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PiTURDlT AUGUST 15 100 V Partly cloudy today fir tomorro VOL LXXNO 349 NEW YORK SATURDAY AUGUST 15 lQQ3CoPVriaht bv S Printing and Pvbltthina Anoeiation PRICE IWO CENTS I ID Jl t 1 T I r The < PARKS CALLS BIGGER STRIKE SAYS JROX LEAGUE TOllS MUST STOP KVEKVVHKnK Till the Bosses Arbitration ARrrcmeni- I Broken to Iron TTnrhera Thou laniln of Mm In Many Cltlr to quit Work While Parks Rides In a Cab If thn plans outlined by Sam Parks at weekly meeting of the Houscsmiths Bridgnnniiirs Union last night are carried out UMlny by tho International Asaociatiot- of BrVdgetnon and Structural Iron Workers rfrlbS will Iw declared this morning t vnty part of tho United States whom tiicmlKTS of Iron Loagtiu aro contracts Tho decision made by the Housesmiths- Tnlun last night at Park n dictation is by the most ambitious that the Iron have vpnturod upon sinco Virgin their fight It means to their officers tho throwing out of em- ployment today of thousands of men nlinoft every city in the United States the cessation of all work by union nrn on scores of Important contracts WVion Sam Parks was asked last night- he had any reason to believe that the international associations president Frank Buchanan would refuse carry out the plan of the HousesmithR1 Union he Mid the international associatlor had agreed in the afternoon to carry out a national strike providing tho House smith Union paused a resolution demand- ing such action Tho decision reached last night does not mean that there is to be a strike on ma Urials manufactured by the firms which iio union is endeavoring to bring to terms firms are J M Co Cooper A Vlegand nnd The are the principal firms in the Iron Parks declared last night that ever if he goes to jail ho will continue the fight on them until they surrender A tight on the materials turned out bj these concerns would bo an even more serious thing than the strike which is to he ordered today It would mean that union men would not be allowed to handle any of tho output of these foundries Thi- movo is to be made if the general Ptrikc- nrder on the contracts of the threo firm mentioned does not have the desired effect Parks said last night that no one but fool would play nil his cards at onc that tho materials strike wiw a little argu- ment that he meant to hold up Ids sleeve until it became necessary to use it The contention of tho union is that iron League by entering with the association on a scheme of the employers have been trying to force on tho union has violated the agreement it made with the Housesmiths Union last April The union or rather Sam Parks de dares that thn Iron League muct repmlinu the plan of arbitration offered by the om ployers association and must como to at agreement with the Ironworkers on terim Were just waking up said Parks last night We have laid back and lot the other fellows do tho talking Now are going to got In the game Tomor- row we strike every job thwso firms have got in the United States Youll hear something drop tomorrow Th material strike will not come now But it later if fellows dont come Thin is a to the finish and Sam Iurks is not going to lay down absolutely dominated last nighti inert lag if th rn Is any opposition his man who Is nofr on trial before n i order Golf and n jury in OVnornl Session on n rhnrge of pxloitlon who is alnadji- imlrr for and attains whom unlri d iinlklui pviulinu dais riot dan lo show it lf openly When hi ofleml his to union night drmaiidinL n grrrral htrilr ll over lii rounlry h was h icd uproariously Parlfi as uminl aim to the nioiiiij night in a rnl Mil r IN Etons Hum ViirKiT Ilium- ATI 01 l Vcars Marquise do More widow nf tlnj- h iTiinoiis wlri won fame If 1 iitlTiinn hunter and dead shot ii tlm nicl who was murdered in the Sabnii If nditiK nn oxpedll l m into the Soudan arrived lost night from Haw aboard lh lrnnrh liner In Havole She was mcoiif- ianiocl by her rather Luiis von Huffman i binker and hor son nnd daughter Tle Mnriiiii is a NIW IM she has tit Ten in America for six en ypun Im lookitl on ill architiifliiri- itnavils nf the town as fhe ram up nn tnni waiaimosl foreign Sim linflld Her lorgnette like a habitual patron of the opera to reports published in the Western newspapers within the last twenty years the Marquise also knows how to handle shooting irons Fhe reputed to ln in 1P85 one of the finest woman rifle shots in America She doesnt look much older than she did in itie when In her devotion to her husband she lived with him for months in a Dakota where he was imprisoned for killing Marquise surveyed the tumult of nnd removal at tile French Iino pier from a seat on a of trunks She was not a lit perturbed not even after a venturesome reporter ap- proached her and asked said she was going first to Newport nnd then to Medora I Medora is Ohristiin name and her husband who bought 15000 acres if bad lends about twenty years ago In North decided to found a town hern it for his wife Th Marquise hasnt soon it since Its founding In to the murder of her she wild I forced the French authorities to run lown the Marfiilss acsaficlns One was ntenced to b and another to life imprisonment Knowing the Mar against punishment I entreated the Government to eomrnuto- ho death sentence to imprisonment I believe that there wns a on m part of French officials to assassinate my Other sengers by thn Savoin wpm Prof Pnul ret Thomas Filch Felix Foumior Gas on Fournier Lulu llaser he actress Center Hitchcock Orson and tho fount Luserna Forinrr Slave DIM at 117 SIN TUtu Aug H David Taylor colored mid to bo about 117 years of age lied hero this morning Ho was born in North Carolina about 17H7 arid was a slave for almost years Taylor w s married four times tiled nt the ago of OS- To s e thn North AtUntlc Squnrtnm at Anchor la Urn Island off Oy Mr Uny to morrow lAke m ir to Now Haven dv- A Of U tho and In engagd- on flU thy In Cornel League- d a the em- ployer 0 wilmA theo r n to ion nl all it n I lat 4UoIW1 JUIIIII lll 111 I ho- b int jai ion h r th Dakota hu hlnc 1 W Hot Ilt I SOld See fib and Theo and orbit ra laid down bPznks k convh t inn he 8 Pst hit nat lye Yii her t itt reSt vim re- gard JI5 Ufo tt tie recently < < ¬ ¬ = 0VJ7 MILE IV J77 SMT flick Welle Ilrcaks the Worlds Record Ii- n Match With Grand Opera CIIICAOO Aug 14 Dick Welles tIm speed marvel of tIle West von the special match ruco with E E Sraathcrss Grand Opera at Harlem today and In doing BO sot a now worlds record for ono mile his time being 137 25 which Is onefifth of a becond faster than the record mado hy Alnnnlalo nt Washington Park The race dill to much as a contest as Grand Opera was nt no time near the son of King Eric Teas Over who won in n common canter It was the universal opinion of turfmen who saw tho raw that Dick Welles could have run the mile in 137 had lie been extended There was no delay at the post Grand Opera hud about half a length the better of tho start but in three jump Dick Welles was in front and took the rail nt the turn He opened up a gap of two lengths at the far turn and maintained this ad- vantage all tho way to tho stretch turn wheru he Increased tho lead to five lengths From there home ho was eased and under the wire two and onehalf In front of Opera and only jogging After dismounted from tho winner It was discovered that Dirk had finished with no bit in his mouth broken in two and dropped out of the colts mouth There was nothing for Knight to hold except the stall The betting on the rac was heavy Dick Welles opened at even money but was hacked to 0 to 10 The fractional time of the rare by quarters is as follows First 03115 second 048 third ono wile 137 25 Tho special race drew out an iinineiiM crowd there being fully 10000 persons on tho ground and they were royally enter- tained The track won lightning font and tho weather perfect LIVES HAY En Sl People aims to It After HiltlliiB Sinking Launch OdDKSSBuna N Y Aug 14 An un- usual accident on the Rideau River Is re- ported from Smiths Falls in which Dr Mrs Robertson James and John wall of Kingston and Messrs Me Part land and Whltley of Toronto almost lost their lives They started out in a gasolene launch from GrimUtono Island for Smiths Foils In the winding river near Itanium Island the channel is marked off by three cedar buoys and at tho middle buoy tile wheel- man mistook the course and bturtcd to run behind the buoy instead of in front of it Tho launch struck a stump and tore a hole in the In an instant it began to fill Tho occupants had no row tow anti their situation was terrify- ing Fortunately they were close by tho buoy the hIt was run to it and on it they nil climbed The water U about ten feet deep at tho place and the buoy sank with their weight until they were in water almost up to their necks Tho wind was blowing- a gale and their position was not only un- pleasant but unsafu Dr Kobortwou attempted to swim to the short half a mile distant but wits forced to turn hack Mr McPartland aecorn pUshed the feat and getting tim assistance of a farmer the party was rescued in row- boats CUT n i SMITH A sUmo llushnml of the Woman Who Surd limber rowan for SSSOOO ItllU lllintrirI- OH ANOEIES Col M apt Harry K Siniih committed here today Howls the husband of MrsBlanche Hiibbell Smith who rwwetl I ho arrest of Broker Joseph Cowan hvt week in Now York on a uhiirgi of 300 i which she tutu given him 10 invent Mrs Smith was about to sun for a but death of her husband will save her that trouble 1apl Smith was married to Blancho- tlublicll a society hello of Houghton Mich about throe years ago shortly after lieu fattier nnd mother died nnd the polo heir of tho familys state big to 5001100 The young couple travelled extensively Mrs Smith footing nil HIH Tli n her hiutbiii l got into army and r tlr d Porrestir trouble followed and the con Hiimitiil Smith continued to live at his wifon xfKfiw and it is said h spent SlflOooOof her money Sonw lime ago took up linr legal residence in Detroit with view ob- taining n divorce Smith on Mveral o- cnrtloim ricititly her for money hut she did nut send itiiuirl