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I';>newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · I,,~ ~=SP-E€JAt~~__...

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Speed Queen,



- mode possible.by low", .mArket Pll copper for .IhiU.".J!."!-".;.....

14-2 Romex 4%c ft. in box lot$

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12-2 Romex for pl~g. oulleB_..: 6%c ft.

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These are .n~t old modm o~c1oseouts, but prove~ _~e~t ~

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_Herets P-Yoof ~hat P·Xi cont-a.ins a lubricantand that ordinary. gasoline doeS"not._Wheoordinary'" gasoJ~~e,r a~.d D-X Lubricati"gGasoline are burned In open saucers, theord;nary gasoline leaves bepind dry, b~rdcarbon '~S\ts. P-X leaves a smoC?tb, oily,

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In your motor. this lubricant helps protect the vital.....po"..Fr parts of the: "flame--zon~g~ins~ w~~--and­d~jmagc, And, bc~aus~th~:luHtlcant is sCl~nUflc~llyblended with a 11lgl1er anu.krtock, l;'atalyn~-cracked­gaso1ine l D-X gives you smooth power, qUick st~rcs

end long mileage. Drive -in to~a,.. lor D.X servJc~.


vvayne, ~ela.ServIng NOffheast Neb.r..a!ika's _~r~at Farming Area

l' '\lCl~ ~------ - -Wtlyne, -Nebrl:1&}ttl Phon

x· ....~ I I"

t1· t '17 I I •:n' ~'1- 'iSOUTHWEST '--' "r'!~ ·1!i WL I

11l1('I'IHI!lil1lill 111 ~l'~IJ ayne.' S.'lI}tH' choj~- I;w,h' ..s~~z,~-.- \.VitW.l;'II.~~~lrl.f~~~;, --.~By £Jtaff Correspondcpt-.-=:

8 p,m. I! -- 8HH ltml ::::;)3,; 1\lurn:; GlIHtlltiiOll, Clarence Becks called In the--$t. Pf;ut's ~ uthcr.l ~hurCh :!l!La',IlI,i(il . 1'\lsKell-l!l')'ol' hOl11e ThUflid:lY ('\[',

(SnnuH'X :-'l(\SI;.i:pa.\J..orl.~~_'_~nndlcnp eague .fungr,·. 'on' '~r'.- us-••-II~-ryol'~-__"""

~attlt'dt,IY/" J(IIY. l~l: Saturday -snrrml ...--0 ~ ............

school, rlY.lu. ~rpt() ni:l'~ .. ,.. Guests lust Sunday lIfU'moon HISunday JiJJ1. 2 : S"lllHlay !>chool, Sin!lf_cr_ , llle HIli HCler hOllll', .-'

S' ('Il'ctcd new fit I';> , ~_~ • r.: • ' ••~. I ' , k ":liL _-------.1.!l.. ;-_ .in.....G..lm!!!:.!..o_n~v!sl~~d1!l'_I~~ "the past wee, ry WCIC a ern ~-AlfEf~ae=-N 1(';(.... l1(' CI1l:1Stl'lI1' "1'ow111 coml'!'. IA'l!ioll - .. 37!S ,{():? Don CllIrlsflll home lust '\\l'ffiu');~T:I~, .St ltaul's and St .John s LuUlct:.an, I .;' _ ' h ., h ,:;;, r ~ '{~ . '" ~ _

ICS)y p~slOn ( ()vcn'lllr~ -- - l'n~('dn:'~~)~}" Jun' ')3~ SlIndw Bn'sl>l('r'~Sdll'Ilc:k"-:-:- :H-'~1r-~\lD~~'=Mi;on"Pt"nt."Thur',a.¥"·aft,u.• " . nn~t cY'~h~~n .annnn] meet,"" w" ,.' school )ea~llCrs; 8 p·.m~ .... ' ~~: "~J1..: ...~J~ ~~ f.~','~~~ III the Henry 1•• Il~:"llt""·I':

N-:A~T1-~!'l-A--t E-Dl IoG-,i-IAl- =-- ~1~1---4\1~d-a~.y.. L~>qn-.lld-n~lch By Mrs, Ge~ge Grimm-Atlas +-m6... ~ .r--;:r~--'" l~-~ll~'IJ~I'r' -;~h~lt'y - Stun.,Ii: 'Inkro", , :.!:i .1:) Mr••nd Mrs. W~rd GiIlll.nd oIInd---~~t..A-S.'S:'O-Cu..u~ Wtl~ cllerJ TmlllS 2"; )e:'Ir's s('rd

Cl- - ----..~-~~. ..."__ J" tlll~ I-ll.t ~j-it ,"_(" "0 , __ 1-·ldm~B.c :}.:.ic~ '" / :!,1'~ 13'1: Mr 'lad Mu, Law('C:o(.'l' 'l'!lV))lIlI'1l~:-~.~~~-;- - -:J' '~.::.::;r / .. -ntl'l!IDJ1J1'l'!I':"\Hc-wns-ll)'('sentld ,1 [Jud ~I[ s A!let· S( holT. on "tdl'l.lO, (,1IT1~jnhlli activltil s was' givcl\-alfd- G~!Omr~lt~ _/ f7'~~ 'hi' r;. 1'\1: ~~~~ NE N{'lll. HPJ)!) ~31.r, 4'4J~'" tltt~'ildcd the Hobt'rt MHhkl"U,Jrr

1.1 ~.~t vi -UJildiJlli""'_ tiejsk sel, . . 11'lllll'('I, MI' ,llld l\JI'S Te( Grams, a. !pttl'l: (If lhanJ{s lor gi~IS to.~ ('~;~~~il~i1 )';n1171;" WIll~Hn' Ailh/'I's-- Hhlf' 1hr.lIlY 2:P~ "51'!! I!OC JlcmmC! w('ddlnl: lu.lil S~lunl;j)--' u__~~ n__ ltrul BlIetncls~er, who i>r~sull'c1. Hntldolph, ami All' lIud Mrs. Law· Llllcoln OI·p!lunug.a was l'l'dd. '-'tIS, h~mc' Crimms vhatcd llis sililt'I' posl0rn, 22 46' lol Plp,e.lllOl)c, ,MiuJl.

~\ was nlllllcd dlaJrlnlln, OtlH'! .offl' 1'(1111'(' {~lnfIls & "Rmg J'~v'cW('d ,) c!lapkl' 01 the '·C". Q i, "I . , '.: JIlI{Il ~ '/liPS: SIUtJfI'(lI'. 109~; Mr,:"' H•.Wlnt.rl',1n .",d Mr,'

-:...-- '. . ~---, - . c~rs 11I~ Kennelh Bala:~, ~~'('j'(:.tHry: 1II \11'. ;lIlt! ~Irs _ PIllllip ning and slw ' hI ) --=- ~~~s._._ ~.:~~. '". ". M, .1\lt·il" O'dr__~·n)~r~f4~ d(\,i~-)~~,~W. l,oflrmI1rs;.! t1nlOn;"' ~JU: Ml'l'Jyu tJ11L..M.r.a•. Wdltlun b\'1I'~J1";f.i~'~l};~--- -- -----=- -~-,-~~-_. ----;r---~- .. ~- ---= .)J'3·IL S(.'hlln~'~.- ('ld-eI:;:---(dHlflen('(' [alf-mv--ttm1=;fF:=u~R:iYmon s-tlOIl1 ll'lr-l~ i)JSCllSSlon un ]('glsJll~ ~Bll ~~T ,~'111l1 Lt', .)f Ml \ 1 ,l, Holm ~~': J)ilVl' F'l't'drlrkson, 577, Imit 'fuc¥dll)' l,!"tlljn~ vbl1rUg..'lil~ ': , I ~,' -,\~ ]h,'r'lIld lIOl'H 11"[ l"lIl~-;:;-;-lIt~l;-~llf.,;'ll nlHI ,',~ S('hl~nt.s,.~trustt;c, am~ ps('af J{ec~'1 ~'Iorllil': \\~;Ot" .were ~lnner. guest,s lIon.. I ~~)I:!/(~,l gUt ~ S 11 lC It lQllt.:} . Iht~ Fred Ut'll'T, Jr homt., w

I .' "'" :",,' j,,,,,,,,~ ,·'{{v.l. '1'1""·,,,",,, I""'''y I, 'H" """,I,·" I,n "e' ~~:/~;'''~I~llel~::~;n~:,d~~~,~~,o~~,~r S'\~I:~' {{;c:,~,I:':~"~l~;h;/or\:!:n~~:~, ':'~.~ita'i Auxiliary Mr. and M". Harold Hyp.. I' ~k~lI=['d~ -M;';itt,:'7.:" tI:'~.:;"~:- Ti\ ~'Iif''"""1dIYlf(' ttt'rnld Jroh Jo-h1t"~~ll trlltnl H~P-I'tI'Iil\'~~::; ~1.th~£._I.ns_t?J.!a.!.!?l~\~S Ill'!d SUIl' J¥lf.l .'Ir~ ~!a> ml~. I~or~ W}!! lc~~c _l1Q.W!!.'~l..,..b~xIJjary Il1l'.1 Fr!(i1~y. ~:~: .1.~~~~~;d'~~P:~:'L~~:· ..:~~~~ H I't I N a.a.. _::... . I!JlnliClJ_ IwlUc J",:.l ::'UW~.IIt :C:'"_

... 1 .,~ 'i Hi IHJ;I'\ MrleHy tMb-l'lli}-l'-ll v;l-\hnuJ \\:Illlt.'-ll conS-lOut of The Ujtt, \ '. ,SiOUX (Ily Satllld.J~]Or a two· o-lIkl'llmHl 111 the lIo~IHI.li IMl'.l· I ,I 059:1

a Olv;a UUl~.,I H 11101 l l'ld!! Irl!'lIJe f1len with th\l H. r,tl~l' I of COI)YII~hl" I..Jlllhl y h.n1l1 '1urnow was, cl'::C~l) C!Ull~ f wed\. conducted lour to Califorma. ml'lIt. }'jllJlS ,,"jOre nmdt> for th(~ 1~~:" Jllil~1'11 "1,1-1;-;1'1,(',.. -,1~f.;t ~~ -- I Mr. and Mn. Rob.~t Ml1llken,

... \\ n~lohlJ;"ton 2" nc) I man at the &"1.. Paul s liu.letlng la!'t I ,'omlllg' ~ ~'al'. f'lOf,;l'arns Wl'l (' (lUI· 'I',. 1 TIII~ 'I' lk. : " E\'lUltiton. 111., ~J)l!nt frmn 111:!!1UHid1l1 :\1f"1UIJAllt'r .. r lhil:! (It) "r ·WII)!"', 1h" ('OClUly I Wednesday. Other officers <tri' Carl S . f lJlwd f()}' Ihl' IIe'W \c"al'tlOoko; Aile I'lson lUll ,. J H (J' r:-, Admll'.d: Mrs. Hlchllrd Jugel, SumJa}' until Wt'lhll'lSda)' UICJI'!)lllj

n uf "n)n~ nnd UrI:' !'ifnf(' of N.'hr'u,kll 'BI,'hel, cIder, glflH---?;lallin~, trus- f oele Y • -=:4r IQU'llll'r1y nH'i'lin~ Wilt' hI' IWhi A~tl'JI. \\'1'1'1'. J l!llJ,I_I~r ~tJtIJ)I'''1 Wunlt. '!\In. Holand BurJ:,c. Wake· I \'lbl1U1g HI tile AI!wr( !!hllll',l'!)I---~~- .. < SUIiSCUlP'!'WNnA1'B~ .- '. I Itcc, ,wei Willi; )Je.;ep,.n~:lllJRdl: - .' i!'\i"(J,LlthlltClllh\ITS<1~kC'rt-rn'~~~~i'-'Ir:ll (i,1t"1:U' Icm;in";;':viTI1JUi'"1nIblouk,l..IIICi' Itume.

1'" r('P. CedILl', Dixon, '.rhHl1<tun. ('UIllJtlp:, Htnn!ol1 find l'I[n,lll'lollll3rll(!Igam. Chfiord B<tkter and I PEO Chapter _ ,dmlHte u disl~ W",'(') ((.II' hospttnl •• 1., U "...J;,. " lion, '1n ])..le Jlonman. Wake- Lnt Mond.y supp.r,:luu" In 11,0t:: IJII "10'1: )':tlr, $200 tor sIx ll10)nth~,. U 00 [<\1' lht·"" JlI<>lllllll Fred Yunker, fmance con'lmltl('(' 1 PE() Il1!J \\ Ilh \Irs A L Pos~' U"l' Thb ho~l,itlll s(.'-rvcd, ' ("hi 111.1 ,lind (lldlltlJ a ':' '.I~ ~1~U~l'l 1fleld; Mr. Loren Curr, Allen; Mrs. Ward liUJUand home .":\':'~(.'.1!:Ir.•. .imd"1111, to lltl'1111oneo, $3.50 per" )e,ll, $~;,>\I f"j' I<lx lIl"l'll, ..... $14 lnstallatlon was held Sunday. Ipisil :\loJlllav I \ "l11ng ~1l"s. Mtlu- I. _ _ ••-- J:::!l' sl~ StllIllllY In tl,lc Clw,lll ""la1-t(,Jar('~ce Monnidj, Em..cr.sqn; Jta.. -Atr~:-:ltotiCfl lfiltIk,,'U ...ocl A: (. ,ill'!

