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I. N. K. I Now Know Dodge City First United Methodist Church October, 2016 Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe, are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor. October Events You are cordially invited to a unique ministry opportunity with individuals and their animal family members for a “Blessing of the Animals”, on Sunday, October 2, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. on the Front Lawn of First United Methodist Church. Bring your animal family members for a blessing & a special token. For more information call 620-227-8181. TRUNK OR TREAT Sunday, October 30, 2016 5:30 pm You are invited to join in on the All Hallows Eve (Halloween) festivities. All Hallows Eve is a religious holiday that we now know as Halloween. We are looking for as many as possible to volunteer to open their hearts, their minds, and their trunks to the members of the Dodge City community. Decorate your trunks with Halloween décor & treats. Cars with decorated trunks park on the Front Yard, others park on the parking lot. Come for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship. We’d love for you to join us! TABLE OF CONTENTS : Pg. 2 Jerre’s Column 3 Raciel’s Column 4 Bryce’s Column 5 Sarahs Column & Joy! news 6 UMW Reading Program 7 Lists & Short Articles 8 Cook’s Corner & Short Articles 9 Congregational News & Obituary 10 Vital Stats 11 Calendar Back Cover Great Plains Info

I. N. K. I Now Know

Dodge City First United Methodist Church

October, 2016

Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe,

are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor.

October Events You are cordially invited to a unique ministry opportunity

with individuals and their animal family members for a “Blessing of the Animals”, on Sunday, October 2, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. on the Front Lawn of First United Methodist Church. Bring your animal family members for a blessing & a special token. For more information call 620-227-8181.

TRUNK OR TREAT Sunday, October 30, 2016 5:30 pm You are invited to

join in on the All Hallows Eve (Halloween) festivities. All Hallows Eve is a religious holiday that we now know as Halloween. We are looking for as many as possible to volunteer to open their hearts, their minds, and their trunks to the members of the Dodge City community. Decorate your trunks with Halloween décor & treats. Cars with decorated trunks park on the Front Yard, others park on the parking lot. Come for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship. We’d love for you to join us!


2 Jerre’s Column

3 Raciel’s Column

4 Bryce’s Column

5 Sarah’s Column & Joy! news

6 UMW Reading Program

7 Lists & Short Articles

8 Cook’s Corner & Short Articles

9 Congregational News &


10 Vital Stats

11 Calendar

Back Cover – Great Plains Info

“Focus on what REALLY matters”

Is there anything in our lives that is truly irreplaceable? Wealth, worldly possessions, and even power can be rebuilt over time. The values that define us, on the other hand, don’t come with price tags or substitutions. A number of years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win. All, that is, except one little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back; every one of them. One girl bent down and gave the contestant a hug and a quick kiss and said: “This will make it better.” Then all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line. Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story. Why? Because deep down we all know this one thing… “What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves, what matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.” Life is full of difficult choices. Remember that the path to true happiness lies in freebies of life like love, courage, caring, and purpose. Choose the immeasurable over the material and you will ultimately find your happiness. The next 30 days or so, find someone that you can slow down for and help them know what REALLY matters. All the best,


“Enfóquese en lo que

realmente importa”

¿Hay algo en nuestra vida que es verdaderamente insustituible? La riqueza, la posesión terrenal, y aunque incluso poder puede ser reconstruida a través del tiempo. Los valores que nos definen, por el contrario, no vienen con

