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I H tls ire IIIIIIIIII - University of...

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v T p i FI01IIU JANUARY 111900 aW w w IlAJGfJ dJJlj ss ° ntUG UttW WILL OPEN TODAY One of the Public Libraries in State SEVERAL HUNDRED VOLUME- SAr Already in Hand the Tw ni ii Century Club Board of Control Anti Private Citizens Making Donations LIlt ef Officers villt Public Library wit opeej its doors today at 2p m The li- brary aad readingrooms are OB West Liberty street oppon the VMideaee of O A C lloiigh and are baBdwmely sad cozily Hated up For the present the library will t e epen every afternoon from 2 oclock to aflkuk la addition to the tine li bnry of ttaodard sad lain fiction do Gated to the association by the Twen- tieth Century Club the Board of Con r l of State Educational Institutes kM turned over in the a ocl lien the ralaable historical and refer aec library loaned sow years ago old Library Association to the East Florida SeaUoary consisting in all of 400 volumes The readiaKrooai will kept with the best current literature iaeludiag all the American magazine aad aietreBolitaB dallies It is the iateation of the association aaaasffcBtat keep on hind the bent ad aewest la popular fiction and book dealiag with earreat questions of mo Membership In the Library A sci atiea eeets ealy two dollars a year the helder to the privilege of the library aid readiairoum for the SfAte of one year Members may take frog the library and may keep a Melt tea days Soadays sot included Tenperarv for ttorvc- Baeaths or Ies will be issued upou the Dariaf the pas week quite a num bar ef pabliospiriied citiseas or- Oaiatavllle kite aaade valuable dona lieas to the library aaaanc which raay- be ascattoaed Hoe W N Shoats set J Carlyles works 15 volumes J H YVMh ef ahakesaeare l volumes Will Hay The OIR d be t d titles hob embe hip of tl c O situatr- t reel tTy ti- the nearly sup- plied l neat at peytaeat set i y ¬ < ¬ n ueerg set of Jiarryatfs works 20 volaases Mrs Wilcox set ol Charles Beads works 8 volumes Mrs Oeear Morris Sis Thousand Years of History 10 volumes Mrs C A CeleleeRR set of Bulwers novels IS votaaies It Is le be hoped that our citlsens- Bpreeiatiaff the great value to city geed eablie library will la way aosslble lead aid sad encourage teat to this laudable enterprise Every clticea ought to take member- ship in the association dollars is certalaly a small price to pay for privilege of the use for a year of such a library as is now in the reach of our people Doaatioas of books magazines etc be thankfully received by the as- sociation The officers for the present year are- as follows President Tom F McOeath Vice President Rev T P Hay Rev S it Rogers aad Mrs W B Taylor and Treasurer 31is Gertrude Cushmin Chairman of Executive Committee Sirs C A Colclough Chairman of Membership and Finance Committee Miss Alice Nichols PARK DRAMATIC COMPANY Return Engagement of This Popular Company for Next Week The people of Gaine ville will be glad to learn that the C W Park Dra- matic Co which is a general favorite here will play a return engagement begianing Monday evening January 16th with the production of The Americas Uirl This company plays under canvas earrjlag a large tent with all the conveniences of a modern opera house The tent is lighted with electricity aad well heated making it quite comfortable The stage largo fcud the scenery of the mom artistic aad resliatia character with splendid aiechtkal effects The tent will be located at the nUll place as when the company here- in October opposite the City Hall East Mala street South As a repertoire company han- dling standard plays the Park Co it beet ever tern in Gainesville To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to care W Groves signature is OB each box 25c I Dot every will ill was the E I the eta Two s the- y s L Secre- tary r J 1 a well appolntrd A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° + i DO YOU GET UP WITH A