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I~ - Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum Ka 4 1.on AYenue , • ..., Tori

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I~ January 19, 1940.

Re- Wemo to Bull fro~ FDR- Jan 19, 1940

Subjeotslnhuman t reatment of Professors of the Ja&ellonian UniTeraity at Crt.o"" and their appeal from Rome ' (Despatch l!o :S9) for hel p. They are in concentration Ct.mpa ,

SeesBUll-- drawer 1- 1940


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Oct ober 24, 1941

Dear !Use Tully:

Wi th ref erence t o your converea­hon w1 th l:r . Gray I attach f1 ve copies of Zuricb'e telegr= !lo, 481 regar-ding t he program or the ilational Reich ' s Church, A paraphrase was not neceeeary as the Gray code is not a confidential one,

[) nJ~P l ''l·i'l Jl

Jill~. Stone


• ' .. 'l

Ootober 2S, 1941.

lly d.ar .Arobbiabopl-

1 am enoloa1ng what I spoke

to you about t!l e other day and I lalow that

this 1a ooll!lrmatory ot other 111!ormat1oD

wbioh baa beeD received i D other places.

With kiodeet regards,

B1s :Bxo!llleno:r


Koat Rev. Mwa.M !.looney . D. D. • .Archb1abop ot Detroit,

l 8SO Welles~•:r Drive, Detroit, w.ich1gan.

OotobeJ' 25, l94lo

11J' 4ear rr1on41•

I oo e110looiae t.llat I apol<a to

JOU about t.ba ot.bar do;r and I I<JI>W U.at

thla 1o eoD1'1matol'J' of ot.bar 1D1'on>et1on

111b.ic.b baa bele~a reoo1'fe4 1D o t.btr pl.ac•••

n ... ~ "' ••• ,..,u aDd

&> co• 4""" qaln eoon (I moan .nar


lalthtully )'Oura,

Hi• boellenoy Moa~ R••· 7rono1a 1. Sptll:an, D.D. ,

Al!'chbiahop of Now Toxl<, 452 Ka41.on AYenue ,

• ..., Tori<, 11. T.

Ooto'Mr 2S, l94l•

Dear Uyron:-

I attaoh, in great oontidenoe, a

oopy ot a tronalat1on ot a d1apatoh received

t:rom a reliable source in Europe -- that it

to '1471 a aouroe which baa hitherto proved

remarllably reliable. I em W1thhold1~~g, ot

oourae, the llCille a.nd eddreaa ot the 1Dtorman1i.

I thillk it would be a.n excellent

idea to send this to HiD HoliD&sa who el.ready

haa certain apeo1t1c intonation along slmilar


.A.a ever yours,

HoDOrable 14yron c. Taylor, 60 Broadway, lilew Torte City, Hew Yo:dt.

' I


'l'h1a progru emeutea .trom the intilute circle

of .Altre4 Rosenberg and I am in:tormed that pratioa.Uy

DOthing 1a kll0fl11 of it abroad, 1t baTing arrived ollly

a f- dar- ago th:rougb truatlfOrtby cball.llela. 'l'lie

intlueDOe ot Roaanberg is reported to be on the inoreue

due to the turn of the Ruaaian campaign.

'l'he )0 points ot the program f ollow!

J'irst. 'l'be Natiolllll Reioh • s Church of GttnD.aJ17

(hereinarter called the N.R. end represented in this

telegram by the a,mbol "N".

CategOrically cla1m.a the exolUilbe right aDd

the exolUilbe power to oo lltrol all churches w1 thin

the borders ot the Reichl it declares these to be

llll tiou.l. ohurohea

ot t~ o.- !!doh.

SooODil. T~ OO'*A people .a&at DOt eorYe t.he II.

t~ II 1• abaolutolJ Ul4 uo,lue1YolJ 1n :.he eorY1oa

ot but ono cSootrlnaa raoe aa4 uatlon.

