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I 2 THE WINNIPEG 1911 DIPHTHERIA EPIDEMIC NOW UNDER CONTROL The monthly bulletin oC the health department just Issued show that during October theer were 83 cases of diphtheria and deaths In tha an compared with 47 cases and 7 deaths The being gradually got under In theer were 25 deaths from scarlet but there were only S deaths from disease last to the fever and diphtheria the report bulk of the scarlet fever and diphtheria cases have occurred north of William the district bound- ed by C. P. R. Alfred avenue and from Main to having had more than Its share within the lust two Importance of many Instances the Isolation of the patient has not been early the result being that we have quite a number of contact cases In the During last month we had 30 such cases 13 11 and 3 early recognition of the first the Immediate Isolation of the patient and proper precaution being many If not all contact cases should be the month several casus of scarlet fever and diph- theria have been brought to the notice tit the department and also through Investiga- tion Into the source of Infection of re- ported Ignorance of the na- ture of Ida appeared to be the only reason for parents not reporting or calling In a Flagrant Is the failure to recognize these mild cases and have them Isolated that the department attributes a percentage of our I SUFFERED FOR YEARS OWE HEALTH TO BY FRED HILSON in 1 1 Valuable Gilt-edge- d HH AUCTION SALE OF Wl REAL ESTATE Follow the with the hammer who Is dally money for the a I H workers of the Ask Your or even Real Es I tate who will tell you the There certainly Is a good li H i I have received Instructions from the absolute bona-fid- e law- - I I and not five cents' worth of this property Is I a t my wife's or my or the I am no U pH but absolutely square dealing Is and will offer for sale at my MART Princess cars pass the U On NOVEMBER 11 0 at 1 I H The Following Property Will be 7 Valuable Block Plan City of Eu j H 3 Very Fine Lota In Block Plan Part of Lot 30 Very Fine Block Plan H 2 Valuable Block Plan S 1 H 2 Lots in Block Plan of 3 and J 4 St. L 3 Fine Lots Block Plan B H 2 Very Fine Corner Lots in Block Plan 6 Building in Block Plan Portage la 1 field 9 H 9 Valuable Lots in Block Plan Donegal Ave- - 30 Fine Large Treed in Blocks 85 and Plans 92 and t l 12 Valuable Lots Block Plan Win- - 32 Fine Lots In Block Gordon and Chatham P I H Plan I I H 6 Fine Lois Block Plan Winnipeg 3 Building Block Subdivision Plan I H Commercial fj I H 11 Residential Block Plan City of Set- - 12 Building Lots in Block Western Plan K H Fort I A M Most of these being disposed of under the terms vary from the balance up K H to two to all cash with a big We Ire a deposit at time of sale and our office Is open on H Monday to receive the where buyers receive a guarantee that Torrens Free i H or will be If any buyer should feel so disposed Is wise to do he should E H search the which only costs I am most lous to refund the money to any as I wish E fl it to be thoroughly understood that I do not nor do I tolerate the buying of any lot or nor take ad- - I J H vantage af any fellow who Is down and and then resell at a In searching any person I fl can ascertain who the owner of this property really Think It there's a My ambition Is to F sell for you or to but a either think this that none of these B lots are owned by me or by my or the the I H ALSO It's immaterial where you if price is right and you get a L H Roll up and bring the in the don't stand and seating accommodation for Tou are not requested to Come and see what the wise and follow their example and do as they where I H dollars Make no error In time and place FRED Princess Street Garry 2434 and William Cars pass the E H Household Auction Real Estate and Rental Dep in j H if Jiff Jim I v J MISS NETTIE Internal j C. 11 W. can truly say I have been much benefited by the use of I feel better than I have for two It Is the best medicine that I know for Internal When 1 be- gan taking Peruna I could see that before I had finished taking the first bottle It was doing me Sick Miss Nettle E. R. P. D. N. have been a great sufferer from sick but am now entirely free from that I have not felt so well in ten years as I do recommend and to all Gained Appetite and Miss Julia sister advised me to try I took your treatment and my appetite returned I I gained strength and flesh and am I in perfect H Many a matron has lengthened the days of her comely appearance taking To be the H body must be kept clean fl as well as Peruna pro-- v J duces clean mucous the i basis of facial and aS i healthy j j O. D. 8 St Felix N. 5 have taken Peruna and It did me more good than all my two treatment by special I can really say that I feel like another 1 No more swollen feet and No more bloating of the 5 No more shortness of No more stiff and sore You have no S Idea what your treatment has done for It certainly has prolonged my E Hb Leading School of f Shorthand and the Business Branches V I IP Awarded at St. Louis World's X H I R Ml Day and Night School Individual H B Over Students In Attendance k I H Annually Desirable positions for I Visit- - f H iff WE INSTRUCTION BY MAIL us or 5 I S Winnipeg Business College V Portage and Fort P. g J M.A. i Canada a I I President f JB laWf J bb I hi I I In M 1 4 Auction Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE NOVEMBER AT 9 P.M. At my Notre Dame In Te