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I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty...

Date post: 07-Nov-2020
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ItlilT W llV E S HMvroTWrSMITOlM iiM Si ^liwbeit-^Hoover- Also’' -Has i .' L^jg^ L^ad As-Republican | . .'l^reiiidential Candidate So t “~Tto^ltoce-Shnmra •' to These Two Political • . Leaders. V -. ■.. . ' . 'I .—' I ar.waiMa i ‘ • WAKKlKGTi:> '. '<: ~ Stll^r - 5 - 0 1A ' —Ai; * amltb'B -aaloctcU.- iiclOBiiU alrcnirtlij liult • o( ;hU imcjcpoctedly onc-slilcd • victory'Ini CnIirornlR. , - 'i^flbulfttJon by «1io -Unltod I'rcen ot . chQion ' Z>Bmoc'raltc Uolccnlcs kIvch Sm ith C04. Junt 40 Hliort of n )>l»milc 4]utrcd-for .tiio-nomioaUoii. ’ .. .. iTho >QluTns alno ndiloil nin>orlnlly Jo. tho-JitrenRth of ^ocrotary o( Com; . tnqrce Herbori Hoover In llio Ilepiili- -Utcao^nfto, , Tlic tn7iiiliiUon—flliovmil. him wltli, 27& (IptsKntuH minimum. In* ' (l|{ipul^uDlinHtruct9<l dolusntc* who , —tl'UVft ' fln ^ ftirnrfl‘1 Af J votins for him on-tlto tlrMt linllot. " ' B«pu>iUcnu a'nlinliitlon "(182): ■-Ob6rala-J8,-Colorado-2_.MI<1>- - - tffnn.ai; lOmliifly llnwnll.^ , '0,li[u- 30. Now HaronshlM 11. .\n»M»clJui»4it« , 30. California 23: unlnmnicltd (00): . Ohio S>~ AlinnotOta 3 .' Louisiana, 12, Maine IS. MliRo'url-8. Norib Cnrollnn . -T ; Vitum ia IB. l*liHliitJlnii Iglandii a,.-, .■WiBcoMlft 1. N ew Mexico 7. Hhodc , —lBUni]-18.r^NebraHka=G;-Tonneuoa-!L4: ' ■Pranlc-O.-Lowdon'dODrlnttru'cted , (H 6):jJow a J7.'yiluolB 60,- Mlnno-J jwla SfTMlTMUirl 8? North D akota-13;^ noria vartfIUia'7.” OWaiJOnni"Sff“ (x>Tr' UDl»tructsd (4S): Iowa 10, Now ' -Moj(lc»!.,l^,14orlh> Carolina .3.*, South unloT! stnicle^. (2): MliiBOurl 3. <. 'William ii. Dorah (lU : InstruclcU “^'TM^^W^cVoridKO (171; unlnBtruct- ' oa (17):.Connectlcui 17.. . OeorKO Wi-Norrl# {M): InBtructod. (27|: WUcOQBln 10. N^brogka ,11. VnlosirucUid anil' doubtliil (2C»): “ Mtnno*Dtfc-2.-Now>York-90rMI"iiourl- 3: Wlieonsln 7 .' North Carolina C.I ^ Pennaylv-ania 79. nilnoli l...Sow Mox-v Ico 1. Nebraska 3. Delnwure 0. Ar-> . kansu S.. Colorado 13.' MI(ibUMpi>1, 20 '(u ), Alaska.2. i x*<-OI*labomn 1« ln«lriict«d for boib Curtis and Lowdon. . i V m ocnitlc I.lnrn|) Tho Dcoiocratlc Jlneiip, on tlic Imalit oC latest relums: ' Altrod-E. Smith IM4); inxtructcd (4R4Y; SW York 00; Idnho 8. .Mln- - noBOla 31,•North Uakoin n*. i’. i.'6.' VlrKln lalanUs 3. Mlchlcan 30, WUr ebnsln 28, Maine 12. Alaska 6.-MnaHn- chuBottii js. PsnnHylvnnla GO. llhoilo Island 10, .illlaolH 58. 'VS’ashlnRton M. ' g,,'CaJutf?U4 2ti! iniiintnicted“'(<o>tc ArlsaDa-B.'Uulalana 20. Uigh 8. I'oi'- 10 lUco fl. . I ’ JamoB -A.' Recti (30): InstTuctcd (36): Mluouri.30. -I - •:{}llbett.M. Hitchcock (16): ln*triici- . .ed .(16): Nebraska 16. ^ •" ] Atle« .l!6ib«rcnc (HS)^ Inrtrpcled W olH?*!r.^cof5e .'(JSTr'IaslrUtlffd —(aU-Qflor»ltt.28, .... ^\ ________ -W. A. Ayers (20)f ln»tructcd^20^: Kansas 20. ' ' trntniitriJCtM~®THl~floot)iiul "(<9rr Arkansaa 18. Oklahoma 20. Pennsyf- ■viola 11.- I Ngwmryrorchutcc mr- ------------ , . CIVEL3ViK\t:TKUAS.DIKS . ^ » 7 UaJt»a P « « SAN ANTaNtO.'Tox.. May 8—BrU. Oty: l^ w d ^^MMrc.^8^ ebldhel D utlu tb« Ctvll war. died here today. Q «nW Moore was a veteran ■or lh* SMAlih'A'feortcaa'war asd was actively « iu p i^ In the Philippine la- •SrrecUW touKht In- several In- ■<iun He. -waa hom In - C T J ® h ^ ^ a d « * l . l J KWa6-lB-Sk!l- "awBK iB ... . j hMM^o^M.aeaantv. ont ot tbp bill. , '.rrh«^u,..Uiuo m U k w Xa .cbn* mfttw o£.ih» wboU ana-a r«ll>cftllj W lm -Hl? H«5P8-W>) Thirsty Romantic Russiah Cer Wedding of Famo CANNj'^. Frnncc.. .Muy 'ij-Th.t ’ro-1 inHDUc,4luru:«;aih wliWh Mlebnel ,i\r?| t' Ion ciillvptiD ■biK nowlH. doinlniili-ili ii ;li(! rcllgiouH ccromimy wlilch imltjidi Llic HiUlior ot llio ••Urcon.Jlnl” nnd -niinl^UH Atliintlt itoreatl todf^’. • A» the jHitrlurcIi O^iroiimolt. vwir jrnhJu arcIi/|trfo«£ ot th o - . JIiii*JiVin ^ :burch. flnlsbed lho phrnHcs of ilie , :!firen.‘Jny, ii chorus of Cousacks, oil'., tormor otflcurH In llio While'ItURRliiu irmy. commanded l.y Ihc Inlo Gen. *’ tosftftJieUf-UCangpl, flilcil tlifc.cill-... rico with the: nfelQdloii#''alralhH of B I S pld I k ^' qifffSCMPBN:: - B am p m P AM Charges Conspiracy to Rob.t ' Arizona ot Valuable Resources. . .ay, Unltia rr»f3 —W.^S HI.VGTnV, Ma j i__”, InvrMlL'flrl lion of inicrcBlH. woJklnr: for tbc Houl- } licr Cunyon Dam projoct wiia'dcmanil* ‘ I'd 111 11 I d l e r fro m G o v e r n o r GcorKO f W. 1», Itlint. I» llip l--r.lt.ral Tra.lji ‘ CommlHRlon. mndo nulillc today vy i Scnntor'Aiihiirat, Dcmocriil. ArUomi. , -nfiTJMt7liofonnlitrHo«!*imt!eii com- -* inltt«, noproeonlatlve Douslua. nom- ocrat; Arlxonn.-chatjced .that the elly ; af.WArii^Bltaj^-aiL flnnncInK a lobby oh bOhalf of Uie bl)l. ^ ..JluntBUCTenled th ^ itjnamuch an Uio y eominlsBlon U'lnvnailBniln{: tho:pov*. _ or lobby 1t“*lio‘lilrt nlso'lnquln Into thc-lobby-l>efrien<llf»rr-th<t-^IH»'rtdU>ft 1 JohnBon-Swlns hlJ!. . ^ •'I ciinriso tboro In a coanplrncy l« i rob lhe SW.c ot Arizona ot vnJuublo fo»nurcm^a-makiLjJinni ,:ivnllftblD.,tq , |iowcr compnnlp;! In'Cnllfnrnla. nnd . that chormoi^B Humn'uro liclne fipeni lo j emj)loy Jobbylstsrlawj-era. cnclneer« { nud newHpnpcriiicn nnd to pny tor p^opaBomln." Hunt nlAtcd. . ' » < H u m .BUKBCslotr oeverAl hunrtrod ■ wjinenKCR.bo called. Includlni; niem* bcra'or r.x>« AhSPlei- public acnlce. ' IlRbt. nowcr and water l)0ards;- of- j tlclaU 'of varloiiH. nuiioclalJoni* work- j InirWtln'-Johnnnn-Swiur-ljIlll-oUy ■, offlclulK bf San DleKO: .edllnr» and audltoni'of ihc Los .AuKi'Icx llecord, , ihniTnlnef.'Ttwoii, Uer»l«l and lliprim ^ lho Intcrnallonal NVwk Snrvlw. a«d» j horn and mnniitccrH: ‘'.Mr. Sidney,How* , arif." nnd the cdliorn iind nudltora of nowHpuiicro n»iioclated with the \ Scrlppsjlownrd ctiAln of papern. and j many o'.iitii'rt.' ' ' , - (Hum probably rptcrrcd to Itoy « . | Howard. co-publl»bcr of Uic Scrlpptt- | Howard- ncw»[>apcr»). . ------------------- ----- 1 .... r.x imT-VI.Htit^KILLKH— J SAN ANTO.S'IO, Tex., >fay 2—Cadcl. i trwlu' lUnt. 2.1. ot t’romonl. N. C.. alu- dcnl In lho prltnnry tlylne* Mliool nl Drooka neld .wns kllletl today when Ihc Do llavlland plane he tlylna ' c.iughl fire 700 feet from the ground nml eranhed.',' ___jj- ' Y W ^t'O S snrU K l’O ilTtl) OTS ' _RJlX-SQlIAl.l.Mnj-_ I=y(’nUcr Beo_ . Wilson. American vice consul- here. baa:Jir,m, iula^-Ioc-.33.Jw»r».jpd . offJclal* of. tbe consulate loday he- came apprchanslve. ' Wilson n home It tti OrecnVllle. N. C. •p6amASTEB-.McB0BEETS •••NA24EI) • • S r tnUMA T r w WASHmaTONi^ May ,3r-, jPreiideBV'CooUd*® wd»y « u l ^ to the Seuto tbe nomls&tioui • of-Peter-W.-McBobcrt#. -T^ Idaho/’ Mfl, .;Aadww -Ai^Vfion. Jrn-NoTlii S®*5$ MMmaoi MnK~&aC U ;elliQ t u tes tbe~ n titU - pl«e^af|iru%,'»ii37^t' fo11ow«J-5/ tlon 'aupporura. ' i . Thare w ra 3«l-lDtmttm totiaf ort ;oI41»* «a:and H atijto l»m fflpArUrt |£UlaMd the ««uaItotlOB fee ■wpolA b* Repul emony Marks I us Author in France th e prclnt'o. now 7?. bad mnrri-!d I.1P i>*rnnl,-* o f.th d bi-nutlfuj voutiteiw . imiy ycHi'H'n'Ro. . . - , ' The ccromony, rich In rltiial. laMud bout an hour. bcCniiNO of tbu com- nonlnl [wlilclL.Jncludcd- the, plctur- ' squfl (foCalla of crowning nnu Anmnt- i IK undrr n canopy oC Kohl brucado ' ('Id by four nttenilnnta .of the bride- room. . , ■■ . The <-iinnti-iin w/irn' n rich ' lvi>ry S i ' H ' fRfTOlSffr iSEMONSHKri FALMaAlR Zhairman Nye. of '..Teapot' ~^~7P ome Cuiiniiittetrls-- ----- Inquisitor. - S r v<>u«a-vr*«s ' W’,\fiHINCTbN." Miiy -2-tHKJcncp - UHliorllUH U) nftun .1 I,UI.UL'L11UU 111 '* : wouii Jfcirry Sinclair and former Iceretn^ of Interior .Knll In 'comioCT lou w ith 1922 KOVOrnmi-nt ]<'n«o» lu ♦ n lrt;i''. 'i'lr '-VV.^t..-Wua.imrquucuu -liy Jhalruian .Nyo of (he aenmo •T.eaimi eommllteo today, whon Sinclair iSalnVni^callcd to tnu siutriT Nye jirodueed a MlcBrum rrnm Fnll o 'b ; c; FlnnojvhlD nB»lBtftnr1n-thc or . Salt, Creek lonsoa- secretly ' be leld up-for a< month nndva half. ■ .•Nyo:alno hroncbl .out that- the tole‘ :raiiJ waj sent after Sinclair bnd vla. led ' Fim r-UX • tllb •m il niiicti -irrHerr ^ork., 'Slnclalr’o bid waa not tniiilc mill attor tbe telegraju. Nyu nald. Blpclalr later Rol.tbo. leascB. -6tnelalr-denlad-lio.ha/l-iiny_iioiinci:;. lon wUh tbc Foil', toleeram or tlial JO controllsd prodiicllon In Uitf rlcli Juit Creek field. ' ' •T don’t knov anylhlnB «1>oul Umt .clcgtam.ll?hc..flnld._____ __________ i. Sinclair lald he ' visited the -raii^i iround No\-ember 15. 1022. The vlnlt vas to-look, over tbe'ranch prb^rtv. 10 said. He'bns inalntained that hei aler ndvnnced Fall *2.13.000 tor n one hrhniltercBrlimhlT-TanchT------- Benaior \Vi|Uh of Moniann Inform- ’d Sinclair lhal hlh nttorney, -Mar- )m.,W | iiirit- ri"ibo recent conspiracy trial llinlj ilnelair never • rflccfvetl any a>ntl-' lentuly Trodlnt: cojr'pany bonds, Slnclolr auld ,ho did nOl know tho londa wero ContlnenUil bpnds when IP .fecelved .tlicm.. [)rotrt<lcd Walnh hair i<lace<l an lm- iiroper conml-uctlon on Uie reinarkj. iValsb' nnld Uo obUilned steoopraphlc aotcB of 'he trial sbowlnR Littleton jaii »-er passed throosh Sinclair’s bands.' “Well, at the tlino that »uten'.«jnt was mn.ilo d o n t Uilnlt jl-jknew- they were ContlneniaK Tradn»B compnny bondK.” Sinclair said..' . Jap Travelerjbis Sm d r Schedule!- Across Gontment sr Fw»» NEW YORK! May 2—R'yuk'lyhl hUU sui. the Japanese '1>rote<»or wbo Is raelnR a countryman around the Wf>rlH- win imen«lH to fl> Matiul and his rjval lefi Tokio nt tbe Bsmo time .with t>V! tanner mak*. Inf.tbe east to-«-est trip. They are raelnr for a prize of $!^>Oo offered by.-* Xoklo ncwsM per .-aad are oeeX; iDr-to-prove that ll-ls posslblo-W cIreU,"the ctobe quickly on I3.UK> each.. - ... ; . Mataul Is due to «rrtve-here Fslday oB the-Aaultanlal Originally he plan- riiyi -tn <:i'OMyfte~J^Ue~J S ttltfh w ekar tt*«ea a«d ult oir tbe-ateamef diU of -tbA siMm«r'.lia»--btiB"*il- i-*ao^ 4 a a^-^»<lt.>w a:3actcTlyLn. ■■■ i,.' dBparluta.ti^'Badler nald at 12:1! ■fflpiwrairT«mneira"S:®:^ u T w m .U A p 'ilrtu.be Salt Lake Cliy. '1Hw ; ln-lr-dt>w^to ’w r>rB’ ltt' a nmlt a. m.'8kt«d«c •'nurtr -n|Bnt«a -later '>Ou«iA w>ir be os’hli-way to'-Pn^ Wait, te a«sth*r■ flttO N u e - •nie^ ft* .’will ebaftM-a:iap«etalTetail-wd Or ta }licans iroiir MM Fundamentalist# Checked At f Today’s Sesoipn of Gencr- al'Conference of Method- —ist-Efwoopal-Delegatea-inp Knnsas-City^ --------- —i— . Dy VnU»d“ rr8iB - i;»l:l.,VI-.SK.S . - ' KANSAS CtTV. Mo,. May 2- • niahop Lulbcr II. Wllnon of .N ’cw Ins lho K)iliicoi>,il ndrtri’KH Imtor.i' M«hodl»t1'k>lJ«-'i|>a;l churcli loday. Io Tlio roadlni: tvan cmniilnti'd by Ir IJlBliop I'irtH'Kl (1, JilcbardK oii of , t. niinihir^i?Sir\»^jii"«TrrTM'<i 11 .■IIU i; tlip >iall tn.hl;; MjpjiL.a{_!h‘j MnH’l ,,. n .MiiPhli'liaoIi.- 111:1 i-oiullHiin wa:i .{. mu i.orlous.-lt wim mlil. - - " h KANSAS CITV, .May L'-An <; ..mirbn nil thn parl’of fiindniia'ntnl- n -{HtK io' air llirn^iT.!Vat.c7-»— liC ^ -f .-rpro-tha-Uonernl.Comcruiiccjof.tlK.' _ « Mrilmrlhir Kiit.-'i:im;il-t;iiiu;i:li-ln;rt:___ t ' woH triHilriiled lOiliiy wbL'ii ilck- ; Baton votfl<l to rrtcr <o a «lnndlnu /nmmllti | j ....................llllll Tdl ITT T luvpsilKailon of Pburoh, xcbonlx | mill collcffeii for tlielr nllfccd inoili' ^ ornlsllc foacliliiKK, . jj —obiireh-leadoo as.iilBnlUcuiit—u't— , -,-lhe‘-llboraUvlakv«-of.n-maJorlu--oC_ , thc..lolfB>itnsLeKi.cclnlly_gn O ucw ^ , tion# ot churcli docirlni:.- i The petition-ira«'lntroducod by-Or: , Harold P. Sloan of WnddonfUlJ. N. .1.. , cbnlrman ot tbo ^^JW J»w«y/ilMhodlHl , Kutes that tbe petlilon*?PtircHent'p<l lhi; 'J w iB h c H 'u f r.:;."' Mothodlst conKrcKn- J tIOUH. , *. Tho'iiiitlllou ntcllcd tlwt niiinyMelh- InB doctrine 'cijnlrnry to tbo viowa tif ' tbe MelbodlBt. ciiurch. ./»r>ectiilly In iiubJeetH. concbrnlnic liio deity of Christ. Ih'e Vlrsln blrib,,nnd Ibe sec- ^ ond-cnnilnc-oI-Ciu'JBt----- ---------------- !— j WOKI.Ii l-lKHlLwIs CO.VSIDEUKI) , •KANSAS C iry. Mo.. >hxy 2-;Wio ‘ Qpnernl Cont'Tence, of the Methwllst l'!olBCPii.tl ■ Cburch. todny co_neprnfd ,11- Belt wllh world prolilems, wlOi such (lucsHonH nti divorce, problbli on cti- _ W orldTourC Iho J/PHCTin'uf Nalluii,'. -j ritcf. wJth ovory major pfob- ' Icui beurlnK on human conduct and | administration of Rovcmment. , With the. rPudlDK.of tho hplscnpal addrrsB >n ronvenllon | Coofcronce" wns bestinitrirmally. 'I'tiy uddrcBS-, a iPncUiy- docnmcui pf iniyjy thoiiMnd wonlH,‘VnK’prepnrrd hy '(O Molbodlst blsbopn. In soRslon hern nnd y as r»;nd-tn tbe delecatea hy -eadln&took-severol bourn. • The address waa'a stateniom of the pollclos favored by tbn hierarchy of he church and jvan.reploio with In- formnllori on world-mattorn. If w II IH) used by delejjalea n^i a culdo In their dellboralioos durlnc the balance ot Ihls bionlh. Appeal was mnde ca- pedallf^ot~Br«at«r^iKbtaousaasa-antl iCBJi adherence to sensous nnd rorld »rV.:; country’s calnmlUw. threatenlnB H'o existence of Chrtstlan phonic Jlfo and even Ihc vcr>’ foundation of cIvIHi - t Llon ll»»U Mimnntifonnlp or irlal nurrlaeo waa-ciuiclied aa an nl- tempt pn the iiart of some to obtain lesal sancUon to wholesale marital ex- chonses. I.eaden( Mn ihe movomenl Alxcei-Reveal* „■ : H o n ^ t Living NEW YORK; ilay 2.—Alice Foote >UeDoufiall. wbo has. boan. widely comtn'ende'd tor. ber.' strlklnic success ar-Tr-trtitnfM-HFoimmr-Ras'Het-thej 7 0Mie-ni-OA; oBg of-te r ■succesf rlU u-'ahar^-M ltrease. «10 a:week wSrbht^Lwbeh JiMJSf .tOft hfci' «0. and thiO was dlschartcd b«- rog^.bap-waek-waa “P^r . i M'iV m,-^ jtod I^o*SlS(i^'^«^llcl»Bi «»oU- |iu.-(roa- tbe. ceort expotnra.- Mra. MaeDetuall «plala«d. that ^ t itba-braiicb I'eatanrant raa aa blgb as rrrrr: iiiiWEElL CIViPRMSE BYPRESIDW Received at’ ^hrte House at • Noon and Shown ‘Other Courtesies By Government iiigton';------- ^ ^ ------------------ oy United r^cH WASH I.S’GTO.V. -.Miiy 2—Aiiifrlru ti umorK l'» (Iltl bravp'.ivoro-l'i'fciowfl.l «<i- Iuy uffli'inlly upon tlie lircmon’ii.val* niitcn-w, ____________ rri’itldcnl (.’(lOlidiic at Jioon n^ccivi'il >!rm'l!ri)tir\vmfrrHovntrT>n’[~vrvifcm~ 'll to them dlailnculHboil , flylui: ^roKHi-ii,' ili’ciiralloiiii of iiiprll kIvOu Ori-lKrir-rii loilav for lh<-.Iin'l tlmi-.- lluiM'lv.'il, I|.'IC mdiiy l.y bltb iIIkiiI- <irl<-it <ir n iriV">;<ivrflmi7dn~:nTit~Pnvnpr If othiir uatloii;', l!ar(ill„.V<PU_Ui,lilL';i Pld. Ciipl, Hprniiiiiu Kli'bl.anil .Maj'ir ■■Iti'.maHrk-f, tlio'Urpnipii cr<-w. va.tli- •<l tliroitKlf u Hioriiluj: <H c-inuriui ii:- H'lilloii whlcb cniiic to climax M noon ll ihp'W hlli' Houh.'. Tlipro I’rCKlili'ut jd-.thuiii-iblaiLlKiiiO.lioiio'’ wbli-li bltli- i.Ttn linil' hcon Tivfii only n ti'w ii, Amprica'ii o»ii bravi.' flicru. Oiirlry loday.' l-i'.'-r ibpy H?nt lo llol- IhlK tlvld. wberc lhu Cormiiu nuibasiia- dor. till! Irlab nilnlalur, Sccroliiry I’l' Slate KcIIokk -and otlicrn. Iniilmllur. retnrj- of-Stnto KoIIokb spoke briefly^ a ercotlnr anil-n.rccosnltlon ot their . tVom thf. Held, ihoy wnnt to llipir' hotol tor a.^irens contorenco ln.whtcb| Iboy aimoiinced pldn? tor n wcHtwar.l fllBht. vlBlUnR.ChlcaEO. St. Louis; Do- j tmitH:>ui.w<i-and-iUiUttdciniiiii'-tofqr«ri nil tbiiy wow ^>lan. flylnK back to l.ur-j ■llpn-lvrd ll) P«‘sldfnl., Tli.'ii' at nwn camp ihc.suoronic mo- "‘^|L-y-'ix'rc~Mcorled’l^ lh« I'rpJ*!- dcnfa bimlnesK ofllccit In tho Wbllo Houho and imrodticcd to tbP chlff.PX- erutlve by' Col. Uitrobe. IiIb luimnr?^ "'K V o^tbe hu«lnp*s otffcea. the piiriy adjoiirncd-to the south Inwn of fho vast While House .rroiindn nnd |hprp UiP president prewntpd lho, crnsseh. wlilcb ^l"'^ lu’cn biirrloil bcro .from HoiW' f“'' ,,i Hi. Von I'rin« ^„H-r-P"’’'’'iV-mth.S'.-crrtary of Sta»o KcllORB, .Coion<‘> l-iTmbc,. l^a-pi, >s»- (Continued on Pago Kleh'-) fejs^^elesfleld^ Responsible Fpr Big Dam Lobby ; ^ jirTTn>i*aTT««B p tUarscii-or_a_loljby_UnBiic^ = AuBelex. opcralluB here tor tbo Jl-*.- im.OOO Swlnjf-Jobnson Boulder Dam hill wero made today beforo the HonsB roles eommllteo by Rcpro* scntativt Douman. Dcuioi-.«l. Arl- UouBlas. appearlnB-to oppose .tho tnoSauro. declared UilaUobby..ls push- tnic the bill not becajiBj of flwd duRer to the Imperial Valloy. but lo "ftSlOrif COBttMUee lu Blotnp»i»« laud v»lpes~ by.liicreaalnjt IrriKatlon ami powy . supply. ' 2)0.>0K KCUNEIDES ,C(?P DIK8 - a r vatM -»tM s —PABlg.~May a,-=)acqn«t Scbneidcr doBor ofibe Bchneldor a lrp ^ o ape*< cup. died suddenly. *t DeauQaa. nsai Nice, -aeoorfllaif to adTlee'’ wcelvet hero -today. ___ _____ ________ - • . ___ fnm* at>F lay I—tp«it ----- • U TE3IPE1U.TURB8.L:: ''_ i HeUna A NeWOfleaas ------ !---------- U I : - 1 iportUad — ' • • ' < 0 ' ,.* i^ n 'FrandKQ M - < —'^-T POLAND STANDS ALL ALONE MAY bAV BLOOUSHt-U n y Unl»«rt r r o i . . .Mlluiiiulr iiillll(in».of. p''<iii1<'.i'll- naiH'il In May |)ay iluiiioni'lniilimri; ~ '7'nliinir ri'ponrir . l'lu»'.lr<li<'d ';in<l. i»'rll.'. .. , ■ l» WatMiw_tlii.-.- |ii-iMi[i-'».'i<' . rpi'lrd’ in a rnri.tmmlMl itiit-li.iiiK. -i:iirpwlit'ti- .m i.l ic'i;;ni'il. In .Mdscow ili.:.il:iy «.u.-iiiriin;'-. a . Ii.ill.lay Wllh a ;;n'al mllli.ary I'lini iitlvai'lliiir (lioiil-iiinls to .Mu' -iiuinlHt dnfoalR ln th(! rPrcni-rltntii— "iipr <if dpi*uili'!i rlpctliini'- Al- i IkiukIi many coaiDiuiilxl m.'.'liiiu.^ ' (iccurriid, thuru wuru no Incld^'iit:; •to mar lbr day. Hundrndii paradiNl In Vli;iin;iaU- -farmuc-aiiiimuuiaijilLluiiULiiLHilU;— Bary. Iml ibpy wuru •oi.k'rl.v. ' lu .M.'Xini and ihioUKhniii South . Aniprka Ihi'i'.* w.t.- ’.Irnioiisli'ii- HwiH^unripy wur.- all_ .'arrl'-.rioil TdliM ri-ii(M'l.'.l many ai'n.'M:i; Ifflperial-Shrine^r— —VoteS-tpiGoXo^ ^Atfgeles-imlSSft ny United 'rr»k« MIA,\ll.,'‘Fla., May ,::-l.ii» An^i'li'i; wns chorfn :(;i thlr ln:!' ronvonilon cliy I'y-.|.1.-Iinblr;i «f l h e . S i i r h i p al_ a Ki'sslon ot tho Imperial council ot tbo order 'today. ' ' . Time of next y(yir[a ."'il.'l I'he^la'tior'*T*n^t^of Mny. Selection of I.o" k Ancijlcd- cntup wHbou*. Burprino, tbo Oall[ornla city’s delcBatea from Al Mailkah ipmpio hnvIni: ildvuncpti the onli=T ruu^qinrpaiil(l-for-thg-h"n(>rr— ' liiirllcr'In the j<cstiloM. 1-ranK Jonen wun iuntallcd as ImpiTlnl po* lonlale; siiccecdlnB Clnrcnce M. Hnn- 4wr,JltaUd<mtiL,Ba-.^mifiJLi'ULa*);!!L. her of Arnbian temple. Houstou,: lex [ TODAY^S G A M E ^j ^ ---- amkhk:an-IiKA(;i-»: ----- At ChlcaKo' . ll. n. L. Dijtroll'.......„:......103 100 020-7 It A Chlcaeo ...........onO 000 100—1. * 2 IlatUTlcB: Carroll nnd Sbea: Con- nnlly.-f:ox.„nniaiBbu.amL-Cro\is.Ci._-. — At b lertlandr— ------------- Hrtir^r St..l^uls __ lUO 210.003.—7 iu 0 ciovciaud m t'oa riM -a ■i - t tfiUlcrlcsj fJmy ««f( Kchnnfi; Vtil-.’ und L«. Sewell. At WuBbluctou: Kud Ktb. U. Nuw Y o rk .............- .....000 000 23—fl IliiUcrles: Hoyt. Johnson. Coveln- klu und f>raliowBkl. Collins'; Jones, lirsxton' and lluel. _ I>oslon-piiilnde1phlu .gamo_,l>oHtP(>n' ,N.VTiox.\L At New York: 'll.H .j; I»rookl>-n ,...................................... 1 1 1 .New Y o r k ..................................... ', 2 3 ( , HaUcries: Kiriott. Dook nhd Hnr BrAc.ves; Demon and lloRsn. ~ArTiiiiaaelphla^ T nTiifr: .............. ........ - ......... n 7 paiUUolpbla- ------------------------ JJS1_ Datterlps:* JVlrtli. GoldNmlth, IM warda nnd Tnylor; Urbnn: Dcubc nm Wilson. -Ai-puiiBurBn: ■' »---------- ftntrK Chlcaso' ......... 201 02» OUO 0—8 11 : Pltubnrsh .... 403 100 000 1—9 10 ! Batteries: Jones. Neht and Goo xales; Mlljus, Oawson and Goocli Smith. At St. Louis: Und 6tb, T I Cincinnati _____ __________ 010 030— 8£ Loub. ......... ioo oii~ .'“lUtterleB: Maj^ -and '.Plelnlcb Reinhart..Bald. M d 'HMRoao..^-:; p iS EAS I^ ___ ^ .* sjr.ofiaritjiiwrT-'.-" * :U ’I |-yit»on; Jcma'i~aty itwratn^otfi U jcmeimwji tbatr b erfai^lM tkirt^ ^r^OO^ ^ jUbal^ry|_y «] |f « n ^ q t f ffrr 8 nMOBC-Qr.i JtoMto g e r a ; lEBJHDEIL- BRWSiK -riSCiPM l Anegcis Tuesday’s ' Primary:, Was Not Fought Oiit bij Old Democratic Lilies But .. _ on_Wet and Dry Platform; __Sniith_\iictQ£y_.CQniplfitfi_ —Tind-Swceping.-T--------- * By United l;rat'l. • 1,0.'^ AN’GHI.l-TS, May 2—T h irh ty u: IHiMl. ann «h(i ri-ci»tercil nn' - — U ai!fu,'!,;iL-.:j:avi' ,M Snillli ,h l;i j if a ____ ' to:y III lb.' L’alitoriiiu pnmldiintial.'' — lui'rm.ry. iC.-T.Tirftsrcfflhh------- Jyaii I.r lh- <'iU,-.)rnla oommltleo ol the ll.'.-|.r..r-ri-.'»lil.'iil Club. i'bai ::«.| lif'!.' loilay. • "Till 'rM ili-i.f 111.-' vtlll' niVL-Hi_____ Ihi: tM'iliiaiy P.Irullitn . llldlCUtOU -:5 s r s ; ; : j ly.'viicrelii rnndl- ll.il.-,—riillli-;tcil--- butKicto____ tlii%iii:-,.'lviv.." V.iunK .lecllired. ___ -'lnM.'ad,,ii « aii;i prlmnry upojir .. iiiiP haiiil hy sinltb, aiiM Wnlsh.. ~wlillp-::rn:'rnr7Ui.-Pd-wa«-Tunhfns;— ; — miim'ntVuiJiTnili iiiliivli>le»-nml-^— '■ nmr'lii:: hnn.'My In rovornmeni;. . '■■■"I'll.-VkcUim’wah aiKti>rk-d be- \niiil’i>':u'iii1ilaitr,e uf n Dpniocratlc'. . • iulniary .by thlrsly Republlc^B: who puroiled undei- the SmItb hnn-; - "It remalnivto he seen whetlier-..' ' n'outUfru ami',\i'eKern DemocmtB. will fcUbniic. to such doprcdailonB. SMITH LKAilKll-KAl’Py- .V:w’ .YORK', Mny 2—•’'rbo.rosuU .ln ('nllforrila pxcrpdx mir ex^ctallonti.' GcnrRp U. vnn .\nnu:e,. lUtUtrnjan.. Ut tliv pro-convention uullvlllcB coimnil* (.'<! (or Oov, -Al Smith, said- lodayn,' "It Indleali'H Ihp Inlunso cnthUBloam potmtnr for .<5ov«-rnor Sinllh uiid .which mako# - (Cotiunuod on-Pace Elsbt). Extrasiw ~I)m i^eir DoneToAmencahi s r ITalttd ent J- WASHINCTON. Mny 3—Ono AtDOft'' Icnn mine In NI«;nriiKun was dflBlrp/- c.l anil nnothpr partly,,.^eokod atithp. hands of SamueT’? Fletcher. Amorlcan -eoaaal al.UluelieblB. ' ' f ' V •i’hi- I„:i l.uz mine, which ia '.o » ^ . by tlie nim.min mine; both of whlcb I.f- catcii -in lhe Plspls area lU jM rtB e^ ern Sicaracua. ' Thorc'ira« ciiiloii In the«niCB»aKo of tb® m * M |r ) In whl^U tho’mlnw wore,damaifai;:, 'AccordinK to the.conaut/ iiiSiffr .OeorBc, ll.' Marsbijll of Ihji La LukfU still in the hands Qt Utc rebel fe w ^ 7 1.IH on oa hag>nlpT rtbe-« d o ft^ p t^ 2 A n 'o i h p r An')tfrlCBns a p p a r e n t l y ; ^ 1. fc^e.,the,c o n g io « iJw r:3 Z -,-::i:-;;i i OREOOH W OMAN D E P n K 'J , SHEIHFJ IB OBAOK BHIff I ■ NKW'YORK. M«r s ChrlBloftenon. a deputr ab«rtt&p( - Portland. Oro.. .^bo Is ber»;K M lW I. police motboda, scored-H .ont. possible.100 on tbe Naw-Yorfc-pfflw tnsttrt" ism .r. *' ' . ~ " II -Shn IS the best woman retslvfr -t shot I hare-cror. M#n.“ '.aald!.<^ltL 3':iulMiTmee11irittBtniaacr—r 'il'i-T' : ] -:only ' IE poU<tentet"b«r»<bbldj:k
Page 1: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

I t l i l T W l l V E S H M v r o T W r S M I T O lM

i i M S i^liw beit-^H oover- Also’' -H as i

.' L^jg^ L ^ad A s-Republican | . .'l^reiiidential C and ida te So t

“ ~ T to ^ lto c e -S h n m ra •' to T hese Two Political •

. Leaders. V - . ■ . . . ' . 'I.—— ■ ' • I ar.waiMa i

‘ • WAKKlKGTi:>'.'<:~ Stll r - 5 - 0 1A' —Ai; * am ltb 'B -aaloctcU.- iiclOBiiU a lrc n ir tlij

liu lt • o( ;hU imcjcpoctedly onc-slilcd • victory 'Ini CnIirornlR.

, - 'i^flbulfttJon by «1io - Unltod I 'rcen ot . chQion ' Z>Bmoc'raltc Uolccnlcs kIvch

Sm ith C04. Junt 40 Hliort of n )>l»milc

4]utrcd-for .tiio-nom ioaU oii. ’ .... iT ho >QluTns alno ndiloil nin>orlnlly Jo. tho-JitrenRth of ^o cro tary o( Com; . tnqrce H erb o ri H oover In llio Ilepiili-

-U tcao^n fto , , T lic tn7iiiliiUon—flliovm il. him wltli, 27& (IptsKntuH minimum. In*

' (l|{ipul^uD linHtruct9<l dolusntc* who ,—tl'UVft ' fln ^ ftirnrfl‘1 Af J

v o tin s fo r him o n - tlto tlrMt linllot. "' B«pu>iUcnu a 'nlinliitlon

" (1 8 2 ) : ■-Ob6rala-J8,-Colorado-2_.MI<1>- - - tffnn.a i ; lO m liif ly llnw nll. , '0 ,li [ u -

30. Now H aronshlM 11. .\n»M»clJui»4it« , 30. California 23: un lnm n ic ltd (00):

. Ohio S>~ AlinnotOta 3 . ' Louisiana, 12, Maine IS. M liRo'url-8. Norib Cnrollnn .

- T ; Vitu m ia IB. l*liHliitJlnii Iglandii a,.- , .■WiBcoMlft 1. N e w Mexico 7. Hhodc ,

—lBUni]-18.r^NebraHka=G;-Tonneuoa-!L4: ' ■ P ra n lc -O .-L o w d o n 'd O D rln ttru 'c te d ,

( H 6 ) : j J o w a J7 .'y ilu o lB 60,- M lnno-J jw la SfTMlTMUirl 8? N orth D a k o ta -13;^ n o r ia vartfIU ia'7 .” OWaiJOnni"Sff“ (x>Tr' U D l» tru c tsd (4S): Iowa 10, Now '

-Moj(lc»!.,l^,14orlh> C aro lina .3.*, South

unloT !stn ic le ^ . (2 ): MliiBOurl 3.

< . 'W illiam ii. D orah ( lU : InstruclcU

“ ^'TM ^^W ^cV oridK O (171; unlnBtruct- ' oa ( 1 7 ) : .C onnectlcu i 17.. .

OeorKO W i-N orrl# {M ): InBtructod. (2 7 |: WUcOQBln 10. N^brogka ,11.

VnlosirucU id anil' doubtliil (2C»): “ M tnno*D tfc-2.-N ow>Y ork-90rM I"iiourl-

3: W lieonsln 7 . ' N orth C arolina C.I ^ Pennaylv-ania 79. n i ln o l i l...Sow Mox-v

Ico 1. N ebraska 3. D elnwure 0. Ar->. k a n s u S .. Colorado 13.' MI(ibUMpi>1,

20 ' ( u ) , A laska .2 . ix*<-OI*labomn 1« ln«lriict«d for boib

C urtis and Lowdon. • . i

V m o c n it lc I.lnrn|)Tho D coiocratlc Jlneiip, on tlic Imalit

oC la te s t r e lu m s :' A ltro d -E . Sm ith IM 4); inxtructcd (4R4Y; S W York 00; Idnho 8. .Mln-

- noBOla 31,•N orth U akoin n*. i ’. i . '6 . ' VlrKln lalanUs 3. M lchlcan 30, WUr ebnsln 28, M aine 12. A laska 6 .-MnaHn- chuBottii j s . PsnnHylvnnla GO. llhoilo Island 10, .illlaolH 58. 'VS’ashlnRton M.

' g,,'C aJutf?U 4 2ti! in iiin tn ic te d “'(<o>tc A rlsaD a-B .'U u la lana 20. Uigh 8. I'oi'- 10 lUco fl. ■ . I

’ JamoB -A.' Recti (30): InstTuctcd (36): M lu o u ri.3 0 . - I

- •:{}llbett.M. H itchcock (16): ln*triici-. .ed .(16): N eb raska 16. ^ • " ]

A tle« .l!6 ib« rcnc (HS)^ Inrtrpcled

“ W o lH ? * !r.^ c o f5 e .'(JST r'IaslrU tlffd— (aU -Q flo r» ltt .28, . . . . ^ \________

-W. A. A yers (2 0 )f ln » truc tcd^ 20^ : K ansas 20. ' '■ trntniitriJCtM~®THl~floot)iiul " (< 9rr

A rkansaa 18. O klahom a 20. Pennsyf- ■viola 11.-

I N g w m ry ro rch u tcc m r - ------------

, . C IV E L 3 V iK \t:T K U A S .D IK S . ^ » 7 UaJt»a P « «

SAN A N T aN tO .'T ox .. May 8—BrU. O ty : l ^ w d ^^MM rc .^ 8 ^

ebldhel D u t l u tb « Ctvll w ar. d ied here today. Q « n W Moore w as a ve teran

■ or lh* SMAlih'A'feortcaa'war asd was active ly « i u p i ^ In th e Philippine la- •S rrec U W to u K h t In- severa l In -

■ <iun H e. -waa h o m In - C T J ® h ^ ^ a d « * l . l J KWa6-lB-Sk!l-

"awBK iB... . j

h M M ^ o ^ M .a e a a n tv . o n t o t tb p bill., ' . r r h « ^ u , . .U i u o m U k w Xa .cbn*mft tw o £ .ih » w boU a n a - a r«ll>cftllj

Wlm-Hl? H«5P8-W>)

ThirstyRomantic Russiah Cer

Wedding of FamoCANNj'^. Frnncc.. .Muy 'i j-T h .t ’ro-1

inHDUc,4luru:«;aih wliWh Mlebnel ,i\r? | t' Ion ciillvptiD ■ biK nowlH. doinlniili-ili ii ;li(! rcllgiouH ccromimy w lilch imltjidi Llic HiUlior o t llio ••U rcon .Jln l” nnd-niinl^UH Atliintlt i to re a tl todf^’. • ‘

A» the jHitrlurcIi O ^iroiim olt. vwir jrnhJu arcIi/|trfo«£ o t tho -. JIiii*JiVin :bu rch . flnlsbed lho phrnHcs of ilie , :!firen.‘Jny, ii cho rus of Cousacks, o i l ' . , torm or otflcurH In llio While'ItURRliiu irm y. commanded l.y Ihc Inlo Gen. *’ to sftf tJ ieU f-U C angp l, flilcil tlifc .cill-... rico w ith th e : nfelQdloii#''alralhH of B

I S pldI k ^ 'q if f fS C M P B N :: - B a m p m P AMCharges Conspiracy to R o b .t ' A rizona o t V aluable

Resources. .