TH' 1I1hfl ~lllgIC ('opll's lOe - - - - ..----1· InstalJati'on ~of new Salem of·-i I iff ('Hll:-io;1 pl~'",ld,'d Mn, \V L VFW Auxiliar.y 0 lU~lh(~~';. 1>0--; 'j mc't in -fh-'llM ('net !t:mt~lil'ld; Kc\'i~ Bcng. Mn: AIlJcrt .MiJhk,'u, jr. ~w~ 'Wll

f, flcers, elected last Wednesday, l}~.'l'l;'; .Ill,} \lrs i'dlll SlJdl:rbl'lf.:, VI'~W AUXlliitry' J1ll't TU('~dflY . IH'itI). ,~I~, l\," • et,:: hon, WahfJt'hL Mr. Emil J..uU. U).j , was held Sunday morning, Trus- 1\\l''"'' In dld[g-!' or Ill(' p ro81·Unl. I'venln/.:" 1/1 the Le-gion hall. Mt·s 1:~a~~,,\V(!,~t1~S,dl<l)· ~1Js. Paul 'P.od• \\'tlytlC; L)'nn Marl(' .Ru(:klitrbm. lob .nd Atb,rf Mlllik,n.. 'it,',.

~-l awrcl1e 'tees are Verde II Lund, Burnell H E Plluhmn mnductt'd lhe'JUsi~ I.:lbtl ... (H.U'I u. IWa~efleld, Mrs Denrm C... JeUnkl',l

dulllt.'r ""uC,'tih III the! Jun !\idh,wJl

' . - s- : Grosc and !,-Ifred ~elson, Nam- ! Woman's C~ub ,~ nf'SS ml'{'ting: It \\OIS dt'c1f!I'd to --:"---- .' IWlJ~'n(', MI~, gnlO S~.~)41Il', gmt'r I hum(\' 1I1f,1 TUI'Mfa)De I J ed &J deacons were Lloyd'Ander-: \\·PIll.!!!' (ilill 111l'! llll'!'day hold a ~\hill' ell pilant salt' at tlll', Recentlon Fetes 1>011. Ildly h'ndrlf'!!, I hur/lilml, M Ruu.1I Pr.-o.t. "pin' Jut $una,)'" ."~ - ~ I----sonr}-larley -8a,.-d" Ronald Hard- ., \nth \11"', T ~1 (';u..talsIJ.Il_-11r.s...4_m•xt _mC~Ulg. Proceeds. Will be j -~- ....... = . "-~: - _. -" h_ .. I I If I.Il\{l'. Wflhrlr'ld. . _ J "fh"rnOI)II til 11lc.: \~:lJJ!:HU r .Jl,1l',\ ~'l

------- ij I ln~d Waldo Rodene, ~.~,.,.........i...lV<ln""ll th:~~hl \\.il.S .co~llOS.t.ess..,:t::h·(·n to-th~ '{"Rnr"('1r-f[ml1--'M1n'YjCouple Sunday 1 bl,mhnd: Mrs }{1.IltIl'lh J.1Il0 hOl1le ,wd Mvwhl) (\~nlnh m lt l'• ~ , I" , --,--,-,~l-ryre-sh.ytcrrnrLcongrcgnuonaland :\11" I Ill) \ ... \\, Itdt {omJ~llt('d 11w AlI!;c' Utecht IS dmllJJldll MI~, I((Illt'r, AlI.'II, Mh l,u't1rJ1 1't'hrr. 1 fhl)d Andrev,., hut"Ul.:'.

I The Eplpban) at .Jacob s Well, I corporation meetmgs .... ('Ie held I tlll'>Ilh~'" 111<','lln' .....1r... lid Jon('s bldol1 llrU"1'hnan ,1nd Mil. G{'olge Abolll 75 IlUClib lItlcndcd :I ro lit", ("~mc'{!ffl Mrfli ArnoM V'("Vlr.l _

[installatIOn cH, OfflC(,l S, 1? '{,O, Wal- thursd\l.:Y mght followmg <l COOT1 \\ tI .... III {h 1Il!1 n! <nlpllalllmpnl ll(JI~:-'ph:d , - I"I'plwu ~lJHdhl ull.'ruuon lit 1 the IWin n(', Mrl> Lurl'n ('..n, Allt"n, j I b h HId'ther leag!ll' (h!l~ttan glu\\th con-~,ratlve supper Rl'V An'h1(' .:\1.lIS "hO\\lIli-: ... lldls of Ill' trip shc.' Hnd _ \:... Wnltl'r J'rr'['h"~k!.oll hllllll' hnllnrll1/.: ~h", Hol,llld B;t1~c.', M;-tkcfJ('ld, I See y t e era

I ference, Wmstde 3 lon preSided ,It the former andl\h J()f]('.; lODI, II) 1· JOfld,1 ,inti I IMr IHid fIIr"" IUC'l'tttrd U('rrlilan,I Mr.. J-~,,,,!11I1l W,,\np

, "ro;: WI!'lles ay, I~r&[m:l<ry-sctrooi-Ed Schnassc the latter - CUhl ICh r h WIU)"WI~I'~' m,lrrl(.'d Jun t:it LlIllbur--lt.ahnJck EIIlPr"on Mrs Dale M nd M Ger.ld PQ5pidll1

(c<Jchels, 7 30 P III Named elders were V II H I{,ill U ~ es. '(flln, ~ Hollmau \\<lkc.fll'ld, Keoo("lh GerJ. 1 r, a rti;. \J.Slte,d m fillWednOs.(]flv, .I,lll 23_ Willthcr son and --£'Iahmce J3.ot·('kcnh.IUi.!1 1COV~Aant Aid l ~ - •• Mrs.. Cccll Wrlr'dl, \'i.a~IH', w.n~ I me. Emt'C'Mln-: 'Irs DeaRH' (;I't'UAMi..aDd _Don PO~lshJj l'buTiJ>da-.7' t\ (

It>ague, 8 p m ~ Gcqrge Grimm, Cb,lrlcs 1I1allum 1 !\llsJ.;1011 (0\011 lilt l,wHc'S lilt! Presbyterian Church In charge 01 fh(· program R("\' C ke \";';1\ fie. K( "111 Ben.:.tsoD. Wake ILoueH .Mann home ~-- find Vernon Schultz were rl,lllled Inll 1 III Ill, (hllll h \Vj·t!I1l'illl,ly nlt· 1 IAldl1P MIII'RIOI1, t),Jstor) WlllaTd Carlson ga\e dcvoUons I field 'L\nn Mane Backstrom, Jllr;x'~. An J ,.n ,,,.nt fromRedeemer Ll1th.ernn Church tJLC trustees Carroll Van v..1'\r} W,l!) I I rnOlll1 \lls {'lrlII'IH'I' I~{)lm J11l'~ 'J111l1's(1'I) JoIn]7 Nlobnlra hal,>n Johnson ~aJl~ Ramona ".ak~fJ{:Jd. • _r_5.. na orgen, 1 Hit" f'~l'U1

l~ 1<.. rlf' rlT'l"~I' PIl"itOlI I'e·elected session clerk (' llrCnC\' sld< Ii n", \1i'I\1ll Pl'dt'I'~on l~n,("jJ~'I'"hyif'l.v met'llng, ~f1>IlI', 1 1) Johnson. £merson. phned a Piano! SaturdB} to h~on~p} l'JSlllllll1,1) ran 111 (ontllmntlon IHenrickson was nallll'd prcsliJl'fllllhl mPI!Jl,ll 011 I\\(J dUets W[,I~' J)l, chOir plrtCllce, I 30...._\v.eS1~ soJo Juamta and Karen Boecken •• IHorg ho:p t , ilf°ntr~ol R.tfHitt

~+-""""-""IIdo"" 2 pm ond Cceil Rhodes seerelnr, of the I "on" I" 'I" l~'" l1elg,,'n nnd I Inl"""r fellowshIp WIll follow , bauer, pla,ed n "elln p,ano d~et Wllb W II' Work... ~I'ltd"~AU'~ 1.I"h~"'j .," illSUndd\, ,J 111 2() nll h S!'l vice, board of tlltlstees 1'.11" Rp\Jhl n Johnson 1'\11 So Harry Sllndu)', Jan 2(1 Sunday schrn)J, Ramona and lval) n JohthiOnI ur I I,ng ~'i Iii 1 Wo k lit t'U( t' .. {J t

Flrs.t Method st Church - "Wllh CoN s lJl Ip ~) d m, ~UIl- Mnurlnce Ralston was narill~d l\\'( ndf I \\ I); t1ldnJsl Hostess('s 110 am, worship and lIlstallation were 10 charge of 1he J:U(;'lit l[Klok WiJ>JUt'I--\\JIIItH~.r 1 ~, ~"hom: "!{Ifi du)' ulj.t"!'j'"W# lil," ',tH I ~hikl~ml' III(\ H (;l'a~, PMtul') d<l\ S( hJlol lu 1.\11 "('!'\,ICI', 11 treasurer anO:Vena Green-was re· \H'll'~!ls Reuben Holm, Mrs Rey- j of offJceJ"S. 11 and Marll)n Packer and Delano rlH't 1n It' o\l,;m • :a ur)' (;[ t !Ill' Om.~ tl' IrjJU 1.-

,Ittlld:.l\. J,lIl 19


ChIldren's Wcdmsd1.J~ Jdl1 )3 YOuthlnamed organlst Innld Andlli';on and Mrs. E1mer:J- ~ Hanson tbe gIfls. (l,,\ ..\('I1UHI 'J" IInl~ IM••nd Mtlh RJd~tfd "'''\'I

" II .!. II rn ('h~)lJ II t:J P Tll Ch,\I1u J {hOll, ~ Department reports were given H'lkp[ +1 Mission Covenant Chureh 1AIr and Mn; !\tarim Holml;Wrg ! N.·w 't'lIl~I,'r~ f.lrj ?~lU' <. ~ I(lf N('wt1ot1

• II J. IN! \j"jlinit In H\("" d \\ J,ll1 20 Sunday scbooI, pm Luthe, Iea""1 8 1at tbe C'brtsllan church mcchng I ' - (]\lele;n0. Ped""on. p"'qrl ~cre bo,t. Mr, EllUl Ekb,'rg und Sandro ','ltl,,'" .~" cJ:~:::.l .:: r . l:. A lieN> hom" I"q ",,,Iko .',d

- II I ,1 111, Wesley foundation cof --- ---- t Thursday nIght Maunce Olson prE'" 1 St Paul's Aid -- - Thursday, .1.111 J7 ChOir 1113(,. Mrs, Jieuhtm JohnJl>on were: 111 ton Jum ,a) iVo.91l' I Shir -:, Will thtn 11:0 to the Oftlj1 .",iI.~~ l'

t I lUll[ 10 wars Ip, "A Declara, Church of Christ Sided , j Sl Paul sAid md In thf' church ItiC€', 8 p m ~n!J BI~Le !'.!.!:l~)~., charge Of th(! dmlng room. 'fhe) IUf) tr('lt"~:__~l rl:'l'ltN'. 0 1'3) 31 Tn,nlnji: c(."h:~rII"'Ti," 1(5), nurse y for pre-school fA Pillil (ook pastOf) I Officers 're e1ede""d WCl"t!":" RuvIThuISda\ !\hs WIIHs Meyer con~1 SatUrtra)':Jan--1~ Co-n~ wen,.' assJsh.'iJ b)' JU}ct!' :lni1111inJs artkm1ln rt h cU"'f>l'd Mr.nd M". Rob.,... Sm1th .r.tdLillldn II I() 55, church family Sunday, Jill ..!U r Tl1C Ll\mg Wiggams elder, Per Pear~on aod Idw.tcd the' !JU::;IOI'SJ.; mcC'tlng !lP\', -class, 1 "30 r m • JUIliOl chOir, .! n. t IIclgr~n COfti H..~lund. M,r::"

jAI r ~~I.:(Ord buok," \H

n' tJ~/ Waller IMan:ln (';1.1100 in Ute' J.I""lI"ttiC('

