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J f- i I THE WOULD SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 30 1905 II UNWILLING BRIDE FIGHTS FOR HER FREEDOM n t Mrs Schleininger Who Sues for Annulment Marriage Will Push the Case PUTS BLAME ON MOTHER Recounts the Events of Her Wedding Night When She Says She Was Drugged BY RUTH BARZE- I Special to The Eventnn World ZJUULINGTON N J Sopt 30 In- credible ¬ as It may seem It was throus1 the assistance of my own patents Mat Arthur Schlelnlncor was enabled to vv sd me absolutely against my will I This statement was made to an Even- ing ¬ World reporter this morning with great posltlveness by Mary Uroueh- or Schlelnlnser tho bride In spite of herself According to the romnrkablo- fltory of her love troubles which arcnot unlike thoso of an eighteenth century heroine and are told In her complaint In her suit for annulment of mariago the girl was drug ed with wine In tocr parents home at Xa 930 Tremont Ave- nue Xtew York on the nlpht of Sopt 7 and then on ithe pretext of being al ¬ lowed to join her llance at s me len dervous was taken at midnight to St Marys parish house and forced Into marrlagc with her rejected locr The girls earnest account of her de- votion ¬ to Alfred Tranke with whose parents here she has taken rfugc and ot the persecution of her father and mother and Arthur SchlelnlnBcr tho roan sUe says they forced her to murry singularly pathetic I could bear It nlltbls hateful mar- riage ¬ and the trouble It has brought to Alfred and bin parents and me were It not that my very mother naIl father bave turned against me Tho thought that they were ready to sacrlOce my happiness is unendurable And the hor- ror ¬ of realizing tlJat the tie that binds roe to the man I loathe separates me from tho man I love has driven me road To begin at the beginning tour j ears ago whan I was seventeen I tell in love with Alfred Franke one year my senior We had lived near each other in New York and hAd been fribnds alnca childhood and our engagement was quite a matter of course My father and mother knew Alfred well and mads not the slightest objec- tion ¬ to our attachment His parents bad been fond of me for > ears and were delighted at the prospect of our marriage wbloh It was agrxed by both families should talto place as soon as Alfred was oUo to provide for us I I continued to work in the Metro- politan ¬ Lite Insurance Company wheN- I am still employed as recording cjerk and Alfred srew mora and moro t uc- eessful in hla mm eying All went so well that a good many months ago Oct 12 was settled on as our eddln day Schleininger Appeared Then trouble came This man Jgohlelnlrvser whom I have always de- tested ¬ beean bothering mo with his at- tentions ¬ He called Incessantly Ho showered me with Invitations that Is > s- tdmatlcally refused He even dogged mo on my way 10 and from work until I was nearly crazy E But he found favor with my people HU father is more or less wealthy He promised my mother that If she could Cit me to marry him she should havo- a considerable bonus and my father should be placed advantageously In the echlelnlnscr ohcoso business The more I rebelled against Qilm tho snore fiercely she Insisted that I should marry him You can Imagine what homo life became under these conditions Tho constant noggins vvoro on me BO that I became a nervous wreck and to es ¬ cape the torture I accepted Alfreds lathers invitation to visit at the Kranke borne in Hollls L I I stayed there three weeks but the trouble at home constantly proved upon soy mind and Sept 7 I decided to go borne and make peace with iriy people 3 arranged with Alfred that he was to eril for nsc early in to evening and take me bock to Hollis Tired and Weak < J When I reaced our homo In fomibrldse who should be there but I9chlelnlngeri I wutlredwcakllnd- eart sick and It seemed to me that tho frlo realized my need for they were Strangely conciliatory Th y pretended to make up They oven consented to my marriage Alfred But they pro- longed ¬ tihe discussion late into the even ng When Alfred called for me they turned him away without knowl- edge ¬ telling him 1 hot left the house And when I despaired of his coming Ihery proposed my going to meet h < m Sfey and gave me port to strengthen ma for my Journey There begins the terrible part of that k nlgtot that unspeakable night that will teunt roe to m I had m vor ken drink before that I was tally unused to stimulants and It may that dn my vveaktneU state the wlnu Ii lit iwa able to affect me or it may- as 1 I was first Inclined to think that drink was drugged t all events the time I had ItM thei pnrt tbree gtaasea they gave Jb UNWILLING BRIDE AND TirOSK CONCERNED IN MARRIAGE 1i nm- I >> j l1 f r 6 lif f k J fia d t I U- ro 3 J h k LJ- P < C 1J I me events are only vague In my mem- ory ¬ Sent for Pistol A cab was called and SchWnlncer put me In As we were drhlnc off he stopped the cab and called to a boy In the strecl to KI to hs house he ivM near at No 779 Tlnton aenue to t- his pistol We had driven only a tow blocks when he turned t me suddenly And screamed Say that jou will marry rne1 Sas it quick or Ill lay > ou a corpse at my fe t- His manner was so fiercely dnter mined that I was terrorized I must lae crlnee l before him In the ex- tremity ¬ of tho moment I was forced to consent We stopped before SI Mans parish house Schleininger sent In two men whom I do not remember hnvJnc ever seen to wake the priest They rome out tiftcr considerable time Rasing they had had some diuculty In ucrsuadlnc the priest to marry me a Prote tant to- n CntJioVc nut we went In and were married bs Father Carr I was too un- nerved ¬ to make any protest Stories Differ It is at this point ilint Miss Dreu h- ers star differs BO markcdl > from the account vhcn bs the priest and SOhlcin- Inser They both Insist that the girl not onlj consented to the wedding but requfctcd that the ceremony ba p r form J and thanked tho priest eftusevo- lS at the conclusion Father Carr sajs