.a y , U n ltia rr» f3 ■—W.^SHI.VGTnV, Ma ji__”, InvrMlL'flrllion of inicrcBlH. woJklnr: for tb c Houl- } licr Cunyon Dam projoct wiia'dcmanil* ‘ I'd 111 11 Id le r from G overnor GcorKO f W. 1», Itlin t. I» llip l--r.lt.ral T ra.lji ‘ CommlHRlon. mndo nulillc today vy i Scnntor'A iihiirat, Dcm ocriil. ArUomi. , -nfiTJM t7liofonnlitrH o«!*im t!eii com - -* in lt t« , noproeonlatlve Douslua. nom - ocrat; A rlxonn.-chatjced .th a t the e lly ; af.W A rii^B ltaj^-aiL flnnncInK a lobby oh bOhalf of Uie bl)l. ^..JluntBUCTenled t h ^ itjnam uch an Uio y eominlsBlon U'lnvnailBniln{: tho:pov*. _ or lobby 1t“ *lio‘lilrt n ls o 'ln q u ln Intoth c -lo b b y -l>efrien<llf»rr-th<t-^IH»'rtdU>ft 1JohnBon-Swlns hlJ!. . • ^

•'I ciinriso tboro In a coanplrncy l« i rob lhe SW .c o t A rizona o t vnJuublo fo»nurcm ^a-m ak iL jJinn i ,:ivnllftblD.,tq , |iowcr compnnlp;! In 'C n llfn rn la . nnd . tha t chormoi^B Humn'uro lic lne fipeni lo j emj)loy Jobby lstsrlaw j-era . cnclneer« { nud newHpnpcriiicn nnd to pny to r p^opaBomln." H u n t nlAtcd. . ' » <

H um .BUKBCslotr oeverAl hunrtrod ■ wjinenKCR.bo called. Includlni; niem* b c ra 'o r r.x>« AhSPlei- pub lic a cn lc e . ' IlRbt. nowcr and w ate r l)0ards;- of- j tlclaU 'o f varloiiH. nuiioclalJoni* w ork- j In irW tln '- J o h n n n n -S w iu r- l j I l l l -o U y ■, offlclulK bf San DleKO: .ed lln r» and a u d lto n i'o f ihc Los .AuKi'Icx llecord, , ihniTnln ef.' T tw oii, U er»l«l a nd l l i pri m ^

lho In tcrna llonal NVwk Snrvlw . a«d» j horn and mnniitccrH: ‘'.Mr. Sidney,How* , arif." nnd th e cdliorn iind nudltora of nowHpuiicro n»iioclated w ith the \ S crlppsjlow nrd ctiAln of papern. and j many o'.iitii'rt.' ' ' , -

(H um p ro b ab ly rp tcrrcd to Itoy « . | H oward. co-publl»bcr of Uic Scrlpptt- | Howard- ncw»[>apcr»). . ‘ ’------------------- ----- 1

. . . . r .x im T -V I.H tit^K IL L K H— J

SAN ANTO.S'IO, T ex., >fay 2—Cadcl. i trw lu ' lU nt. 2.1. o t t ’rom onl. N. C.. alu- dcn l In lho p rltnnry tlylne* Mliool nl Drooka neld .wns kllletl today when Ihc Do llav lland p lane he tlylna ' c .iughl fire 700 fee t from th e ground nml e ra n h ed .', ' ’___jj- '

Y W ^ t 'O S s n r U K l’O ilT tl ) OTS '_R JlX -S Q lIA l.l.M n j-_ I= y ( ’nU cr Beo_ .W ilson. A m erican vice consul- here. b a a :J ir ,m , i u l a ^ - I o c - .3 3 . J w » r » . j p d . offJclal* of. tb e co n su la te loday he- cam e apprchanslve. ' W ilson n home I t tti OrecnVllle. N. C.

• p6am ASTEB-.M cB0BEETS•••NA24EI) • •

S r tnUMA T r wW ASHmaTONi^ May ,3r-,

jP re iideB V 'C ooU d*® w d » y « u l ^ to the Seuto tbe nomls&tioui • of-Peter-W.-McBobcrt#. - T ^

Idaho/’ Mfl, .;Aadww - A i ^ V f io n . J rn -N o T li i

S ® * 5 $MMmaoiM n K ~ & a C U ;elliQ t u t e s tbe~ n t i tU -

pl«e^af|iru%,'»ii37^t' fo11ow «J-5/

tlon 'a u p p o ru ra . 'i . T hare w r a 3 « l- lD tm ttm to t i a f o r t ;oI41»* « a :a n d H a t i j to l»m f f lp A r U r t |£UlaMd th e ««uaIto tlO B fee ■wpolA b*

Repulemony Marks I us Author in Francet h e prclnt'o. now 7?. bad mnrri-!d

I.1P i>*rnnl,-* o f .th d bi-nutlfuj voutiteiw . imiy ycHi'H'n'Ro. . . - , 'T he ccrom ony, rich In r ltiia l. laMud

bout an hou r. bcCniiNO of tbu com-

nonlnl [wlilclL.Jncludcd- th e , p lc tu r- ' squfl (foCalla o f crow ning nnu Anmnt- i IK u n d rr n canopy oC Kohl brucado ' ('Id by four n ttenilnnta .of the bride- room. ■ . , ■■ .The <-iinnti-iin w /irn' n r ich ' lvi>ry

S i ' H '

f R f T O l S f f riS E M O N S H K ri

F A L M a A lRZhairm an N ye. of '..T eap o t'~^~7P om e Cuiiniiitte tr ls - ------


• - S r v<>u«a-vr*«s ' W’,\fiH IN C T bN ." Miiy -2 -tH K Jc n c p -

UHliorllUH U) nftun .1 I,UI.UL'L11UU 111'* : wouii J f c i r ry S incla ir and form er I c e re tn ^ of In terio r .Knll In 'comioCT lou w ith 1922 KOVOrnmi-nt ]<'n«o» lu ♦ n l r t;i''.'i'lr '-VV.^t..-Wua .im rquucuu -liy Jhalru ian .Nyo of (he aenm o •T.eaimi

eom m llteo today, whon Sincla ir iS alnV n i^ callcd to tnu siutriT

Nye jirodueed a MlcBrum rrnm Fnll o 'b ; c ; F lnnojvhlD nB»lBtftnr1n-thc

o r . Salt, C reek lonsoa- secre tly ' be leld u p -fo r a< m onth nndva half. ■ .•Nyo:alno h ro n cb l .ou t that- the to le ‘

:raiiJ w a j se n t a fte r S in c la ir bnd vla. led ' F im r-UX • tl lb • m i l niiic ti - irr H e r r ^ork., 'S ln c la lr’o bid waa not tniiilc m ill a t to r tb e te legra ju . Nyu nald.

B lpcla lr la te r R ol.tbo . leascB. -6tnelalr-den lad-lio .ha/l-iiny_ iio iinci:;. lon wUh tbc Foil', to leeram o r tlial JO contro llsd prodiicllon In Uitf rlcli Juit Creek field. ' '

• T don’t k n o v anylhlnB «1>oul Umt.clcgtam .ll?hc..flnld._____ __________ i .

S incla ir la ld he ' visited the - ra ii^ i iround No\-ember 15. 1022. T he vlnlt v as to-look, ove r tb e 'r a n c h p r b ^ r tv . 10 said. H e 'b n s ina ln ta ined th a t hei a le r ndvnnced F a ll *2.13.000 to r n onehrhniltercBrlimhlT-TanchT-------

B enaior \Vi|U h of M oniann Inform­’d S incla ir lh a l hlh n tto rney , -Mar-■ )m .,W | i iirit-r i" ib o re c e n t consp iracy tr ia l llinlj iln e la ir never • rflccfvetl a n y a > n tl- ' len tu ly T rodln t: cojr'pany bonds, ■

S lnclo lr auld ,ho did nOl know tho londa w ero ContlnenUil bpnds when IP .fecelved .tlicm ..

[)rotrt<lcd W alnh hair i<lace<l an lm- iiroper conml-uctlon on Uie re ina rk j. iValsb' nnld Uo obUilned steoopraphlc aotcB of 'h e tr ia l sbow lnR L ittleton jaii

» -er passed th ro o sh S in c la ir ’s bands.'“ W ell, a t th e tlino th a t »uten'.«jnt

was mn.ilo d o n t U ilnlt jl- jknew - they w ere C ontlneniaK Tradn»B compnny bondK.” S incla ir s a id .. ' . •

Jap Travelerjbis S m d r Schedule!-

Across Gontments r Fw»»

NEW YORK! May 2—R'yuk'lyhl hUU sui. th e Jap an ese '1>rote<»or wbo Is raelnR a countrym an around the Wf>rlH- w in imen«lH to fl>

M atiu l and h is r jva l le fi T okio nt tb e Bsmo tim e .with t>V! ta n n e r mak*. I n f . t b e eas t to -« -est tr ip . T hey a re r a e ln r fo r a p rize o f $!^>Oo offered by.-* X oklo n cw sM p er .-aad a re oeeX; iD r - to -p ro v e th a t l l - l s posslb lo-W c IreU ," th e ctobe qu ick ly on I3.UK> e a c h .. - . . . ; .

Mataul Is due to « rrtv e -h e re Fslday oB the-A a u ltan la l O rig inally he plan-riiyi -tn <:i'OMyfte~J^Ue~J S t t l t f h w ekar tt*«ea a«d u l t o i r tbe-ateamef

d iU o f -tbA s iM m « r'.lia » --b tiB "* il- i-*ao^ 4 a a ^ -^ » < lt.> w a : 3 a c t c T ly Ln.

■■■ i,.' d B p a rlu ta .t i^ 'B a d le r nald a t 12:1!■ f f l p i w r a i r T « m n e i r a " S : ® : ^ u T w m .U A p 'ilrtu.be Salt Lake Cliy. '1Hw ; ln-lr-dt>w to ’w r>rB’ltt'a nmlt

a. m .'8kt«d«c • 'nu rtr -n|Bnt«a -later '>Ou«iA w>ir

be o s ’h li-w ay t o ' - P n ^ W a it , te a«sth*r■ flttO N u e - • n ie ^ ft* .’willeb aftM -a:iap«etalT etail-w d O r ta


i r o i i rMM

Fundam entalist# C hecked A t f T oday’s Sesoipn of Gencr- a l'C onference of M ethod-

—ist-Efw oopal- D elegatea-inp — Knnsas-City ^ --------- —i—

. Dy VnU»d“ rr8iB - i;»l:l.,VI-.SK.S . -

■ ' KANSAS CtTV. Mo,. May 2 -• n iahop L u lbcr II. Wllnon o f .N’cw “

Ins lho K)iliicoi>,il ndrtri’KH Imtor.i'

M«hodl»t1'k>lJ«-'i|>a;l churc li loday. Io T lio road ln i: tvan cmniilnti'd by I r

IJlBliop I'irtH'Kl (1, Jilcba rdK o ii o f , t.

niinihir^i?Sir\»^jii"«TrrTM'<i 11 .■IIU i; tlip >iall tn .h l;; MjpjiL.a{_!h‘j MnH’l ,,. n .MiiPhli'liaoIi.- 111:1 i-oiullHiin wa:i .{. mu i.o rlous.-lt wim m lil. - - " h

KANSAS CITV, .May L '-A n <; ..m irbn nil thn p a rl’o f fiindniia'ntnl- n -{HtK io ' a ir l lirn^iT.!Vat.c7-»— l i C ^ - f

.-rpro-tha-Uonernl.Com cruiiccjof.tlK.' _ «Mrilmrlhir Kiit.-'i:im;il-t;iiiu;i:li-ln;rt:___ t

' woH triHilriiled lOiliiy wbL'ii i lc k - ;Baton votfl<l to r r tc r <o a «lnndlnu/n m m llti | j ....................llllll Tdl ITT TluvpsilKailon of Pburoh, xcbonlx | mill collcffeii for tlielr n llfc cd inoili' orn lsllc foacliliiKK, . j j

—o b iire h -le ad o o as.iilBnlUcuiit—u't— , - ,-lhe ‘-llboraU vlakv«-of.n-maJorlu--oC_ ,■ thc..lolfB>itnsLeKi.cclnlly_gn O u cw ^ ,

tion# o t churcli docirlni:.- iThe p e titio n -ira« 'ln tro d u co d by-O r: ,

Harold P. Sloan of W nddonfUlJ. N. .1.. ,cbnlrm an o t tbo ^ JW J»w «y/ilM hodlH l ,

Kutes th a t tbe petlilon*?PtircHent'p<l lhi; 'J w iBhcH 'uf r.:;."' M othodlst conKrcKn- J tIOUH. , *.

Tho'iiiitlllou ntcllcd tlw t niiinyM elh-

InB doctrine 'c ijnlrnry to tbo viowa tif ' tbe MelbodlBt. c iiurch. ./»r>ectiilly In iiubJeetH. concbrnlnic liio deity of C hrist. Ih'e V lrsln b lr ib ,,n n d Ibe sec- ^ond-cnnilnc-oI-Ciu'JBt----- ---------------- !— j

WOKI.Ii l- lK H lL w Is CO.VSIDEUKI) , •KANSAS C i r y . Mo.. >hxy 2-;W io ‘

Q pnernl C ont'Tence, of the M ethwllst l'!olBCPii.tl ■ Cburch. to d ny co_neprnfd ,11- Belt w llh world prolilems, wlOi such (lucsHonH nti divorce, prob lb li on c ti- _

W o rld T o u rC Iho J/PHCTin'uf Nalluii,'. -j ritcf. wJth ovory m a jo r pfob- '

Icui beurlnK on hum an conduct and | a dm in istra tion of Rovcm m ent. • , ‘

W ith the. rPudlDK.of tho hplscnpal addrrsB >n ronvenllon |

Coofcronce" wns bestin itrirm a lly . 'I 'tiyuddrcBS-, a iPncUiy- docnm cui pf iniyjythoiiM nd w onlH ,‘VnK’p rep n rrd hy '(OM olbodlst blsbopn. In soRslon hern nnd y as r»;nd-tn tbe delecatea hy

-eadln& took-severol bourn.• The address w a a 'a sta ten iom of the pollclos favored by tbn h ie ra rch y of he church and jvan .rep lo io w ith In-

form nllori on w orld -m atto rn . I f w II IH) used by delejjalea n^i a culdo In th e ir dellboralioos d u r ln c th e balance o t Ihls b ionlh. A ppeal w as mnde ca-p e dallf^ o t~ B r«a t« r^ iK b taousaasa -an tliCBJi adherence to sensous nnd r o r l d

»rV.:;coun try ’s calnm lU w . th rea ten lnB H'o existence o f C h rts tlan phonic Jlfo and even Ihc vcr>’ foundation o f cIvIHi -t Llon ll»»U Mimnntifonnlp orir la l n u rrla e o w aa -c iu ic lie d a a an nl-tem p t pn th e iia r t o f som e to obtain le s a l sancU on to w holesale m a ri ta l ex- chonses. I.eaden( Mn ih e movomenl

A lxcei-R evea l*

„■ : H o n ^ t L i v i n g

NEW YORK; i l a y 2.—A lice Foote >UeDoufiall. w bo h a s . b o a n . widely comtn'ende'd to r . b e r. ' strlk ln ic success a r-T r- tr titn fM -H F o im m r-R a s 'H e t- th e j 7 0Mie - n i-OA; oBg o f - t e r ■succes f

r l U u - 'a h a r ^ - M l t r e a s e . «10 a :w ee k

wSrbht^Lwbeh JiM JS f .tOft hfci' «0. and thiO was dlschartcd b«- rog^.bap -w aek -w aa “ P r . i M'iV m,-

jto d

I ^ o * S l S ( i ^ ' ^ « ^ l l c l » B i «» o U -|iu.-(roa- tbe. ceort expotnra.- Mra. MaeDetuall «plala«d. that ^ t

itba-braiicb I'eatanrant raa aa blgb asr r r r r :


Received at’ ^ h r t e H ouse at • Noon and Show n ‘O ther Courtesies By G overnm ent

— iiigton';------- ^ ------------------

oy United r^c H WASH I.S’GTO.V. -.Miiy 2—A iiifrlru ti

umorK l'» (Iltl bravp'.ivoro-l'i'fciowfl.l «<i- Iuy uffli'inlly upon tlie lircm on’ii.val*n iitc n -w , ____________ •

r r i ’itldcnl (.’(lOlidiic a t Jioon n^ccivi'il >!rm'l!ri)tir\vmfrrHovntrT>n’[~vrvifcm~ 'l l to them dlailnculHboil , flylui: roKHi-ii,' ili’ciiralloiiii of iiiprll kIvOu

Ori-lKrir-rii loilav fo r lh<-.Iin'l tlm i-.- lluiM'lv.'il, I|.'IC mdiiy l.y b ltb iIIkiiI-

<irl<-it <ir n iriV">;<ivrflmi7dn~:nTit~Pnvnpr If oth iir uatloii;', l!ar(ill„.V<PU_Ui,lilL';i Pld. Ciipl, H prniiiiiu K li'b l.an il .Maj'ir ■■Iti'.maHrk-f, tlio 'U rpnipii cr<-w. va .tli- •<l tliroitKlf u Hioriiluj: <H c-inuriui ii:- H'lilloii whlcb cniiic to clim ax M noon ll ih p 'W h lli' Houh.'. T lipro I’rCKlili'ut

jd-.thuiii-iblaiLlKiiiO.lioiio'’ wbli-li bltli- i.Ttn linil' hcon T iv f ii on ly n ti'w ii, Amprica'ii o» ii bravi.' flicru.

Oiirlry loday .' l-i'.'-r ibpy H?nt lo llol- IhlK tlvld. w berc lhu Cormiiu nuibasiia- dor. till! Irlab nilnlalur, Sccro liiry I’l' S la te KcIIokk -and otlicrn. Iniilmllur.

retn rj- o f-S tn to K oIIokb spoke briefly^ a e r c o t ln r an il-n .rc co sn ltlo n o t th e ir

. tVom thf. Held, ihoy wnnt to llip ir ' hotol to r a.^irens contorenco ln .w h tc b | Iboy aimoiinced pldn? to r n wcHtwar.l fllBht. vlBlUnR.ChlcaEO. St. L o u is; Do- j tmitH:>ui.w<i-and-iUiUttdcin iiiii'- tofqr«ri nil tbiiy wow ^>lan. flylnK back to l .u r-j

■ llpn-lv rd ll) P « ‘s ld f n l . ,Tli.'ii' a t n w n camp ihc .suo ron ic mo-

" ‘^ |L -y - 'ix 'rc ~ M c o rle d ’ l^ lh« I'rpJ*!-d c n fa bimlnesK ofllccit In tho Wbllo Houho and im rodticcd to tbP chlff.PX- eru tlve by' Col. U itrobe. IiIb lu im nr?^

" 'K V o ^ tb e hu«lnp*s otffcea. th e piiriy a d jo iirn cd -to th e sou th Inwn of fhov a st W hile H ouse .rroiindn nnd |hprp UiP p residen t p rew n tpd lh o , c rnsseh.wlilcb l" ' lu’cn b ii r r loil bcro .from

HoiW' f“''

,,i Hi.Von I 'r in «

^„H-r -P " ’’'’'iV -m th .S '.-c rr ta ry o f Sta»o KcllORB, .Coion<‘> l-iT m bc ,. l^a-pi, >s»-

(C ontinued on P ago Kleh'-)

fejs^^elesfleld^ Responsible Fpr

Big Dam Lobby■; jirTTn>i*aTT««B p

tU a rsc ii-o r_a_ lo ljby_U nB iic^ =AuBelex. opcralluB h e re to r tb o J l-* .- im.OOO Sw lnjf-Jobnson B oulder Dam h ill w ero m ade today beforo the HonsB roles eom m llteo by Rcpro* s c n ta t iv t Douman. D cuioi-.«l. Arl-

UouBlas. a p p ea rln B -to oppose .tho tnoSauro. de c la re d U ilaUobby..ls push- tnic th e bill no t becajiBj o f f lw d d u R e r to th e Im peria l V alloy. but l o "ftSlOrif COBttMUee lu Blotnp»i»« laud v»lpes~ b y .liicreaaln jt IrriKatlon am i powy . supply . '

2)0.>0K KCU N EID ES ,C(?P D IK 8 - a r v a tM - » tM s

—PA Blg.~M ay a ,-= )acqn« t Scbne idcr doBor o f ib e B chneldor a l r p ^ o ape*< c up . died suddenly. * t DeauQaa. nsa i Nice, -aeoorfllaif to a d T lee '’ w ce lve t he ro -today .___ _____ ________ - • . ___

fnm * at>F la y I —tp«it----- —

• U TE3IPE1U .TU RB8.L:: ' ' _ i

H eU na AN eW O fle aa s ------ !---------- U I: - 1

ip o r tU a d — ' • • ' < 0 ' , . *i ^ n 'F ran d K Q M - <

► ♦ • — '^ -T


bA V BLOOUSHt-Uny Unl»«rt r r o i .

. .Mlluiiiulr iiillll(in».of. p''<iii1<'.i'll- naiH'il In May |)ay iluiiioni'lniilimri; ~

'7 'n liin ir r i 'p o n r ir . l'lu»'.lr<li<'d ';in<l. i»'rll.'. . . , ■

• l» W atMiw_tlii.-.- |ii-iM i[i-'».'i< '

. rpi'lrd’ in a rnri.tmmlMl itiit-li.iiiK. -i:iirpwlit'ti- .m i.l ic'i;;ni'il. In

.Mdscow ili.:.il:iy «.u.-iiiriin;'-. a . Ii.ill.lay Wllh a ;;n 'al mllli.ary I'lini iitlvai'lliiir (lioiil-iiinls to .M u'

-iiuinlHt dnfoalR ln th(! rPrcni-rltntii— "iipr <if dpi*uili'!i rlpctliini'- Al-

i IkiukIi many coaiDiuiilxl m.'.'liiiu.^ ' (iccurriid, thuru wuru no Incld^'iit:;

• to m a r lb r day.H undrndii paradiNl In Vli;iin;iaU -

-farm uc-aiiiim uuiaijilL luiiULiiLHilU ;— Bary. Iml ibpy wuru •oi.k'rl.v.' lu .M.'Xini and ihioUKhniii South . A niprka Ihi'i'.* w .t.- ’.Irnioiisli'ii- H w iH ^unripy wur.- all_ .'a rrl'-.r io il

• TdliM ri-ii(M'l.'.l m any ai'n.'M:i;

Ifflperial-Shrine r— —VoteS-tpiGoXo^

Atfgeles-imlSSftny United 'rr»k«

MIA,\ll.,'‘F la., May ,::- l.i i» An^i'li'i; wns ch o rfn :(;i thlr ln :! ' ronvonilon cliyI'y - .|.1.-Iinblr;i «f l h e . S i i r h i p al_a Ki'sslon o t tho Imperial council ot tbo o rd e r 'today. ' ' .■ Time of nex t y(yir[a ."'il.'l

I'he^la'tior'*T*n^t^of Mny. Selection of I.o"k Ancijlcd- cntup wHbou*. Burprino, tbo O all[ornla c ity’s delcBatea from Al M ailkah ipmpio hnvIni: ildvuncpti the onli= T ruu^qinrpaiil(l-fo r-thg-h"n(> rr—

' l i i i r l lc r 'In th e j<cstiloM. 1-ranK Jonen wun iuntallcd a s ImpiTlnl po* lo n la le ; siiccecdlnB Clnrcnce M. Hnn-

4wr,JltaUd<m tiL,Ba-.^mifiJLi'U La*);!!L. her of A rnbian tem ple. Houstou,: lex

[ TODAY^S G A M E ^ j^ ---- amkhk:an-IiKA(;i-»:-----—

At ChlcaKo' . ll. n . L.D ijtroll'.......„:......103 100 0 2 0 -7 I t AChlcaeo ...........onO 000 100—1. * 2

IlatUTlcB: C arro ll nnd Sbea : Con- nn lly .-f:ox.„nniaiB bu.am L-C ro\is.C i._-.

— At b l e r t lan d r — ------------- H rt ir^ rS t . . l ^ u l s __ lUO 210.003.—7 i u 0ciovciaud m t'oa r iM - a ■ i - t

tfiU lcrlcsj fJm y ««f( Kchnnfi; Vtil-.’ und L«. Sewell.

At W uBbluctou: Kud Ktb. U.Nuw Y o r k .............- .....000 000 23—fl

IliiU crles: H oyt. Johnson . Coveln- klu und f>raliowBkl. Collins'; Jones, lirsx to n ' and llue l.

_ I>oslon-piiilnde1phlu .gamo_,l>oHtP(>n'

,N .VTiox.\LAt New Y ork : ' l l . H . j ;

I»rookl>-n ,...................................... 1 1 1.New Y o rk ..................................... ', 2 3 (, H aU cries: K iriott. Dook nhd H nr

BrAc.ves; Demon and lloR sn.

~ArTiiiiaa elphla T nTiifr:.............. ........ - ......... n 7

p a iU U o lp b la ------------------------- J J S 1 _D atterlp s:* JV lrtli. GoldNmlth, IM

w arda nnd T ny lo r; U rbnn: Dcubc nm W ilson.

• -Ai-puiiBurBn: ■' »---------- f tn trKC h lc a s o '......... 201 02» OUO 0—8 11 :P l tu b n r s h .... 403 100 000 1—9 10 !

B atte ries: Jo n es. N eht a n d Goo x a les; M lljus, O aw son and Goocli Sm ith.

A t S t. L ouis: Und 6tb, TI C in c in n a ti_____ __________ 010 030—

8 £ Loub. ......... io o o i i ~.'“lU tterleB : M aj^ -an d '.P le ln lc b R e in h a rt..B a ld . M d 'H M Roao..^-:;

p i S EASI ___

.* s jr .o f ia r itj iiw rT - '.- " * : U’ I| - y i t » o n ; J c m a 'i ~ a ty i tw r a tn ^ o t f i

U jcmeimwji tb a t r b e r f a i ^ l M t k i r t ^r OO ^ jUbal ry|_y

«] |f« n ^ q t f ffrr 8 nM OBC-Qr.i JtoM to

g e r a ;


- r i S C i P M lA n e g c i s T u e s d a y ’s ' P r i m a r y : ,

W as Not Fought O iit bij O ld D em ocratic Lilies B ut . .

_ on_Wet and Dry P latfo rm ; __Sniith_\iictQ£y_.CQ niplfitfi_ —Tind-Swceping.-T--------- *

By United l;ra t'l.• 1,0.' AN’GHI.l-TS, May 2—T hirh ty ‘u : IHiMl. ann «h(i ri-ci»tercil nn' -

— U ai!fu,'!,;iL-.:j:av i' ,M Snill li ,h l;i j if a ____' to :y III lb .' L’a lito riiiu pnm ldiintial.''— lui'rm.ry. iC .-T.Tirftsrcfflhh-------

Jyaii I.r lh - <'iU,-.)rnla oom m ltleo ol the ll.'.- |.r..r-ri-.'» lil.'iil C lu b . i'bai ::«.| lif'!.' loilay. •

— "Till 'rM ili- i.f 111.-' vtlll' niVL-Hi_____Ihi: tM'iliiaiy P.Irullitn . llldlCUtOU

- : 5 s r s ; ; : j ly . 'v iic re lii rnndl- — ll.il.-,—riillli-;tcil--- butKicto__________• tlii%iii:-,.'lviv.." V.iunK .lecllired. ___

-'lnM .'ad,,ii « a ii;i p rlm nry upojir ..

iiiiP haiiil hy sinltb , aiiM W nlsh .. ~ w lillp -::rn :'rn r7U i.-P d-w a«-T unhfns;— ; — miim'ntVuiJiTnili iiiliivli>le»-nml- ^ — '■■ nm r'lii:: hnn.'My In rovornm eni;. .

' ■ ■■"I'll.-V kcU im ’wah aiKti>rk-d be- ■ \n iiil’i>':u'iii1ilaitr,e uf n D pniocratlc '. .

• iu ln ia ry .by th lrs ly R epubllc^B : who puroiled undei- th e Sm Itb h n n - ; -

" I t rem a ln iv to he seen w hetlier- ..' '■ n'outUfru am i',\i'eK ern DemocmtB.

will fcUbniic. to such doprcdailonB .

SM ITH L K A ilK ll-K A l’P y - • .V:w’ .YORK', Mny 2—•’'rb o .ro su U .ln

('n llforrila pxcrpdx m ir e x ^ c ta l lo n t i . ' GcnrRp U. vnn .\nnu:e,. lUtUtrnjan.. Ut tliv pro-convention uullvlllcB coimnil* (.'<! (or Oov, -Al Sm ith, said- lodayn,'

" I t Indleali'H Ihp Inlunso cnthUBloam po tm tn r

for .<5ov«-rnor S in llh u iid .which mako#

- (C otiunuod o n -P ace E ls b t) .

E x t r a s i w ~ I ) m i ^ e i r

D o n e T o A m e n c a h i

s r ITalttd e n t J-W ASHINCTON. M ny 3—Ono AtDOft''

Icnn m ine In NI«;nriiKun w as dflB lrp/- c.l an il nno thpr p a rtly ,,.^eokod a t i t h p . hands of

SamueT’? F letcher. A m orlcan -eoaaala l.U luelieb lB . ' ' f ' V

•i’hi- I„:i l.uz m ine, w hich i a ' . o » ^ . by tlie

n im .m in mine; bo th o f w hlcb I . f - catcii -in lhe P lsp ls a re a l U j M r t B e ^ e rn S ica ra cu a . ' T h o rc 'i ra « ciiiloii In the«niCB»aKo of tb® m * M |r

) In whl^U th o ’ m ln w w o re ,d am aifa i;: , 'AccordinK to th e .c o n a u t/ i i i S i f f r

.OeorBc, ll.' M arsbijll o f Ihji L a L u k fU s till in th e h ands Qt U tc rebel f e w ^

7 1.IH on o a h a g>nlpT r tb e-« d o f t ^ p t ^ 2 A n 'o ih p r An')tfrlCBns a p p a r e n t l y ; ^1. fc^ e .,th e , c o n g i o « i J w r : 3 Z - ,- : : i : - ; ; i

i O R E O O H W O M A N D E P n K ' J , SHEIHFJ I B OB A O K B H I f f

I ■ NK W 'Y O RK . M «rs C hrlB lo ftenon . a d e p u tr a b « r tt& p (- P o rtlan d . Oro.. .^ b o Is b e r » ;K M l W I. police m otboda, s c o r e d - H .o n t .

p o s s ib le .100 on tb e N aw -Yorfc-p f f lw tns ttrt" ism .r . * ' ' . ~ "

I I -S h n IS th e best w om an r e ts lv f r -t sh o t I h a r e - c r o r . M#n.“ '.aald!.<^ltL3':iulMiTmee11irittBtniaacr—r 'il'i-T': ] - :on ly ' IE poU < te n te t"b « r» < b b ld j:k

Page 2: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

' PAGE *nvo ; • ■

P i i t z i e r - G l a a r N

S o l e n r n i z e d T

H o m e o f B r i d e ’s P a re n ts - ^ - A t t r a c t iv e S o l t i n g — — -

p — ‘~ ~ f o i ':W e ‘(U ling :~ —

* T h e hotiu- o t .Mr, luiiI J iro . Ju im N. C lunr. 104 ,Spvi-iiUi j iv m ic I'uni. wuh th o sccnu of 'u bcuuilfur woililln-^

-T uew lH y-xvim lim ul •» trr'Uirlt w jiui llie lr (Inueticer. .Vcvn l)or{lK-«..Jicr«»io tho UrWo of U arry K. I’lilzlor. kdu nf M r . 'n n J Mrn. Alln--it I ’lit/.lcr, nil o f tlilB c ity . T lio Rc-v. A. V.: IVi.rlmn o f th e FlrM Prcrfl-iti-rlnn cliilroli otfl-

-cJntoit w llll tlu- rliiK tort-n-.'ony.T o tlio nlniitVi. c f ".Mpiidi.-lHwilin'i'

••WfldJlnK M urch." iiltiyr.l „liy MIm Aw illa Klrno*. lh i' [briil.o. un(l Kromn,

and- OBcnr« McCoriiril'k. cinm-, i l ^ i itho brofl«ralalru-;i>' ;iinl J‘lf>o<l liiTorc a T w H ii-o f- pnlinn mul foniu. Tin: « f l l y flhnileil flonr Inmim j)Inci;.l,hjick of tJic pnliw ,' imil Uu’ clu-t-ry flru itn f h o « n r t fJnor Jh . iIh '

c o n trlbmc<l n niolto»v kIhw. a v ic Iu t "llB I'k ttfl_o t 1 )1nK • I'lm pilratnnu iiiicl .foniR on pciloHtnln. nml notlc-d O tiih on. th t* 'iim iitc l. coii’ til'.-lc<l th ia tmi:«t n ltrn c llv c MOttlnK.

Tliu coldoh liloml'lov<.-linr»n Hie lirltic w ns ciihanccil l>y llio orolild g ro rgp tio oVi-r ntnti iwiHii Kown mUo w ore. .S lio ctirrH-|l im

• ioii[iupf ?pf-ptnlt~l’«ttertly-rmi^KT^u»ll l l lb t t - a f - th u vnllcy,. A cnronui «f nomi .j)cnrl»'cotiii>kiluil Uk- oiincmliju. MlB« Crnvcn w ns n ltrnc llvc In u yoi- IoV kcdW IU - ovor .TWini Hntln rowii.

T.v.1i»wiMi^Uie_C'.-ri!-mnny. witncnticil iliy tho Immi-dluli- fnimlloH und omy lhi> moBt lnlliim to frl»mlii:ot Ki> hrld.- nnn' Kroom. tiur l>rldi‘ t u l .init ... . i . .l- tjl ij—ro u r‘tlo r whHc-nnd-yt»Uow —wod-

\ O n e N i g h t O n l y

|Thursday-May-3-j— ' T he ; - .....

PLAYERSTho Show "Wltljout a b a l l


Presenting the Sensational Sodety domedy-Dranm ‘

^ ‘Y w i N ^ e r K n o w -

Y u u r W i i e ”

ALL NEW SCENERY FORt h i s p l a y ,

Only One More Time oi tiiT HILLMAN COMPANY

' Lowrr yio»r - .v > n - l tn ir«n iy ^ *>iS = C urta in lit

^ ^ -

Si ?>.

A l l \ v i N 7 K i: i . o x i ;Tt'ltTCT4r»VT-lT-.‘i.-fc-:aJ

^ ,n ..k .- -..II.I c m ii- lH 'n r ir , lu ii iid v •

o v r r ' t u 'I l s f u r ;v Jli SIiajijpi>i> I ’riH-'-N*. i.s iv r i

-~-'l3,idc i i i tn - '^ n in n i> v > ' ‘rv ir

_ ■ n 'r r n i . . ‘ - . - U IM .~ ~ V '. . . f iia -iCTP7- > iricla • • iihcul w a r . iind- nuiUc- .

T crburi'rr" '’

CALL 788 . -

O'uf snlfmnnn.. ivin i .-ill jU h I IiM ii y o u l . ik c t l n u I P ijpT^romUhe J3opr.---- 1

fuptials A r e iie sd a y E v e n in g

Tillim fiiUc-. \n .:k " r I.11»U.'U of l>liil:' Iitii:ist>mr^ v.'i'ic nil.II nil'll III d.'cunil*

111:; tliu. l 'l- -J 'i

homi' 111 Illllll, -uJii'i-.' .Mr, m i/ .lu r i.: usjinoliili'il wllll i l l - l.Uili'i r<)wi.-r coii.'- imiiv. Illllll till- liriiU'Mii.l III'.' Ki*mmHI..-KUU1.I|H.'> III. ill.l Twli, lliril

’ H i i g e r ' h i a i i K e b e k a l i s

. . V i s i t - L o c a l L o d g o

••.All iiiiii;iiiiill>' fiiJi;.' ■.•Ill,, Ilf'( 'itiiili. ilijiui wii:i’ liiliiui.'d Illl'l lliv l 'r lm r ‘ii'i-

' liiiliukiili l.iilin' TiicK.iiiy ill. I, (I, o .' hull. Tluini- «Ii.; w.T.' r.-u.'lvc.l In-

vliiiled Mr. uml .Mr». W, T. S<;liii.iM.

Icy. -M rj. lWlay.-..H'--uv.'luii<I, .Mi«. Clirtiml.' \Viii.Tr.. .Unt. fdit l{, S.-uK, Mrn, Miiry r:iIli;tI<>..MlK:' lUinlii' I'i.-Ino. .Mill# Mll.lpcil -V- Iluym-I*,-MliiH Lilly lliiym-» uiKl .\lliiM M,ayln'lli-.Kit«iHiii;. Th.mo^^.-l.-t;C>M ^ i.i im-mhurU \vc r^

Mnry tllllc tlr , limi' .Mliw i ’rynln l''T iii- ' (lo. Iiy inimirn-,

Twoiily 'iiii'iiilH-i'h i)f ■lli.,'M1:ii;>’i'miiii liiilK'-. liulon Iti.Ijuliah Xn. IS. WL-r*. |ii-i'Hi!iit ul' ihlH* nif'- tliik. M ni-'I.oul''.: iNiiiniil nimki- lirli-fly In licliiilf iii

imfiTf'cavi- lilKirt mlliii. uml Mliut Mil- ilrcil lliiyiiPii niiblfp for th.mi; lnlliuii.'it a t lln--'nk-ulliiit. Uurlni: tli.- ImBliif.ifi iiniiHloii |)hkmi U’oru |iui'f<'i:teil fo r tlic- •Jnlnl-«.ld-K .‘II*>W-HII.l.yUlM.ioUl-x:4jlu.. Iiriiiinn T liurfiluy i>v.'iilnK, May lu . lii

vi.Tiinry of iIic'frniiiilliiK uf’ Odil 1-VI-•tfTwhlin— ■--- :------ ------ ;---------------

VlHlHjrn frnm Hnnpriiiiin iv rn - .M n i- diiim'H f^DiilH.' Ciiiinid. Kliiniii' Sciivry, •Klrcmic-Mnr5hT-Hn7:rl-H«>«rtlctf»-7-KnWr l-'lllllll. r llin i ' SKll'lt. Slldin Ull(l<1l.'>:.'Iir/i7'ii ~ltlirilmrir.~.liillii.~\Viu»llrr?l:t.v7

XirjKK-y. i:iir.iiyn . i.iiK icy. TMTimTr (ilalili)'l'. KIlu'l' .loiicii and Mi'. I'Ud Mnt, C lark. Mr; iiml .Mrii. Sf.iK ntliiirv..

iV [ a .v D a n c e . Is ..■ ■ , . W e n A l t e n c i e d ' j

llll? liii'Kiji>l ciml-niOKt •i-iiV(;.'!iiiTiil <if 11 MKij.iii .if iliri'it tlaiiuiiK-'ruuiahiy cyp- n ln s . Mav I. a l li:ini-i-Iaiid. Jnu li-. n ir r s und -w lrh rr -Biirl.Tti! . n f-^ iiirln::

■1.1..^.,.,,,. .................. ■■ ...,.-.1..,. r-Ur^,iiml llll- iin-lU ''tra |iil, Imloii m IUi :i | i - I'lo and VliiTry I)mnh(Kin>; wa» a 'li'uvi-r* Ilf lidUllly, A lio'Vl Ilf •iiViil Illllll:! <ir* mini.^Dlt'iI til.’ riiiiii'li 'lu lik v a t which

■afrrrrw— — rrrn m ^ r^ rn —fit/nnlt-lr 'preslricil iliirlriK th .' i;vvalnK. ' .

AA I'HIX’clally |ili';'iiillii; ''lil '- rla lll- Uiriit toaliiio of th .' i-vt-tilna wa;i Hi<- i-l(VfV .la lir.'.a ll.l ...iIlK itlilt llic lll 'i.-

vilio troiiiH' liow-i*liiylni: ai tlu-'.O r- •lihcnn!.- imt nn In linttnlion of thi- Kiin.'an .SKU-rn.

Til.- itnrci-Mi .if 111.- Oti'iP.-'wa'} lari:.-- .lv_iJuu_io_Jta i-_aiiiyU ;i;_ lj:fialnu iiiU - .'KtliRi Kpri'. t '." ll. I.iiiiljip^. 'i '." I'\" h^i-.^ iciikOii :in.i Jiini'-ii Sivllli, iln- (•(iniiiili- t<'<' w hlrli ;iirnni:i-.i llu- iiutir.- i i 'ili ti.

V u im / ; . \ ’rft,Lsn r n - m >i'irr«. a to c.oly I'fi t>.'i"mi'-

rcitjmn.l.'ll In a .•all for /’.n rv lra n I.i la p p c a r In "Tht- Siimiw Miiii," tlu ' tlri.t

|ilrliir<- iirodiU''''!' in Hnllyw.mM'hy I’a r-

luirt avfi'Mi In ir..OUU ix tra -., I'acli j.k lll-' .•.1. ' ami m-arly ull w ith .•jrt. iiMlv.'; u a iilro h n i. Tlii' iiv.TilKr viiiili- <il lli^i .•Mra'n 'wiinliitln- In ?l~inii.____________j

fv rn - iiiliivil! O. U.'iilily Sh.ilU'i'- l-hm’ii-M ia v .- :u lv .

wouia 1

r - r — ^/ 1 Microscope M — —Show?----- 1

r - ? ..vi>iir r ii« ^ itii'l U " '‘r ' ' “ v- ; - J : i t r i !u : : a n . ' i i r y n '^ '‘r 7 T '" ’----------i: . t i l l lii.'.iivlit ill Irn m

(•r«iit','li r.*Ti»i\-:iJiiiii. «-'iir • l ; i .« iii/.^.l T F ii''.;o iii .trv ■•'■•r ?-!; iiip tlio il ..i.if - jm iliti; : • \ i ' .

• n f T t i r r a w l rn i., _ - - Q

o O M S H t Q f f Blg _

ir .” < a ® c , q r a m z m S - &

J u i i e S a y s —

I '

i - ':: 'W M T

Mlfo :i Jiino ihiy—w'hal Is fo raro ..n il n iioQiUuuldiic i.liu iiU iuilu:L .ui:- - t f i i i l i l . i lo r nti'Tiiotiii Avi-ar?' Hnl

ycKt.'rilny I hul|iod a frii'iid o f iiiliio «-hiin-in cm-. Otin n.'cii no m nny cniH'iiililo!! u-nii ilin ttiri-<-.(|iuiri.-r

_ ciiut-nnd.lw lilL ilia .J im a .. conL_but_ VITV fi-w Wlrh lit.. -ilL.rlrr rnn t pt .

I itnftio Jyi>fu of ilciiroi: Ihcy nro mnni lipi-omli'uf. ^^lil<'^'lully for 11 llmiro • Him ilnx.-l’n w h lrh tn Jtinl n h ll mil lltll} iinrron'. t\ii» rn?\iiw».Jioi-ntrnl duHlKiinil fo r hor nml lu-r

_-iill_»btui-ii-----I t - tm a - j f - h lu o - a m t- .cr'oiit. w llll tho lonir. v est cffci-t,

_w ]ilcli, ,!jy_llio_wnj:,Jiij> ''’''* .h(-i:oii»j_rn if lo 'l l in m il litfiir.r. Tlm liin.TlH ,

1 tw o 'llK h ic r uhndprt of liiii<«. Thn nmall r.kololi lOmn-n -tlm ja rk n t wli1<;li In llnlnliod w lih n ncnrf iiliout tho-neclc iiindO 'T jjr'of'llircn nh'nil.-ii'

- t i l muu III 11 in r liiii 1-fti 'i.i . ' -.Mill- ' ■ctUor n plilc nnd iinimtiiil co«luiiu>.

©imierin'-BiossoTTj^-----Room'of Park i la td

A i-liarmiiif; no.'lal .-Vfiii iif Tiiv:-■ii:iy'.i-i'.''iiiiii:-'v;ir. imp iinjTirr-iT,in?-ni • » liich Th.mitiit 0» '(’iis •-iii.TialiK'il , liiit .iaiiKlii.T, Ml>..- 7! ,.:y . nw pn^. iMr .K-caidiiiriH'liiu 111 liiin 'ir ot h .'r Mrlh- Ilay: niiini-r 'm ih I.itw -J In Ih" a llra r - 4iv.>-^>)<l>iii‘*M.ouu)iu-iuuiiuiit-Llia.Iiai:l;

an.l .h .T ry lilnnsmir. in la ll w i.lu-i >,:i-,kir. :i.!.-rn..'.j itn- i m..,ii u».I iTi.- ..m l«nK laM.-. I'iiici- <'uii|-i an.l caii<l.v l)iii.fii-i.. w.^r.i (ll l i a i ^ i t . - . '

U iIiT lilf iMVIx* iii.il-ir.il lo lli>' Ow- vm.. rc^l'll•1H•,l .111 Sl.-.lh av .'iiu r W nlli »h''i'< ' III- n iu;Umli-r »r iMi- .•viiiliiK wa:. :.ii.'i!l iJaX m ; r;tn l:‘, .Mr.'.. Marl--.l ui.MlluL ;.ll.l.■^ ,lil^ l■,ll-|,-, ill .l .If Mill.llMiT "Oil llll' :>ror.' jiil/.ir^.

