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I llttws Rtuitw - greenbeltnewsreview.com · l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling .John C. Maffa.y, H, ......

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- I I llttws .... -- Rtuitw ···- AN INDEPEIIlEIT NEWSPAPER ·---------""'"------ ·------------------------------- . ___ .;...E.;.ve_rLThursday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publi$hing1 9 l;,arkway, Greenbelt, Maryland _V_OJ. ..... _1_4:_._______ Greenbelt, 11, _een;_._w IIHC ilotes To 11 ·lewsleHer To Delfray Expeanes By l!enaard Krug 'The ·Board of Directors of th·e Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corporation voted at its regular meeting last Friday night to ac- t!ept advertising in the GVHC Newsletter, starting earl} next year. Earl Thomaa, a member of the publicity committee, appeared befwe the board to explain th·e new plan. speaking for Ed Burgoon, C,Oanmfttee chairman, wbo was nb- a:ent becaust' of the death of Ills rnQtbex. l!ot A Money-maker Thomas stated that the news- letter,· circulated to all GVl:IC membei'B once a month, .:now costs about •1,600 per year, lllcludlng prinUng and poatace. He stal:ed Ulat it would not be the purp>SC of the paper to make mpney fr.:.m the. 8da. but merely to help defl:'BY eltpelORa as mueh as poss!ble. :SO.rd Kember Hans .Jorgennen conunented tbat it would not be wiae to Cut out news matter in .fawr of printing ads, and Thonlas agreed, adding that the Pa&-es qf the present paper w.o-ulti be continued, with the nds to be :kept to a maximum of two pages. He eldllbited a llix-PELP dWilJlly of the proposed paper, noting that the body type face is to be changed from 8 to 10 point type. to Increase readablUty. Kanaaer Paul Campbell am- BOunced dazuaae fl'OID "'Hazel" was JQ.Ore ext:ezudve than Initially reported. He· aaid tbat repair .work wouJd be needed foi' 61 bulld- .inp.' · costing $2,749. Of tb.is -la':COverecl·l,y "' inSl.lr- .. a.nce, .. leaving $1,800 to be paid by GVHC. · · , · Faahmen Gil · . Screen fasteners.· to At· ·: In old Greenbelt homes, will be auld oPet the coun-ln the GvHc ·e»f- tlce, Campbell ' 'l'he dC:vice contains a small aPring, and will At the Present boles in the Window ca$!ment. . The question of the proper name for the· road that leads fr.>m Greenbelt to the old u. s. 1 was brought up by Board; . Member Frank· Lastner. He stated that it is Road . to Edmonst:.n, and Greenbelt Road from there to U. ·S. 1. He alSO iloted the confu- sion resulting from the sign en 1...,;.._S0uthway·nci.ar the entrance to i:he Baltimore Parkway. The ar- r'C:'W pointing· straight up, to desig- nate ·tbe ·road to Baltimore as stra[gbt $h4!ad, is rnisUndersttiOd by noJ:t:b.botillld motorL.qt:B ,me n::is-. ta.kenly drive into Greenbelt look- ing tor thE! Baltimore appronch to f!e road. · Addition of the wo:"Cis ''Cross was aB a cure for the sign's faulty dir-ec- tion& . .Jorgensen said that a sign '"This Is Greenbelt"' might be tfreeted at the intersecUon w:here cars enter Greenbclt from the new road, and Laatnef commented that the Cicy CounclJ may undertake provlde the sign. .Jorgensen also sug- gested_- ad did tional land!:caping for the area. . Other Actions 7n other actions. ffie . Board: (1) -voted to send >l Iettter of eondl)lence to Board Member BJu- '-on hill recent hcrcaveme1t; (2) voted ::he usual $500 for nd- vertiaing ·for the month of Novem- ber· (8) beard Boaid Member Latner aanounee that, followinr hfa :re- cent election as County Commis- sioner, be ,rill reaigJJ from the City Council, to be auooeeded by l\fn3·or . pro-tem · :-1. Wolff!. Tbe Cfty Council. WiD appoint another CC!uncll me.ID- rer Ia the n•!ar Tbe next tneetlnsr of tbe Board ·will be In the OVHC o1Bce oe ·Ji'amnton Pl:tee em. P'rfclq Hcm!tiD'"'r lSI, a;t 8:U p.m. C:redit: Union O'"icial l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling .John C. Maffa.y, H, of 46-H 1 R:idge Rd., was indicted this week by the Federal grand jury on a scven-coar.t charge a.:cuaing him of embezzlement whilE serving as treasurer of the Greenbelt Federa! C:redit Union. The indictment charged embe:r.- zlement of SWWI ranging from $:38.75 to $100, for a total of $528.55. Tht!se offenses, accorling to the charge, took place between No- VE·mber, 1951 and Febrl18.ry, 1954. No arrangements for trial were made. Clreat Books l•·o•p l'o Di10111 Plal:e A congenial group of ai.x persons met November 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georae C. Ree9ea. 2-C Eastway, to d1scuss the Decla-- ra.tion of Independenut and cer- tain paa.ea.gee from the Old Tes- tament Ulu.tratlve of 1;be abuse of IX•l'lo·er .b,;L.ki.ngL .Tl!tt discuael90 ied into many ramltl- ca.tions of ·political and moral philosophy. The group was at the S\J:ggestion of Mra. Walter D. .J<ohnston and llrlra. .JCJhn Schmidt U]lon the advice of Mr. and Mrs. John Littleton vo rt!presented a sbnilar Greenbelt' group now in it:1 fifth year of reading and dis- cussion. The Rev. Robert C. Hull and Mrs. Russell Greenbaum join'- ed in the discussion. It was dt!Cided to follow the nading list by the Great Books Foundation and in- spired by Maynard Hutchins and :Mortimer Adler, of the University of Chicago. The group agreed to Sec BOOKS, Pare 4 'lo•ea Voten Discuss tl uveaite Dete11ion The Greenbelt unit cf :he Prince Georges County Lekglle of Women Voters will meet Wecinesday, No- V4!mber 14, at 8:15 p.m. at the heme of Mrs. Harry Novick, 45-S Ridge. T•>pic for discussion vrill be, "Ju- Vo!nile Detention in Maryland; How .Juwniles are H Uldled from Apprehension to Court Decision." To raise funds to C!Ll'ry out its work of informing tl.e public on voting and issues of ;.ublic inter- est, the League of Women Voters of Prince Georges Co·Jnty is con- ducting it.<J annual finance drive during the month of November. Members of the Leat:ue will con- tact citizens of the Cc•unty to ex- plain the work and accomplish- ments of the League. Anyone not cc•nta.cted whq would like to sup- P<'rt the work of the League may se11d a check to Mrs. Louis Lieb- ersohn, 16<16 :;t., Takoma Park. Anyone desirina· further in- fo rrnatlon concerning the League or the finance drive m1.y call either -Mrs. Halg Dennen, Preaident, Le&gUe of Women Vott·rs of G:!Orges County, TO. 9-6042. or Mrs. Frank Whalen. (:::bafrman of the Finance Drive, SP. a-6797. The League liS a non··partiaan or- gaLDization whose mtblbers pro- vi·lie non-partisan factt.aal informa- tion on votin& recta tratlon and pt;blle laue& Wh;atGoes; On 4;-1 Saturda:•. November 13 - Green· .. belt .Midget. grid team plays Green Meadows at Braden Field alt 10 a.m. Monday, Novembf,r 15 - City Council meets to dis<:uss budget in city offices over Va·· riety Store at 8 p.m. GreenbE!Jt Choral Group spon· sored by JCC meets at 8:30 p.m. in Center School. Room 201. Wednesday, November 17 Mo";e, '"The Lion and the Mouse·· sponsored by GrePn·· belt C c• o p e r a t i v e Nursery School at Gre.>nbelt Theater at 3 p.m. Greenbdt unit of League of Women Voters mN?L<; at 45-S Ridge a.t 8:15. Thursday, November 18 - Great Books Group meets at 2-D Garrlenway to discuss Plato's "Apology" and "Crito." New mem1.>e1·s invited. JCC Wpmen's Group meets at Center School at 8:30 p.m. Grt.."enbdt Woman's Club fine· arts group meets at home of Mrs. Ralph Webster, 11-8 Ridge, at 8 p.m. Sunday, November 21 - Com·· munity Festival for all Green·· belt teachers at Center School, 3-6 p.m. ICA iPI111 le1eptioa For Teaaellers lov. 21 Plans for the first annual Com· munlty Festival for tcachE·rs, to be held in the Center school on SUIIl- day afternoon, November 21, are JU?aring completion, ac- cording to Bruce l'k>·..,·ma.n, ch:tir- man of steering committee •>f the Greenbelt CitizenlJ which is coord;nating o2ven1t. This wiU be the first year that the "welcome-to-teachers' party, formerly sponsored by th<? Con1- munity Church, will include all teachers o:f all Greenb<'lt: incl'.!ding Center. North End, St. Hugh's Junior High. and the new High Poi:tt high ,;chnol in Belts- ville. AU Greenbelt parents of school children are cordially ht- vited to attend the 3 to 6 p.m. af- rair. !n vitations will hC' ser.t t(' :cui tPachcrs by the Teachers and a eff>rt wm he made to teach- to Sunday dinnf'!' ;n homes pr· .'r to th<? Fr'stival. Cit:y-wide al More than a scare of Greenbelt organizations are plan the event. S:on·- ices will :provide cvf":Ae and, in adrl:tion, punch an,: co.Jkics will als'> br, avaHa.blf>. F>·hibits will l•e <'n1ercd bv GVHC. the coml,inr!d PTA's and the League of Voters. (Other org'lni::aticr.s w'sh- to submit exhibits should c>all Mrs. .J"seph L. 50-C Ridge. GR. 3-61571. l Entertainment for the F'estlva.l i nd ttdcs chora.l selections ll>v a. gr:>up of students !rom the Universitv of :P.!ar:vlar.'d and. a program of songs ar1d dan<.es by a group of guest chiUlgE' students now stu.tving at the Univf•rsity. \·. Eric T. Braund will act as mastPr of monies for the Assisting- Bowman •>n the steeJr- inl{ e:ommltt:E>e are R<tlnh Barthl>- !{>mcw and Janet P t "ker. Nursery School Movie A movi•e, "'The Lion and the Mouae" illl Tec:hnicolor, wiU be shown under tbe sponsorship of the Greenbelt CooDE,rative Nur- sery Selncol Wednesday, No- 11'1t1Dber 11, at thE! Greenbelt Theater at 8 p.m. Admisaion wlD be 2tl ·ceala. Liblrary, Trash Pickup, Fire Dept.· May D:ropped From City Budqet By I • .J. Parker The city council began in earnest to consider the estimated budget for 19!>5 aJJ presented by city manager Charles McDowct last Monday night. First service to be sacrificed in the c:ouncil bid to the city rate is the library, the council indicated; the libr·a.ry will be integrated with the county system. Mayor Frank Lastner declared that he underatruu:is that the eoUJnty library :syste1111 has ••pickP.d up.'' rec•mtly until it can match our standards. :M.ost intportant, bow-. is the necessity of taking ad- va .. ntage of county services for which local citizens pay, Lastner added. He ai.SSerted that 12 cents per pc1·son in goes to --·---- Council! Considers Nc,v. 22 City man .. 5er T. Mc- Donald pres·ented the estlmate1 budget, or ntUaer buodgets. to citJ· council la.Rt Monday night, and dElivered a lbJJdget message which urged the council to "re- study the P<ISSible duplicating of sea'Vicc.>:l furnish 1e d by Prince George's County and paid for by citizem1 through the County tax." With And 'l'he first budget, without county 88Bil1tance in c•>ntinuing the pres- ent se rvi.ces t:alls for a recom- mcmded. expoenditur•i! of $331,624. With conuty hoelp il:t services, ,the estimated budg.et is $a08,37'. Bud- get No. 1 is $;27,860 c1ver lut year's budget. On ULeb asiis of the first budget, Md)onald disctosedl that the tax rate Wtmld be per $100 as- sess.oo valuation. A tax of $2.023 would be needed to meet the seeond budget figure. <The 19M figure is $2.143.) Also disclosed was au estimnted $7,000 surplus for thiu year., as co1npared to Jaat year's H18.500 .. Dl!!appobttlnlg The estima.tE·d WIISeSI.'Ied valua- tion of all real property in Green- belt, accordi:ng to McDonald, is $6,920,000. The expected increase in valuation of fE.-deral proprty, whic:h was recently sold to private investors,. amounted to less than $100,000, this was coned by Mc.:Donald a "disappointing" figure. The duplicate senices for which MeDon !lid rE-quested serious con- sideration of the council are the library, health, fire and poli·ce departments. Afler the budget message, the city council began its <:onsidera.- tion of Ute budget which will last until tile lant part of December when a. final budget fs approved. The co 11ncil approved a motion to meet on succ::essive Mondays with additional SPf!Cial sessions if neces- sary. The puhJic hearing dare on th€' bude"E-t was se-t for November 22. Available J[t was also disclosed that copies of the proposed budgt:t will be · a"':'ll.ilable til citiZf'ns for a full week prior t::> the public hearing. and can be eeeured at the city offices. .ln l:tis .finl\1 message McDonald referred b the f:u·t thl\t the federal llovern- ner>t is no Jonst"er partfcipating b the citv's budll.'et cohsiderationa a"ti connnt ;,..nose a "paterna.IUitlc ir>fluPnr::e." .. We are on our own. and it is un to us to prove our- selvPS " :McDnnald concludPd. tThe O"tnDII"te text of McDon- ald's lou.:IS!'et m-.e is printed in this '-ue.> New l'hnn"! Numher The nft'tl' t.Plerth,.e number of Mr. .. d Jln. Morris Bolomcm is CIRaDite 3-Mt:l. the library system. without &nJ' bt>nefit to us at Aiso, the county library system gets certain funds from the state for its su·p- port. Ft..-e Trash Colleetlon Another plan to cut. the tax rate involves tbe· elimination of pr- bage and trash collection from the budget, with the cost of this serv- ice to be paid by fee charge, prob · ably $1.50 a month. MacDt>nald called it a more equitable method of paying for the service, and would reduce our budget by $30,000, and cut the tax rate an estimated .4.2 cents per $100 assessed valua- tion. It is proposed that -Green- belt Veteran Housing Corporation collect the monthly fee for the city, as it now collects the water service charge. The pl&.n for a charge for trash and col- lection is uae,d by many communi- ties. McDonald stated, and It would be quite proper for thl8 community to use th'- . plan lllnce the majority of homes are o'W'ft8tl by one corporation: the blBIDI would be that much easier and lea. costly. P.,llee.. .. . 1 1 Also planned for elinLinat:illn from the budget is the fire depall"t- ment; which costs U.e eity about $5000 a year. With a volunteer fire department, which is standard practice in the county, the orge.n- ization would receive funds trc•m the county aud state for lts sup- port. The equipment, deem- ed adequate, would be .te<licated or sold at a nominal fee to the new volunteer staff. Another aspect ot the move would permit the Jocai rescue squad to associate ltse!f with the fire department and also receive funds for ita sup- port from county or state sources. <Both departments received no outside support while under c!ley adminiatratio: •. ) Another saving may be effe(:ted in the police department. It is proposed that the aasilttant chief of police replace the head of the public works department <who ill leaving). The vacancy on the po- lice force would not be bUed. · However, this would rtlllult tn an "empty" shift d•uing the day, probably the afternoon hours of 8 to 4, when only the pol!le chief will be on call from his oftlce. ·The remaining officers would work from 4 p.m. until midnight, and midnight to 8 a.m. It is hoped tf.) obtain county police sen;ce dur- ing the afternoon shift. Another proposal, to the recreation department from the budget, was suggested. With ('Xpe<"tcd grc!lter partici{1ation ot the P.ounty in recreation actlvltlea in Greenbelt, McDonald felt the problem was merely one of co- ordinating the activities with the communities and the coordination could be handled by another ck!- partment head. Memben of tbt: city couneil ex- pressed their dlafavor of eliminat- ing a recreation department direc-- tor from the budget. It wu ar- gued that the community baa .,... tabJU.hed a popular reputation for many yeara regarding 9ttr 8ne recN"tltion program, and would re- gret an.y dlminiablng of thla repu- tation. It WILli felt that the clt.7 abould wait until It is mnre aeeurately what the coUJitlr ean offer iu l'eC!'eation aervtc. beiOft 811Cb move ia made.
Page 1: I llttws Rtuitw - greenbeltnewsreview.com · l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling .John C. Maffa.y, H, ... GreenbE!Jt Choral Group spon· ... ville. AU Greenbelt ...