this is said to liavo driven him to halo his life HH wifo is now nt Atlantic City iiirriv IVM niniitKit viis mini I II Seelry Atlarlird by T vo Callers ITIio Said Nvnlrd Capital Isaac H See ley a mannfacttirerof truoses was sot upon and badly beaten yesterday by two men who cainn to ilLs place of bu- sins at j Earn Twentytiiird street domanded money Mr rents a whole floor in tin building and lives in part of his factory llo i wo men who are said lo hnvo boon employed l y a vindovclfaning concern caiK to shop about in oclock yesterday morning nnd lion that they mi to start in if they had a little capital They asked him to ndvnnco the anti thin men attacked him A boy named John Adonis who was employed to tho help of the man not only ruNed an outcry kicked window on I ho si root fiont culled for help Then ono of iho men rxwtinc the boy but as time com- motion aroused others in the building the two fled Mr iSoeley wits so seriously hurt that it was found necessary to In n doctor and to summon his win who lives in Phila- delphia It wes last night that Mr was likely of injuries I wo thug Mold Mr watch and also about 0 in money Tne safe In thin ofllw wnn found open It is thought that tho men had not time to go through it nor nrrissKSile- rnnwM Urn Swoop Down n Iroinviirk- riV XritliiK nml let Tivrnt Four of District Attorney Jeromos county rtolpcllvos headid by Dn- tictlvo Ileardon lencendod on of thin union last night unit served HOIIUI twenty KiibjifPtms on iron- workers who luivo l epn dodging them for Tho served are friend of Parks ar nocdod as wit him in hi trial All of titian loft town a soon aw linard that the District Attorney wanted theta but took a the meeting and wore caught I pallet Grad Well lead I 15 UFO all Rile alI AlI t she blare amount S I hill i of I I rl ali lr H went Ill hit an Full Set County mIl lam nr tint squarely 12 Ill ill 4TII I it7Ii rig lie t n u bin lie t lie s rot 0 flue ieele ii t ViII I ItIS trig hotluini4itll this ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCE TALK AT OYSTER BAY IlKltilUCAX OFFICIALS AXH fi- CAHUSLE SEE THE lHESIHKTI- rnpnsnl That 4Uilnnifi ReceIpts lln III posited In National Hnnks Vdwar- iKantrrliarh Ilttaueri Counsel One nf the Callers on the President OVSTKU BAY Aug H Tlio subject financial legislation which has engaged the Presidents attention for two days now was up for further considera tion at Sagamore lull today when Secre Shaw Comptroller of the Currenc Senator Cullom of Illinois John 0 Carlisle Secretary of the Treasury in Prenident Clevelands second adminls- tratlon visited Mr Roosevelt Nothing like a formal conference however was held Tlio each unarm and talkixl with him about the propositions which thin subcommitteo the Senate Finance Committee is said t have formulated tentatively as n result of the subcommittees study and investi- gation Secretary Shaw camo at 10 oclock in morning and was with the President only about an hour Mr Uidgely and Stnatoi got hero on thin noon trainand just as Mr Carlisle came in Into in the afternoon None of tho guests who were hers to dis- cuss financial legislation cared to pay much about his talk with tIm President Secre- tary Shaw refused to say anything about tIme proposed measure or to talk about the conditions Hint are prompting efforts to draft it Ono of tho visitors however who re- quested that his nainw should not bo UMH asserted that at present timers is only proposition that those interested in fram are agreed upon anti Unit ii that the receipts from the customs service bo open for deposit in the national bunks the banks depositing Government Umdi as security Everybody with whom time President has conferred on time subject hilLs this man said approved of tills proposi- tion But solute immediately interested in tIme preparation of tho measure the informant Hold suggest that other bosulei Government bonds bu accepted for hi of the customs money in harks miiuMpal bonds tot instance that ate the Treasury Dcpaitinenl This suggestion he is mwtinj strong and will nol be em- bodied in tno proposed bill Senator was imistic about the outlook for financial legislation He thought that time general conditions were such that south chungo in the currency laws wo needed but hedoubted whether if any radical attempt were made to remedy matters the would be satisfactory or beneficial to the country at large Tho President after hi re- turn from Mngamoro Hill is not wedded to particular legis- lation lie wants something done that will provide in as conservative a way as the expansion of the moro freely now the occasion for its contraction after tho necessity is He wants title ac- complished by legislation that is bunt and concise not want an elaborate currency lull Senator Cullom sail that he was strongly in favor of having tIme extraordinary Mi- ssion called m October of in November as had been at lust contem- plated thought that tIm sooner Congress tho measuro making operative the Cuban reciprocity treaty it would be for both and Cuba He anticipated considerable opposition to he said but see it go through soon after the henion opened presence of exSecretary Carl wiw at Satramoro vas a is saul time step in the Presidents plan U have a ure framed that will appeal to Democrats as wall as Republicans commend Itself to support rather than puny strength Other guwts today were Secretory Hitchcock of thin Department of the Interior T E Byrnes of Minneapolis who was at the Hi National Con vent ion 1 I Flyui formerly dele- gate in Coiicrew from Oklahoma Ilibl op Frederick 7 at rne time cerretnry to the Apostolic Delegation in Wachingtoii who four American Bishops selected llie Catholic Churil to p lo the Philippines Edward Ijinterbaih of New and B Bishop of tho Commrr- rial Adnrtisrr Hitchcock Mr Byrnes Senator Cullom and Comptroller Rldgely the Pinsdents guests at luncheon Secretary Hitchcock came he said to confer Mr HooMivelt aliout the finite of ili littaiier hi which lh Depart rneiii f I he interior is concerned He- refnstii to sty aryihlng about iho remit of the conference Mr Liltiterbaeh who is Lit tuners counsel wns it is thought also here to haY a talk about he army contracts but he said that he the President to attend the installation of Prof John H linley as of the Collego of thin City of New York in September mover Cleveland already accepted an invitation lo be l Mr Mr Flynn Hooker and Mr Bishop visited time President to raw their respects came out today that considerable opposition has sprung to the idea of session earlier than Nov II A have been ereived at t he executive oflice opposing it Many of thin Senators and Representa- tive say that they want in October o devote to their Slate campaigns nnd that It would not bo to their ally to go to Washington at that tine t is however that the session will be called several weeks earlier was originally intended Sl v for Vermont and Secretary Hitchcock for New Hnrnp shire New York iOff TIME nx rtvi TREATY Ilan tn Kxtcnil LimIt for HalineaMon by IrolnenlW- ASIIISOTON Aug 14It has been three vreks pirco any detailed information was received from Bogota regarding the canal treaty This Information which was re calved by William Nelson Cromwell conn for the Now Panama Canal Company to the effect that nine material amend- ments had been offered to the treaty and that strong opposition was manifested ngnlnsl this convention In the Colombian Senate- HiprewMitativn Hepburn of Iowa chair- man of Ilm Committed on Interstate and Foreign Commerce today discussed with Acting Secretary of State Loomis tho ques- tion f drawing up a protocol extending thin for exchange of time canal treaty Thin time within which ratifications racy bo exchanged expires on Sept 22 There would no difficulty whatever In extending this time by means or a protocol Die State Department hiss no fears on that score but it does hear with regret of tho proposition to amend the treaty That in Urn opinion of Deport- ment officials Is equivalent to rejecting It I of tar and separately general of time CUm they lit one op over In frt at I leI I Inn hUH hit than I im ls President saw sargelint itruis is hi wit ui cast t t t t I I ii t i time t i eel was < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > HEIIDEH inillIEU TO HEATH llriila Murder In tIme War Itelwrni Cattle men anil ShprpmrnH- ULENA Mont Aug H Tho warfare between time cattlemen and sheepmen culminated today In the most murder In tho history of tho State Early this morning fourteen masked cattle men rode into the sheep camp of Joe Stur geon near Dupuyer and seizing Jim Howard a herder bound him to a tree and whipped him to death The other men in the camp were asleep when the raiders arrived So quietly they work in capturing Howard that one was awakened The gang carried Howard ten miles in time mountains told him that he had amply to take his sheep out cattle country and that by refusing ho hind forfeited life At a signal from the leader two men dis- mounted and began slushing Howard with their cnttlo whips For nearly nn hour Howard was whipped Finally ho bccanu unconscious and when thin heating had ended he was dead Sheriff Taylor and a heavy are in pursuit of whitecaps COLLEGE MAXS IWMJ KIST Wellington Putnam Writes a Hook While GuliiK Without boll New has readied Columbia Un- iversity of a remarkable fast of Wellington Putnam formerly instructor in elocution in the department of English Mr Putnam succeeded in going without food for lays near Silver City N M The endured to cure a kidney action Early last May Mr Putnam left this city for the lila Hot which are situated about sixty of Sliver City Immediately upon his arrival at his desti- nation the long fast was begun For the first month lived in a tent and spent till of hits time in the open air To take his mind away from time contem- plalion of food and eating ha studied con- tinuously arid wrote a technical book on elocution Tho work according lo its author was written on an empty stomach and Li now In the hands of a wellknown publishing firm Mr Putnam believes timid he has been entirely cured of his malady MCOOK SUCEEI Senator Thinks