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I Wi UJl Evening The Bulletin Is Just News. I wrriifc L...

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'fiWSW KTW TPF""?r -- "WPW' Wf "Trw typeW I ! : Li1' ' -- - Wi UJl rfe$2S The Bulletin Is Just News. eee- - "I wrriifc L(ipy Evening Bulletin P5!- - Ui You Don't Get i&Zt&Z All the News and the Facts About It. &7&? t he News. i Vol. VIII. No. IfiOO. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, H. I.. SATURDAY, APkIL 7, LH)U 12 PAGES PiilOB f Or NTS. C v. THE COURT SIDElRr.CKED K.U1M IMPKOVEMENf CLUB BOTHA 1SM COMMAND OPINION OF HOA P. C, JJNES IHEY MUST HAVE JJSTICB H The (Juecn Win ojj. .'f 'I 1 CoddcII ol State Abruptly Tables B.ll for Us Expenses. Action Taken When GoTerntnent Makrs Ex- planations oa Court of Claims MtDey lor Piibl.c Woiks. The Council of 8lato session was at- tended yesterday by l'rcsldcnt Dole, Ministers Mott-Smtt- h, Young, Damon nnd Cooper; Councillors Iscnberg, Achl, Allen, Kn-n- e, Oonsalvcs, Robert-so- n, Jones, Ooar, Nott, Uoltc nnd Ken- nedy. Mr. Dolto presented n supplementary petition from II. Hackfcld &. Co., Ltd., Lewis & Co., Metropolitan Meat Co., Hustnce & Co., Ltd., and Wing Wo Tnl ft Co., stating that tbo goods they sup- plied to tho quarantine station lust year, whllo certain Chineso Immigrants wcro detained tbcro, wcro bought by C. II. Reynolds for account of Uio Board of Health, and requesting nguiu that tho amount of $2418.01 bo appropriated to pay their bills. Hcrerrcd to Execu-tlv- o Council. Mr. Gear presented tho following resolution: "Hcsolvcd, That tho Coun- cil of Stato request that tho Executive do lay beforo them tho correspondence with President McKinley relating to tho appointment of a Court of Claims." Ho thought tho correspondence might hnvo 8omo weight In nettling the many rumors regarding the personnel of tlm Court. Seconded by Mr. Iscnberg nnd carried. Mr. Gear reported orally from the Interior committee on tho proposed Item for salary of a purchasing agent of tho Board of Health. Out of a total of $38,000 paid out In tho six months prior to tho outbreak of plague, sup- plies to tho value of but JS716 wero pur- chased without tender. Under tho cir- cumstances ho thought tho Board hard- ly needed a purchasing agent. Mr. Isenbcrg found tho Board unani- mous against asking tor such an ofll-cla- l. Mr. Damon moved, nnd it carried, that tho Item bo considered when Act No. 3 was taken up. Mr. Gear, from Uio sumo committee, stated tho probable cost of n bonded warchouso at Hllo, to bo built of brick, would be 13,000. On motion of Mr. Jonc3 tho report was laid on tho tablo to be considered with Act No. 4. Attorney General Cooper reported on tho Item of towage referred to him, stating that ho could nnd no United States law requiring that tho business of towing vessels should bu dono by private parties. Mr. Jones read from tho Tenltorlal bill to show that It agreed with the Attorney General's report. Tho Attorney General also reported on tho Item for a gasollno cngino at tho government electric light station. Ho gavo tho opinion that tho Govern- ment had n right to Improve its light- ing plant notwithstanding anything in tho franchlso of tho Hawaiian Electric Co. Both reports wcro tabled to bo con- sidered with tho bills. The bills were then taken up, and the ttom of $12,000 for electric light power passed. Those of $20,000 for a steam vessel for towing sewage scows nnd $8,-0- for running expenses steam vessel started a discussion. WnntH to Know. Mr.Kenncdy, on tho latter' item, wanted to know why the old tugboat should not bo used for towing scows, etc. Mr. Young answered that It was lo that the Hoard of Henlth should have exclusive control of ono steamer, t.o steamer is alwaya In good condi- tion for service. Besides, tho present little steamer would not bo capable of towing some of tho largo vessels com- ing In Increasing number. Ho believ- ed tliero would ba uso for moie than ono tugboat. Mr. Iscnberg thought tho Minister had misunderstood tho question. Ho took what was meant by tho questioner to bo that a new boat should ho got for towing vessels, and tho old one given to tho Board of Health for towing gar- bage scows. Mr. Kennedy thought thcie would bo littlo garbage to carry to sea when tho crematory for Its disposal was completed. Tho old tug then might do for other services of tho Board. Mr. Cooper understood that tho Board now paid about $900 it mouth for freight. With Its own steamer, some- thing better than tho old tug a saving would bo made Mr. Gear believed there would bo work for moro than one tug In Hono- lulu harbor. Mr. Jones said, if $0uu a month wns being paid In freight, the Investment In a stoamer ought to bo very profit- able. Government Do Everything. Mr. Iscnberg was amused at all the talk nbout saving freight, currying cat- - (Continued on page 6.) THE WATERMAN IDEAL FOUN- TAIN PEN. All sUcfl, nil shapos. 11. F. WICHMAN. Meeting List Nfgbt Shows Progress. Sjcwss of ELits fur Widening King Street W.ll E. FuDcr Hakes Guod Suctions R.sulis Already Appirmt. Tho Ingathering of tho citizens of Kuuiii I'nuuy uVbiiiiig was sisiiiucaut. onu uuudtiu una uuy peisui.s by uc- - IUU1 luuut Wele pHUvlll, Ull lepl03.IU.l- - ii vo l.iUi or mu uisiuci. 'ino uieouiig wus ueiu at tun scuoui house una mu- sic WuS pluVlueU lu lciie0 UIO IcUIUll) OI UUtMUlS. 'Hit 10 WUS MUCH Uttllll- - siubtn on tho quiet older uispiayu.1 UUIlUg UlO OVClllllg. rnoiuuii v. iu .Mutch opened the mieuiig with a tew uncf tuiuarKs, wiiicu weio received wun uppiuuso ' wui.li the utiuuuiiLLiucnt was m.tuu mat ivn.ri burnt was iu ou wlueiitiU from iiiu unugu ami itiat uio Disuup iCsUiu nuu g, uu ion u Hiiip or liiiui sixty leet wiuo to cany uio improvement Into u.icct. 1'icsiucui Muii.li stated that Aiaik I. nuuiusuu aim otuua uwuiuj inut.eiiy lu uio district would taKo coinuicd action to iiutncr too puoiu iinpi ovciuciUB contemplated. T. McCains Stowuit lead tho report of Uio executive cuuimiiiec, winch do- - ciated In suustunce tnat an Interview ' had been heiil with the Minister of tho Intenur m regain to Uio widening of iv i at' stieut a nil tnvoiuuio action was expected. '1 he Minister of the interior had asked for $au,uut for tho Improve- ment of King street, which would meet ino necessities of Kallhi; nn appropria- tion hail niieauy been granted for a large number of hydrants and Andrew Brown of the water works had inform-c- u tho commlttco that some of theso would be placed In the district; a Ilia . engine was aiso to bo located at Kail-- 1 hi at some point to be decided upon. The question of garbago had been con-siuei- una tlicio was no doubt that Improvements in this icspcct would no made by tho authorities, as relief hud been promised by the Minister of tns Interior and the Board of Health wero showing a friendly Interest In tho dis- trict. Other public needs wcro men- -' tloned nnd tho commltteo's repot t1 closed' with the resolution reciting that It was the Judgment of tho Kallhi League for Public Improvement that Immediate steps be taken for the ex- tension of Vineyard and School streets and Kuaktnt street thtough to Kallhi. In a tew chosen words Allan Herbert vlco president, Introduced 13. M. Boyd, who spoko on municipal government In a clear and forclblo manner for twenty minutes. Will 13. Fisher was then called upon by T. McCants Stewart and In tho most pleasing way gave thoso present tho benefit of his cxpcrlenco In Im- provement clubs; ho insisted that Ho- nolulu was no exception to tho rulo an dthat Kallhi had been and would hereafter be directly, benefited by the present movement. T. McCants Stewart made a strong speech In tho Interests of Kallhi dis- trict, In which tho outlined tho details of work already done by himself and others. He was frequently interrupted with applause. At tho conclusion of tho meeting a voto of thanks was tendered Mr. Boyd and Mr. Will B. Fisher. Tho meeting was a great success and it Is believed will bear fruit In other sections of Ho- nolulu. Dunce lit Suhr'n. There was n mo3t enjoyablo recep- tion and danco glv.'n a tho homo of Mr. and Mis. E. Sulir, Jtiud street, last night, In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. llcin-rlc- h henjes who are soon to fall for Germany. Some twi bundled of Hono- lulu's Boclety folk were prpsctit. Tho house nnd grounds wero brilliantly Il- luminated for tho cccitiiou. Propelled by Gasoline. San Francisco, March 23. Tho now schooner Eclipse, lecontly built at by Captain Matthoy Turner, cleat cd yesterday for Honolulu nnd will sail today. Tho schooner Is propelled by a gasollno cngino of pow- er, and will bo commanded by Captain Hcnnlngscn. BRIEF HISTORY. Tho majority of fashlonablo people of Honolulu rather buy their bats In Iwakaml's Hat Department than any- where else. I). R. Taylor Is still tho proprietor of the Ellto barber shop. Mr. Boglo recently married, Is ono of Mr. Taylor's employes. HONOLULU t SCHOOL OF Day and Night Classes cowan and harris Rooms ii-- u, ,'d Floor ( 9 A. M 4 PT. Hours I t:jo o'jo p. m PROGRESS BLOCK Death of Geo. Jcnbert a Sad Bl,w . to Boer Cause. lianj Sk'rmlshts With the Eirtuy Maftklrtt Not YtlRlltvtd-Britl- ib Losses Rcicb Ovtr 16100. (Associated Press Special.) New York, March 31. A dls- - . patch to the Herald from Pretoria says: General Louis Botha has been appointed to succeed General Joubcrt as commander-in-chie- f of tho Transvaal forces. i Pretoria, March 28. Gcnernl Jubort died last night at 11:30 o'clock. Ho had been sulfcrlng from a stomach complaint. The town Is plunged Into mourning for tho truo patriot, gallant general and upright and honornblo gentleman. UpU'hIi Suttor Loss. (Associated Press Special.) London, March 31, 11:45 a. m. Tho War OIIlcc has posted tho following dis- patch from Lord Hoberts, dated at Bloemfontein, March 30, evening: "lteports point to tho enemy's leav- ing Brnndfort and piocecdlng In n northerly direction. Tho casualties In yesterday's engagement were moro nu- merous than at first reported. Ofllccrs killed, 2; wounded, 8; rank nnd file, killed, 10 (query 19,) wounded, 159; missing, 3." Bursters Fouht Welt. (Associated Press Special.) Kroonstndt, O. F. S.. March 30 (Fri- day.) General Smuts today engaged tho British at Mnfet Kop, south of Brandfort nnd held thrm nt bay for rlx hours. The burghers fought well. Tho casualties nro unknown. Tho Frco Stnto Ilaad wilt nsscmble at Kroonstndt April 2. Mufeklnfi Not Relieved. (Associated Press Special.) London, March 31. Even tho details of tho engagement yesterday at Karco Siding station, a few miles south of Brandfort, fail to instill much lnteiest. It appears to have been a one-side- d affair, although tho Boers stoutly held their ground against a forco three or four times their slzo tor three hours, when foreseeing the danger of tho Brit- ish cavalry enveloping their Hanks, the burghers withdrew In good order on their main body at Brandfort, which, according to Lord Roberts they seem later to have decided to lclln-quls- li with tho view, doubtless, of oc- cupying a prepared position further north. There will probably bo a gcnernl shifting of camps on tho part of the British, tho new position being made tho baso of a further advanco as soon ns tho railroad is prepared. Lord Roberts reported today to tho War Ofllco that ho had received news from Colonel Badcn-Powc- ll nt Mafe-kln- g up to March 10, when tho general hcaltn of tho garrison and its spirit wero good, tho locally mado gun, searchlight and ammunition wero working well, tho food wns holding out well, and the paper currency vhlch tho British commander had Issued, was satisfactory. From Capo Town, It Is reported that President Steyn has gone to Pretoria after, according to refugees, issuing an order that all British burglioni retiming to join the Boer army shall bo hhot. Tho stories of refugees, however, are notoriously inn citable. ' Tho nows from elscwhnro is meagro, tho last reports from Natal ludlratcd the speedy clashing, of the armies. SAYS IT IS PLAGUE 2 p. m. Thcro Is notlilr.;; of Importnnco nt tin lloawl of Health. No cases havo mado their npcaiancn lu Honolulu toduy. Dr. Carter of Makno telephoned to the Board of Health ofllco thin forenoon saying that tho casc3 l the native nnd his son, pronounced suspicious by him tho other dny, arc genuine (uses of tho plague and that ho has agiln put tho placo In strict quarantine. Dr. Hoffmann admits th.it plague might have dovclopcd lynca his visit to Makao but that, during tho short time ho nnd Dr. Garvin wcro thcro. thcro was not 11 symptom. Dr. Wood could not bo found this af- ternoon but It Is very piobnblo that Drs. Garvin and Hoffmann will bo agnln despatched to tho sccno as soon ns possible. Judge Perry Ailing. Judge Perry has been on tho sick list somo days, but hopes to bo out on Monday. With Judgo Stanley still confined to his home, tho First Circuit would hnvo no Judgo for chambeio business now if Mr, Sllliman bad not been temporarily appointed. Dinner nnd supper parties desiring our wagonetto can havo It sent to any address by telephoning to tho Inn. Henry N. Almy, manager. Trend of Public As He Has Found It. Tikes Issue Wiih Mr. Rubetlson and the G v- - ernmeUs Vliw Claims Sbiuld Be Paid Condl.lo.s Justify Action. Editor Evening BullcUn:-M- n your Is- sue of thoiCth lnst. tliero Is a litter signed by(A. G. M. Ilotwrinon In which ho gives his understanding ns to tho policy of tho Govcinnn-n- : In dealing with tho claims for Iohim sustained by tho Ores ordered by tho Hoard of Health, and from thj statement.! made by tho Attorney General beforo tho Council of Stato yesterday there Is no doubt but that Mr. Rohcrisin correct- ly stated tho policy of tho Government. As (ar ns I nm able to get lml'l of Public Opinion, everybody upprove-- j of all that was dono by tho Hoard of Health, nnd all bcllevo tho I'o.ird hai not committed nny Illegal net, for they have had thq advlco of two of our most nblo lnwyers In "very step they hnvo token, and thcro Is not a doubt, It this was submitted in n Court nf Claims, tho Court would relievo them from a chnrgoiof Illegality In their ac- tions even if thcro wnrj "business men" on tho Board. If this Is correct, there would be no further uso for tho Court of Claims, for they would In all probability dccldo tho matter in a very short time, nnd thero would bo no clalmi to put be- foro the Court. But should tho Couit decide that tho Board of Health had committed Illegal acts, oven then tho Government would not bo responsible, I for wo are told by our legal friends, that the members of the Board would bo held personally responsible. I Surely no man or body of men In this community would bring action against these gentlemen who hnvo so faithfully discharged their duties as members of tho Board. There are times and conditions when wo should look beyond tho nieru "lo-- l gallty" nnd treat them ns mutters of Equity and fair dealing. To my mind, and ovcry citizen with whom I havo talked upon this matter ngrecj with me, tho fires by order of tho Board of Health should bo treated, so that the whole country will bear tho losi rather than allow It to fall upon tho sufferers. . Tho Government should not bo such sticklers for tho "law." I would like to know If Mr. Dole, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Damon, Mr. Castle, I and many others considered tho legality of our acta. when on the 17th of January, 1R93, wo went up to tho Government houso and took possession of tho Government. Wo certainly know wo wero commit ting nn illegal net, but we felt tho con- ditions Justified our actions nnd for ono I havo never regretted that I help- ed overthrow tho monarchy. In dealing with tho "Claims," I think we should take tho samo position nnd I believe the whole country will approve of Investigating and PAYING every honest claim presented. Mr. Robertson does not know wbnro the money Is coming from to pay these claims. It would not bo a very dlill-cu- lt thing to pay In bonds Issued by tho Government bearing 'Interest nt 3 per cent per annum duo In C to 15 years, settling all amounts under $50 In cash. Mr. Robertson docs not think It right to make "posterity" pay tho bills for they will havo cpldcm'ru nf their own to pay for. "Posterity" will havo tho value of our cxpcrlenco, which will bo worth nil tho money they will bo called upon to pay out. And they may thank heaven that by tho notion of the men of 1900, they nro nllvo to pay tho bills, for had It not been frr tho burning or property, wo nnd our chil- dren nnd grand-childre- n might havo been carried off by tho plague, leaving no posterity. P. C. JONES. PiiHtei'gcrH Ltindcd. Advices by the Hongkong iM.uu nro thnt tho Australia passengers wero not detained in quarantine. Tho delay in landing was veiy slight. "" 11I111 DIpI'Mim Received, J, Oswald Lutted, manager of tin Now England llakery Co., has received tho gold medal diploma awarded that establishment for Hawaiian preserve! fruits nt tho (heater America Exposi- tion. It Is a pretty design. Mr. Luttil is preparing a lino display of preserved fruits for tho Parts Exposition, which Major Prntt, secretary of Commission, will tako away with other exhibits in tho next trip of tho Australia. Muklkl Uccrcntlon Grounds. J. A. Thompson, as n bascballist, la ono of many who think tho Govern- ment might spend a trlflo on tho pub- lic recreation grounds at Maklkl. It Is tho only placo left now for outdoor sports, and Its grandstand was burucd somo years ago. Something Is earnest- ly desired to be dono beforo tho Fourth of July. A blcyclo was badly smashed by a dray horso In tho ynrd to tho rear of W. W. Dlmond's storo this forenoon. Jjpmese and Chinese Will Rssilmion to Dole. Send Want Complete Change In Court of Clalms- - Afp.'il to TLelr GoM'rmiJts U M Rcctgnlzed Metllng Tonight. Tho mass meeting of tho Japanese and Chinese on Nuuanti nvciiun this evening promises to be ono of great Im- portance. There will ho n prellmlnaiy meeting of thn committees nt C:3u o'clock and at 7 o'clock sharp, tho work will begin lu earnest. Iho principal business will bo the consideration of a lesulutlon to bo picscntcd to President Dole as soon as possible, protesting strongly against the personnel of tho Court of Claims, icccntly appointed, and the rules nnd regulations which nro to govern Mint body. Although not Included In thn resolu tion, It Is understood that somo of thoso present nt tho mcctlm; will clamor for n reconstruction of tho Court of Claims, appointing on tho same, ono prominent attorney, two white business men, ono Japaneso nnd ono Chinese. The Japanese and Chi- nese, It Is understood, nro very much In favor of such n court. Speaking of tho meeting today a prominent Chinese business man said: "Wo nro fully In accord with tho ac- tion of tho Chamber of Commerce at ltd meeting Wednesday morning, but we go further. We not only object to tho personnel of tho Couit, but thi rules governing the same, "Hero Is Just ono case lu point. I know of two or threo of my couutry- - men who havo claims not exceeding $20. What foolishness It would bo for such poor fellows to present their claims when they wilt havo to pay $:0 beforo they can even look at the Court. Remember, these small claims arc In many cases tho very nil the clalmauti havo. "Wo mean to be most radical nnd, if It Is possible, to get President Dole to reconsider his appointments to tho Court of Claims. In tho event of tho failure of President Dolo to do any- - thing toward remedying this most, un- - Just state of affairs, tho Chlnefta and Japanese havo agreed to withhold all their claims. Not n single one will be presented to tho objectionable Court nnd wo will refer tho mnttcr to our governments for redress. "What can Ilvo lawyers t!o In tho matter of appraising goods, oven If they havo been burned and aro no longer visible? Thnt Is only ono ob- jection to tho Court. There aro a doz- en more. "Wo havo figured out tho numbar and value of claims which aro to be presented by tho Japaneso and Chinese and find tho following: "Chineso claims, 3,500; Japanese claims. 3.000; total, O.&OO.. "Amount of Chineso clalmr, $1,500,-00- 0; amount of Japaneso claims, $000,-00- 0; total, $2,100,000. "Thoso figures arc approximate Ad- ding to tho total amount of claims giv- en abovo, the amount already app.-als-c- d by tho Board of Health ap.iralsora, tho sum will not exceed $3,000,000." MAGOON TO PAY COURT Tho Couit of Claims matter will bo consiileicd nt tho meeting of tho Exe- cutive Council on Munduy morning. Mr. Mngoon was ucen in relation to tho Court of Claims at 1 o'clock today. Ho said: "I bcllevo tho commHiion to bo legal and that all bills contracted by tho Court will hereafter bo n cliargo ngalnst tho Government, which will, In time, havo to bo paid. A great many blanks havo been distributed nnd peo- ple aro very anxious to hnvo their claims adjudicated, it Is quite piob-uhl- o tho first case will be heard bafuro tho Court of Claims on next Monday." Mr. Mngoon regrets that so much op position has been shown to the Court of Claims nnd rxpi osscs tho opinion that the Executive Council has dono all that they could under the poweis granted them. In conclusion Mr. Mj-go- said ho thought It was important thnt tho Court of Claims should con- sist of InwyeiH becauso if claimants under tho ruling of tho Couit could not get even Justice thcro would still bo loft nn appeal to the Legislature. It Is learned on tho best authority that Mr. Magoon will become responsi- ble for tho cntlro expenses of tho Court of Claims, If It Is deemed neces- sary to carry tho Court out undor tho provisions of tho United Stntei Gov- ernment. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tako Laxntlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money It it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's slgnnturo Is on each box. 25 cents. Ofllccrs ot tho cruiser Charleston aro cleared ot all blnmo for tho loss ot tho cruiser, by tho Investigating board. E. P. Tumor will address tho men's meeting at tho Y.' M. C. A. Sunday af- ternoon at 4 o'clock. All men Invited, Wish'nRton, March sj. A special dispatch to the Ssi'te Time- - says: LILoUa-lan- l of Htwjll, uIm Is now live n YVashlngtin, hiving filifd to pet Congress to vote her a pension upon th till Introduced by euat"r Hoa Is now a suit, uhlchshe will bring tn the Court of Claims won, for Jio,co,oco, that bring whdt she const Jets afitr prLc (or t e Hawaiian crown lands Ulen ry (tils Rnvenimen. Attorneys are now pnpailng the suit. gijBrsiiiorKi'si'iB'sji CAMBRIDGE WUN EASILY (Associated Press Special.) Putney, Eng., March 31. iho fifty-seven- th annual boat race between crews representing the Universities of Oxford nnd Cambridge wns rowed to- day over tho usual com Be, from Putney to Mortlakc. Cambridge won easily In 18 minutes. 47 seconds, official time, Oxford being much distressed nnd nbout twenty lengths behind nt tho finish. VARIOUS COURT ITEMS. Tho Supremo Court this morning ad- journed sine die, having continued nil cases not heard to next term, subject to special ugrccment for hearing In vacation. In tho Clcghorn vs. Castle controver- sy, Judge Sllliman has sustained tho demurrer of Mary Brown, ono of tho defendants, dismissing tho complaint as to her with costs. Tho Supremo Court has remanded tho matter of the estate of Antonc Fe- lipe to tho First Circuit Court. Hawaii Iind Co. vs. Nettlo L. Scott is remand- ed to the District Court of North Ko na. Jas. R. Holt and John D. Holt by their guardian, John S. Walker, nnd their attorneys, W. R. Castlo and P. L. Weaver, move for it hearing on tho accounts of Bruco Cartwrlght, trustee under tho will of R. W. Holt, and ask that tho trustee bo allowed to resign nnd thnt a now trusteo b appointed. Ton of Maul Sugar. Walluku, April 3. Tho British steamer Bloemfontein left Kahulul harbor Saturday, March 31, for Ban Francisco. Sho carried 64,755 bags ot sugar. This is tho largest sugar car- go ever shipped from Maul in ono ves- sel nnd perhaps the second or third largest cargo from tho Hawaiian Isl- ands. There Is enough sugar on hnnd In Kahulul to load another vessel of the size of the Bloemfontein. Gen. I'unn Surrender!. (Associated Press Special.) Manila, March 31. The Chineso Gen- eral Pann, who has been terrorizing and devastating the province of Panay, has surrendered at Legnspl, to Briga- dier General Kobbc, who Is bringing him to Manila. Vote on Porto Itlco. Washington, March 28. Tho Senate today agreed to voto on tho Porto Rl-ca- n bill on Tuesday nfternooii at 4 o'clock. It Is probablo tho tariff nrnnnsltlnn will rnrrv. We have the mist satisfac tory SHOKS right in hind now, lor Ibis sprinij walking that we have ever offered at hi price $3.00 && mow ShoeCo& OWN MAKEf $3.00 Shoe! This shoe has been made (a the times it's a reliable shoe for little money. Manufacturers' Shoo Oo, Sole Agents, .,4 1 4 SA X

'fiWSW KTW TPF""?r -- "WPW' Wf "Trw typeW



Li1' ' --- Wi UJl rfe$2S The Bulletin Is Just News. eee- -

"I wrriifc L(ipy Evening Bulletin P5!--Ui

You Don't Get

i&Zt&Z All the News and the Facts About It. &7&? t he News. iVol. VIII. No. IfiOO. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, H. I.. SATURDAY, APkIL 7, LH)U 12 PAGES PiilOB f Or NTS.






CoddcII ol State Abruptly Tables B.ll

for Us Expenses.

Action Taken When GoTerntnent Makrs Ex-

planations oa Court of Claims MtDey

lor Piibl.c Woiks.

The Council of 8lato session was at-

tended yesterday by l'rcsldcnt Dole,Ministers Mott-Smtt- h, Young, Damonnnd Cooper; Councillors Iscnberg,Achl, Allen, Kn-n- e, Oonsalvcs, Robert-so- n,

Jones, Ooar, Nott, Uoltc nnd Ken-nedy.

Mr. Dolto presented n supplementarypetition from II. Hackfcld &. Co., Ltd.,Lewis & Co., Metropolitan Meat Co.,Hustnce & Co., Ltd., and Wing Wo Tnlft Co., stating that tbo goods they sup-plied to tho quarantine station lustyear, whllo certain Chineso Immigrantswcro detained tbcro, wcro bought byC. II. Reynolds for account of Uio Boardof Health, and requesting nguiu thattho amount of $2418.01 bo appropriatedto pay their bills. Hcrerrcd to Execu-tlv- o

Council.Mr. Gear presented tho following

resolution: "Hcsolvcd, That tho Coun-cil of Stato request that tho Executivedo lay beforo them tho correspondencewith President McKinley relating totho appointment of a Court of Claims."Ho thought tho correspondence mighthnvo 8omo weight In nettling the manyrumors regarding the personnel of tlmCourt. Seconded by Mr. Iscnberg nndcarried.

Mr. Gear reported orally from theInterior committee on tho proposedItem for salary of a purchasing agentof tho Board of Health. Out of a totalof $38,000 paid out In tho six monthsprior to tho outbreak of plague, sup-plies to tho value of but JS716 wero pur-chased without tender. Under tho cir-

cumstances ho thought tho Board hard-ly needed a purchasing agent.

Mr. Isenbcrg found tho Board unani-mous against asking tor such an ofll-cla- l.

Mr. Damon moved, nnd it carried,that tho Item bo considered when ActNo. 3 was taken up.

Mr. Gear, from Uio sumo committee,stated tho probable cost of n bondedwarchouso at Hllo, to bo built of brick,would be 13,000.

On motion of Mr. Jonc3 tho reportwas laid on tho tablo to be consideredwith Act No. 4.

Attorney General Cooper reported ontho Item of towage referred to him,stating that ho could nnd no UnitedStates law requiring that tho businessof towing vessels should bu dono byprivate parties.

Mr. Jones read from tho Tenltorlalbill to show that It agreed with theAttorney General's report.

Tho Attorney General also reportedon tho Item for a gasollno cngino attho government electric light station.Ho gavo tho opinion that tho Govern-ment had n right to Improve its light-ing plant notwithstanding anything intho franchlso of tho Hawaiian ElectricCo.

Both reports wcro tabled to bo con-

sidered with tho bills.The bills were then taken up, and the

ttom of $12,000 for electric light powerpassed. Those of $20,000 for a steamvessel for towing sewage scows nnd $8,-0-

for running expenses steam vesselstarted a discussion.

WnntH to Know.Mr.Kenncdy, on tho latter' item,

wanted to know why the old tugboatshould not bo used for towing scows,etc.

Mr. Young answered that It was lo

that the Hoard of Henlth shouldhave exclusive control of ono steamer,t.o steamer is alwaya In good condi-tion for service. Besides, tho presentlittle steamer would not bo capable oftowing some of tho largo vessels com-ing In Increasing number. Ho believ-ed tliero would ba uso for moie thanono tugboat.

Mr. Iscnberg thought tho Ministerhad misunderstood tho question. Hotook what was meant by tho questionerto bo that a new boat should ho got fortowing vessels, and tho old one givento tho Board of Health for towing gar-bage scows.

Mr. Kennedy thought thcie wouldbo littlo garbage to carry to sea whentho crematory for Its disposal wascompleted. Tho old tug then mightdo for other services of tho Board.

Mr. Cooper understood that thoBoard now paid about $900 it mouth forfreight. With Its own steamer, some-thing better than tho old tug a savingwould bo made

Mr. Gear believed there would bowork for moro than one tug In Hono-lulu harbor.

Mr. Jones said, if $0uu a month wnsbeing paid In freight, the InvestmentIn a stoamer ought to bo very profit-able.

Government Do Everything.Mr. Iscnberg was amused at all the

talk nbout saving freight, currying cat- -

(Continued on page 6.)


Meeting List Nfgbt

Shows Progress.

Sjcwss of ELits fur Widening King Street

W.ll E. FuDcr Hakes Guod SuctionsR.sulis Already Appirmt.

Tho Ingathering of tho citizens ofKuuiii I'nuuy uVbiiiiig was sisiiiucaut.onu uuudtiu una uuy peisui.s by uc- -IUU1 luuut Wele pHUvlll, Ull lepl03.IU.l- -

ii vo l.iUi or mu uisiuci. 'ino uieouiigwus ueiu at tun scuoui house una mu-

sic WuS pluVlueU lu lciie0 UIO IcUIUll)OI UUtMUlS. 'Hit 10 WUS MUCH Uttllll- -siubtn on tho quiet older uispiayu.1UUIlUg UlO OVClllllg.

rnoiuuii v. iu .Mutch opened themieuiig with a tew uncf tuiuarKs,wiiicu weio received wun uppiuuso

'wui.li the utiuuuiiLLiucnt was m.tuu mativn.ri burnt was iu ou wlueiitiU fromiiiu unugu ami itiat uio Disuup iCsUiunuu g, uu ion u Hiiip or liiiui sixty leetwiuo to cany uio improvement Intou.icct. 1'icsiucui Muii.li stated thatAiaik I. nuuiusuu aim otuua uwuiujinut.eiiy lu uio district would taKocoinuicd action to iiutncr too puoiuiinpi ovciuciUB contemplated.

T. McCains Stowuit lead tho reportof Uio executive cuuimiiiec, winch do- -ciated In suustunce tnat an Interview '

had been heiil with the Minister of thoIntenur m regain to Uio widening ofiv i at' stieut a nil tnvoiuuio action wasexpected. '1 he Minister of the interiorhad asked for $au,uut for tho Improve-ment of King street, which would meetino necessities of Kallhi; nn appropria-tion hail niieauy been granted for alarge number of hydrants and AndrewBrown of the water works had inform-c- u

tho commlttco that some of thesowould be placed In the district; a Ilia .

engine was aiso to bo located at Kail-- 1

hi at some point to be decided upon.The question of garbago had been con-siuei-

una tlicio was no doubt thatImprovements in this icspcct would nomade by tho authorities, as relief hudbeen promised by the Minister of tnsInterior and the Board of Health weroshowing a friendly Interest In tho dis-

trict. Other public needs wcro men- -'

tloned nnd tho commltteo's repot t1closed' with the resolution reciting thatIt was the Judgment of tho KallhiLeague for Public Improvement thatImmediate steps be taken for the ex-

tension of Vineyard and School streetsand Kuaktnt street thtough to Kallhi.

In a tew chosen words Allan Herbertvlco president, Introduced 13. M. Boyd,who spoko on municipal government Ina clear and forclblo manner for twentyminutes.

Will 13. Fisher was then called uponby T. McCants Stewart and In thomost pleasing way gave thoso presenttho benefit of his cxpcrlenco In Im-

provement clubs; ho insisted that Ho-

nolulu was no exception to tho ruloan dthat Kallhi had been and wouldhereafter be directly, benefited by thepresent movement.

T. McCants Stewart made a strongspeech In tho Interests of Kallhi dis-

trict, In which tho outlined tho detailsof work already done by himself andothers. He was frequently interruptedwith applause.

