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I. Programming Domains and Paradigms in Software Developme… · Represents meaning of language...

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Lecture Notes Alex Cummaudo COS30023—LSD 13/08/2014 I. Programming Domains and Paradigms Programming Domains Languages are designed for a specific purpose There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to every problem (i.e., no universal language) - Scientific Applications (Fortran, Argol): Floating Point Arithmetic - Business Applications (COBOL): Report Generation, Decimal Arithmetic - Artificial Intelligence (Lisp, Prolog): Symbolic Computation - System Programming (C, Pascal): Operating Systems - Scripting Languages (sh, awk, Perl, Tcl): System Configuration Programming Domains Imperative Style: program = algorithms + data Oldest style of programming Instructions such as assignments, branches, control flow etc. Data is held in variables so instructions within algorithm can vary Fortran, Assembly, Algol, Pascal, C, Ada Functional Style: program = function · function Mathematical approach to programming based on Lambda Calculus No such thing as variables: - There is no such thing as state, memory or side aects - Everything is conceptually a function We push arguments to functions to alter the output The number of arguments we can push is not fixed We can push as many as we desire The result of the pure functional program only depends on the arguments supplied Haskel, Scheme Logic Style: program = facts + rules Similar to functional programming in that it takes a mathematical approach via Formal Logic - Deduce falsehoods and truths from predicates of the facts supplied - Program is devised of predicates, which are the rules that govern a problem - Uses Logical Inference to deduce conclusions from the rules started from the axioms and theorems already provided Satisfaction of formulae by finding solutions Describe WHAT the problem is, NOT HOW it should be solved (declarative language) Prolog / 1 48

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I. Programming Domains and Paradigms

Programming Domains ▸ Languages are designed for a specific purpose▸ There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to every problem (i.e., no universal language)

- Scientific Applications (Fortran, Argol): Floating Point Arithmetic- Business Applications (COBOL): Report Generation, Decimal Arithmetic- Artificial Intelligence (Lisp, Prolog): Symbolic Computation- System Programming (C, Pascal): Operating Systems- Scripting Languages (sh, awk, Perl, Tcl): System Configuration

Programming Domains Imperative Style: program = algorithms + data

▸ Oldest style of programming▸ Instructions such as assignments, branches, control flow etc.▸ Data is held in variables so instructions within algorithm can vary▸ Fortran, Assembly, Algol, Pascal, C, Ada

Functional Style: program = function · function ▸ Mathematical approach to programming based on Lambda Calculus ▸ No such thing as variables:

- There is no such thing as state, memory or side affects- Everything is conceptually a function

▪ We push arguments to functions to alter the output▪ The number of arguments we can push is not fixed

▪ We can push as many as we desire

▪ The result of the pure functional program only depends on the arguments supplied ▸ Haskel, Scheme

Logic Style: program = facts + rules ▸ Similar to functional programming in that it takes a mathematical approach via Formal

Logic- Deduce falsehoods and truths from predicates of the facts supplied- Program is devised of predicates, which are the rules that govern a problem - Uses Logical Inference to deduce conclusions from the rules started from the axioms

and theorems already provided▸ Satisfaction of formulae by finding solutions▸ Describe WHAT the problem is, NOT HOW it should be solved (declarative language)▸ Prolog

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Object Oriented Style: program = objects + messages ▸ Programs build on types and inheritance

- Inheritance: realising new functionality from existing classes▸ Invoke messages on instances of objects

- The object responds by calling a method- The object could respond by throwing a runtime error should it not understand the

message it received

Prolog▸ Atoms: think string constant

- lowercase

fred, true, emacs

▸ Variable: substitutions Prolog can make with this variable to satisfy a rule- Uppercase- Think of as placeholders that can be wired-up with each other within the problem

editor(zen, SomeEditor)

▸ Facts/Compound Terms: functors or rules that has one or more arguments provided- Characterised by their name and arity (think number of arguments)

editor(zen, emacs). editor/2append(List1, List2, List3). append/3

▸ Goals/Predicates: When prolog is asked a query, it will try and solve each of its goals such that all predicates result in true- Prolog will try to find a set of substitutions for any variables to make all goals true- Think comma as an AND (rule1 AND rule2 AND rule3)

editor(Person1, vim),editor(Person2, vim),Person1 \== Person2

- In the above example, Prolog will try and find Person 1 and Person 2 such that they are not the same person and that two people exist in its rule base where both people use vim as their editor:

editor(ben, vim). editor(fred, vim). editor(fred, emacs).

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▸ Rules: Condenses a set of queries to one line statements:- Note how we can make Editor variable on the fly in the example below- This just wires up the two predicates such that their editor must be the same editor

pair(Person1, Person2) :- editor(Person1, Editor), editor(Person2, Editor), Person1 \== Person2.

▸ Lists: A list contains a number of atoms, numeric values or Variables- The bar or pipe symbol cuts the head of the list from its tail- We can use recursion of the same rule to iterate through the list

H { T } // Read as H bar T[alex, declan, rueben]Member ExampleSomething is a member of a list if it’s the first element (head) in listmember(H, [H|_]) :- true.Something is a member of a list if it’s somewhere in the tail of the listmember(X,[_|T]) :- member(X,T).

Syntax and Semantics

Syntax ▸ Concerned with the form of the programming language

- How do we put together expressions, commands and declarations to form a program?- Is it syntactically correct to say x++?