etiquetas de precio o sustituciones. Hace varios años, en los Juegos Olímpicos para personas Especiales de Seattle, nueve concursantes, todos en estado físico o mentalmente discapacitados, reunido en la línea de salida para la carrera de 100 yardas. Al disparo de la pistola, todos empezaron a salir, no exactamente en un orden, pero pedaleando para correr la carrera a la meta y ganar. Todo, es decir, a excepción de uno de los niños que tropezó en el asfalto, cayeron más de un par de veces, y comenzó a llorar. Los otros ocho escucharon el grito de niño. Redujeron la velocidad y miraron hacia atrás. Luego todos se dieron la vuelta y regresaron; cada uno de ellos. Una niña se inclinó y le dio al concursante un abrazo y un beso, rápido le dijo: ". Esto hará que usted sea mejor" Y a continuación, todos los nueve jugadores entre brazos entrelazados, caminaron juntos hasta la línea de meta. Todo el mundo en el estadio se puso de pie, y los aplausos se prolongaron durante varios minutos. Las personas que estaban allí todavía están contando la historia. ¿Por qué? Porque en el fondo todos sabemos que esto es una cosa única. "Lo que importa en esta vida, más que ganar por nosotros mismos, lo que importa en esta vida es ayudar a otros a ganar, incluso si esto significa reducir la velocidad y cambiar nuestro rumbo." La vida está llena de decisiones difíciles. Recuerde que el camino hacia la verdadera felicidad radica en regalos, la promoción de la vida, como el amor, el coraje, el cuidado, y el propósito. Elija lo inconmensurable sobre el material y que en última instancia encontrar su felicidad. Los próximos 30 días más o menos, encontrar a alguien que puede reducir nuestra velocidad y conocer lo que realmente más importa. Todo lo mejor, Jerre


_We have thought that an entirely surrendered will is necessary to bring us into a life of victory, but that is not enough. There must be also a broken spirit which will enable us to accept God’s will joyfully without chafing.

_ The purpose of God is that our spirit as well as our will may yield to Him, and thus the whole nature be brought under His reign and be responsive to Him

_ A surrendered will and a broken spirit are not the same thing. The will is in the realm of the intellect, and corresponds to the law. The spirit is in the realm of the heart, and corresponds to grace. A surrendered will alone does not bring overcoming power. But when once the will is surrendered and the new spirit received, it is upon this spirit that God says, "I will put My Spirit," and a life of power and victory is assured.

As you read these lines, give to Him the old, hard, unbroken spirit, and let Him put within you the new, and life will be a joy. Whether you are called to "scrub or preach," it will be all the same; for like our Lord, you will say, "I delight to do Thy will."

_ The character and work of many an honest Christian bears the label "unbroken," and that is the reason that He permits many trials that are beyond our understanding, beyond our faith, even beyond endurance, not only that the will may surrender, but that we may be pressed to exchange our human spirit, which is forever warring with God, for the new spirit promised us, which is broken, teachable, humble and lowly (2 Corinthians 1:8-11).

_ God made me see how one could be even willing to go to the stake, and yet to do so with a wholly unbroken spirit, utterly at variance with Him who said, "Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God." And whether it was success or bitterest persecution, it was all the same, "I delight to do Thy will"--no chafing, no resistance, no questioning, but absolute brokenness of spirit (Psalm 40:7-8).

In the affectionate love of Christ, Pastor Raciel Quintana

"Un espíritu triste"

Hemos pensado que una voluntad totalmente entregado es necesaria para

llevarnos a una vida de victoria, pero eso no es suficiente. Debe haber también un espíritu quebrantado que nos permitirá a aceptar la voluntad de Dios con alegría y sin roces.

_ El propósito de Dios es que nuestro espíritu, así como nuestra voluntad puede rendir a Él, y por lo tanto toda la naturaleza ser puesto bajo su reino y ser sensible a él.

_ _ Una voluntad destruida y golpeado y un espíritu roto no son la misma cosa. La voluntad está en el reino del intelecto, y corresponde a la ley. El espíritu está en el reino del corazón, y corresponde a la gracia. Una voluntad rendida por sí sola no trae poder para vencer. Pero cuando una vez que la voluntad se rindió y el nuevo espíritu recibido, es en este espíritu que Dios dice: "Pondré mi Espíritu", y una vida de poder y la victoria está asegurada.

