllnc8Idef.abllshed, *liIch they desire to 'tho Board of BoUer wIJI meet on thl>4,th, 9th, I RAN SO. ~ ~ .. 1 , i

1;~~~i~ffi~~~~~~~~thO aubscribersCUI IGtb and 28d of Jan~ Dext ai tho office . for thwn the Town Clerit, at 'll o·d;;.;k. A. M. to. tid w;,!!\\1~!~'&.~!~~':~;1 take in.pcut, p. M. 00 \:I\Ch of salal ds18. to IlIlIU:'.J!Ild ale- butourflQ'lo • ' ;~t~ or. II ;

pert tcnnIne all QPpcals to them mtlde from the . • m . -" '- a -...I Pol'O ..d;t doings of the AsaessonJ, to make aIl1l1tfnl Cloaks, 010 , . w~9Uka't

'Cf~~~m!/J r;~$i~~;~~pri:.;;Qi~Jiblltl- abatements. I\Pd to Oqna\lr;e tho valuations H A ~ 'B' Ii·', - " . aDd IlliBe&8I!lcnt lIat8 of the Town. • u. I"~J.· .

. ~~~h, }BoarrJoJ1ltli~. No. 312 &~ ,o.ti ': . $tftct,. , JULI'OS BrU8TOL. HARTFORD,

lIoulbloglo •• De.:~ 111113. 09sw declB11


I, ,

Page 5: I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l 'PJJt!J ... &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly



- --- - ---- --t-r-;,,--:=---:,..,.,,,,,

1;'~~~1W'8.Co.lloro, B G'J policy to be'1cp;lrSlled

lb. HIrror.}

OhUJ:Ohee. Ol)narOlPUiPDal : :: ~=. ~ ~ paYd~ents ?fd b AIII~leoUr·dlllll!U.t8

"hD01arUcleapUrcllued'lnjloutbiDgton. 185 , "0 Ib regar 10 t e - 1!~~~hll;ii~;~Ie~q~d~;~~ •• • ." Bla!JcmOQ'. _.L.1t."· ,, .. ,n . 160 made. to tIIe·Enrolment«ct. - .u.'lIr&1!aj~'I\t , .. ~1D~,am2lbJ.,.e11.nNJ1Ll.14.~

The "<;ul1paldforf~ ~~. 'OOj,~-~~~J..P.~(§~~[~§i~~j§~$SE~~~~~~~i~[ " log' Wlutlie1( 00" - CUlr OIl baud; - 2S'I M I ty )\'111 ~D doubt be ):,P/lILill~le,lI.l,JUI~I."qe,~\le The"a -as b' "1 ft small l ~ ilsll of Fobl'oar'y. iD':acc!drdlan1le;.()tb

~ w u w preaen w. R. WALlJ'l.EY, Trtwu .. ,. I Th iDt d ADlnttal1'-Rtfport8 of tbe '... 1'. .- . ' .

a pr a,. Archbishop Hu~hes died at hia resi-,Jhree hll,l\dr!ld dollar Il~Bp'!pI,l.QJI b~r8 of tbl! Selectulim 'IIud Towtl, abow i .. ' will be retai~ed but tll.e 91~e8e8 will ' be of that tho ~oat to the the AloiS_ld~nce lD New York,.suo,iay llveulflg, oonsolidated dd'" ilia number of px- em hOUlt', for the- IlIIt 8261 9S. Jan. 3d. , I emptions I'llduoec1. The .I1mendOle)llS tbe That the Alm.htlli8'e·L~ . 594! He ",aaborn in thl} towD,of Ologh~r .. 10 t~ia act will prob~bly ,be tho firsl lii(~a'[ rnay weeks' board. . Tyrone county. Irelaod, 1m, tho laiter ! bUSID688 attended t .... "d~ 'tne, will he t~nol'\lllt, stupid ~~, \ligll!"" Atil;nber

