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    Ice Age (2002)

    A saber-toothed squirrel (known asScrat) is trying to nd a place to store hisprized acorn. Eventually, as he tries to stomp it into the ground, he causes alarge crack in the ground that extends for miles and miles and sets off a largeavalanche. He barely escapes, but nds himself stepped on by a herd ofprehistoric animals. The animals are trying to avoid theice ageby migratingsouth.Sid, a clumsyground slothleft behind by his family, decides to move onby himself but is attacked by twoBrontopswhom he angered. Sid is soon savedby Manfred("Manny"), an agitatedmammothwho ghts them off and isheading north. Not wanting to be alone and unprotected, Sid follows Manny.Meanwhile, Soto, the leader of aSmilodonpride, wants revenge on a group ofhumans by eating the chief's baby son, Roshan, alive. Soto leads a raid on thehuman camp, during which Roshan's mother is separated from the rest and jumps down a waterfall when cornered by Soto's lieutenant,Diego. For his

    failure, Diego is sent to nd and retrieve the baby.

    Later, Sid and Manny spot Roshan and his mother near the lake, having survivedher plunge. The mother only has enough strength to trust her baby to Mannybefore she disappears. After much persuasion by Sid, they decide to returnRoshan, but when they reach the human settlement, they nd it deserted. They

    meet up with Diego, who convinces the pair to let him help by tracking thehumans. The four travel on, with Diego secretly leading them to his pack for anambush.

    While having small adventures on their way, they reach a cave with severaldrawings made by humans. There Sid and Diego learn about Manny's past and

    his previous interactions with the human hunters, in which his wife and sonwere killed, leaving Manny a cynical loner. Later, Manny, Sid, Diego and Roshan

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    almost reach Half-Peak but encounter a river oflava. Manny and Sid, along withRoshan, make it safely, but Diego struggles, about to fall into the lava. Manny

    rescues him, narrowly missing a fall into the lava himself. The herd takes a breakfor the night, and Roshan takes his rst walking steps to Diego.

    The next day, the herd approach the ambush, causing Diego to confess toManny and Sid about the ambush, and he tells them to trust him. The herdbattles Soto's pack, and a short ght ensues. As Soto closes in for the kill onManny, Diego leaps and stops Soto, who wounds Diego in the process. Manny

    knocks Soto into a rock wall, causing several sharp icicles to fall on Soto, killinhim. The rest of the pack then retreats. The group then mourns for the injurycaused to Diego. Soon, Manny and Sid manage to return the baby to his tribe,and Diego rejoins them, as the group begins to head off to warmer climates.

    20,000 years later, Scrat, frozen in the ice, ends up on the shores of a tropical

    island. When the ice slowly melts, the acorn is then washed away. He mistakenlytriggers a volcanic eruption, while stomping the coconut into the ground.

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    Independence Day (1996)

    On July 2, a 500 km widealien mothershipenters Earth's orbit and deploysseveral dozen saucer-shaped "destroyer" spacecraft, each 15 miles (24 km)wide. As they take position over some of Earth's major cities, David Levinso( Jeff Goldblum), anMITgraduate working for a cable company inNew York City,discovers hidden transmissions in Earth's satellites which he realizes is a timercounting down to a coordinated attack by the aliens. With the support of hisestranged wife Constance Spano (Margaret Colin), the White HouseCommunications Director, he and his father Julius ( Judd Hirsch) gain entranceinto theOval Ofceto notifyPresidentThomas J. Whitmore (Bill Pullman) aboutthe attack. Whitmore orders large-scale evacuations of the targeted cities, butthe aliens attack with advanceddirected-energy weaponsbefore these can becarried out. Whitmore, portions of his staff, and the Levinsons narrowly escapeaboardAir Force OneasWashington, D.C.is destroyed.

    On July 3, theBlack Knights, a squadron of Marine CorpsF/A-18 Hornets,participate in an assault on a destroyer near the ruins ofLos Angeles. Theirweapons fail to penetrate the craft'sforce eld. Dozens of "attacker" ships arelaunched by the aliens in defense, and a one-sided dogght ensues in whichnearly all the Hornets are destroyed. Afterwards, many American military

    installations, includingNORAD, are destroyed, killing theVice Presidentandmost of the Cabinet who had been hiding there. Captain Steven Hiller (WillSmith) is the only pilot to survive the Los Angeles assault by luring a singleattacker to theGrand Canyonand causing their aircraft to crash into the desert.He subdues the injured alien and is rescued by Russell Casse (Randy Quaid),who is traveling across the desert with a group of refugees. They take the aliento nearbyArea 51, where Whitmore and his remaining staff have also landed.

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    Area 51 conceals a top-secret facility housing a repaired attacker and three alienbodies recovered fromRoswellin 1947.

    When scientist Dr. Brackish Okun (Brent Spiner) attempts to autopsy the alien, itregains consciousness and attempts to escape. When questioned by Whitmore,the alien attempts a psychic attack against him, but is killed by Whitmore'ssecurity detail. Whitmore then mentions that while he was being attacked, hesaw the alien's thoughts; what its species was planning to do. They arelikelocusts; their entire species travel from planet to planet, destroying all life

    and harvesting the natural resources. Whitmore orders a nuclear attack on thedestroyers, aB-2 Spiritres a nuclear missile at one of the destroyers aboveHoustonbut the missile fails to penetrate the force eld of the destroyer and theremaining strikes are aborted.

    On July 4, Levinson devises a plan to use the repaired attacker to introduce a

    computer virusand plant a nuclear missile on board the mothership, theorizingthat this will disrupt the force elds of the destroyers. Hiller volunteers to pilotthe attacker, with Levinson accompanying him. With not enough military pilotsto man all available aircraft, volunteers including Whitmore and Casse areenlisted for the counterstrike.

    With the successful implantation of the virus, Whitmore leads the attack against

    an alien destroyer approaching Area 51. Although the force eld is deactivatedand the ghters are able to inict damage, the hull of the destroyer was too bigto inict serious damage too. As a result, the ghter's supply of missiles quicklybecomes exhausted. As the destroyer prepares to re on the base, Casse has onemissile left, but it jams. He decides to y his plane directly into the alien weaponin a kamikazeattack, which kills him but destroys it. The Americans inform

    resistance forces around the world about how to destroy the alien ships. The

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    nuclear device destroys the alien mothership as Hiller and Levinson escapeunharmed back to Earth. The whole world then celebrates its heroes' victory aswell as its true 'Independence Day'.

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    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

    n 1935,Indiana Jones- Indy (Harrison Ford) narrowly escapes the clutches ofLao Che(Roy Chiao), acrime bossin Shanghai. With his 11-year-old Chinesesidekick,Short Round(or Shorty) ( Jonathan Ke Quan), and the nightclub singerWillie Scott(Kate Capshaw) in tow, Indy ees Shanghai on an airplane that,unknown to them, is owned by Lao. While the three of them sleep on the plane,the pilots parachute out, and they leave the plane to crash over theHimalayaswhile dumping its fuel. Indy, Shorty, and Willie discover this and narrowlymanage to escape on aninatable raftand ride down the slopes into aragingriver. They come toMayapore, a desolate village in northernIndia, where thepoor villagers believe them to have been sent by theHindu god Shivaandenlist their help to retrieve the sacredSivalingastone stolen from their shrine,as well as the community's children, from evil forces in the nearby PankotPalace. During the journey to Pankot, Indy hypothesizes that the stone may be

    one of the ve fabled Sankara stones that promise fortune and glory.

    The trio receive a warm welcome from the Prime Minister of Pankot PalaceChattar Lal (Roshan Seth). The visitors are allowed to stay the night as guests,during which they attend a lavish but grotesque banquet

    given by the youngMaharajah, Zalim Singh(Raj Singh). Chattar Lal rebuffsIndy's questions about the villagers' claims and his theory that the ancientThuggeecult is responsible for their troubles. Later that night, Indy is attackedby an assassin, leading Indy, Willie, and Shorty to believe that something isamiss. They discover a series of tunnels hidden behind a statue in Willie's roomand set out to explore them, overcoming a number of booby-traps along theway.

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    The trio eventually reach an underground temple where the Thugs worship theHindu goddessKaliwithhuman sacrice. They discover that the Thugs, led bytheir evil, bloodthirsty high priestMola Ram(Amrish Puri), are in possession ofthree of the ve Sankara stones, and haveenslaved the childrento mine for thenal two stones, which they hope will allow them to rule the world. As Indy trieto retrieve the stones, he, Willie, and Shorty are captured and separated. Indy iswhipped and forced to drink a potion called the "Blood of Kali", which placeshim in atrance-like state where he begins to mindlessly serve the Thugs. Willie,meanwhile, is kept as a human sacrice, while Shorty is put to work in the minesalongside the enslaved children. Shorty breaks free and escapes back into thetemple where he burns Indy with a torch, shocking him out of the trance. Afterdefeating Chattar Lal, also a Thuggee worshiper, they go back to the mines tofree the children, but Indy is caught up in a ght with a hulking overseer (PatRoach). The Maharajah, who was also forcibly entranced by the "Blood of Kali,attempts to cripple Indy with avoodoo doll. Shorty spars with the Maharajah,ultimately burning him to snap him out of the trance. With his strengthreturned, Indy kills the overseer. The Maharajah then tells Shorty how to get outof the mines. While Mola Ram escapes, Indy and Shorty rescue Willie andretrieve the three Sankara stones, the village children escape.

