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I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing...

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' a a. M, Edition . . T H l VOL .16. NO. sa. G u a r d s R e c i T o M a in ta E a s t e r n ^iUiam E. Borah R eturns to Capital daltimore, July m tor WUll»ta E. north. Id»ho, vho undtnreal k mtjor oiwnllon #l Johni Mopilni haepUtl Mvcnl w k 4 igo. reUinwd’to Wuhlnjlon lodsy. His pltyitelans ducrlbed his condition u “n iy good." fiemtor BonJi aid hc «uM stv In Wulilngton for sevenl dtys, tlicn go nortJi lor a short irlp belore go- Ifli lo Idttho^___________ II Duce Observes F ifti^ Birthday PORLI. lisly. July » m -P w * mler Mussolini celebrated his fU- llelh birthday loday In his home town Predappio not Jar from the nwdeil stone }joo« In whleh he was bom to a bUefcsmlth faUier and a school-UacIicr molher. All newtpspcn. In Italy were « • •slraliied by his order* from pub* Ushln* the fart It waa his birthday. ______Cfjfbritlng.wlth the premier were hU aushier. Edda. wife urcounr Clano, and tier Infanl son. Pabrl* 'llo. . Th« parly drove this . momlnc from 11 duce-s beautiful counUy homa a l Predapplo to nearby to r - ailo Stnctno Io place » wreath on IhB tomb ot the premier's brolher. Afnaldo, Ule editor of tl Popolo DlUUa. The famlly returned at noon and spent the afternoon at home. The InhahllanU ot WrII. Predapplo and other nearby town* In whleh 11 dwe spent Ws childhood declared a holl- Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. July M MV-The parents ot Edith Riley today eom- . pleled Ihelr two-year prison sei^ Unw for cruelty to the "cupboard chlW.- Ttur were cffurlcWd I?ecember 21 in i. hui sol tome time o« of Ihe loUl aenUnce. whlcli Included a UW line. , V Tbo child's UUier. Rl- and ber slep-pwlher. werjf irted after Edith had been found m » dirk cloaet of (fieir fwm« wher#;. witnesses said she had been kepl i and lubjecled to other punishment. i Por setecal weeks after »he was ' dlseorered. Edith w u treated at a hofpluL THen she was pUeed Inl the cate of her tnaiemal grand-1 | mother. M n Marjarel Annadale. ; Washington. ' Austrians Shout i “Hail Hitler!” ] SALZDUnO. AUSUI*. July, M ( « • -Cries of 'Itoll.lllllerr went up c . (rom this testlral city today as tour < - monoplanes-drtmed - orechead-to - - Bcatttr- anll-Dollfujs handbllla. The handbills urged the resldenU of Iho flly fo wllhdraw sarlxiiw , (rom the iMnks and to psy no laxes.ll unlll "the Irallorous Dolltuss gov- I emment". Is replaced by one “fluall- I lied to Vesume friendly reUtlons with Oermany.- Tlie planes, flying low, returned sgaln and again. ■ Defense plsnu ol the Balsburg , airport, whleh might hare opposed the aerial propaganda, had been [ sent to Orat lu t night -because ot a Nail demonstration there. S k u n k ’s V ictim Goes Awny Alone SEATTLE. J-Jly 55 l-P) - A. B. • ■ la n e hsd an automobile accident, Uhlch out his car oui of commls-'g, slon for a long time. It seems he w u driving along a hljhway. and -------«Tieav]rinick'«pproarbtd-hlm.-At-.j the ume time an angry skunk ’ h. Itarted erosilne his side of the road. If, 'Of ihe two. he chose to'hit UieV , skunk. He u td no ser^’lw sUifonj WM able to "repair" Ihe trouble ]», thal resulted. }a Officers In Guba Fire On Persons ai In D e m o n s tr a tio n p SANTA CLARA, Cuba, July M (fljlnl wAt least li persons were wounded jmi Ist« tcdsy when police and aoldlersiaa Jlrfd Into A group et unpaid schooll*! teachers who paraded to the loeal'dui prison lo proteit Ihe anest nf tev ime 'ral teachers taken In custody a Ime fe^ minutes earlier. rec firing oeoirred as an after- to a meellng of teachers al a , be« le demand pajwnl ol ^ »*laries and pensions. Th Authorllle, dliperaed the awem- “"I ^ t the thutre a(ier a lanje w ^ ^ h a d gathered In front ot the " ‘ ""■’“ '"""“■I™ TIhe jrafhertng In and ouUlde soldiers who used ihelr macheta. No .. shot w« fired there. buTa n ^?H of perJoni. Including tome teacliem f*” were arrrsted and taken lo i » [ i ' ' wherttipcn a ^ ra ^ of demonst«>*' to marched to cite prison In pro- ,j . To dUperie this p a r a d e ' t o - l h e ^ Prison, police and soldlen fired In- lo the croirt, nouodlng 15 or a o rt _ GMBU I E TV uuaxD wnusuniBiB of >BBOCUTiD m ia a celveOrder ain Peace In Coal Fields Chief Executive Of Pennsylvania "S Calls Out Army eral [ton Governor Pinchot Expresses i“j . Hope Ttel "Nol a Slngls Shol-Will be Fireii or Will Need to be fired" Br II. FOBD WItKINS (Associated Press Staff Writer) ” • T-» R0WN8V1LLE. Pa, July » - KlnW of Pennsyl- • L ' vanla'a great bituminous ^ tonJgW with ««!e» fna Ooyerm ‘ • Olfford Plnclwt to pretervo i>eacs In the strife-torn fields where more re- than UfiOO miner* are striking for Jb- union recognition. . lay. Qulel prevailed during the day In the many mining settlemeni* inr Wiat-dat-WKUe coanly aJler t^it iri. govemor ordered 3 « soldiers to tlw area bccause Sheriff Harry E. Hackney refused to withdraw depu- 1“ ly slierlfts who had beeii/lnstructed not to allow plckeu w^ssemble In tUan iO mJnei, many of 1 5 ,them owned by the H, C. Prick Coal and Coke company, a subsidiary ot the United SUtes Steel torporallon. suspended operations. 'he ExpreMe* Hope >nd Oovemor Pinchot. dlitcUng Ma- hr Kenneth W. Mome/er lo lead »>• the Second batUlloo. One Hundred Twelfth Infiinlry. lo lhe mlne fields. tltot will be tired or will need lo be fired."' tn His order authorised mllllarv eon- '* IreJ over fhe itrtkc awe. ConilJlo- .V. tional law}'er* uld the order had the effecl of creating martUI lav. though the govemor avolded'use of the lerm. Sheriff Hackney disputed the Bovemor'a order, and said lhal he «m ll Ihe eJril aothorilr to Tty- h* ell* eounty. Re Indlcafed he win • cooperate with the troops it thef coooente wllh him. «- TJtt. K*1 Strike. In whlcl> Uie kd nioar. Ur asUns reasoiUoaiCtbil a tirtied Mine Worker* of America; w 'laljw lifw tefi JurbulMlserifJof :pl|developmenU which hava encom- nUlpasml a greater part of Penniyl- u vanla. Strikes have affected the K healery and textile mills ot eutem InlPennsylrtnla. milk producert gUss d. land silk workers and even the preti Ie 2 e]-msk]ng Inde. Many disturb- . 'lances have marked Ihc slluallon. No FaUUllea No tatalltlea have been attributed to the strike by police. Earlier yes. i»» terday. two strikers, who. a com- panlon-Mld. hid been drinking. awed ortr who hid the moi « "blue blood" In hit wins and me jp or them was shot to death by the nr other. to -The-Payelta-county-aUlke- haa (Corjllnued On Page 3. Cdl. 2) ^ ffiiilDiS' 5 ! Delegations to London Con- J ference Cable Wallace, To Withhold Decision! = , ICopyrlghl. IOM. by The AsiocUled- i ;■ Preu) ‘•J WASHINQTON, J u ly » - l l o p « ! , Of the Rooseveil admlnuuatlon Jor: | ' an imemallonal Kheat ajreement i ; Iwere revived todaj after' a Cabled I ; .appeal lo Be'crela^-Wallflce 7roin';“ I jdelegates to the London whest con-1 '■ ference lo wlthholfl his declilon on',. ' acreage reduction here, j(, * It was'said'aulhoriutlvely WbI- u , Mlaee «-as notified that a new and in- „ [formal eflort to reach an sgrcemeiit jp jls being undertaken, althouiih dele- |n gatea at London representing tlie^i,. United s u i t s . Canada. Australia and jq lArgentlna reccssed ihelr conference Iv IhaTc-notifled thcLondon conlerecs „ hlnforaiall; that In event of an agre^- p. I|menl they will be willing lo curtail ,j: ijaaeagehereuplolJ percent,oiher- „ i *l»e, Ihcy plan lo rcgulre acrr«e re- „ 'ductlon of only len per cenl by far- imen who Join In the volunUry do- Imestle allotment p lu and who will ht receive cssh paymenU for ihelr pro- ductlon curtailment. Uowiuinr (a Wall Soon atltr ihe conferrnre rrfMr.nJ Thursdsy. Wallaee Indicated he wu unwlUlng to wait longer tor an m- ^ tenistlonal agreement, lie said tUit ” within ten days he would announ.-e i'„ ithe percenuge reduction tarmen;'-" Iwould be rcQulrrd to make to gualL'y; . ■ j!or.pafmtBliuplo»mtxlinuaoJ^ D| Ipercent, .. At the same time. Wallace renew- I ed his threat made at Chicago re- cenily to sell surplus American whesV' 'I lln foreign markets at lets than do- l-S Imesuc matket prices. l«ei ' Preparrt He aid farm admintslrstors are^acr g ^ r e d lo finance from porUoni ol H wheat proctsiing u* proc«ds a ove movement of wheal from the Piclflc '-f' iConUnued 0n Poc* a, C o l'iT 'u a TBE ONLY A W IN ] T T iiiSp I Pll T fl liE Is ifli FflUDB lESS Administration Leaders Be- j glr Sludy of Gigantic ConslrucUon Pfojecls Backed by Govefnment ses - (By Tlie AssocUted Preu) ' 'Oil! TTrASHINOTON, July »-New VV I’'*"* accelerating work- n- ’ ' Riving highway expendliures uere developed today by.ihe admln- .ji> Islratlon u public worka chlefulns •tl began the study of the Upper Mts- rltslppl river channel, tho Orand Coulee dan, the Cuper ■ Alcova rtclamatlon pUn and ihe iJl-Amcr- r) lean canal projecU. The flrtl Ihree ot these big de- syl- velopmenU. with cosl atlmates ag- coal gregatlng above t«iO.CDO/llOO. have >ved Ihe approval of Prtaldenl Rooaevell, TW The iMJCOXW aIl.Amerie«» canal :ace pUn ior IrrlgaUng the Imperial and lore Coachella nlteja In Callfomlas ts for receiving specUl atleritlon from Bec- rctaty Ukea. publle works admlnls- «5»y trutor. !UU No tlelay tlic ~ E. icontlnued On Page 3, Col. 3) S IKS M iil . Mrs. Hoover Enjoys Ouiel ''t_SEO!El!iE5-61l6a£m In Turbulent Life Tides IJO. . ll>d STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cai, «w. July M oll-A tall woman wllh • I of crown of gray hair, alert blue eye* and euy urrlsge may be seen these Ihe summer mornings wattUig upon the he iicping Uwn whlcli sunounds hsr »y- eampBs hJIWop home, irlll She pause* for a Ulk with Ihe < hey gsrdencr. survey* Ihe (lowen, slooi* • lo pat a pollcc d « . Perhaps Ihere ts [ Uie a roomy kniuing bag on her tnn. lb* U ttf aho-may Uke from It U) un- lea; ftnlshed swtaur for a graodehtld. ' of tnd mtka Iba nr«d>s click bualjy U m- uie chaU wllh a vUllar on the roof yl- veranda, overiooklng the placid wa> Ihe tera of San FrancUco bay. ff" nelore of TranqoUIly “! To the cMual otaener. thU mid- * T dle-aged grandmother presenu a , pIclurcofrtomts(Ietr«i(iuIlltyto*et off a train of muilngs. Whst a change ' these recent peaceful months m un , be to Mrs. Herbert Hoover, after het ' career ot adventure In many lu d t, , peeping beneath Ihc velvet surface JJ; of Intemallonal intrigue, moving tn | * the brlllUnl circles of court *nd ‘ h* state tuncllonj, otacn'Ing war and , tamlns aod history In the making [ ... from S ring-side s e a tl___________; I ? ------------Pleaunirlclnre A pleasant picture of contrast but, : II happens, not an entirely true oite. IDAHO ACTING GOVERNOR S prees woman in ja il BOISE, July 23 ori- aettnak Oaker, Lewiston, w u reprieved to- day from the Ne* Perce county jaU I.. by an order of AcUng Governor ' Oeorte E. Hill. The woman w u servlntt a itz •e months' sentence for eonttlbutlnj . (0 tbe dellnqucncnifa'mfaof. The n sentence waa due to expire August 18. and u the famlly waa leaving the slate to reside In Wuhlngton ^ the acting govemor decided to let jOertrude go with them, J iooo. MEN BATTLE ' ” il IDAHO FOREST FIRES ’ I BOISE July 2S (AV-One thoii- " sand men fouijhl Mulhtm Idaho i foreil lifts today, ceneenlrsllng -1forees on an uncontrolled blaie ‘ isweeplng Ihrougti hcavj' timber on * j Pat's creek. 15 mllet norlh of Chal- ’ IlU. The fire had burned i:00 acres *:by this aflernoon. High wind and ^ ;Iow humidity counleracled efforU of ®,'»S men. The lire morea lire mlla ' |on a lulf-mlle front fnm IU origin ' ne*Lthe Challls crtek Civilian Con- * serirailon corjw camp THursday. ET ; E. McKee. aulsUnt supervisor of ' Ihe naUonal fortsl. tald weather ' conditions made 11 impuslble.'lo eaaUrsI Uie blaa, . Two fires In the Idaho forest ntar : McCall were reported tubildlng. Two ' hundred men each «cre In the Mar- . shall Uke and Carey creek areas. Ouy Main*, super^'lvrr of tho I Bobe forest, aald his domain would be closed to all pemons except for- est workera'If lire* broke out thla week end. A crew of IH men wu isucceasfully lighting a fire on Pfne 1 creek. BRUSH FJRE ENDANGERS TIMBER IN GEM STATE 'POST FALLS, Idaho. July » . I-SUndlng Umber was endangered Iwtst of here by a brush fire whleh , swffpJ/jf over several Jjuodrrf ;acrcs loday, ' A largo crew w u reporied to be overcoming the bUu although i vrnng wind w u making It unruly. I Nearby ranches wera saved Irom. ‘UalUe, ASSOCIATED PRESS Nl FAL^ IPS N ew M exico M oth mr ' W ith P osses 1 i Of.Hu ’Pn (By Tha Asi Jln A LBUQUERQUE. N, M , July 2# >uU f\ tonight with a Torrence counl ^ She U Mrs. A. n. Sheke, moi aod aasaull luspecl for wlwm the Op. nlghl afler he allegedly shot and p 20, deputy sheriff. -,i. Tho posse, one of several comb ‘•lie oftlcera engaged In "cleajilnj up tl , show no <piarter lo U ym aa but h ;CIS Rez Meador, falher of Ihs sunfflkD them. lent “I surrender,- tli slierUf ctme to Albuquemue wUH h She aUo asked (or a nole froa t I prelection for her son from mob -li H,_ her etforU In attempting to locat( h "A! Bt,ewu»eeomptt)Mbrherdtis Meanwhile Sheriff Meador dltli ed hU ton llet near deaUi and poll t ”{jj, tearch for Uyman by telephone. ^ = Tlio tael which become* prompt r evident In even a brief vttit to tl i Hoover home U Uial life for Ihe (o • dr. mer .pretldenU' wife goes on re. r much u before, lave ' New LUe Olttercal | reil, Por him, true, Uie new life U rerr mai different, and Uiere U time nov lor and recreaUoo logeUicr. Often a pletilc I Is lunch U .hastily atowed Inlo thef Jec- car and they are olf lo some scentb nis- spot on the skyline boulevard whlcti . Uireads IU way among Uie plnea ov,- - erlooking the broad Paclllc, or do»-a OT- the.c£ia*i.Io.U]o.w«x)fiJ.niDcli.e/.u>e — former president'* brother, Ttieodor# '> Uoover, dean of Uie SUnford school ’ of eoglnecring. Occasionally Uura ii U a camping trip, and whenever It Is I noi strictly a mens' parly, Mra. Hod- I ver It her'husband's compaolon. icraaibllsf about Uu rock* aud lak- 1U Ing piclurt* wlUi her movie camera. I whlla he casU (or mounUln tnut. Ll Bhe U freed now'of tlie vicarious strain ot hU tremendous reapoosl- blllly. Oul In ber oni departmasl of . . acUvltlea In Uie partaenhlp. wblcA ISI luu beea called "a u>tnla;e ot eu:- utlveC duUes have^notjihMgrtjwry 'liPifiiiis I: Pi m MEEii f;r BOISE.' July a (T>-Mrmben ol The Idaho SUU Hampshire Breed- .he era' association will meel In n ier Tueaday erenlng, August J5_U ie I ts night betore the suto' ram sale: U rin, U Dreckenridge, Twin Palu. pteal-, ffl. dem of„ilw . ^ U l l o n , MDOunce^ Hd. »d»»! JU Ther* are mort lhan 300 breed- Ml ers In the state and many of them rt. are expected to a(lend the meet- ing. Idaho ranks aecond tn produe- Uon^ot high quallly IIamp.ihlre Problem* of Ihe breeder*. Includ- _ Ing markeUng. culling and msln- ^ lenance or quality flocks will be • J considered during a round table ^ discussion. Directors of Iho attoeUtlon are Minnie W. Miller, Wendell: Charles Howland, Cambridge, and H. L. ^ Pinch, Soda Spriaji. "L The assocUtion will hear the an- ““ nual reporu of the president and the "• aecretary. M. C. Claar. Boise. New — offleerj-wlirbfl'eleeted.-------------- ^t, ^ ^ = = s = s = = U. I ■ I _ II Button 1 i R !------------------------------------------------ IL ------------------------------------------ Ik 0- tU or IX ' N 5* I 10 / St •- ^ ^ m .-.fggP :: . m I- I I iii E - 'f 1 J |F I i ! NEWSPAPER m TWIN 1 L S D ^AY^ronNma_jywjOj^ ither Rides esto Save Life Hunted, Fugitive Son I Assoclned Press) ly 2S-T0 « \e her son'a Ilfe a moUier ret »uniy pos'c tvom to kill him. , molher cf Jtck Layman, tormer convl the -Dead or Alive” order wenl out la; nd probably utauy wounded BIU Meado wmblitallons of Tcxu and New Uexk up the Uudlandi." announced they woul u t his molher, atter appealing to Sheri ifflHn's allegrd victim, w u allowed (o )oI ,* tlie told Sheriff Meador today u Ui UH hU wounded son. oc tlie riieriff to the poase guaranteeln >b liolenee and In return promlaed io u at( her son and bring about hU aunende 6t jgJiter. wjjo »ij>o > '111 aid In the aearcJ fll ed hU time between the hosplUl wher bU t headquarten where he directed th e. i'GDMIilTi iFBiSlGSM lor 31^ ------- 3 Inspector Sends Heavy Extra ".‘I Detail Into Shabby Oriental .the _Scctjon.!0^MaIntajn.Heaco lore lool —— f 1| NEW YORK. July JO Iff) - L c ■nirough shabby Chinatown. Ihe fear of another long war apread to- nlglil. m. Afler a member of Uie On Leong t, Tong wu shot and killed early to- out day. police aent' a Iieavy extra de- ^ Ull Into the Mott street tectlon to ^ ol sUmp oul any flarcup ot tong klll- iicn log*. L.. AssUUnt Chlet Inipeclor John J. Sullivan u ld slrlle might result jJ £ among tlie Chinese from Tlie Inspector asked d e p a ^ e n l of Isbor olflcUU lo aid In watching tlw dltuici RAoto m iler Slletue UP Tlie strange qulel of the ChUia'. Ih town area w u shatUred tn tha ear- ly morelns hour* by pUtol shoU. Wing OInn. an On Leong tons tnan, lumbled down the rickety aU ln ot ed- a Doyer* street house, six buUeU In lier bU body. A Chinese w u teen by Uie wllaaa.lojl*rt dowiui>?J«)tw. Ik cd sUIn, hurdle his vlcUm and al-, scamper down the sutet. , . ^ td- f6r Ihe Hip Rng long. J™ RecteUry ReporU 1C- Sing Lee. secretary of the On Ire Leotat tong, hurried lo the Elizabeth street SUllon. near Chinatown, soon Id- after.he heard ot Olnn's death. In- “Tliere Is trouble In Chinatown,* be he told police. < ble lie would not enlarge upon hla Ilatemenl. ■re Inspector Sullivan senl 61 'extn les iwllcemen Into Ihe dlsulcl. L. The lut tong tlsreup hero wu halted after police called In the Im- n- migration aulhoritlei and threaten- he ed wldtsprcsrt deportation pro- ew ceedlngs against Chinese unless longleadera'brdeted'a'hall. in Button, Who’s Got Th( S p # K d P l S » C^TTlCb^' b l X}1« MX N FALLS C O V m J a T T ' 1933_____________________________ niiiMw ion M E 8 K 8 8 mmmmi ronvlct Jt l*sl ------- Administration Leaders En M list. Cooperation ol Al Sheriff 0 (ou Cities, Towns and Village! In National Undertakln( iteelng ------- (By n i e AssocUled Preas) S ' T tt ASHINOTON, July ffl-Hugl S VV 8; J?'""" «">* ■d the Waslilngton today wltli i ' , . code for the automobile Industrj and predicted a full m euun ot *UC ' = cess for Prealdent Roosevelt'* i l i a t employmenlcampaign. IIU) I" response to queries ll w u an- inilH nounced thal cooperation ot lowni ■ ■■■ ifllh population of leaa Uian 350C tpr *ou|hj^ irr Striking back Inlo the work of dl- i r r reeling the recovery movement, the from poitmuter* and commerce de- liarimtnl otflcUU Uiroughout Uie Uiousandt ot employe* were wvered iniw ftlftadybyhUnkel/greemenUprom- .««« Islng higher wagea and shorter worj:- Meanahlle. to Uie administrator came a pledge from 11 of New York P) _ city's largest banka lo do their part Ihe In expanding credit to finance an d to. Increase in trade, ~JiaUfy.BBpjK.rt «ng Asiettlhg the objecllvca of Uie re- r to- coveo' program ‘jusUfy all the sup- 1 de- port Iliat can be given lo them by m to the banks." Uie letter said: "Loans made tn connection wtlli . the Industrial recovery program may 3- be likened to teuonal loans. Ttiey 2 ^ ^ wlli be mad* for the llnancbg ot ment ' ‘'“■DII,f.5ll0nMC8iE ills IN F ILLS hoU. _____ nan. rt of POCATELLO. July » (flVDr. P. U In Scolt McBride, general a.uperlnUnd- enl ot the Anti-Saloon League and Y nj ■mlliunt—dry'McadrrrwiII-m.we' (OQr speeches in soutliem Uaho In ^t4r [h«./lsbt (0 KUIn vrohlb|l|on. be- lio a in j wim an addre** in*to<(lff BuM tr, utortltns to ioeei mm- bers of the Allied Drya. On Monday Dr. McBride will speak x th a t Twin FaiU; Tuesday In Pocalel- loon lo and Wednesday In Haho FalU, a I. relvscd speaking schedule showv rn,* Delegatet from mkny souUieut- em Idaho towns tre expected here hi* lor Dr. McBride's address. Membert of Uie Allied Dr}-a al BlacUbot. Itn Aberdeen. American FalU, Malad, ' l^nklln. Oiisce, Bancroft, Soda w u Springs, Montpelier and olher com- lm- munlUes Mil com« to Pocatello tor en- the addrtu, according to local of. iro- fleer*. less Idaho volet on the prohlblUon — Iiuenion-Beptemhcr'tr--------------- The Button I A s Tl s i ^ ii; I . S] J I at( Mx un, ' Y N E °^'gg7,sr° S Narcotics S S8 AtUse Oi i Horse Rt En- MERCURY CLINGS JII TO HIGH POINTS ioes I • „ tua-peraliU over the Interior of thi '(ing countiT, wlUi Uie lowest valuea ove: the pUteau, Rodgr mounUln am Wctlem pUln* sUtes. Temperaturt conUnue nUier high throughout thl Hugh nrea.'Bprinklt» of rain occurred a ( (0 Baft U ke City, Lander, Spokane am II a PorUtnd, and a light shower at Se^ utry alUe. *«• . . K I JJ I I I 'i '■■I \ I B«lM I H tl M Ortr i-di. E!SS".j=« S S a S ’ ^ MnTSnS i! S SS !.' S SSf thg rMaUlla .tl a M a*ir Inl ranlana. Crt_TI U T CIsadr ,“S !ii,t!if.-curi! .'A ? Kg: “ 'I S B te:!! S S K ;’ om- tullU .It It .it cinr }rk- tnakaa*____ U a T Uiar sr ^nflPE i8fli8P i8H fliflfflWES by |)S Swellering Heal Adds Threo More Lives to Toll of^ LOS ANOELES, Juljr M m - I A Sweltering hett on Ihe de*ert wattrt S of touUieulem CallfomU where Lu 110 degreet U considered only ordi- nary aummer weatber, claimed tbe Ilvra ot three tnen today, bringing tlie death toU to W for the current Lnd . SebuUan' OuUrci, M. w u lound ng- -dead-ln front-ol-hU conwaled Iron ‘, thack at ImperUl. while Ball Wick, ' 4 1 , died from lieat’wlUl* picking miiea on a ranch between Calodu Aff tnd liollvllle. Eariier Wm •at, mond, SO. Blythe. CallfomU,' ear* penter, died in a iiospltai after be- , . ing stricken yetierday. Net Aeellmaled The teven other vlcdmt wlio hare '• • died tpparenUy were pot, coroner"! ,, record* Indicated, accustomed to tbe bllslerlDB heau The eighth *lc- Um w u regarded u a native. He, ^ Tom lUmmond. nivthe H-year-old *1' carpenter, w u stricken yesUnlay while working on a building and he ^1* died Uter. S! The seven oilier vlcUms for, the moit part awe mta who had coat trom cooler regions into the des- . . rrt. seeking woric on llw Colorado ?E riveE_*qu{ducl,_wh!ch_.U__belng built serosa Uie desert by a group = nf soutliem CtllforiilA elUes near — tho coast line to bring water Irom i tfie rtver, , The project, «hlch will require | I the expenditure of some tnnmm i — over a eonitructlgn period of six , years, U regarded u ono of tlie greatett |ieue-Ume engineering tt- (orU e \tr undertaken. Thousand* ot , men are being employed'tnd many nf Uiem are'sUanger* to the.dea- ert bul Kilhsl. a dogged watch of | their physical condlllon h u kepi Uie | casualty loll exlremely low, all Uilngs conildered. ' Fosr Cmpiaye* Ole C FVxir of Jlie dead were employed < “ (ConUnued On Page J, Col. <1 h KENTUCKY. MAN~DIES n IN AUTOMOBILE FIRE t ____ I OWF-S8DORO. K y, July trj- t D. V.-Willis. 30. automobile dealer I al OlA'Cow, Kentucky, and former d mannser of the Centre rollfge foot- ti bsll team, » u burned to death to*,o day iJi btk wrecked automobile-near*a ______________' |S . EUROPEAN YOUTHS SAIL ■; ATLANTIC IN TINY SHIP J NEW YOR|{, July 33 OfJ-IUbs ?' nnd Harold ilimran. who left Kris- . tUir-iiid. Noni.tr. on Marcli 2B In a “ 35-fool tloop.'' ttaclied here today after a iran'-AHantic voyage. *“ Tlie pHiiit wns born olf the tiuU 01 111 ,- bost, 'Trade Wind," which « hsd Hoppe<I Iwl at Uie Canary Is- « Iand« on June S. Several times, the 1^ brothers ssld. llic vewl leaked and “ the waier had to be balled oul by *u a hand immp. jfJ J. EDGAR HOOVER KEEPS ^ JOB AS CHIEF SLEUTH ^ WASHINOTON. Julr M Ifl - JS J Edear Hoour will remain at the head of the *fe<leral goveromcnl'* " buifcit crime defection teener •H'r , Ihe bureau of Inveillgatlon of the j" department of Ju»tlce absorbs the Investtgatlve actlviiies of the pro- *P' hlWllon bureau Augutt 10. The qulel. heavy sel man who thi for nine rears ha.i dlrrcled criminal as larettltetloas et Itic department of.lni Justice today w u named by AttoN ml ney General Cummings u director no Of the dlvUlon of Inveslliatlon ere. vai ated under the president's execu- hoi tU-e order coiuolldatlng the two de- ^ tecUoa tceoclu, TODAY; Fair E W S ? ________lOPAGES-S'CENTa I Squad Hits Of Drugs On Racing Tracks Federal Officers Swoop Down On ' SZ Chicago Officials n and ------- ;S Uncle Sam's Sleuths Strike Wilh LIslilnlns-Like Foree Against Band of Seven ? Arllnglon Park Handlers (By The AttocUled Frees)-' r* mCAOO, July »-Doplnc c< ci.Q«r I ; Tic«. horses cn a ntUon wld* . nSI scale *at charged by U» goV- riur emment lodty a* lUnarectiotquaiU citndy Mruck wlUr Ughlnlnt force agalnit - US! a btnd of *e«n bow haodkrt #t riMdr ArUngton park, Chlcagol paUtial NorUi.Slde titck. . , - •La-f Swooping down en Uie rich tnck, I'esr where dote to a lialt mllllOQ doUat* - ’ In punet have been dlstrlbulMl duTx Hur ingamonUilmeetlBg.federa}af«ata BTTttltd the seven men aad tfc^ - made Uie stunning annoascetneot >|l Uis government had coaclutlvo proof In that at least 300 horw, csopettac '■I in u many races during the pa^ - mmm. ('Si'i monUit, b td been doped s t " T r v*rious Ameriean racing strip*. " fn OffieUb Voinnteef ^ ^ At ttt upshot of Uie a m su and revclaUoQ ot Uie govemmsot^ ^ ! sweeping lavestlgatloo of naicotto nree Uw vloUtloa*, leading otfUcalt'ef Aillncton Paric, which closed lU tUh ' o f meeUng today, and a tcore of jocl- - I eys, trainers acd ownen win be o r t» . inru'cr«d'(6U3IiybiIIUiftIUSniBnillS " ^ Jury bere next weeLK.J.An*JlBg«r, commUsloier ot narcoUct a t Wash- - ington, emphaslud Uiat Arllnitfn l i " Psrtf olfWalt had volunteeftd and 1^” given excellcDt coopenUon In ttie InvcsllgaUoo a t their tn c k during the past moDUi and would testUirTsl* '“ c^'isslaner AnsUngcr Rfutrd to dUcusa report* and rumott ef 5und Arlington but tbc-atmc ■ of two horwt, »Loult Dear," ^ by Jack Iloward of turf faUe, and S S 'PaWb.'one'of '' c tr. r t , were meoUeivtd by agent*. ; , - be^''Otteiigenitaldhehadteca,*lAl» ' Dear*, "doped* Uiree Umei durliic tbs Arlington Park msetlng aad Ibat hare jesterdty » hypodomlc needle wtt ' ner't remo'redtroaUiebons'sDeck.Own* to er Jaek Howard denied thU. Parka vie- iiowerer, admitted thal."Louie D ea r He, had been given a drug only to cure - '-eld the animal of a U d cold 19 he could rday race. 1 he In the races yesterday, "Timor. ‘ out’ won at a tllghUy belter than >• the to-3 favorite but 'Louie Dear," after omt Jesdliig htlf way srobod the trsek, des- w u beaUn by 'Fiddler," a IS-to^I rado shot in Uu betting. "Ru»ty,“ a #*>:i <lng shoL llnltlied tecond wim a nMa ad^ •'. 'oup vtnttgs over "Louie Dear." OfflclaU Kar wld Uiere D'u no doubt Uul both rom “Timorous" aod "Louie Dear- had ' attempted to rfa t* much u pot- uire tlble. BoUi rtcelved excellent rides MO rrom P. Springer and 0. Cotbctt, re- •I* tpecUvely. “ J® Cwptrale W ly . J Chriilopher PlWenld. prcatding ,„r ot Arlington Park, taid be Iu. and other puk offlcUU had given o( full cooperaUon to Ute federal ageoU U,o but Uukl he htd no delllnto proof ■tl Uial tny of the hone* at Arltogtou Iiad been doped. Beyond Uiat, he and other Arlington oKlclalf refuted lo red comment excepl to u y Ihff alwayi —. were out to slop doping ot race I horses wherever p ^ b l e .' The teven men trrestcd last nigbt ail pleaded not guilty befort'Com- mlsslaner Edwin K. Walter. Who ttt f^E their bondt at tUO each and con- tinued Ibe cttet WlUiout bearing. ■>« Each WM charged wUh vloUUan'of .Itr the. I(arrUoa.nareoUe..Iaw,.tcrtild. ’ uer dmg lUegal posMuUm and tnoqior- ot. toilon of nanotle*. Only Parke wtt lo -! uble to fumlih bond. Tho tlx others, • tr ’all lield. are Dr. NeUoo Edavd I Soutliard. a velerinariaa, who u ld hit home w u LouliriUe. Kentucky; ! and slablD grooms. WUlUm Payne. * Hinton "Ocorglo Boy Parkt, Wll. jp lum (Bottomt Up) Coooey. Charles Mllehell and WUIUm Jpnes. Parke, one of Die mosl famous ot Amerlcaa Jockeys a decade ngo. wat denied a , : license to train horses a t Arlington • V Park and acted la an unofllcUl ea> paclty, tr « k stewards said tonight. Belween 400 and SW grains o tn a > 51, coUcs were found in possession of ths 4. Belted men. Ralfii Orkr, chief of he the federal narcotic dlvUlon la Chi- ld Mgo, reported. Botllej of compound by suppwd to b« a mUlure o( narcot. Ics. syringes, liypodermlo needle* and other apparatus Ior admlnUtering "dope' also were found In Uiclr pc«. sesstoD. he sold. H Commlst-ioner AnsUngtr ttld ths gotemment. Interested only In the en- forcenieiit ot the narcotic Uwt and “ wim Ihe cMpemilon ot prominent raelngolllclils.Uadbeenlnvettlgatlog All Americtnltnick* for the past year In secrrcy, the agenU potbig at i*ie tnck followen and gamblen oul to J. spring a belting coup. -We uncovered coochulve eridene* 10 that atJeast 300 horses. compeUngbi AS many nces, have been doped dur* 9f,lng tbr ;ast rlfht mosUis.'' Com* s mlssloacr AnsUiw said. Thero U ir no evidence of a dope ring 00 the '. varioBS tnck* bt;t Ulegal doping of I- hones h u been gobig oo and must ‘'cttcilaii.ed pa'pago 4 pol-li-; -4 1
Page 1: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

' a a . M, Edition . .

T H lVOL .16. NO. sa.

G u a r d s R e c i

T o M a i n t a

E a s t e r n

^ i U i a m E . B o r a h R e t u r n s t o C a p i t a l

daltim ore , July m tor WUll»ta E. north. Id»ho, vho undtnreal k mtjor oiwnllon #l Johni Mopilni haepUtl Mvcnl w k 4 igo. reUinwd’to Wuhlnjlon lodsy. His pltyitelans ducrlbed his condition u “n iy good."

fiemtor BonJi a id hc «uM s tv In Wulilngton for sevenl dtys, tlicn go nortJi lor a short irlp belore go- Ifli lo Idttho^___________

II Duce Observes F i f t i ^ Birthday

PORLI. lisly. July » m -P w * mler Mussolini celebrated his fU- llelh birthday loday In his home town Predappio not Jar from the nwdeil stone }joo« In whleh he was bom to a bUefcsmlth faUier and a school-UacIicr molher.

All newtpspcn. In Italy were « • •slraliied by his order* from pub* Ushln* the fart It waa his birthday.

______Cfjfbritlng.wlth the premier werehU aush ier. Edda. wife u rc o u n r Clano, and tier Infanl son. Pabrl*

'llo . .Th« parly drove this . momlnc

from 11 duce-s beautiful counUy homa a l Predapplo to nearby to r - ailo Stnctno Io place » wreath on IhB tomb ot the premier's brolher. Afnaldo, Ule editor of tl Popolo DlUUa.

The famlly returned a t noon and spent the afternoon a t home. The InhahllanU ot WrII. Predapplo and other nearby town* In whleh 11 dwe spent Ws childhood declared a holl-

Cruel ParentsLeave Prison

WASHINOTON. July M MV-The parents ot Edith Riley today eom-

. pleled Ihelr two-year prison sei^ Unw for cruelty to the "cupboard chlW.-

Ttur were cffurlcWd I?ecember 21 in i . hui sol tome time o« of Ihe loUl aenUnce. whlcli Included a UW line. , V

Tbo child's UUier. Rl-and ber slep-pwlher. werjf irted

after Edith had been found m » dirk cloaet of (fieir fwm« wher#;. witnesses said she had been kepl i and lubjecled to other punishment. i

Por setecal weeks after »he was ' dlseorered. Edith w u treated a t a hofpluL THen she was pUeed Inl the cate of her tnaiemal grand-1| mother. M n Marjarel Annadale. ; Washington. • '

Austrians Shout i “Hail Hitler!”

— ] SALZDUnO. AUSUI*. July, M ( « •

-Cries of 'I to ll.llll le rr went up c . (rom this testlral city today as tour < - monoplanes-drtmed - orechead-to -

- Bcatttr- anll-Dollfujs handbllla. • The handbills urged the resldenU

of Iho flly fo wllhdraw sarlxiiw , (rom the iMnks and to psy no laxes.ll unlll "the Irallorous Dolltuss gov- I emment". Is replaced by one “fluall- I lied to Vesume friendly reUtlons with Oermany.-

Tlie planes, flying low, returned sgaln and again. ■

Defense plsnu ol the Balsburg , airport, whleh might hare opposed the aerial propaganda, had been [ sent to Orat lu t night -because ot a Nail demonstration there.

S k u n k ’s V i c t i m

G o e s A w n y A l o n e

SEATTLE. J-Jly 55 l-P) - A. B.• ■ lane hsd an automobile accident,

Uhlch out his car oui of commls-'g, slon for a long time. It seems he w u driving along a hljhway. and

-------«Tieav]rinick'«pproarbtd-hlm.-At-.jthe um e time an angry skunk ’h. Itarted erosilne his side of the road. If,

'O f ihe two. he chose to 'h it UieV , skunk. He u td no ser ’lw sUifonj

WM able to "repair" Ihe trouble ]», thal resulted. }a

O f f i c e r s I n G u b a

F i r e O n P e r s o n s ai

I n D e m o n s t r a t i o n p

SANTA CLARA, Cuba, July M (fljlnl wAt least l i persons were wounded jmi Ist« tcdsy when police and aoldlersiaa Jlrfd Into A group et unpaid schooll*! teachers who paraded to the loeal'dui prison lo proteit Ihe anest nf te v ime 'ra l teachers taken In custody a Ime fe^ minutes earlier. rec

firing oeoirred as an after- to a meellng of teachers a l a ,

b e« le demand p a jw n l ol • ^ »*laries and pensions. Th

Authorllle, dliperaed the awem- “"I ^ t the thu tre a(ier a lanje w ^ ^ h a d gathered In front ot the

" ‘ ""■’“ '"""“ ■I™TIhe jrafhertng In and ouUlde

soldiers who used ihelr macheta. No .. shot w « fired there. buTa n ^ ? H of perJoni. Including tome teacliem f*” were arrrsted and taken lo i » [ i ' ' wherttipcn a ^ r a ^ of d e m o n s t« > * ' t o marched to cite prison In pro- ,j

. To dUperie this p a r a d e ' t o - l h e ^ Prison, police and soldlen fired In- lo the croirt, nouodlng 15 or a o r t _ GMBU

I ■

E T VuuaxD w nusuniB iB o f

>BBOCUTiD m iaa

celveOrder ain Peace In

Coal FieldsChief Executive

Of Pennsylvania "S Calls Out Armyeral[ton

Governor Pinchot Expresses i“ j . Hope Ttel "Nol a Slngls

Shol-Will be Fireii or Will Need to be fired"

Br II. FOBD WItKINS „ (Associated Press Staff Writer) ” • T-» R0WN8V1LLE. P a , July » -

K ln W of Pennsyl-• L ' vanla'a great bituminous ^

tonJgW with ««!e» f n a Ooyerm ‘ • Olfford Plnclwt to pretervo i>eacs

In the strife-torn fields where more re- than UfiOO miner* are striking for Jb- union recognition. . lay. Qulel prevailed during the day

In the many mining settlemeni* in r Wiat-dat-WKUe coanly aJler t^it iri. govemor ordered 3 « soldiers to tlw

area bccause Sheriff Harry E. Hackney refused to withdraw depu-

1“ ly slierlfts who had beeii/lnstructed not to allow plckeu w^ssemble In

tUan iO mJnei, many of 1 5 , them owned by the H, C. Prick Coal

and Coke company, a subsidiary ot the United SUtes Steel torporallon. suspended operations.

'he ExpreMe* Hope>nd Oovemor Pinchot. dlitcUng Ma-

h r Kenneth W. Mome/er lo lead »>• the Second batUlloo. One Hundred

Twelfth Infiinlry. lo lhe mlne fields.

tltot will be tired or will need lo be fired."'

tn His order authorised mllllarv eon- '* IreJ over fhe itrtkc awe. ConilJlo- .V. tional law}'er* u ld the order had

the effecl of creating martUI lav. though the govemor avolded'use of the lerm.

Sheriff Hackney disputed the Bovemor'a order, and said lhal he «m ll Ihe eJril aothorilr to Tty-

h* ell* eounty. Re Indlcafed he win • cooperate with the troops it thef

coooente wllh him.«- TJtt. K*1 Strike. In whlcl> Uie kd n ioar. U r asUns reasoiUoaiCtbil

a tirtied Mine Worker* of America; w 'l a l jw l i f w te f i JurbulMlserifJof :pl|developmenU which hava encom- nUlpasml a greater part of Penniyl- u vanla. Strikes have affected the K healery and textile mills ot eutem

InlPennsylrtnla. milk producert gUss d . land silk workers and even the preti Ie 2e]-msk]ng Inde. Many disturb- . 'lances have marked Ihc slluallon.

No FaUUllea No tatalltlea have been attributed

to the strike by police. Earlier yes. i»» terday. two strikers, who. a com- ■ panlon-Mld. hid been drinking.

a w e d ortr who h id the m oi « "blue blood" In hit wins and m e jp or them was shot to death by the nr other.to -The-Payelta-county-aUlke- haa

(Corjllnued On Page 3. Cdl. 2)

f f iiilD iS '5 — ! ‘ Delegations to London Con- J

ference Cable Wallace, To Withhold Decision!

= —, ICopyrlghl. IOM. by The AsiocUled- i ;■ Preu)‘•J WASHINQTON, J u l y » - l l o p « ! ,

Of the Rooseveil admlnuuatlon Jor: | ' an imemallonal Kheat ajreement i ; Iwere revived todaj after' a Cabled I ; .appeal lo Be'crela^-Wallflce 7roin';“ I jdelegates to the London whest con-1 '■ ference lo wlthholfl his declilon on ',. ' acreage reduction here, j(,* It was'said'aulhoriutlvely WbI - u , Mlaee «-as notified that a new and in- „

[formal eflort to reach an sgrcemeiit jp jls being undertaken, althouiih dele- |n gatea at London representing tlie^i,. United s u its . Canada. Australia and jq

lArgentlna reccssed ihelr conference Iv

IhaTc-notifled thcLondon conlerecs „ hlnforaiall; that In event of an agre^- p. I|menl they will be willing lo curtail ,j: ijaaeagehereuplolJ percent,oiher- „ i *l»e, Ihcy plan lo rcgulre acrr«e re- „ 'ductlon of only len per cenl by far- imen who Join In the volunUry do- Imestle allotment p lu and who will ht receive cssh paymenU for ihelr pro- ductlon curtailment.

Uowiuinr (a Wall Soon a tltr ihe conferrnre rrfMr.nJ

Thursdsy. Wallaee Indicated he w u unwlUlng to wait longer tor an m- ^ tenistlonal agreement, lie said tUit ” within ten days he would announ.-e i '„

ithe percenuge reduction tarm en;'-" Iwould be rcQulrrd to make to gualL'y; . ■ j!or.pa fm tB liup lo»m txlinuaoJ^ D| Ipercent, ..

At the same time. Wallace renew- I ed his threat made at Chicago re- cenily to sell surplus American whesV' 'I lln foreign markets at lets than do- l-S Imesuc matket prices. l«ei' Preparrt

He a id farm admintslrstors are^acr g ^ r e d lo finance from porUoni ol H wheat proctsiing u* proc«ds a ove movement of wheal from the Piclflc '-f '

iConUnued 0 n Poc* a, C o l 'iT 'u a


W I N ]T

T i i i S pI Pll Tfl liE Is ifli FflUDBlESS

A dm in is tra tion L eaders Be-

j g lr S ludy of G igantic

„ ConslrucU on P fo je c ls

B acked by G ovefnm ent

s e s — -(By Tlie AssocUted Preu) '

'Oil! TTrASHINOTON, July »-N ew VV I’'*"* accelerating work-

n - ’ ' Riving highway expendliures uere developed today by.ihe admln-

.ji> Islratlon u public worka chlefulns •tl began the study of the Upper Mts-

rltslppl river channel, tho Orand Coulee dan, the Cuper ■ Alcova rtclamatlon pUn and ihe iJl-Amcr-

r) lean canal projecU.The flrtl Ihree ot these big de-

syl- velopmenU. with cosl atlmates ag- coal gregatlng above t«iO.CDO/llOO. have >ved Ihe approval of Prtaldenl Rooaevell, TW The iMJCOXW aIl.Amerie«» canal :ace pUn ior IrrlgaUng the Imperial and lore Coachella nlte ja In Callfomlas ts for receiving specUl atleritlon from Bec-

rctaty Ukea. publle works admlnls- «5»y trutor.!UU No tlelay

tlic ~ —E. icontlnued On Page 3, Col. 3)

S IKS M i i l. —M rs. H oover E njoys O uiel

' ' t _ S E O ! E l ! i E 5 - 6 1 l 6 a £ m

In T u rbu len t L ife T ides

IJO. . —ll>d STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cai, «w. July M oll-A tall woman wllh •I of crown of gray hair, alert blue eye*

and euy urrlsge may be seen these Ihe summer mornings wattUig upon the he iicping Uwn whlcli sunounds hsr

»y- eampBs hJIWop home, irlll She pause* for a Ulk with Ihe < hey gsrdencr. survey* Ihe (lowen, slooi* •

lo pat a pollcc d « . Perhaps Ihere ts [ Uie a roomy kniuing bag on her tnn. lb* U ttf aho-may Uke from It U) un­lea; ftnlshed swtaur for a graodehtld.' of tnd mtka Iba nr«d>s click bualjy U m- uie chaU wllh a vUllar on the roof yl- veranda, overiooklng the placid wa> Ihe tera of San FrancUco bay. ff" nelore of TranqoUIly“ ! To the cMual otaener. thU mid- * T dle-aged grandmother presenu a ,

pIclurcofrtomts(Ietr«i(iuIlltyto*et off a train of muilngs. Whst a change ' these recent peaceful months mun , be to Mrs. Herbert Hoover, after het ' career ot adventure In many lu d t, , peeping beneath Ihc velvet surface

JJ; of Intemallonal intrigue, moving tn |* the brlllUnl circles of court *nd ‘ h* state tuncllonj, otacn'Ing war and ,

tamlns aod history In the making [... from S ring-side se a tl___________;I ? ------------Pleaunirlclnre “

A pleasant picture of contrast but, :II happens, not an entirely true oite.


