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i Pa Transcription

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  • 7/26/2019 i Pa Transcription




    Class materials

    and exercisesfor B2.2 classes

    taught byJonathan Lewis

    andKonrad Szczeniak

    Konrad Szczeniak

    Universidade do Porto

    Uniwersytet lski


    trnskrpn prkts

  • 7/26/2019 i Pa Transcription



    Front Central Back

    High i




    Mid e


    Table 1.English vowels

    The labels Front, Central, and Back refer to the part of the tongue. The terms High, Mid, and Low

    describe the position the tongue assumes for a given vowel. For example, the vowels in hip, heapand hippyare high-

    front vowels: /hp/ /hip/ /hpi/.

    Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal

    -V +V -V +V -V +V -V +V -V +V -V +V -V +VPlosives p b t d k g

    Fricatives f v s z hAffricates t d

    Nasals m n Liquids l, r

    Glides w j

    Table 2.English consonants

    The labels in the upper row (Bilabial, Labiodental, etc.) refer to the articulator, or part of the mouth involved in

    the articulation of a consonant. The terms in the column on the left (Plosives, Fricatives, etc.) describe themanner of articulation for a given consonant. Consonants on the right side in each column are voiced, and the ones to

    the left are voiceless.For example, the consonant /p/is a voiceless plosive bilabial.


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    1. 1. Vowel symbolsi

    tree three feed fish dished finished

    cat mat rat

    car star far

    clock lock stop

    horse fourth door

    book pull full


    boot pool fool

    computer doctor arrive

    bird third person

    e egg red very

    up sun funny

    1. Write these words next to the right phonetic symbol above.

    dork, steam, start, week, lurk, spat, food, foot, lark, cool, corn, far, seat, stern, van, sport, scream, seem,

    harsh, lurk, rude, born, dull, puke, psalm, rock

    2. Odd man out. Eliminate the word whose vowel is different from those in the other three. In words

    with more syllables, the vowel in question is in bold type.

    3. Practice. Transcribe the vowels in the following sentences. You may ignore the consonants

    (simply write their spelling letters), diphthongs and stresses.

    Love thy neighbor as yourself, but choose your neighborhood.

    /l_v aneb_r z js_lf bt t_z jneb_h_d/

    If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.

    /_f ju n_t kr_tsazd jmen_t bi dum_t/

    Opportunity is missed by most people because its dressed in overalls and looks like work.

    /pt_n_ti z m_st bamst p_pl bikz ts dr_st n vr_lz n t l_ks lak w_k/

    I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead.

    adnt _k _nibdi d rat r n bagr_fi nt_l d_d


    stick myth feet fit


    blood muck tar pub(H)roll rot dot gosh

    (I)son run fun butcher


    lock bottle shore stop


    lard father parent jar


    done gun fall stub(C)sat Nazi clap plaid

    (D)set dead heat bet

    (E)sieve leave meat Steve

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    2A. Vowels // and/u/1. Patterns

    The spelling is not a reliable indicator for which of the two is pronounced (idiosyncrasies, irregularities

    and exceptions everywhere), but there are some soft regularities.

    spelled u


    When the letter u is pronounced as a high-back vowel, it is usually the short //: bull,

    butcher, full, pull, push, sugar, wuss



    But when a syllable containing the /u/ sound is followed by the letter e in the spelling,

    the sound will be /u/: absolute, cute, crude, dude, exude, immune, include, mute, nuke,

    rude, use, etc.

    spelled ew


    brew, chew, jewel, Jewish, lewd, Lewis, newt, shrewd, etc.

    spelled oo


    bloom, boom, boost, boot, booth, booze, cool, doom, food, fool, gloom, goof, goose, hoot,

    loop, loot, loose, mood, moon, moot, noose, ooze, pool, proof, school, shoot, smooth,

    snoop, soon, spook, spoon, stool, swoon, swoop, tool, tooth, troop, zoom

    spelled oo


    book, good, foot, hood, hook, look, nook, shook, stood, took, wood, wool


    /uWords usually end inthe long /u/: argue, avenue, bamboo, boo, coo, loo, peekaboo,

    shoo, taboo, tattoo, too, voodoo, Yahoo, zoo, etc.