default of terms of certain Sales and Cancellations proceed- - I I am instructed to sell to the best and highest bidder the C I In City of Valuable Building Lots In Block Queen 6 Building Lots In Industrial Plan In Fort William City 2 Building Lots In Block rian 2 In Portage la Prairie City 6 Eligible Building Lots in Blacks 6 and I Plan 8 Eligible Building Lots In Block Plan These 14 Lots are ln-th- e Industrial and right where Is and 25 beautifully large 60 building lots in Blocks 66 67 68 75 and under Plans 69 and Winnipeg Beach 16 Large 50 well-tree- d building in Blocks I 4 and Plan On account of only one hour for selling the above valuable realty it will be a Crisp no genuine and by orders for reasons Certain to be some good buying and Snaps TO THE WISE 8 It's bought at it's Terms Cash at balance In 8 and 6 at 7 per discount of 8 per cent allowed on time amounts if all cash paid within 7 and free transfer Where deposits only are the balance to equal half cash must be made within 24 hours not or deposits will bo forfeited and lots Buyer to assume current year's except where otherwise H. M. THE EMPIRE I Canada's Standard Writer 2 MODEL has the latest devices such tabulator automatic and sold for See It before buying H 1 MODEL is still on the market at fully H I Second hand Empires for sale at Slightly Aikins McDermot n For Sale-Wareh- ouse of I Misconstruction 1 H Location central and in wholesale Prop- - 1 j erty one of the best of its kind in the Suitable for light J jH manufacturing or wholesale B VOORHEIS LEWIS Real Estate and Financial Agents H NANTON BUILDING PHONE MAIN 2044 j BY H. GRAY AUCTION SALE OF Household At my mart Notre Dame avenue Albert on 1 1 At 2 and Odd Ex tension Table and Carpets Iron Bureaus and Washstands Cook and Heating Crockery am Bolls Tar cultural feet Hose Quantity of Pure Fowls Plymouth 1 and host of other articles Terms H. Auctioneer I BY H. GRAY H AUCTION SALE OF HORSES B 30 Cows H Cords of H AT GRAND I 1 5 at 1 o'clock Instructed by Ben who Is leaving the I will sell SO head 15 to freshen during November and team draft geldings about one mare about one gelding about about cords of oak and poplar 20 of and other useful Two miles north of Grand Point seven miles from Norwood Terms Notre Dame Main 15 and Sciatica and Lumbago Suffered For Twenty-Fiv- e Years and Could Get No Relief Now Tells of the Wonderful Re-sui- ts Obtained by the Use of Chase's Nerve Food neuralgia and sciatic rheumatism are the result of a run- down nervous For this rea- son all treatments must necessarily fall which do not up the nerv- ous Mr Collins suffered for twenty-fiv- e years and never was able to obtain satisfactory treatment until he began the use of Chase's Nerve Food and Kidney-Live- r While the Nerve Food forms new blood and restores the exhausted nervous the Kidney-Live- r Pills invigorate the action ot liver and W. T. affords uie pleasure to be able to speak favorably of two of Chase's medicines the Nerve Food and Kidney 1 had been a sufferer for twenty-fiv- e years from lumbago and neuralgia ami tried almost all the medicines I could hear without one particle of until I commenced to use I noticed an improvement before I used two and the benefits obtained by continued use have been I have so much confidence In these two medicines that I have recommended them to dozens of my and have yet to hear of single in which they failed to give Chase's medicines are for sale by all or Bates Only One u j I Quinine pi v- - to I Cure a Cold In One in 3 WILL INVESTIGATE SIDEWALK CHARGE St. Boniface Council Held Regular Meeting Last Night Roads Discussed The regular committee meeting of the Boniface council was held last when several of Im- portance were dealt After con- siderable Alderman Waller succeeded In having a motion a proving tho plans submitted by the railway company some time ago for the laying of a double track on Tache avenue from street to St. Mary's road and a single line on the latter thoroughfare to the city on condition that the company pay for the tearing up and relaying of Tache street A delegation from the St. Boniface and Norwood Curling club asked for a five-ye- ar lease of part of the site of the city market on on to a curling with the option of renewing at the end of that The committee fell in the idea and granted the putting the rental at per J. Martin complained of the bad of the cement sidewalks on M one It and Arnold It was de- cided to have the worKs com- mittee Inspect al sidewalks which were complained A letter was read from the provincial yards asking the appointment of a committee with the commission and the minister of public to go over the plans for sewers and pave- ments to be laid on Marlon other streets leading th The board of works was Instructed to act In the matter and at the next council The bylaw for to be voted on month for tho repair and of the various bridges owned by the city and to finance the was given its first as well as the gas bylaw for for the establishment of a gas In this EVIDENCE RULED 10 Judge Metcalfe Refuses State-mer- it in Manslaughter Case Against The trial commenced yesterday af- ternoon at the assize court of the case In which Desero is charged with manslaughter In connection with the death at St. Boniface of Henri on October first Constable De In examination by stated that he found In a house He had apparently been felled with an The man was tak- en to St. Boniface police but did not