that while he nt first hesitated about marrying the couple nt- so late nn hour the consented when the r told him thnt rjiu must bo married before a mnn waiting for them around t1 f wrllr with a gun supposed to be CHILDRENS DAY II HT IRISH FAIR Free Shows For Little Ones of Schools and Asylums Knights of Columbus to Be There To Night Today the Irish Industrial Pair nt Madison Square Garden was thrown open to the children of the orphan asylums and parochial schools of New York City In accordance with the custom when schoolchildren are In- vited ¬ In large numbers the majority of the amusem ents Inside are also thrown open to the little one tree The Knights of Columbus will be the guests of the fair onlsht and It prom ¬ ises to be the biggest turnout of the order since their grand ball in the garden last winter Every member or every lodge In New York City haa re- ceived ¬ on Invitation to attend and large delegations have signified their Intention ot going to take part in the service fnat will be held In honor ot the order The Republican leaders of the city are completing theirplans for S mon- ster ¬ turnout on Monday night and Chairman HaJpln has personally taken charge of th gathering of the clans and tho Q O JP will be well repre- sented The rank and file of the Democratic party will also have a night set aside for them next week The leaders had their turn lost Monday night and now ithe followers will have their own turnout Alfred Franke caught her nnd married her himself Pettier Carr sajs that ho tad no knowledse Miss Breucher was not a Octhollc- Sohlelnlnger explains his going armed In tho cab bv sa> 4ng he parried his rc- Aolver to jjiot at hlmsulj fion TrarU who was lajtnir ten nun armed DUI Franko sijs no an r dlij urovo nil nllW that he was i Hollis aslecn In bed nt that lImo of nlKit The priest bleised ui sajs the girl and we wsnt out Into too nght and I felt I was cursed for life I was eo weak and ill that Sdilelnlnger put mo SGHUETZEN COUP RAIDED t Police Descend on Meeting at 145 A M and Arrest Hotel Owner for Excise Violation Prisoner Is Set Free Deteolives from the East Twentv- soooml street staMon forced their vvav Into the Metropolitan Hotel kept by- Qustav Bach at No 273 Third avenue early thia morning and found eighteen men and seven women In the dlnlns room They placed Bach under arrest for vloratlnc tho excise law I When tie las arraigned Oater In Yorkvlllo Court before Magistrate Wahle several men who were present when the raid wafl made appeared an witnesses for him Among them was Capt Conrad Stoev n of tho New York Schuetzen Corpfc en old friend of the Magistrate Hello captain exclaimed the Mas- tstrate are you mixed up In this caseT I am replied Capt Btoeven as a nrltnen The roeetlna thcee detecjlvos broke into was a business icsilon of the Sohuetten Corp We had been In sea Mon ilnce 9 oclock and it was 11J when the detectives came How about tine women who were there Are they members of the Scnuetzen Corps 7Osked the Mnsls- tnxte No but they are members of our families Case ti dismissed exclaimed the Magistrate You detectives have not to be more careful theso ex- cise ¬ arranta- Bacti and liU Schuelxcn Corps friendi left the courtroom in triumph o ii 11 t f < L d- I T tJ 1 rll RYBRON w- IJj I i i c 4 ili the 4 j rl i < t w fp Worlds Manhattan Spchom- ppnqjs L > 1 c- 4IfrtLiar < Y i r9fet It 1 ti f I1i t- Y JIIi 0 4 n f < J- tf l H 1 f1 < o 1tJQ STORESXOE- TS4SMiMV qo t l1h f I < C I k- n rfif >> q t I < or- o i T > r r In the cib ind took me home When wo cniie In ind I heard him say to my mother Well Im you sonInliw and libras ms wIre I fanted dead awi > Left the House Tlipj had dltllcult In bringing me to and hall to nurse me most of the- o i i > ji Kien I recovered I made up inj mind And in the mornifj I left he house stealthily and went down to the oHei to work Mj pircnts discovered I had gone and sent ms elstcr Beatrice to witch me Wtoon work was ocr I started for the rranhes home at Hollis I knew 1 was iu of uldai < p and protection there Beatrice followed me remon- strating Hut 1 nnoned her what I meant to do and sent her hick home K E Frank the evnngell Alfreds father told The Evening World re ¬ porter that when Miss Breucher arrived at roh nonie on he tneiimg ot Stpt S she fell down In a fit screaming I am married to that brute Schlelnln- gerl That very night I went to my law > H II Miller of Jamaica and asked Mm to begin suit for annulment of the marriage continued the girl And until that annulment is procured I shull never est < Tenders His Seat Cour ¬ teously to Worlds in a Crowded Car and Fol ¬ low His in ¬ to the Weaker Sex BY KING Another name can now bo added to Polltencsss Roll of Honor The name Is E A McManus It belongs to tho young mam who rose last night without slanclng high enough to recognize The Evening Worlds politenesscultivating commissioner and offered his seat on a- Lcxlnston acd Lenox avenues car at Broadway and Seventeenth street on the fourth car tried In addition to making way for me his action caused other young men in the car to tallow suit to the advantage of three other women who were standing ami this nil before I handed the astonished young man the envelope containing The Dven- ng World order for tlO payable to the first man who complied wlth the rules laid down by this paper Jn the Dlogeneaque hunt for a polite man Mr McManus who Is twentythree- vcars old unmarried and lives at No 22 Gramercy Park wus on his way to he Seventyfirst Regiment Armory he told mo where he as a member of Company B was trying out for the basketball team I hope he was as successful there as he was in winning the polUeicis award Crowded Cars Scarce Last nlght search resolved Itself Into a hunt for a crowded car as much na for pollto man Strangely enough too while cor after car came along with plenty of empty seats there would be sandwiched between thorn cars with plenty ot people mostly shop girls standing I boarded closed car No D101 with a Lexington and xllrnat Broad- way and