    both //&/u broom, groom, roof, room; in AmE also root, soot, whoop

    idiosyncratic // woman, wolf

    /u womb, tomb, fruit, group, soup, suit

    2. Exercises

    Minimal pairs.The words below differ only in one sound (the /u/-//contrast). Complete the table.

    wood /wd/- wooed /wud/ ____ /pl/ - ____ /pul/

    ____ /fl/- fool /ful/ ____ /nk/ - ____ /n(j)uk/

    ____ /lk/- ____ /lu


    Transcribe the following phrases.

    true blue loose woman A Few Good Men

    footloose groupie cool looking dude spoonful of sugar

    hooked on books Fruit of the Loom shooting some bull

    food and booze cute Susan crude tool

    new tattoo useful fool wolf on the loose

    astute conclusion groovy music lewd movie

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    2B. Vowels // and/i/1. Patterns

    // is usually spelled as the letter i: bit, spin, zit, glib, etc.

    /i/ is often pronounced when spelled as:ee bee, greet, meet, leek, reek, see, etc.; employee, refugee, divorcee, etc.

    ea bean, beat, heat, league, peace, sea, weave etc.

    ie / ei achieve, believe, field, piece, ceiling, receive, conceive, etc.

    e-CONSONANT-e athlete, complete, concrete, decent, Irene, obese, Pete, Portuguese, Steve,

    But there are exceptions:

    Looks like /i/but is really pronounced as //:sieve, mischief, counterfeit, foreign

    Looks like //but is really pronounced as /i/:liter, kilo, and-ique words antique,physique, pique, technique

    Plus, there are some tricky examples of Irish names: Sean /n/, Sinead /ned/

    2. Exercises

    2.1Match and transcribe homophones

    (words with different meanings and

    spellings, but pronounced the same). Not all

    the words have a match!






















    2.2What problem do the wordssheet, beach, andpiecepose? Which words should they not be

    confused with?

    2.3Transcribe the following

    King and Queen kith and kin speed limit

    freaking dimwit spitting image feeling of bliss

    2.4Decipher these minimal pairs

    /fil/ /fl/ /stil/ /stl/ /bin/ /bn/

    /rim/ /rm/ /dim/ /dm/ /lik/ /lk/

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    2C. Vowels //, // and//1. Position of the tongue

    Front Central Back




    2. Patterns

    // (the schwa) is the most frequent vowel in English. It usually appears in unstressed syllables, butnever in stressed syllables: about, afraid, confuse, etc. It is not associated with any specific letter in the

    spelling (in fact, it can be spelled with any vowel letter: ability, seven,dinosaur,suppose), but there are

    some useful patterns to remember. For example, if a word ends in -er or-or, this ending is 99% of the

    time a schwa: mother, cooler, builder, editor, color (colour), etc. The indefinite article a/anis pronounced

    with the schwa: /bed/, /n pl/.

    // is usually spelled as the letter a: ban, cat, dab, hag, stack, tab, etc.

    // is usually spelled as the letter u: bun, cut, dub, hug,stuck, tub, etc.

    //Some exceptional cases of /

    /words to memorize:

    ton, son, won, front;

    one, done, none, come, love, glove, brother, mother, some, something, other, nothing,

    money, monkey, cover, govern, color, does;

    blood, flood;

    enough, rough, tough;

    touch, country, cousin, young, couple, double, trouble.

    2. Exercises


    What homonyms do the wordsson, won, andnone, have?

