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.1 i THE DAILY BULLETIN 3 Vol. II. No 394. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1883. SUBSCRIPTION CO 0ENT8 riR MONTH. I K f i- - i r i ir THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor. In published every morning and citcu. luted throughout tho town by carriers, ntid forwarded to the other lshdids by every oppoitunity. Subscription, 60 eenti per Month. Q. Carbon Kksvon, Editor. All business communications (o be ad- dressed, Malinger Daily Bulletin, Post Onico Box No. 14. Telephone. 250. Ofllrp, .... QnccnrMtreet, Opposite West's Carriage Factory. J. 0. Clkviou, Manager POSTAL MONEY ORDERS. "HAVING BEEN ARRANGEMENTS issuing of do. incstlc POSTAL MONEY ORDERS by the Post Olllce Department, notice is gl-ve- n that from and after MAY 1st, money ordcis will be issued at, and can be drawn on, either of the following named post oflices: Honolulu Onhu Lahninn Maui - AVailuku " Ksihulul ," Hilo Hawaii Kobabl Waiohinu " Honokna " Walmea " Kcalnkekua " Li hue. Kauai Koloa " At any of the aboe Money Order Post Olllces, "an order will be issued, on ap- plication, for any sum from one cent to fifty dollars. The follow ing are the fees established, which arc payable by the applicant at tho time tho order is issued: For any sum not exceeding Fivo"'Dollars 5 cents Over live dollnrs.'und not ex. . ceeding $10 . JO cents Over ten dollars, and not e. ' ceeding $25...,. 15 cents Over twcntj'jtive dollars, not., exceeding'1?). . . .'. 0 cents Over forty dollars, not e.. ceeding $50 25 cents' No older will bo issued for more than fifty dollars. ,. When a larger sum Is wanted it must be procured in two or more orders. An order cannot be issued on any post, office except one of the above-name- d mo. ncy order ofllccs, until notice has been given that it has been made, a money order oftlccl "" r . j. ' Anordsr.is.payablc,oupr,cacntationJ only at the onlco drawn on, and the poi- son tq whom it is paid must receipt for tho amount. Blank applications tiro kept at 'each money-orde- r office. At the country money-orde- r offices, certain days, and hours of thu day, will be designated by the Postmaster, when money orders will be issued. No money-orde- r busiuess transacted on Sunday. Pamphlets, containing more, full de- tails of the money-orde- r system, can be had on application at any of the post-office- s. Foreign Money Orders cannot be money .order treaties hjive been maflewitlfsueh eoiintries'nsil may be desirable to extend the svstem to. II. M. WHITNEY, P.M.G. Honolulu, April, 188a. 385 1m HOTEL STi MARKET. mHE undersigned having X purchased the Hotel Jit. Maikct. takes nletisiire in nn-- - nouncing that ho will ';lvo tho business his personal attention, and hopos.to sup. ply the wants of the! public of Honolulu in a satisfactory, manner. Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Afid. other kinds of meat for tho table always on hand. Prompt Delivery Hrte. Ordei-- taken by Telephone. By tho return of the Suez I will bo in receipt of one of th'e best and newest patented SuiiMtiKe Mualtlue, and will then bo prepared to fiuiiii.li the BEST HOMEMADE SAUSAGES. J3TN.B. No Chinese pork used, D. K. FYFE, Proprietor Telephone No. 230. 337 ly WM. JlcCANDLEMM, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beef, Vent. Mutton, Flab, Ac, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendee! to. Live stook furnished, to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 34(1 ly A. S. CLEGHOBN & Co. Have received i) large nssortminof Boots Sc Shoes to lUtt all classes of pftUlwr 181 fEORGti LUCAS, AM Ml contractor 2JOQek aud Biillder,3BjjJ53C IIouolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu, Manufactures all Kinds of Moulding Bracket-- . Window Fraines, JNIrjds, Bashes. l)6ors, and all kinds of Wood- work tluUh. Turning, Scroll and Baud Sun ing, All kinds of Saw ing and Dull- ing, Morticing and Tenanting, Orders promptly attended to aud work guaranteed. Orders trow tUo other ! lands solicited B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamer WORT STREET STRIKE THE IRON SECURE YOUR BARGAINS Which will be g'non at my Establishment i Xii.iiiisr t"lo Next -- Jt Week,' Previous to the arrival ot a large invoice of Now Goods from the Eastern and Europe m Muskets for the , Olo thing Emporium s A.M. Mellis 101 Port street, -- AND- Mrs. Mellis' Dress Making Department up stairs. LAWRENCE Si FBEETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Eimatcs furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Office, cor. Ilulekuuwila and Kilauca st., next door tn Widcmann's brick waichouso. 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly G. H. KOBERTSON, Drayman best teams In town. 'I'uienlione So C5. 16 HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, SUam endues, suirar mills, boil- - crs, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings: machincrv of cverv dcscrintion made to order. Particular attention pnid to ship's black smithing. Job work e.c- - cutcd ut short notice. 1 H. Y- - HARDING OPENED AN OFFICE at W. Fenriell's Harness Shop.vNo. 02 Kingstrect. Bills Collected and Book Accounts Attended to. Orders respectfully solicit- ed and promptly attended to. 338 lm JlBREAK-ING- r HOUSES WALLACE JACKSON JSoMPfek. the thorough experienc- ed JIBH korsc breakcr.wishes Nthc public to know that take charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend eaicfully to feeding and doctoring horses. He has now in his charge such celebrated steeds as Black Tlioriijand other thorouglibicds, and has the exclusive charge of all ol Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables, or at tho inommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's piopcrty at Kapiojani Paik, will meet with promptness. 2115 ly Just Recolvcd, thoso Desirable HELMET HATS The most suitable hats for this climate. For sale by 275 ( A. IS. Ciegliorn & Co. A. KRAFT, JEWELKB, OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities, Store Jn the "Hawaiian Qazetto" build-- . 44 lug, opposite tiio Bank. OhttH. D. Genisch, Practical W& Watchmaker. Kdf Hotol Street, opposite tho 123 3m International Hotel. -- a JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Pluinbor, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves aijd Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers.' stock and metala, Iloubq Furnishing Goods, 11 Chandeliers, Jliumps, &o. 'rnip'iYiwruiiuii Temperance Year Book, For 18WJ, will be published here iu January, 1883, a year book, an nud useful volume with tho abovo title. A handy book of lefeicnco as wel as a yiiuuhu booK toi the house-hql- t wj)l 1)0 tspqohjy duvfltcij to tho temperance cause, ii)d will bo of much u.o all the year arqund. Yflu will ho siilloiUid lo sils)!Ubp tp thisbpok, and can obtalu further inforinillion by culling upon D M. CROWLEY, SSO Uono) ilu, H, I, WHILE IT'S HOT Honolulu :o:- - Honolulu. .T. I.YOKS, L. J. I.KVLV. Lyons & Levey, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Bcatcr-BIouk- , Queen st., - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock.) Ileal Estate and Ocneral Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for American andUuro-pcai- i merchandise. 318 HS. TREQLOAN, TAILOR, i!04 TORT ST. HMEAD, & JOBBEI!, No. 12 King St., near the Biidge. All kinds of small jobs, such as gate and fence mending, &c., (attcndcd to and at, moderate chntg.es. 305 ly Itnbcrt I.ewer, C. M. Cooke. L ewers at Cooke, i (successors to Lowers & Dicksnn.) Importers nnd Dealers in Lumbr and all kinds oi Building MatcriahvFoit street, Ilouoliihi ( , 1 WILDER & CO., ' r Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Buildup Materials ui cui.y jviiivi, uui. x ui i. uiau uyi'll , , llOUOlUlU. 1 BROWN Sc PHILLIPS, Plumbeis, Gus 'Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. CS1" Houso and Ship Job Work promptly exceuted. 17 C1HR. QEKTZ, H No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!?" Impor'er and Dealer in Gent's, ladies' and Chlldi-cM'sliool- shoes and sllppur.s. Wilson Brothers, A i AVAAiA. GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a specialty A flrst-cla- ss mini being spcoinlly engaged for that work, 'fchip and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on tho Esplanade; op. IIopper's.204 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Ha-- l Pae Aina," owned and edited by Kuwainui Bros. has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and is the best 'advertising' medium. Of- fice, No, U Merchant ut. THE EVILS OF PAINTING Aud their Remedy. " It has been said with much truth, too, that house painting might, with study nnd acquirement of taste, resume Its rank as a libciul art." Painter Manual, Believing tho abovo to be true, A. B KE11R has now reorganized his hystom of' working tho business iiiHonolulu, In the first pluco ho luis sremed tlto ser, vlctsofUiut celebrated uitist, Mr. Max Koujf, formerly of San Francisco, whose work In tho lino of plain and deeoiativo paper-hangin- frescoing, &c, Is up to thu present time unsutpiisM'il, and on tuusu Islands has never bc.cn equalled. For houso painting jobs flrt-clas- s me- chanics only will be employed. In future patrons can depend I'pon my fill. ing every order an tho uiost bcJouUflu basis knqw.il tn Jhu tradw, Tho Kign Puliitlug and Lettering de- partment will bo permanently pi eslded over by Mr, Glo, StuApusvua, (further couinisnt unnecessary.) P.S. Send for tteslgns of freicos for celling uud cornices'. rJomelhlng uuw; and if you want any glass tnit vj ?!g9BFiilntStorot" 18 King Street. CST.White open front uhlrta, at Ohus, J. FibhvPf Leading tyilli norv House. t fcI.j..i ii,i -- 'unmfr, Commission Merchants. c BREWER (Limited) it COMPANY, . Gi:nkisal MhnuAvnr.K- - and Commission Aokms. i.tsroKoKKicr.ns: P. C. Joans, Jr. .. .President it Manager J. O. CAitrtn Treasurer & fceerctary niattions: Hon. C. It. Btsiiof. Hon. II. At P. Cakteu 3.)jly Geo. W. Maefailanc II. It. Macfarlano. O. W. MAC7ARLANE & Co. JMPOUTEHS. COMMISSION .AIER- - CHANTS a.nd Sugar Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. aoksis for The W.iikiipubug.ir Plantation, Maui, The Spuiiu'r Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, ThcHeii i Sugar Plantation, Oahu, HueloSu jar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Punloi SliLup Rauuh Co.. Hawaii, J. Fowlei fc Co. Steam 1'low aud Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlec?, Watson & Cn's Sugar Muchin cry, Glasgow, Glasgowiaud Honolulu Line ot Packets. 1M Clauii svrcckrts. Win. G. Irwin. TIT G. IRWIN & COMPANY, TV Sugar Factors and Commission Agent, Honolulu, l HHACKFELD fc COMPANY, Commission Agents, Quocu street, Honolulu. 1 AS.CLEGHORN & CO. ' and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., llono-- f lulu. 78 DIAS & GONSALES, No. 67 Hotel Sttcct, Honolulu, Imjiortcrs and Dealers in Drv and B'ancy Goods, Inlaid, Woik, Embroidery, 280 &c, ,&c., A-q- - TOHN T. "WATERHOUSE. O rlmrToitcc-and- , Dealer jn Goncr'al. nivivuuiiuwu, vui;ui fli,( J1U11UUIIU. X MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. i M . URINBAUM & CO., commission Merchants, 124 Callfoi nil. street, l San Francisco, Oil. B ROWN & CO., Wholesale wine and Spirit Meichants, No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 330 T. LENEHAN fctCO., Importein and Commission Meichants, Ntiuanu st., Honolulu. 1 b. JJ. Castle. J. B. Athvrton. CASTLE Si COOKE, Shipping nnd Commisslnn Merchants. Importers and Dealers.in Gcneial Meichaiidise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. i WING WO CHAN & CO., Itupoiteis and General Denleis In English, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Ten aud General Supplier. Also, white nud colored con- tract mattlug, all qualities nnd prices. S3?" No. 23 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 a7g7 ELLIS, STOCK BltOKEH. will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, aud Other Marketable Securities, Atthclr market value for cash. 215 Olllce with E. P. Adams. Auct'r. J1UTSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. II. Itobcrtson's olllce, Queen street. 334 . WEST, Carriage Builder. Buggies, CniTlagcs, Exprestt Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. Bluekbiuithing, Jiojae-bboein- g, and all lands of repairing done. Hanlon & Co., tUtpT. ll.Murr),) I!.t vine s(r..t Wagon Making and Repaliing doiiu to order. Uoibu Shoeing hi his welM;vwn bhoelng. 3,1b 3tn npWNWHirSTBAM-- '" CANDY FACTORY AND HAKKHY, F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Coolt and Baker. No. 71 Hotel tt. TeluphouQ , t, 'l &t. j. , Professionals. SARAH E. PEIRCE, M. D., and Children's Phvjdcian. Olllce and leslilence, No. 5 School street, (between Foil and Emma). Olllce hours 10:30 to 11:30a. m. 1 :30 to 51:30 p. m. 8 III Ttleplione, Ho. 201. DR. THAOHER, DECTIST, 101' Foit street (up stairs.) Charges lower than any other dentist 111 Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed. 305 DR. Emerson, Hesldcnec nnd consultation rooms at Jo. 2 Kukui st., coiner of Fort. . Telephone No. HO. M 2m V Rosa, J.A., ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Notary Public, Office with the Attorney General, Allio! lanrliale, Honolulu. 342 ly W Austin Whiting, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of Instruments. Kaahumanu t., Honolulu. 209 G B. Dole, KJ Lawjerand Xolnry Public, it No. 15 Knnhumaiiu at. IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney at Law, a,J 15 Kaahumanu st 1)IUHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. holds. Olllce. No. 34 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. I JM. MONSARRAT, 'fw .ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public. R0.1l Estate in nnv part of thu Kingdom bought, sold anil leased, on commission. Loans negotia- ted, Legal Document!, Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gaette Block), Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands m,j W. O. SMITH. ,,. A. THUHSTOJf. TyiLLIAMi O. SMITH & CO. 'OR,k & ,cal Est,Uc brokers, J84 .,u Merchant st., Honolulu. lm W. O. SMITH. J,. A. TUUIUSTOK. Q MITH( & THURSTON, Attorni'j-- 3 at Law, 381 33 Meiclmnt st., Honolulu. lm r o. berger, KAAnUMAXU BTKEKT. General Agent for , The N. Y. Life Insuiancc Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(Iimit'd ' Macncale & Urban Safes, The Ctlebrated Spiinglleld Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 Qharles t. Gulick, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to tnko Acknowledgments Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, In Mukec'b Block, corner Queen nnd Kaahtinianu strests, Honolulu. 31 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Foit Street, . . Honolulu Portrait and Landscape IPliotog-rapltera.- . 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgment to Contracts for Labor for the Distrirt of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu nnu street. jg9 tf WILLIAM WOND, to tuko Acknowledg- ments to Contracts for Luboi. Olllce Station House. 351 y JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agontto take Acknowledgments to Conliatts for Labor. Interior Office. Honolulu. WO. AKANA, and Hnwailnn TrauBlutor and Interpreter, No. 18 King street, Honolulu. Translations vi cither of the above lnngiingos mudo with accuracy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 2W .lob lViiitiug OF EVERY DKSORIFriON oiecut-oi- l with neatness and dispatch ut rlur. Daily Bcllktik Ofllce, QuemBt. FIRE WOOD! FOR SALE, A.t aVXavket RateH Apply to S. M. OAR'PER, If 7 P. M. S. S. Wburf. t ' jjiCILtyi tKL. -- lAuLi k jd$M 1 i r I 1 1 1 i. 1 1 1
Page 1: i THE DAILY BULLETIN - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · .1i THE DAILYBULLETIN 3 Vol. II. No 394. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1883. SUBSCRIPTION CO 0ENT8 riR MONTH. I K f i--i













WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

In published every morning and citcu.luted throughout tho town by carriers,ntid forwarded to the other lshdids byevery oppoitunity.Subscription, 60 eenti per Month.

Q. Carbon Kksvon, Editor.All business communications (o be ad-

dressed, Malinger Daily Bulletin, PostOnico Box No. 14. Telephone. 250.

Ofllrp, .... QnccnrMtreet,Opposite West's Carriage Factory.

J. 0. Clkviou, Manager


incstlc POSTAL MONEY ORDERS bythe Post Olllce Department, notice is gl-ve- n

that from and after MAY 1st, moneyordcis will be issued at, and can bedrawn on, either of the following namedpost oflices:

Honolulu OnhuLahninn Maui -

AVailuku "Ksihulul ,"Hilo HawaiiKobablWaiohinu "Honokna "Walmea "Kcalnkekua "Li hue. KauaiKoloa "

At any of the aboe Money Order PostOlllces, "an order will be issued, on ap-plication, for any sum from one cent tofifty dollars. The follow ing are the feesestablished, which arc payable by theapplicant at tho time tho order is issued:

For any sum not exceedingFivo"'Dollars 5 cents

Over live dollnrs.'und not ex.. ceeding $10 . JO cents

Over ten dollars, and not e. '

ceeding $25...,. 15 centsOver twcntj'jtive dollars, not.,

exceeding'1?). . . .'. 0 centsOver forty dollars, not e..

ceeding $50 25 cents'No older will bo issued for more than

fifty dollars. ,. When a larger sum Iswanted it must be procured in two ormore orders.

An order cannot be issued on any post,office except one of the above-name- d mo.ncy order ofllccs, until notice has beengiven that it has been made, a moneyorder oftlccl "" r . j. '

Anordsr.is.payablc,oupr,cacntationJonly at the onlco drawn on, and the poi-son tq whom it is paid must receipt fortho amount.

Blank applications tiro kept at 'eachmoney-orde- r office.

At the country money-orde- r offices,certain days, and hours of thu day, willbe designated by the Postmaster, whenmoney orders will be issued.

No money-orde- r busiuess transacted onSunday.

Pamphlets, containing more, full de-

tails of the money-orde- r system, can behad on application at any of the post-office- s.

Foreign Money Orders cannot bemoney .order treaties hjive

been maflewitlfsueh eoiintries'nsil maybe desirable to extend the svstem to.

II. M. WHITNEY, P.M.G.Honolulu, April, 188a. 385 1m

HOTEL STi MARKET.mHE undersigned havingX purchased the Hotel Jit.Maikct. takes nletisiire in nn---

nouncing that ho will ';lvo tho businesshis personal attention, and hopos.to sup.ply the wants of the! public of Honoluluin a satisfactory, manner.

Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,Afid. other kinds of meat for tho table

always on hand.

Prompt Delivery Hrte.Ordei-- taken by Telephone.