At tho conclusion of tho meeting avoto of thanks was tendered Mr. Boydand Mr. Will B. Fisher. Tho meetingwas a great success and it Is believedwill bear fruit In other sections of Ho-


Dunce lit Suhr'n.There was n mo3t enjoyablo recep-

tion and danco glv.'n a tho homo ofMr. and Mis. E. Sulir, Jtiud street, lastnight, In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. llcin-rlc- h

henjes who are soon to fall forGermany. Some twi bundled of Hono-lulu's Boclety folk were prpsctit. Thohouse nnd grounds wero brilliantly Il-

luminated for tho cccitiiou.

Propelled by Gasoline.San Francisco, March 23. Tho now

schooner Eclipse, lecontly built atby Captain Matthoy Turner,

cleat cd yesterday for Honolulu nnd willsail today. Tho schooner Is propelledby a gasollno cngino of pow-

er, and will bo commanded by CaptainHcnnlngscn.

BRIEF HISTORY.Tho majority of fashlonablo people

of Honolulu rather buy their bats InIwakaml's Hat Department than any-where else.

I). R. Taylor Is still tho proprietorof the Ellto barber shop. Mr. Boglorecently married, Is ono of Mr. Taylor'semployes.


Day and Night Classescowan and harris

Rooms ii-- u, ,'d Floor ( 9 A. M 4 PT.Hours I t:jo o'jo p. m


Death of Geo. Jcnbert a Sad Bl,w

. to Boer Cause.

lianj Sk'rmlshts With the Eirtuy Maftklrtt

Not YtlRlltvtd-Britl- ib Losses

Rcicb Ovtr 16100.

(Associated Press Special.)New York, March 31. A dls- -

. patch to the Herald from Pretoriasays: General Louis Botha hasbeen appointed to succeed GeneralJoubcrt as commander-in-chie- f oftho Transvaal forces.

iPretoria, March 28. Gcnernl Jubort

died last night at 11:30 o'clock. Hohad been sulfcrlng from a stomachcomplaint. The town Is plunged Intomourning for tho truo patriot, gallantgeneral and upright and honornblogentleman.

UpU'hIi Suttor Loss.(Associated Press Special.)

London, March 31, 11:45 a. m. ThoWar OIIlcc has posted tho following dis-patch from Lord Hoberts, dated atBloemfontein, March 30, evening:

"lteports point to tho enemy's leav-ing Brnndfort and piocecdlng In nnortherly direction. Tho casualties Inyesterday's engagement were moro nu-merous than at first reported.

Ofllccrs killed, 2; wounded, 8; ranknnd file, killed, 10 (query 19,) wounded,159; missing, 3."

Bursters Fouht Welt.(Associated Press Special.)

Kroonstndt, O. F. S.. March 30 (Fri-day.) General Smuts today engagedtho British at Mnfet Kop, south ofBrandfort nnd held thrm nt bay for rlxhours. The burghers fought well. Thocasualties nro unknown.

Tho Frco Stnto Ilaad wilt nsscmbleat Kroonstndt April 2.

Mufeklnfi Not Relieved.(Associated Press Special.)

London, March 31. Even tho detailsof tho engagement yesterday at KarcoSiding station, a few miles south ofBrandfort, fail to instill much lnteiest.

It appears to have been a one-side- d

affair, although tho Boers stoutly heldtheir ground against a forco three orfour times their slzo tor three hours,when foreseeing the danger of tho Brit-ish cavalry enveloping their Hanks,the burghers withdrew In good orderon their main body at Brandfort,which, according to Lord Roberts theyseem later to have decided to lclln-quls- li

with tho view, doubtless, of oc-

cupying a prepared position furthernorth.

There will probably bo a gcnernlshifting of camps on tho part of theBritish, tho new position being madetho baso of a further advanco as soonns tho railroad is prepared.

Lord Roberts reported today to thoWar Ofllco that ho had received newsfrom Colonel Badcn-Powc- ll nt Mafe-kln- g

up to March 10, when tho generalhcaltn of tho garrison and its spiritwero good, tho locally mado gun,searchlight and ammunition weroworking well, tho food wns holdingout well, and the paper currency vhlchtho British commander had Issued,was satisfactory.

From Capo Town, It Is reported thatPresident Steyn has gone to Pretoriaafter, according to refugees, issuing anorder that all British burglioni retimingto join the Boer army shall bo hhot.Tho stories of refugees, however, arenotoriously inn citable. '

Tho nows from elscwhnro is meagro,tho last reports from Natal ludlratcdthe speedy clashing, of the armies.


2 p. m. Thcro Is notlilr.;; ofImportnnco nt tin lloawl ofHealth. No cases havo madotheir npcaiancn lu Honolulutoduy.

Dr. Carter of Makno telephoned tothe Board of Health ofllco thin forenoonsaying that tho casc3 l the native nndhis son, pronounced suspicious by himtho other dny, arc genuine (uses of thoplague and that ho has agiln put thoplaco In strict quarantine.

Dr. Hoffmann admits th.it plaguemight have dovclopcd lynca his visitto Makao but that, during tho shorttime ho nnd Dr. Garvin wcro thcro.thcro was not 11 symptom.

Dr. Wood could not bo found this af-

ternoon but It Is very piobnblo thatDrs. Garvin and Hoffmann will boagnln despatched to tho sccno as soonns possible.

Judge Perry Ailing.Judge Perry has been on tho sick list

somo days, but hopes to bo out onMonday. With Judgo Stanley stillconfined to his home, tho First Circuitwould hnvo no Judgo for chambeiobusiness now if Mr, Sllliman bad notbeen temporarily appointed.

Dinner nnd supper parties desiringour wagonetto can havo It sent to anyaddress by telephoning to tho Inn.Henry N. Almy, manager.

Trend of Public As He

Has Found It.

Tikes Issue Wiih Mr. Rubetlson and the G v- -

ernmeUs Vliw Claims Sbiuld Be Paid

Condl.lo.s Justify Action.

Editor Evening BullcUn:-M- n your Is-

sue of thoiCth lnst. tliero Is a littersigned by(A. G. M. Ilotwrinon In whichho gives his understanding ns to thopolicy of tho Govcinnn-n- : In dealingwith tho claims for Iohim sustainedby tho Ores ordered by tho Hoard ofHealth, and from thj statement.! madeby tho Attorney General beforo thoCouncil of Stato yesterday there Is nodoubt but that Mr. Rohcrisin correct-ly stated tho policy of tho Government.

As (ar ns I nm able to get lml'l ofPublic Opinion, everybody upprove-- j ofall that was dono by tho Hoard ofHealth, nnd all bcllevo tho I'o.ird hainot committed nny Illegal net, for theyhave had thq advlco of two of ourmost nblo lnwyers In "very step theyhnvo token, and thcro Is not a doubt,It this was submitted in n Court nfClaims, tho Court would relievo themfrom a chnrgoiof Illegality In their ac-tions even if thcro wnrj "businessmen" on tho Board.

If this Is correct, there would be nofurther uso for tho Court of Claims,for they would In all probability dccldotho matter in a very short time, nndthero would bo no clalmi to put be-foro the Court. But should tho Couitdecide that tho Board of Health hadcommitted Illegal acts, oven then thoGovernment would not bo responsible, I

for wo are told by our legal friends,that the members of the Board wouldbo held personally responsible. I

Surely no man or body of men Inthis community would bring actionagainst these gentlemen who hnvo sofaithfully discharged their duties asmembers of tho Board.

There are times and conditions whenwo should look beyond tho nieru "lo-- lgallty" nnd treat them ns mutters ofEquity and fair dealing. To my mind,and ovcry citizen with whom I havotalked upon this matter ngrecj withme, tho fires by order of tho Boardof Health should bo treated, so thatthe whole country will bear tho losirather than allow It to fall upon thosufferers. .

Tho Government should not bo suchsticklers for tho "law." I would liketo know If Mr. Dole, Mr. Cooper, Mr.Damon, Mr. Castle, I and many othersconsidered tho legality of our acta.when on the 17th of January, 1R93, wowent up to tho Government houso andtook possession of tho Government.Wo certainly know wo wero committing nn illegal net, but we felt tho con-

ditions Justified our actions nnd forono I havo never regretted that I help-ed overthrow tho monarchy.

In dealing with tho "Claims," I thinkwe should take tho samo position nnd Ibelieve the whole country will approveof Investigating and PAYING everyhonest claim presented.

Mr. Robertson does not know wbnrothe money Is coming from to pay theseclaims. It would not bo a very dlill-cu- lt

thing to pay In bonds Issued bytho Government bearing 'Interest nt 3per cent per annum duo In C to 15years, settling all amounts under $50In cash. Mr. Robertson docs not thinkIt right to make "posterity" pay thobills for they will havo cpldcm'ru nftheir own to pay for. "Posterity" willhavo tho value of our cxpcrlenco, whichwill bo worth nil tho money they willbo called upon to pay out. And theymay thank heaven that by tho notion ofthe men of 1900, they nro nllvo to paytho bills, for had It not been frr thoburning or property, wo nnd our chil-dren nnd grand-childre- n might havobeen carried off by tho plague, leavingno posterity.


PiiHtei'gcrH Ltindcd.Advices by the Hongkong iM.uu nro

thnt tho Australia passengers wero notdetained in quarantine. Tho delay inlanding was veiy slight.

"" 11I111 DIpI'Mim Received,J, Oswald Lutted, manager of tin

Now England llakery Co., has receivedtho gold medal diploma awarded thatestablishment for Hawaiian preserve!fruits nt tho (heater America Exposi-tion. It Is a pretty design. Mr. Luttilis preparing a lino display of preservedfruits for tho Parts Exposition, whichMajor Prntt, secretary of Commission,will tako away with other exhibits intho next trip of tho Australia.

Muklkl Uccrcntlon Grounds.J. A. Thompson, as n bascballist, la

ono of many who think tho Govern-ment might spend a trlflo on tho pub-lic recreation grounds at Maklkl. It Istho only placo left now for outdoorsports, and Its grandstand was burucdsomo years ago. Something Is earnest-ly desired to be dono beforo tho Fourthof July.

A blcyclo was badly smashed by adray horso In tho ynrd to tho rear ofW. W. Dlmond's storo this forenoon.

Jjpmese and Chinese Will

Rssilmion to Dole.


Want Complete Change In Court of Clalms- -

Afp.'il to TLelr GoM'rmiJts U MRcctgnlzed Metllng Tonight.

Tho mass meeting of tho Japaneseand Chinese on Nuuanti nvciiun thisevening promises to be ono of great Im-portance. There will ho n prellmlnaiymeeting of thn committees nt C:3uo'clock and at 7 o'clock sharp, tho workwill begin lu earnest.

Iho principal business will bo theconsideration of a lesulutlon to bopicscntcd to President Dole as soon aspossible, protesting strongly againstthe personnel of tho Court of Claims,icccntly appointed, and the rules nndregulations which nro to govern Mintbody.

Although not Included In thn resolution, It Is understood that somo ofthoso present nt tho mcctlm; willclamor for n reconstruction of thoCourt of Claims, appointing on thosame, ono prominent attorney, twowhite business men, ono Japaneso nndono Chinese. The Japanese and Chi-nese, It Is understood, nro very muchIn favor of such n court.

Speaking of tho meeting today aprominent Chinese business man said:"Wo nro fully In accord with tho ac-tion of tho Chamber of Commerce at ltdmeeting Wednesday morning, but wego further. We not only object to thopersonnel of tho Couit, but thi rulesgoverning the same,

"Hero Is Just ono case lu point. Iknow of two or threo of my couutry- -men who havo claims not exceeding$20. What foolishness It would bo forsuch poor fellows to present theirclaims when they wilt havo to pay $:0beforo they can even look at the Court.Remember, these small claims arc Inmany cases tho very nil the clalmautihavo.

"Wo mean to be most radical nnd,if It Is possible, to get President Doleto reconsider his appointments to thoCourt of Claims. In tho event of thofailure of President Dolo to do any- -thing toward remedying this most, un- -Just state of affairs, tho Chlnefta andJapanese havo agreed to withhold alltheir claims. Not n single one will bepresented to tho objectionable Courtnnd wo will refer tho mnttcr to ourgovernments for redress.

"What can Ilvo lawyers t!o In thomatter of appraising goods, oven Ifthey havo been burned and aro nolonger visible? Thnt Is only ono ob-

jection to tho Court. There aro a doz-

en more."Wo havo figured out tho numbar

and value of claims which aro to bepresented by tho Japaneso and Chineseand find tho following:

"Chineso claims, 3,500; Japaneseclaims. 3.000; total, O.&OO..

"Amount of Chineso clalmr, $1,500,-00- 0;

amount of Japaneso claims, $000,-00- 0;

total, $2,100,000."Thoso figures arc approximate Ad-

ding to tho total amount of claims giv-

en abovo, the amount already app.-als-c- d

by tho Board of Health ap.iralsora,tho sum will not exceed $3,000,000."


Tho Couit of Claims matter will boconsiileicd nt tho meeting of tho Exe-cutive Council on Munduy morning.

Mr. Mngoon was ucen in relation totho Court of Claims at 1 o'clock today.Ho said: "I bcllevo tho commHiion tobo legal and that all bills contracted bytho Court will hereafter bo n cliargongalnst tho Government, which will,In time, havo to bo paid. A great manyblanks havo been distributed nnd peo-

ple aro very anxious to hnvo theirclaims adjudicated, it Is quite piob-uhl- o

tho first case will be heard bafurotho Court of Claims on next Monday."

Mr. Mngoon regrets that so much opposition has been shown to the Courtof Claims nnd rxpi osscs tho opinionthat the Executive Council has dono allthat they could under the poweisgranted them. In conclusion Mr. Mj-go-

said ho thought It was importantthnt tho Court of Claims should con-

sist of InwyeiH becauso if claimantsunder tho ruling of tho Couit couldnot get even Justice thcro would stillbo loft nn appeal to the Legislature.

It Is learned on tho best authoritythat Mr. Magoon will become responsi-ble for tho cntlro expenses of thoCourt of Claims, If It Is deemed neces-sary to carry tho Court out undor thoprovisions of tho United Stntei Gov-


TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY.Tako Laxntlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund tho money It itfails to cure. E. W. Grove's slgnnturoIs on each box. 25 cents.

Ofllccrs ot tho cruiser Charleston arocleared ot all blnmo for tho loss ot thocruiser, by tho Investigating board.

E. P. Tumor will address tho men'smeeting at tho Y.' M. C. A. Sunday af-

ternoon at 4 o'clock. All men Invited,

Wish'nRton, March sj. A

special dispatch to the Ssi'teTime- - says: LILoUa-lan- l

of Htwjll, uIm Is now live nYVashlngtin, hiving filifd to petCongress to vote her a pension uponth till Introduced by euat"r HoaIs now a suit, uhlchshewill bring tn the Court of Claimswon, for Jio,co,oco, that bringwhdt she const Jets afitr prLc (ort e Hawaiian crown lands Ulen ry(tils Rnvenimen. Attorneys arenow pnpailng the suit.



(Associated Press Special.)Putney, Eng., March 31. iho fifty-seven- th

annual boat race betweencrews representing the Universities ofOxford nnd Cambridge wns rowed to-day over tho usual com Be, from Putneyto Mortlakc.

Cambridge won easily In 18 minutes.47 seconds, official time, Oxford beingmuch distressed nnd nbout twentylengths behind nt tho finish.


Tho Supremo Court this morning ad-journed sine die, having continued nilcases not heard to next term, subjectto special ugrccment for hearing Invacation.

In tho Clcghorn vs. Castle controver-sy, Judge Sllliman has sustained thodemurrer of Mary Brown, ono of thodefendants, dismissing tho complaintas to her with costs.

Tho Supremo Court has remandedtho matter of the estate of Antonc Fe-lipe to tho First Circuit Court. HawaiiIind Co. vs. Nettlo L. Scott is remand-ed to the District Court of North Kona.

Jas. R. Holt and John D. Holt bytheir guardian, John S. Walker, nndtheir attorneys, W. R. Castlo and P.L. Weaver, move for it hearing on thoaccounts of Bruco Cartwrlght, trusteeunder tho will of R. W. Holt, and askthat tho trustee bo allowed to resignnnd thnt a now trusteo b appointed.

Ton of Maul Sugar.Walluku, April 3. Tho British

steamer Bloemfontein left Kahululharbor Saturday, March 31, for BanFrancisco. Sho carried 64,755 bags otsugar. This is tho largest sugar car-go ever shipped from Maul in ono ves-

sel nnd perhaps the second or thirdlargest cargo from tho Hawaiian Isl-

ands. There Is enough sugar on hnndIn Kahulul to load another vessel ofthe size of the Bloemfontein.

Gen. I'unn Surrender!.(Associated Press Special.)

Manila, March 31. The Chineso Gen-

eral Pann, who has been terrorizingand devastating the province of Panay,has surrendered at Legnspl, to Briga-dier General Kobbc, who Is bringinghim to Manila.

Vote on Porto Itlco.Washington, March 28. Tho Senate

today agreed to voto on tho Porto Rl-ca- n

bill on Tuesday nfternooii at 4

o'clock. It Is probablo tho tariffnrnnnsltlnn will rnrrv.

We have the mist satisfactory SHOKS right in hindnow, lor Ibis sprinij walkingthat we have ever offered athi price

$3.00&& mow




This shoe has been made (athe times it's a reliable shoefor little money.

Manufacturers' Shoo Oo,

Sole Agents,







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US1C !


HLFTitle Pages



"I I'd Her find I Will."As tun the great and only He en Mora, and oilier leadlnj Amerkan singers.

Companion So" to Betause:"

Ml Love You Yet."The latest ballad suness, iy the famous author and composer of "Genevlve."

as sun by Alls Alie Marsh (Shub-rt'- s Sorfno Sololit.)

"She Has Lett the Old Love For the New."Burdi Daman's big hit In "The Denver Express."

Til Keep My to You."The latest New York cr .

mml. ia I i.li". Alnwrtt nnflA played by lead nr American bands. (Arranged at plana Mie )

-- I'klCU, 80 CCNT5 PER COPV.

fAUSlC !





--k --k In order to establish permanent mall orderr wnCDFrl A I I IK' r" It- - buslutss (at a marked advantage to yourself) we

OaTLlVlrt'-- ' V - W send you the above songs postpaid to any

Ureas In the United States, Canada,' Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico or the Ph.lllrplnes upon receipt of

THIRTY-FIV- E CLNTS ') or the entire collection sent postpaid for ONE DOLLAR, the price any

tVS,Fnffi unprecedented offer sendu, ., cent, (silver)

Is (uaraltN charges and we will send the music C. O. D. with privilege of examination. Address



40 Selected ones for $3.00j) -F- OR SALE AT TH- E-


) HAWAHAIN BAZAAK, OTASUmi; TEIUHLD. IGomer.Hotel and AlakeaStreets. lu

Fraternal Directory.

UAVtMONY I.ODCin NO. 3,I 0. 0. V ,

Mens very ivtnlng at 7:30In Harmon ' Hall. Kirn; Blrcct.

J. U. MpVIJU.H. N. 0.13. it. HENDRY, Secretary.

AH visiting brothers very cordiallyInvited.

MYSTIC LODGE. No. i, K. of 1.Meets every Wednesday evenlnK at

7:30 o'clock, Castle Hall, Fort street.Visiting brothers cordlully Invited toattend. S. J. SALTER, C. C.

A. E, MUIIPHY, K. It. S.


Moots every third Thursday eveningIn Masonic Temple. All visiting coro-panft-

cordially lnvlt-- d.

A. 1 QILKILLAN, H. P.J. D. TUCKER, Secretary.


Meets In Masonic Temple on the sec-

ond Thursday evening of each month.All visiting Sir Knlghta courteouslyInvited.


OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Meets every Friday iveiling at their

Castlo Hall. 4204 Fort street, at 7:30.Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2, andvisiting brothers, cordially Invited.


K. ot It. and 3..


No. 1. A. & A.. S. R.Meets the first Thnicilay in each

month, at Masonic Temple.. Sojourn-ing and visiting hrotlipra cordially in-

vited to attend all meetings.W. M.. FRANK II. AUERDACH.



No. 124, A. &. A. S. Rite.Stated meetings on tho List .Monday

of each mouth, In it hull, MdsonlcTemple.

C. M. WHITE, W. M.

II. n. FHIEL, Secrntny.

GEO. W. De LONli I'OSV No.45, O. A. It.

Department of California and Nova-d- a,

meets at Harmony Hall, Kingstreet, (list Thursday evening of eveiymonth. Sojourning coraiadcs aro cor-

dially Invited to attend.W. L. EATON, P. 0.



Stated meetings, Urst Monday eachmonth. Special meetings, when called(will be noted In this spme.i

Memhcis Lodge Lo Progros, PacificLodge, nnd nil sojourning brethrencordially Invited.

J. M. OAT. W. 51.

IC n. G. WALLACE, Secretary.

Real Estate Transaction.

BnbBcribeis are lorniabed with from II

t) six lima jet wtek, giving an acetiatrjoord of all deedi.ruoitRuiea, leukes, ntestes, powm of Attorney, etc, etc., vu.i 'txe placrd on n cord,baOscrlptlon I'rlce, tB.nn'per Konti

A. V. GEAR,Jtlriil RtllMlrtK. Honolm- -


I e:Uerls hereby authorlf-- to colledall n.o.ieys dUe me nnd rrceipt therefor.

W,W. WRIGHT,Per W. Writ ht,

Honolulu, Match 31st, igoa. i495iw


B:st Authors.

Latest Hits.







of every de


An Elegant Assortment

at Reduced Rates ! SC


Take your choice of these

bargains befcre they are


Hollisler Drug Co.


There Is only ono Jesse Moore Whls-e- y

In the world and that Is cold andjure. Lovcjoy & Co. aro distributors'or tho lluwallun Inlands

uiSf tS3 iSt5



Orphcum tonight.WEDDING STATIONERY. Engraved

Cards, Embossing.II. F. WICHMAN.

Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Towbc moved Infrom tho Knllhl detention camp totown this forenoon.

Tho usual Saturday at mi noon con-

cert will bo given In Emma Square atthe usual tlmo today.

The Elite Darbcr Shop has opinedtheir New Parlor At the OccidentalHotel nnd aro ready for business.

D. F. Ehlcrs & Co. aro making aspecialty this week of corsets and cor-set waists.' Sco their nd on pago 2.

J. A. Gonsalves, photographer, Hero-tan- la

street, near pumping station,amateur work a specialty. Develop-ing, printing.

Captain Lano of the Wilder Steam-ship Co., who returned In Urn Klnauyesterday, Is another who has takentho prophylactic.

Tho Charles Nelson salted from SanFrancisco for Nawlllwill, Kauai, March30. She should bo at her destination Ina couplo ot days.

Fresh milch cows, white and brownLeghorn chickens, Plymouth rocks nndblack Spanish chickens for sale at

tho Honolulu Stockyards Co.List your surplus live stock, ve-

hicles, harness, etc. for tho auction saleto bo held at the Honolulu StockyardsCo., Ltd., Saturday next, April 14th.

Rear Admiral Kcmpff was a throughpassenger aboard tho Hongkong Mamfor Hongkong. Admiral Kcmpff goesto take command of tho Asiatic squad-ron.

Just arrived, eighteen dozen choicefowls, for salo nt Schuman's stockyards, corner Alaken and Queenstreets. Call early nnd havo yourpick.

There will ho a mans meeting of thoChinese- - nnd Japanese at tho JapuccePrimary school, Nimanti ijtrcot, nt 7o'clock this evening to discuss thequestion of tho Court o' Claims.

On account of changing tno brands ofline stationery and closing out oddstock, which, by tho way. Is as goodas tho best, tho Golden Rulo Bazaarhave put prices to tho bottom It willpay to look this up, whether you needstationery now or not.

At tho Christian church on Alakeastreet near King, tho pistor. Rev. JohnC. Hay will preach In tho morningThe morning text Ex. 14:15 "Speakunto tho children of Isrcal that thego forward." Subject nt 7:30 p. in.."Tho Conversion of Saul of Tarsus,."Hlhlo school at 0:45 n. .m.; Young Peo-ple's meeting at C:45 . m. All arowelcome..

THE LA8T GAR.Tho last cars of tho King street lln

olng to Walklkt and Palama pass torAnchor Saloon. The cleverest mixolo-gists In the city are thero always tonut you up anything you may deslraDrop in and take a drop before yootake the car. Tbo celebrated Seatttibeer Is to be bad here on draught Afull line of liquors, including the fa-mous Jesse Moore Whiskey, etc., al-ways on han.. Received per Warrlmoo, Rainier Bock Beer on draughtThe Anchor Saloon Is here to please iioatrona.

It is inteiesting to watchthe artist at work in King Bros.'Hotel street window, whereevidences of his sltill are al-

ways in view. Special ordersfor menu cards and other artwork spirited. KING BROS.,110 Hotel ctrppt.

SPOKEN.Per Ilr. sp. Dowan Hill Jan. 0, lat

')2 12 S Ion C3 13 W, Ger bk. J." P.Pllugcr from Liverpool for Honolulu,Jan. 17, lat 07 0 S Ion 10 W, Br. sp. Ky-b- cr

from Iqulqtio for Cork.

tyUVW varvMM-I- L'J. II. .Va "1?

SSxntT'rv'y rV-r- - W 54j7p;-- - , - ' nrwriJ MCAM-u-

&LJ "" . llCaAt'Wteia.T.ati f JH W

CMAS. D. WALKER,Designer and Builder of e

Yachts, Boats and Launches!W rKs691 KING ST

P. Box ou. Tlrhone 760.

Grand Opening!

Grand OpeningApril 5th to 14th.

The possession of a fashion-able, b. coming hat adds a de-

cided pleaure to the Joys ofEastertide.

At MRS. HANNA'3 onFORT STREET you can be

suited perfectly. Her hats arem the latest styles and shespares no effort to suit yourtaste and purse and add tovour personal appearance.

U W. Merrill. MtOULCDITCH.

The Merchants'

Collecting Agency,

ti3 kaahumanu St.

Prompt and careful attention givenounts, notes, bill?, rents, etc., com-

mission; settlement made upon day ofcollection. 1499


For sale nt nil Grocers.

Samples Frco.


0 f!


toac on





oaiiiiaiy 1 luuimgjHarbors no germs. It Is the only flocrsuitable for residences, and Its cleanlinessand moderate cost recommend It to allhouseholders

Plans and estimates cheerfully furnishedupon application to

Lewers & Code,Sole Agents for

Johnson's Celebrated ParadetryJohnson's Floor Wax.Johnson's Floor Brushes,Johnson's Restorer,Johnson's Solvent.

FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and Superintending

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Electro Hydraulic Power j


With LVtton-Ne- tl Co., Queen stroot.Otllc nox. to Pni fllr. 122.1



Hydraulic Engineer,8IW Judtl Block. Tolo. ttf3.


We have just placed on sale a splendid line oLadies', Mbsps' and Children's Corsets and CorsiWaists, of the celebr.itej Chicago G. D. make, that wore offerinji at exceptionally low prl es.

The "Norwalk," a v. ry well-mad- e and perfect-filti- rladies' summer corset, we are offering at the exceec,ingiy low price ot oo tts. :: l ne uucago u. .. u ,.M.ai, asummer waist perfectly adapted to the approaching warm weather, 50c.The Chicago G. D. Misses' summer waist will be found unequalled in fit,wejr and corhtort, price 75o The Chicago G. D. young ladies' waist,a perfect realization of what a corset waist should be light, durable,soft and perfect fitting will have to be seen to be appreciated; price,$1.25. :: The Chicago G. D. ladies summer waist is the idealsummer waist. It is weil made, of good material, perfect fitting, nndwithal light, durable and flexible, and at the same time affording therequired support. Ask to see them; the price Is $1.25.

The Chicago G. D Style 521, a ladles' corset which at the price webelieve to be unequalled. The priee at present is $1.25 We havenot a large stock of this lot, so the sooner seen the sooner bought andenjoyed. In addition to the foreg ing, we have our usualcomplete line of Royal Worcester, R & G., and P. D. Corsets, andEquapoije Waists, for ladies, and a full line of Double V Waists formisses and children.


DECosLd.q.-u.sirtexte- .


Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamakua, Olaa Dis-tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a speciality.



A l........... ' 9ww w i mmi w l a l Wt


HaT J.

TTTflHonolulu Tobacco Co., Limited,


Gvudes Smoking Tobacco.

Tclcplions 503. p. o. Box 984.GOO .TEST. I HXdCand in

Chinese Goods and Silk Hankerchiefs




SPECIALTY!110 Street

P. O. Box 995.


Tei. iB


ooMMissioisr jvrEK.ojH:A.asrTs.Dialers In Tin. Silks and Gr.us Linens. Japanese Goods of All Kind.

sio-2- ta Nuuanu s reet.

P D. Box B12 TalaphnnB B02

EC.' 3EU3L3MCA.3XTOin ... .

r09 Stiii'.kt Oim-osit- Qui-.kn'- IIosi'ital


JUnr ntPkro rnino'ftc.rittt Rpmn ksimm nwiiJr.TO THE OATS BEINSMASTEkf.



H. CO., LTD.

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu




BeiirtamX -




OvY T8mi&-a- .

OVSV.. VM1. ,W



iS. !..&&3s

Hotel and Pauahl.- -




Chinese and

IwoftTtR and Dealer




. M A.v. ' ;jRV, ' . --- -

f r wrs- l-Z-

-T "r& X "fS-7-Z. -r- -r OFTFDcs iN. UtUViWUS,iwpaggtfLty' 'J;-Vt-V j "

reTAaEA4T.U,HRD6.K-,r,UJ- '

ty$X WN&opSy sd,i r!.'ANCtSCO,CALI. i- - " m,-

Grand Opening!Spring and Easter Millinery! &? &?kti&?


Thursday, the 5th 4 Friday, the 6th ( Saturday, the 7thNew Sailors, NewuLaces, New Ribbons. Ladies are cordially invited







OS m mm $?mmmgBenson,Smith&"Co.,Ltd

i WHOLESALE RETAILm noirnniSTSar a j vji a v xa

Dnlrltafin Polnrir Qnrl- -.

&i uaiuvvm uciciy ouuaFop

Headache, Nervousness andSeasickness

Pleasant and Refreshing

- o

sols --Aua-zErfcTcsr,

PORT AND HOTEL STS.a'SfQ'OT '."S3 33 33.'SlJR51TS 39753 5 a." 59 3333)7

W.VB ',11 Uill '.Sl ! '.MM --ill i I 'J. A II '.ill '.)l rvi IV F 'Nik O.IH tall

Honolulu : Drug : Co.Dr. La Deux Li'mlnent

For Rheumatista, Spra'ns, Bruises Lame Bark, &c.

Our Compound Cough SypupFor Coughs and Colds, none belter.

Royal Tnsteless Castop"OIIThe ChlUren long for It.

Dp. McCordo's Vegetable Anti-Bilio- us Pills.. For a Rentle "Laxative, they, won't Rft you. Try our Headache Tablets

will release the must obstinate case of heaJache in fifteen minutes.


Honolulu Drug Co.,Von Holt Block, King st.


If so, make them AT HOME with pure water from your own

Slter, by means of ....

SparkletsThe latest scientific method, simple to operate, perfect ,in result,

absolute purity guaranteed.Every home should havp them

T7"- - "W. TK7":RXGKE2T

CarriageGeneral Repairing.

Painting, Triinining.Phaetons, Buggies and Hacks Manufactured.

HIGJIJ-C- L. k!N WORIv.tiJgBlg!!BIMigfcgligPlii'P'I?




ON ICE. All Seasonable presh Fruits and Vegetables.TURKEYS, DUCKS AND CHICKEN. Try one of our TENDER BROILERS.FRESH SALMON and Flounder. Smoked Salmon and Halibut.FRESH POTATOES and Onions. Cervelat Sausage (In foil) "And In Sweets."FROZEN OYSTERS. Both California aud Eastern. Cream Cheese (In foil).GRUbNHAGEN'S BON BONS AND MARSHMA-LO- W.

HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd.2 33igT Stores 2

The Waterhouse Store,'

I The fflclntyre Store,Betnel street. Telephone U Cor Klne and Fort streets. Telephone

You Cannot EnjoyA Meal WithoutGOOd Butter, get Good Butter

unless you ordep from

Salter's GroceryTelephonel880. Fort street Orpheum Block.

New Goodsl'tJust Received per Australia.t

For Sandwiches and Luncheon,

CUoken Toaf,'' Cottacoloaf,

Veal Loaf,Ham Loaf,

Beef Loaf.

Blice '.hlPt Sane co. Kicollent for Fandw'chea aud Luncheon, For fcalo by

Chas. Hustace,Telephone 1. aia KlDf '' next Arlington,

- ,


Hotels doa Kestdurduib.


Only White Help Employed

The Best MealAND

The Best ServiceIn the City

:: At Popular Prices ::

at all Hours: a lacarte or Table D'Hote.