recover A phy- sician was called who ordered his re- moval to St. Boniface where he died early next De in further stated that on October he went to where accused wan working to arrest He saw the axe In question at St. Boniface and recog- nized It as the one he had previously run five or six feet accused at the place where he was Witness stated that he arrested ac- cused on instructions of Acting Chief of witness had some difficulty in his evidence in a clear man- ner to the He was being asked bv counsel what followed the and objection being taken to some of the Ferguson would put the question and ask witness not until his lordship allowed the Exception to Exception being taken again to the manner of Ferguson is my duty as crown coun- sel to follow Uter up as far as I can until I find Judge a police con- stable comes to Juries and lies I will not permit Statement Bv Witness was asked as to a statement made bv He that he supplied him with writing material for this He was asked it he warned him first Witness did not to understand what he wa being asked but later stated that to him first To you warn him told he was not to make any statement but that any statement he might make might be used against did you say he made the long did he take making the caution you made to him be- fore he started to you communicate what the chief of told did you told him It would make no and be better for I asked him to write anything said to him before he wrote that were the In further stated that Assistant Chief of St Boniface was Improperly Counsel for the crown asked to have this statement put in in counsel for the accused took Judge Metcalfe ruled out the state- ment on the grounds that it was im- properly obtained from prisoner in his and that whilst it was a police- man's duty to do everything he prop- erly could to obtain yet after a man was In custody it was the po- liceman's duty to keep his mouth and eyes and by reason of the witness not having done so he did not consider the statement as properly obtained and could not permit it in After counsel completed the exam- ination of this witness the case was adjourned until this King and Queen to Face Horrible Latest reports from Bombay tell of horrible plague conditions that will greet King George and Queen on their arrival in for The King and Queen sailed The last weekly report accounts for deaths plague throughout of Bombay Reports from all south- ern districts Indicate that the plague Is While millions of pounds are being spent on Dunbar fetes no means have been found for stamping out ravages of s ARE BUILDING Buildings to Cost Now Being Erected for Tudhope and Ford Companies In the process ct construction on Water street are two four-store- y rein- forced concrete warehouse costing which will be occu- pied when completed by the Ford Mo- tor Car of and the Tudhope-Anderso- n company with their Everett Both deals were arranged by the firm of In every large city in the United States there is a street known as Au- tomobile In Chicago it is Michi- gan which is the main thor- oughfare north and This city has no such Automobile sales offices and garage buildings are scat- tered all over the city from the very centre of the business district to Mary- land street and even into the heart of Fort There is not much chance now of an automobile row in a start has been The Ford Motor Car company Is having erected a warehouse and gar- age building feet in slie front- ing on Water street Dame avenue east- - This building is built on a full the entire size of the The construction is known as the Turner Mushroom system at reinforced The outside walls and the fronts on the two streets will be of In each building is an elevator capable of carrying the largest either to the or to any of the four The elevators will be built on Notre Dame frontage and will have an entrance from the Iron curtains will be on the FORT GARRY HOTEL SUB-CONTRAC- TS LET Today sub-contrac- ts were awarded by the of New which Is building the Grand Trunk Pa- cific hotel on The Minneapolis Steel and Machinery has been awarded the sub- contract for the erection ot the steel frame A commencement will be made next spring and the job will be finished this and Kellett has the sub-contr- act for putting In the concrete while an American which supplied the cut stone for the Chateau will furnish simi- lar material for this STRIKE CONFERENCES BRING NO RESULT Montreal There was no change today In the labor situation at the Montreal Locomotive where three hundred of the company went on strike yesterday Several conferences between the offi- cials and the men took place yesterday but without any definite result OF BIGAMY BUT IS RELEASED Unusual Circumstances Gain Pris- oner Liberty on Suspended Sentence In the provincial court this morning D. Clark pleaded guilty to a charge of It appears that whilst hav- ing a wife living In lid's a second wife at He explained to the magistrate that the first wife had refused to come out to this but had now agreed to do and he offered to pay for the support of the child of the second In these In view ot the fact that he has been already con- fined for two months in the provincial he was go on suspend- ed SOLICITOR City Solicitor Hunt is expected to leave for early next week to look after the city's Interests in the case of Winnipeg the Winnipeg Electric Hallway which Is expected to come up for hearing before the privy council this Controller Controller