BACK Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Alniot everyWlv who read the nest pajxrrs is sure to know of the wotideriul isilis- coveriilaft Mtroessiul in curing Kirk uric Mil catarrh the MiiMer awl PrijlU Iis e which is the worst form f kidnap tn ul c- I r SwampRoot is not rcr ommemlfl for tern tiling n hive kiiliiey hvcr or lilaillcr tmiiMcit ill le found the remeily y It h toted in H way in hospital work and in I r practuv ami ha proved Mi ieecs l ii i r oie t it a nrraiivciu it ti iiaile y which all readers tls H i in stein not already trul it y i v ire Knt fret l y ala 1 o k tell ititj pure V it SMm Ko iaiii 1 v to Ineyor I Ucrtnn bit When writing mention re ulitt this generous oiler in i iiu v ir Kilvcr- Co Itinghamton N Y The regular and onr dollar rive Uittles are no ft s apRau 1y all jn hl druvg s rvnt make any mistake loot remeinier the nitue Ur Kilmers and the adilress liinghamtoii N Y oao every bottle LOCHLOOSA LACONICS- A Few Local and Prnn l Paragraphs of Interest Lochlooft Jan 10 Mr 8 C Hay mint amt daughter retnrnd hump Thursday la t after a w tt stay with her itauntucr Mr R A Hen- drix at Largo May Frofcher returned to h r honl Sunday after tpendiaR Christ mae with h r parents C I Sender and A K Wade Jr made a trip to Hawthorn Saturday aud tnrnrd Sunday School utiirtfd Monday afc r a two week vacation for Dell Maddox of Boston tae it down visiting with friends IAl1E LJ t 1 J II I Ii III cr J J 1 tII t h J JII IIHI 1 Ilea rtIIIlI f It i of lhe UillthlIlh r I r dutI Tr ililtttrr the erilhlt ki 11 h1it n1 i ltlllhtul prompt h lIt if ot u Ill IlIine I f nail fittlllut if nll hI1 k I thl I II ocr ill u to nr t I Ch rim I rate tide 1 S f gt j4 the real tntM- Iic1 reaurt- S vv a of tetnn bt tit ne- LLoldtr btttt t u ante Iii t Kilner t v betitt FN 1t address bold i wd koot ties 7 1 Y v < > > > > + + < + + Chamberlains Cough Remedy Harmless The fault of giving childrfn medicine times more dia troui than the di ea e from which they suffering Every mother should know that Chamber lain Cough Remedy perfectly safe for children to take It contains noth- ing harmful and for coughs cords and i untDrpa iPd Fur by all druggist Automobiles To Be Used Washington Jan 10 Iostmasto- iGtieia C irtf lyou has approved a ret omnitaJation of Fourtn Assistant De- Jraw our ie HJC by rural carriers ol- autondl lc ii In SJ rvinj their routs The postmaster however ex prey pre rves the liRht to rtMpiirr rural to ll corttntie the of such vchkles prescribed by r jrion If romp ini s mae o- tunatUfartory service ar n from h uso of ui noblXs Rural corners as are rHjuSre to inatnain a tlxed schp ulc o tnit V xc f h lr pnror nay be rv i at or the su time each Imperfect Digestion MPIJI lei nutrition and in- qitMicf vitality Vin n the liver to secrete the biodd bceomr- toitdfd with bilioiM properties thu di- gestion heiroinfi iinpnired and the howt eoiiitipntfd llcrbin will rei1- tity thit It civr tone to the turn ah liver and appetite eleim and improvf the com i pillion infuses new lift anil vigor to the tubule n iiin cent a bottle mould ty V M Jnhniton Secede Item Panama Now York hm 10 A cibe patch to ti HI raid runt Iaiiuia a that CapMln l iv nci of h Paiuuiu1 Oirnp Monday r MKn j IKUT o IrtsUKnt Aiaor wrlMec b- nnana iuna grand ehl f of tho Sin la In lians on the lower Atlantic i coast of Panama announ lm heir ac j c Mlon from Pitiaia and ti renew of th r al innco to Colombia There are about 000 of tH e Indnns noJ 110 mllwi f the nit fiuo part oJ the coast of Panama i j j I Abso- lutely containing ill central liS t 1 A l1 out I 11 I tail the gun I I injuriousaotstanceisome are sale carrot rr tray les bile kidney str nctheni till d i ¬ ¬ > < > ¬ > > > > > > < < + + + + + + + POLICE CAPTURE THREE MEN Who Are Bel cued Be Members ol a Notoroui Going of Robbers Pliliai Jn 1 xf r an x cttrK cha c f iv r iv aril a private tttt tan t ii n- ul tiri o iy a f rt capttirni hrrf t r If Jevcj to li t msiff r 1 way station who raMnir alcmj Pcnti aiia r i road Thfy ar alo r 1 of ins the nun