I,.,\ll '715 pm. Word H Hm BllJfp scl100l lO,JHarold Olson, deacons MaUrice Sllmup! !\lp"I<l'!liI d~vojlon~ llnd


con(lrmn11011 clasS", 3 lb(~rt Steubc alJd Mrk;. KC.'llIl'UI ;:b 1 m{('ung IS I C:mlth homt' SUndl)'el'rnJ:nn\\ (tln( ... (1.1\ Jan 23 ClI'cles I \\-01 !'hlP 'Upon TillS Hoc\<, LOI d S IOlson, trustee, Kenneth Packer 1fl tOPiC dls('1!SSIOn on mis..."lons Sunday Jh.n 20 Sund(J~' school Pack('r Ilourcd. i;I:,:',:er:,o:,::,21O~I=ne:"::,;,,:'=:::-:':-:':-::::-=::'=====-::-::-=::--=.=::-l• II I II ) pIll , Int rmediate chOIr, Suppl:'r 'lPPC"t 11 nJu..§~_ ~O 5:1 Dahl l treasuren LeMome BlOwnlet, Mrs Wendell Korth and Mrs Ern. 10 am, \\OrsIUP. ] 1 ('''c'lllng" scn~ 1 _

I \!i 111<'1.1\(('1 ChOI, 7, High School NurSing homl' Sl'r;'~('~, 2'30 pm; clerk; Merle Rmg,. organist. and {'sl 1--"11'\"lt s('!\l.d, I/{'l" 7:30 p.m. • j Ltldu..'s hcllH;d Mrs. (Itin/net')~~ _~ oj.}, :-:.1r.cle~ 111 an? IV, 8. CYP, 7, \\Ol·shll)',"lhr.ce. El~ments: Mrs. M. Olson, assistant ol'gallisl. Mondo,>', .Jun. 21' :\tf.'Il·,s chorus, '.Ienrlrkson olarr\'{' lJ('t· IJI.rlnda)' McNATT'S

of R('ppl1lanc{'-,! - -5lHgS-plXat.i.o..n, t Annual CQvenant mcetmg: was, .. . d! R p.m. , Saturday lind Mrs, Harry Mtlhon(.yn Church . .. lu", I uOll'o' outh ,pcelOt. 8. ibeld MondnyliIli'rnool1 with EIl~n~Mr~. Witcox ~_ i T~~~llny, .lnn 22: ('ovcnnn! he,s on Mon~.y. . .' II d B

- fLp- l~~I~~I~hln~n:~stor) 1k~~l'~~~l~~~'r;rC;:~:('r ~~I~gP~anc(iIOl~l~cf:d"~I~~~~: Ol~~~:-- ~1!!!!;Ch! At Sunday, ~h~w~r.. ICr~~I~~~.__ -.-. -,-h;,;l~.~(~~~(~a~!.J,irWlJ~{;lMTI~r:d~~ 11'..-.' re U,/STh~l ...d:l~, :rail. 11: Ladies:aiCl, Booster' !'lId), H; (-;rowing In Grace" uoard Chairman; Arthur Felt, VICt' l\lrs Jm' KJilLon, Mrs. \\Jlham Christian Church i WCdIJ('~d;l:> ('\·('I1111::. ar wa

III 'J".'. Saturday study, 8'·10. I chairman; Reynold Ande'rson, sec IAlIl.'n <l!ld )\lrs. Hollie Longe \\:('t'e (!iI' 'I W'I ast.) I !'otl's. Hc.ulwfl Holm :llltl :l1n _ " ;; _,'~' ..."'~"'~ ~'''';:r; - - - - , l'etary; \Varren Erlandson, \,IC(' hoslet>sl.';; al !l Imd!ll sho.wcr Sun- TI', dl III J Ilg H']71~ ~I. .' Oscar UjorkJund w~re dlrmer~1 .. _ _< __ M__ .~. _

I secrelary' Joe Erickson Jerome Ida\' af1C'rnoon In the MISSIOn Cove· I lUI say. an. 't 1 n g S guests In the I-~r<'d l.undm home, JSholes IPearson lmd Melvin Lundin, trus- nant C'hurC'h parlohS honorlllf,t Mrs. i ~iU~I.ll~., 21:~i~1~';cl~~~ 1~~OOu_Q: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dersch I. Fj Itees; Harry Wendel. Aaron Swan· Duane Wilcox, a rccent brl~e. ICIF'. )3a 8 Y utll' c~un'Cll1and !\lr and :\trs. Enc IIltz \\l're or anuary

B M M t· M d ! son, Walter Johnson and Felt dea· GamC' pl'11.es wcre won by Be\'ef'- I Ida,), ,~ n 1, ~ ,0d . 0 , calJt'r~ Sunda\' ('\'('lllllg In tilt' liar.Yn rs. R~~IORa~dSf\ Icons; Mrs, Lundm, 1\1rs. Albert ly Baker and Mrs. Wes Anderson,!C~operatl\( SUPP(1 an pro..,rnm, 1old Holm JlOme.

Pilo e ~8-, 0 P _ I Anderson, Mrli. R, Anderson, Mrs who presented them to the hon.16.~0 pctm. J 20 B'b) ch I](J Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dersch I .::':4-EHrner- Felt and Mrs. Herbert J.ohn: 1orcc. ~ _ . un ay. an: . I ~ S ~, Mr, and Mrs. Art Walters were

dot:,'~, 0s"pdc~r~u~:'~~yG~ft~;~';O~n~~; t~~~.u~::.co~~d"~~I;are~:;Y;~OI~'e::: I About 30 p':60n, attende . . e;'c~ing ,cr,'tec, 7:30 p.m. ' vi~t0B.r~1y~li..r';;vh~ __16,901l0n

'l%!'. ,lh~I Don ~tU~~om~. b Pendergast nanCla 'secretarY'~-'--~~~by-Alumni --,- h 'tal eilTlstlan BUlld~rs ~~sociation pro~ Charles Peters is making a t o· I Electric Milk Pasteurizer ..~, ~, .. , _ ~~:71~'5'0-

.-":,~~~~~",,, I Pla[~VJ~~v, spe~! ~Ondny cvenmg ~nd .Mr, Richnrd Herrman, 'b"~~~~;'n~tu~~',id~~:t':~'e~~~g.oS~L·s. inoTIon team, 7:30-],-"1. ~:,;~ v,sit m thn-George Eickhoff]' P,olcct y'o.; health 1lnd drink beller milkUl the ThomJs Craven home. They Stromsberg, and Mrs Harry Hen· 'J)ick l;tl'chl \\ as III chargp of the _ .. - h h l\1r' and Mrs I(oy Holm ealled j ",==~~~~.... ...,.::::-.,c:re movmg to San Dwgo, Calif. man, Oli.ceola:.- wer~ ~inner guest~_lllL'i11' "'L!lli'r~ M('mhl'j'S voted (Cs~rn, ~dt~:r_f~"-C Ua~or) Thu~a)L l!\'I.'J1'llIg In..Jht.:__ l:'.I..c~ __.Z" ~._._w."

AssemblY' ot---o-oct-- rs ~nevlCve 1I ,Randolph. S~nday 111 the WaITer "F"fednckson 10 bu~ a bab) butler for the hos-I Tl _ I ,alJ

h~Os' P hoir Schlincs home Mr, and Mr5. Rich- L .'J lllll'~~~~~~ f~~:e ': ~~s:~~~ meet- spent Frlda,Y afternDon wlth Mrs. home. . pII;1) T\\'o n('\\' nwmlwrs find two 8 ;::1.S~~jl~'rSa~lC'et· 8enlor c 'ard Utccht anti Mr. and 1t;rs. \\'il- ower prices on

Ltld Ruhl and IIi the Don KuhI Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heikes, [\'tll \\ als \\ {'n' 1l'llar'led, TIlt' has· I p., , 8'" h' 4 r Knhl were l'"rldny Cl'cnmg (';1u·1 R H\I'::-'.':,,8"·I~·,m, ·Jan. 20 SUrld~ctl"Uol, home. Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. L~le jlll,ll "'(,l!l.('d. . I Friday, .Jd~ ] . Jun~or c OIl', I~<; < : ouse.h , .... ~" u The annual telephone meeting Stern, Valley, were guestf of Mrs r [J.m.; Chappl chOIr, <1.1-;. e .. I omex

'II ,j 111.; worship, 11; evangehstic was held Satur~lay evenmg 111 Olive Lamb Tuesday eVen!!lg Walther League ~ . Slllurd'IY, ,Jan. 19 5.('11101'. :on- .. • _ ,1 \'1('l', 8 p.m, Sholes.. !III' an~r'S. HerJllan Jhomsc!n I fll P<\ul'K \Vnlthl'l' l(>a"'u(' metj' f~rmatlOn, 9 am, JUniOl confllma- Wakefield Bowling. .• I

- -\ - Sholes ~ot.lal cl~~.~et_T~urs:. a~(LDarl~ne. Pend~r, and Mz' and in th!,.' Q.lurC'h Thul sday l.vcntng. non. 10.30. .First Ba- .=ctrurdT - '-;- aay-r:n-rfie'"Ma-x'Stanl nome. F"eb. 1\1rs. Jolin~ItQ"(f -ana'frs. t:N'eva 1 M h1n· WlF..,-O;-;-- 'jJI-es.Hle(\ -Rev- - -Sunday, Jan 20: .Sunday-school, 1

I ~:\\SSI'II M, Da ken. pastor) 13 meeting will be with,Mrs, Tom Th0TJ;lsen, W~e, were guests Sun- S:~mul(' \II'sk(' SllO\\l'rl a 1'~lJgIOU~ 9:45 a.m.; .worship .and, i~staIJ~-" Junior LeagtJe w I:-,utldaJ, Jan. 20 Sunday school, Craven, Idav mthe Fred Jahde home. I fllm <Inri !I'd d dl'lCu,,;slon. Roocrtltlon of .offlcC'l"s, 11, ~lble clas~ Bombprs .. " 14- 8(:-1.1 111 , worsbi ,11; Junior and Mr .and Mr:s. Don Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. BI.H Dahlman ca1l- \Valll'ls '\Cl-; a glll'st. Ente·rtain.jcooperatlve dU1n:r, 12.30 p.rn, Beal'cats 14 B

~,l'[Wll' HYF, 6:3 p,m,; evening famtly were Sunday dmner gue8t~ ed Saturday eve~lIlg 10 the Fred ml'nt \\<:IS 1Il char!..;I' or Evelyn M8,C, ILuther. It:>ague, 7.?O.. . . BowJmg K.mgs 13 9~tl-kL' . m tb.f!_Lud Kuhl home. Jah~e home.. JUIllDl, Hill ,dltlDl'an Greve. S~v~ --Thuisday, Jan. 24, SCillaI' chOIr, Lucky Stnkers 12 Hi"\\l'dll('~day, b

Ja. 23 Prayer- Mr. and Mrs. MorrlS McGrew AlIce Mane -WI.ggam-s,. Offi a.ha , ltlt; (onllllltll'(' \vas Jams, Larry 8-. p.m. BowIdogs . 9 13 1

Jlll·,'tln~ and Hi Ie study, 7:30 p:1n, were Sund"<JY guests m the Dea-n Bin Hoschar, Plattsmouth, Mr. dnd lind H(,nuld S,Jnlj1son. ,-'- , Harmony Five ... '. 6 _ 16 I- - WI M t1 d'st Ch rch McGrew home, Randolph. . ~ll's, ~ale Hollman and Rev. Mer- _.' i Eng. -St. John's Lutheran Church High scores' Beareals. 71/ and

(~~ e~~'1ud:n iek, past~~)' - Mr, and 1\1.rs. Melvin Ehrhardt 1m Wti?ht. wer.e guests Sunday In: WQ.IU Meets , (Sf\:muel, Meske,. pastor) l'4~Fr("dl" k,...Eeter.son, 184 and ITflUrsl!ay, Jan. 7: Ladies WMS, and so~s spent Sunday In the John th~~o~n~lfl~~m~~rlmJ~lgren 1\11' J Werll Inet I' nday !lnc-moon Thu~~d~Y. Jan. !!..:.-- M~.D

J"l'lll Arduzer home 2 p,m.; q\llar- Ekrhardt home .Mrs. Ehrhardt has d M B' H d 1\1' nd~\"'lth .:\!T~ Lloyd Andel·son. :Mrs, 8 [Jm. =-- S d w I imeeq.ng~erence~~. ~enJl~ ;1.. =;- _ _ ~-s. ~~el'-8~~~lI-drC~ La\.':!cncp Rl1~g ~ co.J:i.es-te. atul'day, Jan~ 19: atur ay _ . .,§(}-_](l'V .c. A. --p)fipps, "8 p.m, M:~ml'tl=m:rs. V. G':'-McFaaaen , Mrs Mabel Barden and l\1-f....--arffi ·...--Er.TI-.....:.Fn1fon gave devotions. school, -9~O-a:.m. . - ~' 48