By tho return of the Suez I will bo inreceipt of one of th'e best and newestpatented

SuiiMtiKe Mualtlue,and will then bo prepared to fiuiiii.li the


J3TN.B. No Chinese pork used,

D. K. FYFE, ProprietorTelephone No. 230. 337 ly

WM. JlcCANDLEMM,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeef, Vent. Mutton, Flab, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattendee! to. Live stook furnished, tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 34(1 ly

A. S. CLEGHOBN & Co.Have received i) large nssortminof

Boots Sc Shoesto lUtt all classes of pftUlwr 181

fEORGti LUCAS, AMMl contractor 2JOQek

aud Biillder,3BjjJ53CIIouolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu,Manufactures all Kinds of Moulding

Bracket-- . Window Fraines, JNIrjds,Bashes. l)6ors, and all kinds of Wood-work tluUh. Turning, Scroll and BaudSun ing, All kinds of Saw ing and Dull-ing, Morticing and Tenanting,

Orders promptly attended to aud workguaranteed. Orders trow tUo other !lands solicited

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamer WORT STREET


SECURE YOUR BARGAINSWhich will be g'non at my Establishment


Xii.iiiisr t"lo Next --Jt Week,'Previous to the arrival ot a large invoice of Now Goods from the Eastern and

Europe m Muskets for the ,

Olo thing Emporium s A.M. Mellis101 Port street,

-- AND-

Mrs. Mellis' Dress Making Department up stairs.


Plans and Eimatcs furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Office, cor. Ilulekuuwila andKilauca st., next door tn Widcmann'sbrick waichouso.300 P. O. Box, 101. ly

G. H. KOBERTSON,Drayman best teams

In town. 'I'uienlione So C5. 16

HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,SUam endues, suirar mills, boil- -

crs, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings: machincrv of cverv dcscrintionmade to order. Particular attention pnidto ship's black smithing. Job work e.c- -

cutcd ut short notice. 1


Fenriell's Harness Shop.vNo. 02Kingstrect.

Bills Collected and Book Accounts

Attended to. Orders respectfully solicit-ed and promptly attended to. 338 lm


WALLACE JACKSONJSoMPfek. the thorough experienc-

edJIBH korsc breakcr.wishesNthc public to know that

take charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend eaicfully to feeding anddoctoring horses. He has now in hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackTlioriijand other thorouglibicds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all ol Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at the Pantheon Stables,or at tho inommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's piopcrty at Kapiojani Paik,will meet with promptness. 2115 ly

Just Recolvcd, thoso Desirable

HELMET HATSThe most suitable hats for this

climate. For sale by

275( A. IS. Ciegliorn & Co.


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities,Store Jn the "Hawaiian Qazetto" build-- .44 lug, opposite tiio Bank.

OhttH. D. Genisch,Practical W& Watchmaker.

Kdf Hotol Street, opposite tho123 3m International Hotel. --a

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Pluinbor, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves aijd Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers.' stock and metala,

Iloubq Furnishing Goods,

11 Chandeliers, Jliumps, &o.

'rnip'iYiwruiiuiiTemperance Year Book,

For 18WJ,

will be published here iuJanuary, 1883, a year book, an

nud useful volume with thoabovo title. A handy book of lefeicncoas wel as a yiiuuhu booK toi the house-hql-

t wj)l 1)0 tspqohjy duvfltcij totho temperance cause, ii)d will bo ofmuch u.o all the year arqund. Yflu willho siilloiUid lo sils)!Ubp tp thisbpok,and can obtalu further inforinillion byculling upon D M. CROWLEY,

SSO Uono) ilu, H, I,



:o:- -



Lyons & Levey,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Bcatcr-BIouk- , Queen st., - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock.) Ileal Estateand Ocneral Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Solo Agents for American andUuro-pcai- imerchandise. 318


i!04 TORT ST.

HMEAD, & JOBBEI!,No. 12 King St., near the Biidge.

All kinds of small jobs, such as gate andfence mending, &c., (attcndcd to and at,moderate chntg.es. 305 ly

Itnbcrt I.ewer, C. M. Cooke.

Lewers at Cooke, i(successors to Lowers & Dicksnn.)

Importers nnd Dealers in Lumbr and allkinds oi Building MatcriahvFoit street,Ilouoliihi

(, 1

WILDER & CO., ' rDealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Buildup Materialsui cui.y jviiivi, uui. x ui i. uiau uyi'll , ,

llOUOlUlU. 1

BROWN Sc PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Gus 'Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. CS1" Houso and Ship JobWork promptly exceuted. 17

C1HR. QEKTZ, HNo. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!?"

Impor'er and Dealer in Gent's, ladies'and Chlldi-cM'sliool- shoes and sllppur.s.

Wilson Brothers,A


GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a specialty

A flrst-cla- ss mini being spcoinlly engagedfor that work,

'fchip and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade; op. IIopper's.204

THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Ha-- lPae Aina," owned and

edited by Kuwainui Bros. has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best 'advertising' medium. Of-fice, No, U Merchant ut.


" It has been said with much truth,too, that house painting might, withstudy nnd acquirement of taste, resumeIts rank as a libciul art." PainterManual,

Believing tho abovo to be true, A. BKE11R has now reorganized his hystomof' working tho business iiiHonolulu,In the first pluco ho luis sremed tlto ser,vlctsofUiut celebrated uitist, Mr. MaxKoujf, formerly of San Francisco, whosework In tho lino of plain and deeoiativopaper-hangin- frescoing, &c, Is up tothu present time unsutpiisM'il, and ontuusu Islands has never bc.cn equalled.For houso painting jobs flrt-clas-s me-chanics only will be employed. Infuture patrons can depend I'pon my fill.ing every order an tho uiost bcJouUflubasis knqw.il tn Jhu tradw,

Tho Kign Puliitlug and Lettering de-

partment will bo permanently pi esldedover by Mr, Glo, StuApusvua, (furthercouinisnt unnecessary.)

P.S. Send for tteslgns of freicos forcelling uud cornices'. rJomelhlng uuw;and if you want any glass tnit vj

?!g9BFiilntStorot"18 King Street.

CST.White open front uhlrta, atOhus, J. FibhvPf Leading tyilli norvHouse.


fcI.j..i ii,i -- 'unmfr,

Commission Merchants.

c BREWER(Limited)it COMPANY, .

Gi:nkisal MhnuAvnr.K- - andCommission Aokms.

i.tsroKoKKicr.ns:P. C. Joans, Jr. . . .President it ManagerJ. O. CAitrtn Treasurer & fceerctary

niattions:Hon. C. It. Btsiiof. Hon. II. At P. Cakteu

3.)jlyGeo. W. Maefailanc II. It. Macfarlano.




Sugar Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.

aoksis forThe W.iikiipubug.ir Plantation, Maui,The Spuiiu'r Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,ThcHeii i Sugar Plantation, Oahu,HueloSu jar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Punloi SliLup Rauuh Co.. Hawaii,J. Fowlei fc Co. Steam 1'low aud Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlec?, Watson & Cn's Sugar Muchin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgowiaud Honolulu Line ot Packets.


Clauii svrcckrts. Win. G. Irwin.TIT G. IRWIN & COMPANY,

TV Sugar Factors and CommissionAgent, Honolulu, l

HHACKFELD fc COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Quocu street, Honolulu. 1

AS.CLEGHORN & CO. 'and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., llono-- flulu. 78

DIAS & GONSALES,No. 67 Hotel Sttcct, Honolulu,

Imjiortcrs and Dealers in Drv and B'ancyGoods, Inlaid, Woik, Embroidery,

280 &c, ,&c., A-q--

TOHN T. "WATERHOUSE.O rlmrToitcc-and- , Dealer jn Goncr'al.nivivuuiiuwu, vui;ui fli,( J1U11UUIIU. X

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. i

M . URINBAUM & CO.,commission Merchants,

124 Callfoi nil. street,l San Francisco, Oil.

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale wine and Spirit

Meichants, No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 330

T. LENEHAN fctCO.,Importein and Commission

Meichants, Ntiuanu st., Honolulu. 1

b. JJ. Castle. J. B. Athvrton.

CASTLE Si COOKE,Shipping nnd Commisslnn

Merchants. Importers and Dealers.inGcneial Meichaiidise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. iWING WO CHAN & CO.,

Itupoiteis and General DenleisIn English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Ten aud GeneralSupplier. Also, white nud colored con-tract mattlug, all qualities nnd prices.

S3?" No. 23 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

a7g7 ELLIS,STOCK BltOKEH. will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, audOther Marketable Securities,

Atthclr market value for cash.215 Olllce with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.

J1UTSON, ACCOUNTANT.at G. II. Itobcrtson's

olllce, Queen street. 334

. WEST,Carriage Builder.

Buggies, CniTlagcs, Exprestt Wagons

and every kind of vehicles

manufactured.Bluekbiuithing, Jiojae-bboein- g,

and all lands of repairing done.

Hanlon & Co.,tUtpT. ll.Murr),)

I!.t vine s(r..tWagon Making and Repaliing doiiu toorder. Uoibu Shoeing hi his welM;vwnbhoelng. 3,1b 3tn

npWNWHirSTBAM-- '"


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Coolt and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel tt. TeluphouQ , t,

'l &t. j. ,


SARAH E. PEIRCE, M. D.,and Children's Phvjdcian.

Olllce and leslilence, No. 5 School street,(between Foil and Emma).

Olllce hours 10:30 to 11:30a. m.1 :30 to 51:30 p. m.

8 III Ttleplione, Ho. 201.


101' Foit street (up stairs.)Charges lower than any other dentist

111 Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.


DR. Emerson,Hesldcnec nnd consultation roomsat Jo. 2 Kukui st., coiner of Fort.

. Telephone No. HO. M 2mV Rosa,

J.A., ATTORNEY AT LAW.And Notary Public,

Office with the Attorney General, Allio!lanrliale, Honolulu. 342 ly

W Austin Whiting,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofInstruments.