_ A medida que lea estas líneas, usted se entrega a él y el viejo disco queda e ininterrumpida, y queda el que el puso dentro de ti la nueva, y la vida será una alegría. Ya sea que usted está llamado a "fregar o predica," va a ser lo mismo; para que nuestro Señor, que va a decirle, "Me complazco en hacer tu voluntad."

_ Él permite muchas pruebas de que están más allá de nuestra comprensión, más allá de nuestra fe, incluso más allá de la resistencia, no sólo que la voluntad puede entregarse, pero eso que puede ser presionado para intercambiar nuestro espíritu humano, que está siempre en guerra con Dios, para el nuevo espíritu nos prometió, que se rompe, dócil, humilde y pobre (2 Corintios 1: 8-11).Dios me hizo ver cómo se podía ser incluso dispuesto a ir a la estaca, y sin embargo, hacerlo con un espíritu totalmente dispuesto: "He aquí que vengo para hacer tu voluntad, oh Dios." Y si llega el éxito o la persecución más amarga, , "Me complazco en hacer tu voluntad" - sin roces, sin resistencia, sin cuestionamiento, pero en quebrantamiento absoluto del espíritu (Salmo 40: 7-8).

En el amor afectivo de Cristo, Rev. Raciel Quintana

Student MinistriesA Note From Bryce

"But I say to you, Love your enemies and

pray for those who persecute you."

- Matthew 5:44

This past month, our youth learned what it meant to love

God. But as Jesus shared the most important commandment

about loving God, he also stated that the second most important

was like it - to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This

month, our youth will learn what it means to love our neighbor.

But just who is our neighbor? Is it the people who live on

the same street as us? Jesus spends quite a bit of time discussing

who we are to love, and it includes just about everyone. We are

to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. We are called to visit

the sick and imprisoned. He demands that we forgive the sinner.

But perhaps no instruction describes who our neighbors are

quite like Jesus’ instruction on how we will treat our enemies.

We are to love them. And those who persecute us? Pray for


This message comes in stark contrast to a world that tells

us to fear our enemies and protect ourselves from them. This

month, take some time to pray for those who you see as

enemies. Learn to love them, as our youth discover that we are

called to love everyone as we love ourselves.

Weekly Programs

Sunday School: Our Sunday School program meets Sunday mornings from 10-11 in the RZ Room. Through the fall semester, we will be working with a study called, "Can I Ask That?", which dives into questions about faith that many teens ask. Join us to answer those questions you are seeking to have answered! Reality Zone: Our youth ministry offers youth an opportunity to discover what it means to be in a real, authentic relationship with the God who created, redeems, and sustains all things. This year, our theme is "Be The Church", in which our youth will learn how to live their faith in the world. Join us for a great time of food, worship, discussion, and fellowship! High School meets from 5:30-8:15, while Middle School meets from 4:15-7:30.

What to Know: Confirmation literally means "with firmness." It is a great

opportunity for our middle school students to make decisions about

their faith lives with firmness. Our Confirmation class runs most

of the school year, as our youth learn about God, Jesus, the Holy

Spirit, the Bible, our church history, and many more aspects of

what it means to be a United Methodist.

As the class concludes in April, these youth are given the

opportunity to claim their faith for themselves, deciding whether they want to become members of our church. We look forward to

watching these youth grow in their faith as we begin this class in


Upcoming Dates: Sunday School Oct 2

Confirmation Orientation Oct 2

RZ/Pilgrimage Oct 5

Sun School/Confirmation Oct 9

RZ/Pilgrimage Oct 12

Sun School/Confirmation Oct 16

RZ/Pilgrimage Oct 19

Sun School/Confirmation Oct 23

RZ/Pilgrimage Oct 26

Sun School/Confirmation Oct 30

SARAH SAYS When you are going through a tough time please read this

and remember that the Lord is with you through it all!! Let us know of your burdens- so we can be praying and helping you also! You have church family that cares! Blessings and prayers to each of you! YOU WHO ARE WEARY Sleepless Tired Depressed Discouraged Do not be afraid! You who are fed up Hopeless Visionless Fearful Tearful Do not be afraid! God is present in your suffering. God will calm the winds and waves of your soul!