▸ Syntax guides semantics - Syntax alone isn’t enough, it just defines what makes valid sentences- Syntax is used to guide programmers into proper semantics

Semantics ▸ Concerned with the meaning of the programming language

- How does it behave when a program is executed? Why is it so?- Semantics assign meaning to every sentence that is of valid syntax

▸ We can use Axiomatic Semantics to prove the correctness of a programming language- That is, we know that our programming language has executed correctly since we have

mathematically proved that the logic is right based on the outcomes we see

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Hilbert-Style Proofs ▸ Axioms of proof systems are the formulae that are provable by definition

- Basic building blocks of proof- E.g., true

▸ Inference rules are assertions that infer the correctness of the conclusion of one formula from another formula

▸ Proofs are a structured object build from formulae according to constraints of axioms and inference rules - Axioms + Inference = Proof- A Proof Tree exists with a premise at the top of the bar and the conclusion at the bottom

▸ For example, if we think in prolog standards:

Anakin is the parent of Lukeparent(anakin,luke).Anakin is a malemale(anakin).All males that are parents are fathersfather(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y), male(X).As Anakin is a male and he is Luke’s parent, he is therefore Luke’s father

Axiomatic Semantics ▸ Assess the correctness of programs based on its output▸ Use Axiomatic Semantics to decompose a conclusion back into its premises

- It is a backwards analysis of conclusions- Work backwards to discover the preconditions that made the program tick to its


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Hoare Triples ▸ An axiomatic method of defining meaning of a language using logical assertions

{ E1 } C { E2 }The precondition E1 is true, then the C command happens, now the postcondition E2 is true▸ The boolean expression E1 holds before the computation C, then E2 is true must hold too

� Proving the behaviour of the increment statement

� SEQUENCE RULE: Proving the behaviour of a C1;C2 statement

� ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT: — C = C.Target := C.Source

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� IF-THEN-ELSE STATEMENT — C = if C.Test then C.Then else C.Else

Note that ALL possible cases (Then or Else) lead to Q


We can discover that P -> C -> Q even though we are doing this via subtypes primes

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Worked Example

[ P ] { true }if ( a >= b ) then m := a [ Cthen ] else m := b [ Celse ]end[ Q ] {m = MAX(a,b)}

▸ Full Proof Tree needs - DECOMPOSE: Cthen and Celse Proof Tree using Rules of Consequence- As we have decomposed both branches, we have explored all possible outcomes for Q

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Operational Semantics ▸ Uses reduction to see how state evolves in the program

- Keep reducing the program to get to its normal form - Sometimes, we can never get to normal form (e.g., recursion)… which means program

won't be able to evaluate its output▸ Provides the means to display the computational steps undertaken when a program is

evaluated to its output.

Assignment Statement

C = C.Target := C.Source

If then else statement

C = if C.Test then C.Then else C.Else

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Denotational Semantics ▸ Represents meaning of language concepts as mathematical objects (functions)

- Maps well-typed derivation trees to their mathematical meanings- Th method does not maintain states, but the meaning if the program is given as a

function that interprets all language elements of a corresponding set of values- Small-step semantics; reducing the concepts to partial functions

▪ Function: the mapping of all elements from a source domain to a dst. co-domain▪ Partial Function: function is not defined for all elements (i.e., a restriction of the

domain to the co-domain)

Assignment Statement

C = C.Target := C.Source

If then else statement

C = if C.Test then C.Then else C.Else

We define the If-Then-Else statement concept (S2) using If-Then-Else

Bootstrap Mathematics (S1)… S1 ≠ S2!

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Types and Type Systems ▸ Type Systems

- Restricts the number of expressions to prevent runtime errors(i.e., which expressions can be assigned a valid type using the underlying type system)

- Types are collections of values (think sets) that share some common properties(i.e., v ∈ T — all values are subsets of a type)

- Most programming languages have a type system that will:

▪ check the type during compilation (C, C++, C#)—statically typed

▪ check the type during runtime (Objective-C, Ruby)—dynamically typed ▸ Values

- Values: an expression used solely to denote a value- Constants: a named abstraction in the program; refers to an immutable value- Primitive Values: values which cannot be further decomposed (e.g., int, string etc.)- Composite Values: values built up from primitives (e.g., records, arrays, lists, enums)- Pointers: denote the location of values

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Inductive Sets of Data

Interpreters and Compilers Interpeter

▸ An interpreter consists of:- a front end

▪ converts the program text to an abstract syntax tree (AST)

▪ the AST is the internal representation of the program text

▪ the AST will check for soundness of the program text; AST parsers will ensure that the AST is sound and valid

- an evaluator

▪ receives at the AST and performs associated actions, dependent on the AST

▪ doesn't actually see or work with the original program input▪ converts the AST + other input => program answer

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Compiler ▸ A compiler translates program text into another language

- e.g., C to Machine Code, to C# to ByteCode etc.▸ Compilers consist of:

- a front end

▪ converts the program text to an abstract syntax tree (AST) - a set of compiler phases that do particular tasks▪ Analysis Phases: ▹ Semantic Analysis▹ Optimisation

▪ Translator Phases: ▹ Optimisation▹ Code Emission

▸ An evaluator for a compiler may be an interpreter (JVM) or a machine (von Neumann)▸ The process may repeat as many times as it needs in order to resolve dependencies

- That is, it might take one compilation process, and use the output of that compilation process as the input for another compilation process and so on…

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Programming Language Artefacts ▸ There are always two sets of values:

- Expressed Values ▪ Specified via literal expressions

▪ string, numbers, characters - Denoted Values ▪ Value is bound to a name

▪ x := 123 ▸ Kinds of languages

- Source

▪ Language used to write programs▪ Evaluated by compiler or interpreter

▪ Java, C, Ruby - Host ▪ Language used to specify the compiler or interpreter

▪ Java, C - Target ▪ Language that is executed

▪ We translate to target languages

▪ C, Machine Code, JVM - E.g.: Scheme (Source) written in Java (Host) written in C (Target)

▸ Lexical Tokens - Building blocks of the language—atoms- A sequence of characters, as one unit, in the programming language definition- When compiling/interpreting, we digest the raw input stream into these tokens- Examples:▪ Identifiers

Give meaning to denoted values

foo, N14, $dbctn, symbol?