wlo PruM r Unix Uiilam J Jour of fiiirnral a Larry Kohly Pail ran J lma oi tht city None f r trio r year of ac Th y am arm wrli revolvers of ars eallivr Th wire pr vits a- CTlinilp station at an otrv h ir l by Sais Hobbs j oiroi n Tir Ji and th Ease ras un I furtive JlEcharfjJ ti5 rcvuvor- at ran the Uuil t w nt wild The offic rs cut through the ronnrrj and headed ort the rollers x io n- en oy mirpne Mirrenuerea without re i ilstancv A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good A H Thiirne a wellknown coal operator of UufTalo 0 writes I heat bt naillicted with kidney and bladder trouble for year a ing gravel and with excruciating pain I got I no relief from medicine until 1 began taking Foley Kidney Cure then the result surprising A few arted the brick dust tine stones arid now I have ro pain across my kid- ney and I feel like a new man It has done me 1000 worth of good J W McCollum A Co Senate Committee Will Investigate WaMilnRTn Jan 10 All matttrs re latin to tm Panama canal and the government of the canal zone and the managtnifnt of the Panama railroad wii be invrstlcatod by the senate corn inittce n ranaN Thi was tjirlhl at tu frst n ins of in rojimttr Invfhipn tlon will on Tin iy next a hunch thin may a nu III the irrliii to tall up lie uoiuina j fun of canal runimUsiontr 1 pa far 11 I i t a I hut T IlfIutllr af tr i ruin I they wore till t In rut officers HIP lit I I I stones I I I f I I lId a I o Ui nting n t t Serb W are rob Lte h r I t at gun t tt day rna ail t lln rs but 4 l was does like tnt roccanc Jay The bean lee 5 > > > > > ¬ > + + Wilt HoJJ AH UA Meeting Albany N Y Jan o The n n cclaoi f lo riiolrc nn of Ann rri II hoM Is tw fii- n ma I r Me li riji nt T n irvk in il clt lay K- I hrr rtro v- ot ghr tnitt r f utii i liver an nlr Nnro Splits Wifes Head naM ie si Tenti Jan 10 1 and hi In jiirr ay n i r anrait ths I1 aVmt h M Faillne o crt I Mjrli f Hill Df n with an ax fh n made hl riin Too affair took place on a crowded street How to Avoid Pneumonia V have never heard of a single in tain of a cold rcvnltini in pneii- inoma or other lung trouble when Ki- ley honey and Tar hewn taken It nut only stalls the coith tint hrnl- niiii tr iikthen the lime Ak for F- oliyi Hone and Tar and nftij any utitMtitutf utTered Dr C J P tli i of A new Mu h write I have n d Honey and Tar in three v ry IHVtrt a i of with cood nut in every V MTU hum it Co Through Train and Sleeping Car Ser- vice Between Jacksonville Fla and Augusta Ga KtTectiw January I HH J the Atlan- tic Coast tin will iiiHiiuMirnte Pull rune lei pinc car ervi b tween Ifiekunvillf Flu and Train will leave JnckponvilU at R55- n in and arrive at Aiicutii HI UI5 i III KtToriiin daylight rvkf hefneen tht joint Ihniiie car frvuc will In operated Jju kiionvilt and Vrtnirtx tot hrenkfntt and liuieh- KvfiiitiR train from nil oii h Flori make direst conn LMion at Jaikitiinvillf ntTordiiic the iiiekcst and b b tw Kloriila antS AuKii tH For firher information ee- tukct agent or write Frank lliyU ton District Iaj eriKer Acer Jack sinville Fla I 1 t I I I I llar 1 o al- I It 11 I Inn lit r n I 1 TI 11 the Wt h man end hit Fill tin t I rvi I t act t and tit navy and s its t r1 a pet v ell lII 11110 lt ilea J lien tii flue tan byte en paints r n t I > > > > > > < < < ¬ ¬ > > > > > > + ± + + ± + + + + ifisn tc i nii about layer s Cherry Jec total Tell him how it cured VT r htrd cough Tell him why you always p f it on hind Tell him to ask hs c CIT about it Doctors use it a great den for all forms of throat and lung troubles tt M L A a J k t k L IIM I Y Have U F d JCA Co a en m Are e r t a t tYtlrwItefUletrr eirlu + + J j I I j j j CATARRH A cold in the head is a common ailment FIRST A COLD THEN CATARRH THEN CONSUMPTION poor appetite mucus back the throat and a Ken 88s Hrur these poisonous secretions and if the tn tm atWABDSiEEOAT j trouble is allowed to run on the lungs Vo Iao4 jjain glt Evautviilo lad f rnmc disi i ed front the constant l through them and then Catarrh terminates m the roost and