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I viCTIMS Till I 1The - Library of...

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THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 11 1901 E r 2 < WOOD ALCOHOL Drinkers of Jamiii Lose Tlieir Ililtij iure IikIy io A IIiy Iciuii 31 Clicm BALTIMORE Feb 11 One and possi- bly two wholesale druggists of this citS will it is said be made defendants ia a prosecution that will cause a sensation not only in Baltimore but throughout the United States and will prove of unusual intertst to oculists The charge which will in a general sease be the using of a dangerous adulter- ant in the manufacture of Jamaica will contain the spook declaration that by substituting methyl or wool alco- hol for ethyl or pure alcohol many per- sons have been stricten blind This charge win doubtless pave the way for damage suits involving many thousands of dollars In certain local option towns of Mary- land West Virginia and Pennsylvaaia Ja- maica ginger is used by topers and vic- tims of alcoholism in lieu of whisky or other stimulants It is always easy to se- cure Jamaica ginger in country towns and it is said that of late its consumption has grown to alarming proportions Jamaica ginger properly manufactured that is with pure alcohol is said to be practically harmless But pure alcohol costs 245 per gallon The manufacturer In substituting wood alcohol at a cost of 15 cents to SO cents per gallon thus enor mously increases his profits The discovery that the use of wood alco- hol causes total blindness has aroused profession and the enquiry set on foot to discover who was responsible for using the cheap adulterant in the ginger led to piling up proof against two firms of this city It is said that the investiga- tors hjTve secured under legal advice the kind of proof that will be accepted judge and jury Dr Herbert Harlan of Baltimore who ginger drinking has prepared a paper set- ting forth his experience in dealing with several persons whose total blindness has been traced to the use of the adulterated compound This paper will appear in the Opthalmic Record and will be accom- panied by an analysis of some of the Ja- maica ginger which it is said was sold to and drunk by several persons who after ward became blind These victims have engaged counsel to bring suit against those charged with having made the dan gerous mixture The paper of Dr Harlan- Is as follows Dr Unrlans Paper In 1897 Dr A G Thompson reported- In the Opthalmic Record a case of blindness due to the drinking of es- sence of ginger About that time we be gan to see these cases In Baltimore Dr Hiram Woods reported six such cases Their novelty excited a good deal of in terest It has been the habit in local op- tion neighborhoods for a long time for people craving alcohol to substitute the various alcoholic essences when the ordi nary form could not be obtained And that cases so striking as complete blind- ness should have escaped notice and pub- lication was unaccountable Such cases must have only been occurring recently Ia 1S9S nine cases of blindness and death from drinking methyl alcohol were reported The very first on record was that of Viper which was generally overlooked belag published In the TAanee Medicle Juae 1377 There is a striking similarity ia th symptoms of all these casee and as will be teen later they are the same the essence ot ginger and peppermint were the beerages used I Vlg r ease an hour after drinking there came on iatease headaclta vomiting I viCTIMS Gin el Eyesight Dug Jsf lie Suecl VurziisIj1i AtluIternhei- BsHenees tin or the Cuei n lid lent of t L141u1ds gin- ger the- n Ueal b has made a close study of the effects of com- plete fur I iiyestJii t1LnJysis he a when ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ yrofuae B e itog auatio of put Nest day the deHmm was gene therm waa a eeeapiate Mtodaoes of six weeks patient could see to get about Subsequently he became entirely bId This way be taken as a typical case impure wood alcohol or one of the essences is taken scm when dose was large or cakee oa en empty stomach death ea- Koed fit a few hoers Some others where tfee flrWr ws entirely recovered IB- iM i eases there was violent sickness then Md then some return of sight complete blto4nes3 with optic nerre eiraphF- TJbe consumption of wood alcohol by 73MwtectMricg druggists has increased eoorxMmsiy ia the last decade It can be bewbt wholesale for 7o eeets per gallon per cent SO cents per gallon of 97 r cent while ti ordinary 9S per cent I alcohol costs f245 When it is re wfoered that these essences contain ts85 per cent of some sort of alcohol ty to understand the temptation ruputeus maaufacturlcg druggist to use fc cheap and poisonous variety I is aMHSed in my own mind that such og done To prcve it was another tcr A Case Prone Crisflclr- tCse L On March 6 O 0 aged twentyeight from Crisfield Md was ad- mitted to the Presbyterian Eye Ear and Throat Hospital The history was that on election tiny the previous November he ger aad was made drunk by it He how over war able to walk home Jn the even lag distance of two miles The family state that he drank seven more bottles and knew nothing until three days later Whoa he awoke he found that he was al most blind but could see to get about His vision slowly decreased until Febru ay 1 since which time it has been sta- tionary Oz admission he could see light and large objects in an uncertain way The ophthalmoscope snowed optic nerve atro- phy The treatment was strychnia and piliearpia sweats each night March 10- he eounted ifogers at three feet but as is usual ia these cases there way a good deal of variation in hIs vision from day sly ty He left the hospital March 27 and the note on that day is little im- provement in vision I wrote to Dr G T Simonson of Cria field and he very kindly obtained for me a sample of the same package of Ja- maica ginger from which Os supply had The Need Needfor rood w nn disable clothe everj nun realizes and especially the The Place Ite Price of all places to have just welt clothes it at 603 end 90S K Street The Price tfcat depends entirely uj n you west to Eco men ay that they always r money by having their clothes Jflade by MerizHeriz 906908 F St and lIt After week si t began to return and at the end the a full dose either of mote or less I Oases the iS for- t 1900 had drunk seven bottles cf Jamaica gn and then WEnt to bed He was sick I 04 0 0 0 I The ill I I made f I I 0 a wbere all then very arid per Sectfitti rinade aItbin seat uTP1ae pay i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I come Dr Sirronson writes me further that 0 later became entirely blind The ginger was made by a wellknown whole- sale drug house of Baltimore Case 2 N B D aged thirty Ameri- can single of CircJeville W Va came to the same hospital in April 1900 He gave I a history of goinj on about six sprees a a year When he could not get whisky i or brandy he drank essence of cinnamon peppermint lemon or hot I month without drinking then he would I drink for a week at a time He had i used tobacco continuosuly Tor seven years j by chowing snuffing and smoking His trouble began May 1S99 On a Saturday he drank bottles of es f sftice of peppermint ard part of a bottle qf essence of lemon The next flay he felt unnerved sick and stupid and his eyesight began to grow dim The dimness I increased and by Wednesday he could j only distinguish light from darkness Ex animations showed both nerves to fce j atrophic The fields were small and irreRa Jar His vision was 5cc i each eye His field improved materially und the central vision a little being when be left the hospital on June 6 6cc In tho right eye and 7cc in the left eye He brought with him to the hospital about half of one of the bottles of pep- permint It was put up by the same firm as the ginger bought in Crisfield Two DfiitliH in York County In daily paper of September 6 I raw aa account of the death of two men at Fawn Grove York county Pa I wrote to Dr B Hawkins of that place in hopes that he could give me some details He wrote me a most interesting letter giving an account of the drinking of the symp- toms manifested including blindness in one case and of the death of the two men He volunteered further the name of the manufacturer of the essence of ginger drunk It was the same Baltimore firm as in the other cases Later lie obtained i store Samples in similar bottles and with like labels were obtained from Harford county and other places I consulted Messrs Hynson West cot the wellknown druggists of Balti more as to the test for methyl alcohol interested In the matter j nd bad Mr Dunning of their chem- istry department make an analysis Mr Hynson submitted an analysis as made by him Following is the paper prepared by Messrs Hynson and Dunning really sad results following the drinking of socalled essences of and Jamaica ginger reported by Dr Harlan must startle that experienced pharmacist and at once create in his mind doubt regarding the quality of the constit- uents used in preparing these compounds since it must have often come to his I that they have been used in large- i quantities as stimulants when prepared according to the pharmacopoeia without apparent injury This positive knowledge of i pharmacist- si of these popular domestic remedies even when taken in much larger quantities than was used by the patients referred to quick- ly brings the conclusion that when they are found to possess toxic properties they have been improperly made Essence of peppermint should be a synonym for the U S P spirit of pepper mint a 10 per cent by volume solution of oil of peppermint in ethylic alcohol while essence of Jamaica ginger should be the U tincture ethylic alcohol in every 100 c c of which Is dissolved the oleores- I Inous matter of 200 grams of ginger As stated by DC Harlan we have at his request and in the interest of better and more honorable pharmacy undertaken- to prove In a practical manner First the absence of sufficient ethylic alcohol in t1 secondly that other products and ingredi- ents than those authorized by the pharma- copoeia