S prees woman in ja i lBOISE, July 23 o r i- aettnak

Oaker, Lewiston, w u reprieved to­day from the Ne* Perce county jaU

I . . by an order of AcUng Governor ' Oeorte E. Hill.

The woman w u servlntt a itz •e months' sentence for eonttlbutlnj

. (0 tbe dellnqucncnifa'mfaof. The n sentence waa due to expire August

18. and u the famlly waa leaving the slate to reside In Wuhlngton

^ the acting govemor decided to let jOertrude go with them,

J io o o . MEN BATTLE ' ”


’ I BOISE July 2S (AV-One thoii- " sand men fouijhl Mulhtm Idaho

i foreil lifts today, ceneenlrsllng - 1 forees on an uncontrolled blaie ‘ isweeplng Ihrougti hcavj' timber on* j Pat's creek. 15 mllet norlh of Chal- ’ IlU. The fire had burned i:00 acres *:by this aflernoon. High wind and ^ ;Iow humidity counleracled efforU of ® ,'»S men. The lire morea lire mlla ' |on a lulf-mlle front fnm IU origin ' ne*Lthe Challls crtek Civilian Con-* serirailon corjw camp THursday. ET ; E. McKee. aulsUnt supervisor of ' Ihe naUonal fortsl. tald weather ' conditions made 11 im puslble.'lo ■ eaaUrsI Uie blaa,

. Two fires In the Idaho forest ntar : McCall were reported tubildlng. Two ' hundred men each «cre In the Mar- .

shall Uke and Carey creek areas.Ouy Main*, super 'lvrr of tho

I Bobe forest, aald his domain would be closed to all pemons except for­est workera'If lire* broke out thla week end. A crew of IH men w u

isucceasfully lighting a fire on Pfne 1 creek.


■ 'POST FALLS, Idaho. July » .I-SUndlng Umber was endangered Iwtst of here by a brush fire whleh ,

swffpJ/jf over several Jjuodrrf ; acrcs loday,' A largo crew w u reporied to be overcoming the bUu although i vrnng wind w u making It unruly.

I Nearby ranches wera saved Irom. ‘U alU e, •


F A L ^IP S N e w M e x i c o M o t h m r ' W i t h P o s s e s 1 i Of.Hu’P n (By Tha AsiJ l n A LBUQUERQUE. N, M , July 2# >uU f \ tonight with a Torrence counl

^ She U Mrs. A. n . Sheke, moi aod aasaull luspecl for wlwm the

Op. nlghl afler he allegedly shot and p 20, deputy sheriff.

- , i . Tho posse, one of several comb ‘•lie oftlcera engaged In "cleajilnj up tl

, show no <piarter lo U ym aa but h ;CIS Rez Meador, falher of Ihs sunfflkD

them. •lent “I surrender,- tli

slierUf ctme to Albuquemue wUH h She aUo asked (or a nole froa t

I prelection for her son from mob -li H,_ her etforU In attempting to locat( h "A! Bt,ewu»eeomptt)Mbrherdtis

Meanwhile Sheriff Meador dltli ed hU ton llet near deaUi and poll t

”{jj, tearch for Uyman by telephone.^ =

Tlio tael which become* prompt r evident In even a brief vttit to tl i Hoover home U Uial life for Ihe (o •

d r. mer .pretldenU' wife goes on re. r much u before,

lave ' New LUe Olttercal | reil, Por him, true, Uie new life U rerr mai different, and Uiere U time nov lor and recreaUoo logeUicr. Often a pletilc I Is lunch U .hastily atowed Inlo thef Jec- car and they are olf lo some scentb nis- spot on the skyline boulevard whlcti

. Uireads IU way among Uie plnea ov,- - erlooking the broad Paclllc, or do»-a

OT- the.c£ia*i.Io.U]o.w«x)fiJ.niDcli.e/.u>e— former president'* brother, Ttieodor#'> Uoover, dean of Uie SUnford school

’ of eoglnecring. Occasionally Uura ii U a camping trip, and whenever It Is I noi strictly a mens' parly, Mra. Hod- I ver It her'husband's compaolon.

icraaibllsf about Uu rock* aud lak- 1 U Ing piclurt* wlUi her movie camera.

I whlla he casU (or mounUln tnu t.L l Bhe U freed now'of tlie vicarious

strain ot hU tremendous reapoosl- blllly. Oul In ber on i departmasl of

. . acUvltlea In Uie partaenhlp. wblcA ISI luu beea called "a u>tnla;e ot eu:-

utlveC duUes have^notjihMgrtjwry

'l iP if i i i is I : P i m MEEiif ;r BOISE.' July a (T>-Mrmben ol

The Idaho SUU Hampshire Breed- .he era' association will meel In n ier

Tueaday erenlng, August J5_U ie I ts night betore the suto ' ram sale: U rin, U Dreckenridge, Twin Palu. pteal-, ffl. dem of„ilw . ^ U l l o n , MDOunce^ Hd. »d»»!JU Ther* are mort lhan 300 breed- Ml ers In the state and many of them r t. are expected to a(lend the meet­

ing. Idaho ranks aecond tn produe- Uon^ot high quallly IIamp.ihlre

Problem* of Ihe breeder*. Includ- _ Ing markeUng. culling and msln- ^ lenance or quality flocks will be • J considered during a round table ^ discussion.

Directors of Iho attoeUtlon are Minnie W. Miller, Wendell: Charles Howland, Cambridge, and H. L.

^ Pinch, Soda Spriaji."L The assocUtion will hear the an- ““ nual reporu of the president and the "• aecretary. M. C. Claar. Boise. New— offleerj-wlirbfl'eleeted.--------------^t, ^ ^ = = s = s = =U. I ■ I _ II

— Button 1i R !------------------------------------------------

IL ------------------------------------------


IX ' N5* I10 /St • - ^ ^'«m . -.fggP

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1 J

| F

■ Ii!

N E W SP A P E R m T W IN 1

L S D^ A Y ^ r o n N m a _ j y w j O j ^

ither Rides esto Save Life Hunted, Fugitive SonI Assoclned Press)ly 2S-T0 « \e her son'a Ilfe a moUier ret »uniy pos'c tvom to kill him., molher cf Jtck Layman, tormer convl the -Dead or Alive” order wenl out la; nd probably utauy wounded BIU Meado

wmblitallons of Tcxu and New Uexk up the Uudlandi." announced they woul u t his molher, atter appealing to Sheri ifflHn's allegrd victim, w u allowed (o )oI

,* tlie told Sheriff Meador today u Ui UH hU wounded son. oc tlie riieriff to the poase guaranteeln >b liolenee and In return promlaed io u at( her son and bring about hU aunende 6t jgJiter. wjjo »ij>o >'111 aid In the aearcJ fll ed hU time between the hosplUl wher bU t headquarten where he directed th e.


31^ -------3 Inspector Sends Heavy Extra ".‘I Detail Into Shabby Oriental .the _S cc tjo n .!0 ^M a In ta jn .H e ac olorelool ——f 1| NEW YORK. July JO Iff) - L c ■nirough shabby Chinatown. Ihe

fear of another long war apread to- nlglil.

m . Afler a member of Uie On Leong t, Tong w u shot and killed early to- out day. police aent' a Iieavy extra de- ^ Ull Into the Mott street tectlon to ol sUmp oul any flarcup ot tong klll-

iicn log*.L .. AssUUnt Chlet Inipeclor John J.

Sullivan u ld slrlle might result jJ £ among tlie Chinese from

Tlie Inspector asked d e p a^ en l of Isbor olflcUU lo aid In watching tlw dltuici

RAoto m ile r Slletue UP Tlie strange qulel of the ChUia'. I h town area w u shatUred tn tha ear-

ly morelns hour* by pUtol shoU. Wing OInn. an On Leong tons tnan, lumbled down the rickety aUln ot

ed- a Doyer* street house, six buUeU In lier bU body. A Chinese w u teen by Uie w lla aa .lo jl* r t dow iui>?J«)tw . Ik cd sUIn, hurdle his vlcUm and

al-, scamper down the sutet. , . ^

td- f6r Ihe Hip Rng long.J™ RecteUry ReporU1C- Sing Lee. secretary of the On Ire Leotat tong, hurried lo the Elizabeth

street SUllon. near Chinatown, soon Id- after.he heard ot Olnn's death.In- “Tliere Is trouble In Chinatown,* be he told police. <ble lie would not enlarge upon hla

Ilatemenl.■re Inspector Sullivan senl 61 'extn les iwllcemen Into Ihe dlsulcl.L. The lu t tong tlsreup hero wu

halted after police called In the Im- n- migration aulhoritlei and threaten- he ed wldtsprcsrt deportation pro- ew ceedlngs against Chinese unless


in Button, Who’s Got Th(

S p #

K d P

l S »

C^TTlCb^' b l X}1« MX


J a T T '1933_____________________________

niiiM wion M E 8 K 8 8mmmmironvlctJt l*sl -------

Administration Leaders En M list. Cooperation ol AlSheriff0 (ou Cities, Towns and Village! “ In National Undertakln(iteelng -------

(By n ie AssocUled Preas) S ' T t t ASHINOTON, July ffl-HuglS VV 8; J?'""" «">*■d the Waslilngton today wltli i ' , . code for the automobile Industrj

and predicted a full meuun ot *UC' = cess for Prealdent Roosevelt'* i l i a t employmenlcampaign.IIU ) I" response to queries ll w u an-

inilH nounced thal cooperation ot lowni ■ ■■■ ifllh population of leaa Uian 350C t p r *ou|hj^i r r Striking back Inlo the work of dl- i r r reeling the recovery movement, the

from poitmuter* and commerce de- liarimtnl otflcUU Uiroughout Uie

Uiousandt ot employe* were wvered iniw ftlftadybyhUnkel/greemenUprom- .««« Islng higher wagea and shorter worj:-

Meanahlle. to Uie administrator came a pledge from 11 of New York

P) _ city's largest banka lo do their part Ihe In expanding credit to finance an

d to . Increase in trade,~JiaUfy.BBpjK.rt

« n g Asiettlhg the objecllvca of Uie re- r to- coveo' program ‘jusUfy all the sup-1 de- port Iliat can be given lo them by m to the banks." Uie letter said:

"Loans made tn connection wtlli . the Industrial recovery program may 3- be likened to teuonal loans. Ttiey

2 ^ ^ wlli be mad* for the llnancbg ot

ment ' ■‘'“■DII,f.5ll0nMC8iE i l ls IN FILLS

hoU. _____nan.rt of POCATELLO. July » (flVDr. P. U In Scolt McBride, general a.uperlnUnd- ‘ enl ot the Anti-Saloon League and Y n j ■mlliunt—dry'M cadrrrwiII-m.we'

(OQr speeches in soutliem Uaho In ^t4r [h«./lsbt (0 KUIn vrohlb|l|on. be-

lioa in j wim an addre** in*to<(lff BuMtr, utortltns to ioeei mm- bers of the Allied Drya.

On Monday Dr. McBride will speak x th a t Twin FaiU; Tuesday In Pocalel- loon lo and Wednesday In Haho FalU, a I. relvscd speaking schedule showv rn,* Delegatet from mkny souUieut-

em Idaho towns tre expected here hi* lor Dr. McBride's address. Membert

of Uie Allied Dr}-a al BlacUbot. I tn Aberdeen. American FalU, Malad,

' l^nk lln . Oiisce, Bancroft, Soda w u Springs, Montpelier and olher com- lm- munlUes Mil com« to Pocatello tor en- the addrtu, according to local of. iro- fleer*. •less Idaho volet on the prohlblUon — Iiuenion-Beptemhcr'tr---------------

The Button I



T l si

^ ii;


. S]

JI at(

Mx un, '

Y N E■ ° ^ ' g g 7 , s r °

S Narcotics S S8 AtUse Oi i Horse RtE n- M E R C U R Y C L I N G S


ioesI • „ tua-peraliU over the Interior of thi '(ing countiT, wlUi Uie lowest valuea ove:

the pUteau, Rodgr mounUln am Wctlem pUln* sUtes. Temperaturt conUnue nUier high throughout thl

Hugh nrea.'Bprinklt» of rain occurred a ( (0 Baft U ke City, Lander, Spokane amII a PorUtnd, and a light shower a t Se utry alUe.*«• . . K I JJ


' i '■■I \ IB«lM I H t l M Ortr

i-di. E!SS".j=« S S a S ’ ^ M n T S n S i! S SS

!.' S SSfthg rMaUlla . t l a M a*ir Inl ranlana. Crt_TI U T CIsadr,“ S ! i i , t ! i f . - c u r i ! .'A ? K g : “ ' I S B t e : ! ! S S K ; ’om- tu llU .I t I t .it cinr }rk- tnakaa*____ U a T Uiar

s r



|)S S w e lle rin g H ea l Adds T hreo

M ore L ives to Toll of^

LOS ANOELES, Juljr M m - I A Sweltering hett on Ihe de*ert wattrt

S of touUieulem CallfomU where Lu 110 degreet U considered only ordi­

nary aummer weatber, claimed tbe Ilvra ot three tnen today, bringing tlie death toU to W for the current

Lnd . SebuUan' OuUrci, M. w u lound ng- -dead-ln front-ol-hU conwaled Iron ‘ , thack a t ImperUl. while Ball Wick,' 4 1 , died from lieat’wlUl* picking

m iiea on a ranch between C alodu Aff tnd liollvllle. Eariier Wm •at, mond, SO. Blythe. CallfomU,' ear*

penter, died in a iiospltai after be- , . ing stricken yetierday.

Net Aeellmaled The teven other vlcdmt wlio hare

'• • died tpparenUy were pot, coroner"! , , record* Indicated, accustomed to

tbe bllslerlDB heau The eighth *lc- Um w u regarded u a native. He,

^ Tom lUmmond. nivthe H-year-old *1' carpenter, w u stricken yesUnlay

while working on a building and he 1* died Uter.

S ! The seven oilier vlcUms for, the moit part awe mta who had coat trom cooler regions into the des-

. . rrt. seeking woric on llw Colorado ?E riveE_*qu{ducl,_wh!ch_.U__belng

built serosa Uie desert by a group = nf soutliem CtllforiilA elUes near— tho coast line to bring water Irom

i tfie rtver, ,The project, «hlch will require |

I the expenditure of some t n n m m i— over a eonitructlgn period of six ,

years, U regarded u ono of tlie• greatett |ieue-Ume engineering t t -

(orU e \tr undertaken. Thousand* ot, men are being employed'tnd many

nf Uiem are'sUanger* to the.dea- ert bul Kilhsl. a dogged watch of | their physical condlllon h u kepi Uie | casualty loll exlremely low, all Uilngs conildered. '

Fosr Cmpiaye* Ole CFVxir of Jlie dead were employed <

“ (ConUnued On Page J, Col. <1 h


____ IOWF-S8DORO. Ky, July 2» t r j - t

— D. V.-Willis. 30. automobile dealer I al OlA'Cow, Kentucky, and former d mannser of the Centre rollfge foot- ti bsll team, » u burned to death to*,o day iJi btk wrecked automobile-near*a

______________' |S. EUROPEAN YOUTHS SAIL ■;


NEW YOR|{, July 33 OfJ-IUbs ?' nnd Harold ilimran. who left Kris- . tUir-iiid. Noni.tr. on Marcli 2B In a “ 35-fool tloop.'' ttaclied here today “

• after a iran'-AHantic voyage. *“Tlie pHiiit wns born olf the tiuU

01 111,- bost, 'Trade Wind," which «hsd Hoppe<I Iwl at Uie Canary Is- «Iand« on June S. Several times, the 1brothers ssld. llic vewl leaked and “the waier had to be balled oul by *ua hand immp. jfJ



WASHINOTON. Julr M Ifl - JS J Edear Hoour will remain at the ‘ head of the *fe<leral goveromcnl'* " buifcit crime defection teener •H 'r , Ihe bureau of Inveillgatlon of the j" department of Ju»tlce absorbs the Investtgatlve actlviiies of the pro- *P' hlWllon bureau Augutt 10.

The qulel. heavy sel man who thi for nine rears ha.i dlrrcled criminal as larettltetloas e t Itic department of.lni Justice today w u named by AttoN ml ney General Cummings u director no Of the dlvUlon of Inveslliatlon ere. vai ated under the president's execu- hoi tU-e order coiuolldatlng the two de- ^ tecUoa tceoclu,


E W S ?________lOPAGES-S'CENTa

I Squad Hits Of Drugs On Racing Tracks

Federal Officers „ Swoop Down On ' SZ Chicago Officialsn and -------

; S Uncle Sam's Sleuths Strike Wilh LIslilnlns-Like Foree Against Band of Seven

? Arllnglon Park Handlers

(By The AttocUled Frees)-' r * mCAOO, July »-D oplnc c<

ci.Q«r I ; Tic«. horses cn a ntUon wld* . n S I scale *a t charged by U» goV- riur emment lodty a* lUnarectiotquaiU citndy Mruck wlUr Ughlnlnt force agalnit - US! a btnd of *e«n b o w haodkrt #t riMdr ArUngton park, Chlcagol paUtial

NorUi.Slde titck. . , -•La-f Swooping down en Uie rich tnck, I'esr where dote to a lialt mllllOQ doUat* - ’

In punet have been dlstrlbulMl duTx Hur ingamonUilmeetlBg.federa}af«ata

BTTttltd the seven men aad tfc^ - made Uie stunning annoascetneot

>|l Uis government had coaclutlvo proof I n that at least 300 horw, csopettac '■I in u many races during the pa^ - mmm. ('Si'i monUit, b td been doped s t " T r v*rious Ameriean racing strip*. " f n OffieUb Voinnteef ^^ At ttt upshot of Uie a m su and

revclaUoQ ot Uie govemmsot^ ! sweeping lavestlgatloo of naicotto

nree Uw vloUtloa*, leading otfUcalt'ef ■ Aillncton Paric, which closed lU tUh

' o f meeUng today, and a tcore of jocl-- I eys, trainers acd ownen win be o r t» .

inru'cr«d'(6U3IiybiIIUiftIUSniBnillS "^ Jury bere next weeLK.J.An*JlBg«r,

commUsloier ot narcoUct a t Wash-- ington, emphaslud Uiat Arllnitfn l i " Psrtf olfWalt had volunteeftd and 1^” given excellcDt coopenUon In ttie

InvcsllgaUoo a t their tn c k during the past moDUi and would testUirTsl*

'“ c ^ 'i s s la n e r AnsUngcr Rfutrd to dUcusa report* and rumott ef

5und Arlington but tb c -a tm c ■of two horwt, »Loult Dear,"

^ by Jack Iloward of turf faUe, and

S S 'PaWb.'one'of ' 'c tr . r t , were meoUeivtd by agent*. ; ,- be^''O tte iigenita ldhehadteca ,*lA l» ■'

Dear*, "doped* Uiree Umei durliic tbs Arlington Park msetlng aad Ibat

hare jesterdty » hypodomlc needle w tt ' ner't remo'redtroaUiebons'sDeck.Own*

to er Jaek Howard denied thU. Parka vie- iiowerer, admitted thal."Louie D ear He, had been given a drug only to cure -

'-eld the animal of a U d cold 19 he could rday race.1 he In the races yesterday, "Timor. ‘

out’ won at a tllghUy belter than >• the to-3 favorite but 'Louie Dear," after

omt Jesdliig htlf way srobod the trsek, des- w u beaUn by 'Fiddler," a IS-to^I rado shot in Uu betting. "Ru»ty,“ a #*>:i <lng shoL llnltlied tecond wim a nMa ad^ •'. 'oup vtnttgs over "Louie Dear." OfflclaU Kar wld Uiere D'u no doubt U ul both rom “Timorous" aod "Louie Dear- had '

attempted to rfa t* much u pot- uire tlble. BoUi rtcelved excellent rides MO rrom P. Springer and 0. Cotbctt, re- •I* tpecUvely.“J® Cwptrale W ly .

J Chriilopher PlWenld. prcatding ,„r ot Arlington Park, taid beIu . and other puk offlcUU had given

o( full cooperaUon to Ute federal ageoU U,o but Uukl he h td no delllnto proof ■tl Uial tny of the hone* a t Arltogtou

Iiad been doped. Beyond Uiat, he and other Arlington oKlclalf refuted lo

red comment excepl to u y Ihff alwayi —. were out to slop doping ot race I horses wherever p ^ b l e . '

The teven men trrestcd last nigbt ail pleaded not guilty befort'Com- mlsslaner Edwin K. Walter. Who tt t

f^E their bondt at tUO each and con­tinued Ibe cttet WlUiout bearing.

■>« Each WM charged wUh vloUUan'of .Itr the. I(arrUoa.nareoUe..Iaw,.tcrtild. ’ uer dmg lUegal posMuUm and tnoqior- ot. toilon of nanotle*. Only Parke wtt lo -! uble to fumlih bond. Tho tlx others, • t r ’all lield. are Dr. NeUoo Edavd

I Soutliard. a velerinariaa, who u ld hit home w u LouliriUe. Kentucky;

! and slablD grooms. WUlUm Payne.* Hinton "Ocorglo Boy Parkt, Wll. jp lum (Bottomt Up) Coooey. Charles

Mllehell and WUIUm Jpnes. Parke, one of Die mosl famous ot Amerlcaa Jockeys a decade ngo. wat denied a

, : license to train horses a t Arlington• V Park and acted la an unofllcUl ea>’ paclty, tr« k stewards said tonight.

Belween 400 and SW grains o tna>51, coUcs were found in possession of ths 4. Belted men. Ralfii Orkr, chief of he the federal narcotic dlvUlon la Chi­ld Mgo, reported. Botllej of compound by suppwd to b« a mUlure o( narcot.

Ics. syringes, liypodermlo needle* and other apparatus Ior admlnUtering "dope' also were found In Uiclr pc«. sesstoD. he sold.

H Commlst-ioner AnsUngtr ttld ths got emment. Interested only In the en- forcenieiit ot the narcotic Uwt and

“ wim Ihe cMpemilon ot prominent raelngolllclils.Uadbeenlnvettlgatlog All Americtnltnick* for the past year In secrrcy, the agenU potbig at i*ie tnck followen and gamblen oul to

J. spring a belting coup.-We uncovered coochulve eridene*

10 that atJeast 300 horses. compeUngbi AS many nces, have been doped dur*

9f,lng tbr ;a s t rlfh t mosUis.'' Com* s mlssloacr AnsUiw said. T hero U ir no evidence of a dope ring 00 the ' . varioBS tnck* bt;t Ulegal doping of I- hones h u been gobig oo and must

‘'cttcilaii.ed pa'pago 4 p o l- li- ;

-4 1

Page 2: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

P n g c T w d '

l P T h (

a i i i l iIHiniHGI

; iSTEICiOIIS, Observers Eslimale 50,OM)

Men, Women and Children ' As ParlWifanIs In Hunt

For'Mclal-and Living

Bt FLOVO W.'lAKSDOH • (AM«Ut«l Preu Blalf WrUn»

8P0KAME. July M - An tm y of BoldMtken, moit of ihem more con* crniM iriU> flndlw »■trlklcg 11 rfcb, h u itArUd » m u tli Jhrough th* culllci »nd cinyoni cf .the Wejt. _________

E x p e r t s O f f e r

■ T i p s t o M i n e r s

SrOKANK, t t («V-—If TOO a n an amitcw u d in*tend to b n l fer p ld ibl* i«a* >mer. Iwn u « tone eon- .(ded br Dr. E. A. flriKker. d e u ,»f mtnlaf I t Wubl»(l«n lU U 'M llent ’

Don’t lU ft on )■ pntpeellnr Iitip w iibn t pnper ofvtpnenl |Ukd cM Usr Md feod CBoBlh l« . h i t »t k « it M d»j>-

Dant «x9Mt l« h a n u ew ; i U m vrapedtnr. «*e*r mlnlacb hafd mek. flOed irilb dEnp' i p tblaenta.

Donl woek M pftnM r ovntd ior (tata h a d or oo aar e tila I

DoBt eipw t ! • a “retnhom ’ '10 Iiart pUeer BlatBf and maki 1 a IMnr f n a Ibo bectnBlnci b Kart v llb u wpetfaaeod mtnv

------ .aad-leata Im* and w hm to _nlna. ' P

Om I I r t dkMWictd U ro« d l fta rt mako o m M or R oonto n «d i r u f t i U r t . . gl

I *aU outol ftom 17ett«n ftctoi <a- ^

dleato Util t l W a n . vomea u d fichildren, aotlD t ilnilr. and lo “ froupt tn 'im rir iN zr leld-prodaa*Inc wctkm.VHl e t tb t Uliilalpplrln r.'B iko n p .thoba i* n t n t m j

For tho moil part Our t n Uhm vhoM lota In dU n u d on faimi b a n b m m p t awa; br the deprei* ikm, tltbouth hundndi of old- tia e n iib o b l n (ptBt UMtr U ni in ,, ■ tttnor-lM ifM M atul N a ^ , t t r tojditU lm onoBteiebfprlsc. ”

’ Rlebci a v ill onlr t fov of th< ^ Uwonndi. A he«]thtul nmmer ip in t out or doon. v ltb oolr moder* n ato vaiH In cold d u t ii ta pm> h, ^Kclforibemajotllr.ielinuncmln* M W . i t

TDi' th l tin t llnM'^itlRf ueaclca t ta tn ll j cim i t9 th i aid of thi d proipecton thU tprlnc- In man; l< lUlM .m bitakea and wme equip- Pt n m i n n fUmlabel At Spokane. 1; for ezimple. Um oounly velfin botrd'illomd t l .n i « e k lo m - *: eral huadred u t i aided them la ob- * talntnt'pIcki.'iiboreU, tnncttrr, bed* dtnc u d otber equipment ^

Q ib i to Sehool JlThroughout t ^ Weil free placer »t

minlnt u d profpeeUnc eluKiirere am nted by coUefei, unlrenlllea Hi and mlatnc une)attoca Thus thou- W

. u n d t of im iteun vere | l n n their lin t InitrucUon tn the MU of loeit- t I h iu d p u n ln iio ld .

ll At Bpokiae m2di SOOO men. worn- '\ -Ml U d ChUdrea. pntllcally aU ot

them from the ruk* of the unrm- ployed, rtjlilertd for IniinicUon. •. U ctum were glrm by collete p n - ^

. ifMon, and u iual demonilntloni i,, In pinnlnj. rctkerlni and pUcerlni y, by Hiuned proirerton.

The Irek ilv ted M loon u the ' /no*- «ai off thf eround ta - lo irr m ioni. TtitM ptoipeciora "irorked" the lover endi ol rlren and creek*, raarln* lo the head**- tera u Ihe mow Une rrcedrd.

----------------B « t Oprortonlly - . -11 la In Ihe liljher rejlon*. nc.ir

Ilie headoMen o> Hma, and in Kiilcliea nlf theie itreami. atkntllle

• mlnm *»r, IJw par coU mott Jttriy It lo be found.

The luU moremenl liuexpectrd t^' be u n d e t^ y by June I.

*• Amaleor*' experience* lait lea- ;wn, when the fln t bl« amateur nuh cot noted. Indlnie that thta. year'a prwpeeton h a n only one chance In a iTindrrd of makUig tMlter th^n

. /«fr ntt*. M eilr ilandardi eo. Snme wUl wake le«-b»itly morr

• than enouRh’ to corer expeni^i. Some won't do eren that weU.


SERVICEDecaane of ou r vcars of cxperlenc^ w ilh nuilditiK M a ler lB U -.o n d HuildlitR M ethods we a rc in n post' lion to d v e y o a .th e correct

m a te rU ls fo r every job.T alk y o a r buildintr prob­

lem s over v K h us.W c m alte 'Y O U R problemy

•, O U R problem s,


HEILMAN H IN Z E . M gr.— Photie S4 —

■ ■ ■ '

e r e ’s G (

ThowMtndB of men und wom' w ith so ld a m o from fllllnsH in on th e Rold standard were shov raw In pro8peclorB^schoota t h r I le re a re B etly , le fl. and M ae A ru d im e n ts of panning gravel •cbooL T h e JnN lrutlor Is a ve lc i and Rullies. Richard. M arsh.


H A f l i Z i l f l j y u u i 'i- (

• F0BECA8T FOR TObAV AND • TOMORROW - ralri lltUe efeknp '

T ht maximum u d minimum tem- t ^ n tu re i aunnf u e ill tlMUl p re-.' eedlnc 8 P. M. yuterday wero M and , V decreet, wcordlnt to D A Cheyne, f covemmenl weather obienfer. Th« < wind v u f ro d iU u iio rth v u tu d Ihe t

. day wat clear. Thl barometric p r a - e , tu n wat recorded U28J7 Inchet and I , the humidity u from 70 to 34 per 1; ; eenl of uluntlon. . a

' Lightning KUIs ' ; ~Y onth-A nd H urts i I N ineOtherTexans I; AHTOH. r tx u , Julr M m ~• Ui&tDlsv ttruek tw in a t v a n e e -

tM a riS S i' u te today; kUUnc D tr- ‘ wood UumU. ]l. Ambertt, and la- '

t lurln|-JUao penoot. f J . T. Peton, 18. u d Jaek Outtdllf. . ' IJ. wen knocked unconKlou* and , ’ htlf a doten otber penona wen In- t ‘ lund tUihUy when the t in t bolt j

ftrack a eoflcettlan tttnd. nI A few leeoDdi liter, tnother boll . ) Itruck the e u t ilde of the rtce r iroundt, when a horte rtce w tt In- pracreu. kllllnt Murrell and Mvere- ,

ly Injurlnc Arthur Couch, ai. .g Peten w u taken to Lubbock and ,- when recelred t l a hoipltal there . . w u itu t unranKloui. . , . P. E. Colllni. bibbock, w u lUnd- ,

Ine In wlut he ttld w tt 'retchlnjr . rilaUnoe” of MurreU when Itthlnlnc itru c t CoUlnt u ld he felt no ^

r Ihock. 1• UslitnlnB iparki pltyed all orer j. I the youns man'i body and he "drop- ,- ped ltke he w u ihoU" ColUni ttld ., „

• Pour Cliildren Die, “S fte r Crude R aft ; Overturns on Lalte■ ‘NARAnEnt. Pt.. July M Wl - ! Pour chlMreh drowned tonight t( -

ter A makeihlli rtfl orertumed I n '' the deep part of the Narareth C c-;

: | '" B U n O N , I

W H O 'S g o t Tl

f f i



T R O Y L 4 t f I M P E C I ^ C


rold I n '

ome;i w hose previous experience in th e ir tee tli o r read ing a rtic le s

how n how (o recover i l fro m (he ! th ro u g h o u t Ihc w est thlB sp rin g . ] e A nn Sw anson being ( a u s h l th e i ^el a t a Spokane, W ash ing ton , < ilc m n o f tnany a trek up canyons

I 'm eat comptny dtni, elghl mllei ! iiorUieut ol Ewton. '

i The clUklren wen Identlllcd u [ Mildred Rutt. -12; her btolhir, , Clitrlei. 10; Joeeph Wlaten. 19, and '

ID Joiephfielp,jr..a,AllUiebodleiwen , I , iwonrwf. ,£

I Ko oni wllneued till tragedy, tnd,-; ■t he four youagiitn v t n not m ined! r

1. until they failed loahov up I t bomS:|B T ^H trte-------------------------- --------- 1Id . PUymtlet then told police th iL le, four pluned to ttke a nrtm in Utt |t u 'd tm . PirenU and nelthbon Invei* v

a l " ' t£ ° b a ^ * chUdren’i Iidt C tm penneartliedtm beidqulck- i: (r ly plunged Into Ihi n te r . brtnglng

out 001 body after U n othtr.Oting fltrei, poUcc located Use or- ^

erturaed, htUH>ubmerced.rafl. p

J M F I C E f lE C E S s

A tupply of Uie 1)Iue eigle" Id- Bi ,, lUgnl* of Uib ntUontl admlnUtn-

tlon h u been deUrered to 'T w in ^ m i t poitofflce. Captain P. W. Mc- u R ^ r t t . p<utmuter. u ld yeiterday. g,

'<* for dlitrlbutlon begUtnlng next ^ „ TUeiday. Auguil I, among butlneu ^ etlAbllihmcnU ilgnUig the titeil- ^ llent'* rKmploymenl agreemenl. d

Applicant* will recelre tho Inilg- . ■* n it upon prcMnUUon of Uielr ilgn­

ed agreement* a t the postofllce. and : “> e ifh tppUctnt will receive two large

placard!, two liangen, 10 large : atlcken. 70 imill lUcken. 20 eui- ■■ lomen'tllcken and JO blatikj to be -

ilgned.by cuitomen.'» A blue eagle gripping a cog wheel

In one cltw tnd a lUhtnlng bolt In the other U the centnl llgure of the tnslsnla. which carrle* tlv> the

'* a-onli: "NRA member" and -We do • •. our part-

LOQ CADINS .oi> Wood Rlr^^ tl Mile ITetl af ReUbam.

II nay, M Week. UO Sruea - ' Kaddle lierMi .‘ Xcd Fojler, RKklng N. F. Ranch

I, B U n O N , -

THE B U n O N ? "

'lj LOSS OF It brt oflo'of <Ki tfiin^i tti it ctn (lepptn to e irtliit ly dry*

J c leinid 9«mitnbl

’ Wo Lnow «i»f EXPERrLY d o n * muit b i cvtfuDy dom, <1 will. — *nd wi act iceordmolyl Wtiolher

J it it a ruqyid iportt co tt » o r a ihe ir t l ^ of filmy d in c . c y - y o u miy ba tur* wa wig ratum it ipot. lettfy c tiin — a n d In i i good condition a t wa rt. c tiv id 111


J N D R Y ^ a tl a E A N E R S

P H O N E .

if f i y f f i iF S , T W IN r a i l s , n > ;i s

T h e m 'l i i i r a f I f i m i i i'I Pellllon for Wril of Han- a date Appears' Before I Higji Idaho Courl at Boise

V BOIHE, Julr W MV-nic IdBho tupreme court « u aiked today, to

I t declara d/tliitge dbitrlcu loetl Im- K proTCfflcnl ilitilcta,. when etch I landowner li reiponilble only ferI the cost of Improrement* to hliownI lind; tnd i Im lo compel the ae- I cepiance of bond* of Ute dittrtct In I piymenl of tueum enU agalnit

lands.The guciiion wm lubmltled by

Edvard Slrtui. Mlllon Siraui and C. A. mctiol.%011 In Ihe form of a pellllon for a writ of mtndtle, dl> reeled l6 Janel Ketchen, t u col-

■ lector of Ada eounly. TTieUireemen P own laridt In drnintge dUtrlct num.I her:. THU dUlrlct, Uie peutlon n i t ' fo:Ui. U delinquent tSl.OOO on bond^

du* In p u t y ta n but nol yet paid, ■nd wUl default on another 170,000

lee Augutt I, Ilnce there Li no money to les Ibcm. Tlie petitlonen. on the L . OtlKr hand, allme Uiey have paid " J m per « n t ol the loltl cost ot the 'K* Improvement u oneued to thtlr he land, which U every ccnt due up to m, August 1.ins The/ tendered to (he coujity

trruurer. they ttld , bondi of Uic dlitrlet tnd ct*li lutllclenl lo pay

~ up Uie entire aueuiiicnt agtlnil l](i tlielr land, whlc.*! Uie Ueuurer re-

fiwd. Tliey contend that the dnln- , , ate. dUtrlct U a loctl Improvement “ .dUtrlci. And that they cannot be

“’J.tuew ed Jor m on money ihan the tniounl originally Kt fonh u bene-

. n il lo their Und by Ute court order Idetrceing Uie debt of Uie dUUIct.'^

wl .They oaiert they cannol be ltied,tolJ « !piy the delinquencies of other Itnd ^•jholden. ; |~ t Bte lender wa* In threo formi, ^ One ttnder wai a bond ot Ute dU-i'' ^ trk t not yel due. They offer. thu![, 'V.|boml en Uti Uiiory Uxtl ll vlt] n - I„ »*:dure Ihe toUl debt of Ihe dlttrlctl^

ond vUl eom«pondliul7 nUere^" »■ them of further lltbUlly to pty u - '' n* teumenU .10 the dUUIct. ®

The tecond bond Undered v u due U ll yu r, but unpaid, and Ute p petitlonen leck to eilibUih nol S otUy wheUter defaulted obUcitloni . ol the dutrlcl can be tendered In , payment of iwaimenU. but W hil,, priority. If any. there may;,bS In ^

II (htptymntlordefAuKed’tesdt. ^

*; e b ttta 'ta (un U ld petiUontn’^ u - e n- gatloni to the dUtrlct." - . i • • -.Thi-oourt-lBiied an allernatlve ” vHl ol mandtie to the county

Ireaturer, directing her to ihow ^ e tu u Seplember la why Ute order I' thould not be mtde peremptory. H

Pnblle AeeennUnt, CUitoer St. BUpbent. Pbone «OiM. 8y il(n»- K ABdlta^AdT. tl

Id " i " ' =I* .

b e ..................................................... ..........

b h b b h b m i i i

P o w e r o n tl- n i g h l s . . . !

q u i c b r o s p o .

r e a l s u m m e a l l t h e a d i o

I l ' s m a d e b y i l t o l h a c l i m

. o l s u t f i m e r

v a p o r - l o c k g i v e s s m o o t

k n o c k p eril a t a l l s p e e d

Y o u r c a r ,w . . . a n d s o :

n idtrlhuled by


I T>vin Falls. Idah


T h a r H~BR€V ITI€S11 AMume* N evTSIiuon-J. H. Mel- HI ten h u gone to Bolso to tuume hi! H L new duties M gutrd t t the IUte pen.


aJendod VWt-Mn- M. P. Bur­in* gon nriumed yeiterday from twt

monlhi' TUU Ut MUtiicapolU' and Or6 MUsourl cities.

ISB On Trip to Park^&lr. and Mra Bert A. Sweet expect to leave earl) tomorrow on toveral dtyi' vUlt It

aho Yellou'itone p a r t ’• to '« 'Ini. •Submit* to SnrnfT-PTtd John- . MU, nut)l, underwent an emergency , oiienlloR^'yeitecday at U» T i’ln »» pnUi couniy general hoiplltL

ae- raUenl a t ItoiplU l-J. R. Htrt- • in ley. Tain MtUs, was tdmlited lo the

Twin PtlU county hoipltil yeiter­day to undergo medlctl trettmenk.

by Helun In a MamitaJo^-.Mr. and ind Mn. R. J. RUey and Mn. Rlley'i la- t , tlier.Mr.S.Etil.liaveretumedIrom

I veek'i itny a l Ihe lUtey cabin on ,* Warm sp rln p creek.

» |. -Vndergeei Opentlon — Ettgene

"(I Perrlne. ion of Mn, 11. Perrtiie, Twin - J , KUU, undervenl n mi)or open- ,M lion j«ierday a t tho Twin P4IU OOQ county general hotplial.

the Hrre Fnm K tn u i-M r. u d Mn. aid Robert Tonti and iwo loni, lEaven. the Kansas, arrived Ute Ust week lo Itlr vUll t t the home ol E. Wcmer lo and Robert It. Uerman. reUllvet.

i)ty tnSoy C tudU n T rip-M r. and Llic Mn. D. R. ChUKhlll and Mn. T. H. >ay ru-lii litve lelt on a three weeks' ml our of the Ctntdlau Rockies. They re- will so as far a t Lake LouUe.In'- ’ ■_ ,'n l Itelum lo Colorado - Mr. aud ^ Mrt. U o SUnpson and dtuglitcn,

LeoU and c:anl Blnipson. who fer wo weekt have been gueaU of.Mr.

'" fa/m pM ni jwurnlt, itt. »ud Mn. O. • “ S m . Simpson, left yetierdiy for thtU- jjjlhomt a t Wray. Colondo.

All„^l At^M>'-n>V. H. B. Will, “ ■■pistor of the Church of ihc Breth- “ 'Iren, and n number ol memben of "“ ;hls congregation will attend the tn -

nutl tummtr auembly ol the de- “ nomination 41 Btever campground

,l in e a r Meodowt. Idaho, Auguat I lo “ ‘ 8,

■" Btr Society W(»U-The TwUt j Fliiu County Bar asMclatlon m h In the New Rogenon hotel jesierday and heard John W. Onham. W«i- ern dUtrlet commltslontr for Uie

, state iiuoclttlon. reporl on the re- eent convention of the Idlho organl­utlon.

Jl, • —*. End K ileftiln ToBr-MUt KaUt- U- eryn Or>-ton and MUi EUiel.KaBli,

Twin PalU high ichool tetchen, ... have ntumed from a lengthy tour ty of the Bouthwett. the SouUi. the

Sastem leaboord lecUon and a trip cr to the Century of Prosreu ezpctl-

tlon In Chicago, > • t

,V. O nup C«n E u l - F r a n k L l — Knight, recently recm'ered Irom a n '

attack of ipoiied fe\'er, and hU fam- ^

1 th'e Hills .--.-ron Hpt days . . i^ieed on the ievel sire iponse to the Ihroltia in tral imer motoring! Pep 88 i :lion you pay Io r. . 7dhd li I by a new process which p limatc, lo the chcmglng lei ier days an d nights, Il ± . . . a n d ooth'aranli-lerformoncs: . ' ^ leds. Tryil. i■ will like it J lio yrHI you!

R o y a l




, JULY-80,1D3S

U F I• » U y.accom puledbyiU utton^K el ■ % ton. left Prtdiy lor Uteir home li

PhlUdelphU. PenniylranU. by wa' of.VeUovitone ptrk, 8 tll U ke Oil] DolUt, Texu, tod Chleago.

le hls ' 'pen- CoDclDde OsUog - M n. Beui

Burkhalter and daughlen, M lu Evi and MU* IrU Burkhalter. retumci

But- jtsttT itr from Piyrlte laket vlw i I two tor 10 dtyt Utey h tte been guetU o r in d rrltndtalUkeVlcw.MUtDurkhtlt.

e r hta Jutt completed itudiet a t thi tummer tehool. Unlrenlty of Idaho

Mn. ^ tocw -early 'lit lo CueU Putar Speakt — Rer

. Oeorgt t . Clarke, putor of Utl Fin Pretbylerlati cliurcli, Idaho FalU

lohn* Till pretch a t the Twin PiUt Pret- ttncy byterlan churcli thU momUtg anc Twin a t Ute union church terrtee In cItj

park tonlghl. Rev. Darke alto vU: . UU local PrubyterUn pulpli

i{„(. next Sunday, s the . - • 'ater- ' Oa OaUng Trip-A poup of tcv- lenk. ea Twin PaUa gUU, cxsapoted ol

MUt NUt Nevm u; *UUt Joyei and Thompton, MUs Jean Bacon. MUi lft. Barbara Tliempion. MUt Betly »ta-

lrom'S<I'>^‘» > ^ r “' Httach and MUi n on I r» n ee t Thompton. left yesterdty

morning tor a week't outing a t Bold Mountain Hot Sprlnp. Ketchum.

Family Bennloa-^^mbert E. Day, ,fni. HoIlyvBod moUon picture tound en- r ttlj ginitr. and Ueuleotnt Vcrrwn £

Dty. Nev York, tn officer of the Vlilled Sltle t coast cutfd. vlUt their

Mf. ftmUles, are gueiU a t the home of , Ihelr parent*. Mr. and Mn.’ Edwm

U . • N. Day, their vUlts marking Ihi flnt .njjy.rtnnloa of Ihe famlly In l3.yetn.

"■ Home Alter Trip-JUdgeO. P. Du- •nrf VtU. Twin FaUi, attorney, u d Mn.

. „ Ourafi htve n tum td tn m u e tte n d - ed trip thal look them to K tn tu and MUtourl on legal builneu, to W uh-

’ Ington, Baltimore. AUintle Clly and I New York, and return by wty of Chi- ' ctgo, when they attended the Oen-

“““ turyof Progreu expoalUon, and MU- "^ •v au k ee , where Judge DuuU. a*' ‘f . Southern Idaho dUtrict deputy grand

exalted ruler, attended the annual h e t ‘“''I*''-

i J E U i i i i w L

i N B B B F i D T“ to ' ■— i

IDAHO FALLS, July 39 (/IVDU-1 coitry of tbe body of 8. A. Bu»?n-1 btrk. 11, BUckfoot, t l hU nn e h '

, net r Bone, e u t of here, thli mom-1 tng wta reported to Sheriff H trry ; Meppen by VesUl Chrlatenten, who'

^ MildM a t Bone, and Alfred-Empey,! 1;“ Ammon. The body v u found by .