    2.2Transcribe the followingan ugly cover-up son-of-a-gun happy go //lucky

    a ton of /v/money bloodbath country cousin

    a stunning comeback an unloved son number one

    black color front man bad blood

    troubled young lad stuck in the //mud funny monkey

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    3. Past /d/, /t/, or /d/and plural /z/, /s/, or /z/

    1. Transcription. Decipher the following transcription. Underline: all plural suffixes and allregular verb inflections (-edforms, and -ingforms)

    /ivn z hu dnt knsdmselvz fnz v led zepln grit ts wn v gretst bndz

    v l tam/ /fjugrups v ivn km kls tu tivsem levlz/

    /bgnz v led zepln kn bi trest bk tu bluz nflunst rk bnd jdbdz/

    /dmi peddnd jdbdz n nantin sksti sks /

    /hi rplest besst pl smhu hd dsadd tliv grup/

    /tli ftpedswtt frm bes tlid gtkrietdul lid gtlanp w def bek/

    /fl dptr v bek frm grup n sksti sks jdbdz w tad frm knstnttrn rkdn d bgn twand dan/

    /pedwntd tfm supgrup w hmself n bek n gtz n huz rm sekn drm

    kimun n besst dn entwsl/

    /vklsts stiv wnwd n wl stivnz wr lsknsdd fprdekt/

    /grup nevfmd lpedbek n mun rkdd stgebeks blerwtz fitd

    n beks nantin sksti et lbm tru/

    /rkdsen lsnkludd besst kibdst dn pl dnz hu tld pedt i wd bi

    ntrstd in klbretn fjutprdekts/

    2. The past suffix ed. /d/, /t/, or /d/ (=/d/ in some transcriptions)Write the transcription for the following verbs in the past tense form.

    collaborated, agreed, achieved, traced, joined, replaced, switched, created, followed,

    3. The plural suffix s. /z/, /s/, or /z/ (=/z/)Write the transcription for the following nouns in the plural form.

    pages, guitars, lineups, times, recordings, sections, projects, moons, albums

    4. The 3rdperson sing suffix s. /z/, /s/, or /z/ (=/z/)Write the transcription for the following verbs in the 3rdpers form.

    decides, considers, acts, begins, features, collaborates,

    5. Sentences

    Transcribe these sentences.

    The jam session lasted a few hours.

    John strummed a couple of songs.

    The man in red shorts sings well.

    He who laughs last laughs best.

    Consonants.sheepip measureme

    church judge

    thing motherm

    j York jk thing

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    4. Diphthongs

    1. Diphthong symbols. Study the following diphthongs symbols. Think of other examples of wordsthat are pronounced with these diphthongs.


    bay, hey boy, boil a now, how e bear, dare

    abye, lie (=o)glow, go ear, cheer sure, lure

    2. Practice. Supply the missing diphthong symbols in the following transcriptions.

    /s___vpr___vt r____n/ /grin m___l/ /slmdg mljn___r/

    /lst n trnzl___n/ /br___kbk m___ntn/ /n___ kntri fr ___ld men/

    /eksp____r n lv/ /gldi___tr/ /kr___gem/

    /mdnat k___b___/ /d___ndrs lieznz/

    3. Practice. Transcribe the following words (each one contains a diphthong), and put them in the

    following lines.

    make finds no my lives close James Brown closer White baby I(x2)

    / manem z bnd __________ bnd/

    /am gn__________ m n fr(h)i knt rfjuz/ (The Godfather)

    /s tlvis t__________/ (Terminator 2)

    /t __________ sgnl nlihel/ (Gladiator)

    /bkz __________ mn kn bi frendz w wmn t i __________ trktv/ (When Harry Met Sally)

    /emetek __________ bt el nev tek fridm/ (Braveheart)

    /kip jfrendz __________ bt jr enmiz __________/ (The Godfather)

    /z fbk z __________ kn rmemb__________ lwez wntd tbi gst/(The Goodfellas)

    /hr jnemz mstr __________ mstr __________ mstblnd mstblumstrrndn mst

    pk/(Reservoir Dogs)

    4. Practice.Now you should be ready to transcribe the following sentences (ignore the stresses).

    Scientists might be quite mistaken about many things, but they always try to find out how much they dont

    know. | Cambridge Chamber of Commerce | Id only like to know if you can die from piercing your own


    5. Separated by the Great Vowel Shift differences in pairs of words

    know - knowledge wild - wilderness wise - wisdom nature - natural

    nation - national Christ - Christmas south - southern wide - width

    grade - gradual fable - fabulous sane - sanity sincere - sincerity

    Which two of the following are

    not pronounced with a diphthong?

    arrange change orange

    grange range strange

    anger danger manger stranger

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    5. Consonants eth and theta

    1. Eth and theta

    Spelled the same; difference in voicing: is voiced, is voiceless).