were used in their maiHiIcture thirdly that one of the constituents is or wood alcohol It is proper just here to say that ac quaintance with the value of the ingredi- ents entering into the pharmacopoeia preparations and a knowledge of the prices at which these commercial products are sold to grocers and country merchants would prejudice the case In the mind of any competent business man n I drugsas I Sometimes he would go for a I three I I I 1 a I I j I I f quite a large supply the Fawn kindly The serious pep- permint I t I t I to the proved comparative harmlessness I I I S P I I I liquids taken by cited I I met yUc j i elropa I I from Grove t knowl- edge I the unfortunates ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ j j M t Through Ute kiodaets af Dr Hsrlan and his mends we have been supplied suf ftrtent of the ginger product with which to experiment Not enough of however was at hand to work upon satisfactorily yet the small quantity we had plainly showed It bore the same taint as the ginger differing from the latter however in the large amount of water present about 33 nor cent a Quantity possible in the weak peppermint solution but impossible with the ginger and eapsi cura preparation- It Is quite natural we think sus- pect the presence of niethyllc alcohol since its peculiar toxic effects had been noticed and because to the mercenary manufacturer it is the logical substitute for ethylic alcohol Every other solvent of the kind is prohibited by more notice able physical properties excepting per- haps acetone and the absence of his is proved by the higher boiling point of the suspected product To the unltiated the matter of sepa rating and proving organic compounds may appear as something to be easily ef feted but to the chemist it offers many difficulties suggests an Immense amount of detail and requires much time which unfortunately is rarely at the coaimand of the active pharmacist As a preliminary we prepared as are here eshib ted two distillates one from the U S P tincture and one from an equal quantity of the suspected essence The respective residues from these are worthy of notice It will be observed that they arc very different lr appearance s they are in taste Capsicum is evidently present in large quantities In the es sence being used to make it hot len a small proportion of the more expensive Ksgeris used So far however wp have not made critical examinations of these residues From the distillate of the suspected essence we then secured by successive careful fractiouations a product with a fixed boiling point By repated expert meat we found that a mixture represent ing 73 per cent of wood alcohol and 25 per cent ethylic alcohol very nearly re sembles the first essence distillate Since the final product of fractional distillation boils steadily at 65 degrees and has the characteristic odor of wood alcohol we unhesitatingly pronounce it to be nothing more nothing less evidences of its identity are shown- in its ability to rapidly reduce potassium permanganate to reduce sliver nitrate after formates have been formed by the oxidizing effect of potassium dichromate and to Its ability to form methyl salicy late artificial oil of wintergreen when treated with sulphuric and salicylic acids While we do not profess to be expert chemists and are not sure our work would be recognized in the law courts yet we believe the results secured are such as to convince almost anyone that wood alco hol is present in large Quantities In the essence of ginger examined It must also be concluded since tincture of mude with elhylic alcohol has never pro- duced the toxic and sightdestroying described by Dr Harlan that me thylif alcohol is entirely unfit for admin- istration Firemen Skate to Ji BlaZe DOVER Del Feb U Lover firemen went to a conflagration on skates Sat- urday This was necessitated by the fact that It was sleeting and a thick coating of ice covered the sidewalks and streets when about 11 oclock an alarm called out the department The fire though a- very threatening one in the heart of the town was subdued It originated In a frame house occupied by Enoch David deceptive M ufr thousands have It and dont t n Ifc If you want quick results you can nuk nc mistake by mio Dr Kit cert Esiinp the great kidney remedy At dniejljts in fiftycent and dollar S pie bottle by mail free alto pamphlet wiling j how to find out 11 you have Address Dr Khmer Co Biuzhamton N T the I I o f I r Add- itional KIDNEY e TROUBLE Root m I 11I fit Chimer Prod uI pepper- mint ginger ef- fects is a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° Thousands of Soldiers and Others Coming From All Sections in JUlilury Line Will Ilrtve More Titan J1IOOO 3Ieii While nt Ifa t iOOO Civilians 3Iiir li List of Urj tiiizati ins That have Jle iie t IJuce in tliv Great Iroccssioii Thirtyfive chic organizations hailing from all parts of the country have already indicated their intention of being present during the inauguration and of partici pating in the inaugural parade The very lowest estimate of the aggregate number of men represented by these organiza- tions and the bands which will accom- pany them to the National Capital is 5899 At the inauguration of four years ago GflOG men in line represented the forty civic organizations which in the parade Ten flays remain in which civic organizations can file notification with the Committee on Civic Organizations and be included in the which will be printed in the or ders of the Grand Marshal governing the parade and assigning the organizations j to places in line All civic organizations notifying the inaugural committees of I intention to participate in the parade j after the 20th instant will be assigned to positions in the parade but the fact i will not be printed either in the Grand Marshals orders or in the official pro I gramme Nearly all of the organizations srhich have so far signified their purpose to be present on the 4tlTjOf March have been accommodated witiT quarters for their stay in the National Capital Following is a list of organizations which have off- icially signified their intention to partici pate at the inauguration Young Mens Republican Club Wilming ton Del 150 men and band quartered at the Ardmore 516 Thirteenth Street Garret A Hobart Association Newark- N J Frelinhuysen Lancers Association X J 150 men and drum corps West Chester Pionesr Corps No 1 West Chester Pa 100 men and band Topeka Republican Flambeau Club To peka Hans 100 men and band Continental Tfi Club Philadelphia qutr tered at Howard House Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street i Bloomington Zouaves Bloomington Ind Republican League State of Georgia i Atlanta Ga Minneapolis Republican Flambeau Club Minneapolis MIen quartered at j B Street southeast 100 men j Americus Republican Club Pittsburg J Pa 150 men t Harrison Club Philadelphia Pa 157 j men Quartered at Ebbitt House and F Streets C P Huntington Republican League Club Xewport News Va Virginia Republican Association Carlisle Indian School Cadets Carlisle PaW VT Greist Club Lancaster Pa Roosevelt Republican Club St Paul Minis Lancaster Republican Glee Club Lan- caster Ohio Fifty men Railsplltters of Toledo Ohio 156 men Union League Club of Baltimore Md Quartered at Grand Armory Hall Penn sylvania Avenue between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets- A C Harmer Republican Campaign Club Philadelphia Pa 2W men Quar tered at National Hotel Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street Hamilton Club of Chicago Ill 20e men Third Congressional District Republican Association Baltimore Md 566 men Roosevelt Marching Club Miaaeapolis Minn 75 men Quartered at Harpers Hall 487 C Street Lincoln Club New York city 3 men quartered at Rigs Hpaee- Me Club CiwstaBdi OWe 1W j Till IN AU GURAL PAGEANT i ill eel I I off- icial I I list j I Firstand I I Ftppeea I partici- pated New- ark I Four- teenth ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ men Uafam County As eeia ion Elizabeth N J 2 0 mw Taylor District Republican Club Jnkm rule Va Freemont Iowa Association Des Moines Iova Stamina Republican League Cincinnati Ohic 150 men quartered at Lawrence Ho Syracuse Escort Syracuse N Y 75 men and band of forty pieces Harry S Scott Seventh Ward Republi- can Association Pa James L Goodall Republican Beneficial Association Philadelphia Pa Over 12809 militiamen from various States have promised to e in line Be sides the various soldiers ef the National Guard the United States Array will also be represented by a large contingent The orders of the Grand Marshal to be Issued about the 2 MJi of ihe current month will contain the names of all military organi zations who have signified their intention to participate In the parade The names of other military organizations received subsequently will be omitted as in the case of the civic organizations but will he assigned to positions in the parade The National Guard tropa of the various States which have intimated their inten- tion to march are as follows National Guard of the State of Pennsyl- vania fourteen regiments OC08 men Fourth Regiment Maryland National Guard 50 men Fifth Regiment Maryland National Guard r99 men Fifth Regiment Veteran Corps Balti- more Md 170 men Naval Brigade Maryland National Guard 200 men Troop A Maryland National Guard Bal timore Md 70 men nd horses Twentythird Regiment Brooklyn N Y 506 men One regiment Massachusetts National Guard 590 men A New York National Guard New York city 150 men Company B Second Regiment New York National Guard Cohoes N Y 100 men Troop A Ohio National Guard SO men and horses Company H Fifth Infantry Illinois Guard and band men Washington Infantry Pittsburg Pa 100 men Company D Ninth Volunteer Infantry Boston Mass 50 men Two companies and Signal Corps from State of Maine 120 men Maryland Agricultural College 120 men The Chicago American published by William R Hearst proposes to send 200 school children of the public schools of Chicago to the inauguration A special train will bring the little folk to Wash ington arriving here March 1 remaining- ten days and returning on