Btymond Gardner,- who lives nearj U» Biwnbtfk nneh, vho JjreughJ vord to ChrUtenien and Empey,' SherUt Meppen uld . ,

Bit, Mr. Buaenbork apparently died ’ icn, Friday erenlng vhUe hauling wood lour trcm Umber near hU place. HU the liorM ctme to the Otrduer n n e h ' trip nearly duik u d Raymond started ctl- letrthlng, bul gave It up unUl thU '• I moming. Sheriff Meppen and Ding-

Ihtm county offlcen htve gone to :Lllnvettlgato u d Uke Uie bcdy to l t n : BUckfoot. Mr. Buienbtrk'WM weU. I

im- ^knom at BUckfoot. |

a y s a n d c o o l P e p 8 8 i s

s t r e t c h e s . . . I d a h o - ^ t '

I r a f l ic — t h a t ' s p h o s i s i s o38 g i v e s y o u h a v e l i m e ,

id I h e n s o m e ! s h i e l d , in i l c) h p r & < i d j u s t s , . , a n d s e n (

r t e m p e r a t u r e s e r v i c e d c cl l b a n i s h e s g r a d e o f ;V i

E P Syal Purple Clfmatc Contrc



obless ^p i i i BiS

LiCDllllI Eva /imed — —

Wfieat Fluctuates WIdefy or Twin Falls Market and Dairy Products Decline

The commodity market In Twlr L |r , FtlU'durins Uie wrtk vhlch ended

t.\st tileUl wa* ittlarta by i atrengtlienUig b e u mirkel -whlcli held lU golnt, lUdden idnocet and decline* In Uie price of w hnt whleh

..H t closed 7 cenU h lg to . a lUght bi- ^ crease In the price of ctUle and a

decline In the price of butterftt and butter.

1 . f The flrtl eorload of Ute new poU- Orte to crop la TvUi FtlU couniy waj

consigned to Eutem mtrketiyeater- Ma. bJ" B- Long. ,drtJ#r. wh» U lu bought Ihe ihlpmenl of early Ohlea .H.vinrid Trlumphi from C. E. Plcketti. ^ ! northwest of UtU elly. Tlie poutoe* , j brouslit less lhan )2 a hundrcl

Tliere n-aa no market for the nev I crop Rl tiiy price al UtU dale last

^‘ '■.year.I e ) Bftnt clteed l u l week with tU the dealen out of the mtrkel bul wlUt a

heir Itop price of quoted Ihe pre- , a t ceding day. L u l nlghl lU detlen i ,la I were offering t t and MW for num. n j , . ' l>cr I and number 2 Great North* [?"‘ |ems. -me iirengthenlng se;itlment

I wu notlcetble tnd ' penlitCDl jjjj, throughout the week.Wn. Wheat FlucfBtlei

Wieal WM erratic with pronoune.' ed adrancet and declUiei, Dlcklow

. doted a t 8T cent* as compared to a .h, dote of M'centt the preceding week,

A high of M cents for the week v t t dU- ------

" I PERCALXE Hay fever tutferen, here'a

Ihe'beit v ty lo obUIn nllef.

_ And It costs leu thtn t l a WCCL Aik tnoie wno nave

flT used Percalx about the re-II markable rcsultt they have

“ ' oDtalncd.—.See

,1^ CORA GREENHOWPerealx DUlribator

Phone JJ Next to Orpheum. I to 8 p, m . .,

rryrho -■ — s

*b ’

^11 Farmers />od 1 1 I f you Arc interested ^ , 1 1 or 6.ycntM)ld'etvcs to p u t ed I I coil and .ice me.

?;‘l | M, c. ROIto M I Room Bank and T rw

* ] ■ ■ ■ ■ —

i s a v a i l a b l e U i r o u g h o u t I I t 4 0 0 s e r v i c e s t a t i o n s w h e r

! o n a e i v i c e . D r i v e i n — a i

l e , I h e m e n w i l l c l e a n y o l i l a l e t i r e s , i i l i b a t t e r y a n d

; n d y o u o n y o u r . w a y w i l h o c a r . T h e s e m e n k n o w th

iV ic o M a t o r O i l l o r y o u r o a i' ___ ( h e p e r l e c l t

f o r P e p 8 8 . ^ w h e r e v e r

, t h e P e p 8 8

P C # s i g n . . . Ih ^ c o r d i a l s e rtrolled


W a n t I t 'IS l O C O i l E S l

■|fg i O N S i m i l l K

BOISE? July 23 WV-Count!ea t n enUUed to bid upon ittto highway [y on verk. afier qutllfying vfth bJif- den' bonds. Juit the um e u prlrato

and conlracton. Attorney Oenenl Bert •• ,11. MUler decltrtd Stiurdty In tn

niinp opinion for Bobert E. MeParUnd.” Kootenai eounty attorney.

TWt provUo. Uie atiomey g ta e ^ Xwir, continued, doea nol permil counUtt

ended bid on the conttntctloa ol 'f iad- Ku . cr" or to-ctUed farm to m a tttt whlcli decUred part« and lyitem.which ' CaUUtg attcnUoR to u appamit ,t tn. cnnfUct twtween Uts UUe of Uie lav ■nd a PcrmltUhB thU blddlnc by counOet,It and tndU ielex lof Ute.actvhlch'appar-

eaUy conflaet bidding to 'county highway dltlrtets u d cood road dutrtcts." Ute atWRiey fenen] held U at Uu onUaloa ot U » c«nm» after Uto void coualy apparenUy had nuUlfled Uw legUUUn b len t

“J*™ M let torth In tho tIUe.

reached*ntundayaftofBlO<*ntad.vance during Uie day. •

• Light butolier eatiU adraneea » cenu to |<.7) Tuesday and maUitoln-

h all ed Ute g tln through the vnk , lUt a Bulterfat dedlned t cant TMet-. pre- day tnd I cent Saturday, c lo tl^ a t

r tle n ' l l cenU. Rtnch butter opened Uio num. «tek a t 33 ecnU u d doted a t n orU). ccnls nnd creamery butter fell frooi ment 37 and 29 cenlt to 30 and U cenlt. litCDl, ReltU pricea tiid olfertnp n -

I malncd about Ute tame. Nev com of good iiuaUty told a t 30 cenlt a dot.

leo. Fmh apiJfoU /nm the oout, wne. nev here, found a good market a t :klow H.IO a en te . CallfomU vatermeloni to a vere down to 3 cenlt a pound u d

reek, nnlaloupei v e n leUlng a t aa a r- : v t t erage of 10 cenlt each.

OFFERS YOU y QUICK RELIEFe'a -ef. fro m .

' • TROUBLE Dnd. AS'niMA.

Try Percalx!

Allention!sted in b uy ing a few Rood 6

p u t on y o u r fa rm s th is fall,

ROBINSONTnlst B ug., o r Phone 170

J t U to K a n d 'h e r e . I h e e m -

— a n d i f y o u ,: y o u r w i n d - ' a n d r a d i a t o r ■;ih a p r o p e r l y « t h e c o r r e c t

• c a r . V i c o i s K l t e a m m a l e

8 8 . J u s t s t o p , e r y o u s e e 8 8 a n d V i c o . I h e s i g n "oi s e r v i c e .

D is tr ib 'u lo ts o l . VA T M S I

G u a rc m lo f ld T IR E S ^


Page 3: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

niifinH■ I S I I !

Friends aiid Comrades . pare . Last Ser

For Ueulenanl' Mu


Murmr. Wef* **** ^ htW a MeihodW EPWOP^

with mlliury honor* wUI be H

' S S l M w "*»U» ew tan lo iu I

^ tutxof*n*nnr«JrpJ«ne « :0 i

. » . « h „ iflorntaj atid toat<li»{t\j « t t \ to t tu Diake mottuaiy, T*ln i »h«n they win «m ata unlU to tf}«p eveoUjg »h*n Uicy »ll brautiit U> tht eJiarcJj iiae.

M n. n o M umy, Uft«Ui'w l'. rfty'i widow, ftocompanled by Uaiel ColtreU, lloUywood. C»1 nU, her aunt, wtrt met a t UlnJi Uils adcmooo by hit. antf Mn. I m tn V/tUit:. WtWt. toho, etme Immtaitle)/ to th» Mu homo here. Wr. Welker to t for eiaumat« or ineuleDani Uurra] tbe Unlrenily ol IiUlio.

Rev. 0 . E. Helmin. vu lor o( MelfioiJW ciiufcli, rlU h a « du ot the «errlee there, aubted by I A, B. Hubliard. pu tor of Ihc r BaptUt church. M n Claire QUll «IU »lng Ueulenanl Muttay*! vorile wn*. “Lay W Head B*nc a Boae." and the U«hodl»t choir' tins {«w niiaixn.

Ottlcen Pom Cicort . Bevenl mUliary unlt« ot thto t . tlon VlU Join In the pavc»lde u

■ Icc. Captain Ralph E.Ulghion.T< Palto. eomtriBndln* company E. C Hundred Sixteenth Englncert. I( ho JiatloDal juw d, wW conunaw) 1 Iirlni Huad compoted ot compa wemhcn. The unit aUo will wppl; busltt.

Pallbeareh will be elx lleutcnai Xn»i attiu ol lerrltoT)'- Otlld attending will Include Colonel j., Lon*. Twin Palto, engineer rescrv and Captain John O. Rasmu>« Twin Palto, Infantry rcswc*. The c ricen. members or the firing *<iu; and the pallbearen will lonn a gua ef htujor »Wch M l'esfort ihe ea

befor# the aervlco hour.All i^ lv ln g near retotlvei vlll 1

Dreient a t the aervlcc*. They Inclui Ativ. Afurrsy. ZJeutCTunt tfurra; widow; hto parenu, Mr. and Wi Earl Murray, and two itoien, Ml Pred Munyon, PUer, and Mn. CUli Bealey, Hollywood. CoUlomla.


• (Contmiifd Prom page One)

tt»'jw «w cU on a imnlery. liquidation of «hlch Iho lUccti o Uw prtJildml'a plan would Iniure. •vfluch kuna ihould be irranUd. o omir«. only where the credit of thi b ^ w e r Juailflei it, and lueli i torn tnutl be coMldered on Ita mer­its. but all Joan appllcadoni vIllc^ MM ths onUnarr banliint require* m o t ahould. and undoubtedly will haw. synpatAeUe conslcfentton from banM."

The pledge vas aigned by the Chase National bank. Ouaraniy Trult company. Cenlral Hiworer Dank anct iVuiS «mp«ny. n m Na* tional bank. Bank of Manhattan,

___ New_YorlL.TnuLcompani',.N«ll!)nnlCliy Dank o t Mew Yotk.Trull company. Inrlnj Tniit com­pany, Cbcmleaf Bank and Truit company and t)>e >lanutsclurm TruU corapony. ' ,

THe ncUon of ihc mctropol'tan In-1 dilution* waa, Immediately Inter*! prcted by offlclato aa (lie beslnnlng | ot * scn tta l movemcnl IhrwJihtml i/ie eouniry to nuke /insnrfj ««H ' able.

More Impclai , More Impelu* waa glren Uic movc'

mrnV by a lelter drculaled W Mu. Oracc Morrtoon Pootc. iveitdenl of tlw General redeniUon of Won-

■ fn 'i ClubK. urglnc all memben not (4 patronlie, a j far aa poulble. a - lawiihmtnts “who tMk i lempot- ary advantage by tailing to ilgn (he pttildent'i rtemploynieni agree-

intended to direct the 3^00,000 i

B ro w iDependable1031 KotiI Tow n Sedan, new

pood shnpc —

B uick S p o rt Coupe,1923 M o d e l....... ....... ........

S tu d eb a k er D ictnlor,• 1929 Sedan — ....... - —

N iw h S ixS e d a n ---------------------------

O akland "S edan .................. .................

C hevro let, ru n s on fou r wheel;J v s t like It' ncip o n e ..........


Browning: ’Rtain and Hh


t memben to atotei dtoplaylo -Sluf Eoile" inilgnls ol tJu tr r admlntotratlcn. Mr*. Pool ter aald: : ; :

II P n m governmenfa mwl Til 1 n n l i i dcriaklng ia the admlnlalrallI U U II Ihe nallonal recovery act whlc

upon all Induatry to proride i e! mM aum wagea whJeh >

as P ro . «ur« to eiery cla.u of labor a [eil lUnflard of Urlng. whlcl

““ combine!jerVlCeSjchMlng po«er of alt worklaII , romen. aqd whlcti «1H 1/ M urray Utely convert th# worker 1:

Into a oonsumer."At the aame time, the ac'

4 to The upon Induatry and labor to a; r Carl IL a limited length of «'ork-tbe Mra. EnrI mum number ot hour»-lliui t a sC tho rirfflTCcmptoymcnl ta mUlJo) I here lo- people. They In (um a rt abc ifltcnDent verted Inlo purchaiers. be In the "There la really no lacrlfli

thla, almply common aente, illled latt preaer^’aflon on ihe part of I ni la the Iry. and a valuable terrlee or ;(Ocean- Pa^l cf Mir eluba will be lo i

thla doctrine, lero Ihll "F ln t ot all, we aak tb il ere taken polni oui to your memben th !ln Pllto, vanlagcs of lupportlng the < U tomor- and other oatabltohmcnto vMc WlU be lilted as memben ot Ihe NRA,

aa lar a« poulble, nol lo faror ml Mur- vlio uek a temporary adnntai by Mrs. f»Ulng to *lgn ‘he prttldenfa CalUor- e>"P>®n»en* agreement llnldoka "To cooperate la-to be pitrlo [n.ffer- No ofnctal MtlaatM were : ho, and mads yet by Ihe recoreiy adn MunsyltraUon but ihouundi ot empV . former were reporied algnlng th# cover irray a t with President HooMTeU u

which they agree to heip ns ■ of the purchaiing power pending adoi dufve «f » « e penuanent codei for

by nev 'indujtry. T he« reporU corered 1C PllerlPloyen giving work to frtim tw OtllUan'more than 1000 employe*. ' . / I fa-1 rrom hto army plane tondln tenealh Bolling fleld. Johnson went dlfl lolrwUl^to hto ofltcc for conference!, On

jway to bto office, he reeelTed a port from K. M. SlopMn. one

itoiee-'hto chief deputy admlntotralon eierv-l Receiving neaipapermen ihc 1, Tnln after his a rr ln l he asserted that ROnu.open ihap-provtolon Jn the u I, Idoi- pnutlce code submitted by the wd Ihe lomobUe men-wlth Henry Ford mpany^yet Indicating his alUtude>«eei jpply a ' to be In aecord wllh the Induit

■law'a labor rmutremenu. e«iat4’ The paragraph ipecltled that HfJcen open ahop policy now cxtotlng wc 1 J. C.’be eonltnueil and lhal adrincem aen'ci of workcn would be on their m iuuen,:«llt>oul regard lo affiliation or n' 'heof-'attlllAllon wllh an>-union. - uuad JohRsoR Mprriscd tJie opln guard zoo’ll ^ conformity wlUi e eai- “el guannteilng employu tlie rl: r lint to bantaln coUectlvely. He waa i

&o ^ t r i . UJ llie rwdtatill bo induitrles.

S . r t G U A R O s 'n i c i i v F o R O E l


' (Continued Krom Page Ons)

Unread to minc4 In adjoining tVai S— :inctoa_and_Orcene counllei. At t }<•• MflHier. PenwyJvania, miflb’ e r t IMM Plckandi'Malhcr company, 500 m

'Joined tho movcmant after ! 1} ‘tirlke lO'mpaihlteni had wam------ilhrm nol lo enUr Ihe mine.

the I Bporidic rifle and pbiol fJre Jj « of nuirked the walk-out In the vklnl ire. of Union Town. Ten penoni We d. of Injured In claihci bc im n picke r the and deputies In Ihe last four dayi. 1} a Faycile county U iba pxinclpi tner- source of bltumlnoui coal for Hi hich nallon’a grealeil sieel center-PllU jire- bursh.wllli William Peeney. preildent of Dll

:ttonp't.-kl I Vnlled Mine Worker*, sal Ittio miners "welcomed with opei

Ihe'armi" Mi# govemor'i action In or inty’dcrlng out the guardtmen. over A itrlke of radiator end glai Na- workert In W/uMngtoii county wa tan, icliled ouly yesterday by It. D >nnl Prlcl, Onlled BUtei department o; sen labor cdhcJllalorTTrltrtoaiy-cnmi ]ni. lo the Fayctto fields to itudy thi iu t coal situation.rers Oovemor Plnchol itreucd the

■ consUtutlonal rlghUt Involved In hh In. orden to the mllllary. He lald;<r- “Tho ralnera have tlie right to or- In- (irnnta and to pJekct peacefully and om to free ipetch and a.yembly. ilj, “The mine operators are entitled

to have their property proteeled from damage. This right to fully eSablished In the laws of IVnn- syh-anln.'

w Th* governor advtied Major Mo- ®* meyer thal ofllcen of the United

«■ Min# Worken hid given him "Uielr '0‘ lofcmn pledge" (o keep memtwn ;*• from parllelpalln# In violence. He 'f* ureed “catmneia and eooJ Ihlnklng. ne Earlier. John L. Lewto, nstlonal <* pre.<ldenl of the union, chanted Ihe

fr. C. F«ek Coke company "to fo- 00|menllng Increased trouble through

Ttiing’sleUsedCarsew liccnse, a ll in

Z IIZ .$ 2 7 5.. ........ S235:------ $275----- _...„$85

....... „.$40A.C. T E tlM S • • '

’s Garage•Ith Enfit • I


S s B I l ffl S 5 1 B M B 1Ifie * »wleh will al- -------

S,*n“ rfi Twin Falls MErchanls’ ; S S S reau Chairman Receives ‘“ w S i vice From National Cai, set ciJto -------lo w m s* In ttply to an Inijulry *dfij the maxi- lo Oeneral Jfugb B. Johnion, lui to pro- iionii rtco-KVy trttalntolnUon UlWna of fflilatring n tm PWU mereli also con- luiopllQti on Friday o t a M-

buslneu wtek for Twin PalU rrUlcfl in esntlle IwUtmioni.W. A. Van i«e. elcn. chairman of Twin Pall* Cl of Indui* ber of commerca merchanta' e on Ul* eau. recelred from Ihe naUonal to ipitad jtaj eTenbf. th# foUowlng

gram:lhal you 'I I »W Wghly advtoahle I th# ad- towna under UOO population to tt atorei opento by ilgntag the pttild rhlch af* wmpJoyaeBt tgrtrmeol’'IRA. and. The Twin FoUi chamber's t ,ror thoie chanu* bureau h u reflueitfd i mUge tiy chanU ot Caula. Vtnldoka. Jen ;nVa re- Uneoln. Blaln# and Twin 1

■ counttM to ecnddaradoptfofl of itrloUe.* W-houT bualnm « « k . t t d to t I t being repnaenuuvea to a generat.mee ^yalnU- 16 b t htW her* Uondaj m nln*


Idaho flock owpat *UI offer ; w o to »»le a l the Idaho Wool Orowen'

soflatJon'j awjaal r a a laJa a l P .•I.. .1 ne« Auguit 18, beginning a t 10

M,.iJiltampihliTi,l40BttJlollui rtn >00 Suffolk-ltampihlre*. bealdei

number of aelected Individual » nm t ot Uie ffaaipifilf# aod 8lolk breed!. aocordUjg U) advlcea

, eelved at Twin P*Bi county agti onice yeiterday trem M. C, Cto

*'1* leereury of ihe anoctoUon,■ irade —


^ WORK FOR JORLESIContlnued From P w t On.l

^ Tttwtrr W e h w pioletu « i!

odM ob« y to makt writ,

Ho ,1 or InlWl paymenW to eontracloi ^ , nnt TJisaisi tf. M«03R«kl, chief of ll T , , ” buiflULJUldL— —— —

“A proeedur? h a been de»tlop< under which a lUie may recclve a

- - Q fld«-ance of a part ot IU apporlloi i^Cn ment to tw used a i a'rrrolrtne fun

IU In connection Kllh the financing ( - road projects. Thto decUlon wl =LDS *PM<S up work on the roadi and u ' lure payrolto tor Uie thousand! c

uiiemploytd to be called bidk !■ __ work.

Waih' "ft a tu iipi>ran that becauM o At the Ilmiuilont In state lawi wme lU ti e rth e wim“amplc'fDndi-for*tate—wor.0 men may be unable lo um wch fundi li r 200 connection with lurvey *nd Plan ramed fer lecondary or municipal projecti

. “To meet thl* illMllon Ihe dto t ha* tricl enjJretTf oJ ibe burrao har iclnliy been dlrrtted lo make ImmedUt' Wett atnngemewa lor iVie handling o

(cketo truit funds In all itaiei where the: ayfc WlU be needed. OnwiaJly. «w cu»- Mlpal lodjan o! th» fundi «U 1» U» iltit f lh# trewuter who will kee i lecounti Pim- and make reports."

Ukes w id lhat In hto vmildent- DU- Ilon of the upper MUitoilppl chan- “ Id ncj. {he catumlils t«iln project and

open the Casper-AKova reclamation de- > w* velopment. Ihe public work* l»«td

, probably would lei ailde funds fot 8 '« a year-i work and not immediately ™ aifot full amounl! ta cofer th« <n-

■. D' Urt toiL Lalesl army eallmate* •

the Imporiallon of gunmen.- Ocrr- emor Plnchot. ioo..ln hto first mw- “ »b yesterday to BherUf Hattoey

' aik lw Mm io wltlKhaw tiU depu- lltt, laid '1 sm reliably intonned

' i ' : lhat Uie FVlck CosJ company, with yoMT tooperellon, to ImpotUng gun-

. . .^ men fnsm New York." -nil* *Ut«- '**3 ment w«* pfomptly denied t r ' Thomu Moies. • prejldenl of tha

Frick eompsny. and eUerUf-ttaat. ney. both of whom deierlbe<l the

, , charsfi as “wholly wlUiout founda-K .ntlr g- , ; = i g :

K t I . — -rn_

1 ' ■ LEONigti i L g C T K I C ^

NOW$ g g s o

A N D W INSTA LLED P ius F re igh t

P reM ol L eonard p rices wW r S eptem ber I s l . On th a t da te le rla i eosls—th e p rice o f t! a dvanced io S112.00, a n d o th

■ T h la I* jfottf opporlvuilty t o b a refrijfera lo r o f Known qoa o f itf r iR e ra iio n e JM tU n ce , th e unegtu lled conbinatloQ o f h av e m ade L eonard th e ou tfd iis to 'T here a re 11 beauU fnl model porcelain—In ft p r ic t ta n g * f i

I Phone to-day o r b«c th e m a t i

I L O GM U S I C - * C O

t w i n F A llS D

n n r n ptocedU»# cost or U>e brand < h H d *m «t} w O o} «abU al#» .t

.HULIl and U» Caiper-Alcora plan al 700M0.

I I T I f l l l l AlIckeimueit.Dr.Elwood; f l i 1 reclaoatioo tommtoibner. tna

!f! I l u l l ipeelal report on the piopwei Amtrttaa w s a l d«»lt«d » waUn of tlM OpJorado rirer

.» .i o . . CaUIotiOa'a Irrigated wUeyi Its Bli- oui gotnr Ihreugh Mexico H

the pteient irrigation canal.lives Ad- ---------------(.3.,,.110 PERSONS PERISH

ON DESERT VMSaddrtsMd (Continued From Pag* Omnon. ■ na- — - - — ' -------—Uoa chief, on Ihe project and two oUien lerchants' veJUni work. Tho seventh vl

SJ-hour MS a commuter to th# desert •alU jw r- other builwaa Van Eng- Prom Infllo. norUiem capital Ito Cham- the deiert, to Ihe . Colorado J nta' bur- igme 100 oltei. the heal nore otial tap* kTeractit b r tw n IM and IW ring tele- ffeei m the wmfflcr. TW* year

I n n t t cWwbed to l « to J W able for p ,e i for lh# past week. Th# h )n to CO- „ t reading repotted * u m reildenl'i R t ts In the Coxcomb mount

fnd 1 » degree* eemperttartt t I'a m er-i)«r» common of tote.,

But tau U net tUieUr vnm : Ther* hav* been wramen «*^ sooa holler. In olher year* tl ! V ^ J S have been unofflcUl report* ef

O**"* tempenUiit*.Out*W#th« deiert tm aibe«n

'" *■ loa At K rm iit. Ea« Loi A „ » eJ«. • W«l» »ark o n iJ deiwea,RS reached durtng the weet Th# 1 D t i i e lima ^ de tm t,RAMS jjjs, In Loa-Angek* aod *

yxM Vc* tM nnwntto h ia t« v iffer for between *9 and JflO degreei.

wheat productionSJ , ■ AGREEMENT LOOI■alifci a • -r f i S (Continued Prom Pig# 0n#>

'I"* Kwthw«it lo th# Orient, h# add Wenl’a S S t » o U ^ p t a g reilrlcWoi,

. Ctoar.lgurope would pr«venl 11 from bei marketad Uwr«.bul ihatUiUeou S r eould offer wheal In Chlnega ml

S k ^ f o r u m tl e u M c e n ta /b u ih , - p PremptaNewEffWaIDE nudectolon to proceM without I

I-ESS is J z S 'o 'K K S 'io 'S rInfwinal "gentleman'! agreemenl

'Del which would be formally promulga------- : ed when th# conterence reconvene

would prertouiiy the Kilted fitatrt hi M lack lo S ia i t r n * wUWngneia lo .ndu . ! high- jcre*g#tenperc*ntormor«prttvldi lurvcya ot Uw chlet prodwUng nttlm aclori- .Quid ty t their produellon ilmllar' ot liie ^ ttajn u « it (Kporti proporttonaw

eloped c js id a aad ArgmUn* deiepti Ive in have expreued a ilmUu wllUngnei. jrilon- Mth onlr AuitralUn aistnl lacklni Jfund ontheiueceiifltihenewnegotto log 0' tloni will depend WaUsce'a final de

'Wl'* ciilon *i to aereaw reducUon. Mci « : Of ihe machinery to ready,fw be 0' ginning «w um paljh imeng Cam

* to ora to obtain agreement* lo Umt Ih tlt pT^octlon.

« of Wtm admlnlitrttor* nuea tha lUtc* If other nalloni do not reduea prc> -work duetlon-al-thaoam e-U m a-^lh. td! In country, the cul hrre ihould b# lau ptan* and tha t IWi eouniry 'ihould no jjecti. Ihoulder the burden of ridding th< > dto- wwld Of 111 lurpluKa"Jiavf OforgI K. I>*ek. chief admlntitrat-

miate or. h u Uktn th t poaWon that d«- ,g of velopmenl of foreign markeU fa

Amertwn w hw ltt not compkce atul , cus- th il a prognm for paying bounUea ita ts on exports could be undertaken lUC- ount* ceiifuUy a l once.


■ and tendencJM lo curb aDdellc pn>- I H ., gram! In wme college* have not *f- ward lertedTempltBnlvtnnylnlheltMl- J for Oolf and fencing were added to Ui« aWV - ------------- -

i — ----- THB-NOtiraWKSTSRN-----MUTUAL U PS lN8trRA}7CG


^pu* T ht OtfttaiA faytec C«.2*5 , or Aaetie*with '

>to- Scsrle KL B urkha ller^ spedal AgehT

lA . R oes t the Twin ralto Bank * tru st DUg.Ida- Twt&raBs,ldal»

n a r d I! A «gni«giAToa

'■ '■ ■ ■ ■ ■

SEPT I $ 1 1 2 0 0

AND U P. INSTALLED P lua F telR h t

i n rem ain In e lfe c t only unlll da le— because o f bl/?her ma- f tb e S9D,50 model will be o th e r p rices corm pondliijrly .[0 buy a t a rock-boltom pricc q n a llly , backed by 52 yooni U ^11 ore la tes t models—w llh » o f convenltnee f ta lu re s lh a t — oulJitandlnjt ra lu e o f th e In-

odels lo chooAc from >-4 all- ■e frow f99.50 lo J3J6.50. a t o o r showroom.



MWS TOMS, III r a w *

ipoaed *U‘ ___ _Louto Marcu! theatre er

, J f l »VB been working Pai leyi with- , i i j ^ reitorwl to full-lfi: V u Ofxa wnj, Increases Jn pay as grea ut- per cenl for th# lower..*a]arb

tlons. according to InitrucUoi !U en br the owner In acwpunoe

H S T E s S S i'S S i,S S S »Orrhtum and Idaho theal

. n —% ^ l* - advtoed yeil' ■ In addKloo the manager and h ,_ rfiM tn»na»tr eath wUl recelvo

^ off Hcb weet S e r t m "«» iwtwellon*,

“ * U 10 be w> TKlwlloa ot theat .nii.i or *t»d thero to to tS H«V >"

lJ>wsh all cmployn- houn aro reduced.

?)« The InitrucUons which Mr.ywttnUy a J t« t

K ‘heitrei lo Ball u k e oily, thl . Ja Twin PaJto *t>d t



(Contloued Pioo Page Ooweatwl. ----------------------— — ■0* Ang* be itopped. The federal gpvert rets waa to Inleresteil solely Jn enfdnln. Tht all- Harrtoon narcolte act and v# 1 reti, !«t of nkrcollca,"Dd tub- CojnmtoUoner Anillnger n l twitted would preieat all facta In u e h

repori^ by hU ifsc t* to ra lUUe racing aaioeUlloni for * ever dlKlplUsary acUm w ch i clatloni deemed ne<**aary. The

QQMS ‘"I »»*felatlon! Ul m « t caiaa the power to permantntty «nd racing c&nn<cllona of Ihow t< guilty of WgaJtartlCT.

N am tniiho*6toV *t*B t4bi Uie™i{l/Jun'were nol mad# pt

? S w M iJO m r r r r t to m s gjjy ^ b ,v«B K R u c e n

h,S?L OOODINO. July. JS (Bpedal T htN rnV -T heioM M dtaJna tiare laken out eounly licenses to

lOut an beer In Ooodlng countj w u boa wtptod la Btne tht* week whert the tomr :achan ilonentoiuedtwonewllcenie*.TT ■meni;' of the nine dealers ate Jjj tWi to tulgat^ -jvene* .------------------------ ---------- -—tt h*d -0*li“ *porU acUrlUei during nduM luv year, .while nen# o! tho acb

latloM ” *nllatly ■■ = J ■ J


a id e '

>r be- fann>

that 1'p ro - ^uthla.I Jeu, W r ^1 not g the

I tn t- 'Id e .■ for . .. '! and

“ -ne/ttnor safe em

B ^ortheh = like


Ig. .

buildas T hat’* the t>-pc wh evw y ocpericncc hn» pro

........... " N o ta te d 't le f le .b c c o u ie io f «teel rdnfcrced by hard on practically all the highe

C hevrolet wdl'lcnoTn th a t cheaper. Steel abo if itro. t h a t po in t, alccl aSone wi\l •hock. I t ta^ca the strong rw fo tte m c n t to p v e yw i t w an t in 0 m otor car boc^y toi

I f you 're thinking of buyio; m a tte r of bodies, nnd w o td hardw oodl FortimDtcly, th type o f body is also the only Ptshcr V entilation; Cushion*. CbevroJcr-AtnCTiai’j m ost 1


N E IChevrolet



ESIIN Dsadln: liiiGiiiI time 11-tfme Jobi igreal ai {0 .larlMposi- . W MiicUon* glv- -.,.-AW feh.. •• , anoeofthe ■ ' t nam, U. IIutoifaiem ’ •theatre* :n ' . ; % .

yeiterday. - > . R "andasilit-x lv ead ay : ■ ' ’ ■ j k

iona, there heatrc op- I to lie no

of wwg-

Mar-'feel three r. three m w d tw o la ■

TlfE mutnated body of E ApahUn.-?, w u found ft

H TS m the bay al San Dlcgo, C; r»^ n u ho dtoapcSS OIV ftwi home. PoUco u i i ih# rOA PIfC **foro htoI » A U ^b w tc«ed Into the waler. •

Photo,» One! r ^ = = = = = — -

'J’o® I^ate To Class;he abuse --------

r laid he u aMch euSi W®- can at0 raitouit e what- — • I llth a*so- W ANTED — SXPERIEK The rac- waltrenei. fountain glrU. cai uea have " 'd fountain men. Speera' O ■ end the Shop- » found —

edtKfoK d# public I. W B I M V ERMS A NEW

H SCREEI• ' Vi lm u s h t Ihem

!*. Tliree j Don’t con tinue to Buffe c a n s t J J y o u a ;

W. MontK P L A ^

Hher'strong enoug inough, nor quiet e1 body of a quality ike CHEVROLET

lo t: 1, only one type o f body totiB reclevTolet will perm it on th e c h au ii i f c which every t a t - a n d every ejperini proved to be the safest, atronjcst,

u e Iteel alone 'i* no t enough. B u t a PI hardwxxJI The lam e kind o f coostnic ighe*t-priced ears in America.

th a t Itee l olone hns one distinct odvar itrm e—up to a wrtnJn point. BUT- will bend and criimple under aevere

leng th and supporting solidity o f a h -ou tb e full protection and full aatisfnc y today .

uying a new low-priced car, b e tter wt fotch It carefully. Insist on steel reinfi f, the enly low-priced car w ith thi* p only.car with 0 proven valve-ia-hedd 1 lion-Balanced Power; n Starterator. Tli iiMt eoOTOfflicaJ automobile.


i .S O N -J E T

nNG, JULY 30, M33

n Bay KiHs Policemi


l i! Oalbert W S S S S B B I B L1 floating A SSNBATIO;? m cauied >, CaWor- ,CUcag« ftta ln a l ccmrtiotnn appeared ' John Scheck. 3i. • gunmai lh# ehlld Ib i trial (ac ban t tobbety. hto body R daih for t l b ^ and a e i . - i n foUttmn <ie*4 before bi

wounded lerlouily. yaaclf. •■ Phota


J C C ^ a t the hom# of Mra. WW Emer « Hie TMesdar. AUguit 1,'al aao P. k

■— — A regular aieettaf of Twla lENCO) UaMolelodgefortnnMcUoAof caihien Iness and development of pUm

I'Cotfee an annual Masonle plealo next gust IS. at PUer. to to be held al


EN DOORSem n i(> ItT a n d w e 're sellin* *en

IlH JH T! , if fe r from (he f ly petit. W hen wi a Screen D iw r ao C hecp I -.

i to o t l i & S o n s\N IN G M ILL

W lf O ii

l i h , H | S

! enough car

S B ' H i r

n e tio n which'.the can i t

n m c n t—andst, and b a t W B ^ W Zu P i ih c r M y f J 0tnictiob'uscd

[vantage: it's ■UT—bryond . ere stress o r , a hardwood sfoction you

aniorced by preferred

ad six; R'ith . T h a t car

IN K IN S , I I____________________________ _ o

P T ^ 4 4 5■ Atf pr/Hi t. ri. b. m

to T b i

~ . . * « « « .

We Add » Our

i v B o o s tCn.^ord’a D«a«Vy Sales

^ ^ ■ 1 heartily tn aecord with rrealdci BoeienlV* B«e«T«ry ptaa.

We’ve Reorganized. , . Already our operators ar working fewer M»ra per'Wttk. h

1 1 1 an Inereaied wage scala Nalur tnua iB * prttes oa l « « y worit »U

ibery. made

W h ate v er Cod# Tb^ S a f ^ - ~ Adopl-

W « W in A eeepl!a . ‘ =■■' ■ Wo SlBCtrely SoUcli T o b

NTS “wiU meet Ilelplnir Ub lo B elp Ibe .

■ T O ® " P re sid e n t M nk* H is l» la ia’ ^ A H uge Saceeas rwla PalU

T ta iS In the M eantime. , .

— one more eswrleoeed operator. We will b« glad to « w y applicant an lntn^ew._

I r r e n Now On Ow 8bep'I IIOBta tn u Be n o n

I 9 TO 5• ’em I L - - ■ ■ ' ■ - J

I 8ATU«0AM f TO f



»I«] j li UI ili


u ^ 7 ~O l d s m o b l i e

5 t o » 5 6 5

Page 4: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

a j f f e = = ? S «

:B>UblUh*4 II«. ____ 'nr~iiMOCUTgp r« > » **

J S r a S S S "■■• t S ^ T S T A S r a . M t t

w a i « «('»*«*> .“ »* fn. gStiM bw»ia tiw wgwd. ____• ^ cn~ H M t m ^ Z i rtm: „

V 3 * ? S iu L f 2 ^ .^ 'i iw o w r »» oa* ad^ ' S S i « s . » ? z : c p r

Wa PM^Muiuntf li" g ? . S i r ^ a - a i f i g ,

. S b u ' . . " " & s ™ 2

■ g s = , S ” £ f S s ;=' S « S W ' i S S S i W ~ S «

, {!IrSd S S i r S l S S ^ BT Blttuur '" ' <”*****• ' ------ ------ H

: , ^ S S 2 f e .. e=s="---------------- " f t ,-.■ A COMMUNITV CHEST

Twin r»U» community O utt pro- , t J td tou te tn Iku&thtd vsA« uti< „

' — piclotti dnuouUncet. fucommtad*; ed by Uu dtnct«n u d ntmbcnblp ' • - o( tba ot Commme, th i „: ' - :proJ«ct h « been MeepWd. »lUi « u, : pr»lto.bypt«cU cilU»U ofU M re. ne J - • uel in d ve lltn o rtu l» U o u trbiU ^ \ ■ bm ttton tol® »»l«4 Indepet^^ ' ro • drtn* lot t ia i i In Twin FalU. Tte ' onrito U U ut Uh CbM wlU Held

, ftitflcJeot nrenue lo meet uec«i*rr „ V • • upeoMt or Ull pMtldpiUnB o riin - „ ', intiooi. I t U not unrtuoubl*- j,i

. vidOl/ Inpom nt U tbs lUpuUUoa ', K t {Orth *t U« eooteteww «a« n « d I U lt W d ir irenlo* to conilder tb i 1,1 < prop^tloD Uut (dmlolitniUOQ oT

Tirin m i l Communltr Cb«t ih»U t ibew boU ylnU jih iD diof^^om U „

' r ^ ^ i would a e tn Uut no ^ p u t o( Uu Commuoltjr Obeit tund „

■ b l UMd t e «mixn«»Uoa Of h f|b < p tau n d rln leaden cominj „

‘ la from ilRwhera lo uelM u d d i'io , ; *. i t t t Uu ifforU ef Twtn PiUi peopa ^

in dotof v b ll wa i n i ln id r per* ii,■ fettl7 W lU lnftodaind«nU rtlju[K -^

ibU Dt dotoc. Thl bitter; of U>« CecoaualtT C ba t In Twtn fWli t, thouid eoDUln no record ef 1 Uiou* -land dollar cootrlbuUon of'icheol ;

..._(liU dnn1 pinnlM, o(U«t b ; a thou* 1 lU d doQir ixpendltun of commu&> i t ; Chut lusdi (or luncbion and dUiPcr a ip tn ia o( Ooomunlljr CbMtdrin lM du i. ' •

’ WUb nieb ao undirilasdini and acranMal a t Uu ouMt, U un u n t t r n u m le btU in Uiat Ibi Com- raunllr ObMt b Twin M i l WlU tin a OKUury placa In Uu com* munlly Ufe and acUflilei.

aoOD W OM . Twin Palli mercbuU and biul* neu mm are te bt cen«ntulited

' upon Uulr premptaequltteDoe in Ul? 'plini u d neommeiulitlais or tne p n ^ n t under Uu tetm i ol m NaUonal ZnduiUlal Rtcoreir AeU Ac* tordtaf le liu ir tem en l entered into Itorei will optn Uter u d e tu i eirller afler the (tnt of Auruit b-jt tnll curtailment ot builneu boun aloQi wUl not pm lde (or coopleti i coapUanM wltb Uu Pederil pro- c (» m u lo maxUnum boun ol em* t pjoxmenl. , '

InordertodoUiUilwlUbeDecei* I caiT to tmplQr mon people in atmori j I etery branch ef builotit. Peulbljr; | not rlfhl iw i; but when builneu.I u t l In In Ull W L TOI U. fll couree. \ \ Ult purpoH of tbe act and Uie m iln . | tniB | wliicii t t U nciped ^o accom* , plUh. . I

All UUi U bouad to lead lo bailo 1 Chancel lo th t ntall mertbandUlni ' jtructun, mo»t ot which wUl be n* | fleeted In loeremd coiU o( dolni | hinlam Wfl«ll hufB not in* ■ 1 tttated mUttUUy to t u but lot > booUm p u t wholmU p r itn -.nd ( tictoe; quotatloni b a n been mount* ' ms lU idll;. TUt coupled with the 1 tACRued con of dolBf builneu muit j : o( necittlly affect retail prltti. about whleb nobodjr «fli complain juit 10 all ptteet mov* up In unUon..

n u n etn be no QueitUn but what iftutb t i tood'wUl csa» QUt ot tb i orw renUUoni. if completelj iu > ceufnl onimplojment will fventual*If be doni away wllh a l ln l ; .


Sixty million dollan U to be tpent by tb* »*4etal OoTtnimttt upon th t ColmabU Badn ln1|aUen pro*

. }ect,.thertbybrtn|lni under culUra- llon u a t imtold buadredi of Uim* un d i o( acm o( new Und.

The pabUe li to be forjlTcn tor D-oadetlnc mildly u to tbe outcome of

. a policy under whleh the torcrnment U u U n t on. the one band tar eur* Utlmenl ol a e m tt In Uu tn tem u o( reduced production and on tho

' • * fllher for more Und ut»n wJiieh 10 p w IliU more a s p t ,

• Orer prodoctleo b all llnei hai hit UUi country bard. lfndoubted:y 11 hai bten one of the chief tacton la Uu depttulon asd UUi U }ua u

. tfuaotacrleuUunJproducUoB a t o(

W yPaga Foot


■ icBinuimcn* tl>i

any oUaer kind. The tict h u i«eii reeofnlod by Uu goremment. htnco Iba effort upoa Uis part o( one tn o e b to brlai aboul curtaliment. Oomea now tb i announcement ot Itui tnoUur tRlsatlon projKt. Uitprlmaiy purpoM o( whleh U ot coune

, to raU« mon ijricultural producli.I t l i no longer poulble to

. of turplui produeU abroad. The tcn- ; deney U all tn tbi direction o( a pel* '> le; of tblch coaiem- B:

pUtaa Uu uUUaUon of practlcilly; irerythlnt produced tn asy Ime in ' the boon market.

Under tb i cirtumiuncci U woulii’ aeem u u l IcunUierUiiD more Un<t; wouU be Uu point ilmed iL . o-.1 Perba^ Uu food accomplUhcd pi 1 Uffouib Uu ezpendltun ol Federal U■ fnndiJpUueonitructlcnofthepro*. Jeet nferred to outweljhi the duid- ^, ran U ifi ef Incnaied, produetlon.[ Probably tbU would bt Uie nuon■ a d n n d d by Uu idrocaUi o{ tne ^ : propoilUoa ir,

0:» --------------------- • ,[* TUB WEICOMB t?A8 BALBO'S ei I Tbe lialUn flyen vho rUllcd thu bi ! counlr; noenUy deUglited everybody * i S; Uulr courage, ability. icWevemetil p, . and cliarm. The uiaiiy tociil *tf«iM if ' flTtn In their honor rerealed them as

ai a UkibU group Pl young mrn.. On Uulr part, ll It uld, tlie> wcii ^ ' utterly unpnpared for Uie treniy ut . trtbula pild Uiem. Thtlr (ellow*

countrymen In lUly leem to hare been tdiuUy unprepared tor it. The j,

’ llaUaa prtu alqce hai been (ull ol ai ' comment oa the tmnpettedly p'.tM* « ‘ u l aipecU o( Uie whole alfilr- " ' Uufortunalely. Uiere ij a illiihl j. ' mlilnlerprriafion.of the mcinlns ot v. Uu American nlcome. Om tiitun ic

* newipaperwei m il proof that "Fu* ^ ‘ cUmlKorjIng ahead in lunctoriO'ii‘ march towaid unWerul dominion"' “ThU (Ulht haa tuch pglltlcai im-* porUnce,“ Uitwrltercon«niie».”iucnf ra it ilinl/lcance and luch enonnoui » ’ Kdcacy, Uial only MUuolIni coutd a:

h a n coawlnd ll and only laKlim |l ‘ could hare carried ll Uirough.- | “ ' lUUana-l^a>B neV lorioMtu IM y ‘ bumble ilaUon In Ille liillan Ubor* n f t t t have usually held In America. Tbe; conilder Uw men o( ibe air C

‘ amiadBtobc“vlndlcal0n 0la lIlli06d) «Hi»p tliMiimitli B'tin iinlmn. _ ond and died poor and uniung.” n

* ABrtrtcatu. pondering then «ub*> em it phraiu, know Uial they are 'Imore exUanganl than thf ocraaion u ® requlrei. Ameticani ean go wild wer Jj ' lieroea of uyiiatlonallly WlUioul ac* « ^ ^ l l n ( Uu pollUcal rUwi ol Ihote °* lieroei. flilbo'i welcome waa not 1* baud oa UU PaKUm. That, v u a* tityer muclijn.o^nr mliids. 1 *

" mmmm- MERRY-QO-. R o u f e - :

„ o a w r tu u e n w R O B U T i.* ^

" WAfllUNOTON, July a - The (light o( the American doIUrte Eur*

> ope contmuea al the rate o( about 1* UOJMO.OOO a week, actordlnc to un*

otUcUl but naumably accunte eatl* mitei niching the capliil (rom New

I York'. . . To beat llooHrelt'i em* i bargo on gold -doIUri li provlnn eaiy

ly;(or lhM« who buy Dutch. Prencli. u.BwlM or olher loucd torctgn bond>. a imall them abroad, icll them Ihere.

' and uepMli Ibe mowy in n tonrlRn |b a n t ll'i lurprlitng how ninny 'pii- iriota" are doing Ihln. . . An liiiHcu* lion that the olllcMl clinmp;»Kne

llo partlea ol pfc-proliibilloii will looii: 34 bt back owurrtd at llie raii*Anicrl-

cm Union thla werk. Champagne.] ** ceektalU and a icjal nsjortment o(

berrragei waa aerred 111 honor nt llie | n. i h»K>. r<r nf Slm->n Unllv.if. LatiB- orvARvtrtfi'aQeotse WAvhi»zion. . . It nd h u alvkiyi baen pemiiJMiJle to lerre

liquor In Ihe ?an*Amrrican Union, ll* »liice ll belongi io>«li ilic Amerle/u.

but Uulcltfraeelo the Unltrd Slatri nt j Latln-Amtrlcaiu herriofpfe have rc- ut trained.