—Junius Dotson (Based on Mark 4:35--



We express our sympathy to… …the family of Gyra Miller. …Jalynn Nolte & family on the death of her uncle.

JOY! Sunday October 2, 2016 Your continued support of the First Church DC mission at JOY! is greatly appreciated! For the month of October we are requesting a hodgepodge of items to fill in some voids that have developed. With cooler weather coming soon, we hope, we need to restock our closet and cupboards. Items needed: Lysol Wipes -must be Lysol Clorox Wipes-must be Clorox Baby Wipes Pull-Ups (various sizes) Kleenex Band Aids Sippee Cups –No spill type (e.g. Munchkin Miracle from Wal Mart) Soft wash cloths or small towels (for wiping faces) Children’s (12 months-4T) sweat pants, Jackets, t-shirts Children’s socks Children’s underwear

An Alzheimers Poem By Owen Darnell Do not ask me to remember , Don't try to make me understand. Let me rest and know you're with me. Kiss my cheek and hold my hand. I'm confused beyond your concept. I am sad and sick and lost. All I know is that I need you to Be with me at all cost. Do not lose your patience with me. Do not scold or curse or cry. I can't help the way I'm acting. Can't be different 'though I try. Just remember that I need you. That the best of me is gone. Please don't fail to stand beside me, Love me 'til my life is done.


I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

Have you ever said, “Here I am. I’m the one you’re looking for,” and then been shot in the head? Probably not. We all know the story of Malala Yousafzai. But do we really understand her courage and perseverance? Malala lives in England now, but she grew up in the beautiful Swat Valley of Pakistan which she longs to see again. She shares her father’s love of nature, of the green crops, snow-capped mountains, and buffalo by the clear water of the streams. She also shares her father’s passion for education and human rights. At an early age, Malala entered public speaking competitions at school. Her father wrote her first speech as was customary, but after that she wrote her own. When the Taliban took over the Swat Valley, they started blowing up schools and announced that all girls’ schools would close. After that Malala and her friends quit wearing their uniforms and hid their backpacks but they still went to school. At age eleven Malala started giving interviews about life under the Taliban and the threat to education. Undaunted, she continues to speak about everyone’s right to have a future through education. Pat Kolb Leadership Development (2016) Given in memory of Neva Jane Upp by Sarah Godbey

Please help us find these UMW Library books: If You Know Who You Are, You’ll Know What to Do by Ronald J. Greer, God Never Blinks by Regina Brett, and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.

LISTS, LISTS, LISTS! Below are the names of those who are sponsoring flowers, broadcasts, bells, Wednesday meals, and Upper Rooms for the month of October.

PULPIT FLOWERS October 2 available October 9 available October 16 Theo Melia October 23 George Mussemann October 30 Mrs. O.L. Barngrover

RADIO BROADCASTS - $100 October 2 available October 9 Kacee Smith October 16 available October 23 Gwen Brooks October 30 available

TOWER BELLS - $75 WEEK OF October 2-8 Kacee Smith October 9-15 Kornechuks October 16-22 available October 23-29 Julie Becker October 30-Nov 5 Kacee Smith


October 5 available October 12 Kacee Smith October 19 available October 26 available

UPPER ROOM SPONSOR 2016 Ann Frigon & Preferred Investments


Dear Church family, Thank you all so much for thoughts, prayers & cards sent to Buss when he was having a very serious heart problem. All went well when he had heart cath. He is much better. Thank you Jerre and Sarah for being there for us. God Bless, Buss & Donna Imel

Dear Methodist Church Members, Thank you for allowing us to use the church for all our evacuation drills. Children know that in a church with their teachers they are safe. Thank You, Kathy Ramsour, Principal

2016 Stewardship Campaign

The Finance Committee, Ann Frigon

Chairperson, is pleased to announce that the

2016 Stewardship Campaign begins with a

special presentation on Sunday, October 9,

2016 as we “Experience the Joy” Of:

Celebration! The following week, Sunday,

October 16, 2016 we “Experience the Joy”

Of: Others! On Sunday October 23, 2016

we “Experience the Joy” Of: Generosity!

