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I I P I 8OOHFDUTTONCO Sea Island Cottonufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01356/00039.pdf · a...

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THE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE FLORIDA JANTART U906 2 1 Wi BUILDING ACTIVE GAINESVILLE Many New Buildings Erected and Others Under Way THE GROWTH IS MARVELOUS No City in the State Has Enjoyed More Steady Increase for Past Two Years and Contractors are Still Busy The University Buildings The activity in building in Uaine yule aad suburb iattead of abnting is inclined to on the increase anJ In the history of the city there bees such general activity along these lines aa within the pan two years This fact goes as strongest evi- deac of the coafldence our citizens have ia the future of the city A treat many people from other sections of the United States hate also come tenake their home here have pur skated property and io many in Btaxcea have erected or about to creel handsome homes The establlthment of the Florida Winter Bible Conference and the Gainesville Chautaaqua hue was the first aetive step which started this beea Again the shook are among the beet in the country and Gaines- ville eajoysa reputatioa throughout the United States u being one of the moat reflaed and cultured cities In the South The preseaee of the Bible CMfercMa and Chautauqua has prov- a MX thiav aa it hue attracted of people here who would prob- ably have some hid it not been lor this attraetloa The selection of this city by the Beard of Control and the State Educa shoal Board as the seat for the new University of Florida also had a ten- dency to Increase the eoafldence of the and the recent decision of the Bapreaae Court which has held that the BBckaua bill la eoaititatfonal at was the publla that the buildings will Miitllf be erected here and that ttaiaaaville will IB feet be the tinker eity City The contractors and enRi Been are scow here laying off the ftreaBda sad Freak Richardson rep rteentiaf W T Had low Company eeatrncton asserts positively that work epos the boildiaeja will begin as aoea M Material sea be delivered within the next three week The two buildings to erect- ed at the begiaBlBf will cost about 75000 awl their construction will glee employment to a large force of aa daring the summer UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Business Transacted for Quarter End- ing December 31 1905 The following business trans- acted by the United States land Mike for the quarter ending December 31 190 818 homestead entries 35745 2 sere 108 final homestead entries 1226721 acre 71 commuted home- steads 885669 acre 45 timber and stone land entries 595685 acre s 31 B L warrant location 3475 08 acres 101 excess cash entries 123 jt acres three swamp Ind selection 11738 sere three school Ind telec flops 27993 acres one public ale 6219 acres Installation of Officers At the Mount Ver- non Lodge No L 0 Knicht of 1ythitn the following officers were installed for the ensuing term A M Otith C I M Tomkle V C Turner Pound P R Carter Jr M of W W 11 Lipicombe M nt A J li M of K John Robert- son K of R S Robert McClellan F Tho Funk I i J A 1hifer O G Robert E Davin J A Phifer and U T Schafer were Meted a representatives to the Lodge which will convene in Ialatka Two Killed In a Wreck Grren1IJe S Jan 5 A hrtniih freight on th Southern railroad was wrecked m r Fair Forest ri C at 11 oclock Wednesday morning Tie n gino left the truck turned over an 1 the cars on top of one mother j Engineer J A Luca of r rt fnvllf t and a negro fireman wore klllo Others of the crew wore faraly i jurotl Trains from the north we tour via O S C delay hem fn m nix to seven