Deadlier Than Mile Owljhl Darll. donor ot the (amcd

tennU cup and ea*sovcmor o( the rhUlppinri. hai taken a houie In

h t Waihlngton to walcti the new deal i> nexl winter. The house belongi lo ,1. RooMveU'i lin t couilri. Warrrn Del*

ano Robbini. now mliiL'ier to Cnn* ada . . . Lady PerkUu la not aa good aa executlre w ih e vai crackcd up

t to b«. }lc: U tm depanmcnl baa Uad a hard tlnic getting otvnnued. Dut Ihrre U one thtng aNnit her wlUcli ereo'or.e hai come lo recpgnUc. She

“ * U a knock-down-dras'out tljhlcr.anda«elinolafraldli>i!Olt»lhcmnl

a- lo a (are'thee*rrell nltli her ’chlet ra* In the While Houu when the U con-

vliiccil ihJt »)ic lirlslil.'. . “Old Doe", llubeit \i'ofk. CoJorudo, Hoover'i

IiTJl enmpilpi manager, lun guno lo 01 me wiitte mwmtalnv 80 hare 6en- :nt ator and Mn. Coitigaii. nlio (nun s . Colorado.lU llrpattiRs. Acliiilimir.iiiMi iMdrr* liliiuile

lirtva lc li'tlu l-tleabaifilfljiisiev- to cMou. clmitm&tt ot tUe ttdtraJ home

loan txntd. li on the ik ld t. . . The tai White IIouK apparen'.Iy It not u t* ]•. Ufled with the «ay ihtngf we go­

ing In Uili part of the recorery pro-■ gram . . . Sierenicn lia« teen ‘'cilled' •* on the Wlille Hoiue mil for emtiar- o( raulns autcmcsu ta ta t siren lo,

; N E W S I N T Vt T aken F rom th s T^viD I

2 0 Y e a r s A g o\ TBUB6DAY. JULY Sl. IIU


glrea promUe of dereloplnf magni- ba ] lude waa made thU week. I t w u an, made by an owner of an adjoining ro'

fraction who unwlUlngty gol well erover on Uu LeglUmale cUlm wben »:

1 pmpeetlng (or Uie exUnuon of Uu to1 UUer^ teln, ____ ' «


)' T hl elty countU met Monday and „ , on npreienlaUoa ef Uio Twin P*Ui ’ ElecWc nllway IfliereaU Uiat Uiey „

wen progreaalng with the neceiury orgulttUon work tho Ume (or eon*

■ iinifU onoflheroadlo thB laU iw a p,eitended te Jm u a a I- Work muit ^

s bo atarted wllhin M daya. If the „ „ work U not begun wlUiln W dayi Uie '' coniUiictlon company (or Ibe pro-

poied road muit repair all itreeU In a Uie elly ot Twin FalU wlien dam*1 aged by the rHU (hat hare been tald.


’ Ttu Salt Lake Ctty excunlon sun- dny momlng brought In HS gueiU

® 10 tee the Twin PalU couniry. They « expected much and were nol dU- ^ I appointed-AU day wordi o( pn W . w w vaUed by the’ vUlton. The

UUhni came In the lin t aU-wn*. man In ln erer lo arrlre In Twin

Will. The guoU were welcomed by >t Major fred n. need, after which u nuw of Uie day w u ipent ilghuee* . in g . • -n


TOM. IN VNITEO 8TATE8* oinOAQO-Twenty*elghl deathi'* and more Uwn 100 proitratloni a n M I reported between the AUanl^oeeaa d and the Itocky mountain!. Tlie en* n t in region, wcordlng lo all nporU, .

U a bot, aUxIlog (umacc. Cropi nn being burned uji and llreatock by Uie

* thouMnda muit pcrun trom latk ot'• m lrr . ol

lolved by Uie idmlnUlrtUon loday. ag ^ m e long-expected report tnSm th* * t ambaaudor lo Mexico b u been n under conildenilon all day^lilnd b .f locked door* by Prealdenl Wllwn,' Sccnlarr tiryan and olher members

o( the cablneU Tlie,admlnlilnUon* teaUzea that Ihe' Americu peopU “* and tte whole world u well expect << ts tn atitwutveemenl ot a dednlte poUcy ®, attheconelualono(Ihecoa(erence. »’

- -If 'in te rw itlo n U-decU«d-Ui*re « »iU be ne delay In proeeedltigi- "

be landed on Mexicanlioll, Itw wboU land wlU bc policed 1 and Ult warring fwtlona kept in Hn«• until Uiey become capable of tell* sovemment. ll


me Ttt'ln t^IU countr)' li Io hare s foundry and machine ihop. TlH;.l« a n nil the way here and na won „a> ll arrivei all typei ot maehlncfy

' mir be made or tued In tliU city- J. ,, '3 .U »rfnc^ .8aU U lkca lV .^K ^t•, -lianlcal euglneer, U ihe man wlio tirlnsi the new Induitry to T*ln '•

' I'jlLv He hoi mo«U here anil U now ,I 'inkmg tor a liouw and a ilte for •;r.. fuundry. . . „ ^

: iU c p ic M ...O n c of tlipje, totlie;-! , eJftei llu l nepubllcani would no.^M

be glren pUcei in the Homo Loan or- .ginluillon itlrred up tuch a rum* pui lhal Blcvenioii caUed a confer* B

*'* ence ol the nporten and wught to " mike them n w c t . They ituck by the itenographlc ncord of hli re- matki . . . Bterenion’a practice of llnaming ImpofuntoltlcUUtnMww- t

** panliatlon vrllhout (Int coniultlng a ndmlniitnllon chlelUlni aUo got i

J* him Ullo hot water. 1Eill “Seen" {J

NltA the new deilgnaiion lor Uie /o R" iia!ioii:il imlusirlal recorery admlnli-1 p

irniiwi. 15 the-brain chllil i>l O m -|r •“* (Ml llnKli John.ion . . . Hr iluliil d

ilikc llie ur'.iiin»l NIRA. wliloli ru ry -,. ■“"joi'.e tt;i* N»n pronouiiciuR » ' i- f*' 'N ifw" . . . Oerard Wolruvciu, mw,d "f; mi.iclir of the Uelgtan enihix'-iy. 'J.o

one nl the l>e>t amaleur iwlmnirra.n In Uclgium . . l’"alk Konilin, Mo- li

been lirmmted by Udlts '■ho im i i’b htm !o « i an AlbanUn womin lOiL

O"' itirnil iheir tenUnUi conrenitoi m{0 CliV.iKo. Alter tnceiaant rniiitMj, C rciiwllv numeroui tumdnvnu. ni'd

rc* iTmiiii»-il demandi a i tn why Al- bfinu rmild not aend a rrptrsenta* t the, i!ie mlnliter’i pitlence lt:,'l^-|^ (Kd. My dear Madame." he liMllyit tolO we Udy. "the women of myjt

I" couniry are too occupied In uklng,t care cf their homei. huibandi and'i

J® ij-itiN-t lo l*>llier aboul temiiihl con- i

Lm Talk {“P Itifch nival otflcen liare made a i

wciri jrcommradaMOH lo P D U te* ' B'‘i garditis American policy In tlie 1 Ich fuit. Tlirr « n l him lo aecept aU.nii Jhe iiiry fon»ider Ihc ineriUble md vet-] 1 ^cr. cKiiIre J.ipancse claUiu in Manctiui- ] I'" ' U; m rrlurti. gel (rom Japan Impor- I 'Id Uni commercial prlvUetcs . . . . 1 5a- non- rvfli liM Blren them no nnk’serjl oc" but llie chiinces arc ho uill o;»|H>-r I e n the Wrn. Bo tnr he hai been a <on-|> lo iu;cnt foltfluerot the'&llmun polieyii ea- on nnti-re^'njtnltlon o( MaiichouHio.M wn but I1.11 tnlkeU lew about ll. Tho:e,’

uroiiiiii I'.iiii -nny lie frrb tlu t Jap ili, ' imiT hiiviiic her tcvit pbnieii on ilii',!

ulc m.HiiUnilofA.'l:i.\voil1ilKerii>!r;>|iliis 1 ev- un!il llp nnri moet ol it'. . ,««f ^oiilUK Kob SVnpier. Stnnl.'t ' rhe Now Vork. u vWUni: hU lUter, rmn;: ^'t* Minnn Jihn>. who llrei lo ftank-,' go- furt-am-Mnln. DcbhlmieUwuBora:' iro- lu Germany... Ex-aoTcmerTheo- cd" dore mibo, chle( rllpplw: collector : ■••ir-|ii;;riiT tiie new dciil. Iuj, been cnn- 1 loiluwd rrceoUy wllb Italian lUcr,'


: W I N F A L L ^ 'fin Falls Ncu's Files

2 5 Y e a rs A g o ;rniD.tv, JULY 31. IMS

. _________________ ___________ ,4 wSMITHS llt.tlJV TO OPES

E MUl)i:ilS OAKEIIY IIEUEIt emilh nnd Smllh oj>en Ihelr new h»I- baHery in Hie rcnr Of the CommercUl I'" kt and Bivlnsr. b.inH building tomor* «<■ S row. Ill the bnkim: room U a mod* ^ II em. i«riul)Ir brick oven which Un Mid by the mcsl competent bakeri ll to be the best ot lt.i kind In the* country. W. Zenai Bmllh w u u - J '

loelaltdwtoH.A-airoudimdeQmp* my and J. W. 0. Smllh wlUi Huder,

n the Iwker. betore launching out Into * ' biJilntM (or iliemselrei. The brolb*

■I en ate both young men and bare ‘ ^ been In Uie biUng bualneu to Chl* up 1 c*6o before coming to tte Twin o'c 7' palLi country. Biiecial amingemci^ pei '• havo been nude whereby Uie Idalio gn* Dcpirtaieiil »lore and Plory and lte “ company will handle- Uio producu ['}' '* made by ih'J (Inn. t* le ___- fto

TWIN l AM.S l-LASS FOHu iio i i DAV CEi4:naATi0N "I;

i. rinr.i mr nn e/»(ioraIe celehnClot] i(a of Lslor (Uy in UiU city are ( u t be* • In: mide. At the meeting held Wed* U

>i ntsdsy nl:ht in the Odd Fellowi hall Ihi a report »d4 given that the builneu Jol men of tha city would eo*operaie (re «rithlliedlt(erentlabororianUatlORi “H tn eeltbraliiig the day and that thty P* woiiW rIo.w> thclr iiorca for elihtr Ol

'* the wV.ole day or part of It, whleh*1' c u r be decided upon. The* prosr,iin to (nr arranged will conalit

ofniwrnile.enphorsBnUallonhavlnj ‘’£ a flcwii. nlto mo.1t of the builneu r*' ■" Ulli bc pre*enUd, all klndi ol J" =* iportJ. «ml iW'. iWy rodeo conleiu. ^

■nip jMiikers of iheday will be Jud«e rerkv. lloUe. In the cvenhj the Prinlen’ untoti will give Ihelr InlUal *“

* bill Hi llie rtnk. ^ u —re MOVING ricT um : at t s i s j,ola TLLLS IIEAUTIFUL STOflY ,0

Al liie UL-; theatre lonlghl and ov SaUiKiiy the beautiful ilory o( Da* «e mon und PjthUi will bc lold by de mcaiw of moving pleliirc.'.. The (Um I* Iifsrly 3000 teel long nnd U one' ol the betl Uut h u ever been ihoim “ In the elly. Tiio ttory apptaU ^ [?

., cierjuiie und the UU tlieulre uught “} to bc cruA-drd on bolh nlslila. Man* ,

nnniier Ahiert nenolt In lo be eongrat* ^

appearing here during the lait two pJ lte titeki. ,:n — scId BASLHALL TKAM WINS Ihn, CLOSE GAME AT OAKLEV («

The local bueball team went lo M Oakley lail Friday aitemoon and de* cl (ealed Hie latter team by a aeon of „ t to S. The trip over waa mad* In/ U-onnlomoWr3<WvenbyC.E.lit\d g,

and -H:ippy" Haf!. The team pUji Ji. In H-i:.-y 8unil,>y uflcrnoon.

JS w .n tnw o iiK s cDMrANV „ INSTALLS NEW PIPE LINK j, It* The WnterworU company U bu^y

UiU week Itwlnlims new pipe line « from Ihc eorett M MMn and Btio- ei >hniir iivi'iiue iilPim Mnln Mfrfl lo -

LS llir enil «f Ihr riiy. The old ... l«'o-lDCh |ili)c beliii: t tken up and U

a ilx-lnch line bciiin pul In Ita pinre. ct ‘ Tiili will give lidded pte.-.Mire. tomr- et ,v thins th.-tt hu.-. wen nwletl nn the J nouth itde of Miln Mrret (or iome T t . Ume, ,

‘1 COMMEtlCI.M, fLL’lt i:i.K<-rS BNf.w m nncT oit at M E im st; n

or W.'P. Oiilliri* Wtt.ic;ecte<l a mem- ber of Uie bcnrd of dlreeton of Ihe

_ Commercial club Tne.-dny nlCht in _— lhe-|i!oee-ol-Cr-0-»e<ir<Hii-,r.-»tsn».l, -lie The ndvertUIni eoinnilllci' vs-.v In- j] 10: j »trucle>l to iirei>sfc copy lor n iMwk-

' * ’ * fT:r* B4lbo.,"Dut where," a»krd one hdy.10 "U h u W d ? '" • ,1by lUlbo Reelproclty „•e- Oeneral Dalboi maw traiis-Ail.ui* ,1ot lie tltglit hai llrcd navy iieioi;:ini‘.i'.il JS* cMtti wllh a ttmlUr Idea, Tliey iuvo y, ng already tinned inlklng about the ilc*:ot ilrablllty o( tending an Amerlean nir j

iquadron lo Europe . . . One birrirr in Uie way U Uie tost. Balbo laid navy • men here that the ttalun Junket cr ji 1

lie Over IlflOOJM pl'i" *2.000.000 for !lie JII-1 pUnei. . . with Ihc treaiury In ttie n-' red ll U hardly likely lhat the prrM- iil'.lenl would npptnvc mrh nn n;il’:iy ry- . . . Tlioiim Olol. newly nppniiiir.l iiv louiikcl in tlie jo;ir;lur> o liic ol liie iw (irpirtment ot labor, u a nfiiiicSana,o f cimli'.v W. turn, late ii:i-.«;drnt

r:«Jnf Harvnid . . .O t Ihe Si:.W0,l’Ort,W0 lo-’lii Home mor:gai;ti Unit nre rluiiile

m l’tttl. Me held fay UaUd*101 log and loan nuoclatloni. i n W by tavi.iiis b.'i'nk.v and only (3.*

>l3, MO.OOO.WO by insurance coinp.inie.i. ,iid rapllal Rnnnlnt\l- Niidlim liai rome lo Wa>hii;i:ion, la- but In a'rejtiained form. M.-'. Alice ip-1M. Capron. 6S-year old pliyilr.-l rul- illyiturlJl and dietician of the U.icue of my the Larger Ufe. lm opened u i.iiiip inglon a lecluded bcaeli on Uie ind'iieak* bay. where capiia) rr>.iliMt )n- make tako Ihe "lun cure" b;it :xi m

mixed company . . . Mri Capron d.-n not approve of •cn-cd" iiiid:-.ti. .U her camp men and women ii:c u p.

* a anted by a faUen tree tn iia . . , I f WUllam S. Ovthmm. r.e* a.\v ov/.ct t v of pollee ot the rapllnl biiild;iii: and li,n!cnmndi. U n veteran r t thr c'IUmm et-ii>olleo force. He *er'c(l lor nuny ui-])ears there ni a |uirolii;:in atid d:'- or- teetire lergennl. He on;, rnitrci ic.. . centi)'; owei liU Wishnifton ,ij).

»crlpo!ntmenl to Sen.iU'r J, 'ih ;n ' w 'l.e«l.i. Hllnoli . . . Onr of l'r-:.:d, i;i nn*|ilooMvelt'i nioti fnvunt' Iniinv 1 , lieyillic Bnpe; he ollrn lu:, 1. b.iii,-!, on ,i;o hll d«k and nmneiip:. iiic;ii iir ,o:e wCTkl. . . F U 11 Uoe-, n.-i f.nc ! u , «,ii,'fanilj'. Mn. Roofev.'H, .-;i itic i,ti;-r J; ilii',!'.ind. does... Ail Uie dfpuiy .nirtun- „liij uiralopi o( the NRA err cumi: iiKir t(i.:»rrvlcci without roTi lo iii- Ki'vprn- t, t.™ menl. Tlvey »tc nil eHUct v,c.iW'.y , mu'men o( indrpendent meaiu or iirc f nk-!-Io«ned" to the govcmuieni by tiinr j om 'Orpnlutioai. Oenenl Joimson ^c• « ,ro-'lecll them on the bails of wrwiul r -tor knowledge of Uii'ir ijualiftcatlon’.. — on. icopvrlsht. I0J3. by United Fialiire ( licr.eyDdlcaU, Incarjwraled) j


ny UAHK BARRUS tn (AuocUied P n u Staff Writer) ci NEW VOBK. July 59-Uttle

dfamas. lltUe tngedlM. little come* cc (jles-you can hear doseni ot .them , by favesdropplng among Ihe crowdi n buMlinR along Sixth arenue. u

"He promlwd to buy me a perma** nent wave for my blrlhday, bul he « , h u m called up ilnce Ihen." . , . "I ji J had n Job a i maid te a woman on p| . Berenly Sliiti itreet, bul ihe fired j

me beciiujc 1 eouldnl help Uushlns , when I IIW her hlo*1nir on her ,, , loup " . . . "I( I eail cadge molher g, ! dime, tli hnve enough for a pUte ,

of fnnl:i and bcani.". . . “l» ihU a free country er not? A guy can'l

. eren Ntop to chin a lUtle wlihoul (j a dumb cop yelling to move on.". . ManbalUa MeUnge e ‘-Biulncii wlUt me aUil picking „* UP. I only had four tares tlnce BI o'clock, and one of Uiem only Up- ^ I ped me a dime.- . . . “Tliere'i » “ I Btand ulc on Pourtccntli ilreet.4 nenl »llk d tw iti MI :T.ooi Bt thal lap trj'Ing l*-fl!rt. “

fve a mind to bang him with my “ nockeibftok." . . . rNaw. I don’t. I( " r. hnd a nickel I wouldn't gel a “

,. 'uhlnr - . . . “Jte-Mcked m# rleht on d' ' tne Hire. Ihen he got wrry and 3 iMHi-rf crying." "* ■'Dr.1t it around Uien. An old gink Q* I* giving a quitter to every iray inII Iht line.". . . ' t t locked Uke a good « a Job. but IhU fellow itarted gelling ■ t (re«h right away, 10 1 walked.". . . « , “I f l too hot. U f l go Ileep In Uie h> . nark.- . . . “W huia mailer themr Olnnw? Tliey cant hll i billeon." h

____ h

« VMSFISL tIENTlSTBY “i A fetching blond Um. with a cor- tl* nitfitliui glint In her eyes, bccame : en.imored of a young dentW. and, tlielr romanee bloaosmed wllh all V , Ihe' beauty o( arbului md vloltU ll . for nerenl monUii. Ue had not t n ? ilnsle fault ih t eeniid dUeorer unlll 8

one dny aht decided Uie needed iome work on h tr own molan. fi

Whnt w u more meet than th il ei her i»y (rlend thouid iHend hrr.lv 10 »he tripped over to hlv olflcc jb

d overlooking Cealrat park. Then, to U . her horror, abe dticovertd lhat her , devoied teoth puller w \i an lm* s : prejuibie tmaUur wns writer. . |ii^ OeiulU tt« loci lhai- hli Irrlci j „ are Inexcutably bad and that lih " voice Mis'geiU iwo oal.’ lighting on ^ Uifl baek (ence. he IniUt* on ilnglng “ hU neweil composition* to hti pa*I* tlenti. Strapped In the chilr and ^

* i? tr?T V nim enb^^ * '® proicjl the Impromplu «mg rccltat. ri

NVhlch may explain lf> the wns scribbling dectlit. I( he ihould read a Ihls. why to many of hli pntlenla a

V fall lo return u d why hli er*iwhllo c ,. tver-liwng honey lv n-ver home H" Khrn he calU itp these dnjs ci

’[ Pnltcf CommlMloner Bnlin nilen C 'j vAlki from hli home to hli oliice, a* ei-i.ir.ce of nix miles.>• n iu Welmm U wrillps lier new

noieltin a Connecticul firfl|.

Pe.tanal notn ef( a Ne» Vorker'i *Clift: I

Ttwl lummcr locUl colsny al :It WaWh mil. niinde Wind. Uimi out J T each morning lo a-ateh Libby Ilol-

Id — fId Ul lo be luued giving liKsmaUoa ,r. concerning the Twin Falli IncU An ,r. edition of SOOO copira alll be prloled. ,

;t TAFT A(.'ti:iT(i UtPtnLICAN ' no .m in ,vt:os fo b pbiisid en t , WlllUm novird Talt neeepled Uit ,

Bepublican nomination (or preildenl rj (; at hU home In ClnclnnaU Tuuday I

momlng, accordui]. to newa nporUi ['■ recelred tn Tnin l- iIU. 'Tliere w u a I

large galherlre of national political ] parly leidera at the notldcaUoa. j |

I*' JEROSIR PLANS .VEW WATER I' *• KVfiTEM: LAM) 8ALE.S HEAVY) - JEBOMF^-nie pUni for Ui« new,' , « te r worki lyilem are well und'r , '!'• any. II U expeclcd tiiaS Mr, Kuhn'i ■' nppnral o( aomt recommtndatloni,'

made will bt rccelred wUlilp a ihort

•ll ' The Tain r tll i North Side In-1: '® vts’.mtnl ecmpaiiy rtyoila the *ate I'* ot more lhan MOO acre* ot Und ilnce,: »ir July 1. • 1


* " 'fnolie >.

:'i‘| S im plicity nniJ ffood

” prepared br the DfcoraUm Club of New Votk (or The Newa

>!'• II li nn iievij lo home owneri Uiai batbnwBi raay coiiiUl o( mon tlian

'•■f uiulghlly plumbing aud" lc(t orer (Kldn and end-i thete daya.

'■‘f Ihll In »plle of the n»e ot freili- looking Ulc nud iilrn-MiiK cijulpinenl.

•'■■•y tliere oUen ti a look ol tiiT.enc» about Ihe reom.i. Mra. Otorje Iter-

‘cir JOB liM Ihown here that even the iimplhl bathroom may be given an

i'.Jl nir of dlsUnctton. i- m e rosm wm tiled in peach and;

lire t t r o , ro Mr*, llerrog med Uie nme colon In tbe dccoration ol Ux wallij


(tnnn and CUtwn Webb rtdln jb lei- . Iciei.

Ie UirUm aopkJnt writet Uiat the U e* coming baek to Droadway tn the (all <n . Mn. Don MiiquU li mtoaglng a dl iiuamer ttock uoupe op Loag

UUad. /»• Vincent Bhettn, novellil aad war 1C corTtipondent,^hu lunied aetor. Dut ‘ ju it tor one drama..In which he

>'! pUya Uic role ot a newipapeman.Tha'.'t whal you call lype cuUng.

'S u WI5 the loush luck o( a bluei " tlnger, Juit be(ore ihe w u Ut out f o( Uial new nvue, le be nbeanlni '* a number called tVou Can'l Oet Bid

Ul City WlUUa CllyNtw York-1 DeWlU atoton high

icliool U claimed to be Ihe largeit „ In the world. With an enrellmenl of « more than lOjWO, It l> equipped wlUi " iwlmmlni pool, rifle nnge, bank, !

’T Uundry, ndlo iludlo. lltUa Uieiter, I I muale hall ind genenl itere. I

Geno Fowler, who h u -eomed* 1 dettna o( exeeulloiia for newipipen,

' V u y i he .WtU ntrer alUnd uoUier.{. At Ult l u i ont ht aUtnded, Uu : nuth Snyder electrocuUon. h# broka

in down ond wtpU ,d Centnl Patk U clultertd wlUi.al*

moat a i many debutanUa riding U> . * ejclea la Uiou roller ikallng. |In -nie erase (ot peathouiei h u i *1 reached Eighth avenue. Then it ono u alop a tw M tor; building then. And , . on tha rool of the dlmlnuUn ptat- , j houte II a pigeon rooit. m Bhel Darrymon at l u t h u boen I.- lund into appearing In ft mo»le

houte preeentaUon act. Htr m n i* eat ion, John Dnw Colt, U orer* whelmed wllh otien Irtro p ttdu ttn

r- Ilnoe bU itrlklng performUM in IB ”UiUe o r Boy “Id MBurle* Patio. arehllecl,.pn(en i ill WUeoiialn becauK. deipllt Uw (aet , ■U lhal there are no mounUln*. It n* 1 a mlndi him 10 much o( hU naUre ‘

111 SwlUerland.(d William Dii&oU U Lenore Utrtc'i

favorite playwright. Ke U rtgululy It employed al llbrarUn on ont o( New rr.lvork'a moil dUnlfted neaipapcn, „ ce but hUdramMall.eoncem wild and g to wicked women. _ ^ Uer William Roblnion wyi mo*l Boulh ^ e* Sea Mmiders think all Amerlcani

live on grape(ruil, nuU and cluwlng ^

A WIDOW'S BETlItN? p i ! Tliete U a movement on to bring d ,d the revival ot •Tlie Meet; Widow- » .\r lo Broadway atier ll l iu n y r t lU B to'engagcnient nl tenirai d iy , wol^ it. ndo. . . .HR lu lUUe more lhan a jta r Vllma Bd and Buddy Eb«n. youthful bnU ur a lU and lU ler from Florida, hare be* nlie come one o( Uic rUlto'a moil aenaa* anc tional dance lennu. Both were re* t.

centh- married: Vllma lo Bobble Do- a an. a planUt. and Buddy to Ruth

en Cambridge, a newipapcrwcfflio. ‘

* STnOREs’r W PENNIES d 'Hie youngui who twin la Uut

(ountHin a t Oolumbut Clirle lu re ( erolvfd h new racket. They caJoU ,

” pemilei from byiunden and d in 1, for them. Nol a dlfllcult (eat, coa*

*[ ilderlng that Uie tounula U only a ' leel deep. e.

u mittV iw * '•1»« ot »iu'nln» „ provperliy wUh Uuue prinie beach . club* on Ihe Long lilmd ihoru .

r “ making more Iirlngenl Uielr tequtre* menus (or admlulon. Two yein igo almovi anyone who had Uu prloo „ an.s givi'ii n membenhip. 1,

„ Early morning llndi Ihe E u l river T l crow-dfd wtUi Uwie eommutera' ^ " , yachu.coming In trom luipmer re* _ ;... 1 lOlu up Long laland Bound. A doun . H. or M wealthy meo wUl purcluie a ,

. yacht together. I t picki Uiem up i l ..H Ihelr Individual plen, and they

battle, ilreu aad-breik(ut aboard j, — aa Ihe tul-boat ipeedi ihem lo their -

Wall siriel otflcci.,.v O neoH heIiu.ltatollhtjachU l.s ,

* 'a low ilung. gny e n d thal cuU ' ?„'Uirou;1i the water wlUi alfflwt the

; lived of a lea aled. It w u built orer Itom n lubmarlne ehaier.. |

,ort I A ltn n MlisndenltedAn aulomoblle manufacturer out

In i ' Long tiland way Ihoughl he wu iale'stv.lt\s a bargain wbea he bou;hi nee' al a government auction a raptured

[turn runner. Although he ftdeconl*

Greents Good Combination

iood color a re fcalurc*.

b of Ibore the tUe. The JipanMC deslzn ti'M ther# wax varied for uk on Uie

Uiai ir.mi' of tiir utility cIoKl u well, luui The cioicl, incldenUIiy. U a mojt orer u.-r:ul fenture of Uie room. Tlic top

part Is used (or medicine boltlea and Mh- iikr matt/*™. DelBW are two dnw rn

Ill r.iiioh rlMn iomc1» .are to be kept. i't» awl Wlow Ih ll * t«m5»tW.fn\, tn Iler- which aved towcli may be tlirown. the A ven- ilmpte i\:u door conr.ecu

1 an wll!) the'ihower Jind the detail tiu i'oeeii nnrked mil to barmonlrc nice*

and]ty Ihc general scheme. The ime tiockc.l nig l» k i |iarllcuUrly at rail] J 2)uDc. a hich aeemi curious.

JLY 80.193?

I '

Superstitious June’s And not Just a



t ■ 91^



H ere 's June Ktil^ht, who doI upon a tim e, m c rI to New Y ork

now is bBck In Hollywood. Mnx‘ too.

- Bj ilUDDARD KEA\'Y e* (Aiaocuud Preu Bla(f Writer) ti y HOLLYWOOD, July M - June a " Knight gol her (Inl taiie of tho*' movici as a double (or Oreia Oarbo. n ° Bhe knew long be(on that, however, a ^ tha t the'd like le be a Him player, li

u d now the h u a conlnct. d^ The young Udy luin’l mueh to C* u y about tier p u t morie "experl*

tw*," ptihaj* bwauM sht dotiiVl 1 tn m to, maybe becauie ilic U sup* 1 poaed to be tlfeni. I t cotubfed of r

( doing Iho exotic dance In ‘Mata r ■" Hari" which pliotognphic trickery i* Uie '

” Uie* clw*upa o( Oarbo. aatunlly. ‘ e a June doean'l rctemble Oarbo In I :r any manner, except (or her blond 1 I* hair, which ihe u y i wry (mnkly u

artltlclal. AcluaUy It’a rtd. which U I* thBkindofper«onamyihthu.Blifa 1. anfmafed. rffacfotti and lefaltlir. a n h m t of blond Lupe VelcL t

1 Drrami Came Tree «When llie w u l l June begaii r

dansltvg ta a ehonii. Al Uw um e I , Ume ihe (aacied Uial lomc day She'd “ make enough money to buy her ta- I I* ther a> big car and her molher a i

imaller one. Hie um e day d m m i t » Included buying henelf a car palnl* n3 . __ . , ------ ’ J . .. ed It, ll illll looks like a rum ran- '• aer. Now, every Ume he ita rti on a “ cruUt he u iiopped and learehed

by Ihrte or four Cout Ouard cut* Ura.

” Edna Ferber waa bom In KaUma** IOO, Michigan. Bha w u a rcporlir be

(on ihe w u IT yean old.I, O tu Skinner, a l 7S, U itlll acting g* acdlticthau illren lea. ,* . Robert m i i tn ' t b a t leHer. "On* i

Mote Bprlngi’' li being turned Into |* a muilcal comedy. ,

Patricia Bowman, dnnteuie (t'I Uilnk Uiatl ipelled right), dancei , “ teven mllea a day._______________x

i ‘Literary \ Guidepost;

II BELUV ' " " \ \i (AuocUied Preu filatt Writer) 1 ;d •'BAUDELAIRE.’’ by Eald SUrite , I* NEIW YORK, July » ~ I t h u been 1 _ for long the Jab li 10 exhumt and 1■ examine the tom and tortured touU

o( the p u t, lomeUmea In a Roman | te lltuy tplrll. MmellD]« Jn cllnleal 1 (uhlon, fometlmei wltb Intent to 1

I right ancient wrongi. 1Enid Blarkle'i "DaadtUltt" U nov ,

quit* In either o( Uwae model. Mlu , Siarkle U a lecturer en Fnneh lit* 1 eraiun a t'th e Uelrenlty of Oxford, and quite likely tnuruled luraelf In 1 BaudeUln through her work. Butl| there Uie poet dlrorced hlmxU (reiji

— MlM-Btarkle'a-wnrlrand-became-a ] labor of lore, perjjapi tw n u eb- , leailon.

The familiar picture of OaudeUlre ' U thal of a perrerte chap whou life w u an orgy of.uianlim , ladUm, : maiochhm. narcoij« and tho reil of (he diabolfcal -w u a day whtn poveMlsn of a copy ef "Let n e u n du Mat" w u tquira* Itnt lo a pua to Coventry, he « u . of course, proiecuted (or publbhing ll, and iome paaugfi a tre tempo- nrlly emended.

I A good Cciil of llic picture remalni : a(ler MUs Btarklc flnlshei. It leemi I evident that the man lulfered from I a mother ftxnUon. and ctrlnlnly iiar-

eelJci and drtnk Jiid ihejr wjj- wiiJi him, although not lo Uie u lcn t the arid public once betiered.

Tlie onrtullc picture U coiuidi-r- ably overdrawn, one b conrliiced. bul wlUi aU the will in Uie aorld and an appirentty enormou.v labor of re-

■ teareb. MUi SUirkle itlll cannot acrt.tu l- into nem little compnrt* menu aU Ihe odd featurei of Daude*

ZQ Ulre'i makeup, ibe curloui Ualion he with Jeanne Dmui, me mulnUo. for

example.Ht Pethaiw the trutli U lhal Uie ez- :op plannUoii o( mnsl ot the Saudelalri-1 nil an puslM lit* in tlic (act tha t' rn Puudc1alrf..liUn«i|. 11 man ni­pt. most critirriy anJiout »JlJ H i; tn tw ld n t work, he couldnt mapniic

I. hU own affaln. he couldn't evea can- cu duct a puaable tore affair, clilclly : u becaiife tie Inckea the will lo orer- ce* corns ht* iplrilunl tnertu.Tie MLm SUrkle'a boot 1* a (Illle con* at fuied a t Umei, bul extnordlnarlly ' rereallnc.

e’s in Movies— t as a Double, Either

0 doubled fo r C re ts G arb o cnce fo rk , m et Max B aer, f ig h te r , and tln x in going ta be ia (h e moWcn,

ed white, Irlmmed In red, wlUi rtd1 leaUier uphoUtery. She h u bought me all three.tho Bho hat enough gowM. hut net Iht bo. mlllloni the Imagined th t'd hare.■er, an/J If tlie wanw to. ahe c m Jiare ■er, lier hair and her nalU “done” tKry

day. Tliere were a lol of oUier inch fe fUghU ee fancy, ta y t June.

Tl* Jur/* doein’t know how or wlien .tVl the uctulKd aU Ibe aupecaUUani Jp* (hat obseu her. She never, nevtr of removei a illver chain (rom her

aia rlghl ankle, put there by her taollier. ery Bhe bellevet bad luck would follow lo* If Ibe moved tho tum ltun or Die*W m - T a M i g k i h t tlirowa'aah--------'. oter her ihouISer. Iiatei bUck eaU.In Udden and ereo'Uilng eUe Utat U

>nd luppoied to etute mUtoctoae.

[ U Then »lel nUxle'a Affer dnnctng la HoHywwd, when

a nhe w u bom. June moved Eaat to the 'big tlmt.” Bhe liad a part In 0 tiiow, achieved tome fame and'

;aii notice. m « &Ux Baer and Uian came me back home,ic'd Aboul pighler Qaer, wlioll aoon bo' ta- In pictures, too, June had Ultle to J ■ B n y . Bhi> inffrrfd ihe think* a lol of mt him and thal- her admlnitlon l.< not nl* ft -gig-' lor purpoMB of publicity.

»• i l Child i l« CORPORAL PtfNTSKilfE.VT

, . Tlie quetllon of whellier to apank or not lo ipank l iu dUlurbed homt

. and ichool tie? alnc« Wwlr Itwep* tlan. and the fajier the pendulum o( life iwlnij, ibp roon often do Uit iheoriea on the lubject change.

‘‘ Some yean ago wsrporal punUh* ment r a j fn aisiaror, and waa defJ*

— niu iy-barrtd-ftcm -r-m oat-of-tht--------letiools In Ute counUy.

TWay many c f the leaden tn I r child culture adrocaie a modente f uie of phyilcal punlihmenli what A the usage will be In 10. yean ' Umt n 1* hard te iiy.» 1 am Inclined to Uilnk that a gna t -

deal dependi on'Uie lemperamtal of *■ the Individual child and of |t« par*

enu. A /ilhe ro r moUwr wJtft an un*■| lOTtnviWe temper tbould maka

every eftort nol to whip or ilap, for i( u the most n i tm l nacUon and

*nd loo euy le be u lt .U whlpplngi come too oflen u d

a n too violent they not only de(eat ■Cll their own endi by loiinj .etfeeUvt*' U neu. but Uw chUd m« in Uiem a

meani of letting o(( attam (or Uu adun. end either betomti taJVma

’ Ul and lj)d)ffrrent o r deeply reatnKul »l- and rebelllout.ord. A whipping to b t tKeellve muit Jn bf tfry oecwlanaJ, and ffluit b t

But gtren a t th t momtat It u natdtd.I’oiji T h en ' U u emoUoail ilraln

ptiecdTni-TM-cfitld-wimnrfw-the--------ob- day of reckoning whleh m aku Uu

punishment, when 11 ecmei,.assunu lire undue Imjiottanec. In the erxclU* llte ment of'dlKOvtr; In tho act, or u Um, a climax lo a Urielo(m l£dcm tuon reil the j>4fri of whipping means very w a-i'Htttc, but tlte warning remalni In ^py fhc tubcortfcJoui to prevent a recur* l>'»' rence of,iho mUchlef,KU. a punUhment ibeuld b« (tren J'nc wftft an eye not to Uu p u t bul to 'I'O- ihs future, and Ute child ahould (e«l

ll u a warning, nol ai a revenge, fttni - —

EQUIP.MENT COST I* rom COLUMBUS, 0 . « V * rn w a u i^ liar- hoi »#ur tank. vbH of pUte gU «»'llh for a Mior, a liw fett of garden‘he jjMe and a br»» bed t*r ‘b»

cyltnden o( an air pump, Albert and diT- Waller noteberry (uhloned a dir* icfd. fr'4 *u» u d equipment. I t cort ami Uiem « . and they wen able to dc*: re- icend In It to a depUi o( eight (leet. sues !art* CONSUMPTION JU.MPS Ude* liALEiail. N. C, (-Tl - More eol* ilion ton It ccruumed b]‘ tejtttle mills tn . tor North Carolina than U produced

ri<u n r. Joienh O. Knanp. State ex- Cottege eeonomUt. who h u made a

alri- litudy of the home market (or sUte* that'sruvin collon. He m)s the gradual 1 «I- Improvrmtnt m siajile Irngth hu

Hi |rau.icd Inerrmcd luajc of liome-pro- poiiejduccd cotton

ilcliy VOL'XO STBIKEOUT KINO »'er- SHAMROCK. TEX. (J? - "Lefty

Derain. l9-ytir*old pitcher (or con* Taiiiy in ili; Cotton-OU uml-pro* arlty J'Sfw. itnicl! oat M men la,eight

gaaej la Uie first WU 01 U « H uoa.


Page 5: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.


County Crop Control Board Sets Dales for Sdollon-, al ■ Sessions of Farmers

K ra l-D W rM » » IM* «« ^ call'd In C8UU counjy *he*t lim * S i . r i u to ouUln# pUn* tor or*

^r#dm lnU lrH ion ‘pro- S S m p u ,a KI„i,rtion ot • o a l dlreclor lo r»p* JJ in Ihe DUtrlct-oa Ih# coumy

{A uction conlrol b w L w h « i B W «n “ >"® “ * '“W

be entitled lo one vole (or Hcii S “a « 5 of 19M »h«»- ,

w W. p»lmcr. execuih-e »tert* inrv ol Ihe county conlrol botid.

M( m «uw * tor l;3» Jn ibt *t ‘h* followln* pU«»:

lUsUr jwiolllee. Mondiy. July 31; Bublelt KhoolhouM. Tuetdty: Ktnl- u Khool houie. WcdticKliy. (or lurmrr* o! Idaliomt. lUft river. SUiidrod tnd Naf; Albion Iilgh

'ichool. Thurjdiy. tor f»nnen ot the Albion bailn, riba ind Mom; Oakley nir»l lilJih «hoo1. Friday.

Pabllrf. All«lmenl ibilurdiy, Aufuit ft, ■ mertln< will

bf Iield al Ihe Burley high ichoot lor fanner* weit of 11k norlli and,

'uu th road one mile e u t ot Unity, includhu Milner. Monday, Auitu»t. '7, at Decio tthoolhouu. (or Uinl-j doka trrljatlon project tanner* eajJ. of Ihe road near Unity.

TTie dlreclor lelected for eadi oi the wvcn eommunlilea of Die coun­ty win appoint a community allot, meut commiltee. which will acl un­der dtrccilon of the county c o i^ l - {«. AJIofoteHU Bill be cJifrtnl *Jid publlilied' In’ a newipaper for two ^

Bfcrclnry PiUmer calla »««nlloti , (0 tho wnrnliut ullered by Dr, Paul I

• A. Kite In Uie prcllmlnar>- meellng ■* a t Durlay when he em phail^ the nted ot reduced production of wheal the coming year. The gov- ernmenl ertlmales a Iremendous carrj'over of wheat. Dr. Eke polnl* ed out, and the ndmlnlatrallon de* mandi Uial the reducUon program b« carried out.

fliiPEiiilEE JIIME5i[iTB,c

i— ~ tl RUPSIT. July » <8pectal to The r,

N elr»)-Pfe«ailwy to orjanlaUon o; of Minidoka couniy wheat grower* » loto » wheal production conlrol u* ti MCUUon. application were nmailed FVIday lo tatmen here who «

' grew*heattnlD9}. . «Theae cnrds maUed by County

■ Agent Buford E Kulim who li In u eharp ot the work tor botli Mini- ti doka nnd Jerome counUes. contain «i bUnks to be tiled In by Uu wower Clvlng facta ot wheal production by him In 1030. 1031 nnd 1932, also ihe a number of acrea belni; groan by him tl

"tIicm cords, when filled out. wlU lc be the baala tdftJie IndlvlduaJ paw . tl er lo vole a t tha community meet- W Inga Mt (or Ihe wheat producUon « control and alw Ui# bul* for deicr- Jl mining Ihe allotment for eaeh (arm> cr. «i

Mlnldokft haa aeheduled meeUng*In tbe varloua aeetlon* of the couniy. 1" the Khedule being releaaed by Coun- ty Agtnt KQhm Thursday, and (ol- f» lows:

Uglon hall at Paul. Wedneaday evening. 8 o’clpdc. A um t J. {“

Emenon *chool.ThiUTiday evening,8 o-clock. Auguit 3.- «

Jlejbum Khool, Friday erenlng. 8 o'clock. August 4. ■ • rt

--------- Courlhoujernupeft. Saturday eve- ^nlng. Auguil 5,

Aeoqula. pU«e to be announiwl. ^ ‘ Monday CTcnlng, 8 o'clock, Au- „

s " ‘ ’• ThCommunities will be dUldcd along ^ lha line* ot voting preclncla. Emer- S2 Hn, Paul and.Heybum commtinl- J tte* will Include sU farm* In Ihelr j retpecllve voting prtclncu; Rupert hr community will include all ta m i ly. , ' Ing In tho (our Rupert voting pte- i

. clnelai Accqula conimunlfy will m- fo' elude Aeequla and Minidoka voting hi r f e « l n c ( t _ _ _ _ _ _ qu


____ ca:ntmLEY. Idaho, July 29 (Bpedal

to,The Newal-Cliamber of com- f” meree director*, metllng rriday at >“ • luncheon, decided '<o ihonior t er moTtment to obtain loti and equip* _ menl ahedi for itofing itale high-- ■aFBtacJinSfy.

U w u broughl oul Uiat much dt*Uy w u eneountertd In inow.rt* moral l u t winter by rraaon ot Uck ot plowa and tnieki. Btate highway

. gradin would alio tind ilongt rooo In the propoied yards

)l w u decided to urge completion ot Ihe nev bridge It U proposed to build lo take th t plaoe ot one con* demcfd at Milner dam. Alw, to urge thal trrangemenU be madt io Urigate ipace wllhln the fair* groundi mce trade, where the gru t Is drying out.

^ Ibiir^i. are looking belter' al<

teailr-youll aee « bn dlfjfrtnct* 1», It m l} let VI Ul you vlth

proi'tr slasiei.

E 0 S 0 5 ilE D fflB R i x r i i T n i K n iuo Sooth Main

I m a k e t h i s m o

j I Twin Falls Dail


■s ,>0 ' lg / / \ " ' A I

/f f ]V * V/M •

v&*• i ‘

I- 1

« •

“ Ketchum Man Tells i; Experience Witli IS in Fas ness o> ____ ^'• By NED roHTER ,^ (Kelehnm, Idaho) °

A fox, wllh now and then hii cx- i Mpllon. I* perhans Ibe ahjeil ot all i wlIdcrcaUire«.lilsw1lhoneof ihme » ficepUoiu thal my atory has to deal.

„ I t happened whllfl I w u mnger t U on tho ChallU naUonal (orul In e ll Cenliwl Idaho where my wlte and 1 c _ inent r\t veart manvinfd UimuelL 1

tlio long Mwre wtntera Uial laaltd e « from October till May. Our only i 'n omiet to the ouUlde n r ld , the amall i » KUlement of Blanlty, « mllea dls- » I* tant. w u by snowihoe Irarel oveu^d ■e 10,000 foot rwnge o( mou/talM.f'10 viiere Ihe mow l»y to.* depUjo( 20 'X

y One morning In February w hll/n we'were eating bttaklaal my wife tl1- auddenly lelud my arm ond point- «n ed out tha window. dir “Lookr llie exclaimed. o ly ThWy feet tram the lioiise aloodle a red fox rejardlng u* wlUi hif|Ul;.l- i11 live browii eye*. . t:

A regal creature she.wu with her o U long, drooping, while-tipped plume t '. that dragged to the anov, t«liiled .. black ean and black fore-legii that I' n reminded one o( ladle«‘ long illk S ■. glove*, b.. I con(ea* lhal at Ui« moment my v

only thought w u a tlO pelt. Seizing g n my ritle, I it)r*ng out llie door cx* b , peeling lo see a rtd alreak learlng t

for the nearfry timber, tfntoad Urc {i fox merely walked oft n tew yards and atood broadside waUhlnc me. una(ralt Three hasty ihou cllppTtig r (ur each time tailed lo frighten her but brought to me a sudden change ot heart I have never been (ond of killing thing* and It has always been my creed ntver to kill any „ Uilng Uiat did not harm me while " allre or do me some good alter ll r t l dead. i

My two dop. shepherd nnd t Cordon *elter were, at my heel* al , the flrat crack o( my rifle, but ihow* i ed no IncUnaUon to chaie the (ox. ■nie (ox ihowed no inclination to _ run. Bidding my does to follow me ^ I cnrrled my rifle back Into the ,, house. Somehow Uial t30 i>rlt Imd ^ loit lu value In my eyes. An soon as “ I atarted baek the fox turned 'und (ollowed me t l a distance of per* hap* a hundrtd (eet. Here began a y queer triangular friendship be- .. tween the fox, my dog* and myicif Uiat luted over two month.v

My (Irat overture o( friendship bt* m gan a few minute* later when 1 carried out • piece of meat. Tlie (ox aUowed me to approach within 40 q: feet but kept ihat dlitance between hlj us. Seeing Ihat I could gel no near- i er t threw ihe meat dawn In Iht Tl

What You I Standard I

Recorded I■ It '■'I Never *


. . . I n v e s t i g a t e

It Today!.per



M a g e l A u t o i

Wn Falls,

[ODEL AT HOME ^a i ly N e \y 3 P a t t e r n "


by C^hm cC^lam S "Why nol treat yourxlt lo wm* „

new blouseit Theyll freihen up *, your wardrobe and make odd' iklru led new. A amart jiske and imfted t , ileetfj make Pattern 151$ a knock* vf oul tor elilc. The other pattern 2i&a, Is Irreilsllble wllh It* perky rf, fbted ilec«i and engiglng bowl

Pattern 131S may be ordered on1y'r< in tl:c3 J4. 10, la. 20. 32. 34, 3S, 3B. |<0 nnd 42. Sue It requires Mi yardi 3}*Inch fabric.