Happy K lem me,1472 Manager.

The Ocean View Cafe

W. 0"min Ins oren d the premises atthe end of the carllne Walklkl a anUTO-DA'T- ICE CREAW PARI niJSTEA, and COFFEE, SANDWICHES

and othert

-- : LIGHT REFRESHMENTS -served at all REASONABLE HOURS.Private iwrlors and every convenience forthe comfort of vlsitors.l



Best --5c. Cigarl.i ne hadfortho monoy.


Beayer Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.

HarHflt1; and 'Wmis


108 KING STKEET.G. J. IValleb, : : Manaqeii

Wholesalo and Retnil


Navy Contractorsfolatc,

Naval Oranges, Lemons,Dr'ed Fruit,iRancrVBg6,

Butter. Cheese, &c.

Per Australia

J. R. MILLSLincoln Blook. Kin ' w'ropt.

Millions oftt mmHave ben sar flood thitynu and IniiglitMit hodolol uh LpwI.'UwiiCuto IIhius nnd Broaktatt liioon.

LEWIS F CO..T'leohm e 240. 1 1 1 Fort St.

Beer and Wine Dealers.

LOVEJOY&CO.Impobtbbs, and Wuolbsalh

v and Liquor Dealers.Acinti for th, BottltJ Runlir Br ot .UI.No. 19 Nuuanu Htrkgt

Foiur Block, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands.P. O. Boi H7, Muiuil Tlcphon o



iflfliUlKliliHII SOOa ffdlBI' U'., L'O

Wnpltanaclo,Jtrner Allen & cnrt Sti., Honolulr.

HOLLI8T&R & CO..fllfrflil.

H. F. BBRTBLMANSCarpenter Shop

IS REMOVEDTo rear of old stand. Entrance on King

street. Ordei left at either shop, or'office,

it John Nott's Jtore, Kin? street, will recelve promp at'nt'nn. tt?.tf



Is now located wlth.C. Grotte, tailor,Union Street.

'S i.ntsc

Will Be Excluded

Wnshlllirtnti. March 2ri.-.T- Iio ('luilr.man of th cCommlttcc on Territoriestoday nssurod Mr. Kiihn that .lie Chi-nc- ss

now In the llawnliiii islandsWould not lip clvm n xlndm un.lnr llirbill now before CongU'-i- a for tbo gov-ernment of the lal.ruW which will pcr-m- it

tlicin to enter the I'nltcd States.An lini)rcs3loii has Rained ruricitt--

that the thousands if Chinese now inthe Hawaiian Islands would ho pcr- -mmcu to come to tiw United States,without respect to the provision ofthe Chinese Exclusion Act. Thlaphase of the Hawaiian Mliiation haicaused considerable conternntiouamong tho laboring men of the PnclfluSlope nnd has been prodiidlv) of nu-merous protests.In response to thess petitions and me-

morials Representative Knlm uul oth-ers of tho California d.'Uxnllon havoIntcicstcd themselves lo i:ecnro anamendment to the landing mcasuri.which shall crfectually vxvlude Chlnessnnd other contract Wbucih who havobeen brought to tho Sandwich Islandsnnd who may In future a men-ace to free American labor In the I'a-ci-

Coast States.Mr. Knlm today Interviewed Repre-sentntlv- o

Knox of the Committee onTerritories and" was Informed that ,iproviso would be Inserted In llin lli.wallan bill which would ifft duallyprevent nn exodus' 'f Cliliwso or otherundcslrnblo emigrants from tbo Hawa-iian Islnnds to tho United Stales.

With twenty years expe

rience, Kin; Bros, claim tirst

place as picture Cramers. You

will al .vays be satisfied if you

luve this sort of work properlydone. Enough said. KINGBROS.,' 110 Hotel street.

I'Ell S. n. ,.hM iiai.IAJust landed a full lino of grnpes, ap-

ples, oranges, lemons, celery, cabbage,cauliflower, crnnuerrlos, Imrbank nndred potatoes, uates, salmon, flounders,halibut, crabs, Eastern and Californiaoysters (In tin and shell,) turkeys,chickens, ducks, ouall. A .all lino fcanned goods. CAMARINOS' REFIUQEUATOr

George llaitiiei . juwuiui, nas movedto Vineyard Ptrcct near tho Quocn ho-tel.

Nicely furnished rooms at the Pop-ular House, 1E4 Fort stroot, from 11.00per week up. '

The use of the Singer In rn'Mlooc olaomes shows the unprecedented suc-cess of these Ideal sewing mvMnosIt la eonvlnplnar nrnnf fhstt th. pih...Azcels In all kinds of family horsua an uecme wore All our I lngmachines aro of the best construowon,oeautlfully decorated, and are mount)in sleected woods In Onely finishedlablncts ox nrtlstlo designs. I). Ber-""e- n

niront 1BU rtcthol frpt


C ipltnl 5to:k - - $50,000.Capital, palp up - $42 680

OFFICKns.W. n .nlil ProKtilnnt Manairnrr. ff. v ifiiinti vioa Tr.i.iA...

J. MakAluai TrtHimrerr j.iniiion NeoiutarvGeo. U. Oeshi Audllo'r


Jonah KuiLHlao.J. Sliikaliial

J. W. HIplkHtlB,

The b'kiv C pany will Imy, limne.or Mil uiiIh n all ixi.N n( ino lliiunlUnI'an li! ! Ih li h Imimos In id. clt.nf Honolulu f.i rMit. ' ' tMr. 1


thn tenth HHipRAnipiit nf tin t1Hi nm- -

cent on tho capital stock of tho Hono-lulu Itapld Transit & I.a ml Companywill bo iluo and payable to J. II.Klshcr, Treasurer, nt 111 Foit Htrcrt(upstairs.) Honolulu, on tho "d davof April lust. Tho shares upon whichnn nKsrsamciit mnv ri'iniJn niin.ilil nf.tor t hill V ilnvs from said dntn. will lin(irciuicii uciinqiiciit.

J. A. OILMAN.Socrolnry 11. it. T. & L. Co

Honolulu, April 2d. l'JOO.H95-t- f

liiiwaiian Electric Co.ST03KHOI.nF.US SPECIAL


A Special Meeting of the Stockholdersof the HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO.,w 11 be h:IJ on Friday, April 27, toos, atia o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of amendIne the BvLaws of said comnanv. at Iheofli.e of the Haw'allan Safe & InvestmentCo. W. L. HOPPER,

Konu Suur Co., Ltd.Notice Is herebv elven that Assessment

No. 7 of 10 per cent on the assessable stockof the KONA SUGAR CO., LTD., Is dueand payable February 2, 1000.

P. W. McCHESNEY,Treasurer.

Honolulu Feb. 1, 1000. 14CW



The Walklkl



Kigsfcont to ny part of theCity.






npportunlly U Riven to purchae InManoi Valley a beau Iful sltuileJ p'ope tvcontannRa'l Iheneessry esentials lora humeste .d anJ where healthful chma emd nlcttmque scenery ar In the nilJstof historic lurroimdii cs anJ all In omWtwith Im.roveJ Krouid, pljnteJ withvarious foreign fuil s ni well as supplleJwith fruit trees IndlR-no- to HawaiiHis ncre.ize of 45u acres' In fee slmnleanJji.iG acres ui.Jer loiiRand favorableienes.

liictuJcd In the im rovements on tlrfee simple portion Is a roomy, inoj-r- n

dwell OR house furnished withand other convenltnces: there Is alsosli- -

uited thereon a roomy carriage shed andstahles.

The ce'ebrated WabkeaVua (Water ofthe Gods) Falls Is In near nroxlmltv'. .inH

tie cool, clear, spailtllnc water therefromflows throuch the crounds. sunnlvlnpample opportunity foi Increased Irr'eatlonto the acreage already planted and whichis capable of conslderabl: im.rovement.

Foi further Information annU to J. HBoyd; Interior Department.

Honolulu, March 28, loop. i.92-t- (


been thinking of

1900Boxes of Prang's

Water Color Paints

for the


Hawaiian News Co,,1 Llmlted.5

Merchant Sire.Election of Orficcrs

At the adjourned Annual Meeting 0ho Stockholder's of the Inter-Isla- m

team Navigation Camprny, Ltd.. helhis. day, tho following Officers amUrectors were duly elected for the cnulng year:John Ena President..Inmcs L. McLean . .Vice President.N. E. GcdKu Treasurer.C. H. Clapp Secretary.T. W. Hobron Auditor.

niRECTOHS.Jo'm Ena. D. N wiirx. A. S.

Wilcox, V. O. Smith. E. Suhr,A. Drelcr, H. M. Von Holt.

C. II. CLAPP,Secretary.

Honolulu, H. I., March 2D, 1000.1 KS-'i-

DIAMONDj .mi other Kin(s, Watches, BraceI ets, pms, nnd an extensive varletjI f J4 velry.

I L GK B1ART,Manafacturing Jeweller,

nV -- (tnr STPHIH.

1) jpot lOillce, BlHTHiiin Mrect, nearIii'tNiwM.iloiicn Pink.

TEI,. NOTown Ofllpc. K,irt "trit, opposite

vuiiioiiu acuooi,'1KI V I1W.


Delivered twice ilauv to anv n.irt nfCity. 1385

iUtiLs. Bruvnr. ,inrj jnnrihfs.

. G. Irwin & Go.Limited

agents forWostern Sugar Refinery Co., trt ttt.

Frauclscu.Dnlnwln Locomotive Work! uPhiladelphia. I'enn.. U. a A.Newp Universal Mill Co. (NaUCCane Hhreilderl.New York. 0. 1. FlN. Otilanul & Co'n ChumlrAl rutmS

era.Alex. Cross & Sons, high rni Sfeu.

tlllzers for Cane and Cnlf.Heed's Steum Plp r.nvrin.ALSO OFFHR FOfl SAL

I'arnlllne Paint Co's P. & B. tvHirand Papers; Lucol ant) lAr-r- r

Oils, raw and holled. 'Indnrlnp (n rold water paliy, MwhltP nn.l rnl,Filter Press Cloths, Cement,

and Dr.cks .


Commission MerchantsSUGAR FACTORS.

AGENTS FORTht L'w Plinttil Cn.ri' Jf V.lui K"""" ,l Co., t 4IhB Kolialt Sujr Cf1J WilamcaJudillll Co.Tn Koloa Atrlrultuttl Co.Tht Tulton Iron Wofki. St loul, letrti Smndaril OH Cn.Th, ro. F niiVr Sit, a Pumpi.wnnn Cmttllui;l

? tm' """J ,n" Co' " Hifo,. C.t.jrTh. Au,.n Co ol lcnio..

Alexander&Baldwii!. SUGAR



Agentt (or tho California and OrltrttSteamship Company.



tfm. G. Irwin & Co.(lxmrio).

Wm. O. Irwin, President andoprevsus viesW. 1A. Olffard.. Rwnnil Vl.H. M. Whitney, Jr..... TreaaT aaMW. tJt XUO0

Sugstr FactoraAMD

Commission AgeuwAaiKTfl of tm


BREWER 5 06., IiTD.,Qumii lftt. Honolulu H.I

ts loroop.ny, Oot.U Suj.r Pl.nl S . Orio. Slito.. Hoaomii SuKr T.i.. Willuku Sur.i Milluey Co . Hiieik.il Pvt. Co . Molokil R.V,. --linlef.Lln.Sin Fr 1 .co

1 Co. Lin. ol Do-- n Picket.LIST OF OFFICERS

C. M. Cooke, Piosldent; Oeoree HfolKirtso.,, Manaif-ir- : E. F. Bishopreuror and 8crotaryi Col. W. Plion, Audit r; P. c. Jonen, H. Wat.r.ouse, Quo. R. Carter. Director,

niVuHon-Tni- e ouittImporters andCommissionMerchants s


AGENTS FOR- -1he I. msislilre Inmrance Co.' ' ' - ".r (

Union Hi Erclnr Co.Domestic Sevvlng AVachlne,Htc.V1. i'HlLUrH & UU

Wholesalo Importors and Jobbtn

laropean wd Americ?.n Drj eoooyp t and (jneat tienU,



'rt K..r htl Qnn Ht-,.t- Ffo.miirdouoluiu lroii WorK& C?c

Improveu nd modern 8UOAR M.k.CHINERY of everj capacit 7n 4m.scrlptlon made to order. BoUsr war!and RIVETED PIPESpurposes a specialty. ParUimAr ititZtlon paid to JOU WORK ,k1 tMxZexecuted at shortert' notice.

BRUCE OARTWRIGHT,(Mneral Managei of

Tb Mqu.-Ubl- e Life ,Assonnc SodrtvOf Um UnlUd Btatewfot Um Havilb?

fftpti4f,Omoii U'haot tnet, Hoe








, h

WWBJ'wrfpinff-ffif'- itam''!


,: vhming Bulletin.fnblUhed Every Day, except Sunday,

at 210 King street, Honolulu, H. 1.,


W. n. FAIUllNQTON EditorDANIEL I.OOAN City Editort

A Dihjuuui fcl'

Post uinro tlnx 71S


The course of tbo Court of Claimshaving followed the proverbial lines of

tho squirrel track , members of theCourt will have to Join Mr. Dolo nndclimb a tree.

Life In thTcourt of Claims withoutmoney Is like applo pie without choeso.The crumbs of official dignity wilt re-

main to Mr. Dole's appointees, untilho Is forced to name tbelr successors.

All is noTiostTMrTDole mighttho Court of Claims to draw

upon tho Diplomatic and Consul ap-

propriation unless Hartwell has spentIt nil In his efforts to wlpo out thoAmerican features of the territorialbill.

With Mafcklng still besieged and the

Boer lighting mood In no way lessened,

tho promise of an early close of the warseems a long way from being fulfilled.

Winston Churchill's announcementthat Lord Uoberts must havo moretroops to carry out th (policy of uncon-

ditional surrender would suggest thattho British havo yet to sco the hardestfighting of tho campaign.

The Maul News calls for the estab-

lishment of a drug store in Wa.lulai.Having made the call It Is not likelyMaul pcoplo will have to wait long torthe Installation of this or any otherprivate enterprise their newspaper

asks for. Maul will soon appreciatethat tho noccRg.iry paraphernalia of n

progressive town is tho newspaper,tho school house and tho church. Al-

though Maul put the lust first, LMItirRobertson Is fast making up for losttime.

To put tho Court of Claims affair In anutshell, Mr. Dole apparently thoughta Court of Claims would be n goodthlug, It sounded well, nnd asked th.'President to mako appointments. Au-

thority to organize this Court havingbeen returned to Mr. Dolo, he discover-ed that he really didn't know what hohad naked for. After deliberatingnearly two mouths he evolved a schemethat was a slipshod combination ox

presslvo of incompetence, Ignoraucoand poor politics. As an inevitableresult tho members of the Court findthat the local executive power has ledthem llko lambs to tho slaughter.

Hon. P. C. Jones submits his letterto tho Bulletin with tho title "Plainwords by n plain man." Tho words areall right but wu would substitute forMr. Jones' modest estimate the words"common sense and broad mindedman." If Hawaii could havo more oftho P. C. Jones positives Americancharacter In Its otnclal life, the surfeitof blunders to which the pcoplo havebeen treated would bo materially less-

ened. When Mr. Jones' war horsespirit gets stlired tho peoplo can depend upon It that faltering and ques-

tionable policies must give way.Thero's no whipping the devil aroundtho stump In his mako up.


The meeting of tho Hoard of Trus-tees of the Queen's llrupllal this morn-ing was well attended, thrti belugpresent: K. A. Schnefer, vice piesl-den- t;

Geo. W. Smith, secretuiy; Da-vid Dayton, Geo. II. Carter, Kov. A.Mackintosh, A. S. Clcghoin, I'. J. Low-re- y,

II. Watorhouso, M. P. Robinson,A. J. Campbell, A. B. Wood, T. Muyand H. W .Schmidt.

Reports were received coveting ninemonths to March 31.

Henry Wnterhouso was grunted twomontns' leavo of absence, during whichtime A. B. Wood will rcpicsent him Inthe Boaul.

Drs. Galbralth, Wntoiliomu. Hodg-In-snnd Gaivln wero on application

added to tho honoiaiy staff of consult-ing physicians.

Tho visiting committee elected furtho current quarter are G. It. Carter, AJ. Campbell and David Dayton.

According to the lepoit of JohannesF. Eckhardt, superintendent, therewero 1013 patients treated at tho hos-pital In 1890, against Sll In 1893. Thonumber of deaths wns 99, or a per-centage of 9.50, of tho total number9 occunlng within twelve Lours, 13within twenty-fou- r hou.s and 7 wlta-I- n

forty-eig- hours of admission.There wero 451 pay patients of tho

1043, receipts from whom amounted to$12,335.25.

Tho endowed beds wero occupied,number of days, as follows: BIsho;four beds, 723; Foster, 305: Cornlot,360; Irwin, 27C, and Hackfeld, 318:tho total being 41 patients for 2042days.

Lieut. Victor Blue.Lieut. Victor Blue, no of tho heroes

of the recent Spanish-America- n war,wns a through passenger in the Hong'kong Maru for Yokohama, accompany

Object to American

Navigatkn Law in Hawaii

Washington, March B0. Consider-able opposition has developed on thoPacific Coast, nnd paitltulnrly In SanFrancisco, to Senator Perkins' amend-ment to tho Hawaiian bill, which wnsadopted by tho Senate, applying thocoasting navigation laws of the UnitedStates to nil vessels plying betweentho Islands and the Mainland of theUnited States. Thoro is also somo op-

position In the House to this samepiovlslou.

The owners of steamships plying be-

tween tho United States and Orientalports and touching at the HawaiianIslands object to Ijoln closed out oftho business of carrying passengers andfreight between San Ht.nclsco nndthe Sound nnd Hawaii, as they havobeen doing In the past. Tho samo ob-

jections have been raised by thesteamship companies plying betweenPortland and Pugct sound. Thcoosteamship companies elalrr. that pas-senger and freight rates to tho Islandswould bo advanced and tho public Inconvenienced If the coasting navigationlaws should be applied because of thereduction of tho number of vesselsavailable for this trade.

Tho nllnta nt Ann Vrmpnrn hnvo nlnnbeen heard from. Tht-- say that theywill not be nblo to collect any feesfrom vessels licensed to opcrnto underthe coasting trado laws of tho UnitedStates. This hits them tho harderbecause at present, although they render but little or no service to the captains of steamers regulnrly enteringban Francisco and other ports, undertho State law they are authorized tocollect pilotage charges on nil vesselsengaged In foreign trado whether ornot they board the vessels.


President Dolo has replied to the letter of tho Chamber of Commerce onthe Court of Claims. Ho points outthat the regular court for tbo adjudi-cation of clniins against tho Government is the Supreme Court, going onto say that tho great mass of workfrom tho lncstlgatlon and adjudication of tho Chinatown lossce wouldseriously interfere with the regularwork of tho Supreme Court. So It wasdeemed ndvlsablo to apply to PresidentMcKlnley for authority to crcato aspecial court for that purpose. Mr.Dolo says:

"Thoro Is reason to bcllcvo thpt theIdea that tho body authorized b Presi-dent McKlnley for tho Investigationand adjudication of Chlnntown losseswas to bo merely a board of apprais-ers, or of arbitration, to estimate theamount of such losses on drcport theirconclusions to the Council of State."

This view was strengthened by thouitlon of the Chamber of Commcrco.ns well as that of tho Chinese and Ja-panese residents who had asked to berepresented on tho board.

Inasmuch as tho dispatch from tboFederal Executive, however, providedthat the board might make Judgmentto bo paid out of appropriations by thoCouncil of Stnte, It followed that thoIntention "was that a court of law becreated which should adjudicate claimsfor losses upon tho principles of lawappllcnble thereto.

"It is obvious," Mr. Dolo piocccds,"that the dispatch in question author-izes the trial of claims based on to.'tagainst tho Government, a class ofclaims not recognized by tho Hawaiianstatutes as admissible. Beyond thisexception no construction of tho dis-patch can authorize the Executive topermit tho wnlver of nny rula or prin-ciple of Hawaiian law."

Ills conclusion nnd tho nub of hisreply Is that, whllo tho admission ofone or two lnymen was not precluded,tho court should bo composed of menlearned In tho principles of law. Hocites Anglo-Saxo- n legislation for cen-turies ns having "cndcavoicd Iteliminate tho principle of lcptcsent-i-tlo-

from courts nnd Juries in tho in-terests ot Justice."

"As to tho question of laymen ontho Court," tho President says, "theroare no goods or other rropeity In sightto bo appraised; estimates of lossesinitbt bo mado upon evidence nlone.

Tho Government has received nonews, either postal or telegraphic,from Washington.

Election o? Officers.At Iheat'jouned Annual Meeting of the

s'ockholdrM of the WAIANAE CO,LTD., lit I J this day, .he follow nc

and directors were duly ele.Ud furthe ensuing cai:

G. N. Wltcnx, Freslo'ent.R. M.Kibbln,J. M. D .ws:f, Secretary and Treasurer.H. Holmes. Auditor.DIRECTORS: G. N. Wilcox, R.

McKlobln, J. M. Uows-l- t.

J. M. DOVVSF.it,Secretary.

Hco'i'Im. April 4, tooo. 1 438-3- t

eRsment Notice.CO.,

LIMITED.An ASSESSMENT of 10 rer ce nt rn

the aessaDe stoik or t'ls company1'vleJthn dav, Is now due and p'Vjbieat in ffire of las. F. Mutgjn, 3j Qjunstreet, Honolulu.

JAS F.MORGAN,rreas. Inter-1-l.in- d 'leltgraph Co., Ltd.

Ap'H i'd. tooo. M071W

Notice.Adjournel Quarterly Meeting of the

UNIJN FUEL) COMPANY, Limited,will be hell at Ihe Company's Offiie,Judd Building, on Thursday, the 12thInst., at ictia o'elneU 1 m

lng Rear Admiral Louis Kompff as bid F. R, VIDA,flag lieutenant. M97-7- t Secretary.

The "St. Katherine"HAS BROUGHT TO TUB

Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.,Large Additions to Its Stock of



Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves, Hand SewingMachines Ice Cream Freezers, Platform Scales, BlacksmithsBellows, Forges, Vises, Drills, Jack Screws, Canal Barrows,Stove T' ucks, Hoes, Picks, Mattocks, Shovels, Scoops, Forks,Rakes, Concord Hames, Dandy Brushe, Cotton Waite, Ma-

nila and Sisal Cordage. Hoop, Bar and Galvanized Sheet Iron.Crowbars, Nails, Nuts and Washers Cairiage and WagonSprings and Axles.

Lrge importations to arrive.

The Pacific Hardware Co.,


Merchant, K?ng and Bethel streets.


Thlt will Int'rrtt vcu It you arc Dtsctfidnt otany one ot thousands of foirlgn Unllki hoMmonty or ittei I ow In chanctry.

WE HAVEA complete Hit of prior ho have ltt moruy ortsUtei to the value oi

$388,468,845,The heirs ot which are now supp"sJ to be In the UnitedStates Hit whose rresent whereabouts are unknown.You many have money, helrlioms. or estates

WAITING FOR YOU.It Is not surprising that In a population so vas

and among a people contain ng families which cantrace back their ancest'y f i r renturl. s. that evrn withfamilies of no no e the ramifications are extraordi-nary, the ties of lelattnrshlp otitn varying fromPeers to Peasants. Ihuugh all springing from onetree. The announcemen that there Is near y $400,-00- 0

000 In money and tstatrs going soundsa little extravagant but It will not appear so extraor-dinary when It isrrmtmber.d that the amount Is based on a rrgUiered alphab Ileal list tt persons whohave h en adv. rtlsrd for all ovrr the world since thebeginning of the century. In luding ch.ncery belts,next of kin. and legatees of persons who have diedInteMate In Great Utluln, Luiope. and theBritish colonics. The main sources of unclaimedmonies are: unclaimed olvlden. s on GosernmentMocks: tormantfu'ds In chancery; Army and NavyPrise Money: Estates of persons who have died Inteslate with ut known unclaimed dividendsIn bankruptcy: reneral uncla med dividends and un-

claimed baric deposits. We are also prepared tofurnish certificates ot Ulrihs. Deahs and Marriagesand off cial Ciest tr Coat of Arms of our family

REMEMBERWe aie the only firm In Atr erica wbo make a special-ty of establishing cla'ns of helrs-at-la-w and next-o-


WEASKNOfEEUntil claim has been settled.

Cnclose five s cent mi rlcan stamps or ten cents Insilver tor nailing, wrapping, etc., and we will sendyou a book contaln'ng full Information I KEfc.

Write and rte If jou are aming the lucky ones.Adress

Tho Metre At-Ln- w Collection Co.,roth a- -J Chesnut streets, St Louis. Mo.

Perrlval Adams. M. A L L. I). Counselor-at-La-

British Counsel lor the Coirpa.y.




: 1900 :--

Just Received:

"Champion" Balls.

'Tim," "Campbell," "Sears"

and Champion Rackets.

Also, Nets and Atarking Tapes.

Paic Cycle & rn Co.

R. A. DEXTER, Manager.

EHLi:ns w.orK, 1'OKT 8T

Assessment Notice.Notice Is herebv given that MipSvoml

Assessment of 25 cer cent on the auhlstock of the Ov-brt- UrtS oi bLfcC'TRICUO.. LlD, wll" be due and pay-able at the C mpanv 's office. 46 Mcr ha tstieet, n Tuesday, the 10th Inst., and de- -

iimiuen on anu auer may lotr, 1000.By order ot the Board ri pl-ri- orj.

M. M. KOHN,'497-i- Sectary.


Golden Rule Bazaar

"A DAUGHTER OF THE VINE"By Gertrude Atherton.




"NO. 5 JOHN STREET"By Richard Whiting.

"A MANIFEST DESTINY"By Julia Magruder.

"THE CIRCLE OF A CENTURY"By Mrs. Burton Harrison.






DEW1LLOUGHLY CLAIM"And many others



ARE AMONG THE TIMELYTHINGS of the new year. Never In thehistory of neckweai has there been somany varieties made of the very cholce-- tsliks. Puttern designs are characteristicsof these new makes. String Ties, Puffs,Scarfs. FouMn-Hand- Enellsh Soiaresand many other of the latest patterns are10 De louna in our stock. A fine article ofneckwear has become a necessity to himwho would be well dressed. No part ofhis dress Is more coiisdIcuous. and whenthe best can be bought for what Inferiorgooas lAJbl , NU UNb SHOULD PASSHY THb UAKGA NS WE AHE NOWOFFERING.

The New Year BegetsNew Tilings

Ff .R THE BOYS. Have you ever stop-p- e

to think what a difference there Is Intl'.. makes of boys' clothing ? Many suitsur . bought because the price I low. It Iso'en the price that governs the purchaser,a' J not the quality or the substantial11 ikes. This theory seems to be based ont e Idea that any kind of a suit Is goode'.ough fur a boy, as he will soon wear Itf ,t. That Is not good economy, for If youu.ould pay a little more, and consider qual- -

y and make, ynu would have a suit for1 if bnv thnt wnuM .ilw.iua Innk urll .mil

itwea' two suits of the Inferior grades. 'c nuv the best Is money In pocket; to

'lie poorest Is moaey wasted. We.ale a specialty to keep the best at popu-- r


The "Kash."9 Remember we have the Knox

Ageno for Men's Hats and are Sole Agentfor Dr. (Jelmel's Linen Mesh Underwear.

Good Air. Good View. Gooo H&aith.

A special invitation is extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site


H H H --M--H-

Via MaximaKaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Grand

Boulevard, and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affordseasy access to all points, as also scenic and marine views ofexquisite grandeur at every turn.

Electric Railway.Contracts have been let for material, and the work of

construction, equipping and installation placedj in the hands ota competent electrical engineer to be fully completed by June1st. Having an independent power plant we are prepared tofurnish electric power for lighting,healing and other purposes,to our home builders at most reasonable rates.

As Promised.Our reservoirs are now completed and water mams laid so

as to supply each lot. Permits for making water connectionswill be granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building, orthe names of purchasers of lots, will cnnviW unwotiP HiPACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of all thresidence sites of Honolulu.

For furtherthe office of

m- -

H- - H H--H---

information, prices, terms, etc., apply at

BRUCE WARING & CO.Progress Block.


Teaacrpls cf areusliloaa..


Closed March 13th,Until Further Notice,

On Account of


Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons,I raps, Wagonettes,?!

Six beaters,Delivery Wagons,Drays, Farm Wagons,

Hand 1 rucks.Kveiythino- - Ntv;iwl Up-'oDat- e.


Siile'v, Carrwe js HornBlacksm ths' and HorsPilioers' Material,


Island Trade Solicited.Write t us hefore sending to the Coast, and save time nnd trouble,

Our stock is complete in every particularWE CARRY

HAY, GRAIN AND FEED,Lime, Plaster, Cement and Fire Clay,

Sol -A--perrte for

Valentine & Co., N. Y., Colors and Varnishes; O'Brien & Sans CarrlaeeHo-e- ll's N. J. Leather; H. H. Babcock Co , N. Y., Buggies; Atlas Pipe Wftnch G?N. Y. and S. F.

Pacific Vehicles Supply Co,BBRETANIA STRBET.



A Large Assortment of



Perfect Barker & Rice Plows,tssortcd sizes; Perfect Double Mould

Board Plows, assorted sizes; Sub-lo- i!

and Sldehill Plows, assortedilres; Blacksmith Anvils, assorted

zes; Blacksmith, Carpenter andPipe Vises, assorted sizes; Black-mlt- h

Drilling Machines and Port-

able Forges, Baldwin's and Dr.Bailey's Ensilage Cutters, by handor power juit the thing for stock;Galvanized Wire Netting, from 2 to6 feet wide; Green and Brass WireCloth, 2 to 3 feet wide; Anti-Calor-

Sectional Pipe Coverings, and Plas-1e- r;

Long end Short-handl- e Shovels,Long and snort handle Spt'fos,Afces from 3 to 4 in., Bush Hooks,Ax Handles, Black and GalvanizedCut Nails, assorted sizes, 3 to 6od.;Blaok and, Galvanized Wire Nails,assorted sizes, 3 to QOd.; Black andGalvanized Fence Wire, Nos. 4 to6; Black ami Galvanized FenceStaples, itf to 2; Pioneer WhiteLead, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil,both In Barrels and Drums; DryRed Lead and Zinc,

Mixed Paints, assorted colors, in Oiltnd Japan; Paint Brushes, White-

wash Brushes, Carriage and Furni-

ture Varnish, Kerosene, Gasolenend Crude Petroleum, Blacksmith,

Machinist, Plumbing and Carpen-tering Tools, of various kinds andizes; Packing for Machinery, viz:

Asbestos, Pure Gum, Sheet Rubber,Usudurian, Rainbow, Square Plush,Italian Flax, Peerless and AmazonSpiral, Round and Square Tuck'sPacking; Suction and Steam RubberHose, assorted sizes.

rtic Hawaiian Hardwuie Co.

Hon street, opposite Spreckels' Bank.





Is light enough to have been mademade by Brownies' hands; whiteenough to please the most epicureantaste, delicious enough toeverybody.

All our Bread Is made of the verymaterial! by experts In a

modern bakery.



England Bakery


Hotel street. 1484


Tennis Balls" Rackets" Supplies

HammocksDumb BellsIndian ClubsStriking BagsBoxing GlovesBase Ball GoodsChest Weight






Book, Music St Newsdealers





All the Latest





Grand ReceptionIt affords great pleasure to announce to the ladies of

Honolulu that my large EASTER comprising the latest

Parisian Stylesin Millinery, Fancy Waists, Neckwear and Novelties

will be on exhibition,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday( April 5th, Oth and 7th.

You are cordially invited.






and suit






Fort street.



Archibald Forbes tbo well knownwar correspondent, la dead.

The l'looccr hauled alongside theFort street whatf to discharge.

Thcro wll bo iiiubIc In tho lnnal ofthe New Ungland Uukeiy this even-ing.

Every purchaser of bicycles shouldread llnll ft Son's Interesting unnuncc-me- nt

on page 8.A new hogskln saddle and stove with

kitchen utensils are for sale. Bee ForSale column on page S.

A largo black dog for wLlch aIs offered Is advertised In tho

Lout column on pago 8.A new shipbuilding plant Is to be es-

tablished at Ban Francisco in oppo-sition to the Union Iron Works.

Tho Philippine Commission will sailfrom Ban KranclBco April 15, in thetransport'Hancock which will probablysail via Honolulu,

Thcro was an informal meeting ofthe Hoard of Agriculture yesterday af-ternoon at 2 o'clock ot which routinebusiness was transacted.

A second hand upright piano Is onsale at Tho JJergstrom Mush! Co. forJG5. Popular songs are selling rapidly,price three for ono dollar. '

It Is estimated that tho Doers stillhave 40,000 men undor arms. WinstonChurchill writes that Lord Roberts Isstill In need of more men..