the 10th of March The children will witness the in augural celebration see the sights of the Capital and will also be indulged In a trip to Mount Vernon to visit the tomb of Washington The Chicago American de sires to build a special stand for the chil dren from which they can view the in augural parade The children will be from the boys and girls of the fourth grade In each of the schools A competi- tive examination will be held by the Chi cago Board of Education and one toy and one girl from each school will be nomi nated to Join the party George L Wood representing the Chi- cago American is In the city to make nr for the accommodation of the children and for their entertainment He states that the party will leave Chicago In a train cf Pullman cars accompanied by twentyfive matrons and doctors The first souvenir Invitation which is to be presented with the tickets of admis- sion to the Inaugural ball was received this morning by Chairman Wight of the Committee on Invitations and Tickets and by him presented to Chairman Ed son Both Mr Wight and Mr Edson are delighted with the result The Invitation is an exquisite piece of A man of taste is nina who selects Heu as hU favorite Leverage Gilt Arlington Bottllny Co fr o cane of Maerzui- Keuat or Ls r Ret tII teL I Squadron I sel- ected range ents the rich beet hon J i Na- tional iii ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > j i j I boot work The rover is of board bound at the back with white kid No prntng or mark or nny character with the ex- ception of a gold American eagle holding an American flag in its claws embossed on the front cover has been placed upon the exterior Within the frontispiece is a beautiful steel engraved portrait de- sign of McKinley and Roosevelt The book is entirely devoted to the histories- of preceding inaugurations and a half- tone portrait of every President of the United States has been inserted Grand Marshal Gen F V Greene and his bjefofstaff A Noel Blakeman ar rived in Vashington frora New York last night Mr Blakeman will remain in city until after the inauguration Lieu- tenant Overtoj in charge of the Grand Marshals headquarters reports the fol lowing and acceptance of the position of aidesdecamp Col Will- iam G Caws of Cedar Rapids Iowa en the staff of the State Adjutant General John P of Bennet Neb George R Van De Water pastor of St Andrews Church NewjYork city and Chaplain cf the Regiment New York Na- tional and D W C Fails aptain and the Seventh Regiment New York NatIonal Guard Work on the various revieict stands TO be erected for the inaugural rarade Is RQ- ing on rapidly al along Pennsylvania Ave- nue At the White House and along Squarfc great progress has already been made on the Court of Honor and the attendant reviewing stands A sawmill has been erected in Executive Avenue which is being usedto prepare the lumber A stand is being erected for Senator Hanna on the site of the old Deaartaient of Justice The stand will be glassed in and heated Senatir Hannn will entertain the members of the Republican National Committee and their families during the parade and Will erve a luncheon within the stand The Fiand will i cominodate- SH pecplo when ccnpleted Tiia clerks af the Department or Justice have taken part of wilhln the Court of Honor j for their needs SUED BY A WASHINGTONIAN Claim OOOO UntinKc a Jfc vport News linilvrnj NEWPORT NEWS Va Feb 11 The first case set for trial in the Elizabeth City county circuit court which will corn mence tomorrow or Wednesday is that of Mrs Ella Downey of Washington who is suing the Newport News and Old Point Railway and Electric Company for SSOCCO for alleged Injuries received by her while riding front Buck Roe Beach to Phoebus last summer Mrs Downey was thrown into the trap door in the bottom of the car which was forced open by a heavy jar and accord- ing to the bill of allegation received inju ries which will hasten her death Since the accident Mrs Downey has been ill in Washington The suit for damages was time it was thought only 100 M would be asked After Investigating the circum stances in connection with tho accident her attorneys decided to raise it 280W making the largest damage suit ever en tered on the Peninsula FOR SIS SUICIDE A 3I n Orders Ilix Cuwket and llisys 111 Burial Robe BRISTOL Va Feb 1L Solomon Roller aged siztyoae years a citizen of Sullivan county Teaa committed suicide at His iowie a few miles south of Bristol on Fri- day night 3ir Roller went about his self destruction calmly and deliberately He came to Bristol on Friday morning having told a daughter before leaving home that intended suicide The daughter did not her father really meant to commit such an and so was not alarm- ed While la Bristol Mr Roller purchased- a i antlty of strychnine which he took after reaching home The deceased owned valuable property- It is said that jtocnestic trouble and the threat of a neighbor to sue him for some cause probafcfer led to his sucide- A singular feature of iig course was that had srivenian order for his casket a I I the See trfirst adjutant of j t t I entered several months ago anti at that PRE ARES he anticipate t at act rntL La- fayette for Against ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = few days which was to be- like ih his wife was buried only a few ago the contract price being 12 HP else purchased his burial robe while ia Bristol on Friday thaI fI ehand ino5ths A FILIBUSTER CHARLESTON w va Feb IL A mi- nority of the members of the Legislature have sp s ed their determination to force an extra eSsion and as a result so much legislation has been held up that the authorities are alarmed An extra session COSTS 2000 a day Delesat r V Anderson of Nicholas County is idf the leaders of the extra session tactics Every time a motion is to bu passed upon no matter if it per- tains simply to a recess for lunch i is on his feet demanding the roll call Threo and four hours a day are lost in this fashion 1 y the obstructionists who are doing so Because certain appropria- tions have bill The serge ntararms and And Vgon have had several battles on the flcor of the House His opponents threaten to ex- pel him from the House SMALLPOX CASE ON A TRAIN The Arlttl t With F K MI- Jlcni ijIvi ila- SHIPPENSBURG Pa Feb 11 Daniel Oarlinger of Scotlend several miles southwest of this plate is sufffftring with smallpox It is supposed that he aught the disease at Steelton from which place he returned a few days ago It is supposed that he c me to Ship pensburg on a freight train and from here rode in a Cumberland Valley pas senger coach which the company has taken out of service and is having thor- oughly fumigated There is no telling how many persons he came In contact with on the trip The case is rigidly quarantined and the pupils at the Scot land Soldiers Orphans School and the residents genarally are being vaccinated JJ BILLS YACHTING TRIP ArcliljI liO Ireliciicl nod aii to Be or 1l e Iurtj ST PAUL Feb 11 James J Hill will entertain Archbishop Ireland and J Pier pont Morgan on a four months cruise on his private yacht Waceuia which is now being fitted out at Erie Basin N Y Some other financiers will be In tho party The yachts officers left St Paul Satur- day evening for New York to prepure the vessel for the trip and the guests will is semble In the course of the week The Ber- mudas Porto Rico Cuba and South Ameri- can ports will be visited first and then the yacht will go to Naples and the Mediterra TO GUilE TilE GRIP IX TWO DAYS Laxative BromoQuinine removes the caue You will say after tasting Heurichs Macrzen Senate or Lager that they give the roost satis- faction and pleasure Phone 631 Arlington Bottling Co n case DIED BudIenlj on Saturday P 11 p nt at residence in Montgomery Md SARAH J SOLYOM beloved wife of Louis C Solvont Funeral at home on Tuesday February 12 at 3 oclock p m el 3IANSIKO OP Kturdesy February 9 1801 at 8 0TTA riv TTVrt Funeral from his late residence 1311 Rhode Iriand Avenue Monday February 11 it 2 p m Interment at Rook Creek Cenwtery mlO2- MAXOTKO The njanbers of Confederate Veterans Association are requested to attend the funeral of their late comrade DIU WILLIAM P Avenue northwest jit 2 p m Monday February VL 1JWU WILLIAM OY A 1 LEG L VE Yhinm lnllUlker to nn Ixtrt SestIi f i Ander- son I I been eliminated the I Hole In Ir nn neon SOL n1alT County late p In P aged of W Va MANaINO Twelfth VirginiA Car airy from his tate rwaencf ISU Rhode blind tYest Feting Rtiee ode from gen- eral DR Chanlastowa the CedP B ¬ < > ¬ > ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = j Life Assurance Society u Of the United States X Fortyfirst Annual Statement for the Year Ending December 31 1900 iji l i L 1JJ 1The Equitable 7iJ- J I- J ASSETS Bonds and Mortgages 4541 166286 Real Estate in New York including the Equitable Building 244 73 United States State City end Railroad Bonds and other in- vestments market value over cOt t s Loans secured by Bonds and Stocks market value 3193313800 3 Policy Loans 737264527- Real Estate outside of New York iacludingti office buildings 13 72 35 5 Cash in Banks and Trust x Companies at interest 7 7 5 5 Balance due from agents 524 183 14 Interest and Rents DBeo776o s Accrued 4893339 59D9b9o4 Premiums due and in process of collection 4 Deferred Premiums 241600300 Tbtal Assets 30459806349 162 9 244OQ 2 oJ 37 00 I 18 6 00 10144 1 i53COZ2OO 1 ° > > ° > INCOME Premium Receipts Interest Rents etc 1268799229 Income 5800713098 DISBURSEMENTSD- eath Claims 1486095215 dividend policies 5 3Si 038 75 Annuities 66892598 Surrender Values 191 44377 Dividends to PoMcyholcftra Paid Policyholders 2596599930 Conrniissios advertising 6 fi postage aj l ehccE 0 4 39 Ail othor disbursements 469257110 Sinking Fund Rejection of book values oE Bonds o T An rtn Disbursements 36499 1265i I 13869 Endowments and deferred Ii j 343164065 II 6 i 4539 purthaaidattirmuiam 3 ° > > < = We hereby certify to the correctness of the above statement FRANCIS AuSUer ALFRED MAINR end Auditor w JAI O W LIABILITIES Fund or Reserve 23534349300 AS other Liabilities I 740048 Total Liabilities 23846089348 Surplus 