Pattern 2iM may be ordered only |„ . m llrri H, 18. 18. 20. 32. 34. 38. 381 and 40. Site 18 requires two yards h< 3S-lndi fabric. Illusiraled itep-by*L„ ttep (cwlng Imtruclloni Included. ie;

Send n » T E ^ CENTS (15cl«lnlj»; Cdlni or ilamp) (eclas prefenedi Uu lur-tlils Anne Adams patieru. Write tiv Dlulnly your name, addreas and ityle toi number. DE SURE TO STATE SIZE . ] WASTED,

TJIi: .NEW SUJIMEtl EDITION < OK Tin: ,tSNE ADAMIj P .m tR N U* IIUOK IS HE.\DV. Afternoon. ipori«, :3ir. tennis drtues. jumjKrs. houAi- ‘ frocks, ipeclal beginner*’ palieniis. «»! >:ylr* (or Junior*, and cool cloUiei ' (or youngiiera. and initructloiu lot making a chloiweaitr are among the riKlnatlug lUma. SEND FOR YOUR fopy . PRICE OP CATALOO RF- L ,' TEEN CENTS. CATALOO A.VD •ATTERN TOOETnER TWENTY- PU-E CENTS. J

Addrci] til mall orden to Twlo I I'Alla Dally Newa PatterD Depart- Idi Oient. .

______________________________ Pn------ -------- . . . - . . = D,

s of Unusual ~ th Fox As Ranger ™ of Idaho’s Timber

--------------------------------------------- Itlmow and turned away. Tlie fox • waited until ! had retreated a liun*

s. dred feel or »o Iheii returned lo the J*/ ai meat and lay down In Uie uiow and se me ll:ll. nom thtn on she ate and gam* ‘ tr boird with Ute dogs wliUe we walch*In ed Irom the window. When my wlte 1 or I Ifit the home she would retire

,1. In Ul- Ii-tml ^ tivl that thi- >eem- f d ed to coiulder the wife dtftanw un- ‘‘‘5

ly Ul «f returned Inside and then “• OJ would rtlum: iho dug lierielt n J. warm nfit In the liiyiiack a hun- i-d red jards from Utt home where I 1* . fed my jaddlclionea and another In ,

le' Al diiybreak each monilns wllli tc the reKuUnty ol an alarm clock ih j — [. would begin yapping under Uio win*. •

dows and Ihen followed a lialf-hour ol wild play ullh the two <l&u.

^ Wc kept a JuiBll flock of liCM I- jame dlataiic'' frnm the bouse but.

tradition to the conimr>', hfl never•r once allowed an liichnallon to molejt .le them. A i>erteci lady, d ■ talc In April we hltcl.ei1 Ihe dogi H lo a sled nnd iimw.Htnfd oitt to Ik Stanley. Whllr- «e w te gone the

breakup of aimrr oceurred and when,y we returned 17 riaya laler she wa*g gone. We nerer aaw her afterward;* but we often wondered at the mys*S tery ot her apj-raraiice and aiu-« tttdc.:s


; aooDiKO.jutri3(SpcciiiltoThe' Ne«ii-AcUvlileiofOoodlngp«r»ons - and tlielr Irlendi during lha week

Juil ending Included the-loUowlng:, Miss Ethd simDnton who letl Oood*

Ing May 31 on a lour of Iht euUro and uulhcrn port of the United

* Statei returned this week.;; Mr. and Mn. VlrgU Jaduon hart . returned from Kimpa where Uiey vU*‘ Ited at Ihe Dr llsrry H. Hamlltoa

home. They wiU leave Aucuit D tw Berkeley, Calllortiu, whera Mr. Jack*

: aon win enter the Psdllc School of •’ Religion (or a fniir >'tar coune.; Ollej Evani, ion o( C. O. Eviru.‘ yakls!*, WashfHrWJ. |j rljllJng rel- ; tllves here.’ Mr. and TIieudoM Toone and i

Mlu Vera T \ t e have arrived from I ■ Moscow, where Mr. Tonne h u been i ‘ aucnding the Univcrjliy of Idalio. . I ; Mark Whitbread has teiumed trom , ' Glasgow, MoiiUni, where he visited I I his parent*.' Mr*. Laura Douslau. Mlu Eldrfd < ' Thompson, and MlK Rulh Re'cd havt

1 Get With A l l - P o i n t

Lubrication>Vt keep a eanplele rererd .ef

yanr cara Inbrlcallon hU tofj- when Ifa Irade In tlma Ibat't ■ big adranlsgt.

TTie STANDARD All-Polnl Re* corded Lnbrirallun rtdore* l«*n s r tm ie achrdBlr lha whei* compllraled >)b e( im ldng •Ttrr palnl et irrar. al Ibe preper Interrali.

Tha Lul liord In grtaBlnrnwll^’' mtnt, eperaled by trained ex­

pert a.

E YOim CAU AHE TIIK TI.^CESiTj:Ry. sTEi.iuKe; h iik el and ■AYS protcct | ;d.

)mobiIeCo.Is, Idaho i

■___________________ ii


relumed from a vUll with reUtlvei i ta Las Angtle*. J

U. L. RoberU rttumed tren Moa* eow when hs vlilled rtUUru.

Mr, and l ln . L A. Cannoo, Sacra* mtnlo, Ctlltomia. are vislllni i t Uie

- pvtDtal r E. B nndt bome.Mn. Olady* Hi}'den o( the Good*

Ing college faculty h u relurtied (rom vlalU In Nebraska and Colorado wltn relaUvt*. |

Retsra From Ceaal I Mr. and Mra. J. A. Journey havo

'» relumed tron CalllomU where Uuy P vlslled Uielr two aons.■* Elner Nellsou lus relumed (rom i d Mokow where he alicnded Uis Uul*'> verally summer seulon. ‘" Mr. and Mra. II. V. McCoy and y daughWr, Marjorie McCoy, havo re­

lumed (twn Cape Horn. W.'Il. Me* ,Coy acco.iipatiled lliem. ,

^ Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Nutting. Mu* j 1* 'aoula. Montana, are vUlUng at ihe I

jCharle* Abemalhy and Stella Abet* ')’liialhy homes.!>| Mra, EllubeUiJohnsotLliai letl Ior “ Iher homc in Eurtk.% UlalL.Sho grad- '*{uulcd Ull* year trom Ooodlng col*

lege.Mrt. L. D. OuIhrie.SfcllCliy, K*n*

aas, and Mrs. rred Hasting*. Syra* I> cute, Katvis. left tor Uielr rcspec** |tlve home* ader a v l^ with Bena*' I e tor and Mn. John TlfSmu here. I K . M rt Mary Watson h u Ktt for a I

vlalt wlUi her daughter In San m n - I

d Mr*. Opal Snider and mother, M r. I I] lu 0 . Balder, have lett tor a vlalt In 1 , ‘Boise. I' Mn. M. L. McCoy h u lele for Chi* < . cago where th t will visit relaUve*.: Mlu Verna Young, Uland Plilaeh*, man, Vincent Hunt and Mtl WUcax , and daughter Have left tor Chicago . to atlend'the Worid’a fair. Ha

I Aliomey Branch Bird h u lett (or jjh U o ld h o m tln S h e lb m ie .-^ e i-

liarley Duller and (amlly will ino/t , to Buhl thla week. ,

s Elmer Herbert and famlly Ie(t for !'*'- Idaho Falls Uita wrtk.

JoJin EdJwJm hu tf/t lor S*b “‘'• Franelieo lo visit hl^ daDghter. Mn. Dave Hendry, and (amlly. ' * > T

Mr, and Mn. liaroln Uid’r and nalnon. Ralph Lucke. and (aUier. A. J. iLucke. and two gnndd)lldrtn. Ver- iid non and Otraldlne OlUei^He, havtI tlt (or Chicago and the middle wett* ^

Mr. and &ln. August Averett havt■ itlumed (rom Salt Like City.( Mr, nnd .Mr<. J. 11. IJtvingion anU n . daughter. Mlu HutliBcvliigton. Uave . relumtd trom L « Angelei. Calitor*< nla. where lliey vlilled Uiclr daugli- i.u

ler and (amlly.. U n . Alice Reynold! Is ipendlng Uio . fcummer wllh h tr daughter, Mri -, f Charles-Palmer. and (amlly In Nam-

; Slndcnla who '° l

■. al'Mcucow. relumed litre Uils week , were Pro(twor Qeorge Dean of Ihe *

SUffSdtooI/crHieI>e*f*ndBllaJ ‘"f, , anddaiighler.OeergIa.Mn. Martha ‘! Oow]erotaoodlng;Mn. Ava Damn I of Rkhtteld, Earl Ileldel and ilsier, ‘• Ltlha, Mr. tnd Mra. Burnell WrigliiI and Mlia Alma MaeXJreolea. • " "

i --------- ~ ~

;■ I 0 ^



f p I I ' J^ c?i« Jr - ' . » ' j!’;- i

' ’I

[ K '



" P o p e ’s 5 0 - Y e a r - 0 1 d

" - - O c c u p i e s D i18 ----- -

” /lil rfi

; -------------- ® ^1 Giovanni TolKi haa been chau

days w hen th e p o n tif f wns Cm . Hhonn beside one o f Ih e five u

which (he la t te r h a s Ju s t aiichi

’ VATICAN c m r , July » * ^ n y *. halted, kind-faced OlovaiuU PollU. c ' U yean old. IlU one o( Uit moat un* I, , uiual Jobs In th* world. .iU la thi

!>:>i>e's chiuiftrur. n:■. lit haa five automobile* ot four I iiaiionalltlu under hli command. ■' Tbe moit ha drivu Uitm 1* a lialt* u ' hour a day except’ (or Sundaya.' wlien an aaiUUnt lakea Uw wlieel ' Tlie larlheat he drives U,Uie two-

mile circuit tn Ihe V*Uc*n gardeni. -| Tlie only paasenger lie drive* Is ^

, I’upe Pius,' Pollll revealed that the pope Ukea „ ' to drive wllli the top down. "

"01 UiHlve can Uie Holy Father j’i ' ha* (or Ilia peraontl use," ho u ld , ‘

"one U American. Iwo are lUUa'n, “ ' one frtneh and one atrm tti.

“Of them all Uie Holy Father pre* fen the American n r . Ho uae* ll tour daya In Uie week. Thla t* par* *

' ilriilarlr hfftuw hfl l[ke* to look at . the landicape and brt*Uie Uie purf ^ : air and be orden the rear part ot i ' , llie top opened. Tlit American car

Is the only one ot the (li-a which luu _ Ihlt feature.* •

' Tlie chauffeur said tliat HU Hall*' iKM 1* always allent .while they . .drive. • H

I w im " o u s lo B o ra " !K th e y havo found th e \ fl no p r o f o r I t to ' bo .3 I ony t h l a f o r ti o la ia iD K a l l t h a t o i j I f th o p e o p lo whj n a t t o r a l i t t l o w hat1 ... ‘^ t a o l f , a n d Iho owno j i n a c tu a lU o r v l o e la

T h a t l i why we d i V -9 i s b u i l t on p r in

I l n m o to r c a r s a ^ o f ■ o f t h e c a r .

T ^ o .w o lg h t , f o r ■I I s a b a s i c p r ln c l p lo f W eig h t h a s nuoh

romovo Sxcoas w o lgh tft--------^ ^ — W hon-p o o p lo -ta Jlj] e d v o r t i a i n g la nguage j ■ th o iiB h t t o w o lc h t?I Tho iDore dood we] To c a r r jT p ^ B o n gj , th o g a s b l l l a . I f w 1 fioonony t n n o v ln g a j By k e e p in g woigh

o r a n a t h l o t a — th o h BOSt D l l e s and m ost o v o r -h e a v y f o r I t s p s p e e d — w hich n oans r i r e i g h t a n d s t r e n g th .

Tho F o rd V -8 i s r e q u l r o s , and au ch s u s e l e s s w e ig h t. , S t r

ffh a t wo o f f o r i a t o do them .

I •>

. J u l y 2 8 . 1933


Id Chauffeur Distinctive Position

MIh H '

, I

rhauffeur fo r Pope P iu s since th e i : Cnrdlnal R a tti of Milan. H e Is i 'e cam owned by tho. pope, from tl lichted. H

y* ‘Do you have to' laka mechanical o lU. c*re.,or Uit pojie'* (ive machine*?'' P n* the chauffeur ukod.>'• “Ah. no." ho replied, -I have a '

niedmiilc,’' P'Uf "And do you gel a day o t ( f Sj ■ -rw Sundaya tnd holidays there .i

t* Is an aulitant."[*■ By winding nround all the narrow hi gravel rwid* In the vaUcan garden*, d

an aulnmoblle can go al m u t only 7 nbout two miles wlUiout rttraclns - “ lu piitli.„ Pollll 1* a cIlltAi ot Vatican Clly.

Dy birth he I* a Mllanwe. He h u been Pope Plua'8 chauffeur alnee

d I» l. when HI* HollDtu became n c*rdiiml*aiebI)lsIiop ot Milan. Prt-

' vlowly h« WU chauttfur lo the lale Cardinal rtrrsrt, ot •Milan.

I. When Cardinal RatU became Pope . . Plus he brought his Milanese tiouu* at keepei; and his chnu»*ur with lilm.

^ ptniloned.'IJul PoUll'atay* on., ir —„“ CITY OF aOODI.SCS IJUYS • i j . PIPE r a n WATER SYSTOlly . OOODINO. July 29 (SpecUl to .

Newii - 1710 dty of Ooodlns h u | .

;■ ■ ■“

' S c a r ^ r t u i M o L

ra t r l t y i n , aa“ a a n y a T s 'd o ln L h e i ,^ r d V -8 b o t t o r t h a n w# sDO.3r th o b e n e f i t o f a F o r d d e a l L o i g h t bo o l a lo e d I n f a v o r o ) who u s o o u r c a r a e v e r y d s y ■ l a t wo may s a y . Tho l a s t w or m o r who t o l l s h i a n e x t d o o r ) l a t h e o n ly o f r o o t lv o a d v o r re do n o t s tn iB S " t a l k i n g po l: > r ln o lp I e a , n o t on " p o i n t s . "I o f l i t t l o oj-^no iB p c r ta n o e

f o r o x a o p lo . I t I s n o t j u s t i .p ie w hich wo hoop c o n s t a n t l y ich t o do w i th th o o o a t o f th i .g h t . I t c o s t s you m oney i f ' ; a ;k - a b o u t_ th o - .o o a . t_ o f ju n n ln i lago , "o cc n o ay o r o p o r a t l o n " -

- ■

I w e ig h t a c a r d r a g s a ro u n d , ' longo ra o o s ta v o ry l i t t l e . I '.t wo d e s ig n an o c c n o o io a l onj 5 a B a ss o f u n n o o o a sa ry c a r wi l i g h t w horo i t bo longs*—a s t n 10 h o r s o - p o r o r p a r pound o f ci i s t pow er o u t o f a g a l l o n o f | ;a p u r p o s e . A q u ic k , ro sp o n s i IS r o so rv o powor— r e q u i r e s oai [ th .I s n o t a l i g h t c a r — I t i s a s ih s t r b n g o r th a n i t n s o d b e fi S t r e n g th h a s boon o b ta in e d w: ' i a a 0^ , b u i l t t o ^ c e r to :

ILY 30, ]S38



1 By Bralyn 8. le rtk t

When aarUil U*t beet* h*v« been , weeded.

And our ho tt tre eowrtd wiarBiit, When tll tb t nlfhUhadt h u van­

ished > And ereir wetrworm ha* b u it-

Ws thall ru t, and (allh. ws shall OKd It. '

Ue down (or a decade or two,TUI anoUur darned old depression 'fiball tel u i to work *sew. '

u looked preUy good, *0 we took I t - 1 Twelve acre* o( beeU on Uit ahare.

But It's work, and dont you forgtt It, We’d oot repeat on a dan. ,

We have plenty ot real weeds to work on. ]

Bll oot* and ahort ocea, snd taO, Bosburetd our backs and our noit*

And wg le t so llrtd we bawl. ^

Somellmes Uie miller wlU praise u*. , QulU o(Un Ui< mliUr will hlsme,

But we'r# dotag thU work for money And dont (ive a n p for Uie (ame. 1

We get no Joy out of working, 'We'draUierbeknlUlng by fir.

But bow else In the wotld lo make *{

WlUi Ume* Uie way thal Uiey an i

» a r , July » .


B n » H tw sj-Tht (oUowlng p snou » wer* elected u dlttrtet o((le*n a t u I the recent quarterly metUng of Uie

American Uglon o( Uil* dl*triet s t .Rctehum: Xarl IL Plnney, flee. S

,1 coominderj Mn. H, Don Johnton, “" preildenl ot Uit tuxlUary,' -

placed lU oyder for 3800 fetl of Iron pipe, whldi wUl be ihlpped tmme* dUtely, On anlral.Uie clly wUl be*

' glnlhe'JoboflnataUlngthenewpIpe In plac* ot Uit old wooden pipe which

r h u been tn lervke for ytan In Uie , d ty wtUr milni. f[ ■ ■■ ■

: . BT POPULAR’ We have deeWc i: ODR 9 1 PEI BIG a FO R X .

• FOR TKE REKAIMDXR I (Wedaeedvf and Tl* Oroqulgnole OU

klngerwan b Kilra


”** I

J i n r t h o M 'd s y f l r B t a t i n g ' t l i a t i s a i d i t w as . t h a t i s hov ft> a le r who o h id e s me f o r n o t r c f o u r o a r ,ly a r e n o t p r a i s i n g th e a , i t ro rd o u s t b e s p o k e n b y th a cb >o r n e ig h b o r hew h i s c a r b e h s r s r t i s e r .j o in t s " i n o u r o a r , Tha Fo rd " Most o f th e " t a l k i n g p o in

10 t o th e po rfo rm an cft o r v a lu

I t a " t a l k i n g p o in t " w i th u s : l y i n B ind when we d e s ig n a c th e o a r . I t o o s t s u s oonoy

: f wo l e a v e i t i n . l in g a c a r — c r . t o pu t I t i n i"— why do th e y n o t g iv e mora

I, th e n o re I t c o s t s t o r u n . I t i s o a r w e ig h t t h a t r u n s

o n g in o , a n d th e n w a s te , t h e* w o lg h t, w h at h a s b e e n g a ln e t r a i n e r s do w i th a r a c o - h o r s

* c a r ro s ta in s h ig h . T o -g o t t i f g a s , a c a r s h o u ld n o t b e m s lv e p io k - u p a n d r e s e r v e c a r e f u l a t t e n t i o n t o c a r -

a s h eavy a s > lts d e s ig n I f o r s a f e t y . < B u t i t h a s no 1 w ith o u t. doad -Jieavy b u lk , • tn in th in g s , a n d s u r e

S T O Y W O R R Y ? ' ' IBrfnSOfth ;

Why lUUiU WORT, you would l4 w t JH- Becauie. nU-KtywllU It *0, ^ •

Td rather lead my feaii a t play \ - m a n tend the bloexaln- mea away,- - •

Besides, It’itre i me qulU a Uck .To oU my dresdi and wateh them -''

haU cUck;And w h rn i oughl to sleep a t Biitit, ;

. . I polish them to keep thea b rtgM .-" Iloo . ■

Why deal In wotrr, thl* ym u k t Because, U'* tuch a dmple U t ' ' '

t t - U lake* no tkUl to lumt and tuck are. And ezercUe my dom* wlUt btmk. ’ lit ,

Acd u y l The chill* X Uiui enjoy to Aro dear to m e u ChUdhood ton

FOr wbeo I take my fears In haad.1 dress them up to beat tbe band.'

Why do I worryt Tou ahoold kaow Tliat only wesknesi maka I t ! » - '

" • That you would fret and frUler, too, . “ J U U ut Is what you'd raUier do, me. Twlo yalli, JuJy M.


^ OOODINO, July M (Bpedal to S Th* N m )-T w o boys and • (Irl

have been bore to OoodU» p tn n u in reesntly,

Mr. and Mn. Oeorge UeClndon ' ' lo announce Uit birUi of • ditigiiter.

, t o , and Ur*. Alfred, CiU di are ’ a t tt* parenu of • *00. bom July a i. .

" t U r.a D d lC n .^ o .K o n Ib y iN tt» .


m l JO S. R, NU M BERS, a t D . |Z m tU o e liD U te d to lta a a ir te t •« . BCCtAl. OI5EA8U . ‘

btaerriields, flissre, flstda, eta. .^ IU Idtko Bldg, FhoM UU

M ir e ;;

■ A R J I E Q U E S TcWcd to con tinue

PE R M A N B ffT W A V E . : SPE CIA L

IDEA OP IB B 8UHMSI , ad Thtttdayi '

-.■83.0Q 2,.S 3 .0I ; z T S s ro r^ T S K o r—

. n u o e MT y / U B E A m SH O PPE ^ .OBQtTS. Manager

un .

h o rs o *

. ’ ■ ' ' • " ■ ■ - J l

Page 6: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

i S H T S o r e i ■ 'SMTJELEBili

8XJHL. Jnlr' » to^

aoa mcQ et Buh] met ttonlfiC I t Itio I ^ a l ca>< <‘> ■ tuB jiiB nitlonal rccovenr se t- '

. BiMttBr n t held under ih« a nlccrol the merchants o( Duhl. a Mwulre. koxUut ol Ui« bm of cetinuereti prwlded o r t r ' tBwJlnff. n f f t » number

. mrmben and escli buslneu he u n t * repre«ntallTB to the nv Inc. •

Delfjalei chosen to »Kfnd I merehanU' meeting of T^ln n Mondir Dijht are KItrIs, J . nuCT. E. Wall. Everett Hall.

' S ha rt Stnnley Weber, E»’ere Bsbcoct A motion w i made tavi Ina lha openlna cif ilorcs at fl M. ADd rlfl«la a l J P. k t everr d txeepl Saturdar- They voted dose on Baturdar evening al o’clotk. _____________ •


nUPEtlT, July » isr« l#! to T Ke«a)-Mlnldolca dam snd baatffu! mxxM emre. i* prort ft popular resort for Sunday plcnl and haa been wlected by three o KanUatlons u Ihetr outing ipoi I Sunday. July sa.

8cme lime aw the Mltil-Cau . Jloney Pfoduccr* aet their annu

Uldne dale lor July 30 and ai nounad Minidoka ^am. aboul : mllet eait ot Rupert ai tha chox

. rtJorl.. Mnnben 0/ Ihe Odd Fella* ar RebeM>> todsei ot Rupert and Sui tey announced Ihelr yearly out-da

' awunbly (or KUnldoka dam «lt July U Ibe date.

Rupert luxtllarr and Oconta ( Uarthall port American Le«lon wl uuo gather on the um e dale tn um a place for the annual mJd lummer picnic outing.- The grounds are ample and al though the dUferent organlutlor *UI toltl aereral hundred, no on vUI be erQVded.


. KOLUSTER. July » (fitwUUt Tba Wewa)?rtdndi hen h a « rtcelr y w d otthe death ot Ura. oeorg

CUy. Ur.tndMra.aroTerlIvMlier •erenl y ttn . Mr. arorer i fu aee reUry ot Ihe Salmon Rlrer'cona «eapasy u d Mn. O m tr wu poti aUtreu. _____ ^


The M m )-A . Z, pelloa. Malad m s d paMiKh ot Idaho Odd Fe!'

' lo n , tnd T. J. Uoyd, Tvln n i l i m n d o u te r, n n otftclal taeiti 0 tbe Ooodlng eaumpmenl In ii» ctll necUog Ihtl week. Vlalton wer

h pte^nt from Rupert, Jerome/Bub tnd HaitnntD. 'Hires degrees wer contened 00 tvo caadldatet.

Bl/HL'DIVER GETS Hl/RlBDBU . J u ly V (apeeltl to 71)i

)fen} '~ D tis Herey, aoo ot Mn Uai7 Plercy, dlred otf lha 3S>(ooi pole In tbe iwlmming pond i t Itv

' city ptrk aod atruck a ^ock In Ihi botion ol Uw pool itc rewlml 1 etetn cut on Ihe top ot Ihe heU ami

• ha was ruahed to Dr. McManus-i of­fice where ll w u required (0 Uk(

' Mkitttchei.

BUHL“ MEN'WATCH-DRIV£^JUIIU July 39 (Special to The

Ne*il-K. E Beeman and John Par­ker. Bubl. drove lo Wendover. Ulan, today to see,Ab Jenklni In hU 3U hour drtie on tha sail beda. ihe fait> e*t tuto «peed*ay In Ihe wejl. Jen- kWi irJJI Urtre a .Wer<»-,^rrer « .

j Pecttog lo make a iMO-mlte drite I in 3t houn, in an titempl to break

Jill former rccord of fjio mllei. The course f» about a mUw eaat nf welli, Nerada.


OOODINO. July 2fl tSptclnl to Tlie Neasi-eixty members al Ihe OotWlnff unit of (he Order of fast, em Siar ntiended the annual pic­nic ot the lodie at the fl.mbur - iiatalorlum \Ve<liic'.ulny nigiu. Salmmlns anil an n'jidcrit ^npjyr *fte enjojtd.

-------------cAnTOi VISITS GO oniNr."OOODINO, July 39 «SpcrWl JO

;riir Neill - pArkcr Carver, nolw. hesd Of Ihe itale relief orRStiitiilon. »a» here T!jar>day eoaterrhe «lin

• Harry Levy, mayor, nnd E. I 61II- wn, elty flerk. ronrernlns ticcon- Mnictlon tiniince corportUou mal- tetx

C h e v r cIf

For fhe Fii


Chevrolet .........F o r d ............i ....Plymouth .........



I Georgian Pri

H i I f R O T

ituiday ^to dU- : . - P r y . .■ - . j y y i : - eUThc

uhl. H. r ^ \ y \ ‘ - Acham- 11-./.-,

rer tha Iber ot

nv^t- ; .rv-

1 Palis J

Ed '

I fl A.n day W '-. ted to .

VE f

lo-nie Id lUwrlAB t J / r " 9 S X b M '‘A ‘'

s i V i W i i5s i l l f r lUt M PR IN C ES SEH G E (left) n

nobility o re ahown when , ,n4 Europe. T hey reeenlly n sur- contc.<(t ftiiKx fo r ncimritUc

;-door JlcCormlc, opera singer, n •'«« (Al Photo,

ta O.

“riHffMNSPIlSS S5 m m m i

SinOi, July 39 (Spedal to Th N en)-The advanced and begin

, , - p nlng swimming leal was given In th l lc o puk Friday afternoon. Thoae pau

ng Ihe advanced swimming teilUto•telT. ( Pete Boyd, Tony Krame». Ttior eorge « « Charles Reed. Edwar

i , .n adty. Twin n ila . Frank tfanel. Jac. tM . Sloane, Twin Fnlla. U Venie Mach

:u i,I ;eck, Harold Seoien. Uoyd McQuean nett. VtUj Joyce, BUIy Uvcke. Rler. Ul

[Ilan Illgglns. Margarel Bratl. Bu< Salmon, Twin FtlU, James caru iDonald Cfjder. Twtn FaUs. Don

' Mae Lawton, J’fnelto'Runyon. Jewel CDclstnbom.'Jimmy Shields, Kennel!

jOhldUter, John SkUlem.Women adult beginners;

•>, fpi Mary Hughes, Twta FaUs, w n 'lUhn.'Rote Kuccra, Mary Kuccrj

” ,*• ‘Margarel Joyce, Thelma t-cland Helen Bullock. Mrs. J. ,C. Hamlltor

**of piorence Flnke, Paulina Uwlos 'I»* Mildred Peck. Ruby Howard. Orac « « Dey.Buhl; Doth clauei were awarded bution'

<n,a life uvlng lesU we; 'given Saturday aflemoon a l Ban


■me . . ____^ D tna . July 79 (SpecJa) fo T i •>f»‘ News)-Mra. E. W. Byme, who wa

ImeeeMfuliy operated upon for goile > t»> In Salt Uko Clly early this monil » * 'Isrefutnlngfolierhomewratof Buh and Monday, Mrs, E.,E, Beeman. who hn

‘ O'* .been a medical patient In a Salt Uk; lake |Cliy huplial Ihe pasl monlh also re

tunu to her home loiilh ot Buhl.

IV£ KDEN l»:8jilENT.‘« .>JOVE EDEN. JuJy » (Special lo Tin

.n ,. Kews)-\tri. O. W. Jenkins. Iiei [4 r. dauthter. Idho 'Jenkins, and son

peorge D, Jenkltii. lell FHday fo; I J . ta s Vesu, Wcvarta, lo make thed

,„ .ihom o thrre. Mrs, Jenkins m d aoi len- 'I’^xl a f.renler part ol Ihc tu t tw(

monlhi here looking after proper ly and vlilting former friends. Mis-'

_.w loue Jenkins Is employed In U ; p . . Vegai and ha<I upent two week*

vstaiJen h w anrt nJiJ) her sliier ■ Mith JftiklM. al Twin Fall*. '

Mr. and Mrs, Utiuel Tniley and fatnlly arr siiendliig a week louring yellarilone'(urfc

to KIMIILIILY n :« s6 x 8 UliVufifi, Ihe KIMnEflLY. July M (Special lo

sst* The Ncwji-Mr. ond Mn. E, M. plc- Arnolil »na Mrs. W. ^t. Arnolit anil >iir>’ ion, Jnrk Arnold, retumeii Ttuira- al't- day from Ucan. Utah, where Ihey 'I’er usltrd Mr, and Mrs. Dick Arnold,

' m ile avay Iliey vlslled Mr. and Mn..Uojd.Burui. 8alt-Uke-Clty.

'la-mrr rtsMrnlt of Kimberly, to , Mn, B, 11, Alkiii'on Li reported

'!«•. tecovrrlns from n nwjor operation lon. nt.llir T»hi FalU eoimty Rcneral

HI-1 .Mr. anrt Mr*. Don D, Oibbs en­on- ijovfd a *<yk'» vl*lt with Mrn- lal- oilib,< brnther nnd »lslcr-ln-latf.

[Mr, and Mrs. John Dllle. ■

'o l e t L e a d iIn E v e ry S tiFirst Five Mdalhs of IM,?

1 Cars and 1ER CARS :...........17!),142 Chevrolet........ 97,585 .F o rd .................. 70,132 Internatic;sT A v m m . E n. i . p o l k i

30N-JENKD■» '


Princes Back In U.S.

i1 / ' / ' V '

1 1 l m - \ \) nntf D av id J ld lvnni o f Georff/ai en they a rr iv e d In New Y ork fron f nnnounccd th n t tliey would no ntfon b ro u g h t by tlic ir wives Jfor; r, nnd M ac M urray , film a c tre s s .-

s is ls P S iiT Y lTte PH O N E 32

n the I , I Mr. tn d Mrs. Louis A. Snyder yei- lerday celebrated ihelr golden wed. ding anniversary and more than 1 hundred frltndi called to offer con- graiulatlons al Ihe lyime, Ihlrleer

East.Mr. andMn, Snyder were ma.*. ? .! l rled July weniy-nintli, eighiecn hun ‘ J i d r e i l elshty-ihrre. In Park Ctly

Utah, TTiey haie Jlred In Twin Falli nearly twenty-elghl yeara.

boris • "From mid-day yeaurday unti ewei) nearly mldnlghl the home wta thi ineih mecea ol acores of Irlendi. mosl ‘)i

Uiem •■old-ttmen." who Iiave knowr ■nd Mtecmed Mr.-and Mn. Snydei

rrene,for«gehentlon,Many beautiful bou. ccrj. queU tnd numeroua gUU testllled to land. Uw alnccrety ot the good -«lsliu Illon. whtcli the vUllon spoke, rton ., RelallTCi present during (he dif irace included Mlu Mictha Snyder. Twin

Falb. tlielr daujhter; Lea Snyder llont. Twin FBlli, Ihelr son, and Mn. Ue we:« Hnvdi-r: W, L. 8tr/uer, int.: wn. •*.;i; Ban. Mm. W. U Sliyder and Ihelr » n . Jay

Snyder; and Oeorge Gray, Menan, Idaho. M/i. SHyder'i brooier. wltn

JRN Mn. 0 « y • " ‘1 children. Mar- tha and Anna Oray.• Tlirec other children «-ere unable

i ’, , lo attend. They are B. D. fnoctor.ptioenlx. Arliona, and Mlu fUiodi

rtLVh M. Snyder and Deaey Snyder botli ^ h ( o^seatttf.

‘ A formal dinner was dlipcn.'cd tjik . «llh bul Ihroughoul the-ifiemoOn

and evening Mr, and Mrs. Snyiler ? wn'od Ire cream, wke. sandalclirs, _ coffee, lemonade and other relresh.

' Mr. and Mn; Snyder moved to P ’*' T*'ln Falls In nineteen handretl f(w 'x f and Itom his fln t year here M,-. *?"• Snyder became known as one of the

I*. I succrsaful tarmen of the sec- ineir juirei repeatedly lor*®‘' hl» iiolflio yields. He was born lu Sail

Lake Clly Auguil sei’cnleeniii. etsli- Irrji hunrifrd fUly-nlne. Mra, Siiy- dcr *as born In Klrklntlllock. Scot. land. March loutlh. elgliieen him- !dred ilxly-lwo.

■*?’’•( ' Not Ifie Ie«l deJIffhl/Hl fMHire ol ,: Ihe (lay. Mr. Snyder said l« l nlshl.

"‘’‘'•was Ihe MrenRllientng of old friend- ,jhl|i« ami Ihe plehjure ot talking o\- ■er old liiiiei again wllh men and

p .. .womrn Bho helped torm Uils eoni- ^^ .n u in ity nearly three decadea ojo. |

Tlie^Amlcnas Club met in annual' picnic l-rldity nlghl at Harmon I’ltk j

,1,* wllh tliiriy-»u memben and rwms rtKendins. There ana no formal

■nrt proeriini bul a plentc supper and a wkUI hour w u ' enjoyed oiii*of-

' ■ tonn KiK-jt* Included W . and Mn. rted I'irnp'on and Ihelr daujihiera, tlon Leoi.n and Carol SUnpwn. Wray, (roi Colorndo.

cn- Ml-M Edllh llillbe. BnLse. was the hnnor eiiejl al nn Informnl danring

law. and rnrd party Tluindny nl«hi. trn- dered liee by Miss Dther Joilyn and

Is A gainta te1.33 In Sales

Trucks_____________________ I

TRUCKSlet ..................30,226......'......:........ :: 18,177tio n a l ............ 5,943V r i r . m t s s ' i

:NS, Iqc.

Writer Predicts 1 Of Repeal


Reaulli of eleclloni lield so ft tarloua italn to aelect deleg

to eonventlor4 to pasa on Ih e t t *'■ Uon of the T*enly-flnl conil

stllule for the El'ghleenth tiae | ! U mtnt, foreshadow Ita tppron t be: R'JW the beginning of the new y e tr . ' fc.vf Awerlcjfl people crIdfnUy proj

lo rate overwhelmingly In fann returning control of liquor to

. •1^1 several states.'V • Thow who aim believe In natio

■ - J prohibition natunrily tnd prop.■ tre voting to rtU ln the Elghtee

amendment In our federal fun mental law. Hown-er. ta Intctllg cltlzena, Ihey cannol tall to aee l

■ : they t t t conducting t losing tlj K . '- te would u tm that, under th

clrcumatances. Uiey would do 1 to lake Into conslderallon the qu tlon Of preventing the relum of I aaloonallerthBTaenty.flritsmer

• ' ment has been ny»t*n Into Ihe cx illtutlon. I

; II h safe lo u y lhai a major' • ot Ihe people who ftvared Ihe tdc \ , tlon of prohiblllon In the f ln t ph V’ : really did so prlmtrtly to gel rid y thf uloon and Ihe IJfluor Irusl.«

' V found no other method t l htnd I • tccompiuhing lhal tttu lu Itovi

•j adopted prohibition In whtch. th { did not believe, (hey did nol Ilrl

•' '* etroeaily to see It enforced ,#r . tf te r n' thorl tImN placed ll In l

rdflfln *“ '® ctKffOfy as t lol of other tc rRian utallon»orlnhUiIil¥elawi.Ofeoui fro tn all laws Including liquor lawi shou I n o t be both enforced tnd obaened, b lifory itaman naluw being whal Jt li, rt, as.— ulatlona In whleh the people h t

nol t deep hitereit, are apt to I dbiregarded widely..

- While Ihe Americtn peopte by the voWs tre voicing In no uncerta

^ 1 manner disapproval of Rational pn hlbltlon, lliey have alao Indicated 1

T teas emphatically continued oppai1 Uon lo the relum of Ihe saloon. Th I- Is proven by the declarations pf 1

Rational parly pmtorm adopted 1 103J.

Tlie platform of the national Den ocratle party advocated repeal of u

= . Eighteenth amendment bul adde . "We urge tho enactment of wc

measures by the, aeveral Slate* 1 will actually promote temperance, el

eon f«llvely prevent the return of ih [rtjjn Mloon and bring Uie liquor Iralfl

hun. further demanded lawa enablln 'd l v atalea t»,protect themsetves ngtlni T iji ' ImporUtlon of liquor In vloUtlon«

Ihelr Ift«s.unlll ...............— .JZ . —

Marx joajyn a t the L K Joalyn hom “ “ ton Ninth Avenue Horih. Mlsa Rote ..,d«. I tnary'Barber of Indiana, guest 0 |C : . MIm Eltanor Holllngiwotlh. m ,i4,n prlza winner amons the girls a jjl^jW nochle, and the boys’ prise went li

1 Oaylord OJen. MLvy llulbe. now 1 j ,_ ; houie guesl al ihe Joslyn home, wll

Tcl,, !be Ihe giiest of MLu LotiLv; KrengcJde". ____'■.Mf, iff*. JuHMij Jf. ShlKH eiilfrtJilnet ; at bridge . Wday nlshl lor Mra

Cllnlon Week.1. Brooklyn, New York »l,n RUeal of tier father, B. T. Hamilton Mar. Oilier out-of-town guests were Mn

Charles Smlih and Mlu Orace Smith Berkeley. California, curata ot Mr nnd Mrs, MU« Brownin;r.

hnd. Bridge w u pUyed at Uiree tablrj Z f , on the porch made a.lditlonally at-

tracllve wllh sunimrr flower bni- 'kets ftnd floor lampf, Hral prlte lai

noOn high aeorc went lo Mrs. Wilbur .s, lyder llUl second high to Mn. c. 11, cJirj, Krengel, Mn, Weeks wns the recip* Mil. lenl 'of aguesl fiivor.'

d to The Bob m ute group of Uie Bluef(w Birds mcl Jn ihe Cirj’ Park FrW.i/M,‘. t l Iwo'thiny o'clock. From llirrctile they went to the homa ol Mn. Un-lec- lha Warner who wna hoMcsa to theior group; lionoring her blrliutxy. The

Sail Dob Whilea pre.vnled her wIiIi n«li- number,of imall glfis. o.mirs « itcsny. (iJsyrd tn d relreahmenta srrwJ. 'Hie•CO'* n n i meeting' wilt be tn Itie ciiy‘'‘t - Park a l two » Uilrty o'clock iicjt^ Friday.


r ” Bltin-, July M tspeclal to Tiie Newa)—Deep Creek Orange met n i-

tiiial <lay evening a t Uie E. u SherW.in .’Itk [home. Roll call was answered wim irMs cach member Idling t flih ilory. •maiIda ■”

—Mn. JOE-K 9AYS!. ra t' Don't lay It alt awny lo; a ralr

Uie luperal. Eh «hatl Moral: ( your ahare of the Oood Tlmej Ju;

the ------- ,\T J(K ID D IES V

2 10c u H

n i l l p i


• n r s M X i.v r i 'x , a x r w e ?

^ C O M IN fl! T H E A M Em tjA >


ts Passageeal Amendment byHme New Year ArriAN Tha Republican nallonal pla10 f tr lo favored aubmlulon of a "prc delegates tmendmrrit" 10 "ailow Uie tia fietdop- detl »iih the problem ts theh NRitliu. « n s may deiermlne, but suble i s t iu b - ways to tli« power of the fede^ tmcnd- emment 10prolecllhoseatatei’

at before prohibition mny exlsl and sate etr. Tba our clUterui everywhere from II propose turn ni the faloon and alte:

favtrr of tbiuea."' I t will be otaerwd thal the

lonil plAtforms of boUi major p nationa] v tre pretty much alike and bot properly dared acaln«i the laloon. So. a l [hteenth iha putlorms nnd candidate* o

f unda. half eoun. or morr. minor pan iw ih a t U liia fc le My that Ihc oven

tight. “'**’* majority of the American r thae Pla do nol wanl ellher nallonal do w ^ htblUon or wlooni. Yel many S IS que*. saloons unteaa Uiom1 of lha P“ *d lo tlielr return orjantie r tmend* »yttem into ettecihe con. The Idea of federal control am

erailon of Ihe liquor buslnea. In aajorlly stoUanadonotwanlprohlbltioi c adop. peals to many thoughtful Inves I t place ors. bui Li tendered tmpractlci I rid of the pledge of the national plan ist, and ofboihm sjcrparilrttofarnlhe; Uld for ter oter to the several States. Ilavang T |,j |[.ja of reluming lo the ri. iney c tm w r ers of pmctleatly pri■ free manufacture and sale In all fl .ana, prohibition Slatea, may also be r “* in« oul u nol feasible.

Vou™ dispensaryihftiiM lem tlie only altemaUve for llcei Kl but of ‘uch ewnRu '„ . . weattli.1 na reUln alaiewtde pr r h t r e bltlon-TliIssyslemluiallsdrtiwba

>A be It '^as fuecej^tul tor some ye.ir [South Carollnt but wts finally

,»{helr Jert«WduetodeJfct}iepM>i'Js)ons Mrtiin tooppoiiuonofprohlbltlonlsuon »l hand nnd frtend* of the saloon ited no '*’* o'**"- IJowver. tlie South < jpposi- »n<em w u new and crude 1 n.Thls many i.Tiprovem:nu on Uie plan ll

j]j b«(!n made In Canada and In sev ^ Euripean nations.

We have stale-wide prohlblllor .Dem- Idaho and will have for a t leu of Ihe year oiler the repeal of the B added teenlh tmendmenC. Shoitid the {j

n c h pie of Idaho \-ote 10 reuin llie si lea u amendmeni and tlalule, we will .ce.ef* turn to the lystem which pteval 3f the here betwetn 19H and 1020, In tralflc meanllme II would be'welt tor.p

M.^Jt to * ila » f 'I ^ iv " w ^ abltng which will eltmlnato Ihe saloon galnit the event thal Stato prohlbl'Jon si' lon ot be discarded following the repeal

national prohibition.



ml u ■’"'I ' » ‘Sk " " ' “, NewM-Funeml services for Jo ' " m F.ldon Thome.'31, son of Wlltii

»•}» dM at fill home in Werine«lay were held at : o'cId iliU allemoon In the Church of i

, . L.-iiler-D,iy SalnU chapel. Blsh '"’J™ Jolm C. Darrlngton officiated. York, 6|ieakera Included Dtslioi) Di illton ringlon. Lorlii J. Robinson. Otkl< fjrt artd F. K, Jieobt. ZJeefo, A quart

imlthi composed of Mlsi Viola Darrlngit [ Mrs. Emery Simmons, Tlieron J i

■ odi and Robert Olsen, jpng “Wh .,h l„ (the Mists Hive Cleared Away” ti V T "Rock of Arcs,- A duet. "A Perf«

Day." wa.1 sung hy Nfr*. Barah C sen and Mr*. U urin WWlin Praycn were offere<l by Clatk Da

P ,, rlngton and Hex Jacobs. _ recip- Interment wn» at tha Dcclo cem

• lery-where the crave wtui dKleat------by-8oIomon-IUns«n.—TaUbetreniuc were Elmer*'Pa'ikTLafonso-Smll

Tj(j,r Bill RlchardKin, Marvin ParJ ilirrc Chester Morris and Res Scott. Un- ■— ^ - I „ -------

The D'fffng Uw buslneu meeUng » w. ll, „l\-oted lo ' co-operate wllh- olh u,.r.'OranRea In tiavtns an exhibit bod ■n,/al the 4-H club fair. It was also vo c,|V ;rd to Rive»1 0 pomoni Orange. Ne tit'ji !81'«rldan resigned as lecturer and

ileavlhg 10 join the navy, Hls mothi Imi*. E. L. Sheridan waa elecUd ' flit the chair. During Uie lecture hoi Paul Shriver jave a reading. ”TI

: i |n Brighter Side,- Mn, E L. SheHdi read an affieJe on agrJeullurtJ ej

'aclmenl and wts dlscuased, Mn. 1 Tlie A.Harderrendtcongreulonalipeec rtl- by S. J. Libby, Mr*. Sheridan gai lil.in an ontan lolo. The next meeting wl wim,be August I t nl the A. B, Shtlvi lory. .home.

I rainy day: So often Uml'a the day of al: Spend a IlUlc ot It now and gel ■J Jurt around Ihe corner— iT JOE-K‘.S,—■ w M J A D U L T S


5h» W h,-. 13 Iho otiot •iiK a irid cr>d learned too lo't i>iei lo<« coi'i'sr b« i>ed mth olmai'iTO'y


' ^ • O W E L L


Km Itnd, 0«ete* Mtikar■■ m | L y ___ i.ih^dO w »

' « - Screen AeU — t

HT S x \ i : r r a i s e o u b rm cE si"

CjAN LEG IO N ’S ‘'n iG D R IV E ” .


P i f e i ir r i v e s

' - S S A n n H a r d i n g A n d

lubjtcl al- •de^aljov-ateiwhere ' Vtateguird l f t ; , '

am Ihe re- j ' i ' , B fattendant r

i the nat- Jorpnrtles 1 both de-lo.aiHdid E f l K l & i w i k W Hitea of tbo g f l H P '^ f u E U m y Hpanics.