Eighteenth street It was really tlje only wcllpacftedj woman standing par ot ihe evenings testfor in tho shot car were standing eleven women und one man In the car eight mon sat Inn solid row As It Will evident that there was going to be no free distribution seals by the male sitters I alighted Jronj Wie cor when It tfwuasr around castward Into Twenjythird street After returning jto the Nineteenth street corner ot Broadway I waited In vain for another close car ¬ plo standing but finally In despair bparded open cor No pt with a Lenox and Ninetyninth street sign I left that car at Twentythird street pr afJastXrleq to when the car Swung around thu but Hie mo seemed to be having trouble about that Un An4the cttr ran al- most ¬ to thornejet btock efltJ it stopped while the conductor thOU4Mlfa 1- 1nUo UIID OUfW aOjIIII wa U k i1 1 f AN VANISHES I SISTER jNlAW MISSING e Wife Says She Will Forgive Him if He Will Only Return Joseph Hovnnce proprietor of tho rioronce llotl Ny 177 Atlantic avenue nrcoklyn Is strangely missing Ills wife reported the matter to the pollco and his asked their aid In fliullng him The story told to the police by Mrs Rovnnce who is a pretty woman of- twentvflve was that she was tho sec- ond ¬ wife of Royancc nnd that ho had a boy bv his first wife They had a little slrl born to them About u 5 ear after their marriage which occurred five years aRo she sug ¬ gested to her husband that she send oer to Austria for her sister The sis- ter ¬ came over her name being Stephanie Marin and lived with them for a time She finally got a place In the Hotel Touraine Manhattan but went back home each night to sleep In July ttv wife concluded she would go to Austria to see her parents and she arrived home on Sept 11 last In her absence her husbands wants had been looked after by the sister and his mother One week after her return Sept IS when she got up she found a note from her husband saying he was going way for a few days He told her to sell the hotel and keep the money She found he hall taken nil tho money from the saloon amounting to about 3X and all that had come in during her absence LatH she discovered that her I ser was gone also She too had taken nil her belongings The Ister Is described 113 being slm with dark hair and eyes twentytwo jears of age nnd when she left she wore a dark dress and a dark hat trimmed with pink rosoa Sro had about 1W she had saved Mrs Royanoe and her children aru- nly > longing for the husband and father to come back and ir he will nil will bo forgiven hlr Autos Going at 2 a Min Dangers of the Coming Vanderbilt Cup Race- Illustrated j ToMorrows Sunday World J J t Catherine King Will Ride on I and Pay 10 A I ran a block ona of the men n middle Ked man vvltb a red beard black derby and dark clothe and who hud been taking up a s nt and a half hundlied over about three Inches leaving o tri- angular ¬ section of eat about the alze and shape of a piece ot Rpple pie for mo to tit on Too Little Boom Hespondlns to his weary railing of the ny o and comprehensive grunt I at- tempted ¬ jo edge into thu space but Bhe effort waa mogtly failure I Just bal- anced ¬ on the eilffa of the seat with wctKht on my feet a position mcbmJro unoomfnrtable than standing That sot tled hat car for me and Jumped off wh n title car swung around tho bond at Twentythird tr ot- Albliouali I h ul hoped to glv the car marked Uroadway tho Colinnbua avenue cora fair trial Airing the hour and a lulf 1f t1UAndw on Broad vvuy non came alone with euoiwb people in to maKe It a real tost many at 03rIlJtavlpg only Uvrto or Mur- paMengerp 1O1iWaaaln i obliged i to take aI and Lenox car and tliU U the time I oyatfhe third claim T- f H tot J n N or m J 1 t f Lf a 4 i Ir- I J I v U u f 1 f i i if 4 r f i J- t d BRONX BELLE Miss Ktthlrlne Kllllan daughter of Sir ani Mrs Peter A Kllllan of No- 671 Eae Ono Hundred and Fiftysecond street and Julius L B Ficke will ba married this enlng by Rev Father Wartlngcr at tho Church of the Im- maculate ¬ Conception One Hundred and Flfieth street and M lrose avenue The brido will be attended by her cousin Miss Elizabeth E Krug as maid of honor and wJll wear a dres >3 of white silk rimmed extensively with rare lace Her maid will ba attired In pink silk W T Flcke brother of the bridegroom will be best man Following the cere- mony ¬ i a reception will be held at tho home of tho brides parents Among the Invited guests are Mr and Mrs W- Flcke Mr and Mrs C Flcke Mr and Mrs P A Kllllan Mr and Mrs J I Vollmer Mr nnd Mrs A Vllblg MM C Kllllan Mrs Lena M Krug Miss Lizzie E Krug W Flcke Jr Miss I Freda Flcke Miss Aenea Flcke Mr and Mrs F Kullberg Mr F Kullberg Jr A MMANUS WINS THE THIRD 10 PRIZE d Commissioner Broadway Others Example Showing Considera- tion CATHERINE i I ALSO Miles TONIGHT BRIDGE CARS FOR SEAT feWltrrom Pole = Ur MANY TO SEE WED i MONDAY NIGHT Catherine King Will RIde- auBWAYEXP in Subway and Pay 10 FOR A SEAT lint of Tb Evening Worlds poltteniUM awards In the llvo It was closed car No 3081 and iee Ins threa oUter woman tioardlng It with nil seat taken ut Beyeoteonth street I hurried In after them and paused tor on Instant near tlio roar end of the cir Just a moment It Was when the young man seated thlrd from the rear on Jho vtemt side of the cat rose and qufctly hU gray cowboy hat movu4 up ho aisle toward Uie front o the car a fuw fcot and tiunff to a hIt eyM forward trlthout once balne loaktd at my aeeN murmured Thank Tho car ttrrned I I1 a lurch Into Twen ¬ street ftia yOUnr man In the IIOmbrlsrotad not even favored r mil- With tht riWert jlance since giving up ilils1I1Lt I rote and touched him on the lie turned his hand go- In to his iiat I wfcs handing him the order for the 110 f i i r Will J5 k To Ihe JMJtor of Tb Kvealas1 W ri4 You hav denow a M th peopls of- Bruoltlyn for tholrlll Clcotcourt y toward th weaksr IIHbYu etlng In two cam he rtn and Plt bush avenue you foufdtbaUowad women or youiittU at ooursfO to 1Ind wS h i4o iig- of tr B ookln a grej i IjutlIltJn alclnt1 