hours A i out caused th wreck Cure a Cold in One Day i Take LAXATIVE ilKOMO guinuie Tablets Druggists refund money if it fall to cure E V Groves jicnat ire it on each box 25 bit Sorer 1 I will H be of man C I I of C I I I wa j I To i sever has are r t 0 hun- dreds peep i rshleh was 7- i S I last meeting > Tone 1 ttz t t 5 rand i rid f i gently TI r3wtwA1uMtiltril t4 rflit T i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > > + = Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by OverWork Unhealthy KUneys Slake Impure Blixxl It tMl t o oejtlir I tit urinurv and lii i Ur trfj Y NX u tn r i l li ft k- iW i j MMUICe tll- l ir ri f- hivc thir vnay III toil litornvr V these ii ft iitp rtil- I Mrvi J flit lhu filter alll tuM U- r tliit tlu ir M irk Thenfore when uer ir veik- ornU Tlir i iiMler tiii l h v- juuJlv ytiir ittatel vid huts ewi OtH Ill M1III t flll to d v duty It art iek or fevl Unlly Wain taking tin kidney rcrjtilv- Kilmers NIH- us vi ur kulnexs in xul thiy wit trip all thir other orvm health A will an vou are tMM nke n Inv first rtn ir knliif The wild and tin trtir rtfitt Dr KilmerS tin n it kidney renedy i HHI r i i 1 It- r I I f J I 1 ri- b of till li t ili tris jni CUM ind i it merit 1y ill V- ilniyjjiNlSiu amt ir sie You inav- have a sunple title it n f3 7npnxt- I iy mail tree IM 1 jmir I t U M j i how to toil mt if yi m e kviivv ir bladder trouble MiiU ii Hit jHri when Mritini t Ur latent 1 ny- hatntiin N Y 1 itf t make its iintike lilt mnemlfcr the name invimp Kiot- Dr Kilmers SwnnpKoot an l the il dress N Y on every bottle Should Make Investigation Wahliutotj Jan 5 Morotimn the avontp uMianct of niimber werf In their places when the bOil met for firm after the hoijc tilSay It eanllnc n r j aomont In a local pan that nHtr rs of hr hmuo am t frankfnc prvlcct to l txrnt t aniline cow tarn anliiiaN ItTrarir- nnl JiljcJirn trmtlU froe tin h ri jiills Mr Sims uf Tonntvsc ni tiini 1 U v to rt that an lnvc rij should lo irakv 1 t 1r c Ulil lit u 11 t I till t S a tot hors lIc- H oil f S amp oot < P lIt till utt I h i r Uin I i rl frlml nn rlrII I c r I a I fe t k lilts collar gn Iir- I 1111 Rtstt till onus nn tike bl at Ltir ru I oil r- t1t1 Cl t t Its racoon err I > > > > < < < > < > > > > < μ + + + + Tornado Damage In Texas Fort Worth Tx Jan V A t tonnId pa i d user the west CTS part cf Jarlnrvri a riiitli n In Mot Texas las nisht The of William Vaton containing a lam lly of five was ltf from its fotjnda tlon and carried Into the sreet v- rlously Injuring al of the occupant Five other renldeqces alo were stroycil lint the occupants TO tint hurt The tornado carat wit tout any warning anti was accompanied hy tor of rain Nicaragua Has Earthquake Washington Jan 3 Vice Cnnsi Wallace at Manapia has Tin state department under ytatirIays- dato that a terrible urth juak occurred In Xlcampna and It was to him teat M a u hail been ruined by the oruiition of the volcan Sandicgo If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth He sure and use that old and well tried remedy MM Window Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething It oothe th child fteim the wuiu allay all pain cure wind colic ami if the remedy for diarrhoea Twei- isytlve centK a bottle Identified by a Clipping Savirnah Ut Jan fate of a wh than wto I v i J- he John Diklr a trump raur T only m Mn f MeiitiUrntlon wp fir nNiiftl fn a trout a Uily pa- per whUli MI forth hov Dialer had 1 en arr f l IHMMM ho rettiaiuiii drunk conMnMo Iy and would n jni- hU atilbiii at h i a taken in h n 1 ty the notr Tha the man had i i a flpp us ujmn hi per n wa IR to It to hm lf Storm Ceased In Iowa Des Molnt lu Z The storm of l h ir dtirntion cea at mlnt ht anJ a force of men tvorle j- uji niRht o