The Stewardship Campaign will

conclude on Sunday, October 30, 2016 with

“Commitment Sunday” at all three worship

services. During the weeks leading up to

“Commitment Sunday”, letters of invitation

will be mailed to all members and friends of

the First United Methodist Church of Dodge

City, Kansas. This year, the Finance

Committee will also be providing every

member a “Step It Up” chart to assist the

giver in determining how they can step up

their commitment.

The Finance Committee is looking

forward to this year’s campaign.


Congratulations to Peter & Julie on the birth of a daughter, Eleanor Rey Purin, on August 31, 2016. Grandmother in our congregation is Nancy Sapp. Great grandmother in our congregation is Leah Hayes.

Hello, my name is Tonja Reed and I am

your new Wonderful Wednesdays cook. I

am Dodge City born and bred and I have

over thirty years in the foodservice industry.

I am mother to four beautiful daughters and

grandmother to Kordell and Ryleigh, aged

seven and four, respectively. I love cooking

and hope that my love of food shines thru. I

am happy to be here and am looking forward

to many meals together. If you have any

ideas or special requests, please feel free to

call me or e-mail me. For the month of

October the menu is as follows.

October 5- Beef Stroganoff w/ Noodles

Broccoli Florets

Tossed Salad

Dinner Roll


Iced Tea or Lemonade

October 12-Chicken Pot Pie

Tossed Salad

Dinner Roll


Iced Tea or Lemonade

October 19-Enchilada casserole

Spanish Rice

Refried beans

Lettuce\Tomato Salad


Iced Tea or Lemonade

October 26- Shepherd’s Pie

Glazed Carrots

Tossed Salad

Dinner roll


Iced Tea or Lemonade

Menu is subject to change due to product

availability. Once again, I look forward to

seeing you in the kitchen. Thank You

Comfort Zone Family Retreat

October 14-16, 2016 Camp Lakeside, Scott City, KS

A community service of Hospice St. Catherine Hospital

For families and individuals who are grieving the death of a loved one. Cost is only $10.00 per family member, for the entire Comfort Zone Family Retreat! (includes 6 meals and 2 nights lodging) Financial aid is available to assist families who would not otherwise be able to attend. For a registration packet contact: Gina Cash, St. Catherine Hospice, Comfort Zone Camp Director 620.272.2519 or 800.281.4077


Leah Hayes’ 90th birthday celebration! Saturday, October 8, 2016

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. First United Methodist Church

210 Soule Dodge City KS 67801

RSVP: Nancy Sapp at 620.255.4231

Guests in Worship Sunday

We were delighted to welcome these guests at our services:

(August 21, 2016) In – Town

Michael Burns. Out – of – Town

Shelley Alexander, Mark L. Beck, KC Corcran, Jim & Mary Shultz.

(August 28, 2016) In – Town

Carla & Marissa Terrian. Out – of – Town

Hendrik Kransbein, Magnus Mariegaard, Phillipp Prabel.

(September 4, 2016) In-Town

Yadira Agustino, Olga Alexandro Tepezano. Out-of-Town

Steve & Floramay Miller.

(September 11, 2016) Out-of-Town

Jeff Allen & Natalya Rivera & Emily & Victoria.

Out – of – Town Norman & Janice Cooksley, David Ellis, Bill & Mary Irons.

(September 18, 2016) Out-of-Town

Reba Smothermon, Martha Gonzalez. Out – of – Town

Rob & Helen Getman, Marvin & Elaine Heiland, Ricardo San Miguel.