lLUCrUon CC1- lI tl1lnky tlIc bMbeuJ4f01U- Iler r pu tI- 9VI ri y John J Kllllan Philip F Kllllan Mr and Mrs C Miss Barbara E Kllllan Mr Edward T Krug Mi s Sarah Stormes Mr and Mrs 110 Pot- ter Mr and Mrs C Hoffman Piterson- N J Mr and Mrs F Kappler Mrs A E Oakley Mr and Mrs P Eislnger Mr and Mrs F Rohr Mr and Mrs W- Kappler Mr and Mrs Adam Kllllan- Mr and Mrs J K Vollenson Youngs vllle Sullivan County N V Mr and Mrs J Btrlnger Newark N J Mr and Mrs C Miller Newark N J Mr and Mrs W Wusten Mr and Mrs P Kllltan Mrs Helen Kennedy Little Falls N IT Mr and Mrs B Behrauer- Mr and Jlrs W Watson Mr Chas B Jones Mr and Mrs F Klug Danbury Conn Mr and Mrs Gordon Watson Mss F Johns Mr and Mrs Charla W Hanlon MUs C Ernst Mr A Smith W H Kramer William Miller Thomas Donohue Mr and Mrs J Miller Newark N J Miss Mattie Koehlcr Mr and Mrs Charles Fried rich Mr Harry Jones Mrs E Jones- Mr and Mm George D Talt Edward Hanlon and Thomns Hanlon Politenesses I Roll of Honor Miss Catherine King began her campaign of courtesy last Monday Bhe as tried the Bridge can twice tho Lenox avenue express in Sub- way the Thlro1 Avenue L and the Broadway surface cars riding from 5 to C 30 P M each day and the only men who offered her a seat In all that Urns ore those named here GEORGE E 8CHWIND married of No 107 West Ono Hundred and Twentyninth street who gave a seat to Miss King on a- Bridge car Monday evening Sept 25 i JOHN DARLINGTON single twentyseven of No 212 West Eightyfifth street who gave a seat to Miss King on a Lenox avenue express In the Subway Wednesday evening Sept 27 E A MMANUS tingle twenty three fNo22 Qramercy Park who gave e t to Miss King on Lexington and Lenox ave- nue ¬ car at Broadway and 8ev- teenth > sire ton Sept 29 t CANCER MENACES PRES HARPER t Only Ilerolo Operation Will Bara IIi Life and ci taoAIrlnd- lnU eUel CHICAGO Sep80Rhuben de- cided ¬ by the ytclan In attendance upon Preildent Harper of the Chlcaaro- Unlverelty that nothln wlll Mtve hli life but a aurglea1 operation ot heroic It IB admItted that there Is practically JvlnltJs Ute unle the oanct1IbI01 tl oIdlU hlm cau bo- cl remova pt 1IoPOrtion ot thlll14r 111 tJne pravoied to make an examine tlO4ln 6tew to dtcido u- jf the The operlltlonu li- It however admitted that the chance are against anent relief of the patient It the operation Is par- lor L8d lQfJflYPU buiinttt- K firon your hpows JY HiJf t T rr1ftfl- DltnlCl ou bcJld jJi Jl- t r t i w > ltrJfl J t f- r M I- ii i r J J j + t r 1 i I J sNUGGmCr- uiser T to Force Settlement rONSTANTlNOlLH SEPT 30Tho f arrival at llodeliln Yemen Province Turkish Arnbla of the BrItish crulitr- Ajx promises to lend to a speedy set lenient of thu British claims In con ieolton with the piratical attack of fbs on British dhoxv in tho Red I 3ei Thu commander of ttio Fox has een Instructed to HOO the local author tie arrest nnd punish thn culprits lostrov the plritt JhovvR nnd pay com icnsntlan to the owners of the British Ihoivs I Inquest Witness Found- s AllfPSCOTl MASS SEPT S The police have loated Alice ForrU who formerly was mployed aa a do nestl by Mr i Jenile P Chase who re- cently was found ilenil at her home hero under circumstances that Indicated aul- clde The ounK woman will testify r- ifirdliiK affairs In tlio Chnse household at tho Inque Into the womans death which will probibh IK held next Thura day In Mrs Chasos will filed for irofottc > cstcrdai all ot her property jcllecd to amount to more than 1000 000 wu bequeathed to her stepson De i- Korest Woodruff Chose V Jury Acquits Banker CALDWELL O SEPT 30 Herbert O Bvrlxr ono of o nllceed wreckori- of the Commerclnl Dank of CambrldRe Is today once more a tree man a jury having acquitted him All this week tho trial on a change of venue from Guernsey county had been in progres in tho Common Pleas Court at thl place and the case was fought with bru I terness Evans Fleet on Way Here PROVrNCCTOWN MASS SEPT 30 The first and second divisions oj the battleship sQuadron of the North Atlantic fleet sailed from here early today under command of RearAdmiralr- ioblev D Evnns The first division Including the flagship Maine will go to Xtrw York and thn second dIvisIon will proceed < o Norfolk Money for Indian Minors SYRACUSE N Y SEPT JO United States Indian Agent B B Weber Of I i Salamanca who is hero on an official vist today distributed ja 000 In war- rants to minors and hairs of dead In- dlnns on the OnondoKa Reservation and In addition gave every woman and child about thirteen yards of gingham w- and sheeting Arcanum Court Fight UETRO1T SEPT roAt a meeting Ot t i 4 committee of aHohlKan members of the Hoyat Arcanum It was decided raise 176000 to light in the courts the sliding scale of rates recently adopted by th society Record Grain Shipment CHICAGO SEPT JOTlie largest car- go of irraln ever shinned out of qhlcoco was cleared yesterday on the George H Ruts ll It consisted of i 000 bushels of corn and 5SOOO btunelj of- barleyaggregating 7972 tooe Tti corn I goes to Buffalo Woman Accused of Murder CAJINEBVtLLE GA aHPT WO bench warrant has tictn issued for the arrest of Mrs Amanda Cobb charged wtth murder There will probably bo j called term ot court to try her To Resume Oct 8 I PORT SAID GYPT SEPT30Tb authorities ofllclally announced today that tiro Suez Canal will tra opened 19 the traffic ot all ships about Oct 3 I Coward Shoe I I t J I i i- it j CoyraN KrchSiwrtiifl SHe This spoolal Coword Is designed to give needed support at to point whore lIomanl fe are wealtthe arch Built into tho shank and entlwly- oonooalod but for tho three ritt I appearing on tho under surtaoe II fitted support which hold the shoe snuorly thel lI t Thle absolutely prevents sUU t toot Theres great IB ft For Mon Women Oblldreau- SOU > NOW B- EJAMESSOOJf JsT f 1 ueM Pwl l j 9cf H V I WIf 1I1 01- 1OWPR j ere v y >
Page 1: I II UNWILLING BRIDE FIGHTS FOR HER FREEDOM …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1905-09-30/ed...J f-i I THE WOULD SATURDAYEVENING SEPTEMBER 30 1905 II UNWILLING BRIDE FIGHTS

