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I ENTERED as 2nd Class Mail Per Permit No. 2012-08 Issued ... · T-INNQVA'Y'IVE-k BALANCED-k...

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:". T- INNQVA'Y'IVE -k BALANCED -k CREDIBLE I VoL I No. 39 P 8.00 ENTERED as 2nd Class Mail Per Permit No. 2012-08 Issued by PPC on February 21, 2012 A NATIONAl.. NEWSPAPER WITH DIRECT REGIONAl.. LINKAGES Saturday October 13, 2012 JAPANESEAND CAMBODIAN AGRI • TECHNOLOGIES IN PHILIPPINE SOIL!!! JAPANESE TECHNOLOGY Japanese technocrats specializing in the improve- ment of water by non-chem- ical means and its applica- tions in agriculture ranging from rice production, poultry to fisheries are schedhled to meet fanners. landowners, fishpond operators. ~cade- micians and business entre- preneurs on October 15-21. 2012. They will promote Kiko Technology whose fo- cus is the enhancement of water through green and in- novative energy techniques developed in conjunction with the Japan Water Institute (lWI). The three products of Kiko Technology are car- tridges called Tritan, Tritan Mini and Stainless Steel which, when applied, ener- gize a given source of water JAPAN Kuniaki Kuroki, 499-26 Shimofujiswa lrurna-Shi, Saitama-Ken, Japan Kiko Technology limited e. [email protected] Japanese Pilot Project Republic ofthe Philippines Supreme Court Manila A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT RULE Whereas, case congestion and delays plague most courts in cities, given the huge volume of cases filed each year and the slow and cumbersome adversarial svstem that the judi- ciary has in place; Whereas, about 4<1%of criminal cases are dismissed an- nually owing to the fact that complainants simply give up corning to court after repeated postponements; Whereas. few forelun businessmen make lonn·renn in· vestments in the Philippines because its courts are unable to provide ample and speedy protection to their investments, keeping its people poor; Whereas, in order to reduce the time needed for complet- ing the testimonies of wimesses in cases under Iitigation, on February 2J. 2012 the Supreme COUll approved for piJotino by trial courts in Quezon City the compulsory use of judiciJl affidavits in place of the direct testimonies of witnesses: Whereas, it is reported that such piloting has quickly resulted in reducing by about tv.. -o-thirds the time used for presenting the testimonies of witnesses, thus sQc.."'e.dinoup the hearing and adjudication of cases: Whereas, the Supreme COUll Committee 011 the Revision of the Rules OfCOLU1, headed. by Senior Associate Justice An· tonio T. Carpio. and the Sub-Committee on the Revision ~.e~-· IID'R~iQ)1\\ c,Tr'DrDf. "mr II.!dJ~Ij~~fl,~!A)'~!l!!J .~, ~' \ Located at Daet Public Market and Diversion Road Owned and managed: ANGIE AND BOYET LORICA by: Jinky Andaya bUI does not take anything out hy chemical, mechanical or other means. It is scientifically proven that the molecules of arl objects, though invisible to the naked eye. vibrate, and water is no eXA ception. Frequency is tested us- ing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis (N-MRA) equipment. Water with a faster frequency or water that vibrates faster is said- to he more energized and proven to work better and more effi- ciently In agriculture and fanning, living matter absorb water more effectively and naturally, result- ing in better yields. Plants and animals grow faster. food is healthier. and final products do 1101 perish quickly. Preservatives can become a thing of the past. Fewer chemicals (e.g. fertilizers) arc needed in irs agriculture ap- plication. CAMBODIAN SRI In another development. the Board of Trustees elected Yam Saing Koma to receive the 2012 Ramon Magsaysay ~;~r~e~~·!~~i~!l~nb~;:c.ri~ cal science and collective will that has inspired and enabled vast numbers of farmers in Cambodia to become emppw- ered and productive contrJ\)u- tors to their country's econom- ic growth". ~ «1 didn't expect to gel an award. I just want 10 do something for the farmer, not do something for the award. The award is a plus. It's more. for the fanner and evervone involved in the work for' rice fanners." Korua said. Koma. an agronomist educated in the prestigious University of I~etoj~ ~~ ~~~~t?b~lsSE\~D. a United Nations-led global initiative that recognizes out- standing sustainable entre- preneurship practices around the world. His System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an of... ficial rice