War Secretory Should He Froth New York WASHINGTON Aug M The unoflloial announcement of Goy Tafts prospective appointment to the Cabinet has by no means convinced the politicians that their claim to chinese the next Secretary of War is useless A leading official of the War De- partment today said that several candi- dates were being strongly recommended- to the President for tho post Senator Platt believes that New York is entitled to the place and urges the candi- dacy of Col McCook While Col McCook has never held Government office hero ho is of course well known to the Administration and was mentioned for the post of AttorneyGeneral in President McKinloys Cabinet in 1S80- Col McCook is also indorsed by White law Reid nod is a personal friend of Ellhu Root MEXICO HARS THE CHIXESE Slop lt inilcraiit i on Sanitary Grounds lrum Coming Tlicrc- Ki PAPO Tex Aug from M xi Hti official sources today eon firm tim that an order has been Issurd to prohibit Chinese Immigrants from landing at the western ont towns along the of California There being no law or exclusion of the Chinese on account of their race they art pre- vented front landing owing to their cnstipitary condition to prevent the spread of contagious diseases During the last six months many ship- loads of Chinese have been landed at nms Sonic of the ships now on the seas as many as 600 Chinese each who cannot land The companies as a consequence will lose The general order is soon to e issued preventing Chinese from being brought to Mexico in bond by thai railroads ItOY lVI URL TWICE WEIt- IarrnlK Mepnrnlril Tinin the First Time Tliry Were So Idling SvituTHi N Y Aug H WillardSteiger of this city has won iv bride for the second time through trials and tribulations In January 1007 when he 11 old and a student at the Syracuse High School he fell in love with Edna May Conway lr arid was married lo her fearing the objections of parents on ac- count their that the Conways are Catholics the Steigers Lutherans it was not long tailor iho marriage was known and children were sepa- rated hy their angry patents Young was put to work as a clerk in the railroad at Fnst Syracuse and told that if be behaved and saved up money he might liavo tie girl when he was old enough He bueldeil in lila a beaver and saved every cent lie could Yesterday tim couple were married over consent of tie parents rf each nitonxEn MAX A IREACIIEH- lierl Whose lloily Wax Found In the Itlvrr a LoilRe Secretary Too Further identification was made yester- day at the Morgue of thin hotly round in the Hudson River at lOHd street on Wednes- day morning Simon Kell and William McCiiilre members of the Royal Arcanum in Allegheny Pa identified- the body ns Adolph J Gerl of that city from Pittsburg last night said that fieri wns secretary Council Royal Arcanum was a trade hut tho of the Arlington Avenuo Evangelical Association on and was of the Young Peoples Alliance his work at tho Bust Manufac- turing plant on Aug I with 75 in hits pocket Take Kfliicitlonal Sight wind N Y Yacht l0x point of Interest explained by lecturer 3 hourn tram At N H Ill V M 230 M Air Health at Itlrhnrlrt Nprlnci bnttilng rutihlfobmrnt cxrrllrnt- liolnls Through I ckwannI- tnllrnad 843 I M Parlor cars on 10 A M train The Frontcanc lintel 1000 Islands St Lwreaca River N Y Natures aurnmer r ort Open throneti Sepwmber Ati of Montana lid no and bon his POI t he for Spring f dOle hilt Honor I all I HI i K ar he tile ant warned lie IlOO1II liT may was expert daily vie 1tdf greatest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < BANK CLOSED AT RED BANKI SHORTAGE FALSE ENTItiES AND OX HOOKS Dank Rxainlnrr Mason Appointed necrlvri or the National After New Official haul Failed to rut Mono Into thank anti Make It Solvent WAHHINCITON Aug H Tho Naveslnk National Batik of Red Bank N J was tonight by direction of the Deputy Comptroller of the Currency after a conference by telephone with Na Bank Examiner W A Mason who engaged during the past few days in making a special of the bank Tho bark examination on July 27 dis closed a discrepancy between tho indi- vidual unit general ledgers of 10000 a falsification of the last of thus banks condition to the Comptroller of the Cur- rency and numerous false entries and erasures on the books A rciixnminntlon was ordered and Examiner Mason who was sent to time bank discovered increased shortages mind irregularities to such an extent as to render the hank Insolvent- A new president cashier anti board of directors were and an effort made by the latter to put sufficient cash into the bunk to restore iln capital and solvency bank It wIts thought that this effort would be Miecehttful until advice was received at the Comptrollers office tonlght to thin con- trary coupled with a Btntement that noth- ing remained to do but close the banks doors as it would be impossible to meet demands tomorrow flank Examiner V A Mason him hen appointed receiver The last report of the condition of the bunk under date of June 0 IttO which it is stated was falsified shows the condition on that date to have been as follows IIHBOIRC- KLoans anti dIscounts Overdrafts tnltrd Mates tmndi- llriil ritati Stocks Mcurltl Ac lint from hjuik and bankers Cain nuil on h Items Totnl IUUILITIEH Capital stuck hut undivided profits ClrcuUllon Due lo banks And bankers Sole ami bills redkrountrd J3I1SHIS48- KOM 1312MX- 13OINOC aawu8- lfWIi3 12WOOU Iseaei3- 189I3N2 lOIXWO- QItEO ItAXK HIItlSEIt Said There That I IIP Hank Trlrit In l o Too RED BANK X J Aug 14 The news that the Navesink Notional was closed came hike a thunderbolt depositors thronged about the entrance of the bank It is thought that a reorganization of the hank will o About three weeks ago Dipt James S Throcktnorton as president of the hank but tho announcement was not mode until this week when Cupt Charles B Parsons was elected to succeed him Capt Throckmortons reasons for resigning were ill health and huts wish to of business cares Yesterday the hoard of directors held another meeting and it was announced that Capt Parsons had resigned the presi- dency Edward E Roberts a large de- positor president of tho Roberts Safety Company was president- It was that Mr Mason was making an investigation of the banks affoirs and tho a number of depositors withdrew their cash Think ing that there might be a run on the bank Enoch L Cowart the cashier went to New York and it was said that he returned with f 100000 to satisfy time possible demands of the depositors H the bank has dono a large business considering the amount capital stock and deposits and that most of the it a sum of larger than it had on hand to meet borrowers demands Bnnk Examiner Mason said tonight I might say that for months pat the condi- tion the Navesink National Bank lies Ixien unsatisfactory to the Comptroller of the Currency Its business been too much and its cash reserve hues been much below the required amount Hxed by the statute under instructions from tho Comptroller of the I canw to Red the capacity of special hank examiner on week To make a long story short the case readily the was not so prescribed For a while a plan of rehabilitation lent much encouragement The heroin efforts on part of sonic of Red Batiks liest citizens to savii the inistituioii were particularly gratifying Later other corn set caused a run that resulted in thin withdrawal of moral and financial support to such an extent that the Government had to take When iisked whether the depositors would receive their mooney the said that he was not to answer Thin Navcftink bank was organized twelve years ago Early title year a de- partment was directors am James S Throekmorton Enoch L Cowart Dr Edwin Field Charles B Parsons Thomas Davis Jr anti Daniel Frost OV THE YACHT RACES The nevrntip rtitlpr to HP In stiapp for heal Service OYSTER RAY Aug M Secretary Shaw on his visit here today talked nlxmt his order curtailing the supply of tickets for wit- nessing the international yacht races from llie revenue Milter The cutters ho saul are sent out to patrol thin course and to be on hand in case of an emergency Heretofore they hnvo gone out loaded down to tho gunwale They were in no shape to patrol properly were in still worse to render assistance if any had occurred How on earth could a crew man a toot to save drowning persons wnvn the decks wero so crowded the men could scarcely squeeze through- It is verY to give tickets out for things like that as you would out a glass of water and I am mighty sorry to to cut down the guests hut tho boats are sent out to pro- tect course and to save life if necessary and I intend to see that they am proper to do it Secretary I con also believes that it will be much wiser to have spectators on only thirst of the revenue to rest do the work they are sent down to do as it should bo The Secretary said that ho wasnt so en- thusiastic tIme yacht races as Komo people supposed of pleasure he was ho wouldnt given Dinner nap to see thin All Point at Vlilt points of interest In the city anti suburbs with ElcctrlB and Sumr Cool luiurlou Telobonu JMO Columbus New York Txaatporuulaa Qa Aii I Itt Il Nan lnk closer tonal with of a 07 i 42i tOO Total 43991 1 n Bali her lr Ctd It nCf I IIIndl Ion a J I ill III and I I eIOII Interest lie a usistance laige Iiuilnest if was with whom race- r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < WHITE MAN AXD NEGRO Moth llancnl on the Same Tree for a Assault on a Widow AUGUSTA Ga Aug M Information was received hero today of the lynching- last night of a white man and negro on the same limb for an assault upon a white woman On last Saturday night a white man named Thompson and a negro named King Wrightman knocked at the door of Mrs Mathis a widow living at Uartfluld a village near Albany When Mho opened the door the men seized her and Into the yard Thompson said it was the negro who committed the assault and a posse started in pursuit The negro took to the swamps of Colqultt county and was captured yesterday afternoon In his confession 1m mid that both haul assaulted Mrs Mathis and the mob went to Thompsons house took him out a