J f-i



Mrs Schleininger Who Sues

for Annulment Marriage

Will Push the Case


Recounts the Events of Her

Wedding Night When She

Says She Was Drugged

BY RUTH BARZE-I Special to The Eventnn World



as It may seem It was throus1the assistance of my own patents MatArthur Schlelnlncor was enabled to vv sdme absolutely against my will

I This statement was made to an Even-ing


World reporter this morning withgreat posltlveness by Mary Uroueh-or Schlelnlnser tho bride In spiteof herself According to the romnrkablo-fltory of her love troubles which arcnotunlike thoso of an eighteenth centuryheroine and are told In her complaintIn her suit for annulment of mariagothe girl was drug ed with wine In tocrparents home at Xa 930 Tremont Ave-nue Xtew York on the nlpht of Sopt7 and then on ithe pretext of being al ¬

lowed to join her llance at s me lendervous was taken at midnight to StMarys parish house and forced Into

marrlagc with her rejected locrThe girls earnest account of her de-


to Alfred Tranke with whoseparents here she has taken rfugc andot the persecution of her father andmother and Arthur SchlelnlnBcr thoroan sUe says they forced her to murrysingularly pathetic

I could bear It nlltbls hateful mar-riage


and the trouble It has brought toAlfred and bin parents and me were Itnot that my very mother naIl fatherbave turned against me Tho thoughtthat they were ready to sacrlOce myhappiness is unendurable And the hor-ror


of realizing tlJat the tie that bindsroe to the man I loathe separates mefrom tho man I love has driven meroad

To begin at the beginning tour j earsago whan I was seventeen I tell inlove with Alfred Franke one year mysenior We had lived near each otherin New York and hAd been fribnds alncachildhood and our engagement wasquite a matter of course

My father and mother knew Alfredwell and mads not the slightest objec-tion


to our attachment His parentsbad been fond of me for > ears andwere delighted at the prospect of ourmarriage wbloh It was agrxed by bothfamilies should talto place as soon asAlfred was oUo to provide for us I

I continued to work in the Metro-politan


Lite Insurance Company wheN-I am still employed as recording cjerkand Alfred srew mora and moro t uc-

eessful in hla mm eying All went sowell that a good many months agoOct 12 was settled on as our eddlnday

Schleininger AppearedThen trouble came This man

Jgohlelnlrvser whom I have always de-


beean bothering mo with his at-tentions


He called Incessantly Hoshowered me with Invitations that I s > s-

tdmatlcally refused He even doggedmo on my way 10 and from work untilI was nearly crazy

E But he found favor with my peopleHU father is more or less wealthy Hepromised my mother that If she couldCit me to marry him she should havo-a considerable bonus and my fathershould be placed advantageously In theechlelnlnscr ohcoso business

The more I rebelled against Qilm thosnore fiercely she Insisted that I shouldmarry him You can Imagine what homolife became under these conditions Thoconstant noggins vvoro on me BO thatI became a nervous wreck and to es ¬

cape the torture I accepted Alfredslathers invitation to visit at the Krankeborne in Hollls L I

I stayed there three weeks but thetrouble at home constantly proved uponsoy mind and Sept 7 I decided to goborne and make peace with iriy people3 arranged with Alfred that he was toeril for nsc early in to evening andtake me bock to Hollis

Tired and Weak < JWhen I reaced our homo In

fomibrldse who should be there butI9chlelnlngeri I wutlredwcakllnd-eart sick and It seemed to me that thofrlo realized my need for they wereStrangely conciliatory Th y pretendedto make up They oven consented tomy marriage Alfred But they pro-longed


tihe discussion late into the evenng

When Alfred called for me theyturned him away without knowl-edge


telling him 1 hot left the houseAnd when I despaired of his comingIhery proposed my going to meet h<mSfey and gave me port to strengthen mafor my JourneyThere begins the terrible part of thatk nlgtot that unspeakable night that will

teunt roe to m I had m vorken drink before that I wastally unused to stimulants and It may

that dn my vveaktneU state the wlnuIi lit iwa able to affect me or it may-as1 I was first Inclined to think thatdrink was druggedt all events the time I hadItM thei pnrt tbree gtaasea they gave



1i nm-I >> jl1

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me events are only vague In my mem-ory


Sent for PistolA cab was called and SchWnlncer

put me In As we were drhlnc off hestopped the cab and called to a boy Inthe strecl to KI to hs house he ivMnear at No 779 Tlnton aenue to t-

his pistolWe had driven only a tow blocks

when he turned t me suddenly Andscreamed Say that jou will marryrne1 Sas it quick or Ill lay > ou acorpse at my fe t-

His manner was so fiercely dntermined that I was terrorized I mustlae crlnee l before him In the ex-tremity


of tho moment I was forced toconsent

We stopped before SI Mans parishhouse Schleininger sent In two menwhom I do not remember hnvJnc everseen to wake the priest They rome outtiftcr considerable time Rasing theyhad had some diuculty In ucrsuadlncthe priest to marry me a Prote tant to-n CntJioVc nut we went In and weremarried bs Father Carr I was too un-nerved


to make any protestStories Differ

It is at this point ilint Miss Dreu h-

ers star differs BO markcdl > from theaccount vhcn bs the priest and SOhlcin-Inser They both Insist that the girlnot onlj consented to the wedding butrequfctcd that the ceremony ba p rform J and thanked tho priest eftusevo-lS at the conclusion

Father Carr sajs that while he nt firsthesitated about marrying the couple nt-so late nn hour the consented when ther told him thnt rjiu must bo marriedbefore a mnn waiting for them aroundt1 f wrllr with a gun supposed to be