Kaahumanu t., Honolulu. 209

G B. Dole,KJ Lawjerand Xolnry Public,it No. 15 Knnhumaiiu at.

IRANCIS M. HATCH,Attorney at Law,

a,J 15 Kaahumanu st

1)IUHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free.holds. Olllce. No. 34 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law,Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-

knowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st.,Honolulu. I


'fw .ATTORNEY AT LAWNotary Public. R0.1l Estate in nnvpart of thu Kingdom bought, sold anilleased, on commission. Loans negotia-ted, Legal Document!, Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gaette Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands m,j


'OR,k & ,cal Est,Uc brokers,J84 .,u Merchant st., Honolulu. lm


Attorni'j-- 3 at Law,381 33 Meiclmnt st., Honolulu. lm

r o. berger,KAAnUMAXU BTKEKT.

General Agent for ,

The N. Y. Life Insuiancc Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(Iimit'd '

Macncale & Urban Safes,The Ctlebrated Spiinglleld Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


Qharles t. Gulick,NOTARY PUBLIC,

Agent to tnko AcknowledgmentsLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Olllce, In Mukec'b Block, corner Queen

nnd Kaahtinianu strests, Honolulu. 31

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Foit Street, . . Honolulu

Portrait and LandscapeIPliotog-rapltera.- .

180 ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgment

to Contracts for Labor for the Distrirtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuunnu street. jg9 tf

WILLIAM WOND,to tuko Acknowledg-

ments to Contracts for Luboi.Olllce Station House. 351 y

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agontto take Acknowledgments

to Conliatts for Labor. Interior Office.Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hnwailnn TrauBlutor

and Interpreter,No. 18 King street, Honolulu.

Translations vi cither of the abovelnngiingos mudo with accuracy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 2W

.lob lViiitiugOF EVERY DKSORIFriON oiecut-oi- l

with neatness and dispatch utrlur. Daily Bcllktik Ofllce, QuemBt.


A.t aVXavket RateHApply to


If7 P. M. S. S. Wburf.t

' jjiCILtyi tKL. --lAuLi k jd$M

1 i







11 1

Page 2: i THE DAILY BULLETIN - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · .1i THE DAILYBULLETIN 3 Vol. II. No 394. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1883. SUBSCRIPTION CO 0ENT8 riR MONTH. I K f i--i

f gwiiiipvf

tllii Igullfiitt

.MONDAY, MAY 7, 188!).


Kimeuil of the late Mis. AnnieFttllrr, nt 10:00.

EVCNINO.Ahjniobii J.odtjo, nt 7:!K).

lltumony odo, l.O.O.F. TWO

IU olinu; V. M. C A., 7:90..M.yi tie Hoat Club, 7 :!I0.

FATAL ACCIDENT.Yin:i:i)AY afternoon tho town

wus gicntly excited by the news that-- Mia. M. A. Btwh wifeof IlisEx.J. K. Bush, Minister of tho Intel ior

had been tin own fiom her hoiseand killed. The facts ate as fol-

lows: Ycsteiday morning Colonel J.Boyd, Miss S. Boyd, Mis. Bcrtol-man- ,

the deceased, and sonants setout for a vifcit to lvalihi, to see Mis.Boyd who had been ailing; MissBoyd and the deceased rode in fiont.After they passed the stoic(Kahuihuiawni) the lioisc which MrsBlish was lidimr (one belonging totho mounted police) began to trot,and Mrs. Hush mined it in. Itloaiod and Mi&. Hush fell back-

ward, getting go the iciiis,. Thiamis about 10 :')() a.m. She was un-

conscious when the lost of the paitygot to her. Col. Boyd immediatelygalloped back to the neatest tele-

phone abd telephoned for a cai l iagcand to Dr. Tiosseau. In the meant-

ime- Mis. Ledeier and apailyofladies and gentlemen diovo up. Theygeneiously gave up their doubleteam and Mis. Bush was conveyedto her residence on King st. Shelingeicd till after I p.m., but neverlecovercd consciousness. Her skullwas fiactured at the base and therewas another wound on top of 'theukull on the left side. She leaves alaniily of 1 sons and 2 daughtcisfloin G to 1C 3 cars of age. The JasMakee was dispatched tat G p.m. toMnhukonn tobiing bn6k Mr. Bushwho' went up thuio yesterday on theXaycdink. Geneial l egret andhonow is cpiessed at the unfortu-nate occunencc.

, OUR HOME.The Y. M. C. A. looms are now

fitted up as will be seen by the noticein another column and all aiecoidially welcomed and invited to"attend. We went tluoiigh the loomsoiiFiiday night and we must saytlmt nothing nicer could be desiied.We now ask all our fiiends, all ourleadcit., and even those who onlyheat of this to go and sec for thcui- -

belves the beautiful home which themeinheis of the Y. M. C. A. havepi o iiled for them. Captain I. Braywho is Geneial Secretin y . tern.will bo only too happy to utteijil tostrangers and, indeed, to all visitors.Come one, come all.

Shipping NotesThe following acsscIs inought:

fichr Calcrliu U00 bags Migar;8ehr Mllu Munis 310 sheep;.StrarKllaue.i Hou 1480 bags of sugar,

28 obis molasses nml 45 bugs potatoes.Kchr (ion Scigel !)80 bags ileo;.Stlir Ehukai 'M2 bags sugar;Htmr Wiilmannlo 478 bags sugai ;

SlmrJas Milken 2&)0 bags sugar, C50bags paihiy.

.Stmr Likeliko2800 bag sugar;hlmrLuhu.i H'0 bags Piigar, s

inolas-- e, 20 head cattle, 115 sheep and20 goat MiiiH.

Sehr Kekaiilnolil !J50 bag Mig.ir.Tho btcanu'i Elncnsfel will piobubly

leino for Hongkong to moirow.The steamer Abeigcldio i ame along.

Mdo tho Old Custom House wbuifonS.Uuiday, nml will dhcliiuge htuplusstui i", Ac., to day.

LOCAL & GENERAL ITEMS.On Friday claims agalust thu estate

of Leu Chut, in b.uiki ujHry, weropie-.-ciitt'- d,

amomilliig to about $80,000.i -

Osl'iiday tho fence lound the grave-yau- lat Mnklkl was jmtlally burnt,

tluoiigh the c.uch'bMies-- s of two Chlua-ine- n

engaged In wu rlih lug anil bin ulngJo's-bllck-

Thk Advrrtlsn has been' haul hitlately, consequently they mjuciI, butwo think that they aio dragging thonmtriir Jinto too mnuli 'of ii puisounlsijii ibblo that U not dlgiiUying' to eitherI''ly- -

"ri: would like to Know howmueb 11

tost the Go eminent to land theim-jnigiMiit- &

and bajgngo fiom tlio s.s,

Aueigeldlc, as wu Know that a tender to

doll nt 10 cents ii head was bent Into

them but not aceopU-d- .

- i -C. .Yi. AVhlto, the lcl o dan iskr nl Hllo

Is impnnlne nml will prolmbly rpcoci- -

Owimi to the prisMiio oMutu nd. ouiicpoit of this Musical Society Coin oil li

lielil our till

Till, numbt-ro- deaths or IIiiwidliindm lug the month of Api 11 U8 lb low lithiin in any month for some culi pist,

-Mi'ssus. Hart Dies, me tuintng their

old p.ulois Into a pihutodining l oom fui ladiiMilonc. gentlemenonly being admitted when aieoiupanlcilly ladles. A ptlvatc waiter will also beon hand, and thing will lie In thu

style, which the luputaHon ofMoms. Unrtllios. giiHianlecs In any oftheir tiudcitukings.

Hip Majesty, afcompiinicd by His Ex.J. E lhi-.li- , Lieut. C. Clink, Mi.Bcrgciand the Hand, depmtcd for Kulinln onthe Xajcjdink punctually at 4 p. m.on S.ituidity. The mill dock whs crowd-ed- .

A pai ty of guests w ent out bej ondthe Madras, and retmncd in the King'sbarge along with the pilot, His Ma-csl'- s

hist official ntl w.is the signing ofa 3taonlr docuinenl.t

"VVn ackiiowlcilgc thu leecipt of thecm lent number (thcuth) of Ka HoKii oKc Kai. It is to our tians-lato- r,

unite up to its mini slaiidaid ofe.M.i'l!enee. AVe sue gla-- to Iejuii th tt itglow- - nioio and nioiepopulaveiUi day.We think, howeier, that It would liebetter and tend for tho Impioi ement ofthu race, if oung men iere cnroiuugedto write -- omethlngoilglnal in Ilawaliau,a tale, poem, or if It wciegood enough, pilot it In the Maj.uinu.

DIED.In till citv, 31 i.v Xith, Annie, wife of

Oilando rullei, ot S.m Francisco, Cal.,aged COyeais lu months and 12 d.ij- -. S.F. pnpets please copy.

I'uiicral Notice.rpiIC funcial of tho late Annie "FullerJL will take place TO-D- Y (Monday)

at a. in., tiom theiesidcnci- - of Jno.31. Oat) Jfo. a Kukul st. Friends andacquaintances aie respectfully invitedto attend.

AT a meeting of the Bard of J)iicctorsof the KnpHnnl Pa k Associiilion

held on Filday, May 4th, it was decidedthat liio uniial

11th of June Races,

would lake place uiulci the dbcctiun ofthe Park Asocintion.

A piogiammo of the day's spoils willshoitly bo presented to thu public. .

II. MACFAHLAKi:,:))4 . Su-- . IC.p.A.

the itoxoMjrjirY. M. 0. A. ROOMS.