ci hanged both on tho same HILL FOR A Ill ARMY UP Khnulil Have IOOOOO Under Arms In Times of Peace Sr PAUL Minn Aug a banquet given in honor of Col Pond U S A James- J Hill president of the Great Northern Railroad was one of time lIe said I am not overruling LImo demand when I say that it is Imperative that tho United States maintain the nucleus always anti the organization stat tho officers for an army of 200001 men With our varied interests with our expanding commerce end with our crowning and ever increasing power this strength is not more than sufficient for our uses In times of stress and danger However that may bo I am thoroughly convinced that tho United States should maintain at all times an army of 100000 thoroughly drilled thoroughly trained thoroughly disciplined and thoroughly officered men This in my opinion should bo thou strength in times of peace of the regular establishment WISS IMMSEVELT A Will nrltrtt a TamlPin on llie Cronilctl Sinflu In Newport NEWPORT R I Aug HMiss Alice Roosevelt this afternoon took a lesson In driving tandem Sho appeared on the avenue driving the tandem and attracted much attention She handled the ribbons like an expert and piloted tho lioness through the crowded streets in a manner which called forth much favorable criticism- It was quite a day for society women- to display their accomplishments In tho way of driving as Sirs BurkeRouhe and Mrs J Danielson appeared on the avenue driving their fourinhand YACHT WEXOXAll AS JVK- nonievrll Yacht 8u Cripples In Collision That She Is Lnrlria NEW HAVEN Aug U After a thorough inspection of the wrecked yacht Wenonali that wa in collision with the fishing steamer Falcon of New York on Wednesday night off Faulkners Island it watt decided that it would cost too much to repair her and she will be sold for old junk She is owned by S Montgomery Roosevelt of New York cousin to President Roosevelt and was enrolled In the New York Yacht Club She was built twenty years ago anti cost 81700- 0AXOTHER SCARE OX IARIS LIXE Train Catrhos Fire hilt o titus IK Hurt Traltle lulU Off Spfifcil tdOlo Unvaich lo TUB SUN PARIS Auj H There has been a great falling off in the number of passengers carried by tim Metropolitan Electric Rail- way sine this disaster last Monday night Before then the line never carried less than 218801 passengers dally but tho day after tho accident the number fell off to 128463 There was a scare on the line today when a short circuit set fire to a through train with 200 passengers aboard For- tunately noboilj1 was hurt and the fire woe quickly extinguished All WIT CONFER OX JEWS Tell riiRllsh Author So Through Dip hue sian Ainliiissailor- fiprrlal Cattle tHtpatch lo Tom Kux- I ONDON Aug 14The Russian Am lassador at line informed Arnold Vhito thin author that thin Car could not possibly accept a proposition for tho of an international conference on the Jewish question IIA It MIX KILLS TWO Ilm Dullard Hough Hlilrr nn the War pal h In Wyoming IiANPKlt Wyo Aug 11 Two men are lead here as the result of the murderous work of Jim Dollard who attempted to the town ROSM Stringer a printer was assaulted yesterday by Dollard struck over tIme head with a board amid died this morning Frank Bryant wns assaulted later by Dollard in U saloon anti died this afternoon Dullards relatives are well known throughout the State anti are generally respected The fact I hat he com it double murder dow not soem to disturb him There is no talk of vio- lence Dollard was a Hough Rldor and has a good record Onllar Wlicnl In lltmirnpolMM- INNKAPOMS Shun AUK 11 Dollar wheat wnsseen on Chongo today for the fIrst time since thn Letter corner in 1118 It was cash wheat and there wero sales at- thn figure loiter 102 was asked and 101 bid without sales Tho September option touched S5 tIme highest point in fourteen Twin nom nn llllpaMlnnte Train ST Louis Mo Aug 14 Twin boys were to Sirs Lucy Murray on mi Iron Mount iln train at 2 no oclock this morning which van speeding along toward St Louis at rate n a Two physicians aboard the train maid took easn The mother has decided to call me of the children Austin after the con came to her assistance and time other Green In honor of the engineer President AuHnl in Apt In Miuirhiirla- nllMifr OTBTFB BAY Aug 14 It was said here tonight officially that President Roosevelt ha not received to use his office In the settlement of the dinpute dragged- her tnjOd J HAt speakers IS DeForest haul London hold- ing run I I years horn the were the ductor Sol I I LYNChED Sass coaches immit who Man- churian ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JEFFRIES TOE VICTOR Corbetts Seconds Throw Up Sponge in J Oth Round LOSER SEVERELY PUNISHED Record Crowd to See the Cham- pionship Struggle Cliamnlon nearly Outclasses Ills Opponent as a Iloxrr anti IiBhtir Corbrtt First Knocked Uonn In tIn Fourth Hound anti liRA Clianeo Afterward SAN FHAKCISCO Aug uJim Jeffries clearly proved his title to tho heavyweight championship tonight when ho forced tim seconds of James J Corbett to throw up the spongo while he wits being counted out in limo tenth round of the battle at Mechanics Pavilion From tIme first clang of time bell there was no doubt of the outcome The champion nol only showed his wellknown ability as a fighter hut he surprised the vast throng at the ringside by his cleverness The blow which finally settled Corbetta- ospiralions to time championship was a fearful cue In the stomach delivered with such force that Corbett reeled to the floor He was retching and vomiting anti in terrible distress from the effect of the broiling administered by Jeffries- Jeffries showed surprising agility from Iho beginning and had no difficulty In land- Ing on Corbett almost at will His blows had tremendous force and lie first sent Corbett to the floor for a count in the fourth round Again in the sixth round Corbett went down before the sledgehammer blows of his adversary In tho ninth round Corhett rallied and for the first time delivered more blows than did Jeffries The final round was a fierce one from tim utarl Jeffrieas blows haul more force than ever and Corbntt was sent to the floor to respond to the call of tlmo As one of the best fight towns In tho country San Francisco has seen somo great battles as those between Fits and Slmrkoy Jeffries and Ituhlin Jeffries and Fitz Young O rbott and Terry MoOoern But the throng that greeted a d Corbett tonight surpassed in numbers ail enthusiasm any that was ever gathered t gethor for any sporting event in lid country Thin great Mechanics Pavilion as rr ranged for the fight tonight holds 8 iro- pcrsors hut nt least 3000 more were wedged into the gallery and into additioi al seats that had heart built at time rear of hall to accommodate a precsing demand for more seats The gate money was 150000 for regular pales wIth at least 10000 additional for premiums paid by latecomers Tills boats all records for fight houses In San Francisco the largest previous IIOIIKO being IIZOOO when Jeffries met Fit z last year Her seats sold for 20 15 arid 10 and arena seats ranged from S7V to 3 with 83 for general admission to the gallery Many sports who wero very hate paid as high as to for box seats and no seats were sold today without premiums The Mechanics Pavilion where time tight wits held is a lingo barnliko structure which occupies half a block on Liukln street facing the City Hall Tho I wo ends have boon closed in with boards leaving an enormous ball with lofty vaulted ceiling In the centre of this hall raised about six feet from tho floor was tutu 21foot ring Abovo it were arranged in the fonn of a square twelve powerful electric lights that HIM poets Fierce light that beats upon a throno- By lowering the lights In other parts of house this throw time ring into as great prominence ns a stage under a pow- erful calcium In the first row about thn wero seats for thin representative of press anti the telegraph operators while immediately back of these worn box seats in which were wellknown sports Every seat in the large arena was oc- eupifd anti long before the doors opened thousands of sports gathered eager to get in The gallery was soon ronftrstpd timid filled almost to thin danger loint Shiny of more venturesomo worn perched on overhanging iiearns and rafters Those holding reervi souls were also early on tl scent nnd at 815 oclock almost every occupant was in hits coat Sppoiil trains trout cities near and tb Rockies arrived in tlm afternoon bring- ing a largo army of sports They had plenty nf money to invest on the result eagerly sought tlio speculative onei who favoiid siLlier miin One train con tisling of fifteen oars got to th city lit in tho nftenioon- In the party were Parson Dnvlw ioorji1 Slier of ChiTgn who rnfereiil the fluit between Tom Slmrltey and Jefiriex at Coy island Nat Cfoodwin the comedian Donu- iOSullivaii and a number of other sport In t celebrities entered the ring leporis- if their condition worn rife Coruot friends extolled hits training anti U hut he was Ill to fight battle of hi f ioino of the Jeffries adherents Inert lo his preparation and there were many rumors that ho was not in tho best of shapn But they were all run to earth anti at the moment It was saLt that time brawny loilormsker was fit lo battle for a kings an orn The tIght in Itself was regarded us one of most important in years They met 70 jier cent of the gross rerelpts Of summit IS per cent wont to the winner and Iho remaining T per cnnt to the loser Iho limit of the battle was twenty rounds ind it was decided under straight Marquis f Qtieensberry rules Jeffriess weight was announced aw 225 pounds while Corbett icalixi 1SS pmmd- Tlieectimalcd receipts worn close to S- nrmcmber Lit II It tlokru l ai N V arid All ny vl D y Lisa aitainora Uutla A t i I i I f i M i y- if m I 1 i P ii i J1 f i iyi i w- fi I II the j h trta inmly discount uul i I hue moot I i ring t lie j u iiI I 4 j I hue 1 i 1 I i I 1 boym rid i I I ama I uj iii i i ir 5 l1iI I I itefor Limo i mien 4 4 lt 4- t t lie 1 hi be- little 4 last I 1r1 the for I this i I I l I arc good 7 > < < ¬ > ¬ > < >