Allen street in tho vicinity of theOceanic wharf in being put In excellentshape. The steam roller is haat atwork macadamizing the street.

It is feared in Washington, that theresignation, of the' Danish '.Ministrymay result--. In Germany getting pos-session ot tho Danish West Indies.

Cecil Brown baa written to his broth-er, Godfrey Brown, from Washingtonwhere he Intended remaining until af-ter the passage of tho Hawaiian bill.

St. Clement's chapel is being decor-nte- d

with palmB for tomorrow's ser-vices. Next week being Holy Week,there will bo services daily at 11 n. m.and 8 p. m.

In tho series ot University Kjflnlonlectures to bo given in San FnHvco,Hiram Bingham, Jr. Is nclicdiilOTfor acourse on "Tho Growth of AimrlcnnSupremacy in Hawaii."

The now grocery stor-5- , Guerrero &Hako proprietors, Miller street, Justabovo tho Methodist ehureh. Every-thing new and fresh. Prices very rea-sonable. Goods dcllvcnd frco.

Wnlklkl Inn. Pleasant rooms, flnobathing, excellent table and service.Wagonette will lcavo Fort nml Kingstreets every evening at 5 o clock, returning at 7:45. Henry N. Almy, manager.

Tho United Carrlago Co., telephone290 nt tho old stanr1, King nnd Fortstreets. Hacks nt a y hour. Alsofirst class livery turn nits. Leavo yourorder at tho office nnd wo will do thorest.

In tho Police Court this forenoonAhiklgumustn, Japanese, won fined $10and costs on tho chnrgo of cruelty tonntmals. Tho fellow was caught driv-ing 11 mulo whoso bark was in a verybad condition.

John If. Colbiirn appeared In tho Po-llc- o

Comt this forenoon on tho chargeof common nuisance and was lined $.nnd cohtB. Colburn's offenso was tholeaving of his horse In tho street with-out tying tho animal.

Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, withtheir youngest children, icturned lastnight from more than a year's stay InCalifornia. Mr. Campbell was a littleshaky on landing from tho effects of .1fall on board tho steamer. His sighthas failed considerably, but ho will notwear glasses.

Notice is given 011 pago 8 today of th.inale at public miction of tho Britishbark Sebastian Bach. This largo vess'lwhich Is now lying outside has beencondemned by Lloyds and must bo soldby order of tho former master, who Isnow acting as ngent for tho under-writers. Boats will convey Intendingpuichasors frco of charge to tho shipon Tuesday, April 10th. For furtherpai'tteulnis seo tho advertisement.


Convincing1 &t iib2-- &

The great demand for the high giade shoes of Messrs

Hanan and Johnstone and Murphy, of whom we are the

exclusive agents, has thoroughly convinced us of the merit of

these goods.

Progressive in every detail, cut only of the finest stocks,

and introducing alv as new features, keeps them alwas in

the lead and always in d mand.


Ci4 Mzz:.rr 'i-V-

'33ft!iv.- -


inIt is a

It fits for inIt in 2 to


in 2 or at $1 85.12



Now is the time to your Here are some of theRake Pans , 30 centsBake 50 cents

Pans 20 centsLarge Ladles 15 cents

Curs 20 cents90 cents

Dish Pain 50 centsSoup Phtes 20 cents

Plates 20 centsPots ; ' 35 cents

Tea Pots 35 centsMeat Pie 25 cents

and In price.

Our new stock of has at lastn. rived and we have them In all

W. Co., Ltd.of and House

Sole for Jeel for Coal New HlueOil






Box Couches.... Always on Hand and

Made to


FURNITURE CO.Cor. Fort and


SILK GLOVES.This glove should interest every ladv

perfectly fitting, correctly sized, silk glove, withdouble-tipp- ed linger ends.

perfectly, and this climate far surpasses com-fo- it

and durability any kid glove. comes 24 button,and the colors blacks, tans, modes opera.

There black' gloves with white stitching, white gloveswith black stitching, etc.

The Taffeta Gloves 45c.Pure Silk Gloves, buttons, 75c $1.

Button Opera. 75o.1 button Opera, $1.50.Keyser Silk Milt-- , 25c, 50c and 75c,

WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd.,Importers of Dry Goods. 519 Fort street.

SALE OF AGATE WAREJb.-- t jOiiExoxid eft? Oo.

replenish kitchen. price:Medium


QjartDinner Kettles


DMieshundred other articles likewise reduced


W. Dimond &;Importers Crockerv Glassand Furnishing Gnods.Agents Stoves or Wood, Flame Wlckless

Stoves, Gumey deniable Refrigerators.







Watch Repairing!Don,t wnxte ninnvi en fn n nnrtfTtl

watchmaker. Cleaning, Si. 50. Mainspring, fi.50. All work warranted.

M G. LUCAS,Gold and Silver Smith,

205 Hotel street, nr. Henson, Smith it Co1483


Druco, Waring & Co. desire to la-fo-

tlielr patrons that tlio construc-tion ot tho Kiectrlc Hallway nnd otherImprovements, now going on, upontheir Pacific Heights property, will Inno wise bo Interfered with, or tho takiof lots restrained by reason of any no-tion or suit as between former ownera.All purchasers of lots upon Paclft;

ielKMtu aio guaranteed tho service e?in Klectrlc Rnllwav !cctrlc light asfln abundanco of water, also a porforA


A splendid assortment of Un-bleached, Bleached and ColoredLinen Table Damask,vrith Napkinsand Doilies to match.

E. W. Jordan,Fort Street.








Br e






frPll-L- -. . imv,T,t",icWAi' ft --,!f'J!E7'1ir'



ATKINSON & JUDD,4..L.O.Atkiiioti anil Allwrt tJudd,.Jr.)

Attorneys andCom p Mn Kt Law.

'jmc over Itifimi v o.' IIiiiik, cor.TsAbuiiimm mill Mordant "trwlM.


Attorney nmlDomc-ell- at Law.

twrrom r.lock.oppoMlo Catholic CliUP'liFort street, Honolulu, 11. i.

9i2 'llHilniiin 111


Judd Buildup. lleplione 2t 3


H I'oinov at litiw andNo ai" Public

Knnl unmlill fUrfet.


Attonio and ('tmiiM'llor at j


Oiflce: In tin. Oroblontal ::..tol, j

writer of Km anil Alnkiu Hmrt--Honolulu. Ill:

V 0. AOitl. i:o( 11 Johnson.

A0HJ& JOHNSON,& Homo 8 and Counselors

at Law.vrilcn Vn. Ill West King street.


Attorney at LawBuilding, Fort Street,Humo'jIu.

&. A. MOTT-SMITi- l,


US A0VED to the JuddBlock. Fort St.

Sniteon?, Physicians .ind Dentists.

A, C. WALL, D. D. S.,G. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

Love Building, Fort street.HOURS: 8--4. IELEPHON E 434.


Dentist.OFHCE: 2io Hotel street.Office hquhs: 0 to 12 ard 1 to 4.

Or, W, J, Galbraiih.'.ractice limittd to Surgery nnd




Hawaiian Hotel).Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p

m., 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays; 8 to 11 0. in.Tlophtne 610. P. O. I3ox C01.


OTMCEAND HESIDI3NCE. anDQBCOTTAGE, corner Hotel and Richardaotrseti. Office hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 4;

I to S. Tetephoue953. 1245

BR. A. ICSINCLAIRSchool s'reet, between Emma and Fort.

Hours: a. m., 2-- 4 p. m., 3 p. m.;

bunJavi m, 1416


smNiifcAiitoriiiAMYSupported uv VoUii'tury Con'- - "tlnllH

FREE TJtEA'liVKNT to tlie ..or olall natloiirilitiiih.

Kor liiforiiiutinn an to din.i, idruixxlou and to ili Horvlru, tHu, 01O. ,

S)jilyut theInllrmury.

Third Floor. I'ruKrom Hlock.

riuliMcrlpllont iiihj Ixi hit will) J. I'3ackfold, I. t.ldiH or I)i HUiKM""

IHMH-ii- .


We have received from Edison's factoran Elrctilc Lamp for bed-roo- use whiciUSPtag to prove Invaluable. By mean

of teculating s rew the light can be

dunged from a dull red glow to full itoralfe power. When retiring the lamjexu be so turned down as to bum all nlgh

at Bttle cost, and by means of the screw

can instantly be turned on full power.

It will be found a great convenience in thside room or the nursery.

Price $1.25 each,

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.

Heal Estate and Insurance.

bl al aai. aa a.af lA J1 MA-AAA- C

La iv F TV uVL.I b' 10 and FiKH



New England Mutual Life In-

surance Cc of BOiW

Etna Fire Insurance compamof hartfohrMFNRY ST liOAR.LUWARD POLLIIZ.

Members Sockand Bond Exchange.



INVhSIUl.NI SbCUKIllbSPartkutai attention civen tp rurchai. and ul. ft

Havana Suirar St. illLoan, Nrc'itlaMJ. tavern an! horil0 SIvlI'

anl Hond.

SO.'t Cnllfiirnlii Ht.,Hrm I Mnnclnfii, CmI. tt7

WVV" fj A CHI & CO.



Brokers & Oeilero

ESTATECjT Wfc ww 'J iir e tin f rtti

ol p..im 0! tin kioiury WmwIII fieli I'turmtu I 01i!h (ioUimlHsiuim b

JFFICa. JO West Kinb ?tri '


Real Estate Broker,223 MERCHANT ST.


Twelve Clilnoxo Granlto tlltclilrnPowIh. tf prh.

Proportj tn town.HOURES TO LWT.


Real Estate Agen.ADstractnr nnaSearcher of Titles .

Loans negotiatedP'nts collected.

Campbell Buildincr.Merchanl street.

"W. THRUMSurveyor.


I'lnnwtlnn Work u Specialty.ia.


Memlxir Honolulu Stock Kich.inyii,Room 301, Judd RiilldliiK.



OCTIONEEK AMD AlOLh .lOhi,No. IS Uatcin Blicet.

Appraisbtuont o Uui.'tfitt nnfl KMrnittiri


Ml wi 6010 "ii's'-'fi-!

110 Mon-bim- t StrtbtWILLIAM SAVIDGE,

Stock and Bond BrokerMember of Hawaiian Slock Eacbanga

Molnerny HIik-H- , Fort Stroot.


Real Estate BrokerKlnanol'! Atfiit ml Collector.

No. 0 Kutliol St., near P. O.II48 lllVptlub Wl

A. J. OAMPBKLL,Stock and Bond Hroku

Member ol (tit Honolulu Stock Eactiantt.OtSce (luoun Mtrctit, opposite Unlui

Feed Compauy,Ta'.phnna 106 P O P01 iti ,


Mamtw of Honolulu Stock EicbaoiaOuaao au4.

Taiapbooaia O B01 )m

WQMAN'8 EXCHANGE112 Hotel Btbket,


(Continued from pago 1.)

' tlo, etc., nnd if theso npproprlatlonapassed ho would bo Inclined to moothat the Government go Into the butch-ti- ,

grocery nnd other tradc3 In oppo-

sition to lommcice. '

Mr. luting urged tint they ought tihao the new tugboat nt $U5.00W, tluBtinmcr for tho lloaid of llenl'h at

0,0U0 n good Bttamcr being In slghlnt Snn rrniielsco for tho price- -- nndthe old tug for the purpose stated intho bill.

Mi. .tones moved to icfcr tho twoItems to tho Interior committee or altioit. This wm lost, nnd tho Presi-dent was putting tho motion to passtho Item.

Mr. Robertson Interrupted tho chairwith n motion to stilko out the Item.Ho ntgued that the uxpcndit'iio viaaltogether unnecissaty. Wli'i thosow ti age system in oncintlnn within nfew montlis thcio would not be sew 1130

for towing to sen.Mr. Young lepllcd that of solid mat-t- ci

theto would bo neatly itu muchagt b.igc to rcmovo as c cr. .

Mi. (lonsalves fa voted the pjti.inoof the Item. .

Mi. Uiai and Mr. Achl move I amend-mtnt- n

to the Wording, tho founer tolenvc out "foi sewage hcowa nnd thelatter to substitute thorcfor tho .ouH,"for the 11s1 of tho Uuaid of llemtli,this one pas3lug.

Mr. Kennedy consldcied $S.i)iO toollttlo fer. liiunlng expenses, whrictipjnMr. dear told of 11 lost estimate midmoeil to maho tho Item JIJnoD, wlilih

s lost nnd tho Item paisc 1 :m In thebill.

C(iiitonlurH R illlu,Jlr. llolto moved to Insert in Item

of $720 to pay n cantonnler for takingritrc of the road ovei Nuiiauu pall, mid51,140 foi two cantonliicis to lal.c tareof theioad.from tlehacfoi's to tli- - pallMr. (Jonsahes seconded the laollon.

Mi. Ucur thought loads and In idgeswere IIIilUiIIj enough dealt, with toenable tho employment of c.tntoniilc--

the road boards of tho U'Ui.iI s.

Mr. Gonsalvcs thought It n good mo-

tion in eicatins the olliec or e'tnlon-liter- s.

Mr. Voting believed cantonMcis nnexccllrnt thing, hut there was nenu un-

der tho lnw. If tho motion could hochanged he would favor it. Other dis-

tricts might hi wanting eautouulcrj.Mr. Kniilukoti supported the motion,

width was then put and carried.Atl Nu. 2 v;ib oideicd printed as

nmcuded..Court of ClnlniH.

Special oidcrs of tho day eamo up,being, llrst, tho report of a spcdal iom-mltt-

on Act No. 7, to provide for ihoexpenses of tho Couit of Claims, and,secondly, tho resolution of Mr. Achldisapproving of tho Executive Orderrelative to tho same Court. .

Mr. Mott-Smit- h read tho correspon-dence moved for by Mr. Gear at thismeeting.

Mr. Jones said that, before taking upthe orders. It was dcsliablo to lwie nilthe light possible. Ho desired to nsk aquestion, and rend fiom CouncillorRobertson's letter In the previous day'sBulletin, where it gao tho under-standing that the Government waswilling to pay tlaiins for property

by unlawful acts of omissionor commission on tho part of the limrdof Health. Ho would ask what was thepolicy of tho Government.

Mr. Robertson stated that ho wasnot tho attorney for tho Government,and his letter was not nuthoritutlvc.

President Oolo answered Mr. Junes,saying: 'Iho policy of tho Governmentis to pay all lawful claims.

Mr. Cooper rando a statement ex-

plaining tho eouiso of the Government.After tho llio of January 20 there wasno rccouiso for tho losers to obtaincompensation thiough process of law.Advice was sought fiom Washington,and the authoilty obtnlned In responsewas rather meagre. '1 here was no ideain funning tho Court of Claims, nmlformulating rules for Its puncdurc, ofafTordlng relief to suffcieis fiom tholite as u matter of chaiity or admittingthat luscis from a public calamity mustbe rclmbuiscd by tho Government.'Ilia intention was to 11:: tho liability ofthe Government for losses from thoHi c. duo to illegal acts of Its agents,and tho amount of loss In each case.'Ihis was a strictly Judicial function,tho conclusions being based on evi-

dence Btibmittcd. As to tho paymentof Commissioners, he doubted veiymuch if nny of tho busy men of busi-

ness down town would be willing toglvo their time, If tailed upon to fcivc,gintultously. Regarding tho poison-ne- l,

without dismissing Individualstho Attorney General ntgued that thoquestions being thnsjo of law prof' sslou-a- l

men were best llttcd for W10 oillc.Mr. Jones asked If :t was tho policy

of tho Government, in tho event of thoCourt of Claims finding that thu Hoardof Health had acted legally, to lefucoto entertain any elalms. .

The Count Impotent.Mr. .Cooper nnsvveicd tli.it tho

Executive would not control tho de-

cisions of tho nonrd. Thu questionof liability was cntliely loft to thuCom t of Claims, nnd If tho Com t foundtho Government not liable that was anend of tho matter until same actionmight be taken by the Legislature. Inanswer to Mr. Achl, ho said practicallytho samo thing.

Mr. Gear asked had tho Executive,or tho Ministry, consldcrerd anycourse of action It it was found thattho destruction of property had beenin accordance with tho laws of thocountry.

Mr. Cooper replied that In such casstho Legislature might enlarge thopowers of tho Court of Claims.

Mr. Gear then moved, seconded byMr. Jones, to lay tho bill on tho table.

Mr. Damon rose to cpeak, but Mr.Kntilukou raised the point of olderthat tho motion was not debatable.

Tho motion carried without a dis-senting voto, nnd the Council adjourn-ed at 4:50.

rstablLthcd 170.


Chocolatesana Cocoas

Tot catln,drlnkln, and cooking-- .



tiuiuR ciKtR 6 co tra nfDnwkh.t Cocet I 3 lb. tin..

Catr'a CliocoUta ratawea'taaC), I 3 lb. aV.Ctrtsaa Swtat CliacaUUs 1 1 lb. caba.

ton SAtl LY LtAOfnO oaoctaa. V

Waiter Cnltcr Cc. lid. ADorchtMer, lias., TJ. S.A.

,OAOOyOCyoycyjxArctiitet's. Contractors and Builders.


loulruclm mil IliiilkStore anJ Office- riumz

Plata ani httimatti lurnltlwJ.t4l!S Hotel M eet, nmr Beretanla,,G A Howakd, J . Hoar - Trai

IJOWAKDaV TKA1N,Avt'liitfifs

iu.lt - Mulel tllock HONOIULU O.HU, ll.l.P o Boa 70 Telephone 8j

ti(tl. l,. K. Kj. & CO

Architects and BuilderstLtooam it-i- t,

: PROGRESS BLOCK.TaltEhonr-i)-

Oen W Pajrt Tel xr W nearji P O. LtOX 78


Architects & BuildersOtiice: Rooms 2-- Arlington Annex.

Honolulu, H. I.Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish-i- t

Short Notictf. I44J

Building MaterialsOK ALL HINDU.

Doalort in Ltuubur nnd Goal.

ALLEN & ROBINSON,Queen street. Honnlnlo,

Mercantile ngnclrs.

itlDcoet io86fca P.O. Bos

IIAVVAIlAiMercantile Agency

O H. BERREY, : Managar.Judd Building.

tr DiPnll I'ulinciiims a Spi.ciaUv.

Hoiilili MercantilB iiencyRoom 10, Sprcckels Building,

Fort street.

Collection a sped ilty. Prompts No fee cliarEed unless --ollec

- -- . 1442


Ohla, Algtroba and Pine Firewood

tint fturt bpltt (rtucly tor iti, nuie)KUn



Lovvt-- t PilcH'H, ilelivoml to nny parttliu -- Ity



When You Waq B lig....RING UP THE..

C-X- a- U-- B

Livery, Boarding andSales Stable;., : : :


SUMo 'Phono, 47"Unci. 'PhunoH, 31U and 7?


Artesian Wells..


OUloo with tho Paclno Hardware Co.,k Honolulu, H. 1.

Est! nates glvon und contracts madefor wella on any of the Islands. HLXNEW PLANTH for heavy work operatednv th nifwt skillful hluhK(itpUwdrillRrr.

SEATTLE! BEER.Tho over popular Rainier beer la be-

coming a household word and "willyou have a glass of Seattle," Is moreoften heard than anything else. TheCriterion Saloon has the beer on tap orIn bottles.



(Jiang ppiieckelijoBANKERS,


Sat. rrancitco Agent Thk NevadNational Hank op San" FnAxriPCO

San FnANClKCO Tho Nnvada Nation"Rank of San FmiiclHtii

London Tho Union Bank of IjndoiLtd.,

Nkw Youk American Exchange Ntloiml Hunk.

Ciucaoo Merchants Nntlbnal RankI'aiiih Credit' Lyonnais.Hkiimn UreHdnor Rank.HoMtoNd and Yokohama Hnnken: A

SlitmghHl Rtnkill); Corioratloll.NhW .KAIVND AND AIIHTIIAMA VM t

Sow tininiiilVlOTOHIA ANIl VANrOUVhll BAIlL i

llrltlsh North Aiuerltx.Transact a General Banting aad ivkm Mm

DepolMs Kccclved. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and Traveler!Credits Issued. HUH of Exchange botutiiokI told.UOtiBOTIOKS VBOMfTLT ACCQCBTBD Ftb.


Savings Doposlt. will berece-lve- and Interest allowed by till'Hank at four and ono-ha- lf ier cuntpor. annum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Rep-uUilo-

may bo obtuliiod on application0 ill co at bank building on Merchttm

-- tructRISHOP .V CO

EnUbllshed 1853


Transact a General Bankingtitl Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler''.otters of Credit issued, availbio in all the principal citief the world.Intorost allowed after Jul,

1, 1808, on lixod deposits .'

months 3 per oent., 6 niontbtty por cont., 12 months 4

per cent.

Pioneer Building anoLoan Association'

ASSETS, DEC. 31, 1899, 1112,677..

Money loaned on approved securltjA Savings Dank for monthly depositHouses built on the monthly install

ment pisi.Twentieth Serl - of Stock Is no

opened.OFFICERS T. K. Lansing, Pros!

dent; S. B. Rose, Vlco President; C. BGray. Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretarj

DIRECTORS T. P. Lansing. S. BItoso, A. V. Gear, A. W. Keech, HenrjSmith, J. L. McLean, J. D. Holt, O. BGray, W. L. Howard.

A. V. GEAR,Secretary

chamber ot Commerce rooms. --

jOico Hours: 12:301:30 p. m.

Tge Yokohama Specie Ban


Subscribed Capital . 24,000.00 yePaid-u- p Capital ... 12.000,000 yeiReserve Fund 7,600,000 ye

The Bank buys and receives for collection Bills of Exchange, Issues Orsitiand Letters of Credit, ana transacta general banking business.


On FUed Deposit for la nontht. 4 P" cast a tOn Find Dapotlt tor 6 monttia, jH "Oo Fuel Depoall tor ) moa, I


Bv iha Head Oflle, at Yokohama, oa Current (1 a- -. ia jar day.

foalt. Depoalt lor la poiuha, jK par cant p. a

Hew ReDTHilic BniUui. Ill lu si.. HoieU

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectriCompany,

Corner Alakea and HalekauwilaSts,,

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-

trical GoodsConstantly on Hand,

Estimates ghen for house wiringand electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.

A, GABTLEY,General Manager.



Imcobpobatcu Unuek rut Laws 1

tor the Hawaiian Republic.

Capital $1400,000

OFFICERS ANI) DIRECTORSiCiiah. M. Cooki:, I'rn.sldont.

P. C. Jonkh,O. II. Cookk, Cahhlor.

F C. Atiikkto.n, AsMlsumt Cashier.Henry Wuturhouuo,

Tom May,1. W. Macfarlano,

E. 1). Toiuiey,JjA. McCaudlest.

Solicits tho of Firms, Cor-porations, TrustM, IiidlvldiMN, and willcarefully nnd promptly itttnud .to alliiiihiiio' eouneeted with hanking

to It, Soil and purrlmpo ForeignExelMiute. I"w l'llorx nf I'riMllt.

SAVINGS DBPARTMEiNTIOrdinary and Torin Ddpimitx received,

and IntoruKt allowed In inco wltorules ami conilltioim primed in Pa

coploH of which may bo hid u .nnppllcatlon.W


OF HAWAII, LTD.Incorporated Under tho Laws of thl

Republic of Hawaii.

Authorized Capital, SI ,000,000Subscribed Capital, 750,000Paid Up Cupital 500,000

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Urouu PresidentM. P. Robinson nt

W O. Cooper CashierE. M Lloyd Secretary

Directors Cecil flrown, Mark P.Robinson, Urtico Cartwrlght, W. OCooper and II. At. Von holt.

DRAW EXCHANGE ON;San Francisco The Anglo-Callfor-u-

Rank. Limited.Chicago Tho Merchants Loan and

Trust Company.Now York J. & W. Scllgman & Com-

pany.London Tho Anglo-Callforn- U

O.itik. Limited.Varls Societle Generate.Hninbtirg At. M. Warburg & Ooa-pun-

Hongkong and Yokonama ThlChartered Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Australia Tho Union Bank of Aus-tralia. Limited.

Canada Rank of Montreal.Berlin Gerbruder Aleyer.

Excham e bought and sold LettersCredit isrucd on all parts of thewnr'il


J. J. WILLIAMS,Photographer.



Visitors are cordially invited tocall and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e

royal photos, trom KamehamchaI. to date.

At tbo Old StandOn Fort Street ::


SilentBarber Shop.

Arlington Block, - Hotel Strem

Joseph Fernandez. Prop'iSrlSib!.,ma

rr LfisPtr1 Arvii k M 5

KEEP THE HEAD COOL and thfeetwirmls the advice Riven bv all thedoctors in lime ofeplJeinics of any kind.Pacheco's Dandruff Killer is the best touse n the he id. It Is iefre-hln- Invigor-ating and stimulating, besides possessingcooling properties contained In no otherpreparation hi the market.

PACHECO'a DANDRUFF KILLERIs for sale by a'l drugiiMs and at thUnion B rber Shoo: 606.

TliePacillc NurseryHAS MOVED

To 615 Fort St.,(Next to Ed. A.WIIilams, Undertaker),

And Is now prepared to supply everyvariety of Cut and Growing Plants.Sprt.ys, Bouquets, Wedding and FuneralDesigns executed on short notice.

A large variety of Roses and other ptantifor sale.



Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLE.The Fine Passenger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive at nrf

Leave This Port as Hereunder.

From San Franoisoo:AUSTRALIA April it I

April 11aYictdViia .... . MivdALAMEDA.: May .1 ,


in connection wltb the sailing of the above steamers, the AgontsDreoared to issno, to intending passengers, coupon thronebre

Hokets bv any railroad from HanUnited States, and from New York by an? uieamship line to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agonts Oceanic S. S. Go.

Pacific Mail Steamsbip Go.Occidental-an- il Oriental Stetmsoip Go, gs Toyo Klsen Kaisba

. Sfcaatri ol lh tber corapanm will call at....data. tloi

For Japan and China:UontkoneMtru April 7

CUm fa'.'Onric April 14NIpponMare Jay .RlodeJarwIro MarioCcaXIc My,5AntrUa Mru MayPtklBB J"Gllc JineiiHonKkoncMara June 31

Fur (Mitral Information apply lo

H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Agents.

Canadian -- Australian Royal Mail Steamship Company.

of tilt above line, running In connection with Int CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.i.mttn Vancouver D. C. and Sydney. N. S. W and call lac at Victoria, C. C. Honolulu and Brlaoanttrt DUE AT HONOLULU on or about the datei below ttattd, vlt 1

rROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B. C.. For Brisbane and Sydney:

, VVatlmoii Afrit riMlowrra .May tiAnrangl June 9Warrlinoo July tMlowira Aug. 4

VTbroufih tlcketi lisued from Honolulu to Canada, United Statee and Europe. For Freight andPaitage and all general Information, apply to

Theo. H. Da vies & Co., Ltd., Gen'I Agents.

Lines of Travel.

Wilder tain Co, Ltd.




Change in Sailing ofStm 1. "Kinau."

On and after Tuesday, Nov. 6, theteamer KINAU will sail from Hono-

lulu on Tuesdays at 12 noon, for Kau-takak-

Luhaiuu, Muitlaca Bay, Klhel.tfakena, Kuwathue, Mahukona, 'Lau-jkoeh-

and Hllo.Returning, will sail from Hllo on

frldays at 2 p. m. for ubovo numedaorta, arriving In Honolulu on Satur-day!.

Passengers and freight will be takentor Makena, Mahukona, Kawaihae, Hl-

lo, Hakalau, Honoinu, Papalkou, andPapcekeo.

Passengers and PACKAGES ONLYtrill be taken for Kaunakakal, Lnhal-t- a,

Maalaca Bay, Klhel and Laupahoe-lot- .

S. S. Claudine.CAMERON. Master.

MAUI,trill leATO Honolulu ovcry Tuesday

it ( P. M., touching at Lahalna, Ka-iuIu- I,

NahlkU, Hana, Hainoa andMaul. Returning, touches

tt above named ports, arriving In Ho-olu- lu

Sunday mornings.Will call nt Nuu, Kaupo, once each


S. St Lehun,BENNETT, Master.

MOLAKAI,, MAUI, LANAI. .falls every Monday for Kaunakakal,

Kanalo, Maunalel, Kalaupapa, Laha--

:as, Honolua, Olowalu. Returning ar--

rlvei at Honolulu Saturday mornings.

(Tills company reserves the right toauke changes In tho time ot departurewd arrival i its Bteamers WITHOUTMOTIOB, and it will not be responsi-ble for any consequences arJ-- 1- tfcere- -

trom.nnmineci must r c:t nio :dlng

i receive their frelat. T- i- 'jsm-- lany will not noia iiseii iceponiciM.

tor freight after it has been landed.Live stock received only at owner's

Tall company will not be responsl-l- tfor money or valuable! of pasaen-- rt

onleu placed In the care of the

irVuengeri are requested to pur-ika-se

tickets before embarking. ThosetaiUos to do to wil be subject to an441UoiuU enarga of twenty-flv- a per

Ck eorapany will not ba liable fortoaa of, nor Injury to, nor delay In,ha tallvary ot baggai or personalCaeta ol the taaaenger beyond Mm




Francisco, to all points in the

"ooolulu and Utr. tali port on or .bom dM .auntlootd 1.

For San Francisco:Nippon Mru April to100 a. Janeiro April itCootie AprilAmtrlcaMaru May 5Peking May taGarlic MaynHongkong Maru Mayi?China June 5coneNippon Maru.... .... lune

FROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANfc,per Victoria and Vancouver (B. C):jiiioera itAprilAorangl. .. . May qWarrlmoo June 6Miowera July 4Aoraiigl Auk. 1

Lines of Travel.

All employes ot the company aro for-bidden to receive freight wlthou de-livering a shipment receipt therefor Inthe form prescribed by tho Company,and which may bo seen by shippersupon application to the pursers of theCompany's steamers.

Shippers are notified that If freightra shipped without such rcceplt It willbe sololy nt the risk ot tho shipper.

C. L. WIGHT. PresidentS. B. ROSE, Secretary.CAPT. T. K. CLARKE. Port Supt.

JS- -


UNIONJOTIC"The Overland Route".Is Thirteen Hours Quicker Than via

Any Other Route.

'The Overlnnd Limited"Runs Everyday In the ' Year Buffet,

Smoking and Library Cars withB rber Shop and Pleasant ReadingRooms

Dining Cars (MealsDrawing Room Palace Sleepers etc.No Change of Care.

D. W. HITCHCOCK, Genral Agent,1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.

J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent,35 Third street, Portland, Oregon.

E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A.,1472., Omaha, Nebraska.

0. R. & L. Co.TIME TABLE.

Frnui and After January 1, 1W9.

TRAmaSTATIONS. Dally Dally(Outward) u. Sun. Dally ei. Sua. Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. PM. PJt.Honolulu :io 9:15 11:05 1:15 j:ioE"',t..l,y !:o1 V4l ,,i0 ' yi--

:j 11:00 4105 6:10Walanat 10:50 .,,, 4J ,,,,Wll SS .... j:o ....Kabuku.... it:it ..... 2.i ,,,,(Inward) ti Sua. Dally Dally Dally

A.M. AM r.m. r".!."bulra jiss :oWalalua 6:10 ,,,, t:soWalanat t:io ,,,, r.aPtailClty 6:11 (:o njo 4:51

O. P. Dhnison, SnperintontUnt,ittfitt3"'& P

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

frjaguda Boardman,


Domestic Servants, Sailors and General


Office Hours: o a. m. to 3 p. m

Telephone 917.

P. O. Bex 862.

Room 1, Spreokels Block14tt

Y. MASUDA,Portraits

Done in Crayon or Oil....Pictures Framed In any style....Framed Pictures for sale.

King and Aiapai streets,Near Honolulu Stock Yards.


CONTRACTOR.T I'rerurril toSupply nt Short Notice

BTONB FOR, HUir.niJKtPURPOSES ....Ctir. Vll I'll TVn t. nn inivAiJunetil""'" '"r.Vi.V.",.. """vuvi va!.u, J'jiu.

At Lowest Prices 1'lc.ine- apply orloavo urner i onieo of

J Ij Knuliikou,HOI Bethel Hlrcct, iniitiku '. ().


Merehant Tailor323 Nuuanu .",

flno Hulllnpa lu Knguiin, Scotch snlAmerican Qooclv ndo to order.

Meplione CC8- .- -- Postoflico box HS6.

Hop Wo &-C- o.


AND KHAKI SUITSAt Lowest PricesSatisfaction Guaranteed . .

Alalia Block. Emt M. HnrHirJn. H. I.


Wntolniiaker and Jeweller.GOLD AND blLVER PLATING.

-- WA King Mroot. 11!"

T. KATSUNUA.A & Co."A. K. OZaiVA, Minacer.


Ttinroraiy Ottice: Rook. I'rttalii Srreckeli tul'd.Inc. Tel. s4.

Y. MAN SINGHas Removed From Fort Street to 111

Nuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's.