Arc now Daily Opened to tho Public

From 7 a.m. to 9 p in,

mulVommo lions read.APLBASA3T nt thu end of the hallopposite llie ti out catrancu, i wellligjitcd and supplied with comfortableehairi!.

Pufodicals of latest dates and otheriutCKMiug nailing luuttLi ispiovidid,to w Iiieli will soon Lie adiie.1 a valuablelibrary.

IntLrosling ganiiB arc at h mil, btiition-ci- y

mid all other needfuls fm writing,mid a pleisaut place for a prolltabluevtiiing's onterlnlnnicnt is freely oflurul.

The parlor is Jilted up for beauty amicomfoit, with the best fuinituro theHonolulu market affords, and the wearyand indisposed can here Uud cheer anilcomfoit. These looms mo opui to thefu-- uy of joung men of any of theseIslands, ami to all who come fiomaluo.id, and a cordial invitation is here,w jih uUeudcd to you to come and makeu--o of these combats mid conu-nicncc-

and feel that mi aie at home.Asldu fiom general entertainments wo

shall oner, on Monday evenings, to nl)who (Italic, the oppoiiunity ol etudyingbook-keepin- g with a competent teitliei,and sh ill (jiduiwu to piovido formini oveiiing classes ot this nature, ie.(lulling us lMimeiit nothing bm gemlc-niaiil- y

tonduol.Tlio now hull Is icady foi qur

and oflcrid to tho publicjor iiu juxmniuiu jiuiiiuhu uuiisibiuiiiwith tho Association, as the most desir.abli) audience looip in tills city

Wo shall endeaim for the mutualbcnelll ot both uiiploer and employeto c undue t as far as possible an

Elniploymeiit Itureaii.To this end wo invite communications

upon this subjul fiom all persons onthc-- o islnnds who at any tiniu may be inwnat of hclp.iissuiicg all simh that wobhall do all in our power to promptlypoint out the desirable poisons, not how',oxer always assuming the irspoiiilbililytoi chaiactcr, as ninny of our applicantswill bo entiro Htiuiigeinto us.

Wu "bo iu ilu tomniunicatious fromany wlio liuvo oiii)fortahi) iooiiih nmlbiuidiug Iioudus to ollur at ruiiEutinbluiil(03 as wo can often point out to jqu

hulIi us aio coking dutiable homes, ,

Our aim Is. toimst Voting Mrn in alllugiliiualu ways, and to this end woshailalwajs bo icady to confer upon anysubjiet, with all, foi whose mutualbenilll we can woik. Addic-s-

I8AIA1I BHAY.Utucrol Heoruary V. Af. 0. A,

m Honolulu Outtu,

1 .

0Ajt.JL Silo - J

i i m iMi liar m mi umi linn rMmMiimMiiiMtii

, London gossip(nvi ia.nkuii.)

.SDK I it rorllioDnlh llullolln.l

The niystciy is solved. The re-

putation not l'neiely of General Mac-Adaia- s,

but of numerous otherwiOngly stisiieoted pcisyim, iH nowfieed iioin stain of suspicion. Abanister ajiplird tho other day toMi. Justice Field to adjourn a case,and tlio follow ing dialogue ensued:

Mi. Justice Field: "I do not sithum1 to-in- ow nt nisi piius."

Counsel: "The casu is in the listfor Com t No. ti."

Mi. Justice Field: "This Courtis No. '2. but I urn Hot ; am iVo.One." I know Mr. Justice Field tobe as incapable of niakinsr a falsestatement its he is of perpetuatingor seeing a joke but who wouldhave thought it.

For many geiictations it lias beencustomary in the House of Hohcn-zollei-

that' each male scion shouldlearn some useful handicraft, andthat the females should cccl inncedlewoik and embroidciy. Inaccoidnuce with this piacticalcustom, Pi ince Leopold, only son ofthe Bed Pi ince, is studying tliolocksmith's nit. A loom in thepalncc'has been fitted up na a work-shop, with fuiiuec and bellows,giindstonc and lathe, etc., and hcicthe young Pi ince, clad in agieyblouse, spends scieial happy bonisdaily. Ilu mother, the PiinccssFiedciic Chailes, fiequcntly a it.it--

him in his woikshop, and no doubtmakes fun of the futuio masterlocksmith, and sighs at the presentstate of his hands.

Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey.

Tuesday, May 8th,At the Old Steamship Whaif, at 11 a. m.

Immigrants' Surplus StoresL s.s. Abcrgeldie.

By order of the agents Mosts. G. W.Mnofuriiuic iSf Co.

To Grocers, Dealers, Storekeepers, &c.

LY0s & Lu tyHnvo rccehud instiuctions to sell at nuc.tion, nl the Old Steamship "Whaif, at 11

n m. on Tuesday, May bth, the whole ofthe imniigi ants

SURPLUS STORESand Fittings, comprising:

Soup and Bonilli, tins preserved befcf,I auks, bbls pi line me-- s beef, b raisins,Chcsls tea, lard. nlt, biscuits,Split peas, haiiicot bcin-1- , bags Hour,Vlncg.ii, lime juice, soap, Cola oil,Chicory, pepper, knives and fork',Tea and table spoons, bags rice, mops,iScrubiiig brushes, funnels, saucepans,Buckets, wntpr'boltlc, oatmoal,ilolasscs, scules and weights, hammers,Adus, tin plates and b.usiiis,Akdicinccliest, lumbal,Cooking range and utensils, ifcc,

Lmjns & Llm.v, Auctlonccis.

Wsitei' Notice.OAVING to tho scaicity of watci, the

for irrigation will bu

Iiiuiitcd to 4 liout'M per hiytiom (I to 8 a. in. anil fiom 4 to Op in,until fuither notice,


( Sup't Water Woikh.J.no. B.Busn, Minister of lutuior.

May oth, 188J. U04


atto drive soda wagon.

PALMER & THACHLTVSa03 lw Now Drug Store, Foit St.

Where dp yon Buy your


IN ASKING .Tim ABOVE Quostiouwe simply deslio you to examine

closely tlucu main points:ltt, (unlitj --Material.

Sud, Htyle'-- Flt anil Work., rd, I'rlre-Sl- re of Hill.

iVnd when you aro satisfied with conclursions, pay us a visit, nud we guaiantco '

Quality or'31u.terlul,Htylt? of Xlt and SvrJc


Saving of 20 per cent.In your order. If tlicso aie sufllclcntconsideiatrons please call at the

Great American Clothing House17 JduHiiini Mtreet,

ii'Ji ly OoniL-- r of Marine.

Salmon! Salmon!!



Bblo G. B, Salmon, extra,Bbls Skcona River Salmon,

Bbls Frazor River Salmon,

Hlf bbls Salmon, ohoice,

Bbls & hlf bbls Plant, Salmon

Kits Salmon Bellies.

Stalls, Nos, 2 and 3FISH MAItKET,

800 111) JlOKOLULU,

ipj lpHr57jifil(JR?MF''C



Just Received2Bm

Hydraulic Earns

Sultablu foi Stock It inches whcio water li lcipilrcd to be rnhed fiom gulchesto pasture lands for watering stock. Full particulars and estimates furnished.

Refrigerators, Brooms of superior quality.

Magneso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes & BoxesAlxolulclv fire-proo-

Lubricating Oils ol every description at lowest marKot rr.ics. .

lllec Cloth, FateufDag Holders j" the thing for Wee nml Sugar Mills;

DUlcrcntlal Pulley Ulocks,.,

Carriage Lamps.

!N"ew Goocls constantly arriving. -


Full lines of Plows and Agricultuial lnstiumciils, '

Full nssottmeiit of Agate Iron Ware,

lllustiatcd Catalogues on application.

JOSEPH E. WflSEIAN,Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General

Business Agent,Olliec, 27 Mci chant street, - Hnwaihin Gazette Block,

The only recognized Heal Estate' Broker in the Kingdom.Land and pioperty for sale in all pails of Honolulu and the nrious Islands.Houses to lease and rent In Honolulu and suburbs. ,Booms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.Books ami Accounts kept. Bills collected. Legal papcrd of every dcscrlprfon

diaw n. Agent for Vickery's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, w ilh18 Chromos; subscription $1.25 per year. Agent for the Best Life

Insurance Company in the World.ESTChargcs always moderate. "Telephone No. 172.


ncrr --oi m

f!. ' . .K?0S



25 per cent Cheaper atPALMEK & .TEACHER'S ,.




G. W. MACFARLANE & CO.Offer for sale the Cargoes of the ships

VIciuiium " and " Juuet Court,"Itcccnlly arrived fiom GUsgow and Liverpool, rcspectivclj-- . Also, to arrive, -

tho Cargoes of the

British Steamship " Abergelclie,"From London, now due; the Biitish ship " Sliandou," from Glasgow, due July 1st:

and the British hark " Isle of Anglcscn," fiom Liverpool, due Aug. 1, ,

Comprising one of the largest and finest selection of goodsand Merchandise ever imported to Honolulu, and which will bo offered totlio tuide, town and lountry housekeepers, and buyers generally, at ex-ceptionally favorable terms.

Dry GKoods, now on exhibition, ,

At ouY Show Booms, upstairs.