PiTURDlT AUGUST 15 100 VPartly cloudy today fir tomorro

VOL LXXNO 349 NEW YORK SATURDAY AUGUST 15 lQQ3CoPVriaht bv S Printing and Pvbltthina Anoeiation PRICE IWO CENTS


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Till the Bosses Arbitration ARrrcmeni-I Broken to Iron TTnrhera Thou

laniln of Mm In Many Cltlr to quitWork While Parks Rides In a Cab

If thn plans outlined by Sam Parks atweekly meeting of the HouscsmithsBridgnnniiirs Union last night are carriedout UMlny by tho International Asaociatiot-of BrVdgetnon and Structural Iron WorkersrfrlbS will Iw declared this morningt vnty part of tho United States whomtiicmlKTS of Iron Loagtiu aro

contractsTho decision made by the Housesmiths-

Tnlun last night at Park n dictation is

by the most ambitious that the Ironhave vpnturod upon sinco

Virgin their fight It meansto their officers tho throwing out of em-

ployment today of thousands of mennlinoft every city in the United States

the cessation of all work by unionnrn on scores of Important contracts

WVion Sam Parks was asked last night-

he had any reason to believe that theinternational associations presidentFrank Buchanan would refuse carryout the plan of the HousesmithR1 Unionhe Mid the international associatlorhad agreed in the afternoon to carry outa national strike providing tho Housesmith Union paused a resolution demand-ing such action

Tho decision reached last night does notmean that there is to be a strike on maUrials manufactured by the firms whichiio union is endeavoring to bring to terms

firms are J M Co CooperA Vlegand nnd Theare the principal firms in the Iron

Parks declared last night that everif he goes to jail ho will continue the fighton them until they surrender

A tight on the materials turned out bjthese concerns would bo an even moreserious thing than the strike which is tohe ordered today It would mean thatunion men would not be allowed to handleany of tho output of these foundries Thi-

movo is to be made if the general Ptrikc-

nrder on the contracts of the threo firmmentioned does not have the desired effect

Parks said last night that no one butfool would play nil his cards at oncthat tho materials strike wiw a little argu-

ment that he meant to hold up Ids sleeveuntil it became necessary to use it

The contention of tho union is thatiron League by entering with the

association on a scheme ofthe employers have been trying

to force on tho union has violated theagreement it made with the HousesmithsUnion last April

The union or rather Sam Parks dedares that thn Iron League muct repmlinuthe plan of arbitration offered by the omployers association and must como to atagreement with the Ironworkers on terim

Were just waking up said Parkslast night We have laid back and lotthe other fellows do tho talking Now

are going to got In the game Tomor-row we strike every job thwso firms havegot in the United States Youll hearsomething drop tomorrow Th materialstrike will not come now But itlater if fellows dont comeThin is a to the finish and Sam Iurksis not going to lay down

absolutely dominated last nightiinert lag if th rn Is any oppositionhis man who Is nofr on trial before n

i order Golf and n jury in OVnornl Sessionon n rhnrge of pxloitlon who is alnadji-imlrr for and attainswhom unlri d iinlklui pviulinudais riot dan lo show it lf openly Whenhi ofleml his to unionnight drmaiidinL n grrrral htrilr ll overlii rounlry h was h icd uproariously

Parlfi as uminl aim to the nioiiiijnight in a rnl

Mil r IN Etons Hum ViirKiT Ilium-ATI 01 l Vcars

Marquise do More widow nf tlnj-

h iTiinoiis wlri won fame If1 iitlTiinn hunter and dead shot ii tlm

nicl who was murdered in the SabniiIf nditiK nn oxpedll l m into the Soudan

arrived lost night from Haw aboard lhlrnnrh liner In Havole She was mcoiif-

ianiocl by her rather Luiis von Huffmani binker and hor son nnd daughterTle Mnriiiii is a NIW

IM she has tit Ten in America for sixen ypun Im lookitl on ill architiifliiri-

itnavils nf the town as fhe ram upnn tnni waiaimosl foreign

Sim linflld Her lorgnette like a habitualpatron of the opera to reportspublished in the Western newspapers withinthe last twenty years the Marquise alsoknows how to handle shooting ironsFhe reputed to ln in 1P85 one of thefinest woman rifle shots in America

She doesnt look much older than she didin itie when In her devotion to herhusband she lived with him for months in aDakota where he was imprisoned forkilling

Marquise surveyed the tumult ofnnd removal at tile

French Iino pier from a seat on a oftrunks She was not a lit perturbed noteven after a venturesome reporter ap-proached her and asked

said she was going first to Newportnnd then to Medora I

Medora is Ohristiin nameand her husband who bought 15000 acresif bad lends about twenty years ago InNorth decided to found a townhern it for his wife Th Marquisehasnt soon it since Its founding In

to the murder of her shewild

I forced the French authorities to runlown the Marfiilss acsaficlns One wasntenced to b and another to

life imprisonment Knowing the Maragainst punishment

I entreated the Government to eomrnuto-ho death sentence to imprisonment

I believe that there wns a onm part of French officials to assassinate

myOther sengers by thn Savoin wpm

Prof Pnul ret Thomas Filch FelixFoumior Gas on Fournier Lulu llaserhe actress Center Hitchcock Orson

and tho fount Luserna

Forinrr Slave DIM at 117SIN TUtu Aug H David Taylor

colored mid to bo about 117 years of agelied hero this morning Ho was born inNorth Carolina about 17H7 arid was a slavefor almost years Taylorw s married four timestiled nt the ago of OS-

To s e thn North AtUntlc Squnrtnm at Anchor laUrn Island off Oy Mr Uny to morrow lAke

m ir to Now Haven dv-A Of





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flick Welle Ilrcaks the Worlds Record Ii-

n Match With Grand OperaCIIICAOO Aug 14 Dick Welles tIm

speed marvel of tIle West von the specialmatch ruco with E E Sraathcrss GrandOpera at Harlem today and In doing BO

sot a now worlds record for ono mile histime being 137 25 which Is onefifth of abecond faster than the record mado hyAlnnnlalo nt Washington Park

The race dill to much as acontest as Grand Opera was nt no timenear the son of King Eric Teas Overwho won in n common canter It was theuniversal opinion of turfmen who saw thoraw that Dick Welles could have run themile in 137 had lie been extended

There was no delay at the post GrandOpera hud about half a length the betterof tho start but in three jump Dick Welleswas in front and took the rail nt theturn He opened up a gap of two lengthsat the far turn and maintained this ad-vantage all tho way to tho stretch turnwheru he Increased tho lead to five lengthsFrom there home ho was eased andunder the wire two and onehalfIn front of Opera and only joggingAfter dismounted fromtho winner It was discovered that Dirk

had finished with no bit in his mouthbroken in two and

dropped out of the colts mouth There wasnothing for Knight to hold except thestall The betting on the rac washeavy Dick Welles opened at even moneybut was hacked to 0 to 10 The fractionaltime of the rare by quarters is as follows

First 03115 second 048 thirdono wile 137 25

Tho special race drew out an iinineiiMcrowd there being fully 10000 persons ontho ground and they were royally enter-tained The track won lightning font andtho weather perfect

LIVES HAY EnSl People aims to It After HiltlliiB

Sinking LaunchOdDKSSBuna N Y Aug 14 An un-

usual accident on the Rideau River Is re-

ported from Smiths Falls in which DrMrs Robertson James and Johnwall of Kingston and Messrs Me Part

land and Whltley of Toronto almost losttheir lives

They started out in a gasolene launchfrom GrimUtono Island for Smiths FoilsIn the winding river near Itanium Island thechannel is marked off by three cedarbuoys and at tho middle buoy tile wheel-

man mistook the course and bturtcd torun behind the buoy instead of in frontof it

Tho launch struck a stump and tore ahole in the In an instant it began tofill Tho occupants had no row

tow anti their situation was terrify-ing Fortunately they were close by thobuoy the hIt was run to it and on itthey nil climbed

The water U about ten feet deep at thoplace and the buoy sank with their weightuntil they were in water almost upto their necks Tho wind was blowing-

a gale and their position was not only un-

pleasant but unsafuDr Kobortwou attempted to swim to the

short half a mile distant but wits forcedto turn hack Mr McPartland aecornpUshed the feat and getting tim assistanceof a farmer the party was rescued in row-


CUT n i SMITH A sUmollushnml of the Woman Who Surd limber

rowan for SSSOOO ItllU lllintrirI-

OH ANOEIES Col M apt HarryK Siniih committed here todayHowls the husband of MrsBlanche HiibbellSmith who rwwetl I ho arrest of BrokerJoseph Cowan hvt week in Now York ona uhiirgi of 300 i which shetutu given him 10 invent

Mrs Smith was about to sun for abut death of her husband will save herthat trouble