Wa.ysicle . Club l a ,— yjnteit e inpti- lhir'-' riay

.Mr.1. P r. ii I!o"i> wa < IiokI.-s-. ti> th.' w ^vnitlf c-lifj Tll;-.^>iay afii^rnoun ni J..T I..D1/.- S U lh avrlill.' .'lll'i. wilji Mni, l . 1-*. .Mlllon a..V;|Mant li«>-lr.«. Mi=h. I.'.' A. M'l.ii.- ha.i c lia rK r'l.f ll.- Iirnurani. » I |lr ll lilOlluli->l Mlnr.s. ■••ail- iiiKi. an.l a fi..«-.T r.itil.'Vl. .Mr> f , ,1,

.M lllcr-'»un-Uic-ll»ri. iirU .:-a u d - \lr j_ C1). ................. . 111.- ii.'ii>.tlalUiii- Mr,>.

- ;u .v .U ».ii..v.- .Mnt- -Ulcnn—Jor.frs-3 «il >!1: r. l ;ila 1t.'t r XV. I.- .•Illh Tliclio^.t.-..i s - r rv .- ;r ,ta ln ty n'rr.-rhm.-iil:-

' " ......’" • • j .’V V ....

Deaths, and Funeralsr iia ii.N K (iv .iilo -- . ">i"

1.. il.> . l : . t.K-! l \ lll lli Irnm Calit.ir- n.„l ,.,I Ih - . V II... .MUI.,' M M I

r.iiiMm, .Ii.il al i'S- T w in niKK roun- ly ;;t:iM nl h -v j^ f ,! •|^..•.llay .•»fiilnf: al II I--. fnllowlnK a l(n»:i'rinB Hln.•I■ , . ll•. inxiiiiitv 11,1.1 miiili: liirt hom.- lu r . l . '. Mr lhe ia-'l t-.^w-ral y -ar^ .

— Hf' i- M.r»i».'<t Uy hi.-. « l.low ; lu « M'U.-. lt.)h.Tl Ownln;;.- of n i .T , An-

OwniriK!* Ilf K cll.'ir. O rr , . 'a n i l iw i. tlanshT rft. Mr;.. J . DIman nf

It.— Uj i a ~ ! = Hi— M»fan,ica« f.ir .Mr. flwtiins.n ^U U 'ti- c<iwlil<-tfii T iii 'r:-!:ir a ftrm o o n a t : : ' n '. o’clock fidtii 111.- U.-’plL-'l fhiiri-li of n i r r . tin- Hrv. .Ml. tVali'Thoiuo ofllri.-\tlnc, .In ^ v r rw c n i-:rr ll 'r '" ? :'’'*<*"-ft* W lor c t i « «

— f„t «-i nl

‘ r r n ’S l.am lK M i'a il Hil> " . 'r k vU h r\V r> -m iro r i,-n .-K .- ;l i ra i« r Hhnprr, 1‘lii'ni- '

y jir:y a£ i:;g T )7 a iY :!n ]T O —

■y ' ' H o m e P h o n e . ' }

B o t i i e r s H o s t s at D in n e r P arty

• • ' i ' l i t i y m '- a n t l - M r B . - H o b i i ' i - I O n - . I c T U tin F r i e m i s F O u m • .

_ --------------- - - K i V n l j e r l y . ,

. An im;-i-.-‘ .t,lii(: .^vi-iii.n: Tiu'i.diiy iihiK 'viiit >li>- hrl.ii:'- dliiiK'i' n l 'w h ic h Mrtyor n n .i ' ,Mr-<, U, K. H-'hl.T wore Host.', a tfllif- m irat-ilv.- tr a roniii rr- conlly ojK'nril hy Mc;i. Wa tV Dlckoy

- oii- N lhl li liVt-illU’ I'lim. *i‘lii' 'iiliie t .T hli-H a l w hirl! ilinni'r w’ai* I '-rvod. wou- Hli|ioint<-d in anihiT. OniiiKi- iii|iorii,.lii unih,.r lioitlw s i.lKikit c-ni.-ri-.i .'»c-h lu- hit-..Jiml-llio |i1in-« cliril.i, wc-iu uliio lu thl' »'hn.ti-ii rfilor. Al hrhlKi- Mr. ,mnj .Mni. II. WllHon won thu IiIkWi’c i '" iirizi-: Mr?., J. l-'runli Uoiii'y, •I'oton.i hlcJi. and Mf. und .Mm, 11. !•:. I’owtirii.

l!iic>il» WIT.' .Wi', liihl'.Wl'il, n . ’Cl. i-on Mr' a li'l Mr», T rank St.'i-hiiiillh. ^^.^■|m^ M l•^ ifarl•y Dl-.koi.;- .V r.-.imi

. Ml'!-. Uny iM vi^ ^fr. iin-l Mrii. I;'. K. WIlMia. ^ ir. uilli MrH. i-liiirl-H Iciiior

•Ml', and 'Mi;-. H. K- row oru. Mr.. ;iiid >lri., W. A, I- Hlowc, ,Mr a li<l

■' ihi.'iiii \VIHlfiry.‘?1r^ t n l

I!in.l' M ^I’ t m i ' ^ i I M r. anO Mrc'.' l.ui;I Umi'i, Mr. ami .Mm, Iln rry WuiH. ui'..

y r , an.l Mn>. •). Knmk l l . i i r y and Mv. ami Mrit, J: I.. Slu-.iurd. ull of ;Klniliur. iv- ami Mf. and Mru, W. .1. Seal •rwhi-l'^illM. ’ ^ __________ .

■ * .M(-silawt!i'\V. r . .viuiniin ii'n.l Vh:- ( ..r .Sfr.ilK'i'lt f.-uerlJiliJt'd .S)iliii-da> ill

■ ih c hum.' Ol Ih.- f ..n .roi-TrrTi-titntmt--

.■ lv i! r V iir r l '' i ‘ - n t ; in t h . i ' luliLc, 'M>-l.iilnllil.'ill-'. .a fh am all lal.I.l li.Tlii,; .•. i.i.'ivjl w ilh .a iimt vinto of yolh.W

mil I'lijut and [daci- «:i»rdn nil;- ,-viii);—TTiil rii.-"' iiailui T n ln r ' HCttPtnrr

. Ilnvl-. l|ir l.i .ii-.l Mnt. IIIIV-m.iiid Iliiivcii. MlHSCo ti.'orKlii M.-- Masl.T. M yriht Doxt-'i-. Maliol Clnrk. 'A.Ill WillillO. MurKlir.;l (.'llHHlPi'll. 1.111.-

' (Irt A>kc J 'lu f. ■SfrjJJa'HJi,Onih /

lU T T i . t i;<*i;nyrKNT• *—.'^l^-^^r^^c^-^lUlllK- (“ I-—•fii.nmh—m.i.. f liii ir ■;:Miiti,..lu-onu*l u,„n.:S!‘»uM.'»nj

f.vi'jiiiny .If iin .iirmv. and -;iii «r*lw for .'iii.iiKh iiiiwcd «ff idmlKiinx lo u.inlii .trviiiy imllco-niilciT. In (li-.- mo-

• l/vIt-,lllcl^l^.4^..SJtt«H'^HnlV<l lir.in :ioiil .m i fi-....i 111... L»,i».nio..»il t.iml|i>_!lil lltillywiHi.l. In vh|vv;iir ih>> fuel tliiii llli- lii.atli-di'iilln i;'ac 'crii’orlVii o f l.a t-

. Ih- W.-I,. m:.-n.'il to r III.- .-lli.iax of Ihu lil<-lmi.. ‘'Liicllvi. ilf 111.- M.ili,” . Jitiir*

T s j ; ”‘n H i T Y s i ' o r--tli.*'i.<-MTlr won.tc. lan.l ni.nin.l -X.lon .\a lh ina l I’arU. In M a ll wan ii'nd f.ir

L .ua iiv .o f 111.-- L-vlLrl.tr »ci'ii.-:i ..>f.l’:ira- iiiiiiiiii‘ii yt-w Zaii.' a c fy iilrtiiri.-. •'1 Iip

, VaiihilihiK Cl<m'»'i’." I'* " ' ‘I*’'Holt l;t f.'a lufcil. • •

l- i„ \V .< K i .s s i \N r / t .w t •~ ^ iT iil-j.ir.!iinnnr^» io '~ screcn‘n:r-Tnnj!t.

. jii.iiiiliipiii .•iii.niclt-r a’clftr.'Hiliiy^r Hk ' |ia f t » f .I ’a u l FiriiL-Jtuuala'-iiJnmUUitHij

In r ’l'ariiiiitiiint. "T h.' I’a lrlu t."

S U s e d . F u n V i t u r e ^R E A P W A l M T A t ^ S j



I j c i i i ja tM .'__C=«fr> J i c / i . J i

«•' U roaj*• ■ ]l', r T:,r ; :V.I • Ij-,- th.- cllfr ,.v;. ^r.‘unA. -l-h^d toj .1- r / : r HU. Du.-Jtfix.

' / ai-. tn anJ n'jrt■ .-!nKj ffJV

.'/•.• .'.-.ir'-il h■k:t n r i> tret/J r?-H

___ 9-1.,: (ffn-______ ;____

— ' , ^ = 5 S S = = S ^ = 3 = « .

‘C H m w ^ P a r i r b t ^

I m p r e s e i v e A n d ' T h r i l l i n g F i l m

Tln! viiiiaovlllo Hliow.'liclliK p r iw h tr r .l u t th p ■QruhcutiiuLlVL-litt.'r fo r -Hip hull lin io i. lon lc lil. I» an cxi:oilnni. w cii.ljahiiiccd lllll. of coinoily.' iniiHli,-. dancliii:;.. .atlilotlca.'..T lic.. lH'ii., ynnth

lo doUKhl tli.rHt«r-Ki)t-rii, ,Of uioro thiiir'onilnnry InlrrcHl lu.

tht- toaiura-plcliiro tn...cinjniu'lloii with lhe vaiuU-vlllc atiii.__i::rjK-_riiilic»t:->H'’‘>ll'‘- tluv-.l'nunm-;inn~iir"t»ir1{!Tr>-lwn~Higt.i!iB''Bl'lI'y'1 of ,iho iiunii! niinu' wtitch wnii for nionihH a woplily ' tictloii fciiliiro lu lho SiiUinlByKvciiiiis Ponl. und wlilch

'jiw Ik (thowu UH n Hcri-cn_ iilny. et-r- t'lilnly mndc'u...lv<'Ii Imjiroiiuloji .on lotiil ninlloii |ili:liire'i)utriniii.

A larK.'- .:r.i»'d flllrd .'V.;ry H«iit In llm ihi-ntcr.—tu rn U a |ihnHiiiliir-whlt:li,.u.lJ).II>Z'In Ihc nilndH of Uuwti who Hnu It for yoiii'H .10 .•OIIK-. I.i.hi, inii^o willioul (Towdii o r miiiiKivi- Ki-ltluc't: wlilionr ncnuaUonullnm or fc.itu Uf dnrhiR.' yut It kci'iiii tli.> iuitll.:uc.: 011 iliu odK.r ot lli.-lr ncntR iIiroiiKhoiii llt.> fntlr<- tiliowink- of iliV miii:l(-rly 4icrlng tiu-lli.r ilil-i '(IIWL-lnrliil in-ii]iui,..A’ho'. nh)l_|"_!?.liniih-, .Ihnl u._u_jimii v,-lio Kot-a oul Into III.' world lo nninmt n Kfcal foriiinc ho liiat .lit' nmi' fo-. IHiy Iht- i:lf,l will. it|uirm‘.l hln lovo inj hlfi' n-.nr tipnunilonnl -wny. Hut nti<-n Iio' Kahm hU wt-nlth and iIjl- opiior-: ini.liv iirlH^. hi' hi. tu>t .:a»iil)lo o r foiiiiivliiirAiTronch wlih liln. orlcoiai-

TilltTlFrTliV=Jteinni .ai'0" iicrfcctlr~^cnatr^ Mnrl.m Nixon nnd l-Mmiiml Hiirmi

ciiVry 111.-, fi.'aiiiro rolu» in ihp pl.'* tun- nlthuiiRli Hcrhrrt llonworlli und K, Soilci, ClilucHo nclor. _nr^'iilno _ pr}\iiilnciit. • ^'lli flit-m nml l<i

i -.!»V>liimiK-iLjTikmlraiiiij.^U ii.'tlMK. uud «ood .llr.ci:lhiK.

- f c o n - e h s m e y - F i n d B — :—

^— G r e a t - r R p fe ~ i p — r ------- ;His New Picture

.- l / iu ('hnncy>7n iiiao i.lo x un.l n 'jo y j• I

J<o olic In Iliv world cnn look no

nmlcvdlcrit m; ihlH I.on Cli'unoy.—und. .110 oni.'_c,in took'Ko„iii-iiiiinlltuilc J l l ' Ihlf very **“" "t-lfitiiiuL-

.:_i*iir Insliuii-i-. In IiIh. liilom vuhli-iv! ••Tlm niK - ,i;ity." iMotn)-G«1dwyn. Miiyur^H^HCnniitloiial romnH.ru of Nrw. Vorlt iin.1.-r\viirld- nfor now i.layini;

■nnn.Tinnnn-.mr.iicrri.iirfum: tiiiuur-- roH-. Clianoy iiluyti oiu- of^ihi' moM daiiKf-roiiH ciiiiiaL-l.TH.lii-thii worl.l, a N.-w. VofJi •KiiiiHHlcr Ic-a.lcr, Ami no

.ilm :aLl':li-niiihl liu iii'.'ii.-. dinK<'fo_im rof ;.n acl.ir. If.- han to can'y tirP viiry i-!iiliodimuiil..of.munui;c und.cold' hhinihMl iiurll—und nllli lr.< nit human UH aiiyoii.' .'Ull, .S'o It-IX llmn I'l Loh

't ’linML-y rniihl jila t Ihin compli'x imI.',

aciini: nmntpriik-ci'. . ' ' .Ill- plays n nniicninr l-mii-r, .iniiii;

:i calinr'i-i u:t n <-loak lo lii» ithilsicr ncUvillvn.' lilH "jiioll." (>)>i'r.illnit - »

.duftrJuiulioiiac Jor-UloJcu.ruoUo.Jild: rtiii; UilB. umlm tlin~sm riv or~n ' l Uliy cn»tiiii.'.i Bliop. lu* thla.«i-itlmf in lu-

Tfhitnecir' a nfflc , rh»iii5slrir’Iiihoct-nt or-iriFirVi'p-iifaiifc oniruTaift i» h^r Ihcy jirc.;;ot>iJ frlrndn/—aud hor lii-ll.rf In Ih.'in i.r.-ci|.llaios- a rlfiiii.x • ns. ninnrliia an il In lu-url-KrliiplUK.

It i»>a dvllrati: roman.:<> tnhl in n ni'iilnu' of ul;;.hl. uliihii uml hrluht lli;liln. holdumi iiml Dollrc liatlk'n.

N jpN O 'W . :


7 . \ 'Z j : o a .n ' ■' . ;. I'm metl ■-

j.MAf c f ih f'!a m i!y XthiU I t«M» flirf.l0.1r'o/'m y f.><rr -; did U3nt V J?*'/’ t ' <1 uCTtt ttx/iT-W TiUf tuthilifd. .-lH; ve:',mif<r^r — W -.;« « * . ----htr f>; t:if r.iJ^insentl (O fi a n jy,:f~ rlimhfJ tiir inct.ani XHtln tm- the nihnt'eni fprr^ fr_iKtr1,c.-y.--Scm/iiJTv it tairf «H t/if . rni rf Prrhet* fhc iM fr uou:j-j>iirm.- t-ftrrr. - --------------

■ m j i Y T R Y

- - l a g g B f e a f B B i S ^

eoniidcrim Ta^ venture ' on ’th ^ /e re i M arietta M itlnsr, te lling her liow H

W0V.-J1 Illld nil ■ aumrlnj! . hlcnU .of Hhrill.i. niirjirliH'ii and ■ roniiijim.

-i.M jircitlluc.l)uV -la!c!iiirinini: tin:, nhopKlrl. whllo .litiivis Miirriiy nn th.* -j'ouiiK rauKittcV w ho h 'fo rtnn tlirotiKh

^ ,^^ ,^ ,l,.it^a .> lo^> ut-w iu i-iiu r liW !l-.il cunvliiciiiKly-uutuP.lI'InThlii iiatl. H'-l- ty Conijiroii in an urlh illc irticcL-.tii und ahio a I'ri-iil to lhe oyci nn Iho hOKim 3lioi>Uci:iii;r. _aiiil niln’ni adniiinlply cnni ui'O Vift:lnlti i.'curuou mi Ih-) UtBhl oinir iio.nt.*:'n. W nllor P.-rcIval.


{Yu^|!lrhirl^'n'lcllfiin >'--Ttfilu a:t>L-in iii\py hy Wiildc-tiiiu' Ynunp;

rA » l» (»V J'IL \N K S ^\v'w lH ll lo liiUo tliln o p p o r tn n llr lo

ilian li fflpnilii uud rt-liitlvun for ilii-lr ifiiiiint-Ti liiiti ;iviiumi,b,v, ■',‘m hiir “ b ncHB nnd d ra tli of oiif I'on and hro-

I l iU rT ^ ru ^ 'm if - tn — c ir r n c t a l t r r ^ t j k -U w .-G lllllun to r hhi kindnOiiH.

Ml-.' Illld .Mrn. .1. M., nnylo.f. C afoll, .\jiirlt. K cudnll. '

________ i;iiilly V. ;ii)d Anmibollc.. ___

uil». ■ . -

r . - f A R K ' ^. ___7 5 c — S p e c i a l r u —

— ^ W e d n e « d i a y , . F r i d a y


.. Phdnc .454 T S K K HC

“ ^ a K T I S T G . ■


. L O S - J :

'• - T H E . .

, - p a d i e d - i v i t f L ~~ChQneLj thrift

. N il lUu- on till* si-i-V.-ii lo i l i iy -

. I'llll . 't iu iil r l in ii i-v r . i r tlii-- t l i r i l t o f tl i .> - |i i i iM in l‘: . \ s , r i i i i i ' l c C .i lli i is^ m i.h -rw . ir ld

r x r i t T i r c n f “ n ir< l— mt?<ppn:^r— iiiiiiiziiif' evv ii f o r l.‘|inm -v.

^ ” 5 A c k e r i i n a


_ A d s _ _ ^ __________<

TOPICS O P ,T H E ;ii) iy ''’' %

S C R E E N ^ ‘ ' ■ ■ m P

le came lo write "Ciceui I ^ radc. /

MA1IVEI,«1’,S(H»V.V•riu- U\t)i w or.l In'iiieRiinco, fo r ,tlio

.'■KrunU..lfliii:lt6-i;,ln ’ «!ilii;.tq bo. cx- pr.'i'm-d lu tlie •coBtiinm jiiK.t diifllKticd fJl- I7oV» NPisfl. T he .bodloo. h» w ry

..l.^.nilnn., .■■i„i.r.hi;no,...-d on 11 flCBll roliircd noiiftlo • l<ip.- •’rhn-.wUolo.,uod- Icc. n m r loil o f llils yoke Is cm hrpld- .‘f.'d iir^icileally nolld, In -dlamondn und nlliftti ntlrfnm ; lonylnK.n jipnC.t.in

• lirH vroii.ihuI_ltt um iiirontly flc«li...Tlm ■ jcn tlrp ,-n lilv i Ill of wlilcli oH irkh ' iilnim-ii which p»d l.pilom In

!tumu-.Mla:i 'SJourl .wcftM, diinr«ii.Vr»ll'a' .•nicralil hracohtn...rKiiir-nhapciJronr» rlii,i;» und piiafi rlnRB, , • 1

>v.W Ki:.\!NT F O ir i : l i i ) iX \ .s ‘. rludlnim ' In 'llin movlen imiBl' wenr

mrfilie-iip- |id- T \l!iriiC*PailUl' Il.|!fl'> hu-

HrrP(-n. Pnnchnniinllc film l« - to y n tn u for llll- clinniio.' Oil ord lnnry film llu l irh lim iiliMoKrnnlm wlido nnd red DhuioKrnpliH lilaclt.- Tho cojiiier 'h uo<>f-ili.>-iiliorlHlnn»-(^<lullo-:uatfi(factor)VIII lho ftlil.fuahUmcd fllmii. howovor.

of CaMf'-irnla-uiid tho « 6«UiwobJ hnd

'.>lnu -.iklcii wunt w liltc. W llli th o ud- vi-u' o f th .' iianehiom iillc film n il ^hlii

-"•■I.: irhm '..i..1 .nilil nnw Ihl- rod ni'.'n •m usl t.'-iuiiko ll i i j r coinplt>xlonN;

i iO T E Lin e r T onigh t—t7 5 c ' _

a n d . S uiiday J^iglitB ,: .

j t o n E S '' .' '.GOOD’EATSV - '

JTKE ^ Anno '

------- ■^rtTtTT~»ln-^tP»HfTB r tn j**"-------

-L a s t T im es T o n ite -Li-«- fdiij- _■ Atlron I'rltiirle In

“ T E A - F P R g ’ ------ ■•— ---------- -= ::\t;s O^:— p------ riL v iin K T irA S E fco jiE D r-


“ L asi Showin)? '..........^T onigh t . ■

in H arris V aude\d lle

satile V a ri^iT ^ u s io - . . : - r ^ ^ ( S i » o r ~)N THE SCEEEN ’

— R < ) M A W T 1 C - - . . . ^

m S H whatJ B I kn x S ^ f t w A s IS S B B iL S E C R g r^ . '^ '

isp^^yATOEVmLEP^ “

Page 3: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

■ jv r :D N ’E s \V A T , y L \ y g . v M

~ —rr -

“ ■■' '••. - B T O L i ■■■"■ ' ■'■■■-'■ ■- - j _ DURLEY___________•■•-? ~ ^ - - c A a ^ r L t i ' t m i T - t r r i - i r -

. . ' . » ' . ..............;.!— ^

W i i i i i l a c c

HcboblTiSflririMoOrrPriiJRy.' on.li tlio; pa r -KniiloR. aUcmlcU .llw> Tw in . Falln counl)' iraek nw ot a t Kllor. -Mlsu Naalllo S iiildn rth , rcc'tivpil- flrHt nwur<l

ScliDeil,. jto h it Man Mdlilculiaucr nml H o re n c o ' n c ck ll roeulvca .aecoinl liwartlH In tho Junior s ir ln ’ relay, raco and Noallle. Sudtlorth, Itinlicl Hockll, W ilma an n ln o r anil M arso re t Sclm cll r'ccc lvc 'l' flrat ayi'ard In tho scillor

•lilrU '.'.rc lay .T nw ;-'.-— . .• - - '•“ .7 .'.- MlBA lnabcI Ilcck ll recolvcti hoc-

oml awaril ln‘ llio Hcnldr B lrb ' lilifli^nmn ' ' ■ • ■ . _________ -

.__ jam oB aionco-(JrovQ 10 I 'o m i rancu

Ia rta rilno r nn«l Mr«. T . r. ' OriilK •'n,'>}toi;fd';tn TVi'lti r a lln Snliir-

'- jt ttk RtPRrt of Tw in KuIIh w as li B.«mltiy fcuenl ill t i l t E.l MeConnoll

••llognT . ............. ’■ " ■" ’• --------------— M t~ ^rtiift-«c -ltlm be flv r ftn m p d to

hrH -hom o'Salurdny a f tc r aH w o-w «rh» 'vlBlt n t Dio Ed McConnell ho jp r. .

MU« Clnra McConaoll o f poodlni; spen t •-Sunday ^w lth, ho r pa ren ts . Mr. ana,’'M ni.''R d McCopnoU.

■Mrs. Avis H n lch t motored 10 Twin -rftjHs-Hawrtlftyr— H « « ^ lM o -a » a w a o . ■itoL£ABhltr.^ ro tiirncd_V ;l;h

U .n RWOBi of Uor «rnnUm oinor, auh . M ary M l l ln r '« t t i 'c ' McMllliin holel.—

.C . A. noRR'anil rnmll}’ niotoi‘c d 'to lU Rerm an aon .lay , w licra tli<>y;i vfovfi

.K im tH .A tJhp_C . K. HoM hotnc. T hey also .vlnltcd In Buhl. >

___Q eorggJIu ilnnn .n tnL fam lly of F ileraiul y r c d Peterson ,- wife u a u eon

• 3nt,v inotoroil to M nule H ot SprlnRH flunilay to -«co Mrn. w . ii . itiiiisoii. Thoy k'opon Hint M rs.-- H udson 's licaltb la lojprovlnR Under th e irea l-

n a s h U r m t i rc a - n n n r T ip r in K B r '— — P-

E d T iirp a tra n and fnmlly cnllcil al Uu) CriH M(}]denhauor homR Sitlurduy.

P r a n k -o n i lUjy P bco oi: B u rley r e ­tu rned to tho lr ho tno.B atunlny a fle r a week 's BtayfvfUh tJicli’ m o the r,'M n i.

^fuU iion^L litafil«L JiS )U .S j?rini;S :_____;. Mr. and Jitra ., I 'a u l SeiinoU and fa jn l lr-a n a ssn w noJa lc L ennonr woro r u o its fo r'iJInnor a r th o - to in o -o f -M n

-o n d -W n tj-^ Ic u p -ln -P u h l-S u n d n y,Mrs. B ku iiitra . Ed WcBt nud Mr.

tvnil,-'MrH,'‘ C«rhollu« We(it inotore«l to p ii^ lib n * O u lu Suniluy. T liey w oro a ^ i n j i ttttt»d^ b y - if r* - nnd - M rs .—C..

■Tbti new oil Rtatlon owned by W est atid-Noukain. nnd localod on th e new

tioabm ltc-Y cllow fiton i . blKltwny, b r e u y for ‘bualnoss. ' -

r r t iv E r^ K m m irK ir - i i i ip c r t- ro i i i r t t - a t- h h l ^ p n i i , o t bin '«lst<*r, .Mrs. Oov?

^ ' S " ’’ T ? ^ l^ l ' t c " a n 'n sons D elbert 'aal^'^tiln•ln•'E tii;ono hod 'M r* . Bmnin

ftt- 'tlie A.E J , 'K u n k e l home n e a r A m sterdam jSWWIajr.: Mra. K ubns ban recen tly ro- tuKi'od homo from a n •uxUnileil vlsU

Tn-"*’- r f ’^ Ini- P - r UolTnnCTV>lnoia“ Wm“ »H)t<l ‘Tirnnchlnjr h e r^ O T -fn tho n o gerson church on fiuodny-sven lncs.' . . .

| i | f c L . N E ^} Mla-

F v O iS t H Bi^pO B..on-Thuradny nfier- to<#W >,T»oM wql«ty l a 'a l s o • Invltod to 'In lB nd t t c litJion m oetlny on pnjr'A fj'tho , Ba^^llst J iu n w lo w , .T w in

( T & '.B apU at conjcr^itallon. a ltondetl lb e ; ;* r* * U rt« t la n - j± a r .c h ., .a t . .T w lnP a lU -jB undar-ovenlng; to banE-.M 'r:

W .JoV*

Mra. 'lU ’KrAUXffnrter- la. sUiwly re- |ov ]!flnc :f t fe V _ * k < !r« >:;n ttn c lc ,o M n -

I H J t o ’.M u a B ra^ from> F lie r caHcd l n - M l ' T h u n ^ y -60 J iu i tn a u ; -

U i l and Mra. H a s h Hollowny, Mr. .and.M r*. C. B. KnuU and M ra. W al­te r,‘-JllOlloway n r o , apendln* . several dayW uo' no(M ',oa . bualnea*.

m n a d ^ % n% ay Tf6r Capta in and M ra..i;j. O.V G reen and Mla* Mary P rf tltlo f ‘BarlB FnlJa. i ) ( r . 'a n d ^ t t a . O. J . C aldw ell and e h lldw n a p en t Sunday- w llb M r. axld M r t r J.- ^CTC»; ‘ m r . -- • •

Kelorf D«ata- il> M t M onday vlaltl.wr Slra:.>Andy W inter. . . . . . - ^ j I M ra. - N ora fU d u n X apen t Bundjy.

• i l tu Mnu Jo ta> ^ » to ira 9^*av4 . j tltnneV l « t v for frienda Ita

H o Ilo w V y r^ a lU r aollow fly a t KBOJUiUa* Jeaslo D um a

iS r ln F alla wer« mw at« o t M r. and

A d B averace . Je rom e.

u d w tw leaa .tiyli i j K l d r t O W -p « tt> n ta - to j> l» e t tr f a ^

" ^ ^ ^ ^ n o v c n ’ r - - -. , :doO T

Ex'cEi.«jiou-;: ; -- - • FAIRVIEW . . 110U .I;

,. .jg it?

.lI-iEiler News-L-■ FIL E U . -WRy: 2.—TI|'«1 famlllcH (If • J.

-IJ :-B blnn-^nd-\^rW f.» llB .-lO K oO m r. \f lth 'MIkhok Ellen O nirool and Allco T ium er■ - plcnlckod Sunday « i iliit aou thw lck rnnch iwar C lea r lukcn.• MtH.-Wlllinm WuUorK le fl Suuirdny

ovunInK fo r-L oh AnRoleii OH ro rj lp tTjf"'U nic.iirniTC" telitnff' 01 "(Mo iU«rwHiifccnndilliin of hor hod,' John , wbo \vu« rcconily opurnicd oh for appondlclllii,

Mr. nml Mrs. Cbnrlcii Ilelclierl nnd ■ion J loberl. MrH. Wllllnm E. DoKlolz nnd tam lly .w tro Sunday dlhnor Buesta o f : M r.^ n n a Mra. Fred - IlPlchori. -

Mr. nml Mrs. Ili S. CowlInK ofT w ln Fnllii. wcro {iundny cvcninc dliinnc i;n«H ta 'at tbrt l . S. LiiHuo hoini;i |

Mr. jtnd.M rs. J rA .‘"j()hnt5un o t.Tw U l Fnllii-- mf>tnr.'(I to AmitHcan FuIIh S umlny, ri.-iiirnlnir hy w a y of Inillini SprlnKH.

.MlHK Loona Clliapman Is rccovcrlHK from It Bovoro ntiuck o t Jnflucnzn.

cinHTm i o Mrmai' r r i 'n -w hn-y un- m l t l c d j o o m ajor opcyatlnn fo r kaII jitono ir-a r- the ■ co iin tj^ iqS p lla1= S jtli- diiy, Ih- recovoxluK nicoly.'

The lU'bckuh .kuimlmcion rh ih mot Tuo«day.. nficrnoon n t . tlm humo of Mra. R. T,. ilrnvcii w ith Mrti. Frnnk F i 'h rnnbacker aimlmhHt liontosii. - ^ I n r O r d c r - p f - th r - BBate rn - a tBi-w lH- JiolO-A , ruitulac-mceUuc-pI-Uiu-flDciaL h o u r to bo In chnrRo of ibn .l*n»l Mi\troUii’ 'i-hi>f.'R.-r>-i<>ib)ueiita will b<> Horved.

Mlnii MnlicI nrnvoH Iiiih li.vn III -w lU i-lnauoa ia-J__________ __________

T C LO V ER N EW S ]CliOVER; Mny 2—Tlie' Y oilnn 'lV o-

n le s ' aocli-ty of Ibo l.u lhornB churcli lin il n BDcJiil-iininiiiBini'NH liV.nilthK iif

Joyahle tlmn, ' •: .Mr. BH.I Mra. Jnlin Moyer cnlorliiln-

0.1 tbo .Theo. OlhrloK ami II. C. Relnko families nt illnncr- Sunduy.

'L . C. Moyer nnd fnmlly and M r..nnd Mra. Herm an Fincbcr an.l dnuirhtnr

Jla r tcn s home.I Mr. nnd A. II. J n i^ ls wore

lio*ta'"Suii'dny .ovHninc ' t o a^ la rK P

form of a houHe wcirmlnis ro r iKo. flno new luoUern home, wblcli they have JUHt-ffnlahed.' 't rf t .r /y •?0)roirrolurneJ boriM _Saiur-

tn a tlvnd tho funcrnl o f bin father.Mr. nnd Mrs. Armln L lsl enterin ln-

e d ' tbn ' tollowInR-Ruostn al* illnner Sunday: ^E. 0 . IChlers nnd .fnm lly nml

F alla and lho fantlllca of .W nlior E h lc rs n m t'E m ll' Eblers- from E<len, P . -Mattbleson-nnd fnmlly w ere a fte r­noon cnllors._R « iv ,— DannAnfol.ll—rolurnnd—homn - from ft tr ip to .I ’orilam l; FrI.Ihy.

II. C. Rnlnko nml Itudolf - Marions tran sac ted business tb e lllx h Lln^

“ n u lh rran U dltm ' Aid aocletyt* will ri'»eet Thursday aflernoon wlih

[M n . .W illiam l.uoders nn bostess.,

Meyer, returned Sniurdn’- from n monlb'B vlalt with rolatlvoH in Un^ coin, Knns.

45om, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Jnspor,I Monday. April 30. a non.' Errierf.. Meyer nnd fam ily and -

Sunday.--nnd wera d inne r rucsIu of tbn Wlllli^m .X^utx family.

no rn ; ter Mr. and Mrs.' Frad Durk*,b a ite r T hursday. April, 2G, a non.

MHi ra Vl Jr.. nnil ahnw o jeJ ‘th tm -w lih -n isn y useful nnd tieauilful . p resen ts . -The ladies' b rooch t filled baake ts and a eafeterln stylo supper

•wan Borvml a t I o'clock.Oranilmoihor-. -Martens ' returned ,

homo frouj Ellen .Hundty, whero. shrv Jlad„b(^2IL _auyin^_^or.--:8pm cL U m (^.w IU itim so irK m in w id -fn m tly :-------------

Carl Llerm an and fam ll^, nhd Mr. and M r f C a r l ‘U orm an.—J r .rn n i ! - Mr. nnd M r* rE a rI W alker w ere Sumlny d in n er kuosIs of Mr. nn.l M rs. Er- hh rill U erm an.

Mni. Herbert IJernoh) has a boilly

break ln ir o ft and penetratlnR Iho bone. — .

T b e pum n wbleh lift* Irr iia llo n »-ater. on .-the_ t3o \-crJ i r a c l- j f U l .J jc . s ta r te d about Tuesday o r WcdD<!aday .

Scouts-Baoqueted; Have S w i i f i . m Nat

DUHI-; May * - ^ Q i i l ‘Troop Xo. l of th e M atbodUt ehutj*^ -CJyrt-. W alter Senfuen. a&utmaat«T..wa« ertToftalnefl .

b juM l9 ;ii> 'B aShurrr«»T i*n);iJi87 oh* - J o j ^ > o - ^ « ^ n * ; 0 t - a ^ -

^ " T W I N F A I

jiN O " ■ ■ * iciKim-iinVv X ’IMAX _ 5'. y y y , ^ ____ ^

“t o n " ;• ;VBTE lt . ' MQl)N'i'A lN VlCW>5ii2

Buhl Will Hold - Suipierrermior

r:i__BibleiTeachingIIUIIL. Muy .2 -T b c , uii'OlipK .if.iiu-l

|ifll'lllluHd.!Ht:i ' (if tll '' I’rv);liyloriuii,| CbrlMlnn. Moilindlfit un.l napllSi|

fo r Ihc putpotic of urninulHK Fur Ilic I nun^'.n.'r iioluint to bo li.'I.I fnnu Junul l i In Ju ly TIiIk will ^hcIh.I.- 7Uit-i cntlonnl and nihli- work, hiwul ci-iifi-i nml iirl. Chll.lr.'ii from -I 10, H y.'abi will -bo -.mrolUi.1, M m .-Jiim«s-.M lllar In exocuilvr' rbalrrann.

U nnr .'lurllH . «-Kuunnil n.-rvlcoii wore .b .'ld fori

fsuiTc.,M nriln; uki- r.n y .\iv -. .i if i Ij.-; IlltjHlMI <'liurrlFR«nrt;ry:irrnrnTmn-nr-*.* o ’clock. Rev. A. l^-uliniirt offiri-- at.«|, Mr. M arlin .-uit- from \\'iii*li- Inulnn lo Hnbl lo >-onr» ni;i> nud bus boen nil liivall.l for n o v n il y.-urf'. P i-u th . ncruiT.nl • lU till* rnnilly ri-nl- .Ic'ncK on Hovt-nili *irofi, Frldio ' ufi-'i'-

w l f o ^ n ^ ^ l^i>:liior|^ Mr'i.^ Soi;<| Y^ar''..

OonrKu of OnrrlHon. W ush.; two «Ir- torji. .Mrs. VIi>l..‘t K linbrali". Vukliiin. \Vn><b,; Mril. SuBie Homi.-. Wnlla Wui- 'la. WiihIi. In io n iirn t wiiii lii

Fm ncon Ij>bdi;lla. i,lilln ll.-ea. Kib.-I HtorktOH. a ll o t lUnl.'y. w or- oiil.n-- tftln;.l F riiluy nmi Hnljinluy ai. ti*"

y ;

, ' , . • " (UR)-r ------------------------------ ;--------

The thre• - ■ In the Junker

fliers were ta

' ■ ■ . Thre<rpoaaible ‘ m an T hsm aa,

__________■ p a n i e U V ^ o a

J U M E i

r.‘ ■

. l s D A l l Y i T l M E S ______,

" '- ■ ■ ‘ r■ . . s i io s i io .v i : I

v : " ' ’• ' : \v i i '« 5L i r ~ ' =j=

■lailDO .ir ,Mr. iil l.l'.\|r.^ .'U*.' K. l.inil.- - rii.i- ;;irill wvu- idle lliiili:; I'tirlMiiiU Knd.-avor <diiv»iii|i>ii,

— T b f ^ r . r < T :n r - ',-:.-rinr - ..r '- .\i r : - .ii»i -Mn>, Will i.oi'ci, ur.. ,,iili,. m.- -I'Ji.- I!i-c!'.i.yiri-iiiri_^l.n,j|,. :' |i|V||..; rl.i III !■; h .ililin-rjU l Iiti-Il;7\- inicliiii-

T li i iw ri i 'i , w llII 11 .-ov.'i.'(l t'llsli Tuiirlf.. 'in 1 .)'<-|.i(-l. ill bii,. .•i.uniiy li.mi;- »1' .Ml-;i. Arnnlci 'I 'aiiiil.-i, *' _ .

■I'h" !.'.ilVr;;n .•uiilMMiiii.-v ...v lH v of I Iji" .M.-ili.iill-i i tiiin-li i:< liol.Kii;:-till' In i'i 'iti .ly in.:..'iii:- 'lliiii.Mlav- ''R h Mr-: I ; K. ll. 'ln ia n . .Mil., .I»tinwin nn.l \Ii.-.l III . I l'iU on ;ip. -liV.,,.,....:,:' - T i l l '- .'xcotillx'.' ........................ i f iTii-lI .^liiiiiluu'iuu will iiii'c'i l,'rl>tiiy .-u . ' -

iiliiK ai lho .M.:ili'»lii,i ciincdi, ili-v. .L’.-.JIi'lniun. r lu iu iiu n .. ill fliai>>‘>. '

• A .I 'r.ir.i'iiiii t” mhnR:i- und* mii 'l r ! = wun rilvon.tiy iln- Jnnlm- ii;-.iinlifv;' nl

•tho IW l) .C lo .I ,- - :i;m i:r ill Hi,- w . . | | / ^ o m l i - i t i^raiii!'- in.-nlo;; rrlilay ••''V jJ

- "I'\iiiiily . S 11H1I..1V ,,-ni 1.J- •oliv.TVc'.l; 1 Sijn'liiy, ,Miiy li. :ii tjii' llainK t '' l in t rh .i l as> aniUMuio-ii Ia iin' paM.n, I r . I.atlirf>|), . :

T il.' i'hlinilio:'-.M.t'ir<iiiM nf ili.- ivui. ■ llKl .'liui-i-h in;.- li.'I.lliii; i. C.I'.......11'

!‘ m '.Mr.’i.-I , V'. < ''iii'i.uil n iii rn .'i l S;ii-i 1

u n la y fr.im u ............... m iint' Vl»li wlilu 1ri'liillv.-!: in lou .i, illlniii 1 ■ :imi . \ r . ,iiiiii'-ir'., ...................- I

- I-:.I .\>tuiiri. [ir.>]ii li't.ir nr III- Oi'i>;-'iir■Tv.-Ill 'I'fHlrl.l .■rv-V, ........... ■-•,I.,J|.|, ’ri-oni il iiii:ilu.-:,i> \i>it ill J'liri.lumi ninll .

—Ill.'■•■.-ll '.■•l. l.■ ,li ------------------- p. .\Ih ;.. .!i.iiu.H.-U-lh..u-,,i i .i i .|-M f.- tJl.-l-i rili.'ii'.-Wini'Knr i.-c-.-lM-il wiinl Siiinluy I of (III.- di'Uth of lii.-li; ftiil i.T 'u l Wll-'l •

m S A T l A U m H E R O E i

7 ■ ' I

•.-.tl." SVwfu ' OlJO-ratlio Xcw*. (U.R)-;rm aurie*-:.Baron--«.on_irutntfcld.— ^Canlji eTieroca o f 'lh e fir»t weatward lUglit acroiis,8 miinoplane. "Bfetnen.’ ,Tlw».e pieturen 0 ken in Canada.