llttws .... --

Rtuitw ···-

AN INDEPEIIlEIT NEWSPAPER ·---------""'"------·-----------------------------------~' . ___ P;...ubli--.·~!h_M;..;;..I .;...E.;.ve_rLThursday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publi$hing1 ~~ssociat~!-~:., 9 l;,arkway, Greenbelt, Maryland

_V_OJ. ..... _19_.,.~Ni-~_. _1_4:_._______ Greenbelt, Maryland~':lrsday, N~~!:>er 11, ~:!...__-·--------~-----------1_0.'. _een;_._w

IIHC ilotes To ~lccttpt Adverti~sing 11 ·lewsleHer To Delfray Expeanes

By l!enaard Krug

'The ·Board of Directors of th·e Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corporation voted at its regular meeting last Friday night to ac­t!ept advertising in the GVHC Newsletter, starting earl} next year.

Earl Thomaa, a member of the publicity committee, appeared befwe the board to explain th·e new plan. speaking for Ed Burgoon, C,Oanmfttee chairman, wbo was nb-a:ent becaust' of the death of Ills rnQtbex.

l!ot A Money-maker Thomas stated that the news­

letter,· circulated to all GVl:IC membei'B once a month, .:now costs about •1,600 per year, lllcludlng prinUng and poatace. He stal:ed Ulat it would not be the purp>SC of the paper to make mpney fr.:.m the. 8da. but merely to help defl:'BY eltpelORa as mueh as poss!ble.

:SO.rd Kember Hans .Jorgennen conunented tbat it would not be wiae to Cut out news matter in .fawr • of printing ads, and Thonlas agreed, adding that the origi:~al

~ur Pa&-es qf the present paper w.o-ulti be continued, with the nds to be :kept to a maximum of two pages. He eldllbited a llix-PELP dWilJlly of the proposed paper, noting that the body type face is to be changed from 8 to 10 point type. to Increase readablUty.

Kanaaer Paul Campbell am­BOunced ~t dazuaae fl'OID "'Hazel" was JQ.Ore ext:ezudve than Initially reported. He· aaid tbat repair .work wouJd be needed foi' 61 bulld­.inp.' · costing $2,749. Of tb.is

• ~oqnt; ··~ -la':COverecl·l,y "' inSl.lr­.. a.nce, .. leaving $1,800 to be paid by

GVHC. · · , · Faahmen Gil ~ ·

. Screen fasteners.· to At· sc~lns ·: In old Greenbelt homes, will be auld

oPet the coun-ln the GvHc ·e»f­tlce, Campbell ' aunou.t~CeCL 'l'he dC:vice contains a small aPring, and will At the Present sc~ boles in the Window ca$!ment. . The question of the proper name for the· road that leads fr.>m Greenbelt to the old u. s. 1 was brought up by Board; . Member Frank· Lastner. He stated that it is ~ut±way Road . to Edmonst:.n, and Greenbelt Road from there to U. ·S. 1. He alSO iloted the confu­sion resulting from the sign en

1...,;.._S0uthway·nci.ar the entrance to i:he '~ew Baltimore Parkway. The ar­

r'C:'W pointing· straight up, to desig­nate ·tbe ·road to Baltimore as stra[gbt $h4!ad, is rnisUndersttiOd by noJ:t:b.botillld motorL.qt:B ,me n::is-. ta.kenly drive into Greenbelt look­ing tor thE! Baltimore appronch to f!e road. · Addition of the wo:"Cis ''Cross BridJ~:e" was su~d aB a cure for the sign's faulty dir-ec-tion& .

.Jorgensen said that a sign '"This Is Greenbelt"' might be tfreeted at the intersecUon w:here cars enter Greenbclt from the new road, and Laatnef commented that the Cicy CounclJ may undertake ~' provlde the sign. .Jorgensen also sug­gested_- ad did tional land!:caping for the entranc~! area.

. Other Actions 7n other actions. ffie . Board: (1) -voted to send >l Iettter of

eondl)lence to Board Member BJu­g~n, '-on hill recent hcrcaveme1t;

(2) voted ::he usual $500 for nd-vertiaing ·for the month of Novem­ber·

(8) beard Boaid Member Latner aanounee that, followinr hfa :re­cent election as County Commis­sioner, be ,rill reaigJJ from the City Council, to be auooeeded by l\fn3·or . pro-tem .Jam~ · :-1. Wolff!. Tbe Cfty Council. Lastne~ Sdc!'·~. WiD appoint another CC!uncll me.ID­rer Ia the n•!ar f\itu~.

Tbe next tneetlnsr of tbe Board ·will be In the OVHC o1Bce oe ·Ji'amnton Pl:tee em. P'rfclq ~bt, Hcm!tiD'"'r lSI, a;t 8:U p.m.

C:redit: Union O'"icial l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling

.John C. Maffa.y, H, of 46-H 1R:idge Rd., was indicted this week by the Federal grand jury on a scven-coar.t charge a.:cuaing him of embezzlement whilE serving as treasurer of the Greenbelt Federa! C:redit Union.

The indictment charged embe:r.­zlement of SWWI ranging from $:38.75 to $100, for a total of $528.55. Tht!se offenses, accorling to the charge, took place between No­VE·mber, 1951 and Febrl18.ry, 1954.

No arrangements for trial were made.