'lbJ.rd. The t1el4 ot aot1Ylt7 o! tho II wUl ox•

.,an4 to ~ l1a1te ot O•~·· territorial an4

ool«llal po•••••loua• Pourt.ll. t~ II 4oee DOt !oro• uq Oer.an to .. alt

..-.Nh1p tbero1D. tho II •Ul 4o •••l')'thin6 w1th1n

, 1ta power to aeouro tho adharenoo ot aYarJ OeZOMA aoul.

Other ohuroh•• or a1mll.ar o.._ms Uu AD4 un1ona

part1oularl7 auoh •• are wxler 1Dtal'D&t1onal. coatrol

or -s-t oazmot &a4 ahaU. DOt bo toloratacl 1n

o·~· -P1tt.h. Tbe II 1a 4otaralna4 to axtera1-to lr-

r .. ocablJ and b7 O'I'Oi'J' .. ana tbe atrallgo &a4 toralgn

ohrhtlan !aitla ~rtod into ;ial'III&IIT 1n tbe 111-

-n.cl JOal' 800.

aUt.A. 'lho ulatl.JI& otn&rohaa .. , DOt bo u-ahl•

_tooti.IJ'allJ altered, aa t.he7 raprea-t ~ propol"tJ o!

tbe Oai'IIAA D& tlon, Oai'IIAA cult.=- &a4 to a oart.a1D

extant tbe h1ator1tal 4nelopaant ot tbe uatlon. Aa

proport7 ot tho Oonaan nat10D t!W7 &M DOt onl7 to bo

valua4 but to ba proaona4.

·' 0


a.noth. 'nw I baa oo aorl'boa, paatore, cbapl&!Aa

or prleeta 'b\&t Jlat1ooal JloUh orator• are to apeak

1o u-. &1ahth• no I aol"t'iooa are 1:1814 0Al7 1o the

O'feoioa aJI4 oot 1A the -n:l.ins· 'lboao eonlooo are

to take plaoe oa 8aturda7a with aol- 1Uiainat1oD.

111oth. lD tlla I OOI'IIUID. -D aJI4 •-, Oo.--o

JOUtl:l8 aJI4 g1rla w.lll aolmowle4go Oo4 aJI4 hie eternal.

Tontb. ~ I 1rreYOoa'bl7 atrl'foo tor co~lota

UD1oo with tho eta to. · It ~~~&at o'ba7 tile a tate a a -

or ito .. l"fttltao Aa aucll 1t 4o~a tl:l8t all lan4a4

}>o .. aaalona ot all churohoa aJ:I4 rall;loua 4aoolllina tlooa

be haJI4a4 o'for to the otata. lt tor'b14a tl:l8t 1A

tutora Clhurclloa ahou.ld .. ouro -rahlp ot o'feo the

... lloat plooo ot Qar.an ao11 or tl:l8t eucll 'bo oyer

g1'f- 'be.ok to th•• lot the cllurcll .. oonquor aD4

clll.Un.to l&D4 aJI4 eoU 'but u olualnl7 the Qell'M.Il

natloa, the Qon.n atata.

llo'fonth. I orator• M7 DOYal' 'be tboao who

to4&7 -.phlltUO Witll all tl'ioka aJ:I4 OIIMIDg YOI"ballf

I.ZJt1 1A wr1tiz18 the nooo .. 1t7 or •1nta1nlns and

tMch1Ag or chrlatlan1t7 1A Oo~J tl:l87 not -17 11• to thoaaolYoo 'but abo tl:l8 Qoman n&tioa

~eel bt tho1r lon or ~ poalt1on• thor hold &DIS

tb.e ... et brM4 ~r -t.

Torolrth. • orator• hold or tloo, so•-=-nt

ortic1alo under ChU Sanlco N.l.oo.

Tb.11'tomth. Tho a 410•""• lz·jllato oeoa&tlon

ot tbe publlllh.lng on4 dlaoomln&Uoc or tho lliblo

in Oor.=aont ao woU u tho publication ot SUDdar papera,

pa•hu, pubUoationa 0114 boolco or rells iouo natura.