earise the trackt h oar burd und a 12inch blanket City Directory For Sale We Irive t number of HurtiCity l ir ry f m- S MI otli e It i a handy r f irence b ok for bnin ii and r if i nnl teen giving the nim resident wih treet and mimUr Trie1 12 I II 1 1 ha J r a I 11 n III 1nnf I 1 rIpping 11 nan F- all Jan r l r e true fvr hoi c yenta a enl eit re- ported beet ii- T ear w < lull t tat moll ti pie of- t Thr > < < > ¬ > > < < > > > > > > < > + + + + + THE GARDEN OF EDEN It lfirnllxn a lrrj ttint IrnltMlily t ir lit l r l Tl I f tb r or irir Ire IMn i a if1l- l MI i III tf il ilid I 1 ral rlilaftf li r have et l Tvi r i t l- fniiH anti luiieral pni tilt idii 1 t pear In the Ilitid t y t- in tii m iiipt r nf tjine- uliep by till rivtr nitni itiid 11 t II f the illMiM li i lit nhitl- Ihupter Ill wi ht nf t t m- Mtjtl tniilltlmi Itilnifi IK ui auTftTieni that lit T atil the KnpIMte of- m Vru unipliy are the rd fourth river iii itintied in tin Itibliiil- le eriptiiH nf h irdell Th e Mll- inirnf i fIr tliftVr widely a ti whit river hoiiM li tw recirtb1 IH the niieioiit ri i n and Cilimi The Hud Jhi tie stholars althuiiuli this r i t- our HiUle III the irrciiiir part incline to tIll opinion that the in tlc MI nil and thit the liihon i iitin1 other thin the A t the lat it nltouetlur pruhalde thit tiny art irrt ti that i jiiit IH UJ the H lin- eal atinint plainly that ililmn- eompis eth tilt whole land of Ktht- opla Some investigation e itlrm that Kdeti was a hpit of cotnparatlvely- siiiall ir n Imattil nn this tablelands of what notv Arnieiiiii fruit ri e the Tigris and the lltiphrates A his Kholir of ditneti nr iie that Iamie paradise was lueiitttl In the vlelnlty of till mountains of tin Moon Still iiii ihtr s ho d of nrletital- Ists locate eilbrtitetl uanlen in the vhInity of the aneitnt ity of Iabylon You will n it ire however that urine of these the ri ts has lutii able to pt this four riMTs iiHnti MH in the Bib Ural aivoiint properly loeateil Neither have they fiund U platy whep one gnat river separates torn four brad belli the iase It Is hardly iieii sari to add tbit the exact location of Ktlen is ft that will probably never be solv l 111 lOr II 0 11 I n 1 11 r 1 all I a I huh th Ifrb tl I I i I 1 IIil 1iitll ill l I ti i > j s 4 > I alai b l I l Is 1 t- In Yl Thor toy ttry > > < > > > < ¬ > > < + + + The of the Mlildlr ire John Klorl lorn In iK57 call eil the Walter Scott of the middle ajrc- He was a chiirehman and a scholar Mvins as he did In unsettled times be- fore nationality had become well de veloptil he wily destitute of patriotism and therefore more reliable an u cos- mopolitan chronicler He traveled In France Scotland Italy and other coun- tries His chronicler ore the result of his own observations and are valued faithful portrayal of the place cus- tom null manners of the people during his time rlthuiiilj oat so reliable as his- tory The Word Opera The wntd npfM a n o of rerhnl- il Vet the Liltlll Word nieani niiiiillv tmthlnir more detinue thou worl The speeillizitoti hov ever wan th irotiuh even In the tina of rvden fho tliid an op ra a a p l tad if r pre hr- veiiiii 1111 iiii lck adorn with iiii iiii s iinil IIIK iu l ut Thi p t i iirciiy more r tnnrUitio th i that of drum h nivtrn i i t I il action or of t Rev Carlisle P B Martin D of Vnvrly Tex writ a mnrnitiL when tir t Hr rtr I ft li tied H troulil mi o- fphlcni which icr n eouih ard i very hard to dilodce LIT mall quhtitity of H tlhtnl5 Horchonnd- 5Trtip will at once di lrde i aid is over I ot no im Ji i cine tit i iijjal to tt and it i FO pleasant take I cnn tnot cord ally r iMinniiMnl it o nil I T n n iltc a iifdi ine fur tmnt ir nine r iblr- SolI ly U Ih ion Tin InIliMmnii mill III iilfnrin Why i