production method endorsed by the Cambodian Government. credited tor 1100Paitluging Itik para sa Daet, Labo, Talisay at Vinzons, Camarines Norte Para sa tuloy-tuloy na pagpapaigting ng programang Poultry Rehab Program ng pa- mahalaang panlalawigan ng Carnarines Norte. ipinamahagi kaniuang umaga SCI harap ng kapitolyo ang 1100 "mallard" o paitluging itik para sa 22 be- nepisaryo na isinagawa nina G. Raymund Marcelino, Regional Livestock Coordinator ng De- partment of Agriculture Regional Office 5 (DA RFU-5) at Dr. Ron- aldo U. Diezmo. Acting Provin- cial Veterinarian Ang bawat isang be- nepisaryo ay pinagkalooban ng tig·50 itik kung kaya sa 22 be- nepisaryo ay 1100 kabuuang itik. Ang bayan ng Duet at Labo ay may rig-S benepisaryo na may tig-50 itik 0 kabuuang 250 itik 53 bawar bayang nabanggit. Sa- mantala, ang bay:m ng Talisay at Vinzons, ay may tig·6 na be- nepisaryo na may tig·50 itik 0 kabuuang 300 itik sa bawat bay- an ng Talisay at Vinzons. Ang mga benepisaryo ay napili base sa kanilang ka- ranasan sa pag-aalaga ng itik at mayroon silang lugar para sa pag-aalaga ng itik. Pagka- lipas ng 3 bUV,'8.11 ay inaasahan na mangigitlog na ang mga itik na ibinigay sa kanila ngunit pagkalipas pa ng 6 na bu"van sisimulan ng benepisaryo a.llg pagbabayad, Sila ay rnagba- bayad ng P250 sa bawar itik no. ipinagkalaloob sa kanila sa loob ng isang raon at kala- hati. Ang halagang kanilang ibinayad ay ibibili naman ng panibagong paitluging itik at ipamamahagi naman sa iba pang benepisaryo sa ibang bayan, "yon kay Mr. Elmer E. Dasco, Provincial Dispersal Officer, Ang mga itik na ipinag- kaloob sa pamahalaang panla- lawigan ay bunga ng pag-uusap ni Gob. Edgardo A Tallado at G. Raymund Marcelino ng DA RFU-5) na mapc-igring aug sunaen sa pahina 3 doubling the country's total rice output in the last decade. Some 140.000 fanner families are implementing SRI in 21 Cambodian provinces, help- ing boost total Yield from 3.82 million tons to 7.97 million tons in 2010 "For the first time, no fanner wanted to do it. It was very strange for them. But you just select one who has the COUl·· age,' Kll1O<I said laughing, re- call ing how he stalled the pro- gram. "My country is poor. .. 1.just wanted to do something good for the country", he add- ed. The SRI method is quite simple in principle but great in intent: producing more with Jess. "You go planting only one seedling very shal- low, bigger spacing. less W"3A ter, more compost. The result. you gel a very high yield", the awardee concluded. (Some data from the report of Tarra Quisnumdo of Philippine Dai- Iy Inqurrer) 1 '-~-'-"-l ~ ."" '11II' ,Pi;? •. , RI\MC>:-, {)!"~l~I'\o,,,\ )7','.Y ,:~ AvV'\J-!l)t; Ramon Magsaysay Awardee Dr. Y.S. Koma holding a tj-oav-oto seedling to be planted at large- scale SRIplantingat Battambang [photocourtesyof Y.S. Kama] Courageous Cambodian Farmer Matataas na opisyal ng Oriental Mindoro, walang katunggali sa 2013 elections LlfNGSOD NG CALA- PAN, Oriental Mindoro, .• Walang makakatunggali sa muting pagtakbo sa halalan sa 2013 sina Governor AI· fonso V. Umali Jr.. Vice Gov- emor Humerlito A. Dolor. at Second District Congress ... man Reynaldo V. Umali. sa isang pambihirang pagkakat- aon sa kasaysayan ng pulitika <It pamamahala sa lalawigan ng Oriental Mindoro. Sa fiClg raising ceremony sa kapitolyo. sinabi ui Umuli na ang kawalan nilu ng ka- tunggali sa darating na hala- Ian ay patunay ng patuloy na pagsuporta ng mamamayan sa. kaniyang pamunuan. Sabi ng gobernador, hin- di lamang silang mga halal na opisyal ng parnahalaan ang pangunalung dahilan nito 5<1- pagkat napakalaki aniya ang naging bahagi ng mahusay na paglilingkod ng mga opisyal at kawani ng kapitolyo upang ipagkaloob sa kanila ang tiwala ng marnamayan. Sa opisyal na tala ng Com- mission on Elections (Corne- lee) Provincial Office na pinan- gangasiwaan ni John Mark R. Tambasacan, ratio ang maglal- aban para sa pagka-kongresista sa unang distrito. Sila ay sina kasniukuyang City Mayor Pau- Iino Salvador Cueto Lcachon, dating kongresista Renate Lev- istc .. at John Nico Valencia. Para sa limang posisyon ng Bokal sa unang distrito, si- yam ang naghain ng kanilang kandidatura. Sila ay sinn Ryan Arago, Zeus Atienza. Jun Bugarin, lshrnail De Chavez. Apollo Feraren, Rafael Jnfan- tado, Philip Cesar Joson, Juan Paolo LIma at lojie Malapitan. Para naman sa lima ring posisyon ng Bokal sa ikala- simdan sa pahina 3 CAMP 1 lUMBER' AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY " '.,\ <+. '. ... _----- ---