▪ Integers▪ Real

▪ KeywordsReserved identifiers with specific meaningif, while, downto, return, final, sealed

▪ Operators

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▪ PunctuationAid in the reading if your program, both as a human and as a computer( ) . ; { }

Recognising Tokens ▸ Lexical tokens can be defined using the formal language of regular expressions ▸ Lexical tokens can be recognised using finite deterministic automata (DFA) ▸ DFAs is a quintuple with the following elements:

- Σ — a set of actions or alphabet of the state machine- Q = { q0 , q1 … qn } — a set of states (with each state being q)▪ q0 — designated start state

- F ⊆ Q — F is a subset of Q, where F is the accepting states- σ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q — a subset representing transitions between states (over Σ)

▪ Transitions describe behaviour within the DFA

▪ (q, a, q') ⊆ σ — note the state change from q to q' with automaton a

▸ Automaton A is finite if Q is finite ▸ Can be represented as a

transition graph (right)- The automaton A0 represents

transitions over state q0, q1, q2, q3…

- T h e a u t o m a t o n h a s a n alphabet Σ = { a, b, c }

- In the event we never end up at the final state q1, then we have invalid input

- In the event we approach the black hole state q3, we have invalid input▪ This will lead to recursion or infinite loop affect

▸ Automaton Language - A string is provided as input over an automaton for the alphabet Σ▪ if w is a string over Σ, then length of w is considered to be | w |

▪ a string with | w | = 0 is known as the empty string, or ε▹ an empty string will stop the automaton

- Consider inputs for Σ = { a, b, c } over A0:

▪ a, b, c, a is valid as we end up at q1 (q0 -> q2 -> q3 -> q1)

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▪ b, c, a, b, c ad inf. is invalid as we are stuck in the black hole q3

▪ a, b is invalid as we do not end up at the final state q1

Inductive Specification

▸ A mechanism to formally specify possible infinite sets of values▸ Define an infinite set in terms of itself: recursion

- Clauses▪ Base Clause: A candidate (usually the smallest possible set) to represent some truth

about the set

▪ Inductive Clause: A recursive statement which can be decomposed from the base clause

- E.g.

▪ 0 ∈ S, where S is the smallest set of all natural numbers

▪ Hence: x ∈ S ⇒ x + 3 ∈ S

▪ Hence, as we truly said 0 is a subset of S, have defined x is a subset of S, we

therefore know x + 3 is part of

Mathematical Induction ▸ Once the sets have been defined inductively:

- we can use the inductive definition to deduce the properties about members in the set- we write down an infinite proof in a finite way

▸ Take the mathematical concept of reason on numbering applied to reason the structure of languages

▸ Well-formed formulae:- Base form:▪ true and false

▪ p where p is a propositional value- Induced (Inductive specification) from base form:▪ ( ¬ p ) "not p"

is well-formed, given p is well-formed

▪ ( p ∧ q ) "p and q" is well formed, given p and q are well-formed

▪ ( p ∨ v ) "p or q" is well formed, given p and q are well-formed

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▪ ( p ⇒ q ) "if p then q" ( p implies q )

is well formed, given p and q are well-formed

▪ ( p ⇔ q ) "p if and only if q; q if and only if p" ( p is equivalent to q )

is well formed, given p and q are well-formed

Example I ▸ Proof by mathematical induction that P is true for every positive integer, n (i.e. P(n))▸ Form a base clause that is wholly true

P(1) ⇒ true

"The integer 1 is a positive one"▸ Form the inductive step which can induct all other values for n

P(n) ⇒ P(n+1)

"Given P of n is true (that is, n is positive as implied from the base clause), this will imply that one added to whatever value n is is also true"

Example II ▸ Proof by mathematical induction that sum(n) = n(n+1) / 2 ▸ Form a base clause that is wholly true

sum(0) = 0 ( 0 + 1 ) / 2 = 0 ⇒ true

▸ Form the inductive step which can induct all other values for nAssume base clause holdsWe must show that n ∖ n + 1 will hold (i.e., swap n with n + 1) sum ( n ) = n ( n + 1 ) / 2∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n + 1 ) ( ( n + 1 ) + 1 ) / 2

∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n + 1 ) ( n + 2 ) / 2Now use inference to apply sum ( n ) on RHSWe must show that the sum of the first n numbers is ( n + 1 ) sum ( n + 1 ) = sum ( n ) + ( n + 1 )We must show that sum (n)∖n ( n + 1) / 2 will hold∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n ( n + 1 ) / 2 ) + ( n + 1 )

∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n ( n + 1 ) + 2( n + 1 ) ) / 2∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n2 + n + 2n + 2 ) / 2

∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n2 + 3n + 2 ) / 2∴ sum ( n + 1 ) = ( n + 1 ) ( n + 2 ) / 2

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Structural Induction ▸ Uses the fact that it is possible to break up a larger substructure into smaller substructures

- Think onions: we infer the inner shells, but look at the outer shell to peel back▸ Similar to mathematical induction

- Base step: Simple structures (without the substructures) are wholly true- Induction step: If the induction hypothesis on the substructures of a given object, then

it is true on the overall structure itself

Example I ▸ Prove the following BNF specification

- <exp> is a set of expressions- <idf> is a set of identifiers

<exp> ::= <idf> | ( lambda ( <idf> ) <exp> ) | ( <exp> <exp> )

▸ Use induction prove that the structure of expression <e> if e ∈ <e>, that e has the same

number of left and right parentheses - e ≡ id

"e is identical to id"#( = 0#) = 0

∴ #( = #) Q.E.D

- e ≡ ( lambda (id) e1 )

Assume induction hypothesis (base clause)Since e1 ∈ <e>, #( e1 = #) e1

let m#( = #( e1

let k#( = #) e1 m = kHence e1 has been proved. Time for e… (why 2? look at # braces!!!!!) #( e = 2 + m #) e  = 2 + k∴ #( e = 2 + m = 2 + k = #) e Q.E.D

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Arden's Rule ▸ The following base operations exist for sets of strings S

- AlternationS1 | S2 = { s | s ∈ S1 ⋁ s ∈ S2 }

The string s is S1 or S2 - Concatenation

S1 · S2 = { s1s2 | s ∈ S1, s ∈ S2 }

The string is a combination of both strings - Iteration

S* = { ε | S | S · S | S · S · S | S · S · S · S … }We iterate from an empty string, then keep iterating…

▸ The following equations hold for strings S- (S1 · S2) · S3 = S1 · (S2 · S3) - (S1 | S2) · T = S1 · T | S2 · T- T · (S1 | S2) = T · S1 | T · S2- S · ε = S- S · ∅ = ∅

- S · (T · S)* = (S · T)* · S

▪ Note, ∅ means “no path” (think infinite loop state with DFA)

▹ When we have no path, we cancel out that path from out automata calculations

▪ ε means “empty path" (think no more paths to continue from with DFA—dead end)▸ Therefore, Arden's Rule is defined as:

X = S · X | T ⇒ X = S* · T

▸ That is, if X is recursively defined with a concatenation for S or T, then the automaton accepts S and continues to accept S until we find T

Regular Expression Notation

Regular Expression Notation


a An ordinary character stands for itself.Empty string (we write ε)

M | N Alternation, choosing one M or one N.M N Concatenation, one M followed by one N. M* Repetition, zero or more times M.M+ Repetition, one or more times M.M? Optional, zero or one occurrence of M.[a-zA-Z] Character set alternation. A period stands for any single character (except newline).“while” Quotation, a string in quotes stands for itself.