it tliit a piliei iin of modi lUll IMIM in hitulle fnipietuly tvl- lllil oliHthi three IllfJl his Ue nn i T the iMal f ire divn th iH luu ni tell you win it I Iw sild It N Imply h- rn e the H lr iiiiii s in nifnnn TIll uniform diMi tes aiiilmrlty sod but take the nerve mit i f his opp metiti to n eertaln extent n y ku tJiit they hreiikini tin law iy r t1rr4 bin whit h iiivhi ev nk M thvtn inl tint eiHiiTuit n rrJnuv All thrmi h fit wlli n pl eiuiu the ther or fellnwx ir thlnklntr f i Mp oilleer Mnt thUiktnc if ul luin- nnl nrn ti lh iin n or M n He pun hU wll eftirt slid itr It whiU I ni iMtif Leneriitly tistit n half h arteil any n Himmi In ctttzrtr I hs with tS tnr ntwl T his U1 wottMnt il li to v- TM r n I iiiv than y K ty TJ lit I I lIt tit oil 1 IIi j UIlkr L L I I l I c Inn i tenth kilo i t I I In a Wit I I I r I I t II I I t i7 t I n rkr nt tlu Scott as- a i I 1 lit t ntrinti iI Izat nli pM IIj 1d < rut n the 1 1 1L l titit flu tit t l t The x nth tnt ft lat tit 1 mar hi iw a tl h ltlp t- is In law u l i i > > ¬ ¬ < > > < < > > > < + + + + + < i J j 3 nrs rr lish t ry cf 4 ituk- W V u ipt on 7VD I J I Ii w j l o 1 I 1 I I rft I i L- t t 11I- I r tI i j 1 I 1- 1f t gtt11s 1r1a4kiici a colcl tIabit- T > > = A KNOW IKIM Fl Till KKS- TMUIIIX u 1111 MAIIKII II a s T l ml at or- N Ever lachimIi- BhtMt shift Lightest Riinniin TIlt Champion Speed Writer of the World fe the More le in je in taine rille than any other machine For Sale bv THE SON Gainesville Fla ESTABLISHEID 1- 8OOHFDUTTONCO DEALERS IN Sea Island Cotton Sea Ilaud Cotton See l Bagging and Twine Walrus Leather in Strips or Manufacturers of the James Doig Improved English Sea Island Cotton Gin for GAINESVILLE FLORIDA US A I FaySholes I Typewriter I KEYBOARD I Far Shoes sune w UMIYRSAL Fay holrs I s > G S MERCHANT A CO Retailer and Jobbers In and Fancy Groceries rah tarton Stttf ami FirtlHztrs SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLOKIDi Highest market price paid for Chicken Eel and other Produce Complete stock o Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton Seed Meal We handle only the VERY BEST Roods at the LOW EST PRICES and guarantee atufaetion al a- r FOUR SAILINGS EACH WEE IIKTWKLN Jacksonville and Nev fork S C tmth ways the Finest Steamships IB the Coastwise Service The Clyde New England and Southern Li Direct ernce Between JCKM NVIIE rd N and PKUMDENCE and ill Kaiern Calling at Charleton both ways SEiaZWEEEZILy SouthlMMind lmrf Ior NorthtNiunil From Foot of Catherine JarkoiiT Clyde St Johns River Line Stopping Palatka M r St Francs Hereford fDeland htermelinu Landings on Johns River jommeiiiruig tilneday Norembfr 15 ll 5 CITY JACKSONVILLE null Flvin luPArV Are npromte 1 ti il n fhw Iare Jnekonnll ntur lay at 3 m Hetirntav ienve a ept ind y a C m Arrive am Jtanfoni Knterpri- viKNKKAl PASS TICKET OFFICK 1W V K y I CK NVII 1 t- Vaacer p h r LINE Calling at CII t II SA ILINGR From Ltu t nnd t n IIi I flatly tX SC U 11 nru wco Rend Jlnrkl pm 3ll lIl Ior 83tIlfT sm t l lrlaid I I Ri 1 1 IHIISIOStEft JIt h tL 104 wt t 11 li l 01111 Jr rrtt rr Ullrrt ltt H r t 1 0 1 t 11rSI 1 fUt lr UIR I I JY1It II t It rtl y TilE SUN 1 W t t CLYDE RIETUS loons Bet vetrn JAcstiorYILLE SAhoHt I std rst1pt turd i a tW1Gruard II 1ls HardIwr leavt331 m Jacknnrlilr Arriv4tiam c9fi pre r 0 s3i 1 Franei pm Its rcrfurd pm l pVam ism 1 luau run T- v t Ire us t JuPkvintLr a r 1 iI t rrt i a 1 t Nblltl P t r tl U1 rc frt G 11ott tiit rra Gtreral Aguts r n taP tt et S x DAILY a f 1 < > > > + + + + + + +
Page 1: I I P I 8OOHFDUTTONCO Sea Island Cottonufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01356/00039.pdf · a MX thiav aa it hue attracted of people here who would prob-ably have some hid it