Harvey and Engineer Chace this morning Inspected the Albert street Chaee stated a few days ago that he did not expect that the would be ready for use before the first of An Inspection is also being made of the overhead wir- ing on Notre Dame It having- - been suggested that the wires should be placed under s H SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC IS SCARING The small- - pox epidemic In the western end of the H city is assuming considerable H and new cases are being report- - H ed dally to the health H During the month of October the H ease has doubled and the authorities H believe that this will still further be 1 Increased although every precaution H has been taken to prevent the H of the The students In the H schools In the smallpox district are be- - I H ing vaccinated and those who refuse I H this are being kept out of school for 1 the H HEIR TO THRONE IS PUBLICLY REBUKED A public and semi- official rebuke has been administered to Crown Prince Frederick William through an Inspired telegram from published In the Cologne Ga- zette and which fully confirms the report that Emperor William rep- rimanded his son for having openly demonstrated his approval of the at- tacks on the government's Moroccan and the bellicose utterances In the For a similar instance of the public censure of a crown prince one must go back to when Crown Prince Frederick was rebuked for criticism of Chancellor policy In a speech made at The dispatch to Cologne Gazette believe it to be right and the duty of their heir to the throne to take an Interest In He can- not be reproached for forming his own even If It Is not consonant with the imperial further do not desire that the crown prince be prevented from ex- pressing his opinion in a fitting man- ner and in the way chosen In the the ef- fect of which we consider extremely goes without question that epi- sodes and comments thereupon were reported to the and tho ab- sence of the crown prince at Friday's sitting was due to the to who event and consider- ations Involved therein cannot be The crown prince will return to Monday The case of the King Redd Is down on the assize court list for This matter was before the appeal court yesterday by of application to that court for a ruling as to the postponement ot the case to the next assizes on account of the of the When the matter was spoken to the appeal court struck it oft their list of causes on account of the Case being down for hearing in the assize court on heard a scream and saw the man run- ning He tracked him through the snow and succeeded In ar- resting In police court Mary show-e- d an eye badly blacked with a blow struck by when she repelled his She said he was a stranger to in fact she stated she had never seen him I Ml ASSAULTS Arrested Early on Me-Greg- or Street and Heavily John was fined the maximum or and costs in police and Judge Walker regretted that he could not make it Early yesterday morning Mary and a friend were hurrying homo along street after working in a Constable L. C. Ing-rs- m noticed them and also saw ome up and speak to Later he ST. CASE GOES TO The St. Boniface manslaughter case went to the today at H Judge In summing stat-e- d that the only evidence was that of witnesses who told what had H related to thorn of the H In to accused he asked them H to bear that in c H Mil STREET HOLD UP Alleged Bandit Attempts to Pull Off Fast Work Outside Alexander Is under arrest at police headquarters charged with attempting to hold up In police court this morning he was remanded until Mon- day that evidence may be brought against Webster says that he was going home last evening and when outside the club stopped by a man who demanded his' money and emphasized his remarks with a Webster made a grab for the gun and succeeded In getting It from him after a The police were and Motor Cycle Constable Capelle arrived on the scene In time arrest whom Webster identified as his assailant FINAL CALGARY Complete results in the in Calgary H for the declared give H In McArthur t Ark any why she nver married and she will frankly admit that It wasn't because she never had I an I The ring of friendship Is lets ex- - pensive than an engagement When s man sings his own seldom voice popular KING AND QUEEN LEAVE FOR INDIA f ll Their majesties King George and Queen Mary sailed today on the Medina for where next month the imperial coronation at Delhi will take Among those who saw them off were Prince Arthur of and Lord Princess Patricia of Connaught returns here from Sweden tomorrow and will sail for Canada in about a so as to spend Christmas with her par- ents at Rideau INSURANCE MAN T. L. L. Lewis Following T. L. I for many years man- ager of the Northern Life Assurance died this morning following an His death will come as great shock to his many for there aro but few who knew that he was The operation was performed on Mon- day and was considered impera- tive by his medical At first it was believed that It had proved but yesterday it was realized that his end was near and his relatives were He leaves two sons and one daughter to mourn his being I of and F. of To- morrow at 8 o'clock the re- - mains will be shipped to Toronto for I burial by Clarke TUB M 4 I Taylor may yet be a candidate in the coming mayoralty He baa been asked by a number of to allow hla name to be put before the but has renewed efforts will be made to Induce Taylor to
Page 1: I NOW UNDER HILSON in Valuable