PO\U'toanth. 'J.'ho • beo to taka onoro -•ur.o

1n ol'der to pronnt tho tliblo &DIS o~r chrlatlan

publlcat1ona being ~tecl into OOJI'Milt•

F1ttoenth. Tho • doclaroo ~t to it, and

~J'U'oro to tbe OON&Il natiou, lt llaa boon doeidecl

~r·• ••• in lt.u1Pt" 1a tho greotoat or all

docuaente. It ie conecioue that ~. book containa

no t onlr ~ groatoot, &DIS tb.et 1t e=bodioe tho

puroot and tru.et otW.co tor tho pro .. nt 0114

tuturo lUo or oUl' nation.

Sl:&toentb. Tho a bee .-do 1t 1tl eacrecl chltr

to uao oU lh 01101"&7 to populorioo tho cootorDOl

•aoin ~taapt• 0114 to lot onrt Oo~ Un &DIS cc.ploto

!Uo lUo accol"41ng to th1o book.

Sonntoonth. The a dlaon4o tho t l'lu'thar eclit1ono

ot thlo book, .taatover t on& thor •t ta.ll:o, bo 1n


• ~ :··

•I- 1481, Oew'INir 100 ., p, a,, troa %vt.ela,

eoo••' &114 paalnaUoa ezao\lf 81ailar w \he pr.••'

poplllar e41Uoa,

£l&h\Ha\h, D.l • W1U oltu' aWIQ' fr- 1 h aU&lN

aU oruo1t1x pll&ftl Dlble• &114 plollllN• of lalAh,

Mlaehu\h, oa \h1 altar• ~ ... ••• be no\hlDc

'ba\ "MelD ~pt•, W C.e Oei'III&D a&Uoa aa4 \twr.nJr.

w Oo4 \he 110d .. olN4 boollt an4 \o C.e left of \he

altar • -I'll. tv.Uo\h. !he l epeaker. -•• 4IU'lac • ••ntoee

pJ'OpoWI4 $h11 boolt w \he oonpoegdloa w \he 'INI•' of \halJO lulowle4p IUI4 ablU'f, . . .

TY•'J·t11'1\, !he • 4oee no' aokao111e4p tor­

It••••• ot lla•, U r.proeea\1 \he •1aa4polat

vbleb U wtll al'WIQ'I pJ'Oelala \he\ a lla oaoe

.-tne4 wtU bo l"U\hluolJ pwlilhe4 bT \he !lonorable

u4 1n4 .. \l"UoUble law• of nalulN an4 puallhllea' wtU

tollolr 4IU'lac \ho •1An•r' • llteU••·

twa\J•Meoa4, !he • r.pca41a\oe \he ei:IJ>h\•'nc

•f Onaaa oh1141'e puUtulal'17 \he ebl'll\01111 YUil

"nbr aa4 \lie HolJ Obo1\, ... ~ -

fwcl\J•\hll'll, !he Jlll"llh of a eb114 (or lf a

-.a.., · 'liom' ebll4) ''"' onlJ' \alte \he Oeftlall oa\h betor.

\he &J.tar Wleb h WOI'Ile4 al toUOYII !be a&al



• . . ~

•Ill C. uae of Oo4 1 bke ~· Hol7 oa~ Ula'

I \ho ta\har of ~· oh1l41 aA4 rq wlto, are of

pl'OTID .L"7all dooOCDto Ao a t&thw I &(p"'O to 'llr111«

op tiUo oh114 1A tho Goi'II&JI IIJ)1rlt 11114 ao a -'bar

ot tho Oomu raoo•.

!ho vomana •In \ho UM of Oo4 I kke th1,e

BolT odh \hat I (naao) boH rq blaoban4 a oh114 &114

Ulat rq blaobaa4 1o tho tathor ot ~· oh114 aD4 Ulat

I 1to IIOther - of pl'OTIA Az')'all do-t. Ao a

.,c.er I near to biZ'1nc up th1o oh1l4 1n the Oei'IIM

op11'1t an4 •• a mer~'bor of tho Gel'IUil J'lloo•. Tho

OIN&II d1plo .. CWl onl1 be 11aao4 w 1111¥11 bol'ft

oh114roc Oil the ot-sth ot tho GeroaD oath.