1apl Smith was married to Blancho-tlublicll a society hello of Houghton Mich

about throe years ago shortly after lieufattier nnd mother died nndthe polo heir of tho familys statebig to 5001100

The young couple travelled extensivelyMrs Smith footing nil HIH Tli n herhiutbiii l got into army andr tlr d Porrestir trouble followed andthe con Hiimitiil Smith continued tolive at his wifon xfKfiw and it is said hspent SlflOooOof her money

Sonw lime ago took up linr legalresidence in Detroit with view ob-

taining n divorce Smith on Mveral o-

cnrtloim ricititly her for money hutshe did nut send itiiuirl this is said to liavodriven him to halo his life HH wifo isnow nt Atlantic City

iiirriv IVM niniitKit viis miniI II Seelry Atlarlird by T vo Callers ITIio

Said Nvnlrd Capital

Isaac H See ley a mannfacttirerof truoseswas sot upon and badly beaten yesterdayby two men who cainn to ilLs place of bu-sins at j Earn Twentytiiird streetdomanded money

Mr rents a whole floor in tinbuilding and lives in part of his factory

llo i wo men who are said lo hnvo boonemployed l y a vindovclfaning concerncaiK to shop about in oclockyesterday morning nnd lion that they

mi to start inif they had a little capital They askedhim to ndvnnco theanti thin men attacked him

A boy named John Adonis who wasemployed to tho help of the

man not only ruNed an outcrykicked window on I ho si root fiontculled for help Then ono of iho men

rxwtinc the boy but as time com-motion aroused others in the buildingthe two fled

Mr iSoeley wits so seriously hurt that itwas found necessary to In n doctorand to summon his win who lives in Phila-delphia It wes last night that Mr

was likely of injuriesI wo thug Mold Mr watch

and also about 0 in money Tne safe Inthin ofllw wnn found open It is thoughtthat tho men had not time to go through it

nor nrrissKSile-

rnnwM Urn Swoop Down n Iroinviirk-riV XritliiK nml let Tivrnt

Four of District Attorney Jeromoscounty rtolpcllvos headid by Dn-

tictlvo Ileardon lencendod on

of thin union last night unitserved HOIIUI twenty KiibjifPtms on iron-

workers who luivo l epn dodging them forTho served are friend

of Parks ar nocdod as withim in hi trial

All of titian loft town a soon aw

linard that the District Attorney wantedtheta but took athe meeting and wore caught






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rnpnsnl That 4Uilnnifi ReceIpts lln IIIposited In National Hnnks Vdwar-iKantrrliarh Ilttaueri Counsel Onenf the Callers on the President

OVSTKU BAY Aug H Tlio subjectfinancial legislation which has

engaged the Presidents attention for twodays now was up for further consideration at Sagamore lull today when Secre

Shaw Comptroller of the CurrencSenator Cullom of Illinois

John 0 Carlisle Secretary of the Treasuryin Prenident Clevelands second adminls-tratlon visited Mr Roosevelt Nothinglike a formal conference however washeld

Tlio each unarm

and talkixl with him about thepropositions which thin subcommitteothe Senate Finance Committee is said t

have formulated tentatively as n resultof the subcommittees study and investi-gation

Secretary Shaw camo at 10 oclock inmorning and was with the President onlyabout an hour Mr Uidgely and Stnatoi

got hero on thin noon trainandjust as Mr Carlisle came in

Into in the afternoonNone of tho guests who were hers to dis-

cuss financial legislation cared to pay muchabout his talk with tIm President Secre-tary Shaw refused to say anything abouttIme proposed measure or to talk aboutthe conditions Hint are promptingefforts to draft it

Ono of tho visitors however who re-

quested that his nainw should not bo UMH

asserted that at present timers is onlyproposition that those interested in fram

are agreed upon anti Unit ii

that the receipts from the customs servicebo open for deposit in the national bunksthe banks depositing Government Umdias security Everybody with whom time

President has conferred on time subjecthilLs this man said approved of tills proposi-tion

But solute immediately interested in tIme

preparation of tho measure the informantHold suggest that other bosuleiGovernment bonds bu accepted for hi

of the customs money in harksmiiuMpal bonds tot instance that ate

the Treasury DcpaitinenlThis suggestion he is mwtinj

strong and will nol be em-bodied in tno proposed bill

Senator was imistic aboutthe outlook for financial legislation Hethought that time general conditions weresuch that south chungo in the currency lawswo needed but hedoubted whether if anyradical attempt were made to remedymatters the would be satisfactory orbeneficial to the country at large

Tho President after hi re-

turn from Mngamoro Hill is not weddedto particular legis-lation lie wants something done thatwill provide in as conservative a way as

the expansion of themoro freely now the occasion

for its contraction aftertho necessity is He wants title ac-complished by legislation that is bunt andconcise not want an elaboratecurrency lull

Senator Cullom sail that he was stronglyin favor of having tIme extraordinary Mi-ssion called m October of inNovember as had been at lust contem-plated

thought that tIm sooner Congresstho measuro making operative

the Cuban reciprocity treatyit would be for both and CubaHe anticipated considerable oppositionto he said butsee it go through soon after the henionopened

presence of exSecretary Carl wiw atSatramoro vas a is saul time stepin the Presidents plan U have a ureframed that will appeal to Democrats aswall as Republicans commend Itselfto support rather than punystrength

Other guwts today were SecretoryHitchcock of thin Department of the InteriorT E Byrnes of Minneapolis who was

at the Hi NationalCon vent ion 1 I Flyui formerly dele-gate in Coiicrew from Oklahoma Ilibl opFrederick 7 at rne time cerretnryto the Apostolic Delegation in Wachingtoiiwho four American Bishopsselected llie Catholic Churil to p lothe Philippines Edward Ijinterbaih ofNew and B Bishop of tho Commrr-rial Adnrtisrr Hitchcock MrByrnes Senator Cullom and ComptrollerRldgely the Pinsdents guests atluncheon

Secretary Hitchcock came he said toconfer Mr HooMivelt aliout the finiteof ili littaiier hi which lh Departrneiii f I he interior is concerned He-

refnstii to sty aryihlng about iho remitof the conference

Mr Liltiterbaeh who isLit tuners counsel wns it is thought alsohere to haY a talk about he armycontracts but he said that he

the President to attend the installationof Prof John H linley as of theCollego of thin City of New York inSeptember mover Cleveland alreadyaccepted an invitation lo be l

Mr Mr Flynn Hookerand Mr Bishop visited time President toraw their respects

came out today that considerableopposition has sprung to the idea of

session earlier thanNov II A have beenereived at t he executive oflice opposing it

Many of thin Senators and Representa-tive say that they want in Octobero devote to their Slate campaigns nnd

that It would not bo to theirally to go to Washington at that tine

t is however that thesession will be called several weeks earlier

was originally intendedSl v for Vermont

and Secretary Hitchcock for New Hnrnpshire New York

iOff TIME nx rtvi TREATY

Ilan tn Kxtcnil LimIt for HalineaMon byIrolnenlW-

ASIIISOTON Aug 14It has been threevreks pirco any detailed information wasreceived from Bogota regarding the canaltreaty This Information which was recalved by William Nelson Cromwell conn

for the Now Panama Canal Companyto the effect that nine material amend-

ments had been offered to the treaty andthat strong opposition was manifestedngnlnsl this convention In the ColombianSenate-

HiprewMitativn Hepburn of Iowa chair-

man of Ilm Committed on Interstate andForeign Commerce today discussed withActing Secretary of State Loomis tho ques-

tion f drawing up a protocol extendingthin for exchange oftime canal treaty Thin time within whichratifications racy bo exchanged expires onSept 22 There would no difficulty

whatever In extending this time by meansor a protocol Die State Department hiss

no fears on that score but it does hear withregret of tho proposition to amend thetreaty That in Urn opinion of Deport-

ment officials Is equivalent to rejecting It



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llriila Murder In tIme War Itelwrni Cattlemen anil ShprpmrnH-

ULENA Mont Aug H Tho warfarebetween time cattlemen and sheepmen

culminated today In the most

murder In tho history of tho StateEarly this morning fourteen masked cattlemen rode into the sheep camp of Joe Sturgeon near Dupuyer and seizing JimHoward a herder bound him to a tree and

whipped him to deathThe other men in the camp were asleep

when the raiders arrived So quietlythey work in capturing Howard thatone was awakened The gang carriedHoward ten miles in time mountainstold him that he had amplyto take his sheep out cattle countryand that by refusing ho hind forfeitedlife

At a signal from the leader two men dis-

mounted and began slushing Howard withtheir cnttlo whips For nearly nn hourHoward was whipped Finally ho bccanuunconscious and when thin heating hadended he was dead

Sheriff Taylor and a heavy are in

pursuit of whitecaps

COLLEGE MAXS IWMJ KISTWellington Putnam Writes a Hook While

GuliiK Without bollNew has readied Columbia Un-

iversity of a remarkable fast of WellingtonPutnam formerly instructor in elocutionin the department of English Mr Putnamsucceeded in going without food forlays near Silver City N M Theendured to cure a kidney action