• iS l

fv'\ V w

Socialist c a o u d c t^ for prfcaldcnt. lefl i o ' 1

a — fW a-iW iraeiakm -A pril-U .-^r-—

^ s T M m ' W M W i f R E

(&:» b r ^ C r e a t Q A l t ' a n ^ r * ^ Mm

-iniiTbe panama hat -.-.'hicli ^a lly

'nraphtnj: Is valued at f7i03 holding it. Tii'v «luiK-;ii i::s v/ri«i

• .b r-JicU -D rm i.scy . GenV- T im rcy. G ■ Uawc,;, RifJoIj.1i Valentino '.'.nd ot^,

iciw Si>iim;‘., Mlriionrl,. j;inu-« ;^ jiii . '- j¥

tr .'u n in 'n t-i-f 'lr liin .-y n , wlJI iiii..'ini; lil.- fniioral ,."ivl.-.-?t. _ - |

S i 'i i ff s ia h H a u ik s . \ _Q :i'0. .1'r.';i.l-»:liij.-.;.r luiw l Is iin.-'iin- j . nimil.r ►liisyi ili nn? niii.v.|p'-nli ........... J-;—

al II tiiii". • If .ll'iuvlioii. II will iiiiili-j I II tli.ii'l .lliL-lil anil M'lilc- n;:alii; :a

^^4V n w c le o m a P e t ’■

— SMlliv r"'»n '‘'" ii" '-«v iiiT iln r-h .iiv t o ‘ I’j-Kcrir-iH -v/..lf-ff.*m ~ihft-^‘u*r-:-..ilinra_„,uri^ llcu rliic iii'I In'.w. iii.'_y '•iin_,Hir.iw___It nut .if lh - li'ni-.c lii'f'ir.' I I 'I iiih pup-. ,, —KluU-ilo ■ Wlili; .'<l|ilijtir.l,

__________________ ll

' I T I — >'_ _ p _

^ a i ^

- - II ___ i t


.the A tlan tl: • . wsf the .dariiu ; ' j,

’ ’’I11

— -b

M T - ' , ' ’’ • ..J— — J m | _ : _____ nM - r . C ' ' ' ' .'I - ' • p'

L - ' i m ' • f-

■ (U.B. ; - .riftht. N o r- ' • * ‘ . .f, Pa., and-

1 1 -I-■

■' ’i'-

m QTiTmr

f e s i iESJ. r,) .n . I I

Bl.me, tno-/ic player, is au 'o - ' • 'a owner, t l , C, 5mo,ni, ;cn on it-: surfiicc tiie riaii.-.tn''^ > ,«] eneial I’crntUnR, Vicc Pi-einijni- _er no^ablcfl. . ' . ' . I ,,

?ifteen-Boy5^et-.-ai Advancement A t' ||

.. Court of Honor I ';Ji'llKiMi;, M iy ^-^■i^'n■lll»ly^ v .- i I-l;;

WUI-.1-.I Ili' i il li;i'ti:.-s «'r .............. . alI.- iii''riln); <il 111" 3.;i.in..- liny S:.-oiii-i , nnrt o( tinnor-M rrr‘ lnr.t-niriit.-Mnii-V f tin- lijiy.^ ri-.'.-lv.'.! UK nmny a-i iil\ iiTil ii!ii1gi'i..«alilimu:li ;-nni.- (if Iln-i'.' . lioulil iiuvo hi-i-ii awarili li a '- u imrt

-I,.-'i '--Ilu’r.11.-k ii.''i.-ci.a.; .-I'luiiuiuu.of I.- .-niirl llllll i-'raiiU M, 'riioiann. I'nni- ili.HlohiT Ilf i;diii-aili'n , liaii .-Hai-Ku i*( ■ n- iiiDiirani, l.unicrn i-.llii.'n o f llio - awuiolli uiul llu: ;u'nn‘. ,i-iiiii|i ll'ioi.: ■nr-nhowii— .>1i.rti^--‘M l i . ( - k l i a .m .w i , r e ^ - , ilcni rmm an ulriiluuo'. w hich Ili;w | vi-r tlio S;iu-tniiili in.iiini:ilnri''*<>n ]lio 1;7n! r r 'Im.' "i:.k..i, ily l .in.lli.TKli.--------irolinw lm : -w.-ri- ni.'';iwiiic!ii ijiii.Ii-a t ,

I.' . n 'l r i : i.joyd SmUii. troo]) , n. j

-nnn.l.-biidKon In I 'icctrlcliy .-llci't.iil 'l, !. ' !inlin.-)1- •.oli'ilar.M'Iji: _ Mumi.'i: » 1 IinK, tri)'>n 1. i^.-romi .-iiiHK, flrnl a i'i I I iinltiiuhi..iiluni4ilnk un.l fli'.'iiiuiiHhl|i: . rio .Siillivuii. li-odit 2. oi.-ctr'iclty and > w luuiilnj:: ''rlllx 'it llri'w.'i-, tm o p i nrvoyini:. nriii>luri>iii|> • Ooorco Curr, I r(io|i . riroiiiuiiiihlii. oi-ufiwork In l.:n- tMj^^.irv.-y(iiH-«ii.l^*I.H'Htii(l!-*—Uolk— J r t ^JuvIh. lroo |i iircnnil rlnnH. crijfi- ‘ 'ot-k-Hn—irn therr-flrem nnnlitn . " flr>-t -■ lai.ii. ■ • . I'Trni;rFtn ' r u FrTi:'r>i'i: v-r'>'>i.''':!rTT ~hi|>, - <-ur|)MiirV, tii-»t a id . ' puhilo. . •-■iiith, .‘Jia r s«;oiil: U 'lijorl , .Miller, m op ;i; nri^manslilp. rraf'.w nrk - in •:ilhor. <-r:ifLwuili_lii_woo.L:.«'l.-<-lrlo- _ y, poullry kcL-pini:, firm ai.l lo mil* ia!v,.hnrin'iiiunHiiln. .Star ticniil..I..'on 1’liilllp!i..iroo|> :i. .■ioctrifity. |•^'lllan^ill|1, hori!. niamibl|>y - c ra ft-

o i'k .' v.ninl<'arvlm:, civlcKC R obert ^IliUIpii. 1/ 0" ) n.- .ni-nmd riaiifi: Hob-. ''ri lli'.'il, irooji :i, j.-n r jHn. pliimldn;;. iMtiw.'irk In loulhi'r. . 'Icclric ity : W li- In-il ’1~|||1I-H.-I> iri'.in rt. in,i(ltli| I-InnitTl flroiiiuni!litp: JQr .Marr tipiloRmff. ^

fln-iiinnKliii. «:ruflwork in^on- ^

o.ulcarvihjr. -rimt rlimn, , •— — — aB ock Proteclor» "

\\;in-ii |iiii-iiiiix i'.»'i;'‘.. 'c u i oft .tho ' r

ll^ll ilioni O'l .til.- i-.Tiiers of tb e " DojL«. Thi*. will |iri-vi-iii Uioir helm: luiiiiijvil. ■ , . "

: ' ' ■ 1 tAfo H cp p y M edium ________ H

It-il Vi.'ViT ii<> |iin>.ll>i(.- I.I i^-ivrmlno ~ -ho :« the nv<‘ri)i:e liir.n by llie n>«tl- ■Miiy ..f Iilx ivlfo. ,T.-nvc It. In ller ‘ ml iie'tylii lio elilier nlmve or lieluw 111, average.—-Tnleilit Uluda , , i-^

Usied Gi-------- No-Del

Here on the Ro<-* E re iy prospootiva buyer of

will U ke the d ire a rood U--------bargaias'of the-ieatoa.-'N o

f o r evcTT w l l , i a - h a d a t r i i u t i U a g and o t i r SO-day g tuu

1 92 8 N A S S O T M iB a U1 9 3 8 K A S H L I Q H T s a 1 9 2 7 N A S H U O B T S I S

1 2 L 2 1 £ 5 w w S

‘l a a e ' j k w O T - o o A P H 1 9 ^ S G B E V B 0 £ E T : 0 M

_ 1 6 2 5 8 1 l A l 6 . ' t O i J t t H d ‘^ , ~ 1B 26 y O B B W T O . . :

’MtfiF^Goodficff=^ R i i h h o r r n r i i p a n y ^

New Plant OpensLl*nol'ii-Tirii-und-lliiHery-BhoLi', 'Jocnl .nirrtrlf*h it r j l o i, I.'i t a lH nc—nttenH on *i) Vin''..iji:H>i-fi.iir lii.:l<liini iTnpperiln?--' N'iay In i.im Aiiro|i-M. iii(n UolhK tho

II-tll- li.iutiiorii Ciiiiioriiln c liy . - • ^Ui-:niH>rOi’rl?iHj p ro rm n i hns-:b/*en .r iu riifd . 'I'in- tir.icofdlvi:if '.win boiriiiiii'-asT <ivi-r lho riHlirf hj: th e ' f'n*llio Cna.-ii .-<i'tw«rk'ii hIk Mntlnnfi lii:*« n',<->i •! un.l iniriii p. m, .phclfic Hinndt n l (ini'-, ,Miii>ii- by Kroul'itrilM ls; of

hi^wi ii-’oiiio'- r r 'im /9 o tn lii< 'n i ' poi'Hoii- gr-r-vvlnnifi—n fnltr~tn<tTrratctl-ln-’lh P -- irnjr<-r;'n«'l'Ttprpiul'r '-atitrrn'lo-l>f**aii-

v.-r 111" ii.-tu 'urk lii.-lndliii; flltillona:, -, U'O, s.in i--i-aiu-i.-<ci: lC(iO. CJakluiid: «).MO. .H-ntlio: KFJ. Lon AuRcle.-.; - \'IW , I'lirilain i; ami KIK!. S p o k u n ^ ,^ I'lii iiiis-ul;i-i'i. wlli Iio:' Jnnii-s IX' Tow,

tiihii.-r Ccnni>:iny: lln- Ilonornblo Uur-. .ni II. I-'IIH. I.t, (iov.T iuir n f Call- Di-nlii, uml J . Dalnl.-y Dny, - proHldcnt 'lilr.-ini NiiJi'iiiul. Ltnnk of I<oh An-

Ii-ti.; In.'lil-:n'ully,-»lilf« proRrnni will- ii-.d ii' Iii-“t I lf 'u sorioH to be clven ■i-iry Wi'ilii.^iiiluy-iiiKiil u l Uiy..Ham« iia i- '.n - .r H i.-. i'ac lflo .*<olwnrk.. 'i 'l l - ii'Hv .fuM.iry III n ifilni: of ...ji.iiv.— |i _l^_l>um ;..iii-.th-- SbanlnU. itliislnii lypo nf uriililloclurL*.'liutl Is II .li-.-iiliiK w llb lii'o oibi^r hulIdlnRH n I.ns '.\n;^-l. It uuil Violnliy. o.i-nunii v:-i lii’.ild II f.n- 111.' r.iun.lailon of th e lii'-o :iiiii-u hu lf tn llllon d o lla r H iruct- 11. ' ..Ill A iin iis tJC , 1S"7.‘ ■ And'..Hj<von ' iiiniiliii .fn iin . lha l ilalo. -M arch 1(1. •lists': • 't ii'-"~fin!i ' 'tioflflm n '^ s n m j a v t r ’-.ii-.l III-., ii. Iii.~inu.l<‘- oil iii'iv~J’iu(ll!^ -naiti. Wioi tiin i- .l Olll.. Til. fu.-i.iry l» .iver n o u a rln r o f .a ' iii l 'l ill icjiiMh. uh.M k -K'D^teflt >vld(i _ I 111 tai.f ou t III lho form o f a rjRht- im:!..- w iih a .N orm r^ ly tow or a t th o . '

if Ibo I'l .-'i:r.' fnrtor>‘ wile,_____ ;

J ero .m e N e w s jJKHOMl-l May 2—T he f lr s l conce rt-

if—t h r —conrblnfd—Jc rtm te -a hoahpn p*— ^Iciiflc-l.l hlith Bciinbl. ban^a to .b^.- i t l i l , lii.,.l c rom c—w Jll_ £ o m im ic c-iiL -a — I'cioek i>. III. \V .edn?(idny,^Mny-_2._at_. illf uirIi Kohiiol uu illtdrlum . Tlio ROt> :ral nub l l r ’lii cord ln lly InvltoiJ. T iioro

-D iilhc rt— 1\ __L la n cb a rd _ .m il.. J ^ L ifc —

lu n ir 'io u ih oM iV o ino^ 'o G ."A !* 'n ro^•r. Thoy lire koIok tn m ove to Thyne.- iVyo.. whore they will cniriKO In a to ck . i-nlsluK. T h eir losn w ill bo. aeverc ly felt by -th o cm iim iin liy .. ;•

Mril. J, ShnotH fron-i th e South .aidb.l.i.iM.ljt .1 lo rn in- riM^nty fnrm «ivlay-rvlilt-nclnir l ic r faith In a . f r r a a tn i tu r b I’o r—lhu—N orth—alde^w bor«^atidi.V > 11)— mako h e r boin't/

rraitfStfiM )ji^p;i;i

,l-:ff«mlKu nex t S u itilay .,.M ay„6 .'-th ft:. Cliion I'lirlfie'K O rupon !S h o it ...U n 8 , vill u .iopi n ciiiinKcd iichedulo. to r iiiKHono-r traliiH In Uiih oecilon. o t:duh(i.

Dn lllo I’ocatc llo to O u h t . brano& - n n n n n eli Borven- T w in ya llii. aaitfV lomiil m ornlnt; - tra in No. lE f -« U j^ cavo nl 7.-20 Inntoad o t n . ' J H l_: 'b o enHilHiumI a fte rn o o n .tn U q also-U . iffietcd . tho .tlm o o t dep n rlu ro be|aK- ' id ranced—ono—hnur.-~ nam ely . r : t o - '6— I'clpck Instead .I lf . 0 o’cloolc a a - n t ' iroHcni. . . (• ,- W-w.Uiauo.1 I r a ln N'n, 81,, In aU ttd -o h . ir'rIvInK hero a t 12:45 aa a t p re a e n t^ . rlll r(f|nc iH a t 1:05 p. m . No c h a n ia j. if tim u lir noted o'b rcitartiH ,Noj 1M ' vbloli w ill a rr iv e from Pocn ta llo w itii ' ho iK.-»3tcfn mnil bh uaual a t .3 :W

N'o. ^;i9 d e p arts d t 1:3Q p. m.' Mo n J ’ lay, W edhiuiday and F r id a y ‘fo F W illa , '. '

.S'n. 310 a rriven n t 4 :0^ . p. ja><T aeM lay. T hu rsday a n d ,, S a tu rd ay ..froiBt

ar Sal^tours---------- --id to VALUE’ X Js«d-O arH o n n in f f - h s r a ' -> th « j p « M t u f o B ( ) b U e - .

• * ia d * '^ -o r - “ b a t i * ': ---------rh y .n n r a ri i in t i f l f . .q t h t ^ ,,

rantce. ' - ^

> S E D A N : .8 E D A N ' . »• :S K D A N . . :O O A O B • .a y i e r e m . — ' . ■ . r .j. : K t S B p A K V j

_ .... • '

Page 4: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

• : M L L S D A I L Y r ^ ™^ tfT O W rr^ i tg d -PTO B-i^ ^ i a lluu ' , . . Jj

M jc c o n iL c lnM .> a tto r,.> p ri^ I.. P a U ia tu d a T itT OTonloe o x c tp t Snnil&r a t 2E5 U aln ATODao B u t , T w la |

PDBUsnrao nOBTAIIY, mo.0.- R. CoUlisi: 'R rw ldeA t - - - O, c ro ia . S o e m a n T -T rM a v e r

L . 0 . ColUoA Vlco PrcflJdiul. I la r r y D row n. E d ito rn id S ^ r u E a iiq r —- — --------- ;-------- --------------- k s S w I m P r m o S ^

P U a t f ln^M fla tw ^oot .......................... -____ ________________ O corc# 0 . ' Carlaon I• N X TlON A i; nBPRESENTATIVB.-^*. C.-Tliolii Co.r«20rl--«**oeton Avcnuo, ‘t w j ( 3 » k j a t y ,_ a o i ^ r t h W cl>[ ^ ~ ~ - . • - -

, . - • ■ BOD«»OIlIPTIOK'RATKa ntoaUt.;^f..eO: Ihreq montl>9. I1.CE: i lx n o o th a . ona t«u , 9«.00 I

p - i - ^ - B L E A i l E R S E & , A M J X £ .R A X M Z Z l t i

’ ^ b t l T . O K T H E H i:.V H T — Till- m o \u l i' d t 11 lin i ilo o iin nm n is n ‘ iv p ll o f lifp .; I n t t v io li^ tiw uovi-ri'li i tin : nifiiUli' (if tin- w iirlii 'd .— I 'r o y . l ,

; ° ' - 'T l i , n T . I ! - i K n n t . I p iis lo .kocp u n r l in n i t . m 'cli n il i l i l i i t . 'in ’C f o r i ' j i i . t 'c j f i t nvn U io is su e s o f l i f e . . • j.;,


. •■ . . \ .1 S a l t w a y A g e g iv e s s o tn c f r f t u r e s in a n e c l i tp r iu l in_>j

l s c u r r ^ ' ' i ^ u . c w h ic h i lh ts tra tL '; t h e b i g c j i a n g e s t h u t l)a.vti-;ik U e h f ] i ^ ^ ^ ^ n - t h o ^ i ] r o u d . i n d u s t i - v % s i n c o - f l v c - ^ ^ x u u s ~ u p ; o ^ -i ? h C T r i ^ ^ r U F l ^ ^ 8 r t h e ' i> r 6 s icl c n fe - o f - t h e T f r i ^ y < ^ s ^ » e U h . l . } i

J e « ^ 'y ( d b 5 m t J 'a d o i ) J ; e d a i ) r o g r a i n f o r i m p r o v i n g t r a n s p o r - ; " Q t i 6 n . f e o r i d i t i o n s . a n d o l i i n i n a U n g j i a r s h o r t a g e s . ^ '___i , j

■ ‘‘T f i e r e ' I w r b . e e n 'a g r e a t in c r e a k * in t i i e ^ e f f i c i e n c y o f!» | r p e 'K i ^ n ..o f . . ^ In i o s U m ) t y J - a ih ^ ^ ^^ i n . t h e ..cnu.i;it r > n n d a j i. i r e r f t - - i m p l 'O v e n ) e n t r - i n - t h e . f i e r ; V j c ( M 'o n d e r c d r t o - t h c - p u b ' l i c , ^& y s 'th e R a . i I > v a y - A g e . - ‘- 'C u t o w i n g - t o - g e n e r a l c h a n g e s - i n : , , , W feB i,w ages, t a x e s , e t c . , m o s t r a i l w a y s f a i l e d t o e a r n re la - |{ 'i L v ^ i a ^ i i d i J i e t r e t i . irn ir iJ 1 0 2 7 _ a s i n 192 3 1 ” . I,.',,. : 'T h p d P c H h e J n - t b e ^ a v e r a g e m t e p e r t o n D e r j n i l e w as^f*

r o m . 1 . 1 1 6 . ( i j n t s in 1 9 2 3 ' t o l . O ^ ' ^ n t s in 1 9 2 7 7 . O n t h e i l a ^ - b f l i i e f r c ig h t r ^ u s tn c ^ h a m l le d - in - 1 ^ 2 - 7 7 - \V W c } t - w a a 7 |^ fi‘c ' . I ^ E e s t i n a n y .y e a r , e x c e p t i n g i n '1 9 2 6 , t h i s i s e s t i n i a t e d 'n

J ie J A v e ra g e h o u r l y - w a g e .p e r e m p l o y e w a s - f r o m . 6 1 -c e n ts { g, t r t t o ' t o . 6 4 . 8 'C m iis i n 1927^ T h i s d l f f u n m c c -m -a % ’e t t t g e | ^ y i i t t y . w a g e c o s t $ 1 6 9 ,5 0 0 ;0 0 0 . T a x e s i n c r e a s e d .$ 4 4 ,3 0 0 ,- c\

O.^’ t J ^ e n ' g e r e a r n i n g d e c l i n e d $ 1 0 4 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 . • T h e s e ; » l a A ie ^ v c p m b in e d m a d e a d i f f e r e n c e t o t h e r a i l w a y s i na y .^ f ^ 4 6 S ,6 0 jQ , f ln n . T n .n th e r .A Y Q i:d a ’ J h e i i : . n ^ . t , ^ a j i i i n ^ w

tr ^ a t i^ la r^ 'tv o u l d h a v e b e e n t h i s m u c h g r e a U r i f - n o n e o fH a d o c c u r r e d . . ' ’ . . ...............;

T ^ ^ i ^ : l 9 2 3 t l i e r a i l w a y s e x p e r i e r f c e i l : t h T ; f a l l ' B f i d c t i 3 t t h ¥ “ ( r t p y r ^ f l t i n d t i o n - w i d e c h a n g e s i n b o t h r a t e s a n d w a g e s n i i i a f f e '4 r i ^ l 0 ^ ” 8 a y s t ) i e i R a i h v a y A g e . - , * ‘i ' p h e y i i a d 4 ^ 1 e n ^l r o i t o f > i ^ ^ i i . i t i i g a f a i r ' i e f o r n - i n - l - & & l ^ n d - l : 9 2 g ~ a n d ^ l d - f f Q t - w

i j p f o a c h ' i l ' i n . 1 9 2 3 , a l t h o u g h i t \ v a s a y e a r o f r e c o r d - ^ " i r e a W i ig - f c e ig h t b u s i n e ^ . . T h e r e f o r e , i t s e e m e d r e a s o n - pi^ i ii^ 3 ifrf :9 2 & :t(rT m ti^ r ip a tcH h a t '1 re h e ra ^ l■ e d u e t4 c ^ n ^ 4 n ■ 4 h e ili i^ ^ t e s - i m d g e n e r a l a d v a n c e s i n t h e i r w a g e s w q i i l d b e p o s t - ri f o n e d u r i t i iU i i s y w 'ei-e e a i - n i n g a ' f a i r r e t u m . ’ B u t t h i s . w a s to t .w h a : t h a n n e n e d . - In s p i t e o f t h e i n c r e a s e in o p e r a r i n g i Bi f f i c i ^ c y , t h e i r n e t o p e i - a tm g i n c o m e s h a r p l y d e c l i n e d *in (™ ja a ^ - a n d jy ip ld p .d a s m n l lo r p e r c e n t a rre n f r e t u r n o n - b o t h u h e i r - .p r o p e r t y i n v e s t m e n t a n d t h e i r ^ n t a t i v e v a l u a t i o n h A n 'in - a n y -y e B i’- s in c e -1 9 2 2 , e x c e p t i n g 1 9 2 4 , - a l t b d u g h ; : ^ e - r e i g h t b a s i h e s s h a n d l e d l a s t y e a r w a s t h e l a r g e s f i n . n i s - ' b w ^ .e > ;c o i i t in g - lf l2 f i .“ ---------1:-----------------^ ^ ^ ------------- -4 -::— 1_r •. - ____ :_ ^D A k o ’S W A T E R P O W E R R R O F I T S ttE L O N G T O T H E P E O P L E . ju

d a h o r e s i d e n t s h a v e a c t u a l l y v i s i t e d t h e M i n i d o k a i r r i g a - , i « ip.ri. re s e rv o i i* a n d H u w e r S i te . . * |ii

■ A s a m a t t e r o f e d u c a t i o n a n d I m o w l e d g e t h e y o u g h t , ih

T T ib :5 o r : ------------ ^ r — ------------i--------- . . i ! ”■‘ H e r e i s a g r e a t I w d y p f w a t e r p o u r i n g 'd o w n t h e v a l l e y ui<

'f f f i e ; S n a k e R i y b ^ im p o u n d e d o v e r a v a s t a r e a a n d t o d a y c t i i a l l y d e v e l o p i n g o n l y t h i r t e e n ' t h o u s a n d . h o r s e p o w e r ,^ ^ h ic h - i s b e i n g u s e d b y - th e r e s i d d n U o f t h e M in i t l p k a , R u - * ” ' le r tK P a u l a n d B u r l e v - s e c t io n s o f t l i e S n a k e v a lley ..- I t i s > ^ ^ a t : o r ^ ^ * ? M c t j o n - o f t l i e w a t w a v H i l a b J c - i o i ^ w e i ! ^ u r j> o s c s i s b e i n g u t i l i z e d . - ........______________ _____

H o w e v e r , t i i a t i s n o t t h e ] ) o i n t T l i e J l i n i d o k a d a m a n d ; y,' o w e r h o u s e a r e s i m p l y t y p i c a l o f w h a t m i g h t a n d s h o u l ^ t i i 10 t h e s i t u a t i o n w i j r o t h e w a t e r s i ) f t h o m r j* l i t v S n a k e u s e A 'j‘,' t a l l a V A ll a lTlf - p u W c r f u i t l i c d e v e l n p m c n t T r f r i t r < .4 y i e - T i h e r g > ' , t h i s e n e r g y l o h u m a d e a y a i h i b k - f o r t h e u s e o f t h e ; * ' ' & p l e o f I f l a h o . — J - - — - - . . . . . . . .i^ - T h o D c o p l e s l i o u l d d o a l i t t l e t l i i n k l n g o n t h e i r o w n a c -

_____ _ __ T:; J a p a n ’s m o s t f a m o u s f i s h , t h e “ A y n , ” o r s w e e t b r o o k j” r o u t w i l l b e t h e l a t e s t e m i s s a r j - o f g o o d w i l l t o t h e U n i t e d ) . I t a t ^ s a y s a T o k i o d i s p a l c b — T h i s - l s r e g a r d e d a s a d i s - ; j j ’ i | i u l a d v a n c e i n t h e t»t ! m o O } -r<Qi>r-OBo n t a t ivo& . o f ; t h e . l I n i t f d ' t f t t f e s i n o t h e r c o u n t i n g , r e g a r d i n g t h e i r s a l a r i e s a n d o t h - "« c * p m n l u m e n t ? . - h a v e d e c i d e d - t h a t o n l v s u c k o r e - w e r a e v e i : . . ^ ^ - ■ ' ■ , '■

- ^ r t h e ^ i 3 5 i o ^ l ) e t t e r w a y - o f , J n a k i n g - t f i c w ^ r l d B e t t e r a S ^ H A l l y r p m k l n ^ f a p p i p f o p > * o u r ^ ! f t h a n t h r o u g h ' y*

U t i i h g i h t o a i U o n - v ^ r . b e t t e r - i m i ) u k € 8 . -

. f e ' d i i f e r e n c c o f o p i n i o n : I t I s t h e n o n - e s s e n u a l s % y n e re ^ ?e s U i - t u p . t h e b i g . d i f f p r e n c o f . . ; ^

' • T h e r e i s h o w ’ a r o a c l i in e p e r f e c t e d b y m e a n s o f w h ic h ^ b ^ = ^ o u g h t s - c a n - b € 'h G a r d , U f - a n y ^ - J u s t J o o k i n g . - W ’i s e ar

j ^ V y o u a n y v v h e r e n o w '.

'.^Tfai .y o n ■Tmow* o f ianv t h i n g t h a t i s b e t t e r f o r p e r s o n a l ” - f o r s o d a l r e l a t i ^ s , B b t te r f o r " b u s in e s s

. . r - • • • • , ■ ^


.J.Ja].o KaIJfl TJnJM-HMlHHir y-AK rlcult(if«l p roducU from Itlalio nro (llBtrlliiHMl ihroiiR lioui <i; o t lUt- 4»-6JotM -«M lio-UhlOH,-wUleti-uU.wllL bb obllKod tu udnill Is c-ouinUerftblute rr ito ry ..^ . .. ................- I n tlm l.d lH lrlbu tlo i) c ftriona JoIh lo (lio-nurnl><>r-<>f-r>.'t,430-uro-tt>talutL-—

Con'nldcrlnK* tlio f a c t llinv ifcvon pe r ccn l o f tlie tottil n rcu of (lioS to to or Jd a lu . la Juvotcct. to. cu)*tivutlon. U ial buliiK In <i InrKO mvnH- uru tli5~trrlKuUA]'nt!C lloirorHiii nonth*

l l Ih doub iru l I t uny o ilie r HccMon o t llm cnii'nlry -In llio w orlil. JiiiiRliiK: froin nn nK rlcuU urnl v low pohit, W »o {iroiliirilvD o r uh rlvIi nH tho vu)li-y of thl* mlKlily Siiftko r iv i'r. ,ln-KlnntnK w llh llio tIrHi iivldonco oC IrrlRadoii rnrmhiK n c n r A«htoii uriit contlnuJiiK iiloiiK th o iilnilJHt 1000 iiillrH o f lbo r lv o r .f lii . l t flown UirouKli tlio '.S tnto. i;rcntitii; nn ll a u o ii'l lio 'R ri 'ii l SiinkoPin!r~\’atnr)':— — r —=------ !~ r

T n io ciiuMKh (l«o ■■<Jry, fnroi"Kcc- ili.n« timl ilio .llv .'siock Infnr.i.u .n i-o liirjiit .-inilrlliuiInK Cattor. yc l tho . :;r>-iit h u lk , i;i iii 'odiici^il-ttinm cir tlicvmffiii!; ol Irrlr iillo ii. — ------- '-j

II In tint »i>y tl<«' wfil<' .Itiitrllniiloiil Tf lllo Iiljilio. proilmuii w llld l !«-ciiiutu, •

irl'i wlili.'li iniikn up micli .n.-fuulor. j Tlio UliilKi juitntfl. lllo lUiilio ntH>Io.!

h.‘ liliilici iin ino , Ihl) Mulu)..nil_on. ih u ' .iliiiui.lioaii. iho liliilTo loU'iico. Iiir»ri«i[ :h i-if0, Miiho- oKKH. lilnhii i n rkoyn .' idr.h.>^Hll>lHUHU.>l-tw .r. - t ili.ll»- u m .l. .Inju i 'i i iiK u r.u ro a ll con trib u tin g fuc-! o r i nn lf wiicii Hiidoil to tho o iho r ro»j loiirccH of ih c -atnio.- Idnlio Avhoiit.- lay ,. Iiinibur niiH ilTnbor p rm h ic ii.i iilnonil Illld mluliiK iiroductH. tliv.j ium _lotiU _ii£_ldttU u_Iniij>tntL_niujhni c6nom k iicnlo la conooriioil piiia tli.i I

i=!«iilhorn nnd .cnHlont ld ii lio .> » n{

(llll BO. ta r ' nK ii>cftciiltunil jiroaiie- lon Ih concor'nod und Imck of il. nil A tliM nilvnntnco nf illvrpclflod tarm -*l'i I Ilf' f firnilplitflttf ' ‘If*lfnlc.-!dillm-ln-tfo-«>ltiiato<t.>wl<b-'l»>

k-ator npplicallon .uii needed, 'th a t .11 un ralBo-'prodiicln o t nntiu rlo r qiibl- ly. If U m l w ore uo i lUo cnBo. ltn rowcrH -n'ould find d iftlc iill)’ In m ai^ :cliDir tjiciio jiroductB in compolUlon ritli- ochor StntcR- prodtic ln i: nlmllntr <imin5niiTw:2Qrd“ B M aK -^B aJ'cr-^ l^r rvnt .m nrki’lB. A n o th e r; fnct tn Uml Iio S tn lv Ih fo rlu iiato fh WavlnR. Iif

ranBporlAllon tiyatotn. by w hich lljIn irotlHco In m ov^d cxpcdiiU iiiily to llio onniim ine m nrkoin nnd a t rftlOn th a t TO no;a<)}n8^«(l:lu<-to.■permlt-U^o,1»ld-

lo foroKolhB ficnron; .Tho.fiiciiroK w hich lia ro bcon cnm-

illod und Avhlch a ro o t in tercut--nrc ho Tl'HiiH of a ro p o rl mado rrccn tly i- T li 'i i ir ii lo ir rn e lf ic nm riK o- 0?< w H r ;iK*n Lino rftllroada w U kh n c rv f t l ic o rrllo ry In tiiiciillon. T lioro Ib . cIokp n iopcm tlon und im dnrn lam lln tt Tbo T in t xorilon or th o S in to conlrlhiiton

rnniipnrtntlon pyutom iVblch In tn n t j t l i o .InrBoNl tncto'r In th e doveloD- lirn l of t l iii nnm hiriii lujJ iortM ,of tl i e ’ S ta te s . . .

HKCI,A.MATiON i ’HOJKCT • r i lO i’S" IlolHc Capllul Now« '

.CrntiM Hint ImvoJ!Qld_fQr <l,3a7.<SB.- . 10 Imvc licnn Rruw'n un' fodoral rfcln'- la tfan (iroi(!C{« • «l«cc nv ifrr fo r Ir- icntlon wnn tlrn l h ro iiR h l .to thom 2 yonrH nso . nccordlnK ii> tlBUrcn iml com pilnd by tlit> dcpnrtm onl ot Iir lirtiTlor. Monity rotiiriiH from

iiinnlioit t>oirtn coniinK In duritiKi imc. KlKurcu a re now nvailabio fo r; 1127... Thai* II Ik ponNlblo to nioftnnro ho netnnl riitnrA to dn to from lho[ivoHtmpiu tn~ttic>»o p m jr tTtK. ' ......—■-Tlic bum por i-<.'i«r o n _ iu n recium u- lon proJoctH wit» 1019. U ixi-yonr'H iKiircn c row d llio .retiirn ii roR lm crcd ' t tlin t tim c ve ry cloj^oly. IlcKlnniuK: liiti tho foIntlT oly Htnnll croi$ v a lu e . { r i - n .000 t n , . 1006. tho ro turn*! lojultod Htouillly. oach >'onr un lll tho ; ,a r i».ak of ll5S.SjJi.-iOO wnH rcnclicdl |i 1913. ‘ T liiw wnn t’Ol'owod li>' n "do-, U irprdiTrniK ~(ho 'dcffnlftin ‘poritid-tcH- •n.GOLcnn I n 'lt f :; ! .’ a f l t r w hich v n l- '

■ rV.Vo“ rt'oiiV1ily‘^ S ‘^ 15 i;:i1< ;T 30-|n rTmt dropix 'd t» SII0.4M.'.M0 In

lm fn lh.w lris y .'.ir owlni; l»ri;i'1y to ;........ lum p <11 th r tir lo ; of (-'.tmn. In ,in ': .111.. .:r..Mn .-roi) v.H»,- r w l..'d 1

hc u n r IX.uk i>f 11»19.

jf(».VTif.s n i io v < .r .v - \ . t . i ( r ; t»■ • i/n id o n T ir-n iti;. ................

T he I.-ivt fou r n ionihn o f tho jo a r~ ‘~ r...n:iy n .'.ii'Pii , ' ^ i ’iiipn iiiiT.- "O r i -nhor. .Novemli'T nnil I)rcrm t.'’r monn rvcn ih . •■iKhtb. n iu ih and ten th nnnih!> of tli.- yonr. whoro.ni Uioy a r r Ik nltiih . to n th . ol. vonih nnd tw elfth .

T h r cauBo of thi» e r r o r I t , o t cour»e" Iw f.ict, th a l lho y e a r » i8cd.|n t>pif1a •ith l h o m on th o f M arch. TIiJs l>o*

l< rn n llr m n rr tncJfal than u r pre»en l-doy m rlh o d . becnu»e iij urjodpomlH w llh th e o rd o r o l tho .boo- onF,«whHnu,-» m n m8fy ■au lun in .J i n d i

T lir to fou r a ro - lh o on \y -. tnonlh* : iamo<t l.'y nufnor.iln. Ja n u a ry

r a r haa t t r t l r e - n » n i h . . - f o b r u ^ Is? a a c d from , tlio H om an fo ill»n l of.i •I'hnia. \h o fci>Uval o f. pnriOeaiam =-rJ

o f - iM lac-cIcaJiU uL lia ia rE h » «r .< «ad

oiilcrotM and noU y roonlh. AptU to Up nom an* w a* '.n jo Op«nor,~ auM ll opened lh o sa to » of sp rin g -

May takon ita sa ra o tram * Uie eo'** lo'u .Mala. T h e c lu s te r of »lx s ia ra alJofl ploladcs la «uppo»od to bo Mala n<Lhi:r ilBt»r». th o dauKW ora of A t- ia .-J « in e :i» > a n p a "a n o rn h o ~ i:o f l? c s s iin o T a a U ^ tilr - a n d A u su a l comroow- ralo* tw o K toal i>mpcrt)r*.--.JuUOi« C ic- or a ad h la < ran d -n cp h o » \ AiifuMii*.

• C(»c p U f l c f 5 to ^ r e r r i a c . C a fe^ -

________ ♦ ______■ ' ■

~ - T W i N T A L L S . 'D A I L Y ' T IM E S ^

-T H K - - - - r -. . . . •o .'T .-ln*4 tn r:lpk ;JIiiE C u« t)^ '~ :

U Jiu .Y tL Jv b b b u n l-tt^ liJ iiiJJ .n iiia « ii;; :^ .1 lm v ,..u iy « li'fj- .- li)-jn y ,tm ^ — — My cIolhcB n ro l in o d w lih louf-loavcd

elovem .Anil oro iitiiincif w llli iiai(;l<; dyfii>.1 havo j>ocltct« full o f rubtjitB’ foo l.-A nd omulotn nnd ch iirnn.JuHt for luck r picii iip licirKO-tliocn.I liavii lailooii OD m y ariini. .

L l katm '..ai.y.t>rld_of_«:ondora : And i r you w ould • hi'Hevo [ I hnvo 'fortunoB -ln m y w ullci ; A ud 9urp 'rlfp7i3ip^n)r»tvcvo..! t.oom o from u d in lnn t coun try •I A way up n o iiF lb o sk y •1 I-'Vom-tho.KOldeu paiacc ovcrhnnd I In lllll land of W 'ondcr W iy.,1 I 'm 'lh o honi of fricridir’af ch lld rcn • ‘

A n d .lT l.li ii lp y o u _ l t . l . c a n , : | Now to ll mo w hal yotir winhoH a ro .- ) V 67"rm tli« 'W lnlU ilk .\lilU.— ------------

j‘Spirit St. touis’I Takes: Placein

Historic CpttipanyHy Prei>- I

WASIll.VG'J’ON'. Muy Col. ru a r lc n A. I.ijidhorKh ' iiii.dc fliiul ur,runi;<'' - iiioiiln-yi.«ivrd:»y to lu rn li ln ' iiluno; i

■'.Sjiiril of s i : 1.0lllK,:ovor to lli r S in llll .t Hnn<nn-liit.tiiuUoi).— who rod'u tin.' idunu W iLs liis( (IlK litli -aWi.dTiy. fli.p . Ml. 1>T«1» 'U. ^^^r'h■nK-M ton. vjiilinl ili i-n iuxuuin und iiiipi’o v -1 1 od tho locfttlim to ho kIvch hV< plunc. 1< — T li«-^plrlu«jf.SL l-oul:i wUL.Iiculuc*.|.. Od In (III- o ld red Jirlok.Im lldinr. n e a r ,] thu door. In ihi’ Mumo .l.iill.liiiK i i r o 'i t M ij>nBl o y p in im ‘»f"VJ»3n l n r - f iWtM

nnyf.linNf>il-l»y .llll* Tinny I . una.Bbvornl otlRT i!rn» wllli n o t u b i ^


’ WASUINOTON. :\Iiiy a - r ro f i l d ia i t , .«3aolldi:iUiLhiiViaaiiii5a«{ioi£iil<Ulvor..'

«n’ tho MlHBlHBlpIll flood CPU-1 tro l - hill -ohmihl i.fr-rciiii.vc-l.-ll.- l a u j - '

H« waii rciiruHontcd an hollovlni: ' I th a t It ii-lri mcrltorlbtKi th e .Houi-o<i a 'm endm catu 'inciiidliiK ihc C alifornia pro jec t la tho 'Rcnortil con lro l m en-1 fliiro Bb'ould b<> n b lo .lo .ntand niono In; a'B oparaiQ b ill . ’ ' ' '“ S IF rcan iiaec-n lB O -fo rlitn tn ran -tin ldH l tha l'tbe-'nuniorou8-chiiii(:pM -in .- thu 1 flood liili (ilnce thQ-Honato pa»*ed 11 I iia c i i. uittdo. It Ilrirn -UUiicccJtn.hl»i-Ul _ lt» flnanclnl foaturcii. Hu .hollcvuK llinl-'ttK) ninny ,ltiicrou(".' dtiiiirlng to rWe :oJoijB, w ith ‘It, h.ivc ovcrloadod i t ; 1^ li.-T irc iT liifo n !r« l^ rt{ an a b l« -lo h in u i.i

Smith Supporters [' HTak(^.€ra(;t¥als^

NBW' YOjlK. May ,2—Clinrsen th ? l ( tho frank ln tt privilc.-ro o f S ena tor jiT tipm aa-Jr-tV u lih .lit-bc lgg -uL cJ:__ to .nclrcul<iri*ii lotiorn lu w lilch W .lllim iij 0 . Mc-Uloo n r s e s lho v o lc n i-o f lil8 1 M m m H l r t o H v o r W i i l . i l l.,r 11■e!^ prcHldo&ey w cru iilAif>l 111 :t lB lir ir 'r« -| oolvi'd n l Now Y ork Sm ith lie ad q u n r-!j t'oru f r '5 S rrB '\in rrF irW o ck w > llc rr^ a :'i 'ntloniil' coiiinilltcoiim n-of C nll'ornln. I

Dockwbller-B le llo i' added tlnn o th e r ' rconriirHSIOTlnl.-irflUHH IlH.' -'lK'lujj li.ird-r8r»r Ihl. c lrculnlJon of nm l-S niiih prop- aK.indn. • ' — ■ A

lEKAVV .MOVKM l-NT'OF IVOOT. .B r U alttd i;

. ‘JSALT LAIUa CIT.Y.-^ M n y '2 - -T h o il, lariceitl «hlpm onl ori W oo l«vcr.M nt oUi i from imo po ln l In DtuU, w ill m o re ou t t o f ■Prlco-betlvccn now am r Juno 10..J ncconlinK to ' Inform allon d v o n o u t byi j tbo U . und JL C..nill);o«d.;, _(joWraeifli

from J>rtco of KS.dui) f le « c c s 'o r op^j*. proxlm ntcly 75 curlonda o f >tool- j ^

• IJEALTY W A M S IHVOIW’E I ' B y VDlt«d m a a . I ,•.TJDS ANCELF-S. ‘.May 2—V irc ln la i. Jloblx* m i l , ;iHl.1 ir«. fOMVjerly. h a v o ., h v c n '‘'MlUn Moir'pliln," ton tity . conieM ,u.-Jnncr, .hua J lJc d uu il i ic tc . fnr.-nnnul-;^ m c n i.o t.l io r inurrlaco ; In TlnJi.ivna icK;J.-M .-JIaU,-U«-.-Vn«!:ll!*-ri!nltor,-M rH.;;..H nll cli'nrnr.l fraud nnd Blntoil In hor; ooniiiUlni tli ia Ilall i.lroady w .in.m nr-; 'rln l w hru hh.. «i-.l him In Tlajiiuna.

33 lb. tPRl li'.idcr. IDC. S w otl'o S rorc.l ' ^ i f v : • ~ - • “- I !

' .iZmW HAM FORySBSwSSr^'.

J i ' . . f . <

Canadian Visitor w

°^^^M-CoMliti(ffl^!"■Allit'rtii l l i^ n p ld iy elinnKliin f rom li

n (:ruin ^KrowluK Huctioii lo onu o t coiict^il 'tu rm ln e w ith ' po u ltry Qnd; dnlryluK maklnK rnp ld n trldos," a ta t- ti od K W. JlosulcrHou. hunlne»H -m ati,o( '< I>thbrldK 0. whn'iK'ivlHlilnij-ifrlcniW In 1 Hurley iind.'Tvbo iipoiil'yl->(u>rday-JnTw itTTullNr-*------------

LuihbrldKc. -clly o t IS.OOO- people. . I« .nboul liOO.mlliJM rt-om 'B urloy.' nnd , lliertf'. hri-* - KOod • Kruvelwl rbuilu -ull i l io ^ F c x c o i i r ’fo r“ a " iiF clT d ir^ r^ ft - mllen Jun i'uccoau lbo bo'rder on i h 6 \ Cunadlnu aide, be lw con ; U-thbridRO i and JSwcul Ornaii. Mont., wlioro th e ; rond en ters tliu United Stnton. Cun- : aOft Ih m aking niiicli progreiiH wllU | Kooa roudH, Air. lioimurHon uHiiorti-a.'- nnd Uio prcHont Htrip o f d l r l . r o a d ; w ill bu Rravclcd durlnR thu comlnR Bumnii'r. 11

Thoro huB boon- flonro IrrlKnUon i prnctlm .d In A lboriii fu r .H'ovcral yeiini | b u t durlnK lho pan l tw o .yourii tho • Lollihrldi;u N orilic ru Com pnny liiitt | coiiBoiidntcd • novernl 'proJcctH aud addod io (hu d in trlc t ver}- m a teria lly . T hlB .han rlvOii mi Impt.liiH to Koiioral j TnvmltiK and thu prcHuiii itiidoncy lo ( nw ny-fcom Itic lilc wlioat aronn to - ( w an t rm allo r tunm i nnd n m oro d l - i , vcm lflrd aud 'IiiU 'iinlvo m ode o t cu |> ;.