    Which one is pronounced - most often to be memorized. But there are some rules-of-thumb:

    1.1 Rulesofthumb

    position rule-of-thumb

    initial In initial positions, foreign or unfamiliar words are never pronounced with the eth .

    middle In middle positions, between vowels, usually (e.g. rather, mother, bother, together,

    wither), but of course, there are exceptions (ether). In middle positions, preceded by a

    consonant, most often (anthem, menthol, panther, synthetic, filthy, stealthy, wealthy).

    final In final positions, most often

    : (birth, both, breadth, death, wealth, seventh, truth, wealth).

    One common exception issmooth. Words likebequeath orbetroth are pronounced with or

    depending on the speaker.

    1.2 Regular alternations

    bath bathe breath breathe cloth clothe loath - loathe

    sooth soothe swath swathe teeth teethe scathe

    seethe wreath wreathe writhe

    1.3 Tricky wordsEsther, Thailand, Thames, Thomas, thyme

    1.4 Voiced plurals

    baths, booths, cloths, oaths, paths, sheathes, truths, wreaths

    1.5 thsuffixes

    noun forming -th:warmth, width,

    length,breadth, dearth, depth, growth, mirth


    sixth, tenth


    twentieth, thirtieth

    2. Exercises1. What is the difference (in use) between the two ordinal suffixes?

    2. The longest cluster of consonants in the final position in English is found in the words /skss/ and

    /aznds/. In what expressions are these forms used?3. Fill in the blanks in the following expressions and transcribe them.

    Better dead . red through . and thin two . up!

    4. Transcribe the following phrases.

    path to truth death threat thousandths place

    holier than thou from north to south worth their salt

    seething with wrath healthy, wealthy and wise in the thrall of death

    a thirty something dearth rather than wealth in the altogether

    go through the contract with a fine-tooth comb on the strength of

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    6. Nasals

    1. The velar nasal // (ring tailed n symbol, A.K.A.engma)In which of the words below is the consonant following the //mute?sing - sink sting - stink think - thing banger - bunker

    single - twinkle Washington - plankton ringer - drinker monger - bonkers

    bunker - hunger prankster - gangster angle - ankle

    Observation #1:After//, the consonant ____ is often deleted, while ____ never is.

    Observation #2:In final positions, ______ after // is always deleted.

    What happens when a // is followed by suffixes -er, -ing, -ly, -able?singer singing swimmingly singable

    hanger hangover hangout

    Observation #3:When // is followed by morphemes, the /g/ remains _______.

    Can you guess the reason why /g/ is mute in the words on the left, but not in those on the right?

    singer, swinger, bringer, hanger,


    malinger, linger, hunger, finger,

    warmonger, hatemonger, fishmonger, etc.

    For the same reason as above, in the following words, the /g/ is pronounced. Transcribe the remaining

    three words.

    spangle /spgl/ shingle jungle

    dangle /dgl/ tingle

    Observation #4 :In the comparative and superlative form, the /g/ is always pronounced.

    longer /lgr/ stronger younger

    longest /lgst/ strongest youngest

    Which ones are not pronounced with the velar nasal?

    binger bringer tinge singer singe hinge ginger

    2. The cluster /mb/ How are the following words pronounced?

    aplomb bomb numb climb comb crumb lamb

    limb thumb womb

    amber bomber number climber bimbo chamber ember

    timber somber remember Bambi

    3. The cluster /mn/ How are the following words pronounced?

    autumn column condemn damn hymn solemn

    autumnal columnist condemnation damnation hymnal solemnity

    Transcribe the following:

    engineering, Hong Kong, jingle, monkey, changeling, ranging, spelunker, clingingly, ding-dong, inkling,

    dangling, long-lasting, wrongdoing, donkey, youngster

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    7. Affricates /t/ and/d/; fricatives// and//

    1. The voiceless affricate /t/ and fricative//Spelled ch (chin, lecher, much), tch (butcher, stretch) or t (mature, nature)

    But careful with:


    chasm, chorus, chemist, schism, scheme, schism, scholar, technology

    chaise, chagrin, machine, chivalry, chandelier, chef, parachute, chute.

    schmooze, schmuck, schmin jocular reduplications, as insanta-schmanta,school-schmool, etc.