LAMPS' LMUJUVEAR.Dresses Made To Order

not. hok,""Merchant Tailor,

HAS MOVKDFrom 31-- Niiuiimi to Ihrr pintr.-he-

No. 319, on the opj oeitn Hiilo of .


WI2STG- -71rO

Corner Aiakla and Kino Sinns...GROCERY AND FRUI'IS

always on hand. FRESH PINEAPHLESfor special order, and CALIFORNIA

rv every steamer and also ISL-AND BUITER. Delivery Free. Tel. 363


L. CHOKG,No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchant, llocolulu.

MEKOHANT : TAILOIiavSulti ranteed to St and in latti ttyla

CloUiInc made to order: Uniforms a ptclaltyClotiiei cleaned and repaired at reaionaM. ratea.

The tWorld RegisterKeops the Cash while you aro busy,

Try one o

Rook PricesOn Marble and Granite,


Fences and LawnFurnitnre.

Haw'n Iroo Fence anil Monumental Co

841 King Street,




H. I.

Except as specially permitted by the

Board of Health fmm time to time up m

showing of satlsfac'ory cause In each cise,no intrrment of tlfdeaJ slull t le rlacetfter October 1st, 1000, wlth'n he follow-

ing limits In the Disttlct ot Honolulu,bl-in- of Oahu:

Coniirenclne at the sea shore at thesouth point of the land cf Halawa, thencefollowing the east boundary of Halawa to

the summit nf trie Koohu mountain,thence easterly Mong the summit of saidmountains to PaMo valley, ihence south-erl- y

following the line of the easi ridge of

Palolo valley to the sea shore at the eastside of Diamond Head, thence followingthe sea shore In a westerly direction tothe point ot commencement.

This regulation shall not apply to theb irlal of ashes of bodies whLh have btensubject to cremation.

C. B. WOOD,President Board of Health.

Honolulu. April 5. 'Q'ta. "no-r'- t

Office of the Bo.trd of Health.Honolulu, H. I., March 31, 1000.

Report of cases of plague In Honolulu toii.a.I, n.ll... Mir.!. ,, IfVW""" """! " ! .y.

Cases. Deaths.Previously reported OS 58Week ending March 31, loco. 3

Nationality American I,Japanese t, insn t.

Total number cases to date. .7 1 OlIn the hospital this date 1

Recovered 0C. B. REYNOLDS,

Executive Officer, Board of Health.14)5 ti


Notice Is hereby given that f'tim andafter September 30, npo, Rule No. 7 of"Regulations for Carriages and Rates ofFare," designating the tands tet apartfor licensed ("arrlagei In Honolulu, willhe :tholil'ed, and there .fter no Staiu's f. rhacks will he a lowed upon any of theSlices of this Otv.

ALEX. YOUNfi,Ytnlster of the Interior.

Interior Office, March 2S, ioJ.

IRRIGATION NOTICi:.Honiara ot wntcr'ptlvlU'grg, or those

paying water rates, nro hereby nollttoO

that thu homy for Irrlgiitlon purposesaro from i to S o'clock 11. m. and from

llo C o'clock p. in. .ANDUKW IIROWN.

SuiicrltitotKlrnt Water WorkB.Appiovtd by A. YOUNG,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu. J:no II. lRflt'.

VJil-t- t

NOTICE.All perse us leaving Honolulu by train

must obtain a written ptrinlsslon welltime from th cllkeot the Board of Health.

C B.WOOD,. President.March .), 1900. Mv7wt

Asscssincnt Notices.Ol. AA SUGAR CO , LI U.


por I'tnt, or 60 cents p..T share, on tinHtock ot the aboro lueutioiiocl (Wiupativunit .lui' J.muniy int, l'JUi), ami ot'liii-(jui'i- it

iSth. 1!)00.


tint, or CO cunts por bhatt', on lit'stuck of tint ubovo mentioned touipaii)uriH iltiu February 1st, and ilullniiuuiitMr.rch Hist, l'JOO.

Tho hHVUNTII ASSH3SMBNT of 2'2per cent, or .10 cents p.v share, on thestock tif thu ubovo mentioned companywas duo .March 1st anil will Iim uoiln-iiucu- t

April ::0tli, 1900.Till-- : UIGIITH ASSKSSMKNT OP


SHARi;, ON THU STOCK OK Till:Auovn mi:ntionkd companyWAS MJK APRIL iBt, 1000, ANH l'AY-ARL-


J. P. COOKH.Treamirer Olaa Susar Co.

Honolulu, April 2d, 1900.H05-C- t

Assessment Notices.NAHIKU SUGAR'CO.

THE SECOND ASSESSMENT Ol' 5per cent or $1 per aharo, cu tho clockof tho nbovo named company was dueDecember 1st, 1899, and delinquent Jantiary 31st, 1900.

THE THIRD ASSESSMENT of 10per cent, or $2 per bharo, wad due-

March 1st, 1900, and will bo dcllnquout jApril 30th, 1900.

All aro payablo nt the ofTlces of Alexandcr & Baldwin, Judd Bid?.

J. P. COOKE.Treasurer Nnhlku Sugar Co,

Honolulu, April 2, 19Q0.1495-C- t

Kihei Assessment Notice.


per cent, or $3 per share, of tho KlhelPlantation Co.'a stock waa duo onMarch 1st, 1900, and will bo delinquentApril 30th, 1900. Payablo at tho officesof Alexander & Baldwin, Judd Iildg.

J, P. COOKE,Treas. Klhel Plant. Co.

Honolulu, April 2, 1900..1495-C- t

Catton, Neill & Co., LtcL

Boilermakers : : and : : ElectrlclaifcAgents for

The General Electric- - - Company

R1SD0N 1E0N WORKS,San. Franoisoo, California..


Hih Duty Pumping Machinery,;Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines. Carw Or.

Vacuum Pans, and all machinery for the complete equipment of Sugar Mills.

Office: Progress Block,KORT AND BERETANIA 8TREET8, - - HONOLULU. H. tt,

Fulton Engineering and Shipbuilding WorkSnSUCCESSORS TO -


High Duty Pumping Engines,.- -, tlrln. n.l Mill Cr.Wlr..

Estimates. furnished for all classes of machlner, and for the equipment of compVrtn

power plants.


Hemy C3--- 3-ixa.a,c- si,

Representative in the Hawaiian Islands.Fort street, between Merchant and King streets. f&i

THEG1fl,MVIES&CO.,Ltd.Merchants and Commission Agents.

Carr i Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c. PaintOils and White Lead.


Agents ?Oi Clap.pi.os & Dick's Balata elttn;'I his Belling is acknowledged by several -- ' Mic most e.peit ri.gineers 03 tt

Islands to be the best, most durable, and least exi enslve.Also Agents for Keknefer Bros.' GRAY AGATE WARE, of which a fell

Is carried.A good seleitlon of IRON BEDSTEADS, MAIMING, LINOLEUM, I ATt.


Lime, Cement, Fire Clay and Fire Brickcc.


Guitar, Mandolin, Zillier,and Ukulele

my absence atOmrMr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co.,"ill hnc charpe of mv pupils.

e. VL 1 ZE3 gf 3T 3T,VIOLINIST.

- i. Brrt?tanla Street,

r-- Vi HI welve a Unilted number ol pupils.Music tuml-he- d for -- once.ls, afternoon or..'enlng p."tit .


ANNIS MONTAGUK TURNKRVocal Studio. "Mlsnon." 720 Bcretoriluttrcot. Tel. ltll. 1J7

K..IC. KAAJ,readier of ' .,ar, Mandolin, Zither

l Mantle and 1 arc Patch.

Order lo 1k loft euro of V all, NIc)io!h

Co.,i.ii! nt SorKNtroin Miifiic Co.'kJ l'J6u



Cor. Fort and Queen Sts,

FIjlE JOB ppTlNIjAt Reasonable Prices.

Hack Stand No. 32

Sayt do you know where I can getood carriage? Surel At the Haw

Man Hotel Carriage Co.. corner Hot'ind Richards streets. Tel. 12. Nottaing but first class carriage and txperlenced drivers.


T. B. Clapham, Veterinary Surgeon andDentist. Office, Klrg Street Stables:Telephone 1083, Calls, day or night,promptly answered; specialties, obstetricsand lamertees. M&t-t- f

M rl. .. Clnll.,,, tlnll.r.

PlnmlKrs. Etc.

. '. Ti ft 'U Mviff 'fMtfi.jj &.& 1itty

PLUiSEB,75 and 79 Klr.gStreat

TKLKPHONE NO 31JNOW Is tho tlmo to get lotAs asr!

. brcakHcos oon to, hikI yocr

Roofs Put in OderBy compotont wothmm'


Sanitary liili aim fin

t- -

Old I'lri'TuwiT, Union Htraet.We linurn on unlliir.g hut tlm'Uk,

of w rk uinl niHtfiml, lofting nil workjthin. Injuring you :i;.ilimtiil Miwor ta,

lCstlini-tc- carclully U'lvun..loiibiinr prinmuiv uiumiimi to.

Poi tlie PlumblniiOn tliiit r.mv Iiouho dial yon areabout to bniltl or tho. (illerationRyou nro infru-iin- to m'ae onyour piupoity. CkH and ua mmill il'I an 'ritimato.

JAS. rlOTT, Jr,l'tnctical TinBinith nnd l?Iumbt.

Hhop: Itorotiiula struct, 1 doors mof Piiuchliowl. Phono Kit.

Hour 7 h. in, to 5 p. in.Jobbing prorpptiy ntlended to.

W. II. BARTM. II W. BAn.Honolulu Sbeet Metal WorksGalvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilator,

Metal Roofing,Conductor Pipe and Gutter Wo.

Richard. Strut, tt.QuMn and Merchant, HomMiWJobblnr promrtly attendfd iu.1

BBiK HAAHEO,Klnhtreet, not--. Railroad Depot,

Plumber and TiUBm'thBatlHfacHcB cuanntoed.

All work promptly and caraf.ul;attendod to. u

Coney EstateLANDS.

A FEW VERY PESIRABLE BUILDJING LOTS on Nianu Avenue, t Wolopa, Nuuanu Vallej for sale. Apply tt


Cartwrlght Block, erchant streat




'.ST, p"SW"

wSjf91? Jrfe '

T$" Hw "'"




W. h:.


83 Queen


- 309383




Tae holders of the Maunalcl Sugai 530

Co, Ltd., stock, hereunder described 537are hereby notified that the followint 5C3

delinquent stock will bo sold ut PublliAuction at 12 o'clock noon on MUN-JJA- C02

April 9, at tho salesroom ot C31

Jaa. P. Morgan, Honolulu, unless tho C58

assessments, with Interest thereon, nre CCS

Oaid before tho abovo date, and, unlosn G79

the reccltits from said s.ilo are suttl CSO

ateot to fully cover all delinquencies 771

and costs, each delinquent Bharchoiucr SIC

will be held personally liable for the 937balance duo on his Bhares. 938Sto.CcrU Nnraes No. Shares 939

IS Lam Kam Chin 23 910SO Ylm Sea Lock 30 95345 P. 0. Oreany 10 101047 Oeo. J. Campbell 00 1029S3 Loo Chit Sam. GO 103304 CO 103C

25 1071

07 25 107748 " 10 1085M 10?S 10 1132

1 10 1133S3 10 1139ttO A. Barnes 10 1145

1 A. Barnes 10 11592 A. Barnes 10 1181

fH A. Barnes 10 119395 A. Barnes 10

6 A. Barnes 10tM Dr. H. Oliver lo I2S.154 Loo Goon 50 12'JOISA Loo Goon . 3034 Loo Goon 30 1358

if.7 fxio Goon 25 13S9--178 C. Lennox 10

"CM C Lennox 20223 Leo Goon CO

331 J. B. Gibson 6 139C

50s Loo Chit Sam 35! 1100Xii Loo Chit Sam CO, 1

TU Loo Chit Sam 10,2S1 J. W. I'odmoro 25 ir.niXT, Got. D. Gear 5

't KT TY II ltnltn.iM, I fl ' 1511SS2 h! It! Hitchcock !.'!"!!!""!! 10'

11 Loo Chit Sam 35 13315X1 Xrfio Chit Sam CO

2D Loo Chit Sam 25SS0 Loo Chit Sam 25tn Coo Chit Sam 15.KJ Loo Chit Sam 15Iffii J. Q. Wood 10 m

19 Mrs. Lucy Ng Monwar b

IIn H. Waterhoueo & Co 5

5X1 Paul Neumann ... ouski p.ui nuumann . 50983 Paul Neumann JO

K4 Paul Neumann 20SfiS Paul Neumann 20Sit Paul Neumann 20SCI lt.ul Neumann 20363 II. Francis 10192 Loo Chit Sam 25HH Loo Chit Sam &'tOO Loo Cblt Sam 50

09 A.. L. Morris C

8 Miss C. A. Flnckler 15C25 O. Whitehead 10426 Ylm Sealock ..- - 5

(27 Lam Kam Chin 5428 C. B. Cray 30M C. B. Gray 10

&30 C. B. Cray 10135 Mrs. Rll8e Neumann 204X6 F. II. Hayselden Tr. P. R., Hanson 1YA Loo Cblt Sam 10 of

A. V. GRAIt. firTreas. Mnunalcl Sug. Co.--, Ltd.Honolulu. March 15. 1900.



Klhel Co.April 28,


.It my salesrooms, 33 Queon street, Ho-

nolulu, I will sell at Public Auction, byorder of the treasurer, Mr. J. P. Cooke,ho following certificated of stock In tho

Xihel Plantation Co.' unless theTIFTH assessment, delinquent I'RB.38th, with Interest thereon, Is paid onor before tho day and hour ot sale:

No. No.Oertlf. Shares.

11 Jesse Makalnal 100!9 H. Wntcrhouse & Co. ... 10031 H. Wntorhouso & Co. ... 10032 II. Waterhouso & Co. . . . 10085 F. B. Angus 10

327 W. II. Nelman 20159 W. B. Belllna 102ff9 O. J. Bolsso 10301 Henry Hapal 10

228 Chas. Lucas 200

10 FreshWhite


R.IOEI, President.

Jas.F Morgan,


Delinquent Stock



Delinquent Stock


90ft 8AL19,California Milch Cows

Srown Leghorn ChickensPlymouth Rocks



Street- -

229 X'. M. Lydlg 200237 E. Monsarrat 20316 Bow Hoy 1031G Dao Wal 5

W. II. Goetz 20Chlng Lum 25

135 J. 13. Kahoo G

Wm. Thompson 10150 W. C. Achl 100

W. C. Achl 100J. P. Stcctz iOL. Ah Long 10W.C. Achl 100Geo. Desha and C. J.Holt 25J. F. Sopor 23II. B. Schrotko 50'T. Ah Tong '.... 17C. II. Laage 10C. II. Laago 20C. II. Laago 2"W. L. Fletcher 33J. 13. Taylor 10Leo Chu 43Yco Chin 20Yeo Chin 25C. Din Sing 20J. R .Hush, trustco 20N. R. Gcdgo 15Chas. Phillips 10R. It. Illvcn fi

S. R. Illshop B

Yec Chlng 10A. B. Ingalls 10J. S. Martin 70

10U1- -C. 11. Laago 10T. A. Uonnaghln SO

T. A. Uonnaghln 10G. Martin 13L. II. l'lmcntal 10M. A. GonsalviH 50A. HnrrlRoi CO

W.C. Achl 1001210-Ch- as. A. Hon 251212- - Wm. F. Joch3r ...: 33

I Martin Bowers 10I). C. Hoberisnn 25

1320- - Chas. Phillips 10Jno. Hind 100Geo. Mnnson 10

139- 2- (iro. Manson CO

1391- - C'. Manson 201395-G- eo. Manson ?0

Geo. Mnnson 20- Look Chlng 10

ton .1. II Schnai'k 10

1155-1- 1. I" Uoth 100('. .1. Falk 1

lr.im lux. S. Tcwslcy 10-- T. F. KnlBWlsk s

1550-- C. .1. Falk 2

CJ. .1. Falk 251589 S. It. Jordan 13

T. II. Petrlc tHonolulu, April 5, 190.).

J. , MUlTiAN',

At rublic AuctionAT 12 O'f "'"K 1.


SALE tl-- SHIPThe Biitisb Barque


Pipllc notice I' hereby g'ven tiat on

WeJnesJav, April nth, 9 at1 of the cl 'Ck meridian, 1 will epo-- e

silt- - at Public Ven Jue to the lilnlifstand best bldd", at the b iat landing atBrewer's wharf, In Honolulu, as a totalniisirucil.'e loss, bv order of the Lite

mister thereof, row acting as trustee a d

agent for the Insu'ers or underwriters theBriiUh barque SEBASTIAN BACH of

rrgiMereJ iimnage84 tons gross ortnete-ibow- t,

official No. 95 85--, togrther with

tac-l- apparel, lurn.ture, fixtures andpiraphernalla.

For futth-- r and more particular Informa-

tion apply to the undeis gneJ.

ler.u ui aie, CASH In U. S. Goldcoin upon fall uf the hammer.

WILL E. FISSER,Auctioneer.

Cor. Vt and Me'd ant streets.HUMPHREYS AND ANDREWS


N. B. BoiU will te In attendance atthe boat landing at Brewer's wharf be -

twfen tie hours of roa. m. anl4p m,

onTtcday, April loth, 1930, for the pur-

pose nt c mvevlng (free of charge) intend-ing purchase to tl e above mmed barque.


Yards Company.W". S. WITHERS,

WANTS.gidi. m ttntolumn ututt tntttuJ allrl.Pi .. ri.if imtrtfian! la tttttt iltonj Mil,- -.... ... . 1. . ...... .... J ... .... . .L Iksl.....tt f Jtl

lien, u (inn mi. fuicnti.invnivittiapilltJvtrlmnt r offirtj IbtPioplt of Honolulu.




404 Fort street,

Wants several Young Girls to

wait on Table as soon as pos-



D1. HUDDY S Dental Parlors are now -,


OrriCE Iti Rrewer B'dg. Que.n St. Inquire Room. t. Hawaiian Co, i4Wiw

I O LLT HJR.MSHEI) HUUSf. Miklkl streel.I Nil ijj. Apply lo W. T. MONSR AT.

1U Lb I rt liw Kww.tt), kindle nJ vn ultv areI rrrunt vant at the Ouecn Hotel. Nuuanu

street, at reasonable rent. niTimi . The io.diu nl John Ena at Walklkl,

turi.i li u .r uiiluiu h.u Urge yorJ andnouse, bam nJ stable. To ! t as a whole or In

.art Fi further partiruto i ppl to JOHN tNA,1 g v r ' nffjf O ren street. 146ft!

THE ALOHA ROOMING HOUSE. Fort St. BestI rooms an! attendance In city. 3J


Fk,f i'K ',1 ffi'W ML5F.W.MfclEK . Tel. hlie 51. tyxi t(

COR SALr A BAnY CARRIAGE InI rnn''iii- - A plv to A (i tM nfPre uoqlt

UOk SALt: CKOHiKlltb tt a Ilir-- rRain Lut with houses on WlUer Ave.. Jtjoo;

lot In Kealo atoit xoo s.ua e Hel, Inco; lotwith 4 houses Income I40 per montn, I51U0,

h.iue and lot o Wlld.r Ae., I 750: 1 acre of le.seland. loer Nuuai.ii val y. wllh a oue and aboutatnoo rlsnls 01 Jlfletent flowir. Jisoo; t l.i-- s

(OueenSI) $1.00; 1 lot Kewa o iQurenbi.)$500: r sldence I..I Pumhhowl slope. SiOao.

acre Patina near King St. J1500. Apilyl"J M.

VIVAS, Postofli e line. "M'lCOR conlroll'ny Inler-- r

est or anv pait ot the stork I tn "ONOLUI U

STE.M LAUNDRY mav be haJ at a discount. Ap-- p

Ic lion miv b made lo E C. Winston or 1 oulsvia k. Lann irv offii - Hnvl tre't 1407-- 1

SLh jhor e one can used lor sadjle:FO"urr and phaeton. Apply P. W, Me fhl ;. im--


One ace of lanJ n ar Llllha streel



L. C. aUI ES, Real ttalc Ajent

COR PI NO. cheap, used om' j.ar. AddiessJ J , UutlttinOfr.ee. 1484- -,

COR SHE-T- IIF OIDESTAnLISHRD PRIN1r 1M1 USINLSSof Ihe lite Rohert f rleve In.Hiding !'. Tyre. Rui nn Machine. Uont"Indtr's d Pilrtlnir Outfit, compl-i- e. "Us for Hi

h..v- - men loned buslnsn will be received by th- - unJerslcmd, who vvl.l turnlshed parncu r. In reeard in,,me Jv Si MdEAN.n-.- m Administrator Estale of R .btrtCreve.

COR SLE-$4- 5o of busl espropeMy on orl streel 14 years to run u ounJ

Kent i&i per annum, , oa'cin. ..ri'iir n.WILLIAM SaVIDGE.

, li.n irfCOR SALE TWO COTTAGES on Youok St.,r oroolle L 11. Dee. Esq. Iniiul'eot i. b.i(in, if "

FuR bALb Juoo. LOl in be.t pmllon ot Kalihlio 80x150. Appl to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.No. 1 o Tort street.

COR SALE-J- S-' LOT at Kallhl on main street,slie7jxi5c. P"'y

WllLLIAM SAVIDGE.ro. 1 o lort sireet.



A large, bla k OG, wlh a while mukunJir hUneck. Answers! i Ihe nim of 'p rl.

Is mlsslntr Irom 101 PunihiiiMl stieet. Any oneIni; ihe doc will be rewaid.J. Toff and cellar

N" ,,y Mil's. 1. P WRD.I OST CIR IHLAlh NO 0) 101 Bj shares ofL-- t c ol Ihe Kiiel I'lant.tlon Compjiiy, Ltd.,Issued I" II. Wa eihouw 8: l.o

CfcRnrCArUNU. 77jf..r 7oshires of stock ofHi. Klhel I'lauiation C ... LlJ Issued to J. A.Magoon.

A parties ae wirned ncalnst n, collttlne ortie S4me as tran-ti- r on the books of c.u.-pan- y

has been siopp d ' ALHhbD MAGOON.

LOST A cenilemjn's &i.AIl-l'I- N; itlarrondI'M e elurn to lluiletln Ottice and

liberal reward. 1477-1- 1


WANltD A sc.jnJ-i.in- J good condition set ofAn. Cyclopedia anJ Annuals 'rom

1876 lo data or Ilriunlc Cvcl pcdla piease statslowest price. Adiress (C. K ) l U. Uox a0.


Vy ANTED A New Yoiker would like position ofany kind clerk preferred Address in T.inis

office. 4os-i-

ANTED Everyone to know thai the new CLUBnHWiNG PARLORS will oon May ist at

101 King slien n xt to W W D'mnnd i404-l- f

niANIFD-- N. F. BUhUESS does all kinds of

" small repairing, Lawn Mowers and Gardenline mim inrliltte. Lawn Mowers w 11 be Call- -

f4n!&Mi,,, up '"' Al, ' ,ew ,'WXANTED Men to know that they can get shaved

W by a while barber for ij cents at (I. JEfFS.tit'A Fori slreel, opp. C'" 'Me; tjggL,

The St. Frances will flnsh discharg-ing today.


Clack Spanish.

3yCa.na.ger. MS

Weather Bureau, Punahou, April 7.Temperature) Morulas; minimum,

72; Midday maximum, 82.Barometer at 9 n. m. 30.09. Falling.Itnlnfall .00.Dow Point C3F.Humidity nt 9 a. tn. CO por cent.Diamond Head Signal Station, April

7. Wrathor clear; wind light NR.

ARRIVALS.Friday, April G.

Nor. bk. Fortuna, MiklcliMon, G" daysfrom Ncwcastlo; 1,990 tons ot coal toorder..

Am. sp. Jabcz Hoivt-3- , Clapp 29 dayafrom Tacoma; 2521 tons coal to O. it.& L. Co.

T. K. K, Hongkong Mara, from BanFrancisco.

Saturday, April 7.Stmr. Kauai, Bruhn, from Kauai

ports; C70O bags sugar to If. Waterhouso & Co.

Am. sclir. Chas. R. Wilson, Johnson,from Aberdeen Mar. 11; 20,339 pesrough lumber, 12,092 pes dressed lum-ber and 1020 bdls shingles for O. L. &B. Co.

Am. sclir. Pioneer, Mlkkolscn, fromAberdeen Mar. 5; 23,521 pes roughlumber, 13,379 pes drcs3ed lumber, 10)bdls laths and 400 bills cedar Rhlnglusfor Lowers & Cooke.

DEPAHTITIU2S.Ftlday, April (i.

Am. sclir. Proapu", Joliannsei.. fortho Sound In liallaat.

Am. bk. Albert. OrlfflllH, for SunFrancisco; 2,331, SOI 11m sugar, valuednt $92,019.10.

Stmr. Mokollt, for Mololcal ports.T. K. K. Hongkong Maru, Fllmer. for

China and Japan.PASS KNO KR.S ItIHVRD.

From San Francisco, per T. K. K.Hongkong Maru, Apr. 7 Mr. and Mrs.C. D. Ballard, Miss F. I. Balllngor, Mr.and Mrs. J Campbell, two children andBcrvnnt, Mrs. M. Campbell and child,Miss Mnrjorlo Strong, Mrs. F. L.Strong, W. L. WItham. Through forYokohama F. Albert, Lieut, and Mrs.Victor BI110, Lieut. It. R .Belknap, Mr.anil Mrs. Aloxandcr Hamilton, MissEdna Hamilton, Rear Armlral LouisKcmpff. Lieut, R. McLean, W. F. Pro-va- n,

O. A. Poolo, Miss Eleanor Poole,Rear Admiral Geo. C. Rcmey, Llout.J. II. Shipley. For Kobe II. Komadu.

!ltihl"nl UtihtH Plllklsi.San Francisco, March 21. Tho bark

Highland Light camo into p.irt dis-masted at 3 o'clock yc3torday afternoonIn tow of tho tug Reliance, which pick-ed her up abreast of the .Farallones.Captain McLuro of tho Highland Lightreports that nt 9:15 o'clock, wlillonbout COO miles off Capo Foulwcathor,In latltudo 42 decrees north, and lourI-tud- e

134 degrees west, tho vessela strong easterly galo wlillo

cloHc-haulc- d on th oport tack. It wasfound necessary to cut away thewreckage. Captain McLuro decided toput In hero for repairs and had fairlygood weather to port. Tho vessel sail-ed from Nanaimu on Fobruary 28thwith 1900 tons of coal for Lahalnn, Ha-

waiian Islands.

tlnixin and RukhIii.(Associated Press Special.)

Yokohama, March 31. Tho Japanesepress asserts that tho Russian squad-ron Is still at Chemulpo and that Itwill probably proceed to Masaupho toenforco tho demands made. It Is

that In tho event of Korea yield-ing, Japan will demand a similar con-

cession on tho Korean coast.

Fatlici Cnnrmly Gock to Chlnn.(Associated Press Special.)

Portland, Or., March 31. FatherConindy, n priest well known on tlwPurlilc Coast, now CO years of ago, an-nounces that ho will leave In n shoittlmo for Canton, China, for tho pur-pos- o

of working among the loper col-ony in tho province of Canton. FatherConrndy spent eight years at Mnlokal.

A Long Voyage.Tlio Hnwnllnn ship Cutorpu, well

known at this port and upon which 20per cent lnsuranco was quoted, arrivedut Froemantle, her destination, after a )

passage of 15S days from Paget soundwith a cargo of lumber.

II. L. Herbcit Is confined to thehouso by a qulto sovcro illness. It Islikely ho will not bo able to attend hisregular business nffairs for two orthrco weeks.

Tho Seamen's Club had another onoof their pleasant entertainments 'ittho rooms last evening and In point ofnttendnnco nud enthusiasm was thobest of tho scries, so far.

All tho bath fittings have beenfrom tho toilet rooms of tho

Executive building, and new lavatoryand sanitary appliances put in. Theold plumbing had been there for nine-teen years, some of it being of old pat-ents then.

Notice.An ASSESSMENT of 55 per share Is

now due and payable on the stock of theSANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO.,LTD., at the office of J. A. Magoon.

F. WUNDENBERG,Tre su'er.

Honolulu, April 5, 1903. M99-l- t




Grand Spectacular Production of


Assisted by the Full Strenj-'.- h of the

Company and Members of the

Orpheum Stock Company.


JUBILEE SINGING!Old-Tim- e Darky Songs and Melodies.





Publ c notice Is hereby given thittheCourt of Claims for losses .au-e- by theBoard it Heilth In Ihe Suppression of

B bon'c liavl. ft teen dulycmmlsslored and suorn, will

hold a session at Its Court Prom In theJudlclaiy Building In Hono'u u on Wed'nesdav. the 4 h day 0' April, A. D tt,oo,

at a o'clock In the afternoon, a-- d daily atthe same hou- - until furtrur notice. (Sun-- d

jys and hollJay excepted).

All persons claims against theGovernment which properly should be

submitted tothlsC'urt rc ro ified thattheir da mi must b filed In explicate be-

fore the first dav 0' June, A. D. 1900, withthe Clerk f the Court.

TheCle'k' office will bt open for thereception ofclilms between the hours of

10 o'cl ck a. m. and 6 p. m. dally, (Sun

days and ho'ldavs excepted).Blanks and Information will be furnish-


un tne "czarina"due any moment from S. F. we have 80 1900 bicycles.

Of these there are

62 Columbios 0 18 Ramblers.In th s lot thtre are 32 of those great

Columbia Chain-les-s B cyclesfitted with the

- - COASTER BRAKE - -When you omt down grade your feet can remain s'allon'ry on

the peJaN, when you want to slow up jjst back pedal a little, nnJ thetrick Is done.

Beldes this shipment on the "CZARINA" we have another lot01 the "Australia" due on the nth Inst.

' The place with the largest stock of 1900 wheels to pick from

E. 0. HALL & SON, Ltd,Next to

Pacific Import Co.


John Nott,





The arrival of ourspring stock in

Ladies' Shirt Waists.Complete line of the most relia-ble shirt waists, at reasonableprices. We invite inspection.

Boys' Wash Suits.Complete assortment of up-t- o

date styles. Try our leader$1.50value in town.




atwash suit; best


S. EHRLICH, Manager,



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Good Embalming a Specialty. A full stockof the latest and best undertaking goodsand paraphernalia, including several Blackand White Hearses.

Office, 534 536 Fort St., Love Building.TELEPHONE 846. NIGHT BELL ON DOOR.

Residence 777 Fort St., near Vineyard St. Telephone and Night Call. 849.immMKtsammssaammsimmmmmmmmimmmmammmmMammmmmmmmmtm

Thurwlny, AprilRobert Hoaplll Baker, nged about

yoars, died honn Cum-mins, Pawaa, lato yesterday nftcrnoon.Heart disease complaint. De-

ceased been long period.Robert Hoaplll Bauer born

Walkapu, Maul, flfiy yearsfamily high rank undermonarchy prominence.

splendid physique and pre-possessing demeanor. Sometimes whenconducting ovenlni; regimental rii'ls

colonel forces people wouldmistake him King Kalaltuim.

commlsstuni'd first lieutenantKing's Guard Fob. 1Ni, and

Major March 1.SSI.

Major llakor appointed Gover-nor Maui, Molokal l.anulOct. 188C, held position until

Reform Leglslnturo 18S7 abolish-ed governorships. saino lime

wlfo brother, Colonel JohnIlaker, chlefcss, Governess

Hawaii. Major Raker appointedKnlakaua memlii"- - l'rtvy

Council State August 18SI,Queen Lllliiokulanl .cuewliit; com-mission such Mairh IS'Jl, when

reconstructed Hint body, whichheld similar reunion urown

that held Council StateKxccutlvo Republic.

May 188!) Major Rakerpromoted Aldo-do-catu- p Col-

onel staff Kalnkuua,received similar lonunisslon fromLllluokahinl March, IS'Ji. ColonelUakor took oath RepublicHawaii January IS0".appointed member HoardReglstiatlon Electors Ihls Island.Colonel llakor Voim' ily--n member

Anglican church, attachedRlshop Willis's congregation An-

drew's Cathedral. n.itlvo Ha-

waiian high IntelllReiie.oinanncra, with genial disposition thatinnilo friends who became ac-

quainted with him. manly loimwill greatly inlsse- -l stree

Honolulu.funeral Robcit Hoa-

plll Raker will talto placo Sunday af-

ternoon. Tho body stateMllllnnl Hall back opsin housofrom services will begin

latter hour. Wallerolllclato head ReorganizedChurch Jesua ChriM. LatterDay Saints which dooinscdmember. Interment take placeKnwnlhao cemetery.

DceeiiBcd leaves v.lfe, I3r.ima

Raker following children.Robeit Hoaplll Raker, band,Mis. Rooth nud Vllo llakorEmma Raker, minors.

Robert Hoaplll Biker nobleblood. Lllq-i- ,

first king Ilntvril cr

Napuui.ulicelio highchief Maul.