, I part of tbe year 1798. H~ was thore- ' preBSeq ubtIJsuob alteratlOn8haY~ been to thIS church. OChor Coat of A.lmahooae 1 ,! ruade as are regarded Il8 oaaeDUal . CO all over me II1\nl, bave hOll"

is $1,099 17. aud I foro ,'"bout ~'xty.five .1e~ra, of Bge at ; reuder the law effective. rent and dlvlde\t ,by' Ih4i gtJIat qllel-Bridge&Ut $1.'22 04. ' I , the hme of hiS dea~. He Wp8 Ibe 8yn I ITEMs tiona o~ the dllt ; .~lItlbia. hUJemaill~d

WhoTe I\lIIODDt paid b' Ii d I pf a s1lln1l hut rospectab~p f~rpter. \vbo , . , e8lentlally dteadful through' .them all. ' •. , OllU ~ u-Ileft his ulltive laud for the ~flW World DUTa ou. PA1IIUROa.-Jamee'.Doog- Tlto i~"l&t. and agila1ln~_aQe.liou&

rhlg the ~ is -81.3.800.. I. 1817 H < II' d h' h b i la8. ol.8r.o081 .Co,e~, Illed WAldltesd"v ,IIDd QOIiIli'afa <I1f,Vtftjl.· ·/thY-m.\;if·b'¢~n 80 1) -"fi d d b b l ID • e W'Q.8 10 owe It er '1 ttl t' d f' ",. I t ' I '.'1)' ,.~~ T~.·-!U:~=-' •

' .. &1 .... OI).!IQl$ge one seep y:. ' " a ,e ox raor IDary "Ii!!. 0 one : •• ,wl-I momen ODB .1111-, ~'Rpoucrll •• a£it ill no dcgsr.-$.IO 00. AmouDt to 'com-I hl~ 80n. who comru\lu~ed bla career IU dred and ten yellra. Be W~B barb : "'\llldoMblltMdmtionB'!dlJlllUlPmllrer;'!ftl mbb-1;tihoofs. $1.756 30. I tb,s coo~try lUI " flortst • .hs,l"ing be~D! August lat. 1758, and wns coua~~uently II .. mlli~s "'fI~ t~ '1!?111~<;II~l.r!lI!l~"i ~t .. v"

. ' I placed for that purpo" witlf a ooted 110 yearl, four months and ,..Ixillen occurred; alia {rao IOdlvldua18-!$Ou,1 ~ri!1i6 e expense of Town 1.lUIt 1 gardeuor of N aw r ark: I d~Yd old. lIe rt talDed POBsessit' or all cM"lid."{~~£Tf$VihTijli~Ji;r.!1j;V1l '&f-

ylll';l:., Was 822,883 38; b, taklDg 1 J • h .. I hiS faStultio8. and "'IUI 8mart an' .. eli v .. I ruOBt beelt~liolliell 'll1'fhu/rIb'\v" \billds, ollt tb& . bannties. it for aClual) . t 18 Ilt a rhorl hme .SIDC~ .A~ch., t~ the laat. I Pomlip$ ~bll v,eQ1 ,fn\"pCi'H&fJanu, .lIj"~ neooti-,." lo-n 'd t>t, bishop Aoudflck. of BaltImore, dled;'i ' I .UlIdb" ~n Aft tho r,,'w '''Oll'BIb "hingo ~-J n pal, <>0,', . " . "'l'he fros111nen or Yale h d me 1" "t .,... . ••