fatal of all diseases to Ret rid of Catairh permanently is to cleanse the blood and S S S the ideal remedy for this pnrrH It soon clears the system of all impurities purges the hUxnlof all Catarrhal matter and poisons and effectually checks the progress of this us and far t perfect order so that Catarrh cannot PURELY this pure healthy to every nook and cornet of the tally ical advice free Jfff SWTFT SKGtFtC CO ATLANTA CM If You Are Insured Ilimpauy tint i Ke pinible Have a Policy Correctly Written of iolky Contract and the Company Pays luiiiK Ininplly You Are Assured lhat no teruud lure ran overcome you without joi have rune Fire Life Accident and Health Insurance 4 None but Reliable Cotnpanie Kepreteutcd CUSHMANinfor- mation cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA i I but it rarely ever stop there It tnhiorn I the I wutynts membranes of the 1oly lttttlItIC mllanu1 and secrete I a matttr ahsurlKI1 the hhNd spun pro daces I dic e follow the unpleaant sywl- I hl 1 I haft CatArrh for and tars I U IC e entered agony with headaches nOM felt tired and rundown Jr work I rend of eral iron the blood taking eleven bottles I IkCOllll9 with well loan I have rvr hail any I of dteae unt I aldr H the ben pniune Consumption TIll is c lan disease S S keeps the blot in VEGETABLE remain as the isstrentJllnttl m1 and the symptoms all pass away Unok with information about Catarrh antI med IIIIIIIIII J i- II a Itt A C- I III I often grows and protracte or inner limn filthy unhtathy which is bt anll dig atinti Catarrh Them toots Zan and spitting twelve venrs ringing noit i in the dropping lour feeling anti undt and its ue e debility day foundtnyelfa more catty the 8 B- rPtnrn passage of bIo only clay reaching sss and bin d ges entire system invigorate 1 I ll o I 1 refuge A 1 e o Me ee < < < PARTIAL PRICE LIST OF Whiskies Wines Beer and Malt KXIltLSS IKEIAID Fu Qt Measure 4Qt 6Qti I- Iulir Cuh Itve ff M to I MJB fount It7c 2 i i Hulk iucds Jiign Im Met Prepaid tee in Loud irrade- Mortvrutr Itve- Hanne s U Ityc- Suoul Urol Mail Vbt krj Peach llrar- nAilc IlramU J o 3 S O 4 V 6V North Corn Mountain Corn lljc tutu Hne uuuUty f2 ilVraIon Hyr Gin Corn Butt llrm for the wooer MHI IVr iinti J4 Itye 1caoU io llratdr 1cr but II 9 I K I U- lirirc llrandv i V song of Ktfty llourlxir 3 S- A rtnicrt o A rlcc 3 V Victoria KK oel S I r Kye- is luailtv 1 IKM1 ST IIKKIt A FnMuff liver K tr Peat star an- lr Mail dark ijltiinx tout pint i Irltfs b in m u iiutlon W HAMS ST HANNE BROS JACKSONVILLE- rLA JAM M GEAIIAM President G o Huns VicePresident II KTviOH Cashier IEK CKUIAV Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF ONLY NATIONAL RANK IN ALACHUA Cj Capital 50000 oo Surplus and Undivided Profits aoOun oo e lce H wUfc f cllltlr fr uki to sty b ck m the vn n ate account of Kirrcrrv Morcharw CortWMtocs etc iBtcrei sy eclal arracetccci n uroaptly FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT IN THE OLDEST iND BEST COM PAHIE8 INSURANCE GAINESVILLE r i Qtl t IPr l10D tt turn r tul Itr lain Gin t r1 I i j 11 t1 lor Itt tilljlln j n lcllIr II I I I IAn lID lienrra lln J 101 lIt b I l Janatru loan u 1 10 ItO II r Pint lie Cue ut Hit 1 11 W OF GAINESVILLE Doe ell a nIt State iuwe I Ail tutee N E 1- 871HFDUTTON 00- B A 1fK ERS Do greet buy FureiCD DOttealc EJcbaere or bIIII erl COn tftton tanner rnerchsnlt at on tacurabe teat f cI1le to eucettow QO all VOle a In the trolet te- GAINESVITLE FLOE 11 B IF J O R DAN f PORTER BLOCK I w w Ncl > S i turn ti k lI L 1 a QI and Sro 5 to p St agP 3 5 t to 3S i I t5 5 e t ar dna 4 I a S S u 5 5 Nrlfurd Stun f 5 u v extra i ururere tutrlt d S tt Its te M rd i atne fait transacted TAYLOR Casrt- ferEetab1jti oc natkr re r aid tea and rte 9Ceountt bank otter rreeh ed prcla tnkteg aaCewale < > > > > > = + = + f t I I I t h a c I C It 3- t u It- If irnl 1I i l
Page 1: I H tls ire IIIIIIIIII - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01361/00071.pdf · 2009. 8. 3. · tray les bile kidney str nctheni ... nmaI r Me li riji nt