, t Iio innMt-mnT):v<l dcvplnpm cnt In- ^vuml-lii-HKWn'TrutiO'Hn-^hir-rrrTWth-i-' o f .jiim u r- Ilc'olH. a ' r - f h . r r v linvlng^ iH-ni OHtnDllHhod'nhonrrfi-mttl’n 'f ro ia lho c ity of L cdtbrl.lia- by uu A mori--

... T lui dlitiricL-la .hiindicuppcd.. b y - lh t l - )il»;h frVlnlit. lu lcu t o ' i h c ' niurkolH.l Illld \Vhllo-ihuro III iii 'a rtlrrnlly u n tim -j ',

ItiR prncdirally Im im niblo. _•Tho (ciiScncy in 'tow ard thoHO oropn] "

which can bo handled In n rfo n d o n iii'd ;’' form , dniryliiif nin k in g -n p u i- itc u h ir^ *

^atter«’of-Rccofd-~ T -» > o r .K K ~ i% rir i^ — n — {

■ *niii-H (m nr n rtin ii;;-Ta T'- i i f . i t u rln> ’' unrlnpoA »_»^.Iuu |i[ | tlilu a u ra lu u , by— V. II. Wlitiiloi' tw o. mllcH wi-iit nnd ,C niie-fniirth nilto no rth o f South r u r k |o w ith the rad ia to r ntolo'n. li

MAltUIAtlK LICBN.SES ' M T hcodoro’J . M ontch lo 'C ornoJIa M .i '

D ortvilityn—n f —Txvin—r a t l in — fJyruBT-ircn ry iT olm an of.M urU iiK h J o TcBaa; I!Hlhor. Sm llh o f Oakloy:------

--- T n sT if irT M 'tH M iT----- rH arry -C. I'arHUli«, • on ' behalf .otj

T w in v'allM eounty .' hroiiRht null BKainai. K ln c h ^ 4 - n « ,^ .i - a l .- to r i '"

townnltc. * 'T o. ---------- . • ■ • !tl

rropvr1>-a:i»iH>.forK. . . 1“ Spoclnl Dci.d—O, n . .Miirj.hy c t » a l ! t

i l l l l o i f S f T m ^ ■\V .irrnuiy n.-ir. U . H oovor (o N ct-il<

llu -lld tivo r, ‘J43.787.no. p a rt N i: N W lh imr( lot 1. lo t 2. p,-yt l o t -3, SH NW ; 'ind -m rt_N t:..S \V -:ii-fl.l7_ ,___________ iJj

W arran ty 1.).—M. MIIIIm u .. b l 'n l t i i ih I^onard I . H ollow ay. $COOO. pffrt N W ici■iW SR-lO-l. . . . I !■

r. K C la rk '- t i u*. JIO.OOO. W>.4 N w lt l»nd T iR - M r . '^ B u a ^ ic r r - -------- ' T r ' o

G(f. oC sirto— I-;. -VtTroT fo A r- i n ih u r. J ^ 'Swiiii. S H sTiTii. Intw blTSTr.l | p

V u rra m y D.—K. DiVtor c t ux to ' i l l - . n . C. D akcr. JIO. lol S. b lock 1-I2.! rw in J’allfl. • Itl

Docreo DlHtrlbiition—K nlnto o t l-:u-lo iconic liooB. dcceuiicd..to Jo h n K. Roob. • n Iota 29 and 30. block 118: lo t 9. block ; h H lT l otB l- li- 'b loctc' Viir ' r w Iri i-’a i ln 'n townalto. . - . )

C ortlflcato .of S.tlc—M. K. Finch l o ‘tl n. A. StccB. J92R.C0? l-:^4-SW 2 |. 'M C .;il

, . M ight M i_ i n i . - s j l m i i n j — - f lTbod'o ttlu) n lr th e ir vlcwn would

aotnvllmira-do well to vl«W <Ihclr-ulra^ T he follow who ntTocta ■upcrlo rltj. . will) InnL’n t\-|ll). cootolnpt 'upun tb a ’ “lennm nco- o f fits uasoclatcn. m i'sh i'' dcil.st If ho could SCO Idtufclf a s otli- : ^ 8*0 lilm,—G ri t; ' , .

J - l ^ R iv e r ^ D r a in r B ig . .B a M in , ;p.T h e Columlnn rlv.-r dm ina a l>a»ln |n

o f Miuiire niUos. T hU riv e r . a►y.ilr-m 1-* >:>lcl lc. cniitalu u t le a r l oa i- > th ird of till- xMi[.-r p .uvrr a ru ilab le Uj : •

1 aM0VS“WE” - '■ ■ ■ ^



. . ' a U 5 _ P atb e K t m .1 h it new *ptai>e .which be receitred ' '

- ' .________ • ' ^

OAPT. KOEHL S fD U rS E S "• IN.SflOB.T .so lo .P L IG H T S

- ■' - r — - '- B y-- t»BiMil. » ia aa ......." YOUK. Ald y ‘y r-C np'tnin ,i/ciri

Co'itiilaii>--mmCTr'nt-Onrtlnii>Klcld.lo-ct5j^ttnH ^udiFro>ir-=:a]ior t - r ilBhta-;Tln: iirH“ JHftkcrii-''iiii>hoplniiorT‘-n3 ."n tiilw Bhlp of tho Ilromeii.

I lo ii-nu 111 the a ir n^out'4n mlnuf«iii alloKi.tlior. I t wnu. lho firo i tim e. Cap­ta in K uohl-had lakon o tf a n d lando.d [>n-<Vinoricnn uoli w ith iiim noK .al Ihul fontrolii. , ; ... ."I w anlcd t o . d o 'a lil llo f ly IaR ‘f>yrn y iiu im C o o in -B n ia .— — ------------—, Koehl. :\IaJor Jnm cn Ij^ltzmnuHco and B a ro n G unthor Von Jluouofeld lutor vlrttt«M th u 'I ’ullU or bUlldWR~ -whcro SB5y^-<!rc'Vccfilvcd h y T ia ip li-p iiiltz o r and Uxociillvcs of Uio Now Yoric W orld and. N ohli A nicrlcan N ew spaper Alv llnnco, .Thoy w oro accom iw nled by B orn l O alchcn nnd.C..A i.‘;Dukoi;.SelilU

IIUKO croi\dH contm ucu to louow m e horocK today.

-LcnvlDR tho PulUzor bulldlnK sh o r t­ly boforo noon th o y woro tnkun down in to ih o -n n an c la l dlHlrjcl w horo tboy laid wroaihB on tl|o B tnliio 'of Georco Wa»hlD/fton In tfio aub -lrcaiiu ry build* InK.-

S iroctu w oro throDRod w tlh luDCh- iioiir crowdM and the re wnii n .nm all icalo ri.-'nowal of, th c JIgW cr tn po a n ^ lo rn papor iilorm which cnKUifod lho riiorn durlnK th o lr form al repoptfon ro»tord.->y.. ’ -

0 ielhic8 ftfioyA=:=Get25^¥ews-Jail---------- :— B y -V n lte d -rn t* '•--------- .—

CHICAGO. May 2 - r i v o l.oyii. r.inc- » -L li. ni-c rrom 1C to -.’a .voiir^, tudayi rtorb toinid KuUly of m urdor In cou-,

leo iio r-in -n -h q ld u p -h c rd .- :.T h a_ Ju ry .[ ■.’co'nimondcd iie«tenccB of 2C yoarn i

T hn Inn .-.hnd licon .dondlocked n l ) ; fl i;h't"nn iW nontonco. I'Jl.’V C n 'T in n rf iirnr« Illld liclil n u t for llfo Im nria-i

lomnroiiilBO. T ho Stato h a d naked!

_T ho fivo lho. H u rry 'Z d u n . 15; M.lke :ion, 22: StnnlQj- U icus. 17; Uomnn lalczTmnk; 13. n r n f C .^ H l i r ^ o t n w ^

gr.'> ..mn.iM till. ntoroko»‘P- r, wTw killed In a hdlduiTon thu iiIkIiI ' .f J a n u a ry 25 nnd tho bc.yu arronlodj Ilior ahd cliurce'd w ith 'hiu niiirdci;. j

yili Deternune ' -’rax-Liabilities

“ IdffioXompani> Ja o M t'c o u r l ''^ V ^ ic y t i i t i6 - lA o ( lH y ^ w T jn r rw n in n ir m jn i rT ttn h rr T a n t '- n f- ho Sl.%tu of WyomlnK ncnlnnl tho; norn.nf w nler from Iho JackKon take , cffervolr i .-hIIor tho jaiv panfod hyj

u lhorlilnK the liixiitlon nf utorod w a-j r>rn w lih in tho hordorn o t tlio n tato to0 uned In nn iidJolninB Blaio. - --^ ThlH iM tho.nocond tim e lh o m n licri

nu hL-cn lirn'rd. lho nta to IokIur prov. QUnly. th a ncUon wan .round D ntrury tn-tho cxlsiihK law . Tliu now , iw .w a s de«lRnod,_to n n io d y - Ihin]

l^ l^ U u r I

JnoVvoIr‘u n til th e tnxen nhould be i ■aid; Thhi acllon wnn miBpendod un-;.

' T he *(nx 'hill fo r T w in KuHh I« lctfB[ h n n .th u t o f lho .Norlli S ide. Mnny. llio r companion h to Inloronted In Ihot :i.Hter. b u t Twin I 'nlin ia InklnK tho rad In lho null w ith su p p o r t belnRw o'riTcd ' by u i r i m gm tTd-TTartles: . , ■JudKo J .R . UoUiwcll la Ip Clicg^pCaa,

h is wook In charRO of- th o ^ iilic ” TOJtf. Uc Irrln a floa cowpanieii.

3lBfHoslft i f=^ Convention.Meet!

IJU H l...M ny 2—A ..« r y .nucconaful! Jhrlnilan h'ndcnvop c on ren llon wan; iloacd- a t-B u h l- .§ u u d aj- ..cv c n ln ir In fh lrh l»otli tho.-Bcnlor nnd jun io r. A rlm c n u DarUclBatcd..Kiml>crly_w!!i-!. ilnK th o tlra t p r ito fo r p e r cen t df: ttrndanco . w ith C2.9 and B uhl nccond j *-lth <6.1 por ccn t. K im borly rcco lvcd ' ho flra t p rlro f o r Intertnertiato a t- ' i-ndnnco alno w llh A ceaula aecond. i1 llllo' BuW won ilrn l lo r h l ih AllCBinj ,pco d u r ln s th e u sua l ••■ummer; lum p." Mlsa B a rb a ra YounR of Tw in I 'n i ls rccolvcd th e hU b n£ore In. th e . troaauro hun t." Tw in K alla-I’rcah y -| orlwn nnd C hrintlan chucchon w oroi

T he opcnlnE uddrcna on ••Loader* • h ip - S n turday crcalnR w aa c lv cn by Lev. C. K. BurccBS. BoIbo, ond llip - loa lnx addreaa Sunday evonlnc h y ; lOT. I-:; W. H allow ell on -Stew nrd* | )iJp.“ M rs. 3. G. H ook of Dolse. fteljt j e c re ia ry o f th e C. Iv. w ork Iri Idaho] foa p resen t d u r in c the tw o daya, con- ■ unUcm Uhd lliJ> dln.ilL i u i iu o iil* i l\fa_«\ppe.^nod on,lhe_rroCTam ,. ^ M u r ,i r a t j iiinti.imn w r r r - cflpm a l l r Hn**-* ^ n tr Mac i:han ln . K fm bm y , wan, r o - ; toctcii p residen t o t lho d is t r ic t: E r; r in Tom H asoa. D ubl. t Ico p re s ld ttlt ;V lif if ii L O b M ll.-U o rlc r . ' a c m t a r r :r iw rlea i ( . Roak .-Jcn>(no ,.trM aur«r. - {


- a 0 7 - E i g h t h - -----------

\ ‘ D . i n

W. H: BoBgh, as Y

m :a V 2. 1923. ■'

H E p i s c o p a i ^ u r c f e

^ F i i U ^ o » | ^

(mrlHtInn imUy an n njonl JrenlMbto.'. Knat nnd evOntuaily a ii'cconom lc tie~' connlly; trninK flio ifo lln rt of ftio ChflB-' tlnn ipfople of-ilio -t;n ltid^S tn toM n-th« •

liuo jfry, the ■ doi^ii'rtrgddeif^lM

Tliono worft the tw o p r tn o lp ^ b c m o & r BtroHii^ by I ^ t i n o r ; 'M jd ^Q o a ' •'H.i

a meoiinK pfjJho d islrfct .D ca n o ry .p f . Iho KwJjieo^i'i. cburcJi , l« e J i)u !i^ p a rJ Inhcn 'fro i'ii ro cn tc tto on Ih tr-tiiiit '-to .. CoodlnK nnd HaKcriimti'.on lho y t* t- :

T w o ..PKtloriti o f tho-D 6anery ■vrere’ hold, tho rirtil JuBilnK from 3 Maui b o’clock nnd the nccond froni-a_unMl 10. o’clock. Doan W. a . IT /snnm onfl-.ot G oodlnc pronldod. . r. .'V ,i ..

Spbnkorn; In addlllon- to ' nWiOp nn rn K c ll Ini'liidod licv.ivV. S. i to a n 'o f PocntoIIo. formerJy- a w M oD iiry^ .. io - Chinn. Ilov.. W. S. G un^ o f K u p o r t . I lry . Jan icn Opio of Shoahouo. nnd; Stophun B ariiw oll. b ro th er ' o f - th u . l.iB liopr-wli»-iiua{>pod in s.;U ta-K iaik Ja .i Tw in Pnlln In tho .in loroni.o r lh o ofi* JiirRCd church proRruiu nl, Woncoir, r,oul o t tho. U nlvoniily of Idajio. -

: .Siipjior Enjoycil. i 'Ono of tho m ost-.enjoyable.floclnJ,


Ai<cpnHion, A pproslm aicly. o iiiT l'U n - dred nersonii wero .nerved .fro jn fliSO un lll T:30 o 'c lo fh . Doan SluimoDn..ntIhfl-CloHi’- o f - th o - n u n p r r — OjproBalnR-ihaiikB nnd approeiatlon on helinlt o f tlio vinllorn. fo r Iho KOilcroUB hOHpll.‘>l-.

'^ •m o n « r tlio n p -fro 'm -o ttt-o f .(o w n -w li^ nl«ondud-lho-jiicell»K-W cre:-,_-.-.—

ShoKlioho: Mrn. Frod V .^ o o d ln K ,. M rH .-Jlenry 9 . H ill. M rs. « . A. >tob- hu it. Mrn. M. T . W hitonnck,'M rrt.. C. T olIuT a-iiT ^lnnhn-r-bple.-Jainca-O plo.— Mrn. .lauir-H Ot>lo. • ' •~'Rdl^i7i— Mrn.~ti.~T.irhTir^~ r — r-- - Gooillnu-: Mi'ii. T . K, Fikilier. MIbb 'K .I.. I’lllpim. Mra.- W; I t IL Sltntni^iia. Uov. V . H. ll. SImmonn. Mrn. J . -W .' (.’launor. U do B. K cn t ._ '

T'n.-'.i..ii,v ' iti-'v. A^rlhiir S .^ ^ K e ^ .

■■'b X ! ; '” ’i I':: Uov. M . S . ’ nan l'iro ll. Mi-e. Jao lt Skollcrn, S . C. Barnwell.,

H ac frn u in : M rn. GOo. M arlin . > lni. .II. 0 . FrusI.T . Mrn. Chafl. .W. A bbdlt.

I ljip o r t: Uur. J . Wallnco', and Mra..

B ilrioy:. Mrn. V. Van g rn m c rr .^ ._ j .„

'A d ’ven lur 'e '.Pm-r.tliy, II . ll 's i.m cldid who l i t d “

nuvor llvi'il .iiiixlil'! n n .u ii-w u n .''q a • her I li^ fv W t ll. hor atm i lD lho co.nO*.. 'irjV 'A ‘iiliV-d"oir'T.pr"rorurn’- ^ a t ; “*llfe-'' iikoU~i;i-Mir i-'i»>- Tifp » c t i r - ^ o { n r :M p — sto lrs 1.1 iH'd.’'

WllU.im M.'Monil.nvcr.ifiy-ns»OCjnU \TlM.m;i!r A. ............. wiih IluJ v r J ^ 4 - . i

in r.d f- ilii- ui.p’.lcuil.m ■ut^kcflWeWWBs: ^ ^ p h iy sliriir . •' “

' . ' ' C a ltiv a tiiis 'V a z ih e ti. "•‘D<r miiro 11 man. tukoH off .lltne.-to

Jio_hiiiia_utlli:i^byurH _n.Ji:^coniji)i|aa;^•houi tm ‘rn-ork."-;W nnlilciB'nn Stnr.- . ,

ir a M i ?■25°'‘ '25e::

- M c r .ib iaapoo»d«»»ah rif . 'r

S a u m r ' - 7 - P r i c ^ r

fo r over

years~ U U A H A N IU U P U B I . • T TiS

■ r ;■

t d F ALL KINDS .iSxpericBcW.. '.'TT-.''---------, , .. T e i G p h o B o r i a a w -

liufi a T T i ^ n F o U i

'c a r s a t .T w i p F a l l s . . ■' '■ ’ .

Page 5: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

^ ' '^ K J ) N E $ D A Y . :m a y 2 . l ! j:

\ V i / \ • aK V t- I •

^ i B S

Bolh G liiteH ug ;the Cellai Due. to W eak Hiding anc P oor 'P itch ing; Irijuriej and RoOkres 'Afe Partly,tt plame.

I 'nttM l i’m s ' StiiH 'CorrojiiioiidfiiJ NEW y o n K ;'M » y ’2.—All l» n .u mv

rono li i* t l iH '6nWplt >iC lUe CIMeiiK' Cub# ond .tho W uhIiIiirIou, SPimtoni

_ iw o Kood rihlt cltibfl-JvJ»lclrcan\ iiuon t o 'k'oi KilliiSI''-- .•

— In' ilio 'm nJo r-lcnK w>riib-i -»1I.I Son

a lo h i Brtf liUttnR 'l ln i irn ll ltm i ilocmi'• lead t o ' ilio 'tv o rh l ’ norloii. Krrorn

weiik liU llnK 'hm l'iW or J'lttflilnk' IfJ U"- nt or y. — — --- ------------------

Tho Sitihti>rfl'--lH'fiU toiiiihn; l»nl

ftild*ll>)dtty*^u it^ 't ^ y ' ‘<i''wunit nnu i~JtnlfnTnt-T7f^the-^>««'r-An<*r-u.JHJjJn/- ro U r .p u l .olllU u^tlrB l fly(i_Biimc», thi

S cnatorn have drWined rIkUi ln « row A n h ijn rcd Iak w hich hao |irvtoiitO(

Buoky lla r r ia 'fro m , iilaylnir roKuinrl; '* JH 'ono~ nf 'inanyT T itJ ionn -fo t-tho -co l

la pHu or nu n pparon tly nbln hall dtili TUo Heuui.oTS'TnrconirhnRO'comhlnii

lion of CllUn’ anU-'lUKcroHf-Htn^Wi ~ oUthonr.% ‘o11oi>>F - 9Cn’!tr-liriy-cnnn-«i

U t^ 'm u c h to - t l |p '-d o w u b ill^ o f. Ill ^VnuhlnKlon club . .

— T m n ii J « i t7o tnh ireu im -i< rT in t-n«u

In lo fo rm 1\ ub .hJndcretl. Uiu Cnln Illni-BK han prov'ontc<l H al CarlHoi fro m UikhiK ih'o 'm Q aml uml ih a ii toe haa ac t tjm jcn b s . back, ' • •.

, H o n o cr .'th o CiioK havo rccclvcd unfp/sp' CtlUT

Uf OlaKc,, P o rc y -L o Jonca .iind o:- o u o -o cc n slo a -A rlJo -N o h t.lu rn e d In

‘m aato rfu l Kamc. • . ,n i a c k isvniigffA'-Tiinniirec f rom ih

ou tfie ld haBnV'Ticlpod lho .Ciib» k< Buy r«tn* ia>cn ..K lh l.C uylc i-1 iu ii beo

-pU yiu ft-J tocj- 'ae toM lyo^bn flfb a .n ,. J 21 >.iii hiHinif haHrlMSon npntty and -non

: too potctit.

^May^ttmtigate^l)eljiiie| Trainuij

NBW Y O R K ? ^ i " : r r J » c k SI1.11 Jsoy'B Hcnsatloinftl oni}«rt«md knocl.

—HUI' uf~Ju tK *‘a<!la'»lPy " Tua>‘” lp «rt~to- --_tj>o'roPK>P-<t»Wttata|on of tho male

ADd thd tnrinimr*fcclIc5~<ir'T)oI6Tl0 by tho Now V o rk .S la jo “ o"

..tnltwlon. , I • ' .'• • _A ucr- annoiincJwR^ltiur llie loiimii;

v1o» ftJroftdjvTIas u taricd nn Invent KBlloii, C hairm an Jam c» .A. Farlo rupudlted th in nln’ieh icn l by- xayln th n t bo waft n o t .n l’ libe rty to npoa fo r tho boxlnrt hoitr.

Thft tnV M ^gntl< a It _waH Icnrnci «Jlr*cle«l o r l>eJn>>cy'ii lactic:

W o»dOiai -b«en received frtyn HridRtpo rf. C o n a : V u e ^ 'B e ln n o y l^ c d nntra in ed forUh«<^»j&l.'U iat tUe forme

3 ^ > ^ i c a r g ^ l W L p tf ia jn p lo i iw o rk c

. m s tr a l titj iic^ » B rtn i',- .lt^ ^ a s .B n I i conn lited tK 8 tffS » ,S p U /j tn F ^ ''ro n c l C anadian g B a .rd ln^ Sharkey o»

■ I t *uch «■ foiuvffiCii be l h o cam D elaney p f f ta b l? % » l l be l*yre<l froi boxlnH in N cftU for>p -B ^ fr . . '

D e r b K R u n n e r s ”

' itolding PlaceiDr>JA3li:H I'OWKRH ^

U nited PfM ii ..Hpeetol jC prrt-ipondet LINCOLS.- 111*.. May l - r l lo ld l t .

m ore th a n ' a flv(V>hour Umo nutr«l _ o T g f i A ndrew P n r n t _ o f- C in rpm w

Okla-. bll -iieorcai eonipotltor. P elt GaTMxl. b«;anltd DrlilaUor. today Ic lh o Pyle c roas-countrT runner* In

. 33.m lle la p : to N orm al. Ilia .T iie SoalbamptOD. , E n cland . ru r

. n e r Jnc reaied Mn <5)epa«l.tlm o tea b r I ln lah lnc ye» tenU y«'31.«> nill4 ru t r a m S p r ln f le ld in a llo fo r T in f t l t i Se lh ^ |on«aje«i _ot DenVer, *niel

^ . y * r « 1 5 ^ L t S ^ ^ S l J p ^ 3 : a

C e a d e r t ^ l ^ t J i p i e a T I m V i ^ I ' -P e te r G a n i ^ ^ 'U i b a m p t « n . E os

Andrftir. P a m V C larcm ore . Okla

•" W l l l l i a l f t m M lhneapoiw m :3 9 . t t S d O a ^ e r . SeatU e 419:09.4C.

• iTODirs n o z B M ^.n irtb , Y ankees ---------------------------

- J U c £ ^ o r t ilJ-;.-------- - .D ayaab^e. W hJto .S o*-------------------- r

- B n rn iM Brayga*’--.--..:------- ••._____-H a ^

■ ' - '


— ...

{ g l u b s t a n d i n o s I■ n iK m C A S , LKAtiUK

• . .C l u b - \V. . L. • P e tNcw..Yo£k----------- 1.:-:.,;...!! . a > . j 8 t

_ c ioyniniiJ - ....______•• I 'h llnJo lph lii ..... ..............~ A . .'!3Cr 8t{ L o ii i« \ ........ ......... .r.c(

Chlcnco ............................ T J l ,385'DotVoll ...................... R • 13 ,.3filW fli iJ iiH f fio n ..................r> ■ a .yCj

r ■ >ATIOXAi7*LKA(3VKJ C l i i h - W. I-, . r c l*; New Y o r k ....... ............:,.. 8 -I ,C9l l Ilrooklyn • ........... ,■...........i. !i li • Juot

•rincln-im il ....... ............ .•...1« ' - c -.Mi» 'S t . I.oiil(i .................. ........8 s .DOr

i l ’ltUtburKh ........................ 7 s .Irt:InoHtoii ......................0 7 ,-16!

_. ChloftKO............................:... U I t . .451

; iM t 'i f 'a ' i ^ s i ' j . K A a v x " ' "'I .C lub— \V. , U Pci

.‘lau rrniicliit-n ................20 !l ' ;(J9t’ ■ H oUywood.,.:....,.... ...........17. - U . . ' .flOl

I.S»«Tnm<.'nin _ ............. ^17 _ ]«'I Ail'wicH ....C ......... .~.iir ^ “ u r .r.si

OukLuul .....................T 7~ t^ fl‘•,l I’o rlhnu l ............................ lo 17 .n?i^ .Sdnltio ,;....................... ;;.....« irf .ao;

J ^ A R T r P R A m

................... ■[ j ^ r m o u r a n d t S a r n e s B e a t J u

I r a 'd o a h d ' S t e w a r t ' i n ^ 7 " ' " •‘‘•' ^ F T O iT o ln e . . . '

, n y-r,K N B-BA flA ;tBN rr-^-----r. ' fW rltlc i» fo r Iherxinirrcl PrcnH), ,SA‘.VD\VTCrT.' IJnj.',, M ay' 2—>V«Ito , ir»f:)>n nnd hlB conQUcrer. Arclil ‘ [Com pslon. the ha rd hlillnK DrlllHl -.1 profcHHlonnl. bJivc arrived horo fo i liiovrriil (layK n t priicllco Uefdro th •T nH iikT roi>cri~a »5hiipianiniTinitffPcoion iil’day. ,

• ' T hey prncllecd on tbo P rln c cs eouni ,Jyaiiiorday..nhd-W alU irla-:;aa ia .»haK £i ,(ltilKnH o f plcklnir up.n I pliiy rd-w ith I.ord A lnblalr Innesr i t lK c r r n w ln , KOlat: uminii .thi> Jloyii

St.“ CPorK0'n'cownio-Jn‘70'iitTOkcji.-Th -Hm ithrt-«>ndlH enit-w tire-flu«>-4ind-t4i

pliiy ’vnii cii'ity.■ I nliio w en t nrouml tbfl P rince ' courao. w hich Ik about ili f hnrck-at uvur'iilayed .- I t In' nea rly 7.0(10 ynnl

• lonK nnd ri'fiuiFfn u il tlrFvtVr»; I)rflhrifinfltwonn nnii ilrlv ljjc Ironii. A -inniihl

C I b hn rd ly over needed.® ; J is Uarnj-H l» phiylnK w ell; an

luhould be- lu top 1011 »liajic lo kIvo r KilVid“ ficcminr o r iilmnclf w h rn -- thr iilo iirn n m ciil oi>oiin.[ J A ll o f . t he

i,{enrly . ' ~ • '■ '.

SANDWICH. May 2—Tom m y Arn; jou r-Jin d Jim n .im c* l>cnl th f

i . l a r i . In a loiiniom e ycntonlny, d ai»a_...I Arinou*! 11101 ■.ihr-TA^and-dgrmhr a c l \ - A n i i o u f ^ i u r - a n KnKllnli nmntoii K -Will play Ju rad o und-de Miirlii todftj

i : t — e O j ^ ^ T - f c E A ^ y ^ ;;i ' R E S U L T S -

ll * PA C IFIC COAST *LKAni:K - '

j Lo'n A n se lc i .............................. 'i, MlKBlon ...... ................— ........ - J* ^ .i * r n .ittc r ie a : ■ D nrtoof u n J" iln n n a l a | H otllo ;; and .U n ldw ln , . • •

P.I A t H ollyw ood: ' ? *!•’• j | Sonin- .,-...........---------------- ’■•*“ “■•,5’ H o llyw ood ......— ............... ......... >“ *“

'T " At O akland: “- S a e ta in e n lo ................- ........r - . - r r . J " .

O akland • ...................... ................ I 1

- Sea ttle v*. Pw tland .- no sam e, r a l S Sacm m cn to—K ^ e and Severalil

I O akland; .

Sp rlnzV H ollyw ood: Sbellenbach an ‘‘ n h o d e t. ' _________-

!• i j V ^ U « T r t—d flo v cm o r SmllU ,w.oa. a lln Kales from C a iltom la t l i ro u B h h i ll overw helm ing .victory* i n - l b e - l ^ j :

r -fy.'- CK°"5. ^ e p u b lK » n .l> a tlo i .« n d _ re lt^ wp a bl- -co m p lim e n tan r-v e te -sB -U ie -R e p itiil~ i-« trcao lco '-fO T -T r ^ e n t.-----—

T ^o prtaldenU ftl cairyalCT Invcw

fo r IU n r a i aea tlon loday. T lie cob

• Tt'^-. BKpuMtniTi—w a te .- jc o a - ^ Uc i? ^ trB m n M itsd S T it t 'T te a c M m r^ la d M

tloQB w ere lA at th e 19,tlW ai;ate«-'w l , i r t M n»tructe4 to -vote fo r ^H erbe ■' H oover. - ' ' -

t f F I G H T R E S U L T S

i - L A S T - N I G H T

J S r V U MHO tI.TW O O D . M *r S - ’BddIa Sh i

51 d t tm tm MIdCTt _ 0 P Q f

A B B A D IN O rP ir-D o b V -H I* ® * .'^


i ; a t D W f f i : l E E

E n t e r M e e t F r o f n ; | T w i n F a l l a .

■ i Ti-ack nieli of ihiv Houth.-conlrr > 'Iditbo tllHirlci-.ure w orlduc h iird 'tb l » w eek.In im iniirnllon’fiir Ihc Ir.tckm i-i ^ jn l Oaldwi-ll Snlurdiiy . tn - ln I'all - hiRb iichOoI will have 12 luon rn to rc > 'Ig lhu m eet nnd ihcy a rc a il fu»i. rccJ ',6M i.rcnm m ntron;--------- --------------------|'-'l')3UoH-In*r nri’ tlii! m en u-Jio (jiinllflo : In tiKi iiliflrlci meol mi a b le 'to ko I

;llli<>.Caldwell i^iool;Il • lOiI.yiird daub; ,Alvor<l.’TwIu 1-VJIri '.‘ Sm lili.'-FIIfir! I'orrliK '. Twin- PuIIb.

lj2<>.yitr<V-<in«li:-fiti|llh,-XUlur;-J>ai: rlliiv 'I'u’lii KiiHh; IliilKT. n iir li-v .;-_ pH 40-y .ird -.l.iH liM ;u lM hlr-T i-lu -ra Ilji , i.Vuali'. F ile r; McOreii, lioodhiK.Jl 8 8 fl.yard ruu : U oilrlch, Tw in Kalli; ::.Goisoi;chcii.-C,no<llnKr.H,u,ll,Jluii,ei-l^_

fi > l*niltc ru n ; Ucll. T w in 1-'u1Im; Crn) |o t.^ l3uhl:

1 n u tie r t: T hurm an. HulTl.I i —220;mw hu rd les : Alvord. Tw in l- ill: c IlflboriHon; Twin I'anii:'- H ull. Duric; -1 lirRli jun in : IT Incc.-O oodins; FOII i.flw n.-Jlu rloy ;_Jonea._X K Jn_E aU a_v j ’l Jnvirlln ih rnw : 'W all; Tw in n i l l t *<-wi’1iiti.- H« rlPy: n , KwlnK,. UlehtlPli

I ■iJroad Jum p:' Jacoliy, Tw in l-'.illi

D lnc lm .lh row : W llnon. , Oaklej fSm llli, F i le r : G orrlnuc. O nklcy .'

- i— Pol^-vaiilni__SirultiiH, TwJn__ F n llit,«n-....>.n lli ir li'v ; 'H u ll, nurloy.

ir r T w in •J'^iUn.’ -Nori),

i 880.yaril rol'ay: • Alvord.- . I.uea '■•Wardi., UobcrlBOp. . I 'c rrluo . Twi

j l ™ '" ;

”1 : y e s t e r d a ^ ’ g a m e s

” !• A3rKHl'(\viri7KA(U;K~' r A l C leveland: ' I tT f.J

-------- *■ ? ' ; 2e.'C lavaland ..........:____ u - l------------i-X!L.J _ D a t n . r l e n ; Dock nnd SchnnK; G rar

1 Sham o nnd A utry.

i'! A l no idou : , - n .-ir.ir.Pblliiiloliilila .............................. I r- HTTflimmm..........‘i .0-1- U ailcrlcii: Grove. OrwoJl and I'o;

iSelllirm lro, ,-M’o n ln a n d lldvlnK-

I>! AlCblciiKo: ■c - noirolt-^.................... ....................'.•'ChlcuKO .!.... :............... - .....— C u>r,' J3»iterleK:- lilllluKB.-, .Stoner ai k- W oodair: n iankem lhlp, Adklna. D arn

■ bcu ttnd Lvaiinc;— r r i -------------------

r i A nw iS h lriR ton : If-1-1.Vow Y ork .......... ----- -------------- S 10’- i W auhlncton .......................... ........«. l -r r — Daiti'ri<!«: sncn io r.'M u t’f'V5.;rtnd Colllnn: S larbcrry . Vui) Alaljn r ; a n d T ate and U u d . . ^

■ N A Tl0xT T7.K A (iL 'K


1; Now Y ork ...............................^. I- U n tlerlcs: Vanco and U ebcrr ^ FliiBlnimonrr, i 'a iilkner, and H op in .

v ::T: a t rj^It t s lJU~rKir : l . .

^ S ; l S , r = ± : = = S ' i'1 -nallerlc* :' T lunh .'\Yclch K n r Oe

rxalcH: U lll nnd S m ith .a n d G M lli.

4 ^ A l Philiide lpliln:. . •' U- H.2 ,n o » to n ----- ---------------- -----------5 J®.

; P M ladpJph la .............3 10

2 1 WalBh, M iller a nd .W llnon.

( A l Sl. l-ouln: n.l C lnclnnall .......... ........... .............. ®

,ai ' ' —.— .•

I By TT»it*a m n- t Dabo R«»ln

l a Wlplo and tw o Blnglw In flvo llffl ,-.}Hp and Bcored Ihreo rU M -and dtp

I I ‘" l i * V h r t i . ' w t ' ‘i» b tV , ir lp io a ^ I w a W o a e e . i ia . t o t t f U m e .-u p a . • neorr.1 tw o run* a o d .d ro v e .In tw o. >7^ H arry H tU a n iU twidu a .doub le I.*fl*«».Um ea.np a ^d .^ cc red .o a a .n i iu .

T » ri^ ib 'f lB lrtcd -oaco -tirrf tv^-tte

| . . T ria € p e sk « r ' to lled to^: h il m <.* In tfitiv *' *1'^ r*~ - ~j •-

T R o je r* I to n w b j^ f lc ra b lb d 'o a w - s th r w i lm e * > ^ -a a d a«r*d;V »ao-rtin--------KIM CnvU-r « ia tledT 6B W -lir-tO

tlniM .' up. - • ^ - 4; ' — • ■ - - ,a • •*“ -

r l ■ ' A H B r o k e n t / pQ t'H oU or tb'» vUirpbtDt of tb * 1

^ >fflovcr. bow be li la lo ib ^ <«b o f 1 t coRiD* w llh a ae ban d 60 tb e 'tb ro r ( and- tb e oiber on. tb e ‘ t n’ >b<ad.—tll. i v t w tiu ra ' (F la .) ' Papei

* p c m a rc o ; _ l » r

~ z ^ ^ ^ s r r i j a o i a j ^ v ^ T ^ & i r ^ i c u ia ' heavyw clebt, outpoloCed Ji

t t , J McAoIlffe.- D etro it, i a 10 - ro v ad * .' -

' •T W IN ".~ & A L ij§ . 1>A1LY T1.M1

\ J j m 7 £ L i i J i J L c n n x u ^B u l 5 i5 ^ ™ 5 E K s t i f c 5

=pM » n m -r T H T M O R yiD aily W orkouts Carried On;, 1; To Play Bearded

j |. , Beauties,Mny 2,-»-Knuri.-c'n iW v*_'

I '’ iilo'nnl- liiill-pluycrH., renrv'-i'ulfiif; .Hi.: k Mlnlnc* I'uiry lu lho'UUiIi-ldalii> loiikiu', • will Htnn:i;lcl.iilr>iu: t l lH 'mi'U-jdu IliiU-d ^'I'lh (hi- •'i^-'uai»i'ft.‘’ nhd .rv fm im .~Up-r 'd l k t 'i " u i HUKKeitlcir'iln- iiiimen<1u-I lu re , will receive ,a’ JIO iKlmcm tli-ki-t.

I .Such wan llie liuh'i^ino o t u lunch- jilon Tuoiulny iinou of ibi- hoard n t . d irocloni o l till? Ilriliii'.Athli'lli: n^HH-

q : i-Iiitlou. It wan Ihl’ irulnHnulInu'of tho• Ilolsio ciluU'H nutiilkor <'niii,<.-tU lUiO ul- 1 tliDUKli' bonril mi-mlirr.-i n-iiurted ih'ilCthy dli:cil«nli)U nci th<- ii--lri;tloli of

.Uliij nnTUr^''Si‘iinlurii" wn!i clioiii-h lu­ll i cnuno iiJ . IlH cor;;i'»i)fiuilliu: porirnyjil jijiif Ildliie'OK IdalioVi cnp lu tl,'•tl T hri'o vontonipnln In thi-’.iiamueoni- m"|u-llli(ui thouch t ••Sciiatoirt" wonlil

a .iiultahlo coKiioiui-n ;tii'd' ho liita •.;wi-ri» d ra v ii to Hi'trrjC ihc winner. Ilob

.p o th e r iw ii-w ho tiu1inf^l«-d.lllll k-Klshi- '',llvi.- lIlJc, . ■ ■ . \ • •

; John Molloy, cnndUlaii' p ilchor. n r- ; : rlvi'cl Tucwlny ni>o» ami will imuT- •Mli-o w llh tho . iiriif<'!ii-liiiiiil>l iinliiy.

Two inori! a ro cX|>Rclcit>iii>ii. MauaK'-r '*'• llni'i'y tV N rll‘ ~rppfiri'?il,‘ *Th»T an* “ rsrr>llJ'“ Bncnntl“ lniienin ii:rfiin i~nnniTr'• •T vrcirT irn ra ifd i-inn iT hO i'.------------

,T<-aui Tntliiliiir Dall)'.' j Dally Wiirkoula ai-o Mill carrii-d - j o n l - liolw vi'ii-llii' -hfturn - i . t - l l—«ud.-l ’* D’olocl:. bu t ngim ih.o i<c|nad will In'- . Kin ad ju iillns lo '.iw illK ht |dny-^ n irK~ i ~ .ui-»." LViuiUdiitr ign n l i T oimninv4 - to -f .r f tc lJ c i—(v^-l»dIv|.lk->U-lixU.IUU-, lm:..aiidJi.-'ttiM i; _with : f .n j i t ic m p t ..'‘A .’I teiini o ritau lia llon lioton- ibo coutcBi t ’ iS alu rd a y w lib thW -brnnli'it l>pnuiV'>.” ' O'.S’cll wild T uesday, und oVi:Vy caudl-

—ffinic-H nl>—lte- Rivcn-7nn-t»ptw»rHiuliy10 diHplny hlii ntillltlcH. Suudit»*. ,lUf nalHO iiiiiiacl-Will MItmif' ■ in-nnm lirr

*• I iirju;U^o - tlI l w ith a Namiia leam,

''* y o u r'h Mi>iint.>iuoiii--tiiuui. wuiku(l ou t 1 w llli tho protci';'l<mal« -Tiii.'sday imd

fa t»xpgclpd*llint—Ik?—will—lw*ooiui.*-.H

------rl'ublUv ^eii'..ni ' f i eld. ‘a n n piT -ffnicifnu-

^ •’tiro dciiartm w irii lulial'or wati called ” -j-n-hMi .I’ b ahy-w aii believed to have

la llon h im -a n oiion dlii-h almiKnldg• Ihe liaiicliair diamond. Htarlod, lijiccta-

to rn , coinmenlliii: nn ihV. iioccmMliy ol

! it lo u T ueaday revealed lUal no. hU'P>' - I h a d bcoii takou to renu 'dy _iho all-

iUaiIou7 ! 7 • ^ *[aTT^^^lttll^licardi’ manftr»ei^"oP Hip—TwIii

'KallH on iry In tho lIl.-iS-Idalio-.IcaKUC 2 'fltoppeiL In.. lJolHl^^.T.^P!f<l»:...^^S,^:nl^t " ito m ; cnoiiKli (0 uncch tfio nalfio /i'(i»i&


[iieaiiiiu. . ' • *. '

”0 ! r is lie riiii 'n . T be Allcdck trnu l.fllcnII ' rni- I frtV W(>1llilL- 111 n f.'r ' ^!ir. WllV Un^

k: ;n ioro for oUier m akoi, .Sweci'u S iore .— adv, • - •

i : . | Im iiorlcil nnd 'lu iarM ic .w oolonSjbj 'i)‘ lhu yard . 3000 pnltoruivta Holectfrom

• T lilbh frT he“ THllor:— O co r- tao -I .— D 111 j Pjboni’ f..'l4W—n dv, ......

~ ndT. ■

li'. ■ . . . C A P IT U r : ,\T E & .1 --------------------------------------------------


_______ L .tb b e w J^ h jx W .^ i l tg tl'^hutter

tm 4 < r '^ U u u a c r

'}± -1 VT i - 1

?. DANCE: Older P o U i.o ily .

^ 1 ^ 1 . 0 . ' 0 . , F . H A L L :

. . \.0O M B IIl i J *T udi

Kg ..... - -

4 ~ y '— — T-v;';-

~ • 'V ;v'>v= . i l ' - w r .

V ~ :■ * ! < §

,1 ' - ^

t ' t i c said this Eskimo younRsli _ _ ------- ttrr ilo rv . t»ur«t . jnto tears w l^ n 1

■ }lniVfvi.r_i»_dQean:t_SCtnl JL>jglyy « • brfofg thn 'nlane nrrived on ihis

1' ■ •—

: I W f T C H lN G T H E

; ; ............ ; By Oalt«a P r t s t __________■' Yi'Jileiilny’ii hcroi lln rry Ulco. !)•■- I 'lrn ii Tl»aTi- cenU’r tle ld rr. who drove

’ .•Ml ircv^n Minii wllb a boiiic run, dmi- '■ l.le nnd - .In K irT iriin rT K n T n -in -tn -ft-

victory over Ihc Cbleniiii W bllf «nx. — nairtfB V iiirtninrm i-T i-nm T riK T ^nrf- •. Ih«' Ynnk>i'H w ent wllh him . e lo iitln r

‘ ’ i.iif ' ir. hIlii ' U>n r i'-7il i ii '-- tviiyliinCTTnr- >• aenalorn, S ' t o r.. Ualie uiaile four ' Ullli. liicludlnK a lioiiio run and trliib -/k-— 'I'J— l^obh'n-alnclr—l t i - l h ~ t*eviHitIi-

L- Allil7lU;.. !. t a :;■^' l^^m l'^■l l ll■^n^Mnl^ I-. Ill'll Sox.I! Johnny H odapp. Indlann’ . ih lrd» ’ bniicmau. ilrovo In fou r rnnn anO- CU'velaud huat the iil. Ixiuls lirown>*. t ; 4 to :i. ■. i *l'l” ‘ j I ■' *‘-*!iS”iiy. ' ikfentlUK thil Brooklyn Ilobl'nn'. w ill! -1 Ih e lr acc. niisty-V iiueo, on-lho-m ound. n U - t a - i f — Cniiltn'i ^ln'-lc.-Qli:a-itQUllla

-,i,d H arper’ll bonia ru n nc counlcd .to r

S; Ibo <31nni«‘ I'una'. '

n^irU iV iin ofUjdtbli'cr tJi‘6VCr-'Cre\^l':n^-Inud -AI<'xand«>r,-who..(:avu'..way to ci^ • J.in..)., hlH.i- I.) llw. ■'ml lln .

- Clnclhmill Ufdii defeated .llio St. i l/oula ( 'ardlnalii. C (n 3 .

, ' Carnion. H ill hurled the l»lllHbur;;li v’ l PlrjilCB lo a -I to ^ .vicwiry «h i t the^7tThlcnsn*t:utT?rr-nH<nrln;r-tht?-Mc«^hy

unm only five, h.lla.I Tho Ildsion Hravpa won from lho

_ ; P b l lllo n .'S - to - -3 . a n d -tn o v rd uu ' i notch 10 nlxlh plaun iiii itio .Cub.x j'_| c a irc dowu.________ ___ ___________

■j l-'lH blns'tarklc.' W r-nnviT yoirm on- _ l ey..Sw eci'u Storc.-^adv,

i '

■’ i • ' ■ • . 1 * -

r - : - ■ ■ - - m .