:". T-


I VoL I No. 39 P 8.00

ENTERED as 2nd Class Mail Per Permit No. 2012-08 Issued by PPC on February 21, 2012




Japanese technocratsspecializing in the improve-ment of water by non-chem-ical means and its applica-tions in agriculture rangingfrom rice production, poultryto fisheries are schedhled tomeet fanners. landowners,fishpond operators. ~cade-micians and business entre-preneurs on October 15-21.2012. They will promoteKiko Technology whose fo-cus is the enhancement ofwater through green and in-novative energy techniquesdeveloped in conjunctionwith the Japan Water Institute(lWI).

The three products ofKiko Technology are car-tridges called Tritan, TritanMini and Stainless Steelwhich, when applied, ener-gize a given source of water

JAPAN Kuniaki Kuroki,499-26 Shimofujiswa

lrurna-Shi, Saitama-Ken,Japan

Kiko Technology limitede. [email protected]

Japanese Pilot Project

Republic of the PhilippinesSupreme Court



Whereas, case congestion and delays plague most courtsin cities, given the huge volume of cases filed each year andthe slow and cumbersome adversarial svstem that the judi-ciary has in place;

Whereas, about 4<1%of criminal cases are dismissed an-nually owing to the fact that complainants simply give upcorning to court after repeated postponements;

Whereas. few forelun businessmen make lonn·renn in·vestments in the Philippines because its courts are unable toprovide ample and speedy protection to their investments,keeping its people poor;

Whereas, in order to reduce the time needed for complet-ing the testimonies of wimesses in cases under I itigation, onFebruary 2J. 2012 the Supreme COUll approved for piJotinoby trial courts in Quezon City the compulsory use of judiciJlaffidavits in place of the direct testimonies of witnesses:

Whereas, it is reported that such piloting has quicklyresulted in reducing by about tv..-o-thirds the time used forpresenting the testimonies of witnesses, thus sQc.."'e.dinoup thehearing and adjudication of cases:

Whereas, the Supreme COUll Committee 011 the Revisionof the Rules OfCOLU1,headed. by Senior Associate Justice An·tonio T. Carpio. and the Sub-Committee on the Revision


IID'R~iQ)1\\c,Tr'DrDf. "mrII.!dJ~Ij~~fl,~!A)'~!l!!J.~,~'

\ Located at Daet Public Market and Diversion RoadOwned and managed:


by: Jinky Andaya

bUI does not take anything outhy chemical, mechanical or othermeans. It is scientifically proventhat the molecules of arl objects,though invisible to the nakedeye. vibrate, and water is no eXA

ception. Frequency is tested us-ing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Analysis (N-MRA) equipment.Water with a faster frequency orwater that vibrates faster is said-

to he more energized and provento work better and more effi-ciently

In agriculture and fanning,

living matter absorb water moreeffectively and naturally, result-ing in better yields. Plants andanimals grow faster. food ishealthier. and final products do1101 perish quickly. Preservativescan become a thing of the past.Fewer chemicals (e.g. fertilizers)arc needed in irs agriculture ap-plication.


In another development.the Board of Trustees electedYam Saing Koma to receivethe 2012 Ramon Magsaysay

~;~r~e~~·!~~i~!l~nb~;:c.ri~cal science and collective willthat has inspired and enabledvast numbers of farmers inCambodia to become emppw-ered and productive contrJ\)u-tors to their country's econom-ic growth".~ «1 didn't expect to gel

an award. I just want 10 dosomething for the farmer, notdo something for the award.The award is a plus. It's more.for the fanner and evervoneinvolved in the work for' ricefanners." Korua said. Koma.an agronomist educated inthe prestigious University of

I~etoj~~~~~~~t?b~lsSE\~D.a United Nations-led globalinitiative that recognizes out-standing sustainable entre-preneurship practices aroundthe world. His System of RiceIntensification (SRI) is an of...ficial rice production methodendorsed by the CambodianGovernment. credited tor

1100Paitluging Itik parasa Daet, Labo, Talisay atVinzons, Camarines Norte

Para sa tuloy-tuloy napagpapaigting ng programangPoultry Rehab Program ng pa-mahalaang panlalawigan ngCarnarines Norte. ipinamahagikaniuang umaga SCI harap ngkapitolyo ang 1100 "mallard"o paitluging itik para sa 22 be-nepisaryo na isinagawa nina G.Raymund Marcelino, RegionalLivestock Coordinator ng De-partment of Agriculture RegionalOffice 5 (DA RFU-5) at Dr. Ron-aldo U. Diezmo. Acting Provin-cial Veterinarian

Ang bawat isang be-nepisaryo ay pinagkalooban ngtig·50 itik kung kaya sa 22 be-nepisaryo ay 1100 kabuuang itik.Ang bayan ng Duet at Labo aymay rig-S benepisaryo na maytig-50 itik 0 kabuuang 250 itik53 bawar bayang nabanggit. Sa-mantala, ang bay:m ng Talisayat Vinzons, ay may tig·6 na be-nepisaryo na may tig·50 itik 0

kabuuang 300 itik sa bawat bay-an ng Talisay at Vinzons.