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Regular Expressions to Finite Deterministic Automata ▸ Use epsilon for end nodes (double circle)

- However, epsilon may be used in other transitions… (e.g., 1->2 via epsilon)

Disambiguation Rules ▸ In the event that two DFAs can accept the same string, they may be able to parse the

same thing. ▸ Ambiguities arise in token recognition which are disambiguated using the following rules.▸ Longest Match

- Consume as much as you possibly can - The longest initial substring of the input that can match any regular expression is taken

as the next token

Finite Automata for Tokens


i f1 2 3

1 2.

2 4.

1 3.


0-9 0-9

2 3/1 4/.

" ",\t, \n


5" ",\t, \n

a-zA-Z1 2 a-Z-A-Z0-9

0-91 2 0-9

Finite Automata for Tokens


i f1 2 3

1 2.

2 4.

1 3.


0-9 0-9

2 3/1 4/.

" ",\t, \n


5" ",\t, \n

a-zA-Z1 2 a-Z-A-Z0-9

0-91 2 0-9

Finite Automata for Tokens


i f1 2 3

1 2.

2 4.

1 3.


0-9 0-9

2 3/1 4/.

" ",\t, \n


5" ",\t, \n

a-zA-Z1 2 a-Z-A-Z0-9

0-91 2 0-9

Finite Automata for Tokens


i f1 2 3

1 2.

2 4.

1 3.


0-9 0-9

2 3/1 4/.

" ",\t, \n


5" ",\t, \n

a-zA-Z1 2 a-Z-A-Z0-9

0-91 2 0-9

Finite Automata for Tokens


i f1 2 3

1 2.

2 4.

1 3.


0-9 0-9

2 3/1 4/.

" ",\t, \n


5" ",\t, \n

a-zA-Z1 2 a-Z-A-Z0-9

0-91 2 0-9

Finite Automata for Tokens


i f1 2 3

1 2.

2 4.

1 3.


0-9 0-9

2 3/1 4/.

" ",\t, \n


5" ",\t, \n

a-zA-Z1 2 a-Z-A-Z0-9

0-91 2 0-9

Input DFA

if keyword 'if'exactly i then f

1. Consume i2. Consume f3. Consume ε to stop

[0-9]+integer token one or more sequential occurrences of 0-9

1. Consume 0-92. Consume 0-9 and repeat

stop repeat on ε

[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*identifier token start with letter, continue with 0 or more letters or numbers

1. Consume a-zA-Z2. Consume a-zA-Z0-9 and repeat

stop repeat on ε

([0-9]+"."[0-9]*)|([0-9]*"."[0-9]+) real number token start with one or more numbers, then a period then continue with zero or more numbers

OR start with zero or more numbers, then a period then continue with one or more numbers

1. goto state 2 if 0-9 consumed goto state 3 if period consumed

2. Consuming 0-9 and repeatstop repeat on period

3. Consume 0-94. Consume 0-9 and repeat

stop repeat on ε

("//".*"\n")|(" "|"\n"|"\t") whitespace (inc. //) start with //, then zero or more any chars then newline

OR space or newline or tab

1. goto state 2 if / consumed goto state 5 if space, \t or \n cons.

2. Consume /3. Consume anything and repeat

stop repeat on \n4. Consume ε5. Consume space, \t or \n and

repeatstop repeat on ε

. else input is error any sequence of chars that do not satisfy any of the DFAs above

1. Consume anything2. Consume ε

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▪ "596.354"⇒ real▪ "85893a" ⇒ integer as 85893

▸ Rule Priority - For a longest initial substring, the first regular expression that can match determines its

token type- E.g.: for the text input if and the following regular expressions:

RegEx1: ifRegEx2: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*

- The order of definitions of regular expressions determines its priority▪ Because the if keyword RegEx (1) is defined before the identifier RegEx (2) then (1)

gets priority over (2) for input of 'if'

Combining DFAs ▸ To turn all the individual machines into one machine, we create:

- Finite Nondeterministic Automata (NFA) - It is nondeterministic because it can decide which path to go to even if there are

multiple same-transition paths- It is a refinement of the NDA:

▪ It still satisfies the quintuple (Σ, Q, q0, σ, F) butσ ⊆ Q × Σ × 2Q

That is, transitions (σ) are now subsets of:1. a relation starting at state Q2. the FDA looks at a label in subset Σ

3. adds in a state that is a subset of a power set of all the states (2Q)In other words, we can end up at multiple states at once


Discrete labels from one state to another; all labels labelled differently and branch off discretely.

Can have two transitions out of one state with the same label (q0 and a1 goes to both q1 and q2)

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▸ NFA's can be expressed into equivalent DFA'sWorked Example:


q0 = (a · (b | a · c))*

is the regular expression to express both automata

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▸ A note on pruning- q3 = ( 0 | 1 ) · q3 where Σ = { 0, 1 }

Above is an empty path since it is recursively infinite…"Consume 0 or 1 and then goto q3 again"Hence since this is a "black hole": q3 = ( 0 | 1 ) · q3∴ q3 = ∅ Now all occurrences of q3 can be pruned and substituted with nothing

- a | ε ≙ [a]

For all expressions where a or ε, replace with optional a = [a]

Syntax Analysis & Grammar ▸ While DFA/NFAs describe valid input, it doesn't mean it helps with the form of the input

- The DFA/NFA will sort the whole stream of input into tokens▸ The parser will ensure that the tokens have appropriate grammar

- grammar describes all possible sequences that have correct formi.e., does it make sense to have if while for then?

▸ Unfortunately, regular expressions can only go so far- Regular expressions are stateless and do not keep track of what has been processed- For example

we can't keep track of the number of { and the number of } to see if they match - We can use Pumping Lemma for regular languages to achieve this

any sufficiently long string in the language contains a section that can be removed, or repeated any number of times, with the resulting string remaining in that language.