Many New Buildings Erected andOthers Under Way


No City in the State Has Enjoyed MoreSteady Increase for Past Two Yearsand Contractors are Still Busy The

University Buildings

The activity in building in Uaineyule aad suburb iattead of abntingis inclined to on the increase anJ

In the history of the citythere bees such general activity alongthese lines aa within the pan twoyears This fact goes as strongest evi-

deac of the coafldence our citizenshave ia the future of the city A

treat many people from other sectionsof the United States hate also cometenake their home here have purskated property and io many inBtaxcea have erected or about tocreel handsome homes

The establlthment of the FloridaWinter Bible Conference and theGainesville Chautaaqua hue was thefirst aetive step which started thisbeea Again the shook are amongthe beet in the country and Gaines-ville eajoysa reputatioa throughoutthe United States u being one of themoat reflaed and cultured cities In theSouth The preseaee of the BibleCMfercMa and Chautauqua has prov-

a MX thiav aa it hue attractedof people here who would prob-

ably have some hid it not beenlor this attraetloa

The selection of this city by theBeard of Control and the State Educashoal Board as the seat for the newUniversity of Florida also had a ten-dency to Increase the eoafldence of the

and the recent decision of theBapreaae Court which has held thatthe BBckaua bill la eoaititatfonal atwas the publla that the buildings willMiitllf be erected here and thatttaiaaaville will IB feet be the tinkereity City The contractors and enRiBeen are scow here laying off theftreaBda sad Freak Richardson reprteentiaf W T Had low Companyeeatrncton asserts positively thatwork epos the boildiaeja will begin asaoea M Material sea be delivered

within the next threeweek The two buildings to erect-ed at the begiaBlBf will cost about75000 awl their construction will

glee employment to a large force ofaa daring the summer


Business Transacted for Quarter End-ing December 31 1905

The following business trans-acted by the United States land Mikefor the quarter ending December 31

190818 homestead entries 35745 2

sere 108 final homestead entries1226721 acre 71 commuted home-steads 885669 acre 45 timber andstone land entries 595685 acre s31 B L warrant location 3475 08acres 101 excess cash entries 123 jtacres three swamp Ind selection11738 sere three school Ind telecflops 27993 acres one public ale6219 acres