    ? yacht, Crichton

    What tricky words are transcribed below?

    /lktnstin/ /skt sfrini / /mpen/ /fr, fr/ /kwa/

    In words ending in -pture(eg. capture, sculpture, scripture) and cture (picture, lecture, structure), the t

    can be pronounced as either /t/ or//.

    Transcribe the following phrases.

    childish selfishness fish and chips English teacher

    charming and chivalrous the shorts match the shirt cherries in a dish

    watch the show Portuguese ship national chess championships

    cash a check Chinese washing machine

    2. The voiceled postalveolar affricate /d/Spelled j (jeans, Jones), dg (dodge, wedge), often g before i or e (gin, ginger, gem, range)

    Frequent errors. Careful with:


    Carnegie, gill, Gilbert, gismo

    genre, beige, rouge, mirage

    Minimal pairs.The words below differ only in one sound (the /t/-/d/contrast). Complete the table.

    cheer /t/- jeer /d/ ____ /tel/ - ____ /del/

    chew /tu/- Jew _________ cheap /tip/ - ____ /dip/

    cinch /snt/- ____ _________ badge _______- batch _______

    rich _______- ridge _______ ____ /teri/- ____ _______

    Transcribe the following phrases.

    eschew junk food change your shirt just a conjecture

    rich imagination Virginia Beach Winchester College Chapel Choir

    foolish jealousy huge motion picture social age structure

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    8. Suffixes

    1. Nominal suffixes.1.1 What words are transcribed next to each suffix?

    -age d /bgd/ -al l /wdrl/ -ance ns /kseptns/ -ant nt /p l knt/

    -ee i /n tvjui/ -encens/kr ns/ -escenceesns/d les ns/ -er r /titr/

    -hoodhd/flshd/ -ism zm /ktvzm/ -ment mnt /enkr dmnt/ -ess1s /la ns/

    -ness ns/dkns/ -sionn/senn/

    n/kohi n/

    -ure r/klor/ -tion n/gn n/

    1.2 Transcribe these words by consulting the above list of nominal suffixes.

    childhood departure divorcee creature refusal livelihood erasurecapitalism evacuee absentee management judgment adjustment

    nationhood marriage senescence denture highness servant

    fluorescence firmness marker princess worker actress

    1.3 Transcribe a few other nouns with some of the above suffixes.

    2. Adjectival suffixes.2.1 What words are transcribed next to each suffix?

    -able b

    l/lektbl/ -al l/nml/ -err /nitr/ -estst /klinst/

    -ese i




    -ette et/koket/ -let lt/pg lt/ -ful fl/jus fl/


    l/dms bl/ -ic k/runk/ -ish /tal d/ -ivev /rpres v/

    -lessls/mand ls/ -ous s/d s/ -somesm/trb l sm/ -worthywi/trstwi/

    2.2 Transcribe these words by consulting the above list of nominal suffixes.

    likeable natural ruthless biggish compatible impressive

    Portuguese starlet fastest careless foolish

    tasteful abysmal countless ironic handsome brunette cautious

    awesome awful droplet

    3. Double category suffixes.

    Suffixes like -ful fl can be both adjectival and nominal. What common meaning element do these nouns express?