v T p i

FI01IIU JANUARY 111900a Ww w

IlAJGfJ dJJlj ss



One of thePublic Libraries in State


SAr Already in Hand the Tw ni iiCentury Club Board of Control Anti

Private Citizens Making DonationsLIlt ef Officers

villt Public Library witopeej its doors today at 2 p m The li-

brary aad readingrooms areOB West Liberty street oppon theVMideaee of O A C lloiigh and arebaBdwmely sad cozily Hated up

For the present the library will t eepen every afternoon from 2 oclock toaflkuk la addition to the tine libnry of ttaodard sad lain fiction doGated to the association by the Twen-

tieth Century Club the Board of Conr l of State Educational Institutes

kM turned over in the a ocllien the ralaable historical and referaec library loaned sow years ago

old Library Association to the EastFlorida SeaUoary consisting in all of

400 volumesThe readiaKrooai will kept

with the best current literatureiaeludiag all the American magazineaad aietreBolitaB dallies

It is the iateation of the associationaaaasffcBtat keep on hind the bentad aewest la popular fiction and book

dealiag with earreat questions of mo

Membership In the Library A sciatiea eeets ealy two dollars a year

the helder to the privilege ofthe library aid readiairoum for theSfAte of one year Members may take

frog the library and may keep aMelt tea days Soadays sot included

Tenperarv for ttorvc-

Baeaths or Ies will be issued upou the

Dariaf the pas week quite a numbar ef pabliospiriied citiseas or-

Oaiatavllle kite aaade valuable donalieas to the library aaaanc which raay-be ascattoaed Hoe W N Shoats setJ Carlyles works 15 volumes J H

YVMh ef ahakesaeare l volumes

Will Hay






hobembe hip

of tl

c O


reel tTy















n ueerg set of Jiarryatfsworks 20 volaases Mrs Wilcox setol Charles Beads works 8 volumesMrs Oeear Morris Sis ThousandYears of History 10 volumes Mrs CA CeleleeRR set of Bulwers novelsIS votaaies

It Is le be hoped that our citlsens-Bpreeiatiaff the great value to city

geed eablie library will laway aosslble lead aid sad encourageteat to this laudable enterprise

Every clticea ought to take member-ship in the association dollars iscertalaly a small price to pay forprivilege of the use for a year of such alibrary as is now in the reach of ourpeople

Doaatioas of books magazines etcbe thankfully received by the as-

sociationThe officers for the present year are-

as followsPresident Tom F McOeath Vice

President Rev T P Hay Rev S itRogers aad Mrs W B Taylor

and Treasurer 31is GertrudeCushmin Chairman of ExecutiveCommittee Sirs C A ColcloughChairman of Membership and FinanceCommittee Miss Alice Nichols


Return Engagement of This PopularCompany for Next Week

The people of Gaine ville will beglad to learn that the C W Park Dra-matic Co which is a general favoritehere will play a return engagementbegianing Monday evening January16th with the production of TheAmericas Uirl