::-iuuc!;J\, Jan, 20: Sunday· school, and Mrs. Hazel ROhde, ~p1l~ M Harr Ka Wa ne were·dm. MIS Hill!! Ekhl'lg Col1ducted the Sunday, Jan 20: W.,prShII\19:30lIJ <l :Jl : worshlp,ll1; fvangelistic spe~t ·--Sun~d.Y aIternoon m th: nerrs'and s~ppe~' guerts 'Sunday. In I ~SI!X'S~"i llWdl_llf.': __~ 'l'e[Jort- ~~'~~.:...~_Sunday school and -J mol'

.,(,',.!.~l";"M~:'""*n. "'23:''C5tr~gB .;¢;;~g,-r.:.:!~~de~~~~:',~~::',_R~~ \ti~lr:e~';;§E;,~,w?~~·~j~·l~'~;-t~-l,}},ii~'k: 'i~·16.6~.-.:-111.(;"'1 lI1ce,hQ~~p"q;ti:-'l_', Mr .am! Mrs. John Mon,H, al)-d family, Sioux CIty, ~lr.,rang_ Mrs I ' ~J A\~'nCJ ,-- 1 h',~:~:'· __ Donms, VoiaYl1c, Mr. and-MIS. Bill Kermit Turner and l'aitiJfy , l\lr

Thooohilus Evan. & Ref. Church Brogrcn. Elr,ay and N:m:l: and Mr. and Mrs d"crald Becker !\h ~nd I~'II'II<I\, .lal). 20. Sunday school, and Ml's. Ed":'l~ 'M;-o.grenh we.re Mrs Osc'ar Beckel', Jr. an'(j All' and: _ ,'i) d ',1 , worship, 10,30, lunchcon gucsts Sunddy III t e Max Mrs.-Gl'org-l' AndCI'son a.nd lalTIlI;.-

Stahl home gatlwl'('d Sunday aJtl~rnOOH- III thl'Lutheran Church, Altona Oscar Bec]</:'l". sr. home III ObSl'I\' I

F' Wl'"n~z:cl, pastor) 4-H News anee of Mrs. El'ck(>r's birthday or,

"1<1 <\ l'j~.;~;:tl;~: ~.~~~;~ sg~~l~~~ JaM/6a~:~d~;~.B~~]~~r'Ja~;ctca~~,;t~,!Ilt-,)ltC't 3 r rn. WfIS~:l~rnsL~~~~:stern Lassies 4.H ~~\~e~lr:f~ul~~~_~~~~~~~C I

Gr'}c~ll~,u;l~lr~~n~~urch ~~r~~~I~:.~'t j~~~~<l;n~llgt~~~l~th~i~~~~ so~~rriufyor~~~{~io~~OI~m~I~~:j' .t fk·rnthal, -p-a-stor-t UPll\onslraled snOffcw-:--Clnrrofi "~-p'cnt--t:he-wc.clwnd m---1hc And.r--e....w....-_ __

'11 or doll J.m 17 (,h'~lr, 8 p.m. anll, anr,;t'i food cakes were Judged. ~orcnson home.I " 1.1 \ . .Jan lEI Adult ("vpnmg Joan Stratl"lctl the busmcss mect- Mr, _and Mrs. Allen Trub(' nnd I

I I I _lCtUp, B Jl rp )l,1g. Nancy Falk..hd Lmd,a Krause famiTy, Allen~ were dinner g"ucsts,...'-'"fllrt;." ,Jifn... W. S;;,turday hail charge of. entertainment. Ft'b, Saturday in the Andrew Sorenson I

"'I:'I':;JI;j,II'lI:J~\n5t~~~~n~h~.lr. 2:30; 18 meeting is with Sandra Perske, hO~~day callers in the Lalw-Graf-

I I J ,ill, 2A:l Stmday school Ifo'I'd hc~alllreI,owncraen' 'IMf"o' ma,nl',l" MI/~<;,",nIlOnnrlj' IHlhli' ,c'lal.:~, 'J :m a.m.; PHONE YOUR NEWS ~'"

i,ludr, 9.40; worship,l TO THE HERALD-130 - _§r_af,lls and S()IIlS, ~Imer Graffls Ir-·--"---",....-,----- ._.- ---..... ---- -

I'\(, ~lOSE A POUND A DAY....,'11" FOR 14 DAYS WilhoutSulfefingH~n~~IPangSOfLOssoiEnergy! '

I ~ 'li. ttd·.;lt!t 1l"t 111~'. e-tt tnt ~ t~u (l!tJrJr,'l:' il,nd of Jufficktn* 'lI'!(il,mlna and mlntral' 11'1 • re5uitstd~ I, !jr,~." _41 tM:>. "t n~'l i<"t'l lh'f' Ill'lu~mf"'iuhlt', rl,t"! With Krtumio Tlblt't1, Formul~ ,#1-1, and

\ } 1111~'~il' t'l$ittl",·j 1"~"ll:l d !l"fl1rr~. ,,~.. rr,..l~ _Ito rhf' Kr-uimin RtdutlnM: Plan'lhls can never

I iJ l i"',"'r ,"". ,.1 "''''~:fl""~::~ '~~~"~U;::~ ~OU"NG Pl.AN 0"'1$1\ j 'I~~, J!l Irof" "If ~'r*"' 11'~, l1,nH'" fI J!k",,~. I' Thr ')"",.u (N<1I(I1' !t.o:-101, C~rwll1'

~ "~~ t;'.t'";\~~ ;~,~~:~~!~.,t'../"4 '~.Il1"l, :::r::U;:7~~"" 1".1.11..-' U l.irO

11 \;,.. ~I;If.'"" "'" !t'T,::~,~<!=':."= .,.""'~..II(./;t1]:~k:u:1~,11iIji ......'_......... t~tIo~.t:.;~ ' ...r ...."!~ 11~· 11if!

~,~ ~~I~~:lt;:;:; II~;r~!Mwii~m~~¢"I> ~w ,,~,.;. ~';r.f~,~ .KE~IN TAIiIII.ET9.

FiEt8ER P'HARMACY"~-'~-"~li/tI'l"i I: i,j~~\~~U.I;1 ~"Ih.~,~¥IIH:nt-l ~11;1 I~$j~~ H;f~j

I, ~,,11;; ~~,1 f rr~ 1'1 ~:;, t

A FUll or Many Talent.

N.tura'. P& fl"~HJtk.l.~·.o.u"Ja.ilJL1"H"r:o'tJulll;: !wrn Iw..-HhCul :htwwhUII1hl, .•<1 !¥fl;! dc-lUI ('l(.Il,11iA:k,J. UIiil~t. d"'J*~dall1t' rdr'-'dllltiwi.To malu~ Uu", d"IUl. t1(lOrl~:~llk:.al

fu("l :I \'1" I"hl<' tn ~()llr ('Hlnt!1U·,ui;.·, 1bo\lI>.:I/Uf,. "I Iud,·.. uJ pq,W··lint" "'l'''" cunlt-lrudt·tJ 1.\' llli­}:~Jdl""fJI !""tUDll (;;1 .. (\'l;:'~.. th,. 1_lpl.t' 'l,dl(,';I"h'7t"Jii-' liiUP-tdif'n t.u P"~f~ln .'\'-J1I1t(Jt {;'ru'.tllt't utility \O.ho hllIlI;IJ Ow t::ltl

in~ )'O?.!~ll)mt'1l.

to R tf¥'"n MrJ' !iauJ,:Jll,,-r. :.'liM hti. ~ho.flflllt'lJI '" ,Mild Ill" '1ll\,ltld,4IIMt"",A l>\mJllJlht'lw '"UI. Jdull dM"f~illil(rmhrUI.,t"'I'·',;j JI lIt""('jI~~f'~t.1 rIlt)'uIH ''''ltl (,,., t!l!h' b ltldp':lt.

Jnt'I'Wlll" h .. jj ""I1 .... ~J~..IH ~"Htt(',mhtt.. II""", l,tttlH"bly "\tl'll II'IIIlIl0\"ru"t 11111J1 4 111'\11 ,.>ltmlllm~j urC'VUt~.

with-the ­--tiEW 1957 Frigidaire

Electric Dryer

Any time is drying time witll tllis ne\vFrigidaire Etmr)c Dryer and its Con·°trQ) Tower! JlJSt set it-and when 1ic:J.e"

. is up, Qut they'll come, jllst> as you 7

--ordered,:.ma'-am-bone-dry for storage 'or damp enou~h to ir6g right away.as you prefer-each piece sunshine­fresh. (Thank the -Ozone Lamp £-orthat!) ~dDot-one extra cellt for vents--:----··

--, and_plumbipg. 1\ sIide~1JlIt"7"Filtrator-~~'~osettles the Hilt and moisture I?rohlem~.


TODAYl - ~~--'~--

New Frigidaire Sheer Lo~kfits {n, buildJ iQ everrw1)ere.

Now-Try_ the Control Tower_ Wayto Easier Drying!

I, •

• She-k"pws~IIOW--MU{;I.f$J,e paidJi'iLd__lor WBAT' 1 '

• SheknowsWHOMshepaidiiiidWHEN,l

• She knQ";s WHERE she-stands fi~an.,,cially today and every- da~..

RECAUSE-sbe~pays-all ber bills" by"

CHECK Opcn a checking account In thi;

bank NOW. '. anll<iiow'ALL' ihe answers' (ALL 1M Ilmel ,--




,~Ii"p In roth.,., Rlld let U~ Idl r~lu_I~~I~\I~nsy)IHill ~IHlI'II" H II·, ,.. l .

First. National ~BanklOlI.bl.. ......,,'--- :-- ..Ji: 106M.ln

Bri~g~Jte atl\1J:P<1'\;11l

I'd Blllk,'II,'W")]1 t,) 1\11 ~

:\1,,,!1ll','IIIl' II III

('iln<.,\ tL<;el\,

; •. revolution in figure

fashioning inspired by

(>1111f'·~hdj!ifll' ~kippi('<; r'q\(>~ "'II ('"til

I, ,rtlll,l" ittt!) !ill" I, lilt ill~l II"," 1"11,.]1 "flllf'; f'l.lqil" . 0 • fwvlor·a JoIII]" "I IWLlII

LjlwH' ~j) 1mb- or !iql1~i'.f'. :-:'!TIaJl wOlldf'fII'.J I .... lip!'lI's is :'Ir:II'rinl'~ /,\ I, 'nit' "h,qw.mak"r~ Beautiful eXJ'[m11]f' IJf the .fl.,IV

cf'mfnr~ III f,l'itli"n 0 •• Amdie.an 1\16UI'II1.~(' f"rj your"""lf Tk' filh'd lwj,q!

S1cjppl1!"~o""fitm. B""S. "Tvrnmy.-r'1"lrl\'''0' fmllt

pe","! tl~ 1'.~·i" wO'llbond. Whitll or Block NylQn.S M.l. ~,L {Abo <lYDlklb,.8&, Gitdl. NQ 9A:i.lS •• SO.~~~...." with ""'... _....el·BfQ Ku. 55\ V.

(~Q<h. t~,•. 3U 10 :seC. $3.50

I~ I~j,"\.t.. ormfit-!(~

" , " , I" " " :\~" 1'i~\~: '~,\,~\t>/'", :>~



Delta Dek'M ets Tuesday, With Mrs, La d Jensen

M-rs--i.:nnt--;-VI'lta Pt')..; tlll j2;lJPsls MISl\1nrtin f{lng,·!' ,ad Mrs,' L, W.\"j-l!l,' Tlh'sda~ t Igh! 1\'11'" WII~

11:ln1 hIWIWl" niH !\1J s. Ed Wol-skt· won Irs. WOlsk{;-was

:1 glll





ALLswm MARGARlrif:

G"'f Bd~CJir Premium fJ'ualit:vl:roten Foods . .. and sat'e!

VegetablesB:~'~~;;";mC2 ;:~~~ 45cLeaf Spinach ~;~~a~~" 2g;~ 35cChopped Broccoli ~~~~;" '~;: 19c

Brick Chili Cudahy Puritan .Lb39c

R t - elllleR. USDA Choice 49oas Mature Beef, Arm Cut .. Lb. C

S k- SIIU:OIN, USDA Choice 79tea Grade: Ma1:Ure"Beef . , ... Lb. C __ .

BCorn I{ing-b~and;-·>-·-~lb~~4--5 - ~-~-,,-aron sile"'.,., Pkg, C _~ ._••_._

Jim.- )fJfJdtL,)~ V~ ... aL lJO.ulI.- S4zwalJ-!