Tho performance 'Undo Tom'sCabin" Ruust Iliignn company

Orpheum tonight link'd foiwardwith great deal Interest.

Hogan Undo Tom should any-

thing disappointing. Tho gentletimes, oomc-i-

work, shown that posrss'iinbillty mulio pari this kinddecided success. revolutionTho colored comptm li'ivesuppoit Orphoum snn-l- company

combination should ici.lleexpectations nnst fahtldloiu.Theio Bondhouso nbsnied. hing-

ing mcinbciH company havo eon-llnc- d

themselves legitimate harmon-ics, tonight theio promiseEomo tlmo plantation Hingingwhich would impossible ln

from running into "barbershop" chords, tint originatedSouthern plantations during times

slavery, which enjoyable.doubt Hogan been saving thisclass work

ltwlll treat."Monday, April

Henry Howard, medical su-

perintendent Kt-llh- l detentioncamp, very pleasantly surprisedSaturday night tho presentationhint solid silver loving bear-

ing Inscription: "PresentedHenry Howard. em-

ployee modlcal departmentKal(hl detention camp, Island Oahu,March 1900."

Horses rigs may keptWalklltl stables Long


SIMERSON WINS BY 30,000The final count was not readied until 4:30 o'clock, by Messrs. Craft,

Paris, Maguire, White and Cross, although every effort was made tofinish before the paper went to press.

Following are the official and final figures which awards the Most

Popular Captain contest to Captain Simerson :

Captain Simerson 4.1583" Cameron 12649' Clarke 8 108


11 HcDonaldTullett

" Freeman" ricAllister" J. Dower




IDeir Sirs : I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your &S?d

esteemed favor of even date, anil in reply desire to thank the p?"Bulletin" for the elegant pair of Binoculars presented to me .is fljsj

winner of the recent contest for the Most Popular Captain ', nnd Pjalso wish to convey my sincere tluVnks and appreciation to m &snumerous friends who voted early and often for me v . j9

Yours Respectfully, lasA. C. SIMERSON, Eg

Master S. S. "Mauna Lo." 3llonuluhi,.H. !., April 3rd, 1900. ih.

Tuesday, April 3.The Hoard of Health held a meeting

yesterday afternoon, nnd will mei-- i thisevening to pass on minutes of nomoformer meetings.

Dr. Wood, president, In answer toquestions, favoied tho theory that theSullivan girl's infection enmo to thohouso In tho clothis or pUoch of herstepfather, who had boeu a guard Inthe uuccji street Infected dlstiict.Also, that Uio lctlm had caught tncdlsensu fiom infection, the typo '.lugthat of pneiimoufc plague.

Dr. Wood reported tho Intendedevacuation of Kalihl delentlnn camp,as stated In cotculay'3 llulletln. liehad discontinued tho disinfectingcorps and would dlsmics thu mencleaning up tho debris of Chinatown.

The petition of tho IMllshed camp-e-

to bo allowed to wajto the Executive Council.

Dr. C. L. Gnrviu was nnnnunce I 113

willing to ticcept tho poiitton of eyecu-lv- o

oincer. C. II. Ri'uolds, thoIncumbent, would iltvoto his time

xclusivcly to tho supi il.ucndence ofho Lepor bcltlemcnt. It was- -

o hold a cououltnttou with Dr. GarvinUeforo tukiug further action.

it waa voted to mauc tho feen forrioit iihyslcians in otle-- r ports unltoimwith thoso for Honolulu.

Monday, Apill 2.

Supeilntcndcnt J. 1"). McVeigh linnbeen notltltd to closo Kalihl dPtentlcncamp forthwith. All pcuplo that innvhereafter bo ordored into quarantinefrom Infected houses or dlstilcts willbo sent to Rattory camp.

Rending nclion on .1 petition fromthirty whlto men nnd ninety Jnpaucsatn bo nllowcd to remain nt tho Drill-she- d

camp, Dr. Wood gnvo an ordor loSuperintendent Doylo this morning tadclny tho eviction ot tho Inmates ofthat refuge. Tho Ronrd ot Health Inlikely to act on tho petition this after-noon.


Thursdny, April 5.Tho St. Louis Collego Literary So-

ciety held a meeting Inst night atwhich tho following olilceni for the en-suing year wcro elected: C. II. Rose,president; R. P. Zablan, vice- president;13. Berndt, secretary nnd treasurer;Brother Thomas, stago manager. Threenow members were elected to activomembership. Tho society will presentanother play In tho near future.




Thuijda:, A ill "

At a meeting bold yesterday i'i.- l,laws of tho hospital for In iai,woic discussed anil adopted and iiu

board of dlrcctoia electi-- letRov. Rlshop Willis, 1'ioKldcin S. 11.

Dole, S. 13. Damon, rubor Vnbniim.Alexander Young. This board will in itoday to elect Its olllcero. The luilow-In- g

ero present at thu me tin:l'rcsldtnt S. 11. Dol3, lliitlsn Coni.ni!--slonc-

I Ion re, Bishop Willis, Rev. Ab.y-nmlc- r

Mackintosh, lleoigo R. CmcValentine, R A. r, .1

Dr. Rowman, llobt. ('.."en.J. 1". Cooke, Thos. Rain Wall,- - r, ALoi.ison, S. Dan11.11, W. K. '

Allan Herbert.Aitlcle (J of tho liy-hn- .s n ' ,

follows:Tho dliei'lora Ui'li ii) IiU 11 I. . itlive (5) pereons, who anall bu in . ,

of tho hrspltal, and have nutlionij t 1

expend such moneys a3 are fu n'i-by th- - dliectois for tho cuiduci 01 1.

ho'iitnl, liieluiliug the purch .'

f ml, nuilh-ln- and Hi01111 oyinent of uta:an'-- .

Mondiy, Apill 'iAt Hvdney tho eunii;.iy iiwiu- Hint

rcsultui in finding tint tho cini.es-qunrteit- ,

weio In good ninitary concli-tlon- .M- - pio'e.sud ai,.dnst u

proposal D lightenmolt) dungtrous, on the rat u. 00 .nt,than for steamers to eomo tu

It was sugg-sie- that sleuiu-ci-

within four leet of thewhnrvca, with taind lendeis nn1iiionilngs to prevent tho transit otrats either way. Theio was 11 propo-sition made to quarantine n certainwharf where fooel produce was landed.M. Chnrhonsan, a memhr-- of tho localparliament nnel of tlio municipal coun-cil, was n victim of phguo nt Noumea,capllnl of tho Trench colony of NewCaledonia.

Ttiesdiy, April 3.O. II. Hnrlan sutTered severe Injur-

ies last evening from n fall from n treeIn tho grounds of his homestead onWilder avenue. Mr. Harlan was try-ing to catch a pet canary that had es-caped from Its cago. Ho lost his foot-ing nnd fell somo fifteen feet strikingon his shoulder. Tho result was threofractured ribs, nnd two fractures of 11

collar bone. Dr. C. I). Cojpcr was call-ed ns promptly as possible Mr. Har-lan Is resting as comfortably na couldbe expected this morning;.

SummaryMonday, April 2.

As published exclusively In Uio Bill- -Ictln of Saturday, the membership ofthu Court of Claims for adjudicatinglosses by the snnltnty Urns consists cf:J. Alfred Magoou, president. Geo. A.Davis, Lorrln Andrews, A. Noa ul

and Albert F. Jiuld, Jr.riesiacut Dole has issued un cxecu-.l- o

oidur, by virtue of the authoritytxtid in lilm by President McKiulcy,

jetting forth the "limitations and prin-ipl-

of the tribunal, which Is i.esig-mtc- d

ns the "Court of Commis.dGiicrs"is tlio tltlu of the order and the bewinning of the text, an I appointing Itsiiicmbt'is as stated, "to lake evidencea losses causeu uy uie numing of cm- -iintown In Honolulu, cither by tho di- -.ect oruciH ot tlio Hoani of Health orincidental thereto, and to maku awardsand payments on such looses." In theinst piuagraph the title of the Court 1h

changed, thus: "The tltla of the Com tshall be 'Court of Claims for LossesCaused by the Ronrd of Health In theSuppression of Rubonlc Plague

The Commissioners nro to take anoath to support the Constitution of theUnited States and ot tho Republic otHawaii. Tho Court shall have a sealwith such device as tho presiding o(ll-c- er

may order.Establishment of the Court is not ad-

mission ot Government'? liability,which has to bo proved In each rase.

The Court has exclusive jurisdictionon Chinatown losses, and theio will beno nppeal from Its decesions.

Claims for speculative or consequen-tial damages, or loss of rents or profits,etc., will not bo considered.

A majority of Commissioners formsa quoroum, but at least threi mustconcur In n judgment.

A cleric is allowed under $1,000 bond.The Court mny also employ ono ormore stenographers, .1 bailiff and ajanitor. It may mnko rules for Itself.

Vacancies, permanent or tompoiary,shall bo filled by the I'rcMdcnt of theRepublic of Hnwall.

Claims may be illcd until Juno 1,

1900.Tho Court shall hold ono 3es3lon, to

begin as soon as ptnc-tl'-ubl- and con-

tinue us long as necessary for theprompt disposition of business, butbrief adjournments may bo made liomtime lo time.

Commlssloneis and cHlcm of thoCourt shall iccclvc Mieh pay as thoCouncil of Stale may provide.

No claim is to bo considered whichIs pending In any other eouit or

or legislative body, rlther bysuit, process, plea of putitlou. Claim-ants no well a3 attorn-y- may piori-eut- e

claims.Claims shall be Hied In d i;jlli-ate- ,

ono copy to be furnished the Attorney(icueiul. '1 hey mo tobn heard in th"older lecrlvcd, unless' for special ica-so-

tlio Court rules otlu-iwU- t Clalm-nntswl- ll

pay no tost3 but t!ioie forciilllni tlif lr mvn wltnpxt.. v A

jot -' must accompany uch claim.' No 1 In iiu shall bo hard vlldu Un

!.'-- ner It la filed ijxeepl iinneTTha other regulations nro

l.iigely those applying i ins-- s 111 th"I iv (units. It Is diBlnd bv PirstlentDule that the Qourt slnll lequlreelc.u nud detailed evidence, nnd pio-mii'- e

siuh olmplli Ity In tho proircd- -

111, id tiliil-- . ni shut! f iv - 1. h anI'M l u.ljed e.itle 11 cf 'a l.ll:l.:i L'.ll- -


WmIihi.1 . Apill 1.

!'e x i.ly-flv- g yiiiin,': 11 11 nf (' n.i-i- l

( 11.1111 luniesutlou ai pie d an llivi-tuu-

to the pastot a lum '.uo WeeUaa u nnd after a sen i.il v ; ill Iiu

,m Iiy oted to oinanie 'Hu ('.I nlun Biollu'iiioui); iloiullE of iliu

i'e.UBIliiitlu lo bo guile over later.Lt.-.- night was a tvium time to con-

tinue tin- business, but Mr. KhunM'alib r supply of 1c nud Mis. 1'. I)..'I. ail j selections ri tho violin Jis-i.- !

attention fiom the ho it.DIs was frco .

1 to how thoj.i ely or cnrti. ,t ;. nan!; ni--- may. i' 11 11 iol paitleli i'- n Civ r.itiiiia

. ih and ' j liuw tlii nny'. li i.ity. li 'j I 1 llon-i'ii-.i

.e yi.ung 1.. a th-

W.U-- I ll. 1' ni'51. . of C 11M '

. .1

. r.y In i 1. !, ,:;l I,btijlrebri 1.1 II lit

'(, and n;ie alll ll

He ' h'lif h n i'i cf I ll' .- sI'. . r , II I ef nt

eli.i '1 il, I).'1 . I ' "li' 11!; Cm it. M Ckllau.

nt ; Hi ny . lliu 1. t.e

(! Wn'do !iui . 11. '.

li- - !'. I'i . , i 11 111

.' 11' ' t ' ' t'i . A. ('un, til

: I, n I elnl .ennui: i: ('.Hi R 11.Ci ie, 111 li Ut !i 'il ei imttci ;

l"i un. ( theitoii, .hail man I' .li- - r'I I.ril lite c.

n'NNlMSUAM-I- n th's rltv Apill 1.19U.J, to the wife of M. r. Cuiinius- -

li:im n hoii,I'RTDION In (Ida , April I,

1000, to tho wlfo of Kick l'eitersoii,a son.

CHARLOCK In tills elly, Apill I,1000, to tlio wlfo if C, Charlock, ason.

I'cr S. 8. Doric, for San Francisco-M- rs.Gosllnsky, Mrs. O. Grovo, M. V.

Clays and wife, M. Clays, W. K. Hitter,Charles Rittor, Mrs. It. A. Dodd, MissA. I Aelams, II. M. Chllders, MlsaKllzabcth Whiting, Mrs. R. J.Humes, Mrs. M. M. Scott, D. J. Colo-ma- n,

W. J. Schmidt, L. R. Mend, Mrs.Davles, Mrs. II. M. Field, L. L. Thomas,W. Henri, O. W. Warren nnd twodaughters, Kaukahale, .Mr. Mceso andwife, W. II. Hollawny, George D. Gear.Miss W. F. McNear, Thomas Kimball,John G, North and C. II. Sands.

American Messengor Berrlce, Ma- -sonlo Temple. Tel. 444.

of the Week's NewsTo the Republicans af Honolulu. -

Thcro having been considerable dls- -

cusslun nnd apparent mMiuiilcrHtaud- -

ing, as evinced by thu ru-en-t proposedRepublican organization in Honolulu.In connection with tho League of

Clubs ami the nuthoilty which1 have from that body, it seems to metimely to make a H:utnicut to tho

outlining my attitude; andwhat 1 consider my duty, not only tothe League but to the Republicans ofthe Islands as a whole.

Since annexation was llrst assuredthere lias been an honest dllfcrcncu otonlnton ninonc Romifilleans of the lrlamis upon tho immediate.) necessity ofpaily organization. In tho cm ly p.irtof 'last year there was u strong foillnt;among a great many that thorn shouldbc no delay of the party formulatlnand that It was ndvlahl! to organizeRepublican clubs nt once. To uringthis mutter squarely before tlio people,a public meeting waa cillcd at thoChamber of Commeico on March 9,1809. Tho matter was glv"ii tho fullestdiscussion, with the result that the following resolution v:ih adopted- -

"It Is the sense ot this meeting thatno auxiliary body ot the Republicanparty be formed prior to tho formationot the general llcpunllcnn party Inthese Islands, nud, further, that thetime for tho formation ot such generalRepublican party luia not arrived."

There can be no nue.itiou about theregularity of this meeting and It wasthoroughly representative.

In response to a letter wilttcu himby n Honolulu Republican concerningImmediate organization , Sec elm y D.II. Stlnc of the National RepublicanLeague, wrote me tho following, out-lining the manner In which mr localRepublicans should obtain representa-tion in the League:

"A few days since I roif.od a letterfrom of your (ity, In which nostntcd thnt Republl-.'iii- In Honoluluhad held a mectlnsr, the piupos.e ofwhich was to organize n Republicanclub to be part of tho National Re-

publican League, nnd nskcel loras to how they nhould pro-

ceed."In reply I Ini'.ivm- - d htm thai the ac-

tion of the last National Con-

vention virtually admitted the Hawa-iian League Into the Nitiuiinl League;that all that remained fur the Republi-cans of the Islands to do was to 'iro-cec- d

nnd organize clubs, these clubsnctiil di legates or rep. s 'tntl.es t't aTen Rental convention, which you. byvirtue of your position na member ofthe National executive CVmmlttoc, hadnuthoilty to call, and at said conven-tion uignnlze your Tcriltorial Leagueby electing n president. Becretnry.ticr.suirr. nn executive committee, nndI Hiigg'stcd on organizer, and at 'Jit-sam-

time adopt a constitution."It Is evident from ibis Utter that

the gem-in- l scliemo whl-l- i theLeguo expects mo toIn tho forming of srparate clul.ithrourliont tH which shallhold 11 eoiiventlon at b.-- future time.I'nder these olrcumstniii m It would beImpossible as well as unjust to the

League nnd to ill" Itepul s

f the lnlamU, fur mo to iciognlzc unycue e'uli us re ,ri j'llio Nat.u.lalLeague In Hawaii.

'iho National League bus a1. s- nsiliiilty in me v.hiili 1 w.j.il.

': elly tii.iinfri- b'n.l lelinipd 'l altl.e 11. al Tiliiti-lin- l ee.i ntlon, In t 11

Is Iiu un li' nl upein me lo tiialte- sii'-- aI iaiibf. r in a n utim 1 llnil will be m.i

Ifartoiy to the L" ague nl.il to nil tl.eRrpubllei ns In the Idnnils.

I consider tho lesolutii.n pns il icthe cicelliig held on M .u-l- i 0, one yi av

, ns bluellng inum m both as a R :peibllian ami a live of 'heLiogiie, Tlificfoic I '.mnot tak-.- nrosteis te.waid oignnlzilion unit! tl.egincinl R i.ubllenn pnil has b. en

by thi-- t ailing of a Tovi"-i- tle onv lit Ion. h la to tend a ateto the National RepublU-- , n Con.. ... ,e.:iin be In Id In 1'hi'adelpliia this buhi-nu- r.

I nil I.I fi'ith'r add tint thn icioli-tl'--

ei la-,- y :u- - nii'lpi uiihe; thlMie!--oi- ,

t f i I I.'!. U i '0 - as I si'ii i.biet i Ie; i n tl.-i- t no . ; i i

- aid i ,u 'i e.-

ii itie ii shii'il'l l t !v n lu'i rnI'M a' law iniw ", i on.--' '. fby Crn' .., be opt'

It. nr:c'..:.II. ,.i,l '.'u. Anil 2,

1' ' V. Apill ?:I . W. He iir h. th- - w. ii. mo n

dli'i nt lu. 1.". last nigh' li b a.,,lluti 1 tu. .(. He was isk n III i.nilast Wc.lMHiI.iy, his in.ii.uly le-.- r :

pne uiiioiii.i. Mr. Ilouih .ib M yojis tita e iiud Aiiy popular f.i.- - hl-- gem il nn-- l

hiiiuiiim s d.aposttlun. rour ruim I j;ejho miiiiid Ml.ss Annie jsVnluim

who e niuther died only ten daysuko, and with ills w.fn l;ies twoyoung suns. Tho fuiit.Ml will be enn-duet-

by Mstle: Lodfe, 1C. of 1'., fiomits hull,. Fort stieet, at I p. m , 13 1. A.Williams being the upilertiiker incharge.

Wednesday, Apill 1.

Minister Voting hold n confercncAwith tho master plumbers of Uono.lulu this morning. Tlio object was tcforecast tho work ncujs:iry for con-necting premises with the seweragesystem In tho shortest time. Althoughmost ot the plumbers held thnt tho;could handle nil thu work In good sen-so- n

with tho men already hero, whenMr. Young questioned them ns to manyhouses they could connect In thirtywccltB tho nggrcgnto wns only 750,whereas thero nre 3,000 houses to boconnected, Tho plumbers promised totnko the matter Into further considera-tion. If they cannot do tho work, Mr.Young says, tho Govrrnmrnt will hnroto sco that It Is done somehow.

Tuesday, April 3.A ghastly djscovcry was made at

The Villa, a collection of lodging-house- s

in n yard opposite the Orpheum.shortly before noon today. It was tbit-dea-

body of a white man fur ndvaocetfin decomposition. Tho room was thmiddle one of the second cottage fromFort street In a row ot three on tbmaukn side of the walk.

L'uibcrt M. Brown, a salesman ot tbnIlolllstcr Drug Co., who occupied haadjoining room, came homo for lunchat 11:30. Ho sat down to read a let-

ter when his nostrils wo o assailed byxstench thnt made tho p.iutlmo Impossi-ble. Coming out on tho veranda to in-

vestigate ho met n lodg-- i from a roomadjoining the one In question on Urnother side. Knrh had the same rctmrtto mnko to tho other nbotlt the offen-

sive odor.Thn two men summoned Mrs. Bet-

ters, landlady of Tlio Ilia, and nukedher to open tho room between thtirrooms. She tiled different keys with-out success, and then Mt, Brown turre.1in the dour. A sight more horrible tohis eyes than tho othrr ntfi-ns- o to bisnose wns revealed.

The occupant of the room lny on htback with arms nnd logs stretched alittle outward nnd disponed straightwith perfect regularity, ns ono migbtlie down when dead tired to tnko solidcomfort. His face was blacker thanthat of any Kthlopian from adranrcddecomposition, and infested withswnrni of files. About nix Inches tramthe head lay a revolver. Tho corpsowas dressed In fine white llanucl trous-ers and undershirt. Ono glance ot thaInvestigating party was enough. Thedoor wns closed again nud tho Board ofHealth olllco and pollca station werenotified of the discovery of a dead man.

Di h. Wood and Jolio soon m lived andviewed the body fiom tho door. Depu-ty Maishal Chllllngworth came andtook possession of the revolver. It Ikn 32 caliber Hopkins & Allen, withyellow ivoiy handle, nud had ono oC

tho live cartridges It contained dis-

charged. A conmer's Jury tho DeputyMarshal had cmpancHl to Investigatetho denth of a Chinaman, Full Moon,was sworn nlso over this body r.t thoVilla. Their names nro rt. FCubcy,J. II. Schnnck. Fred. Coddle. Cbajr.Hyde, C. L. Clement and W. Blvens.

The tast time the men was seen alitnwas un Friday. On that afternoon thoJnpnniso haIng care of ills roomfound the door locked, and reported tho.fact to the landlady. She cnncludceJ;

that ho had gone for n. jauntLittle or tvi mint was Vhne-aft- er

taken of tho closed loom untilthe nclgliboilng roome-ri- i took notion,ns nlrcndy stated, rt'ii'ilug In tho dis-


On Thui sday the Bulletin publishedi xclusivcly the letter to tho public leftby th c'sulcldc, who proved to be Frank;I'ti on tkn. n arrival from Min-

nesota. DomeBtie troubles were Ihr.auce of the net.

Wetlneselay. April i.The store ot V. V. Dlmouel fc Ccx.

Ltd., was i he seeno of a characteristicvploli In buiglary. That U. if it die!

not ubsolutely In I'l-i-te "Barefooted

rill' us thu exploiter. It eiitalnly dlda.must hi'ivile iniilil ir ol tlmt cltaiurtcr.

Lir.iiiine uti.l e.lt v. u- - both madeihint'h tho bae,- - of a sl.vllglu tn toeieiof. '1 he nii'iiiiy vas ll mil by ipping c ii' two '.Man's mid ruttlrg thewet. u Wiie sciem lnsul . Woi king binway down by u rafter line1 bi.u-'s- , tbIniri'l.u- - was enabled to i. voidthioii, b a hrs.- - Huiiu- 1 glai-- i wimlowivt.1 tie b e.'U-- l s'.ui fiu-.- Iho lightkept binning lr. l.v.v. He- did nut 1 nou-uliti-

t'.'.e siaiia vcij liKiiteil, sod tn the Si -- ie. I fl .).- - tlnejiigh Lbo

bnf t e.f a gooda ho' t. The upright! ol"the shaft nro lubrl...ile.l with gi.ifditonnd oil, nnd It waa fr'.m theidgniint em bis bits ban Is tli.il lbo

left minks. The' i sltrnn.of hiscourse nro eon ipieuou . wln-i- l.ee'lmLcd out again tho sky-'1-h- t.

With a eliisi I obtulnrd above tbti j i t lu wink ItiN.di the ensbior's

''I'.iit un ii) the. st-- t door. It Ini'u ui.i.y in l'iie to the

un lie ct $ "i or $J0 .n th" till ott: hi l Ids t. 'mums il-- ' till w s foundIviikiii if n ,ml (ii'i.u, !,i i .. UtahInk ft w d tli il th" in.oi t :,l idem.i " ) I'i. He U i 1: p. .a i ilesk

' f Mi t fails, ll iw- - ii ii.li-ful- l

- 1' i I. pi a . a nr n. iitoI ' - i ' a y i fnt f ii miiutei

f t li -- hem s 1J di i .iii!''I ins it laii ill in fin- ih,. i it flvey a is. The iliatli late i looO mi- theniunl'i 1 L'iJ2. Hawaii ii.s - ul thlist with i: ') pi r ci nl, Jiptii 4- 10.(Tilm.1" 1rK'i!, l'oitugn.a- Ti 27 t.w allothns lr per ci lit. Of tho totjl ilt

21; wcro children under oneyear; fiom 20 to 30 yoirs, 20; 30 tali) yeats. K!; 40 to CO jhuh, 11. Thecause of ileuth Is as follo-ii- :

1; angina pectoris. 2; anaemia, 1;iiHthinn, 2; , 1; abscess, 1;Itrlgbt's ellsense, 1; bronchitis, I; chol-ei- a

Infantum, 1; colic, 1, eonsuutptlon.21; dlnrrhocn, 5; debility, 3; dropsy, 1;dyspepsia. 1; cplllpsy, 1; enteritis, J;frncturo of skull, 1; fever, tpholel, 13;malarial fever, 1; gastro enteritis. 4;heart disease, 2; hemorrhago (cere-bral,) 3; Inllnmmntlon of brain. 1; In-

anition, 2; knlfo wound. 2; meningitis,C; malnutrition, 1; nephritis, 2; niango, 3; oedema pulmonum, 1; pneu-mon- ln,

3; plaguo, 0; peritonitis, ;syphilis, 1; septlcacmca, 1; uracmuC1; strangulation (suicide,) 1.


April 3, nt tho residence of tha brlfon upper Fort street, by Rev. G. IPearson. Mr. John T. Schneider an5Mrs. .KfTlo L. Moell. Tie, W. R. Tay-lor gave the brld nvrsy.










j With the Council of State, f

Tuesday April .1

Present nt tlio Council ( f Stato meet-3ii- e

yesterday were. Pitt!dcnt Dolo,illulstrrs Mott-Smlt- Yoiiik, Damonnud Cooper; Councillors Iscnberg,Achl, Knu, Allen, Ka-n- Hobeitson,Kennedy, llolto, Nott, Us.V, Junes,lloMnsuu and Kaulukon.

Minister Yuung Introduced n Mil np- -firuprlatlng $2300 fur Curtlior m iltiiou- -nute of relief camps No. 1 nml 1!, whichwas passed..

minister Damon Introduced a hill loproililu $20,000 for expenses of tlioCmirt of Claims, estimated fur sixmonths, nml moved It pns. .

Mr. Achl found fault witn theicgiilntlons for tho Court.

People having small claim vre put tobioto expense than t!i amounts ofIhrlr clalniH. He thought tho chargelur expenses should ho pro rata.

Tho President said mm deposit wasuraly to pay witnesses of the claimantIf Jt was not all spent, the halancc

'ould he returned to him.Mr. Achl persisted In his objection.

The poor people were tha b're.iter suf-ferers rtlutluiy, and tiiero ought to besonic means of cheapening the cos; ofpresenting small claim!). Ho did notSnuiw, however, that the Council ofState could remedy tho rules.

The President stated that wnlle thoCouncil could not chant',') tho rule?, Itcould make recommendation!. In mih-w- cr

to n criticism by Mr. Kaulukon ofJUr. Mngoon's appoiutmen', on accountof his being n large property owner lisChinatown, the President stated that,where Mr. Magoon was pecuniarily Intcrcated, ho could not sit.

Mr. Kaulukon moved that the hill boreferred to a special committee, whichwa seconded. Mr. K.i ne thought itshould go to the FIimuim committee.

Mr. Kennedy asked if "his vui ant'lnciRcncy hill, lu the lln of suppiouslon of bubonic plague, or w..3 It ameasure I cqull lUK suum'salon to tilPresident of tho United State. Mr.Kalukou Joined In this incstloh. con-cluding with tho rcmaik, "I think weure all mixed up."

The I'icsidcut nnd Ministers Damonand Mott-Smit- li nil gave their opinionsto the effect that President McKiuieyhad given the matter to tho ExecutiveTor action, with tho understanding thatthe expenses should ho provided forby tho Council of State.

Mr. Achl moved, seconded by Mr.Jones, that the bill bo r- - fcrred to theJudiciary committee.

The Picsldcut, answering Mr. Knu-luko- u,

said tho Supremo Court wa. acourt of 'claims under Hawaiian law,but It could not entertain these tireclaims becauso they wero maltou oftort.

Mr. Itobcrtson thought that, as Pres-ident McKlnlcy had authorized the pro-cedure, they should go on nnd carryit out. Still ho was not In favor ofthe Court of Claims, is there wcio iijXunds In sight for payins tho amountsel Judgments. Few people have recog-nized the magnitude of the undertaking.

The bill was icferred on a oto to thafinance committee.

Minister uung repotted on tho re-pairs needed by the Judiciary building.Mr. Oudcrklrk, employed as an expertto go over tho building, had submittedan estimate, which ho mid. amountingto $1300. Laid on tho uiblo to ho

with tho appropriation hills.Minister Mott-Smlt- h reported from

itbe Executive Council adversely to thopetition of S00 Japauouo for remissionof taxes. Mr. Achl mowd, Mr. Robert-ko- u

seconded and It was passed, thatho repot t be adopted.The same Minister reported from tho

Rxccutlvc Council, rocoramcndlng thatII. Jierbe's petition for hack salary horeferred to tho Legislature

Mr. Kaulukon claimed that, so far asappropriations wcio concerned, thoCouncil of State was tho Legislature.Jle moved the report hi referred to thacommittee on Finance.

Mr. Jones moved tho report bo adopt-ed.

Mr. Gear said his attention had beencalled to the fact that the Justices oftho Suptcme Court wore unanimous inregarding this claim of Mr. Kcibc's asmeritorious. Theio wcio many Itemsof unpaid bills In tho estimates, somoof them having been cnrnpiomlscd, andif It were eomi.otent to iict on such hotuuHldcred this claim nad more meritIhan the others. It was time somethingwere done, nt least tho Council shouldgive tho matter consideration. Thomatter was hi fore tho Mst Legislature,tmt it was still In the courts. Ho movedthat the l ctltlun be laid on the table to?io considered with appropriations.Carried.

Air. Robinson presented a icport oftho committee, on Items submitted bytho Minister of Foreign Affairs, whichwar tabled to bo considered with thobill.

Mi. Gear presented two reports fromthe committee on lntoi lot Itcm3. Laidon tahlo to bo considered with tho bills.

Iillls wero taken up for considera-tion and Items passed ts below except-ing an otherwise stated

Honolulu Flio Department, $11,101,which tho committee) recommended boraised to $CG,1C4.

itr. Achl moved an amendment tomake Palama a branch stutlon Insteadit Kalllii.

Mr. Jones thought tho item of $l5r0Jejr hook and ladder outflt unnecessary,.is tho high buildings would havo tiroEscapes. Perhaps ho had n prejudiceagainst hook and ladder, as ho belong-ed to tho volunteer company of thatfclnd forty years ago. It was generallyflret at a feast but mado n fizzle of aare. After tho company had receivedn banner for Us valor, ho was expelledlor nonpayment of dues.i,,Mr. Nott, a former Chief Engineer ofthe Flro Department,said Micro was noti ladder now fit to ralao on a chickencoop. Thero wero several thrco andiour story'bulldlngs now and moro con

templated. He considered tho Item

Mr. Achl had been Informed that Ifthere hail been u ladder on hand

church might havo been sav-ed.

Mr. Robertson moved to sttlku outthe hoso stnt Ions and have No. 1 engineitatloned at Palama.

Mr. Iscnberg urged retaining thotern ns treotnmended by the commit-ic- e.

A house was burned tho other dayor wnnt of n drop of water, nnd the

tlorcinment ought to pay for It ns Its to blame.Mr. Allen explained tint tho eommlt-'eo'- s

recommendation of hoso stntlonswas based on tho assurance Hint therewould ho water prcssuie enough tomake them effective without engines.

Mr. Achl's motion carried, togetherwith tho Item as recommended.

Repairs, furniture nnd additions toGovernment bull'Mngs, J7.000. Commit-tee recommended striking out, hut onprevious consideration tho Item wasIcferred and now tho Minister of thoInterior presented nn "Xpert's estimateif $1300 for repairs no?dcd by tho Ju-

dicial y building.Mr. Young pleaded for at least n por-

tion of the original Item, as It was de-

sirable to have sanltarv conveniencesIn different buildings. He also wantednn Item for Janitor, as through neglecttho Judicial y building was In a dis-

reputable condition.Mr. Itobcrtson renewed his motion of

a previous day, to apply tho Item to thaJudiciary building. In addition howould havo money appropriated fortho conveniences referred to by thoMinister. Ho also argued for means .toremodel different parts of the building.Thcie was no building tho Government should tnko bcU'T care of thanthe principal court building.

Mr. Hnn seconded tho motion.Mr. Jones moved, seconded by Mr.

Achl, to pass the Item ns In tho bill,Mr. Achl telling of a disgraceful condi-tion of the courthouse In Kona.

Minister Young, In answer to Mr.Jones, said Superintendent Howell'sestimate of Judiciary building repairswas $2000.