Clreat Books l•·o•p l'o Di10111 Plal:e

A congenial group of ai.x persons met November 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georae C. Ree9ea. 2-C Eastway, to d1scuss the Decla-­ra.tion of Independenut and cer­tain paa.ea.gee from the Old Tes­tament Ulu.tratlve of 1;be abuse of IX•l'lo·er .b,;L.ki.ngL .Tl!tt discuael90 ied into many intere~tlng ramltl­ca.tions of ·political and moral philosophy. -·

The group was for~ned at the S\J:ggestion of Mra. Walter D. .J<ohnston and llrlra. .JCJhn Schmidt U]lon the advice of Mr. and Mrs. John Littleton vo rt!presented a sbnilar Greenbelt' group now in it:1 fifth year of reading and dis­cussion. The Rev. Robert C. Hull and Mrs. Russell Greenbaum join'­ed in the discussion.

It was dt!Cided to follow the nading list suggest!~ by the Great Books Foundation and in­spired by Maynard Hutchins and :Mortimer Adler, of the University of Chicago. The group agreed to

Sec BOOKS, Pare 4

'lo•ea Voten Discuss tl uveaite Dete11ion

The Greenbelt unit cf :he Prince Georges County Lekglle of Women Voters will meet Wecinesday, No­V4!mber 14, at 8:15 p.m. at the heme of Mrs. Harry Novick, 45-S Ridge. T•>pic for discussion vrill be, "Ju­Vo!nile Detention in Maryland; How .Juwniles are H Uldled from Apprehension to Court Decision."

To raise funds to C!Ll'ry out its work of informing tl.e public on voting and issues of ;.ublic inter­est, the League of Women Voters of Prince Georges Co·Jnty is con­ducting it.<J annual finance drive during the month of November.

Members of the Leat:ue will con­tact citizens of the Cc•unty to ex­plain the work and accomplish­ments of the League. Anyone not cc•nta.cted whq would like to sup­P<'rt the work of the League may se11d a check to Mrs. Louis Lieb­ersohn, 16<16 D~eKel :;t., Takoma Park. Anyone desirina· further in­fo rrnatlon concerning the League or the finance drive m1.y call either

-Mrs. Halg Dennen, Preaident, Le&gUe of Women Vott·rs of P~ G:!Orges County, TO. 9-6042. or Mrs. Frank Whalen. (:::bafrman of the Finance Drive, SP. a-6797.

The League liS a non··partiaan or­gaLDization whose mtblbers pro­vi·lie non-partisan factt.aal informa­tion on votin& recta tratlon and pt;blle laue&

Wh;atGoes; On 4;-1 Saturda:•. November 13 - Green· ..

belt .Midget. grid team plays Green Meadows at Braden Field alt 10 a.m.

Monday, Novembf,r 15 - City Council meets to dis<:uss budget in city offices over Va·· riety Store at 8 p.m. GreenbE!Jt Choral Group spon· sored by JCC meets at 8:30 p.m. in Center School. Room 201.

Wednesday, November 17 Mo";e, '"The Lion and the Mouse·· sponsored by GrePn·· belt C c• o p e r a t i v e Nursery School at Gre.>nbelt Theater at 3 p.m. Greenbdt unit of League of Women Voters mN?L<; at 45-S Ridge a.t 8:15.

Thursday, November 18 - Great Books Group meets at 2-D Garrlenway to discuss Plato's "Apology" and "Crito." New mem1.>e1·s invited. JCC Wpmen's Group meets at Center School at 8:30 p.m. Grt.."enbdt Woman's Club fine· arts group meets at home of Mrs. Ralph Webster, 11-8 Ridge, at 8 p.m.

Sunday, November 21 - Com·· munity Festival for all Green·· belt teachers at Center School, 3-6 p.m.

ICA iPI111 le1eptioa For Teaaellers lov. 21

Plans for the first annual Com· munlty Festival for tcachE·rs, to be held in the Center school on SUIIl­day afternoon, November 21, are rapidl~· JU?aring completion, ac­cording to Bruce l'k>·..,·ma.n, ch:tir­man of th·~ steering committee •>f the Greenbelt CitizenlJ A:~Mciation, which is coord;nating tb~ o2ven1t.

This wiU be the first year that the "welcome-to-teachers' party, formerly sponsored by th<? Con1-munity Church, will include all teachers o:f all Greenb<'lt: school~, incl'.!ding Center. North End, St. Hugh's Junior High. and the new High Poi:tt high ,;chnol in Belts­ville. AU Greenbelt parents of school children are cordially ht­vited to attend the 3 to 6 p.m. af-rair.

!n vitations will hC' ser.t t(' :cui tPachcrs by the Par.~l".t Teachers As~odations. and a ~pC'cifl.l eff>rt wm he made to in\·it~ ,;in~le teach­er.~ to Sunday dinnf'!' ;n Gr~ni·Pit homes pr· .'r to th<? Fr'stival.

Cit:y-wide Fe~1th al More than a scare of Greenbelt

organizations are hei•)in.~ plan the event. Gr(~"!nbelt C'>~•s•ttr:€r S:on·­ices will :provide cvf":Ae and, in adrl:tion, punch an,: co.Jkics will als'> br, avaHa.blf>. F>·hibits will l•e <'n1ercd bv GVHC. the coml,inr!d PTA's and the League of \Vom~·n Voters. (Other org'lni::aticr.s w'sh­in~ to submit exhibits should c>all Mrs. .J"seph L. ~usinov, 50-C Ridge. GR. 3-61571. l

Entertainment alrc~•clv sc~edukd for the F'estlva.l i nd ttdcs chora.l selections ll>v a. gr:>up of students !rom the Universitv of :P.!ar:vlar.'d and. a program of 'lati\·~ songs ar1d dan<.es by a group of guest e~<­chiUlgE' students now stu.tving at the Univf•rsity. R~: \·. Eric T. Braund will act as mastPr of cer·~­monies for the ent•~r::..<~.inment.

Assisting- Bowman •>n the steeJr­inl{ e:ommltt:E>e are R<tlnh Barthl>­!{>mcw and Janet P t "ker.

Nursery School Movie A movi•e, "'The Lion and the

Mouae" illl Tec:hnicolor, wiU be shown under tbe sponsorship of the Greenbelt CooDE,rative Nur­sery Selncol Wednesday, No-11'1t1Dber 11, at thE! Greenbelt Theater at 8 p.m. Admisaion wlD be 2tl ·ceala.

Liblrary, Trash Pickup, Fire Dept.· May be~ D:ropped From City Budqet

By I • .J. Parker

The city council began in earnest to consider the estimated budget for 19!>5 aJJ presented by city manager Charles McDowct last Monday night. First service to be sacrificed in the c:ouncil bid to ~~ut the city tal~ rate is the library, the council indicated; the libr·a.ry will be integrated with the county system.

Mayor Frank Lastner declared that he underatruu:is that the eoUJnty library :syste1111 has ••pickP.d up.'' rec•mtly until it can match our standards. :M.ost intportant, bow-. ~~ver, is the necessity of taking ad­va .. ntage of county services for which local citizens pay, Lastner added. He ai.SSerted that 12 cents per pc1·son in GreE~nbelt goes to

--·----Council! Considers Alte~rna1te l~udgets; Hearin!~ Nc,v. 22

City man .. 5er Cha~es T. Mc­Donald pres·ented the estlmate1 budget, or ntUaer ~.vo buodgets. to th<~ citJ· council la.Rt Monday night, and dElivered a lbJJdget message which urged the council to "re­study the P<ISSible duplicating of sea'Vicc.>:l furnish 1e d by Prince George's County and paid for by Gre•mb~it citizem1 through the County tax."

With And \l!~lthout 'l'he first budget, without county

88Bil1tance in c•>ntinuing the pres­ent se rvi.ces t:alls for a recom­mcmded. expoenditur•i! of $331,624. With conuty hoelp il:t services, ,the estimated budg.et is $a08,37'. Bud­get No. 1 is $;27,860 c1ver lut year's budget.

On ULeb asiis of the first budget, Md)onald disctosedl that the tax rate Wtmld be $2.35!~ per $100 as­sess.oo valuation. A tax rat."~ of $2.023 would be needed to meet the seeond budget figure. <The 19M figure is $2.143.) Also disclosed was au estimnted $7,000 surplus for thiu year., as co1npared to Jaat year's H18.500 ..

Dl!!appobttlnlg A.aaessmen~

The estima.tE·d WIISeSI.'Ied valua­tion of all real property in Green­belt, accordi:ng to McDonald, is $6,920,000. The expected increase in a.ss,~SSt~d valuation of fE.-deral proprty, whic:h was recently sold to private investors,. amounted to less than $100,000, this was coned by Mc.:Donald a "disappointing" figure.

The duplicate senices for which MeDon !lid rE-quested serious con­sideration of the council are the library, recn~a.tion, publi~ health, fire and poli·ce departments.

Afler the budget message, the city council began its <:onsidera.­tion of Ute budget which will last until tile lant part of December when a. final budget fs approved. The co 11ncil approved a motion to meet on succ::essive Mondays with additional SPf!Cial sessions if neces­sary. The puhJic hearing dare on th€' bude"E-t was se-t for November 22.

Propot~als Available J[t was also disclosed that copies

of the proposed budgt:t will be · a"':'ll.ilable til citiZf'ns for a full week prior t::> the public hearing. and can be eeeured at the city offices.

.ln l:tis .finl\1 bud~et message statem~·nt. McDonald referred b the f:u·t thl\t the federal llovern­ner>t is no Jonst"er partfcipating b the citv's budll.'et cohsiderationa a"ti connnt ;,..nose a "paterna.IUitlc ir>fluPnr::e." .. We are on our own. and it is un to us to prove our­selvPS " :McDnnald concludPd.

tThe O"tnDII"te text of McDon­ald's lou.:IS!'et m-.e is printed elsewb~~re in this '-ue.>

New l'hnn"! Numher The nft'tl' t.Plerth,.e number of

Mr. ~~. .. d Jln. Morris Bolomcm is CIRaDite 3-Mt:l.

the library system. without &nJ' bt>nefit to us at pre~rent. Aiso, the county library system gets certain funds from the state for its su·p­port.

Ft..-e l•~or Trash Colleetlon Another plan to cut. the tax rate

involves tbe· elimination of pr­bage and trash collection from the budget, with the cost of this serv­ice to be paid by fee charge, prob · ably $1.50 a month. MacDt>nald called it a more equitable method of paying for the service, and would reduce our budget by $30,000, and cut the tax rate an estimated .4.2 cents per $100 assessed valua­tion. It is proposed that -Green­belt Veteran Housing Corporation collect the monthly fee for the city, as it now collects the water service charge. The pl&.n for a charge for trash and ~rtubage col­lection is uae,d by many communi­ties. McDonald stated, and It would be quite proper for thl8 community to use th'- . plan lllnce the majority of homes are o'W'ft8tl by one corporation: the blBIDI would be that much easier and lea. costly.