38 ' . , Thl8 rendeu l~e two 1II08~ ~mporlallt Iitli , . . .. a. T e Ing ), 10K)' havq been Iha ver.,)' ~BSOIlIiJlJ 3~e :.esets of $ ICatbolic Archiepiacopal Sea8 io' .\merr.! ,e~ ~e~ o~gbt, ~nrl7~ s;~lIe~ ~L~e~~e,tlllllgH thai buve 'bollO,1 thi" '!Til" I

are 10 .. CI\-~ew York and 8ahiulore~vaca~t. ,to" ~ B.ID r,~1b mlnxlca 109: rr~"s n-Icllllrch In stich nn flldIHsOlut,le' UIJ~U; 356. OS. aod !.be are $28,. , - •• ~ ". I I rlOg I .elr co ege coarse. : ',b.cao.e thoso '~at 'll~!l,;f',i.fl 1\1)<1 .It •• 'i~ 83. Tbe name_ uf, ~9 , foll .. .wlog.ls" cor .• A RU8AI BO COlllh is UlIdCj' a~restin ,('root mnot have hoeu hqld 10,)' 1110 1 .. ,v

Tho Town' Treasurers ahows recl h81 of pe~80n. wbo have died 10 ; :\ew York for atMling 1\ <II m~nd val. t of nflinlty Ilf wiHrl'1,i'n "y,1I ·cll.ct~linn, that he J:IlS recoived ao~ out dO- ! Marton di8trtct, 8iuce Jan, lsI, ~863, 10 Illed at 81.000 rrom .. liftlt Av ,"ue 8tor ... ~ \Vloi~. 11"'.6 thl'l are .'e81 ",I.e arlll I •••• ringtbeyear "''',82698. 'Jan. lot. [864: 'koepe.. I ,I,nl 0111 alld IC88 dISlll'eotj'Mtl'sl """0

9= I I I·IS<I boen bDUI,d lIy, the 8111J}t 1II)Ie f,r Tbo 'reporta afe got th great I Alfred !.e"i3. agod ~ y~ar8J :Laura A brothor of Jodah P. ner JIU\\i.n• Ute uffinity. How trihe" , \\'0 'lIfll all 1,-

particlllarltri alld' ao as he readily I Bates. "ge~ 59 ; . AngevlPI L. Beeober. reb~18ecretnri of War. rOIl dea rn lln. . doblod 10 hUlllliJl infirlblty'nJiri hllrrr-1 aged 16 ; G'eoi1!:e IT. !'lowell. IIged 9; Ion Rogue. and 811Jgular 68 Itjll&J! eaemJfeCIiQnp ·nono '.of 'll.H """n !ltl)Q.\Y... 'm.

underatood. I Lillian A .. Park6rton, aged 6:; Elmer he i. a good OOi~D m.an. I ipi.'.i!o' hllll..j;~t 8 glilDl'R8 "f IItn~' Tho D!elIting v.otod to a tax of I I. A. LeWlB. Ilgel\ 8; 14aud "l ~o1oh~1 . I . r ~ fl 1_

d_ kiIJ ed..2. W·',. B t ' d 6 West Poillt Is BgJ\iq fu'\. 11 coo souro,;o 0 • lOpe t~ "'I'"n .b~ 8aJ:~~ "I njne all9r on ... haI£ 'wi..... the dollar. Ge::na": Iltfa~t. IE'I~:::'im B ~~f:e ageJ lains 260 catleta.andJtumb~r~, 21} ~Ui< ~ejlltc~, Jp IJ(rWillP,j'. it~ J(~ •• 'lili£ •• 111 with a di.lconnt of tt per to those 54' L . U • I 68' lJ I I roissloned OmC'f8 .. moll~ iI811/stnlutors. i II,sl,e08,8: ror wl",." J Am weaU, Ilten who shnII pay !Jielr 'ues or !lefore • eVI pS,on. ago. • lao 11 ;, am I Iilrub'g." ':A1t~I '.OI'P"'trO 111111 1111