6613717001 n Ass lranc 3 I SPECIAL AOTICES THE SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION- of Cruelty to Animals Invites com- plaints of cruelty whether by beating overworking overloading horses or by exposing horses shorn of their hair In cold or wet weather with out blkiikets working lame feeble or sick horses etc Please address com- plaints to P C A Room 24 Warder building corner Ninth and K Streets northwest e7t NOTICE Headquarters of the Committee- on Parks and Reviewing Stands will be opened for the sale of tickets on stands located within the Court of Honor on MONDAY FEBRUARY U ISOt at No 1335 F Street northwest Mail orders may be sent and will be filled in regular order JOHN B LARNEK- feo7t Chairman 1335 F St N W WE BUY UNDIVIDED INTERESTS IN Real Estate and Perfect Titles Parties who failed to pay tiltS taxes and whose property was sold can protect there from maturing to a deed and loss of prop erty b calling ut the office of WASHING- TON LAW i CLAIMS CO Room 7 47- Loui na A uue northwest city nol8tf5M t Hechts Greater Stores t 513515 Seventh Street + 50 doz Fifty dozen la- dies muslin and canAric gowns will be put on sale tomorroa at 39t whivlr an the greatest values weve ever offered Jr under- lie muslin and cambric is o heavy quality garment Is nicely trimmed with lace tucking or and theyre as well fin- ished as is possi- ble to finish theta 39c is a rosily ridiculous price for them 15c corset covers great lot of ladies cambric corset covers in J as vou prefer them the best ftt- tiiig garments pos- sible to find will 1 e offered tomor- row at verv low price of lOc each E juaily wellmade covers of equal quality were never known to sell for so little Uncle Sam Dont Wear- S A trass but he carries the Alt y Cushion Truss all over the Uaited States Men women and children wear and them The Air Cushion Pad holds with comfort nothing wilL Consultation gad two weeks trial free Lady In attendance for ladles Office parlor waiting and consultation roomc on the same floor Catalogues free TUB HOHICa Alit CUSHION TRUSS COMPANY lilt rt D r 2d soot mbJOUesa i uuderf edlng t o oi gowns 39c i I t tl- U wear t t J j 1 T- it t t I t l t- One t R the J1e FreIlcl1 or styles f aoo phun or tnm- t JJ 1 i like a 5 4 C 4 e a aa c e p e e t 0 C C 4 5- I I 4 in the- y 1 t em- broidery 4 o a e si rv1 I i jii tightfitting II Ia j p5 I 5 I z S site F ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + + + ° ASSURANCE SSSTALVItXT TOLICIKS STATED AT THEIH COMMOTED VALUES Outstanding 111687504700 New Assurance 20708624300 I I Assur- ance to the correctness of the above statement The Reserve as per the independent valuation of the N Y Insurance Department is 2j5i 3 9O7 For Superintendents see l J G VAX CI6S Actxsry X G HAKN Assitlaxt Actsarf have examined the accounts and Assets of the Society jtnd csrufv to the ecrrecsacsa of ti e f cegoiog statement WM A WIIEELOCK J H a LEDYARD BfAIS ALEXA J 8 GEO H SQUISH JAMES W ALEXANDER FreoStHf JAMES K HVS5 yZrFraisifxt GAGE E Seard VfctPrtt GEORGE T WILSON rae ttrttyts VIIIIO H McINTYRE FcurA nttFr WILLIAM ALEXANDER Sfcrttery THOMAS D JORDAN C fr4Ktr S10NKY D RIPLKV Tr turrr JAMES B LOSING Xettrar EDWARD W LAMBERT 74D sad CURTIS MD Xtdicol Db ttfrt DIRECTORS LOUIS FITZGERALD CHAUNCEV M DEPEW WM A WHEELOCK tMARCELLUS IIARTLEV HENRY G MARQUAND CORNELIUS N BLISS GEORGE II SQUIRE THOMAS D JORDAN C B ALEXANDER GEO W CARLETON 1 W JOHN A STEWART CASSATT ROUT T LINCOLN J J ASTOR GAGE E TARBELL MARVIN HLGIIITTA- VM H MCINTYRE SAMUEL AL INMAN IXES ALEXANDER JAMES H HYDE LEVI P 340R1OS JACOB H SCHIFF WM A TOWER JOHN SLOANE D O MILLS CHAS S SMITH GEO J GOULD WM ALEXANDER GEO T WILSON JOHN J McCOOlC T DsVITT CCYLSR H C IIAARSTICK- E W LAMBERT DAVJD IL MOFFAl- H M ALEXANDER SIDNEY D RIPLE1- J F NAVARRO V P SNYDER M E INGALLS JOSEPH T LOW T JfiFFERSON COOLIDGUf AUGUST BELMONT SIB WM C VAN HORNE THOMAS T ECKERT A SAXTVOORD JAMES H DUHAM C 1JEDYARD WM H BALDWINJ THOMAS S YOUNG N FURTHER PARTICULARS SEE DETAILED STATEMENT JOSEPH BOWES Maryland and the Dist of Columbia Offices Washington D 1326 F Street N W Baltimore Md Equitable Building Calvert and Fayette Stresls H W FITCH Cashier We hereh certify We DU HAl CoB c m c tlf Beard L TAR KLL EDWARD J i I VA BLAIR BRA 1rO U ALl NSON T tASK BFOR Mgr for C sais ie Dirteers A J l ° = > > j SPECIAL NOTICES 1S XOT1CE is Itereby gives that the Comm- isiontrs of the District of Columbia intend to make tits followingnamed iwrprorfa it5 which are in their jutfonvent u eas rv for the public health safety stat comfort AsqewottcRts oae half of the cost of the same will be made as provided in public set No 171 approved August 7 1804 Parties wise are interested in ti pro- posed work are lotjltel that the said C fuods- sioners wit give a heartns i the District BaiW OB WEDNESDAY THE TWENTY9KVESTII DAY OF FEBRUARY 1S01 AT 11 fLOCK A M in the board room of siid Ct mmK4one to any aad aHi erao u who may desire to object th r to Set new carla Jay cement sid r lii OH south side of M Street northwest fnua Eighth Street to Ninth Street at an estimatol cost of HO to be assessed aptinet ail lots in square H abutting said M Street between the limits naoxd On the east side of Third tercet northeast front II Street iturthward to the north line of lot to oare 776 at aftestimated coat of 5173 to be wrainst 4 37 3S 3d awl 40 square 774 On the MHtth side of K Street from FotV Street wikt ward a distance of 12O feet from the building Ibis of mid Fourteenth Street at an cost of 410 to lie aKoeo xl asgrittft lots in square 1052 on F Street between the limits named Oi both of Detrwit Street from Twelfth Street t Thirteenth Street at an estimated cost ot 74 7 to be asses sl- l all tots in Wotk 5 and block South tend abutting said Detroit Street IK t the limits named On the wet side of Street southeast from E Street to C Street at an estimated cost of SlKS to he as 3 mint all ia VMS atmttiai m said Fourteenth Street tin limits named R et curb and law c nt fidevralx On both fli X Street northwest hoot Seventeenth I Street to Eighteenth Street at an estimated cost of S2600 to be assessed again all lots in squares 153 and IS abutting on said X Street between the limits named On both stiles of X Street njrth- i teem Fifth Street to Sixth Street ct an es tiinatni of SSSJ to be JL H against all lots in squares ISO and Ill abutting on said X Street between the limits named On the north i side of M Street northwest from Twelfth street to Thirteenth Street at an estimated t of 701 to be assessed against all tots in souare 2S1 abutting on said M Street between tee limits nasied On the worth tide of M Street north west from Tenth Street to Eleventh St et at an estimated cost of 472 to be assessed lots in square 340 abutting on said M Street between the limits named On the north side of M Street northwest from Ninth Street to Ttuth j Street at an estimated cOt ot to be as tewed against alt lots in square 385 abutting a said M Street betweai the limits named Set new curb and lay cenent sidewalk On the north aide of 0 Street southeast from Fifteenth j Street to Sixteenth Street at aa estimated cost of 1040 to be assessed against all lots to wjiiarv- T074 abuttbN oa said 1 Street between the limits samueL Reset curb lay cement or brick sidewalk On the south Clkica Street northeast j teens First Stit eastward to the et bee of lot 7S 720 at an estimated cost of 400 to be assessed against lots 39 161 68 1 6 85 6 j 87 83 86 70 71 72 73 74 r Pave alleys with vitrin Eastandweet alley in Woek 7 rs from Eighteenth Street to the west line of lot I 33 in said block 7 an estimated cost of SMS of Washington Alley in square 24 abutting lots 71 inlet of Columbia at an estimated teat of 2 All unpaved alley in the south hall of square ffirt at an estimated cost of 96GO to be assets against the following lots in the said south half of square eta namely CO 1 A B C D E F G II 1 K L 51 X of 0 and of abutting 19 the depth thereof on North L Street lots 2 231 2 233 21 the four Tmwanbered lots lying between lots 6 and ZSO and abuttmtr 772 feet by the depth thereof on Piene Street and the five lots lying between 60 and 284 and abutting St feet 03 depth thereof on Pierce HEXRY B F MAC FAULVXD JOhN AV ROSS LANSING H BEACH Commissioners D C feU12S2 a whisky of knows 1 qL delivered ED J Qnx M Pa Avc OFtiCR OF TIlE I the Oil lots I seth sides I i I Oft iota be Well aiil t- aU aDd aide of 75 sad or aspiusit Comm i subdivision of WawngtOlt ext at to be lots 8 and 26 block subdivision Heights 72 73 1 75 i3 S 79 sad 19 recorded ill I suites iMs w I i 62 1 feet street 23 merit I COMMISSIONERS D C Feb 5 ton leg ass assessed northeast east estimated abutting said 5 tire Fourteenth eased square tides nest rest you I did U5YC 76 square ioch Iteighes assessed aainat 7- Commlssioners 7 77 square 24 s Book Nn Aesemuers liv lots rite ¬ < < > > > > j J j j i New Telephone Rates RATE SYSTEM espe cially adapted to residences and the small users rates from 7 l3c a day up For particulars address CONTRACT rHE CHESAPEAKE POTO TELEPHONE CO 619 14th St nw Worth of hlghrlass modern Furni- ture Draperies etc together with the balance of the Hinds Collection of Antiques Thursday Friday and Saturday February 14 15 and 16 at 11 a m each day On View Tuesday and Wednesday I21BI22G F St N W AND HERRffiANN Complete Homefaralihers Csfh or Ovtnr Cor 7lh and I Eye OUR WORK IS OUR RECOMMENDATION Just give us tine trial and therell be no Question where to send your package next time The best o work and quick service have made for u sunny patrons Our wagon you name Drop a postal or tele phone UE Corner Gth and C Phone East 837 Sbul I especially helpful to babies nd children wh are tiiin AU druggists 50c ad 51 UXDEUTAKEK- SJ WILLIAM LEE Undertaker tiuil Livery 2 Peon Avc X V V6hJB D Q I I I I t t SERVICE rates I i t front Dc a day up rESSAGE I 1 t IE T t i I t MAC r 1 u 1 I I t Ii e 1 I Marcus Notes t i Sale at Auction t of i t t I I t Marcus f1iotesii I t t o Ie HOUSr 0 will call for your any time TOlii fi ill tAU 1RY nw 0 EMULSION I ton UNLIMITEx C 4 4 e 509000- t o laundry cL ¬ > ¬ ¬ > + + = +