~011t7-~ 1'ho N aboUoheo oont1NaUoD

and Hligioltl ed1toaUon ao woll •• tlle COIICunlOII

tho Hl1etouo prepaNUon tor the -llnion. !he

114uoaUonal 1nsU~Uono ..,.. and reJJA1ft tho teru.:Lr,

tbe aoboob, tbe Oonaan )'0\lt b, tl1e H11ilor 7011th,

an4 ~ Vllioll ot G•raan &1rlo.

~e.'\t;r-ntth. IA or41'f' thd oo00ol E;J'II4aatlon

of our GeftaJI ;routh be g1Ten an oi!J)elt1all:r aol­

eharaotor oll B wet put t lwuel.Too at the dhpOtal

of GcmaDoll rou\h, the IU.tlor ,outh aA4 the Un1oll of

a.- eiJ'l• on tlle 4aT of tho ata\11 • JOI&th Vhloh


.. • ..

t.. I I ..

I /

_.,_ 1<&81, Ootobel'J.O, ? P••·, tl'oa Zur1oh.

v1U be on \M 1'1'1411 betore Ea•~r. 011 ~. 411

the lea4er• ot ~ .. orpnla&Uone exolue1'f8l.7 ~~AT



• 'fven\7-dll. '1'be II&J'I'iq• o•r.oQJ ot Oel'll&ll

aen an4 voau v1U aonel•t ot ~ng an oath ot

talthtUln• .. an4 plao1ns th• rlsht ban4 on the svor4.


'fbeN v1U DOt be ell7 unvol"\b;r kn8ell.ng 1D II oeHCIOnJ.e8e

tvant7·•n•n; the II 4eol&N• the ten\h 4&)' be­

t oft Wh1 t l'u""a1 to be \M national hol14&)' ot \he

o.nau tu.117.

i'Ven\7-elgbt. The R HJeoh the eutto.&J"J' 411

ot pra)'er an4 a\on•ent. I\ 4..andt that t llh be

t:ran•terred to tlle hol1411 - uoratlng t he la11ng

ot the t oundaUon etont ot \he H.

Tvent7•nlne. Th• H v1U not tolerah th•

ettabl lahment ot &07 new olerlcal rel1g1ou• 1n11gn1a.

Thlrtr. On the 4&)' ot l\1 t oun4atlon the

ChntUan ero11 11111t be .--n4 hoo11 all ohl&roh811

oathe4rall an4 ohapell 111\hln Ul• Rt1oh an4 U•

eolonJ.u an4 1t 11111t be 1uper1edecl b7 \he onl7

unoonq~aerable 1711bol ot OenaaDJ \he ' Raken Xrna•.


............. ~- -.-. .... -Voo.. ll- No. 95

n...chy, Odober ~. 1~1 Cloody &Ud cool«.

-- .

RalP-h Ingersoll's ReP-ort' on Russia:

y Hitler

,.., ..

~:e~:~--e··--d-··-: __ ~Can't ·

8 9 10 11

"'ur N'•Uoo wiU 1nd must ~pt~~lr from every usembly liH ... from

ev")' oo-1 mjn,c ••• , 0\lfeut earmot

be hampct'ed by the sel&.W ol»tr~Koo Uoq of • •~o but tbogcrow minority of indu.~hio.l IMIM.J«W who hold out

for e.tln proGlt or fCtr 'bwincss u uiu~.l: n t~ud be Lampered Ly the 5dtUh oM~ of a flll&b but clao. JefOIH mJnority of bbot k tdm who

""·~··: .

2, 3,15

__ ,_

Conquer Russia Now ..

fCIIIHC:N Plol , 'tUESDA Y. OCTOI!II'R U ltU mnPrf.~ 7 HA F Rajds Seem to Be Luring Luftwaffe Away From Russia

/\1uJ lkfwckn NutnnOUJ Uritb.h ~~ Combtned

Vichy Ousts All mons

Japan Denies Foray into Siberia, But Dual Threat to Asia llcmains