?paon. agad' 48 I Selh E. Barnes. Co. A. A cnrringe just coP4lrnot,d'Lt Dtidge.' chriolians lau TO 11I~f>rrd IIlIdl:r n, lOi .. Maylst. They voted a 10 I ,tb Regr. ;_ EdwBrd W"rd, Co. A. 7th ~ purl, ~t.. fur Gan. Sick lOR,. ill ~DiJt in the lake willI ' regard lib this .mll IIlIng; the Collector of ono and perjRegt.. C. V. (VES A. LrnvtB. ' eaml'Blgnm!; Ilylo of Napoleuu. aud thinkillg tiUll the pO\\'er of Gud <Oc-

t. &d.m of WQlU; $pring ConIdery. , t 82 000 . "d I h . . cen I' --- . . 1 • t08 , • '; pen Dc ul'oo . IIllUIn iPerr~cllfln. There was no otber of par- WAR NEWS. TI.b OOJ I d II . ' Dut to ralurn.tg thi ,sl\bjtCI I'f the

I I lere are ·to, tlcu oro oops 31,. I' I II " ' , f l , , ticnlucousequeuce News from Mead's army, dated Jan. IU II . II ft Id If" 106 ooll " Clure I. ,er" 16 no 'l!le& lUll Iollt th"t

I 6tb S"',)'S ' Uuerrillas bave uot ce~ased :' "IYI In ,'0 dO I . 8t';',\1 "lIen",o. a revlvlilllfl rel'git>f\:"iilllil bo u greut I ' . lID ft emp oye n .uO Bra,y, b lit II I

A CARD. , tbeir aUIJOya0.cea. Laal lIight L1euten- .• ' _ . . ~ . e.l)e lu. 10 "'Iurc I".·ncu th"ugh it w: l! undetal 1 n'S1;JCCltfully tencler' anI Jam~s Smith. of\,he T .. entietb New FGur tboll.saua 81)1 hU,ndre nnd.,x- touk the IJme QI tlul menlbol'l<. and

om £i?~ ~ the :.:iJ~, : York Volueteer~. l~ovo"1 Mara",,' at I Iy-I,,·o ma~rtag~8 were sore lIitad III Iholls4 t/tero canllut b6 ,u'l gn'ut rt-00l1tn"bntlollB, patronage. in"'r- i Bealeton. WOB .hot at bet "ben' that : Phlladalphia :in the past year I vlval 01 religion in tbe futuro a8 Ihero

i'::h:nr::e'l.:!l'a ~~:'y In I 1:lHnt and. army headquatera. Oil.e orl' The Pa'fnfic Railroad i. in ~~urso of I ~a8lIP'iD '~" }II!!, l!tI8~ cPtlfiUe\J'ld ~"e .. ticular. would we , extend our ! KilpatrICk s dlspi'Jch h"ar~ra was 'Itber constructiou frolU Leavelllllojth. Kolt.! d.1U1C6nlila I.crn ~ithLutl o"~otl d~nLmllt"-menta to th0i!8 ladles and ' captnrod or ~llIetfbet" COli 8tevensbnrg eBS al tbe r .. te or tIo mile a day; ,ttOl'~ shurlo!!...,!u. Jhjl--~~vhQ,J. a8 Ihnt gave tbfu personal."t.ime In I and W .. rren'ou Ju~clil)o. ' , r .. sliloo of re~YaIa 6ar.l.laUlIt on BC-arranging.and oond1l(:ting tbe I Tho 'we!i'ther ~o.d"y h" been 1mllil One firm in Cincinnati haR ·~Bnufac. , cuU"t ,of tire ' ,QOUlpiA!;It ~ w'ihllto_ re-- '

Boowzr.l. A. Nr:u. 1~. I and pleaaant, Imt tillS eveoin" It iA ''lrlld .$,60.000 .worth of bulle 8 for Ibe I, lallOOS tbat exisls belwaen tbo cburoh. w Al:rzn 8. Mqn~n f oj n I .101!Bt1A Bu.ut. Arodnny. ' 'llute c" ld agalU I Ilovor.pmelll Siltee 'Ie comDlgnOUmbnt e •• IIl1d cspecially betweun chri~111I1I8.