PI~ P.,llee.. Cut~~ . . . 11 Also planned for elinLinat:illn

from the budget is the fire depall"t­ment; which costs U.e eity about $5000 a year. With a volunteer fire department, which is standard practice in the county, the orge.n­ization would receive funds trc•m the county aud state for lts sup­port. The ~ity equipment, deem­ed adequate, would be .te<licated or sold at a nominal fee to the new volunteer staff. Another aspect ot the move would permit the Jocai rescue squad to associate ltse!f with the volunte~r fire department and also receive funds for ita sup­port from county or state sources. <Both departments received no outside support while under c!ley adminiatratio: •. )

Another saving may be effe(:ted in the police department. It is proposed that the aasilttant chief of police replace the head of the public works department <who ill leaving). The vacancy on the po­lice force would not be bUed. ·

However, this would rtlllult tn an "empty" shift d•uing the day, probably the afternoon hours of 8 to 4, when only the pol!le chief will be on call from his oftlce. ·The remaining officers would work from 4 p.m. until midnight, and midnight to 8 a.m. It is hoped tf.)

obtain county police sen;ce dur­ing the afternoon shift.

Another proposal, to elimina~~ the recreation department from the budget, was suggested. With ('Xpe<"tcd grc!lter partici{1ation ot the P.ounty in recreation actlvltlea in Greenbelt, McDonald felt the problem was merely one of co­ordinating the activities with the communities and the coordination could be handled by another ck!­partment head.

Memben of tbt: city couneil ex­pressed their dlafavor of eliminat­ing a recreation department direc-­tor from the budget. It wu ar­gued that the community baa .,... tabJU.hed a popular reputation for many yeara regarding 9ttr 8ne recN"tltion program, and would re­gret an.y dlminiablng of thla repu­tation. It WILli felt that the clt.7 abould wait until It is ~ mnre aeeurately what the coUJitlr ean offer iu l'eC!'eation aervtc. beiOft 811Cb • move ia made.

Page 2: I llttws Rtuitw - greenbeltnewsreview.com · l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling .John C. Maffa.y, H, ... GreenbE!Jt Choral Group spon· ... ville. AU Greenbelt ...

0 '

. ''

i· i' ,·;

GREEN1!1f!1 T NEWS REVIEW AN INDE!PENDENT NEWSPAPER 'lfi) Mcllona.ld's lullptt Meaap ST. HUGH'S

CATHOLIC CHURCH Bev. VJeior J. ~ ...._

0& 8-1811

~· Ruuell Gn!enb~uJm. Edit!»r, 4822 &adore J. Pa.liter, A.oeiale Edit« •at

George Bloom. a. • e•• Hlcr., 2Ul. Jim <YN'eW. cJbtalatloa Mp., 2.fo38 . · P.lul I-::SSI,o, J:"botocrapber, 8821

Rae Aiga;:e, Gerry BackatronJ, Betty Coleman, E. D·>n Bulllon. Keith~ Gamble, Sarah GeJberg, .Mnrlan Batton, Frances HerU !lC, Kartha Kauf­~an, E:en~&rd KJ'U&', 1..6. A Lee, Peggy Markfteld. Carolyn Miller, Bill

October !~8. 196<1

To tbe Mayor and

MeJnbers of Council:

~;.11.~79-00• in 19(15. Tbe Wle of tbe toUt.! "II" budget fla'ures would be a s&viro.Jr of approximately $23.000.-00 whh:h would not have to be r~uaed through real property taxu.. oore, Dilvfd Rezn.lkol!. EJermor Ritchie, Ethel Rceenzwe~g Mlrlan

Solomon, hforris SoloJnon, Fri•lda Vernoff, Donny WolJ'e. ' Tbe GREENBELT NEW.e; Rlll:VJEW fa published every Thursday by t.~~ ?~·:-eqbelt Cooperatfve Publishing Association, In<: .. Greenbelt. Md. Es.aahnbeU, November 1937. ~-rd of Directors: L J. Parker, Pl"eM.: .BHaernard ~rug, V. Pres.; Mirlarn Solomon, Sec'y.; Geol'lre Bloom, Treaa.·

Greenbelt ~s indeed fortu:r~ate in having the same members sitting on tho:! City Council to consirlcr the.; 1955 municipal t: udget d..og W·~re sit­ting when thr- H•51 budget wa..'l ap-­prov<>d and the ta.x rate cut in half from. the previous year.

On the revenue side of the 1955 l:tJdgct .[ have t:-stimP.ted that Real Propert~r would have bJ produce $l fU70.0oJ mGre than waa rallied in H5-4 to continue the present l'erv­ices, and as mentioned above, $6,-379.00 IE·ss if County servlce.a are tllilizcd.

Confealou: Saturda;y altemooa from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m .. for children and In the evening from "' to 9 p.m. for adult..

Sunday: Masees: 7:30, 8:10, 9:,30 and 11 am. 11 :»'clock X... fa· & High Maaa sung by St.· Rugh'la Choir. • Thi• Is Conununlon Sun­day for all memben of the Hob' Name Socic.>ty at thtl 7:10 Ka.L Religious instn1ctions for Catholle chiJdren enrolled In public IIChoOia <>ach Sunday after the 8:30 Maa11 In Sf: Hugh's school.

, rry !?:u~ koft', Edltot. . •

1 SUJ18CBIP.noN RATE: -!M per 7Mr Ente-red ~ BeCOJ'I.d class matter at th•~ Post C>mce in Greenbelt. K&l:-yiand.

Adv?rtisJng may be WbmiUecl by mail or delivered h the Cooperator. I _ ~arKwa,. GR. 3-3131, or to the Gr.eenbelt Tobacco Store. Editorial <-'•ttC'ea O(tel'l after 8:30 p.m. ~r.onday and Tuesday. liews deadline is

In generaL thC' citizenry by its complacent attitude has express­ed approval of the efforts •Df this Council to give Gre<·nbclt efficient municipal services of high <JUality. However, there have been reper­-cussions from prospective devel­()pers of \'&l~<mt land and those in­te::-estE'd in building ne·w homes because the ta.x rate in Greenbelt .seems abnormal !UI compared with neighboring eonununlties.

~ 10 p.m.. ol~ tfte .Monday pr•:!Ce<llng publication.

Vol. 19 Thurs¢1y, NovE!'IIlber 11, 1954 No. 14:

An increW!e is expected In all othf'>r State shared ta"tes, fines and .forfeitures. The sum of $3.000.00 .b: e.JUmat(.'d as a Waste Collection charge to commerciru property r .. nd a n-quest Is made to Council to provide for that charge.

Baptisms: Sunday, 1 p.m. Please contact Father Dowglallo before-> hand.

Tlte Budg4!t and The Pc)Jice · In the preliminary discussion of the budget. a proposal was ~e to save the cost of one police oflicer by uam,~ county police dw-mg the afternoon how:"S. Local police would uork the even­ing and ea:rly mol'lling shiJt;s only.

This Pl"'posal has hit tht!- morale of our police force a severe blow. At present three oftic:!rs are rotating the &!lifts, and this new:.:~paper has learned. that they look forward to their turn on the afternoon shift, which JD(]et nearly represents ":ilOrmal" work­ing hours. If this proposal is approved. all they can look forward to· is contin11ous employm.e:!lt on odd shifts. As ooe citizen put it the county ''VOuld get the ''gravy" shift. · '

Witllt so much undeveloped land within tbe corporate limits of Greentoelt and the Jnany ~Ldvan­tages the lOC'.ation offers to Ute de­velopment ol residential, cOJnmer­

·cial, and now even industrial build­ing, e\''ery as.sisUUlce and induce­·ment flhould be given to encour­age thiB deve!opment in order to inereaa.e the &Sl!:essed valuation, and proportionately reduce our -tax rab!.

'rhe increase shown for the swimming PQOl operation can be renlized by a change in the ad­mi sslon prices.

~~be increase in the Sewer and Wnter revenue wlll be produced 4f the water Is used, and will not 1bE' required If It Ia not used.

Wl"dnesday: Mlr&.cul.ous Medal Novena at 8 p.m., followPCI by Benediction of the Most Blened Sacrament. R e Jr u l ~~ r month~]" meeting of tbt' Holy Narne ~lety folia the Novena .ervfce.

We believe we have a fine pollee force. The hw crime rate in Greenbelt can be largely attributed to their e11iciency and dili­gence. It ia ~ell-known tJ:tat prevention of crime is as important as the solving of crimes.

The COilDCiJ's reasoning that the afternoon i:1. a compara­tively ·:crinle-free' period may be .true. Nevertheless, when most l;rea.dwmners are at work, there is need for continuous police pro­tidction in ~he community. J.Urt:hermore, local residents should have the cc:lmfortiug knowledge 'that such Protection is immed-iately availab!e. .

It is a illtep in the right direction to explore hew the county can assist the city of Greenbelt in the matter of police protection. llowever, wt~ feel that due ccnsideration should be given to our own police sta1f. The penalty of having a disgrantiEd, unsatisfied poJiee force may not be worth the few dollars -saved.

· Lelltr It -the E•ilt•r Facts on Library ~ At tbe CitY Council llleetin,r on November S. liM. the City ::r.t:ana­ser recommended the transfEr of our llbrary t<• the Prlnce Gec:•rgea County Llbr&J'Y QBtem. Tbla rec­ommendation waa bebag Diade· for

• 1 two reasons. It waa claimed that

It would savH money aad l4>Wer 'ta:'tea, and sec:.nd. that the County Llo~ ayatem:~ had lmprovet:l to a &Ufftclent ·deg~:ee that our library 8ervlCf: would .not be materially al-feet.ecL .

As a citfzelt of Greenbelt and more parti~uty froaa the ·van­tage ))Oint of i' Director· of G'iHC, I •ppreciate :the 'abeolute nEcea­ldtY for a lcMI!rer taA rate. llfow-

, ever. I alao n!'OORDize that Oft4t of the advantaRet~ of uvm. ID. Gl'l!ell­

, belt Ia th(. 4lOIDJilunff;F aenloeo &va.Dable.-

1 JJeUeve U~ propoaed actloa 'ahould be co~ddered ln. ·the l!ight of the full f~& For ... Pie, u Of .January t. Jtp~K. the am~ua1 ex:.

JCC Womc!n Plan Hanulcah ¥lorlcshop

The Prince George& County Jew­ish Community Center Women'a Group is sponsoring a "Chanukah Institute Workahop for Mothers" at their regular me1!ting, Novem­ber 18 at 8:30. p.m. In the Center SchooL

'rheme of tbe event will be "learn by doing" and all attending will participate In the pn:aram. A film strip entitled "Histo~,r and tbe Slg­nifiC'&Ilt of Chanulr ah'" will be shown aad narrated I 'JY Mrs. Helen .Justman. Mrs. Beatrice Ketalltz willl apeak on "CUnukh In the home" and Mrs. L,Ydl a Novak will Instruct the group in ;uta and craft novelties. Singing will be led by Sam Vemoff with lin. Adelaide Weldberg at the plaau. Folk danc­ing· wU1 be taugbt b,· Mrs. MeltaJ. itz and traditional refreshments vrtll be served

In the consideration of the 1955 budget It ia very disappointing at this tin2e to find that dllrinJ~ the past Yt!ar i:he assessed valuation -of Greenbelt reaJ property in--creased less than $100,000.00, and that th:ls amount would hav4e re­duced tllle 1954 tax rate only three cents per $100.00 assessed valua­tion. It Is doubly disappohtting because there .&ei?med to boe so much encouragement at the time the 1984 budb'et was considered that several hundred hcmes would be start:ed by the time the 1955 study W;!UI made, and we would be dealing In million dollar assess­ment inc!re88eS instead of les.s than $100,000.(10 figure.