Drinkers of Jamiii LoseTlieir

Ililtij iure IikIy io

A IIiy Iciuii31 Clicm

BALTIMORE Feb 11 One and possi-bly two wholesale druggists of this citSwill it is said be made defendants ia aprosecution that will cause a sensationnot only in Baltimore but throughout theUnited States and will prove of unusualintertst to oculists

The charge which will in a generalsease be the using of a dangerous adulter-ant in the manufacture of Jamaica

will contain the spook declarationthat by substituting methyl or wool alco-

hol for ethyl or pure alcohol many per-sons have been stricten blind This chargewin doubtless pave the way for damagesuits involving many thousands of dollars

In certain local option towns of Mary-land West Virginia and Pennsylvaaia Ja-maica ginger is used by topers and vic-tims of alcoholism in lieu of whisky orother stimulants It is always easy to se-

cure Jamaica ginger in country towns andit is said that of late its consumption hasgrown to alarming proportions

Jamaica ginger properly manufacturedthat is with pure alcohol is said to bepractically harmless But pure alcoholcosts 245 per gallon The manufacturerIn substituting wood alcohol at a cost of15 cents to SO cents per gallon thus enormously increases his profits

The discovery that the use of wood alco-hol causes total blindness has aroused

profession and the enquiry set onfoot to discover who was responsible forusing the cheap adulterant in the gingerled to piling up proof against two firms ofthis city It is said that the investiga-tors hjTve secured under legal advice thekind of proof that will be acceptedjudge and jury

Dr Herbert Harlan of Baltimore who

ginger drinking has prepared a paper set-ting forth his experience in dealing withseveral persons whose total blindness hasbeen traced to the use of the adulteratedcompound This paper will appear in the

Opthalmic Record and will be accom-panied by an analysis of some of the Ja-maica ginger which it is said was sold toand drunk by several persons who afterward became blind These victims haveengaged counsel to bring suit againstthose charged with having made the dangerous mixture The paper of Dr Harlan-Is as follows

Dr Unrlans PaperIn 1897 Dr A G Thompson reported-

In the Opthalmic Record a case ofblindness due to the drinking of es-

sence of ginger About that time we began to see these cases In Baltimore DrHiram Woods reported six such casesTheir novelty excited a good deal of interest It has been the habit in local op-

tion neighborhoods for a long time forpeople craving alcohol to substitute thevarious alcoholic essences when the ordinary form could not be obtained Andthat cases so striking as complete blind-ness should have escaped notice and pub-lication was unaccountable Such casesmust have only been occurring recently

Ia 1S9S nine cases of blindness anddeath from drinking methyl alcohol werereported The very first on record was thatof Viper which was generally overlookedbelag published In the TAanee MedicleJuae 1377 There is a striking similarityia th symptoms of all these casee andas will be teen later they are the same

the essence ot ginger and peppermintwere the beerages used

I Vlg r ease an hour after drinkingthere came on iatease headaclta vomiting


Gin elEyesight

Dug Jsf lieSuecl VurziisIj1i AtluIternhei-BsHeneestin or the Cuei n lidlent of t L141u1ds



the-n Ueal


has made a close study of the effects of


furI iiyestJii

t1LnJysis he
























yrofuae B e itog auatio of putNest day the deHmm was gene

therm waa a eeeapiate Mtodaoes

of six weeks patient could see to getabout Subsequently he became entirelybId This way be taken as a typical case

impure wood alcohol or one of the essencesis taken

scm when dose was largeor cakee oa en empty stomach death ea-

Koed fit a few hoers Some others wheretfee flrWr ws entirely recovered IB-

iM i eases there was violent sickness thenMd then some return of sight

complete blto4nes3 with optic nerreeiraphF-

TJbe consumption of wood alcohol by73MwtectMricg druggists has increasedeoorxMmsiy ia the last decade It can bebewbt wholesale for 7o eeets per gallon

per cent SO cents per gallon of 97r cent while ti ordinary 9S per cent

I alcohol costs f245 When it is rewfoered that these essences contain

ts85 per cent of some sort of alcoholty to understand the temptationruputeus maaufacturlcg druggist to

use fc cheap and poisonous variety Iis aMHSed in my own mind that such

og done To prcve it was anothertcr

A Case Prone Crisflclr-tCse L On March 6 O 0 aged

twentyeight from Crisfield Md was ad-mitted to the Presbyterian Eye Ear andThroat Hospital The history was thaton election tiny the previous November heger aad was made drunk by it He howover war able to walk home Jn the evenlag distance of two miles The familystate that he drank seven more bottles

and knew nothing until three days laterWhoa he awoke he found that he was almost blind but could see to get aboutHis vision slowly decreased until Februa y 1 since which time it has been sta-tionary

Oz admission he could see light andlarge objects in an uncertain way Theophthalmoscope snowed optic nerve atro-phy The treatment was strychnia andpiliearpia sweats each night March 10-

he eounted ifogers at three feet but as isusual ia these cases there way a gooddeal of variation in hIs vision from daysly ty He left the hospital March 27and the note on that day is little im-provement in vision

I wrote to Dr G T Simonson of Criafield and he very kindly obtained for mea sample of the same package of Ja-maica ginger from which Os supply had

The Need


roodw nn disable

clotheeverj nun realizes andespecially the

The Place

Ite Price

of all placesto have just weltclothes it at 603end 90S K Street

The Pricetfcat depends

entirely uj nyou west to Eco

menay that they always

r money by havingtheir clothes Jflade by

MerizHeriz906908 F St


lIt Afterweek si t began to return and at the end


a full dose either of mote or less

I Oases the




had drunk seven bottles cf Jamaica gn

and then WEnt to bed He was sick

I0 4 0 0 0














arid perSectfitti rinade










I come Dr Sirronson writes me furtherthat 0 later became entirely blind Theginger was made by a wellknown whole-sale drug house of Baltimore

Case 2 N B D aged thirty Ameri-can single of CircJeville W Va came tothe same hospital in April 1900 He gave

I a history of goinj on about six sprees aa year When he could not get whisky

i or brandy he drank essence ofcinnamon peppermint lemon or hot

I month without drinking then he wouldI drink for a week at a time He hadi used tobacco continuosuly Tor seven yearsj by chowing snuffing and smoking

His trouble began May 1S99 On aSaturday he drank bottles of esf sftice of peppermint ard part of a bottleqf essence of lemon The next flay hefelt unnerved sick and stupid and hiseyesight began to grow dim The dimness

I increased and by Wednesday he couldj only distinguish light from darkness Ex

animations showed both nerves to fcej atrophic The fields were small and irreRaJar His vision was 5cc i each eye Hisfield improved materially und the centralvision a little being when be left thehospital on June 6 6cc In tho right eyeand 7cc in the left eye

He brought with him to the hospitalabout half of one of the bottles of pep-permint It was put up by the same firmas the ginger bought in Crisfield

Two DfiitliH in York CountyIn daily paper of September 6 I raw

aa account of the death of two men atFawn Grove York county Pa I wrote toDr B Hawkins of that place in hopesthat he could give me some details Hewrote me a most interesting letter givingan account of the drinking of the symp-toms manifested including blindness inone case and of the death of the two menHe volunteered further the name of themanufacturer of the essence of gingerdrunk It was the same Baltimore firmas in the other cases Later lie obtained

i store Samples in similar bottles and withlike labels were obtained from Harfordcounty and other places

I consulted Messrs Hynson Westcot the wellknown druggists of Baltimore as to the test for methyl alcohol

interested In the matter j ndbad Mr Dunning of their chem-

istry department make an analysis MrHynson submitted an analysis as made byhim

Following is the paper prepared byMessrs Hynson and Dunning

really sad results followingthe drinking of socalled essences of

and Jamaica ginger reported byDr Harlan must startle that experiencedpharmacist and at once create in his minddoubt regarding the quality of the constit-uents used in preparing these compoundssince it must have often come to his

I that they have been used in large-i quantities as stimulants when preparedaccording to the pharmacopoeia withoutapparent injury