IV R. I'rinripaJ I Aciv,ceB from tho army of the Po- of tho war. , \ 1:;0 a re.viv>l1 of rehg'u!l;ioJ~; ",Cl¥ U'.-alr. Walkley. Treasurer Acade- i lomac. dilled Jan. 41h, .,,>" : Glegij'.1 Our guverumellt now 4~hl~ 110.000 ; lo.!.J>..9.*,-e~.tl',.!!'i!!~..J1l....\!!~ :'.!M..!'vlll:J!J.p

I cavalry divisiol'. '1I11ler the commalld ruhd prls'n.ers. I waif,. nnd all chnBtlllll~, of every my Fair. has hadded us annexed i l' I d '.' b ,uf Col. Taylor. "I tit, FITO! !'PI"";clvania I' . • !,'. eval'ge ICI\ onoruln~'l!'n mJ"t s are IJtaimn~Dt, whieh we for the 1 re,:"u~lIl. lefl Oil \l,e I., i ,ot. for ,the I L.lwrencu. KllnsnB. Is rlJUnSj from Its IJII every work of grace (" tb.Qlf \·icinily •• b lit! f fh - no ' ".r.l'8. SIIICO tho raid lS7 1I00Id'll"" J. II ••. ' t' L • I . II ens I 0 e many n e Jluri'o8~ o t IO.1k lj l ' .. f H I) ,. , , . ... a J"~' 10 ' 0 \;.,u I cutUI liLU8 ,," reJo (.8 In a

. , " '", ·· e he~" 1'111 up or "ro In I1ro~rt'". II ' '8 II " ddt th d fi . r uuderatandthat tlterearo gener, , Fr"" t R,,),d 1. ', 11,' ,. "'I'O,'~ " '"I1Il. lak,ott c o. ee.1 Cllllono I ." , ' :,,,,1 I>ua"" ""'a lively . ' .' I • '- 11 It b' ld lh t. I 001 con.trlbUtiODS of d tllrct'd.'\H rl 'I' I " ... d j I I a " OWl' " 1t!1I, H:C l("h-CO~I # 6J',.lJ1\l ~Qt\'

• ..>.. au , to ' the ~ond : tlO" of tho ro:d. 110). II~ I Dori"" all argURlofll, t1JO 01~1~r" ~~.' . Ih',s or"chri~t-:lI1Jd (~.el i~an~ practicil shade ...,es. which we to eee 'I". "I:" d ' Ik'

• ' 'Iillery attache<l to th,' d'Vlol,,,, coufd " fellow, 111 .... 1 e~cil.d BI"to' ' '-cTa~pd 11" 11 tua r "very. 111 IV.. all co/.ve.r-decorating tho A~dem1 iu; proceed nn !arlh"r thall W J.rreotDn. ilhat Ihe Nortb could Itck thl' South I18~CI ,I~. learD (tbat Chris\ ia hea~ ,9vlJr tbe Spring. Tbia in tbo : The command returned tn-cJay. having I witb a lle~1 mallned wi!;b WoQt1rt• 1111 thUJgs til tile. ob\lrllh;, &h"",~,r\! ir. righ&diJeotioD. i travelled nlDcty rode. ""ring Ihe IhIee AI'I APPROI'RIATRNAlIJ: AnoJ'ohaD"e 01" 1(l]ld ,",II oD'l-.S~eRhM<\; 'h.~JIl.~l

d • bId .- ~. "lIt~ "I 'ODe as (intlst B~ tbe Ji'I"fj<>r To cull dOtlOllonJ. "" l' I lIya a sence. aOf encountef\l S6V ro I calla young me~ wbo staud] ~ouud r, • ,. !. ,..,. "