Mr. Him And then that's not re-

liable.Mr. Iscnberg moved lo ndopt tho

recommendation of tho re,mmlttoe.Mr. Genr believed tho Item was defer

red to obtain Itemized estimates from '

the Minister. Ho seconded the motionof Mr. Iscnberg.

Mr. Robertson considered that therewas no disputing the necessity of re-

pairs to tho Judiciary building, nnd Itthe Item was not mado rpcclflc for thatpurpose) tho work would not bo done.

Passed as In tho bill.Adjoin nod at G o'clock.

Following Is tho report of tuoCouneltof Stnto commltteo on Act A, whlcnmnkes appropriation for public workfrom tho I.onn fund:

To Sanford 1). Dole, President, nndmcmbcis of tho Counrll of Stato.

Gentlemen: our committee) on In-

terior Department to whom was rpfcr-u- il

Act I, beg to submit tho followingicport on Mime:

INTHIUOIt DKPAUTMF.NT.Section 2. ffew Wharf al Paplha, Na-hl-

nnd Approaches (Unpaid Hills,lS'J'J) $iai.20. Tho appropriation Inthis case was exhausted. The hills thocommittee find nro correct and hhouldbo paid. Wo thcrefoio recommend thoItem pass ns In tho bill.

Harbor Improvements, Honolulu,$2ou,000. Your commltt"o recommendthat this niuount bo inn cased fioiu$200,000 to $300,000 as tne Minister ofthn Intel lor has Impressed upon thecommltteo the neciwily for thisamount In caso tho joutoniplatcel ex-

tensions nro mado nt ho ujith end ofthe harbor.

Hilo Whaivcs, $20,000. Your com-mltteo recommend Hint this bo amend-ed to rend ns follows:

"Harbor Improvements, Hllo, $10,-000- ."

Wo find that the oitlmntcdamount necessary for extending thomain whaif at Hilo ISO tect, and pro-viding a second wharf pMnllcl with tho(list one, to accommodate tho lucrensudshipping In Hllo harbor, Is $40,000, un I

your commlteo therefore recommendthat the Item bo Increased nnd amend-ed and passed at $10,000.

Burvt-- and Soundings for Harbor InWalloa Itlver, Hllo, $2,000. Your com-mittee find that this whole amount willho n quired for mnktu; surveys ofwhat Is rommonly known ns the Wala-kc- a

Itlver, Hllo, and ih reforo recom-mend that the Item pais ,is lu tho bill.

Powcrago for Hllo Sncets, $0,000.Your commltteo iccomriind that thisItem he to $10,000 ns they aroInfoi med by tho Superintendent ofPublic Works nnd the Al mister of thoInterior, as well as representative citizens of Hllo that tho wholo of tho $50,-00- 0

will bo icqulrcd to provldu proper3eweingo for tho city of Hllo.

Hllo Custom House atu! Post Ofllco,$11,000. Your commltteo recommendthat this Item ho incre&red to $22,000and bo nniended to read us follows:

"Hllo Custom Hoiisu nnd Post Ofllco(stono and brick,) $22,000." Tho reason for tho Increase re commended bytho commltteo Is that the amount ap-pears lu tho present Act Is for a wood-en building, and your commltteo be- -llovcs In making permanent Improve-ments and that Government buildingsbo erected In tho future) should bo ofstono nnd brick.

Widening and Extending HlloStreets, $10,000. Your commltteo re-commend that this Item bo Increasedto $25,000. We find that tho wholoamount of $25,000 will ho required asper tho estimates of Superintendent ofPublic Works and tho Minister of theInterior and as per letters receivedfrom prominent citizens at Hllo, andthat tho Increase Is especially neededowing to tho necessity for wideningnnd properly constructing tho wholo ofFront Hti't'ct along tho Hllo harbor.

Iliuncstcad Road, Hllo. $10,000. Yourcommltteo leeomini ml this Item bo in-- ei

eased (o $20,000, ns (hat amount willbo requied to properly complete nndextend tho Kallmann Itond, tho Knl-wl-

lloiucslend Itond and tho Pllho-mu- iRoad.

Your commltteo will h commend thata now Item ho Inserted as follows:

Knumaun to Olaa, $2.',000. This Isasked fur by tho Superintendent ofPublic Works us It shot ten tho dis-

tance from certain Olaa Homesteadlots to Hllo seven miles. Thcrefoioyour commltteo recommend that theItem pass.

Roads, Puna, to Complete Con-tracts, $8,000. Your cummlttco findthat this is to complcto contracts forwork on tho roads nt Puna under ap-propriation under the Loan Act, thatthe work, however, had been rushedduring tho latter part of tho period nndsince this Act was prepared nnd thatonly $7,000 will be required. We'therefore recommend ihnt tho Item

to $7,000.Hoads, Kail, $32,000. This Is In con-ttiiu-

the wuik on tho tend fiom thoVolcano to Pnhata, Piiualuit to themain road, and Wnlahlnu to South Ko-na, to complcto contract. Thcso Itemsnro shown lo your commltttc to bonecessary nnd wo recommend that thoItem pass ns In tho bill.

Itunds, South Kona, 32,500. Yourcommltteo iccummcnil that this Itemho Increased from $2.r00 to $19,500.Your comlmttco find tho estimate oftho Superintendent of Public Worksnnd the Minister of the Interior forth croad from Knu to Pihuchoo, widen-ing nnd straightening same, was $12,-00- 0,

but that It had been cut down to$2,000. The Stipcilntcudcut of PublicWorks states that It will require thowholo amount of $12,003 to do thiswork.

Wo find that the estimate of tho Hoo-ken- a

Upper Iload was Cti.000. ThisItem has been stricken out. Hut tholond Is considered nrressniv tn nnnblntravelers from Knu to Keith Kona nudvice vcisa to make a diicct lino ofroad Instead of going down some thou- -sand feet In elevation and will Bavta long pull of somo eight miles up anddown n steady grade. It would ho a '

great benefit to the of Northivona, South Kona and Kan.. Thoamount of $1,500 Is requited to com- -

pleto the continct for the Kacl Road.Your commltteo thcrefoio recommend '

that the Item be Increased and passednt $10,500. i

Hoads, North Kona, $23,000. Yourcommittee recommend that this Itembo Increased from $23,000 to $3(1,000.


The lncronso of $12,00(1 lccommcndedby tho committee Is for n branch oftho Kcaiihou Iload to Kallua, whichwill benefit a largo number of peoploliving In Kona traveling towards Kallua. This will save two miles In dis-tance and will cut off long grades.

Six thousand dollars Is for a homestead road above Kallua nnd Is for thopurpose of opening up Governmentproperty to homestendetn, nnd It Is de-sired by the Superintendent of PublicWorks as an Innovation tn tho generalplan of soiling tho Ian 1 and somo timeafterward building ,i lend for thehomesteaders; ho desires In this caseto build the road first.

Roe ds, South Kohala, $18,000. ThisItem U for tho purpose of completingload to Noith Kona, JIJ.OOO, and tocomplete contract on Kawnlhac Hoad.$0,000. Th cltcms wet.) shown to thocommltteo to ho ncces&ai). Wo there-lin- e

lucoiiimiuit that sau.o pas.i as intho bill. j

Hoads, North Kohala, $1,000. ThisItem tho commltteo iceummcnd beinglnci cased to $J,b00. l'lu amount, ori-ginally, to complete, the mail to

ficiu Punkca w.m estimated al$1,000. The Supcrlntemit.nt of PublicWoilcs Informs tho committee Hint thewoik cannot bo completed for lessthan $2,000. ,

A further amount waj asked fur te,complete tho Awinl Hoad. This Is aroad leading to the Homrstcad lots andshould bo completed. Your commltteothcrcforo recommend tho Increase.

1 uads, Hamakiia, ?R',000. Yourcommltteo iccommcnd Unit this Itembo tncicascd tu $37,000 to cover roadsns follows: Walplo ttoad, $.000, Up-per Hoad to lompluto $23,-00- 0,

Ilranch Road to Oi Itnia ftom Up- -per Hoad, $6,000. Thcco roadH aro allucccssaiy as explained b tho Super-intendent of Public Works, and yourcommltteo recommend the appropria-tion pass as amended.

Hoads, North Hllo, $.10,000. Yourcommltteo leccmmcud taut this Itembo Increased to $10,000. Tills Is shownto bo necessary to your commltteo Inorder to properly complete tho mainroad, build two steel hiidgcs and com-plete, tho continct, llouitstcad HoadMauiula and Walkomalu, nnd to ex-

tend said road. Your commltteo re-

commend Inserting u ii'i wltcm, ns fol-lows: New Uildgo Walluku Itlver,$10,000.

Your commltteo Insure this Item nttho solicitation of tho chairman of tlioHoad Hoard, Hllo, and citi-zens thcie who state the bamo Is verymuch needed,

Hoads. liana. $20,000. This Itemyour committee uciim.neml pass t$10,000. Your cumlmttpj ure assure I

by tho Superintendent of Public Wotksthut this Is not more than a thlid ofwhat Is required for tho liana Hoads,thut tho roads nro In vciy poor condi-tion, but the Minister of tlio Interiorhaving only supplied tho commltteowith amounts footing up to $tO.OUO n3necessary for certain loads In saiddistrict, your coniinltt3 recommendthat tho amount bo tncrcnicd as thoMinister's original estimate.! require.

Hoads, Makawao, $10.H00, Your com-mltteo recommend this Hem bo Increas-ed to $15,000. Tho Superintendent ofPublic Works nnd Minister of the In-

terior stato that nt leant $10,000 willbo required for the Klliol Road lead-ing from tho landing up through thodistrict of Kula and connecting withtho main road through Kula; that$5,000 will bo required for tho KulaHomestead Road, making $15,000 In all.

Your commltteo recommends Insert-ing u now Horn ub follows: '

Hoads, Kauai, $5,000. Your commit- -'

tco iccniuincuil that "Hoads, Kauai,$.i,000" bo stricken out und that tlio fol-- Ilowing ho Inserted In its place:

Hoads, Ilniialol, $.,0C0; Hoads, K.i- -wnlhatl, $1,000, Hoads, Mhtio, $3,000;HoadH, Koloit, $5,000; Hoads, Walmca,$3,000. Thcso Items aro considered no- -

ccspary on account of tho recommen-dation of tho Superintendent of 1'uhllc

I Winks and prominent citizens of Ka-iiu- i,

unit indorsed by th.) Minister of thoInterior. Your commltteo thcrcforo ro- -

commend that they paa.i.Additions to Water Works, Honolu-

lu, Knllhl Pumping Plant, $85,000.Your commltteo recommend that thisitem pans ns In tho bill. It la to coverllulldliigs, $20,000; balunno duo on ma-chinery, $14,000; reset voir nnd pipe,$10,000, siding nnd track, $3,000; ne-cessary coat of strcnt construction,$2,000.

Diamond Head Hcscrvclr nnd WaterPipe, $10,000. Your commltteo lire

that this amount Is necessary tocomplcto tho reservoir nt DiamondHead and nupply tho necessary waterpipe, and thcrcforo recommend thoitem pass ns in tho hill.

Filtration System, Nutianu, $G0,O00.Your commltteo recommend that thisbo nn. ended to road as follows:

"New Reservoir and Pipe, NuiinnuValley, $150,000." Your commltteo be-lieve It i;i far moro Impottnnt to sup-ply tho town with wator than to biip-pl- y

them a filter where thero Is no wa-ter. Wo therefore tecominend thechnnge.

Your commltteo recommend tho In-

sertion of a now Item as follows:Now Pumping Plant and Pipe, Horo-tan- la

Street, $50,000. Your commltteoaio Informed by tho Superintendent ofWnter Works that this will be suff-icient to provldo for nn auxiliary pumpand now well at llcretunlastreet of n capacity of .1,000,000 gallonsto a height of say 500 feet, to furnishwater for tho sufferers now residingon tho slopes of Punchbowl, Mauoaami Nuunnu valley and to supply nnupper zono by connection with tho up-per reservoirs, Nutianu Valley, thol mining expenses of which pump neednot bo very great aa It will only bo

in dry seasons tuich us wo aront present having nnd when It will bofully sufficient to keep tho Govern-ment electric lights tunning nnd tokeep a sufficient supply always on handfor tho residents on tho tippor slopesof tho city.

Audition to Water Pip 3 System, Ho-

nolulu, $50,000. Your f.ommltto recom-mend thnt this item be increased to$120,000. Tho Superintendent of Wn-

ter Woihs has Informed tho commlt-teo that thero will bo icqulrcd for thobiennial period 50,000 Icct ofpipe, 23,000 feet of plpo, C7.500lbs of lead. And that tho hauling andtools nnd labor and fuel necessary forlaying this plpo will rcqulro tho wholoamount of $120,00 asked for. As yourcommltteo consider that good waterservice Is very csscutlal, wo recom-mend that tho Horn pasj nt $120,000.

Sovonty-flv- o Flro Hydrants, Honolu-lu, $3,000. Your commltteo recommendthnt this Hem bo amended to rend asfollows: "150 Flro Hydrants, Honolu-lu, $0,000." This is considered abso-lutely necessary owing to tho nowpumping plant at Knllhl and the nowhose companies which tho commltteohave recommended In their report nAct 2, and for tho proper protection otpropcity against loss by lire. Wo there-fore recommend that tho Item pass isamended.

Hllo Wnter Works, 53,000. Your com-

mltteo recommend thut tnls Item boIncreased to $20,000 aa necosslty forthat amount is urged upon tho com-mltteo by Superintendent of PublicWorks ns well as by cltlzt-n- s of Hilo.

Walohlnu Water Works, $1,000. Yourcommittee recommend thnt this itempass as in tho bill ns It Is till that Isasked for and is considered necessarynud sullkient.

Walluku nnd Knhulul Water Works,$10,000. Tills Item your commltteoiccummcud bo lncre'isod to $20,000.Wo find that $10,000 only was askedfor In tho bill as It was bellovcd ittho tlmo that the .Superintendentwould havu been ablo tu hnvo expendedmoio under tho appropriation underInst Loan Act. This ho has not beenablo to accomplish owing to delay- - oc-

casioned by difficulties of shipmentfrom San Francisco and from Honolu-lu to Walluku. Your comiulttco aro In-

formed that $4,000 muto which hasbeen unexpended will ho necessary tocomplete said water works. Wo thcre-foio recommend tho increase.

Lahalna Water Works. MO.000. Yourcommltteo recommend that this Itembe lnci cased to $20,000. as wo huvo buenInformed by tlio Supeilntendcnt ofPublic Works that tho Government hassent up a civil engineer to estimatethe requirements necessaiy to supplyWater Works for Lnhaiun and that hureport entails an cxpcndltiue of $20.-00- 0

and the Superintendent of PublicWorks believes that tha whole amountwill be necessary. Your commltteotherefore recommend the increase.

Your commltteo recommend Insert-ing a now Item, ns folbr.vs:

Court House nnd Jail, Nawlliwill,Kauai. Water Supply, $300. Thisamount Is asked fur ns there has beenno water to supply tho Court Housannd Jail and water can now bo easilyobtained from n plpo lino coming directfrom tho mountains.

Flro Proof Vaults, $12 000. Yourcommltteo recommend that this Itempass as In tho bill as necessity Is shownfor same.

Various new vaults nro required afollows: For tho Supreme Court, $3,-00- 0;

Survey Ofllco, $4,000; Land Ofllco,$2,000; Hllo Court Houso ,$1,500; LlhuoCourt House, $1,500.

Subsidy Oahu Railroad, $63,000. Thisitem your commltteo find it necessaryto mako thrco payments duo tho lastperiod on tho Kahuku division of thoOahu Railroad amounting to $30,800,and two payments on tho Walanaodivision of said railroad amounting to$,32,200.

Your commltteo recommend thoof a now Item as follows:

Endowment of Hospital for Incur- -


ahlcs, $25,000. Tho necessity for thisitem Is so well known as to need noalnhointlon by your committee.

New Steam Tug for Harbor, withComplcto Flro Apparatus, $115,00(1

Your commltteo recommend thut UiUitem ho Rtilckiu nut and thero hu Inscrtcd In Its plnro tho Irjiowlng.

"File Apparatus for Strain Tug,Tho Huperliitendr.nt of Public

Works states that $5,UU0 Is sulllclcnt tosupply tho steam tug ulth all tho lireapparatus necessary, nnd as your com-mltteo havo previously lccommcndedin their icport on Act 2 they do notbelieve thnt tho Government will boallowed to conduct a tnwuga business,and therefore n new steam tug for tliohnrhor is unnecessary.

Respectfully subinlltcd,A. V. GEAR,1). P. H. ISHNIIEnO.


Commltteo on Interior Department.nHonolulu, April 2, 1900.

Wednesday. April I.There wero present nt tho Council of

Stato yesterday afternoon PresidentDole, Ministers Mott-Smil- h, Young nndDamon; Councillors Robertson, (Ion-salve-

Ka-n- e, Allen, Una, Iscnberg,Kaulukon, Jones, Gear, Nott, Uolto nndKennedy.

The President, In answer to Mr. Iscn-berg, snld a request had been sent toWashington for nuthoi ity for tho Courtof Claims to consider usr.es outside ofChinatown nnd Including thoso fromfumigation. Replying to Mr. Genr, hodid not think claims of' leaseholderswould conio beforo the C ourt. Answer-lu- g

Mr. Kn-n- c, ho said tlio present au-thority was but to appropriate moneyfor organization. And, o n questionby Mr. Genr, ho stated that if thoCouncil of Stato was In cxlutenco whenuwuids were made, It would havo power to appropriate mot.ey for payingthem, also that tho Council would censeto exist when tho Republic of Hawaiidid.

Mr. Young was given :nrther tlmo forreporting on tho Prcndergnst claim,

Tho committee em tne bill appro-priating money fur tho Hoard ofHealth repoitcd progress. .

Mr. Damon stated that so far 7001lax receipts had been collected, asngnlust 7883 this time Inst year, show-ing hut 218 behindhand comparatively.TIiIb was in reforenco to tho petition ofJapanese for remission of tnxes.

Ace No. 2, with Interior Items pass-ed as follows:

Landings nnd buoys, Hawaii, $3000.Huoys, Hllo harbor, $1200.Landings nnd buoys. Maul, $500.Landings nnd buoys, Honolulu, $11,-00- 0.

Llghthoiiho supplies, $1,000.Steam tug, $5,000.Jtuniilng expenses now steam tug,

$15,000, commltteo recommending Item ,

bo stricken out.Mr. Damon gnvo n statement of ro- -

turns irom eiiiicrent sources or revenue,nnd expressed tho opinion that thoUnited States would not pursue a poli-cy of confiscation In Hawaii. ThisItem of towage might hctm small, yet,after deducting the heavy expenses,thero was n surplus cf $13,000 to thecredit of tho llttlo tugboat which wouldbo slightly i educed by unpnld bills.Ho did not expect tho United Stateswould furnish n gunboat for local ser-vice, and the new tiifhont now pro-posed would bo of nsslstnnco both totho pollco and flro protection services.Alluding to tho question of protectionfrom fire, ho thought It would be bet-ter to get water first and lot enginescome later. Tho Minister of Flnnncnargued strongly the advantages of hav-ing a steamer for local government ser-vices. Not only would the tugboat bovaluablo In that way, hut n sourco ofI avenue. In nnswer to Mr. Isenber,;ho snld ho had not tho remotest Ideawhero tho theory enmo irom, thnt un-der American law towing must ho doneby private enterprise.

Mr. Achl considered It Bafo to pro-ceed on tho theory that tho presentCongress would not pass tho territor-ial hill. Politics was nu uncertainproblem lu tho United States.

Mr. Gear bellovcd. If tho governmenttug could bo used for towing purposes.It was very desirable to have it. Itwould servo for tho purposes of thoHoard of Health In addition to otherservices mentioned, rhcio wns cr

Item of $3,000 proposed for fittingtho tug with flro apparatus. Ho advo-cated passing tho Item nnd let Its ex-

penditure depend on whether tho Gov-ernment could do towing.

Mr. Kennedy suggested thut tho lawauthorities should bo asked nbuut thetowing.

Mr. Young urgucil that tho Itemshould bo passed, on tho understand-ing that tho money should only lwspent If circumstances dictated It.

Several motions wero made for dis-posal of tho Item.

Mr. Robertson supported tho motionto pass tho Item.

Mr. Kuno saw no necessity of wait-ing, since tho Interior committee hadreferred tho matter to thU Council.

Mr. Jones thought It highly Import-nu- tto havo tho opinion of tho Attorncj

General.Mr. Gear's motion to so icfer the

Item can led.Unpaid tilts roads nnd bridges

South Konn, $427.90, commltteo rccommending $450.71 on account of latoibills. Carried.

Unpaid bills: Reach load Kallua tKeauhou, $229; roads nnd bridgesNorth Hllo, $3031.00; Kanuhuhu homefatoail road, Hamakiia, S3; regradlnpmain road and roads to landing,

$298.91; roads nnd bridges, Pit-un- .

$528.50.Commltteo recommended new Item

ronds and bridges, North Kohala$82.95, Carried.

Hamakiia: Kaauhuhu homesteadroad, to complcto contracts, $1500;

main road, nnd roads to landlngs, to complcto contracts, $9,000; tocomplcto main road nud road to land-ings, $3,000, committee's recommen-dation of $5,000 cnrrlcd; to completeAhualoa homestead roud, $2,000; tncomplcto Kalopa homestead road, $2,- -

000,' to complcto Pnnulto homesteadroad, $3,000; to complcto KaaU home-stea- d

rond, $2,000,North Hllo: main road lliinohlin

icctlon, $3,000.Hilo: Kupakuca rond, to complete

unttnet, $2,U00; Pllhouim rond, to com-itct- o

continct, $1,100; cuiblng and par-li- g

Hllo sidewalks, $1209.Putin: thrco road rollers, horse,

11500, commltteo recoiiim-ndln- g $1000for one Btcnm roller.

Knu: road to Ninoln homesteads, to'omplcto contract, 1709.

South Kona: widening and repair-ing rond between Knnlio nnd Allku, to:ompIcto contract, $1200; to complctowidening nnd repairing lond betweenKnoho nnd Allkn, $2000.

North Kona: to complete main road,2000; committee recommending $1000

as necessary which rrrrlcd.North Kohala: to complcto road

from Hoiiokaiic-lk- i to homestead ntAwlnl, $1500. .

Roads nnd bridges, Maul. Maknwao:Makcna rond, $2000. Ilium: to con-tinue surveys nnd road work, nil roadsnot In loan schedule, $7000. Lahalna: .

to complcto rond, Hoiioltii to Knha-kulo- a,

$3000. Walluku: purchase ofsteam road roller, $10M.

Mr. Achl hero reverted to tho Islandof Hawaii, moving to Insert f 1000 forn steam road roller for North nndSouth Konn. Mr. Isonbarg pteondedthis, whllo Mr. HobiU'tMin remnrked,"It will slide down tho hill Into thosen." Carried.

Roads and bridges Molokal. Rondfrom Pukoo to Halawa unpaid bills,$137.C8. Commltteo recommend tostrlko out a general Hem of $110 forunpnld bills. Carried. Road to Hala-wa, $1000, commltteo recommending$1500 which carried.

Hoads and Ilrldgcs, Oahu. Unpaidbills Nuunnu rond to Pall, $6565.18,Honolulu, $300,000, tho commltteo re-commending $527,023.75.

Mr. Young opposed tho Incrcaso andIn nnswer to Mr. Achl's question ifmost of tho money wa3 not for tho castsldo of Nuunnu stream, went Into par-ticulars to show that no discrimina-tion was Intended ugninsl any sectionof tho city.

Mr. Achl was not satlnfied with theexplanation nnd moved tho Item passas recommended by the commltteo."Fix thnt Knllhl road, it's hotter thanto fix Young street." (Lnughtcr.)Hedid not believe the Government intend-ed doing anything west of tho Btream.Money was appropriated by tho lastLegislature for tho west eldo hut noth-ing was done.

Mr. Jones did not think it was wlsoto spend 40 per cent of tho cntlro im-propriation on tho west sido as Mr.Achl wanted. Ho noticed sldo streetson tho west Bldo In lino condition, anddid not seo whero tho money could boput. The Minister snld $.106,000 wasenough

Mr. Kennedy called attention lo tho'Minister's statement that It would tako

37,000 for a street, whllo tho estimatethercfor was put down to $10,000. Whatwas the uso of voting less than a thirdof tho amount needed to mako u otrectgood. Tho totnl ot tho Minister') esti-mate was $900,000 nnd It would notbo fnr wiong to strlko th cmcdlum of$527,023 recommended by the commit-tee.

Mr. Damon stated that tho remain-ing unsold bonds amounted to hut$800,000 und no more could bo issued.Answering n question by Mr. Gear, theMinister gavo somo estimates of prob-abl- o

revenue. Leaving out customs re-ceipts ho CKtimntcd that tho internalrevenues would npproxlmato $3,093,000.Unissued bonds amounted to $79,000.Ho counted nn $191,000 from sixty daysmoro of customs receipts. Tho Hoardof Health had eaten Into his plans, butthe general public had got tho money.Thus far tho expenditure on account ofplague suppression was $700,000 exclus-ive ot tho crematory cobt. Now thoMarch bills wero coming In, whichwould probably eat up another $100,000.Tho running expenses of tho Hoard,outside of regulnr appropriations, wasnow $1,000 a day.

Mr. Gear said ho found tho Increaseof government revenue In 1S97-9- 8 overtho previous period was 75 per cent,nnd tho Increase in tho last period 125per cent over 1897-9- 8, and on tho aamcbasis, Including customs receipts, therevenue two years honco might boestimated nt cloven or twelvo milliondollars. Ho had not tho figures withhim, hut calculated that tho Increasoin taxable property alouo would vorynearly double within the next yenr.Ho know of many cases where proper-ty has Increased from 100 to 1000 percent In value the past year. If tlviNlcnraguan canal was inaugurated, asseemed probable, there would certainlybo n great Increaso of valuo bore. Al-ready, tho lust week, o:i tho strength offnvornblo reports of tho cannl an In-

creased valuo of propaily had beennoted. It was not tho proper basis, inlgurlng on tho Income for tho comingwo years, to go on the increaso of thomst. Ho was not over optimistic nndhey must net to a certain extent onho past. If thoMnoney whb not forth-'omln- g

of course It could not ho used,lo submitted that good roads had moroendency to Increnso values of prop-it- y

than almost'niiythlng clso. Everylollnr put Into good roads would comojack In n year In taxes.

Mr. Damon remarked that thero werowo facts to bo considered. Ho hadintlceil in his banking business thatho country had been passing tho last'ow months through n very criticalitnte. Money had been lu great dennnd. Thero hnd been n great deal ofpeculation bordering on what Aincrl--an- s

call a boom. It was a rich conn-r- y,

tho peoplo wero well off, thero worevery fow poor peoplo. Peoplo hadnoney In savings banks end In bonds,nd loans wero being gradually met.

What with tho resources of tho peopleind the patlenco ot bankers wo weren a better basis than wo wero a year

'go. Yet wo aro not prepared to gohead as fast as last year because thoeoplo aro moro cautious, on account of

tnvlng been In n tight pinch. It Isrue there has been no panic, nlthough

In many cities of tho States like cjr- -

With IIIC OUUIIU1 Ul Old.t

cumitnnccs would Imvo produced one.Quotations of stocks nml of lent o

nro not Itucttiiitint; ns they werea year ngo. It dors Imvo n reussurlii;:effect In IIiIh country lo know Hinttlicro 13 a surplus In the. tieasiiry, withtnu iiRsurnncu that liondlioldcrs willBOt their money. When we malto nconsorvntlvo cntlmnto tho Council ofBUUo should amend It to ninUo as Roodnn appropriation bill ns possible, butIt Is my duty to caution you. Againwo liavo to go to President McKlnlcyfor approval. If wo go lo him with nbill ahead of our estimates ho wouldnaturally ask for the icnsons, and Itwould take some nrguuunt to convincehim wo wcro on the safo side. Hut itwo present a reasonable argumentbased on facts, It would glvo the Dillstrength. Everything naked of thoGovernment nt Washington so far hasbeen granted, nnd they bollvo that wearo dealing fairly with them. Theyare very anxious to mnko no mistake.Wo do not realize their nuxlety on ouraccount. It means u vote thousandof votes. Tho wouldJump nt a chance to show that our af-fairs are not being well managed.Since becoming nn American I nm con-scious that we nro coming nearer nndnearer to Washington. While I do notsay this for tho benclU of 1'rcsldcnlMcKlnley or his party, I think It Isright tp tako his welfare nnd that oftho Republican party Into considera-tion.

Mr. Jones, whllo sympathizing withMr. Gear's views, quoted cstlmntei toshow that the Increase proposed wasnot necessary. As a compromise. n Itwas said politics was n tyttem of com-promise, he moved tho item pass atI3S2.S29.C0.

Mr. Gear said Mr. Jones had got holdof tho wrong estimates. Ho moved thoItem pass as recommended by tho com-mittee.

Mr. Young did not wish lo bo intoiinilorMtnnil. Tlin nnmmiitif hnil nilniil.od his original estimates, wcro le"R:s same, $S,000; expensesfor $1,000,000. but all tho work could KnruaBo crematory, $1500, committeenot bo done In one period. Ho could $S,000. carried; t;cg-n- ot

go to tho other Ulands, nnd va3 regntlon, support nnd treatment oflcIer. $12,000; total, $115,030.rather nt receiving scarce- - ,

ly any requests from there. Only ono Committee recommends the fallow-lett- er

had been received from Hllo, '"K Items: Itent gen-rii- l dotvntlotiwritten by J. A. Scott, nsklng for wimp grounds, Kallhl, $U50; detentionmoney to Iraprovo tho principal busl- - camp for whites, $90; dotentiir. campness streets. 2, $750; care of detention

Mr. Isenberg apologized to the Minis- -tcr for Kauai. Nono of tho people onthe other Islands knew at first whattho Council wns going to do. When hofound out he wrote to and askedthem to hold meetings nnd state theirwants, keeping them down ns low aspossible.

Mr. Ka-n- o complained that tho com-mittc- o

gave no particulars.Young said tho whole figured

wcro In hand. Besides what was al-lotted to streets having the most spentunywhero else required. He believedtho present road supervisor would glvothem satisfaction in tho streets howould make.

Mr. Ka-n- o caused a laugh by movingto refer tho Item to tho Judiciary com-mittee.

The Item passed ns lecomnu-ndc- bytho committee, nnd tho Council thenadjourned.

Thursday, April 5.The following members were present

at tho Council of Stnto meeting yester-day afternoon: President Dole, Minis-ters E. A. Mott-Smlt- Young, Damonand Cooper; Counelllor.1 Kennedy,Nott, Gear, Jones, Robinson, Knuliikoii,Isenberg, Achi, Allen, Gommlvcs, andRobertson.

Mr. Jones presented tho ivm"t of thospecial committee on Act No. 7, farexpenses of tho Court of t'hilms. thegist of wns given In yesterday'sHulletin.

After some discussion, tho Executlvowanting tlmo for tho billwith tho report was mado tho specialorder for Friday.

Mr. Young reported on tho claim ofJohn K. Preudergnst for two successivechairmen of the Kooluuloa roaJ board,in 1S91 and 1S92, amounting to $2'J3 75.The claim was n Ju.it one but succeed-ing road boards had declined to pay thomoney out of road tnxes far their

Ho recommended the insertionof an Item to pay the lillU. Adopted.

Tho consideration of ileum in ActNo. 2 was resumed with results asfallows:

To complete Nuiianii mail to 1 Ul,$17,000.

Mr. Jones nsked who made thn esti-mate, nnd, being told t lit?

of Public Works, s'tld ho was oiii?who had advanced money to complnnothis road. Ho ask?d the

what It would cost, nnd ho assur-ed him ho could do the woik far $H.-00- 0.

Now, with the unpnld bills nppri-prlatc- d

nnd this item, they were ask-ed far $23,5G5.18, or 00 prr cent morothan was nssuicd him. He votefor tho item but at tho i:::uii tlmo

tho Minister to look around foranother of PublicWorks.

Mr. Isenberg ICokua mil (very muchagreed.)

Tho Item passed. .

Wnluluc and Koko Ilea.). $2500.Hwn nnd Walannc: Klpapa bridge

and approaches, $1000.Walalun: Homestead road and

bridge, $2,000.Hero nn Item wns insetted: Roads

and bridges, Kauai: Il'innlcl, $5,000.Road Damages. All Iblunds, unpaid

bills, $773.50; new, $125,000, committedrecommends $225,000 cnrrled.

Electric light Honolulu unpaid bills,$2729.88.

Lighting streets other than Honolu-lu and Hllo unpaid bills, $lt.2...

Electric light Honolulu, $12,000Gnsollno plant 200 h. p. for olcclrlc

titation, Nuuanu, $12,000. Referred toAttorney General as to right in view ofHawaiian Electric Co.'s franchise.