The Ll.sk of reducing the tax· rate for 19515 resolves Itself to a restudy <)f the pcssible duplicating of &erviocea furnished by Prince Georges County u.d paid for by Greenbelt citizens through the County tax. In ordE!r that the ~~ty Council may make this study n1ore readily, :':: !lave prepared one budget e:st:~Iotate coJ,tinuing all of the prea~ent municipal servt~a. and a &c?<:Ond budf!:et estimatE• if full adva.n.tage weroe taken of all available Co•.mty Sl!rvlces. Tbcae duplicate lser?fces are the lfbnLrY, recreatior1, public health, fire lUld police de:p.&rtment.

The total recornmoended expendi­ture budll"!t continuing tbe PJ'eS­ent servlot:1~ is $331,624.00, an in­crease c•f $27.860.00 Of thJs amount. ~la),146.00 appears In rev­enue producing department. !Uld ar. offfttting reventle is provided for in Uae revenue side r~f Ute budget.

In order to produce the revnue ~hc·wn for the bus operation an increase in fares mWit be fortb­c..v.>:ruing. TJ\e revenue for the bus ope ratJ,on in 1954 Is gradually re­ducing aa we t~re not carrying the :murtber of puaengera we carried in J!)revloWI yean.

The fact that only $7.500.00 Is BIVallable from Surplus this year sa ·::ompare~ with $18,500.00 avail­ablE· Surplus last year meana that $11,1)(}(;.00 haa to be rallied from othE•r sources, and this Ia, of couJ-.e, the big reason that an ad­dltic•nal amount haa to be raised thrc ugh real propc~rty tax.

The estimated &aae8sed valua­tion of aD real propertv In Green­belt aa of .January 1,l9M is $8,920,-000.(10, and to produce the amount ot real property tax estimated In the ~udget to continue the present se:rv: ces will Produce a tax rate of $2.sn per $100.00 asseiiSed valua­tion; and by using the amount needed In the budget to utilize Cuul'l ty services, the tax rate will .,.. $:!.023 per $100.00 &aseued val­u&.tion.

J.n corJclusfon. It is lnterestlnc to note that for the ftrst time In our budget history we haYti not lnctu,:Jed an item for payments In lieu of taxea from the Federal ~~:mment; therefore, the deci­llions a.f Council ..pill In no way be hamJlered or dlflcted bv that pa­lternallstlc lnftuence. We are on our own, and It Is up to us to prove ourselves.

Retspecttulty •ubmltted,

Ch.arle8 T, McDonald. City Mauapr.

COMMU.,TY CHURCH Eric T. Braund. Robert c.·~

Milliliters A. Elisabeth GGetse l.Wint.ter of Mlllale

Sunday, November :lf - 8-8:10 a.m., Mr. Braund an1d Chanael Choir broadcut on Station WOAY, "Religion for Llvtnc." Kornlq Wonhlp at 9 and 11, l~r. Braund preaching on "The Spirit of the Mayflower • Dawn of Americut Church Hlator,'." Treble and PU­gritn Choirs at 9 a.m.: Chancel Choir at 11 a.m. Church School as followa: 9 and 11. Nursery, Kin­dE-rgarten, Prima!'7; 10, .:runtor, .Junior High, Senior Hlch (reJI~ ship Center>, Collage Age CIIUIII <Mr. Braund's living room), Ken and Ladles' Bible Clat~~~e~~. 4-41 p.m., Try-outs for Dlckena' "Chriat­Carol." 8-5 p.m., Chri•tmu Con­ference or Federation Church• at All Saint. EpiiiCOpal Cbureh. D. C. 6 p.m., .Junior Blgb FeliOWIIhlp; 7 p.m., Senior Htch Fellowaldp; '1:41 p.m., General Cbureh QounciJ meetlnsr (Feliowsblp Center).

Monday, November U - 8 p.m., Mlsston~t.rv Groul). hOme of Mn . Ruth Birdseye, 1-D Par~cwaF.

Thunday, November 18 - 8:15 p.m., DlscuJIIIlon Group, hmne of Ml'll. Vll'llrinla Horton. 1808 W..U. Pkwv, Unlvenrlty Park.

Saturd~t.~. November 20 • 10 a.m., Buaar. Turkey ctlnner 11el'ftld tJoom 5:30 to '7:" p.m.


Nnrtb Eftcl l!lcllool SfanJey II'. Knoelr, ~r.. ........... 42-L Rldce BOIMI - Phone .... Sunday, November 14 - 1:11) a.m.,

Sundav School ~~emce. a.... G~:EENBEL T LUTHERAN Edward B. Blrner, Paatar

:Phone: ·~R&nlte 4-Hie

for all apt~. -Herber Irvin. SD­J>P.rintendent. 11 a.m.. Momlnc Wo~hlp, conducted by . HeY. Knock. Serm(M entltle4 ~ Acts For God?". A DUI"8MY .. provided · for the mnaller chDdren.

The $7,71.5 .. 00 bala'\ce is a.ccou:nt­e<! for by 12,106.00 added to t.he health delMLrt.ment tG provide J~or

Frldie.y, November 12: 8 p.m., Me!nbo!rs are invited to attend the Clrcuil: Mee·tlng at Ftnt Trinity ct.urcl:~, 4th and E Streets, N.W.

Sundllv. Novem~r 14 - I p.m .. Methndlat Ynuth FeUnwsbtp aneeta at the Bailey realdenoe, :n .. P Rld«e Road.

1 pendfture in tbli! ·State of Kal71and .fo.r library ~1-,tce wuo about 81 eents per caplt:a. Tlllo Uould be ClOJJ!P&red withi tile pal of t1JKJ to $2 SO per capl~ . .of the DIWdon of

. / Ub~ Exteinalon. lrarylnnd · State Department of ll:ducation,

and. the 1941 !t'eCOmmendation of . $LM ·per capita 1 u the ...Umate for a reasonably •-oocl llbi'&IJ'" :nulde by the Ameri~n Llbrar,r Aaoc:la-

Mrs. OladJ'B Chasn<·ft wtU be in charge of decoratiou Ml'll. FnUl­ces Sanders Ia tbe soda! chalrm.an and the #ollowing tonunlttee in cbarge of arran~ 2ta are Mrs. l!:thel Fisher, M:rs.. .:ranett:e Zub­ko!r, Mrs . .Justman aad Mrs. Elaine Skolnick. Ceremonla,l objE-cts, h­ruell lmpOrta and gift suggeatloJUI for children will be 011 display. AD irtterested are Invited JQ this gala alfalr:.

a full-tim,e public health nun.e; $3.265.00 ir1 Other Re.~reation. (S.Ill­ariesl and other ope1~ting expena­es; $574.00 for Electlo>ns as 1955 is an election year; and the remi\Jn­der for incceaees !n several other departments.

Sunclay, November 14: 9:4.5 a.m., Sunda:r School and adult Bible Chura. Claae. are beJd for all aae groups. Raymond Carriere, super­inteJtdHnt. 8:80 and 11 a.m.. Churcll:t service._ Tbe Sacrament of Holy Communion wUl be cele­brated at both services. Sermon by tbe P&Stor. VIsitors are al­wayl!l •uelcom_, to attend our serv­ioea. A nunery is maintained for the be11e1lt c•f pare:nt. with IIIDall cbllclren.

Mondav, November U - 8 _. .. " Methodist Men meet In room· 22G,. Center sehool, program wltll Chi­nese student..

tion. i -

More specfficidly, It AlltouJd be eompaf'P.d to ~ followiD. per cup. Ita expend!ture8 for the ftecal. ~-.r 1983: .

Cfty of Ba.l t:inj;ore - $LSNI Montgomery ~!ounty U54• St. , Mary's Col.mty JM; Prince George& County . ..111

During the same perlocl tbe 11er capita for our :Ubrary waa $1Ji'7. I Uftderstand it :~ lower thJa )Pel~.

With thf, count~. low per C&J>I­ta expenditure. t:bfo:re ill eeriou• qu~on as to th•~ QUality of Ubr&~-y aervtce that would be reedered If thP. trar.sfPr tahe~~ place.

:' ~ Public Llb:rarv In the Uilltut Stat_... is cheriallNJ becauee of ot.r


"' tnutftlon of equlll oppartuftltv aJ1d fn-Ntom of thouv.bt and eomm.un i­catinn. .Zn these ;h'Oubled t1mea we ilbonld be careful not to take a 8tep b:ackward.

' R&lph '1!'. Wetwter 11-8 Rfclae

A Uttle GUe WDJ help c let To !keep our toWD A Carden epat. ~~~~~~~

·n:LEVISION SIERVICE Gauaateed 'l'V l:ep.in

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ftCA Registered llealers f,hilco Authorized Sales

&service s.._ • 'l"eleiW••· ....._ JllrMIIric 8 MPI!o Jlelrf8a illS

· Call GR 3-4431

UKTBJRm.sl Tellevision Semce (:ompany~ ·----...... ~ ..................

-: •• ·.,:;o... ' ~:

The estimated budget. utilizing available <::Ounty services. Is $30S, 371.00, and tbe appJ'OVal of this budget w·ot~d mean that the amount rabled from real property tax In 1954 would boe reduced by

M.,n.c~'lv, Novemb4!r 15: 8 p.,m.. Men•s Club meeta at tbe chureh.

'n:!uraday, November 18: Cbureb VE·atr:v meets at the church. 8 p.m Red C:ross Offers Sunday. NOVP.mbe-r 21.: PHao...;

H . CI desirim: to c~ntribute clothfn!lf to ome Nurs1n.g a £ s th~ w~rJd-wide reuet ctothlnc Greenbelt m•'n and \\'oruen "Nho driW! ln.av brin., tbefr bundL!s to

tb<i• ch,; :reb on this Sunday. are interested in nursin~ and finlt a•~ nre invited to.att••nd .a specla.l thn'<'-week C0111'11e in hom'! nur:ain$t now 1'.-eing ;~ven by th£> Red Cros.s.

Clasaea m.eet In the buement Cl>f the ~irebouae on .Morday.s and Wednesday, and BPJ!>licanu ~·t their choice Of eithE·r afternOOirl or eve1:1ing lleDions. Hours &r•F-

1:30 to 4 p.m~ or 8 to 10:30 p.m. PIJUI and certlflcatell w i 1 I bo~ awarded th011e who complete the coune. IIUI1:ruetors are Mrs. Mil-­dred Comploler, Mrs. Katherin€~ Reynolds, l(rs. Noel Aln1odovar, and Mrs. Oine Onppie.

-----GA FEN BELT B4PTIST Me.!!ll~ttf in ~ 8e1Mo1

llPv .. Wm. J. Orow'der, PILD., A.ettn•.....,..