Early last May Mr Putnam left this cityfor the lila Hot which are situatedabout sixty of Sliver CityImmediately upon his arrival at his desti-

nation the long fast was begun For thefirst month lived in a tent and spent till

of hits time in the open airTo take his mind away from time contem-

plalion of food and eating ha studied con-

tinuously arid wrote a technical book onelocution Tho work according lo itsauthor was written on an empty stomachand Li now In the hands of a wellknownpublishing firm

Mr Putnam believes timid he has beenentirely cured of his malady


Senator Thinks War Secretory Should HeFroth New York

WASHINGTON Aug M The unoflloialannouncement of Goy Tafts prospectiveappointment to the Cabinet has by no meansconvinced the politicians that their claimto chinese the next Secretary of War is

useless A leading official of the War De-

partment today said that several candi-

dates were being strongly recommended-to the President for tho post

Senator Platt believes that New Yorkis entitled to the place and urges the candi-dacy of Col McCook While Col

McCook has never held Government office

hero ho is of course well known to theAdministration and was mentioned forthe post of AttorneyGeneral in PresidentMcKinloys Cabinet in 1S80-

Col McCook is also indorsed by Whitelaw Reid nod is a personal friend ofEllhu Root


Slop lt inilcraiit i on Sanitary Groundslrum Coming Tlicrc-

Ki PAPO Tex Augfrom M xi Hti official sources today eonfirm tim that an order has beenIssurd to prohibit Chinese Immigrantsfrom landing at the western ont townsalong the of California There beingno law or exclusion of the Chineseon account of their race they art pre-

vented front landing owing to theircnstipitary condition to prevent the spreadof contagious diseases

During the last six months many ship-loads of Chinese have been landed atnms Sonic of the ships now onthe seas as many as 600 Chineseeach who cannot land The companiesas a consequence will lose

The general order is soon to e issuedpreventing Chinese from being brought toMexico in bond by thai railroads


IarrnlK Mepnrnlril Tinin the First TimeTliry Were So Idling

SvituTHi N Y Aug H WillardSteigerof this city has won iv bride for the secondtime through trials and tribulations InJanuary 1007 when he 11 oldand a student at the Syracuse High Schoolhe fell in love with Edna May Conway

lr arid was married lo herfearing the objections of parents on ac-count their that theConways are Catholics the SteigersLutherans

it was not long tailor iho marriagewas known and children were sepa-rated hy their angry patents Young

was put to work as a clerk in therailroad at Fnst Syracuse and toldthat if be behaved and saved upmoney he might liavo tie girl when he wasold enough

He bueldeil in lila a beaver and savedevery cent lie could Yesterday tim couplewere married over consentof tie parents rf each


lierl Whose lloily Wax Found In the Itlvrra LoilRe Secretary Too

Further identification was made yester-day at the Morgue of thin hotly round in

the Hudson River at lOHd street on Wednes-

day morning Simon Kell and WilliamMcCiiilre members of the Royal Arcanum

in Allegheny Pa identified-the body ns Adolph J Gerl of thatcity

from Pittsburg last nightsaid that fieri wns secretaryCouncil Royal Arcanum was a

trade hut tho of theArlington Avenuo Evangelical Associationon and was of the YoungPeoples Alliance

his work at tho Bust Manufac-turing plant on Aug I with

75 in hits pocket

Take Kfliicitlonal Sight wind N Y

Yacht l0x point of Interest explained bylecturer 3 hourn tram At N H IllV M 230 M Air

Health at Itlrhnrlrt Nprlncibnttilng rutihlfobmrnt cxrrllrnt-

liolnls Through I ckwannI-tnllrnad 843 I M Parlor cars on 10 A M train

The Frontcanc lintel 1000 Islands St LwreacaRiver N Y Natures aurnmer r ortOpen throneti Sepwmber Ati







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daily vie









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Dank Rxainlnrr Mason Appointed necrlvrior the National After New

Official haul Failed to rut MonoInto thank anti Make It Solvent

WAHHINCITON Aug H Tho NaveslnkNational Batik of Red Bank N J was

tonight by direction of the DeputyComptroller of the Currency

after a conference by telephone with NaBank Examiner W A Mason who

engaged during the past fewdays in making a special ofthe bank

Tho bark examination on July 27 disclosed a discrepancy between tho indi-

vidual unit general ledgers of 10000 afalsification of the last of thus bankscondition to the Comptroller of the Cur-

rency and numerous false entries anderasures on the books A rciixnminntlonwas ordered and Examiner Mason whowas sent to time bank discovered increasedshortages mind irregularities to such anextent as to render the hank Insolvent-

A new president cashier anti board ofdirectors were and an effort madeby the latter to put sufficient cash into thebunk to restore iln capital and solvency

bankIt wIts thought that this effort would beMiecehttful until advice was received at theComptrollers office tonlght to thin con-

trary coupled with a Btntement that noth-ing remained to do but close the banksdoors as it would be impossible to meetdemands tomorrow

flank Examiner V A Mason him henappointed receiver

The last report of the condition of thebunk under date of June 0 IttO which

it is stated was falsified showsthe condition on that date to have been asfollows

IIHBOIRC-KLoans anti dIscountsOverdraftstnltrd Mates tmndi-llriil ritatiStocks Mcurltl Aclint from hjuik and bankersCain nuil on h Items


Capital stuckhut undivided profits

ClrcuUllonDue lo banks And bankers

Sole ami bills redkrountrd





QItEO ItAXK HIItlSEItSaid There That I IIP Hank Trlrit In l o Too

RED BANK X J Aug 14 The newsthat the Navesink Notional was closedcame hike a thunderbolt depositorsthronged about the entrance of the bankIt is thought that a reorganization ofthe hank will o

About three weeks ago Dipt James SThrocktnorton as president of thehank but tho announcement was not modeuntil this week when Cupt Charles BParsons was elected to succeed him CaptThrockmortons reasons for resigning wereill health and huts wish to ofbusiness cares

Yesterday the hoard of directors heldanother meeting and it was announcedthat Capt Parsons had resigned the presi-dency Edward E Roberts a large de-

positor president of tho Roberts SafetyCompany was

president-It was that Mr Mason was

making an investigation of the banksaffoirs and tho a numberof depositors withdrew their cash Thinking that there might be a run on the bankEnoch L Cowart the cashier went to NewYork and it was said that he returned withf 100000 to satisfy time possible demands ofthe depositors

H the bank has dono a largebusiness considering the amountcapital stock and deposits and that mostof the it a sum of largerthan it had on hand to meet borrowersdemands

Bnnk Examiner Mason said tonight Imight say that for months pat the condi-tion the Navesink National Bank liesIxien unsatisfactory to the Comptroller ofthe Currency Its business been toomuch and its cash reserve huesbeen much below the required amountHxed by the statute

under instructions from thoComptroller of the I canw toRed the capacity of special hankexaminer on week

To make a long story short the casereadily the

was not so prescribed For a while aplan of rehabilitationlent much encouragement The heroinefforts on part of sonic of Red Batiksliest citizens to savii the inistituioii wereparticularly gratifying Later other corn

set caused a run thatresulted in thin withdrawal of moral andfinancial support to such an extent thatthe Government had to take

When iisked whether the depositorswould receive their mooney thesaid that he was not to answer

Thin Navcftink bank was organized twelveyears ago Early title year a de-partment was directors amJames S Throekmorton Enoch L CowartDr Edwin Field Charles B ParsonsThomas Davis Jr anti Daniel Frost


The nevrntip rtitlpr to HP In stiapp forheal Service

OYSTER RAY Aug M Secretary Shawon his visit here today talked nlxmt hisorder curtailing the supply of tickets for wit-

nessing the international yacht races fromllie revenue Milter

The cutters ho saul are sent out topatrol thin course and to be on hand in caseof an emergency Heretofore they hnvogone out loaded down to tho gunwaleThey were in no shape to patrol properly

were in still worse to renderassistance if any had occurred

How on earth could a crew man a tootto save drowning persons wnvn the deckswero so crowded the men couldscarcely squeeze through-

It is verY to give tickets outfor things like that as you would

out a glass of water and I am mightysorry to to cut down theguests hut tho boats are sent out to pro-tect course and to save life if necessaryand I intend to see that they am proper

to do itSecretary I con

also believes that it will be muchwiser to have spectators on only thirst ofthe revenue to rest dothe work they are sent down to do as itshould bo

The Secretary said that ho wasnt so en-

thusiastic tIme yacht races as Komopeople supposed of pleasure

he washo wouldnt given Dinner nap

to see thin

All Point atVlilt points of interest In the city anti suburbs

with ElcctrlB and Sumr Coolluiurlou Telobonu JMO Columbus New YorkTxaatporuulaa Qa Aii

I Itt Il

Nan lnk



with of a


i 42i


Total 43991 1










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with whom


















Moth llancnl on the Same Tree for a

Assault on a Widow

AUGUSTA Ga Aug M Information

was received hero today of the lynching-

last night of a white man and negro on

the same limb for an assault upon a white

woman On last Saturday night a white

man named Thompson and a negro named

King Wrightman knocked at the door of

Mrs Mathis a widow living at Uartfluld

a village near Albany When Mho opened

the door the men seized her andInto the yard

Thompson said it was the negro who

committed the assault and a posse startedin pursuit The negro took to the swamps

of Colqultt county and was capturedyesterday afternoon In his confession 1m

mid that both haul assaulted Mrs Mathis

and the mob went to Thompsons house

took him out a ci hanged both on tho same


UP Khnulil Have IOOOOO Under ArmsIn Times of Peace

Sr PAUL Minn Aug a banquetgiven in honor of Col Pond U S A James-J Hill president of the Great NorthernRailroad was one of time lIesaid