M .. r:o~ce&ll4 9 ~I deprivationa in CI)Us~qucflce of tbe in- churcb doora to watch yoong I d~ ,ae' ,;:, p,~I~'l.n ~le~e :~lIld be til ;RrqlJft .... Bece!pU1s\OTenIJI(. 166 GO tenael, cold weathe~. but no enemy the congregation is goin~ 0 It, Yo tbe jJp~~ .Y.f\.JP~t, yp'~ . r\l.r.('-~; M 'ltBflJo :: ~ " : " 1M:: \\'I\S dl~cov .. ,ed. o.vmg to tha depth DcvWs Pickele." '. . r I ' Inlx!~ ,8e..el!" !J. f' .~eam.tlil~· '~¥.~ .. N. "Ado!llfllJlO} ~ 00 of tha ShenJmdoab river 00 altlllDipt . . . , . _ - : .. ) i, ,,?f,!IIAarr,t,Y ~II lie er,MclI,(ar \D',kill~ ....

- was made to oroaa it. DurIng the last '1 ,Jeqrs . t~erf.'1.'tnI8 lQ~ .. pr .. !'t~e\"!,,DD '~!lr.O~l ~112'''!!F.lblr $UJe 61 . b~en 297 8teaIDbolit lodlailt11ll.!!:3;l1l1~ Il~~!~ 8~\tIP~~Jl1.~~~ 9.~~\l;~ "Then

llJ'1"Gf~~ ~~ IIJ~ 00 WA8B1J(OfOJl JAN 6th.-Thero Waf/ a laliled. Dnd 1.8119 "t>llddllcl .... '''1'' -' I . , '111, t II WI~~O,W' o~Jfffi;P.'l~IYM"e~. ".. .. ~ a;;;;;;\ o-.:CI-~-· :: ~,cousQII"tjon YllsterdllY between It ,po~ • . tho last year·tlmelhlla~bd4*I2D!IIa. JD a le8slDg be ~,\ll'f eyt,~~l!le.L.1\i I ,. ~.".. IV 081 tion of the Military Committees O! .tb~ .,idont-2:i6 jjlllld,~; ~ !!~cU..;J ,$a\I-&,~ ~Yi~CW'ec'o ve it t

. . I


j I

Page 6: I' · PDF fileY.I Dut qUlle, .0 • B~nne1fte wh lcb I must nol overlook. tbo bloom 01 their l 'PJJt!J ... &'Otis 10 aud eJ.iJ on week-dIoYI tho melodiona Ibe datly

\ -


• \

pl\UBod t~'Pity.t~~i~m~;~ ~

~ltIil~k:l ~OWI'. m !1cli . to, dol~ 1\ COlllpl"~~i~'l!a~'I\~~\I!~jPl


. a!~Qprl .~o~o1'\'i\1g , !110m' to , thong~itQj;~ ~iP~i»le~' #tl!'fi,Mary'S ing Qbo bad givoll 1!.ttr . to Wi!. m1~8~J Ii' '

. . . • ut5 1m, Blr,'Hl~'" mind,~ , Slive her lle,~nd _thou~h- ab8}~J~~:n~~lled tb'olawyllr, ~llo~;al'iitar1"ii ' idol OlD Shll had had llttJr4cl qo word of,teilr~oh. '1ll~IJ.PI~IttI~va"1:

fl '.5 I, '." ,'t.':!.., ''i,l ~.t iliip10 : _'I. " . know to fbe cQu1c1! . .Jl!lt.i(1)genauro ~bis )ir::t:;~';~~~~tll be a '[muf1,I11nt still toj liS Qf,raiu '1J1Q!\- ~,~.d1 a.nffmiu·dl"nte~:I~~~~~~~~i~~~~:~t~~~ii {~ :a ;J.~'eSt h,1~iDg:. I could" Bnt perbaps,~'tbought~-'8hllj e \,1~'i!6.~r-~'1~.~~~