This company plays under canvasearrjlag a large tentwith all the conveniences of a modernopera house The tent is lighted withelectricity aad well heated making itquite comfortable The stage largofcud the scenery of the mom artisticaad resliatia character with splendidaiechtkal effects

The tent will be located at the nUllplace as when the company here-in October opposite the City HallEast Mala street South

As a repertoire company han-dling standard plays the Park Co it

beet ever tern in Gainesville

To Cure a Cold in One Day

Take LAXATIVE BKOMO QuinineTablets Druggists refund money if itfails to care W Groves signatureis OB each box 25c

I Dot








Twos the-ys







well appolntrdA









Kidney Trouble Makes You MiserableAlniot everyWlv who read the nest

pajxrrs is sure to know of the wotideriul



Mtroessiul in curing Kirkuric Mil catarrh the MiiMer awlPrijlU Iis e which is the worstform f kidnap tn ul c-

I r SwampRoot is not rcrommemlfl for tern tiling n hivekiiliiey hvcr or lilaillcr tmiiMcit ill lefound the remeily y It h

toted in H way in hospitalwork and in I r practuv ami haproved Mi ieecs l ii i r oie t it a

nrraiivciu it ti iiaile ywhich all readers tls H i in steinnot already trul it y i v ireKnt fret l y ala 1 o k tellititj pure V it SMm Ko iaiii 1 v to

Ineyor I Ucrtnnbit When writing mention re ulitt thisgenerous oiler in i iiu v ir

Kilvcr-Co Itinghamton

N Y The regularand onr

dollar rive Uittles are no ft s apRau1y all jn hl druvg s rvnt make

any mistake loot remeinier the nitueUr Kilmers

and the adilress liinghamtoii N Y oaoevery bottle


A Few Local and Prnn l Paragraphsof Interest

Lochlooft Jan 10 Mr 8 C Haymint amt daughter retnrnd humpThursday la t after a w tt staywith her itauntucr Mr R A Hen-drix at Largo

May Frofcher returned to h rhonl Sunday after tpendiaR Christ

mae with h r parentsC I Sender and A K Wade Jr

made a trip to Hawthorn Saturdayaud tnrnrd Sunday

School utiirtfd Monday afc r a twoweek vacation for

Dell Maddox of Boston tae it downvisiting with friends


LJ t 1



1 tII t hJ JII IIHI 1

Ilea rtIIIlIf It i

of lheUillthlIlh

rI r dutI

Tr ililtttrr theerilhlt ki 11

h1it n1 i ltlllhtulprompt h

lIt if

ot u IllIlIine

I f


fittlllut if nll hI1 k I

thl I II ocr illuto nr



Ch rimI

rate tide1

Sf gt

j4 the real tntM-Iic1


vv a of tetnnbt

tit ne-

LLoldtr btttt t uante


Kilnert v


FN 1t



i wd koot
















Chamberlains Cough RemedyHarmless

The fault of giving childrfn medicine

times more dia troui than the di ea efrom which they suffering Everymother should know that Chamberlain Cough Remedy perfectly safefor children to take It contains noth-ing harmful and for coughs cords and

i untDrpa iPd Fur by alldruggist

Automobiles To Be UsedWashington Jan 10 Iostmasto-

iGtieia C irtf lyou has approved a retomnitaJation of Fourtn Assistant De-

Jraw our ie HJC by rural carriers ol-

autondl lc ii In SJ rvinj their routsThe postmaster however exprey pre rves the liRht to rtMpiirrrural to ll corttntie theof such vchkles prescribed byr jrion If romp ini s mae o-tunatUfartory service ar n from huso of ui noblXs Rural corners asare rHjuSre to inatnain a tlxed schpulc o tnit V xc f h lr pnrornay be rv i at or the sutime each

Imperfect DigestionMPIJI lei nutrition and in-

qitMicf vitality Vin n the liverto secrete the biodd bceomr-

toitdfd with bilioiM properties thu di-

gestion heiroinfi iinpnired and thehowt eoiiitipntfd llcrbin will rei1-

tity thit It civr tone to the turnah liver andappetite eleim and improvf the com i

pillion infuses new lift anil vigor tothe tubule n iiin cent a bottlemould ty V M Jnhniton