    After amine cartchase to escape the temple, the trio emerge above ground and

    are again cornered by Mola Ram and his henchmen on arope bridgehighabove acrocodile-infested river. Using asword, Indy cuts the rope bridge in half,leaving everyone to hang on for their lives. Indy utters anincantationwhichcauses the stones to glow red hot. Two of the stones fall into the river, while thelast falls into Mola Ram's hand, burning him. Indy catches the now-cool stone,while Mola Ram falls into the river below, where he is devoured by aMuggercrocodile. The Thugs then attempt to shoot Indy with arrows, until a company of

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    British Indian Armyriemen from Pankot arrive, having been summoned by thepalace Maharajah. In the ensuing reght, many of the Thuggeearchersarekilled and the remainder are surrounded and captured. Indy, Willie, and Shortyreturn victoriously to the village with the children and give the missing stoneback to the villagers.

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    In the Heat of the Night (1967)

    Mr. Colbert, a wealthy man fromChicagowho was planning to build a factory inSparta, Mississippi, is found murdered. White police Chief Bill Gillespie (RodSteiger) comes under pressure to quickly nd his killer. African-AmericannorthernerVirgil Tibbs(Sidney Poitier), passing through town, is picked up at thetrain station between trains with a substantial amount of cash in his wallet.Gillespie, prejudiced against blacks, jumps to the conclusion that he has hisculprit but is embarrassed to learn that Tibbs is an experienced Philadelphiahomicide detective who is simply passing through town after visiting hismother. After the racist treatment that he receives, Tibbs wants nothing morethan to leave as quickly as possible, but his own chief, after questioning whetherTibbs himself is prejudiced, has him stay and help. Leslie Colbert (Lee Grant),the victim's widow, already frustrated by the ineptitude of the local police, isimpressed by Tibbs's expertise when he clears another wrongly accused suspect

    whom Gillespie has arrested on circumstantial evidence. She threatens to stopconstruction on the much needed factory unless Tibbs leads the investigation.Unwilling to accept help, but under orders from the town's mayor, Gillespietalks a reluctant Tibbs into working on the case.

    Despite the rocky start to their relationship, the two policemen are compelled torespect each other as they are forced to work together to solve the crime. Tibbsinitially suspects wealthy plantation owner Eric Endicott (Larry Gates), a racistwho publicly opposed the new factory. When he attempts to interrogate Endicottabout Colbert, Endicott slaps him in the face, but Tibbs slaps him back, whichleads to Endicott sending a gang of hooligans after Tibbs. Gillespie rescues himfrom the ght and orders him to leave town for his own safety, but Tibbs refusesto leave until he has solved the case.

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    Tibbs asks Sergeant Sam Wood (Warren Oates), the ofcer who discovered thebody, to retrace his steps the night of the murder. Tibbs and Gillespieaccompany Wood on his patrol route, stopping at a diner where thecounterman, Ralph Henshaw (Anthony James), refuses to serve Tibbs. WhenTibbs notices that Wood has deliberately changed his route, Gillespie startssuspecting Wood of the crime. Tibbs indicates that he knows why Sam haschanged his route but will not disclose the reason to Gillespie. When Gillespiediscovers that Wood made a sizable deposit into his bank account the day afterthe murder (which Wood claims is gambling winnings) and Lloyd Purdy ( JamesPatterson), a local, les charges against Wood for getting his 16-year-old sisterDelores (Quentin Dean) pregnant, Gillespie arrests Wood for the murder,despite Tibbs's protests. Purdy is insulted that Tibbs, a black man, was presentfor his sister's interrogation about her sexual encounter with Wood, and hegathers a mob to get his revenge on Tibbs.

    Tibbs is able to clear Wood by nding the original murder scene and pointingout that Sam would not have been able to drive two cars at the same time, hispolice patrol car and the victim's car. Tibbs also admits that he knewimmediately that Wood changed his route not to hide the fact that he was amurderer, but was a peeping Tom, and declined to publicly reveal this in orderto spare Wood embarrassment.

    Acting on a hunch, Tibbs tracks down the local back-room abortionist, whoreveals that someone has paid for Delores to have an abortion. When Deloresarrives, Tibbs pursues her outside, where he is confronted by the murderer,Henshaw. Purdy's mob tracks down Tibbs at this moment, and he is being heldat gunpoint when he proves to Purdy that it was Henshaw, not Wood, who gotDelores pregnant, and Henshaw murders Purdy before being disarmed byTibbs. Henshaw is arrested and confesses to the murder of Colbert. He had

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    robbed Colbert to gain money to pay for Delores's abortion, but had killed himin the process.

    His job done, Tibbs nally boards theGulf, Mobile & Ohiotrain out of town, afterbeing bid farewell by a now respectful Gillespie.

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    It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

    n Bedford Falls, New York, on Christmas Eve 1945, George Bailey is suicidaPrayers for him reach Heaven. Clarence Odbody, Angel 2nd Class, is assigned tosave George. To prepare Clarence, his superior Joseph shows ashbacks ofGeorge's life.

    At age 12, George saves his younger brother Harry, who fell through the ice on apond, costing George the hearing in one ear. Later, he catches a potentially

    deadly mistake made by his boss, distracted by the news of the sudden death ofhis son. George waits for Harry to graduate from high school and replace him atthe family business, the Bailey Brothers' Building and Loan, a longtime irritanttoHenry F. Potter, the richest man in town.

    On Harry's graduation night in 1928, George discusses his dreams to buildthings and travel with admiring classmate Mary Hatch. Suddenly, George'suncle, Billy, informs him that his father had astroke. Following his father'sdeath, George postpones his plans in order to sort out the rm's affairs. He talksthe board of directors into rejecting Potter's proposal to dissolve the company,but they agree only on condition that George run it. He gives his college moneyto Harry for his education.

    When Harry graduates, he brings home a wife, whose father has offered Harry a job. Although Harry vows to decline the offer for his brother's sake, Georgecannot deny him such a great opportunity and keeps running the Building andLoan. George marries Mary on the same day as theWall Street Crash of 1929and is forced to use the money saved for their honeymoon to weather abankrun.

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    George starts Bailey Park, anaffordable housingproject. Potter, losing tenants,tries to hire him away, offering the 28-year-old a huge salary and the promise ofbusiness trips to Europe, appealing to his yearning to travel. George angrilyrejects the offer.

    George is unable to enlist for World War II because of his bad ear. Harry,however, becomes a navy ier and is awarded theMedal of Honor. OnChristmas Eve morning 1945, the town prepares a hero's welcome for Harry.Uncle Billy goes to Potter's bank to deposit $8,000 for the Building and Loan.

    After bragging to Potter about Harry, Billy absentmindedly leaves the moneybehind. Potter keeps it.

    When Uncle Billy remembers, he and George frantically search for the money.After berating his uncle for endangering the Building and Loan, George goeshome and destroys his corner of the living room. He apologizes to his

    frightened wife and children, then leaves.

    Desperate, George appeals unsuccessfully to Potter for a loan. Potter tells himhis life insurance policy makes him worth more dead than alive. George getsdrunk, then crashes his car into a tree. He staggers to a nearby bridge to commitsuicide.

    Before he can, Clarence jumps in and pretends to be drowning. George rescueshim, but does not believe Clarence's claim to be George'sguardian angel.When George wishes he had never been born, Clarence shows him what lifewould have been like without him. Bedford Falls is named Pottersville and islled with cocktail bars, casinos, and gentlemen's clubs. The old druggist wentto prison for manslaughter (because George was not there to catch his mistake),

    and his father's business had failed due to Uncle Billy's incompetence.

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    George attracts police attention and ees to his embittered mother's home, nowa boarding house. She reveals that Uncle Billy was institutionalized after thestock market crash. In the cemetery where Bailey Park would have been, Georgediscovers the grave of his brother, who drowned without his intervention.Consequently, the hundreds of servicemen Harry would have saved are alsodead. Mary is a timid spinster working at the library.

    George runs back to the bridge and begs for another chance. His prayer isanswered, and he runs home joyously, but the authorities are waiting there to

    arrest him. Mary and Uncle Billy rally the townspeople, who donate more thanenough to cover the loss. Harry toasts "the richest man in town." A bell on theChristmas tree rings, and his daughter recalls the story that it means an angelhas just earned his wings.

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    I've Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987)

    The lm starsSheila McCarthyas Polly, a worker for a temporarysecretarialagency. Polly serves as thenarratorfor the lm, and there are frequentsequences portraying her whimsical fantasies. Polly lives alone, seems to haveno friends and enjoys solitary bicycle rides to undertake her hobby ofphotography. Despite her clumsiness, lack of education, social awkwardnessand inclination to take others' statements literally, all of which have resulted inscarce employment opportunities, Polly is placed as a secretary in a private artgallery owned by Gabrielle (Paule Baillargeon).

    Ann-Marie MacDonaldplays Mary, who is Gabrielle's former young lover, andalso a painter. Mary returns after an absence, and she and Gabrielle rekindletheir former relationship despite Gabrielle's misgivings that she is too old andMary too young. Polly, who's fallen a little bit in love with Gabrielle, is inspired

    to submit some of her own photographs anonymously to the gallery. She iscrushed when Gabrielle dismisses her photos out of hand and calls them"simpleminded." Polly temporarily quits the gallery, and goes into adepression. She returns to the gallery, and revives a little when Mary noticesone of her photos.