Saddles, llrldlcN, ICnrnossnnd AVliiptt.Bolls English Belting, o, 4, 0, 8 and 10 inches.Bdls. Beat English Auujaled and Gnlvanicd Fence Wiic, Nos. 4, 5 and G.Casep, Smith ifcuMcEeauycelobiated Galvanized Corrugated Iron, the best imported''

hcic, 0, 7, 8 and 0 feet lengths 24 gauge. Attention of consumers of this ar-ticle is called to this particular brand, which never waips, cracks, or peels off,,from the action of sun, and atmosphere, '' '

Casks, Best English, Portland, German and Hosendale Cement.Bales bluo btrlpc, twilled and plain Sugar Bags, 500 to a Bale; tho genuine article. 'Bales heavy twilled Coal Bugs best Scotch make, Bales 3, 4. and&ply. ..' 'Seaming and Roping Twino. '"'Scotch File Brick, square and arch. Fire Clay. J ' ' ''

T'OO 1'otaH Best eotel Hplint Coal, '

The best and moat econom cab for Plantations, Steamers general use, is' clearand lumpy, consequently, no waste; gives ery littlo smoko'uml soot, burns wellaway and does not clinker and burn up grate-bar- s ; and produces 25 per cent, moresteam than any other Bituminous Coal. . ,

150 TONS BEST WELCH COAL, Especially adapted for ranges itnd cooking stoves- -;

' A binidl lot of-A- Us and Vices, tor blacksmiths' Ubc.Bar lion a good assortment; alto B us Steel.Best Wool uuilaps, 42.ueli, in d pieces.A few casks Assorted Glasswaio comprising Gluss Dishes, Bowln, iGoUJelt

Tuinblei-- s Sheiiies, Hocks, Porls, Claicts, Champagnes, Decanters, Dishes, Lamnsand (I'litraitlclcsrcquiied by housekecpcis.A tull assoitmuut of Granite.waro compilsing Dinner-set- s Eiycw and Baslm,.

Bo Is, Dishes, Cup and Sauceis, Plates aud many other articles in this line.tl

A FEW SUPERIOR PIANOS,In cottage style, from tho leading Berlin makers, which will bo offered on vcrvfavoiahle teims. An inspection and trial of thuao attractive Pianos Is invitedThree Casoi of an il m iko of Stocks uniLDlcs, tho moat complcto :tiiincof tho kind for plantation use.GalvanVaICPUiiaaU'anlZC(l Bl,ckcls' 10, 13 nntl u-i- . Nests Galvanized Tubs.

Tkollnest biiiuds of Ales, Wines and Spirits in usual' variety. Also'dicfollowiug

SUGAR MAOIIENEBY, ..Of Mirrleca, WaUou & Co.'s uneipiallcil make, tho superiority of which is ucknow. ilcdgcdbyall Hawalhin Plauters; and Manufacturers in. Cuba BrazilQuecnslitnd, Fiji and other sugar.produclng countries, tluoughout tho world.

Steam Cluilflers, Sugar Mills, Engines,

Centrifugals, Vacuum Panb,Pmnp,Iron Chlnineis, Tanks, Boilcis, etc., etc.

FortabloTiamway ami Cane Cars, Locomotlvesj'llalls.

The cargo of tho steamship Abergcldlu was selected with great euro by ourLondon Agent, under thoi Irect supervision of a meaihcr of our tlrm, and consistsof a beau Hid lino of goods, not hitherto imported here. Circulars givlnir u full111 Pli dcSMlj,)tlojil i"

Goo(,s wlu ,w bCllt t0 our "ustomew, heads of fainliroa, and J






Page 3: i THE DAILY BULLETIN - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · .1i THE DAILYBULLETIN 3 Vol. II. No 394. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1883. SUBSCRIPTION CO 0ENT8 riR MONTH. I K f i--i


TELEPHONIC.IMnmiul Head, May 7, CiSO a.m.

Light K. WimT-j,- - -

Ktihr City of Tokio off Wnlnuau.llsuk I.ivinstone off Dltnond I lend


Schr Keknuluohl from IlunuluiMay C

Stmr Likelike from windward pollsStmr Mokolii from KonlnuSclir Kinnm.from WuinliauSclir Pohoiki from PunaSclir Julia 30 days fm S S Islands


H.I.G.M.S. Nayujzdiuk for KohnlaMny G

Stmr Jas Mukcc for Mnhukouii

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYStmr Kilauca Hon for KnhuluiStmr Lehua for Molokai and MauiSohr Caterinn for HaualeiSclir Maun for LaupnliocliocSclir Ehukai for WnialiinSclir Kckauluohi for HnnnlciBgtne J D Sprockets for S F.Sclir Nettie Merrill for'Lnlmina

PASSENGtRS..From Kuliului per Kilauca Hon,

May oth F B Scars, Mrs Trcgloau,Mrs Weed, G Warner, II Lahfoul,W Forego and wife, A Barber andwife, II Baldwin and 100 duck.

From Maui and Molokai per Le-

luia, May 5 Miss M and A 'Bannis-ter, Miss K Peterson, Mr Mills, AUnna and 40 duck.

From Kauai per Jas Makec, May5th Mrs Woodhoiibc and child, GPurroeuteiy 2Gliiiieso, 21 deck:

Fiom windwartl ports per LikelikeMay Gth T II Davies, W Shipmau,MrstMeekAmnua, W R Lawrcuce,ReS 0 Datnoiij J Oderkirk, A CAlexander, S Silcg, P.N Makec. JLewis, Miss Lahilahi, Mrs Wood-ward, S Kuicc, Mr Kauwahi, K SBriggs, J F Coleman, J Williams, JL Blaisdell, Mrs Alapai '& daughter,Lum King, Luin Sai, E D Baldwin,B W Kawainui, J Palmer, W HCornwcH,H J) Levey, J'BrownMrsAfiia, Mrs"Walt'crsr H ZcrW, A IIHecn, Young Hiug, and 91 deck.W Brash, .Purser.'

VESSELS IN PORT.Gcr 8 S Ehr,e'nfcls,JFibhcrStmr Madras, BiadleyStrar Abcjgehlio.WatsonBk Janet Coiut, ,Bk C. It. Tishop, Woltcrs.Bk-- 0 'Murray, HarringtonBk MoiavianBktuc Eureka, Lee .BktueEHa, ; iTenr J t3 Ford, Griffiths, iBgtnc Morning Star ,Bgtne John D Sprcckcls, Frlls

ir!H7c. aJMONDAY EVENING, May 7th,ON4it 7;U0 o'clock, a class w'ill be

formed for iustiuction in Book-keepin-

All who arc desiious of joining tliisclusb, whether members of the Associa.lion or nor, arc co dially' invited to;heprc-en- l. 303 at

Xotice.rV.Hrill VlVii wUn iln-iir- -- In linvn

1VJL their iidicriihcmcnU in the NewTelephone Card will address or applyimmediately to the underalgued. Onlya few spaces) left.

J. E. WISEMAN,, )3U3 lw General Business Agent.

r Txii- - ii'-- '

(S A. RAWSON, M. D.VJT Homeopatliic Phyhiclnn & Surgeon

Office and residence Fort Street. Firstdoor niakai of Chinese Church. 389 lj.

H. M. CAllTim. b. V. OKAltAJI.

sAOARTER 00.- -

Kin HKt, Honolnlu, H. I.Retail Dealkks in

'Fire Wood,' rx Coal aiid Feed.


woijlcl notify the public, and1

WE House keepers in particular, thatwe keep 'Oif hand and for Mile in qnan.titles to suit purchoserfi and at LOWEbTRATES, fuel, as follows ;

nrfrdnd'SOftVodds,Cut any lengths j

Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals,Scotch Coalh, nmWho " "

Cclclnated Wellington MinoUepqituro Bay Coals;

Also, Blacksmith's Coal.

'JTic above can bo ordered by telephoneor utlwrwibc, and Jnimvdiato dpjiveryjguarauteul.


Telephone, No, a05.


Haytoicl Oats,California aud.New Zealand;

Barloy, Whole and Ground;Wheat, Corn-rWho- lo and Cracked

Bran, Middlings, and other Feed.

BtfTOrdcr the'ubove through

Telephone "So. 305,.and v,c warrant mick delivery, aud full

weight. Orders from he otherIslands solid ttxl,

BTKI313 DELIVERYto all paitsof die city.

Itemember, 8 Kiiiff street,jygO Cl?"And Tclophonc No, 805.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.


. City of Tokio,GOJO toiiM,

J. Mniiray, Conimtindcr,Will sail for Sun Francisco In

Tli, XJopfiimliir ol' 2Hn.y.Pusiengeis will pfeiiso c ill nt ofllcc of

H. llACKKKi.n ii Co., Agents

MAIL Steam-:2&3&SS- b

ship Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Cobb, - - commander,

Will leavo Honolulu for Sun Francisco"on or about May 7.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

Australia,Carglll, Commander,

On or about May 18,

For freight or passage apply to theundersigned agents,

We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Round Trip.

II. Hackkkm) & Co.

EglfeFor Hongkong Direct,3a- - The Gcimiin

Steamer Ehrenfels,A. Fischer, - - - - Commander,

"Will all for the .ibovc portOn or about Monday, May 7

For freight or passage apply toII. Hackveld S. Co., Agents


The clipper bgtne

John D..Spreckels,Friis, Matter,- - -

Will have quick dUpateh for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

W"r. G. Iiiwin & Co., Agents.


The favorite barkD. C, Murray,

Harrington, ... Milster,Will have quick dispatch foitiie aboeport. For freight or passage apply to

F. A. Schakki:k ic Co., Agents.O.--


The A 1 German

Bark C. E. Bishop,H. Woltcrs, . - . . . .Master,

Will nave quick dispatch for tile aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

I ii.uiACKFi:i.i & uo., Agents.


The Bark Martha DavisWill tail fiom Boston on or about the1st of June. Older- - filled momptly,and freight taken at the lowest rate.