Secede Item PanamaNow York hm 10 A cibe

patch to ti HI raid runt Iaiiuia athat CapMln l iv nci of h Paiuuiu1

Oirnp Monday r MKn jIKUT o IrtsUKnt Aiaor wrlMec b-

nnana iuna grand ehl f of tho Sinla In lians on the lower Atlantic i

coast of Panama announ lm heir ac j

c Mlon from Pitiaia and ti renewof th r al innco to Colombia Thereare about 000 of tH e Indnns noJ110 mllwi f the nit fiuo part oJthe coast of Panama i










1 A

l1 out I










carrot rr



kidney str nctheni


























Who Are Bel cued Be Members ola Notoroui Going of Robbers

Pliliai Jn 1 xf r an x

cttrK cha c f iv r iv

aril a private tttt tan t ii n-

ul tiri o iy a f rtcapttirni hrrf t r If

Jevcj to li t msiff r 1

way station whoraMnir alcmj Pcnti aiia r i

road Thfy ar alo r 1 ofins the nun wlo PruM r Unix

Uiilam J Jour of fiiirnral aLarry Kohly Pail ran J lma oitht city None f r trio ryear of ac Th y am armwrli revolvers of ars eallivr

Th wire pr vits a-

CTlinilp station at an otrv h irl by Sais

Hobbs j oiroi n Tir Ji

and th Ease ras un I

furtive JlEcharfjJ ti5 rcvuvor-at ran the Uuil t w nt wild

The offic rs cut through the ronnrrjand headed ort the rollers x io n-

en oy mirpne Mirrenuerea without re i


A Thousand Dollars Worth of GoodA H Thiirne a wellknown coal

operator of UufTalo 0 writes I heatbt naillicted with kidney and bladdertrouble for year a ing gravel and

with excruciating pain I got I

no relief from medicine until 1 begantaking Foley Kidney Cure then theresult surprising A few

arted the brick dust tine stonesarid now I have ro pain across my kid-ney and I feel like a new man It hasdone me 1000 worth of good J WMcCollum A Co

Senate Committee Will InvestigateWaMilnRTn Jan 10 All matttrs re

latin to tm Panama canal and thegovernment of the canal zone and themanagtnifnt of the Panama railroadwii be invrstlcatod by the senate corninittce n ranaN Thiwas tjirlhl at tu frst nins of in rojimttr Invfhipntlon will on Tin iy next ahunch thin may a nuIII the irrliii to tall up lie uoiuina j

fun of canal runimUsiontr


pafar 11 I i





T IlfIutllr af tr i

ruin I

they wore till t

In rutofficers









f I


lId aI


Uinting n t t

Serb W are

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Wilt HoJJ AH UA MeetingAlbany N Y Jan o The

n n cclaoi f lo riiolrc nnof Ann rri II hoM Is tw fii-

n ma I r Me li riji ntT n irvk in il clt lay K-

I hrr rtro v-

ot ghr tnitt r f utiii liver an nlr

Nnro Splits Wifes HeadnaM ie si Tenti Jan 10 1

and hi In jiirray n i r anrait ths

I1 aVmt hM Faillne o crt

I Mjrli f HillDf n with an ax fh n made hlriin Too affair took place on a

crowded street

How to Avoid PneumoniaV have never heard of a single in

tain of a cold rcvnltini in pneii-inoma or other lung trouble when Ki-ley honey and Tar hewn takenIt nut only stalls the coith tint hrnl-niiii tr iikthen the lime Ak for F-oliyi Hone and Tar and nftij anyutitMtitutf utTered Dr C J P tli i ofA new Mu h write I have n d

Honey and Tar in three v ryIHVtrt a i of with coodnut in every V MTUhum it Co

Through Train and Sleeping Car Ser-

vice Between Jacksonville Flaand Augusta Ga

KtTectiw January I HH J the Atlan-tic Coast tin will iiiHiiuMirnte Pullrune lei pinc car ervi b tweenIfiekunvillf Flu andTrain will leave JnckponvilU at R55-n in and arrive at Aiicutii HI UI5 i

III KtToriiin daylight rvkf hefneentht joint Ihniiie car frvuc willIn operated Jju kiionvilt andVrtnirtx tot hrenkfntt and liuieh-