This positive knowledge of


pharmacist-siof these popular domestic remedies evenwhen taken in much larger quantities thanwas used by the patients referred to quick-ly brings the conclusion that when theyare found to possess toxic properties theyhave been improperly made

Essence of peppermint should be asynonym for the U S P spirit of peppermint a 10 per cent by volume solution ofoil of peppermint in ethylic alcohol whileessence of Jamaica ginger should be the

U tincture ethylic alcohol in every100 c c of which Is dissolved the oleores-

I Inous matter of 200 grams of gingerAs stated by DC Harlan we have at

his request and in the interest of betterand more honorable pharmacy undertaken-to prove In a practical manner First theabsence of sufficient ethylic alcohol in t1

secondly that other products and ingredi-ents than those authorized by the pharma-copoeia were used in their maiHiIcturethirdly that one of the constituents is

or wood alcoholIt is proper just here to say that ac

quaintance with the value of the ingredi-ents entering into the pharmacopoeiapreparations and a knowledge of the pricesat which these commercial products aresold to grocers and country merchantswould prejudice the case In the mind ofany competent business man




Sometimes he would go for a






1 aI





quite a large supply the Fawn


The seriouspep-




Ito the proved comparative harmlessness







I liquids taken by citedI


met yUc





from Grove




the unfortunates
















M tThrough Ute kiodaets af Dr Hsrlan

and his mends we have been supplied sufftrtent of the ginger product with which toexperiment Not enough of

however was at hand to work uponsatisfactorily yet the small quantity wehad plainly showed It bore the same taintas the ginger differing from the latterhowever in the large amount of waterpresent about 33 nor cent a Quantitypossible in the weak peppermint solutionbut impossible with the ginger and eapsicura preparation-

It Is quite natural we think sus-pect the presence of niethyllc alcoholsince its peculiar toxic effects had beennoticed and because to the mercenarymanufacturer it is the logical substitutefor ethylic alcohol Every other solventof the kind is prohibited by more noticeable physical properties excepting per-haps acetone and the absence of his isproved by the higher boiling point of thesuspected product

To the unltiated the matter of separating and proving organic compoundsmay appear as something to be easily effeted but to the chemist it offers manydifficulties suggests an Immense amountof detail and requires much time whichunfortunately is rarely at the coaimandof the active pharmacist

As a preliminary we prepared as arehere eshib ted two distillates one fromthe U S P tincture and one from anequal quantity of the suspected essenceThe respective residues from these areworthy of notice It will be observed thatthey arc very different lr appearance sthey are in taste Capsicum is evidentlypresent in large quantities In the essence being used to make it hot len asmall proportion of the more expensiveKsgeris used So far however wp havenot made critical examinations of theseresidues

From the distillate of the suspectedessence we then secured by successivecareful fractiouations a product with afixed boiling point By repated expertmeat we found that a mixture representing 73 per cent of wood alcohol and 25per cent ethylic alcohol very nearly resembles the first essence distillate

Since the final product of fractionaldistillation boils steadily at 65 degreesand has the characteristic odor of woodalcohol we unhesitatingly pronounce itto be nothing more nothing less

evidences of its identity are shown-in its ability to rapidly reduce potassiumpermanganate to reduce sliver nitrateafter formates have been formed by theoxidizing effect of potassium dichromateand to Its ability to form methyl salicylate artificial oil of wintergreen whentreated with sulphuric and salicylicacids

While we do not profess to be expertchemists and are not sure our work wouldbe recognized in the law courts yet webelieve the results secured are such as toconvince almost anyone that wood alcohol is present in large Quantities In theessence of ginger examined It must alsobe concluded since tincture ofmude with elhylic alcohol has never pro-duced the toxic and sightdestroying

described by Dr Harlan that methylif alcohol is entirely unfit for admin-istration

Firemen Skate to Ji BlaZeDOVER Del Feb U Lover firemen

went to a conflagration on skates Sat-urday This was necessitated by the factthat It was sleeting and a thick coatingof ice covered the sidewalks and streetswhen about 11 oclock an alarm calledout the department The fire though a-very threatening one in the heart of thetown was subdued It originated In aframe house occupied by Enoch David

deceptive M ufrthousands have It and dontt n Ifc If you want quickresults you can nuk ncmistake by mio Dr Kit

cert Esiinp the great kidney remedyAt dniejljts in fiftycent and dollar Spie bottle by mail free alto pamphlet wiling jhow to find out 11 you have

Address Dr Khmer Co Biuzhamton N T



I o









11I fit Chimer Prod uI




is a












Thousands of Soldiers and Others

Coming From All Sections

in JUlilury Line Will Ilrtve MoreTitan J1IOOO 3Ieii While nt Ifa tiOOO Civilians 3Iiir li List ofUrj tiiizati ins That have Jle iie t

IJuce in tliv Great Iroccssioii

Thirtyfive chic organizations hailingfrom all parts of the country have alreadyindicated their intention of being presentduring the inauguration and of participating in the inaugural parade The verylowest estimate of the aggregate numberof men represented by these organiza-tions and the bands which will accom-pany them to the National Capital is5899 At the inauguration of four yearsago GflOG men in line represented theforty civic organizations which

in the parade Ten flays remainin which civic organizations can file

notification with the Committee onCivic Organizations and be included inthe which will be printed in the orders of the Grand Marshal governing theparade and assigning the organizations

j to places in line All civic organizationsnotifying the inaugural committees of

I intention to participate in the paradej after the 20th instant will be assigned

to positions in the parade but the facti will not be printed either in the Grand

Marshals orders or in the official proI gramme

Nearly all of the organizations srhichhave so far signified their purpose to bepresent on the 4tlTjOf March have beenaccommodated witiT quarters for theirstay in the National Capital Followingis a list of organizations which have off-icially signified their intention to participate at the inauguration

Young Mens Republican Club Wilmington Del 150 men and band quarteredat the Ardmore 516 Thirteenth Street

Garret A Hobart Association Newark-N J

Frelinhuysen Lancers AssociationX J 150 men and drum corps

West Chester Pionesr Corps No 1 WestChester Pa 100 men and band

Topeka Republican Flambeau Club Topeka Hans 100 men and band

Continental Tfi Club Philadelphia qutrtered at Howard House PennsylvaniaAvenue and Sixth Street i

Bloomington Zouaves Bloomington IndRepublican League State of Georgia i

Atlanta GaMinneapolis Republican Flambeau Club

Minneapolis MIen quartered at jB Street southeast 100 men j

Americus Republican Club Pittsburg J

Pa 150 men t

Harrison Club Philadelphia Pa 157 j

men Quartered at Ebbitt Houseand F Streets

C P Huntington Republican LeagueClub Xewport News Va

Virginia Republican AssociationCarlisle Indian School Cadets Carlisle

PaWVT Greist Club Lancaster Pa

Roosevelt Republican Club St PaulMinis

Lancaster Republican Glee Club Lan-caster Ohio Fifty men

Railsplltters of Toledo Ohio 156 menUnion League Club of Baltimore Md

Quartered at Grand Armory Hall Pennsylvania Avenue between Fourteenth andFifteenth Streets-

A C Harmer Republican CampaignClub Philadelphia Pa 2W men Quartered at National Hotel PennsylvaniaAvenue and Sixth Street

Hamilton Club of Chicago Ill 20e menThird Congressional District Republican

Association Baltimore Md 566 menRoosevelt Marching Club Miaaeapolis

Minn 75 men Quartered at HarpersHall 487 C Street

Lincoln Club New York city 3 menquartered at Rigs Hpaee-

Me Club CiwstaBdi OWe 1W









I list


















menUafam County As eeia ion

Elizabeth N J 2 0 mwTaylor District Republican Club Jnkm

rule VaFreemont Iowa Association Des Moines

IovaStamina Republican League Cincinnati

Ohic 150 men quartered at Lawrence Ho

Syracuse Escort Syracuse N Y 75 menand band of forty pieces

Harry S Scott Seventh Ward Republi-can Association Pa

James L Goodall Republican BeneficialAssociation Philadelphia Pa

Over 12809 militiamen from variousStates have promised to e in line Besides the various soldiers ef the NationalGuard the United States Array will alsobe represented by a large contingent Theorders of the Grand Marshal to be Issuedabout the 2 MJi of ihe current month willcontain the names of all military organizations who have signified their intentionto participate In the parade The namesof other military organizations receivedsubsequently will be omitted as in thecase of the civic organizations but will heassigned to positions in the parade TheNational Guard tropa of the variousStates which have intimated their inten-tion to march are as follows

National Guard of the State of Pennsyl-vania fourteen regiments OC08 men

Fourth Regiment Maryland NationalGuard 50 men

Fifth Regiment Maryland NationalGuard r99 men

Fifth Regiment Veteran Corps Balti-more Md 170 men

Naval Brigade Maryland National Guard200 men

Troop A Maryland National Guard Baltimore Md 70 men nd horses

Twentythird Regiment Brooklyn N Y506 men

One regiment Massachusetts NationalGuard 590 men

A New York National GuardNew York city 150 men

Company B Second Regiment New YorkNational Guard Cohoes N Y 100 men

Troop A Ohio National Guard SO menand horses

Company H Fifth Infantry IllinoisGuard and band men

Washington Infantry Pittsburg Pa 100men

Company D Ninth Volunteer InfantryBoston Mass 50 men

Two companies and Signal Corps fromState of Maine 120 men

Maryland Agricultural College 120 menThe Chicago American published by

William R Hearst proposes to send 200school children of the public schools ofChicago to the inauguration A specialtrain will bring the little folk to Washington arriving here March 1 remaining-ten days and returning on the 10th ofMarch The children will witness the inaugural celebration see the sights of theCapital and will also be indulged In a tripto Mount Vernon to visit the tomb ofWashington The Chicago American desires to build a special stand for the children from which they can view the inaugural parade The children will be

from the boys and girls of the fourthgrade In each of the schools A competi-tive examination will be held by the Chicago Board of Education and one toy andone girl from each school will be nominated to Join the party