    All the while, Mary and Gabrielle have been perpetrating a fraud. Gabrielle hasbeen passing off Mary's work as her own. When Polly nds out, she becomeslivid and tosses a cup of tea at Gabrielle. Believing she has done somethingunforgivable, Polly retreats to her at in anguish.

    Mary and Gabrielle later visit Polly at her at, and realize that the discardedphotographs were by Polly. As the lm ends, Gabrielle and Mary look at more o

    Polly's photographs and in a short fantasy sequence the three are transported

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    together to an idyllic wooded glen, a metaphor for the beautiful world thatsupposedly plain and unnoticed people like Polly inhabit.

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    The Jerk (1979)

    Navin R. Johnson, a homeless bum,directly addresses the cameraand tells hisstory. He is the adopted white son of African Americansharecroppers, whogrows to adulthood naïvely unaware of his obvious adoption. He stands out inhis family not just because of his skin color but because of his utter lack ofrhythm when his adopted family plays spirited blues music. One night, he hearsthe staid and starchyRoger Wolfe KahnOrchestra song called "Crazy Rhythm"on the radio and his feet spontaneously begin to move with the urge to dance;he sees this as a calling and decides to hitchhike toSt. Louis, from where thesong was broadcast. On the way, he stops at a motel, where a dog wakes him upby barking at his door. Navin thinks the dog is trying to warn of a re and namesthe dog "Lifesaver". He wakes up the other hotel guests to rescue them, butwhen everyone realizes it was a false alarm, one Asian man angrily suggests hecall the dog "Shithead", which Navin takes literally.

    Navin gets a job (and a place to sleep) at a gas station owned by Mr. HarryHartounian. He is thrilled to nd that he is listed in the local phone book, as hisname is "in print" for the rst time. Not long after, a gun-wielding lunaticrandomly ips through the phone book and picks "Johnson, Navin R." as hisnext victim. As the madman watches through his rie scope, waiting for a clearshot, Navin xes the slippery glasses of a customer, Stan Fox, by adding ahandle and a nose brake. Fox offers to split the prots 50/50 with Navin if hecan market the invention, then departs. Seizing his chance, the crazed snipershoots but misses. The lunatic chases Navin to a traveling carnival, where Navinhides out, eventually getting a job with SJM Fiesta Shows as a weight guesser.While employed there, Navin meets an intimidating daredevil biker namedPatty Bernstein and has a sexual relationship with her, nally realizing what his

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    "special purpose" (his mother's euphemism for his penis) is for. He then meetsa woman named Marie and arranges a date with her. Patty confronts them, butMarie knocks her out. While courting, Navin and Marie walk along the beachand sing "Tonight You Belong to Me"; Navin plays the ukulele and Marie thecornet. Navin and Marie fall in love, but Marie reluctantly leaves him because ohis lack of nancial security. She writes a note and slips out while Navin is in thbath.

    At an emotional and nancial low, Navin is soon contacted by Stan Fox with

    exciting news: his glasses invention, now called the Opti-Grab, is selling big andhe is entitled to half of the prots. Now extremely rich, he nds and marriesMarie, and they buy an extravagant mansion. Their life becomes one ofsplendor and non-stop partying. However, motion-picture directorCarl Reinerles a class action lawsuit against Navin. Reiner claims that the Opti-Grabcaused his eyes to be crossed and his resulting poor vision caused the death of a

    stunt driver in the lm he was directing. Nearly ten million other people havethe same vision complaint (including the judge and jury foreman), and areawarded $10 million in damages. Bankrupt, depressed, and now homeless, heis abandoned by Marie and is soon living on the streets. His story now told, heresigns himself to a life of misery and memories of Marie, but to his amazed joyshe suddenly appears, along with Navin's family, and some more good news:

    having carefully invested the small sums of money he sent home throughoutthe lm, they have become wealthy themselves. They pick him up off the street,and he and Marie move back home into the Johnsons' new house — a muchlarger but identical version of their old, small shack.

    The story ends as the entire family dances on the porch and sings "Pick a Bale oCotton"; Navin dances along, now having gained perfect rhythm.

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    Jerry Maguire (1996)

    Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a glossy 35-year-oldsports agentworking forSports Management International(SMI). He writes amission statementaboutperceived dishonesty in the sports management business which promptsManagement to send Bob Sugar ( Jay Mohr), Jerry's protégé, to re him. Jerryand Sugar call all of Jerry's clients to try convincing them not to hire the servicesof the other. Sugar secures most of Jerry's previous clients. Jerry speaks toArizona Cardinalswide receiver Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr.), one of hisclients who is disgruntled with his contract. Rod tests Jerry's resolve through avery long telephone conversation while Sugar is able to convince the rest of Jerry's clients to stick with SMI instead. Leaving the ofce, Jerry announces thahe will start his own agency and asks if anyone is willing to join him, to whichonly 26-year-oldsingle motherDorothy Boyd (Renée Zellweger) agrees.Meanwhile, Frank "Cush" Cushman ( Jerry O'Connell), a superstarquarterback

    prospect who expects to be the number one pick in theNFL Draft, also stays with Jerry after he makes a visit to the Cushman home. However, Sugar is able toconvince Cushman at the last minute to sign with SMI.

    After an argument, Jerry breaks up with his disgruntled ancée. He then turnsto Dorothy, becoming closer to her young son, Ray ( Jonathan Lipnicki), andeventually starts a relationship with her. However, Dorothy contemplatesmoving to San Diego as she has a secure job offer there. Jerry concentrates allhis efforts on Rod, now his only client, who turns out to be very difcult tosatisfy. Over the next several months, the two direct harsh criticism towards eachother with Rod claiming that Jerry is not trying hard enough to get him acontract while Jerry claims that Rod is not proving himself worthy of the moneyfor which he asks. Jerry marries Dorothy to help them both stay aoat nancially

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    and to keep her from moving away. He is emotionally and physically distantduring the marriage but is clearly invested in becoming a father to Ray.Although Dorothy loves Jerry, she breaks up with him because she believes thathe does not love her.

    During aMonday Night Footballgame between the Cardinals and theDallasCowboys, Rod plays well but appears to receive a seriousinjurywhen catching atouchdown. He recovers, however, and dances for the wildly cheering crowd.Afterwards, Jerry and Rod embrace in front of other athletes and sports agents

    and show how their relationship has progressed from a strictly business one to aclose personal one, which was one of the points Jerry made in his missionstatement. Jerry then ies back home to meet Dorothy. He then speaks forseveral minutes, telling her that he loves her and wants her in his life, which sheaccepts. Rod later appears onRoy Firestone's sports show. Unbeknownst to him, Jerry has secured him an $11.2 million contract with the Cardinals allowing him

    to nish his pro football career inArizona. The visibly emotional Rod proceeds tothank everyone and extends warm gratitude to Jerry. Jerry speaks with severalother pro athletes, some of whom have read his earlier mission statement andrespect his work with Rod.

    The movie ends with Ray throwing a baseball up in the air surprising Jerry. Jerrythen discusses Ray's possible future career in the sports industry with Dorothy.

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    Jerusalem (1996)

    Apocalypticism, Truth, Sacrice, Suffering, Love, Forgiveness

    This movie has the aura of an Ingmar Bergman production, with a series oftwists and turns in the plot and thought-provoking motifs. It is based on thenovel by Selma Lagerlof, and portrays Swedish peasant life around the turn ofthe 20th Christian viewers of this movie will likely be interested in the themesof: mainline versus apocalyptic-sectarian faith, authority and power, discerningthe truth, suffering and sacrice, love and forgiveness. I highly recommend

    Jerusalem because of theological grist for the the mill that it provides.(submitted by The Rev. Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson)

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    Jesus of Montreal (1989)

    The lm centres on a group of actors inMontreal,Canadawho are gathered byDaniel, an actor hired by a Roman Catholic site of pilgrimage ("le sanctuaire") topresent aPassion playin its gardens.

    The sanctuary is implied to beSaint Joseph's Oratory(although this organizationactually refused permission to lm there). In fact, the idea for the lm came toits director after an actor apologized for appearing with a beard at an audition.

    The actor explained that he had the role of Jesus in a passion play at St-Joseph'sOratory. Arcand went to see the play and recalls "I saw actors in a mediocreproduction which received shouted applause from the tourists. I decided I had

    to make a lm".[1]

    The actors' interpretation of the life of Jesusis unconventional (including, for

    example, the statement that the biological father of Jesus was a Roman soldier,who left Palestine shortly afterwards). Still, it draws on current academic theorieand research. The challenging production becomes the toast of the city. Thehigher authorities of the religious order that controls the sanctuary (or of theRoman Catholic Church, this is left vague) strongly object to this Biblicalinterpretation, and forcefully stop a performance.

    After an ensuing accident, Daniel is rst taken by ambulance to a Catholichospital. He is completely neglected there and leaves. He then collapses on aMontreal Metroplatform. The same ambulance takes him to Jewish GeneralHospital. Despite immediate, skilled, and energetic efforts by the doctors andnurses to revive him, Daniel is pronouncedbrain-dead. Daniel's doctor asks forthe consent of his friends to take Daniel's organs for donation (since Daniel has

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    no known relatives). Daniel's physician states that the staff would have beenable to save him, if he had been brought to them half an hour earlier.