---------- -—WedneI ■■ step in

-T------ r-— 4— e f - i i i i -

! ’ T 3 » e N e w .

• I . i f . T a n c f a M o s r : ^ '" l ' ~ « p M U l l U O l A

— - f t o g r a m ____; I ■ • -; S T A T IO N S -; .

I—i---------- 11!— , K T K l, I fta 'n F r a o k k tt .;--RGO 7 -O aU aM : -•-

.........‘r - T-KO W O.-€«m to:— ^ TfcTtT—----- - ■ •=-


— . i ^-^Q -7apofc» i» ---;r

<ap>— PaThe'Newi. c r livJnK in the Uclle Inic S^r. it'l■ the D rcm tn wan furceO_,iQ l.’ nd. - - f •

i r j ^ ~ ■ ■ . •_____________

Brums Work At '

r T S k ip p f tM r il• ;\y 'l ld \m i” Leard .aud a ll liui Uyo

■n-iivi'il liiN^adu. l-'alln a n il 'n re wiirh- li}; T.III TlilK'"*,irrvTiinnii .11 ' lln* “I'liy

•lias, liall p a rk . -Tlii-y .will warir^' up .< till and i:i:t Jn proparaMDji fo r lln-

S'i'>>>'il“ V :ii>d fnr llin I'Xhlldllon ii .r 111 n,r r lil-<n nti

. .';im:ij'.— :--------------. ' 'I*!aj-I—>, now lu Twin Kalin aro.M a-

Kli^niTiild. Ili'iijainln; (imm-/.. -, ltd Alli'ii, Inflolih'ra: Lyke aud . IlMiailii'iirkli', - caiobetHj retnrunn

'''ilon<:in, aiid^ W allorn. nuiflcld'-ra;

'■MnkK Karwoml .and, K ii^alt^idlcluirii I.lal ;tnil ItndrlK iieO i.lvoijipi reiiorleil

'-> T i-l)u t-arc on-^ h c l r -yarr - - .—- ' ------

.1 H invnj-w iih th e , A m arillo ‘tcnm of ihi : >v< nterH 'Ie.igm* la»c n~art -' _

CHANGE 01I ‘ E ffectii

. Focatello-TM : Leaves at 8 8,1

— C u m ii l . l j W i th - K 6 r - l ■' “ ■ ------------—STAGB-qPFI

h e i f f i q

•sday,Hday2Rdmat the Industrial De\

West==JDLlLJriUP a c i f i c1 b e O f f i d a U s T - ^

r S © l i v S ® S e> " • ' '.wiil now i

T o G b ra ia e j to o c a

: : j r ^ Q W = S i W ^

3re & ^

PAUEPIVB - - - ^ — —

- ■ C en»ua Findk LitttntrM

-clo;ai_'lu.llie-j(pi:nkluU-l'-yiKUC!-'’ l ' 0 ‘* KehluM i-aii li.n;: o r o ften u llc r nay ;. Ihriiu' wlih'li_l« tini Invlied nud. g lad -..

^ ^ ^ r m ’^ h n F M —tVirri-^rouird-Iilnii^^—

. O ne (t Enouiih - --T ltp rr^n rr-n i4 V -l^ |“>W-U-lnnKW»rf*-- 'tud 'ili'lvi-U liiTii.sc'Iii'iiru >ilirJd, Anit/p- *" -n-ii-lnm tin; iii-( .iVc.«t la iiiib jjr .o^ ilu ii^ .,..I.C ).- . r ■ - ■ T

V a / u a b /e Q u o / i f y -■'We liiv'e diiuil.- iiiiluialr.” <ald HI '

Un, fbo Mice - I Cbl..... •'I.oi'aiise tllPJi nii ni'\<'r ’nil; ami lii:lr‘ir>'*Uit.''=WBltP (a«K.ii,‘;iu r,- •

“ i r i s s o e a i s y r t p — “

h a v e c l e a n ,

b r i g h t , s p a r k l i n g

■ F u r n i t u r e a n a

W o o d w o r k j

F o r P o p S e e S te p- Q u a l l ty - = -S o rT ic o — T - -

- — S T E P n C E N T - - —

ifa gltPTft^ S ^W l' v i l l .p i t .v (U 'livc rw l td idur

i |>lutil a l T w ill F n lb i :••- Ilouv.v l io n s , o n lo m l ,’ por II)...........r "iT iT rlrrH rnK T T rnlnre tirT br-lb r^O e; I. ijO R hnrii p e r lb ............ 18c

t - ^ W s r i d i a t v E r o d u c S C o i' • —l'Q I.'I.T a\'A N lJ.E 9G Sr^... ’j I.'in. Wnll Sl. ■.l'hono .l75

f SCHEDULE/e M ay .1 ' ,

riii Falls Bus in, and 2:30 p.m.CE-PHONB-424----- ---------------—-

• k s a g r e a t = h : = : ± ± z

' o l o p m e n tr s n A V

i c l i * l F a c t o ] r s r ^ “

-------- _ •

t h i s f e v O T t w e ; r .

Page 6: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

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1 T H E M l g « f eg l i i j M s

ir 'ItnlA O O . '■....___..... .. . i . , . . . l T ) : i n i . , 1 ^ ■ Jllel

lii ia.i jtjiiiii f.in ir irn il,. I lllilll*'! i.ii.-'im nliir,r .ttc,rtlin

J r . l . . h '. "-ll Mi Ti-'uU. f-ov.iv. i u i. v.u u ii-----------

V .', '. , U.vv,n ;,ri,i 1 I'.'Vi-l I.■i,,\i.|.'.!i . . lu 'T l V '" l .. vyt„ .1 .............. .

' . '11x11.. ........ ivmI- i >. l<..ni.!ii I.II 111" iMpi

. ,.,1 .„ |,1 Ml.. M il,vs il..o,mlM>ill.........I,,-. Ilut |ii-iir,i Iiikh ir >VII» Iwijvy

I I , - 'h, h . i IU;.I l li i '. l r j- w.'at1..T ill •AlMiM uii.-.ii if'-M"-li,.. r:.M, in'ftK. i A - , 1 - . W . - V will.

'l.i-,!l'.;nl„i.i,|.> ro mlici.vllv :inil lli<; |.r lc - .I-tIImimI wlili

T l.- . i.n lrniiirlc.'t a.-.'llii.'.l ■ I - • J;.i"-v'< ri. HI.; ...IXJ.T i;x|..iiil

.l|.|v..H. r.:i l.f .llXrlll ............. IliWl.iI.i «;i«................. .. ........ ..ml lli .i-Jll,-. ll.lU. .'ll.lllA.ll ITIlilii.IIUII.V. Til.' .'j* Ii m :iru .l^v ..i:m uub l)li! ;- 'l a n .M '.-

■ (ilM lN Kl fP H K S . _ ;; (* in r.\C (> f M jy <;.nin f.iitirr:i

m iii:.i | nr. tu llnu-i: • . '■ iV tre A n '^ 'O n rti - ’iik-l.’ 1...W , rinii.'

' . \ l : iv . • C f 'iV 'r.IJIK -:- KOI, li,.:->, l-jl--i liil'H

Miiv ’ r .., Wi! li.U lU.i Io',!h-------11;;'.', n .s '-, -

s n . r •• . 111; ’. . n ;i ’ ii.ii im - .l» . \ ' l 'S - '.Mi’V • '• I '. '-I'--’ ■ ni;-;jMly r.7';. M 'y

1 ■ ( IIK Al.O (^L S > L i;»A I\ ’ cM lt'A tiO , .Mn)' :V -W ii..iil; Nri. 2

■).';.|.l }'l.i:;i.- . - ■ ;

•S',. - :i vnll.nv.M ii;it“ 1 . In<v -• J t IV’TTT—r-N fr- — T'‘l I””

“ V.Ti'.N.,.- .i'm iN .-j il.i i/^T M l.W l' N-T .1 iillx .tl $ l.i 'l; Nri- whill?

’ n ii'ii;.; NM. ivUii.' S i.iii:o i« 'i,o ,s '.,; N'.i 5-' w l.llr $l.i>i;*i; .S'|>- wlillj'

N". II wlilii-

? S '' l i l l - i:;i'»-’'riiHii.r: N ...’4 will!.- CT----------------------

. It.iiJi'y ; yr,o >l.'i7. .•:T l.m .il.y r j:i.7.’;<,l.r,.i,' n < . v . r : JH'.floto-W.w'i,------ - ■ • '••

' t f l l U ’A 'co. .Mnv ;; - iiiu to r; •..•r.'liiui ^lnll.lllr<lH r i 'a . : ; (IriilH

•:’J ’-,Ar i : . ' ; i c i : - y - r - i - x in isl-vnv in'’7V. .J '

,l-.i:i;i.: I!.'-, l:.!.. . i i - i / nnii-liiiri.". fii-i'* 25’.ifr::i'L ;.;.i-i.i..l:i.Jii'.,u ; ..MKI;>

U-hV..,.,.; Tull.-- "L-'.,7i- : " '4.'; Y.lllll)! 'Aiii.Tl.-:.;. :;i.' •

: TTiTrTT.t.. ' --:rT :;yT .w w : h i .u y . i:ii(»n..i :;;:i':.ii.icka.

irr.i I.* ::i-7 .u i- ; n. • ii-,u.;..il.lalli. ,I itu;.: . In. T. .S . N.i. J.

iii.T. l;t!- l.v,II. ■ -

( j tM A tiii j . iu ; .s r< jc K .,l in c . ic i '. . Ki.i.v U m:'.; U.’r;i'liif<

1.'.,ii(ni;. Ii.aitu.l '.Id.v. Him,ll.v l.K .ir.i- : ; i » ' . ' l 'M ; u l | i a l M1> f i ;i ':^ ;

I’liri 1,1 iii’...'V:m;'|-;,‘iii;:;';; ’ . ; i . '1.1 ”MI Ih l. lii.r.-i; 'Kill i .iPin Hr., 5^;;:|•.< III II.; l.a.U hm sh« k js:;.'. II '•.'.II; Mt.'illiini - tt. tIu iI .-- ,

<,'allU'U ll ..- i- il .in 'n ...... •,-.iil\';r-. liiitfT;-m u rU .l...lii '.!-i‘ .‘.v ....tih .;-i-I .I.l ' much• !i.-Iii;iil. <.'h.-lr. ll-.-.. il..' l i .u . . ' ,-----1-

S!i.llilht''l » 'lii J . . :.l-.'i ... luii.il mill rhr.lft*. !;ti;f- t.l I'-l"'. Hif. H I’..'j 'll H .75 : IV<ii>M..VMii.|Im •H i.7:.'irll.T .'i; 'lirid t»ill.I.- 11.1 I f J II 7.-I. .i.Miii.r.n ..mliiu-.Kuir. H’.’ ti|>. I 'M :.; f.-<l

ir,;:. in v r . ^-iwiii-nnit

. .mfi.inn ;.ii'i i!i. .liiiiii I-,. i..w

. Mil.'.- .,111] I i:it..r ;i: I.iilhi^ t:i>'>ilanil .I..H.I-, I'l -l. :-:i i:... Ii.r...; .n l-

17 I - : M,..l;i r at,.! t.'i il.. I- , Ji.i.sr I lll.il ,..

~ tvU-.r:;r?ii - .-.r.n ••ir.r.i inm’ ;C . '. : .I I . : '|.

s h i.-p : l : i . . i i . l ; ll."."1; i.in rk -l f..lI.,::ii . 1., I i 'w ir : li--.'i>

II,• ' jr .V .-i .iT r: iii.rHiim $11.T.-.- r i r ,; , : ; l i al„l> ri.miflt'l* Jj:ff.*U.7S; ;:w .n,i:n In :<r-:tn l i“i Ih>i.

I'..-,.'; n,..illiiR» i->./-lii>i.-riv . II'.. i : i .- i . 'T ';: :’! ! - ' ; : : »uii an.i

• ’ . i , . , , , ;, • - ' [/)f:n i:N . m .v U.-. - ip t iI p . '. li,.: i: 'h !.4 :i>*%.-»n I.,r ll..- I..ra1

/Hi! z:.-. t.l S a a -r i-4 ru i* c i.:j iac R i 'rF :J

Im'i to" «lHvr-;

fatti.--- It. .-1 !p!’» rrf^ ln riT irtnT cT f.: Ii>4.it t . ,r tlu l ,„ ;.l l:i ,:r l..I. ril .Ilr.-. I.. Irv.il i .a . l .r r - .mhI IT.H ir. Jr.M.vil I. I ...a l .T.-..I h .;- ; .1 'I„.-\||.>C<-IH.III.|I }I1 ; In-.I ]|>3.Ur.o Ip 'J'.r . po,;n.! a rr ra j: .- i Jln .S ft/aI'.n'': fi.M hc iil . ii",j!ii.n to n»0(lliir<'

w>i,nd h i ir .- t. j;i .-rn.*tM.>i nirtllum

• ■ ' I -

_l . . ____

V \ l l l . . l (.h.'jll. A;' . . . ' . i 'l ' l e

. . . . - i l l•-A iV r.-rn i' * • Pniiii.lry . .;......... IwSV:

;jrAnii'.-. siiM'it. ................. .•■•••J'-'i;,.UiK-r. Su»:iiv;uicf. ............... - ....... ,.-»!t->iAI1KI-. Tr-I.- .-i r n . . ....... ISU-

- -A-mrtT-'roli— ...............—...............viAintiv. \\‘«Jj.!oii Co, - ..... .................. '■ii’nil'lA iiii'i.'Z l.K ' .............. ..'.... -MV.lA iim uiiiln (-•oppi-r ........ :-............ .. .TOI Al.'lihtiiii, T.ip, & S. r- .................. I»f‘Hi Hi.hlwln l.o<rf.mnil\T .. .t ......

TTCltrtllKlU' A' 0 1ili.« . .- ...............M 1’\M• II. Ihl.'h rlll St.'«i| ............. .............■ CUliforiiia i’ni:klm; ........................ "'!%

Ciilmn. I /;• Arlw.iiii ........................10I*-ara .ia ila l»ry

‘ I’liii.'ullnii 'J ’lK'ini! ..... ............Hri.,..- iJ IJ Thr,!«ll. .Mm:lr. ......... iUH’s(•. rri> O.'I l>n».:o Ooppiir ................ C70kirh.--H.ipral<.. * Ohio .............. Ill7>4

|ch1 . ( ! r . i . r W.-ni.Tii .. . iC i't'h l.. Mil., A 'i;m-. .. . •......

■U'hlr;ti:!i ^ Su rilW v n lvrn .. - ........ JO'-IjC lil.. JL I. i i . l ’ac.................................llC’ i^ rii ll. ' l-..|ip.'r ......................... ...ic h ry ih T .M o io rn / ....................... 72%;<-lii..« S .r .v k ..-u u rU ll_ _ :-----------uULT........... . K.1..I » I.'I.II ----- l i i i|('r.iii.;.iirini.‘.i TiuH .............. , . . r z r T Z ! r -

c.iiitlnuiiiul lUiii....... - ................... .-.;11114(N.ni I’roilocli i.

i Cnu-ll.lit. Htn-I ....... .. .. _..; .......... ........ ..!■ .. ■...I im i'riiil Ih‘ N.‘imiiin* ii Cci............ 3X1'I Krl.' Hiillrou.1 .................................

l tk m :c» i_ A in ';r : TiuiJ;-.—.........ral AHplin n i.-n il '( t l i’iir . .. •. ............ri.iii.Ti>l Kh'c-; ......... . l'i-*J<i(iQIKrntl .Mi.lill'-'i ....... ................ ......iy | ;i.Lli!lU-Ouiilnur_Oilv_cllB-------- :------ iU _(lliiililii Jln.M nT«.................. • -IS..

n;-ahnin-i’uiK<.' .-Motoi'H .................. ..i.'s.. a:r/«it—Nm'UiucA-pfU.— ----------- — 1U3^

■llo, • I'llilKiulie Cnillillirll ...............................

. iloWiiLSQunil_______ „ _ —l _______ fiJiiiIhi.lMon Molo llHnohi Critlt

: % ^ S : i m i ' N k i f f l ....................^Igl.Tiiallrtiflil liiirv l'n in ' ... v . ;:iii‘ ;i1..10riiutlun»l

■ ItiMplrniloH CimM. (.-iippi'r .............hir.lnii 'Xr/itovK ..... ....................•Kaiii.nK City S o iiU icrn .................. :. M?.

:j~iCriit r ’Aiii.'r . - 'p rpffoutn ..‘-‘.r.iT r r m t i s ;

-) co«-» r .EO nmt ru u p n i n f f 4.li»: « 'ti‘w

S hrci,: UrtgolplH HC7 IncliiUluK Ii.-iicl fo r thi> locnl m arU ft nijil

hK T aU f.irtjJu BprltiK liimli" »n trnn«li1.. riil.aK (/~ nu i'ka t: no o a rly iialt!n.

S .M /r I.AKK l.lVR-STdCK •NOKTU SA I.T I-.\1U:. M . i y . i : ^

Um:-.'; !ti'ccl|»t» Cfi'l. Iiifliiilliii; K .lu'iul

C..I racl^.TH, su in irunhU to I-om Au- ninrlci t. ft" tn I.on AnKflp" .pin-’k-

^l•. .xu.i 37J tir .Snn DIono p n c k v p : ‘i l.-.W HSll.poUVrl (trlVi'.lllM u l. $'.',*10;

Ciililr-: H rcU H ii ,!'0 lu. iiiinJili to r f a h lanci;: iimi" m r iht-. tnnrlu'i.

.Sh.'i -i; Il.'O 'iiii? In-iiniiHli

= - ^ - r i iH i i .A .v J * i . i ^ l .v r f i r ; .•l’OUTI'.ANi», May : ; - r a 1 l l> ' ll'V

(■■■I|.I-1 -J|>; com- ■

■5 'j.7r.«'.'n..-;o; rom m on" J.i.:>[;0!*.7C;' li.-lfi'rs. cnoil Jlii.'r.OOi 11: rommnii, tii.jrliiim . JX .75ini).'’.0 ; . r.iWH. ROQil.

COIIIIIIQP. mi-dltitn S7«(' ■j:::.: 1..w .; iu u m JG &": I.uIIk (yv..r* llm-,'. -x rlu ih 'd t, k.khI J7.76ffffi.r,0: 7?rim:TiriT;“ m.-.iium r a ' . ‘:;7&: rHiv.-«. m.'.lliiin. rlir.lro $Kffi U'; riillK.,cmniiion s.;,riu'.ix; vc ii.T « . KiHjd.Tiioic! »i2qt-I.n;- niKlliim » iu « i i : : cuIIm. coininoii »7</l» . __ ^ .

hl-'OOy:' licnvyw^lxlitH. sr.o u , nmi IbH.. Iii.'iliuru cholcp. »9.6o« lu.fiK "ft(i to i:r.(i‘ ll.s. $9.?54ftO,7G; ICr) tr. llitn .ll,*. 110 .7601 !: MO to ICI) Ihs $ l»^ rii’-75; pitchlni; linRH. roO sli. mul i.inr.(iih r .M o s .D u : HlniiKlUor plK". y ir> i:in itiH, J3.SiililO.CO; HtockiTK un.l i<-.'<l. r.<, 70 to n n II,H. s s r j to.__Sluu n-'.... ItcciilpLi—aaS;— tin e — uC.■iTmFVri“ ir.i,ili|: • Ii.tiil.«; - s J--ponTi>l-.

ni. illiiin Ill(!» l2 .7r.: < iiUx. rumnmn. a ll w.li:litii j j n f i l l : Iii.'.ll.umII. .h .il l . ' J lo w i: :; ■•nils. V..pumui. a lli »\.-h:hlirM'r.offr7.Cn. j

^ (n jA II .\ l.lVK.ST«irK ii OMAHA. .May I t.r .tlp la

1J.',.|||; liiatK ft slow. 15«i:r.r Ii.u .i-; irip j;m ;ii;* l.u lk l >0 t,. 2 tr'l ijW md llr h f . .-(nil !.iil.-h<Tfi »!i..n5«fn.S.i. ,

^•■uuN-T n.irVr.p,;.' Vi.-, ; \ f . . . l ami v.arllDL-H nlow; weak lo |.^^|l-‘. r | t.itt'.'r; .NlicMocl; nlow. w .-alc l.iilU j sU'u.ly lo » lru i,i: ;.v .-aU »l«'a*ly; *lo< k - . <1.1 nnrl r.-i-.l<TH »cnrc». M.-a.ly; t.'.lj M.'.'r:. ami ,j i-ftfllnK» J l I.SiN, n .l i ) ; ».nlk 1»'.'( row * J s .5 0 ( il0 ; m^.lltim hulU lS(i.1.7r..

Slirt-p: Itpcrlpli* It.OOO; nprluK liimbs :SffCUc Inw pr; m .ittly TjU- l<7w>-r; >.li>'<'[> aroiinil Nlra.Iy; r<-.l u rx .li

.iw TTV’ f -1 It P*! l l l l " ’

j n ; 1U'*1 rh o ri i .K fn jn .22 ; "li.-arluKl lanitiH. 51 pf,iitir|p.. 'II7.2r..

^ POKTLi.M > W JIK IT i’t) itT t,.\N i\::.M a r- r . - r a s n «

ll.p I . l n . - r rl w tilt.. .«1 f.i- ^ r»..I.ll., n . s 5 ; ' ‘\» fM ern « i,»o - h n n l "T>t4nc A i7iU ^jcH i-nni- r r d ; i J i« »r,_____

rioSTO.V. MAy S —T radlitc-.ln wool i t vrry'qiili*t lu R r n m l Iml t l i r r r iV «'nu4«> iKwr ilrm apil from maniit.ir-V (tir»ri< nn m adliiin- *Va<fr <lom^xtl.*| }*rv.N. I J i l l r hio.lnr«H. on lo<r for*!' r t . n rro*«&rcd» -Colftiancs_ lo -lut -r* .. n k r lT rJ « lih p r l r r .1 J.l,o»llnK H Hua-J

' T P ■

Piuilatlon-'i^ . . ' : ■ . '

I 'K . 'l ly Spi-liiufl'i-M .'.......... - ............. 1':'n .\ ':»n iT nH .................... .,■ :. ..:.,rr.:;;;. 71, ij...m l’ivri . ----- ;...................... ..........IJ<j>:ll,H.rc,U V iillt'y '-....... .■................. t r..iiit«vllIo'- &‘ 'N n«livlllc .......i • Tni6iffl ...............-.'..I sa '

-i-.Mnrland'*()H-.TT-~-r77-T-T.-r-:T—.TT-— 41-- i MluTul.;CilpPOr ---- w - U .

, .M||.N..IU'I.-Uiiiiim» * T.'XIIII .... ;.... US,‘ MI«smirl I'nHflr; ........

rf-.Montnnn—J*ower ■ ............. — r:P'»—I*’>•’•-11 MoiitKOmcry AVnnl ........................ i:is.'. 'S im li .Mdlorii .................. ....... ........... •'*«

NJitloniil niKnilil' C<>-•.................... 170»I .Vniliinnl D.rpt.- ator.'H ..................'. :7,=

.Vntionnl KnnmcllMK ................... •:. :12’

; Ni'viiilii Tohh. Cniipt-i- .................... 22-1. N. V. r . 'n trn l ...................................IHJi

.V. V.. .V. H. & H urlto rd .............. CKli N-orilirtrn I 'nclflc .............................101^

I’neknnl Moloni, ................... ............ fiii^I’AHflc.niiK f t Kirp................ ......... r,2SJ'nn-Aninr, » . ............................ 52Pnritmoun'i I-',nnon* Ln^ky .......... 127TI’«nnf.y Itallrfmil ....?...............;...... OSt1‘oro M arijneltn ...............................177^

I ___________________ U i).IVopl.'ii (iau ____.........................-....'•12!I'nn* o n ................ ............................ .Itnillo T orp. nf A m or.................7 - IS".!K.-mllnc ............................

J t m i b t h J r o i i nn.l SU 'cl................ r.!"-

. filL .lllCnlon n i l .... ' l!!l«Slmtxiuiji; Co. ;............. ................... :. CH«.Slnclulr foiiH....... .............. ......Sniitlw rn I'aclflc .... ........................I26V.s.intii-.-rVrni.iiwi.y-:.v,......:...;::.:.:.:.::ico^.Siitnilnnr (Ins & Kirc. .... ............... 71^

. .S toa» lar.U :m -tit-L allt-:___________l l i iH lundanl Oil o f N..^3....................... 46'Ji

• BiiTii7ia“r i r o m i r K r y . ....■.-■.:.-.;:.v.r-3jn;S iuJcl.iik fr-C ori). .................... ........-CiiiT.'XilH .crnrp.......... ....... .................. UiJ’’:Ttrxuw.ft I’ttclfl.r ..........................Tlrnk.i|i Hnll..r Ik 'u rln i; ’ ............. i-.l27VTnlHii'uii l'r(.ilu*'lH....... .....................irJT.L'nlou-Ciir„&-..Ca.i-._____ ___ ,..__ a C i ll!nii.h OU of Calif. ......................... Cn

. Purlflc :-..... .......... ............... igaal.'nliprl ClKiir 8 io rr« .........?:.....-. iiovi:t»il<i.l filnluM KnWicr .............:...... **'.■t!iilu..l a inltH Stool .............. .........U '’-

<10 pfl.' -T."................:.n5T-U ii.lv * r* a I-P Ip u -________

WalianU ................' .........: ............... .WoKllnnhniiNc ...................................KifiVWlillo .MoKirii •. , ...... . .• ............ •■'0.WlllyK-Ovorlnnil ..............................VVofilworili".................. .................... 1H7'>W riRlil Aiiro..................................'......HR'.

4Y rH tnr-*t‘n ie k -f t-< jonch-Trr:TTT.—

‘Ic iiiy ',io’ HironKtli-

m rilliim w oorHcc'tlonn. n t llm niW'M wi'hi Ih v rry . keun. •

- -. ro K K I ' r t o n r c F ---------— S i.-\~ V d u K ;. M tij-:!.-J - to tn T --in i

anil nnHoUli'il. >'orlt f tr in ; nw ” j a 2,r.(i. U rU HH-nily; tniilwo»l i.po

;ilv 'vr..j '.llll!- Piilil ' "-I® :Ifilrnil)-: Kr[iiiuliU...l .r..‘Jn« i;.

liolfoe Itio 7n nn r.pnt ir.*-»c: San iloi. •!» 22V.tf2:ic. Tnllow «IPU(ly: hp<- '..liil lo - r t t r a StilffKSii'.1 1 ay flriif; N o .T i r . i r . ? n .2 n r N 0 . • •7r.fCir,r: r l^v o r 7Ofi$1 .0S ." ' '


!TTI*ii'''iimk«t.“ arTiily’ ti,nrinrirTiTjit-S0Tih .’w rr ; h .'rf ,.ir -n i JS^i U ; . cown (vni ; h.'ii.-n. >7«.i2.r.u; ynjv;'»

‘ .HoKR!" Ilrcrlp lti iiJyi); m nrrk l U uc low rr;- lop J9.76;. hulH J».2.'.5i :ii,r,i>:. piKH $s.60® s; ., S h .n i : .Uf'CTli.iii 2400; m arkoi ln.ll IrnilnnH lowi-r; no m r ly i.iilcii.

j .S-VN K lu 'x C IS t^ rM Y K S T O C K I SAN'KUANCIStH). Muy 2.—C a tllr; I M nrkci i*!cnily; Kiv«r«. kooiI JlJCi h i.S i l : ciiwH. KOOU J 3.n6CTll. •

jc lio lcc. i9.'t.U«r}2; Tuulem. nitdlut'n Kiw.1 nml flio lc r J l l .2 5 « n ,2 5 . •

Hfikti: 'Miirlt.:t l i i jr tS c lo w rr: Hrhi J lo .p i(f ll .lO : jiiPdliiTn IIO .iriK l" .?^

.Shi'cp nnd loinlin; .M.-irkrt iMrndy; iailil,:. fH.f.O({riri; ' «•«.•« J5.501/.S; w.'thrr:* JlO.CfHii2.CO.

____ Lll.«i^V<;KLHS_l»UT-iTi>'l_s'___

N r^ -^ .in -l) lrc t» 7 -i.irT :c r-J lfr! 'S 5 -p * TInc ..r I., 10 potin.lf. C nrlot .uilrK TiirH .lay:, hlalio inirki'd H n s h . 't . ; - r

!H. No. 1. 2 .-.arN Jl.Tf.; on.- c a r . in .- j.tliini Jl.CS; on.' n i r l.aia-r;. }2.ir..

.sA> v 'H A x c is i 'o v»:(;K TA in.»;s SAN KIlANri.SCO. May ‘

v.'llow J:.56«f5.7&: ’ hi

rw t,: ccniK J t f i i . : : . .

1.JVKUI-00L W IIK .IT CI.OSK I.TVKUl’OOI.. Mny 2 .- .W Ii.a l: .May

J i . f i i ^ i Ju ly j i . u ? ; : O rt. J i .C 7 '..


> 7 T7Bit*d Vr<«a

I’lilpp-, H«pnl>»ciin.-'4Hltomdf..' .lrtil...l II, a Mwccji i>o(ori..ih<- Hrnat* Jo lav tlia i l,h .|ir fv 3 tr .ln lr rM ilj. Jn »Kp liy-ilr i.T lcctric hU!il&a«« ha%<i «nv lW n= lr.

-iTTT-ym r hi' opiKjriiion t6~ ih'p~Jnbt>^ .~<in noiililcr. ilanj b i l l . . . . " *. . • ',J*h’ip i^ K ah l-h !ti f rn lr h jrd ^ c l^ M ric h a liih n s-m rT ir-m T frw rto a itii jlta rn T A K!..-. ir jc corporation ond th a t h r .lorn

-....I own a contrftlnnR ^ni>rr>f r%_m

-I'lt. 'v .i 'f .rt iitlP T lm r o r atl<?ntlnn in llir ro iu |u n y ." ho m I.1. . “ My lnirr«‘sl in it has no I.<arlnB on m y ntH tn.lr taw an i tioulH rr Dam."

l H . g , A i l S , B A ) L y .T I M E S .

’ ' 'ii'' 'TWi "X '

i is b u M uying:I w

:■ ■. I . —_ njr'VBlwii-Pr*»»

, NKW YOUK-. Muy '2 -K n«l'i> r'' enl jtiQii^y....Ul''._rniji..dnu.i.ln|J_io_;L.J','JJ■M>ni'. lii'MiiKlit fni'tliL'r'linylnK Into J ln i.'i..i'l{ tiiiliUoi-lmlny.- Somn- proflt-uik- :inR will. Mim.! ■ In iHmfi'H -whifcli Imv.

_ .!u:utL;.?’lll-nP -Jjli»n‘ly »f imc,- h»c .tlil. I- Wllf] wrll.nl.HOrh'-d .anil trivllnK. pro- ' lir.'HHi'.t »t 11 riip ld 'lin .'v on .il ie uO' ; . i- li lo tlirn iirlin iit l iu t,.c rriilv r . purl ol

.l l i r lu-snon.' • -- i ..( J ic iii) , rnlln lllto ChiaiRo &. A llpi

I li.Hii.-H w .'rr i;l'vr-n a w hirl iinw nnl li ,, curly iloalhmff nml Inier In .th e da> . m ni'r rrpi'<-ii.'5iitnllvr< rull» itiurh ni 'I Ai'dilKon. N.!W Yorl! (Vntrftl * Now I Huv<-n w .!rrri.lil np.I .. l.'illilluH, inoinrH ,nn.l i.peclnl iHmioj > W oru-tilK hrr. IJphI RaiftM w uro-m adc ‘ by Klo<-iriC' A nti. I .IrIh . Columbia ., fiiiN, Son llirrn :'iy;ifi<r.-Slinttiirk. Hn- ’ (llo. Ci'Ay. S(an<I.ii:<l Vlnn und- Gri>- Imm I’niKO. O cni-rul' Moiorn kulno.l

• m ore .llmn tliruo Hi'lnm nrfil ilion lo.Mt V- T inrr- nr-iii\>--mv,Tir.— ’A 'lim rrrin fT n. Htnloii .Storl ruloil fi'unllonniry lili;lirr. *■ TlK* iniii'liri clniK'd lilKhrr. •

1 ^ rfab rP o t^B isc :i IDAHO PALUS. Mny _2 (.Murltr-t » N«-wh Si,rj;Icu)—Slilp'iniiiiU 'TO:ilio''p<i. i tiiio...i-Mon<liiy'i;iO cnrH. lo dntn S3.-L H.H-f' l.ni.'.l rn.H HI .o ■|r»,rt.»r,. «»..ll.; fo rn ln r.. Itlnlio '-llnli dIverMnnM .19 r '•riffi'iim Tirr.nrenu -i.? ii.itiBO.i u » " y n nT7 i, nm l-n o iiv o r;li» ;t: ,io umitJifr?! <'«llfor- i nJir lu. no rtlion i <'alirorntn a.'D imiJii i 10 Clih nco :u . . • •4 ' td aho (-'.iIIh k.'I'IIoii.i .Monday O:!. (' ^ '< iA r(n3n2n~ n in 'n ’j ! m i’n r T ’. i i i i r 4 4 r i r

dnto it.Klii; C aldwcll.Niim pa 0. lo da t. IS&fl;. licnot^ l .m ovon.Jnt .Mdnfl.iy

; C a lifon ilu .1. Colorniio 10,- K lorlda 7 J- -mTTTmTTH fll ') .: Idllllr m . t MlclilKan 30. ;Mlnni-i0ta 78, Montani , ir.. . .Vol.ruKka 4, .Vi'W Vork 20. Ore- r i r o n - 7.~ 'r^n ir-i! l:-L -tn li !!■■ W nahioyton ; 47, WfhflODHln fiO., W yoin[nK -l; . tn ln

■ I ■sii ii/iiin '^ i ’rim'r — 1 I.laho -P u llH (.Mondny): UaiilliiRi

iiiiidt'n itr. Oon/anil n n .l ' irailtnK . nioil- . rralo .-m nrkiM .Jirm ;. .OarlondH ,r. o. h ' cnnh t r a c k : lliisspts ; U. S. No* 1 r HStfiaOc; o cc:i* Ii5 i 'm r'raacy .cn r flCc;

pnl'Uy Kra.IPrt ’ro#?!;" '' WnKOiilmuhi- cnnli.lo.K rowon-.:- nirf.5c[s,.:U.-.S;:No n j.^-jHlL..niiU-<Hffht rififfififlp, .TiiBMilav

m ninhiK: nonMinl ;iiid irii.llni: hIoh-- i-r. M arkcl nl«nii Hlondy. .

IUuckroni;-~U .'>nnnil r a th r r k'Iow- iniil'krl-f>l*Bdy7--<’arlontb-f.- o.' b.—cnrt ( J t ru d c • l ll ic a l> i,a iia —Vn. 1 S&c. ., .WnKon)oa.lH n ij.tr to KrowrrH: UiiralK . nml HUfiK.'ts. fl. N o .'J. Harlicd 7f.c:

t.iiru nntw .-lchi r.O(fr.fic. ..Ynkinm. Waiili. No sail- rojiorlo.l

r -H ra rtt ra llr-s l!-^ tiln m m tff-« jn tn ;m f< l- C olorado; .'<nn I.niii Vulloy: H nnl-

ln(c« IlKlit. I.lKlit w ir - . Iniinlry, .Ir- ' limiiil IIkIiI. inai-ktl >lnll. Too frw■ nalrsa lo I'Mahll.ili nm rki't. G rcPlry:. J lau iliij:flJ)/:ln .lJ-li;liL _ \vJrc_JnQ U lri-. ' drinund Ilii.lLtiU- liiark rl du ll, ' Car*

lojiilK. too frw Falcn to ''i:tat)ll*n Tnar- Itrt. \VaRonln.ids rnfili lo , K row rrs: i tu r a lw. p a rtly gn idrd . v rry fow hiiIi h

• r — JTPmiiTn— ir-r .— Mp;— r t;nofflclg l)T 1 I.lKhi ' wliT Inqiilry. Opinnnd nn.l ; ti'u.llni: llmii.-d. m arkoi la lh r r -diiU.

d iio tn l: Cr.'<-ii Mouhtnln;i. II. S. No.- 1. .hn lk . per rw t. Jl.i'!l)®).7l).

T iio .I iij MornlnK'N- M nrlicU '. ChlcaKo:. Arrlv.^d. Kla. 7. U t. 2.

. T'rv.n;, .';. .(V>lr>.'1. Idaho 'S?;. MlnJi; IS. N .1). I. S. n . 1; Wanh. 2 . 'WLic. 41.

illv rsln ijH ,9 ; nn triick MO. Olil iitm *: .S i ip p llc t.libe ral, i lc u u n d .a n d trudiiiK llKhl.- m ark .'t M Ishlly w eaker. -Tr.ick sail'll, rn rlo ln riniw.dKlit; I.lubo IIiih-

' i n ip r ri.11.1— j r . - iig .i.cii:— n-nnningm n• ] l , i« H f .- cfiminercinltf Jl.C O «r.05 :

W h.roni.ln rotii.lr wliUnn. V. H. No. 1 J l.M 'fi l.;i.'; .M lnncsoia' RiikkuIh. U. S. Ni». 1 nml p i.r ily kmiI.-.I Jl.ftO.

Kort W orih: A rrlvn l. Colo. 1. M n­ho T.-x.n;, Cc. illvrrlr-il 4; on tTnrk 41. • Ol.l M ork; SlippH.'s lihora l. dc- n,an.l-;)itil ira.IinR lh:ht. m a rk e t dnll.

- -Catli>(-A4l>-.‘.->''>.rt-\V()ril> l.OKla:~]dabaitiiral" , pa rtly c.radr.l. f.'tt- jmloii Jl.Si)

• I ,w .;» jiii iK tM i^ n irK F M i:.- - --p a n ir , Knulo-l. Jl.Tr.e, 1.S5. '• ,

K nnsa'. r i iy : A rrlv rd . Colo. 1. Id.i- ho ;i7. .Mom. 1. •R ..I> . I. T rx n * 3. \V.ihh. 1. Wyo. i; d iv rrlr.t fron j tram

. ir.irk -. 27: r.n irark- 77. cMd h l.uk r

Jl.GO,. (!e4n(-''ib<r< 10 o iilfld r polniK.j K iinnas City I...5.1*: i M aho-lU liso t* . LV,a. iim.ntj .rmumiJ1.C5: p a rtly c i.i( to .rf .r oomnH-rclal*. JI4f<TI.:.0 . inn^ily I1.4B; U. S- No.2 JJ.20{rl.3O; Colorado I lu r a b . p a r t­ly KTfldril c a r Jl.SO.

Sr. 1>)UU: 'ATrtvrtil. Colo. r . td a h o 22 .-I.J. 1. T rx j!. 7; on ..'w aek 'j8 ; Sop- pllr* ilb rra l. d«maml nIo«r. m ark«t nlwim s trsd y . • Salc.i lo Jobl»cr«: Ida- ho ^lu^vcl^. r . s . No. I n .c c c i i s o . f.-w fancy «1.9i\: .Traclc m Ip j . c a j lo u l

iio K^l^tcta._‘l:^.i.-'.^•o. .1. .uiriiCLTitr*

: - 'n iiraa* ip1 ,i.i:' A rA vrd. n # . .•:6. id.'J.bn l.f.M jiiu ' 4.‘ Canail.t 1; on HaeV

Siipp l(r:-'tno .lrra ir . (t»'manrt jilow, m ar- IC'U &liRt>tly u<-..krr''oin Idah.«k«. fliilt

fUIr» t o jobbfri*:- id i l w nu:.5ri!.. U /S - Nn. 1. p*r 12(i-Jl>.Saell m oM ir fow h lchrF .-lH W rrr-triS .

•A tia n la t A rii\-« I.'C olo . I . -F ia . -H o tf trac k 1. . S .ip iaira m oileratc. O ld - h lock : t)»-ncift.l, »low. tn a rk r t n l- i.it '*tr.-i.ly. • Sa|M trv^iohb ro i; -M aho-I W a-h in stnn ltii,w.ot*. r . . H ‘.\p . I J2.S5'0 2 7ir:. p a rtly cr;....... tr ii5 T 2 .4 0 ; milra rJo t «a'lf» rn .o r t rd ._ I3covcr;...,V - 'ii»n l. Coin.27, Texai. 4; < ll\frtM 77; on t r i c k 7S.

P o t a t o . P e e l i n g s j

" ; ' iL*iNHf»"|i'A ljli >. | .Murlt—Ar t t’TW-wh li* II tnont of I.Inlio po ta ino i oontlnun

• t n m ^ - ^ . i r r u 'i n n r ricoH MiE ir n n n ^tliaititlU rJuB.U ie prevUntK wouk. Malt't

r th-«.'-wnnkH--miii:ket-r«-v<i»v- U«n«d-.h) I W cuiloll C'nlhoiin. rep rrscn t^ tlvo o:

_ .thn ,fpilpriiUjlnpai:tm4!nLnI„ncrit;ulLiin r :m r iflnlui::Jiiina.r::£J3urJnji^ifui::t:earlj

p a rt of the wcok lho dcnmnd wm__ liKlit. nnd cn»h irnok iu~lroH on lond— .1.1 L'l.iN »l L!, .4 , . Ntr 1 It»;ni7l1 ilg •i oliiii'il to sq ji 8.',0 , a n d 'a few. iit 76i k p e r cw t. . Tow ard thu liittc r purl ,o; ■J 'Ih t, 'w .ro f i, trnd lnB ' hcciime- itTorc"nc-

tiv(‘*ntfir pricoa . wore jn n a ily Sf.^P'JOi■ 1)11 loiidi-.l c n r i : '' .No. 2 Rnanetn tioli

a,i; 40!lDacic. lo r id '^ i in d - conffilimtlni11 irraJc'U itt COifirfiSc. Vt Ijo p rlco Id’ tlir

i:i‘n\\'nn< fur No. - I-'K iiahoIii hnlk .on l r 'w c i« if r 'r T h c iV d ^ in r ^ r c R r 7 .r - " T O .s ^

w icki’U.a«tl..Krflili;d... ......'J _____I- - Thfl Idnho Kblpinontitr CODtlnnril J l l i o ra in o f n u n iiy iSii carii-liiJFTMJ^ ir -w itirT 5 -tr r» W ffl-“. ' i l ^ - '! c i r 'n r - K F :

,f in tiil^n i» :o i^ t^ ^^ W ?U nr«U fttion Inir »:t.x>iinicil fo - A.ycnr.-.nar

„ Ihu iJili.in.'iilH 710111 thn. maH' liiii! ! i pnnHiiil 17.000 cnra, nnd . won

i.rc 1,0’KinnlnK th ih lnk tliiit ihc tnia) ' Hlilpnii'nut tliiii. Hcn^nn tvill be wrll

m .-tow nrdH 27.0(10 carlonilii.„ l':ai.tprii Idnhn hnn to tho f irs t ol , May Hhliipnl 13.000 rarji. winlhoni ' ld n h o '!i ,00n. nml tho-Cnldxvnll-Nninpn '* iiuctJon l.niH);. Tho nhlpincntn. froiii ' lho Iilntlo I-'nllH ooclion hnvi< hi<cn* m uch hi'uvlor fo r tho. pa«l= spvoriil 1 w orkn thnn. Trnm U n rlo y -n m l. Twin

J ’a l lu ^ a i i i t J L J.t-i:iui(!riiUy., rJlliiiaLcil* th a t tho jminloiiri ndw romnliiInK In '■ lho Htiito IM'I- ahnui ovoily .llviiird

bi.-lwor-n th o 'm n ih /T i . and .‘a '.lnrn pan 'll of ilu‘ .r.lnte. • •

'I 'ho Mipplh-K.of now pntutouw from lllo fioiitli liiiv.- buoti only mndornlo

M od ; in ’.\luy--L.or.2;iOO con i-a ru -ju w ♦■(inaTtoalinHn o( tw o years'nRO'.UiM nprln»:. niid Iom ibiin hnlf. a:r mnny

, nil tho r..:iOO 10- llif ^nmo diitn l;i!:l -yonr.- -K lorl.la-la dun-io-BUlp lioavk r

■ fo r 'th r . next enni>|.,. of woukH. havlnc *1 bocn .l.’lnyrd UKftln I'ski wook l.y nn-

wnrilH Jn n .‘ hoforo ,lh« m ovom rnt nf Ilur' n tw crop w lirn m k fl^ a n f w in on thl- cori'oi.pondlnK nhlpinniitn o f l.isl

^TliiL jailpiii'cilb-Q t-oliL-Potatacai-ltiaL wook nvrraKod 03(1 curii p e r duy. of

Idnln. mill Muini:. The loailincn of J li iru - c ron avi'NiKCil US, c n rti .p c r tiiiy.

m nhlni; lo tn l iihl|>nicn(»'for ihc llnli-i'd Sittloa of 74r.,'piT d n y .......__ l.liilir.'K l^hlpll^>nlll^^'collUnn^ tit r.--

rr.,.'v ..""r wUh Z .Z i r r . i l , l"lncrfin»c.,liiUi i;f!niia.Ylviillln ni»l''? |i) 'T far-oaslo rn to r r l lo r y .. An a rcniilt the I.liihii n rriv a lii .ln .(Iio tu rm ln n r innr- ki'iii Imv'.' hecn trtily .iiiodcraio. ovrp w llll ihi; hclivlor iihlpmcntn.