George L Wood representing the Chi-cago American is In the city to make nr

for the accommodation of thechildren and for their entertainment Hestates that the party will leave Chicago Ina train cf Pullman cars accompanied bytwentyfive matrons and doctors

The first souvenir Invitation which is tobe presented with the tickets of admis-sion to the Inaugural ball was receivedthis morning by Chairman Wight of theCommittee on Invitations and Ticketsand by him presented to Chairman Edson Both Mr Wight and Mr Edson aredelighted with the result

The Invitation is an exquisite piece of

A man of taste is nina who selects Heuas hU favorite Leverage Gilt

Arlington Bottllny Co f r o cane of Maerzui-Keuat or Ls r

Ret tII






range ents

therich beet hon

J i




























I boot work The rover is of board boundat the back with white kid No prntngor mark or nny character with the ex-ception of a gold American eagle holdingan American flag in its claws embossedon the front cover has been placed uponthe exterior Within the frontispiece isa beautiful steel engraved portrait de-sign of McKinley and Roosevelt Thebook is entirely devoted to the histories-of preceding inaugurations and a half-tone portrait of every President of theUnited States has been inserted

Grand Marshal Gen F V Greene andhis bjefofstaff A Noel Blakeman arrived in Vashington frora New York lastnight Mr Blakeman will remain incity until after the inauguration Lieu-tenant Overtoj in charge of the GrandMarshals headquarters reports the following and acceptance ofthe position of aidesdecamp Col Will-iam G Caws of Cedar Rapids Iowa enthe staff of the State Adjutant GeneralJohn P of Bennet Neb George RVan De Water pastor of St AndrewsChurch NewjYork city and Chaplain cfthe Regiment New York Na-tional and D W C Fails aptainand the Seventh RegimentNew York NatIonal Guard

Work on the various revieict stands TO

be erected for the inaugural rarade Is RQ-

ing on rapidly al along Pennsylvania Ave-nue At the White House and along

Squarfc great progress has alreadybeen made on the Court of Honor and theattendant reviewing stands A sawmill hasbeen erected in Executive Avenue whichis being usedto prepare the lumber

A stand is being erected for SenatorHanna on the site of the old Deaartaientof Justice The stand will be glassed inand heated Senatir Hannn will entertainthe members of the Republican NationalCommittee and their families during theparade and Will erve a luncheon withinthe stand The Fiand will i cominodate-SH pecplo when ccnpleted Tiia clerks afthe Department or Justice have taken partof wilhln the Court of Honor

j for their needs


Claim OOOO UntinKca Jfc vport News linilvrnj

NEWPORT NEWS Va Feb 11 Thefirst case set for trial in the ElizabethCity county circuit court which will cornmence tomorrow or Wednesday is that ofMrs Ella Downey of Washington who issuing the Newport News and Old PointRailway and Electric Company for SSOCCOfor alleged Injuries received by her whileriding front Buck Roe Beach to Phoebuslast summer

Mrs Downey was thrown into the trapdoor in the bottom of the car which wasforced open by a heavy jar and accord-ing to the bill of allegation received injuries which will hasten her death Sincethe accident Mrs Downey has been ill inWashington The suit for damages was

time it was thought only 100 M would beasked After Investigating the circumstances in connection with tho accidenther attorneys decided to raise it 280Wmaking the largest damage suit ever entered on the Peninsula

FOR SIS SUICIDEA 3I n Orders Ilix Cuwket and llisys

111 Burial RobeBRISTOL Va Feb 1L Solomon Roller

aged siztyoae years a citizen of Sullivancounty Teaa committed suicide at Hisiowie a few miles south of Bristol on Fri-day night 3ir Roller went about his selfdestruction calmly and deliberately Hecame to Bristol on Friday morning havingtold a daughter before leaving home that

intended suicide The daughter did nother father really meant to

commit such an and so was not alarm-ed While la Bristol Mr Roller purchased-a i antlty of strychnine which he tookafter reaching home

The deceased owned valuable property-It is said that jtocnestic trouble and thethreat of a neighbor to sue him for somecause probafcfer led to his sucide-

A singular feature of iig course was thathad srivenian order for his casket a




See trfirstadjutant of





entered several months ago anti at that


heanticipate t at




for Against












few days which was to be-like ih his wife was buried onlya few ago the contract price being

12 HP else purchased his burial robewhile ia Bristol on Friday

thaI fIehand



CHARLESTON w va Feb IL A mi-

nority of the members of the Legislaturehave sp s ed their determination toforce an extra eSsion and as a result somuch legislation has been held up thatthe authorities are alarmed An extrasession COSTS 2000 a day

Delesat r V Anderson of NicholasCounty is idf the leaders of the extrasession tactics Every time a motion isto bu passed upon no matter if it per-tains simply to a recess for lunch

i is on his feet demanding the roll callThreo and four hours a day are lost inthis fashion 1 y the obstructionists whoare doing so Because certain appropria-tions have

billThe serge ntararms and And Vgon

have had several battles on the flcor ofthe House His opponents threaten to ex-pel him from the House


The Arlttl t With F K MI-Jlcni ijIvi ila-

SHIPPENSBURG Pa Feb 11 DanielOarlinger of Scotlend several milessouthwest of this plate is sufffftring withsmallpox It is supposed that he aughtthe disease at Steelton from which placehe returned a few days ago

It is supposed that he c me to Shippensburg on a freight train and fromhere rode in a Cumberland Valley passenger coach which the company hastaken out of service and is having thor-oughly fumigated There is no tellinghow many persons he came In contactwith on the trip The case is rigidlyquarantined and the pupils at the Scotland Soldiers Orphans School and theresidents genarally are being vaccinated

J J BILLS YACHTING TRIPArcliljI liO Ireliciicl nod aii

to Be or 1l e IurtjST PAUL Feb 11 James J Hill will

entertain Archbishop Ireland and J Pierpont Morgan on a four months cruise onhis private yacht Waceuia which is nowbeing fitted out at Erie Basin N Y Someother financiers will be In tho party

The yachts officers left St Paul Satur-day evening for New York to prepure thevessel for the trip and the guests will issemble In the course of the week The Ber-mudas Porto Rico Cuba and South Ameri-can ports will be visited first and then theyacht will go to Naples and the Mediterra

TO GUilE TilE GRIP IX TWO DAYSLaxative BromoQuinine removes the caueYou will say after tasting Heurichs Macrzen

Senate or Lager that they give the roost satis-faction and pleasure Phone 631 ArlingtonBottling Co n case

DIEDBudIenlj on Saturday P

11 p nt at residence in MontgomeryMd SARAH J SOLYOM beloved wife

of Louis C SolvontFuneral at home on Tuesday February 12

at 3 oclock p m el3IANSIKO OP Kturdesy February 9 1801

at 8 0TTA riv TTVrt

Funeral from his late residence 1311 RhodeIriand Avenue Monday February 11 it 2 p mInterment at Rook Creek Cenwtery mlO2-

MAXOTKO The njanbers of ConfederateVeterans Association are requested to attend thefuneral of their late comrade DIU WILLIAM P

Avenue northwest jit 2 p m Monday FebruaryVL 1JWU WILLIAMO Y A 1


Yhinm lnllUlker tonn Ixtrt SestIi




I been eliminated the


Hole In

Ir nn


SOL n1alT



p In P agedof W Va

MANaINO Twelfth VirginiA Carairy from his tate rwaencf ISU Rhode blind

tYest FetingRtiee


from gen-eral



CedP B


< >













j Life Assurance Society u

Of the United States X

Fortyfirst Annual Statement for the Year Ending December 31 1900


l i L1JJ

1The Equitable 7iJ-J



ASSETSBonds and Mortgages 4541 166286Real Estate in New York

including the Equitable Building 244 7 3United States State City

end Railroad Bonds and other in-vestments market value over cOt t s

Loans secured by Bonds andStocks market value 3193313800 3

Policy Loans 737264527-Real Estate outside of New

York iacludingti office buildings 13 72 35 5Cash in Banks and Trust x

Companies at interest 7 7 5 5

Balance due from agents 524 183 14Interest and Rents

DBeo776o s Accrued 4893339 59D9b9o4Premiums due and in process

of collection 4Deferred Premiums 241600300Tbtal Assets 30459806349

162 9 244OQ

2 oJ 37 00


18 6






> >°


INCOMEPremium Receipts

Interest Rents etc 1268799229Income 5800713098

DISBURSEMENTSD-eath Claims 1486095215

dividend policies 5 3Si 038 75Annuities 66892598Surrender Values 191 44377Dividends to PoMcyholcftra