▸ Use Grammar to validate form- Grammar is a quadruple

G = (V, T, S, P) - V = vocabulary

set of all terms used - T ⊂ V

T is a true subset of VT is the terminal tokens

- S ∈ (V - T)

start symbols - P ⊆ (V* - T*) ⨉ V*

productions over the vocabulary and tokens

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▸ Language of a grammar is defined as the set of all strings of terminals that are derivable from the start string for the particular grammar:L(G) = { w ∈ T* | S ⇒+ w }

- w ∈ T* All strings of the terminal sets

- S ⇒+ w

Apply the productions of the grammar at least once from start to end ▸ Types of grammar

- Type 0: Free

▪ No restrictions on productions

▪ Just a simple, arbitrary rule set▪ Prolog

- Type 1: Context-Sensitive

▪ Only ok if we have context; can only apply the rule if its in context- Type 2: Context-Free

▪ A grammar can only have productions

▪ One, and one only, non-terminal symbol- Type 3: Regular

▪ A grammar can only have productions of the form:a is a terminalaB, Ba, a, ε, where B is a non-terminal

Backus-Naur Form (BNF) ▸ Specify the grammar of a language using a context-free grammar, BNF▸ Follows the format:

lhs ::= rhs

- Where lhs is a nonterminal and rhs is a list (separated by |) of terminals and nonterminals

< ListOfNumbers > ::= "()" | "(" < Number > "." < ListOfNumbers > ")"Bolded = nonterminalUnderlined = terminal

A list of numbers is either an empty list ( ) OR in the format (H.T)

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Concrete Syntax Tree ▸ Represents the external representation of

statements, expressions and values▸ We can construct a syntax tree from the

tokens that are made available to us▸ Remember:

- 1. Input text stream undergoes a lexical analysis using a DFA/NFA

- 2. Tokens are then consumed using the syntax tree to their terminals

- 3. Once we are at the leafs of the syntax tree, we have made the syntax tree- Goal: For all possible input strings, we get exactly one syntax tree

▸ The problem is we may have ambiguous grammars:- Ambiguous Grammars:

The same input and achieve multiple syntax trees- Non-Ambiguous Grammars:

One input string to get one syntax tree (i.e., this string produces a unique syntax tree)- Consider the following ambiguous grammar:

< Expression > ::= < Identifier >< Expression > ::= < Number >< Expression > ::= < Expression > + < Expression >< Expression > ::= < Expression > - < Expression >< Expression > ::= < Expression > * < Expression >< Expression > ::= < Expression > / < Expression >< Expression > ::= ( < Expression > )

▸ Precedence Problem - The higher up the syntax rules the lower the priority- An operator has tighter binding (higher priority) if it's defined deeper in the hierarchy- In the above example:

▪ Followed BODMAS since the order of the rules are defined with higher priorities last ▸ Associativity Problem

- If an operator uses left-recursive structure, then it is associated to the left of that rule

< Expression > ::= < Expression > + < Expression >

- If an operator uses right-recursive structure, then it is associated to the right of that rule

< Expression > ::= - < Expression >

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Low Priority

Higher Priority

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Consider the following Syntax Rules…

< Expression > ::= < Identifier >< Expression > ::= < Number >< Expression > ::= < Expression > + < Expression >< Expression > ::= < Expression > - < Expression >< Expression > ::= < Expression > * < Expression >< Expression > ::= < Expression > / < Expression >< Expression > ::= ( < Expression > )

Priority In ActionSince the * operator is defined after the + operator, the RHS tree is taken

Associativity In ActionSince the + operator is defined with a left-recursive structure, the left route is taken

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Abstract Syntax Tree ▸ Represents the internal representation of the statements, expressions and values▸ In the abstract syntax tree, we have no terminals

- The building blocks are tokens, rather than terminals.▸ Abstract trees generate ambiguous trees, but isn't meant for parsing (so this is okay)

Concrete Tree Define in terms of actual terminal characters (bolded)

< Lines > ::= ( < Expression > "\n" )*< Expression > ::= < Term > ( ( "+" | "-" ) < Term > )*< Term > ::= < PrimaryExpression > ( ( "x" | "/" ) < Primary > )*< PrimaryExpression > ::= "(" < Expression > ")" | "-" < Primary > | < Number >

Abstract Tree Define in abstract terms, without terminals

< Lines > ::= ε | < Expression > < Lines >< Expression > ::= < Expression > - < Expression > | < Expression > + < Expression > | < Expression > * < Expression > | < Expression > / < Expression > | - < Expression > | < Number >

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Converting Concrete Trees to JavaCC code

▸ Map up each of the BNF rules to the respective JavaCC code- Production names (LHS) mapped to the respective production declaration- Expand each of the internal RHS rules to the production body

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Converting Abstract Trees to JavaCC code ▸ Start by creating a class hierarchy for the Category on the RHS of the BNF

- i.e., the make the superclass the AST root node ▸ For each sub-node, map to a subclass of the root node that will implement an evaluation

in the way it needs to…

▸ Implement each subclass with its appropriate implementation- Binary operators should take two objects in the constructor- Unary operators should take one objects in the constructors- Literals will take the token supplied at the creation of the AST and will use that token's

image for the creation of its node

▪ The token's image is just the literal string of the token input…

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� ▸ Map the classes together in JavaCC

Concrete Syntax<Lines> ::= ( <Expression> “\n” )*!!

<Expression> ::= <Term> ( (“+”| “-”) <Term> )*!!

<Term> ::= <Primary> ( (“x” | “/”) <Primary> )*!!

<Primary> ::= “(” <Expression> “)”! | “-” <Primary>! | <Number>


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Concrete Syntax<Lines> ::= ( <Expression> “\n” )*!!

<Expression> ::= <Term> ( (“+”| “-”) <Term> )*!!

<Term> ::= <Primary> ( (“x” | “/”) <Primary> )*!!

<Primary> ::= “(” <Expression> “)”! | “-” <Primary>! | <Number>


Concrete Syntax<Lines> ::= ( <Expression> “\n” )*!!

<Expression> ::= <Term> ( (“+”| “-”) <Term> )*!!

<Term> ::= <Primary> ( (“x” | “/”) <Primary> )*!!