4ik We~ Wav, GR. 4-eta SuJtdaov. No,ember 14 - 9 415 a.m.,

Su~1d:av Sor.hftal. .Jobn 8. Stewart. Jr., aur:l4!ri"tendent. ct.._ for all ~- 11 a.m_ Mnrnfn-r Wor­shll) . .,.rnt• - Dr. Crnwcter. A nur·&Prv Ia m&intal"4"d durifttf aD 11en1~ e n.m., B•u'ltf.t Trat._ lr.sr Fellowllblp. meettnsr tn ft9e un1o1:.11 • for entfl'@ famn:or. 1:41

Tue8day, November 18 - t:ao-11 :ao a.m .. WBCS Studv Coune on India. Paki•tan 81'1d Ce:vlon. OMD· munity Church Fellow•hlp Om­ter.

Wednelld<J.y, November 17 - 8 p.m ... Bible study cour~~e, rooaa 121, Center ~~ehooL

Thuradav, November 11 - 8 p.m., Choir rehearsal, room :122, Center ~~ehool.

HEBREW SFRVIC~";S Hebrew eervicea will be held trrt­

day nl.,ht at 8 p.m. In the Home FAmnomlca ronm of tho Center School. For the present. semcea are cnndueted bv the mPmbera. C~t.ndle--lt~rbtlng time a. at 4 :11 p.m. thla week.

p.m., Evenlnc Wonblp - •riiiiDD. Dr. Crowder ..

Thul'llday, Nowmber 18 - 'f:• p.m_ Mid-week aervtce; room -. ~nter schooL A eontbn11.1d eoa­•tde'no.tlon of the· book. ...,_ to Elsrbt." 9 lt.Jil.. Cbolr rebealaL

ll'riday. • Novemher 11 • 4 ....... Junlnr Choir re..........._ aria ... craft8 !'00111, Oe.nter ac1aooL .

Page 3: I llttws Rtuitw - greenbeltnewsreview.com · l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling .John C. Maffa.y, H, ... GreenbE!Jt Choral Group spon· ... ville. AU Greenbelt ...

~ . '

· ..

, ..... ·


CL.ASSI~lED · ·. lCI'IttUled · rate• an• tiU'e.!t oiata · pe.- word, ft.tt7 cents DUnimum. Ada ~ouid be· submitted in wriUng ·~panled .by 'C!al>h ~ to the Coo~rato~ not later than 10 p.m. of the Tuesday p~·ecedlpg pub· Ucation. U accompanied by cub

. PQ'IIlent, ada may be' left for col­lection. In the Coopera~or box at the tQbacco store Copen !3 'a.m. to 10

·p.m.). "FOt.~" ads 1.vtll oo print­~ free of charge.)

·'.·· I

TELEVisiON BERvii:.m: By pro­.f-wnal electrical anj~lneers uslnc the flnest of modern teat equlp­J;Dent... KCA Registered Dealer. Any ma1ce. &n7'· model Ptdlco Autbor­lllecl Service. GR. 34431 or GR. a-Wl., . . Gkilii!NBiiiLT MoTo]m:::if20 Bal-UmoM Blvd. Used ca1'8 and trucka

. ~ aolc:L Phone TO. OoeMT. ma:r TV . SERVICE -~ weekeada. holldeys. Lo­... .&oaie Servlce calla. Charges ~ Work guaranteed.

. 1\-ae tu~ ·Wsttnc ac!rvloe, 14-Z.t . 'Lure!· Blllt Cal GR. 3-2U3 or oi.. ··~:

DIAitoRDS bOught and sold. a ;' ~· Ooode. Sr. Phone GR. 3-3UL . ISktiJSMAJ.tiNd iii<l aJteratiOiUL Jtll'& Bu•eD, 2-F \11T~. GR. ........ : '·.~DRY~~ We . , .,. , •. -.ear · • · ~uli phone. Pick

• ;...S ..,...ery dtl,. and Jd8'M ·--- oa. .f-7081. . , ·WIIfiiib - llcnue8=1a Greenbelt. :;aa,. praepectlve b'!ll'en for houa­. • and Qal'bnent& wm be clad to

··~ · .a.kt Grecabeltera In llelllng thelt' ........ GREENBICt:r REALTY COMPANY, U1 Cellt:erws.y (lor­._... PoUoe Station), ~JR. 8-45'lL

, RXifo Ih"ttl'RUC'rtbN - ~ulta &Del chlklreD; beglrQtel'll &nd a4-,.aae4. AlbN't K. !~JerUng, for-­~ed7 of 'I'u~ Oon~re music ..te-

.. PRiNTINo - "l'ick-.. memberllhlp ·. ~- ct:atktnel')"'. q!llck aemoe.

..-&ml;y Knl& GR. 4-8111. •

putmenL' GR. 8-~ · ALTiiRATION and 1 Sewing. Ex-

. pert work. GRanite 1-8131.

· PLUtO 'TUNING - Omaplete plano •., rYlc In 1r and reconditioning. Ga&nliateecl expert W'Ol"k. Can AI­... 0. JP'e~ZUSGn. IU. 2-IH80. ~~ serv~CJeaiiiii,

. «nW'IIaulla& . repalrh... Electric, • ........_ podNle. li. •· PolaacJ. GR. s..-r. atpb U1d weekadL &RSP W. 8C iUDI() SBRVICIC -Yoar tubes tested Fltlm!L Guaran-

.. teeCJ. replaoements at -~ ott u.t. ~urw. 9 ua. tiD 9 p.m. dally. U...J JtldiDe M. Phone G!t. 8-3482..

,_ fim iiiikidk ART SCHOOL wiD . Jle CIIJiec for reetatratton for & Um­. . 'itec! ~ Qan GR. 4-8781 fol' fv­\ tiler IDlonoat~on.

WOllEN WANTED • Make ektra . IDO.De.F· .A.ddreu, mall ]IOStclard.-

1...- . spare t1me '-ewl')" w~tk. · mco, 1a ~-- 'Belmont, ....... .

, FOR B..U.R ~ Solld Dl.apJe bedroom suite. oak cllnlng set. hutch cabi­net, aofa-bed, upholdered chair. All ·very reuonable. J8..C Rl4ce­GR. 4-21KT.· · ... ~'6a SA:LE ·- one S'iitpreme Sipa~. Genen;tor ~el 681. New OCNldl­tion 'lll'lth bwtructio.11 book. One DC Power w.pply, Vl&rlt':. meters ud otibet" equtp1:1er.~. Call GR. a­ZIM. .

· · DRIDI8$I(AB]NG an cl alteratlonL Krs. ltUiell, 2·F W..tway. GR. ..... 80-0-0 BABY to aboJ, for au ~ ·ChrfRinu Otfts and Home Needa at R. M4RS. 112 W. LOIIBAIU> JJT., BALTIKORB - now only 80 minute. ....,.. ~-4(· Dl8counta

·on IIWDoua-Make ll'umlture, . ....,_ lJIIance~, Beclding, Lineu, Rap. Open late Mon. & 'l'hun. <'I."Wo qR.IMOII. ..

~-------------------------------·W LNTED! XERCpNDISING .~ - FuU tl.aae, v~ -..re. Good oPIIortulll·t¥ for ~ IIUU& cl«'lllriaar career in Apply OCS Oftlee. ACOOilDION TAUGJIT ln J'OUI' own lkae ·Satu~ dternoOM aocol'Ctlcm ...... ...Ueble r.,r reDt. 'P'o:r

, ·~.· lnlonnatfon caD GR. ._ tiJ11 eftnbip aftrr 8.

~"8 WAS'RTNO IIA.• · CIIDnl 8ALICS A I!.JCRVICII -.............. OOI'Iftll1thJDal ......

. ... G'INitti.V ·repaired. P••"-''• o. .... , .... .._. Et!ot' ...........

C~11ter PTA Feallrtas "l11ow Yo1r Tucllon"

AP!lro:dmately 250 peopl•! at­t.omded tlu~ November meeting of t:'le Ce11:tcr School Parent-'Peach­ers Association last Tuesda•r eve­ning Following the theme :Know Youx· •.reachers," parents •tisited tne dassrooms for the first hour, and congregated at 9:30 for the business meeting in the au :litoJ:"i­\Jm.

Pz-E,sident H a r o I d Hufendick chaiJ~ed the meeting and intro­cl UCE'cl these committee chtirmen who spoke briefly: Morris Solo­lllon, program; Vincent Caruso, ll'lentbership; Mn. Louis Lushine. trea!lur~~r; and Mrs. Eleanor Rit­chie, ways and means.

Caruso announced that the silver cups for membership and 2:.ttend­s nee were won by the same teach­Ers who captured them last rnonth:

. ].{rs. Yeager for percentage of 1•arenta enrolled in P.·T.A; and tmotJ1er tie between Mrs. 'I'bomp­!:on and Miss Sowtelle for attend­lillce of parents at the meE tfng .

J.fr-s. Ritchie and Mrs. I.wshine , c:ommented on the budget, which ·~ailed for ral.alng approximately =>200. to be added to the $100 now Jn the treasury, to meet m:peJUieS 1~or the coming year. It was 11dopted unanlmoualy. Mrs. Rltch· ie IUmounced that the P.-T.A. plana to :sponsor one, or perhaps two, l~rfe>rmanees of the M:ontnomery l::..tgbt Opera ~atlon produc­tion of .. Plratell of PetlZ&nce'' nA.rly next year.

H:ufendlck read excerpts from the Prince Georges Board of Edu­cmtio•n's •'Commtttee Repc·rt on P.-·r.A. Fund-Ralalng Activities." ~rhe report llsted various activities that it deemed Improper for the Boud to sponsor, or which might fall within the scope of l,·AA's. ~£be first category Included: equlp­Jilng the cafteria, funW.hing uudio-visual mater i a 1 .. Ubrary books, and recorda.

In the second were: buyln:r band uniforms and instruments, equlp­Jting the playground and 'f'aculty t·oom.. and furnlahlng railbJoata t·or ·patrol children. The report frowned on purchase of television e;eta, either by the board of educa­tion or any P-TA. becauae of the Jlresent standards In pNgram­tnlng. Hufend!ck then announced that $100 now ln the P-TA tJ-eaaury t!&I'ID&rked for thl8 purpoua will not be spent for a TV set, ut least for the preeent.