I M "lk '1,.gal. 49eel Band.-Box;-=rlcd-.f!=u'rs ......~Ctn. C

P - ,. t'D' +.... - SI,;······ fresh . 13·oz, 39egnu llij~_. ::. ehti~'k~rcrea;"ystylc".. Jar C

'Wh"t' B '.,.11_ .. :. ','JHEAT. Mrs..WrIght·s; 20-.oz. 22, .1 e. .rea 'l,/l "i1eed, freEh dodj' at Safe\~ay.. Loaf C





- 2- 10-oz.i'KGS.


Bread Sandwiches-Saturdav·9A.M. -5:1>.Mf~ , ,L ;." ,T;.;

._,0.:, .....:

!d~:',~,i{~:)i::::: ,~

""''ir<'''11 'ij 11"'flI.l~:fI,:I'; 1Ih'I'I~tll

ii, i 1 "I ,HI




1948 BUICKSuper Tudor

H,J\ (' In ."'.p th:" onl' 10 :!ppn-'·l'1:lV..'-_-il! FXCl'jll;()nd]


~I~~bl;;t~;a~"nae~\V :l~da ~:';-.fI-'-...uJ-:lElECUAO.M..~ _~bills tic-up, which makes

, your advertistng complete""in 'one job. -

'. .. ."",

7. Les;<~xpcnse. less driving

~~d; (~~~t,~:I~d~~Hs~nne~::t

1. miEE IJl'Iting. In the news..paper's Call;!lndar of. OomlngSales - to protect the'datc·yon tuwe selee.ted.

.. ~.

S. Experienced help in draw·lng ~I/;» ,your fann sale ild;··to mako It the klmf thatDRAWS,. CROWD~~.

Besldell thp one-stop Farm Sale.~ervice being offered again thisvenr by The Wa;yne Herald, .other[ree services are--.also InChldad. InttUs season's after. Tbey '!nehfde: 8. Your newspape,:- ad In -va·

per .gives farmers opppnun.­Ity .t"(f stu.dy )'our(!5~~ I~st

• over ctu:eflllly, In their ownhQrnes. and decide on thearticles they m~y wlsh to

'? buy;-

__+-,9"""..,1..( you e.'uJpj)t ~~ In to ~e:--!;-¥un:r. F6EE'sale bilJ prlnt- N~t~I:rE~n~;Oso::dJ~~t ~tll--:~ :r~~~uf:.d ;:s;::,e~ co~e _~to ~~ur FARM:!



Ed Cuuwo, Sud '1l\~I?~t~Qr

Due to the poor oats ~r-;:;p-Iastyear,all s"sl1Oulaoefesfea"forgermination-'beror-e-- plilfll.­. ing. There will be a 10fof-'seed offeredfor.~al~

.(8oth grain and grass seed) that sho\:lld be'check.ed f.or noxious weed seed. The sfate.law requiresall seed offered for·sale must;.J,av&" 'arrapprovedtag attached, stating purity and germination.

Kugler Electric"CoPhone 322 ' Wayne

Expert .Washer Seryicewith Genuine Maytag Parts






79.95 59.9569.95 '54.5072,50 62,50

,59.95 39.'9544.95 29.9554.95 44.50

...67.50-·-54.95-124.95 99.95

62.50. 49,9534:95' 22:51J29,95 19.9524.95 9.9524.95 14.9519.95 14.95

,29,.95 14.95


Our sales of Coronado Appliances have been.very g~od. Lots of folks havesnapped up ,our offers of long trade. and now we're offering big dis­count~ on used guaranteed, merchandise.

Coronado Console Ironer9-ft. Seaco Refrigerator :'"COl'Onado Apt. Size Gas RangeCrown Gasc Range, 4O"-inch --,:;.-'EasySpT;dri:er WasherFirestone TV,l7.inchCoronado.~, 17.ilJ'h . " .... " .....'".~_........Coronado "(\I, 21·inch ConsoleCoronndo TV, 17·inch

"Wl:Illd-'Jnd'ftratltangJ!'- ",. "'" "" 'Soh ned ',.. .Of V~wlJl,Cloanel'

2·!pr..,~m'Suitll'9 • 1';/ 'Ib f Aug

, on ",..~tllt'

1-,1 11) 1'1.1'1'''111

"'1-) Ii ,I,I

',II I 'II I" I , • ~,I.: r

Ii< <1'1<111 •• 1


-. -.- ------._----







t ~;~1;:'~;::~NrtCai~ ~~,ti:l~t.a.ke <,_Ilre-or till your hearlhg needa•. ,&to~ ror Fl~·lJernonstr$.t'on.

II _ .....

b .. -..Here are_1he popular, colored Flaxbloom sheets at the low-

est price in many a moon. Shop for your needs now and

Colored Cases only 47c~, "---- .,. ~

$1 99

.B1 x lOB

Curoll Methodist. Church(C. L. VanA1elcc•.pasLo":).

SundaY1 Jan. 20: Worship, "Ful­rming Goil's Intentions," 9:45 a.m.;Sunda-y scJ1ool, 10:45.

Churches ...

- .~.~-.~ .---~~~-




Mr. and Mrs. nync- Williamsand Delmar were 'ullsday eveningvisitors in the lifford Lindsayhome. St. Paul's Aid St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Mr. and Mrs, Al ert Jenk.ins and 51. Paul's aid met Wednesday (1-1. M. Hilpert, pastor)

1?:~~l%t ~k~~~n€lo~~e~d;ro~ni~~ ~iWlrnci~4ta~l~~b~~~!I~K~nM~~rfP.' 9:ign~.m.;J~~~J~;, ~b~t,~~:~~P,~:;nJ~~~~~ah~~~1~ttheeevning in M. Hilpert present. Mr, ---5'lod. jjrs. "Bill' C'raig and

Se':~'~d~n~p~~5tee:~~~ ;:::~~~, T ~r~.H~hr~U~~terson was hostess ~~W~~ ~ert~eW;~~d:~ty Ni~:;;~gthe home of thei son, John Ga5a for T & T .club and one guest, Mrs~ home.kill and family. Clarence-..Pfeiffer, Tuesday after- Mrs August Franzen sp.cnt Sat­Mr. and Mrs, J hn Benning and noon, Prizes went -to Mrs.. Charles- mday afternoon With her parents,

- ------fnulily-·were-F'rid ---evenm-g vlsi- Brockman-and-M-rs Gust J-ohnson, Mr, and Mrs Adolph~QQl.:1Dnn

- __ MfLln th Ii' cker.L.ho.m~ Mrs Herman Bl'oekm~!lli,!next -----E.!wg~nner~sts In fIle "Er-

an~rpalr~ ::dS~p~~rrenM~n~~r:~ ~ess. ~ t~~e~zl:t e~~~de~:rs-z~~~the ,Leo Stephens home Wednes- Social Neighbor . Lorenz and family, Mr. and Mrs.day they and Mr and Mrs ClaIr January SOCial Neighbor party Edwal Roberts and Robert, ;Ken

~~:~101~ t~l~dH~a ~ r:i~~:lS~pper wasl~~~ ~~I:~~:~~:: ~~~ ~:~r~w~_O!~f{~~~ a~~~:; R7tTllll(!i, TIinwy~ !Dl\\:th~i~n~~:t'd-,-S_at_u_rd_a.:cy-_e_v_elll_---fg,_V_iS-=it=-Ol_'s_i_n_t::.he,--~-=lr=s-= __ -=J=o--,~n=O='-=N=e=il=an..:d_M_r_.~an..:d __,,_-e_re_M_r_.--,~_~nd~.~M_r_s_. _R_aY,--P_e_te..:r_so..:n_..:c.::·h:::a'.::,.n..:',.::-"..:'Oocf..:.1)'L",..:D..:.".::"OC'-d'-_---"_

-e~U::~tbyat~e ,:esiJgnatJ~n\':fcM"::' tqrs In the Dat.e Ftan~n home___~.....EveJ:ett Mlarqu,ardt, who moved

from the .:Com.mufiuy..F~bru9-ry meeting will be with

t~i:t8~s~~~~~~~ 1~1~~,~~1.~~ I'~({~~tli~slurmtuttL w )C'1O Clarge 0 rs.iTohn Paulsen and,: 1\11'5_, Frink.

Q Talent Sho

rOp'.·,clreamlng...-."v----- ---.---PRleE--:I:~"-

, " I , (':

The Chieftain 'costs le~s thana lot o£the "low-priceCl" pars,-~TT ~J:.~t.~e1ivert!l M6REP4wER~MORE WHEEI:._E1ASE-~RO?MI'

~+ 'IIi 1111nk this 'bIg, bro",,!y beoU"ty wO\lld'I..t~h,o lonCYIi~uf"? Notlhe Chielili\n. It's ;"fl~~~brder ==---"==+Ji'=0==t='~~===~==-r'l'iTiiTn:;c=___=:!fJ'£"AJ;rr~l'! ,lor Wl$\llulthlll~DI.,'=):!I~~:rl~ll!i:'!P-~~!l"6! ... l\':~:~.~1tli:I1)'1Jud,~illi;bsTSurpr~rrou'Ill>.' - _.'.".r; m~r~ '0 wl'M you l~k over 1119'lkingli,t 01 premium leah"... in this brillia.nlllew09mer."l1"~ "l-.

1'1l"t 91,im<>l'(lUI QQI\>, lor .'tl1mpl"" la " big. rool.·ruqged X-member lrome, ..ridinq eoUdly 0101'''"1'1~lr'PI"'J .\ 'i!-2.i."tb ",b..,lhQ...! Cu.lll~i~g neh wh;;"1 b towel·Un<! Ri<hI; Ponll"d. new dim_lOll itt - --

.~,,,,;,,,,,"0j,. lJlI:l\qlJl9 """ lh. ImOOlb..l, 10IMt fld~ you've .nr",koown,' And up fronl is !Ih~ deel'.'Ch... ted

Ntl ~ri 10 '-0 1 "'1<"ll'--i<:I"..rl1~o SI'olo-Slr..... V:8 .."i'l<l-I1' .w..I__" perlorm.r a.. _ ~_... '. ho! I"~""*'~""'*'1.1,IU' &, _ on. 11Qil d;rKlml"'ll! Com. In and !ian a look "I lhi._blg and .l~~);.:It-~~.:f';;'~ :~hJ.\J_~f~!D.'. '~1'l!Iftt',jI.hhl=\~ :p¢krtl~ ~11".~.!Jm:1.W~;1.O willing to WQQ'~t yo~ next step~e ~

'I'" II ...~ll."~l'l'IlI~Q~~~,.llrri.~,:~.··a-~·rn··['·'''''''--'''''--1 . . .. 'o -r ~I.~'r"'~I~"'! ·····:::-:·I ..·..·:;~··- . . illJ .' , ·1

'1 '~m~~-,,,Ir"~"" J:'f::JhlWlIc· II, , I

",!W,!dl~i~ AM!~~,~ry~~ ..:- ..__.... . ~TI··t·f=;:-f,'~~~~"h-'"!f~F:!:=:.;;::;tT..;.i~~-:- __~~int~.:----t"1f"F7~}f~Fn~~~~~t7~~':j,;11 " '1'1 I " ''1'''-

/~~ ./-- -.


-~.aving-Le$sofl:presen·fec;f--af:~:'woExiensioo /QltJbMe-et.in·_~

Big Tbrills Buick, . I'iIPr.O~Af'i • "C,£NTlfn ...... : sur..-".)~. R(jA:D~"':'ST£.R - ".

w·... ,17' •




/).~.l3tdaeltMie .. SAFETY..MINI!!!lB+L/~ '. at boon 10 your safety.

"""'7 a simple- de~',ce th:~il~s~~:r.hour you wont. When-You merely pre-se \ th 'og buzzer sounds. '"\ \ II.,...I-~---you reoch~thot pace, a WO~~l the buzzer stops.::~prop ?elow that ~oce a -- ~t

'~'S,~o'--C~7~==='==+='=F=0''''':C-.=.C;C--C.~-;.. '''"c''' ;C'i .'. :,-" f·r ....

1~ StrC)ffgiWinnBl·----·-­';; In'So ling Meet ,/ Jg~_ Dj('klt~ tl'OJ1~ Wlis .nmrll:~l' \Yj~~ '---. />'

sA-FETV REMINDERIn heezing ..weolh~~,--,-­remember" ,!'tot qn.Yl.!::!Jngon the ·rood th'bt lo,okslike water CQJl be ,ceoDnve as If It were.


.*wk' ¢ltlrulty 2.D~or RlvlOl"a

9:15 p.m.


fltl. • SAT.• SUN.,Afill'''.kll!. 1II~ r••fII.fItt

~" ••••• f1:•.~'

,'" ,




. .