I I I I" ~ ' DOt. givo hia1. np, O . tbe litl'e dingy; W~!!!.Il.I,!,l'J.l' .. wbeD

be TOO bitter.: . b~ 8e~8 me c~ld .i~ _ Deat~:~ of r,foPJlrtltt\ w}l1 :('~:4J~~~~~i~ the h~U8e called 'by' he ",IU tnrn .from ·bis - evilv.wejB. BdUtop, itaros,

cending Aevdral B\airs they CQ1Ild· it be 80 to di. w~re ~;ee' j, r applicant ro-r logal n:-:;I r~ ;. .. . \ I '" , . boilt ~he dem' !lfW!'~a'h~~::~llEIl6!1e<Sea~i!J~~i~'~r:1!M~~:Qt;n f\l1,1'l~J~e~.'v08 m, Jilin, ;r~Qin "Wean'ly tbe l \A~o~ .ot .fu~ day wa. thl~f;o'Jns the';;';-:i;;;:;iii~'iil

whicb. 'May' bad 10 I ' • • petl'orm,'ed, thougb ~he 'brought a smnil to.'iI\Ui me.... . c ' .

1~4. ,L~b\iu~ the mor8'~hn OM BatJ..l'¥Q/.1>y 'h~r kiDd The :k~en law;rer,b.' I!sil;a_te~;lit!!lI'l!Je,Dj . • . tin] crptb worda ' aud gentle 1aY8: ' Sbl!ll had be!,ore he tack~~ PIli _ , on. I ~~~i::~~~~~;:;t~~

'Dllon tbe ceived bor wages 'aDd . wa~ Ab,1 wall, Sir, yon eay-'you Ii "10, . • ... dam across that creek. 'Wba~I'aort - O.loI."gCW,.y , .

~pO!lI~.~l:'nqpnl,g t~~; ~a, In tbe gathering duok. Till! ~r8t dirm 'was thl\t. sir ,.. '.10 1.' • . .... , .< < .... . . •

.j6iil'i, ,''" •. - i1er~ by ~hd:::~~:=.":h:::~ii~;';~t ;:~~t~a~lf::i:clin;~.'d f~'; Ha .. ;"" ... ;;ilit.~ W'.~:~ 1 ' ~' I ' ~ ... ~ ~ _. - . I J' In D'O~1,1l ' ""~"rl" tb' n' cd' ti .. pI<" . ,'W"" J IDg I e an .emp ng. etuap8 i ". • 'bel .... _ Dr""';''' ;; J" '" . . ~ . , "Yell', it'WBS just tbat." • I ~· '" '''''~ . .. ,

I. ..Mi1&cl(.j',f·the'ieut' -BnQ how her beart len~od 'It lbe .. A d It ' d . ' hb ~ . d ~ ' .-::1 • . " n IS B gOD nelg or,tOO " '11 ,z,' 'd' r r@f'iall l t/II~ , ,, .•• , thongbl-I< pernnps ne. wllnld be • it-?".: . • _,', 1'1' . .. ~ .. ~I ~ ... ~,? Sb~ . re- se.lf; be~: · own poble · WlUie," ; She "So)t IS, mr,nnd yon may wolleay ae:!fs~ ,!!!!!'1lli~M/lg.$.{Joi!~,

fined her pacti, bl1t "s. ahe drijw" t . : i '.' I ,f ' . • ., A. d tl b oj,: • ~; ·al;vn1~·11I.1 bnnd lit,;:;' \. '. 'home her he$rt faltored and it . n a ),otltlieigbbor'J..rlljle ' t}leir ~.

b . b . I. bl.!' b ' .. tlram IJ bo 'drQond, do, tliey2" rig t qye. was WitI' trew 109; 8 e opeDed tbe 'hi Y&il. sil';' 1/11 bot .JoIlOI." . f