)vcr whei- rltan peo- lonal pro. tny StatesIhose op. Jilxe lo put 'ten. I; jlandop* j;.M In such, •billon op- Ann Harding and U’lillam t Investlga- 'Datble Ilarsesi,* tlielr c6'>si ictlcal by gW'a captore et an anwUIlng t plallorma ward. Tbe corrent fratore a ||r

" " “ ■"PEG 0’ MV HEART" Appears AT ORPHE

nail save —I be ruled

" n 'a y a -■ licensedsommon* ^'e prohl- tiwbacks. y n n In lally re.

and uon one iloon onIth Car- W J ^'udetnd lan have I

several I ^

billon In f M l• r A rle Elih-

{ w o W liesiaie


In the II ' /DinnLiu 1— __—

utf plan A BRAND WJIV 'Teg o' My Ue* iloon In Ih t aweeteil of tll remancti, t on shall tbowlng t l Ihe Orpbena Ibcarpeal ot ________________

■WILL RUSH UNSEEN —= Winter Park. Fla. iflV- Thei

be no beauty queen o t Rollins c I Itte (htl year. Whal'i more, the; HDUC ^ ncIUier <U l^ n c theye«r-bookhavettbeiulyieetlc

T hafi “progreu,” aald T. Wllli to Tha Miller of Aahland. Ohio, presldenl r John ll>< Sludent auoclaUon, In mak VflllUm announcement, tie here •— .—o'clock IE0ALI7.K.<5 HORSE RACING

I of the TRYON. N. C. I/J>- PUlureic Bishop polk eounly. sliutled to the fo <1- hUl» of-lhe Dlue Ridge, was the fi I Dac> I" Carolina to legalise hoi Otkley. " ' l i l t partl-muiuela under 1 Q iu ^ t « n i act of U>a state legUlature. ■Ington.,n Jac. EXPRESSION OF THANKS “When The L. D. s . Ward Itkei this 0 y" tnd portunlty to eaWnd < hearty than Perfect tor the coopertUon tnd tho i>rlz ah 01- and merchandise donated by the It lUlama. lowing merchants for the Pionr k Dtr* Day cclcbritilon: Wlley Pharmac

Antiseptic Barber Shop. Dumu Mi I ermt. »*« Co., safcKiy Store No. 7. Ho«i

r\JrnllureCo,.D.WJfendrlck;jer,T Klnsibufy Pharmacy, Wou

woruu: Diamond Hardware. Riicr-; Pirkc' llardsare Hudson is Clark. Moon V“ " - pahtc A- Fumi!ure5J«e. Vnlon .«i

lor Co., Wcilcm Auto. Idalio Shi ■ = ■ Renjlr. ConsolldaUd Wagon & Mi ,, , hlne. Idaho ppwer Co,. Saliad.i

,?*: M»'«. Co. McEIwaJn’s. Scliramir 'Jolinjoii, Wasner's Bakerj', Moiir .lain Slitei Implement Co.. C. C, Ar

. , 1 "IffJon, Jerome Co-operative Crcan 'Kinney Wholesale Co.. m

. i i f ‘•■'O'!'’ Mill*- Douslaa Cojl Ct nwner Coal Co, !^c. Co.;JM^“ .C o ,s .-fV fw -V anE nsrm Jdah

2 ri,I Driurtment Store, J. C. Penney Cc ' uS _ Taklt. Rogen Broihen See etldan 1 qq _iL n Wfi'sted Sugar Co., 0 . P. fikafgJ,-

^1 gave =-■. . -= ■ , s = :igw/.'i . ^ihtlver _____

f f ' s ' ^ 1 '' ,

A nd wlicn IVl » i|h dov 'n ou l o f tl

M M walked on tho «nQ Q Jeniis.

rte*I f f l S l

g lJ I j l l.'c;rinninR (0 sin E n |U <.tyin(r, Lord. 5,1;

6 ^ 1 1 And immodinl M | | J stre lchcd forth h

him .--.Vn

lax f l f l T O t l f f B H B P f f HUt w a M U M M

TNG. JULY 30, 103S

nd William PoweU In Feature At Roxy Thej

r t

■ y W -

m fa well in a haneymMn iiUii'iuj ;6'>sUrrlnr RKO-RadIo Flctore presenti: Og bssband and her battle to held blm 1 allraetlon a t Jee-K't Roxy Ibealre,

r” ~ — — >KEUM rites honor JEROME


i JEROME, JuiraTlSpeelnrto

Fuof»l aen-lffj lor . Mone who died at Si, Valent home at Wendell Friday-will held t l Ihe F ln l McihodUt cti Monday aflemoon at 2:30,

f f i

1 1 ^ 3 .

ea.no*theatre. W p j O K

f ■rherenins cot* K B C r there:!ter will I S H k | a h R k S Kllon-i :J B s ! C T t m t g M B r ^ William V S jT K e W H rientof

^ Sums Toda,j,Q The 5 ircrffji

* PEG I HElowierler,-rl- M a n iWoo:- I Onalo

1.M0-; JulicttiShoe ^ I

iTMin K "Wake I'p B,1 Co. 9 The Oypiy ' i scoil 1 _In_M e1_ Till

Idaho ■ Span- 1:,f C®; ■ Thrllh L lOe : Beed

imal- J r in mou.ii S»»i

IVier MUS comc j the ship, hc I

' water, to RO to !1

le «aw th e wind " ' p . wns J if ra id ; lm d I sink, hc cricd, 111 5 ,uc m e. -

Jifilely J e s u s ' h h i s h n n d . nnd '^ h - y . r.Vntt. I C S M I .

m s s t ^ Joyce KendaU wiu otlldste. - H K S ' Mr. Morae tell .from t 30-fc r n t t stack et hay Tuesday moming. j f lG B S S was taten to (own tn 10 tincoi

clous condition from whleh ha ne

" lu T m ^ h fr . Mra. Ruth Mon Tulsa. Oktohojna. la expected to t rive Sunday,


JEROME, July 2H (SpedU to.Tl f l i n News)-SUly memben of Jeron K 'M B Oranga convened In W-nMntW 9 M I ac.iUon FirJday night at Odd Pel F S B lows' hall.« w 9 Following Ihe buslse.is meeting J 9 B a program ot music a/id readlnj

waa preientcd. Margaret IlanlwJe I d . ; and Dorolhy Carpenter accomptnl

ed 'by Atcle Hamlett at the plaa • 5 r l a rave the skit. "A Midnight Fan

lasy," Mlsi Gladys Ofeason etilct j c / JH lalned with a piano lolo. tnd Mn , 'J M i - ■ Charlolie Roberson gave t resumi u H of her recenl trip to U» World’ ■ E L S tatr al Chicago,

Rcfrcsbmenla were urred by . committee compoted ot Ur. in

/ I f j L Mn. A, w . na rt, Mr. tnd Mn, H I 1 P. King, Mr. and i t n . Earl Kcn f c t M nedy and Mr. tnd Mn. J. C , . J, Lawrence, uentinf t ' —blm afler- AFTEB EIGHT DODO

...ANDSnsON. 9. 0 . m » ChaiU Fallow,' professional manager ot :

------------golf course here, la looking for aomu - • place to shoot hU elghl hole-ln-oae lilb lie shot his levenUi ace Of) hit homi‘CIDENT _________ 1'

CARD OF T1L1NX8Inl'to The sincere thanki tnd tppredtUoa « lor J m Mlendfd to. eur friendi for then

;alentlne'i klndneu »nd. lymptlhy shown dur- rw llt be tng our leeent bercaTcment.1st cliurch The Babcock •t:30, Rev. and Roblioft FluaJJJei.

‘‘I t’s AHone^^ )|

‘r li'tt a f A fl Romanc'ci!

50’MYifarion Duvicsnalow Slcvcoi w ]arrcH MacDoaalil ' lic tle Coniplony^

Page 7: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

S o l o n s

■ W r t f c B a t

Meats Crowders Hopes for Shutout20,000 Capital Fans Turn

Out to See favorites In- cttaso Lead to Threa Full Games Over Ootham


AMEBICAN u u o n Claw- w»B i« ii ly t


AMEllOAK m O C B St. Lotdl t t ClilafO D elntt Bl C im bad

PhlUdtlptiU • ( DMloa Ntw Yoifc «t WuMoctoo

B r r . o .v o iB D B o a (AwMlaUd F n u SU tt WrUu) WASHIHOTOM, Jtll? W -W uh-

. InitoD'i pancinl > hunllos battbaU club Wmmed the teeond-pUu Y«nkf («Uy,.2! ta i. aod «i(t9 »

~ look cair. tmt Al Crovder^ hopn of hudliK tbe chimploni tbelr tin t Ibut out iB u u l ; two m n ntled oTtr llw feaca In Ui8 eljbjb, propeJlefl br the Itta p m r/o l btt <tf -Utio'' ■ Ruih. I

Al u : « u , Crovdir let the New i T o itilu iE tn down wttb Ilz h lU u d i

w u and the ■,alath wia troiii tb i Senaton orer lb t ! Yinki In 13 itarti. i

Tweot]' thousiod WdUilntton (am tunittl out on ft perfect biaehall day t (9 MS Uielr /c ra d u i i tn td i (belr < lead to three full tsm u and make 1 it ImpotilUe tor tbe Yanlu to cateb < tbem In the nm ent aertu, tb« third '

• aad fourth tim ei of which wiu be plflre<ft«nam>w«odirotM4j-. ra

PUlnt up ft 5-to4 lead In (he fln t >> three Innlnst, Joe Cronin and hU as* Sresalre matet ellnebed th i ( w e * earlr ftOd a o i t of the Intem t In the ^

centereil on tfte poal- “

Wllh sTothlnv ta t room etsi>.ln * toeV lw Yofl! colttnjn,‘two out /ad two m . (he ble SmblBO eamt up bi the elfbth wllh the fam Telling “b u

' been." The “Babe" took two ilrlkej ftnd two balls, then itnaeked hli IwentT'flflh homer of tbe year over hi* fiK r)t4 teeiioa el Uie waU in n right field. no

Except for Iwo bobblei b ; Uana* do Str Cronla, « 1 ^ coet oo runi, the d* Senaton played elr>tlghl ball afield II. u d h lllu n lv x to R e n . pti

NEW YORK AB n H O A E SjOorabl. Cf _______ I 1 1 4 0 0’ ,•J. Sewel. ab ---------« 1, 1 0 ,0 o ' JH u th .rf ------------- j - i . i J 0 OfflOehrig. lb - _ 4 0 1 T 0 0 InObapmao.lf._____ 4 I 1 a 0 O heU nerl. J b --------- s l o a a o ijianseui. 11 --------- 4 0 0 .3 4 oeoiAllen, p ------------- 3 0 0 0 3 0 K(UacFaydea,_s _ o 0 0 0 0 0 m Dettni. p~— • n 0 0 O' 1 0 iio

w auur — « 0 0 0 0 0 sn " Rufflni 0 0 0 0 0 »«

. . — ■ , , . I 1iw a li-------- — S4 5 e 24 8 1 Ihr

. _ ^ t e d for MaeParden In eighth. 0«

•' (ConUnnei on Page B) m , ■ r»


flAN BRUNO. Oil.. July b •Wlnooka," the Auitrallan tprtnler. H" won ttJ fln t race In Amertca lo«Iay f a t the T anlonn (rack, leading Queu by a length atid ft half at ih« cIom of the five tutlong*. The horse waa “ “ hurlly played and ttarled Kltb tbo ^ ilioft oddi of I (o fO.-Ttae for the nk« w u 1 mlaule. 3-J leeondi. f ”®


s■M O l t t o ttrM ta U» tomixu. tm

JlI M Dixon. PioTo. tTtah. ttnU nt wli>

oaniber I player In the Intcnnoun- nti« tala dlilrttt dttplie Ihe f i« he did ed.

. aot compete In this tournament lu t yetr. faced >n all>ttar field in the m«iL TTie outaunmng enirlu are DO « y n ffeitimltii. Loi Acjelti. Sam buui J^ te ln . Oolondo: Mel Oinacher. total » l l U k l a ty champion, ard Dave joiiii fried, local »l*r. who recently de» ehai feilMDUonlntheUtahttattieiOTJ- s tn y ° ” ‘- ___________________ _ oMt

i i m i 'H a n J w a r t & g i t j p . l

i E lK tr ica l Sopplitg I

P J p ia n d PIp« F i llin g , ' j

F fllrbu ito -M ofM Eqpt. |



i D r u b \

ll 1

n "Midnight” Goes Into Retirement

} -Still JJnriddeng CHByEKSE. w yo, July M (fl

- A (aging, plunging bUck horu c t ipnng out of the chutfr-mortlnii i tfefUnoe. he reached for (hi iky ,u with Wl front fee t-M Head dowa, id IntUnl U(«r hit “ hind t« t polled fully W fell ftbOTi u the ground-*le .. J u t f in iumpi >n<f (h« rldir

ikyrocketid out ot the a«ddle, (!(• acrlbed t beautiful parabola ftnd landed In ft oloud ot duiU

“illdnigbt,'* perhapi the p ttl* ea( bueklag horse Uie nJdeo w « « h u erer uow n. w u through, flnUhed forerer wltb bated tad- die and rider and ntlred to g ie « rangei for hU old age.

-Tttfk' Ofeeiwttgh. ebaaploa bronc butter ot the IN t frontier

>* dart, who halls from Red Lodge. kU MonUn#. w u “Midnighl'a" lait / u rider and he lUyid oo Juit two i » (fld a M l teecndi. i')f I t w u the high point of th i < rt thow, th l cUmax of four days'n< I !d Incarnation of the Old Wert. ':d Mighty “Midnliht," th i ebony , >" O a s a d l ia h ^ who ehuigetf from |

ft hard-wcrtlng cow pony beeami 1 w ft tumbleweed onee blew under h li .< id b e lto an d m th lm o tfo n h U .f ln t i;

IS •ead*'*/»l#a e w tl» oulUW b ir t ; It In irliunpb, nnrtddro tn bU I u t ij

It The hone, IT' year* old and ',» threaUned with rtagbon# tn d oth*It er InllnalUei, U to bo retired bye hll ownen. Verne ElUott and Ed« jh ^ M e C ^ h y .^ o th tlr iw eh *» |*

5 .TSrodeoetm ilo««m uhlng_oU -i| mtx thil ftfternooa wllh chftajplon- *

• Ihlp ennu . Oreenough woa th iL ■: bucking conteii with ft fine rid# on|J . ■'aatan.“ PeleKnlght.Calgaiy,.Can. J e ada, w u lecond and Ptt« Orubb..; ;; Blackloot. Idaho, third. •

’ French Veterans I ; Defeat England i : In N^Doubles|5r ADTEniU Itanei. July M Wl — ' 1 The rvneh rttenn i. Jae^uu Brvc* r

non and Jean Dorotn. pulled t h l ,• doublea out of ih i Davli cup fire to* | a day. with ft itn lgh t H t victory o r i r :1 H.0, N. LM ftnd Oeorge t*alrkk i |ItusJjej.butEDjIiodranainedcoatl. Ident ot gaining the deciding »lct»i7 x

r in tbe iinglei tomorrow.in erder to havi tbi BrlUih ilnglti D

'.ie a u f l tu d r« i te d u p a u lb le .rm * c » erlek J. Peny w u replaced' by Lei T Mn the doubles. England, relying upoa p ) her Indlridual gum, w u eonUnt to j,• lel loday'i play take th i expectnt o )'COune and tbe retull. decided by Vi I Korei of e-5, «•«. 8-3 In favor of theI Ptenchmen. w n t foregone eooclu- b ;I tlon almotl trom the outtet. The fiI British pair thnauned only In the MI teeond tet. Ol ■ I Perry, who delivered tho vital BiIhrutt yeitertliy by conquering ffenrt ■ Cochel in a flve-tel batlle and then ' ‘ fUnted In the clubhoute. w u feeUng B< tit ig ab lodiy but weU utUlied to n< rtiL Thl ai-Ttar-oU English num« ; ber I tCar It picked lo fettle the luat {iq tomorrow against Andre Merlin, es- French neweoaw lo Davli cup eom- Cr peuilon. Merlin w u eully beaten by to Henry W. (Bunny) Auitln Prlday. ski

pranc« *vuld h ira U nreep botA tft. tlaglei malchei tomorrow lo keep pit Ihl cup. Tbera It atUl tome hope th e . miracle ot ft diubli Ticton can bl achlered but the experU feel B ig - ' i land h u the better cbasee to teoia u , another tweep. AutUn’i ten»Honal j-., itennts igalnit America u well a t .q,. iFtanoe indieatei h t wlU hare at 'rfttt {j,. une v en cbanoi of o re r^ o w ln g ^

CASIt AND c a b by HrrHACA, N. Y. W>- Al ft result niS

of tha tpecUl "cuh and cany" plan under which Cvnell^ winter and u - Ipring iporU acUvWea were con- dueled, an intlelpateddetlelt of UO.- um OOQ b u been avoided and the ftthlet- ■II •ftssocUtlon wUl renew next faU cin with ft clean alate. The moit In- piti finlteslnial economies were pnctit- a KL _______________ and

EXPEN8IVS CAMP D O STO N yP) - Jack fiharkfy't c buuneu olllci tigured It ooet him a /Ui total of 18300 to prepare for Ihe >Lu kuing defenM of hU hcavywiiiht Mot thamplonshlp agalnil P rlao Cu- " 0 Dm. Sparring partners took 13000 Ra i >f It. • Moa

Siuni FT K is A te

TWIN PALLS.Loops, Spina, V crtJcal and Ii

■ U pside down flylnjc P a n e n R o r FllK hts Sl.


Y a n k s , I

[ 'Terry Fumislies Dramatic Finish \ For Close-€ame

iy e » Y ork F i r s t B a s e m a n ,

W allops Home Run Ou t ;

In Ninth In n in g .to P ro - j

' Vida M argin o l V ic to ry ]

? .|S IA N ^ I,


NATIOKAt m O C B ^t . Beeleii Xiw Taik ^14 rU liM |U » • ! 'h, PllUbttgh M dodU ftU ? {- C U W f t l l l . lM l l {|

(By n » AMoeUtod M iai) ^ 18 NIW YOHK, July Terrr u tr but f t .dramatic Aalib on ft cloie e. game loday by waUoplng ft home run [ It with I to out In th l ninth Inning to :o elve theouati a «<t«4 Ttelory over

the Botton-Bnvet tnd thalr lllth ,,II itmlght iniuBpb. • .>. D eipiUiwocoitJyerronbyinnkr

Whitney, the Bnvei orereame a f ly Ibree-run leatf an<t'mana<e4 to lie ' >• 9 ithe Kore In tho nlnth^nnlng u ^ « iTirry juggled bll pitching lU tt It around In ft Vila effort lo halt them.It ;AfUr pred pitabnm oaiw u knocked Ei. ;oullathiaevcnih.Adol(Uiquetook'ai tf-jlhe-hUI-ina.Iben Watinn n inrkJiruLffi ,t jKerroan CeU wtre toued Inlo the .a:

fn y In tha ninth. Bell n s crcdltcd tr d wllh the victory. tc

Only two o( tbe OUnl ruat were cl J earned, tbe Ust and one which they t| . madeonthrteilngletoffT^mZtch*I a rr In the fourth. T

Wally Berger puUd hit nineteenth re II. homer of the leuon In tb i fourtb so B.|for the fln t B n lonnm .' InM B05TOW A B R H O A 6 ; •„ Urbamkl. e i ---------j 1 l 4 3 1 M..'Jordan, l b ______ 5 0 i. a 1 0 **,k 'Berger, c l ---------- 4 1 9 3 0 0

'I t .M o o r e .r f - _ _ 4 0 I I 0 ol iVWioey. b - — » 0 0 3 4 3/U e .U --------------- 4 I J 3 0 o ’Hogan, O ' — 4 0 3 4 0 0,^,'

!**Brandl 0 0 0 0 0 O' f 'HargraVf. o » 0 0 1 0 o ;'*M a»n»lJle,Jb------S l o l l 0 |«

n Zachary,p---------- 3 O O O O 0 ;?0 'Mowry ............... 1 0 0 0 0 0

Mingum, p .......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^- '••O yte lm in____ i I I o o 0 *>“:• Prankhouie, p — o o o o o o ?< I , ' ■■ le:

T oU li------------» S llx a t t I Mf ' * Batted fot Zichiry In leventh. k •• Ban for Hogan In eighth. .

••• BalUd fw Manswn In ninth. ™ f X.Two out when winning runtcored

'■ NEW YORK AB R 11 0 A £» DavU. e f -------------5 1 l - l 0 0• CrlU. ab , H 3 0 ,3 4 I « '• •r8ny,--b„v-T- - . r 3 3 a is i - o Qr» Peel, I f -------------a 0 1 1 0 0 ,“J J.M oore.U______ l 0 V l i o lP f• Ott, r f __________4 0 0 0 0 0 1r Vergei, l b ------1 _ 3 0 0 g 0 0 HI• Maneuioo, o --------4 0 1 3 0 01• Ryan, u ________ 4 1 1 1 7 0 ,> Fltoimmoni, s —J 0 1 0 3 0 \ , '• Luqui, p -------------1 0 0 0 0 0 *!“, Oluk, p -------------0 0 0 0 0 0 S '

BeU, p .......... ..0 0 0 0 0 0 5I ' HaI ' TWall _____ )( 8 g 37 18 1[ Botton----------------- ooo 100 lO lo j i‘ hc' New York __ ______300 100 l « - «’ Summary: Three-bue hit •> Lee; ^ ' home nm»-Ben;er. Tenr: lactlflo- , *1 e i-T eny, tlrbanskl; double play*~ *«*' ' Crlti lo Ryan to Terry. Pltulmmont

to Ryan to Terry, JoMin to Urban- 'TQ lU, MiranvUIi to Urbinim to Jor. I « a ^ w lJ U ^ ^ tc h fr - S e ! |. fating I ^


the Injured rttd Uodsmn ta tiu lar role of hero. Pittsburgh lodiy lUm* tmi •med out a double victory orer Cto- n, danatl.o loa and 8to4 , and raul^ slxi

rCd over the lulng chlcsgo Cuba In* subi ^ t im d pJeoe. Is Oc Ntligaal r u 1‘ugue. tuuj' Acting u a pinch batter tn the err ninth inning et tbe opener and the okii levenlh •Inning of the lecend fray, wodstroa /Igiimj ja two «lll<s, h« aafelrbothtlmuandranhlic^iW eu- u tlve hitting stresk to 3S games.7 (hii

P in t g sn e - n H B nl»ClnclnnaU____ 001 OM 004-8 i t 5 haPlUiburib-------M 1500W -# la 0 ; n i

BatuA a: Lucu. JohBson, Benton *o h

a“ dBetoa^ Game =

CDtODWATt AB R H O A S ^W u n M b _______4 0 O .I 4 0 r r'L u e a i-------- 1 0 t o 0 OfMotrlssey, J b -------4 1 3 4 J 0••Orantham -------- 1 0 0 0 0 0Hafey, et _______ 4 1 3 3 0 0Moon, U 0 1 a 0 0

Flyingtemoon .3 A I R P O R Td Inverted B arre l Rolla, n(c o f oil kinds.S1.00 P e r Pass.in Free


11.5,aottofflley, Ib 0 110 0 V\Riee, r f ____ ______■* 0 1 1 0 0Manlon, _________a 1 0 a 0 0 '‘ ••Roettger.^______ I 0 0 0 0 0lusu ler. 0 ,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .

1 s r p “- z = i ‘ J ; J ! !* P r e y V p ________I 0 0 0 0 o ]

TtiU U------------37 4 13 31 U a 'n p • Baited lor'Ademi tn ninth,

f Batted for MorrUKr In ninth. *** ^ tU d for Manlon In eighUw

p rrrsB U R O u a b r h o a e,3 _ U Wftner, c f ---------4 6 1 4 0 0

P. Wftner, rf -------5 I I I 0, 0Comorotkr. U ------8 1 3 3 1 0

IUI Vaughan, at * I s 1 I 0Traynor, I b -------- 4 1 1 0 3 0

ro* Quhr, l b ________a 0 I 11 1 0 .Plel, 3b , 4 1 g 4 9 0 .

irv Plnney, o _____- _ 4 o i a o o !'■ J awift. p ------------- 1 0 0 I I 0 1

Chagnon. p . _ _ 1 0 0 0 1 0 i*U ndilrom ______1 0 ) 0 0 0

■ ’ V ensen_______ o 1 0 0 6 0 1> Uanii. p-------------0 0 0 .0 0 0 I

TOltli ------- -----39 « I4 37 U O' i\ • Batted for Chignoa In leventh. . i HiB lor Ua6iaem ia H m tb, i ClnclnnaU , 300 300 000-4 iS PltUburgh-----------JOO 000 4 0 M i“ em a trr : Two-base hlU-JfoirU* 1 1 1. ley 3, Suhr; itolen bu^M orrliiey; I

sa9ince»-0uhr, L. Waoer; double i Mt pIiyt-Bluige to. MorrUiey lo Bot* i sii.tonley, Buhr to Vaugbaa; tlonlag W .piw hir-Chignon; lotlng plieher-w w . ____

BT. LODIB I, CUCAOO •BT. LOUte. July 3( (O-SlO k la ll

hu world lenei tonn ot 1331, "Tip* \ p e r U irtlaeruhed o u t!h o m iju a \ with' tvo mftUi ftbiM la thl u a u 1 Inning lo' und th i Bt. LouU Card* i naU to 4 9<to>a triumph la iha ler* |t: lei opener wlUi th l Chlugo Oubi 11 here today. I

_ ' The diAat. whleh cu ai u PSIU* burgh w u wtnnlag t douUi-header' from OlndnnaU, dropped the Cubi It lo third pUea in the NaUonal Uagui b

“ race. ftf f OH1CJAOO AB R U 0 A E O;“ Koealg. J b ___ .4 0 1 a fl 0

l^ j _ (ConUnuedoaPageg)

i GOLFErMEEf ON COAST;]a POBTLAND.'juir M W - The ^ sd S u t Morelat^d goU count, trimmed I >k'aiid grooQied for chimplonihlp < uLBliZiJSipaced by dotent el asplr* te T m u to a~IiAtl0nIt-tttlrtoda^aa-«D. .. td traoU la Uw national public

tournament etarUng Tuetday, ese>. . re died their woodi and their Iroai oa ty till 18 holu. TI* Robert L. KUler. Jickionrtili, n

riorlda. the defending thaavUm. t h niched Portlaml today and w u U h^ioon lurviylng Ute loumamint In

Bi • ■ ------------------------- «‘ jNORTH SIDE FARMERS l\ DISCUSS WHEAT PLAN2( EDEN. July a ls p e c la l lo « ie " 0 Newt)—\Vheat growen ot the North j", ftlaide are preparing to Uke advin- S nilige of Uie Wheal allolmehl plan jJbclngjnillntaeffect.byUjo-goveni*

0 ' A lightly-ailended raeeUng wu0 held nt Ute IlUUdale ichool Tuei- 7° 0 day evening. Dr. Eku and Profeitor0 Bell of the Unlvenlly of Idaho ex- ^ . leniion depftrtment, wen preient i r1 and explained many dilallf ot tbe

Plin. ■ - KThe meeUng w u not adverUied J”

- bul u the ipcaken had tn optn 1 date for that erenlng they took tha r Ume to hold Ute meeUng for the n bcnelit ot u many a i could be !l*' , reached. RepresentftUoni frcm S ; r, Oreenwood. Huelton, Ruaiel Une,) Cden'ind RtOiditi'dlitrteU - wen ' ‘f- )jPr*Knt- J_____________ J


i I CHIOAOO, July i i m - BUlf g I Nunamiker, E u t OUnUhd, Ohio, (

, the defcndinj; champion; Jimmy RUk. Montpelier, IndUna, and 0 . C. . Haw}er. Bridgeport, 0bK»-we» U«) ’ for the lead In tha ntUonal hoite-l*„

[:ahoa pitching loumameal a t tb i end I lot Ute llral round ol mUch Uaow- “J*

IM today. %. Eaeh had »oa lersu gam u afld “

iMt one. ^


I MEMpma. Tenn., July 39 Ml - ' f f « Rodney Bllu. a young college tier K u ifrom Omaha, and Jack WeilUnd, rece •Chicago \tteran, by vtetorlea todar loit. earned entry to the S6-boIe route B lor Ute Weitera amateur golf lltli J«ad toraorrow.. • .win.. Doth were carried to Ute Utlrty- Tl lUU) green In Ughl batUes, Bllu Ihe lubdutng Carl Dann, jr., Orlando, the Ipri Plo.'lda champion. I up, whih w a ‘.‘ Pali land whipped youthful Walter Em- tltia ery. Ihe intettollegUU golf king from aske OUahoxft a ty , 3 w>. pUy

---------------------- h uttOFS Bvsixzaa aooxa er u

MOXEE, Ore. (iT) Orowen In . Tt thU dUIrlet hare contneted lo rjp> gami ply 800,000 poundi of hopi within'nupi

Ithe next tire yean. The top price| Af j mts 31 etnU lor the »33 enp. Prt«i !««* to be piid In Jutura yean are icilcd, and downward to 30 cenU In ICI3T. jm on



De “Proclai( p R ^ t l Be-rmiileyiac

W i don’t know w Jielher noxt 1 o r youni, b u t anyw ay some 0 (nke care o f y o u r autom otl


N ex t to P . O.


I l i l e G i j

li'TiiSlai'fc|li Chicago Futurity^ S e n s a t i o n a l “ M a ta H ari”

; i ' ” Falls to B e a r O ut Ex-

I S /le c la llo n s o f B a o k en. ' II 0 .—I 0 ARLINOTON PARK. Chicago, : 0 Jul; 29 btVThe tenitUontl 'V aU I 0 Kiri” MIW to «-fn the l47^00^Ar- I 0 llnston lutuHlj today, but ih i bad

0 a lUUi girl Irlend In Uia race to . 0 come along and save the day for ber. I 0 Tha w lw r w u “ra r Star." by ' 0 her pertemuKe the best two-year*

0 old In 1S13-41 leu t unUl ft better one comes along. The cheitnut

O'daughter ot -NorU) d l t r jn . Miu u Jemima, earrjlng the lilka ot Charlei

T, PSaher, Delrol^ and eaurad » ft - 4 nmnlng miU with "Mitft Ban." r fl eftmi down the itreUh to win’th i ■U- Juturitr, rlchut two-yiar-old, n c i sr: In Ute wut. wlUi moil ot th l two* bla rear-oldi that trtumphidln aarUer X* lukeiitrungoutbihlndher.“ -Hadagtl" Sieead

"Par sur* won by ft length and ft half wlUi the Calmnit fam 'i "Hadigal" Mcoad. Blx lengUu baek

la In Uilrd plaee came Mn. John Hay D* Whltneyi highly nganled -alnglng t a Wood.’ In fourth place w u •WtU iU> Hari," Utl flU|r Uat h id b n o re- d* larded 10 cartaln te wlo ih t Budi ir* ttha "DUIint" entry oddi on fiver*ib liu . /

I Bprlal BU rorloagi ' lirl ’Fu s u r fprtaud tbe t k /ttr* .ba loagilnl!ni-8.thiiam eU fflem ada u i by -Udyimin- In winning Uu 1933

futuniy, and brougbl her owner 1)1,- S 030. Tbe nee had t grou ftlue of 9 347,03ft n t DlzUni entrr PM ttJ i

- ;lo win. 13.83 to pUoi tn d w a g to . ;ihow. Thl pUea price on Hidagftl" _ 'w s s '» m and 83.80 lo ahow. while :T,''aintlng Wood" returned t3,8i to

show.u — —

u U p s e t F e a t u r e s £ — S e a b r i g h L C l a s h

a ' SEABRIGKT, N. J , July 39 (ffH Tlte eUsjie InrlUUon Unau louraa*

t, nenl et the Scabrigbt Cifcket «Rd n, Tenalt club-nn event famed for u the turprUes It h u brought forth ]t In iU 48 yeara'of exUtence — laved

thl biggest .uphearal of tha IBSl m u n i until near ihe lu t (odiy/ with a natlODa] champion Hhi Tie* Um.

fj The upiel came In th i women’i tinglea tlniL In whUh d tm un Bar* ah Pilfrer.'SrooWlne, NasiachM» *

'j etts, cnulted Helen Jacobi. Berke- > " ley. CalUomU, Uie 1S33 ntUonal ' tme winner, o-l, 3^ , 7-8 In a W l-' ' I. Uant Utrce-iet antounUr. «‘ In the men'e double* flnil Praak* « , U Parker and P nnk Shields, who 1 . won the men'a alnglee bowl ycater- , dar. im uhed Sidney Wood and . Oregory A ng ln , In oonvlnelng f t /ublon. «-3. «•}, 0>4, to lucceed I . Robert (Lefty) Bryan, ChatUnoo* c * ga. ftnd John McDUmld. Port ti 1 Wortb, u holden of Uie twin bowl ; for thal dlvUion. * *, Tha tnUfd doubles, championship , went to Mn. MarJorU Oladman fi : Van Ryn, Phlladelphu, and Brjan ^ , O nnt. Atlanta, who d e tea u n > i'. ri ! E tU ir Butoth. LOI Angeles, and ; Henff Pniaoff, Seattle. 8-0,7-8. a

I ~ . ~ ----------- ti

: L e a g u e T a k e s U p I P J a y A g a i n W i t h S O n e T e a m M i s s i n g *

There should be at leu t two good ']gameionthimenuoffered6yS«i(!h* j*

em Idaho BuebaU letgue teamt to- ^ day. Second and Utlrd place u im i _ pUy each other In boUt dlvUioni. n

Kimberly, In aecond plice In the n s te m dfrtslon with ft pereMUiM ot .710, goea to Ptltr for a game wlUi the Utlrd place team Uiere. Pller h u a lUndlng pertenUgi ot m to

I In Iba euiemdlvtilon, Burley and le 'tfi«l(on play at'ifsteKon. 71iC|tu leami a n Ued tor leeond pisce with .to recordi cf two games won and'onejTl loiL 110

BuhLundefeated weitem dlvlilon an leader, playi a t Kinsffl, ((Id tioM hi| win. M

There may be but two games in ~ Ihe west end, slnM the I’orcuplne Iprlngs team, subttlluUng for T«In Palls, withdrew from Jeigue compe­tition UiU w eet Ooodlng b u been asked to tlnUh \he seuon, and to pUy a t WendeU today but no word h u been recelred here u to wheth­er Uttr *U) aco^l., Thl euU rn dlvUlon'i other two games' are MurUugh a t Paul and Rupert a t Declo.

Atter today, western divUlon (earns wtll play tvo mare Bunim and e u t end ooUlU will pUy three aiara ngular garau each. v


shin’4USE OP

m a tio n ”ixt w e tk TrilJ be“1i-our!i'’10 of U l w ill be here to tmjtlF* « l« tri« iU need*.


' Phone 23 ! :


i a n t s B e iMexican Basebi

Ity I ?

S lMlts V ..oriei . V .r;:

'U*n c i d Xtwo* ' ' n S R H B C f l ' n j^ > v » rUer


Hay ------------------------------- 'ilog •UU MELO ALIilADA .Seattle baU »■ tho Mexican colony cf Loa /

JJ" his tc flm ,\m playing agait born youth is anown with Ri

' pinninir a sold baseball on bl ^ mony. Ho also go t a wateh,-tda ~ — — ^

j™ C a n y o n G o l f e r s P l a y J o r P l a c e s

Rl! GoUen of Ute Canyon Crert olub ^ a n urged to be on Uio coum loday ’ for competltlre pUy whleh wlU di*

termino Uti 10 men who will repn* lent the club in Uit threa lnUr<Iub toumimtnU nmalnlng In Uit lum* a e r icliedule. Matcbn will be played

,1 , August 8, 30 and 37.U L : Htn\'ri)nflntlhoiw»vi»nctutittodatB

U: Twin PlUl coiinlrr elub Bluu,_ M t/3 poInU; Country club Reds, ^ 83 8/8 poinU; Rupert, S3 1/3 poInU;

Ctnyon Cretl, 44 1/3 polnU; Bubl, 'i” 391/3 poinUi Burley, 38 1/3 polnU;

Jerome, 191/3 polnU,

"n RESIDENTS OF FILER S ' TREK TO HOtlNTAIKS«■» FILER. Ju ly IJIgpocW to T tl • r . Newi)-Mr. ind Mn. Hatmon Wel* ai, ker, WeUer, Idiho, ara gueiU *l Uii u . Earl Murray home, u j Mr. and Mn. O. IL Shearer and 11-' daughter, MarJorleShearcr,wltb Ur. -

and U n . a a cowling. Twin PftUi, Ik', a n ipendlng ft few d a n i t Bald ; ho Mouaula Hot iprlagi. ir- Mrs. E .,8. Ltllue aod diughUr, ' ad Virginia, LaKui, reulmed Thunday | ng from ft.Uirea week-vUIl t t rorreit» «d IlllnoU, with reUlivei ta d ftt Cbl*«* cago. whero Ihey attended the Cen* ' irt tuiy of Progreu eipoiltlon. ,wl MUl Helen Hllflekcr ‘U tpiodlai

Kme.tlmeatM iigteKotipnngi. ! lip Mr, and Mn. M. D. PounaU and ; >n famUy Utl Wednetday for Mftnin, ! in MUiourl to tpend t month vUltlnf . if. reUtlvM. • !3d Baddy Hanbbarger, tmaU ion ot

Mr. and Mn. J . T. Hanltbarger, n * •- tu m e d -h o m i-B a tu rd a r-rfrffii^ t

Twin FalU n n e n i hotplul ahe h u been receiving tre i tm n l Uit «

, tha .pu t wnk lor two flngen which eI «-in Injured lighUng a dm anlU ij

cip.HUficaaUoUbumed.Hifound \[; a can conUlnIng dj-namlU capa and j,

touched a match lo one. >,d Mn. a W. WiUon, Anadarko, Ok- »,, U h ^ ^ ^ v U ii in g her lUur, U n . /,


INSPECTS OflCHARDS «h • ____ t<Ll RCSELL LANE. Julr 39 (SpecUl P:

to The Newt) » Repreienuuvi Jo* U d leph R. Day and Mn, Day have re* p; ■el turned early In (b* week Itm a trip (< h to tbe Payette country and to BoUe. e .n e y m adejh ttrlp to Wilder wiUi K

110 couplci'lrorh Twin FalU, PUer to D andKlmberlyindattendedthemect* d< 1 hlg there el tht Bute llenicuHun} (o

nclety. They tUlUd a number of 101 g ---------------------- ---------r r r r re

i S e rv ed i Silver i Platter J

T hat’a tho way our cus- tomera feel when the ir cars are aervlccd hero.



$ 1 . 0 0 ”InelHdlng

Bepieklng of Frwit '8tnieel Deartnn. ^

Barnard KPhone I « ' • at-IIOim MECHANIC

JULY SO, loss .

! a t B r a ve b a l l S t a r Honored


' >?1


•» 'I-'' "

ball club fielder, w u hoaonid by >8 Anffelea a t ’Wrlgley Flelti when ja in it Loa Angeles. Tho Sonora*I Roaita lAorcno, Mexican sctresa, n bis uniform as port of tbe ccrc* jh,—^ Photo,

Porcupine Camp !s Ball Team Meets g Eden’s _ Players

Edcn'a tuebaU Uam win traw l todiy to Ull PorcuplM Sprlngt Olf*

lub Uian OoawTTtUoti corpt camp lo m* uia Ulaldokft naUonal fonii, M t i mllea MuUietit of Twtn raUi, to

try concluiloni with U11 fom t Tork* lte t»«m rm n dUfflOad tltl u , oMn u ld oilt a t Um uuon^ dl, Uu hUU, 7000 feet above tea levcL U; I t WlU be Uh fom l workers' n n l bl, game wlUi ft rUlUag Uftm, although u : Ute Edea piayen pUyid t piftcUee

game a t Uia foreat eamp lu t Thur** ^ erenlng. tnd wna difnU d. The loonkMpo’i record ibowtd Uu Edia Utffl on UM ihert m d of t

:S lO-to-T H on a t thl end of aettaInnlngi- ,

ba In gunei tway frea camp, tba it. foru t workm' U ua b u b m dt* Dt teaUd by Buhl, Uaaun and OaUey

teami. t t ti tb ilr amUUra nojr (0 jA meet each and aU of Uuaa te tn i on ir Ihclr own fleld, LUuUnant W, K.1. BuUer brought word fm n the camp M yeiUrday. Thtlr chaUenta and In*

viutlea it tddrwMd pirttfBUrlr to,, Uieie Uami, Uwuih U U h ^ that V oUier ball playerf aggregalfom wlU

t S C . H S A V ' a, to U tu ttm l SirUer a t ftognyos.'’ Thl Poreuplna Bprbg* baaibtll 1

Uam. aner underUklng to <laUh t '• out Ult teuon’i lehiduU tot toa

Twin PftlU elub, ftbftndonad Um ftt* « ” tempt on eeeotmt of/IsaocUI dlffl* > ^ eulUes whtn ll w u fouad Uiat gtU I• reeelpU w enlnadiqiiaU tosiittK * ijj penK for metU away from camp.i. ' " 1• tpple dlstrleU and »w.aotna.iplan* . » did orcbirdt, with protpecU of an I 5 oxceptlonaU fine crop. Mr. Day In 1 >> company wim hUWL Jean Day and< 2{ar77}{iller.-T>loMU,l«fla«>la 3 Wedneidiy for Nimp* w hrn they ^ met with memben of the Northweit-

em m u InduitrJ locorptjraUdj an ' organlutlon ot Ihlppen In leiitonlo t ferauUU a fcdi lo ba preiented to

mtberi of Uie KorUcullum auocU* . 0 Uon In thU dUtrlci ftt ft meeUng to « ba held loon. 01

. Mn. H. D. PbUUpi. Nortb PUtU, h> Ifebnuka. U a gurit cf h ir daugh*

ler, Mn. Charles OambnL M n. 9)1 PhlUlpt. who u 81 yean old, madi >>i• th l trip wUh her rind ion , R. S . ..• PhlUlpt. hU wUt and imtU daugh*> ler. • 1: «

MUl Mildred WlllUmi. Oneidc,I Ranus, couniln.of MA. W. 0 , TY- - tor, Mn. Tysor't brother, 0 . R. Hot- . den. hU wire and (wo chlldnn, Bor*I (00, KiBiu.' were galtu a t tho 3y*: tor heme during the pu t week.

i On A |

■' — I

It S = S ^ ^ S = B S 9 >'

Why don't you Join our | evet growing string of

• satisfied boosters. TryDl out firs t iritB • little U Job,—wo'll p a ran teo to >'

■gain your confidence righ t off (ha bat.

Nash Co. *NICAL BEBVICE Ul M Ka«|''


v e s ^ 6 - ^SanFirandsco

II Beats Oakland Vi i ; — ■ t;j

^ S e a l! E m erge l/lo (o rio M ; J

□ F rom PltclilnB C o n le it -

^ B e tw ee n D av lsan d K rB m e r ;;

I iHOWffltV ^ 1 2Im i M ctna c o m t u o t v ^ . '1

I I Iv.I 1 | ! : -!9 j 8AH mM ClSOO, July 31 ( n w - '.‘J ^ 1 San PrancUoo SeaU difetUd'Otk*W . U od,3 (0 1 ,hara todu. m - c u t t i i s t T U r a r i h e ^ u d M . ' . , ;

Knmir.nUrftnOiUftDdbQttir.aa*.... 2 I gigadlnftUghtdiiiI.plt«hlafieor**.9 le u b iB fo rflT r1 aa ta |i,T b if la t lt . . .

brok# ihrotigb on Kremer lor th m - runa In the alxto.' • ; . r

Thaacor*^ ' R X f ; : ihen Oakland______ ocooooooi-i v 0 . . .i r a . Sftft m neueo . 000001001.4 » ' 0 .M5. BatUrlei; K rm tr, M cE vnr'tad '^ Veltman; oarU and BotttrtaL ........

9 AifQEta I, l o u n n I '

tnoihir w tc (7 over toe StenaMa«^>8 to Setooi today,« to I. n * PKtOf

^ i M r t l i a g M l ^ h t B k r M t M , : r . T g f ln t* p Iao a ln n d i» d o n w lD i'm i

h iu tnd wMid b a n lecnd I sh tit ' ’ .M l outaxontforO abum nbeaanm or* .0(7 . «r the l& t.fl<k l fMca. . -

.‘n u io c rf r .. * . . . A H 'K r.'. •

^ Woodall; W lnlM dM eltB llis. -.7 - .

M l . H u i i b i n i , m T i u i . ' . - : r , - 1

^ nm by Uoora; UUitoai o u U d d s ;- ’ TM «lU ttw e& M aoabualaU uianath.->. '

u n t Uu TUlton lato Uu k td . and tha UUiloot vee> Iron SattUg to* . a ig h t ,s to ^

” T bticorfr- . . R .B .1. ' tba UUtleni — ...IOO OOO m ~ 4 I t IS ; SealUa-----------000 300 000-3 « JUer BftlUrKa: lilber ta d D nnan ;.’.'. r to O aiUr.PagaasdBndbivy. ion • _ . '

JL . .■ r - . -uap S T A B « 4 ,ro ]lT U N 9 IV '’. ''"

PO B TlAM D,JulrJ#i*)-HbHr». ; . / h t t w ooddefetUdP«U*Bd.4tol,hera • iriu tonliht. PorUaad opcMd the icor* ttld b g w lto a ra n ln th a fln itin n tag o a ' aU, ilnglM by Banker n d ChHly, o i i ■■I > Bddid aaoUter nm la U>a aaaesd' ’.Itn lo U n g o n ti ta iU b y T B ip la ta d * ' ': - Uh double by B U c k rty • ■■ tba ^ s u n tanebad fear hlU t o ' ' , t t . » U « t to m nma In Uia fturth to- ffl. nlar. bnl'PortUad tied Uw fccn l a - lU lU balf ot tba aama lanlnc .Vhiar’ ^K . Berger bll a home nm. • ^ .I. . HoUywood get to l wtanhur nm ta „ ' _ toe a tm to Inalnr. Berkowlti «lnr> . — ledtOK(nDunt,wbohiddoDblad.'

r; •ssa 'sw 'tfises-s-f—In Pmrtland — UO 100 000-3 7 .O .’

nd BatterUi: Sbeeban tnd S tH la L 'lln Turpin aod PalaiUaao.*y ' . __________■It- -» BAIBINa BOVE&’S TAX '

to STILLWATER, O k la . ' ( l ( ) - h . .| . OOIU K IntUid of 13 now la sun* . to wtUr for RoTtt^ Ueenia^ by TOt*'

Of th l d ty eommUilo&an whe [*, heard compUlnU abotil dogg nm*. - b . nlng ftt large. Tben'a aUo a levy af rs. 91 for ever Uma Rover U i to bale baUed out M U u'pouril...............B. ■ •

■■■ .


qU A L m t»E D CABS r:

J9M Chev. CihrWit - . — IITS I sn Ntth 400 Sedan , — „917» -1S38 Suez Sedan------------• » Z19JI Ford Ooupe, DeUni_i33»19)0 Pord Pbrdor Sedan-437S ■'1911 n r d Std. Coupe,

18,000 mllM-----------------tt3J1939 Chevrolet TWek,

IH l o n --------------------- i m -193# Bao Truek. 8 cyl ^ 1 3 « ;1 i m Cber. f t a t l toa_llM / t1919 Toti T h tek-------------IWO19)0 Ford Truck, _ ;;

16TW.B----------------— J3751938 Chev. Sedan , , , »1M

Let V t Can For Ye«r Oar.