Ang mga benepisaryoay napili base sa kanilang ka-ranasan sa pag-aalaga ng itikat mayroon silang lugar parasa pag-aalaga ng itik. Pagka-lipas ng 3 bUV,'8.11 ay inaasahanna mangigitlog na ang mga itikna ibinigay sa kanila ngunitpagkalipas pa ng 6 na bu"vansisimulan ng benepisaryo a.llgpagbabayad, Sila ay rnagba-bayad ng P250 sa bawar itikno. ipinagkalaloob sa kanilasa loob ng isang raon at kala-hati. Ang halagang kanilangibinayad ay ibibili naman ngpanibagong paitluging itik atipamamahagi naman sa ibapang benepisaryo sa ibangbayan, "yon kay Mr. Elmer E.Dasco, Provincial DispersalOfficer,

Ang mga itik na ipinag-kaloob sa pamahalaang panla-lawigan ay bunga ng pag-uusapni Gob. Edgardo A Tallado atG. Raymund Marcelino ng DARFU-5) na mapc-igring aug

sunaen sa pahina 3

doubling the country's totalrice output in the last decade.Some 140.000 fanner familiesare implementing SRI in 21Cambodian provinces, help-ing boost total Yield from 3.82million tons to 7.97 milliontons in 2010"For the first time, no fannerwanted to do it. It was verystrange for them. But you justselect one who has the COUl··age,' Kll1O<I said laughing, re-call ing how he stalled the pro-gram. "My country is poor. ..1.just wanted to do somethinggood for the country", he add-ed.

The SRI method is quitesimple in principle but greatin intent: producing morewith Jess. "You go plantingonly one seedling very shal-low, bigger spacing. less W"3A

ter, more compost. The result.you gel a very high yield", theawardee concluded. (Somedata from the report of TarraQuisnumdo of Philippine Dai-Iy Inqurrer)



."" '11 II' ,Pi;? ••. , RI\MC>:-,{)!"~l~I'\o,,,\)7','.Y

,:~ AvV'\J-!l)t;

Ramon MagsaysayAwardee

Dr. Y.S. Koma holding a tj-oav-otoseedling to be planted at large-scale SRIplantingat Battambang[photo courtesy of Y.S. Kama]

Courageous Cambodian Farmer

Matataas na opisyalng Oriental Mindoro,walang katunggalisa 2013 elections

LlfNGSOD NG CALA-PAN, Oriental Mindoro, .•Walang makakatunggali samuting pagtakbo sa halalansa 2013 sina Governor AI·fonso V. Umali Jr .. Vice Gov-emor Humerlito A. Dolor. atSecond District Congress ...man Reynaldo V. Umali. saisang pambihirang pagkakat-aon sa kasaysayan ng pulitika<It pamamahala sa lalawiganng Oriental Mindoro.

Sa fiClg raising ceremonysa kapitolyo. sinabi ui Umulina ang kawalan nilu ng ka-tunggali sa darating na hala-Ian ay patunay ng patuloy napagsuporta ng mamamayansa. kaniyang pamunuan.

Sabi ng gobernador, hin-di lamang silang mga halal naopisyal ng parnahalaan angpangunalung dahilan nito 5<1-

pagkat napakalaki aniya angnaging bahagi ng mahusay

na paglilingkod ng mga opisyalat kawani ng kapitolyo upangipagkaloob sa kanila ang tiwalang marnamayan.

Sa opisyal na tala ng Com-mission on Elections (Corne-lee) Provincial Office na pinan-gangasiwaan ni John Mark R.Tambasacan, ratio ang maglal-aban para sa pagka-kongresistasa unang distrito. Sila ay sinakasniukuyang City Mayor Pau-Iino Salvador Cueto Lcachon,dating kongresista Renate Lev-istc .. at John Nico Valencia.

Para sa limang posisyonng Bokal sa unang distrito, si-yam ang naghain ng kanilangkandidatura. Sila ay sinn RyanArago, Zeus Atienza. JunBugarin, lshrnail De Chavez.Apollo Feraren, Rafael Jnfan-tado, Philip Cesar Joson, JuanPaolo LIma at lojie Malapitan.

Para naman sa lima ringposisyon ng Bokal sa ikala-

simdan sa pahina 3




..._----- ---