..1pptoachiDg her, his baDd dOOF. She WIIS ~f'llttIcd atae.ei/lglher . I<1'Mn h is a greaf pnblic ·cob\"oii. -);tjlit1ijJ~ ~~~;G:!,;:iS!, ~f.'0;J he~ 8~YRl.der,~Jif . ' brother with another YOUDg manl ience, iii it not 1" ' ", At the old 'lApd, baa tor 0Ii\D

i. BJeslf jf~ f: MitY~4():w you are - evi~entlt into:dealed. The' .' to Tu be sore it is. J ;would Beet; Po~·1t, I!>inusngel'l, youm~int.~.io' ,'be4" . these lat~ aud makiu" an attempt to bow ~PiIt.ltJLl1t.fot tblit:('4~i8!80 JIII~'lltIPt·l Poultry, &C.

o:~. - '.. 1 , ~ '" 'nDr to any olbeJnllJII;.I!It;" ~cm;DO«"tl111861i: bO~ ....greG y&~ood ded his baod and said: \",A,l\d DOW/' s~id. , tbe. 'old,lIalvYe,r. ,-6-Im .{Ii!Kof 1i!O.'riE1:,.1'SUR' ,; •.

. Dig .~~ an'll:i l!:iss:in~~h~r,he left..tho I< Good eveuing, Miss Warren. tell me. that m(m . oom- .L.. ... ,,. ,( 1>. " .' ,,' roo' • ~ . ,,' took a might;f abiDe to you thr ;otber 'heca1l611 tho 'frum ' (- '0 ;:;.f> -'h. . '

o ho1tabeiol.o nged to oight. I must Bay you DID IIbow Ii .fO .pUI hl~ . :g:r:: vut .L ,, '. f .!J. ~pring Slid h(l i. at blS reet-... WI hjtu /if of pIne.., 11I.d W,II ... ald mwht > , W '11 dll I h

... .. - • • of 1 ,~ • Yun:. 8, ' RVe 1e~i'lg ~Y.f !lbeQ fe!f" b'JD, 1~e come and.BIIe :yon." , ' . him'Rnc atfd he'll tllO

\i 'O J r I f :-\J "" ' , be cauBe.cJuJlOl'. aU-that Sh4 mad.· 1\ lew ,,~ ,"1. ' II r t ply, nnd sur,& a!l my .011,1/1 p. .... ~ Jill •.

see'tr;letl huming very belm' near the d ,,"~ · (I.S li,,, ug t. llldollbt 1 " . . 1:~~~I~I~~~!~~~ki feel ou wbat to do. ' • \ ' . III? II111Qwlhll .. . ., . I. .. BeeDDlIt of thE! manner m WblCb he

haUl~bBI1k1Iee:~eld41o IIll~llllthe" ~IJocld .' p?~ t b.e ,soure? ~ItB8 Wa,reu, filJed·"l~JI · dollarS: by &;I'0/leo mn~i8tr"ille where said ber tisitor. ." [1 kuol\1 I look" pret- in Ohicago for, .ktll,x\ng. fPa

matl)l,&-lilk:e,ler ty TOI,lgh, but t me.all w.Il.~nQiJkb." . ,ball: "1'~l' ~p.ift '~~f.~1~.~ (a(:~t~i~!It':t9!~~I:~ t~e dl,9

r toCow~,MIIY "sl\id,herbr'btburj"let'd I· Pol. dice ~.l1rt ~~~~~;'I.JEI~~~:~;~~~I'~fl~~~~ ''1r~lngb. ., d h ' t. . 'It ~n .be, received WI ,..lI88e ,- aVI! aUJ'pe~ a , ROOD as p08Iili", Bar. he had',heard of

lI .~~1i~e1iiPlt· . :And tlien. nard , .. IUd I \\Iant to go dowb toWli. I had BC(\Ollllpli~Jjeld t@~l1'j~L~;!~~,;. fi,~_jr~IIl1es"''Il~b her \ve~t abont "er ,>,lId wtl~l~n""r"'l ':"I'~It ... ~.~ t!!.iJ:t1p~;n;~j~p.rThJliU~ P,ild II ~bait. propl\red se~te!l

O~D'8r8, bnt It