Paid Policyholders 2596599930Conrniissios advertising 6 fipostage aj l ehccE 0 4 39Ail othor disbursements 469257110Sinking Fund

Rejection of book values oE Bonds o T An rtn

Disbursements 36499 1265i



Endowments and deferred Iij



6 i


purthaaidattirmuiam 3




< =

We hereby certify to the correctness of the above statementFRANCIS AuSUer ALFRED MAINR end Auditorw JAI O W

LIABILITIESFund or Reserve 23534349300

AS other Liabilities I 740048Total Liabilities 23846089348Surplus 6613717001


Ass lranc3 I


THE SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION-of Cruelty to Animals Invites com-

plaints of cruelty whether by beatingoverworking overloadinghorses or by exposing horses shorn oftheir hair In cold or wet weather without blkiikets working lame feeble orsick horses etc Please address com-plaints to P C A Room 24 Warderbuilding corner Ninth and K Streetsnorthwest e7t

NOTICE Headquarters of the Committee-on Parks and Reviewing Stands willbe opened for the sale of tickets on standslocated within the Court of Honor onMONDAY FEBRUARY U ISOt at No1335 F Street northwest Mail orders maybe sent and will be filled in regular order

JOHN B LARNEK-feo7t Chairman 1335 F St N W

WE BUY UNDIVIDED INTERESTS INReal Estate and Perfect Titles

Parties who failed to pay tiltS taxes andwhose property was sold can protect therefrom maturing to a deed and loss of property b calling ut the office of WASHING-TON LAW i CLAIMS CO Room 7 47-

Loui na A uue northwest citynol8tf5M

t Hechts Greater Storest 513515 Seventh Street +

50 dozFifty dozen la-

dies muslin and

canAric gowns

will be put on saletomorroa at 39twhivlr an thegreatest valuesweve ever offered

Jr under-lie muslin

and cambric is oheavy qualitygarment Is nicelytrimmed with lacetucking or

andtheyre as well fin-

ished as is possi-ble to finish theta39c is a rosilyridiculous price forthem

15c corset coversgreat lot of

ladies cambriccorset covers in

J as vou preferthem the best ftt-

tiiig garments pos-sible to find will1 e offered tomor-row at verv lowprice of lOc eachE juaily wellmadecovers of equalquality were neverknown to sell forso little

Uncle Sam Dont Wear-S A trass but he carries the Alty Cushion Truss all over the Uaited

States Men women and childrenwear and them The Air Cushion Pad holdswith comfort nothing wilL Consultationgad two weeks trial free Lady In attendance forladles Office parlor waiting and consultationroomc on the same floor Catalogues free TUBHOHICa Alit CUSHION TRUSS COMPANY liltrt D r 2d soot mbJOUesa


uuderf edlng


o oi

gowns 39c i


Uwear tt





I t


One tR the J1e FreIlcl1 or

stylesf aoo phun or tnm-

t JJ






4 C 4 e a a a c e p e e

t 0 C C 4 5-









4 o a e si


I i jii tightfitting

II Iaj

p5I 5



















+ +

+ + + +




New Assurance 20708624300




to the correctness of the above statement The Reserve as per the independent valuationof the N Y Insurance Department is 2j5i 3 9O7 For Superintendents see l

J G VAX CI6S Actxsry X G HAKN Assitlaxt Actsarf

have examined the accounts and Assets of the Society jtnd csrufv to the ecrrecsacsa of ti e f cegoiogstatement











JOSEPH BOWES Maryland and the Dist of ColumbiaOffices Washington D 1326 F Street N W

Baltimore Md Equitable Building Calvert and Fayette Stresls

H W FITCH Cashier

We hereh certify


DU HAl CoBcm c tlf BeardL









Mgr forC

sais ie Dirteers



° = >




1S XOT1CE is Itereby gives that the Comm-isiontrs of the District of Columbia intend tomake tits followingnamed iwrprorfa it5 whichare in their jutfonvent u eas rv for the publichealth safety stat comfort AsqewottcRts oaehalf of the cost of the same will be made asprovided in public set No 171 approved August7 1804 Parties wise are interested in ti pro-posed work are lotjltel that the said C fuods-sioners wit give a heartns i the District BaiW

OB WEDNESDAY THE TWENTY9KVESTIIDAY OF FEBRUARY 1S01 AT 11 fLOCKA M in the board room of siid Ct mmK4oneto any aad aHi erao u who may desire to objectth r to

Set new carla Jay cement sid r lii OHsouth side of M Street northwest fnua

Eighth Street to Ninth Street at an estimatolcost of HO to be assessed aptinet ail lots insquare H abutting said M Street betweenthe limits naoxd On the east side of Thirdtercet northeast front II Street iturthward to thenorth line of lot to oare 776 at aftestimatedcoat of 5173 to be wrainst 4 37 3S3d awl 40 square 774 On the MHtth side of KStreet from FotV Street wiktward a distance of 12O feet from the buildingIbis of mid Fourteenth Street at ancost of 410 to lie aKoeo xl asgrittft lots insquare 1052 on F Street betweenthe limits named O i both of DetrwitStreet from Twelfth Street t Thirteenth Streetat an estimated cost ot 74 7 to be asses sl-

l all tots in Wotk 5 and block Southtend abutting said Detroit Street IK

t the limits named On the wet side ofStreet southeast from E Street to C

Street at an estimated cost of SlKS to he as3 mint all ia VMS atmttiai m

said Fourteenth Street tin limits namedR et curb and law c nt fidevralx On both

fli X Street northwest hoot SeventeenthI Street to Eighteenth Street at an estimated cost

of S2600 to be assessed again all lots in squares153 and IS abutting on said X Street between thelimits named On both stiles of X Street njrth-

i teem Fifth Street to Sixth Street ct an estiinatni of SSSJ to be JL H against alllots in squares ISO and Ill abutting on said X

Street between the limits named On the north i

side of M Street northwest from Twelfth streetto Thirteenth Street at an estimated t of 701

to be assessed against all tots in souare 2S1abutting on said M Street between tee limitsnasied On the worth tide of M Street northwest from Tenth Street to Eleventh St et atan estimated cost of 472 to be assessed

lots in square 340 abutting on said M Streetbetween the limits named On the north side ofM Street northwest from Ninth Street to Ttuth j

Street at an estimated cOt ot to be astewed against alt lots in square 385 abuttinga said M Street betweai the limits namedSet new curb and lay cenent sidewalk On the

north aide of 0 Street southeast from Fifteenth j

Street to Sixteenth Street at aa estimated costof 1040 to be assessed against all lots to wjiiarv-T074 abuttbN oa said 1 Street between thelimits samueL

Reset curb lay cement or brick sidewalkOn the south Clkica Street northeast j

teens First Stit eastward to the et bee oflot 7S 720 at an estimated cost of 400

to be assessed against lots 39 161 68 1 6 85 6 j

87 83 86 70 71 72 73 74 rPave alleys with vitrin

Eastandweet alley in Woek 7 rs

from Eighteenth Street to the west line of lot I

33 in said block 7 an estimated cost of SMS

of WashingtonAlley in square 24 abutting lots 71

inlet of Columbia at an estimated teat of 2

All unpaved alley in the south hall of square ffirt

at an estimated cost of 96GO to be assets againstthe following lots in the said south half of squareeta namely CO 1 A B C D E F G II1 K L 51 X of 0 and of abutting 19

the depth thereof on North L Streetlots 2 231 2 233 21 the four Tmwanberedlots lying between lots 6 and ZSO and abuttmtr772 feet by the depth thereof on Piene Streetand the five lots lying between60 and 284 and abutting St feet 03 depththereof on Pierce HEXRY B F MAC


a whisky of knows 1 qL deliveredED J Qnx M Pa Avc











iotabe Well

aiil t-


aDdaide of

75 sador aspiusit

Commisubdivision of WawngtOlt ext

atto be lots 8 and 26 block

subdivisionHeights72 73 1 75 i3 S 79 sad 19

recorded ill I suites iMsw














abutting said



eased square



you I



76 squareioch


assessed aainat 7-


7 77 square 24 sBook Nn Aesemuers















New TelephoneRates

RATE SYSTEM especially adapted to residences and thesmall users rates from 7 l3c a dayup

For particulars addressCONTRACT


619 14th St nw

Worth of hlghrlass modern Furni-ture Draperies etc together withthe balance of the Hinds Collectionof Antiques

Thursday Friday andSaturday

February 14 15 and 16at 11 a m each day

On View Tuesday and Wednesday

I21BI22G F St N W

AND HERRffiANNComplete Homefaralihers

Csfh or OvtnrCor 7lh and I Eye


Just give us tine trial and therellbe no Question where to send yourpackage next time The best owork and quick service have madefor u sunny patrons Our wagon

you name Drop a postal or telephone UE

Corner Gth and C Phone East 837

Sbul I

especially helpful to babies nd children whare tiiin AU druggists 50c ad 51


SJ WILLIAM LEEUndertaker tiuil Livery

2 Peon Avc X V V6hJB D Q



tt SERVICE rates

Ii t front Dc a day up



tIE T t

iI t MACr

1 u 1 I I

t Ii e 1

I Marcus Notest

i Sale at Auctiont of





t Marcus f1iotesii It t

o Ie



will call for your any time

TOlii fi illtAU 1RY






