    /fst fl/ /bg fl/ /hnd fl/ /has fl/ /lp fl/ /rmfl/ /spun fl/ /tkfl/

    1Usage note on -ess. Since at least the 14th century, English has borrowed nouns with this feminine suffix from French (French -

    esse) and also applied that ending to existing words, most frequently agent nouns in -or or -er. Some of the earliest borrowings -noble or religious titles - still flourish, asprincess, duchess, abbess, andprioress. The use of -ESS words has declined sharply in

    the latter half of the 20th century.Among those words that are rarely used or are either rejected or discouraged in modern American English are ambassadress,ancestress, authoress, poetess, sculptress, andstewardess. Jewess andNegress are rarely used today and are generally considered

    offensive.Some nouns in -ESS are still current: actress (but some women prefer actor); adventuress; enchantress; governess (only in itschild-care sense); heiress (largely in journalistic writing); hostess (but women who conduct radio and television programs arehosts); millionairess; mistress (except in the sense of expert); murderess; postmistress (not in official U.S. government use);

    seamstress; seductress; sorceress; temptress; and waitress. (Random House Websters College Dictionary)

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    9. Stress

    1. Factors responsible for stress. Can you arrange the factors below in terms ofimportance?loudness pitch length quality

    stress relative perceived prominence of a linguistic unit. A stressed syllable is characterized

    phonetically by greater intensity than is found in adjacent unstressed syllables.

    2. Primary and secondary stress.Placement often depends on the suffix. For now, use yourintuition as to how primary and secondary stress is placed in the following words.extramural horticulture retrospective microcosm

    situation supermarket superintendent stratosphere

    extraterrestrial biohazard counterproductive

    paramedic humanism homicidal

    What do the affixes do to the bases?

    hybrid hybridism hybridist hybridize hybridizable hybridity hybridization

    graph biograph biography biographic biographical biographer

    3. Compounds and phrasesfarm hand locker room shit list bonehead

    left hand big room long list butthead

    shorthand darkroom black list bruised head

    Quite a few exceptions: apple pie, morning paper, school choir,summer night.

    How aboutapple pie recipe, school choir conductor?

    4. Weak Forms

    jes wel ledblti n krekt pktuen mat

    nt bi strit bt ts haarl mrfkr

    Used by permission of Phil Selby (Dec. 2010)


    eak form- one of two possible

    pronunciations for a word, in

    the context of connected speech,

    the other being strong. The weak

    form is that which is the result

    of a word being unstressed, as in

    the normal pronunciation of of in

    cup of tea, and in most other

    grammatical words. Several words

    in English have more than one

    weak form, e.g. and [nd] can be

    [nd], [n], [n], etc.

    (David Crystal, A Dictionary of

    Linguistics and Phonetics)

    Exercise 1In the cartoon caption, mark weak and strong


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    Exercise 2 Complete the vowels in the table

    word strong weak word strong weak word strong weak

    a e from frm frm that t tam m ()m have hv (h)v, the ____ i, an n ()n he h____ (h)i them em ()mand nd ()n(d) him, his hm hz (h)m -z there e(r) (r)are (r) (r) is z z s to tu tu, tas z z me mi mi us s sat ____t t must mst ms(t) was wz wzbe bi bi not nt nt we wi wi

    because bkz (b)kz of v v, v, were w(r) w(r)been bin bn shall l l who hu hu,but bt bt she i i will wl ()lcan k____n kn should ____d d would w____d (w)d, dcould kd k____d so s s you ju ju, jdo du du, d some sm sm your j____(r) j(r)does d____z dz such s____t st

    for f(r) f____(r) than n ()n


    1. The pronoun thatis pronounced in its strong form, except when used as a relative pronoun ( this is the

    kind of thing that I meant) or a conjunction (I thought that you knew).

    2. Some is pronounced in its strong form when it is a pronoun meaning unidentified persons ( Some

    prefer it on the rocks) or a quantifying determiner with the meaning some, but not all (Only some

    members voted for him). Weak form is pronounced in the unspecified quantity sense (Would you like

    some candy?).

    3. The weak forms of he, his, her, have, has,and hadoften drop the initial /h/, except at the beginning of a


    4. The weak forms of do, the, and tobehave similarly. Before a consonant, they are pronounced with a

    schwa, and before a vowel as /du/, /i/, and /tu/ respectively (Do I?, the apple, and to and fro)

    Exercise 3

    Transcribe the following sentences using weak forms where necessary.

    - The more you try to avoid thinking about them, the more you do than if you didnt.

    - I dont expect an essay or anything, but I think that she could give me at least a sentence, a

    hello or something like that.