<Primary> ::= “(” <Expression> “)”! | “-” <Primary>! | <Number>


Lecture Notes Alex Cummaudo COS30023—LSD 13/08/2014

Turing Machines and Effective Compatibility ▸ A Turing machine is an abstract computer software that solves problems

- Consists of a readwrite head that runs along a tape as it passes in and out the machine- The tape can run bidirectionally- The tape usually reads binary only, but can have any alphabet as desired- The machine is usually fed a table of instructions - It is NOT a Finite Deterministic Automata!!!

▸ Effective Computability - Church’s Thesis proves that it is not possible to build a machine that is more powerful

than a Turing machine—if an algorithm is expressible in Lambda Calculus then it is effectively computable

▸ If an algorithm can pass the turing machine, then it is “turing computable”▸ Halting Problem is an example of what is not computable

- “The Control-C problem” - How will the program eventually produce a result?- There is no way to write a program that will check if your program will eventually halt!

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Lambda Calculus λ▸ “The mother of all computer programming languages!”

- A language that uses operational and denotational semantics to express algorithms- A language that can denote mathematical proofs- A language that can assign and specify type systems- A medium to represent mathematics on computers with the aim to exchange and store

reliable mathematical knowledge- A mathematical formalism for expressing computation by functions- A pure functional programming language

▸ Lambda Expression Syntax:

▸ We say that lambda functions will consume as many arguments as it needs to- Any arguments left over will be left over for he next function

▸ Examples: - Identify Function

The λx introduces x as a new argument in inner scope, which is immediately returned

- Pair FunctionThe λx introduces x, λx introduces y; this is mapped into λz, that introduces z, where z is mapped to a pair expression made of x and y

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References vs. Declarations ▸ Declaration: λx.e

The occurrence of x in the λ abstraction introduces the variable x as a placeholderThink of it like a prolog variable; eventually this variable will be bound to a concrete value

▸ Reference: f x yHere, all 3 variables (f, x, y) appear as references whose meanings are defined in the enclosing declaration (i.e., are concretely defined by the context by which they are in)

▸ Binding & Declarations - The value which the variable names is known as its meaning or denotation- The denotation comes from some declaration▪ We say that the variable is bound by that declaration (or refers to the declaration)

- The declaration have a limited scope (area where the variable is applicable)- As such, we can have multiple, different variables with the same name

▸ Scoping Rules - Static Scoping

▪ Determine variable declaration and its scope by looking at program text alone▪ Think most normal languages—we put our finger on the paper and hand execute it!

- Dynamic Scoping

▪ Determine variable declaration and its scope at runtime▹ Look at the program trace to see what’s going on▹ No such thing as inner functions or “final/sealed” keyword

▸ Binding Rules - In λx.e, x is a declaration that binds all occurrences of that variable in e

Wherever we see an x in e, it was bound in λx.e

Look for the binding at λx.

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▸ Free Occurrence and Bound Occurrence - Free Occurrence ▪ We use a variable that has a does NOT have a previous binder

▪ A variable x occurs free in an expression e if and only if there is:▹ a use of x in e▹ x is not bound to any declaration in e

▪ E.g. λx.x yy is used but not bound anywhere in the expression

▪ Think of it like cout in C++; it’s freely used but not defined anywhere (in your scope) - Bound Occurrence

▪ We use a variable that has a previous binder▪ A variable x occurs free in an expression e if and only if there is:▹ a use of x in e▹ x is bound to a declaration in e

▪ E.g. λf.λx.fxboth f and x are being used, and they have been defined

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Scope, Blocks and Visibility ▸ Blocks

- We can have as many nested regions as we need- The scope of the variable can include inner regions that hide the variable - Where we use a variable of the same name, the innermost use of the variable hides the

outermost variable

▸ Contour Diagrams - Regions can also be expressed as a contour diagram

Currying ▸ A way in which we can model functions with multiple parameters as curried functions

- Non-curried to curry = curry- Curry on non-curried = uncurry

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Lexical Addresses ▸ A way in which we can refer to variables without using the name

- We use an [d, p] expression, where:

▪ d is the relative depth up in the region to use and

▪ p is the position of the variable

▪ Going to d=n means we move n region’s out (down and out)

▪ Going to p=s means we move s places right (after moving down and out)

Free and Bound Variables ▸ In λx.e, x is bound by the enclosing λ▸ A variable that is not bound by λ is free ▸ Expressions with

- no free variables are closed: λx.x- free variables are open: λy.x y

▸ Lambda expressions with no free variables are called combinators - Procedures when applied to all arguments (i.e., a procedure call) is a combinator

Variable fv(x) = {x} The free variables of x is the singleton x

Function fv(λx.e) = fv(e) \ {x}The free variables of λx.e is all of the free vars of e minus x; because x is bound by λ and is therefore NOT free!

Application fv(e1.e2) = fv(e1) ∪ fv(e2) The free variables of an application is just a union of both free variables in both exprs.

Variable bv(x) = ∅ There are no bound variables in x; empty set

Function bv(λx.e) = bv(e) ∪ {x}x is bound by λ; therefore the bound variables of a function λx.e is all of the bound variables of e union with that of x singleton

Application bv(e1.e2) = bv(e1) ∪ bv(e2) The free bound of an application is just a union of both bound variables in both exprs.

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Lambda Calculus Reduction Rules ▸ Describe transitional relations from one state to another

α-conversion ▸ Allows the renaming of bound variables

- A bound name x in λx.e may be renamed to y as long as there are no FREE occurrences of y in the expression e

- We say that y is “fresh” in e

β-reduction (parameter passing!) ▸ The computational engine for lambda calculus

- We reduce a term in order to “run or execute the term”

▸ Applicable in applications only- Evolution of applications

▸ Avoid name capture; parameter passing- It is the mathematical

representation of the stack!!- We swap e2 (the argument expression) with a concrete binding (e.g., x)

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η-reduction ▸ Allows removal of “redundant lambdas”▸ Whenever x does not occur free in f, then we can


Substitution Rules ▸ What parameter passing entails in Lambda Calculus▸ We define substitution carefully to avoid name capture:

- [e/x]x = eReplace x with e in x; results in e (x singleton)

- [e/x]y = yReplace x with e in y; results in y (y does not contain any bound x variables)