    The lm is structured so that Daniel's story parallels that of Christ. Some of thepoints of contact are:

    # Daniel has returned to Montreal after spending a long periodtravelling in "the East".

    # Contradictory and uncertain stories are told about Daniel's life story.

    # In the opening scene, one actor points to Daniel, calling him "amuch better actor", which echoes John the Baptistforetelling thearrival of Jesus theMessiah.

    # The rst actor later "sells-out" and lets his head be used in an

    advertisement, paralleling John the Baptist's beheading.# The actors then gather for the Passion play, some of them leavingsafe jobs to do so, recalling Jesus gathering thedisciples.

    # Daniel wrecks an advertising casting session, where the castingdirector enjoys humiliating participants, and displays deep contempt

    for them. This is a parallel of when Jesus casts the money-lenders outof the Temple.

    # Daniel's arrest and court appearance before an indecisive judge,played by the lm's director himself, parallels Jesus' appearancebeforePontius Pilate.

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    # The smooth elite lawyer, who lays out a grand commercial career forDaniel, looking down from a skyscraper at the city, refers to thetemptation of Christby the devil atop a high pinnacle.

    # Daniel is disconnected from hislife supportat the Jewish GeneralHospital, mirroring the Christian belief that Jews killed Jesus

    # The Good Samaritan Parableapplauds the Samaritan - an outsiderof the community to which Jesus preaches - for behaving as a true

    neighbour should. Daniel is not helped at the Catholic hospital - hisown community - but is instead helped at the Anglo-Jewish hospital - areligious and linguistic group very different from Daniel's.

    # The resurrection of Jesus is depicted as the donation of Daniel'sorgans, which live on in the lives of others.

    # Daniel's eyes are used to "heal" the blind.

    # The founding of the Christian church is portrayed as the starting ofan experimental theatre company,which is "incorporated".

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    Kolya (1996)

    The lm begins in 1988 as theSoviet blocis beginning to disintegrate.Franti"ek Louka, a middle-aged Czech man dedicated to bachelorhood and thepursuit of women, is a concertcelliststruggling to eke out a living by playingfunerals at thePrague crematorium. He has lost his previous job at theCzechPhilharmonic, having been half-accidentally blacklisted as "politicallyunreliable" by the authorities. A friend offers him a chance to earn a great dealof money through asham marriageto aRussianwoman to enable her to stay inCzechoslovakia. The woman then uses her new citizenship to emigrate toWestGermany, where her boyfriend lives.

    Due to a concurrence of circumstances, she has to leave behind her 5-year-oldson, Kolya, for the disgruntled Czech musician to look after. At rst Louka anKolya have communication difculties, as they don't speak each other's

    languages and the manyfalse friendwords that exist inCzechandRussianaddto the confusion. Gradually, though, a bond forms between Louka and Kolya.The child suffers from suspectedmeningitisand has to be placed on a course ofcarefully monitoredantibiotics. Louka is threatened with imprisonment for hissuspect marriage and the child may be placed in a Russian children's home.TheVelvet Revolution

    intervenes though, and Kolya is reunited with his mother. Louka and Kolya saytheir goodbyes.

    Bachelor Louka ends up fathering a child with his girlfriend - perhaps areplacement for lost Kolya - and regains his position as a virtuoso with thephilharmonic orchestra.

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    Kramer vs Kramer (1979)

    Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman) is aworkaholic advertisingexecutive who has justbeen assigned a new and very important account. Ted arrives home and sharesthe good news with his wife Joanna (Meryl Streep) only to nd that she isleaving him. Saying that she needs to nd herself, she leaves Ted to raise theirson Billy ( Justin Henry) by himself. Ted and Billy initially resent one another asTed no longer has time to carry his increased workload and Billy misses hismother's love and attention. After months of unrest, Ted and Billy learn to copeand gradually bond as father and son.

    Ted befriends his neighbor Margaret ( Jane Alexander), who had initiallycounseled Joanna to leave Ted if she was that unhappy. Margaret is a fellowsingle parent, and she and Ted become kindred spirits. One day, as the two sit inthe park watching their children play, Billy falls off the jungle gym, severely

    cutting his face. Ted sprints several blocks through oncoming trafc carryingBilly to the hospital, where he comforts his son during treatment.

    Fifteen months after she walked out, Joanna returns to New York to claim Billyand acustody battleensues. During the custody hearing, both Ted and Joannaare unprepared for the brutalcharacter assassinationsthat their lawyers unleashon the other. Margaret is forced to testify that she had advised an unhappy Joanna to leave Ted, though she also attempts to tell Joanna on the stand thather husband has profoundly changed. Eventually, the damaging facts that Tedwas red because of his conicting parental responsibilities which forced him totake a lower-paying job come out in court, as do the details of Billy's accident.

    The court awards custody to Joanna, a decision mostly based on the assumption

    that a child is best raised by his mother. Ted discusses appealing the case, but

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    his lawyer warns that Billy himself would have to take the stand in the resultingtrial. Ted cannot bear the thought of submitting his child to such an ordeal, anddecides not to contest custody.

    On the morning that Billy is to move in with Joanna, Ted and Billy makebreakfast together, mirroring the meal that Ted tried to cook the rst morningafter Joanna left. They share a tender hug, knowing that this is their last dailybreakfast together. Joanna calls on the intercom, asking Ted to come down tothe lobby. She tells Ted how much she loves and wants Billy, but she knows that

    his true home is with Ted, and therefore will not take custody of him. She asksTed if she can see Billy, and Ted says that that would be OK. As they are about tenter the elevator together, Ted tells Joanna that he will stay downstairs to allow Joanna to see Billy in private. After she enters the elevator, Joanna wipes tearsfrom her face and asks her former husband "How do I look?" As the elevatordoors start to close on Joanna, Ted answers, "Terric."

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    The Last Mile (1959)

    In a death row cell block nine inmates are scheduled for execution. Then "Killer John Mears (Rooney) comes along. His viciousness infects the environment andhis plans to break out of prison are the catalyst for tragedy.

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    The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

    The lm begins with a man whispering in despair, "The feeling begins. Verytender, very loving. Then the pain starts. Claws slip underneath the skin and teartheir way up. Just before they reach my eyes, they dig in. And I remember. First fasted for three months. I even whipped myself before I went to sleep. At rst itworked. Then the pain came back. And the voices. They call me by the name: Jesus." Jesusof Nazareth is acarpenterinRoman-occupied Judea, torn betweenhis own desires and his knowledge that God has a plan for him. His conictresults in self-loathing, and he collaborates with the Romans to crucify Jewishrebels.

    Judas Iscariot, a friend of Jesus' originallysent to killhim for collaboration,instead suspects that Jesus is theMessiahand asks him to lead a liberation waragainst the Romans. Jesus replies that his message is love of mankind;

    whereupon Judas joins Jesus in his ministry, but threatens to kill him if hestrays from the purpose of rebellion. Jesus also has an undisclosed priorrelationship withMary Magdalene, a Jewishprostitute, who asks Jesus to staywith her, a request that he considers before leaving for amonasticcommunity. Jesus later saves Mary from a mob gathered tostoneher for prostitution andworking on thesabbath. Jesus compels the mob to spare her life, asking "Who

    here has never sinned?" with Jesus offering two stones.[4]

    Later, Jesus preachesto the crowd using many of theparablesfrom theSermon on the Mount.

    Jesus acquiresdisciples, but remains uncertain of his role. He visits John theBaptist, whobaptizes Jesus, and that night the two discuss their differingtheologies and political views. John believes that one must rst gain freedomfrom the Romans to achieve their end, while Jesus maintains that love is moreimportant and people should tend to matters of the spirit. Jesus then goes into

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    the desert to test God's connection to himself, where he is tempted bySatanasa cobra, a lion, and a pillar of ame, but resists each of these and insteadenvisions himself with an axe, being instructed by John the Baptist in answer to Jesus' dilemma of whether to choose the path of love (symbolized by the heart)or the path of violence (represented by the axe). Jesus returns from the desert tothe home ofMarthaandMary of Bethany(both sisters of Lazarus), who restorehim to health and attempt to persuade him that the way to please God is tohave a home, a marriage, and children. Jesus then appears to his waitingdisciples to tear out his own heart and invites them to follow him. Withnewfound condence he restores sight to a blind man, changes water into wine,and raisesLazarusfrom the dead.

    Eventually his ministry reaches Jerusalem, where Jesus performs theCleansingof the Templeand leads a small army to capture the temple by force, but haltson the steps to await a sign from God for what he must do next. He begins

    bleedingfrom his hands, which he recognizes as a sign that he must die on thecross to bring salvation to mankind. Conding in Judas, he persuades the latterto give him to the Romans, despite Judas' inclination otherwise. Jesus conveneshis disciples forPassover seder, later known as theLast Supper; whereupon Judas leads a contingent of soldiers to arrest Jesus in the garden ofGethsemane, identifying him with akiss. In the struggle to defend his master,

    Petercuts off the ear ofMalchus; whereupon Jesus reattaches it and turnshimself over to the soldiers.Pontius Pilateconfronts Jesus and tells him that hemust be put to death because he represents a threat to theRoman Empire. Jesusis subsequentlyoggedand a crown of thorns is placed on his head. He isthencrucied.