Out – of – Town Bulletins

David & Sharon Robb, Estes Park, CO Ron & Marti Spencer, Estes Park, CO

OBITUARY Gyra Miller Gyra M. Miller, 78, died September 22, 2016 at her son's home in Newton. She was born on December 3, 1937 in rural Gray County, the daughter of Pearl and Frances E. (Israel) Moore. Gyra graduated from Cimarron High School in 1955. She worked as an insurance agent for Gall and Jones Insurance in Dodge City. Later, Gyra worked as a secretary for Kansas Feeds also in Dodge City. Gyra enjoyed ceramics, reading, crossword puzzles, and camping. Singing to her children was one of her favorite things to do. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Dodge City where she also sang in the church choir. Gyra is survived by two children, Kass Miller and wife Debbie of Newton and Kimberly Cardoza and husband Danny of Barstow, California; two sisters, Glennys Chalkley of Cimarron and Glatha Denton and husband Jack of Dodge City; a brother-in-law, Richard Long of Dodge City; seven grandchildren; and nine great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents; one sister, Gwendolyn Long; and a brother-in-law, Vern Chalkley. Funeral service was held at First United Methodist Church on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 10:30 AM with Rev. Jerre Nolte presiding. Burial followed at Greencrest Cemetery in Dodge City. Memorials are suggested to the First United Methodist Church or the American Cancer Society in care of the funeral home. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at www.swaimfuneralhome.com.

The Church’s Vital Statistics

Date Worship


Last Year





Last Year



Giving Last Year



303 345 70 124 7,261 6,352


285 352 93 104 8,266 7,390


230 250 71 75 11,280 7,767


247 318 89 105 7,856 7,924


219 291 85 94 9,527 10,736


10,363 11,564 3,195 3,784 376,949 434,207


273 313 89 105

Ministry & Mission Giving

Needed for 2016: $76,782

Received as of 9/25: $44,249.91

Still Needed: 32,532.09

Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes

(Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains) Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes.

If you know of anyone we have missed, call us at 227-8181.

Trinity Manor

Georgene Nuss

Darleen Mapel

Velma Faulds

Patsy Craven

Inez Stoltz

Joyce Crosby

Richard Woodworth

Grace Davis

Lee Finch


Donnis Schmitt

Don Gregg

Betty Gregg


Janet Maurer


Lucille McGrew


Leon Allen

Anna Allen

Manor of the Plains

Bob Borthwick

Dale Tuxhorn

Dora Lee Starks

Irene Hastings

Everett Fieser

Norma Schoen

Dot Myers

Marie Grover


Dick Kline

Good Samaritan

Dorothy Huck

Virginia Bierce

Edna Maley

Linda Mahieu

Alice Kolsky

Celia Noreen Rowe

Garden City

Marjory Howarter

First United Methodist Church Non-Profit Organization

…a community of joy! U.S. POSTAGE PAID

210 Soule Permit No. 148

Dodge City, Kansas 67801 Dodge City, Kansas 67801

(620) 227-8181

October 2016

Change Service Requested


Great churches. Great leaders. Great disciples. Transforming the world.

Each church within the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church is asked each

year to support the ministry of the United Methodist Church through our Ministry and Mission

fund. This year, that “apportionment” for First United Methodist Church of Dodge City is


Through the end of the most recent accounting period (September 2016), we have raised

$44,249.91 of that amount, leaving the amount still due of $32,532.09. Through a series of short informative articles, we hope to provide more information as to how our share is determined, and how

the funds are used to further the ministry and mission of the Great Plains Conference and The United Methodist Church.

Question #5: How is the support labeled “Clergy Excellence” used?

Answer: “Clergy Excellence” is one of five sections where our apportionments are used.

This accounts for expenses for the personnel, program and operational expenses for Clergy

Excellence and includes support for the Board of Ordained Ministry among other boards.

Watch for More Information Here Each Month!

Your Lay Member to Annual Conference:

Mike Morrison