■WASIIINCTON. Mny 1 — An' cxlon- , rlvir'eiiirti?.if£a;ci.trrioii-oir.vv^

tu 'c tlcn t coitA«Juoc” on pum ic n ltliiy In form ation th rough naw spniw rs nnd tichoolB wu* il«.<lv«d Into today by Uih HVtlprnl-TrnilOiComBUMloii In IW H tll-iiA-:iuvciillK»Ho». ■ ••___________ L

•CInronco G. W lUard. nocrotury ar Ihc co;fm itiOf'. iViitlficil tlta l .ncvonty C onnpctlcui hlfih ttcliooln malo ttsn of. tl ••pnhllc Ullllty catechlnm " Ikmi-

■ TKN>'ESSEK KOU HOOYEIl a y .VBlUd ^ n * i

. NASUVILL.E. T e n n .r .Ma^' 2 - T c n -.nc8acu .-H ai)_deli;talcfl.ltt,tlvoJi^E !ihllic an nntlonul convention w ere .In- h lrnctod to vote for n o r i.c r l Hoovor nn Innjr a« hiK niftnc rflniMn* l.rforo Uir convi-ouon w ith tl^c j.o y lb U ily ;o f hiK .nonjlnn tlon , inniuKii lUu iiciioir 1 i,T c -n iI in tn n rn D o n -n r- th p -? .fa tr-K e - piilillciin convention.

L o c a l “ M a f M ^B\jTiiia pmcKtf

W heat,' Dlcklow ................... .....,..:.tl.r,0»onn)i, O reaf N o rth ern ....:............ J7.B0

...... .-Ol>I’otntor-H. UUHHOIB. No. 2 ..............,

SUOiBSuKar. beet ...... ------------ ------------- r .3 9SuRur. cane ...I7.C9

• FnoDucarii'itu-i ?iit ...........'...........-7- t4<)n n itc f -________ __________________<0oKkkn. Htandarda ......20cESK-1, pu llc l ________ _.___13C

01UCKRNS X5I> POTTLSH ra ry h.in«. 4% Ihs. up ..................2.1ol.lK ht houN. .uudtT 4*4 IM............ 20.:I .r»<liorn.lirn« ........ r.'........................... 18----------------------- '..........._______________ Be.KprlnkiTV-ool^foUr-m -ta-S-tb*------l i eSprlnhT.rt. L ctU orn . 1% to 2 lbB „18c llrollgrB.-coIofed.—>Vi~tfr-B-jln,nii.."\ lioStaK» -•...................................................... 12cTurkoya. No. I .................................... ISc:JurK oym No. 2 .................................... 12c(Q uoU tiona o a d r e u e d to rk e y t lOo

noTaC '*!!!!."!.!!.*?..;.....____________lociD u c k i —________________________ I-lOcrC apona, No. 1 _________________ i_.18c

Caponi.. « o . 2 ------------------- --------- H c! • • LITEaTOCK H o K .^ b u u i i « f - • ,Hap*. hcavT ------------------------------< 0 7 cS t e e r # ------------.:---------------------- «H O »ellB lfe r* -----------------------------------307J4CC o w a -----------------------------------4H O <M o

j M utton .— — — BeU m b -------------------- :______________ lOe

6 E L U 5 G rm C B SI L c l tB c o ------------------------------- S fo r ISOjTiifnipK . 2 banchfji fo r ................... 10c

I Rotjnd t lM k - • ,

l la tn --------------:— Z.Z_________ L.:.',. ,88cri.ftnn i.Hf>.,!________ - ____ • ' 4(W7,c a i ih « o ........ ............

C a r r ^ / l b . _____ _ T _ ' ~ ' .O r,* . yf in lo n i i ------;..... > . _________ OrC elrry^ — 1------------- ------------------ 15<»206f

Nrv. 4; on tr a rk 13. IVm afld m odcr-; a ir . .n ;u r l;r t Mparty T rae k luleii.'

I c a r l a u o u lw rleh l : T u e* d ar: ta a h o ' IluJLarls, U. S. .Vo 1. two c a ra |t .7 6 j one u r m edium tl.CIi; o tii c a r bak- or» J2.IS. . •____________ ■ . 1

'~ F o > ~ C o m i« r « ttn ’7 in ttB s caill 3S.“ |

. • -• '

i : . ■ G O E S T O O O N F E R E N O- - - - - - B i r tm iw a -F w ti •

i'iil.‘H-hUI,-oiMcn'dr.{.'iA rfrcc'l- rodiicli.i ! ‘csilninti;d ut J:i8.r.fl(l.fl00' a yonr, Vi. . tiKlny J .y IJio S c j i a t c . _

! fn r.n roiltictlon .ciilim alea’ u l S13.&8: a - io a r .- j.iil -tl ic aciih lc >o»(orrh

;-^-(.iiHiniiuo-cd<icn-52or.8.oon—'T h o .1,111 now «6i>H'to. eonforonc.'.

oil stoiim! c’laaii 'iilaJl'’'liiiT-*ino Koiihi f \-ni-'i1 n tiirthru' rr',|iio llo irtr."ili.- in ; . . ..onlo- Tliu ai'iiu lo- nrsn: ji-.hic^.l= ll• l(iit«> on cortnln th ln l-o tn n a ninttr i j f r o n . I't^c to , lo for--lwn niincoK.. •

'■>! S U S T A IN E D F L I G H T I S ’ ------- O y - B Y - L I E U T _ . I H p M A

i L ; . .J_____,:»y_TJolt«a Titka ' ilLJlD O Sli:vi':LT..I'U liLD ,.X,.Y ’...JIny 2- :U;Ju'iil,.nit.viil ,.V..Thnitiii.'‘'i 12:23 I., ni. in a Hullnricii luonnpjnn ,;o n lihi nccond niu-inp t todny to, hrcn I , llic w orlil rocnrd .for Mi.ntnlnnd fll;:li j) Thoman flrxt woni up nhnrily afri! 1; 111. n_ m . j j a _ \v i i j j i i r c c d , i la w u . who ,Llil-:Jif:;i.vlly hulcii uL in r .'iilli'iL tftjll'JI l i ih o hU lii.w c.M .ot.iho fiold.

'! - • i i K T i { a n ^ i r w w t ^ < r \ o i l m >.|. . n y Unltiit Pr<i> «, ii . .MIAMI. Kill.. Mny 2-Jiidsc .C ly il.0 . ilW obhloi'. Mniilcm Ivm.'.le, D clroi

r.llch.. loday wan oloctcd InHiorlnr.otit i r Kuiir.r of thO Myinlr Khrlnr>, ini.hon nr c d rry liis w ith II ultln iato olecllo us in iiii'rlal noirmtnlo of iho Alioion


B i e j [ | i n e s ^R e f ^ n c c

•Profeaa ional—:-----—Lodgea • - ^

; CLUBS AJChamber .of Com m rrco dlroctora;

' n l oftlco. ‘

i eoB ,-P trrluo ho lo l; b v o n d Tuoa < (lay. 8-p. ill', club room s. ' '

-.— Cikn:----- -ThurM 'nyi-S-p.—n>.r—c lu t; room*. .. -

------- jc IuU T oom ir------------Colfnx E oLum pm cnl No. 20. I. O ..0 ,-nv*- Bvory se co nd ,nnd fou rll

T ueiday . . . ' .Cbifax Tw in F a lls No. 13> E verj

rp tirth I'Vlduy.— Prim ront—H ob«kah"LodS8 No.

F Jm t nnd Ih lrd 'T u o id u y . g p . m . MnsoDio Isodlos, a l M asooto tem ple

~— Blno-to<]KO'X a-4B fln rW o d n o s ------- day. 7 :aU p. m.---------- [--------- ^

n o y a i A rch '.b& pter.U iIrd_ d»y 0T«n1n;s,_.i_ ........... ...............

' CoRinnbderT, t i n t T c^sday, « t»

. O rder E as te rn S ta r , necond .a o r• „ fourlb T ucjday . 8 p.-ln.

• Tw in 7allR Ofaaj^o: 4«cond nnt ____ fou rth Prldaji, 8 p. m., Dtmlne.ai

room s. ■T w cnllotb C e o lu rr C lub: -First ■ T uesday. 1 p . a . . . n g g o rto n . ho-

S ta g e O n e s .. y n c E O P aTA O E s

~ fFdm " !'«Jrr In c HuiCl -----

• Leave B arn ' A niT o Q ert7:30 g .,m .__________IV.ZO a. m.

n io t t i n e to Bol*»• 5 n. ra. . j p. m . ,

8 p. to. . 8:S0 p. m.. ?o ca tfU «

R B. m . 2 p. m.____3 ;3 ,0 -p ..m ,,..,- • ?.r.-iO p. m.

J u i id n■ U »T c:-M on.. AVod.. F r l . 7 :10 ft. m.

A rrive:' T u u . , T b a r t. , Sat., I2 .noon-— r W ells • •

U a v e Dally a l _________ 7:S0 n. m,= A rrtv * -D a« f= 0 l= ^ H = :^ » !3 0 = rF = m ;

. ao o d iag H « t l ' - l ;«0 p.' ai, 11:00 n-.ra.

. B o K o n o n ^ tc a v e U on.. W ed.. FrL , 11:80 ft. a . U ftT es T ucs.. 'T h tirs i. S a t a l — • • . 12-4S p. m.

. ncH Jrn dftHy — ■ S p- m .

w ia d s h u i{ u •

F t C ^ W indow O I u i

W * r T.. ______— K o o m p < c r r ST O B E — ,

Bonds _RorenB M ialt HBiitclpAl, PnbUo

CtlUty,- O B tn a lM d r u s t U ort-

1 .. .7

Tw iji F a lU Itep rm nU U T B

j n^ge"Liiies-ZiX v d tt£ E a U fc ^ ^

S S t L ak e S togeL e a v e T w in F a l l s 8 a . xn. a n d 2 :3 0 p . 'n u -v ia B a r l e y a n d B a - p e r t . ^ T ic k e U a a d in fo rm a U o n

■ " ■ \ ^

T 3 r a s Q i S S E l ! H S S ^- .S H I T A S K ra O i.D IV O R O l

. ; . a y Waitid ytOTa:-.-*".. ;-' ..ll* ',* r .ia s -i^ m iirt.r i.i ; ' a i i ix ^ g i - .v jg i i i :,„ .;JIobbaJlftll . n o tc d .iw m y and_torm crl ,-'"M I«H .Momplilii,". I((11I illod M it hei

luHklnK nnniilm cnt » n i o r nmrrlnBC_t

i ; h J r - . . ; i . - . > g a ) ' . b . » h . ' i i = . f t ^ i i^ U a B -m n rrlo .l-w h o n .h o - to o k 4 ie tJU » ^■ hvldo in Tiajiiiinn Innt M nrch, l .. Sh

^ jiin?<*tfl»’-ailv-criurgcu-Jcauil------ -— -

■;! C |a s s l l l 6 d : i .A ( iv a r H s e i i i e i i t s

■ i Tgo Lale Fai ICIaisiliballiiii'v :

s ,i^n-s.\xj2.-.--A Sfaaa3x-oadw xliflcd-.rod UiB n iis«et.> .KUrM -U,ni

------- Illli.«-T »lH m plC jieciL j»U tpci«.-JJ2:= OH obF:~1. • ^ ' Qlim-m, n olilc 2^IlP; iL - ^ — r-______. - I

k ! w An t u u - c i i u - i ' 'd u : ' o>:NKR)iil.j hoiiHOWork. f a l l I 3 2 2 - - ,

- D S d r - a W d - W i n d s h ^

I QlkS^! 'l . .S t tli l lff P r ic c . l ' '

-I • , . >»; FR E D FO SS GO.

-Business--------r---- —Gl«bi“ T ran sp o rta tio n

fD LOD^n . A. a . : So'cojjd'M ondny, I 'p . m , ‘

Moose: l^ e s t la y , 8 r- » .,• I. O. O. ,

J^ ilc rn :.^O D dm en D f.A m crlea :ac« - , QDd.aQii fou rth . M onday.,. S . p . ^

— m ^ l.- O .- O .-P . '- b a n . - r ,-

fo u r^ W e d u M iJa y , 8 .p . m.. V O .

W oodm en o l Uie W orld : f i r s t and lA Rt.rildar, 7:30-7 . m., BUBlDOHfl '

,f tnd P rofosB lona l/tyow en’i d t lb ' , ro o a i . ____ ‘ ' ' _____________ J

- 'T o m ’ii-ca(6j 0:30 o. in rd U ie r W*d«— DCidays, T u r n ' s - n o o n .

tflx n n n . rlMt.r »,<M ThnrwdkV. eraoD. 6:qo p. n . ..Qt*>ox * n iv a !- ... d ays. HaiicrwQ. soon .-"

UDltod Spunlsb W xr T eierahd : >'IrBl Mondny. .7:30 p; ni., Moaoa- Ic lem plo.

t j iB lon-A uilllttry ; . t i r s t T b tir ida r.»

■ L a d l e s ^ t tb e 0 . A ...R .: Secoad •W edncsdny. 2 :0 0 ‘.f t.- -o .; L 0 . . 0 . .

F . b a il. ' • - - , ~ - -

~ R ailroad" l im e sT D l B O F l B l i K S

, Or<gon-HMIrt-l4a»^J— -------■' l ^ r e i

1G8—For'M lnidoVtt tH O .fc m . S4—F o r B arley and '

t^Kiatcllo^_______L.ett)0 p . w

( C o n e c u W ert)

C ,3 '-F ..r.Buhli6i>-.- --oi UUO', — -------- p.7ln,33»-rK 'or R oK cnou and

-W.en*. NeV.. ------ tlS ^ ia . •/ . O io n , W td . ftnd F r i J , . '

16 8 -^ F ro a BoW r - r . - r - r l ^ * . m ~■ 84—F rom B u h l - , - ^ , .__ 6aa>,'p.; B j . .,

8J—F rom Poca tello —— 19lW p . m .■ 165—F ro m M in i d o k a ' .S tM p . BT.- .- 34f>— F ro tn W ells ____4't04 ^ B b .

O l w . I 'b t r a . ’ a n d SO .) >

■ ' . r p a i n t in ^ ~ ^ ~I'AIST D r GUS

Koofa, H a t :iVallf and Ifttc rlo r I su rfaccw.- . L e t m e c u t la a ta y o a r

D . C. B A T IS ' Phona

^ S p o r t i n g ( i o w l ^

Gerrlnh'ii Ind iana Spltm er. e a . 'lS « New H an fo rd -.22 A ^ to n aU c P U lo l —shoo ts .22 :Lori» lUfJe abalta, it .....Ccw .25 C o1f» , A uiom iU p

S he lls F ree-W IU j 'Cun? ;• ' I h iu i miU 111 UiBilc n i w .; -<l <»!»----- »Sa--- ^ 1 ^ -

(j. w ;c R n R re H ' M a to Aye< B o n tlu

1 . F i S r i i t o

¥ P H 8 H -- F n r a n u l a i r - u i ^ r ^ l b U B i r n im n '. .iDiomoBilMi, H a k v M A

f lo o rs , Ulaka, E «^ • ' ' ' P I V B P O IN T . 8 T 0 R B -

f f tn n rriy K n o ^^ jM -6 « K Farillyw^

Page 7: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

2 ; i f la

■’. r ^ b^%Bn8iness~T)irgctory ^

:>■ MuqfeLLAJTzdgi. .■

j ^ - " v ~ :T PK W iaT K K8— ~ l'« .i« ]I- .< em :.J lS tIT iA a j FXX 'em. -M jH hU lJB ftka iJiiD ftA lfri Ja - ^-h-..-.- r

. . JBOYAL . CORONA - E ’■'. lpA H O ;-.IT P lirW E iT B ll EX . tp c a T R a c A r a ig w in A T q .N a •

I t u , . W ORK — C A 3IN E T ..W O nK -

Mio_cm S|r*I_A nto_ftn 'i; wiDiiow r '. U o d ^ P lo n to s- M ill, 144 _______ t T p a ^ B orjP hono .C O l __

lO D E E N nffO O D M B N 'O F -A M rB 'id i ^ "m Srt-ftt r ; O."O.- F.- B a U - B T 0 r r ^ d 1

S d . ^ M o n J . T i ■ . < ^ ■ .

T j A T O D E H ; g p 8 - & _ .C ; .E ^ ^ ; rOKAUAMA . JJVUNDUV., C A L tE l) • _>Mr»iind clalW ctcd. Ptiono 1X7. 142 ^atll ATCPUO w oa^ .

• t t ,U M B I K a - A W P , H S A m Q ‘ i u a S P p u J S n n S a ^ * m^A TiNO c o .jN o w .loeaHoD. 136 . TlilrU Ayo. E . i ;i« io n > m . ■ ' .

'v ' TBAaiTER. •• 1S S 2 I2 S r^ T R A N § ? E u C O M PA NY - . ••P hw p-»I8.. .Storngo and craU ng. ,

tfoNlCHOLS TRANSFiSP. A STOR: - * « • —C a ~ f lB tb ^ o '.^ l ia u I? d _ tfn a y .; J.Pbona aoo. \ .

7 ik B E l to ! T i£ iK s F ^ R "tti s t o r a o l :

--------» H O g - B g P A I R i : ^ ~ ■to x X r^ ^ ^ H o sT iE S A H fifJo r F . A i«y-

er«, P » p . • l 8 j« 8 q d S t >^ ____DAHO ■ BHOH IU 3PA JIU N O ;~JO E

T Y p^or, P ro p . 218 M nlp.N . P:>. DO.

rWlN PA LLS SHOB R E P A r in i r 'b - ~3S»" B n o i i - n i>- ,g uaL - Pti0P«7a98r - .rS«nlc6r«>n<l,qtuijlt7_^6nttra n ^ c p ....... .

’ ' o H n tQ P B A O T O B : • , ; ,f f i f g r ' a ' ' ^ A T T v c H in 6pi<CvCT _

u d ' oleotTlo Ihura 'w - O to r w ool- i.w>rttt,atori«-^4Ph«^n*» «B7- • __

' A T T O B H E Y g . • ■ ’? U S $ i; j i rk . H A O K M A N .Y SfK v"© ^ jIb o K Room s 2, .3 and 4, N ^ o ' F o v j

) .:c |-m L T .;:: ; :0 V E B — O iO a i-liO O K -j

^•. 8 . BELL, LAW YER. ROOM 0, “ '- glCTt 'W dUonal.Dank Dldg. • .

h j».rD U V A L U -lJiW O FFIC E : llOOM 7, P a n lc .a :T ra» t.B ld g .:P tio n o 747. •

l t t « r T t r P 60cm > lt= W rO rT -C hapaa& - . - 'U O T S r H L t 'i s CHAPMAN •il / ■ . ! • 'W opda.B IJg . .• . ■ reftiaC B g~ * ~^SWElCLE T . AT T O lb r^ inayji..' U a b o P a r e r tmtiaunt. / ir. ijLSJUMN—IjA W O T O C B 8, R M i

tenlldlog. ■.- ■

• ; : : v d T O O . ■iQ Q 'B p f ic a X t& ^ ^ B ^ w M .

ao ld s. .309 U ftln .. N ext doo r to 4 0 tad«n .ao iB ;.^ . ^ - , «

- 0 8 X K 0 P A i ! n i0 , r u w i c iA j fH U 'iE U M ^ . 0 . C R 038L /W P . W

MttTti Ato. No.. Ucujdcaco th o n o 2fl2. OfHco pliono H g : ; . .

. ' i y i A u p T u i r a i a . " “

• ' ^ P U H O T U S B n . .. , lA N O I 'U N B H -^ .-O . S U L U I f TAB.


. - M O l te Y T O L O A K . ~ ~ THINK r i f ^ V E TIU'^ U i : s i ' LUAN ' oK brcd 'In T w in . F n lls on c ily resl- ■ 4loacc» nmt bu iiacau bloeka. AiKd n diindy fa rm loan. J . E ..W hlte. Phone . 2«7:_______________ ■ . . . I

lO N SY ' T O L d i ^ 'ON F A ^ ~ ^ P c ity ' p r a ^ '^ 1 Com pany ju iq p rlrs trr " DMrtiey. C. a P o tio r , t ro a l ostate,T ir ln J t m i . ■ ......... ,_______________

?t)R I^ O B R A L ■'FARM LOANS A j -F n n n n ra j jn tn a U m r a - I iu u rn n c a ace l- ^ J . W - .M c D Q g e lt l^ M ttV b j iJ ir ~ ■

iiOANB-^pARUi^ANa. e m t i f O ^ a - 'T w in F ttlli T lH e-M a A b«trftet'C o»'

• ; ,» E T 8 H 0 P ,JCnA D B K E T SJIO P. 156 2nd ST, 8 0 :

K ey. Dlcyclo. a a d P h onoeraph tc* pa jrtog . : .• • . . ' .. ' . ■

W A N T E D ; 1 ^ 0 B U J & B 0 T J 8 ~ '5 S t 3 T £ 5 'c r £ S R i r ? 3 i o w E ^ • .g rind . Pbono 69<. Ti«o OliS Re^" llftblo G rindor. WIU call fo r and do* K fe r . N ooro’t R e p a ir Shop. 244ifn ln A re, ponth.______ . ■ .

R W iX E D -Y O U R P A tS T IS G ri< A I^ sbmlnlnR nnd p a p er lia n cln s. t'o r •io*U»ate», phono- O. E . Kunkle. JG13W. i s .

JlUlU>LalA 'pakturb . T b rec mlle« ■north, ^ ‘W tiO f KlB»l»rly. K ,A . Cox. • -

WANTED — LANDSCAPE GARDEN. TiAT.br expoHeneed. young , m an. Ad*

.C. R*. o r a T liae«.___________

^ X f f f t b -TO— JJU Y =A EC— 'o r f t f r e l t a f i r ; ' l n « l j e « p d c e* paid. ;Phono 661. '


M M tm ta U .» -qj f tpl o n i y ' tB rn ta ted

S 5 r i ? 5 a a . c J o t . ia^M>d _ i;^ ra lM j


EQ E 'U BS’T - ^ k o O M P O R N W U E a ^^ipfutocn t. ^ u ttga lo V A p t ^ _ ^ a re .

PO E .B E ^ ^ T ^ r^ ^ » ^ S H E D APA&T- I W .fp re a o o a a . J iu t* -

K JR • R E .ST — DEDROOM. T E U > ' pfaonf> ‘41SJ.- ~ r ---------

I - - - ' - :

l i^ 'O n T S W A lN S - H A u i i T IU U K Y' HRr4ftr((iitn<i-ln-Vi>rl0Ut«c{icui><l)t-tuul j - -plA^erfl n tnn iln rU ^nke ti.-S om o llko no»v. Sold.-iiuyw hcrc. torniB.

.W flK > -U > jtvv^aV jw ltL J» tano I.^C o-- IC aacaM fornln-iitree t.-uenT t'r.-foio* rndo,

: v e r d T j ^ h ^ . ^ r ' o 0 r e b h i v n Zo truw borry ip lnnU now rc m ly n l the Sm ith ran c h " fo r > ordora. Fbone 037J3. ■• •• . .■ ■ ■ • . • •

►LAYRtl 1 * 1 ^ 0 I.N ■ i:X CELI.EN T condVtlnn. bi'nullful w lilnul cn«;i>. w llh rollH Iind buncli. W iirljorc “

—T ruriiifor--------- -- . _ __________ V

^OR~~gA t.r;—iTO U snnoin:*—r u K N i- - tiiro anil l t 2U 'I ’oplur

^ o n s.vLK -TU W KR Y i:c ( ;s . p u i’:d i-UnR K urdt. Oia- m ile koiiIJi -o(-anuUi

:H0IC13 HAY FOR SALE |10 . G ET- .tc r l R eal UnUite. {

•'IIIST c u T T r x ^ iL v Y - r j t : i , iv i : i t i : t3 ,■ . ■ . • - • -

r o n .SA L& -J11I0D E i s U n d r e d b a tcb in tf cgga; Plionc G17R3. _

r o R SALE—A LFALFA HAY. PHONE ~CJ7R3.'------------ ---------------- "

L i v E S T p o K - A i n ; - P o m . T B y . .,.]

• linyes’ ' ‘Hl-Om ilo" chleka a rc from 100% ncCredltcd blood tented •:

~ff e . ' l»ullcl» mM ll'm m '.lIUl'll. f-AvernsoB.,.. Surp luu .L cE hom B ,,. 13c_ .

W ednciidny nnd Friday . A lso tw o. 'tbroo and four weeko old L egborns [.n t r lR ht p rices. * * . I

-H A Y ES- -H liG R A D E-irA T C H E R Y ' P h o a a 7 3 ,

Lt?tl I _ ’PHV» VI>VAnA MAV VAMRn .■ J o o 'c u ll fo r bill lioroort liiimcdlnto*■ l y ? r P r ed~]Jn^ a n } t — ^ - ■•■;

.V A NTED-DUCKS; GEESE. AND rhigifi«'nii. Dnn DiiTor. P hone' 7 J8 ,' FJlor, Idtt. • , . . ■

POR SALE—66^-'0UN‘6 liwiOS W ITH ' liiliibii. I’hnn r :i98. 'IVItl }''ii1Ik Shoe '

--I tc p a lr . T7^ ' '

f f A N T B D ^ P O U I / r n s T C . HUN-- - tn n -P b o n rW a W . . -

^on- S A I ^ - T w o 'sA D D ty: ;PO.>j!i:s.

F O B S M . E ^ ^ i : O W O B I L E B .

97.0S. IS p la tes $13.9S. 13 volt.• ‘ilG.CO.- Q uarnntoed. E . O. Htiyenfl

~ . ' ■ ° ° ° •

■ ' X 0 8 T A N D . F O T O T D - ^ .^ . . L oT r t r o S b g ^ ^ t e p iy m ^ ^ •

m'o<>n WnJw U rpnrtn jw u .Storo and •T orrlno -Hotel. - U o tupa_io_ l’ocrlne -

: TTdtcr.---:-"------ . •

faO S T -^ T -O M O n iU C -U U M ------ iN D .tlre.:C37J4. ' . _________

.■ . - M I 8 O E I .U U T B O 0 8 . .TrFronaiSvrBM ia^^ .

nco Co. Orflcen, T w in j'ttUft. • a ia ' SlKHihono'So., U 6lse.-nH . Sn. 9lL St-

Bolue-Twln F n lln -T ruck line. Wo con lrnc t tr lp n nny place In iho ntitlc. I 'u lly Inaured, A ny klm l o t 'c i ty

~ ^ r i ( ~<io>nrv»nh n guitrnntcu . . ■■ -

Fr a jTs i ' o u t a t io n f o r o .n-k o «two iicr«ons lo O recley. Coro., Jn • r e tu rn fo r itrlvlnir cloned cnr

- t hroUBli— B.-1L . N orrl.^^Jim tnniore _

rW IN .PA L L S JUNB. B O D S B -M e S ■TOi rn iW u in -lildM r p c ltr -a n d - lo m — -

B O O M S T O B E R T ___ '5bT il"R E N T -R 00M W IT H nO AltU. ‘

AIbo o x tra board. Clows I n . '315 2nd

U O H T H O U SEK i:i:i’lNO ROOMS tor ren t: 328 ShoBbone St. lOGOW.

aOD ERN ROOM FO R RpN T.- PHONE- -417'.-421 3nd‘a rc n u o * e a t__ 1 ............

\PAR TM ENT FO RiREN T a t DENGIT.,A p te , . . I - . l . Seno lL _____________BOARD AND ROOMTnEASO.VAD LO.

351 Sill E . ~ ______________________

F B U IT B A H D V Z O E T A B L E i■ F 0X A i:q K 8 = .

Canll o r terniB. Phone 48. A lb ir t— U royn-fc-S ob rN lm bcrly .------------------

CARDEN PLANTS“ A N irB n E D — r o - ta toes . E d Vnnce. Pub lic M arket.

TTPnJ> W A H T E D .-W A N T E D ^ “a l e r t , IC.S-ERGCTIC

m nn a* crew m anager f6 r colloctlons- npd new bualneaa. W rite D. M. caro of Tlmea.

D O IN G S O F T l


J j _____ . .. T H A T M O S T B e^ AT 0KCCT=^

T ; — S ~ ~

; , ■■


G RESOUSli- > - J . — — — ----------- --- — - J

f O R '8 A L E — R E ^ • E S T A T E , j

«>!> <^iinhMlv llnuiI. niitHliln cflly llin- - Ua;whGtaa(iso»rJ»ro low. City »-«tor, ” c lcc tric . lif;)iiu. full bniicment. .Rftr-

.JiiJi!. W ciilil copiililer c n r on dOiil J-v n ,y-i iuy .ri;ii t? . r n u iiu rM iller.

O R SA LE5-NINE ROOM H OM E. CIOBC lQ .:bulit by form er lum berm an o f thla c ily . Moden*. hardw ood n o o n . !5 foot Jo t *>Jlb «nrajjo. P a r t­ly fu rn ished . Tolephono 223 , lo r

.’ltn?<U)N.SiUEU lllCASONADLi: OF- " re n n i lc t r - r a lo ^ r o r Konnody-i'-acltA "irva-rPBHlPncJi-on-SPcon'il-aTO-CTiitt

U . A. l»ael(un1,.H12 F rileral . T ruiit lUilK: J.incuUi. ■SVbwuit.ii.

• w 's A i - i - : - i> E s i i U n i . i r T o t ' f a c -IliK ciiRt on A’iTt bPin-een fiih nml flili

Mril. R B, s'liydiir. •Miirfhiill. M idi.

:W ~ S M -E ^ 1 3 0 ACRES ON H IO II- w ny n e a r Jerom e. A-1 land. J15.G00. B ox 'SS l. Boise. . . ,

iW l SA1J2 80 A C R E S 'O F L A N ^ ;J m llcn 'fro m ' Tw lh F n lls . .Phono r»17R3. • • , ■ ■

— B i r f t R T l O H e ^ A H T E D r - ^ -?xi*ji-f{fi:NWor*c7As, sTCAAf _ 4 \sa •^moniohll<-jnecliiiiiri;'»vniriH w ork hy

.hour o r montli. l.'i yeiii-it- Vxpci-I- ci'ice.. R. C. Siirockor. riouto L‘.

^ ^ .- v n n » .vpnr_» _ e.xiicrk'iicc. 'vnnia. full o r prtri iluie

: -xvork.-l’linue- I'JSOW.-...... .......— '--------

" ; “ R 0 L 1 . I N C “ A L 0 N G

‘ .7"' 3 r ^ -

Am H ill, o l Mexico. Mo.! who '. lr. tk a tin r from Kaiiaw CUy U

New York io r OSOO wager. | '

i9 ' . • ■ =

I . Thin Typo U .‘ S ite A . ' n

T*»Ja T y p o i s . ~ j S ize B

( l O P o i n l )

- :-r ■Sfee. C -■ ( 1 2 ,P o i n b ) : : - ; 1

• . .This Type is : I Size D ;

- ■ ' (14--pg in t)"T w o-days.-fo«r-< !ayB.-flT*'-<tyi — | ..-oc-BBTen-daya-to 20 days ' ,81x0 A—Add Cc p e r line p e r day.S ite B —Add 7 « c p e r Jiao pej

day. J

8110 D—Add lOHo por lino poi |dBy. ~

iL DUFFsi^^” -B \ n - A F

k ' '■ - T O

■. TTO?; giujg nAto..Tnm

c(i:J .p x o |.M I c Clfficu

G E N P ^ M l iFourteen Miliion Organized

Worker# Bi^^V'Agftmst— BVUjah^propqsal._.___ _ rr

. ,IJy H enry WOOD.(I'n ilcd I'rcsN .Sinff ('oirfsiK nuli'iil) (5ENUVA. - Muy A ■ jiri.lr'fl'i ’ by

.'l.UltU.iiUO iirKanlZcil workiTK aK.iliiM a lrith>h.|iri)iiuiial-lo .am uiil-lli)r_W uahi., . UKlon S-hour w ork ilny In-iity m iirkrd | . Iio, niL'clIm; lipri! ol llu- • cowthIhk- iiiu'rd n f till’ luterm tU otial. Ifili'ov b ii- |

ThP JJrlUnh |)ro|>owi! waii tlli- prln- :l(i,-il I ln u on ili(’ lionrd'.s a u o in ln .'T In ) [iMlojit ai.-almii' It wjik (lli-d hy |]ii‘ » i ' [('riiiillniiiil FVilcrallon <>r ICmiiloycii iinil Tochnli-nl (‘Xiiorin, i)ic In lrrna -

i:lniloni> nml'ilir> Iniortiailoniii T.abor ityu(llifiil«' of AmnH'rilain^- . • • |

Tho (ilKlit-liour (luy i i ‘‘niy. tli.'. pro. i UuiJ wild. wJin Ihc ki'yiitoii.’ n f 'i i l l la- l»or. li'KliilnilQn: Any. .nirirllClcaiion. ll \v;aii afRiii'il. would m iu^labor'ri Omi- flilonci' In Inlenm lloniiroruaiilziU lcnr.'' Tlio IIPHKiUli Ik llil! :>l'lll M'lllcll ilu« liiiaril haii, belli .dlnco Hn' fiiundnilor: nf lho Icilernailonal'U il'liv Huroiiu.

T iio -n r .r tn ^ n R -» iw n tr“< rH c»rV ^ r- ri-n{uiiii)i) U> Uit' CiyimiHi '>r t))i< Iyrn«uo nf-.SnllouH. Ill rntnpoaiMl uf 12 r.ovorii- uumlnl ileloKati'ii.'Oftl.c.'iiHy n-pvoHont-' luK Ilie KovnrnmunlK- <>t I’ta iic i', G it- n in n y .^ p e n i ln o ,- -IJolKluiii.. Caiuida. m ,»ln. Enirlnncl. In.lla, Italy. Jjii.an ,, .Soi'wny Uml i'oh in il: iu>- 'i<'i<'Kair» ivii-jrenrntinr-iltt-'-»:ri'ii»-i'ni|iI<>ytrxU.;iii;;(Jv|cJifJlfWM o t jJif worJil, «i)il «lx t li 'l i - jl

U S E — T H

-------- U n d o r - W i a t -------- ^ ^

, jBfeflijjng_____■

. D a t e t o ' s t a r t ■

D a t e t o S to p . ’.

[!l« & 3 ! i i n a c ! ^ GV R 4

■ ' O N E P A ?Word* .. 8 U « .A |S iU jT T S t i r t n ^

.1 - 1 9 ■ , J . .85 » ^ 0 f M ~ ^15_18* J 6 ' .45 .543 - J 4 .48 .GO .78 .

J5_S0 . .60 . ■ .76 .90U _ J « - . \7S .. .90 I.DS17—4J .84 1.06 1.2013—48 - ■ . .96 1.20 . l . «

JS—CO ■•, U O ' • 1.6b " i J O ^5 t _ e e -----------------‘U * — i.« s - -1.98S7—78 ' L44 1.80 2.10ZS—78 “ 1 ^ 8 — 184 -r » - j 4 i .e s z i o 2J>3}6—90 1.80 S.2S 170w—a«------------------- L S I „ a . 4 A ___i i l _J7—i o l . li 2.041. « 6 | ' 3 0 8 |.

reW M O R E? NJ ^^SAM T O 5 A V 'A t t ; j / v a S . > i B I tX S *^RE..TM E / < /o S C A t l . ) > t T 0 ^ S - 'P O S l -


- ; - v -

Bg ; . . • . ■ •

m ’lm T p rtS rT itlm rrth r—roorldhi—p r tf f ' -lty-iml labororK iiiilrnlioun.- ; .............. fliilir:nKlHmrK n tm c lt.o ir thn W nnhlns-. vn n 'H cht-fitiiir i;onvi-iiil<m wnn lai|uc.-li- i»r I iit^tlio liiKf inrrllnir^irihonin.''^^^^ '«ni

ry-lo-llir-HrrilMh-l--»l>nr.Mlnii;lcr^whu. tilitii'd llii(i llil' i'uiiviiiilluii huU 'been 1 ii;r iKllIJ. lriimcjK'il lit \yiinblni;iim w lib- otii

l»lrli lt!« in>|iirufi(f6n~"miulil liavj; lu " *|

I «■ ri’vliilou of tlio 'tro iily . ; : lioiThi’ a ttac k ’U n» lmicifdluti?ly <m-t ’n-y

A C la ss if ie c— : -^Write It-I

^ W i l l J 3 n _ M o r e P r

. FOK SAI.E t)Il .TUADi-;- it.-ir: will Viinnlder lioracg chlnel-y, i ’hone XXX.

__ ________________ ^Tp1I-fl-rni

l y R T A N K ~ r r r w

U N G O R M A I t r r n

• .TWIN FALLS D --------- ldaho!s,Fnnteat-Gio;

X - L A S S I F J J E J......J I

A D D R E ^ _ —^ r s iT E ONE w o rn


. I . TRttBE l>ATS-------

t 42 . 1 ‘»..-«0- » .72 t '.I‘ -2; . - .... ...72 JO LOS 1.;

J 4 ; : „5C- 1.20 1.44 l.l105 ■ l.» ) 1-SO I-SO •3 . s l 1 .U 1.80 2.1C 2.147 , •• l.GS - 2.10 2.52< 2.11 6S lv02 S.40 .2.88 3,:i 'm __________ 2,16 ,_2.70 3,24 ‘J.

■ 2.10' . £40 ■ 3,00 4?U t ..................-£.64 . 3.30 _ 3.36 , 4.2.Sa 2.SS 3.60 4,32 6,'

- • 7a --------- 1---- a.13. _ U 0 _ .4 ,6S . __6 .,2 J I 3Jfl 4.20 6,04 D.3.IG ' 3,60 4.60 6.40 6,

_ Ji?8 3.84 4.80 B.76 fl.8 .6 t It £ o 5 l S n r i 5.1SI' 7.



x ^ T M l ^ i W H r r e . WOOS6 tu s to i

- tir e ' ’FoiitHhnl—<»|i|><M»(l(<.it—<‘f— tha-j-h‘K)r-il>‘i»«--i«>ui-;vljo-ri:5iird-Uiii_r0Ui. JtiiHou n» f>ni’ ()r.'taU»i'’ii Krijateiit v k - -|i':i a iu l. by ciiiiulrli:ii Ilk<> Frnnc<v iin n irft'p -n lrn rtl}—n » iiflr tl-nn '} -^ t> - ;—

mi:nct_»vouldJjc_iilui;udJii_n!i_lM.-_ !T lu r. liWii-Htrlal. |>ii:tli Ion iOkj.hIiI tlu- ' ivcnllnii bl? ri-xlm'il o r |-i'ji:cK-il by

rbe'G overu lu j: Jlonnl .wilLbc. ol'illil:

;1ji|0I», .Hi to w IirlbiT Uu’ (|Ur«ll<>ir»f l-iInK Iho \Vai<liliii;tuu tr i'a iy -iihnd

[ Adi I s n ’t athe Way-¥ou-Would, e ^ o L I h e s e , ; A d s _ . A

o s p e c t s T h a n t h e

---------------------- ' ^FQ U BftJ.F; rlaui] iiuto, 1 ncilan; tour

• • a lt .extrnniTrt, bealor, oun inlli!it: '

•NnKblnnil fu lly ;. ni’VPt.a n d lun- • ..My non hns

■frum OrcKO lo r ndajilod Wl! ilo iri nr

. . o r borftCH oi - • havn you?

m n l p ^ p ' A r v ' f f i p F ' l r

R l T i E - Y e t j R - ^

r r o r T H E T I M E '

A lL Y T li^ ~ ~ •wing N ew spaper .

D __aR D _E J8^ _^

r i i i A 's P A c iT " " ' .

* . •

.— • ' , i . ________________i - _________ _

a ' - f ■ • / ^ 1 ■ 1 ■

~ • ' , ~ s i x p A r s .

i<' » .84 > 1.06 I 1.26 i 1.4726 - _LSfi - .1.67 U 1-83 ; 1.20GS • 1.98 2.10 2.63 2.94 10 • - 2.10 , 2,02 3.16 ; 3,67 53 . 2.82 3.15 • 3.78 4.4X 94 2.»4 . 8.67 4.41 G.14 3 9 . 8.36 ■ 4.20 C.04 6.88 78 ■ ■ 3.t8 : .4.72 6.67 6.61. SOT--------*-KK- —«i3t» :—ras­es - 4.6S . 6.77 - 6.93 B.0& 04 5.04 ■ 6.30 7.65 - 8.82 4S G.46 0 2 8.19 9.5S8 8 ~ -“ GT8------TJS - - 8 J 2 — 10.29-30 640 7.87 * 9.4G 11.02,3 • G.72 M O 10.08 11.76n — \\^----- f i i i l -----W li r l 7 .? l | W »-

7 " ~ ...............-I

uspaviri I /T116 / A HALT -*ft> *m is^T tec iR ( tU E X L BE OOtlAROUMO V G U N K Y 6 A C Ksaw?i6T “ ^-W o^xivrvroyve. \ V P o o a

- «'•- \ \ '

>AGii's'EyfeN-..-lT~• nltn.ptl lin the ' HKCindli o f t'llti/i nter*. ’ lllonnl U lw r CotifercnL-o o f -1 9 |! g .7 ~ ' '

r r o u b l e B V e e d e i 'j ',-:-Tr^ting^ftn-ylio-l>UB-tnt«M>f-frlflndii

[ il- lo -K H - ln io -n —liiL Q I_lrouhli:.tt.j----- -IcIiIbuu Globe. ------ - .

T e l i e ^ a m

i t t r a c t ' ___________J _

O t h e r ? .

Mi T H A n i;-M r ____________ _•02C model, C-paanonKer 1i;ood tlrcfl, good Bpnra;

llk o 'B p o l lUiht. banip* , |I tlr.; ouly driven 1S.> i .

' nlwnyn • hanjlled care- ' I‘ w reckcd: .lookn rood. “

com e lo- i t r f r ^ l l h mo • - , ’ u nnd lian n .e n 'r h o t' ' I

fu r- i.u r i^urpoHca niu) j‘ed two no wl)l conrlil'’louiiblu . o ffe r - fo r .cM h_________J• farm m achinery. W Iia tT 1 C an flie. p/ioae .V i'? :. , . |

s t Time” _

f f l r A b . -

---------NorWwds^'— ^ -

~ . A m o u n t ~

^ \{l

7 7 ;. '- - ~ - - ^ r r = ------ .. ~

O.VB X O K S H ' j | ,

= o i 8 t o - a ^ _2.62 < S.15 »-*.7B ' i r W i r •3.78 4.12 6.e7 M lC.04 6.20 748G,30 ' 7’.I7 . 9.4B • I tO I -

■7.66 «.4G ■ 1 U ( 1U > -8.8tf 1L 02 i s : s s i s a . .