The monthly bulletin oC thehealth department just Issued showthat during October theer were 83cases of diphtheria and deaths Intha an compared with 47 casesand 7 deaths The

being graduallygot under Intheer were 25 deaths from scarlet

but there were only S deaths fromdisease last

to the fever anddiphtheria the report

bulk of the scarlet fever anddiphtheria cases have occurred northof William the district bound-ed by C. P. R. Alfred avenue andfrom Main to having hadmore than Its share within the lusttwo

Importance ofmany Instances the Isolation of

the patient has not been earlythe result being that we have quite a

number of contact cases In theDuring last month we had 30 suchcases 13 11 and 3

early recognition of the firstthe Immediate Isolation of the

patient and proper precaution beingmany If not all contact

cases should bethe month several

casus of scarlet fever and diph-theria have been brought to the noticetit the department

and also through Investiga-tion Into the source of Infection of re-ported Ignorance of the na-ture of Ida appeared to be theonly reason for parents not reportingor calling In a

FlagrantIs the failure to recognize these

mild cases and have them Isolatedthat the department attributesa percentage of our




Valuable Gilt-edge- d HH

AUCTION SALE OF WlREAL ESTATEFollow the with the hammer who Is dally money for the a I H

workers of the Ask Your or even Real Es Itate who will tell you the There certainly Is a good li H

iI have received Instructions from the absolute bona-fid- e law- -

I Iand not five cents' worth of this property Is I a tmy wife's or my or the I am no U pHbut absolutely square dealing Is and will offer for sale at my

MART Princess cars pass the U


at 1 I HThe Following Property Will be 7 Valuable Block Plan City of Eu

j H3 Very Fine Lota In Block Plan Part of Lot 30 Very Fine Block Plan H

2 Valuable Block Plan S 1 H2 Lots in Block Plan of 3 andJ 4 St. L3 Fine Lots Block Plan B H2 Very Fine Corner Lots in Block Plan 6 Building in Block Plan Portage la 1

field 9 H9 Valuable Lots in Block Plan Donegal Ave- - 30 Fine Large Treed in Blocks

85 and Plans 92 and t l12 Valuable Lots Block Plan Win- - 32 Fine Lots In Block Gordon and Chatham P I H

Plan I I H6 Fine Lois Block Plan Winnipeg 3 Building Block Subdivision Plan I H

Commercial fj I H11 Residential Block Plan City of Set- - 12 Building Lots in Block Western Plan K HFort I A M

Most of these being disposed of under the terms vary from the balance up K Hto two to all cash with a big We Ire a deposit at time of sale and our office Is open on HMonday to receive the where buyers receive a guarantee that Torrens Free i Hor will be If any buyer should feel so disposed Is wise to do he should E Hsearch the which only costs I am most lous to refund the money to any as I wish E flit to be thoroughly understood that I do not nor do I tolerate the buying of any lot or nor take ad- - I J Hvantage af any fellow who Is down and and then resell at a In searching any person I flcan ascertain who the owner of this property really Think It there's a My ambition Is to F

sell for you or to but a either think this that none of these Blots are owned by me or by my or the the I H

ALSO It's immaterial where you if price is right and you get a L HRoll up and bring the in the don't stand and seating accommodation for Tou

are not requested to Come and see what the wise and follow their example and do as they where I Hdollars

Make no error In time and place

FRED Princess StreetGarry 2434 and William Cars pass the E H

Household Auction Real Estate and Rental Dep in j H

if Jiff

Jim I



InternaljC. 11

W.can truly say I have been much

benefited by the use of Ifeel better than I have for twoIt Is the best medicine that I knowfor Internal When 1 be-

gan taking Peruna I could see thatbefore I had finished taking the firstbottle It was doing me

SickMiss Nettle E. R. P. D.

N.have been a great sufferer from

sick but am now entirelyfree from that I have notfelt so well in ten years as I do

recommend andto all

Gained Appetite andMiss Julia

sister advised me totry I took your treatmentand my appetite returned

I I gained strength and flesh and amI in perfect

H Many a matron has lengthened thedays of her comely appearancetaking To be theH body must be kept clean

fl as well as Peruna pro-- v

J duces clean mucous thei basis of facial and aS

i healthy j j

O. D. 8 St Felix N.5 have taken Peruna and It did me more good than all my two 1

treatment by special I can really say that I feel like another

1 No more swollen feet and No more bloating of the5 No more shortness of No more stiff and sore You have noS Idea what your treatment has done for It certainly has prolonged my

E Hb Leading School of fShorthand and the Business Branches V

I IP Awarded at St. Louis World's X HIR Ml Day and Night School Individual HB Over Students In Attendance k I H

Annually Desirable positions forI Visit- - f Hiff



S Winnipeg Business College VPortage and Fort P.