KvfiiitiR train from nil oii h Florimake direst conn LMion at

Jaikitiinvillf ntTordiiic the iiiekcstand b b tw Kloriila antSAuKii tH For firher information ee-tukct agent or write Frank lliyUton District Iaj eriKer Acer Jacksinville Fla


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ifisn tc i nii about layer s Cherry Jectotal Tell him how it cured VT r htrdcough Tell him why you always p fit on hind Tell him to ask h s c CITabout it Doctors use it a great den forall forms of throat and lung troublestt M L A a J k t k



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er t a ttYtlrwItefUletrr eirlu+









CATARRHA cold in the head is a common ailment




poor appetite mucus backthe throat and a Ken 88s Hrur

these poisonous secretions and if the tn tm atWABDSiEEOATj trouble is allowed to run on the lungs Vo Iao4 jjain glt Evautviilo lad

f rnmc disi i ed front the constantl through them and then Catarrh terminates m the

roost and fatal of all diseases to Ret

rid of Catairh permanently is to cleanse the blood and S S S the idealremedy for this pnrrH It soon clears thesystem of all impurities purges the hUxnlof allCatarrhal matter and poisons and effectuallychecks the progress of this us and far

tperfect order so that Catarrh cannotPURELY this pure healthy to every nook

and cornet of the tally

ical advice free Jfff SWTFT SKGtFtC CO ATLANTA CM

If You Are InsuredIlimpauy tint i Ke pinible Have a Policy Correctly

Written of iolky Contract and the CompanyPays luiiiK Ininplly

You Are Assuredlhat no teruud lure ran overcome you without joi have rune

Fire Life Accident and Health Insurance

4None but Reliable Cotnpanie Kepreteutcd

CUSHMANinfor-mation cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA


but it rarely ever stop there It tnhiorn I theI wutynts membranes of the 1oly lttttlItIC mllanu1 and secreteI a matttr ahsurlKI1 the hhNd spun pro

daces I dic e follow the unpleaant sywl-I hl

1 I haft CatArrh for andtars I U IC e entered agony with headaches nOMfelt tired and

rundown Jr work I rend of

eral iron the blood taking eleven bottles IIkCOllll9 with well loan I have rvr hail any

Iof dteae unt I aldr H theben

pniuneConsumption TIll


landisease S S keeps the blot in

VEGETABLE remainas

the isstrentJllnttl m1 andthe symptoms all pass away Unok with information about Catarrh antI med



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often grows and protracteor inner limn

filthy unhtathy which is bt anlldig atinti Catarrh Them

toots Zan and spittingtwelve venrsringing noit i in the

dropping lourfeeling anti undt

and its ue edebility day foundtnyelfa

more catty the 8 B-rPtnrn

passage of bIoonly clay

reachingsss andbin d ges

entire system invigorate



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Whiskies Wines Beer and MaltKXIltLSS IKEIAID

Fu Qt Measure 4Qt 6Qti I-Iulir Cuh Itve ff M to IMJB fount It7c 2 i i

Hulk iucds Jiign Im Met Prepaid

tee in Loud irrade-

Mortvrutr Itve-Hanne s U Ityc-

Suoul UrolMail Vbt krjPeach llrar-nAilc IlramU

J o3 S O

4 V 6V

North CornMountain Corn

lljc tutu Hne uuuUtyf2 ilVraIonHyr Gin Corn Butt llrm for the wooerMHI IVr iintiJ4 Itye 1caoU io llratdr

1cr butII 9


lirirc llrandv i Vsong of Ktfty llourlxir 3 S-

A rtnicrt o Arlcc

3 V Victoria KK oel S I r Kye-is luailtv1 IKM1 ST IIKKItA FnMuff liver

K tr Peatstar an-

lr Mail dark

ijltiinx tout pinti Irltfs b in m u iiutlon


JAM M GEAIIAM PresidentG o Huns VicePresident

II KTviOH CashierIEK CKUIAV Cashier


OF ONLY NATIONAL RANK IN ALACHUA CjCapital 50000 ooSurplus and Undivided Profits aoOun oo

e lce H wUfc f cllltlr fr uki to sty b ck m the vn nate account of Kirrcrrv Morcharw CortWMtocs etc iBtcreisy eclal arracetccci n uroaptly







iQtl t IPr l10Dtt turnr tul Itr lainGint


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