    While on the cross, Jesus converses with a young lady who claims to be hisguardian angel. She tells him that although he is the Son of God, he is not the

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    Messiah, and that God is pleased with him, and wants him to be happy. Shebrings him down off the cross and, invisible to others, takes him to MaryMagdalene, whom he then marries. They are soon expecting a child and livingan idyllic life; but she abruptly dies, and Jesus is consoled by his angel; next hetakesMaryandMartha, the sisters of Lazarus, for his wives. He starts a familywith them, having many children, and lives his life in peace. Jesus is then seenas an older man who encounters the apostlePaulpreaching about the Messiahand tries to tell Paul that he is the man about whom Paul has been preaching.Paul (who in this lm has slain the resurrected Lazarus) repudiates him, sayingthat even if Jesus had not died on the cross, his message was the truth, andnothing would stop him from proclaiming that. Jesus debates him, claimingthat salvation cannot be founded on lies.

    Near the end of his life, an elderly Jesus calls his former disciples to his bed.Peter,Nathaniel, and a scarred Johnvisit their master as Jerusalem is in the

    throes ofrebellion; whereupon Judas comes last and reveals that the youthfulangel who released Jesus from the crucixion is in fact Satan. Crawling backthrough the burning city of Jerusalem, Jesus reaches the site of his crucixionand begs God to let him fulll his purpose and to "lethimbeGod's son."

    Jesus then nds himself once more on the cross, having overcome the "lasttemptation" of escaping death, being married and raising a family, and theensuing disaster that would have consequently encompassed mankind. Nakedand bloody, Jesus cries out in ecstasy as he dies, "It is accomplished!" and thescreen ickers to white. Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

    Ben Sanderson (Cage) is a Hollywood screenwriter whose alcoholism costs himhis job, family, and friends. With nothing left to live for, he moves to Las Vegas t

    drink himself to death. As he drives drunkenly down theLas Vegas Strip, he

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    nearly hits a woman, Sera (Shue), on the crosswalk. Sera chastises him andwalks away. Sera is a prostitute working for an abusive pimp, Yuri Butso ( JulianSands), aLatvianimmigrant.

    Polish mobstersare after Yuri, so he breaks his relationship with Sera in fear thatthe Poles may hurt her. Yuri is murdered (off-screen) shortly afterwards.

    On his second day in Las Vegas, Ben meets Sera, introduces himself and offers$500 to go to his room for an hour. Sera agrees but Ben does not wantsex.

    Instead, they only talk and form a bizarre romantic relationship. They move intogether shortly afterward. Ben instructs Sera to never ask him to stop drinking.Sera reciprocates and instructs Ben to not criticize her occupation. At rst the tware stable as Ben is

    "totally at ease with this (Sera's prostitution)". However, each becomesfrustrated with the other's behavior. Sera begs Ben to see a doctor. Furious, Ben

    returns to their shared home with another prostitute (Mariska Hargitay). Serareturns home and throws Ben out. Shortly afterward, while working, she isapproached by three college students at the Excalibur hotel and casino. Sheinitially rejects their offer by stating that she only "dates" one at a time, buteventually acquiesces when she is offered an increased price. When she enterstheir hotel room, the college students change the deal and request anal sex,which Sera refuses. When she attempts to leave, she is brutally attacked andraped as one of the college students lms the entire event on a video camera.The next morning, Sera returns with injuries that make her occupation obvious,resulting in her eviction. She then receives a call from Ben, who is on hisdeathbed. Sera visits Ben and he dies while they make love. His last word is"wow". In the nal scene, Sera explains to her therapist that she accepted Benfor who he was, liked his drama, and loved him.

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    Legally Blonde (2001)

    In her senior year at the ctional CULA, girlishsororitypresidentElle Woodsmajors in fashion merchandising and is in love with her boyfriend, WarnerHuntington III, who will attendHarvard Law Schoolthe following year. Sheexcitedly expects him to ask her to marry him, but he breaks up with herinstead, saying that he has to be with someone more "serious" if he plans on acareer in politics.

    After a depressed Elle spends days holed up in her room, Elle's two best friendsMargot and Serena take her to get her nails done. While waiting, she nds anarticle about Warner's older brother and his new ancée, whom he met in lawschool. Desperate to win Warner back, Elle takes theLaw School Admission Test(and scores 179 on it, one point below the highest possible score), applies toHarvard, and although the board of admissions is bewildered at her application

    and video essay, they are impressed, and she is accepted. Upon Elle's arrival,she is ridiculed because of her beautiful, overly-girly looks and naive behavior,and she discovers that Warner is engaged to another student, VivianKensington. She is humiliated even further when Professor Stromwell ejects Ellefrom her class for being unprepared (using a tiny notepad and not a laptop fornote taking). The only friends Elle makes are Paulette, a kindly, yet shy divorced

    manicuristat a local salon, a fellow law student, David, and Emmett, a youngattorney. Elle later helps Paulette gain custody of her dog back from her ex-husband, and she also helps her seduce the delivery man on whom she has acrush, and pretends to be a scorned ex of David's to help him land a date.

    After Vivian tricks Elle into attending a party in aPlayboy Bunnycostume whereshe retaliates by insulting her, Elle has a discussion with Warner and nallyrealizes he will never respect her. Now determined to succeed on her own, Elle

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    studies hard and impresses her professors and classmates in many occasions,proving herself enough for Vivian to consider her a threat, and wins aninternship with Professor Callahan, as do Warner and Vivian. They work withCallahan along with Emmett as an associate attorney, to defend Brooke Taylor-Windham, a famous tness instructor accused of murdering her much olderbillionaire husband, Hayworth Windham. Brooke was once Elle's tnessinstructor and a member of her sorority. Elle believes Brooke is innocent, butBrooke's stepdaughter, Chutney, and the householdcabana boysay she isguilty, and that they saw Brooke standing over Windham's dead body, coveredin his blood, while Brooke testies that she loved her husband and only foundhim after he had been shot to death.

    Brooke refuses to provide Callahan an alibi, but when Elle visits her in jail,Brooke admits that she hadliposuctionon the day of the murder. Publicknowledge of this fact would ruin Brooke's reputation as a tness instructor, so

    Elle agrees to keep it secret and refuses to reveal the alibi to Callahan.Impressed by her loyalty and integrity, Vivian starts to befriend Elle, alsoadmitting that Warner was put on Harvard's wait-list and only got in because hisfather pulled some strings. Elle also becomes disillusioned with Warner whenhe suggests she reveal Brooke's alibi and break her friend's trust just to furtherher career.

    The case against Brooke begins to weaken when Elle deduces that the cabanaboy isgayafter he correctly identies Elle's shoe style. Callahan brushes offElle's deduction as unfounded and ridiculous, but during the cross-examination, Emmett tricks him into identifying his boyfriend to the court,proving that his testimony about having an affair with Brooke was a lie.

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    Impressed by her performance, Callahan discusses Elle's future with her andthen makes sexual advances on her, which Elle immediately rejects.Overhearing part of the conversation, Vivian confronts Elle, thinking she wassleeping with Callahan to get ahead in her career. Frustrated with the lack ofrespect she's getting, Elle decides to leave law school, but not before she tellsEmmett about Callahan's advances. While saying good-bye to Paulette at thenail salon, Professor Stromwell, who's there getting her hair done, intervenesreinvigorates Elle's desire to be successful in law school by implying that sheactually greatly respects Elle and was once in her position. Meanwhile, Emmettexplains Elle's encounter with Callahan to Vivian and Brooke. Brooke is enragedand Vivian is horried at her mistake. Before the trial continues, Brookedismisses Callahan and hires Elle as her new attorney with Emmett supervising.

    Elle begins shakily cross-examining Chutney, who testies that she was homeduring her father's murder,

    but did not hear the gunshot because she was in the shower washing her hairafter getting her hair permed earlier that day. Elle's condence suddenly spikesupon hearing this, and asks Chutney how long she'd been getting perms, towhich Chutney reveals several years. Elle then reveals that Chutney could nothave been in the shower because washing permed hair within the rst 24 hourswould have deactivated theammonium thioglycolate, and not only were

    Chutney's curls are still intact, but also someone who gets regular perms shouldbe well aware of this fact. Confronted, Chutney reveals in a frenzy that sheaccidentally killed Hayworth because she thought he was Brooke, whom shehated for marrying her father because she was Chutney's age. Following theoutburst, Brooke is exonerated, and Chutney is arrested. After the trial, Warnertries to reconcile with Elle, but she rejects him, explaining that she needs a

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    boyfriend who is less of a "bonehead" if she is to be successful in her newcareer.

    Two years later, Elle, who has graduated with high honors, is the class-electedspeaker at the ceremony, and has been invited into one of Boston's best lawrms; Vivian is now Elle's best friend and has called off her engagement withWarner, who graduated without honors, no girlfriend, and no job offers;Paulette has married the delivery man and is expecting a baby girl to be namedafter Elle; and nally, Emmett has started his own practice, is now Elle's

    boyfriend, and will propose to her that night.