g J M.A.i Canada a IIPresident f JB

laWf J bb I hi I I In M 1 4

Auction Sale of ValuableREAL ESTATE

NOVEMBER AT 9 P.M.At my Notre Dame

In Te default of terms of certain Sales and Cancellations proceed- - II am instructed to sell to the best and highest bidder the C

IIn City of Valuable Building Lots In Block Queen

6 Building Lots In Industrial PlanIn Fort William City 2 Building Lots In Block

rian 2

In Portage la Prairie City 6 Eligible Building Lots in Blacks 6 andI Plan 8 Eligible Building Lots In Block PlanThese 14 Lots are ln-th- e Industrial and right where

Is and25 beautifully large 60 building lots in Blocks 66 67 68 75

and under Plans 69 andWinnipeg Beach 16 Large 50 well-tree- d building in Blocks I

4 and PlanOn account of only one hour for selling the above valuable realty it

will be a Crisp no genuine andby orders for reasons Certain to be some good buying andSnaps

TO THE WISE 8It's bought at it's

Terms Cash at balance In 8 and 6 at 7 perdiscount of 8 per cent allowed on time amounts if allcash paid within 7 and free transfer

Where deposits only are the balance to equal half cash mustbe made within 24 hours not or deposits will boforfeited and lots Buyer to assume current year's exceptwhere otherwise


THE EMPIRE ICanada's Standard Writer

2 MODEL has the latest devices such tabulatorautomatic and sold for See It before buying H

1 MODEL is still on the market at fully HI

Second hand Empires for sale at Slightly

Aikins McDermot n

For Sale-Wareh- ouse ofI Misconstruction 1 H

Location central and in wholesale Prop- - 1 j

erty one of the best of its kind in the Suitable for light J jHmanufacturing or wholesale B

VOORHEIS LEWISReal Estate and Financial Agents H





At my mart Notre Dame avenueAlbert on

1 1

At 2 and

Odd Extension Table and CarpetsIron

Bureaus and WashstandsCook and Heating Crockery amBolls Tar

cultural feet HoseQuantity of Pure FowlsPlymouth

1 and host of other articlesTerms





I 1 5at 1 o'clock

Instructed by Ben whoIs leaving the I will sellSO head 15 to freshenduring November and teamdraft geldings about onemare about one geldingabout about cords of

oak and poplar 20of and other useful

Two miles north of Grand Pointseven miles from Norwood


Notre DameMain 15 and

Sciatica andLumbago

Suffered For Twenty-Fiv- e Yearsand Could Get No Relief

Now Tells of the Wonderful Re-sui- ts

Obtained by the Use of

Chase'sNerve Food

neuralgia and sciaticrheumatism are the result of a run-down nervous For this rea-son all treatments must necessarilyfall which do not up the nerv-ous

Mr Collins suffered for twenty-fiv- eyears and never was able to obtainsatisfactory treatment until he beganthe use of Chase's Nerve Foodand Kidney-Live- r While theNerve Food forms new blood andrestores the exhausted nervous

the Kidney-Live- r Pills invigoratethe action ot liver and

W. T.affords uie pleasure to be

able to speak favorably of two ofChase's medicines the Nerve Foodand Kidney 1 had beena sufferer for twenty-fiv- e years from

lumbago and neuralgia amitried almost all the medicines I couldhear without one particle of

until I commenced to useI noticed an improvement

before I used two and thebenefits obtained by continued usehave been I have so muchconfidence In these two medicines thatI have recommended them to dozensof my and have yet to hear of

single in which they failed togive

Chase's medicines are for saleby all or Bates

Only One u j I

Quinine piv--

to I

Cure a Cold In One in 3



St. Boniface Council Held RegularMeeting Last Night Roads


The regular committee meeting ofthe Boniface council was held last

when several of Im-portance were dealt After con-siderable Alderman Wallersucceeded In having a motiona proving tho plans submitted by therailway company some time ago forthe laying of a double track on Tacheavenue from street to St.Mary's road and a single line on thelatter thoroughfare to the cityon condition that the company pay forthe tearing up and relaying of Tachestreet

A delegation from the St. Bonifaceand Norwood Curling club asked for afive-ye- ar lease of part of the site ofthe city market on on

to a curling with theoption of renewing at the end of that

The committee fell in theidea and granted the puttingthe rental at per

J. Martin complained of the badof the cement sidewalks on

M one It and Arnold It was de-cided to have the worKs com-mittee Inspect al sidewalks whichwere complained

A letter was read from the provincialyards asking the

appointment of a committee withthe commission and

the minister of public to goover the plans for sewers and pave-ments to be laid on Marlon otherstreets leading th Theboard of works was Instructed to actIn the matter and at the nextcouncil