UnionMotorCoV ST oor FORD D ealer . Tw in M s , I d a io . r

Page 8: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

f l i PTK« ■ »

.Unlamlllar Regulations on ■ Pit FrlBhten Hany Traders On Martet In Windy City

By JOHN pTnOtJODAK ^ '(AsMclfttcd P m s )-(ukel Editor)' o raoA oo . July » - n ~ P » f •

t ta U r tfflposfiU# 4t U oa todty to MU MT iuttr* dcllTetr r » ta In Ohlea<o t t tny prtet.

Trijhuocd by unfwIlUr «tuU * (lon tateadcd to prertnt mn**V n ark tU either up or down, nuuiy

■ c n la •MW**! f v t t to r » rtd ot (peculaUre po** KHloni vboUttle. The ntult v u in otnord lM iT tener.1 lelltn* *Um- ped« U»»t for tb# icwod «Uy la »uc- MHlffii p/uojwJ »0 train nlvrt down

•tfl-th# loweit Itmiu iU o«d under ntw emuseney nilea.

Id V lrtul ran ln l*1 : ^ CtnU a buabel t u thui itu h -S n to m U » w iu#of »h e » tu «»"• ; pired wlUi « houn ifo. The m«* keu ended Jor the tlmn beti>( In »

- r tito .o f 'rtrt«»l pM*lr»l*. nolwlth- , fiaSidln* tJwt crop new w « ot » , eh»m ter »hWj under u m i «mdt» , ttoDi nould h»T» led to e u ir pur- , cU iios u d to Ihupty hlfher <iuo* ■

*1 ^ 1 cfpedtly eloeed d e m o ^ I lti% i U» d»yH bottom fljurt*. wtth , ■‘wbett, rre tn i Ur)tr « th « t n i t j 'under yettenUyi flnlih; cora tnd QtU. rtfpccUTtly. down 4s ftnd Je, and proTliloDi ahowln; K to Sic de- d tse . E

' Buitnes came to a dead halt all*« . the p a in mtikeU todijr h td bit -tba boUommMt Ierel allowed. They ooatlnued proelrate In the U»t JO mlouu* ol IIM day untU the clinf- tos o( ths tnard ot trade'abell clear*

'M (b e 'bratenoaeor(tMplU.AeuU ^ weaksen of price* had been etldent P a l Ibe ouUet. and wheat teU 4 cenu

.In, lb# llrrt te* minute*. Influenced „ Jaixeiy by leporU of uoeb o litu ra j; ■njlef In CWjada.wllb.cooler temper* jj

' l lu r e t there. Tranilent vlforout ral- 7 ,Ut« at i eenU a buhel, however, 7

followed owlnf lartely to authoriu* e< ‘th a OOP report* IndleaUOf big new • ea ta llaen t of IB33 yields both In w - t t k eountiT and Canada. ' jt

- ' SapU naetoaUeu oooufoally rapid fluctuaUonj wltb tt

'truUnff 00 a bl( ical* eniunl ner* ((— Btb*l*«-iftertlwS<eoHally.------ee

O u leadtof autboHly today flv- tffid tba i s n probable wheat yletd t» of Uw Canadian prairie prerlnce* a i only mfiOOMO buiheli ecmpar-

'M wUh ietfiOOJIOO h a n o ted U it J ti r .

Com, oaU. rye and Mley paral- l^edtbe actloa of wheat.

PnnrUlon* g a n way with hog ■ .value* and wltb gralna. .

•s?,-. . _ l e sr i*” SS I

:i i


ftitun* eloaed: July aOc, Beptcmber _ neD ecenberllH o. Caih: Dig-Bend tn Bhieetem 8Be; dark bard winter. 11 Z per eeat, tie: i l per cent Tfc; *of( kj

,?»hlte. weitem whiu, hard wlnUr, m noctbem iprlnc 79Ke; watren red n

isO iU :K a3w hluu< M . t tc a r rectipu: Wheal « , har)»y j. n ,

— etra-K------------ ------------------------1.-■------- Vl

BAB'snVKB 4.,I«W Y O R K .Ju lya9 Mvnar*U* r

rei- eaiy, S J o w a t MHo.

FOKTLAND HAY . MRTIiAKD, July 33 (.T>- Uay: I. Steady; uncbanged. - ' t '

COTTON. N E W V o n K .J i« ta « v n u ir n - ! !eral cotton R»tket llnlihed steady:» r t ] polDU higher to 3 polnU lowtr. JJJ

' — r r r = pU


Tt* Tvts h tu ouinct 'o i iii t TM- to t*«.7 wu M (Dltoni ^ 10

UfMtMl > w<U|fitfiu(ch>n.l*tleirUpouDili_t4n (ml

" S r i " “» w UJ touno .i__u io «ni

" rw ittj ll^

---------------- ' — j ; £0>i«nd (pftsr>. 1 pousu «■ Urj n u tn , fii pouBM— ---------------- le .tn

. b n* » nth prte*-----------------9«te1«e bul

V •*u,utf« ---------------------------- .If.

C4&J___________________ _jta>B m e«t• Knin I?"

BU dMlm anttNi H u 4 tUO frv Ko. I’re 4 a u Na a Oml NotUim tnd Uni mt* d u m 9»nti l i » UMl |£2) lor KS. 1 Uld Ko. 1 Mtrioa lua*.

m a t H I nm r*t4 C

$ s S E . B i ^ 5 S ~ : s s . i s - x . ’t - ” - —rattj™ .h t .u —_ — _— _j7c 530

_ E*t»nrrteM______ hftig 5 ":5?£.7-^^ ' ' ~T Z =!« W

*» 1

K » ^ a aiiM« , 1- , ,WtB'*— ia ers<

onponut -------- V

m utr,nuiuf. tmmtrr W-*'

■ : .■■■ IF .. -

, "Mk r I I . t aj« m «

I r » i i iE i t i i t________________

j MARKETS AT A GLANCE m w ream, juiy a» iiPh-

,11 n t t lg n exchange*: Steady: i n dealing* dull.

Cotton: Steady; corertng ittd I trade buying.I Stocks, eoUtt and lurar:

on OlM ^

irs craoAOO: ’l|y nbeat: ^ o r a i t t r d ; general

Com: lower: Uck of buyen. cattle: Weak to » o loirer; fop

r) m o.IC* Uogi: ScatUrod tale* 10 to lie to lower; top H U . j

“ c o m m o d it y5 \ PR IC E LEVEL• r NKWIORIC.JalyMWV-lii'lfxof ^ U lUpte cowmedlty prle**: (Pecrn- “ b e r« ,m i ,» q a a l* lW i

J a 7 - ...... —

1M3 hlfb - ..............— I t u » a io w ---------------------------- TI.T

h* is s t h l|b ______________ — !«.»n- MM low ---------------- :---------- TMf’ (CcpyrigW, WM, by Meodj'i)* (DcMOiber U , W l. U Uktn a i IN

la e«apfltlD| tbs abet* prl(« ttrel* and (bs foBowdig eommadlUti. iriUi* tba approilfflaU pereenUg* nlo*

of tb* whol* lodft aaalgoed to each, a r t ued i Wbeat i : , eoltoa 11. beg* a , Meel aerap It. logar 10. wod 7,

^ copper 8, bidca I. Mm 4. nbb tr I. h ■Uk4.eoffce«.iead,SsUTerS.coeoau t-U U tt)

e, RAN FRANnilCO rSODUCK '• SAN PTlANCIflClO, July » W -

Buttertat 23c: premium gnds atHc.;* PoUtoe*: Shatter whlto rose |}J»^ to tXU cwt.T Poultry: DroUen unchanged

CUICAOO PBODUCe ’ CHICAOO. July a Ml - U ts ; poultry: itecelpU 8 trucki, lUady;* beni 10 to lie; rock fryen IIU to* Me. eolored 12c; Iwck iprlnga I7c,^ oolorwl l8o: Roek brollen m to0 ISe, colored llHc, Legbomi 11 to* 1140. legbom i noAtn le.■ Turkeyi 10 to lie. Dueki: iptlng '• 7 to 10c. old 7 to «& Oecie; ipring* Oc. old OKc.* ButUr: Recelpu M.7U tubi,1 weak; creamerT-ipecUli MJl tem)

3Hi to 3lM i e x tru (Ml SOU: o tr a llnU (00.S1) SOU to 30Se; V

1 tInU (U-89) lOU to 19Kc; aecondi 1<* lU-«7) IS to 18He; lUndants (»0 t - eentiaUwl-eatloU>_20*lc._____ _ I

Egn: IlecelpU 7U9 caiei, weak; prlcei u n c h in ^

IdaboSheep ;DENVEB SALES ,,

OENVEB, Joly t t (SpecUl to Tbe i, Niwi) - Lamb salt* Denrer today: ,1 A. B. fileboben, Stelraan, ftre laadi , M pound* VM ilralgbtt Georio IUaekwea-Karwfo<U <w» loadi gf poandi. II. U. Ilerton. CooaeU, th m leU iN poanda, all abor* t71l*«rt* ^ e4; Maho (Upper eliht loada t t ^ poondi 7 oenU Itralght

~~T‘ i

I PPmOMlETS: |S. , CTIICAOO BMBKET >ailCAGO, Ja iyU (A) (U S 0 A) t

— ReAl pU 51 carleadii eo track IH. tolai United SUtc* ablp- menu m ; dail, leading noderaU; Kaoua Mlnoori Cobblen, eombi- A natlM grade ILM .to n.7<: bealcd lc tU 4 t« tlM i Ni. i,ic w aalea lUO b to tUS; New Jeney Cobbler* No. 1. tl t& u.to m S ; KUryland te* ia l« u (LM to I2J5; Idaho TriBBpb* Na.1. IU ( to >1»: U ai7land<and ,t VlrglnU bbl Cobblen few 5. „

I” I gl

[ ■ i i i i i i ii■ OMAHA LIVMTOCIt OMAIIA, July a OT) (U B D A )-

Hoe*: early latei generally bidding around IOe lower: packing « aowi UiQ to U .« : 300 to 350 pound ci welghu n to M.15; early top H30: p ip Karte: no dlrecU; arersge Sui FrWiy ttP# weJjht 37*.

Csltlc: Compared with week Igo, 8 ted Iletn and yearllngi moitly 3i to 40a tower. Deit ahlpplng caUIe bi 10 to isc lover ted helfen 31 t(i U Wc lo«Tr. cowa iteady to ISc lover, ra buUl rulty !Jc (ower. reafen aboiit M *le»<ly, nockfrt and teeden iteady do

ilo uttQiig; buUu for week, fed iteen O ■nd y » r llrn U.M to M.SS. top $4; heifrr* M 7i to U.SO. top UJS. beet St eoM WJO to H 3i, cuttcn MJS to Lc 43J0. medium buUi 13 to U3S, tw liractlMi top on vealen MJO. few fei telreu up to M. itocker and feeder to Ileen <55 lo «3S. cholc* feeder ea yearilnu up to M. t«

6hffj>; Coiaparrd wllh wreJr ago. ua lambi -mMily joc lower yearling* »l •trotig ised theep U to Mo higher tal tre«lrn :s to Me higher. Cloilng cu bulU follow. Mrted rango U u te « »7Ji to I7J0. choice natlr* lamb* 3* *7.73, M clipped tamb* 17 to »7J0. > ted jearllnp up to U.IO; ilaughter pa ea'Ci t u o to U.7S. cholco gnde Id« range fredlng Umbs U.85 to tOM. U. brerrting ewes Mtid mouth to year* 4S. l l n n « j o t o U - . S.7

. ------- It.CUICAGO LU-ESTOCK 14.

CinCAOO, July 39 t n (U 8 D A>—Hnc>: IlArrtly enough arallable to m,jke a market, icattered u I h 1 arounij jo lo lie lerrr llun PW- -1 daj'i trtfngt. Pew bunchea 300 to He SM.poiindt tt.40 to t4J). top MJS, ( benticr weleliu on dawn to M: most wt |> I tf^T 5 » ^ 0 2 rp S cH tS rW r» 3 0 llrt

Cittfer Oxnpared cIo*e Ust week, um choice and prime iteen and year* poi Unn weak to » c lower; middle r n gride* unewnly M to 7Sc off, com* MJ mon ktndi about SSe lowtr top year* toF Unn and medium n ighU 7J0. bot cut mUe ibw e I7.IS. lew yearUtigi to Rteen abore I0.7S beat light belter* a l (d-lS, konher lielfen ta ss tn load lop lota. All helfen and oowi iteady to er SSc ot(; bull* down, stotk cattle S motUy M to M wllb meaty feeden paj to M. ioe

Sheep: rw w k ending Friday, ihf comoared cloM! last week, lambs Un mnUy M to 7Se lower; ycuUnga 7Sc er

cTl " ,

WeSAM TRICK I ar: wbOO's:

i tK i O PPB R eO $2C B5WAQC) FO n

\^ E WAffCH.

•n. • I s

I N . ■ / « J ,

to M -:t l J down^ Ibeep weak lo 3So off, cholco U J naUre* wltb weight only U to 40o 11.7 lower, week’s lop UJO cloaing top U J t u s b u t weaUrni a t IhU prlpe, U J bulk satire and good to cholco

westenu at close $7J0 to tS Ibrov- out natives M 'to IS laie yeullnga largely MiO native owe* f lM to

|;,r t3.73 week'i bulk tecdlng lambs MJS to MJO.

OQDEN UVESTOCK T OQDEN. July 39 WI') (U 8 D A )- t llogs: lucelpu 899: for week.

^ aUady: Ule top M.73 on bulk beat drire-lni with few loU to outald- e n Uttls abora IhU price; bulk light and medium woighU MM to |4J0; heavies. and light IlghU

~ around MJS down; bulk wwa I3.t5 to MJS.

■» Callle; JlffrJpU 7S, for wwk, 533; moatly weak to 2Sc lower, decline on Inbetween and common klndi; best lUughter steen M on S3 drive- in grass feds: lot-good helfen MM;

TS bulK ateen ond helten MM to y; MM wltb common a t t3M to I3JS; to good cows 3.7S to MJS; cutter to !c, medium tIM to .M.SO: lower grades to downward to t l and under: bulU to ti.7S to t3JlS; belt realen M to lc. Mils; cuU and common tSM to lg MM.lg Sheep: RecclpU 10,788; week 87.-

(08; unevenly lower; < o u r loads IS, Oregon lambs 75 pound t7JS; load 9> 83 pound teeden. Oregoni, M.8S; ;; load S2 pound Oregon Iambi |tfJ5,':; load medium teeden MJS; lev U loads Idabo teedrcrs M.73 to M.18; n best drlre-ln lam k M.7S to MJS;

lew down to M . _______________

^ KANSAS CIt F lIVESTOCK KANSAS c m r , July 39 Ml (U 8 '

S DA)-lIogs: RccelpU 700; around ( steady: dealnble 180 to 380 poundi k M.10 to t u s ; aowa MJO down.

CitUe: IlecelpttfiOO; ter week good lo cholco fed sU en and long year* lings 3So to IO0 lower: other beet stccnandfedhelfenISotoSSolow . \

“ er; cowi lUady to strong; realen ii steady: week's topa: mtdlum weight b

* Iteen MAS; yearUng* *8.75; heavy* Iteen H.80: hcllen 18.10; bulk ted d ; Iteen MJS to MM; w te m steen <.■ ** M.8S to MM; heller nnd mixed year, n

llngt M,7S to M,7S: grau fat cowt MJO to gJJ. • =

“ Sheep: ReoelpU 800; for week; Umbsaround35ciower:)wtlnp2Sc * to 40o Off; Ihcep iteady; lop natlvQ and Oregon Jambs t7.7S;..native* ■

> nosUy )7J5 to S7.7S; yearllngf M to MM: ilaughter ewet mostly MM to .

.) t l : Oregon feeding Iambi ISM. m

“ ST. JOSBPn UVESTOCK SI 1; .QT.'JOSmi, July 29 or) (U S D Ir - Al-llogt: RccelpU 3000; Sc'to lOcIve d lower; top |fSS; good to cholee ;bu0 butchen M.IS to MJS; light anddh I. tight Itghu MM to M.10; packing sa ■ SOM UJS to U.7. co ) Catl/e: BcceJpU JOO; nomlftO; ro* steen good to choica UJS.to lO JO ^^ >• eommon to medium MM to'M;ltelf* cll

e n good to choice 13 JS to MM; cowa « good HW to t4J5; cannen and cut* ten tl.7S to I3M: calvrs, medium f’* to choice U M to M; stocken and feedch medium to choice MM to ,

Sheep; jtecelpU 3S00; stesdy; S',' . good to chotce I7JS to 17.75; year- a l . Hng weUieti medium to choice M t o , J U.75; feeding Umbs « M to M .7S ;|J1 ewes mtdlum to choice llJO to MM. ' j


,, 8 D A)-Hogs: Recelpu 3«00 tor • i wrtk compared week ago IlghU ind 1 } butclicn mosily SSe lo«-er; Ule bulk J M.40 to M.7S; few c an UM; Colo- _ ; rado> U to 'U M : light UgliU U to .

tiiS; PKiInt t e n mo»tly 14 down, lew MJS; today 300 Wd CalUoriilu MM.

Cstile: Compared week bro: Sleen stesrty to mostly SSc lowrr. •“ Load 1003 pound aliort feds U.7S; ‘ two to«d-joo-to-los7-pound-niort P“ feds and mediums OIS to 987 pounds Fa' to medium }4JS lo U . few M.7S; Joli cake and grasses s j s ; bulk common tor two can IHI to 1185 pound medl- Inv um 14 to M-IS; fredrn MM 10 I M.75; cows stesdy; medium and Fir talrly good range MJO to U.3S. low Pal ciitltr common tIJS to M: biilU be U to MAS; bulk medium and good tor 3S3 to 388 pound calres 14 to M. ant

Hh'Yp: fbr Arc dayi i m com. Oil pared wetk ago: Lamb* m»lly'3Sc lower, common SOe oil; Ule top ci U.75. bulk medium and good wootrd MM 10 MM. sorted; good ihnm j. S.7S to M: medium M.7S; fe<slpni 1 MJS to MJS; }-earllnE« UJO to mo I W I . . . . S .

nENVER LmtSTOCK *®'‘ DE.SVEII. July 39 W1<U 8 D A)

-Hoes: ftw mrtUum welghU about « Iteadr a t M.IS to MM, i

CaWIe: R«celpU ISO; eempaied h. wetk ago beef steen mlied year- llngi- and neifeis ste«drto-10c lew ^ er: ipou off more; llghfand medl- ^ um weight steen M.IO fist. lOW pound M .« freight paid, mixed _ rtsrilnga M.15 lo U.75, top helfen M.SS bulk MJS to M.7S cowi steady . top M.IO bulk IIM to MM all eullen tlJO to I3M bullj itrong to SSc higher, bulk M.7S to UJO. wires and realen steady to rtrtmc. top realen UM, atocker and teed- I* er classes itcsdy to strong. InS

Sheep: R«elpU clrar 78: com- 4:3( pared weet tgo m artrt mostly 35 tn SOe lowtr, jearllngs steady, aeed C Iheep 15 to SSc oft. extreme top Umbi t7M paid enrly Monday: t»t. e er buU nngen 17 to I7M; Ute tcv tor



r T x ^ E M W M E w T v W V rND< OP r r WAS IP TT is; H e RE-tURMEO WAS $ 2 0 /T i?H lW kH e S T O L e M - FO R / WOUt-OSfT I w e:H . y i J OlDW“f i


to Troopstop _______________

s s M Stnr- 'MAfaim l i C n bInga H j l P ’ ,. g g

‘0 I B rtabs n S ' • . . . : ^ 5 5

J -

Od- ulk

to hu 1.75


ve- I

U ; r .


ids ---------------------------------------------u f AS A jwirt o f llic KovernorB’ cor a'; Sun Fnincidco Presidio by t l ev G cncrnl M alin Craiir, com m ar 'S; nnn and Siyw rvlsor E m m c lt

Uma; M ayor A tircIo RosjI, C --------R liodcJa land .= K -^ Photo.

S s t o c k M a r k e t '' Mj C l o s e s f o r D a y 1r* _____ te t NEW YORK, Jaly » ( , ? ) - New J r* York .lecBrily msrkeU were closed “ n today, bnt will resume Ihtlr regaUr ht bean of trading nest Slenday. *' ry Tbe holiday w u voted by tbe e it ^ !d duu ie board ot dlreclon to allow ~ n flvtr-worked firms to raUh ip wltb |< r . Ihelr builntas. . .' * : = = = = »

f ' I7M low yearlings U to MM tal » ewes IIJS to MJS. pl

« • BOSTON w ool, to BOSTON, July 39 (/?> (t; S D A)10 -Demand tor wool In llie Boilon

market, tapered olt lo a marked df- M' greo In th s p u l week. The sloscr ^ business In wool was considered by

D trade, memben as a naturafd t- , ic[velopinent. In view of the htavy «:buylng In'lhe past few inonths snd , 4 -.the readjustment ItintwUi be ntcfj- lg sary under tho pending Industrial

codo lor wwi textile!, I*rlces wtre |> mtfUy • very ilrm. Plus Prtncti

>: l« i - ! tg weeki price nnges, but a lew nd- ;■' . vancu were renllzed on medium :<

fleece*.•• ,

i c incA Q o CAsn grain :” CmCAOO. July 39 W -W h rn t : .*

NO. 3 red MHct.No. 1 dark hard «Ui ‘ 95U to 98e: -No. 1 hard M‘i to f«* 98c. • '1 “ 1 Com: No. 3 mixed 53'ic: No. 1 R» '! 'yellow SSUe. aru

O aur No. 3 whlto 38 1 to 38'^; IniNo. a white 38 10 38a Aai

Rye: No sales, Pe:} XKier 44 to 73& tr Ttmotby aeed' M to MJS cwt, ter i aovw seed M to 111 ewt. T i

' Cimrch Services'CongttgaUons ot churctits wtiose

I psiM«-*rBjninibcr».of the Twm s ra iu MlnUterial asAoclailon will ~''j : Join in a union wrrlce tn elty psrk fi, t tonight a t 8 o'clock. The public Is . Invlled. *■"> Rer, O. U Clsrke. pu tor of the if" I P in t PreabyterUn churth. Idatio i i , I Palis, wltl preach. Tlie servlee «111 I be In chsrge ot Rer. U.S. will, pu- 1 tor of the United Brelhrrn chiirrli,. and muslo will be wpplled by tlic• ChrUtlan chureh chofr. . .y ,

------ nm' CTiUBCn OP THE nnrriiR E x I H. a wilt, pastorI 10 A it.-a u n d sy sehool, -' 11 A. M.-Momlng worjlilp. S^r- , nI mon topic. “11 Any M sn'Be ui .

Chrbt.” LoU Edwards wlli iing tht ••wlo, "Today U Mine." ,• . . .

PREHDVTEBIAN « :« A. K.-fiunday achooJ. wai Rer. O. I* Clarke, Idaiio Palls, r m

h u Koepted an InvlUUon lo mp.' ply the pulpit July 30 snd Aileujt 8, ~ ’ hJ?: C Ja rk aw rti* Uc'in 01 in?’rr-

c«it Sawtooth confertnee..

c n u B cn OF c m u s i snE .vn5T 10:00 A. M.-«undiy KhooL 11:00 A. M. - Morning wonhip.

SubjKt, 'Love.-g;00 P. M.--Wfdn«d*y-7>j!(fflony

serrlee.Reading room In Orpheum buUd­

lng open dally frcan IJO p. m . io 4:30 P.M . .


e:tS A. M.-^unday ichool. CIxwi Ior all. Spedal music. C. M. Ulail.


« y ---------------^ O t D h f TA f ClAReNCB ^ PiMO 1

J - S J W fiS VCfT Iv'i^TCH i A PTBR I I 010.

9 '< ^9 h - ■IT j 5! r e w a r d .

^ f i C^ / a v

ip s R e v i e w e d B y W a r S

' confcrcncc in Q iiliforiiia. tlic lliii y th e uccrcUiry o f w ar ..L eft to m am lnnt o f th e n in th corp.i nrcn ic tt H ayden o f S a n Francisco, G !i, G ovcrnor-L . A-. Miller, .Wyomi


ter. supcrbtendcnt.11 A. M.-Mommg aowlili). Ber-

y mon subject. "Salting thr Earili." Tho Smith glrU wilt sine. "It's Real." There will be ipecUf music at tacli .v-n’Ira on'the xylortmba and piano

Id by tlie Smith slsten.„ 7 P. &t,—Younc people's service.

Henry Olrlns, president, s p. M.-Ej-»ogeto{Jf AcrrJw. ita.

" 0, .\J. UtwlUer WlU slni. “I Know IU lie Can Save Ale, Too." Sermon ■“ subject. -The DcTU'a Soul DaRser."

8 P. M. Wednesday -• Prayer = meeting.. Mr*. U D. Smilti wtU hare

cftirge..*^'“ 8 P. M. Thunday-Young peo*

pie’* pnyer service.

CHRISTIAN'' OM A. M.-Blb;e telKyol " 10:4S A. .M.-Lord's Supper and ■ sermon. Subject, "Conformity to

World Recovery AcL">' 7 P..M .r^lirii;Un Endeavor.^ 8 P. M .-unlon servlee a l pi^rt

'■ MENNONITK IIRETHEEN IN' CIIRIST' A. W. natberat, pastor „ 10 A. M.-Suiiday school.. 11 A. M.-Momlng wonhip. ,. edO'-P. M.-Juiilor League. .. , 7:30 P. M.-Evetilng senlee. ;, 'i lP .M .W ednesday-Prayerm ccl-,j

■ _____ ■ I,nRSTBAPTlST

. 9:4S A, M.-Sunday school Bible t liudy and clan dlscuulon. CUsses

for every one. 111 A. M.-Motnlng chureh servlee, j

1 R«r. Thomu Scrugga haa. prepared e anolher of lits unusual and Interest- i

: Ing sermons, entitled "The Putor \ Assisting Kls Memben In Thclr.I Perional Uuslnesi." jl

8;45P.M .-B , y .p .o . A re iy in - ( terestlng »er 'lc« h u been planned. |V



(ConUnued Prom Page 7) •’l

' W,"llerman, Jb _ l s 0 0 5 3 0 1; CuyIer..U— _ 4 . . 3 l 1_I > 0 » ' P .H e rm an .r t_ _ _ 4 3 3 1 O'O I

Demaree. c f -------- 4 1 1 4 0 0 8Hartnett, c ______ 4 0 0 5 1 0 rTlrtmm Ih-- -I 0 0 8 1 O'VJurgei. s s _______ : 0 0 3 * 0 1BnglUh. s s ______ 1 0 1 0 1 0 LWameke. p _____ 1 0 0 0 0 0 ■Henshaw, p — - J 0 0 0 0 0 cMalone,.p -----------0 O' 0 0 1 O ’Ntlson. p , , U ff 0 0 1 Oj•Mo*ott.------------- 1 1 '0 , 1 0 0 Ol•‘Campbell ______1 0 0 0 0 Ol••’Hendtlek -------- 1 0 0 0 0 0 | ‘

T o u u ------------ 37 8 7xa 11 0 rX one out when winning mn scored.'

• Baltod tor litnshsw In sixth. 1V •• Batted for Jurges In eighth.

••• Batted for Malone In eighth. 10 ST. LOUIS AD R H O A B b

Martin. 3b_______8 3 4 1 3 0 diWatkins, r f ______5 0 3 < 0 0 elFnicb, 3 b __ -.■„'„4 0 1 1 1 0 C

W I L L C C N T R A C l


T R I U M P H P O T A A U G U S T Dl






H T \ M St V c S0 *m& IcH iset-GO i.T C H - / (N .OM 310. A T .

L y ,r S e c r e t a r y ,

^ . - . ' r f


th ir tie th in fan try won review ed a t t to r ig h t: S e c re ta ry D ern . M ajor n rca ; F iro C hief .C harles J . B ren- 0, Govem or F . H . Cooney, Mon- •omlnfr, und G ovem or T . F . G reen,

Cnwford. l b _____ 4 0 1 B 1 0Ser- Medwlek, If —,,...-4 1 1 3 0 0111." Orutll, c t ..... ........S 1 3 1 0 0ral." OTarrell, c ____ ^ 0 1 8 0 0aell Duroeher. s s _____ 4 3 3 3 0 0ano Carltlon, p ----------3 1 0 0 0 0

H a liits ,p - :______0 0 0 0 0 0rice. 'Collins ' - - «*• 1 0 0 0 0

'•Wilson ft 1 0 0 0 0

now T o u u _____ ~-_31) 9 18 30 10 0non * Batted tor Ilalnea In tenth. r.“ ••R antorO T arrtU lnU nth . ,, „ r Chicago_________ 000 3W 303'o-«i n SU LouU________040 101 000 l-B

Summary: Twtsbate blt»»OruU, Medwlek, Duroeher, Martin. De- msree; home nin*-P. llerman.3, Martin; iscrmces-Cnwlord, Dur* ocher; double p U y > ^ « ‘totd to Duroeher; winning pllchcr-litlnes,!

u,d losing pllehcr-N e^ca |

BROOKLl-N lt14, FIIIUIES ]l-4 riHLADELPHIA. July 29 (A-) -

Brooklyn Dodgen sUmmcd oul t , liiKible v^ctoO' PblUleJ by

, scores or 13 to 11 and 14 to 4 loday and mored out ot ths National league cellar Into seventh place. They parsed the twloe defeated Cincinnati Redv snd wound up only 3 points be*

thind ihePhlU.First gsnle- R II E :, I Brooklyn ____ 1031310M-12 IS 3

<l*|Plill.idelphla„lSO 141010-11 IS 5 1 Dattrrles: Beck*, uungo and -Lo­

pes; HJIotl. CeJllns, HolJey. Uski, . Ryan and DavU. Todd, McCurdy. <

Second Gam*»“ BROOKLYN AB R II O A E

Tnilor.cf________S 3 3 3 0 0Ice, Prtflertck. cf r " o 0 1 0 0Kd Strli'p, 3 b _______ e 3 • J 2 1 0 iSt- HHtclieson, rf 8 1 3 3 0 0 ' tor Wllion.If 1 1 0 0 0 tflf If . - 1 0 1 0 0 0 I

jLc-ViMb________5 0 1 9_1 0 IIn- Curclnello,2b— 4 1 3 I 3 O" !1 iWrijht. s i _ » _ _ ^ 1 1 1 7 0 1

lOuloh, c ______ - J 1 1 0 0 0L o p r to _________1 1 0 3 0 0 ,iCirreu. p — < 1 1 1 l 0 ( 'Ryan, p - o 0 0 0 0 0 i

IE ( T W ili________43 14 17 37 13 0 .PHIUDELPHIA AB R H O A e /:McUod. 3b — — 8 0 0 1 1 0 t

_ 'narttll, _________ 3 0 1 3 6 1 .0 llilh.1. Cf — s 1 0 4 0 1 •0 Klein, r f --------------3 1 I 3 0 0 {

■ 0”K um .-1S L -;.i;_= = 8-J-fl3 -0_0 J0 Schulmerich, I f ___1 1 1 1 0 0 t0 Davts. c ------------- 4 0 0 3 1 I IO'Warner. J b --------- 4 0 0 0 4 0 *0 p _______3 0 0 0 1 00 Lhka. p ----- n 0 , 0 0 1 00 'DuRu - 1 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 couiin p ________0 0 0 0 0 0 r0 "McCurdy ....— ,0 0 0 0 0 0 ^Oj ------------------- t0 Totsls------------33 4 7 37 n 4 -3 .01 • Bjttcd for LUka In lerenth.0, *• BaUed for ColUns In ninth.

- 'Brooklyn_________00 30$ 110-140 PhllsdelphU---------000 004 000^ ,4'

d. ] Summsjy; Two-base hlU — Klein.1 Wrlghl. Cucclnello; thrte-base hlU -Tnjlor: homi mns — Hutcheson.

I Outen. Taylor, Bcbulmerlch; stolen B bsso-stripp; sscrlflee»-Csrroli 3;0 double plays—Bartell to Hunt. Cue*0 elnetfo lo UsKe: winning pitcher —0 CuroU; loalng plicher—Hanten.


) E L I V E R Y

T A T O E S , E A R L Y

D E L I V E R Y .



RE S ID E N C E 1121

G, JTJLY 8 0 ,19S3


/ b u t hb ^ 1 TRIBO ^o \

* ^ \ O O lS OOT\ WHBN r r




(ConUDued 1 ^ P a r 7)

d\ ' ---------- -••ujitedforD crentlnnlnth.

' j \ WASHINOTON AB R H O A :I Meyrr. Jb -----------4 3 J 1 3 iI OMlln, rT 3 1 3 3 0 )H Manuth. If 3 I 0 0 <■ ' ^ i S s s 5 1 3 3 4 :n Schulte, ef a 3 1 0 0 1■ Kuhel, lb -----------5 1 3 8, 0 IH Bluege, 3 b ----------- 4 o f f 0 <I U Bewell, e ---------4 0 0 8 0 <S Crowder, p -------- 4 - 0 - 0 -q 0 .(

0 ToUls________J8 11 11 37 8 :B Nea- York________000 000 W 3~!D Waslilngton —— _104 000 SJ*-ll l i Summary: Two-base hlt*-Kuhel

Myer 3,.Bluege; three-baso WU -1 Kuhel, Chapman; home nm-Rutb; g iacrlfk»-Bluege: double pUy-Mjei B to Crooln to Kuhel; losing pltcber- I Allen. .

I BOSTON B. AIACK8 I3 BOSTON. Juiy 29 («>-Bojton Bed I Box lianded Bob ILettyJ Orove his -* sccond stnlght defeat today In dovn- , liig the phiudetphla Athletic*. 8 to

1. Eight otthe Sox 13 blU were nud8 Jo r off OrovB in tho sU Inning* he toll- en* ed under a bUslng ran. He w u re- on- moved tor a pinch batter a l this *n. point, and Caln, who took up tbe bur*

' den. allowed five hlU and four runs In thb two Ust icssloni.

=5 . nifvf.sniT.PtfTA AH B K O A E, a Bishop. 3 b -------- L> 0 1 3 1 -0: : Cramer, ef J 0 0 0 0 0

2 Cochnne, « —J - J 0 0 7 0 0 A Poxx. lb ■ 4 0 1 13 0 0a Coleman, r f _____ 4. o 3 0 0 0

, 0 Roh Johnsdo. If — 9 1 1 0 0 o, 0 Higgins, 3 b --------- 4 0 .1 1 5 0, g WlllUms, U -------- 4 0 0 3 4 01 0 Qtove, p - a 0 0 0 1 0 _ ‘ MlUer_________ I 0 0 0 0 0

0 Caln. D ft 0 0 0 0 0 , •• McNair_______ X 0 1 0 0 0

- « ToUls____ - » 3 3 1 7 34 11 0-9 •BsttedtorOrovo In seventh. lU. "BattedforCaln to ninth.>e- BOSTON AB R II O A r '3, W crber.u— — 3 1 3 1 3 0 ir- Walton, 3 b — 3 0 0 0 0 0to Cooke, cf ............ . . J 3 1 3 0 0e*. Roy Johnson. I t _ 4 3 3 3 0 0

Ferrell, c ------------ 3 1 1 8 0 0, , Hodapp. S b______ 4 0 1 3 3 0

Jotley, l f ------------- ! 1 3 4 0 0- Seeds, l b ________4 0 1 7 1 0

Plpgras. p -------- 5 1 3 1 3 0

* / Tbtol*.________ 33 8 13 37 9 0Phlladelphu----------010 00? 000-1

y Boston------------------ 001IV) 04^-8J* Bummary: Two-base hlU — Mc*

Nair, Werber, Tier Johnson, PtrrelJ, . Jolley, Seeds: three-base hlt-JoUey;2 tiorae run — Roy Johnson; stolen . base*»Cooke 3; tacrlflcet-Cramer,

Walten 3, PerreU; doubto pUy* -V Williams to Poxx, Plpgru to Hbdapp

to Seeds; loslng^tcher-Orove. -


0 CLEVELAND, July.39 (/P) — Hint0 BJTJwn not OBiy blanked the DetroK0 Tlgen with teven hlU today bul0 s c a m p i home wltb the winning0 run on a single by Johnny OulU*0 ber M the Cleveland IndUnimafkM

up Ihelr tilth itn lg h t vletoiy today,0 1 t o a ,,0 The victory pUced CleveUnd In a0 virtual tie with Ihe tblrd-place Phil*0 RdetpbU Athletlci, who lost to Boa-0 ton.- DPTROrr AB R R O A B0 Davis, l b ------------4 0 1 4 0 0E Owen, 3 b _______ 4 0 1 3 1 1® Oehrlnger, J b ------4 0 1 3 1 0} Blone. r f _______ 4 0 0 3 0 0* Pm . Jf —...- ...... .4 0 1 3 1 02 DoIJack, If --------- 4 0 0 3 0 0" T l0 g e l l . - » » - = = = j - 0 - O - 3 - l - 0 “ lUywortb. c ------ 3 0 0 3 1 01 FUcher, p -----------3 0 3 0 3 0

? ToUls------------ 33 0 7 « 7 15 CLEVELAND AB B H O A En Porter, rf ,-,,— ,.,4 0 3 9 0 09 OuUUber. I f -------- 3 0 I 3 0 o. Bosi. l b ----------- 0 3 10 0 0 I3 —


i S eed G i^ While the deUlls «f the propoied

yet lu l b««n offlcUUy pUced befw ndentoed Ihst oa and afler Ai asMsstd agalBst all Colton bag* a

; Ban with a wtlgbt of abont oi ^ wed tor seed growen. a bag o 4ne,

It yes ar* a grower of a profl (be ONd of bagi, we have tbre* vi ^ would be very gUd to *npp»y yi Ux btcoBK* effeetlTfc


485 Bboabao* BL Wttl.B ^ . Batldtog

3 \ SW/1& I \ s h o u l d HOT Be1CM^ WB H6» H B 'S ST c o o l o . . COT tu e gID MAKE MR. W«TCH. I*

WOOD P&S — V ,,— - ^ R 6 W A I^ j

w a . ' w a ” *

r Averlll. f f ' -----------4 0 0 4 0 ft* Hale,-3b_________3 0 0 4 8 0"\ s Kamm, 3b a 0 1 1 3 0r» l,T PytUk, 0 ________ 3 0 0 1 0 0I UUI Knickerbocker, t a - 3 0 0 t 3 0) Clssell, s» .......,. , ._ 0 D 0 0 0 0

Drown, p . _ : ------ 3 1 1 0 I 0

, . _ TOUU------------- 30 1 8 37 13 0> A Z uetrolt ----------------- _od5 000 o(MJ; I .0 CleveUnd---------------MOWOJO^-lI 0 0 Bqmmary: T w o - ^ hIt-Owen:

I 4 i lu ie to Knickerbocker to Bon. Oeh*1 0 0 ringer to DavU. .1 0 0 _____" « 0 ' BT. MOTS 3, CfflCAcb 3

...0 0 ''OIIICAOO, July 39 (/F).— Rogen Homsby‘1 debut u an American

8 3 league manager w u a tuccett today 93— s u hU St. Louis Browni came'from $•-11 behind to defeat Hie Chicago Whlto <ubel. Box, 3 to 3, In the f ln l game ot their IU — series.RtUb; Tho Box led. 3 to 1, going Into ths •Myer eighth, whm. wttb the aid of erron :h e r- by Luke Appling and Al Slmmoni.

two unearned mns gave tbs Brown­ies victory.

ST. LOUIS AB R 11 0 A B Scharcln, 3b fi 0 0 0 3 0

3 Bed Baroj,.J|)------------ 4 0 o JO 1 0:e hts Reynolds,-If------- 3 1 3 3 0 0Sown- Campbell, r t -------4 1 3 1 0 0. 8 to OulUc, cf ----------- 4 1 1 4 0 0madf^-MellUo, 3b j --------4 0 1 3 1 0J toll-' Shea, c ------------- 4 0 0 4 0 0It re-L erey. t l „ 3 0 0 3 5 1; thU O ny. p 3 0 1 0 3 0ibur* lUdley, p ------ o 0 0 O' 0 0■runs ..

■RJUU------------- 34 - 3 8 37 13 1A e CHIOAOO AUR HO A E

T ~ p 'Biiittn ^ ir t l — s f 3 3 0 0 —0 0 H au, et ------1----- 3 0 1 0 0 00 0 Webb, l b _____ ,.4 0 3 14 0 00 0 Blmmons. I t _____ 3 0 1 3 0 1p 0 Appling, s s ----------4 0 C 3 7 10 0 Dykes, Sb _ _ _ 4 0 1 0 3 0 S 0 •!«>•». 3 b -----------3 1 1 3 3 04 0 Orube. 0 , , , 3 0 1 4 1 01 0 * BuUlvan -----------1 0 0 0 0 00 0 Berry, c ------------- o o 0 0 0 00 0 UUlcr. 9 _______ .3 0 0 0 3 00 0 ’’ Kress ------------ 1 0 0 0 0

I T o n ia l i ----------- _J4 3 B 37 18 3* Batted for Orube In eighth.

•• BalledforMlUerla ninth.A E SU LouU-------------- 000 100 0 » -33 0 Chicago --------------- 001 too 000-30 0 Summary: Two-base blU-Oullte,0 0 feUUlo, Oray; three-bass htU —0 0 o n y . Campbell: ttolen base*-Le»- 0 0 cy. Oray; sacrifice ~ H au; double 3 0 pUys-Bum* to Mellllo, Appling to0 0 lUycs to Webb, Orube to Appling;1 0 winning pltcher-^ray.

s~o riniiiiiiniimiiiiinniM iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiw o _ i lUlilllllllllllllliUlllilllllUIIIIIIIUtUlllillilllli l*--8S ; SUDLER,

E WEGENER&CO.mer,I — — _lapp


' Cnltod SUle* OovH Bond*nint Idaho Monlclpal Bond*TOK Idaho P»w*f Co. Preferredbul Stock

Grain PstarM le d I and i v . AB loca) asd Uttei

8E0U1UT1E3 t ^ r a t market pricc*loa-

\ ^ ■ New W Slock Exebanga I 0 Tlckw*TtaaslB SerrlM

) 0 F ln t National Bank Batldlng. i I 0 Fhone 41M, Boise. Idaho

*_A Borkholdtf Bldg.. Pheae 910--------*H a T in ^ ^ d * K ---------------------

i 0" 7 E. W. McROBBRTS,I E Local M anager

' 0 ... ,.......

— _

GrowerspoKd Colton Proeeaslng Tas b u u

before dealer* to Collw *•er Aegast fJnt »»*1 «ber* wm b* m a tax.

>Bt one poand nub. tach u •eamle* bag el that weight will bare a l u of

mcpectlv* Ved cnp and antlclpato re* v« 7 good grade of bag* to offer >p^ yon year rt^ialrcmaU befora tbe '


, Tirin ran t, (dab*Phone«»


Page 9: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.


<OonUnotd fror

SYNOPSIS! M ijT W B »,«w #k u f l b»7b«od • ; ColinHewill. Ibi nv*UfT »»“ « • ^ 8 CoUn to ddlter * W t« tor “th«aldC«lln oroolMt, u d RMdy n *pi.in- ^ ButoUw U»» m w r t . ,n i l t t a d«Ui •

■»hl WM f«tB« ^ ta **• ,Tl« MMk >» « pnrtrfBl tmdtf- J

Mpjnt*. T b t |*W Uaden. f « h r^ Uw BU*k to ettl; one o( hU >in a ia m U a 41« s1m*. EMdr be* |0i^ t i« t iw i> k k « d a p th»Bluk'f !tnD, w d K n m tito «wn Ufe U In 'od»tdl7 P«HL »


‘■UonaUk«ii,--pronouDe«lCoilo', 'r x r t ly . ‘'lU all rl<bt In a itorr; ^ ' but Boldr. U you b<( Uis soodi oq S •the UUk th tn 'i the Uir and-* " ' T&6 law be dunnedr Reddy broke ln (leretty. "WIUi a hundred o perjured vKneuea nnd a million^ doUan to i)>end. he'd net olf. Thbi M Is be(it:een him nnd tne. He killed ii my pal. and ichat he dJd lo Annto<a: IVe (old you. Hell get a clmiiee to'ci (iRht-bui he'll die." yi

Colin unced Ihe room and tock aialn. H

.-••I^ok here, Reddy."-he w id.',, ‘about (h«( letter m om t deliver U—well, U Ihlns* lo 'rrons tl vlth you. I t ll‘( a (air queitlon. I'd ^ like to know U it Iiaaanylhlos lo do •! with Ulla Inhuman cur you call Uie|ni Maik. I know you u ld that you-" |t He broke o(( auddenly. I«

Someone w u knocklni a t the t' ei

“EKpectlng anyone?" Reddy a»ked.‘; | • “I'm alway* cxiicellne *omeone."in Colin annvered wUh a (alnt tmlla.I,,. "Vou Mid It awhile «eo.“ I.,

•TTie patk^benchA j- Inquired;^ Reddy. "Vour im .pullenir j,,

Colin nodded."Probably. Do you mindf* I* Tlie knoek upon tbe door w u ro* | q

IieM ed-but. u aeemed. n Ultle “ timorously thlt Ume.

. Reddy Iihrumd hi* ahouldera. . J?-If* noihlns In my youn# life." “

he laid.. CoUn iMpped to the door: and U

Uirev ll open. A curlout drure eon« i (ronled him ncrou Ihe threiholdi'd: Uie (Imre o( an old. snr-halred.l

----- T ray:ixnraa - man In a ahabbV.’..• black, broad-brlnmed u t t hat and „

A ihabby black Invemeis cloak that ' wan drawn tightly around a pair o( . itooped »hDUlder». • ‘ i,' “I hope 1 do nol Intrude." TJiere ,,

«a* (Wlllli In the man'a voice, b u l',, , aUo Ihe quanr o( age. and the

Irase ot a -louthem drtwl. “I will ^ detalniyou bul a momenl It I may come In. A trIend of mine to whom , you were ones very kind lusgfited

’ Hint I nilKht have Mmelhlnt ot In* P leren in Imniirt Iq you, »1r. bv r w '* 01 a Ilory. That you'were In tha liablt o f - ”

“Ib a f* -a ll rlahl." *sld-’Cotlo-U ; henrffly. "Come In."