    - Would you believe that they have been married for seventy years?

    Exercise 4

    Can you explain why of is written (instead of have) in the following line?

    Somebody should of gone with him, said Mack. (John Steinbeck, Cannery Row)

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    10. Allophonic Processes

    1. Phoneme vs. allophonephoneme minimal contrastive sound unit. Contrastive = replacing a phoneme with another results in achange of meaning, as inpetand bet.

    allophone non-contrastive variant of a phoneme. Replacing it with another allophone does not result in

    meaning contrasts.

    2. Clear vs. dark lThe sound /l/ is pronounced differently in the initial and final positions. In the phrase look cool, the l in

    lookis pronounced with the tip of your tongue up behind the top front teeth, while the lin coolhas the

    tongue raised further back. See what happens when you swap the two. Do the meanings of the words


    These allophonic distinctions are not marked in the (broad) phonetic transcription. But there exist specialsymbols to distinguish allophones and these are used in the more detailed narrow, allophonic transcription.

    broad transcription narrow transcription

    kilt/klt/ kilt[kh t]

    In which of the following words will the clear [l] and dark [] be realized?clean, belt, hell, ruled, lilt,

    lull, level, label, finale, final

    3. AspirationPlosives also come in allophonic variants, one of which is pronounced with a puff of air. Aspirated

    allophones are marked with a superscript []. Can you figure out the rule?

    kit [kh ]t

    tick [t]k

    pit [p]t

    get [g]et

    deck [d]ek

    bit [b]t

    skit s[k]t

    stick s[t]k

    spit s[p]t

    Aspiration occurs even if the stops are followed by some consonants. Consult the table of English

    consonants at the beginning to find out what these consonants have in common.

    In Table 2, why are the last examples in each column not aspirated?



    phrintPhuerto Rico

    chot, chut


    qhueen, eqhuipchlean




    Table 1.Aspirated stops












    Table 2.Non-aspirated stops

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    3.2 Shifting aspirationSome word-formation processes result in stress shift, which in turn affects aspiration. For example, the

    word atomis pronounced without aspirating the /t/, but the adjectival form athomictakes stress on the

    second syllable following the /t/, which selects the aspirated version of the /t/. Transcribe the followingpairs, marking aspiration where appropriate.

    retake (n)/ retake (v) congress / congressional present (n, adj)/ present (v)

    economy / economic suppose / supposition contest (n)/ contest (v)

    apply / application progress / progression politics / political

    convict (n)/ convict (v) acclaim / acclamation accuse / accusation

    photograph / photography parent / parental

    4. Shortening of vowelsVowels can be shortened if they are followed by voiceless consonants. Compare the following pairs.

    feed / feet dug / duck cob / cop

    bed / bet rig / Rick robe / rope

    Will the vowels in the following words get shortened?

    help hulk belt

    harsh warp harp

    The shortening of vowels is marked in narrow transcription with two symbols. The single dot []is used

    for long vowels, e.g. , which becomes []. Short vowels get shortened with [], so for example,

    becomes[ ]:

    cart [kt] leak [li k] rack [r k]

    card [kd] league [li g] rag [rg]

    5. Exercise

    Transcribe the following words. Use the diacritic symbols for aspiration, shorter vowels and the twovariants of the phoneme /l/.

    Lisbon lisp crab crap

    feed feet pull bull

    roll rope robe code

    god got cot clot

    because beacon wilt willed

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    11. Tricky words

    1. Lettervowel correspondence.The following words come from Gerard Nolst Trenits poem The Chaos.

    Look them up in your pronunciation dictionary and copy their transcriptions.