~...t:.-~ of:~~~~ ro ,you' 1...'~ ~1:m,hni'J> J1~W i,t<II ..,:,1il"i::-;;;tl:l!!,r. 11(,J"'1'. r'n" 1\'11 ",lkr, ',1111'[" \\1I1t":'

dj'~lilflW:" ~I\ 1",,'111 ;.r~:"il,~f'll' \'l,'lHH LWI;~:i

rr"'~~I~ I I"~ I i~\ :'( III"'I ~l'''' ~ i:1 t h,· fl'"


~111:I'il ,I



~", ,.' .;,1<:1 ....(' <;,1o:l1m. i• -, I '. (~"",. '

' '-. ,ACL~ covms1.98 Value


CORONADOCustom Deluxlit 1

WASHER -179.95

SAVE $5195

Spri".., ond It ••• tJP'5moo1h At' ho,.,,,I.,

'. MOP STICKRegular 43c


- 1.25 Value\ ~ ---R


sar 9(0<

D\ ~- 66(·\~

- ~ H<!ol '('ding sm.5'0,"'''' ....I ,pooo' I ,on. ,"" ,ob in holll

, In "Copr1~e" pollern. '3.Z~40

1973!>!> '


Rich Walnut Veneer

• ""S!eek Modern -Design,

Bonded Tops

• Six Coat Finish,

v.Jlush End POriels

Here's Q real buy in [I qualil_y mattress ondbOll spring! This fine GOmbinotion by famousEnglander has 209 cails, a pre-built border.,cord h-andles and healthflJl OIr ventilatorsDesigned for Ihe 'sleeping comfort of 011 Amr.lr·ica_and attractively covered in a fORcy,heavy woven fabric of red', white and blueCome to Gambles during thts big sole-,see

~:;:'J' it-rown it 0" eosy payment ~.e:.QT's I






179.95 VALUE

Pay just 1O.5D Down

HOJdware Accents

(I DrQw~;~:-vet.d;(Cd,---;~4t---9ttffpro"f

.- Smooth R:ul}1ling-- Drawer


~ -I: '; ':itl1P'l,;tlII,I'~I: j~','t'j,,~, Ct'~lb iM''';.l'f()''

v.i;~·~ 1il'~, '1~1il'

H!h1~ i;i~iil" I;

14,<PS Do'~"!,,, 1.90 I'~, Wild,

. "rl1'r;l~iI!MlJn:hlr

SI~':!.I'f I.Fj""'I~~I:'f'I 'jl"'tl \''1'1 .., ~,:,io h tr.~1"1,rdidc:ibl~,t,ll~~~ kl<r.~ ~ll"-'Of'Id u. fwjJ ~J.~ ·tJ'll..J (;)1 ~\i1il~"'~

~J!'!1I);11!!"'1"1.I! !It'I<~~'~lr~n,, ~iHl~O cv\>h.Ot"1~: ChC";t". 0411:.i'~I~. f/i!'lIfll.... h,t:,"",,,, :)1'",,),. lLJ'r'~,'o'"I-'ll' ':;'1 It'd

.-:.I "'11'1_"II ~ ~ ,,' 'j I ,I

l-II'" _ UI)111<1 fl,!\;J'''''111 S~il""'. II, 1ilf,>Q1""_I" Il4d 1139,95


B::l:~~OIl~~.~139.j,5 VALUE

______ WAL UT VEt-iEERPANEL BED, C;HEST- -"OUB ll:fW15Br' '.-


of the Wayne County

NoxioUI Weed DI'fr!"t"

The annual mo.;;n9 of: lboWAYNE COUN",";, ,


will b. held at th•

-..-------- -- ~8~e~ts~~th ~;d saisy ~e;--m~e your g.\S stops few and farchevy has its own huilt·i;} -.!!.dollar.. between: ~ , _8aver"-America~s favorite six! Like all new Chevies, it brinr,s rou

.a very speCial sureness of CO!lt[91.Hard to -b~Iieve----jt, but this big This IS a quahty that just can't be~auty is a bottom·priced Chevrolet measured In dollars and cents. Lots

~ene..:...F~fty:~ It's- got Body_by: _of cars_that casUals -mor..eju.st...driiti---.EJ..§.her quality written all over it. have it. Come In and-see how much

__ ~).__ ~ _....And jt bas .a.~ppery; sweet-running preasure we're passing-out these~~~~"Blue·Flame" SIX under the hood to - at Chcvmlet P~lCesr-- --


WaKelteld~~ ------ ----- - ---~--

Residence PropertyT~ursday, jan. 31

1957, at 2:00 p.m., at

the residence on the premises to 'be_-sol~,_1n-=--

Wakef.eld;- NebraskaLO~-A,ibN: 2 blocks South and 3 blo~ks 'W~St 01 TheWakefield Natl. Bank; in SE corner of intersection.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Lot 1, and the North Hall 01 LQtZ, in Blce"S, in the South Addition fa the Cjty of Woke·field, in l'ixon County, Nebraska.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: E'aht room modem 1\~ storyhou:;c, in good location, with full basement and naturalgos hc.ot, Lot and one-half, being 75 ft wide by 150 feetin depth. PQ\'lng f.ully paid for Goroge.

! _a~I"l'~ <::?Unty" _

100- Acre-~! -

Wednes~ay, jan. 30-tI -I 1957, at 2:00 p.m., at

East frj"t door of Wayne County ~ourt11ouse,

Wayne, NebraskaLOCATI6N- On pQved HighwQY 35, 'I-mil.. east Qf W-;'yne;_2 miles sfoth and 3 miles west of Wakefield, on aorth side

'01 rQad I - -- _ --,_

LE'GAL I)ESCRIPTION - The South.ast Quarter, and theEast 40 acres of the Southwest Quarter, of Section 11, Town·

.ship 26, Ronge 4, EQst 01 the6th- PM, subject to existingrights of way, In Wayne County, Nebraska.

_r~tN-EJlAl D~SCJl.lfLION- One of the betler Wayn" Coun­ty fbff'/'lSII Cemptetc ~ct form bUildings, mduding 10 roemmtldetl!l tl~\J'S(J with automatIC water syste:·•. Natural gas'" hGll"~~ On F: EA and rno\1 t()U"~ About 15 ocres In 01­{QUO, ;C'(If.fO In I'QI.lUJC and 8 Clcrc,; In yards, with balancei,( lOrtd 11~:rf1Stt cull1\iOllcJT'l '

To sellI the Estate of Henry Rubeck, deceased, and pursuant to the last will and Testament ofsuch de edent, the her~inaf-ter+'Ral)'led AdministraloJ:~ithJhe will annexed and Trustee of t_he- _

_-Estate-o ..said-Henry Rubeck, deceased, will sell at public sale to-the highesthidder; subject·toconfirm tion by the probattfcourt, the following real property: -~

Terms and Conditions -of Sale,;;<1~1', 1'~I'll' .,'1< b, Ii ~~lll' CI',~1 h<,j!"I~<I' I,ll qll.dmlHl11fll' ()fHj ~h!l!,(;r)' ot dad, 0', 10 eo~h properly. Each property t~ be soldH~t "iil~~ 11 ~a' I' I ~'j,.t1"'1·1 II nl'~ )oIIIh 91\ lou~. gtl~t',ol o"d ~ptClol, Qnd to and mclIJdit'lg 1956 toxc.s., fully paid. Pur­,,~,.q1t ~,lt ~ fj 1/ I~'" ~ J~L{"r.~I$h'll1i !:lb~H~H~ ::ll'd btl .. So1j'~ "",dl be ktll' tlPe'1l ot Icosl one hour,

!I.\t' ~,l;,tf' ~; 'I I ," '~rH'" ."~'1"fT,,~t:I"\ ",,(.':H~h 1, l')~i7 rurthof.•:r of Wakcfit:ld Icudt'tlce property to b~ gjvcn_imw""'I;lf,~.I*~ jl'I!J.1H'~"'I"'~

.­. .

,y~ m '111~1'I:d 'li> 'll'\t~;Hl !II,.. Jilt~fl tMfl:nll 'h, ule datos.

For Fu'rrher Patti tulars. 'nquir_e of

"'.,'Iry N, t..r:son~' C:, S, Sh.rman~,1\1*""'-"1",1,,, '1,'",,1, !I,. """II ~,,,, •• t{l.,,. TIIJ.'" ,I -'Coryell

,~II'U~ hill" 01 Hf,11! ~ ~ .."~-l<l ~..M4l1 '., 1

I ",.L"•._L,~" .~'~~-d!!~!I+':++I~~.:IF";f:~~;-:::;;::t+~i:::~:~~~~"~~i;"'~""';~!,1'"J.i>l...._-'"'_+_-...;;;....;~~~~1'".~ ...~··~....~·L~"lj,l ..~t 4:: ld . ' - , ',3,

SOTH''''; OF nEFF.nEE·~ ~ ..U,F.r 1\011('(' Jil helt>U} Jolht:'l that b\', t:tuc .of an -Oldt:r oL 1!1~' })n;\ll< tCourt of 'YIl)'l1e ','ounly, X ..hrnl'kamad" and l'I1{l'rrd un Ih.~ ;,lh rIa\ "rJanUlll}', l!l:;', fl'l Ill" illih- l,r 11'11~(Llilfl.ll', hCll'lllllrtl'l ,!<,t'('l'Ibl't1, III allIl.<:tlun IlPlldlllJ,l" ill IHlIli l'''\111 \\ 111'1"In ~'IIlHI(>(1 ('011111>1 11' plaintiff UIIU

l'""-...,..---iI-----------...,..-------...,..-----~-----------------,d~~nJ::l~Bl(-.I~:~I..~~~llr,F~I~,:ti, \~l;il, d("I~the lIth dlH oj Jo't'IHUUI\, lllfl;' IIItlH' huur of :! {fU u d'H JI PIli, "fill1.ld day, 1111 tl",' \H' 1ll11l'f'., ~,II Htpllbll, U(lClltlll, f"l \u"h \,1 tll" )11).:1,·!,st .b1(\'1"1, till f"ll,,\\ \l~g ti.~. 1II" dIt'lIj''I'IILl<',t,,w[t'

Till' H"\lth",I~t tJll,ut.'of 1-:<'0:11011 i"IX I hi.


. -------- -.,,-~





A- record 40,OOQ'BigM's--being built in January" . a 43% increase over Decemoer.

A~Mercury ..a,minute,-every minute ·clthe_dayand. o;gnt! ~ufHss~mblr---'- -," __ =:-::-.,:::~-::_---~iT'


plants are wQrking overtime! with the IPrgest workrforce 'in Mercury history to-, • 1 __ ._ •

meet the tremendol.ls b.lJger demand~Tile la:ndslide swing-:-tofv'!er¢ry i~HdI .' • "j.,...",- ~ • (...:...~__ _'_

_eilic:!~.nce th,at the. new Big M, i~ tbe-=mosL~citing" car valuELoLm57,_ Never, ;!l' _ _'"". ~ -/' -"." .

be.fore has sOhiuch.j)ignes~ and luxyJY cost so little. Prices Jar_America's most

beautiful and advanced car arelLJsran-""9N'St~p-abo\1e:-th~e- low-price three:. -.

nu 00 'H.j;) ~l




4,1rt1'.21':27,802.89 "



855(~ .­.!', 1{~" Ill,)

':::J~l 00~f:tOuO

~t. ~flIU (Ill,l·:f l!;;'"


,,-g'~,.,'r· '"''



1',58R 5:i2,390.091,4R.1 i:;.UI23.38

11.2 SO

;)1 ~-)



m}32()1,k}5 in





1:~,~L~t"',',141 ;rl~~,:r;!

1 <"LHl,j!ll!dl*",~







1,9Rf)] 1~J.415,!Jp


.. 8,lS5.1:L __ _ __.__._,,__

lGto~g~--~~M4;-1:1·,,--~=-~,·--tl----··-~·-·_·_·----';;""-===CCC;=--._~1:1 Ol)


:1••"198)'15310 .


IH'~~''·.ifi'! I"

Hlt/,"~ ,



:..!6.0 10

'T l.f17 00

1l),l H3.4.'):1.079.77




It 02:2 II::!Z:R82:09::\,(i:;p-R"i







6 ONLY - MEN'~



$12 '

BRA$-···· ~$~,-TRcg. 1.98 • .

Discontinued StyJe

~i ONl.Y

: Reg. 14.95100%' Wonl


PE~~LC-oiTS .' ~~~:~~Ic~:a~ ;--7'S~-$'~' 4 ONLY _'CQTTON

'~Plisse Bed_spre~~s_.:andDrapes~


Reg. 8.95100%' Waal - Size 12'.


" 20'ONLY

B~~'~-' '''---cURTAINS300 Shcet; te .Bo;- ·$1 . $10'/0 :

~::::~=::;::,;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;.~.~~ ·Reg. to 4.98 I.' ." . ~Priscillas -_Flounce

Your Choice



;1, II.




REG. TO 10.95




Car Coats

One Rack -..' Reg .. ta 44.95



REG, IO H.95

'REG:TO &.95 .