Solomon stated that th<) next meeting of the oi'IPUllzatlon will be held jointly with the Junior High l?-T A In that school on J 1Ul1Ja17

·1l2, :UM55.

l:.ltter, Utter, on the .ueet. l'fot 80 tlc!y, not 80 neat. ~l"raiin your chDdren, Maw .ad Paw, Oba.erve the Utter of the Ia••. ~N ANTED - Mechanic or f.ppren­tke for full tlme employn.ent in t.he Greenbelt Ge.raae. Apply GCS u!Jlc:e. ii'OR SALE - Whirlpool ,VUiier, c:ompletely automatic, 2 yea.n old. ~;'15 or best offer. AJao, 7-cublc foot l!el,llnator refriprator - $2t·. Hot­IJOir..t console ironer, $25 38-C JUd1,e. GR. 4-2647. i'FO!t SALE - SoUd maple liR""iet; oak dinette 8et, chair, aofa bed, <:rib, highchair. GR. 4-2MT. JmJ5uci!!D PRICJC. $k99! Two­)Jedc!Stal desk to hide a dirty wall. nix deeJ1 drawe,.. to hide bEla, let· ten and children'• CI'IQ'ODIL Vet­Hart of gov't. eerctce; wanbs more dvillan work before r~!Urlng. nea;;.~tiful (well, intere.tlng) paint job that makea it a .. 1:0DveJ:aation J•lece." :U you like talking <buai­rlE!III) call eML <Mention tllla ad and you can have It for 1:wenty t•uclts-)


120-Poun,ders Eleat GreenMe1ttdows6-0

Greenbelt's 120 pounders defeat­ed Green !\1ca<.!ows last Saturday 6-Q. It was a hard. well played affair in which Greenbelt held the upJX•r hand throughout the game, rcgard!l:'ss of the fact that only one touchdown was scored. 1\Iost of tile game ww1 played between midfield and the Green Meadows 20 yard line. There was n large puddlE' around the 40 yard line that both teams S(~med to llike, at least they played in that one more than any other ont>. The boys seemed to tc wet and cold throughout the game even If they didn't play that way. To mak~ matters worse the jocal team had c.nly one substitute. Both, Dunn who hurt his lei~ and DonBullian who was kicked in the mouth had to return to the g;NDe because of the lack of substitutes. Even un­der these adveraoe conditions the boys played ve:ry good football. Matson's playing: in the backfield was exceptional while Canning, Davia, Dunn and Palmer played well in the i~ne. The lone touch-_.. down waa a pitc:bout by White to Taylor who scol'led from the 11, McGlothin threw· the key 'block.

The only pen1:alty In the~ game waa for 15 yardn against Green· belt for holding. It came In the last quarter and took Green Mea­dows to the Greenbelt 20. They dmve as far ao t~ 15 where Gret>nbelt held tour dow~ and took over. It waa the nea!'lest that Green Meadows had come to the Greenbelt goal Ur.e. Two <tuarter­back sneaks endE~ the ga:me.

FOOLISHLY, .AU IT TURNED OUT, we thought the add11~ss w'!B enough. We WE!re in NC\llr York. and had been invited to dinner at my brother-in-IA"w's home. It's one o! these hu1re double apart­ment housea witlt four elevators,

.with populatiola CIIIIOUgb fer a small town. Anyway, we were having so much trouble flnding· th~m

without knowinnr the apJt.rtment number. <Even the supedntend· ent couldn't help ua. There were several of that na~ne. and she didn't know first nametl. llbe aald. No . she really eoukba't do anything about ltD . Only by flnall~r going out to the corne·r drug 11tore to telephone my b1:'0ther-ln -law did we discover we 9rere to get to 4E. More than ever, my hwsba.nd and I felt smug and superlo1r abo".lt "unclvill%ed" Greenbelt, BJ'ld stfU muttering "fantastic, • my husband pushed the buzze1~ o4 lWI brother's door. SOME CLASSICAL STUF"F w.u pouring out of the FK set, and the children who were out in the yard suddenly burst expectantly in 1U1d looked at the te!evlslon set. You see; they thought cartoc.ns were on television. hr lltl!Lny months now channel 1 baa been uhowfng cart.oons accompanied by good substantial tolerable conce•rt mu­sic, and the kids bave com•~ to aa­aoclate symphony music ~;th car· toona. I don"t know If thalt'a good or bad. It's a boon to the houee­wlfe who bee to u.ten. but It may be a poor WRY to Introduce the Jdddle. to good musSc:.


Shakespeare used 110me U.OOO different words ln hill pla:~UMI undoubtedly knew many more than that. Tbe total reeop~ition vocab­ulary for the adult hi«b •ei!JOOI graduate hu been placed ILS hlgb as 215.000 word&. Tbe UtenLte c::ol­lege graduate wbo reads a few boolu a year kD~rs 15000 or more.

- - • CHJ~OING 'ltiMEs.



Car Paintin«-- Bodv Work 821C) BAL'IDIOB AftiiU&


November l::.:.t,..:1:.:954.::.;: _____ N_EW_....;s_REVIEW __________ Page_......_3

1·he 1.4-. Ylew \Vell, th•~Y c:an turn the editorial

dogs loos-e on me again because I missed th~· la:Jt GVHC board meet­ir.;~. and l will probably miss the m·xt three. ~~his is due to chang­ing the siignals. I travel quite a bit. but I try 'il'ery hard to work out my trips so I can attend board meetings.. My planned itinerary between 11ow and the end of the ~ <:ar wou: d have allowed me to make all but one regularly sched­ul·~d meE-ting. But--"The bef;t ltdd schemes t~' miee

and men Gang aft a-gley;

An' lea'e us nought but grief. and pain,

For promls'd joy." be·eause, they changed all the dates of the regular meetings and I was in Louisville when they held the irregularly sc:hedt!led "'November 5 meeting and l will be in Cleveland fo.r the NoVIember 19 meeting, in Los Angeles •:>n December 3, in San Francisco for the quarterly meet· in g on Decernber 8, and In Denver for the December 1'l' meeting. I hereby pubbcly apologl:e to th"" bc>ar'd and membership for my ne­C4~ssa.ry absences .

I wisil I lut.d been at the Novem· b•~r meeting rather than In Louis· vhllte. I bave a great deal more pride in my GVHC voting record titan in my selectipn of horses at Churchill Downs, and my mistakes a:re much le~IB costly. U you see a horse ambUng leisurely through Greenbelt, trea.t him klndly-I probably have some money bet on hJ,m. If I had been at the last GVHC

board meetir1.g, I would have voted a1~ainat t11e Jltroposal to ~cept paid a·dvertisemefllts in the G V H: C N'ewsletter. I believe that a corn­r ... unity newe1paper in a town tbls size is a clivic necessity, but If every organization Ia going to subsidize its· own paper, then we wont have a public newspaper . And It the ~rewa Review (formerly tlte Coopen.tor) is thus put out o:~ bi.lBlness, :It will be mtaeed. even by me. For the· money now spent oJrt the Ne\'ll·aletter, we could buy a full page ln the News Review a:nd deliver it to every family in Gre•mbelt once a month. Don't for­g•et that thla newspaper provldea a regular free •rvtce to all churches and organizattona in town In Uating their meetings and r«~portlng tlu!lr special events. Let'• not cut ita throat (leave th&t to tne).

I didn't kttow that Frank Laat­n•er had 110 r11.any enemlea in town, he got onl:r 80 percent of the v•otes cut.

It's a go~td thing I didn't bid on any of 1the commercial build­ings. I figured they are worth about $33..838. which would have IE'ft me in the middle apln be­tween the lc:.w bid of $222.222 and the high 1blcl of $t44,444.

I underats.nd that the aucceu­ful bidder rt:ally dlda't intend to bid that rouc:h, but that he stutters and when bls ateongraplu!ra aaked for how much abe should 6B in the bid, h4! said. "'For--, for-. for-. for-·. etc., and befo:re he got out the figures she had sent the bid icto wa:~hlngton.

Undefeated Midgets Beat -Lewisdale 21-0

B)· E. DonBuWaa "Ch(~t" Speziale's Boys Club Kid­

gP~s took another step towards We county football champlonahlp when they defeated LewiJJdale laat Satur.:l3y, 21·0. .A three-platoon system was used with the third team proving just aa effective aa the first. An excellent broken f:teld run by Dlck Ellls took the ball down to t11e 12, from where :Mike Fleshman charged down tb.e mJd­dle for a touchdown , with Stuart, Matson and Duvall furniahlng t~ power.

Followina~ the next kickoff Don King with some excellent quarter-· backing took the team within striking distance "f the goal Une. He then took the ball on an op­tional keep play around right end for the touchdown.

Fle!lhman'a effective numlng and E:ill Steele's pass to Doug En­dres Jlroduced the final toucl,down. The Jl•laying of the Une waa a tre­mend•lus factor in thla victory. Asst. Coach BUI MOf>re'a predlco tion of an undefeated season~ to be well on lf:ll we.y.

Thl:s Saturday, November 11, the :Midgclts will play Green Meadow. in th4! deciding ~ of the cham· plona:blp. It la scheduled for 10 a.m. at Braden l'leld.

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Page 4: I llttws Rtuitw - greenbeltnewsreview.com · l11dict:ed For Em,bezzling .John C. Maffa.y, H, ... GreenbE!Jt Choral Group spon· ... ville. AU Greenbelt ...

• "~.~. ~~------·-·-·~----·-------··--........ !i

· ~~ ~t;:~..!!EWS RBVIEW -- November u. 1~U I M C IF' I ~~ e~ .;;~ ve 'I • • 11 1res :-~ .... , .· "•• '~J • W~rne·n's Cl~.b Dra•NS lert• E .. T1le11 Sbow 1(~1 -Fer .lOCilllirl 9!> To l-4awauan 1.-u.su A "Talent Night" sponsored by

Hon~leJv.entiora in a national Ninet}·-fiv•! members and gu.!Sb - the North End Scllio:»ol PTA was easay .contest' ha:; been won by of thll• 'Wo1nan's Club of GreenlJelt E'njoyed by a large .l:atbering Fri­:&hrion Ryss, ll year-old d~Lghter enj<·Y•,.l a Hawaiian Luau in the day, No'\·ember 5. Jilluter of cere­of Mr. Bnd Mrd. Murray Ryss of social roo:n of the Commuulty monies for the e•>'~~nt WSJI .Joe ~A Ridge. Tht> co:<~c<4: wrs sron- Churcb last Saturday evening, No- O'Laugblin who int.erspef'SCd his .ored b) World Over. a youth mag- 'l.f'mtH•J' 6. The costumes of the Introductions \\'ith lii\'ely an('cdott>s azlne published by lh<~ .Jewish Edu- women. gmss skirts, sarongs, Chi- about the antics of bis students. cction Committee of New York, nes(· und .Japanese and peas:.nt Fe11tured acts during the ·~ve­In celebration of. the American dresses, WI'I'e enlivened by ba~i,;- ning were Edna ·'Vhlte, who sang Je'wiab Tercentenary thie: )·ear. grot~nd of artificial palm trees. several seml-classi<:sll sel~ctions.