Installation of OfficersAt the Mount Ver-

non Lodge No L 0 Knicht of 1ythitnthe following officers were installedfor the ensuing term A M Otith

C I M Tomkle V C

Turner Pound P R Carter JrM of W W 11 Lipicombe M nt A

J li M of K John Robert-son K of R S Robert McClellan

F Tho Funk I i J A

1hifer O G Robert E Davin J A

Phifer and U T Schafer were Meteda representatives to the Lodgewhich will convene in Ialatka

Two Killed In a WreckGrren1IJe S Jan 5 A hrtniih

freight on th Southern railroad waswrecked m r Fair Forest ri C at11 oclock Wednesday morning Tie n

gino left the truck turned over an 1

the cars on top of one mother j

Engineer J A Luca of r rt fnvllf t

and a negro fireman wore kllloOthers of the crew wore faraly i

jurotl Trains from the north wetour via O S C delayhem fn m nix to seven hours A i

out caused th wreck

Cure a Cold in One Day i

Take LAXATIVE ilKOMO guinuieTablets Druggists refund money if itfall to cure E V Groves jicnat ireit on each box 25





will Hbe


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last meeting


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Often The Kidneys Are

Weakened by OverWork

Unhealthy KUneys Slake Impure Blixxl

It tMl t o oejtlir I titurinurv and lii i Ur trfj Y NX u tn

r i l li ft k-

iW ij MMUICe tll-

l ir ri f-

hivc thir vnayIII toil litornvr

V these ii ft iitp rtil-I Mrvi J

flit lhu filteralll tuM U-

r tliit tlu ir M irkThenfore when uer ir veik-

ornU Tlir i iiMler tiii l h v-

juuJlv ytiir ittatel vidhuts ewi OtH Ill M1III t flll to d v

dutyIt art iek or fevl Unlly Wain

taking tin kidney rcrjtilv-Kilmers NIH-

us vi ur kulnexs in xul thiy wit tripall thir other orvm health Awill an

vou are tMM nke n Inv

first rtn ir knliifThe wild and tin trtir rtfittDr KilmerS tin n itkidney renedy i HHI r i i 1 It-

r I I f J I 1 ri-b

of till li t ili tris jni CUM ind i

it merit 1y ill V-

ilniyjjiNlSiuamt ir sie

You inav-have a sunple title it n f3 7npnxt-I iy mail tree IM 1 jmir I t U M j i

how to toil mt if yi m e kviivv irbladder trouble MiiU ii Hit jHriwhen Mritini t Ur latent 1 ny-

hatntiin N Y 1 itf t make its iintikelilt mnemlfcr the name invimp Kiot-Dr Kilmers SwnnpKoot an l the ildress N Y on every bottle

Should Make InvestigationWahliutotj Jan 5 Morotimn the

avontp uMianct of niimber werfIn their places when the bOil metfor firm after the hoijc

tilSay It eanllnc n

r j aomont In a local panthat nHtr rs of hr hmuo am tfrankfnc prvlcct to l txrnt t

aniline cow tarn anliiiaN ItTrarir-nnl JiljcJirn trmtlU froe tin h rijiills Mr Sims uf Tonntvsc ni tiini 1

U v to rt that an lnvc rijshould lo irakv

1 t1r c


lit u 11




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tothors lIc-

H oil


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Tornado Damage In TexasFort Worth Tx Jan V A t

tonnId pa i d user the westCTS part cf Jarlnrvri a riiitli n

In Mot Texas las nisht Theof William Vaton containing a lamlly of five was ltf from its fotjndatlon and carried Into the sreet v-

rlously Injuring al of the occupantFive other renldeqces alo werestroycil lint the occupants TO tinthurt The tornado carat wit tout anywarning anti was accompanied hy tor

of rain

Nicaragua Has EarthquakeWashington Jan 3 Vice Cnnsi

Wallace at Manapia has Tin

state department under ytatirIays-dato that a terrible urth juakoccurred In Xlcampna and It was

to him teat M a u hail beenruined by the oruiition of the volcanSandicgo

If the Baby Is Cutting TeethHe sure and use that old and well

tried remedy MM Window Sooth-

ing Syrup for children teething Itoothe th child fteim the wuiu

allay all pain cure wind colic ami ifthe remedy for diarrhoea Twei-isytlve centK a bottle