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    The Legend of Baggar Vance (2000)

    Promising golfer Rannulph Junuh (Matt Damon) is the favorite son ofSavannah, Georgiaand a noteworthy golf player; Adele Invergordon (CharlizeTheron) was his girlfriend before he went off to war and is from a rich family.While serving as a captain in the US Army duringWorld War I, Junuh istraumatized when his entire company is wiped out in battle. Though he earnstheMedal of Honor, he returns to Georgia and lives a shadowy life as a drunk,golf being just a distant memory.

    Years later (circa 1930[6]), Adele is trying to recover her family's lost fortune byholding a four-round, two-dayexhibition matchbetweenBobby Jones( JoelGretsch) andWalter Hagen(Bruce McGill), the best golfers of the era, with agrand prize of $10,000, at a golf resort her father built as the Depression struck.However, she needs a local participant to generate local interest, so she asks her

    estranged love Junuh to play.

    Junuh is approached by a mysterious traveler carrying a suitcase, who appearswhile Junuh is trying to hit golf balls into the dark void of night. The manidenties himself as Bagger Vance (Will Smith) and says he will be Junuh'scaddy. He then helps Junuh to come to grips with his personal demons andhelps him to play golf again.

    When the match starts, Jones and Hagen each play well in their distinctive ways,but Junuh plays poorly and is far behind after the rst round. With Baggercaddying for him and giving advice, Junuh rediscovers his "authentic swing" inthe second round and makes up some ground. In the third round, he closes thegap even more. Junuh and Adele also nd their romance rekindling.

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    Late in the nal round, Junuh disregards Bagger's advice at a crucial point andafter that plays poorly. He hits a ball into a forest, where he has a traumaticWorld War I ashback, but Bagger's words help him to focus on golf. Junuhpulls back to a tie with Jones and Hagen, then has a chance to win on the nalhole, but calls a penalty on himself when his ball moves after he tries to removean obstacle.

    Seeing from this that Junuh has grown and matured, Bagger decides his golferdoesn't need him any more. Bagger leaves him as mysteriously as he met him,

    with the 18th hole unnished. Though losing a chance to win because of thepenalty, Junuh sinks an improbable putt and the match ends in a gentlemanlythree-way tie. The three golfers shake hands with all of Savannah cheering, and Junuh and Adele get back together.

    During the match, Bagger Vance has a young assistant, Hardy Greaves (J.

    Michael Moncrief), who caddies after Bagger leaves. The beginning of the lmfeatures Hardy as an old man ( Jack Lemmon) playing golf in the present day.Hardy experiences a heart attack and loses consciousness. The story ends withan old Hardy awakening and seeing a never-aging Bagger Vance on the golfcourse. As Bagger beckons, Hardy follows and the lm ends.

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    Legends of the Fall(1994)

    Sick of the betrayals theUnited Statesgovernment has perpetrated on theNative Americans, Colonel William Ludlow retires with his family to a remotepart of Montanawith One Stab, aCreefriend, where they build a ranch.Accompanying them are hired hand Decker, who's an outlaw; Decker's Creewife, Pet; and their daughter, Isabel Two. Ludlow's wife Isabel, who does notadapt to the harsh winters, at rst leaves for the winter to come back during thesummer. One spring she doesn't return and moves to the East Coast. As much asher sons love her, it's Tristan that is most affected by her abandonment and hevows never to speak of her again.

    Ludlow has three sons: Alfred, the eldest, is responsible and cautious; Tristan,the Colonel's favourite son, is wild and well versed in American Indiantraditions; and Samuel, the youngest, is educated but naive and constantly

    watched and protected by his brothers.

    At age 12, Tristan touches a sleepinggrizzly bear. The bear awakens and slashesat Tristan, injuring him, but he stabs at the bear's paw and cuts off a claw.

    As the boys grow up, Samuel returns fromHarvard Universitywith hisancée,Susannah Fincannon. While Susannah is introducing herself and talking with

    Isabel Two, Isabel Two asks if she is going to marry Samuel, to which she replieyes. Susannah then asks Two who she is going to marry and Two replies, in analmost knowing way, that she's going to marry Tristan. Susannah nds Tristancaptivating but loves Samuel. Before they can marry, or even capture their love,Samuel tells his family that he is leaving forCalgaryto join theCanadianExpeditionary Forceand aidBritainin the ght againstGermany. Much to their

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    father's displeasure, Alfred also joins. Although Tristan does not want to join, hedoes so only to protect his brothers.

    DuringWorld War I, the brothers nd themselves in the10th Battalion, CEF.Alfred, commissioned as an ofcer, leads a charge intono man's land. Tristanabandons his unit to be at Samuel's side. The attack is repulsed with heavycasualties, and Alfred is wounded. While visiting Alfred in the eld hospital,Tristan learns that Samuel has volunteered for a dangerous reconnaissancemission. He rushes off to protect his brother but arrives too late to save him

    from being killed. Devastated, Tristan holds Samuel until he dies, then cuts out Samuel's heart, which he sends home to be buried on his father'sranch. Seething with hatred, Tristan single-handedly raids behind German lines,killing two gunners. To the horror of his fellow soldiers, he returns to camp withthe scalps of German soldiers hanging around his neck. He is discharged fromarmy service but does not go home. Alfred returns to Montana and proposes

    marriage to Susannah, but she declines.

    Tristan returns home, where Susannah nds him weeping over Samuel's grave.Susannah tries to comfort him, and they become lovers. A jealous Alfredconfronts Tristan and later leaves to make his name inHelena. Tristan'srelationship with Susannah is doomed by his guilt and pain for failing to protectSamuel, as well as feeling responsible for driving Alfred away. These demonsforce him to go travelling for several years. At the ranch, Susannah waits for himbut eventually receives a letter; "All we had is dead. As I am dead. Marryanother". Alfred nds her weeping on the porch and tries to comfort her.Colonel Ludlow nds them together which leads to an argument and falling outbetween the Colonel and Alfred. Colonel Ludlow later suffers astroke. He doesnot speak for years and the ranch deteriorates. In time Susannah agrees to

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    marry Alfred, now a congressman. Alfred's business and politics cause him toget involved with the O'Banion brothers, bootleggers and gangsters.

    Tristan returns duringProhibition, bringing life back to the ranch and his father.He accepts Susannah's marriage to his brother and soon afterwards beginsfalling in love with Isabel Two, whom he also marries. They have two childrenthe elder being a boy named Samuel, in honor of his late brother. Life seems tobecome normal again for Tristan as he nds true happiness in his young family.Tristan becomes involved in small-scalesmuggling of bootleg liquor, nding

    himself at odds with the O'Banion brothers. Tristan's wife is accidentally killedby a police ofcer working for the O'Banions. In a t of agonized grief, Tristabeats the ofcer nearly to death and has to serve thirty days in jail. Susannahvisits, but Tristan refuses her advances and insists she "go home to Alfred." Aftehis release, Tristan and Decker kill those responsible for Isabel Two's death,including one of the O'Banion brothers.

    Susannah commits suicide after realizing she cannot live without Tristan. Whenthe remaining O'Banion brother comes for Tristan, he and the corrupt sheriff arekilled by Colonel Ludlow and Alfred, while Tristan attempts to protect his fatheAlfred reconciles with his father and brother. Tristan, knowing he will be blamedfor the men's disappearance, leaves for the mountain country after asking Alfredto take care of his children. Over time, everyone in Tristan's life dies before himAs an old man, in 1963, Tristan enters a clearing to investigate an animal carcassand is set upon by a grizzly bear. He draws his knife and ghts it. As theystruggle, the image freeze-frames as One Stab narrates; "It was a good death".

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    Les Miserables

    As the lm opens, Henri's father, a chauffeur, is falsely accused of the murder ofhis boss. During his trial and imprisonment, Henri's mother nds a job in atavern on a Normandy beach. There Henri sees a movie version of LesMisérables. His father dies attempting to escape from prison, and upon hearingthe news Henri's mother commits suicide. Henri grows up an orphan and learnsto box.

    The lm next takes up the story of Elisa, a ballerina, and André Ziman, a young Jewish journalist and law student. They meet following a performance of aballet based onLes Misérables. Later, during World War II, André and Elisa, nowmarried, and their daughter Salomé attempt to cross the Swiss border to escapethe Nazis. They encounter Henri, who owns a moving company, and they discussthe Hugo novel. The Zimans entrust Salomé to Henri and enroll her in a Catholic

    convent school. André and Elisa are ambushed while trying to cross the frontier.Elisa is arrested and André wounded. Farmers nd him and give him shelter.

    Henri and the members of a local gang join the French Resistance, but the gangmembers take advantage of their anti-Nazi attacks to steal from local houses.Elisa and other women are forced to entertain the Nazi occupiers. She is sent toa concentration camp for being uncooperative. After staging an attack on a traintransporting funds for theVichy government, Henri and his mates travel toNormandy to visit the tavern where he lived as a child. TheD-Dayinvasion islaunched the next day and Henri helps the Allied forces capture the beach andsaves the life of Marius, the tavern owner's son.

    At the war's end, Henri accepts an offer to run a seaside camp in Normandy.

    There he receives a letter from Salomé, who has no way of contacting her family

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    He takes her with him to the resort, which he names Chez Jean Valjean. Elisa,having surviving a Nazi concentration camp in German-occupied Poland, joinsthem later.