The P.ditora of the magazine Mrs. Lehrnd Love was adjud1~ed and .Julia Bailey, who presente-d v.l'Ote· Marion that her easay, en- to te '"·earlng t e most au er. Jc · - h th t• her inimitable pattltomirr.;c l~ou-tiUed "My Place in the Commun- costurnE. Bhc wore a Hawaiian tines. A .surprise E~vent was th<' lit¥,". w.as chose~ from. antong bun- print sunbE.ck dress, a om W! d cd 'th appearance of the :Sigma Alpha :1~ submitted by boys and girls a lei o;: purple orchids flown to Epsilon fraternity ((Uartet f1rom ~~~ghput the country. Th<!Y said her by :ner sister in Hawaii. the lJniversitq of M!~and. 'fhr­rth'llt it dF.moristr::~t.~:J on her pllli: Tte entertainment opened with quartet, wihch had :!l:~peared earl­''a, wi!l!ngness to W'>rk and a feel- islar.d music sung by a bea•!h- ier that ~vening on the Jim Gib-ing for your corr.n1unity and yo11r comhe:r-3 qu;lrtet of four bus an< s: b I bons television show. entertained l•erltage." · Ralph 'Weh"ter, Richard White. with a medley of M~a.ryland songs. · ltarion's essay bega!l as !ol!Gwa: Eric Bmunol and Ray Finley. Mr£. A variety of local tsl·~nt fill('(l out

"Greenbelt is Nte 11.amc of the McDon111d and Mrs. Chapman sang the evening. C~JPmunity I tfvc in. It is a Hawui.lll!l S<•ngs in duet. Two color It was 'Ulnounced that the next IGOdel. 'town. It bas almost any- movies depicted the fivE' beautiful North End PTA Lteetlng will tal<r­ttdng you. could wanl:. Greenbelt islands. M ss Mary .Jenkins of place on Tuesday, Nm·ember 23. lS a wonderful plac:e 1or girls and Washington D. C. and Williun

Council llotes t-< vs to have fUlL H fm·ni shes re~ Charma11,, a native Hawaiian, p.r r­~E'Rtion for chJidrf!•• all year round. form~d and interpreted ancient ., 1'he' recreation dc·pal'tme·nt gives and modem Hawaiian dances. ~wimntlng lesson:.~ ·at our swim- . Th•! Club's annual guest nignl 111ini pool. It' W!M has· das!K's :::or in hono1• of ·:he member's husband!! am end craft$ work. rhe~ are was piBJtned by a committee und ?r also recreation cll!u:sr~·; i[n •Jrccnhelt the <!irE·c·tion of Yrs .. Charlell !II. t'lat, provide leno!'s' in drama. Cormac-k &}uare and fqlk aancio.c, and

Mayor Frank Lastner is trying hard to keep citizens from com­menting on the budgrt until tt.c public hearing, in or·der to sp.:·ed council action on the· budget; but a comment sneaks in now and then. It's hard to tH~ quiet ahout t.'1xes in Greenbelt.

tumbling." 'l'be essay goes on to describe

f-4tc buDding of th'! J-,~i:Jh Com­rinmJty Center, which until recent-· l:t· 11'88 ·built almost entireJ.Y with the volunteer, unskilled belp of Jo!Wfsh le.tldents. 'AJJ Marion e"-

, plaiiaed it, the .Jew in Greenbelt wanted a place wher.! they "could Si>t to&etbt>r to Wo1'1:1hip God as we:ll 88 have a place for social Rc­fli'itlea.

• 'i,'he only trouble was vo·e ditln't J•a~ any money t.a buy the land &ltd have a building built. The D:leD IJJ Greenbelt are mostly Gov­eumaent .workers and are not able tcj ~tribute the sum of money ~~. There was such .a de­aij~' IGr & building that I!Veryone CC·Il~rJbutec:-d enough tr.oneJ' to buy t~e . l4nd. Due to the fnct that ~ere 'WUn't enough money to hire $111op1e to. conatruct the building, it wu decided that the Jewish men' o! the community would do tJJe wo~k themselves. Men who Dt·Ver before did any construction

· w.,. beelune bricklayers. carpen­tert:. ~ laborers • • . ~~ humorously noted . that

·•t:~ work was nat \1 ithout sad Cli!Wtlopments. In clearir1g the land. tw 0 iof. the ~en, one of Which Was na;r f~r. gqt polson Ivy." .

:fler eaaay also pointed ·out that ''the ·leaders ·of the other church gr ~•tra were so impresHed .bY the pr~nress the .Jew:sll peop'e were llll&ldng" that they set asid~ a day called· "Greenbelt .Jewish Commun­icy ~·on which the men of t.lJetr · co:t(.Tegation would come and help

. wi'th. tbe work on the building. ''It waa a wonderful sight (she wrote) -~ •· the Revc;rcn,f of the Com­m~lllity . Church and members of hfl; ohurch plua men from ·the

. Cal~c Chureh and the- other chul'Ches an workln~t tc:gcther to

·· :ua get our bulld.lng done."

Ml,lic:i~t:il Lea1•• las 7111 111111111 Co•weatio11

The ).{aryl1md Municipal Leagu?, an sssodation of one hundred Maryland cities and towns, wi II hold ita Seventh Annuw Conven­tion at. tl1e 'l'idewater Inn in Ea!:­ton MIM-ylantJ, November 11-1 t Thl three-da:Y conclave will be dE·­voted ta discussion of municip~J problEms in the state.

Ma,yor Rm:sell P. Smith, .Jr., cf Cambridge, League President, states th11t 150-1'?5 dty and town officials 3re E'xpected to attend the meeting. Subjects t.o be discussed include juve.nile delinquency, tbe new :l'"ederal social security law, a proposed exchange of .roa.ds bE­tween thn State of Maryland ani its political !!Ub-divisions, clvU dE­fense, public relations, and munici­pal legisuation. Special sessions for city attc·rneys, city engineer:!, and _ municipBJ finance officers have ~Lis<• been arranged.

Mayor AUm C. Thompson cf .Jackson, U..U:sissippi, who is vice president of the American Munici­pal Assc-dation, will be the fea­tured speaker at a dinner to be held em :"\· ove mber 12.

E:OOKS from page 1 meet every other Thursday in members' hoJDes, and to extend a general invitation to others tc, join. Se1reral others have express­ed a deslr,e t<• be included.

The nu:t 1neeUng will be hel~i Thursday. Navember 18 at 8 p.m. In the bom.e o.f Prof. and Mrs. .Johr. Schmidt. :2-D Gardenway. Topic: for diEcus1don w'ill be the "Apolo· gy" ar.d "Crito" of Plato.



I• I

* e Vit:amina! One c&?S'Ile meets C·r e;l[ee!da minimum dan;, requJ,rementa of all vftamlna lm01vn 1to be needed!

• Cbeck the pote!tey! Compare the :PM!!

B'tJCh. cap.n&le. COtltCI4it&S:

Vltamlu .A . ~00 U.S P. unit. ,VJtamtn D- 1.000 l[J.&P. uaJta ~./ltamin B-1 ---· U mg. VItamin B-2 _ _ __ 2 me. W..la B-e __ _ G.1 Jll&'.

Citlctum Pantothea:!lte --- 1 ... Niacin Amide ---- : ___ 20 me.

'VItamin E ----- 2 lU 100 capsuln $•1.75 200 capsuln S300 500 capsuJn $':'.00

...,. ... Juae ......... , • ,... ...._ oebeclc ol .-.!leT Older. !1'0 C.().D. .tiiJ r nt•

li & IB DRUfl; JC4t.

A petition signed by 131 citLtrns was received by the council Ice­questing a sidewalk on Hillside near the church areas. Thf' hazard-ous traffic in the area is cited as the need for some ll:ind of peties­trian protection. A blue-chip w«.ik may be installed at the cost of $600 if the roadways fund can a.c­commodate the expeiU!e. One point to consider was expnssed by Mc­Donald; Greenbelt's plan calls !or inter-court walks, nt)t bordering roadways.

"National Week fol)r Retarded Children" W38 recognized by the city council through approval of a resolution. The 1oveek occurs from November 14 to 20. Lastncr asked support of citbens of local organization during this l u n d drive.

Another resolution .supporting a Maryla.nd Municipal League pr·o­posal to exempt rnunicipalities from gasoline tax w:u approved. Reaso~ing: We receive a return from gas taxes and sbould not be paying taxes inairec:Uy to our­selves, when the city purchase!'! gas.

\Vaats Lake Lowered "Pop" Bell of .Tz.aak \Valton

League requested PE~rnuss10n to lower lake to 30 feet from shorP line to1r clea '1 up of d•ebris to help lake fish growth. To be don-~ aliter bass season, which ends Nov('mbcr 3li. City will assist in program. if it ·~an. ·

Reasor. for water sit.oppage waa disclosed by McDonald· To tic in Lakesidl' homes with water line·, valves were closed, but t!ley had faulty "seatings." Necc~itated go­ing up several "'blocks" to accom­plish tie-in, and it la.sted Ionge r than expected. So m:!lny phoned complaints arrived to city ·,mce. McDonald felt all residents k n·c- .,. al,out water steppage and notifi­cation (\f resider.tl'l W88 deftlled fu­til£- at this la!e date. Council "x­pressed regret and apc,logy at in­cvr-.vt•!lience, an 1 prmniEM.'d it won't happen again.

Sbaek to Be Ser.!!t!Qed

A letter from Harry Thompson of Interior Department. dfsclos~d toot the :maintenance shack olll Greenbelt Road for nt!W express­way will be painted, I'Jllldscaped and screened by trees from road. Also encloaed by chain Unk fenet:•, Thompson promiJred. fie wa.s:r.'t awa!'c that be W88 cutting tlJrough Greenbelt property wben the slt.~ wu r.!lected, an-t be requestt>d maps and ordinancn to prcve·nt fubt~ abu.ees of Greenbelt.

A letter from Mn.. J·'lme• FJyJ!ln to tbe council pro!lftlled Kn. C.Car Zoellner 88 Jlla)'Or to reJllaee Fl'alllk I..aatDer wbes he lea~ 1otr COtmty fttDUDiaiofter job 8001l. Lutn.er ~ the Mlgestlon • .~urt~."

Oftr 21 eltiaenll 8bleded tlboe ......,. .,

......... ,.. JdilWbit;,

-·siiRiiPFEas, 1 ?Itt ~ e. S4t j


If you can•t get a baby sitt9r - and can't get out i 7Ue Z)e/Wel,

SHRIMP AT $1.50 A POUND HJ~LF FRIED C:HICKEN BOX y:;•v.:; ~ot' _ 11.26

F.F'. Pet;lltoes, Cole Slaw, Corn Bread or Rolls

Ye~tera•'• RestaUI'CIIII' Look for the Ma:mmy Sign '1'he Sign of Good :J"ood"

J 16.10 &ltlmcre BhrcL. BeltavlUe-, Md. OlU WEbeter ,...... i Di~ling Room Service - We Cater to Partw

ln one oJ: the most heroic naval engagements of World War n. officers and m.en of Rear Adnliral Dan Gallery's Task Force 22.3 boarded aJ]d m~ptured Naz:i submarine U-505. Fast action saved sub as it was :1bout to sink. <Inset> Towed to Ch!caeo from Porta­mouth, N. I-1. Navy yards, sub was placed in floating drydock aDd beached at 57th Street and the Outer Drive in Chicago. SUb •u roJaed off t<.l tracks on this temporary pier. Tra~ks extended from pi~!r end to Ot1ter Drive.

When bre,alu~rs thr~aten..?d to wash away cribbing aupporthtg beached sub. International TD-24 crawler tractor waa brought in. bladed sand. into rune-foot-high protective dike.

.Jacked up four and one-balf feet above beach pier, sub was theD rolled acro:llll OLlter Drive to perm;anent exhibition site at the east wing of Chicagco's Museum of Science and Industry. Actual ~apture of nub took les:s than 20 minutes . .Moving it to final berth. a dJa.. tance of 647 fee-t. took 40 days. <Inset) Present for· dedication ce:re­mon.ies were Rear Admiral Galler:, and Commander Arthur God­tre,•, USN&. ~~~ -~


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