I am not overruling LImo demand whenI say that it is Imperative that tho UnitedStates maintain the nucleus always antithe organization stat tho officers for anarmy of 200001 men With our variedinterests with our expanding commerceend with our crowning and ever increasingpower this strength is not more thansufficient for our uses In times of stressand danger

However that may bo I am thoroughlyconvinced that tho United States shouldmaintain at all times an army of 100000thoroughly drilled thoroughly trainedthoroughly disciplined and thoroughlyofficered men This in my opinion shouldbo thou strength in times of peace of theregular establishment

WISS IMMSEVELT A Willnrltrtt a TamlPin on llie Cronilctl Sinflu

In NewportNEWPORT R I Aug HMiss Alice

Roosevelt this afternoon took a lesson Indriving tandem Sho appeared on theavenue driving the tandem and attractedmuch attention She handled the ribbonslike an expert and piloted tho lionessthrough the crowded streets in a mannerwhich called forth much favorable criticism-

It was quite a day for society women-to display their accomplishments In thoway of driving as Sirs BurkeRouhe andMrs J Danielson appeared onthe avenue driving their fourinhand


nonievrll Yacht 8u Cripples InCollision That She Is Lnrlria

NEW HAVEN Aug U After a thoroughinspection of the wrecked yacht Wenonalithat wa in collision with the fishing steamerFalcon of New York on Wednesday nightoff Faulkners Island it watt decided thatit would cost too much to repair her andshe will be sold for old junk She is ownedby S Montgomery Roosevelt of New Yorkcousin to President Roosevelt and wasenrolled In the New York Yacht ClubShe was built twenty years ago anti cost81700-


Train Catrhos Fire hilt o titus IK HurtTraltle lulU Off

Spfifcil tdOlo Unvaich lo TUB SUN

PARIS Auj H There has been a greatfalling off in the number of passengerscarried by tim Metropolitan Electric Rail-

way sine this disaster last Monday nightBefore then the line never carried less than218801 passengers dally but tho day aftertho accident the number fell off to 128463

There was a scare on the line today whena short circuit set fire to a throughtrain with 200 passengers aboard For-tunately noboilj1 was hurt and the firewoe quickly extinguished


Tell riiRllsh Author So Through Dip huesian Ainliiissailor-

fiprrlal Cattle tHtpatch lo Tom Kux-

I ONDON Aug 14The Russian Amlassador at line informed ArnoldVhito thin author that thin Car could notpossibly accept a proposition for tho

of an international conference on theJewish question


Ilm Dullard Hough Hlilrr nn the Warpal h In Wyoming

IiANPKlt Wyo Aug 11 Two men arelead here as the result of the murderouswork of Jim Dollard who attempted to

the town ROSM Stringer a printerwas assaulted yesterday by Dollard struckover tIme head with a board amid died thismorning Frank Bryant wns assaultedlater by Dollard in U saloon anti died thisafternoon

Dullards relatives are well knownthroughout the State anti are generallyrespected The fact I hat he com

it double murder dow not soemto disturb him There is no talk of vio-lence Dollard was a Hough Rldor andhas a good record

Onllar Wlicnl In lltmirnpolMM-

INNKAPOMS Shun AUK 11 Dollarwheat wnsseen on Chongo today for thefIrst time since thn Letter corner in 1118

It was cash wheat and there wero sales at-

thn figure loiter 102 was asked and 101

bid without sales Tho September optiontouched S5 tIme highest point in fourteen

Twin nom nn llllpaMlnnte TrainST Louis Mo Aug 14 Twin boys were

to Sirs Lucy Murray on mi Iron Mountiln train at 2 no oclock this morning which

van speeding along toward St Louis atrate n a Two physicians

aboard the train maid tookeasn The mother has decided to call

me of the children Austin after the concame to her assistance and time

other Green In honor of the engineer

President AuHnl in Apt In Miuirhiirla-nllMifr

OTBTFB BAY Aug 14 It was said heretonight officially that President Rooseveltha not received to use his

office In the settlement of thedinpute



































Corbetts Seconds ThrowUp Sponge in J Oth Round


Record Crowd to See the Cham-

pionship Struggle

Cliamnlon nearly Outclasses Ills Opponentas a Iloxrr anti IiBhtir CorbrttFirst Knocked Uonn In tIn FourthHound anti liRA Clianeo Afterward

SAN FHAKCISCO Aug uJim Jeffriesclearly proved his title to tho heavyweightchampionship tonight when ho forcedtim seconds of James J Corbett to throwup the spongo while he wits being countedout in limo tenth round of the battle atMechanics Pavilion

From tIme first clang of time bell there wasno doubt of the outcome The championnol only showed his wellknown abilityas a fighter hut he surprised the vast throngat the ringside by his cleverness

The blow which finally settled Corbetta-ospiralions to time championship was afearful cue In the stomach deliveredwith such force that Corbett reeled to thefloor He was retching and vomitinganti in terrible distress from the effect ofthe broiling administered by Jeffries-

Jeffries showed surprising agility fromIho beginning and had no difficulty In land-Ing on Corbett almost at will His blowshad tremendous force and lie first sentCorbett to the floor for a count in the fourthround

Again in the sixth round Corbett wentdown before the sledgehammer blows ofhis adversary

In tho ninth round Corhett rallied andfor the first time delivered more blowsthan did Jeffries

The final round was a fierce one fromtim utarl Jeffrieas blows haul more forcethan ever and Corbntt was sent to the floorto respond to the call of tlmo

As one of the best fight towns In thocountry San Francisco has seen somogreat battles as those between Fits andSlmrkoy Jeffries and Ituhlin Jeffries andFitz Young O rbott and Terry MoOoern

But the throng that greeted a dCorbett tonight surpassed in numbers ailenthusiasm any that was ever gathered t

gethor for any sporting event in lidcountry

Thin great Mechanics Pavilion as rrranged for the fight tonight holds 8 iro-

pcrsors hut nt least 3000 more werewedged into the gallery and into additioi alseats that had heart built at time rear ofhall to accommodate a precsing demandfor more seats

The gate money was 150000 for regularpales wIth at least 10000 additional forpremiums paid by latecomers

Tills boats all records for fight housesIn San Francisco the largest previousIIOIIKO being IIZOOO when Jeffries met Fit zlast year

Her seats sold for 20 15 arid 10 andarena seats ranged from S7V to 3 with83 for general admission to the galleryMany sports who wero very hate paid ashigh as to for box seats and no seats weresold today without premiums

The Mechanics Pavilion where time tightwits held is a lingo barnliko structurewhich occupies half a block on Liuklnstreet facing the City Hall Tho I wo endshave boon closed in with boards leavingan enormous ball with lofty vaulted ceiling

In the centre of this hall raised aboutsix feet from tho floor was tutu 21foot ringAbovo it were arranged in the fonn of asquare twelve powerful electric lightsthat HIM poets Fiercelight that beats upon a throno-

By lowering the lights In other parts ofhouse this throw time ring into as great

prominence ns a stage under a pow-

erful calcium In the first row about thnwero seats for thin representative of

press anti the telegraph operatorswhile immediately back of these wornbox seats in which were wellknownsports

Every seat in the large arena was oc-

eupifd anti long before the doorsopened thousands of sports gatheredeager to get in The gallery was soonronftrstpd timid filled almost to thin dangerloint Shiny of more venturesomo

worn perched on overhanging iiearns andrafters Those holding reervi souls werealso early on tl scent nnd at 815 oclockalmost every occupant was in hits coat

Sppoiil trains trout cities near andtb Rockies arrived in tlm afternoon bring-ing a largo army of sports They hadplenty nf money to invest on the result

eagerly sought tlio speculative oneiwho favoiid siLlier miin One train contisling of fifteen oars got to th city litin tho nftenioon-

In the party were Parson Dnvlw ioorji1Slier of ChiTgn who rnfereiil the fluitbetween Tom Slmrltey and Jefiriex at Coyisland Nat Cfoodwin the comedian Donu-

iOSullivaii and a number of other sport In tcelebrities

entered the ring leporis-if their condition worn rife Coruotfriends extolled hits training anti Uhut he was Ill to fight battle of hi f

ioino of the Jeffries adherents Inert lohis preparation and there were many

rumors that ho was not in tho best of shapnBut they were all run to earth anti at the

moment It was saLt that time brawnyloilormsker was fit lo battle for a kingsan orn

The tIght in Itself was regarded us one ofmost important in years They met

70 jier cent of the gross rerelpts Ofsummit IS per cent wont to the winner

and Iho remaining T per cnnt to the loserIho limit of the battle was twenty roundsind it was decided under straight Marquisf Qtieensberry rules Jeffriess weight

was announced aw 225 pounds while Corbetticalixi 1SS pmmd-

Tlieectimalcd receipts worn close to S-

nrmcmber Lit II It tlokru l ai N V arid All nyvl D y Lisa aitainora Uutla A t

























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