    A former Vichy police agent accuses Henri of abetting the gang's activitiesduring the war and of robbing and burning a train. He is imprisoned to awaittrial. Meanwhile André's one-time rescuer is holding him captive, hoping to liveoff his bank account. The farmer has told Ziman that the American D-Dayinvasion failed and the Nazis now rule the world. With evident reluctance, the

    farmer's wife support her husband in these lies until he attempts to poisonZiman. Then she shoots her husband before he can feed André the poisonedsoup. As she checks to see if her husband is dead, he grabs her and chokes herto death. André escapes from his cellar prison on a bad leg and emerges to ndthe farmer couple dead and a liberated Europe. He rejoins his wife anddaughter at Chez Jean Valjean and then represents Henri at his trial and wins

    his acquittal.

    As the lm ends, Henri, now the mayor, presides at the civil marriage of Saloméand Marius in the presence of André and Elisa and the mother superior of theschool that sheltered Salomé. André Ziman quotes Victor Hugo: "The best of oulives is yet to come."

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    Liar Liar (1997)

    InLos Angeles, career-focused lawyer Fletcher Reede (Carrey) loves his son Max(Cooper), but his inability to keep his promises andcompulsively lyingin lieu ofhis career often causes problems between them and with his ex-wife Audrey(Tierney), who has become involved with another man named Jerry. Animpressive defense attorney, Fletcher is not shy about exaggerating the storiesof his clients, and his current client, the self-centered, money-grabbingSamantha Cole (Tilly) has garnered the attention of Mr. Allen, a partner at thelaw rm in which Fletcher works. Should Fletcher win this case, it would brinhis rm a fortune plus be an enormous boost to his career. With the pressurebeing put on him, Fletcher lies to Max about missing his birthday due to work,when he is actually sleeping with another attorney, Miranda, in order to get apromotion. Dejected, Max makes a birthday wish that for one day his fathercannot tell a lie. The wish immediately comes true, and Fletcher is put in an

    awkward circumstance of telling Miranda he's "had better" after they've hadsex.

    The following day, Fletcher immediately realizes that he is unable to lie or towithhold a true answer, often uncontrollably blurting out painful, offensive andoften outrageous truths that set him on the outs with most of his co-workers andhis car ending up in an impound for several parking violations. This comes to ahead when he realizes that he is unable to even ask questions when he knowsthe answer will be a lie, which is inconvenient as Samantha and her allegedaffair partner Kenneth Faulk are willing to commitperjuryto win the highprole case and he cannot ask him the questions they have been given answersfor.

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    Realizing that Max had wished for this to happen, Fletcher tries to convince himthat adults need to lie, but cannot give any type of answer at why he shouldcontinue to lie to his son. Fletcher also gures out that since Max wished for himto tell the truth for only one day, he tries to do what he can to delay Samantha'scase since the magic wish will expire at 8:15 p.m., 24 hours after Max made thewish.

    Fletcher's erratic behavior in court leads to several questions of his sanity as heobjects to himself and badgers and provokes his witnesses into truthfully

    admitting they had an affair against Samantha and her husband'sprenuptialagreement. Fletcher loses his loyal assistant Greta after admitting he'd liedabout the "expensive" gifts he gave her, and miserly reasons for denying herpay raises. Also, Audrey tells Fletcher that she is moving with Max to Boston wi Jerry to prevent anymore heartbreaks from Fletcher's constant broken promises.

    However, Fletcher nds a technicality that Samantha was underage when shesigned the prenup prior to her marriage which renders it void and she isentitled to half of Mr. Cole's estate. But when Samantha decides to contestcustody of their children who Mr. Cole dearly loves just because she wants moremoney from the child support payments, Fletcher has a stroke of conscienceafter seeing Mrs. Cole cruelly pull the children out of their father's arms, andshriek her demands for more money, Fletcher overhears this and tries to get the Judge to reverse the decision, but is arrested for talking back to the Judge andis thrown in jail.

    Greta returns and bails Fletcher from jail, who forgives him and realizes thattelling the truth has made him a better man and he rushes to the airport to stopAudrey and Max from leaving forever. He misses their ight, but steals a

    motorized staircase to stop the ight, he succeeds by causing a crash with the

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    stairs and resulting in the breaking of both of his legs. After coming to, headmits to Max how much he cares about him and how sorry he was for breakinghis promises, despite no longer under the wish's inuence, Fletcher meanswhat he says and that Max is his priority and Max convinces Audrey to stay inLos Angeles.

    One year later, Fletcher is healed and is running his own law rm with Greta ashis continued assistant. Max makes a wish with his birthday cake and the lightscome on to reveal Fletcher and Audrey kissing, but explains he wished for

    rollerbladesand not for them to get back together, meaning Audreylegitimately wants to reconcile. Fletcher clutches his hands into "The Claw" -agame he likes to play with Max by chasing him- and chases him and Audreyaround the house with it.

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    Life is Beautiful (1997/1998)

    In 1939Italy, Guido Orece is a young Jewish man who is leaving his old lifeand going to work in the city where his uncle lives. Guido is comical and sharpmaking the best from each situation he encounters. From the start he falls inlove with a girl Dora. Later he sees her again in the city where she is a teacherDora is set to be engaged to a rich but arrogant man. He is a local governmentofcial with whom Guido has run-ins from the beginning. Guido is still in lovewith Dora and performs many stunts in order to see her. Guido sets up many"coincidental" incidents to show his interest. Finally Dora sees Guido's affectionand promise and gives in against her better judgement. He steals her from herengagement party on a horse, humiliating her ancé and mother. Soon they aremarried and have a son, Giosuè.

    Through the rst part, the lm depicts the changing political climate in Italy:

    Guido frequently imitates members of theNational Fascist Party, skeweringtheir racist logic and pseudoscientic reasoning (at one point, jumping onto atable to demonstrate his "perfect Aryan bellybutton"). However, the growingFascist wave is also evident: the horse Guido steals Dora away on has beenpainted green and covered inantisemiticinsults. Later during World War II, afterDora and her mother have reconciled, Guido, his Uncle Eliseo and Giosuè areseized on Giosuè's birthday. They and many other Jews are forced onto a trainand taken to aconcentration camp. After confronting a guard about herhusband and son and being told there is no mistake, Dora volunteers to get onthe train in order to be close to her family. However, as men and women areseparated in the camp, Dora and Guido never see each other during theinternment. Thus, Guido pulls off stunts, such as using the camp's loudspeaker,to send messages, symbolic or literal, to Dora to assure her that he and their son

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    are safe. Eliseo is executed in a gas chamber shortly after their arrival. Giosuèbarely avoids being gassed himself as he hates to take baths and showers, anddid not follow the other children when they had been ordered to enter the gaschambers.

    In the camp, Guido hides their true situation from his son. Guido explains toGiosuè that the camp is a complicated game in which he must perform the tasksGuido gives him. Giosuè is at times reluctant to go along with the game, butGuido convinces him each time to continue on. Guido sets up the concentration

    camp as a game for Giosuè. Each of the tasks will earn them points and whoevergets to one thousand points rst will win a tank. He tells him that if he cries,complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will losepoints, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn extra points.Guido uses this game to explain features of the concentration camp that wouldotherwise be frightening for a young child: the guards are mean only because

    they want the tank for themselves; the dwindling numbers of children (who arebeing killed in gas chambers) are only hiding in order to score more points thanGiosuè so they can win the game. He puts off Giosuè's requests to end thegame and return home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank,and need only wait a short while before they can return home with their tank.Guido eventually buys additional time by intentionally getting Giosuè mixed in

    with nearby German schoolchildren, and briey working as a servant for thesame kids in order to help keep the other ofcials from noticing that Giosuè isactually Italian.

    Despite being surrounded by the misery, sickness, and death at the camp,Giosuè does not question this ction because of his father's convincingperformance and his own innocence. Guido maintains this story right until theend when, in the chaos of shutting down the camp as the Allied forces

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    approach, he tells his son to stay in asweatboxuntil everybody has left, thisbeing the nal competition before the tank is his. As the camp is in chaos Guidogoes off to nd Dora, but while he is out he is caught by a German soldier. Anofcer makes the decision to execute Guido. Guido is led off by the soldier to beexecuted. While he is walking to his death, Guido passes by Giosuè one lasttime, still in character and playing the game. The next morning, Giosuè emergesfrom the sweatbox, just as a U.S. Army unit led by a Sherman tank arrives andthe camp is liberated. Giosuè is elated and is convinced he has won the gameand the prize. The captives in the concentration camp also emerge from hiding.The prisoners travel to safety, accompanied by the Americans. While they aretraveling, the soldiers allow Giosuè to ride on the tank with them. Giosuè soonspots Dora in the procession leaving the camp. Giosuè and Dora are reunitedand are extremely happy to see each other. In the lm, Giosuè is a young boy;however, both the beginning and ending of the lm are narrated by an olderGiosuè recalling his father's story of sacrice for his family.

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    Life of Brian (1979)

    Brian Cohen is born in a stable next door to the one in which Jesus is born,which initially confuses thethree wise menwho come to praise the future Kingof the Jews. Brian grows up an idealistic young man who resents the continuingRoman occupation of Judea. While attending Jesus'Sermon on the Mount,Brian becomes infatuated with an attractive young rebel, Judith. His desire forher and hatred for the Romans lead him to join the People's Front of Judea, oneof many fractious and bickering independence movements, who spend moretime ghting each other than the Romans.