DRl:SSES~ -~~~--,:=c,~~~

NOW $4-----~

REG. TO 10.95 0, NOW $6 ,,-...........NOW $8









IFOR AS . -I--+---I-.

.....--lOW_AL..~.. _

IrigM.r.l'I 'fO~t Nt" 'Of 'dtchcn wilh. <:Q:1t';1rftil, eO'J,y·to.dcan plastic tnc. Choose from (I wide rO'nge



......~"~ <ol::W TREATMENT IN iE~T~~ DESIGN

fLhl'l,I' ,t"",h~i, 1: r,I'I.,t"*'l"!~ "t\'l'~~"~ Iflmi1 1:,~~ 1\I~~'!1 Ij i"i'~ :ri'U\J,'I: o··cf d'01,~\i\II'~I' flutl~d Gronilol1c,


I'H "'~1""'~ ",.,"'''' .'ll~ '''' I,.h·"",1 •• 1'1 <.,,",., '" $" I'."; OM "i'I'~~1 Mw



/. / " ._'_··r;7l~r:., , ,/ / I ", . ii.~-----;"'~"';'·";'1,..7:;..·,.~~;~~_..~~ iL~~;,_o~::/tllC.:~I;~li~ ;:''';'';~,;;;,~~....;.;;.;..,.::..;:;;.,.::......;..;..;_;.:;;._..::_:,.:;;.;....;;-~----8-- - ~e--_~'.,'._"':-.-l_H;.r.~urS-d,~JanU_gryfH,-~'1.'95r, ~ - -, .:'" He=-hon~o-of-he -0~ ,,- ~ ~ . pnrent .ill Han.do.lPh: They left s. ," • ",

DIXON~(. ' I . . .,' IU~a" IllF~~~~![~~~:i1~~e Mr.p~;;;; . , .\ . . ~ .;- ..... M:. Wnrren I liS ,am ttr----::::;.~,.· B .-MrtI. Fred'Balrd·Phone -00"19

',. Mrs'. 'K' rn~e' s/~/ec"ed.·~"."~""'"'f ", . 1I d-h~ the Atvin IVlltershome.._~__. _L...U::.u_oliJ1uod.JJ:wIL.. -1;'1, ~J ..'U. l&'r~t :~~'ll!:tr,~vA'~'d;rsgJ6r~e;;~~~ ." ,..1,' . '. • . _ ," JOI""";'II,,r:


H d t A W ,. , Wakefield. ".: l.'., M.l~, and M~s. alph WI;l.lson,. alld Mrs Gust ~ohn~on ana l'iIi's.lICr- pya!].!? selections By' l\lrs. Arf La~:{..eo '- -. u -- u.r-' QY-~ IrrOUp Fred Vo!!lh'!<a~ps-w.ere, last.. ~un· Mt;. and! Mrs. Dean RClmers ,at- -rna ,Brock.ma~. " .; 'uests . were '.Mrs_,., 1.11f:c,· 'Mhi.clay dinner gu¢sls '·in the Fredrick t~nded {he farm sale'of th~e~~ c,Ou- ~,all? .Mrs..~Lc Iir~nzf~'dJ;l.d Jon~s, Mrs. Mary "Halllst,on. 'Mrl;;,M~s. Dec Karn,es wlas el~cted-'-~::-'::"~-'--~ - 'Jflllkc home.": ". _ -= .-s.!!!.L·Harold Blotz.. Rantlo1ph, MOIl;· !\lls. Augu~t Fran'ZC~I'}C:f1,t"f ~l a,y Franzen and-Mrs. G.. E"Jmll's..--~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~~S~~~~~;~;~i]~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~2M~~j~~n~dMrs,DaleD~ldsMandd~._.....•• Dn~n;I~~o~~.. T~~~~TllCgmUpW~~aluuttsl1Jt.sal.

Wednesday at Daily hall. "~'... " D· I '-on-: ,-=:- ---- " '.. A';-W~·!~~-«-itUl~··'· r. and Mrs. AlCrlld lIans('n.a~u cuuple wtre gt:tbst~ ~~~t~i~li\Z urdu'. l'~r..!!llrUllel·tlllI:: ~ill.J.ll:.Other oHicers named. Wlll~~:/ I'X n the' Herbert Niemaun-home- Sun·· _JJL~!,!nJR~Il~~l!lL!y~_e , _ _ • I J k h . Wtt 1 r.:t. A:rffiUr GI"iiS""S. flit·s. 1)'1.

Mr5. Elmer Sch,utte, vice prell. '. . dhy>Monday evening 'guests were the Stanl.ey Han,s.en. h"Ome~ c at- (,>(] MrS". Lye en JnS~ W 0 'Nas/fk \td Gnrwood.. Mrs LawI",l~:(1 Tex.dent; Amanda Sc:b~tte, se·cre· Mrs. Earl A~keny ReV. tmd Mrs. Hobert Vrznl Bnd' t~r.c~up!e were rhursd~y af1~rnoon ccnt~y dismissed from a 4 or 0 Icy and Mrli Leo JOl'dull 'S'l!n.SJl.tary, and Mr's.-nank Johnson, PhOne 1o?'f~R9_ NORTHWEST children, ·Corning,'N. Y. . Vl1lltors In the Ray /iavJs ho~e.~. hospItaL __ •

treasurer. Wakef."eld ...;::~·~,~td~·y~~~nin:~~~~r5 fi?th~ Two Carrollites" Get ~l~~~I;I1(~n~rs~tB'rv:rJ~:~kc;'~~~:;~;~~jEleven families wcrc pr:_cscnt for Joseph's hospital Saturday morn· B I' • Howard Loeb home f'l d 1) 'd H t I {f •

---ttlC--traSkc mner:'-'- e rl -m-g-:-a-n· ." ~'--~.-Wi1Tace~Tifg---' . renrta __,-_ "'-:--=1¥rr~t:Ml's:1tmir1~Ulm-r-lmd-"Di5tharges· .. from._Ar,m:y-~---.:= :t1:iiHc{~~~~Gr~.s~i'iI;iY~~ji};~he~~~Ji;:;,~it. at the Mrs, Earl Evers home. I,orne, Dakota City, III 'the ~lfter· '(Wakef;eld ATlas 7.2872) ..~ '.~BY Staff~ Correspondent. J\nge~a; and Mr.. and Mr!>:'St.anl~lY .. Dick llllrmcier nrrivcd h0l'l:lC noli flanson home, 'Nc!igh.. '

noon. • Hansen sPeqt Friday evenmg In ,tho S"'t~l'd~y after ·rcccivinJ.:, his d1.S· Sundlly.. afternoon' vis!turs 1Il IJwBest Ever Club Mrs. Bin Garvin was a visltur ~'redrick. Niemllnp home. . . chjlrgc at 1"1. Sheridan, Ill. Kennelh Eddie hOI"lll~ were.Mr. :.lUll

Best ~ver club met in the Mrs. l;'riday afternoon in the. Mrs. Fred Park Hill Cillb L!lst, Sunday: afternoon guests In Guests spent J.irJday evenmg .In He has compl~led two yen~!> of Mrs. Leo Steplrens and fam.ily rlud&rnest '1<noell home Wednesday Salmon home, Concord. . the Wllbul' .)3runs home: were Mr. Jb.!LQrQycr ,Bq~.s .I:J0"19 ~i? help tt.1!'1: Army scr.Y~ce. the- lnsL2.0 1I10nths_ D.ar.rcU _i'md. Vernon. MackliiH.,

--iifternootl~~igFif Imcrt.'bers were Mrs. ~He~lcl sl~cnC as _ a_nd ..MX_~J~1I~elson .q.nd_.$.!ms.. -.obser.v{.....liIs--blr{.nday;-~ nc cveJ1mg of which were' spent in Germany. Mr. and.Mes ..Vernon Hanson andpl"{'senl~ -Mr~.......-Cll-l'Gl-- J..l.ir'ch~I't ~s- """"",'eckcnd nr-t1m "Gl'01"gc HaslffUss;en Mr.: and Mrs. Wilbur Brun~ ~er. was spent playmg cards. , 1Jis future plans .are indefinite. : Kirk spent" fr.om Wl'dncsday uqtllbN'o~ru,ncaa'W>!cl<n'L }bemrseteaUdnt.g IS Wlth.. Mrs. hoMmres·.· AII'ee jle~el atte""ed t'~e ~uppel' -guests 'last T~csd~ay' III ,tbo Mr. and Mrs. (just Johnson, Mr. Mr. a!1d Mrs. Dalo Sto!lcnberg Friday witb her parents. ~fr_, .mir

,n Lrl'ti Ii U Donald Greenwald h!'nlC. '~_ and Mrs.. Joh~ .Pauls~n, Mr. and l;lnd Diann arrived home Friday Mrs. Wesley n~beck.J._' 'Y.:t)lll' Mr.; shower hon'pring Mr. and Mrs. La- Mr. and, Mrs. V.lcfor Knlluche Mrs. Hollis Wllhams and Mr. ~nd e\'ening after he had recvi\'cd his 1Ianlioo was in.Linculn on bUi>1n£'.h

.-------fhtrrel-l-R-a-fm-w-as.. u > • \. ) • s-;----J\l-ar-y---SlJhttu..e-.;.too~ 1-f.s.--Einor~o~--were-jn--\V-ay-n ·.C"trargC"'t'-'~l''!t;~eon-ard.....:-W, 1'T'=and--Mr-s-.....:.Fnnk-Wit:r:ke-, .

.a\~oela~~om~~/a~o~ln~:%,;, and kell:~sta~3ek~lrs.. SlcriIng BOIg ;:~~:\;;~;"~:~fa"rn a ~~~~;~~~k' i~er~~et ~'e~i..,~e."Il~ returned to sirver wedding ivers~ry of IMr. ;t~i:on~~ e~i;er hasie training. night gu;," in tho R.y Harmaia;

F.~:egu~~~~d in the'Deo Isom bome M';,"rio~iSlt~i;~,~~~~":' evening in the Mrs: I'rnost Paeker will be Febru- . ~~~. ~'~~/~~~~~~lsdi~n~~ng:~~~~'i:;~ft~ri~~:-George eutcr at the:aU·w;r:r~fsr:;l;~~b~~~I~il~~~;e~~~ t:"::;a;t~lf.Akh'.'on,out. to B.t.

Mr. and Mrs. J~m Wolfe were Mrs. Morton 'rcerlC sou an Gerdes fa'mily-recenUy l'{'Wrnc tTief..TCI\rm"""GCISfCYlioine;-oItrah._ r_. a~ rs. . c~ ege 0 agrtcu ture arlhe--oe~in-= '-'.1"fi':ul'fna'-ms-:--WcslcY""'-~(ti13CcIC-- -~ callers Monday in~ the Noel 150m Tom were callers Fridi.lY a-tternoon Mi,. and Mrs. Harry Bartels and from Houston. Tpx .. whC'J:c they ,Mr. alJJl Mrs. Earl Baird' and ··and Mr. and Mrs. ~enne~~ E d~c rung. of the second semester. spent ~8turda)'. cveninf:: HI lh~

home. ~. in the Marion QUJst hunl:e., Mr. and Mrs.,Ervin Bar1("ls, Vc-rna had spent the holidays with his Jerry, Omaha., spent from last Fri-, were Thursday evemn~ vlSJlor$ 10' Floyd. Rubeck ho:mc, Soulta SIOUX;

Dixon Girl sJnod d.~~ra~~e~~s,;;~drs~n~~~t~nw~~~~~:Ogi,~~t;~~fer:;~t~~ep~l~nwrlt~~·pa~~t~nd Mrs. Kermit Turner and ~h~rl~~tikafr~urh~~.i~u~~:/ar~: thH;:r; fo~~~~~nh~::'c~'ifrom~\on. a:c:ria~i'~:~;IM~s~:Wet~e~:;~,~~ Cl~~iurSd"y suppcr guo.t,- in ti",

- - ~ ~_h 8mbfl'§f+ihome. Dakota... .i1.d1:cn......'.Cxc-W..c..d.ncs.d.ay_.£upj1CI..: -eF--iW~~ .".• da until Fru.l~y_tn~ tJ!g_-P-0!l!~...QJ .a,.noodu

Vci.rlg~,i." "nwetrl."e'. SL'Uy',l,dan' Ylt""b[I~e,:tr•. .Adolph Jtot~lf! hume mdutl.cd. ~1J~"'~L~"_As Cooker EXplodes City ~te'rtria tI 'l11oon l' an -(]tnnPI guest of Sharon Konold guests at Cal Sv,,·ag€'rty·s. . sel Baird and 1\11'. and Mrs..Thalne hiS da~hter; .Mrs. James .Karan- II.. /llld.1\1r:;. l'.d.gar Marotz, !Itt, amlMary Ann Peterson suffered se· Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs fl.-II' and 1\1rs Ivan NlXOA ('ntc-r- Mr. and Mrs. Dale And(>r~qn Woodward. 'Sunday aftornoo~ ~r. augh and family. . ,home. Mrs. Warren M,arotz !1nd Vnld(',ul.