Free Shows For Little Ones of

Schools and Asylums Knights

of Columbus to Be There To


Today the Irish Industrial Pair ntMadison Square Garden was thrownopen to the children of the orphanasylums and parochial schools of New

York City In accordance with thecustom when schoolchildren are In-



In large numbers the majority

of the amusem ents Inside are also

thrown open to the little one treeThe Knights of Columbus will be the

guests of the fair onlsht and It prom ¬

ises to be the biggest turnout of theorder since their grand ball in thegarden last winter Every member orevery lodge In New York City haa re-



on Invitation to attend andlarge delegations have signified theirIntention ot going to take part in theservice fnat will be held In honor otthe order

The Republican leaders of the cityare completing theirplans for S mon-


turnout on Monday night andChairman HaJpln has personally takencharge of th gathering of the clansand tho Q O JP will be well repre-

sentedThe rank and file of the Democratic

party will also have a night set asidefor them next week The leadershad their turn lost Monday night andnow ithe followers will have their ownturnout

Alfred Franke caught her nnd marriedher himself Pettier Carr sajs that hotad no knowledse Miss Breucher wasnot a Octhollc-

Sohlelnlnger explains his going armedIn tho cab bv sa> 4ng he parried his rc-Aolver to jjiot at hlmsulj fion TrarUwho was lajtnir ten nun armed DUIFranko sijs no an r dlij urovo nilnllW that he was i Hollis aslecn Inbed nt that lImo of nlKit

The priest bleised ui sajs the girland we wsnt out Into too nght and I

felt I was cursed for life I was eoweak and ill that Sdilelnlnger put mo



Police Descend on Meeting at145 A M and Arrest HotelOwner for Excise Violation

Prisoner Is Set Free

Deteolives from the East Twentv-soooml street staMon forced their vvavInto the Metropolitan Hotel kept by-

Qustav Bach at No 273 Third avenueearly thia morning and found eighteenmen and seven women In the dlnlnsroom They placed Bach under arrestfor vloratlnc tho excise law

I When tie las arraigned Oater InYorkvlllo Court before MagistrateWahle several men who were presentwhen the raid wafl made appeared anwitnesses for him Among them wasCapt Conrad Stoev n of tho New YorkSchuetzen Corpfc en old friend of theMagistrate

Hello captain exclaimed the Mas-tstrate are you mixed up In thiscaseT

I am replied Capt Btoeven as anrltnen The roeetlna thcee detecjlvosbroke into was a business icsilon of theSohuetten Corp We had been In seaMon ilnce 9 oclock and it was 11Jwhen the detectives came

How about tine women who werethere Are they members of theScnuetzen Corps 7Osked the Mnsls-tnxte

No but they are members of ourfamilies

Case ti dismissed exclaimed theMagistrate You detectives have notto be more careful theso ex-cise


arranta-Bacti and liU Schuelxcn Corps friendi

left the courtroom in triumph

o ii 11 t f < Ld-

IT tJ 1

rll RYBRON w-



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Worlds Manhattan Spchom-


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In the cib ind took me home Whenwo cniie In ind I heard him say to mymother Well Im you sonInliw andlibras ms wIre I fanted dead awi >

Left the HouseTlipj had dltllcult In bringing me

to and hall to nurse me most of the-o i i> ji Kien I recovered I made

up inj mind And in the mornifj Ileft he house stealthily and went downto the oHei to work

Mj pircnts discovered I had goneand sent ms elstcr Beatrice to witchme Wtoon work was ocr I started forthe rranhes home at Hollis I knew1 was iu of uldai < p and protectionthere Beatrice followed me remon-strating Hut 1 nnoned her what Imeant to do and sent her hick home

K E Frank the evnngell Alfredsfather told The Evening World re¬porter that when Miss Breucher arrivedat roh nonie on he tneiimg ot Stpt S

she fell down In a fit screaming Iam married to that brute Schlelnln-gerl

That very night I went to my law> H II Miller of Jamaica and askedMm to begin suit for annulment ofthe marriage continued the girl Anduntil that annulment is procured Ishull never est


Tenders His Seat Cour¬

teously to Worldsin a

CrowdedCar and Fol ¬

low His in¬

to the Weaker Sex

BY KINGAnother name can now bo added to

Polltencsss Roll of Honor The name

Is E A McManus It belongs to thoyoung mam who rose last night withoutslanclng high enough to recognize TheEvening Worlds politenesscultivatingcommissioner and offered his seat on a-

Lcxlnston acd Lenox avenues car atBroadway and Seventeenth street onthe fourth car tried In addition tomaking way for me his action causedother young men in the car to tallowsuit to the advantage of three otherwomen who were standing ami this nilbefore I handed the astonished youngman the envelope containing The Dven-ng World order for tlO payable to

the first man who complied wlth therules laid down by this paper Jn theDlogeneaque hunt for a polite man

Mr McManus who Is twentythree-vcars old unmarried and lives at No22 Gramercy Park wus on his way tohe Seventyfirst Regiment Armory hetold mo where he as a member ofCompany B was trying out for thebasketball team I hope he was assuccessful there as he was in winningthe polUeicis award

Crowded Cars ScarceLast nlght search resolved Itself

Into a hunt for a crowded car as muchna for pollto man Strangely enoughtoo while cor after car came alongwith plenty of empty seats there wouldbe sandwiched between thorn carswith plenty ot people mostly shopgirls standing

I boarded closed car No D101 witha Lexington and xllrnat Broad-way and Eighteenth street It wasreally tlje only wcllpacftedj womanstanding par ot ihe evenings testforin tho shot car were standing elevenwomen und one man

In the car eight mon sat Inn solidrow As It Will evident that there wasgoing to be no free distributionseals by the male sitters I alightedJronj Wie cor when It tfwuasr aroundcastward Into Twenjythird street

After returning jto the Nineteenthstreet corner ot Broadway I waited Invain for another close car ¬

plo standing but finally In despairbparded open cor No pt with a Lenoxand Ninetyninth street sign