10,08 ■ 12.60 18.12 IT.M* J I J 4 a<.57 - 17.01 i M i i

---------r lW O - J 6 » f r T fJU ft: -13.86 17.6S 20m '■ it .n i '

.........- '1 6 .1 2 --1 9 J0 r a t e t -2 « .i« t- ~, 18.38 20.S7 } J i.lt 1I.M ’.

— -----1 7 .« -1 8 .W - I t M - W Z l -18.90 Z U 2 .S84S t t J i l i 20.16 26.40 a(L24 S i t t ;

__________ . - • • • .

li l>O M 'T C A L L - ' ' - p ■■■ ' " . r i i > UXLD S P eM G lM C y ■' ,?1U M C U (> IM: s A w t> •••■ r T

i ^ M

Page 8: I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O lM Thirsty Repul}licansnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · I tlilT W llV E S H M vroT W rS M IT O

Kicryp .

~ ^ di^ram atir~:v n v i m g ^ i ^ t u r c j ^

Warm Approvt:.;:r> U v iiU :|ilU ^n V (o ^ ;rrirriu Ii5 I^ -^ 7 n

. to u r if r9 ri, IIIP Kcjilor-rlniiH lu st cv

Honil lo Y inlenliiy," » funtafy .;.m ulB|j>.‘M. Dl* 'tiTUr KvpIyii RiitlK

lao il. T lic >ilRb Hi'liool luiilltnMn Won fjllcil to cniHirity liy an aiiillni) im rtlciiltirly- ri'KiimiHlvo niijl npprt'c l

■ 't lv a of lho clovcr itlnloKHc nml Inic M tln i; nUtialloiiH' Imiion'.'d iipoii

-^BUKKC3lCii:i'iUiicarimilon.il»oory-wIU. ruuH IhroiiKli tlic pliiy.

' • :it J.B An 'uniisuf’il Iim l'•'d irri-rcii l> '»y .'in i‘l-lH KO »yi’11 rnm llm l cvi-

— eiiaructu'r,l.Joavo«-ili&--liH|)r<><iiv—will — iWcfKlriK~Iii|— nv.-w iir,l,v-w l'iJioni

rttrcttV. Iliirm onlom IIrIiUmk ni miiKC cffcclii aclU i(f l lifo frcc llv o u c

1 o f th e yh iilo .’ . •T lio cliarmjiiK IiitoIiic. t»lay<-il wl

•i. rinilii tlm l l>i-liiiiil till! ruKKi jilolumfiii-'ncKK nf ilia IClli ci'ntii;

/If ly II wliolly iim lrniinod IjnchKmui 'n f criicliy , nimronnlon, criiillty u f ll In*; allll . |)liytilcnl (llHcoirTnrtN wlili l{rBtft«l nn fl 20lIi..ciritiiry.»\oDi«:lnii

: noHH. In JacV CSrcatorox'In. xi'oii’ ll Ccrfcct ty;i<i of ICiisHhIiiiiuii. alilioiii

• llio younR mun Ik Aniprlcaii, tti<’''<‘ plunntlon Ik'Iiir fnuiiil In Um circm

— «nric<r-«5V-»ib-Jn“ltjK-accn-;n)itH^pn on rllu r u» u tVplciil |)naH»nt>i>nl<|i< o f GnRlniiil. The vlllAiii o f tlu- i>ln Is - conv lnclne lr prcNrntcil 1iy Vn

.M tilburi;, w ho (InilH llin i only ilirnuj: tlic mcilliini of ft • ii'lclimmnii'r nlj;l

— w lnh-lit-thB -ctinttr-nf-hlii- f o m ? r ‘A-|

..n imiiv unn um cffiiTin iiig~ iuii> uf ir■ UroiunJ. niirlm rn PrdvoslT ' ii* to i ■;wJtb Jilire iJii! rcKl of Um way. .. qomoijy cICincntM n rc inloauuii-l

— plajroa-by-U norA -O niraiM lcr iiml P r t aan n e r, whlln Hlinn linw hcrry »r M iirlln Polnck Inkn tlielr . B«rm i liuniiio iiMr n iia n i iKK iii n i.ianti.

Uary 'p n r ta c ive tho unoblniulvo-m u• p o r t t h n r i i ’akva (or ff'fluliilieil p n

Ouotlon.-T ho en tire ' portoriim ncc ix a coi

, y Jnclnc. tribu t« i-io .iho-a i.lllty . of-M lf ilo lcn Knap]), couch, 'wfio liii» cm

, _,«U lctcd.during_HiC-pnaLLan-; m>-.'i th - - im b llo "poakinR and pjay pnicliictio

Cnnt w cro draw n. MUb Knnpp’fi wor , hfi.H, 4iboit“ «inij'nf flio ffncnt aiBol* «

■thn hlnh UPhobl. Iiping l1n- mrtinK r .tlcvnloplnc much roiil uhlHiy nion


In .tlie nvnnlnR'ii cnfcrtalnnicnc In 'th .TOiiwlcnl proRrnni p rciicnii'rl by Dlrci

Mhool muKlcfll proBriiin.. T he Jt'jchanlc* of tho piny :irc com

'.p e tn n tly hdnOIcd b y .B 'iid c n t nuiuii

nm oothly lo ft cloni-: T he. huHlniiH jicpartm nni lR ;.lii-Uio.h«niIt-tfr_.\Urc B ottcnol^H nil W illiam iiabcnck: ad

~TCf».n ni; — MIHH V161» Kvam.' h f i l i- fncn liy : p ronerty. » c th , K llrr. Hft

N lion . fjob IJelsn: cqalun<;H, Canii"_-HflIlan(j;.-‘'A»nM nicli^tiii: a rt i l l rr t

to r . A lfred H tinn: c lcc trlclan . OllVc ■MflI|n«:'''C'd>h'iIhluM~niarIi“H "\l’i;i (nn daudlUK .McOoy; slnjro lunnnRci CbCBtcp Clnrk. .

JhOHo- who fnlli-il lo Ur prrncn

tapfl- o f th e hcconil prf»i'nl.:illon- to nleh t, for w hlc li.the re nrc s ti ll roii. «eatJ». Tlu, roncrvntlnnH will .1,,. nmd

. « t tb c hli:h nchool todn)' Iiy tclc[ihon . If drnlrctl. .. ................. ............

R eed L ead er Birands" _____ »

(Contlniicd from I’ncn n

“ I b c U munlfom w honcrcr piyinli- fiitvi Xiirhnncn to ViprcnK ih c lr p r if i rcnci

' lo r Ilic iJuimjcniiic iioiliiiiiKioli.— "Tn rB-pntm inmiim w m Im«hH.'»i ti

nolf cvrrt more a« th e tlm o in r tli. , convention approacbVi*.

••ThoM w ho cfrtiiliicti'd th r c.impjilKt In CnIlfornKi n /n nn tltln l lo rt;-;. crcd lt OK they foiiKht nRnlnsi K rt-iil^lf ficulllen," __

Vixn Nnmcc m-ni tricRrumii nf coiT cra luta tlonH (o the homln nf SiiilUi (nrjPreiililnnt rt.ii'is In S;in rr;inilM-< and l^ n AnRcl«n. '

..7-t- -. . ----------SAN l-*iUNl'KSCO. May AdiiilnU

tWlnB a <'rii»hlas dcf.'al twcopponentii l a the (;nllfornla prchldcn' lla l prJm nry clrcUon. Gov. .\l .'<iiilij; o f -Now V ork todny V nn illcdsi-.l ili- nvbix irt o f Ihc Sialo'H ilclrKnilon' ti tb c .D cn ioc riillc nullonnl c-fmvenihm.

; . .TM rly. rtc1cBn(CK «U'h a to ia j nf-»t»ltriiT-wHl-rw~ftTm-Cal!fomlaTfn-tlTr

HoUKloa convcntlcitt InKinlcti d ti> \ii tr - fo r 'S m l '.h -f r j r th r 't ) c n io c rn T tr- i i r r '; j :

d cn tln l nom lnntlon an Uir tm iili o,' iii- Inndujlde,victory In T u r.n lay« i l.'cllnri.

T he tw onty-o lne 'n tD riM hlr.iiriia llrin ' al convention .iIrli i:.ilon will Mu.pori

n en ilnatlpn nf the ir nariy .H fKnicrrccelvect a tr<-ini:iiilcjiiH iKii..

u ln r m tc In Uif trallfornla pflinary, a lU ioush ihcro usn no cunti-st fo r Uir SU lp 'i. dclecalli>n.

— S iu lU i-t.ilftfcaL .af-S L nuliis-T lm iuaj J . WnlKh of Mnn-ana aacl Kriiator Jam eii A. Itecd of ..MlK»o«H bccan ir n rfint a s la te iircclnctXTKldeO lo hix load today,.

In *om^ prrrln riR lie |>0 llptl im many Alt 5 ro tex to nn r (or tmUi.of liln oppti-ncn ti* .—.......... — • - - - - —

T h" rcKuUii from 7.IOO JircclnrtR ou t of W 3 In th e r ta lo loday-Save In Uir D cm ocm llc race:

— S m llh ^a.72S;.’.\Val3li

— j fm im »iu« wl>m n lu n l ij f :n r , I1 'i Ip Ihc sam e n iim W r pf prec incts. ••

K t*r> ru n n t> - ll« ir i] Vrom J _ E t e m t i i u n t j : i n .U it.a tB lc .hndJ 'C ^ ''

f to iirn i wraSatabuU («d today*anil th e l .’T U rrm alh - ln « - p r * d n « u -w b r c - mainly— la - th e

^•p jTaiiF r 'P o Puti r f ir r a m j i m r a r n a .i:-Jitate. --------- --

T he to ta l Ran K rancl.to , vole t a v r B m lta Rccil .’f.SlJ. « ’aU h 1.T51.H oover reeeJcti f i jS t t o i ; r in lhe S"-: p r te e lo c u of San. Kraacl»co county

C o tap ltre r « u r n i« r o m h i ?.4 .2 p fr- c l s e u in l o t Ao«elM county sa v r H o ijr trS S l» 4 9 .-6 m lth 36M *. Re*d ; f ^ KIB.aml W o lr t ‘ .__L oi A n s rU f .aoJ C.»llforoU

— rn rn tR iir in tin itin t r r jT T jr th r -n tr r r tn ' It u'lui t h r i r lh a l 'W a h ti. :.ii|i|><>i In l 1

_ Willla<ii Ci. Mr.\il.ii>.'li:i.l iDimli .1 im Ji

. I ; l-rhllt'd Ull* Hinlfh-li;iiinrrv. rrpud ia tii I I Ulc-liullllt;al.l.:.ulur::hi.. ..t

K n cl ;i Voir U ial, tJ-Il Wa!'

nT. ' ~nrnlkUl;)-<J!Ub"XllXaI.i[siuiIiL:*iilUlll!•J.. M hni- Ulr >iiiiiiia|j;n fur Walhh nv.

llv om’ of |.n:i-llM-t i;i iv rs i,.l l 'h ”l'' •r- 78T.-Hnpil--yo.7II. and Wiilidi •.••'..SVS,

. ^imlUiS I.ont: l.riid ‘ Oil Ulf biiniK Ji'r nearly ri.iiiiiirtiT r

liirnn iimlUi wnn alii'ad In :>l uiil of 1 l„, ciiniitioii 111 Ihc Hlnlo. tl l ,__

and .Wulnh In iln.-v, v\l'll<- Alpli ... coiiniy. Ih r miiallc'tii j 'o iin ly 111 t! _y Ktufc. rn llfd .to rcpi.Tl ii :diii;lr I^niii

. t r i iU o ’iili’i______ ________ s_________J, —A lpIao—tMJuiiiy— cliit__

,,l ilAovrr.n ih r r |ir;jiiilatl»li r rh l l'/ ill )......l ir .

CiiUfornhi -rr '.iirn rd n h'-n* -vnii* U Sm ith arnii;;,w i1h 'San Ki .ilicl.s.n wiSlI

^ llraclli'a lly 'h r r.anii’.; ........... . l«

,fl WalMh n r r l v n l liul tw o i>l 'h l r r vr;lr .. T herr w rr r a- fi'« f ilia l |ii t Iiic:-n8- • . • H rpntiliriilis ,llapii>I? ■ ni-|illbll«an li- iinou .--\v rir JiiMlul ; || nv rr Illf sirniij; rdmwim; of llr.nvr X- who pulled apnroxlnian-ly t l i r r r Unn ll* nil nmny vi.irn >oi tItr n i i i n ' il.'ld ■Ml-ni’inncr.nUc i';indtilutr!<;'---------‘•T T hry h rllpvr ihiH ilrmriiititrailnM li i>' HrpnMli-aiiH In Uic far wrKl will f ir ii l

ly iiln 'nK lli''n lli>(ivrr':i poslilnn In t!i national c i.nvrm loii at Kaiii.aii imy.

15 _ S n iltl'i campnlKn iiiiinaii.T!! lia llr[•■jhlH fa llfo rlilii v lru .rv ^'»da|,^^ii|i ili'ti

^ >rrHlileiiUiil-niHiiUii'i.‘-«i,-»iio-.**iirty u ii• year.

Srt,\,v .FHANrtSCO. May I '-K r ii irn ' i., from Tiipiiday'ii. p i'n ililn iila l priiiinr.

! ''l frn iira iip rnxliim irlv S.'i n r ri - i-n l 'o f ’III' JT8763 jiroclncti* In th r r ila tr.,T Tho IntiV rctnrm i hroiiRht no iiiatc

rliil chancc In ih>? I'tniidliix or 'ili th ree Dcnincratic ninl one Itfim lillcai

1" (lov. Al S m llh ,o f New ViirU ciinUt'i .. licit far oul alieiirl ii: lilii l«vii t ippon il cn ln -fo r liir_ nlipport <rf Catiroriili

k of MISHUiirl am i’ ThiiiiiaM U'aliih i.

If. -.-^I^vul-i?--ljt_ ll' j r f ^ . l l n '.n-r.r. iinii|» R poKCil K rpllU lkan ra iid idn lr. liiciVanr'

IJI.IJU ; Un-il .^:i.:il, Walnll- ll.n^c'.:• .Thr viilc for H onvn' In tlir niiiin

MAY'^Bb ' u F THURSDAIw - n r A - s m y nT O N. :<i:iy -: ' . - n ii-- i ! iniTn »)lo«lny toiiX np th'- lln iiK n i'farh i nd lc d!.i,m-torvAi"<-'»‘l"l<‘'U d lH prii4n ;:..» ltl

rtt'l'nft. nn Hir :iiK_-ii-«re tlgelf L- ■''arm ro lir t ndvocaloi laK 'crnh-d ll ''[dl:ijtlad!>« ,'h c c alru itn r liiii>liirn,i ulnt ■'l c*l for’joilay. Aa a o f 'b ln action^i.ild-BhuU iliK tiil « f tm U u ir-d u lia lJU

. i .iM * ju : i i ( in ‘( i j : i ' \ i ; . u X ', ’ WASIII.VGTO.S'., .May n 'l l 'r i i a r lc i .,i.\.^ l.li iiH ivu tt.’.[la'lini..tilii-tiLW ,.,H i;u

inoiinphinc. Icti irolllnR fU’lil nt L'::t; , i 'p . 111. lodav. for an iiliannriuiirrd d rs ,.! lin a llu u . Uu wan • nccuminilllt-it I.J ylM aJ. S, il. Itr.hliiwiii. f.irnic-r arii^y oT . I tlf e r . anil t>y Uoldll!<oii'i; broUi'-r nni - |- si,'itppin-nrre—— ----------



/•;— - :— r• — '• ••■•8e*wi'-|«-Sniyma,''TurV«y*i~i

the d rtm ic tfo ii wfouj.'In by- the ----------Ktre fo llow cj In the wsKj of the '

Qud« bom clrsj.


"i ■

. .C apL H ennann K ochi, u a n u •■Biu'ned bjr the-m onoplane. “ 8r«

laU ad. - T he dam j^cd propcU tr t

: i ! _______

I"**■ r ■•George|7 Inmrncior, v

'l lie ’plane ■

.Questions Ready ;.| For County Exanis

yjiiviltoiin -fnr Ulr roiiiily - ^ i;lr I ;;i’ail.r “’cxaViiriliiTlpli.i tiavc liiion . r ’ r r lv rd n l Iu<-. iiffli <■ of tlir rnuilly-M

(•,i’[ irrln i"iid rn l of. nrlioolK, .Th/i rxalli I iiailnii.i. tlaalii for Itiin y-'ar. will I

d held nl. varloun i.|ai-,-.,jhrtiiiKlimii ll |. coimty on Ih rc r ihiyn>.-Mny «■

Tlic tiiiimiiinliWliS .m f • IIMH.I th 'a In the hintc n rc nclirdulcil f<

■•.May ;i. 10 and l l , Imt llic iUii-.-h wci •m .vrd up 0Mi-_da>-_in T w in . IMI

a i-nnnlV an m any o( ihc Kclioola iiffcc y cd a rc cloi-InK on .May l l . ’

.^r.VDiMi i .o sT r i i K c n c T----------------- —By-mnM O -rreca-------------r

l;(l.S-A.VOHliKS. M a y -;:— Wllllni0 (illjbti McAdno, KiipporilnR Wnlnli I n .U ik ' C alifornia iinw itlcnilal prlinnr,

fnlk-d to c a rry hln own prcclncl fc n U i r .M ontananirfinior. |>rci:liici . !>C i . jU r rk c ic y Siiniirr. w here .MuAilon 'n ll ; lildi-H. Kiivr Tlcnl W.'Vrll Vlilrtl, sm ll1 LtI.v IIII^ -Waluh .L ax .JIooyrr. i»>ll.'d .11 ( vn'cn In Uil- ni’Uiliiit.,

. iiA .M HTs ( ; i;t ^ iumhki,J — ;-------------B y - m m n m s ja ---------------..•-•-,L:iix 'lin.\-\aut:A _-Tcnn;.L-a;ay-:-2.

.•am L ^‘>''<">'’‘ bn iilc.li-rr lo ilar and <<i L, iap'.'il w llh, au rM lm iifrir, iiiim i

f KKl.I.IH^i- .M.IV *iu; n iO IC K■HKKf.IN. Mny ;;- 'S r i- ir la ry of Stu^

' nponHlbtr dIploiAiillo .|uarirrK r r r l ’al .,[o f lf;lni; awardi'd . Uu- lliW ,\’oh«

■ I > ; i ; v r n . r > ' ' ; ^ 7 r \ T i ( K V ~ V k a h >• | I.O.NDON. May lI.-lH -ent Ilrllal ‘■l-rcnr-n-nmr-ta-tSrTpfnnrtay'pxnrrKKrtT -p r:rr.in innnn— u tn ;— I' lrm i — • -yiiiia•; fa :'h aV d-clhioii In vmiiplJaiicc wll I Kni:l;ind.:i<, nliln-.;|luni iini- in procL-r

iiM lIh th r p iibllr a«>rmidlr» bill.

■ I JI.W D ' , T O n i I,.4lV \ .M4IWKH -.1_________ ____ (iKOLM f.

Wc Imvc lUc m nchlnc. th a t doc.-, I- rlKlit and ................cn nnr worli.' WI jf a l l for and di;llvrr. \Y rxiirrn l«!f«jl


(UR)-c-’‘t !*««. r*moii* stspo'fl, show inc'eom e' o£ e inhnuake wKicl*; p^id it a v i»lt._ • _ Ejvcie shocks and tliouiand*' were


■ j f t PJ k | | u |i plMM'

. . U J j - r ^ t h . K » « . . if]tfitie*0er..po in tin ( o a t d am afe’ ... . men." whsff it landed o a Qfcealy >ai b e ta ]

- V - U

TWIK F A L S p a i l ? 1


--"HZXlS S SI - ' n - i ,

W hite, of Siony Brook, L. I..- form er a iriih bis molorles*, wiiift-flappinf;, foot*prb| leh h e .^ il l a ttem pt lo Ilv nt St.'AnguHtin' wcishs llt i pounds atid has a wing>Bpread

jl s S o F l i F/jLlT»»j. (iiicH'Ki’is l—Capt; J . '.0, U rcrn lim . 1 Koiic 10 Winconnln ii> ultcii.il lo liiixl

[l, j iich 1 nintlcru. ■ • ; 1 . •

«■-! l.iiidlMdin; Visits—(iror,-.c MndholtnII- for.....riy o f T w in Kalin, now llvinf

In Rnlt l-'aU?. :ipcn(*ycslcrday iK'Twli Kalin .mi bimlncno; ,

‘a ’ ’ Knslttii VI-liK-^Rii^Kn CimrlM’ Uari

J^ciiti* . Mr. iind Mi-:.. CIinrlcR Iln rt;

5''! D ciin'Jo Spv«*>— Mrs. Krniiliic Hnrn-I— liar’t. dtM ill-Of-rirln-iitN llr-Tw ln-K «llj ■|lil(!li acjiool. w in I'pvnk a l the Motli- -• rr -S o n bnricjiicl. nt Uic F i le r hlKli

- j ',t'it.ii7rr.niHj..i. .

^ N lir^r I .c n T c i- .M h jiJ ’irR lniajl!pck , , fur nevcrnl niimih!i em ployed ua »ui'- '. Ric.-il niirsc n l th e lionplinl, hnn gone ’ - I to S c a u k , w licro nbc w ill e n te r one :Lw5f-Ui{ularK0r-btt*iplittlh-«f-llK-cll>Mn || . . a Hliiillnr cnpaciiy.

l.rnicK •for ShnsliiTnc—Mrn. Jatncn

I lliax rr. a', w jjysr hom r she hnn been a Riicst. r e tu r n e d 'to he r home In

_L}j:tiL‘ahout:-Tm;adii.V. , ’____ ___________

i^T « -T « lU -n 1 -lliiH c r.......— n ^ P .-P u n y ,

i‘-S > ll l he one I'f th r niicaiicrn ul n if .n :r .tlnsr of A ii'rricaii i.cRlon men of - . I Llir- Vnriti Sll!.' a t UiiKcniinii Friday

f nlnlit. , . • • .

• i:.\piicti-il lliim r 'IV dnj—.Mr. • nml

11 tu n i to Tw ln*Knll.'i Ulla afternoon ■I fioiii Uochi'HltT.. Minn.. »vlicrr' they

'at iMayo I)roil>i‘rH| honpHni. t * t ' — ' n T n C «nfc r' IJc s rre —T *'ln Kalla ir^ii»<i«'~Tr“ o :-o .''r ..~ 'w iir~ c n n rfT ~ ih oa '.i l i i i i i dr;:rcc on a claiiH o r '^ a n d U a tu il T hurw lay w rn i i ic 'a t R o 'clock.. All d r i l i ; i> r n a r r icq ile stcd -to be lii<J;W!lH

at t h h mci'ilnB. . . . " ' •

ii J t t a t t e r s p ^ o t ! ^ c ^

“ T>v.^V-V'‘ii tvcrc locked up In tlic * r lly Jail l a ^ hlKhl p c iidhu iiurnllim*

inv- uhil lnvr;.URailon by tbo pollcu.

i * i u i i j , n ^ '( > n t T~ ‘■•iliirton“ S m lth wn?f” aw ftn lc il' datn*

,ai:rn fr;im S ln tk ln nil a cronn coin- Idalni for daiiyiRCK can^vil- In an iiuto

Itolln llr;.iinon idcadrd -Kiillty Io i\ 'I'liUiKi' or ciiiMnR- puHi a brhnnl.huH 'ivlillc prrMiMii w ere linlondlnR •nml wan fined und c'ontn. THr com­plaint wan i lcncd Iiy Acc itonc, driver Inr Uir lluhl .•icbool dlKirlet. •

•D isT in c T . i.’iM’i r r - .Itena .M. iJimn lii:<tiiui-.-d ariion

for n dlvon-,- .f ro m • iir r iiiihtiand. Jam rn l':imiT D unn. S lir cli.liv.n de. srrlfn n and f.iliu rr l^ provide on bin

- ii.ii .Uld am.!, fni in'i - ui.tin iirnTiw rItrrta .M. llolir rtnon. ' ' , '

— - " - r 3 i . i7 i t f i . t c S :- i in r E \K E S “ — lln rry K rnne lh - l’iit*l»r to . .Seva

llD riliiii C laar, both n f T w in l-'ailH,

B r e m e n - C r e w G i v e n

__' X ’ontlnucd friim _l’aRr 11Min '-Hfown. ii.ivaJ aidr,-aiI■r-Tr^■■^^•■ Sl•cretnry SiiriderM form ed U’c Rroup.

The flicrn nlnced w rcnthn im Uic i»i»l>-or-.U<A.|:i)known-Koldler-«lior(ly li 'to rc l‘:30 p, ni. T he Uiree .Tirnien

riankrd by A mbaaaftdor Von T rlttw iiz and M liiW er-S m lildy .. llchlpd them lodc tw o A m crlcnn lioldicw . each car- ry ln s .1 L irsr w routb. . .

T he Kcnatr took a 10 m inute rcccsn n r rr-rro n m nn Tnntlnn-nf —Senntpc Curtin. Keimldlciin floor leader, to re ­ceive Uir tile rs . Vlcc P reslden l IJawen.

'f i i r t l n amt S e n a to r H o'ilnron. Demo- c ra ilc floor Ic.ider. tnel The f |lc rs In the :inic-c1iamlier iind cacortcd them Inlo th e Bcnate. .

T he (IlcrN M ood-at ihb front o f th» cham bcr hcforo . tho r ic e presldcnl'a rofrfrnm ami each “aena to r BlOod In lln r in thnkc th e ir handa.

• A fier^ t^e .i.r tc fjw ria tc r i»cpfUqn lhe■f llM',*. ^ ‘orc tn*'U* L ncortrn^by In^—v e r*<niun amtoAnnOnr to th o 'h o u m -o f rcp-


■■ • » 7 rr**« ■ " j

«-r.' a . c c a r n r v 'v c l r t in lf t .v a e .iin n . inj f-iicland. I

Thev were trsU le rc d on tlie ah lp 'ti paineiiRrr lU f a a , ••>*<•. and M rv Jack U nblnron.’: th e ram e a nnder wliicht •bey came to Enjrland ^ e te r a l -wenkaj

T he Kivr<l» IxMnfed the MftVslie ae-l I i r tlv |.i>t n ip tt .

r i i m a ' ■ . ' ■

(u,ra ■' ........ • _ • '>rmy 'aviaiion • ' • ' ,■peilcd orn llh . .

. — - -

; Visit Twin F a lls' jJlistrict -May: j - 81, ,- ■ _____e A rr ln i l in T w in FallH nex l Monday “ lo r .Mhin lirn r lc t lif Knclfii und Minn

ilU ioda M cC iiilo rh 'w lll m ark un Im-- !p o rtu n l-tw o day« fo r- lh o friend# of

llic V. W. C. A. w ork III IhlH dlHtrlcl."■‘- r e n r m ; . - ]»' ‘in ;m n n “ tTO- -imnil— com m unliy , doparU ouut—unU

Minn McCiillocIi 111 ed ito r of th e Worn* ai'.’n .PrcHH, ihc offlclnl orRUii of thn

/i.__H‘>th_liny,e J ; je n _ |iv_nli” Icnd iu icw 'u l llic 'l in tlo im r coiivci'aion [^clollc(l -n few dnyu n so ' u l Sftcrnimm-

^ [lii_!lie_rp.iivciiUoir c o i m X ^ n d pro- . iKrutnii.- . . . . . . . . .

— .M Inn--U lw lo-3«ltr local -Kccrclnry, . haa iirraiiRcd u m cctlni;' for'-M onday (, ndc rnonn n l 3 p.. in. 'f t l E den , lo ,. jdileli_jiU_lbc_n-flinciu4JILlhc_CQnimuiu . Uy urc InvlleiL On T ucadny ihoro will

- .b^-iUbimJa-pM, nv T ^ in rnn"..<l«i?: la :,i ciitloil lo bu Hnnoiiiici!d la te r , tn i^ vM dt-all.,tJ> c-m cm U ar« .'nf .thn ladiilL i conimlllccti <(t lho .d im rlc t, toRctlicr I w ith Ihclr friciidii and u ll IntcrcHtciV -■.w fjm:ii-ai:i.LJm ltecLJIIafl_»m:irti_yH L . 'ip iiuk-durlnR tliu moctlni;., — L.»M chc<.n:;wIIl-bc-,foIlowcd-.by-nii ■T^>iwMf-nHH44yH-lw^)4n»»nH »»■ » JV-)M,-Ui. t 'w l ilc li a l l ' vronien u rc ftlK» ' l(ivltc-d,

hpih vihltoiii nppcnrliik. nn Uic pro- >■ cn im . -Tlic ilimHct board w ill mocl

n l .T p. Qi. ThlH bonrd ia comitintot^, of rcprcaciitnlivcn from cncli o( iho

l,npvrii hlRli uchool dlHtrlclii In whicii•Tiin itu t.r ' i n t ' ii ir i n e ifcm tn n tT o -n p c irI Hlarlud. • ■ ..................- •--- .......‘■} Tho flrHl uciicditlu m ndo U f liio up-;

I iillpwcd n w-cck fo r Uiiii d la lr ic t, bill Inter nrraiiRcincntH mnUu ll nocoaiiary fo r tliom to c u l th a t Umo to flvo

?_dJua_aa_ lie_a irided_bc lw eca_JC > tiiL ^.,li-|.llii .dl»trlcL..und. D ui«i> ,-ln -tth irJL J -plnci^.-ebiry w lil'go from licrc on U'od-i • .

f-Ifojm natioiirAj^^ Being Filed For

: — Elective Offices■ I'lllncH for 'th e viirlons ofdce.i tn h r r ilird 'b y Uic boyn of ihc-qom m n-

»~7ilty " o n “ K rttln}'-'nftcm oon~ « T r t;~ stlll -iconiInK in ut 2 o 'clock tbla-nftP m onn

^whcii llie* fnllowliiR cnndUlatca.hiKf In-

cordlUR to rcim rl fro n . Uoy W. G ar­dener. wiio hn« th e n \u llcr In rharRC.• J im K eel, Jr .. and S iuu rt Urown have fnillcati'd by projK-rly nlRUcd po- titlona th e ir In te n l lo n 'to utand for thc^ n.Myornlty. ^nnd H ow ard G errlub,

Sm ith. Hownrd- T ay lo r amt U. t \ I .H u h tru i,-J r . W uync'-K cnw orlhy nnd IlowiiMl Sm ith •'Sri' rnltylnR’ ifupporl from th e ir .rrlcndn fiir |>oi.lliona a.s c ity cnnimlhaloncrn. Olhr> c ity of-' Hr?-|. »H | he illli-.l hy a|n'iiilnl m raln foilovvlnR th e election n t m ayor nndCNir-a-lHHionerK^__1 _____

In Uie county offiecn, Illil h y o n 'h a s nii-il fnr cicrft. Ituaa'cll C ram er for an- prrlnteniir-nt of Ktfhnoln, ito b e r f (ic rr and llnbert .WilllnmH for nKHCKflor, W^ilirr ftoKii anif How/iril H all 'fo r Irra.M irer. Tho offlcc of nherlff li.m afren.ty evoked Tcaoonhc frbll? four rliljonn lo.em crK C from private life.

-W iiklnn-.V uttali.-K nynoid-K lm d, Clnr-- t'nce Nyc and E a rl Slack. Sherm an -ITi'ltiy and I» ii ie M urphy arc! jv lt lln s _ io lie th e pr^obate JudKC.

CharIei:~T» Cox. proB'ccutihc a ito r- .ucv:, Uic nt.'icfn nf rn im ty ramiiilaalon» era have had flllnKa, bu i l>olh theac and lhe .school board li'ftvo In thn |» n t proven nuch-i-m nly honora. tlia i Str.'l G ardner M a'c* th a t 11 may i>0 dccldml to allow tbosn who have flln l for thenc iKMillOiiR to {rniiKfcr lo w»m« o lh o r o t-

TicT r v r. r f fK ci mn.---------------------------1Jlllly nickcy. C^alR Coleman. H .isii

I.yon und Jaxon SJurson uro candldatcn (or Ihc blRhway biuird. ■ -

llcElnlraiinn la bolnt; condjictcd thla cvenlnK l»clween lho honra of < and i G o 'clock n i lhe h lsh aebool a u d ito r-; lum. Mr*. P. M. Wolfo d lrccU ng her corp o f eam ntirc c irl*. Only tlioae who have paid th e ir duea In th e ir r«Bpcc- live orcanlzationa w ill be aiiow pd the.

Scoutir SucccMful caaB ldatea.ic lll bolJ .. . .1 1 .1 l . .n ...M , F rili.V . f l -ernoon. . • . I

M A D S S j m K A lT A O E S iA N D - j — B I T E S :O K lA H O W A -:y f t ? a f fg R

j —HOl-DnNVj 2—T om

f t *J®r-^uTtTcW .r f i M ^ t t t t r [ Im n la k u n k . iI TnTeatrcailbh l.y bacTerlO loiO M rrf-i

sealed the .m lmal, aUnt and WH*d byj lAb'ireomhle a t ie r ’l t had attacked him j In WBK nufferioR from an a<f-l •vanccd ataRC of rabies. • j

■ X rr rb an U lan rli 40e. P f r t ln e CafiC

G r a i i | e ~ A r i r a n g e s ^

^ H o h o r A . S . G o s !

■ NcTt" Wcdiii'.vlu^, Miij” '9“ t ir^ ip iii ' .. tj)0iliuiii;dtty_if0K:TW(inz3?aJUi-coiinf , KrnnRca, when a contrn l moctlni; lm : .^vo»-«-rrt>ngcilJtorit>^Jn^

who Ih tnakliiR « to u r o f 'Idaho . ' T he tr ip la in p a rt taken In-hclin:

nf lhu federal innd hnnk of Spokui'n of w hich Mr. 'Onu.Y'ifi d lrcctof a t Jurc^ lIc.iH n mcmbof o f ;th c uatlonul ox*< niivc commlltco o f th e ’ grnnjio uin haa hnd a icadlnir pnrt In ho lp lns t

- jU4ii»o_rauU_Ie«UlaUohA-:Ho-wlli-1i accom pnnlcd. Iiy ' llugbi cSproat,. Idah direc to r of tho fodcWU Inad Unnk;

.Mr. C0.1H will bn tn Bolao on Mn . .l^ iu id—will-a|i.“nk..a t.-:f:a ldw oll-ln-th

ovcn h iR .n l n .m cotlnj; arrnnRcd b ■Mio~niiHiO'BWic-jrmnKo.— HlB-nppoat ancc in Twin t'ftilii Ib lo bo iindc tho dirccilon. of th e I’omona igrnnci K I>. Atkina, mnatcr. . Mr. Aikin

. tyitf llPt .Y?lJimil,c.,m:ranar,ir,cni-i.fo tho placc nnd hour bnl th e 'c o u n t fa ir RronnilH hi^vc hoon favoraidy rc Rnrdcd If tho w onlber prov'ca mlli IJao . o f [impilfiora on Uic Rroun mukcii ihiK thn heal nndil'nrlum fo Uib crowd Ihnt .mill li<r in ulti'ndiinc<

.Mr. aonH»and R . K. Shelihord wll •be in- confnrcnce n l-Jcronio on Thurn

1 dny-nnd lh a l ovenlnK. tlm rc la 10 h nn ftddrciiH tn Uic :\linldokA pnijcc

.farnicrn_._Tl.io..J.lIn(a-y..LjQ!uricu..ai riddrcKH a t Idnho l-'alls Kridny nvcn Jn>f foIljjivJoK’ irJiJcIi .Mr.'GoHs irlli p ro cecd d irec tly to . WnBhlnRton, D. C wiiprc he ,Ib',io confcr on IcKisIativi

T. fl TBST. AJJ g O aW A

~S A T T I’/tSSL 'lSC b, May '2—'n ic lea. of Gov. Al Sm ith o f New York cA'ci llin ^lourcfit oppo'hdnl In ihn coiint n (be-C nlltorn ln D cm ocm tic " rrcaidcir linl p rlm nry balio llnR . m ounted t< n early 70.Qn0 Intn lodnv. . • ' •

Kctiirna from 7)i'18 out of 87E3 pro

.lninciiLAL^edlBC.7aa..'.’uniK iionflto! ThfjmnR J . WalaU 17;180;

The Ropiihllcnn count.ahow cd G-tl,- 9S8 votos fo r t lc rb o rl lioovur, uncoti- tcaerd -cantlldntrt-fo t~ ntnntttiiiS )n— Cajlfnrnia in tho nntlnnal convcntior

. .The lead nf Sm ith waa'JO.bOO voic» nhOT^J-onmnrtnBTglltTliniltt-'nETirTrHul by hlH campalRU mannRcrit n u 'th u cvc of. Uic p rin iu ry .,

.WASHINOTON R paP Y - TO___^----- BEKBL-POTOMAg- ^ ^ , 0 0 1

a r OBltad P r t u• WASHl.VGTO.V Mnv "—Wiifiitiiirtr,,, ■tftlljiilhii.l'u ll6tld-l.l'BlilliiR nrm y rsad ) to Topol w itiu .ninilhnK tlykcB .and aower Rale rulhTorcomcoiK « ibroat- xncd-riliraalro tii(,-rlB 0-Iirn i» i-r8 t(in ia iriver;

T hc .w cullicr h n renu -ropo rtcd ihni

cd QUickly by lho - f lrac"w arm *ral*n nnd tho roanlt<^ni flood In. liio rlvoi tto)?_..^uftl . .o r .« *ceeil:_thaL_tJf_ia83 wh cli ovcraprcnd 'thc-cnnliiir,--» .nT i ann, J'onnayivnnln avenue nnd nlmonl read ied lhe Wlilt« UojiBo.

W Com nicrclal I 'n o u n t ,- c i ^ f T a ^

- P t i c t O K f e

; A u t o j n p t i y f e E l e (

. - J E J L E O M L S E IT w i n F a

■' :' ' ■ . Bin

I . ■ W .Iicii '.V nu Im y n 1 | - - . 'K i'IIiiijf h n 'i ii i 'l l i in [ ' '’to. --------------- J., ------------------

I O f noiir.ic y o u a rc I 1------------- 'vill-ivi*<UT-»ii-«H'tm«l-ii

I _ litiiiltiii^ ' n t it. th a t I ' \ mort* I I lan 11 r n r « lie 1 room lo In iy . V ou Jirc

JIS n c a r . A n d niilc< --------------b y -< lu y a t. y m i- n c c t l t

!)(» \v«-_ilclivcr till- j i i n i i tv l i o 'd r iv c a Itiiicl

- " r ~ ' B0ICK"!

Tk* F inest a ad B e a t E qal O ttic* a ad Shop rh o n e

_______ G p o d y e a r T i r e a '

. WTirixE.SDA'r. 3UT 2, i8Z8;' •

- COM B'!ST:EyEI)JTSP, - • • • . a


Uaa church wlH "toiil la . lho churo) , . l. ^ , rl»r.t-TltiH'Hitoyr-M|*y-3-ol-ai30r^A> y, .r a t t io b c x a in L t r s ^ H ^ J p J ic ^ E r ^ o W

k” • I T . ' i : . 'l ADIHS* AID ’

■ Aid Mocioly, wlll.’.jTMBt.ThUrBday af If toraoon n l ^taO-o'.olook-. ; - - - iu, ' ■. I

> Eimni; JeafSlflimM^ j-H it^ y^ fo in ob ili|

. * - • - Jy L ittle Hmmn J a a n -S k ln n c r .-f lry o a ni-nid-dm iR hler-or-M rH ind-M rar-B iiseniV Sklnnor; who w na.H triick dow n by 1 •- tnnch lnc"driven 'b y ’•p.-‘li^^V hltakef-l^r i : mo o’clock th is n tlo rn tw n a n d ' do

». vcrcly brutBcil. ts rostln ir comfotlaW ja a t lho Iiomc of her. p u ren ls . ilff.T enU

y .Mr. W iiltakct/Im m ed ln tc iy :follow lnj th e nccldont. .Mcdlcnl oxnm initlo i

1. revealed ' lh a l no bone's w ore brokon; <1 A cco n lin r to '^ I r . ' W h itake r nni r Svliac.HpeB. Mr. W hilnkoc; acconnponlcf- ^ by hiK wife' ntid brothor;IarIaw ',II tiroBrcHHlHC nnrUi 'tnw nrd .Shwhoni I- K trerl n n - l- 'duH h 'nvcnuo oftflt, wboi0 thu little Rlrl s tn rted ac ro ss tho alrwii !l approxhinilcly 12 feel fthead of tin a . 'c u r^ —.ViL-iini 'par- appconchdd-njuu 'or I.- Sho, dn rlcd . back . ncroflB..tba..fllM ei

illrccfJy (n 'Hic pa th o f U15 inachint- nnd waa iiiruck doivn.c : T b c Illllo Rlrl wnn rclu l-n lnc to tlu

liickcl ncliool, whoro uho la n .stiidoni lu th e f irs t Rrade. ' •

T H R E E i ^ I i n S H I N D E A D . r H E A T " T 0 D A Y ’fi R T J p i f r c

t NOIIMAL, Ulu... May 2 - J o h n Salo -■ T n R H a ic n e ~ J :r O ii i" ‘W A m ilnoiirN ew } Vprk, and H arry A. Uoa, Loub Boacli, ■ i.Callf.. flnJa lin l In a dcBiL J i c ttL:.ro i- flrat p laco-lu 'tudny'ii lap of Uio.traoB'* r -ccmttncntin— footraco . "Tir e y r tr o t to a r lho 34.6 xnlloa from Llric^ln.-IllB.’.- ln

1:34 :30 ..• . H arry A brnm ow |tz, Now -York, hiw• th n - a ecnnd^ beat jlm b^^w ltli 4 :4 9;ljT.

1 'Ou7iVncr. • SonttlC, f lu ish ln c toeelU et- H r r t-n rn ro :-----------------------— ----------1'—‘ A ndrew 'Pnyno. Cln rcm o rc ^ Q liln -I ^ 1 0 hi lioldlnR Hocond placo In to ta l ? 'litnpnud Umo, nad Roy M cM iirtry, Now

H ull.-C jilff., ran a * (le n d hoa i fnr- .rouHii piuco-TfrTrcffT3y.

I0c„ 'boB t oncB 3 for .2Sc. •Swoot'a S to re__ udv. ■ ■ •■ - I '■):

^ ^ ^ S S a S im m S m S iD R .H .R .S W T T H

. . ‘ 'T T ia f b a r a f ^ '* ' , '

D E N - T I S T = ■

Hm m m i - t i ' j C b r t t i r o t-.

“T " • aniiding:: ■ ■

A liJbke ^ i f -

jtricalEquipiiienti' :


i l l . , 1 ^ 0 ; ,

II i 'n to r iio b iiv ; ' a rc - you - - • loo l: a t . ^ r sn m c th iru ;' .- -- --

iiiy iii; ; ll ic ili ilc s ll ic c u r iw »-«ii-»lit*-hiRlm-ny.---------------- —

'UJA:t,.v<iu a r c h c c H jik 11 y o u (Tntcr th e hoIch-

l»i,viutr s c rv ic c . n* «d11 jHiLst ilp < lc livcrc(l llo v

:Ji«?in.------ -----------------------* ................ ...

tv lio lc o n l e r r .A s k any

S e a l e r s T ^ - ‘ “ ‘

S o D f l L C e . r —^ 1Ipped la llu) W tst' 'i.v-il 2M. P u l . r a in . a » , '

. T i m k e n ^ B e a n n ^ ^ : ^ l - j

. ■ ■ ■ ■ .-S7 -