\terc bums. on hertnd5.-",nd b04.}' _Chamb~rs . called In the.' Alber." l<tinrd Thel'On Cultons and Kermit and ch.i1dren~ were Sunday after~. and Mrs. Henry: Frahm, Wisner, Mrs. Ronald Kuhnhcnn, 1I.tr!li. M~. :l/ld Mrs.)Job Johhson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rllze ".nd I~af'F'd 'vening in' e Jim_WaRier \\oods home. Turners at supper last Monday. noon and supper gUf'Sts at Ernest were callers. . Vernic Hurlbert and Mrs. ~1'rCd f{'Jnlly spent \\euncsllu)c' evening old lind .Mr. and Mrs. John Itltie

. 1.~~:Yn:a·r Dixon hen i:l pressura ,Mrs. Mab~l MC~'aw Jall(~ M~·i:i. MY's, Emil M,iller attended Mrs. Anderson's. . Guests Sunday evening .in the ~!1ngberg spent Tuesday aftcn oon in tht.' Vernon. llokulIIIJ hom~. .... Dud famIly.cooker eXPlod.cd. f ~ vonne ~ngste,dt ,~~d. g,l rls ,,:erc .JOt> -BeCke.n,.., a. uer's blft.hdaY party The IrVin,. Bl"O\,Vn fam,llY spent, Ftlsse.lI B,81rd '.home wC,'rc Mr. and ',lth Mrs. E, L. I carson. :, '. . .Mr. .Ilnd. Mrs. Lyn~ RO,b..~rtSJ-:.s1:1 ?ttl' .and Mrs. Earl Ander.son. ~.n~--- -- SI,lnday dlOner gucsts,lU the Byron last Thi.u'sday afternoon. Sunday evening with, Mr. and Mrs. i\Irs, Earl BC1Ird nnd Jerr)', Mr. Mrs. Emma Krueger I~f~ !Sat ted ~omm1C Tucker 10 a.SlOux Cit)' ?Ir, and Mrs. Art And~rson v;~re

1\1 d Mrs' G ele Kavanaugh LIsle home. Allen. 1\11' and Mr~ Kenneth Packer A G Schagf'r and Mrs Neyron Woodward and urday to spend a few days tnt-the hospItal Thursday. . fhursday supper guests In the \-er-an/iQ~~ and Mr. aud Mrs..Jaek Jo Ellen Knoell WII' .a J\lollday and~d~"ghter...M,., and Mrs, 'Law' 'Cai Swag.,,;'s wore ~unda" din. ·Gay'"n" ~nd Mrs'c.,Chll"Ies Blllr<l. ,homc of hec.so~, _ Leonard :and '''llo!J-'Landanger' had Friday sup. Don Hok.ampJ'orne.... -;.' ~"'. ~Kavanaugh wer~ Sunday dmner supper gUtrst In the l\hl;, Y.voll-ne, rDnet' Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. ner'"'and supper gtle:-;ts 'In the-H('r~ The same ~roup Visited tn,the Au- fLJ~llY. d M 'F ed i k Ni man per.tn the Fa)-' Landa.nger home. ~t.Sta~f!Y Br~hY-SPirt.FrE~.a~~~tShguests jp the M. P. Kavanaugh Engstedt home. Gelle Pacl<er 'and Pamela attended man Longe home. Dakota City;' 'gusJ.. Vahlkamp home last r!!£sday 'dr'Gan R rs .• I' I' c ThU~Sday Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reimers and ~J~g 1~ mer, rs. lUi

, J home. ", , . . '. tht' l'ccl'ption for Mr.' and Mrs. Mr. and' Mrs. Art Meyel's cnJoy~ evenmg. . ' an, ay, _ e~eethWIfe 1 P t.rs family were Friday evening callers- ~~rey. 3nc;:.. Ed K' tV Mr, and Me-s·, J ck- Kavanaugh Ch'" r"c--h' s- RIl:'1ml'd Herrmann Sunday after- cd Sunday dinl1C'I' with his par~ Last M.onday evening Mr. a~ ~upper guests m._.!!_ au c c on in the Gordon Davis home. E:;ida a~t th/t~. Wh~~~~ b:l~

\\('\(' Friday everllig callers ill the U e. .. noon in Ihe WaHer F"ed,'iekson ents. Mr. lind Mr,. W. A. M~yers, ~'rs. LouIS MIller au~ Mrs. iEmll O~~day dinner gilests in tbe Jul. M,. and Mrs, o. B. Morris and j:and%IPh. .. . . •M P Kava,naugb home. ~ ~ Dixon Methodist Church home. Mrs. Hcrrmal1l.11s..1hc fOl'm~ WaYlw., ~wanso~, Larry. an~ Judy v SIted ius Menke h ·,me were ~ri. -and ~lrs. sons moved this wuk from ,.,ar A post.Christmas dinner WiDS held

Mrs ~. P. Kav nllugh called 10 (Harold Bonath pastor) N Duri~ Mae Fredrickson. Tuesday cvenllyg. Mr. and. Mrs. m the .Carl l\Iclhck home. nd Adolph Bai~'r Mr. and Mrs. 'Lou Randolph to farm in Wisconsin. Sunday in the· Hay Harm~il,.\r hUUl(lthe Ed Kessler ho e FrIday after Thursday Jan 17 'MYF 8 Pill 1\11'..and Mrs. Vt'rnon Schultz Al'l. Meyers helped .1'1.l's. Chf.ford ~r. and ~rs. ~rtRDralieL~ada Baier .Mr ~nd Mrs OUo Test Thel,. addreil will be Huvard. in hli.nor o( DiCk.UQrmC.itr Wl.lu.•r.noon and Sunday vemng to V1Sit Sunday, jan 20 Sunday'school, Hlld l'hl~dr('n W(>I'(' Friday evening Loel? Laurel. celE'brare her bIrth~ LOlS called 10 the US,lie. liT sa~ and Mr. and Mrs. Bili Meyer. III. • rivt.'tl (roll1 <iermJlu>, the +J1n


VlO\UlMarie Kes-sleF, ~ - - ~O-a m - worslH 11 -, gU('sl-s In· the- ,John- Larson home.- -day.,. - - --- .- -----:-~ .h~JnC-1as;'-..Monda.\L-evemng._ ues ---------·--f··p-· 1 - l\f' n"ir-~M '-Ernor' 'Cook It'll.! dlJ)' ThUNe )lrC5l'nt w~rt': Mr aw1n!1f~~anAdliMrs La reYallKerosesTtcureSadu.dy Monday, Jan ~l I\lethodl~t Men, Laur,'l'J. :,fot. a ,bebl~t,ehdd ObSE'Srvandeye LeTheS IhVu"tn N~dnayfamafitteYrnVooisnit~d 1:;s ed~~~1910usepsi~shiicrc1\1r· and te~~in~~df~~~'d~~~dnre~~tk~~e~i sUPI;~r Prjduyr:aI~it1~ 11k, -and M;IJ. l\fn:.' 1)0;1 lI:1 rmej.cf an'd~ln~ru.)!,-~, cn, were 8 of 11(' lOstess Ir ay. un a 0 C ZS yUH ., . I '. • • h S d Jl I" W'lI' . oMr F It Clark ,and Bud J urn

cverung 10 tbe Noe 1som home pm ,,('wn,ing., Schultzs visited in the Mr. and,_~r-s. E~vin ~arsen.alld ~u~v~~ i~e:hg: R~b~.td~~ij~ ~~:-~~ :v~~1~lT~t~~~o~h~[ h~;.nI)i~ti~J:0. ~f~~ al~dla~;;.IJiII J\('nll)' and ~fj.. ~Illi M,!, JtU,:)sclJ .ll:AU ~Dd,Mr. and lviI's. D ck Stalling -ang Rose Hill Nazarene Church Wllll.s Kahl home. M d :M' ft Em~rS?n, W,e-I~~~Jffi~ I Vau~n Glassmeyer spent la5t Prizes were received b.lol Mr. 'an DQuglu:i. were J'hursduy CVC:lllflg falTllly ~pl'nt l'nd.a)· c\:cnang ,in .tbo

~~3~'=I:~Mts~~1~~=~~hoo~~;~a~~t~~,a~r.a:~'~~~0!~~7~%~n~e~:~~~~~~;U~_~l;g;.;~;.~~~~~~~~~.~ili~e~A~~~i~"~R~c~q=h~=~L~~~.~k~L~E~d:T~r~~~~~w~m~~~'~G~ro~'~~~~~d~"~'~L~~~I~k~rs~'~~~J~~~D~~~"~I~R~~i~n~~~rs~h~o~n~~~'~J~~~Y~ry~,~N~cl~~~n~.h~u~n~n~'~~~~1'fa~fty a~~r~~i~it~ :dinMt~~ejyilTI~ 10 a.m.; worshIp, 11; evenjng -ser ~~~:e~c~~U~~~~'i~d~d~~~Schultz home, Pon a, Tuesday eve- ....i<w~·d~esday, J~-n~23-:: Cotta.ge Roe }('r s. n e .. g-M~r::=-an:d _~_~_._'_". .__.._."~_~-. _-7--;~d Mrs. arl-Mason arid -pYayer-serv-H~e-, 11 p.m.---- ~n';~·f'l~-:;IT~:%~J:~.ski and J.\rlyce

boys were supper guests in the St. Anne's Catholic Church 1\11". and Mrs. HOWlll'd CramC'r,Fred. Mattes home Thursday. (Clement Bracht. pastor) 1\1I". and Mrs. Clarence Nelson and

Mr. and Mrs. Do,afd Peters were Sunday, Jan. 20: Mass, 10 a.m. rlaughll'!''; and Mrs: Fred JohnJ';on-visitors Monda)' evening in the "{}I'nl Friday evpmng iA1 th~('oPaul Borg home. _ Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hank and S('hllIZ"_~ hamill honoring I.;jren

______=le~~Ro~al~ ~e, leric.k ~n~ ~~ ~arlY~~J:L~~~!~di~/h~'_C_~1~~;\1.~1;'~~r1~~~y.~rs. -=-Clar~nc(' _Ncl~ 1hI the Donflld Pete s home. • Dr. and Mrs. H P. ~'arr(JlI were' 1\'11': and Ml'fi.--=.I]1C'ron-cmton ('n- ,

Norma and Ardi h Peterson visi- .-Sunday evenmg guests In tlw !JaITY ~ t(,)~jall!f'd Verdel Lunds at supperted Mrs. Loren P rkand daughter Calhoon home.-._ IFl ,jd(~j. . Ihure Johnson im the wa~ge~~day l\:lT~<m&--Mrs-:--il'7-+'-:--~:..aw---wt'-f'-e··-·-.-ML ~ll[l ,:\::rs. -. ~- ---C'; , in Ievening. '0--";- • - Sunday guests 10 the Henry :'I1cl'a\\ i \\('1'1' -S';!t\ll,dg.~..('\enlllg gU~;ts 'e1

Mr and _M:l:.sc--- lenn Macklem home.. _ I thr J. I. l,('dft.son home, Lam ".and_dil~ . diJJ.J)gr..Jill~~?.ts-l.ll..! }~!.r. ~d_~.[l"s._J.~l.:~ Y~~~.!L'-\lld' ~.~)~I~2..JIlg; 1,1: ~~rth_~:y 0': ~~~~~?~~~~

··--·_..1.trc'"'E-arl--¥et-efs - haln~a.st::l)un~ ::me~a:....wcn:_:sifnQ& mnncl' gll~ "KII', anfl"'l\Ti's.J"oe ulcKson, ~f'·1_ .. ~___ . in the Verlin JCfl~Oll home. La~~:'l.ll tl'l !,nn{'r! OIl Sunday dinner Mr:-'i~

Mr. and Mrs. Ie Davl(ls.on and MI'. -and Mrs, Gerald Monk ana"';'IIT~be-r:-----8-ttt-1tI.eH·--a-t1:d~

Ann were ViSitors, in the Earl Po- b,O.Ys, Mr. Hnd Mrs. D,lCk AUgl.ISt land.111's.rMarvll: BOl'g. _ I

terson home 'Mon ayevening.. -and -fami1y -and George E. ·M-onl~. ---M-iS. E1mi1 -~itl('r and-.- ~ton i·Mr. and-Mrs. B 11 Chambers vis- Jr. and Rodney wt're Sund<Jy \"l~1-. d~\I'. Lexmgton Saturda~ to,

ited Mrs. Date F rues in the St. tors i"n the ?~.:.?~~~om~_ I \"lSll III Paul Gerdes home. The!