Identified by a ClippingSavirnah Ut Jan

fate of a wh than wto I v i J-

he John Diklr a trump raur Tonly m Mn f MeiitiUrntlon wp firnNiiftl fn a trout a Uily pa-

per whUli MI forth hov Dialer had1 en arr f l IHMMM ho rettiaiuiiidrunk conMnMo Iy and would n jni-

hU atilbiii at h i

a taken in h n 1 ty the notr Thathe man had i i a flpp us ujmn hiper n wa IR to It

to h m lf

Storm Ceased In IowaDes Molnt lu Z The

storm of l h ir dtirntion cea atmlnt ht anJ a force of men tvorle j-

uji niRht o earise the trackt h

oar burd und a 12inch blanket

City Directory For SaleWe Irive t number of

HurtiCity l ir ry f m-

S MI otli e It i a handy r f irenceb ok for bnin ii and r if i nnlteen giving the nim residentwih treet and mimUr Trie1 12








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It lfirnllxn a lrrj ttintIrnltMlily t ir lit l r l

Tl I f tb ror irir Ire IMn i a if1l-

l MI i III tf il ilid I 1

ral rlilaftf li rhave et l Tvi r i t l-

fniiH anti luiieral pnitilt idii 1 t

pear In the Ilitid

t y t-

in tii m

iiipt r nf tjine-uliep by till rivtr nitni itiid

11 t II f the illMiM li i lit nhitl-Ihupter Ill wi ht nf t t m-

Mtjtl tniilltlmi Itilnifi IK ui auTftTienithat lit T atil the KnpIMte of-

m Vru unipliy are the rdfourth river iii itintied in tin Itibliiil-le eriptiiH nf h irdell Th e Mll-

inirnf i fIr tliftVr widely a ti whitriver hoiiM li tw recirtb1 IH theniieioiit ri i n and Cilimi The HudJhi tie stholars althuiiuli this r i t-

our HiUle III the irrciiiir part incline totIll opinion that the in tlc MI nil

and thit the liihon i iitin1other thin the A t the lat it

nltouetlur pruhalde thit tiny artirrt ti that i jiiit IH UJ the H lin-

eal atinint plainly that ililmn-eompis eth tilt whole land of Ktht-

oplaSome investigation e itlrm that

Kdeti was a hpit of cotnparatlvely-siiiall ir n Imattil nn this tablelands ofwhat notv Arnieiiiii fruit ri ethe Tigris and the lltiphrates A hisKholir of ditneti nr iie thatIamie paradise was lueiitttl In

the vlelnlty of till mountains of tinMoon Still iiii ihtr s ho d of nrletital-Ists locate eilbrtitetl uanlen in thevhInity of the aneitnt ity of Iabylon

You will n it ire however that urineof these the ri ts has lutii able to ptthis four riMTs iiHnti MH in the BibUral aivoiint properly loeateil Neitherhave they fiund U platy whep onegnat river separates torn four brad

belli the iase It Is hardly iieiisari to add tbit the exact location ofKtlen is ft that will probablynever be solv l




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The of the Mlildlr ireJohn Klorl lorn In iK57 call

eil the Walter Scott of the middle ajrc-

He was a chiirehman and a scholarMvins as he did In unsettled times be-

fore nationality had become well developtil he wily destitute of patriotismand therefore more reliable an u cos-mopolitan chronicler He traveled In