    After several misadventures, and escaping fromPontius Pilate, the fugitivewinds up in a line-up of would-be mystics and prophets who harangue thepassing crowd in a plaza. Forced to come up with something plausible in orderto blend in and keep the guards off his back, Brian babbles pseudo-religious

    truisms, and quickly attracts a small but intrigued audience. Once the guardshave left, Brian tries to put the episode behind him, but he has unintentionallyinspired a movement. He grows frantic when he nds that some people havestarted to follow him around, with even the slightest unusual occurrence beinghailed as a "miracle". After slipping away from the mob, Brian runs into Judith,and they spend the night together. In the morning, Brian, completely naked,opens the curtains to discover an enormous crowd outside his mother's housewho proclaim him theMessiah. Brian's mother protests, "He's not the Messiah,he's a very naughty boy." Brian nds himself unable to change their mindsbecause his every word and action are immediately seized as points of doctrine.

    The hapless Brian nds no solace at the PFJ's headquarters, where people ingtheir aficted bodies at him demandingmiracle cures. After sneaking out the

    back, Brian is nally captured and scheduled to becrucied. Meanwhile, a huge

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    crowd has assembled outside the palace. Pilate (together with the visitingBiggus Dickus) tries to quell the feeling of revolution by granting them thechoice of one person to be pardoned. The crowd, however, shouts out namescontaining the letter "r", mocking Pilate'srhotacisticspeech impediment.Eventually, Judith appears in the crowd and calls for the release of Brian, whichthe crowd echoes since the name also contains an "r". Pilate agrees to "weleaseBwian".

    His order is eventually relayed to the guards, but in a scene that parodies the

    climax of the lmSpartacus, various crucied people all claim to be "Brian ofNazareth" and the wrong man is released. Various other opportunities for areprieve for Brian are denied as, one by one, his "allies" (including Judith andhis mother) step forward to explain why they are leaving the "noble freedomghter" hanging in the hot sun. Hope is renewed when a crack suicide squadfrom the Judean People's Front (not to be confused with the People's

    Front of Judea) come charging towards the Romans, but rather than ghting torelease Brian or the other prisoners, they commit mass suicide as a politicalprotest. Condemned to a long and painful death, Brian nds his spirits lifted byhis fellow sufferers, who break into song with "Always Look on the Bright Side ofLife."[6]

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    Lilies of the Field (1963)

    Homer Smith (Sidney Poitier) is an itinerant handyman/jack-of-all-trades whostops at afarmin theArizonadesert to obtain some water for his car. There hesees several women working on a fence, very ineptly. The women, who speakvery little English, introduce themselves as German, Austrian and Hungariannuns. The mother superior, the leader of the nuns, persuades him to do a smallroong repair. He stays overnight, assuming that he will be paid in the morning.Next day, Smith tries to persuade the mother superior to pay him by quotingLuke 10:7, "The laborer is worthy of his hire." Mother Maria Marthe (Lilia Skala,called "Mother Maria"), responds by asking him to read another Bible versefrom theSermon on the Mount: "Consider the lilies of the eld, how they grow;they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon inall his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

    Mother Maria likes things done her way. The nuns have essentially no moneyand subsist by living off the land, on what vegetables the arid climate provides,and some milk and eggs. Even after being stonewalled when asking forpayment, and after being persuaded to stay for a meal, and against his better judgment, Smith agrees to stay another day to help them with other small jobs,always with the faint hope that Mother Maria will pay him for his work.

    As Smith's skills and strengths become apparent to the nuns, they come tobelieve that he has been sent by God to fulll their dream of building achapelfor the townsfolk—who are Mexican and impoverished—as the nearest church miles away.

    When Sunday comes, Mother Maria informs Smith that he will be driving the

    sisters to Mass in his station wagon. (The nuns have no vehicle and thus

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    ordinarily would walk the long distance to church.) Smith is invited to attend theCatholicMass, celebrated by a roving priest not in a church but outdoors, but hedeclines because he is aBaptist. Instead, he takes the opportunity to get aproper breakfast from the trading post next door. In talking to the proprietor, Juan (Stanley Adams), Smith learns about the hardships that the nuns, led bythe unyielding Mother Maria, overcame to emigrate from Eastern Europe – overtheBerlin Wall– only to barely scratch out a meager living on the farm that waswilled to their order. Juan humorously tells Homer that he considers prayer andbelief in religion a form of "insurance", and suggests that is why Homer ishelping the nuns without being paid.

    Though he has come to realize how unlikely it is that he will be paid, and partlyout of respect for all the women have overcome, Smith stays longer and ndshimself driven to work on at least clearing the construction site for the chapel.He rationalizes that it would be too hard for the sisters to move the heavy

    beams. After losing another duel of Bible quotes with Mother Maria, Smithacknowledges that he has always wanted to be anarchitect, but couldn't affordthe schooling. His unfullled dream impels him to agree to undertake the(unpaid) job of building the sisters a chapel.

    To earn money to buy some "real food" to supplement the spartan diet the nunsare able to provide him, Smith gets a part-time job with the nearby constructioncontractor, Ashton (directorRalph Nelson, uncredited), who is impressed thatSmith can handle nearly every piece of heavy equipment he owns. Smithsupplements the nuns' diet as well, shopping for groceries to stock up theirkitchen and delighting them with treats such as lollipops.

    To pass the evenings, Smith (whom the nuns call "Schmidt") helps the sisters

    improve their rudimentary English (only Mother Maria speaks the language

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    well enough to converse with him) and joins them in singing. They share theirdifferent musical traditions with one another: theirCatholicchants and hisBaptisthymns. He teaches them to join him in the call-and-response song"Amen" by Jester Hairston(dubbed by Hairston in the lm).

    Smith, determined that the building will be constructed to the higheststandards, insists that the work be done by him and only him. Meanwhile, thenuns write letters to various philanthropic organizations and charities asking formoney for supplies, but all their requests are denied. As word spreads about the

    endeavor, locals begin to show up to contribute materials and to help inconstruction, but Smith rebuffs all offers of assistance in the labor. As he gains alarger and larger audience for his efforts, the locals, impressed with hisdetermination, but no less dogged than he, will content themselves no longerwith just watching. They nd ways to lend a hand that Smith cannot easily turndown – the lifting of a bucket or brick, for example. Once the process is in

    motion, they end up doing as they intended, assisting in every aspect of theconstruction, as well as contributing materials. This greatly accelerates theprogress, much to the delight of everyone but Smith.

    Even Ashton, who has long ignored Mother Maria's pleas, nds an excuse todeliver some more materials. Almost overnight, Smith nds that he's become abuilding foreman and contractor. Enduring the hassles of coordinating the workof so many, the constant disputes with Mother Maria, and the trial of gettingenough materials for the building, Smith brings the chapel to completion,placing the cross on the spire himself and signing his work where only he andGod will know.

    It is the evening before the Sunday when the chapel is to be dedicated. All the

    work has been done and Smith is exhausted. Now that there is nothing more to

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    keep Smith among them, Mother Maria, too proud to ask him outright to stay,insists that he attend the opening Mass next day to receive proper recognitionfrom the congregation. She speaks enthusiastically of all that "Schmidt" still cando to aid the town, such as building a school. Making no reply to any of this,Smith tricks Mother Maria, as part of the night's English lesson, into saying"thank you" to him. Until then, she stubbornly had thanked only God for thework, assistance, and gifts that Smith had provided to the nuns. It is a touchingmoment between two strong personalities.

    Later that evening, as he leads the nuns in singing "Amen" once again, Smithslips out the door and, still singing the lead, the nuns' voices chiming softlybehind him, he takes one last look at the chapel he built. Mother Maria hearshim start up his station wagon, but remains stolidly in her seat, singing alongwith the rest of the sisters, as Smith drives quietly off into the night.

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    The Lion King (1994)

    n the Pride Lands ofAfrica, a lion rules over the animals as king. The birth ofKing Mufasa and Queen Sarabi's sonSimbacreates envy and resentment inMufasa's younger brother,Scar, who knows his nephew now replaces him asheir to the throne. After Simba has grown into a young cub, Mufasa gives him atour of the Pride Lands, teaching him the responsibilities of being a king andthe circle of life. Later that day, Scar tricks Simba and his best friend Nala intexploring a forbiddenelephant graveyard, despite the protests of Mufasa'shornbill majordomoZazu. At the graveyard, threespotted hyenasnamedShenzi, Banzai and Ed attack the cubs before Mufasa, alerted by Zazu, rescuesthem and forgives Simba for his actions. That night, the hyenas, who are alliedwith Scar, plot with him to kill Mufasa and Simba.

    The next day Scar lures Simba to a gorge and tells him to wait there while he

    gets Mufasa. On Scar's orders, the hyenas stampede a large herd ofwildebeestinto the gorge. Mufasa rescues Simba, but as Mufasa tries to climb up thegorge's walls, Scar throws him back into the stampede, where he is trampled todeath. After Simba nds Mufasa's body, Scar convinces him he was responsiblefor his father's death and advises Simba to ee the kingdom. As Simba leaves,Scar orders Shenzi, Banzai and Ed to kill the cub, but Simba escapes. That nightScar announces to the pride that both Mufasa and Simba were killed in thestampede and steps forward as the new king, allowing a pack of hyenas to livein the Pride Lands.

    After running far away, Simba collapses from exhaustion in a desert.Timon andPumbaa, a meerkatand