I left that car at Twentythird streetpr afJastXrleq to when the carSwung around thu but Hie mo

seemed to be having troubleabout that Un An4the cttr ran al-most

¬to thornejet btock efltJ it

stopped while the conductorthOU4Mlfa 1-


wa U ki1 1




Wife Says She Will Forgive

Him if He Will Only


Joseph Hovnnce proprietor of thorioronce llotl Ny 177 Atlantic avenuenrcoklyn Is strangely missing Illswife reported the matter to the pollcoand his asked their aid In fliullng him

The story told to the police by MrsRovnnce who is a pretty woman of-

twentvflve was that she was tho sec-


wife of Royancc nnd that ho hada boy bv his first wife They had alittle slrl born to them

About u 5 ear after their marriagewhich occurred five years aRo she sug ¬

gested to her husband that she sendoer to Austria for her sister The sis-


came over her name being StephanieMarin and lived with them for a timeShe finally got a place In the HotelTouraine Manhattan but went backhome each night to sleep

In July ttv wife concluded she wouldgo to Austria to see her parents andshe arrived home on Sept 11 last Inher absence her husbands wants hadbeen looked after by the sister and hismother One week after her returnSept IS when she got up she found anote from her husband saying he wasgoing way for a few days He toldher to sell the hotel and keep themoney She found he hall taken nil thomoney from the saloon amounting toabout 3X and all that had come induring her absence

LatH she discovered that her I serwas gone also She too had taken nilher belongings The Ister Is described113 being slm with dark hair and eyestwentytwo jears of age nnd when sheleft she wore a dark dress and a darkhat trimmed with pink rosoa Sro hadabout 1W she had saved

Mrs Royanoe and her children aru-

nly> longing for the husband andfather to come back and ir he will nilwill bo forgiven hlr

Autos Going at

2 a MinDangers of the ComingVanderbilt Cup Race-


j ToMorrows Sunday World




Catherine King Will Ride on


and Pay

10 A I

ran a block ona of the men n middleKed man vvltb a red beard black derbyand dark clothe and who hud beentaking up a s nt and a half hundliedover about three Inches leaving o tri-angular


section of eat about the alzeand shape of a piece ot Rpple pie formo to tit on

Too Little Boom

Hespondlns to his weary railing ofthe ny o and comprehensive grunt I at-tempted


jo edge into thu space but Bheeffort waa mogtly failure I Just bal-anced


on the eilffa of the seat withwctKht on my feet a position mcbmJrounoomfnrtable than standing That sottled hat car for me and Jumped offwh n title car swung around tho bondat Twentythird tr ot-

Albliouali I h ul hoped to glv the carmarked Uroadway tho Colinnbuaavenue cora fair trial Airing the hourand a lulf 1f t1UAndw on Broadvvuy non came alone with euoiwbpeople in to maKe It a real tost manyat 03rIlJtavlpg only Uvrto or Mur-paMengerp 1O1iWaaaln i obliged i totake a I and Lenox car andtliU U the time I oyatfhe third claim


f H

tot J n



fLf a 4


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1 fi i if

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Miss Ktthlrlne Kllllan daughter ofSir ani Mrs Peter A Kllllan of No-671 Eae Ono Hundred and Fiftysecondstreet and Julius L B Ficke will bamarried this enlng by Rev FatherWartlngcr at tho Church of the Im-


Conception One Hundred andFlfieth street and M lrose avenue

The brido will be attended by hercousin Miss Elizabeth E Krug as maidof honor and wJll wear a dres >3 of whitesilk rimmed extensively with rare laceHer maid will ba attired In pink silkW T Flcke brother of the bridegroomwill be best man Following the cere-mony


a reception will be held at thohome of tho brides parents Amongthe Invited guests are Mr and Mrs W-Flcke Mr and Mrs C Flcke Mr andMrs P A Kllllan Mr and Mrs J

I Vollmer Mr nnd Mrs A Vllblg MMC Kllllan Mrs Lena M Krug MissLizzie E Krug W Flcke Jr Miss

I Freda Flcke Miss Aenea Flcke Mr andMrs F Kullberg Mr F Kullberg Jr




Showing Considera-tion













iMONDAY NIGHTCatherine King Will RIde-

auBWAYEXPin Subway

and Pay10 FOR A SEAT

lint of Tb Evening Worlds poltteniUMawards In the llvo

It was closed car No 3081 and ieeIns threa oUter woman tioardlng Itwith nil seat taken ut Beyeoteonthstreet I hurried In after them andpaused tor on Instant near tlio roar endof the cir Just a moment It Was whenthe young man seated thlrd from therear on Jho vtemt side of the cat roseand qufctly hU gray cowboy hatmovu4 up ho aisle toward Uie front othe car a fuw fcot and tiunff to ahIt eyM forward trlthout once balneloaktd at my aeeN murmuredThankTho car ttrrned I I1 a lurch Into Twen ¬

street ftia yOUnr man In theIIOmbrlsrotad not even favored r mil-With tht riWert jlance since givingup ilils1I1Lt I rote and touched him onthe lie turned his hand go-

In to his iiat I wfcs handing himthe order for the 110 f i

i rWill J5 k

To Ihe JMJtor of Tb Kvealas1 W ri4

You hav denow a M th peopls of-Bruoltlyn for tholrlll Clcotcourt ytoward th weaksr IIHbYuetlng In two cam he rtn and Pltbush avenue you foufdtbaUowadwomen or youiittU at ooursfO to

1Ind wS h i4o iig-oftr B ookln a grej

i IjutlIltJn alclnt1 lLUCrUon CC1-

lI tl1lnky tlIc bMbeuJ4f01U-Iler

r pu tI-

9VI ri


John J Kllllan Philip F Kllllan Mrand Mrs C Miss Barbara EKllllan Mr Edward T Krug Mi sSarah Stormes Mr and Mrs 110 Pot-ter Mr and Mrs C Hoffman Piterson-N J Mr and Mrs F Kappler MrsA E Oakley Mr and Mrs P EislngerMr and Mrs F Rohr Mr and Mrs W-Kappler Mr and Mrs Adam Kllllan-Mr and Mrs J K Vollenson Youngsvllle Sullivan County N V Mr andMrs J Btrlnger Newark N J Mrand Mrs C Miller Newark N J Mrand Mrs W Wusten Mr and Mrs PKllltan Mrs Helen Kennedy LittleFalls N IT Mr and Mrs B Behrauer-Mr and Jlrs W Watson Mr Chas BJones Mr and Mrs F Klug DanburyConn Mr and Mrs Gordon WatsonMss F Johns Mr and Mrs CharlaW Hanlon MUs C Ernst Mr ASmith W H Kramer William MillerThomas Donohue Mr and Mrs JMiller Newark N J Miss MattieKoehlcr Mr and Mrs Charles Friedrich Mr Harry Jones Mrs E Jones-Mr and Mm George D Talt EdwardHanlon and Thomns Hanlon