    corpse, corps, horseand worse beau, queue

    swordandsward retainandBritain

    recipe, pipe soil, choir

    plague, vague, ague shoe,poem, toe

    Woven, oven signal,signing

    script, receipt examining, but mining

    missiles,similes, reviles endeavoured, reveredandsevered

    wholly, holly blood,flood,food

    lumber,plumber discount, viscountlaidbutplaid, made,bade loadand broad

    bier, but brier toward,forward, reward

    moss,gross renown, but known

    brook, brooch knowledge, done, lone,gone, none, tone

    ninth,plinth kitchen, lichen

    kind, kindle, kindred, mankind banquet, parquet

    reading, Reading, heathen, heather grieve, believe, sieve

    demon, lemon make my coat look new, dear,sewit

    ghoul, foul, soul mouldis NOT likeshouldand would

    petrol andpatrol billetdoes not end like ballet

    Satan, satanist, satanic Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet

    2. Suffix ableHow are these two words stressed?desirable- admirable

    What happens to verbs ending in -ate when they take the suffix able? alienable, alternable, articulable,

    discriminable, duplicable, violable,

    3. HomographsSame spelling; different pronunciation and different meaning. What are the two meanings in each case?

    bass bow close dove invalid lead

    number row sow tear wound wind

    4. Tricky Greek wordscatastrophe, epitome, Penelope, hyperbole, apostrophe,

    5. Odd man out

    Which of the following do you think is NOT an existing collocation?

    a. heathen temple b. to convert the heathen c. heathen rice d. heathen slaves

    a. lichen-crusted rocks b. lichen habitat c. lichen removal d. lichen shirt

    a. stimulated plinth b. to erect a plinth c. to adorn a plinth d. Trafalgar Square plinth

    a. Swiss chalet b. chalet homes c. mountain chalet d. chalet bullet

    a. flower-decorated bier b. wooden bier c. to drink bier d. popes bier

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    12. Technical terminology

    1. Science suffixes and semisuffixes. Decipher the examples.ary pertaining to, connected with

    dietaryAmE/dateri/ BrE/datri/

    ism ________ /dwfzm/

    gen something that produces or


    lysis destruction, separation

    ________/dalss/cyte cell________luksat lukst logy ________/baldi/itis inflammation________


    osis state or condition________

    /hpnss/cide agent that kills________ pathy feeling disease________/pi/(ec)tomy removal, cutting________ philia attraction for________ /pidfli/

    iac ________/kdik/ phobia fear of________ /krfbi/gram

    graphsomething written or drawn


    in, ine (in some substance names)

    ________/meltnn/graphy ________ /digrfi/ rrhoea flow________/lgri/

    2. Stress

    /ba+ ldi/ > /baldi/

    In which of the following suffixes does a similar effect occur? Transcribe the following patterns.

    lobe + tomy geo + graphy

    national + ism discipline + ary

    amnesia + ac insect + cide

    3. More examples. Decipher the following expressions.

    /wez tkntrkt gnri/ /tudken hltss/ /ksdn msk/

    /hju mn ntmi lesn/ /strldi n lkmi/ /smpi kd/

    4. Transcription practice

    antipathy psychopathy telepathy

    lymphocyte thrombocyte binary

    hereditary biography topography

    analysis paralysis necrophilia

    laryngitis meningitis antigen

    estrogen diarrhea penicillin

    fungicide neurectomy cirrhosis

    insomniac amnesiac

    5. Transcription practiceEarly diagnosis of acute bronchitis may help reduce the risk of long-term problems.

    Lobotomy was at first used as a primary procedure for a range of psychiatric conditions.

    Oxytocin is important for cervical dilation and contractions of the uterus during labor.

    Oxytocin is also used in veterinary medicine to induce birth and stimulate milk release.

    An individual analysis of the speech of aphasiacs suggests that obscene vocabulary is stored differently

    and separately from other vocabulary in the brain.Astronomy is not to be confused with astrology.

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    13. Final exercises

    1. Match the words with their correct pronunciation



























    colourcollar klkl

    wonderwander wndwnd

    lucklock lklk










    2. Homophones. In each group, cross out the word that does not fit the others. Thentranscribe the two pronunciations for each group.

    yew you ewe youth broke break brake

    noon knew new idle idol dill

    cue queue coo prey pry pray

    peas piece peace wait weight white

    none noun nun cent send sent scent

    selling sealing ceiling die dye day

    whore hoar hour flower flour floor

    fir fur fair heal hill heel

    mail mall male sight site cite side

    ride write right knead need neat