The bylaw for to be votedon month for tho repair and

of the various bridgesowned by the city and to finance the

was given its firstas well as the gas bylaw forfor the establishment of a gas

In this



Judge Metcalfe Refuses State-mer- it

in Manslaughter CaseAgainst

The trial commenced yesterday af-ternoon at the assize court of the caseIn which Desero is chargedwith manslaughter In connection withthe death at St. Boniface of Henri

on Octoberfirst Constable De

In examination bystated that he found In a house

He had apparently beenfelled with an The man was tak-en to St. Boniface police butdid not recover A phy-sician was called who ordered his re-moval to St. Boniface wherehe died early next

De in furtherstated that on October he went towhere accused wan working to arrest

He saw the axe In question atSt. Boniface and recog-nized It as the one he had previouslyrun five or six feet accused atthe place where he was

Witness stated that he arrested ac-cused on instructions of Acting Chiefof

witness had some difficulty inhis evidence in a clear man-

ner to the He was being askedbv counsel what followed theand objection being taken to some ofthe Ferguson would putthe question and ask witness not

until his lordship allowed theException to

Exception being taken again to themanner of Ferguson

is my duty as crown coun-sel to follow Uter up as far asI can until I find

Judge a police con-stable comes to Juries and lies I willnot permit

Statement BvWitness was asked as to a statement

made bv He that hesupplied him with writing material forthis He was asked it hewarned him first Witness did not

to understand what he wa beingasked but later stated that

to him firstTo you warn

himtold he was not to

make any statement but that anystatement he might make might beused against

did you sayhe made the

long did he take making the

caution you made to him be-fore he started to

you communicate what thechief of told

did youtold him It would make no

and be better for I askedhim to write

anything said to him beforehe wrote that

were the

In furtherstated that Assistant Chief ofSt Boniface was

ImproperlyCounsel for the crown asked to have

this statement put in incounsel for the accused took

Judge Metcalfe ruled out the state-ment on the grounds that it was im-properly obtained from prisoner in his

and that whilst it was a police-man's duty to do everything he prop-erly could to obtain yet aftera man was In custody it was the po-

liceman's duty to keep his mouth andeyes and by reason of the witnessnot having done so he did not considerthe statement as properly obtained andcould not permit it in

After counsel completed the exam-ination of this witness the case wasadjourned until this

King and Queento Face Horrible

Latest reportsfrom Bombay tell of horrible plagueconditions that will greet King Georgeand Queen on their arrival in

for The King andQueen sailed

The last weekly report accounts fordeaths plague throughout of

Bombay Reports from all south-ern districts Indicate that the plagueIs

While millions of pounds are beingspent on Dunbar fetes no means havebeen found for stamping out ravagesof s


Buildings to Cost NowBeing Erected for Tudhope

and Ford Companies

In the process ct construction onWater street are two four-store- y rein-forced concrete warehousecosting which will be occu-pied when completed by the Ford Mo-tor Car ofand the Tudhope-Anderso- n companywith their Everett Both deals werearranged by the firm of

In every large city in the UnitedStates there is a street known as Au-tomobile In Chicago it is Michi-gan which is the main thor-oughfare north and This cityhas no such Automobile salesoffices and garage buildings are scat-tered all over the city from the verycentre of the business district to Mary-land street and even into the heart ofFort There is not much chancenow of an automobile row in

a start has beenThe Ford Motor Car company

Is having erected a warehouse and gar-age building feet in slie front-ing on Water street Dameavenue east- - This building is built ona full the entire size ofthe

The construction is known as theTurner Mushroom system at reinforced

The outside walls and thefronts on the two streets will be of

In each building is an elevatorcapable of carrying the largesteither to the or to any ofthe four The elevators will bebuilt on Notre Dame frontage and willhave an entrance from the Ironcurtains will be on the


TS LETToday sub-contrac- ts were awarded

by the of Newwhich Is building the Grand Trunk Pa-cific hotel on

The Minneapolis Steel and Machineryhas been awarded the sub-

contract for the erection ot the steelframe A commencement willbe made next spring and the job willbe finished this

and Kellett has the sub-contr- act

for putting In the concretewhile an American

which supplied the cut stone forthe Chateau will furnish simi-lar material for this


Montreal There was nochange today In the labor situation atthe Montreal Locomotive wherethree hundred of thecompany went on strike yesterday

Several conferences between the offi-cials and the men took place yesterdaybut without any definite result



Unusual Circumstances Gain Pris-

oner Liberty on SuspendedSentence

In the provincial court thismorning D. Clark pleaded guilty to acharge of

It appears that whilst hav-ing a wife living In lid's asecond wife at

He explained to the magistrate thatthe first wife had refused to come outto this but had now agreedto do and he offered to pay for thesupport of the child of the second