Roll of HonorMiss Catherine King began her

campaign of courtesy last MondayBhe as tried the Bridge can twicetho Lenox avenue express in Sub-way the Thlro1 Avenue L and theBroadway surface cars riding from5 to C 30 P M each day and the onlymen who offered her a seat In allthat Urns ore those named hereGEORGE E 8CHWIND married

of No 107 West Ono Hundredand Twentyninth street whogave a seat to Miss King on a-

Bridge car Monday eveningSept 25 i

JOHN DARLINGTON singletwentyseven of No 212 WestEightyfifth street who gave aseat to Miss King on a Lenoxavenue express In the SubwayWednesday evening Sept 27

E A MMANUS tingle twentythree fNo22 Qramercy Parkwho gave e t to Miss Kingon Lexington and Lenox ave-


car at Broadway and 8ev-


sire ton Sept 29




Only Ilerolo Operation Will BaraIIi Life and ci taoAIrlnd-

lnU eUelCHICAGO Sep80Rhuben de-


by the ytclan In attendanceupon Preildent Harper of the Chlcaaro-Unlverelty that nothln wlll Mtve hlilife but a aurglea1 operation ot heroic

It IB admItted that there Is practicallyJvlnltJs Ute unle the

oanct1IbI01 tl oIdlU hlm cau bo-

cl remova pt 1IoPOrtion otthlll14r 111 tJne

pravoied to make an examinetlO4ln 6tew to dtcido u-

jf theThe operlltlonu li-


however admitted that the chance areagainst anent relief of

the patient It the operation Is par-lor L8d


K firon your hpows

JYHiJf tT rr1ftfl-

DltnlCl ou bcJld

jJi Jl-t r ti w >ltrJfl J t


r M I-iii r J

J j + tr 1

i I




to Force SettlementrONSTANTlNOlLH SEPT 30Tho f

arrival at llodeliln Yemen ProvinceTurkish Arnbla of the BrItish crulitr-Ajx promises to lend to a speedy setlenient of thu British claims In conieolton with the piratical attack of

fbs on British dhoxv in tho Red I

3ei Thu commander of ttio Fox haseen Instructed to HOO the local authortie arrest nnd punish thn culpritslostrov the plritt JhovvR nnd pay comicnsntlan to the owners of the BritishIhoivs IInquest Witness Found-

s AllfPSCOTl MASS SEPT SThe police have loated Alice ForrUwho formerly was mployed aa a donestl by Mr i Jenile P Chase who re-

cently was found ilenil at her home herounder circumstances that Indicated aul-

clde The ounK woman will testify r-

ifirdliiK affairs In tlio Chnse householdat tho Inque Into the womans deathwhich will probibh IK held next Thuraday In Mrs Chasos will filed forirofottc > cstcrdai all ot her propertyjcllecd to amount to more than 1000000 wu bequeathed to her stepson De i-

Korest Woodruff Chose V

Jury Acquits BankerCALDWELL O SEPT 30 Herbert

O Bvrlxr ono of o nllceed wreckori-of the Commerclnl Dank of CambrldReIs today once more a tree man a juryhaving acquitted him All this weektho trial on a change of venue fromGuernsey county had been in progresin tho Common Pleas Court at thlplace and the case was fought with bru


Evans Fleet on Way HerePROVrNCCTOWN MASS SEPT 30

The first and second divisions oj thebattleship sQuadron of the NorthAtlantic fleet sailed from here earlytoday under command of RearAdmiralr-ioblev D Evnns The first divisionIncluding the flagship Maine will goto Xtrw York and thn second dIvisIonwill proceed < o Norfolk

Money for Indian MinorsSYRACUSE N Y SEPT JO United

States Indian Agent B B Weber Of I iSalamanca who is hero on an officialvist today distributed ja 000 In war-rants to minors and hairs of dead In-

dlnns on the OnondoKa Reservationand In addition gave every woman andchild about thirteen yards of gingham w-

and sheeting

Arcanum Court FightUETRO1T SEPT roAt a meeting Ot t i

4 committee of aHohlKan members of theHoyat Arcanum It was decided raise176000 to light in the courts the slidingscale of rates recently adopted by thsociety

Record Grain ShipmentCHICAGO SEPT JOTlie largest car-

go of irraln ever shinned out of qhlcocowas cleared yesterday on theGeorge H Ruts ll It consisted of i000 bushels of corn and 5SOOO btunelj of-barleyaggregating 7972 tooe Tti corn Igoes to Buffalo

Woman Accused of MurderCAJINEBVtLLE GA aHPT WO

bench warrant has tictn issued for thearrest of Mrs Amanda Cobb chargedwtth murder There will probably bo j

called term ot court to try her

To Resume Oct 8 I

PORT SAID GYPT SEPT30Tbauthorities ofllclally announced todaythat tiro Suez Canal will tra opened 19

the traffic ot all ships about Oct 3I

CowardShoe I





i i-


CoyraN KrchSiwrtiifl SHeThis spoolal Coword Is designed

to give needed support at topoint whore lIomanl fe

are wealtthe archBuilt into tho shank and entlwly-

oonooalod but for tho three ritt I

appearing on tho under surtaoe IIfitted support which holdthe shoe snuorly thel lI t

Thle absolutely prevents sUU ttoot Theres great IB ft

For Mon Women Oblldreau-


JsTf 1

ueM Pwl l j 9cf H V I

WIf 1I101-




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