- [e/x](e1e2) = ([e/x]e1 [e/x]e2)Replace x with e in both expressions; leave as an application but distribute the x into each of the subexpressions

- [e/x](λx.e1) = (λx.e1)Replace x with e in the expression; introduces a new binder in x and therefore no changes are made

- [e/x](λy.e1) = (λy.[e/x]e1) if x ≠ y and y ∉ fv(e)Replace x with e in the expression; introduces a new binder y and therefore we can therefore replace y GIVEN y is not in the free variables of the expression e and not = x

- [e/x](λy.e1) = (λz.[e/x][z/y]e1) if x ≠ y and z ∉ (fv(e) ∪ fv(e1))

Replace x with e in the expression; introduces a new binder z and therefore we can therefore swap e for x with y GIVEN z is not in the free variables of the expression e and e1 and not = x

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Representing ADTs as Lambda Functions ▸ Booleans

▸ Pairs

▸ Church Numbers

SETS: See lecture notes…

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Booleans• We can represent Boolean values and operations that manipulate Boolean values as functions: ! TRUE ≡ λx.λy. x!

FALSE ≡ λx.λy. y!

not ≡ λb.((b FALSE) TRUE)!

if then else ≡ λb.λx.λy.((b x) y)!

• Example: ! if TRUE then 1 else 2 ≡ λb.λx.λy.((b x) y) TRUE 1 2!

= ((TRUE 1) 2)! = 1


Pairs• Although tuples are not supported by the lambda calculus, they can easily be modeled as higher-order functions that “wrap” pairs of values. N-tuples can be modeled by composing pairs:! pair ≡ λx.λy.λz.((z x) y)!

first ≡ λp.(p TRUE)!

second ≡ λp.(p FALSE) !

• Example: ! first (pair 1 2)! ➔ 1! second (pair 1 2)! ➔ 2


succ 0

1 = succ 0 = λn.λs.λz.(s (n s z)) λs.λz.z !

→ λs.λz.(s ((λs.λz.z) s z))!

→ λs.λz.(s ((λz.z) z))!

→ λs.λz.(s z)


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Evaluation Order ▸ A lambda expression is in normal form if it can no longer be reduced by β- or η-reduction▸ We can keep down-reducing our expressions until they are no longer reducible▸ We say that normal form is the output of our program (we evaluate the program to

normal form) - though not all lambda expressions have a normal form, like the Ω expression:

- This shows that there exists non-normal-form expressions

▪ e.g., programs that cannot reduce—endless loop!

Strict Evaluation (Applicative Order Reduction) ▸ Evaluates the expression before control is passed over to the function▸ i.e., call by value; always evaluate/reduce

expressions, regardless of if it’s used later on- This means that a function that is

applied to a nontermintating expression will cause no output: f ⊥ = ⊥ A function f is applied to expression that is non-reductive; this means that the function will not reduce too

▸ This models call by value—i.e., evaluate the arguments, then invoke the function ▸ This means:

- in the application (e1 e2):

▪ reduce e2 (args) first using applicative order reduction, then

▪ reduce e1 (func) second using applicative order reduction, then▪ if e1 is a function, then apply beta reduction and reduce the result to normal form

▪ else return a new application consisting of reduced e1 and e2 � / �40 48

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▸ Using fully parenthesised notation, always perform the RIGHTMOST and INNERMOST beta reduction

▸ That is, work from top right to bottom left—repeatedly scan for rightmost innermost (left parenthesis) occurrence of ((λx.e1) e2) terms

Lazy Evaluation (Normal Order Reduction) ▸ Evaluates the expression only when they are needed ▸ This means we keep on passing along the unevaluated expression until it gets to a point

where we need to evaluate the expression to move onto the next reduction- This means that a function that is applied to a nontermintating expression will still be

reducible: f ⊥ ≠ ⊥ A function f is applied to expression that is non-reductive; this means that the function will still be able to be reduced as we have never evaluated the non-reductive expression as it is not needed.

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Confluence ▸ If an expression has a normal form, then it doesn't matter

how you get to that normal form- There can be multiple ways of evaluating to a normal

form- 2 programs are the same if they both evaluate to ∃T

(i.e., normalised)

▪ Can go from M ➝ P ➝ ∃T orCan go from M ➝ Q ➝ ∃T

▪ You still end up at a normalised ∃T

▸ Evaluation order does not matter in lambda calculus- That said applicative-order reduction may not terminate even if a normal form exists- Consider the Ω expression = ( λ x.y ) (( λ.x x x ) ( λ x.x x))

▪ Applicative-order reduction does not reduce this to a normal form since it attempts to reduce itself, which leads to a reduction into itself (i.e., self replicating)

▪ Normal-order reduction will not ever evaluate Ω over again since it doesn't need to

Recursion ▸ Recession is fundamental to programming, but it is not a primitive▸ We need to find a way in which we can “program” recursion▸ Consider:

plus = λn m.(if n then (plus (dec n)(inc m)) else m)

- Here we are trying to define plus in terms of itself- We can’t do that because we haven’t defined what plus actually is yet

▸ Instead, we define a closed expression (i.e., one with no free variables—without the recursive plus) by abstracting over plus- Redefine the function plus into rplus, where:

rplus = λplus n m.(if n then (plus (dec n)(inc m)) else m)

- Now, we can redefine the actual addition function we want as fplus - We pass rplus as a parameter before we perform any operations:

(rplus fplus) - Hence:

rplus fplus ⟷ fplus

- This means that plus is the fixed point of rplus - Fixed points are functions to an argument that just return the argument

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Type Systems▸ Type systems ensures that there will be:

- documentation in our code- prevention of runtime errors if enforced- ensure the expected result is met

▸ We have a whole bunch of types at our disposal

< TYPE > ::= int primitive integer | char primitive char | string primitive string | < IDENTIFIER > type variable | ( < TYPE > ) lists | ( { < TYPE > }*(✕)) tuples | ( { < TYPE > }*(✕) -> < TYPE >) functions< TYPED EXPRESSION > ::= ( < EXPRESSION > < TYPE > )

▸ Note that the superscript (✕) refers to a separation of types by ✕ (i.e., cross factor)

Function Types ( { < TYPE > }*(✕) -> < TYPE >) ▸ Deduces the types of expressions without the need to evaluate them