11 Apply toiC. BUEWEU t Co.UIO Queen st., Honolulu.

THE FAST SAIL1NOjrVr,l'u Schooner Ehukai

i t will urn legularlyTO WAIALUA EVEUY MONDAY,

Ueturuing on Thursday, weatherpermitting.'

For freight or pabsagc apply to theCaptain on board, or to

181 A. F. Cooke, Aieiit.

. A. FRANK COOKE,Ofllcc, corner Nuuanunnd Queen streets,

Honolulu, H. I.,Agant for the following Packets:Wailele. AJi Waioli.

"Watehu; ySV Waimalu.rJIulolo, ( fa&22) KllltlUU,JIanu, BsSSk Julia,

Ku Moi, and Ehukai.Bed' Flag, witii White 'Ball.


Not as yet generally known.THE'Public throughout Honolulu may

that the premises recentlyoccupied by WjTJ. Hcrrick, nt'No1. 110Fort Sticet, opposite the I'autheon Sta.hies, is now known as the

" City Shoeing Shop.". .

This new Establishment, will be asource of giatiticationtoourcommuuity,uiasinuch us (DMi'J and torturous shoeingbus hcretofoio been to hugely piacticnlon man's noblest animal by so culledHoiso frkoeis,

Edwanl Uoylc, tho well knownand skilful Hoiso Shoer, U

mauagur of this ilinp, which is a rceom.meudution in itself, ujid with t)i pnicti-ca- l

assistance of Andrew lb own, thenoornian, our citizens may fully rely ontheir merits as master mechanics.

It would well repay our cltlcus tovisit and examine Soaking Stalls andFoot Tubs arranced und built expresslyfor ppcrnting ou wounded nnd disabledhorsiik, mttl) nq olll'''" "hop in thisKingdom ims udoptcrt, .

S. I. SHAW,Proprietor " City Shooing Shop."

U88 tf ' 110 Fort Street.

FOR SALE A goodSaddle HOHSJ), Price,

lon. Apply to W. Q.c!S&5j Ncedhum,NoB0 School'Street, 11 lw

For Mule,SADDLE HORSE,California bred; nasbeen on the Islands a

Zr- - yeiir and a half; hasIn,mi flrlvtu in duublu

harness. AJso, saddle and bridle,ApI,,ytt


Oceanic Steamship Oonip'y.THE A 1

Iron Steamer Suez,DOM), - - - CUMMANDEll

Will leave Honolulu


For fi eight oi pasture, haing itpeiloiaccomodations, apply to1U4 WM. G. Imvuc &. Co., Agents.

ygSgi 'iL Oceanic SteamBhip Co

For HoiibUoiir, China,The British Steamer " Suez,"

Will leave for the above port on or aboutJUNE 15th. Freight or p UMige may bisecured in advance by application to

Wm. G. Inwix & Co., Accent.

INTEHlSIiAXISteam Navigation Company's


The Iwalani,bates, . Commander,

Buns rcgulnrly to Koua and Kau, asper following time table:

Luavks Honolulu at p.m. onTuesday, April 3 Tucdny, May IfFriday," " lil Friday, " 85Tue-dny- , " 21 Tuesday, Juno 5Friday, May 4 Friday, " 10

Tuesday June '.20,

Aitnivrs at Honolulu:Wednesday, Ap 1 1 Wednesday, My 2!1

Saturday, " '21 Saturday, Jc 2Wednesday, My 'J Wednesday, " WSatuiday, " 12 Saturday, " 20

The C. R. Bishop,camehon, - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., for Nnwiliw ili, Koloa, Elcele,and Waimca, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawillwili every Friday evening.

Tho James Makee,mcdonai.d, . - Commander,

Leaves Honolulucver3 Thursday, at (5 p.m. for Kapaa andKlliuicu. Returning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

Steamer Likelike,King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., tDuchir.g at Lahaiim, Maa-lne- a

Bay, Mnkenu, Mahukoua,Lnupahoelioo and Hilo.

Returning, will touch at all thenl o"w ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. I

Cocoanuts ! Cocoanuts !

Ev ScIirTffhiin,From Gilbert and Marshall Iblnnds.

For sale in quantities to huit.

Ot ApplytoA. F. COOKE.

ilirfty vO CD

QW 2B CO . Q.

3 W n

a w

TO KENT.On King Street, near Punch,bowl strct, In one of thomn.t nmitrill Inmillltni. tn

Honolulu, I havo tlirco pretty Cottagexiiuif9 )i prjn u m'nii;"ii;u. iiiusurooms (lfi x J II) Ijv-f- j jpst liopn nit umlnewly and neatly furulbhtd, with bathrooms, water, pleasant grounds, shadetrees, aud all conveniences, To gentle,men wl(oilnalru a couifortablo abode nobatter idiqnnilt cun he oU'ered irj thecity, Address or apply tu

,f. K. WISEMAN,w Estate and House Broker,

3B5 9W ' 37 Mei chant street.

A Hood Chtiure.ANYONE that lias useforaOpOSE-N,BQ- K

'DJHYfil!18P?Ql,uP'lcaPby applying tR

(?, H. ROBERTSON,ijiiilni Queen street,







Latlics ami Gent's

Gold and Silver Watche?

Just to hand.

Every Watch warranted asrepresented.

wijimnitriirYi2iS2oBw5Cu8 iffX bBxnii49Rlln(SiInrvnioNfini

VV UJ.MIHTAtSAY, SfFacsimile ol Silver Cases.

CAhActual weight




hoto all

hea of

Wf tuW


I I '



CO rM. Mclnerny,

KingdomB. of

'ions, as I havo discovered'scveial silver

of "Watches," of SwissManufacture, arc Hold as

ulsCrrtrfn thntUipCBiicBtatnpc(LmlthturTpiAoe Mabk

In yu.imntrls8 K

(215) Fac-bimil- e oi


JLiave U-emovec-l to

No. 68 FORT STREET,Nearly opposite tthcir foi'inur place

, of

and Manufactur-ing Jeweler,,

Noa. lliiaud 115 Foil Stuei, j : Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry,--

Elegant Gold and Xiloer Watches.

Sllvci.Plaled Ware, &c. i8(j



Jmiioi'tcrM uiul JK'tilci'N

Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, Concertinas,Banjos, YioliUH, FluteH, DrumM, j

InstrumeiitH, and Strings for all" """,1

string instrumeiits. .

purchased interest of Jfr. Geo. F.'Wells, in thl Klngdoni;wo shall continue to constantly on hand a full assortment of everything thatho did; and as we shall bo adding to our etock every arrival from UnitedStates and you.cnn always hee honicthiug ind In'tho FancyGoeds and Departments.

TiiMt, Kee'oivcil Ironi -.luptiit, i -- , (,

3000 Fans & other beautiliil Japanese Goods

W. . HERRICKhas hi:movi.ii

Turning EstablishmentFrom Foit street,

lJiiyruiOL. BTRMiirr,oppoblte door to

nini and Ilruu's

supply liU customers with kinds of

Wood ami Ivory Turning.for past favors, hopes

continuance tho same, dj'

'NEATLY FURNISHED2VB11Y lu tho ciulvteU paUApply at

301 lw" No- - faT.





lyentfor thisN. Bcwnic imita- -'

watchcgthe inline Wnltlinm


genuine Wnltlinm watches.

Mttio Qfronrjunlncy


Gold Caass




Brass Bnutl

,,-,- .-,

Having the entirekeep

by (hoEurope,' new beautifulFuinltuie




; t


' " "."?f'ffa'tV" f " V t mm

'f 7--


to theof MIcliarilN nml Iti'iftanlA HIm

ukkici: jioi'sh to 10 a.ni.; 1 to aUal pm.- - Bj80to?:0p.iu :im

4Y3IXANTICM rTNSTUUCTIONS in Gymuustic4 be given to Ladles ami ChildrenEvMv Sutui-.Iu- y

Moi-uiiiK- -

From 0 to Jl o'clock, lu addllini. to thehvpiilug Cliise,. 11, DOliK JI' Wnl-tIiIctl- H Aborlulion

Ll!&Emnri ,hu ('!'l"fn nor theAgeuiKiu lue uiitlhli Hark

"IKIEMVIIVMwill lui ropomiMu for any debts tou.tiactwlby the of vessel whh.j-ou- t

their writtou oider.3SS Wm. G, Ihwin .!,-- Co., Agent,.

2000 Chillis, Just rccoltcil per Amy Turner, of the latest btvles.N from i(l to $80 per doen.

f4L'othe Bethel, next

Dalgle's hlno Fur-

niture Faetory, whero will continue







crew said

j?1- -



If x







Page 4: i THE DAILY BULLETIN - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · .1i THE DAILYBULLETIN 3 Vol. II. No 394. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1883. SUBSCRIPTION CO 0ENT8 riR MONTH. I K f i--i


t 'v

85-- - tf V 1 r







Tutst Opened !


Grocery and House Furnishing

8TOUK,114 Kuuiiuu htrcct, (nl oo Ucntnnln M.)



KciosunuOtl a specialty.

53TSuu tl.c Fnmllv loro-- i nc Oil Can,with lock fauctt.

N.B Goods dcllcied free o charge,and satisfaction guaranteed, or goods


Just Received,Ex Itrlg " Hesperian,"



I3ule oi May.BOLLES & CO.


Portland CementFOH bUX BY

April 13. (204) BOLLES & CO.