In these In view otthe fact that he has been already con-fined for two months in the provincial

he was go on suspend-ed

SOLICITORCity Solicitor Hunt is expected to

leave for early next week tolook after the city's Interests in thecase of Winnipeg the WinnipegElectric Hallway which Isexpected to come up for hearing beforethe privy council this

Controller Controller Harveyand Engineer Chace thismorning Inspected the Albert street

Chaee stated a few daysago that he did not expect that thewould be ready for use beforethe first of An Inspection isalso being made of the overhead wir-ing on Notre Dame It having- - beensuggested that the wires should beplaced under



IS SCARINGThe small- -

pox epidemic In the western end of the Hcity is assuming considerable Hand new cases are being report- - H

ed dally to the health HDuring the month of October the Hease has doubled and the authorities Hbelieve that this will still further be 1Increased although every precaution Hhas been taken to prevent the Hof the The students In the Hschools In the smallpox district are be- - I Hing vaccinated and those who refuse I Hthis are being kept out of school for 1the H


A public and semi-official rebuke has been administeredto Crown Prince Frederick Williamthrough an Inspired telegram from

published In the Cologne Ga-

zette and which fully confirmsthe report that Emperor William rep-rimanded his son for having openlydemonstrated his approval of the at-tacks on the government's Moroccan

and the bellicose utterances Inthe

For a similar instance of the publiccensure of a crown prince one mustgo back to when Crown PrinceFrederick was rebuked for criticism ofChancellor policy In aspeech made at

The dispatch to Cologne Gazettebelieve it to be right and

the duty of their heir to the throne totake an Interest In He can-not be reproached for forming his own

even If It Is not consonantwith the imperial

further do not desire that thecrown prince be prevented from ex-

pressing his opinion in a fitting man-ner and in theway chosen In the the ef-

fect of which we consider extremely

goes without question that epi-sodes and comments thereupon werereported to the and tho ab-sence of the crown prince at Friday'ssitting was due to the towho event and consider-ations Involved therein cannot be

The crown prince will return to

MondayThe case of the King Redd Is

down on the assize court list for

This matter was before the appealcourt yesterday by of applicationto that court for a ruling as to thepostponement ot the case to the nextassizes on account of the ofthe When the matterwas spoken to the appealcourt struck it oft their list of causeson account of the Case being down forhearing in the assize court on

heard a scream and saw the man run-ning He tracked him throughthe snow and succeeded In ar-resting

In police court Mary show-e- d

an eye badly blacked with a blowstruck by when she repelled his

She said he was a strangerto in fact she stated she had neverseen him


Arrested Early on Me-Greg-or

Street and Heavily

John was fined the maximumor and costs in police

and Judge Walker regretted thathe could not make it

Early yesterday morning Maryand a friend were hurrying homo

along street after workingin a Constable L. C. Ing-rs- m

noticed them and also sawome up and speak to Later he


The St. Boniface manslaughter casewent to the today at H

Judge In summing stat-e- dthat the only evidence was that of

witnesses who told what had Hrelated to thorn of the HIn to accused he asked them Hto bear that in c H


Alleged Bandit Attempts to Pull OffFast Work Outside

Alexander Is under arrestat police headquarters charged withattempting to hold up

In police court thismorning he was remanded until Mon-day that evidence may be broughtagainst

Webster says that he was goinghome last evening and when outsidethe club stopped by aman who demanded his' money andemphasized his remarks with a

Webster made a grab for thegun and succeeded In getting It fromhim after a The police were

and Motor Cycle ConstableCapelle arrived on the scene In timearrest whom Websteridentified as his assailant


results in the in Calgary Hfor the declared give H

In McArthurtArk any why she nver

married and she will frankly admitthat It wasn't because she never had Ian I

The ring of friendship Is lets ex- -pensive than an engagement

When s man sings his ownseldom voice popular


ll Theirmajesties King George andQueen Mary sailed today on theMedina for where nextmonth the imperial coronationat Delhi will take Amongthose who saw them off werePrince Arthur ofand Lord PrincessPatricia of Connaught returnshere from Sweden tomorrowand will sail for Canada inabout a so as tospend Christmas with her par-ents at Rideau


T. L. L. Lewis Following

T. L. I for many years man-ager of the Northern Life Assurance

died this morning following anHis death will come as great

shock to his many for therearo but few who knew that he wasThe operation was performed on Mon-day and was considered impera-tive by his medical At firstit was believed that It had proved

but yesterday it was realizedthat his end was near and his relativeswere He leaves two sons andone daughter to mourn hisbeing I of

and F. of To-morrow at 8 o'clock the re- -

mains will be shipped to Toronto forI burial by Clarke

TUB M 4I Taylor may yet be a candidate

in the coming mayoralty Hebaa been asked by a number ofto allow hla name to be put before the

but hasrenewed efforts will be made

to Induce Taylor to