List Types ( { < TYPE > } ) ▸ Lists ::= ( { < EXPRESSION > }* )▸ A list of type a has the type "(a)"

((1 2 3 4 5)(int)) valid int list(("Hello" "World")(string)) valid string list(("Hello" 123 'a')(??)) invalid list (3 different types)

Tuples ( { < TYPE > }*(✕) ) ▸ Tuples ::= ( { < EXPRESSION > }* )▸ A tuple must have matching type

specifications- A tuple (x1, x2, x3… xn) has a type (a1 ✕ a2 ✕ a3 … an)

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▸ Static Typing - Possible to determine the static type of an object from the programming text alone- WYSIWYG approach—runtime is the same as definition- Type check at compile time

▸ Dynamic Typing - Types are determined at runtime- Type checking before variable is used- Type changes or determined at runtime

▸ Type Consistency - Strongly typed languages ensure every expression is type-consistent from program text- Type consistency is ensured using

▪ compile-time type-checks

▪ type interference▪ dynamic type-checks

▸ Kinds of types - Primitive: bool, int, char, float- Composite: functions, lists, tuples- User-Defined: enumerations, recursive types, generic types

Lambda Calculus and Types ▸ Three type checking mechanisms:

- Type Assignment

▪ Just like any assignment▪ We bind an expression, M, to a type, τ

M : τ

- Type Contexts/Assumption/Environment

▪ A type environment, Γ, is a partial function

Γ : V → V

▪ It defines a 'hash-map' of possibly empty set of variables that are bound to types

▪ That way, we can lookup the variable name and see the type definition

Γ = { int32: int, string: char* }

▪ Hence, now we can say that:Γ(int32) = int, Γ(string) = char* i.e., in our type environment int32 maps to int etc.

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- Type Judgement

▪ The triple (Γ, M, τ) specify a type judgement▪ It is a formal specification of the type environment in our program

Γ ⊢ M : τunder type gamma, there is an expression M which is assigned type tau

{ int32 : int, string : char* } ⊢ string : char*

▸ Subject Reduction - Reduction of lambda calculus preserves the type- If a program is assigned the type τ and M is reduced to normal form N, N has type τ:

If Γ ⊢ M : τ and M →β N, then Γ ⊢ N : τ

- If this is the case, then there is no need for runtime type checks!▸ Type Safety

- Does the reduction of M lead to stages that are type-safe?- We can ensure this if the term M has the type τ—then it is safe- This helps us reduce mismatch of the:▪ declared type of a variable and

▪ the application type when that variable is used

▪ i.e., int foo = 12; foo + "hi";▸ Typed Lambda Calculus

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▸ Type Lambda Calculus Reduction Rules - Simply the same; with preservation of types

▸ Type Lambda Calculus Type Rules

ɑAlpha Conversion

βBeta Reduction

η Eta Reduction

e ::= xτVariable

e ::= (λxσ.eτ)(σ→τ)


e ::= e1(σ→τ) e2σ


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- Polymorphism and Type Systems

▪ Monomorphic type system ensure a definition of generic abstraction remains hidden

▪ Polymorphic type expressions describe families of types

- We can deduce the types of expressions using polymorphic type functions - Polymorphism types:

▪ Parametric: NSObject in ObjC, object in C#, void* in C

▪ Inclusion: sub-typing ▪ Overloading: Operator + applied to both integers and floating point

▪ Coercion: Integer values being used where floating points are expected

Type Inference

▸ The set of untyped lambda-terms are defined as

� ▸ Whereas the set of typed lambda-terms are defined as

� ▸ This means that et being the set of typed lambda-terms is obtained by modifying the

second clause in the definition of the untyped lambda terms

Typed Lambda-Terms• The set e of untyped lambda-terms are defined as follows:! e ::= x! | (λx.e)!

| (e1 e2)! • The set T of types is defined as follows:! t ::= K - basic types! | (t1 → t2) - function types!

• The set eT of typed lambda-terms is obtained by modifying the second clause in the definition of the untyped lambda-terms:! (λx : t.e)


Typed Lambda-Terms• The set e of untyped lambda-terms are defined as follows:! e ::= x! | (λx.e)!

| (e1 e2)! • The set T of types is defined as follows:! t ::= K - basic types! | (t1 → t2) - function types!

• The set eT of typed lambda-terms is obtained by modifying the second clause in the definition of the untyped lambda-terms:! (λx : t.e)


Typed Lambda-Terms• The set e of untyped lambda-terms are defined as follows:! e ::= x! | (λx.e)!

| (e1 e2)! • The set T of types is defined as follows:! t ::= K - basic types! | (t1 → t2) - function types!

• The set eT of typed lambda-terms is obtained by modifying the second clause in the definition of the untyped lambda-terms:! (λx : t.e)


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Polymorphic Types• We can deduce the types of expressions using polymorphic functions by simply binding type variables to concrete types:!Consider:!

(length ((a) -> int))!

(stringlength (string -> int))!

(map ((a -> b) -> (a) -> (b)))!

Then:!((map stringlength) ((string) -> (int)))!((“Hello” “World” “!”) (string))!((map stringlength (“Hello” “World” “!”)) (int))


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▸ Type inference for closed terms can be stated as:

Given a closed lambda-term e, find all types t such that (∅, e, t).

▸ Wand’s algorithm

� Action Table:

Wand’s Algorithm - SkeletonInput: !

• A lambda-term e0.!

Initialization:!• Set E = ∅ and G = {(Γ0, e0, t0)}, where t0 is a type variable and Γ0 maps the free variables of e0 to other distinct type variables.!

Loop Step:!• If G = ∅, then halt and return E. Otherwise, choose a subgoal (Γ, e, t) from G, delete it from G, and add to E and G new verification conditions and subgoals, as specified in an action table.!

End of Skeleton


The Action Table(Γ, x, t):!

Generate the equation t = Γ(x).!

(Γ, (λx . e ), t):!Let τ1 and τ2 be fresh type variables. Generate the equation t = (τ1 → τ2) and the subgoal (Γ; x : τ1, e, τ2).!

(Γ, (e1 e2), t):!Let τ1 be a fresh type variable. Then generate the subgoals (Γ, e1, τ1 → t) and (Γ, e2, τ1).


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