The man atepped forward, and c -with a tort of old-world elecance qi . itmoved 111* hat. And then htlted In hU traekt. hi

."O hr lie exclaimed apoloaeUeal- til ly. "I am afraid I-do Inlnide. You (t are already enjKed." : »c

. "Quile all rlRbtl" tmlled Colin, a i whc claied Ihe door. "My friend. Mr.i Wllllamton. K fj - r . j.bi

"Rantreavei. air." lupplled the. itranger. "Served at a boy In the ni Contederalc Army. 'SUty-foiir' to w '«1atr-tlve. fir. Lons gone by. U ter. in a colonel by eourtny. I'm a tery (( old man now, ilr." Ke bowed deeply - to Reddy, "The honor of your ac-]

Daily Cross-VACROSS Solution ef Saturd

I. Cm I KUIlIti, l^r(«: prctlt .I. Cinlon IB |A |V |£ R S H A P

H>iii<tUn4 H u b r f W ." p{>. Epoch T Qpl L LtJ. PtfUiniBi le |E|V.)A, T |£ M L A

tl. |A [ R [ T i l^ E [ P B

•e. nMr iHftit IBIAIYP U S H A I

Jl. a.ie«ni* In lr lo i iL ^ R A l?»inp»uu«- p P £ R 5 H

;i. r.dtVfiiSr’* N I 5 M L I £ ■[§|eIe1 f|o |r B

. . »* '■ '" *’• ’ir. W -.j;a ru |. ‘IL tJneooliHII. Ovn) iMla n - I'llM. I .I

. . s "41. C«r»4l trati ti. Tofn in Uu.11.00 Bp MChUltlU L i



from U *t ItKB)__________ -

c qualnlanee, Ur. WUllasuonl*I -A apot ot Scotch. CoJoneir w i*I. seated Coilo.. « l i b . » . c ^, " fm *orj7 1 bare do BourbOB."• "Blr, Indeed, you owrihelm me."• "Spteidldr appUudKl CoUn. H#J poured out a geiterou* pofUon.i "Niat, or vlUi a iplash ot aoda?" be: aaked a t he looked u p -a n d theJ gJaaalnblihandenubedaiKtfPlIa-. tered oa the -flocf.; In bU'Ieil hand. daogUnK debo- . nalrly, "Colonel Itorreavea* held I hb Ihabby tell hat ;ln hi* rtgbt , hand, hla cloak flung back orer bU , Ihoulder. an automailc held a bead . on Reddy. .I ! ‘■Mr. Wllllamion. eh1‘ Thtfo * «I 'no i«e tn Uio toIm now, no a ^ t

aouthem drawlj It waa curt, de- clilre. deadly cold. "I luggeat Uiat he I* f tr better known a* R«Uy Turner, allat-oh. well, ihcro are to many aJUtea.'

_ I Reddy'a hand.- arrested on tu n r „ to tlic bulge beneaUi tbe left thoul-■ der of ■hi* eoal; hunj acroaa hli ° heart HI* laco htd aetV "Who Uie hea are yout* he flunj d out. 'W hat do .you wantJ*n ' -T*'o quettlofuC pi/rred Jhe I* almnger. wllh a taint imlle. ' 1 will d try lo iimwer tlicm bolh a t once. I i «,am the Matk, i* I underttaod you i olcall m e-tha mtn Uut you bellered

{you bad (o nearly unearUied. k "Well, ao you had. t t U not olten f

llhat I honor anyone wltlj my per- J.'ronal InterrenUon In matter* of thl*» kind: but IS o tribute lo your jwr-> tlnadty I to honor you toalgbt. And,

bealde*. till* place In lia dlaerect re* 1o.tlremenl lend* lliett'to admirably to e an Interview thal I could.not reiltt . ' lit. What 1 waat. or rather, *ho I '

want l»-youl- ' ! Colln'a ey« twept awlfUy Irom , tone to Ull other ot Ihe two men. /

throat c a t luddelUy tUeky dry. 1 L {He u w Reddy'* hand thoot twltllf / ’'[upward beneath the left-hand I ^ ‘alioulder of hi* coat-but )t never “ Ireiched IU objective..Tliere wto a ,

I fluh, the roar of a report. Anolher , Inaih-uiollier roar. He u w Reddy ‘

, |c ^ p l« .u p and pitch headlcmj to j

' | And thui Colin flung h tajelf tor- |ward,around Ihe comer ot thedetk.

»]He heard a Tdce:..................- - \I "You. are Impatient. I t It only '

d tha t your friend had preeedencel’•I And Ihea a flath-and Uicn utter ^Ijdarkneta. I

;;” l e n - « pin h w .' l l n nerer taew. ' “ Ito opened hi* eye*, All w u mUly ‘ I a t tin t. Iben. though In a blurred ' " way, hla vUon cleared. The light* . , In tbe ropm were itUl ablare. The ‘ . fire waa itlll burning In Uie grate, f ‘ and In IU fitful glow he taw Red- t• dy'* crumplfd atid mollonleaa tlgure >■ I* on the tloor. And he remembered,„ He crawle'd acrou Uie floor.• clutehcd at thr edge of the duk. ..pulled hlmielt desperately. lo hit ,. feet, and inaUhed the telephone rt- , eelvtr from IU baie.

He (tood Uiert twaylag. Aset B-later a-rolce (poke. ' ' S

' 'Olve me police headquartert," ■, d Colin guped. "For Ood'* tako— n « quieki- ; I9 The room w u awirlln* jround

him. Around and around-hs bit at ^ - h it llpt. And then anoUier voice „ i tpoke faintly u though Uirough “

■ tome va*e ipace. He did nol know ? I what It uld. but he aniwered It. ^

~Co!ln Hewlit tpeaklng." he bab- n . bledr'“A-mnrder-here,-l-"— — —

e And then hi* knee* gave way be-> I nealh him, and he toppled back- ^V ward—and w u consclou* of nolh- ..

Ing more,f I (Copyrlahl. IOM. Fran t L. Packard) *

• j Be Contlnuedr

' ' n

Word Puzzle, ” ■ ■ i>

turday**. PuMle i. w»t««e off \

1 I | - 1 , 1 t! it*cl»*

H c'l h B g M M *'■-jHpffl'i L g il. Tmrmi,' L U . L , , lli Klnirol'liull L.

Sl. M m T^ l |E L L i £ i£ ls tU n u : - ^M uT fpT r^BH f mirM. **jl i l lE U iJB B H tl. iiotihrr gllA ltJ E N 5 T .T. p.S sW liE ® !S


5; 5!f,

L N fvJtntyoioMinr M. SifttRi •L DipiriMi vtutlp»CTtllr , I t RrtllJh l»ll«r

L Attn U. ^C>in:-IIIV,. . . ■ n

7 0 ™ y <o V mi

~ ~ ~ " “ S s T ’ ” ” " ” ” *

| 3 J

“ “ “ “ 4;

T/^aT 53. — "

— 32 —

; ± t ± l ± ]


i '.W B M U S T 6 N ff h^ 'TWSCOUMTi*i t SMOULD SMS 1.‘ 1ST HIM W O




TIMETABLES ^^ aebedttlw at FMawnw Iw tM aad

Hater Daaata Faaaios n n o g b Twla V raOat -

OBZOON 8B0BT UNB >e ■ M b tta a '!■ (EffecUre July tO. inS)

Train JTJ leavei------------ J:M P. M.IU Train M leaves________SiM A. U.

-Train 871 leavw--------:40:M A. M. ,Train K l leava* --------1 P. U

I* WILLS BBAKCtr- . «M ttte8ad1, • Dtlly B*eept Bunday ^

Ita lo » 9 leavet_______4:00 P. U.? . Nattlibsa«J Train UO irrlvei ..... a-io P. u .

VNION FAClFtC STAOBS '"'I0 EawbMBd Jn. Arrtvei---------------------SiSl A. U. „y. U avea------------ ---------#:J7 A. M. " ,If Arrivei A. U. 'id Uave*-----------------------l : » A « o” fftatbend

.. NORTH SUE STAOeS t Jerome. WttdeD ana Ooodlng ^ .. A ir lw _____________ l : « A . M. ’ly : --------------------- . i i l S P i L *I- OTOBB BTAOB tC ftS De „ TniN FALU.Sn08HONB .

Uave - • A. M. Wl R e tu rn ___ ________ ft:30P.'M | I

s'isE'^^^ETis; ; • ' s


1* . ‘ =

DURLEY. July » (SpecUl to The!« NewD-Ptani and tpecUlcaUona for1 an am oiy building and clvlo meet-'

Inj place, to be'known u Uie Amer- W,' lean Uglon memorial, htve been i ~ flled In the olflce of tbe Idabo dlrcc- _ . lor of public w fk t by Colonel F. C.

« ilammeV. Volu. Jl U propotai th « the building be erected on lou for-

{ merly occupied by the U VIU dance " pavilion, and enough tpaoe will be kll ” ObUlned to Imure adequate outilde

drill ground* al the rear of Uio pro- 36 '• poied'building. • 1«■■ "The Itructure Ij to be 70 by OJ *n ■ teet. with a drUl floor 70 by 90 feet. _

The main floor will be corertd by an ” '* nrthed celling. There will be ttor- , age room for the national guar^' equlpmenl In Ihe baiemtst. At Uie ' tront. tnd In Ihe teeond tlory, there j

KlU be Uglon tnd AuiUlarr club s roomi,-kltchon and cloak room, and T tI a u c f o d j f tb < j i j i ^

Fund! forcomtructlon purpotet will be derived principally triwi td- vancet made available Ihrough Uie

I national Induilrlal recorery act, TO per cent of tuch advaneet to bo re­paid from renuli and olher Income ot Uie building.


. -HO LU dT^, July » (Soeela] to I The Newti-Several Hollliter per- I tont Ull* werk auended Twlo Fall* I 1 at/aJn In honor ef Ulu Vlr> glnla Morehouie. Tlier Included U n. France* SUickling, Mrt. Blanche Wllllami. MlM Irene Btmhou** and M ta Helen Sirleming.

Mr*. EIU Damlioute Is a gueit at Ihe home of her daughter. Mrs. D. a Fullmer.

C. a Sketm U on a builntaa'trlp to inkom. Idaho, He vlll remain then about two week*.

' -M ri.-o.-w .-stncklini u lU wiw influenu.

Edwin Lowe, who h u been very 111 . wiUi Influent*. U tome better.

OOLU8TER ORANGE HBETS ' HOLLISTER, July 79 (Special to Tha Newt)~The JioUUler OrMga met In regular t'u lon Tueaday at t i the Church ot Utter-Dty SalnU. A i mutlca] program followed the butl- ' nau *e*ilon. Twenty membera at- ' tende<l. <

" j u s t KIDS



? N E W S, TW IN FA LLS, IDA H 0 .S S S S S S S S I ' —

— —


M tlE H E C T C - ^

L L .n ibU X B e n ? , t i l 'T&XE) I UMJ N B C A R D A W bR A IftE / |s>f U B U N D - I THINK J , c o VE 6 0 T VOO UCKEO FOR OMfiS,



;• PEB INSERTION . ”--------— ------ -------------- r ^ . K

L AOffaatAdaaUveaDdaetlfatDd ‘ - th e ; bring Ibe bw if.,'',' i,' Fll

F b a u n ■ ; I =

-, Situations Wanted

L T " J.W O ^ WANTS WORK. PHOire ^

!' WANTiD - T R U C K HAULINO \ anywhere. Phooe vn. . ; "

> 'BCPERIENCED OtRL WISHES . houKwork. 7S0 :nd Ave. West, oc

t " _____________ «-------- — ----------- rea

I- . He/fj W anfed 1‘**• -------------------------------------------

SPECIAL WORK FOR MOTHERS . who ne«d 111 weekly at' once. Ro i eanvaatlng.ei^rtenceorlnvetlmenL

Give drett alae. Mtyftlr Stylo:. Dept. IH4. ClnclnnaU. 0. LO

. •»I WE WANT TO SELECT THREE 'col I I reliable young men, now employed, pin

1. 'mechanical Inellntilon, vho are wlU-1 [. lag to'Uain during tpare time orl

eremnga to quallfr aa Initallallon* and Scn'ice expert on all Uie laU il. t

type* el Teietlilm. soaai e<itilpmeiit iir !and Electric Retrlgeralort I t you 'detlre beUer Income and opportun-1 Ily for advancement-Wrlie fully

I ,Doz -AS care Nevi. All tepUea be:d

j -------- ---- IPS

Sj, Wanted to Renl _

I WANT TO RENT FURNISHED OR ™ a partly furnlthed house. Call ««. \; ; ------------------------- ---- rot JWOLE TAKES TOLL, ■

I NAGPUR, INDIA GTJ - People dre e kllled.by wild atiUnaU In India In "= e tm Included O rlcUm* ot tlscn,- 38 of wolvet and bean eml 17 ol ^ ' leopardi. In addition lltO died ot F0 ) m ake biles. . eU

1 .V Io l l ls o n s C r a se


I.A r i ^ t / I I M M a

' ®


by Jnm M nnd Amy Molli.ion, w, coupio mado n forccd Inndlnjf i BRcd &a i t tu rned over In ;« hw

e VUH \VCH^I OWN TME WMOtC OF Vtl?Y IH W J AV ME AN' MIM . O W M PK ■> o JCtS’ „ ,T T r f7

IU( (Mnm la. Cw< *.«►• t<><i .~"*J

“ buISSjRE f

40W MANY ) )f t H cS W -

CO U N T'f / - I i t t L C O S T ' < V ^ s w r f THOI

f f i l

Lds-BarjFor Sale or Trade I

R E O I ^ m " b o a r ," raEMIUM uwinner. John CUar.

^ R ^ A i i o R m D E PAIR WORK mule* for milk eowi or.aheep. N

miir* eu l. tl tiorUi Haoiea. H. L Flke. ' •- »= = = = S ^ ^ S = V. For Saler-Aafomoblles

■TOO D T O R ^ ^ A N " i f i s r o i li Dulck, fln t eUat coodlUoo. Che*p. “

J. B. While. dl

s A U ^ ^ 'n u i W u i S f B i 1°; . six. atdan; .excellent eoodlllon. ” , Phone n i - J at < P. M.___________»•

. Colleges JoboDlNa COLLIE, GMDING. -

, Idaho, good tor you. Gradualca al­ready havo advanced deiree* Irom

. lUrrard. SouUiem CalUomla, Ida-, - Uo, Orrson. Wulilngton tinlren]- «,

' Uri.,Write today, sta rt BeptemberJ AI Lost- - ” c' LOST - FOUft U O Jm iS~ OLD P

, 'While and brown bird dog. green : 'collar and rhaln ttuched. Reward. ® ■'Phone 7MM.

;| ' ■ Personal ' ' 5] n a t o r a l ' p ^ a n e n t " w ave, s ‘ «:.00; Plnger wave Me. Phone 6N.I Jfri. fleamer. «38 ted Arenue Worth.

;l Buslness'Opportunltles‘ nE O T A inuN T 'TO R aS^^

plelely equipped, good location do- ■ Ins butlneu. Phone ]}»w tor parUc- ai

uhri. '____________________ • o

, For Rent—Unlurnlsded', 5*‘ •nmEE'GARAGES. MJ J n rA V t Ai

No. CaU 1050.

TOR RENT^HOUSE OF FIVE “ room) and apartment fumlihed „

or.parily tumlthed; no tmall chll- gn • dren. 4M fllxUi avenue cu t. eo

! Foiind T " tfiI ------------------------------- att FODND>PAIR QLABSES. OWN- 8!

er may have al Ntw* tor paying ad.

rash Near Goal A fte r Oa

picture of th e wrcck of “Tlic Senl 1, WM tnkcn imnicdlnlolj' n f tc r tl njf n e a r BridRCiwrt, C onnccllcuL ' I flwanip.

— :— I--------------------------- —

"o f ^


H E Q U M P S - W i nNNER T A K ^ A I L

_ n .L JUST P lA Y \

[e •t o u r r a i s e , BRY..CC» - M a R A ISE I'^EN O tH E R T E N M y L0<,0 - THM* M SW 4S . CMAKlCil S.Y MiU JU S T W O U S A W D T O S T ^

kW s t i l l ,

\ ^ ® 7 T w rto i« f iS H s a a fc t tc

rgains-0I For Sale—Furniture

M USCDWRNmiRrBAVBMo'NCT S at the city Funuiun Sxcbaage. '


L all kind*. Goal Rangu u low aa -- tIO each. We. trtde and buy or *ea- Will pay caih tor *toie* and rtfrSg-

eralors aad fumJIm. yoon'j P tla t d , and Pumllure Store, Phone S.

? irTAKEirBY'rUESDAY NioiiT Z ^ toll lop Otflce de*k IIJ.7S. flat lop

dcik 17.73. typewriter d e l k i m UOO pit> im'entuffed darenport and-larsa ..B ehtlr »a.7B. walnut radio ablhet ni

IJ.7S, walnul dreuer 17M; oak wrll-- log deik t7.7t. IBDO piano IU9XK). 4i:

Iron bed and way-ugleu iprlngi • W.7S. 117 lllh SL. Buhl. Ida. i*

a. .. . V — -------- 11

m . For Sflln— L lvestock ta-, — ....................................- ■■■ ■■■J- FOR SALB-BOBTON BULL PUP." pie*. eUilble lo regUUy. OW Main » _ Avenue Wat. Fhone i:O i , f... CHESTER w n n x MALES AT WJ*. „ . each. Location H mUe louUi Twtn «

D FaUt. H. S. Beau. . «

!? s l i n p r o i r B / iE . tj h ea d r e g -Uletfd .Hampihlret, crou-bred

- . . . . M , S' yeart old. Will teU aU or part, a C. ^ Munion. Kimberly. g;

E. '

b. L eaal A dverdsem efits "

NOnCE OF TEACnEBB-I'. EXAMINATION Rl>- .ExambuUoni In Idaho School UW »:- and QemenUry and nigh School -• Coutie of Sludy for Idaho CerUtl- '

' ealet by.EndorMment will be con­ducted In Uie otflce of t o Countr ' Superintendent ot School*, SatuitUy, ^

f Auguit la b a t B o'cioek A. M.High School couno of Sludy «

- corcn pamphleu on BigUth, HUtory «, 5 and MaUiemaUe*. EngUth U com- 5, » puJiorr, but appJJcinU may ehcoieI* elUier lllKory or MaUiemtUea to S

complete the 'examlnaUoa Theao• wimphleU may bd purcbaaed from Qi

tfie SU tt Department ot EducaUoo.. at^Oeeach. ' • • H,I- Signed: MAUDE P. KLEINKOPF, er 1 Counly SuperinUndent

Ocean Flight - ^s'i


’ LoFa



S H f f l l K -' FI


M H m ® dl*

Senfnrcr," liliick biplane f lo w n .•r th e fnmmis UriHfih fly ing :uL T h eir plane w as badly dam -

' (C O SH -1F r ONLY\ --N i l ■------------- HAD A J V

____________________ 7 J / I I

fLY 30, 1D33 ' , _

.... ^

I '

NTf T H O U W N B - i r H O P ?

JpportiF o r R e n t - F u m ls to d f


RGGUS AND BOARD. PHONE » TMW. _____________ \ ROOM AND BOABD. 118 2nd AVZ- .

: 0D« North,

< ROOM, GARAGE IF DESIRED. ^ ,clo*o;n; .CaU n s atter a ;» p. M. T

■ ROOMB-UPSTAlRa AND DOWN. 5itUeplng porch, board and ttn « e . -

J Phone «18)V. — •_____________ 81

; NICELYFURHISHEDPOURROOM -■ modem houte, garage. Inquire 330 n . <UiATe.K«l.______ t t

‘ LbNO'iTAD-1.R0dM "M 00BW 130; 0-room modarn 110; «*(00B Dl

■ ll»;A.N.H>M.Pbon« 50. ^ THREE ROOM FURNISHED "

apartmenl, prlvtlo baUi.. ground , (Isur m Wl iUi Avenue U tt, pnous :I iwa. ' •■ FURNISHED...UGHT . BOUSS- £ i keeplns roomt. Clote to. PbouI tM or etU-at 480 eeeoad-Avtnue r t

DOtUl. . j -

: SMAU) DUNGALOW; MODERN,I aUo three room aparUnent, boUi

fumUhid coelMeU. Tba Oztord, US ~ ^ - A r t . V . . W

ROOMS w r m o r w i th o u t ~ board: newly deeonud tnd te- ”

tumUbed; good locaUon; n le i real- aaible. 307 ElghHi irea ai eu t. ^

HOUSES ANO APARTUENTB, J (urelibtd a n d unlomUbetf. r i

Route* for (lie a t bargain priCM, | , 107 Bboibone S t BouUi. Pboot UO. mc I W .tSanger. .. . -

For Sale M iueH aneo u t ^

' n o u T f g o t S a t b o t A s i s t o p , w' ihow cate, perfect condlUon, no f reuontble offer refuted, f l ^ e w a eh

' FOR BALE, RA TIN SHOOK . OR m ' delivered. IX mUct e u t of Twtn I I F*H*.on Kimberly Rotd. Phooe W J K3WI • 'I o n * GENUINE ‘CRAZV CRTS- I UU and drink your vay to bealtb.

H. J. schwiuer. Tbe RawUlgh Deal- C ' er, 7 a Main Avenue E ul, Twin FMU. _

’ f o r S a l e ^ h M l l i t a t e '■' Ihl

^ A L L HOUSES IN HAVISEN AND l«t _ Kimberly. Svlm In m ta en t Co. —

BM «nlI'40 ON lUVEMDJT7FAm Fl buUdlntt,mperacre.MOO.OOca*h. _

Bwlm Inveilment Co. - pQ

■ HOUSE FOR-flALE Or ’r ENT'o R .*Irade tor acreage a t FUer. Inqulro w)

LouU DctRuUteiux. RouU I, Twin '• FalU. Owner. DiOT. t e n . ‘ noi

RESIDCNCE PROPERTY NO. 5*3 nn 3rd Nortb. newly painted tnd re- k

tInUhed. *U roomt modem except » .i Iheat Prtce t3i00. ‘TBrma. Pearey- . Taber Co. inc. 30.

' M iscellaneous *«*

INSUilANCt STANDARD ~cotiipanlM. Svlm InvetUnent Co. .

IfAVBTFEWmVBRED BROOD toii< tlitt will farrow In Augutt I

and t!<ptember U ul I will pUc* out OK on tlinrvji with reliable rancher. Ad-1 ir dl* Kelley. Ptrrltie Hotel ■ OM

FOR SALE 0120 ncrcs w ith in fivo miles

flil c ropi nnd equipm ent, $3300, Well im provc ti. comblnatio

Cliickcn tlnnch w ith tw o rckk pond to trade fo r c ith e r Tw in proiMTty.

Wc have very a ttra c tiv e r Insiir'nncc.

■ F. C. GRAVEPhone m

-IS ^^ ^V E S A lQ S I'M A t l r v ( ^ L E B WHAT MO

l i

U W - / A .R O V A l

y I p t i O t H y ; J


B l> ................. — » , ,

- . ProfM Slonal ,'^ i

A W O im T i rr . 1

7, f t . a a a t - o m q e s ’ B w i t i w "

*' s m s i x T * n f H L R - u v- ■ offieamoanBtB BBtidtat ■-lU io W. L, DUNN. U l Mata. VtMtH

Bniidiac- '

N o n m mn DB. T. U CABTNST-OiBtM. O f* .

. iKOOlterOi.' O intnl BUf. R t - A - 'ib _■ rt , ButlMli* —;_ f t w T O

^ B A L U N m a r L D M B iv a '- . i i u b m Um iM s l M i k .» F » s « moUiA n a w » > v . ~ ^

a = s = = = s a a a = B B ' ;

I W a n te d -^ I Iu e n a n M i i l '; . ' ' 'J

- Pino* >«WJ. ■. m: ,WANTED M U1ART-B008, B , .a '

C Banter. Pboot Ml. . • .

W A K lZ D - B A r TO OUT Aim: ■; ; lUck 00 tb tr t. RU U UNM.- B. . ... U i-. -U-;d, REBP0NBIBLCB0nRWAMT8T0 • . buy 40 ootU a tr te t S w IattrM *0. mentoo. ’

= n r UARKET TOS WHSIT AMU >: Gbmr aeed, GloU e ttd A Ontn.

- ***““ «».WANTED. D8B> ' UTRNXTDRS . '•

HUt itoTti. Clly JrumUstt > '/• <>«>««• »«“ ■ :. . : '■ A WAVTEIVOO TOM SHARIS 1 \ r . i J j 0 . 0 o..wat«rim d*rkM ter por.

e b m flvlra SimUaeot O o....., .

, WOULD UZXTOJOQIFABTTTO yello«ita>ePskSBdrstsra.8btft’' 5

}■ eipenu. 0eotnaBerTlc«8tAtlearn<.

1; ■ • ■■ ■: WANTEaTO.SORBOW ITOO.rOlt' »

Twin FaUt acrttf t ta d crop fer .. Ihort time. WlO pty good nU o{^b*D lere it wrlle Boi/a77, « « • « n i

R F o r S a l f r -F m l te . V e g e ta b le .- ■;

FOR iSALB - raraRIBB. PB0K8 » - . -• FOR SALE. CBERRIEB. 3BL0CSS» 'eaat Wttblniton icboet,' 1 block ...

norUi , ■

3 aR E E N B E A m ^O T O U U nR A .- NorUi of P in Point mile. ■ B,‘ S: DeWKt

• 30 ACRES SO U R.C BinR I^iroW: ripe. -lU e,.^y« pldc. F lrt ttUet .

*ouUi Kimberly. oU t t t i t

’ ForSal^ouliry 1» FOR eA X X FR m p^^^

I ONE YEAR LBOHORN HENS. ONB '• 1 mile louUi U tu t Curry. Ptiona

OMSJi. • ’= = = S = = »

lOR.TRADEilles o f Tw in Falls, indudiniT'J300.00.nation F ish H ntchcry and . good pow er sites sn d lartro V in FaKs o r S alt Lo^e C ity.

vo r a te s fo r J lr o and A uto

V ES& SON150 M«ln No.;


r WONOEO VV50tO MV MOM a u v ME A '

■ -

— ------------


Page 10: I Squad Hits mmmmiS8 Of Drugs On Is ifli FflUDBlESS Racing ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Cruel Parents Leave Prison WASHINOTON. ... mother.

^B H T ii w i T C i y

■ Figures Show Twin Fallsfe ■May Produec 1,295,649Iw! Bushels Next'Seasoh Un-llu

. Irol-d e r A djustm ent P ro g ram

- i W " MHcuIlunI ltd ' f flI tdmlnlitr&Uoa's • .vlitiit

crop-i rrtucUon nilw. Twin r*Il» m o tjr vLU be ptnnltud to produce n«rtye»r.IJ#3A49b«ihelJOfrte*t. , McdnllDt to computitlani worked our'-lxre ;cit«nl»7 on (ha buU or

. lal6m»Uon th il hi* bem lupplltd ta 'tf is orrice ot Tvin P»ll< county n ,, •IM.V who. undrr the rfgulitloni. ir.t»;b« extcuUre i«rtt*rT ot the

nuntjr «lit»t producUon cM M l uioelktloa. .

counlr will be permltud t^SSduc« 8Sl,5«a buiiheli. >md C u- »t>[coun(7. dlSJlS buihtU ot wIiMt

Uie*e rtp)l*Uon» n n t yenr. j , ’ 4HM {ircyetr ■nrifie producUon yn | o r ^ n t in etch eounty la the b**I» p^H fS361i eompuUtlon. The iirKment UMtt *hlch whtit t ra v tn plcdteluM

“ ■ rtiiittUon of whe** «cre*« In « • ; « , , tdSEtor ft «hve la the wheat pro<luiio e f f o tu dlitrlbuUon, prorldM for r a S u m of the n n -y n r t r e ru e pu,, Wr*wot mo« than » per cenU" a t a

fiU i couniy* »«rage on- berl in k w h e a t production the p u l (Ue opet J t m ll 141DJ3I buiheli. liU t hli y S 3 wheat producUon In T w ln!«i|

. Mk-eouniy wuom>JOI>«Obuih«[t^ Ic ir a id Uie yeir before 11 w u «ome> (or tffllE mare than UOMO buiheli. tlto •lUdueUon 'Of the l,819J38«buih(l ujoi

fflfrrear irrngo production by SO /um p g je n t would leare J.MS.M9 buih- Ci e ^ ^ l u l b l e w h»l producUon In tbie ■nrte P»Ili county, next year. ,lo il TOilUrly the permlalble produc- ro u

U S.>lturei (or oUier countia we m tR d a l by compuUn* 20 per cent ra t ion of Uielr (l?e-yeor w er- I r

DblrihiUea Boile • • LLS jtow m «Uo will ih u e In dlilrl-

bmlOQ of wheat procMi t « on lh« I fltPTtar aren ie producUon buU. fl

. ' «]I£MI1 rectlre Ihli year tn lOMunt fl Ptt buihel ^

l ^ e n l U lo be made to pow en Jw lhe lr wheat thal sou Inlo hu- UP. nrnn'connimpUon. The ocrlcullurai a jp tn e n l admlnUlttUon eiti- I tu U i Uiat M-per cent et the (oUJ « )m l crop to o iDlo human c«n- /

y ^ ^ tS w ’buU ot Twin PalU coun* lrt;l.ei9JM -buihel fire ytar ■»cr. _ oel'^roducOoii. then. Twin n i l* -,* I coanly growen. ilpilng Uie etop re- . • “ dneUon airjemcnl> would be tn* . . titJM to recelre inymeia (or M p tr " cralVo/ that amouni, which would b e :m .« l biulirlv E»llm«t«l a l M °[ rtnto ptr buihfl the amouDl coa- Itis lo T«ln P»IU foiriity wheal t ro c tn In llili year'a dlilrlbuUon of Uie wheat procrainj lax rtwnue would be iiiproximileiy I3UM0. “ f"

Jerome county, wllh buih- n>‘“ ‘ ela o t wheal to be pUd tor undtr » U Ml-up. would rectlre IlMMO. oM Caula couniy. wllh 41B.3U e ' buiheli. would recelre |llJJ.seo.


WALLACE. Idaho. July.. 3P M>- and Jtm ei Jt. Dowden, O, veteran mln> iier. plunsed lo hU death in the DrldKorin* mine at Mullan. Idaho, to- ho Adpy. when he illpped Uirough ea(e- rietc

;iy<btn orer tn ore chule. the

W e V W ith ]NatSohj

Prexiilent I lw sev c lt & iys: rn isc wivRM, c rea te cmploj s to re business."

I t Is ou r opinion th a t wi nntnely, “ to c re a te emplo;

W e ^ il ju

8 to 6, Week Da


B ert. A: 1

V P ^ 'T c a /

■ 'I

Ilegion starts advance fSALE FOR BEItfEFIT SHOW

Adraoee u le o( UckeU ll to begin . Monday (or (our d iyi ihowtag ot

r m e Bit Dfl*e." »hlch Twin Falli ^ Amerlcaa Ugloo port li to prtMol a t Uu Roxy Uieatre, Twin FalU. p, glnnloi Augtut P. (or Uw benelli of lli .ita ie conrentlon (und. Tlekcu , weredelirer*»lytittrdiytoUioAjner- ‘ lean Ltgloa conrenUon llBinct tool- mltlM, whleh h u leutd Uie Itoiy ^ I Uiealre (or the (our*day enKogemrnt.

• “The Bl* DrlTf.“ portrayi We World war In moUon picturei tikcn by 'lhe ilgnal ctirpi ot ihe Unltrd M e ia tt i and oertn oUitr nitloni In- bt Irolred In the great conflict.

ic in i l i is f ^.m i i i f -

G u y . C ulbertson , D river of

C a r Involved in Falal

Collision, A w alls H earin s ,____ Ut

In Uie probtle eburl In Twin PalU yeiltrday,-Ouy Culbertion. 40, T»ln ralli. pleaded nol guilty lo a mlide- metnor charge In connection wltn Um d ia l Injury of Nonnin A. Willei.'« , JU altoa. In ofl eutomoWie eoi-; ' Uiloo Betr Twto r t l l l UU Uondiy.UJd w u admiiled lo IIOOO boll bond ; peodlflg hearing tn the probtle court B« a t 2 o'clock Mondiy atltmoon Oul-: IWbertion, wbo h u betn beld o n i n , r oopen charge in (he eounly Jill ilnce noi hll t r r u l ihotUy tfter the coUUlon. fear WM repreienled In court yeiterdiy i 1 by hU tUomey. ft. V. U non, tor- * tor Twin’PalU county proiecuUns eu' tllomey. Ball bond lo which he w u | ner admitted yultrday had not been; “ fumUhed lu t erenlng. lani!

Culbertwaliaeeuied In tn indict- Uir able nlidemeanor charge of (illurtjad loitop 'hU 'car'in erentotaccident Thi roultlng In Injury or deaUL" nui

» • • •' lool

M S D f ' W illESIDSPlS

, V . .______________________ , "I

Dr. F . 'S c o l t M cBride Plans " J

To A ddress T w in F a lls 2

Aiidienco In C ity P a r k i s

------- I WOUThe public U Inrited lo hear Dr.'wm

f: Stott McBride, gtneral iuperin-,tre Itndent ot tho Anll>Baloon League,ore ) (America, dlicun prohnmion In Uie, colo :lty park a l B o’dock tomorrow nlghu; the

Dr. MeQrlde concx here by Invl-.ftre lallon ot Itia Idaho Allied Dryi, tc- well miling lo Rer. a E. Helman, Filer, chli thalmian o( Ihe (ourth dlitrlet ot T ihlt orginlulion. Local trrtnge- menu tre In the h tndi ot a com-,[Ml mlltee compoted ol Ren W. H An-'thai denon. putor ot the Chrlitlan: r« i riiurcli, tnd Rer. tl. 6 . 'Will, pu lo r 'R ri )t Ihe Church o( the Brelhren. i »ot

Dr. McBride will ipeak twice in ilbH DolM today and Uonday wlU con- P u ter wlUj otticlali ot the lU le pro- btai tilblUon uiocliUon. Ke li tched-,nee< nled lo ipeak In Pocatello Tueiday "I ind li) Idaho r i l l i Wedneiday. tall

II It understood here that Dr. Mc- um Drlde h u ottered hli lervlcet to Ida-! will tio Allied D m In Ihelr cunptlgn (or: lor rletory at Ihe SepUmber eiectloo o(, nee Ihe Elghletnth t m ^ e n l . «^n

m u C o - o p T he P resil a l R e c o v ey s :- “T h lj .n(rrcem cnt is p a r t o: ployment, ittiil th u s inc rease pur

L w e ilc rca t n t le as t ft p o r t o f tl ploym ent," If we reduce a to re .lio

Remain 0 Usual HoursD a y s ^ 8 A . M . t o 1 0 P .

___ The P residen t’! a jjrccr

s to re em ployees w ork nol

L nny one w eek . . . io thi

. scribe, and will provide cr

^ properly care fo r o u r trai

O u r E m p l o y e e s W o

5 ‘ W a g e s w i l l c o n f o n

m e n t s o f t h e P r e s j

m c n t A g r

\ Sweet,T W IN F A L L S


' •Punertl i tn le ta for Thomai ’ BnekHiburr. (our-y«r-old ion o(‘ Ur. tnd U rt. Otorge IL Btatken- ■ bury. Htnotn. who died a t Twin I ra iu county generai hcuplUl oiler

a long lllneu. were held yeiterday ' adernoon t l a o’clock at Uie Twin ' Falli mortuary, chapeL Dlihop W. B. ': Hunger. Hanien Church o( I^lUr-

Day SalnU, ottlcUted.; , J. W. BlehlM, preildent o( Ute

Twin rolU lUke, w u Ihe ipetktr. Mill rem Olenn and MUi n iia -

. beUi, Olenn. Kimberly, acccmpan- J W by MlM Dorothy flparki, ung , -Vmir 8»e«t LllUe Roietiud* and J -Rock 0( Agefc- {2

Inttrmenl w u In Ihe n ier ceme-. tery. Jhill b tortri were • Raymond sudwska tnd Clinton BudwetU, i,t,lClmberly,-and Ea'tl Shobe and CUr-enee eiongtr, Hamtn. __

l i i i N i S i i p . . .

■ m s H s'lu re e rtr been, aeeordlng to a newi- Moer cltolng received a day or two

, S r b y W i u y l e r . ■Ptln ftUH, iriU» ^ p e c u lha rerene ot encouraging.

iThU report u y i: ___, Central lUlnoU' eom crop (aeea lan Immediate crUli owing to ine ; Uek o( rtln . decUrei Uie Baldwin ! Elcrator company jreekly leiwr. add- , lM i h i t condllloni a lrady hare I g m n lerloui and thouundi of acrtt iS w tre tn M h condition that rtin [cannol help. >I The letter readi:

-AnoUier dry weck.«ltli only (ore- euU (or thowers and cooler, which

Inertr materUllK. '“Wheat lu rrw l now well a^ong

and t few more dayi * i w nd up lltrtihlng. Qutlily excellent, dry

:ad moil aU tetliog SB lo t\ poundj ^The arerago yield (or the rtate eiU- mated a l 10 buiheU. (J>lly (armen look adrantage o( liie 11 wlienl. while othcii'itored Ihelr crop, expecting to reallte h higher price.

-The oau Uial arc being lurreil- ed ihow lueh a range In leil welglit abd yield th it no accuraW uUaoiU can be made, olhtr tlum aboul hiK a crop or Itu . Many fleldi are being cut lor hay. ,

"Praetlally no rain linee June 1, y n r th B excrptioii 'o l 'toaeeeeUer- • • ed local ihowen. and Centtal lUlnoU U new (aelng.a com crop (allure. Condltloni iirvo really become icrl- oui In UiU ibcalliy. Ttioui andi ol ocreijiUnted laUareMimail andun- ercn they could not make com Jiow eren wllh ralios. Ot coune, Inoliture would help Ihe plant, to grow w Uul iome could be eut (or leed. Tliere are iome tieldi of early corn lhal are well adranced, uuellng, deep color, which aro quite a eontrut to the Ule rarleiy. Oood neneral ralni are nteded lo rrlltve ihc'drouib, u well a* lo help lo check danuge by chinch bugi,

Tlie hay crop w u good, "Wet May nukei plenty o( hay." Cloter hay ti- peeuily iieavy, wme tleldi looked u though they could hardly lilt Uie mkr* Iu l enough lo make wlntlrowi.Pint cutting ot altaita heavy, lecond not H good, however Ihere u a pot- ilbllily ol getting l*-o more ouUlngi. Puturei brown and burned. B6j beau marking lime. All rcgetailon needing rain.

‘It It doei not rain uon many lo-. eallllei In tliU area, rtprtMnUiig iome of llllnoli' betl black corn Und, will not produce’ even enough leed lor thtlr llveiiock and *111 be In need ol dlrecl relief tor liie coming winter."

p erateddent’sery A c t~i o f a niilionw ide plnn to purchiiaitiB iw w cr nnd re-

r the purpose o f th e plan,! .hours, fo r th is rcnson.

Dpen OurrsP. M*, Saturdays•cement nUo provides th n t ’ >

nol more lh a n -10 ho iiw in

th is tvo a lso heartily 'sub- !

> cnmigh ndditioniil help ti> !

trade . ’ ' ' '

Vorklng Hours and .orm to the require- 1esHent’s Reemploy- jgreem ent i

Furniture i5 ■ I




, D i s c r e p a n c i e s i n 5* E l e c t i o n R e c o r d s

Trouble Auditor sf ------- Be' Twin Palli county'i auditor and eli “ recorder, Frank J. Smith, ihuddered gc , yetterday when he thought of poe- ' ilble dlicloiures tn event ot a con- o(: I leil of Ull Kovember-i genenl elee- er; Uon In lliu eouniy. ' oc

I l wai not hll thought lhal Ihere M: . w u any ikullduggery In lha eiw- eo f tlon. but icannlng o( UM .election ca ' record!, lie dKUred, ihowed that t wc " good many voten “regUtered under th’ one name and voted under another.* UiiI P'or ln.itanee, he u ld . a voter who 1

rtsUtered ok Mn. John SnilUi may cUhare been iisied on tbe elecUon elc

!■ board'i poll Hit u Jane Smith, » Uc‘ naae nMeh did so l appear on r t f en• Utratlon booki at all. ' wll

' Thli, he iald; occurre<l In a num- ret

EA 10,000 Mil

Twin Fal

R e a d

I .10,000 miles ______ ' yeare 'd

2 Speed: 5 to

3 Women drii and con

/ l Run is u'ncje ^ mobile i

gasoline hands o;

^ P e p 8 8 g a s o l


P E R F O R M A ^

----------------- T E S T -------------- 7

S I Z E T E S T . '

E C O N O iM Y T I



D r i v e 1

U N I<' /


ber o( Initancei, tn alt 'o'(.ihe coun-i ly*! TotIng prtclncts.. The irreguUrlty wai dlieioitd when

derki In the auditor*! olflce began M cofflplling new regUtratlon lliu for the prohlibtlon reterendum election

SepUmber 19. lUtlng (he namet ot ' d electon who roled In Uie November !

general election. . ,k 11 u Impoulble (or Ihe auditor'!.- o((lco 10 know poimvtly Uinl ill vol- | > era who voted iwder ooe name were

actually rtfUlered under anolher, ' e Ur. Smith u ld , k that the clerki• coisplllng Ihe new ngUiratlon iliUn can only IUI voten whoM lumei ' a wert checked by election Judgea on T the original regUlratlon booki a t ( “ Uie time ot voting U il Nowmber. i 0 I t wai tho auditor*! Idea that ipe- < y cla] Initnjctloni iliould be biued to I tj elecUon boardi hereafter lo be par- i a tUuUrly careful about recording vot* 1• tr t namei on poll lUU to conform

with namea u they appeartd on e■ regWraUon-llsta,------------------------ 1

t c h T

E c o ik[ile Economy B 'alls Five Times

T h e s e

les in 10 days—more than i’ driving.

to SO mi jes per liouf. .

Jrivers—i>roo£ of ease c lomfort.

icjer supervision of Ame: le Association with moto ine cap loclted with ke s of association officials.

isoline and Vico oil used.

H e r e ’s

MakANCE S js S i 'n "---------------- -------------A ccelcrfltinfcj

Hill c llrobing

I Me&sure insld M easure Lenp M easure SIZE

't Check Accurai_______________ Mflbo r n m pnH

CompnriT E S T Mako Compnri

Make Com pnri . — Mako Compnri

Mako Com pnri

Com parison ol C om pariaon ol C om parison ol

' Com pnriaon of C E S T Com parison of

Com parison of Com parison ol

' We S tan d Reailive 1

The New V.£

[ O N ]Your



{an ------- •Ion Spring! clrllUa conitr-o( vallon corpi camp h u planned a cel­

te . ebratlon today oi the compleUon et lU new kitchen and dining hall, a ( ru ie Itrueture, 30 by lao (eet, Uut

Ol. U adeouate (or accommodaUon oi the camp*! entire ptnonntl o( more than 300 men and youthi at one Ume, according to word Uiat Captain 0 . £. Hulchlmon brought htre (rom Uie

ne* camp yeiterday. on A chicken dinner,, wlUi pies and a t oUier rUndi rouUd and baktd tn a

newly completed dutch oven at Uie X- comp U lo bo a (ealure o( Ihe cele- to bivUoni The eamp quartet h u been

tr- rebeuilng Iti 'Corned WlUy" aong 9t> (or tha occailoa nn Caplaln Jamet K. Miller, engineer on o(»ecr In c h a r r o(-coaimKUon at — Porcuplno-8p^gi,-TOpenUed"lhB

l o m yDemonstration es Daily Provinj


F a c t s -

lan an average

e of handling

merican Autp- ■ ' *< Dtor, hood and , keys onlyJjii .

Ils. - ■ •,»'/«

ed.e.xclusiveiy. .

s A Tes ke Your] in niKh G ear 1 in Sccond G ear:nK .Contest__________ ________ ,ing C ontest

nslde Rody Dimensions w ilh T ape ^ n R th of W heel B ase and Spring >IZE O P T JRES

:uracy b f Speedom eters fo r T chI oi,pndaoa.of P n rb tP rice a ---------------ipnrison o f P a r ts ExchanRe Priccs pnrlson o f Sen-ice L abor ChnrKe.i pnrison of Scr^■ice C ertifica te Bene ipnri.'ion o f F re ig h t and D elivery C pnrison o f Finance C harges on N e'

n o f P a r tsn o f A pnointm entsSpccdom eler. Ifl n o f Rody „ Insulation, F1o< n o f F ra m e^ P ijrd has “X " type) n o f Ronr Axle (Ford has t N o a t n of W heels {Ford has A l|.S lee l) n o f Shock A bsorbeni Ready to Subm it All Steel and Mcl ve T cs l ns to Quality

- 8 F o r d A n d C

M O Tr y ORD Dei

Twin Falls .

TOLY 30,-1933

. . . .

^ buUdlng o( Uie new kitchen and dln- i p Ing room, rrank HusUngton, (ormer '* PortUnd. Ortgon. pu tiy cook now

an tnroUed member o( (ored work­er; en. h u charge o( arrangemenu (or ci' the eelebraUon dinner,

a ~

I DON’THa\*e those fu rn ace repa irs

. '\V'e a re P lum bing nnd

en B a l l a n t y n e P l u m b i


” I t f Jnd Art. Etti tie

F o r J

R u n1 Run Is Passiii ag FORD Sup«


ms m

m tmT-mm-st You rself

ipe L in e . .■ing B ase w ith Tape Lino

t on G as and Oil Econom y ,

ces (F o rd Cylinder E xchange 'f 10'esen efita .y C lin rges on Ncu* C nr N ew C a r Purchase

'. Ig n itio n Lock, Glove Com pnrlm ci Hoor M ats, Sun V isors, S en t M&

o a tin g )— (Torque Tube D rive)1) •

Metnl P a r ts lo M elnllurgists fo r O

C o n v i n c e Y o u i

m (j a l e r

din- GIVES TBREE H IT S - LO^ES : «ner sPRINOnELD. Uo. (ffJ-Al.; oo* Uiougb he tanned ]5 batten aad tl - '

fork- jo « d only thrte hlU. Charley Oo- I (or deU of Sprlngdtid w u de(eaUd*l7

e t. Jottph In a rtcenl gome, to 0. ■

T WAITairs dona now, and save m oney.

: and H e a tio s Specialiat*.

mblng & Heating Co.BIETAL WOHKS

iing Through periority

■W ■ ■■

■r ■ ■ ■W ■

r*>- T


^ — 1■flOl

•Iniciit, D ash . M echanism

!) ' "i

or Comparn-


C O ..u:. J i

■ " i )■--