France Scotland Italy and other coun-

tries His chronicler ore the result ofhis own observations and are valued

faithful portrayal of the place cus-tom null manners of the people duringhis time rlthuiiilj oat so reliable as his-tory

The Word OperaThe wntd npfM a n o of rerhnl-

il Vet the Liltlll Wordnieani niiiiillv tmthlnir more detinuethou worl The speeillizitoti hovever wan th irotiuh even In the tina ofrvden fho tliid an op ra a ap l tad if r pre hr-veiiiii 1111 iiii lck adorn

with iiii iiii s iinil IIIK iul ut Thi p t i iirciiy morer tnnrUitio th i that of drum

h nivtrn i i t I il action orof t

Rev Carlisle P B Martin D

of Vnvrly Tex writ a

mnrnitiL when tir t Hr rtr I ft li

tied H troulil mi o-fphlcni which icr n eouih ardi very hard to dilodce LIT mallquhtitity of H tlhtnl5 Horchonnd-5Trtip will at once di lrde i aid

is over I ot no im Ji i

cine tit i iijjal to tt and it i FO

pleasant take I cnn tnot cord allyr iMinniiMnl it o nil I T n n iltca iifdi ine fur tmnt ir nine r iblr-SolI ly U Ih ion

Tin InIliMmnii mill III iilfnrinWhy i it tliit a piliei iin of modi

lUll IMIM in hitulle fnipietuly tvl-

lllil oliHthi three IllfJl his Uen n i T the iMal f ire

divn th iH luu ni tell youwin it I Iw sild It N Imply h-

rn e the H lr iiiiii s in nifnnn TIlluniform diMi tes aiiilmrlty sod buttake the nerve mit i f his opp metitito n eertaln extent n y ku tJiitthey hreiikini tin law iy r t1rr4bin whit h iiivhi ev n k M thvtn inltint eiHiiTuit n rrJnuv All thrmi h fitwlli n pl eiuiu the ther orfellnwx ir thlnklntr f i Mpoilleer Mnt thUiktnc if ul luin-nnl nrn ti lh iin n or M n He punhU wll eftirt slid itr ItwhiU I ni iMtif Leneriitly tistit n

half h arteil any n Himmi Inctttzrtr I hs with tS tnr ntwl T his

U1 wottMnt il li to v-

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gtt11s1r1a4kiici a

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II a s T l mlat or-N

Ever lachimIi-

BhtMt shift Lightest Riinniin TIlt

Champion Speed Writer of the World

fe the More le in

je in taine rille than any other machine

For Sale bvTHE SON Gainesville Fla



Sea Island CottonSea Ilaud Cotton See l Bagging and Twine Walrus

Leather in Strips or

Manufacturers of the James Doig Improved EnglishSea Island Cotton Gin for



FaySholes I

Typewriter I







Fay holrs




G S MERCHANT A CORetailer and Jobbers In

and Fancy Groceriesrah tarton Stttf ami FirtlHztrs


Highest market price paid for Chicken Eel and other Produce

Complete stock o Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton Seed MealWe handle only the VERY BEST Roods at the LOW

EST PRICES and guarantee atufaetion al a-



Jacksonville and Nev forkS C tmth ways

the Finest Steamships IB the Coastwise ServiceThe Clyde New England and Southern Li

Direct ernce Between JCKM NVIIE rd N andPKUMDENCE and ill Kaiern

Calling at Charleton both ways

SEiaZWEEEZILySouthlMMind lmrf IorNorthtNiunil From Foot of Catherine JarkoiiT

Clyde St Johns River Line

Stopping Palatka M r St Francs Hereford fDeland htermelinuLandings on Johns River jommeiiiruig tilneday Norembfr 15 ll 5

CITY JACKSONVILLE null Flvin luPArVAre npromte 1 ti il n fhw Iare Jnekonnll nturlay at 3 m Hetirntav ienve a ept ind y a C m

Arrive am JtanfoniKnterpri-



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Calling at CII





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