Helvetia Xuce,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Clarilicrs,

Fire Cluy,

Hemp Packing, . it'll or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Motal,Barbed Fence AViic,

Mining Steels,Hoe, Pickaxes,

CaneJSuiyetf, with or without hooks,Hand" and Smith Hammer,

Shovels, Axe,JaokscroWJ, Vices,

Steam.pipu Blushes,

Patent Steatn-plp- e Cohering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails.Sugar and Coal,BagH,

Twine, .c, &c.

For sale by

II. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. 19th

J2T DIMI3 -- ftX


Package Express.Oftlee, No. 07 Hotel street.

All knds of Baggage and Pan els do-liv- e

'eti in nil parts of the city w ith dispatch. Having a

XU3IX CAJLITI am prepared to haul SAND and other

material, and make or repair foot- -

pathb, either by load, day, orcontract.

Stand at Ramsay's Stoic, Hotel streetV. T. MacDoxald, : ProprlUoi

Office hours (! a '.in. to 0 p.m.3Mi Telephone, No. ail

"O Jnpiter ! Try the Weed."Uitlucf Lyttiw,


Chewing Touuccon.Only the very choicest brands nie kept.

For Fragrance, Flavour and Finenoss,


in this city. A tilal will conduce themost sceptical,

H. J. NOLTE, Pi opt k tor.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 163S.

Hart lhios., : : Proprietor.

MEALSServed up In tlrst-chi- tylc ut nil houru

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &c. Ako,

Iced Xriiiks !75

Hull FroKrummcK !

TVTEW DESIGNS, just received iromIN ban FraDcUso, at Tub D.ufcv Iivi..leti.v Office.


ROPE MARKET!Yes, and v c st.ll

Ah Low iw Ne JoivesL !

and don't rnybody forget It.

"We cll New Rcdfoid Rope, and anyretailer knows how It will hold out innet weight.

We also hac the mol varied assort-- 'ment of '

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house tills side' of tin1 Rockyj. miniums, sucu as

Hemp and Manila Coidagc,all sics,Arte-vln- n Well Uoilng Hope,Manila II iw sere, Wire Rope,

'Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Gnlwinlzcd Marine llaidwatc,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 16 & 18 o.Yellow Metal and Nails 14 to 28 07.Conner Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)

' Whale Boats Boat StocksGnl. Boat Nails, all kind, and sizes,And 1001 othci tilings too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Perry Davit' rain Killer,Bran'd fc Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,Airofwliicb.wewill sell at the

Lowest Bates.

IWOJy A. W. Peircc & Co.



Ofil inetmakerAnd Upholsterer,

No. 03 Hotel street,Opposite International Hotel,

Between Nuuanu and Fort streets.

rpiIE public will please take noticeL that I have just opened in the above

premises, and as I am a thorough prac-tical mechanic in my line of business-hav- ing

done somo of the llncst w'ork utthe Palace and other residences in Hono-lulu recently would theicforo most

solicit a call from the com.munit.

Fine upholstered work in e cry varietyDrapery and Lambrequincs of every

description made to older.Carved and polished window cornices

neitly made and arranged. 'Repairing and polishing Pianos, Mu-

sical Bocs etc- -

The finest French and varnished pol-ishing done in the Kingdom.

Carpets, Oil-clot- h ana matting cut andlaid at shint notice.

All work guaiantecd and done on themost reasonable tcims. 1104 ly


A Large Assortmentor nit:


Fine Wall PapersAMI

BORDERS!Justlieccicd, and for sale by jj


t3U Call and examine. 147

$ ART NOVELTIES ffarV8 r ,s3

wI.N- -



Asri-- sCeiling Decoration &

A:OK Till: LUADINCI JTiiUnited States Factories



f m&mmffi?mi'FOR SALE, a No. t!

Warehouse Feed MillGilndb from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys bells, etc., nil In goodorder j can be run by hteam or horso"power, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

CO LA1NE- - Co., 24 Fort bt.

Water Notice.Otlice Isup't Wuter Works,

Honolulu, July , 188'.A LL persons having Vaer Privileges

aionotilitd that thcir'Waler Ratesarc payable semi annually, In advaiice,at the ofliuo of tro hupeilnteuuc.nl ofWater Worku, foot of Nuuauu street,upon the 1st iluv of January 8d July ofeuch j ear. OlIAS. B. WlLMON,

bup't Water Works.S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. SOI

terrible Commotion

ix iut:



We will not he Undersold I


AVe arujpicpared to sell tho

The Mn, uVrliclo olInitilii Cortlnpro

At pi ices much below the picvious rates

li oi, in other wouls


and, perhaps n little less

which can be found out by calling on

Bolles & Co.Honolulu, May2, 188.'.

MANILA CIGARSEx steamer " Coptic."

Au invoice of a

Very Superior Quality.

ESfCall and .eo foi , ouioclvcs.


Bolles & Co.

Honolulu, May 2, 1833.

" Variety the Spice ofLtfc.'

SPERM OIL!AVe ha e on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.J.ACH, OK

Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by the "Oiea," "Louisa," and

" Maiy ..V Helen," which will be


Castle & Cooke.


HO banels, caught by theBark " Louisa,"



and Nicely Strained.

Polar and Whale Oil ,

Constantly on hand, 'and for sale byaiS ilia A. W. I'KIHC'K A' Co.



WILL bo conducted 'entirely by mvJACOB FISHER, Jn futuie,

as I lmvn turned my attention to agri-culture. All ordeis should bo addressedto Jacob Fisher, P. O. Box No. 180, orNo. 13 Lllilia street, This chimge datesIrom Januaiy 1st, 1883.

I take tVIb oppoilunlty to tliank thepublic foi their pationage hitlieito

id 011 me, and solicit a continuanceof the tame to my ton Jacob.372 ISRAEL FISHER.


JU8T K.130EIVIi:iPer bajk Kalakaua

A Splendid Stockol .New

IMFprt Sircot,S01 ly OpjiosJtuJ'unthconStublqa



Mut be sold w Ithln the nct 30 days,

To Make Room-foi- ' the Immense New Stockto nriivc with Mr. Clias. J. Fishel, on tho Mali Steamer, due oil the 13th Instant.

At Cost ! At Cost ! Bolow CoBt ! Below Cost I

1'ilnts i Below CostPoplin? , "Uiugluims "Cottono "Embroideries Edgings n'(1 Inseiioni At Cost , f

Silks and SatinsRibbon?, all widths and shades "' ' "Buttons all kinds and Ktylcs... v.'...n. ... t....j ' "'Fancy Fringes v.. ...t , ;.-- " - 'Cretonnes "Cho lot Shirtings.... l4... w .'..:... .'..'...'All w ool Shawls Ruluecd to 00 75 former price 1 DO ' '

Cashmeres " i00 40 " 100Cavhnicres " 00 UTJtf " 075Colored Alpacas " 00 CO " 0 70"VVliito Flannel " 00 23 " ' 0 80


Hm'oi1hb TluUiotloiiM In

Gent's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes.Immense Reduction in Men's, Youth's and Boy's ClothingHats, Caps, Underwear

' i.line on ins

Fancy Shirts.ntraw HatsSoft and Stiff Felt lints.Helmet Cork Hats

ucuuecu 10 uosi i t

Great reduction in other articles too numerous to mention

tSyThis is a Genuine Clearing Sale. Call early and withoulifail

At the Leading Millinery House of Chas. J. Fishel.

ivinrw goods, tvejt goods.THE

ONE PRICE MECHANICS' BAZARCorner of Fort and.Morchaut Streets, '

Beg to notify their friends and the general public that

An entire new stock of Clothing,Gent's Furnishing, Hats, Caps, l '

Boots, 'Shoes, Trunks, Bags, Yalises.Has just arrived by steamer Suez. '

All the JLatcMt Novelties will arrive by every steamer. I

Remember, the price is plainly marked on each article, from w'hjch.thofc irno deviation. To purchasers to the amount of f5, or over, 3 per

cent discount. (No book accounts kept.)

Hlore open from O a.m. to H jy.ui. Haturtluy evenings till lOS. W. LEDERER, Manager. (252) J. L. ROSENBERG

ENTERPRISE FEED CO.,Corner of Queen and Edinburg Streets. ;

H . J . AGNE -- Vto inform his iiknds and tlie public generally that he has OPENED

business at the above btaud, and has made complete arrangements for a con-tinuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the very best qualitywhich he will offer for sale

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PKICES.He hoj)( , by giving his let attention to please the public, to merit a part of theirpatronage. A large stock of

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now on hand. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay a6kcd. , t i



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UNION FEED COMPANY,, CoiiNtnntly Kccelvingf' i

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Whioh it offers,, Wholesale or Retail

AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATE8.Goods de'ivcrcd. All orders pi oniptly 'attended to. Telephone No. 175.

370 3m

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Have just received ex Suez,

A new lot of Blank Books, Blotting Tablets ,

Letter und Note PaporN, ,

lilies, iIuellu(jrt--S CSolcl Pons, Sec.ALSO, bMAl.Ii ASSOItrjIEhT OF

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E2TAU orders illled promptly..' !

1i....ll-.- . 1nj.1i TkT253 vnu.-tf- n viuuni iiu, HY'..'l.-.-

J. W. ROBEBFSON & Go's -

Subscription DepartmentWE aro piepared to receive further ordeis for any Paper or Magazine publish

cd in Ctillfornla.,t.ie Easttrn States, Canada, and Europe.At llin mi-sen- lime wo receivo bv uvcivinail over onu hundred and llftv

different Papers and Mugiuincs, published in tho EnglltJh, Freuqh, German, andScaudlimviaii Lnncuaiics. ' ' ' ' '

Ah our subscription list is large, woMugtuincb at a low ruto of Subtcui1






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