Running expenses laundries, $3000.ditch, $1200.

Addition to postofflco, Honolulu. $13,-00- 0.

Mr. Jones asked what's the use, Ifthe United States takes over tho pout--


omco wllhl" ,,irt" "onthi.Mr. Yuiiiib answered If .such docs not

hnppui postal huslucsi will bo In n lud

which liiiiulng



No. camps.












box,'I ho Item pUHscd.Now government dispensary mi'l

emergency hospital, $21,000.Committee ucoiiiiiifniU $30,000 for

Insane Asylum bulidiugj.Mr. lsinheig hnil been out thoro tl'tit

' rnojnliig. 'hero mo l.W ocoplit theio.tho buildings falling uwuv

Mr. Young supported tho Item and Itpassed.

'telephone from North Kona to SouthKohaln, $2500.

Cummiuee recommends $1200 fortelephone from Ullo courthouse lo1'iuia on condition that residents pto-vld- o

n like amount nnd Governmenthave free use of two iiistrunifciiu foifive years. Carried.

Uoard of Health. Comniltt?o$3753.33 for unpaid bills,

giving items, uarrisd.Knlaupnpu store, $20,000. Commit

teo recommends an additional Hem of$3ol,33 for settlement of kulennaclaims nt Knlnupapa. Canted.

Hcmovlng Garbage: Committee re-

commends $200 for unpaid bills. Car-ried.

Purchase 12 odorless uxcnvnlnrti.$12,000; 2 sewerage scows, $5,000; 3garbage carts, $150; 4 carts dry earthsystem $000; 31 hend live stock, ?0."i00;hay and grain, $13,000: new stables,

i.uuu: totni, siu.OoO.Mr. Achi criticized items for buying

mines nnu rodder. Ho moved nnamendment to insert tho words "not toexceed" before tho $;.'00 for liveslock,

Mr. Iscnbcrg Bald If Mr. Achl wouldundertake to keep niilinal.--i for wnaiho said, tho speaker nn 1 other stockowncis would bo glad to turn thclnntmals over to him. Powerful muleswould bo needed for tho heavy cxenvators.

The amendment was lost nml tinItem pnssed.

Purchase of steam vessel for tow- -'"B BCWnge SCOWS, $20,000; running ex

Kallhl, $900; running expenses ofsewerage plant, $9001; segregation,support and treatment vl lepers, unpaidbills, $280.43; total, $13,0 12.. 13.

Mr. Mott-Smlt- h moved to amend nclerical error In tho Eduentlon Items,making unpaid bills of book fund $140.-9- 0

instead of $98.40. Carried.Mr. Gear moved to refor sections 2,

3, 4, 5 nnd C of Act 2 to tho Judiciarycommittee far revision and report.Carried.

Act 3 was taken up and Interioritems pnssed ns follows

Salary of stenographer, typewriternnd recording clerk, $3,000.

Committee recommends $S40 far payof poundmaster, Honolulu, the feeshaving been liiHutncien:. Can led.

Forests and Nurseries- - Pay of la-

borers, Maklkl nnd Nuiianii, $1008;new payroll nurseries, $201.

Honolulu llro department, regularpayroll, $1200. Commltteo recommendsadditions, partly far proposed newhoso companies, making the Item $23,-25- 0.

Carried.Commltteo recoiumen Is on urgent

request of Fire Commissioners, $2125far additional pay of firemen nt sani-tary tires. Carried.

Bureau of Survey: Salary of drafts-man, $300; salary of moteorologlst. $2,-40- 0.

Uureau of Conveyances; Snlary of 2copyists at $50 u month, $2100. Com-mittee recommends $1730, as Registrarsays the work will bo greater on ac-count of dlsallowanco of book type-writers. Carried.

Durcnu of Water Works: Salary offirst assistant clerk, $210); salary ofsuperintendent Walluku and Kiihululwater works, $210.

Uureau of Public Works: Saint y ofdraftsman and assistant superinten-dent, $3000; pay of lighthouse keepersunpaid 1899, $15. committee i.mend-me-

to $539 cnrrled.Committee recommends these new

ltes far Board of Health' City sani-tary offlcor, $1200; bacteriologist:, $1,-80- 0;

executive officer, $5100; generalexpenses, $12,900; removing garbagopayroll, $59,010; total, $$.0,100. Car-ried.

Committee recommends further $1.-2-

far salary of n purchasing ugent of.tho Board of Health.

Mr. Robertson nsked what tho agentwould do far his salnry In nn ordinarytime.

Mr. Gear for answer fpoko of thelarge and vailed purihnsrs of lliulloaid. Tho Board desired to have suchan official, to mnko purchases Insteadof half n dozen officials. Oun reasonwns that with u physlcltn as executiveofficer, nnd physicians no: being ruppuseu 10 ue good misinojs men, such n:iofllcor wns desirable.

President Dole nsked It most of thoBoard's supplies, in or Unary times,1were not procured by advertisement.

Mr. Gear was not prepared lo answer.

Mr. Kennedy supported tho item.Mr. Damon moved to defer tho Item

far further Information, speaking oftlio uoaril or Health blng n govern- -ment In itself. Tho President deemedthis wise, and It carried.

Mr. Gear moved to consider the pro-- ,posed new Item to pay the claim otiicnry zoruo ror arrears or salary ascustom houso appraiser In 1830-- 7, Astho petition had not neon returned.from tho Executive Council nobodypresent could stnto the amount. Amotion to adjourn was lost. Mr. Kuu-luko- u

suggested that tho Minister ofForeign Affairs was young enough torun upstairs far tho petition. At leastMr. Gear moved to mako ir.e Item read"not to exceed $800," which carried.

At a few minutes to i", o'clock theCouncil adjourned.

Friday, March C.

iTcisnii ni ine uoiiiicn or tiiiiiu yes- -tcrduy who: l'icsiiltiiit Dole. MinUtern Molt-Smll- Young nnd Damon;Coiiticiiiuis Istnbeig, Achl, Allen, Kli-ne, Robortsuii, UoiisalVtH, Null. Gear,Joins. ItobuiBou and Kaiiliikou.

'I he following itsolmlon was Intro-duced by Mr. Achl:

Kcsolvcd. 'that It Is tho sense of theCouncil of Htnto that tho ExecutiveUnlets of the Picslilcnt, published Inregain to tho Couit of Claims, nro nnfair nnd unjust and must be changed.

Mr. Achl spoko i length In mwi.Hjrltivlain of the Order, lie laid p.nilculur stress on the ban lint out o.eastlioldeis from tho benoilu of tinJoint (if Claims, wiii;.. believing lh.csolutlon ouglit to pass, lie was will

.ng to make it the onW for n futunlay, so that tho Government mlgh.invo time to prcparo their reply.

Mr. Gear seconded tho motion nmwould favor making tho resolution th' special order for Friday t,ftemouii finlowing action on tho report of tho bincini committee on Act No. 7. lie haliecn infaimcd by a member nf thBoard of Health that In nil prob.tbllltthere would be six thousand elnlininnd that the proceedings would occupfour or five years. '1 hue meant $12,00In nttorncys fees besides the tcialnln.fco of $2500 on the Government sldialone. The speaker was against tinCourt altogether, but if It was to g.on he wanted Its published regulationiamended. If the Government was nolto hold Itself liable far Judgments, theCourt might bo regarded ns simply npiece of machinery started far thesake of seeing it running.

Mr. Young presented tho excuses ofthe Attorney General far absence, nndsaid ho heartily approved of havingho matter made a special order far to-

morrow.'I ho President. In a conversational

liscusslon with Xtr. Gear, took excup- -Ion to tho statement Hint the Govern

ment held itself not llabln. Ho claim-ed that the provision that tho Courtshould fix tho liability answered thoobjection,

The motion carried.Mr. Damon brought up tho matter of

the item for n purciiisliirt agent of thoBoard of Health, and Mr. Gcnr Lukcdfor another day to await considerationby thn Board that afternoon. Granted.

Act No. 4 wns tnken up. being forexpenditures under the loan bill ot1890, nnd Items pnssed as below:

Interior Department: New wharf ntPnpllia, Nahlku and umroaches. unpaid mils 1S99, $191.20.

Harbor Improvcmouls. Honolulu,$200,000, commltteo recommending$300,000.

Mr. Young, In answer to Mr. Robert- -son, said tho h.irbor belonged to thoUnited States, but wharves and slipswould belong to tho local government,110 mentioned Bomo ot tho improve- -ments contemplated, Including 11 new ,

wharf near the new iron works. If thoImprovements wcro not made thomoney would not bo expended.

Mr. Jones thought they should keepIn view the bill for the Tenltory ofllawnll, perhaps at that hour beingfinally voted upon by Congress. Ac-cording to that bill they could not ap-propriate more than $1,500,000 over thorevenues far tho previous period. Itwns not safe to mnko estimates on thebasis of 100 per cent increas-- j of Inxcspredicted by Mr. Gear tho previous day.

Mr. Gear agreed thnt this bill shouldbo kept within tho bounds of loanfunds available, but thought tho otherappproprlntlon bills did not enter Intothe question. Funds far tlieso depend-ed on current receipts In the treasury,and if tli emoncy weri not tlicro itcould not bo expended.

Mr. Damon stated that all thn unis-sued bonds amounted to $791,000 nnd,in answer to Mr. Jones, said If Presi-dent McKlnley npproved ot this Actho thereby sanctioned tho salu of ihobonds. Replying to Mr. Gear ho saidthat some addition might be mudn tothe $799,000 when nil accounts underthe loan fund wcro balanced.

Mr. Jones felt that they wcro oafoIn voting nil tho nmounlfr recommend-ed by the commltteo, from the provi-sion In the territorial bill to whichhe hud alluded..

Mr. Gear then finding tho questioncleared up moved to pass tho item nsrecommended by the committee. Itwns a matter of expending money Iftho funds were available.

Mr. Mott-Slt- h was reading a reportof experts, Arthur Harrison nnd JohnOudcrklrk, on tho Rn.il school build-ing, with u view to Informing thoCouncil of ndditlonal heni3 ho desiredInserted, when Mr. Kiiulukou calledhim to order. The point wns admitted,and tho motion to piss the itm at$300,000 can lid. 'the Mini t f Pub-lic Instruction then ;i.'o .i'mI. rendingtin' npoit ni' nl. on. il , .niclhei' i. oil)O. I'. I .,i'lr.r-- i n ii . hln t, and movedto in-- , it n n ii nr j

Nw Hiliool li.iildin,; ami picm'sis,ltoj.il hilinnl llono.. i, i. ST.MI'JO. Re-

fer Ml to Education committee.Hllo wIihivck !n .linn, .nnimlllif. in.

commending $10,000. which curilm!.suivey and sounding for harbor in

Wnilun river. Hilo, $21100.Seweiage far Hllo. 'SO.ijiin, commit!' 0

recommending $.o.')i)0, which carried..Mr. Young explained that the originalItem was Intended only far Investiga-tion purposes.

Hllo custom house and postoiMco, ofstone or brick, $11,000, committee re.commending $22,000.

Mr. Gear would movo to Insert a nowitem for a bonded wiirohouSn If suchwas not Included In thU estimate,

Mr. .Jones, on tho Item passing r.t$22,000, moved to refer tlw nintter of abonded warehouse to committee. Car-ried..

Roads, Hawaii: Widening and ex-tending Hllo street, IlO.wOO, commltteorecommending $25,000, which carried;homestead road, Hllo, $10,000, commit-tee recommending $20,000, which cnr-rled..

Commltteo recommended now Itemof $25,000 for road from Knuinnna toOlaa, which carried. .

Roads, Puna, to complete contracts,

I I., HATUItlMY iMMUIj 7. IlilHl. 11

H ("in. to $7,000 on r mil in !(' icck report. .

Koniin, Kail, 132. 090.ItosiUH, South Konn, $2500, increased

on cummluiuB lepoit lo t'JMJ.Uoiiiim, North Wiiii.i, S2.:.u,j, mixed

to $.i(,,uoo on report ot eoniinllteo.lioaiiH, .Smith IColi.Ua, $13,U00.UiiiiiiH, Noun Hun,,. ii, .., , .nun! lo

$3500 on leport.i.o,i..d, uaiu.ikun, Spi.iiui), lurrciitiei

in $37,000.Ko.iuh, North Hllo, $:M.0fi0, Incrcinoi

o $ lO.OUO.

Committee lccommcnda new Item o.lu.ouo far new bridge on Wulniu.Ivor. Carried.

Uoads, Maui: Hann, $20,000. ralf.iio $10,000; Makawao, ?l0,0oo, increase!.j ;ii),uuu, on repoit.

Mr. Jones noticed nothing for Wcs.hnil at nil.Mr. oiuig was sorrvy to say he hat.

.o knowledge of any roads" outside oilonolulu except from letters, havlnfcetn unable to visit tho oJier Islamix.Mr. Damon said there was a large

jail tax, $20,000, for Makawao.Roads, Kauai. $5000. Committee re--

Jinmtnds to substitute the followingems: Hanalei, $5000; Kauwalhanii..000; Llhuc, $3000; Koloa, $i00ii:nlmca, $3000, which cnrrled, .

Miscellaneous: Addition.! to wale;orks, Honolulu, Kallhl pumpingunt, $85,000. Mr. Achl moved to

linngc unine to Palumii, as that wa.jdiere the plant was situated. Mr.icar did not see how tho name coulde changed now, since forme, appro- -rIattons had been under the name of

iallhl. Mr. Young agreed with this.Mr. Jones moved to Insert tho words,or Pulnma," which carried ns did the

item.Diamond Head reservoir nnd wntcr

pipe, $10,000; nitration system, Nuu-anu, $00,000. commltteo ic um mendingio suiisiiiuio tlbu.nuo for ...Wlllonalicjeivolrs, as tho drat considerationshould be to obtain ,va'er,

Tho President hoped before abandon-ing the Item for llll.atinu thev tdumiuconfer with the Board of Health, whichho undcistood considered filtration agrnvo necessity of tho public licallh.

Mr. Isenberg spoke of peoplo payhii;water intcs and getting little or nowater. He believed mi filtration, butthey should get water first. Whatwould the use bo of n filter with no wa-ter in It. Tho other day ho took arun up Nuuanu and saw one -- eservolrdry nnd the other with a fci feet ofwater which looked green am. fit oulvto be run into tho ssa.

Mr, Robertson counseled more ilo- -liberation over thin H.nn mnvinr. ,,,iJournment. Tho provnlent sicknesscould hardly be charged to Nuiianii w.i- -tcr, so few people got water from thatsystem.. It would seem rather UnitIt was the artesian water needed Ultra- -tlon..

Mr. Jones, being domiciled on tinNuuanu system, testified to the lack ofwater and could sco no use of a llllerwith nothing In It. Ha could not votefar a filter nt present.

Mr. Mott-Smlt- h preferred a littlewater filtered to much that was ninthly.

Mr. Gear mentionul number Item,following, of $30,000 far addition towater pipe system, Aliich was Intendedto convey artesian water to people onelevations now served wlili suifnre wu-te- r

from Nuuanu. With this carriedout there would bo lcs urgency far fi-ltration.

Mr. Robertson recalled analyses ofwater made some tlmo ago by n chem-ist, the results showlri; more deleteri-ous properties in nrteslna than In sur-face wnter. The lutn mentioned byMr. Gear besides opened up another

question, It had appeared latelyas If the underground Mater was full-ing low, and It was doubtful If It waswise to drain that source much more..

Mr. Isenberg again emphasized theiifi'i'sslty of relieving present scarcity,instancing Ihc fact that he had tut hada bath for live davs.

The matter was d. 'furred till lod.iyand the Council adourn?d.

ACCIDENTS'WII.I. HAPPENMan wasn't mndo to suffer, but ac-

cidents will happen, nnd to meet suchcases, Nat nro designed tho rojts,herbs, gums and leaves far tho heal-ing of tho nation. Nature's way totreat n cut, bruiso or ii bum, Is tocleanse, draw and lic.il, uml Hint's thoway Klckapno Indian Snlvo acts Justas nature acts. It nets that way, be-

cause it is Nature's own remedy, compounded from materials gathered InNature's lnfnllbio laboratory; unadul-terated, pure nml simple. The sameingredients found In Kicknpoo IndianSalvo wore in use far centuries boforotho Red Men divulged It to thu PaleFace. They healed nations ngf-- s ago,they act tho samn today, llobronDrug Co., agents for (tin Indlan Remedies.

Tiiesdaj, April 3.There was a large ntteiidimco lit tlio

nniiunl meeting of the Y. M. C. A. I.ivtnight. Before the genirnl nectlng thedirectors elected J. P. Cooko and Then.Richards to succeed F. J. l.owicy undW. F. Frenr. ami C. II. Atheiton far asecond term. An nmondimnt to theconstitution makes, tho associationhereafter elect tho dlreetois, whocliooso tliolr own officer.

Geo. A. Howard, S. P. Perry and Dr.Burgess are a commltteo lo imvocharge of the anniversary meeting onthe 19th Inst.

S. P. Perry reported four nibluclasses with a special ono nt Camp Mc-

Klnley.Tho project of tin nsaorlallou board-

ing house was supported by SecretaryColemnn, W. R. Custlo, W. C. Wecdon,A. B. Wood nnd II. C. Brown.

Tho directors hud personally "dugup" $30 to coyer a deficiency In ex-penses of association work Inst year,

V. McCants Stownrt gnvo a leport oftho Literary Club, and Mr. Coats oftlio gymnasium.

A baby carriage Is for salo. See ForSale column.

rr 'ArArArrArjXArjrj.rArrjrjkrjM4r&ATArAy:jLrjtirjLrjXAft Chamber of Commeicei Scores theV.rArAr2.rjrArA.rArA rjerjrAV--

Wednesday. April I.The Honolulu CliambiT of t'.jnimr-rc.-.vn-

called together in lis rooms onileicniiiit stutt this l.nuioon lui tuurposDof consideringfinch have been made to th-- . Couit of.'lalnis and, realizing the Important.!r mo matter to the business common- -iy of Honolulu, thoro was a full nt -

tndaneo. Those present were ns fol- -....... ......... umo,,.a,,u,i;iikci,I. 11. Atherton. W. I Allen, J. I',Jooke, W. M. Girfard, I J. F. Bishop, H.

. Parinelec, W. W. Hull, M. Phillips,J. M. Cooke, F. Auerbacii. A. V. Gear,i. Bolte, F. M. Swanzy, E. C. Miicfnr- -nne, F. J. Lowrcy, F. W. McChesney.J. J. Wnller, Geo. W Smith. Jnnu's

Court Claims

oiiiiiiiii nnu nn investigation mightlend to the thiowlng out of the decl- -slons of the Court of Claims and theappointment of n new Court.

13. C. Macfarlane atatcd Hint theCourt was not acceptable to the busi- -ntss communltv. It mrininiv ,11,1 .,

Campbell, A. Fcrnnandez, W. F. Laiizo infinity. Perhaps President Dole hadmil I. Rubenstcln. made other tenders, representative

President T. Rain Walker cnllcd the business men might have beento order, stating its purpose proaclicd nnd might havi declined on

mil referring to informal eommunlca. tho ground of being unablo to spare thelions from some of the members of tho time. It should be (lwt understoodJlinmbcr as being tho eauso of tho that l)iislneP3 men will accept nnd thatjnthcrlug. , n clinngo In the personnel of tho Court!. M. Swanzy took the floor. Ills, can be brought about. The Court was:lrst statement was that tlicro Is gen- - certainly n weak ono for the purpose,ml dissatisfaction and discontent at) Mr. Athrrton's suggestion of the np-h- e

appointments to the Court of polntmciit of a committee to wait onclaims for the settlement of claims In, the Executive should be carried outlonnection with tho detraction of . If not, then disapproval should be

In Chinatown. The Imprcs- - nounccd. The Court cf Claims shouldslon of tha peoplo had l en that tbd be reorganized.inn constituting tho Court would havaj F. B. Aucrbach suggested thnt thelecn chi.-i'-- fiom tho milks of thosu! resolution lie voted on nnd thnt a com-who-

experience would have been of mlttee be then appointed to present thevalue from a commeiclnl point of view same to the Executive,to the Court. Certainly nil tho mom-- E. C. Macfarlane "Pcrliapa tho bestOeis nf the Court ns nt present constl- - nnd most courteous way Is tho cnslcstuti'd. were not competent to Judgo of and a committee should first wait on1 great many matters tint must ncces- - the Executive, hut I do not think thoinrlly come hcfoio thrin for settle- - resolution Introduced bv Mr. Swanzyinoiit. Mr. Swuii7ey stated he wished It Is strong enough. Eviry member ofmcicijiuod tnni me Honesty nnd intcg-- 1 the Court should bo a competent manrlty ot Ibo members of the Court of with business experience, will nil kindsClaims was not Impugned. The Court of experience."ihoiild be made up of members of tho C. M. Cooke "I am In favor of

community. Of course, It Ing the resolution first. Then R thecould not bo stated how far tho action Executive ilrslrm rnmniunimtinn win.if tho Chamber would go. ns the mcm-- i us. wo can nnpolnt a committee. Tohers ot Court had already taken tho I send 11 committee now might look likeontli und advertisements bearing on Interference. The Chamber of Com-th- o

work had been Inserted In tho pa- - merco should not put themselves onpers. However, It might not bo too record In that way first. It has beenlate yet. stated that those In mercantile busi- -

A. V. Gear stated that, ns a member "ess nre not able to weigh nil tho evi-ct the Council of State, lie would stato denco In tho way n lawyer can nndthat whatever tho Chamber might do for thnt reason, nothing but lawyerswould certainly have consldornblo had been chosen. I wcs In favor ofweight with that body. Ho had talked tho Court of Claims taking action soon-wit- h

a grent many buslncfcu men on tho er but I suppose Washington had to bomatter of tho appointments on the consulted with, it will be a mlstnko IfCourt of Claims but bad not met n whole lot of technicalities areslnglo business man who endorsed theappointments ns 11 whole. Mr. Gearhere dwelt on opinions recentlybrought up in the Council of Stntomeetings. Among these wns tho ex-pression to the effect thnt nil claimsshould be thrown out on account of theInability of tho government to pay.Another was the question, "When willtho claims bo paid?" A great manypeople wcro suffering nnd the Court ofUnims, according to tho plans ot thoExecutive, could not authorize thopayment of nny claims but after thocompletion of Its work some sixmouths henco tho matter could bo re-ferred to legislative authority and notonly would a great amount of moneybo required to carry on the work oftho Court but tho business situationwould not bo relieved. Tho statementmado by President Dole that three orfour business men would bo appointedon tho Court, was on record. Mr. Gearhero recommended tho adoption ot aresolution approving or disapprovingot the make up nf the Court of Claimsand the maimer nf eui'durtlng thusame.

J. B. Atherton "So Jar ns I havogono Into tlio matter of the appoint-ments on tlio Court of Claims, I havofailed to find among tho business men,a slnglo ono who has endorsed these.If thoro can bo no o'mngo broughtabout in the personnel or tho Courtnow tlio least mild, tho better" Contin-uing, Mr. Atherton said there wasnothing against ttin individual char-acter of tlio men of tho Court but theywero too young und had practically noexperience whatever in matters to bobrought before them. Whatever mightbo tho mako up of tlio Court, thereshould bo no delay in tho payment ofclaims awarded by tha Court. Thomoney should bo paid over Immedi-ately after thu decision. Tlio Councilof Stnto should certainly have thu pow-er to insist cm that point.

Mr. Atherton was henrlily applaudedas lie took his seat.

At this point Mr. Runny intio-du'ee-

the following resolution:Resolved, Thnt tho Court of

Claims us nt present constitutedby nppolutmeuts mado by Piesl-de- nt

Dole, does not meet with theapproval or endorsement of thisChamber, which Is disappointedHint tho commercial community ofthis city should bo entirely millrepresented In that Court.

Tlio Chamber fully recognizestho Importance of the Court beingpresided over by soino ono of ex-perience in the application nmlpractice of law, but lalhi to under- -Htnnd the reasons which seem tohave rendered It necessary thnttho whole Court should consist ofmembers of tho legal profession.F. J. I.owrey nsked for Information

In regard to the number of peoplo nu- -thorlzed from Washington to constl- -

Into tho Court of Claims. If no expressiiiiiiiuti wiih siiiini, ii.i others mluliibo ndded to the number already np- -pointed.

Hero followed a general discussionamong tho members and then J. B.Atherton suggested thn niinolntmnnt nfa committee of five to visit tho Exccu-tlv- o

for tho purposo of making a set-tlement to tho sntlBtu'lion of tlioChamber, if possible. In case it wnslegally decided that the money couldnot bo paid Immediately, representa-tions to President McKlnley far power

of 9

rutat vat rAru tat tat, ta 0to pay tho claims at onco could bomade by the Chamber.

A. B. Wlmil Nfnt,(l It tffia (,nnB9nOT..even If the claims conlil unt i.n',,,1,1 nthe present time, that they should bogone Into. Has the Punt tho rightwhen It has been so constituted to milthorlzo the payment nf mirh vn.i ...m.of money? It might lie contended thatthe Court has not bpnn prot crlv con- -

meet thn liimlnrsn Ininmi. r i, .

brought In to make It difficult for aman to get what Is duo him. It shouldbo made ns easy ns possible for him toget this."

R. F. Bishop "I fall to sco whythere should be eny i;ront legal ques-tions In connection with claims. Itseems to mo to be a mutter of apprais-ing values which business men can doquite ns well ns lawyers. Lawyerswere appointed to tho Court bccaimotlicro was a lawyer to appoint them."(Applause.)

At this point the resolution of F. M.wanzey was unanimously adopted

mil another unanimous vote Instructedhe secretary to rend n ropy of thecsolutlon to President Dole Immcdi-ltel- y.

On motion of J. B. Atherton thenectlng adjourned.

Tliursdny. April 5.Tho new American schooner ilelene,

'oiiBlgncd to Allen fc Robinson, arrivedn port this rorenoon. 30 day.s fromort BInkelcy. with the following car-'- o:

931,500 feet rougn lumber, 187,-10- 0

feet dressed lumber, 45.000 pack-tge- s

laths and 221,000 idilngles. Thiss tlio llrst trip of tho lleleuo toiny port. Slio was completed recentlyy Hnil Bros, of Port Blnkeiey far the

'slant! Undo und Is owned by Allen &

HoblMMiii. Sho is n vehSl ntniIs s.iid to possess fast sailing qualities,I'hii Ileleno is nncnorM in the stream.

Thuirday. April 5.At a meeting of the Board of Direc-

tors of the Y. M. C. A. yesterday after-noon thu following officers were clott-ed: T. Cllvo Davies, president; J. P.Cooke, vice president; II. 1 Board-mor- e,

recording secretary; Chns. M.Atherton, treasurer.

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' w- -

)I '2 THE ISVI'NIKG II. I.. 8 MMtHj 7. ""0.


Supreme and Circuit jj

Monday, April 2. I Ah Boons ct nl a water controversy,C. Kapall, administrator of the on- - out williuill piejudlce In rotuplulnnnts

tato or liana Uaclo Knpatl, w, dccons-t- o tiring amended proceedings. Thejed, has tiled an Invsntory Bhowliu had forgotten to Bay w.irro the landproperty, mostly real estate, valued nt was nnd what was taken. C. V. iVter-$110- 5.

son for plaintiffs; Kobertson Ac Wll- -

HobcrUon & Wilder for defendants der for defendants,fllo both a demurrer nnd n motion to Harry A. Hlgelow, n nntlvo of Mn3.vdUsolvo Injunction In tha suit of Mini chusotts and 20 years of nge, has beenAh Me and others ngnlnst Ah floong admitted to tho Hnwalhui bar. Huand others for water .Ifihts In Malum comes to Honolulu to tmtor tho lawvalley. They allego that neither the ofllco of Kinney, Hallou & McClnuuhan,land nor the water in question canlocated from tho description In tho.complaint

Cblpman Taylor, master of the bmkSemlnolo, by his attorneys, Humphreys& Andrews, tiles exceptions to tlio libelof 8am KurUhlraa agnlnst his vesselfor false Imprisonment. Ho allegesthat no stipulation for costs has everbeen filed, that the libel hIiows on Itsfaco Uiat the tort complaint of It Is nota maritime tort; tlmt tho proceeding,If cognlublo at all, in admiralty shouldbe in personam against tho master andnot In rem against tho luuk, and thuttho matters alleged In the libel aro notcognUablo by the Circuit Court In theexerclso of Its admiralty and maritimeJurisdiction. Judgo Perry will hear theexceptions tomorrow afternoon.

J. A .Magoon, Kinney, Dallou &nnd F. M. Hatch for defen-

dants fllo a notlco of motion to set aday for hearing, addressed to Geo. 1).

Gear and Geo. A. Davis, attorneys forplaintiff, In thn equity suit of Sarah A.Hcrger vs. Chas. W. Douth and Clin.8. Deskjr.

J. M. Vivas, attorney for plaintiffIn tho assumpsit suit of V. Vascon-cello- a

vs. James Dodd, Men a motion tosubstitute Rebecca A. Dodd and H. W.Cathcart. executors of ho will ofJames Dodd, deceased, ns defendants.

Acting Judge Silllman was hearingtho Holoknlllkl will contest this morn-ing. Ka-n- o for proponent; Kaneaktiafor contestant.

All tho evidence has been taken it,tho suit of Mrs. Gomes for her hus-band's death benefits agilnst the Por-tuguese Ilenoflt Society, and JudgePerry will hear argument aB soon ns hehas opportunity.

Tho Supreme Comt was engaged thismorning In hearing tho W. II. Marshal!habeas corpus case. Judgo Perry wassitting with Justices Freir and Whit-ing. Deputy Attorney General 13. lDole represents tho Republic, and J.T. Do Holt tho petition r.

Acting Judge Silllman admitted thewill of Catherine Morgan to probateand appointed Jas. F. Morgan executorunder $200 bond, his

J. Morgan having renounced hisappointment.

Lcong Kon Hoo. Chinese male, 33,bronchial consumption, Chinese hospi-tal.

Maria Itoso, Hawaiian femalo, lumonths, malnutrition, School street.

Cathcrlno Sullivan, Irish half Hawa-iian, 13, plague, Llllha street.

Joan Ja clntho, Portuguese male, 5C.

phthisis, Kerosene camp hospital.Eleven Jurors In tho Mcrlcou: t In-

surance enso have mado affidavit oftho good conduct, while the Jury wassitting, of the twelfth man. Cti'taln J.C. Cluney. Tho occasion was In pro-ceedings on tho part of tho NoruiilkInsuninco Co. to attack thn Imparti-ality of the Juror In question.

Tuesday, April 3.Tho widow of tho Into J. K. Kahoo-knn- o

won her contest of administra-tion of her liusbnnd'ii 03talo. KnnehJohnson, secietary of tho HawaiianLand Co., petitioned an such for lettersof administration, nlleglni; that suldcompany was a creditor of th.) estate.Mrs. Kahookano gavo notice of contestnnd ut tho hearing jWenlny beforeJudge Sllllninu, throw;.) Mr. Ballon,asked that tho Hnwallnn Trust nnd In-

vestment Company bo appointed ad-

ministrator. This tho Comt ordered,tho bond being $5,000. Aelil & John-son for petitioner; Klnnry, D.ilou &

McClnuuhan for contestant.In tho caso of A. S. Clnliorii. admin

Istrntor of Antonio Fllli.e, etc., vs. WII. Castlo et al., tho d fiudant Castlehas filed a lengthy Miiwer. Tho gls:of tho answer Is contnlu"! In tho fol-

lowing points: In 1S78 he was ictiiinsdas attorney for Ana M.irmoiu, widowof Pillpo, to collect certain funds whichalio nlleged to be duo hor bv Clo;l)i)inAfter he hud douo this lmslmtu to llubest of his ability tho woman had appointed Autono Hosa ns her attorney liIlls place. Ho had acuiuliigly transferrcd her InvestmcntH to trm.i. At l.rferont times ho had Ini'n'mcd Cleghum that his recourse n ndralnlstrctotwas against Hosa on hi i I'S'urc, ami l,ihad actually brought oii't nnlnst ItuE.Ts estate to picssrvc Cloghornrights. Some of the is Milhung up In the courts un I'T dllfi'tcnproceedings. Castle uru'j ihal now lit

should not bo made responsive fur t li

negligence of Cleglioin, and cu'lrf utitnHon to tho fact that Rosa'u estate It

able to pay Its obligation in Ilia milterJudge Sllllninu has approved tho r.c

counts of K. J. Wllhnlm, uJmiiilstrnto-o-tho estate of his docs'id wife, oIm

tho masters report tlwon. Hit Is t(deliver over tho person.u propcityconsisting In utricle, to Mbbey iJlll Smithies, who Is found to btho solo heir of deceased. 'I ho ndnitnIstrntor waived credit for over ?100(expended In Improvements on tho rca'estate, also all expense over rocelptiand commissions due him. At the ttnxof her death Mrs. Wllhelm owned reaestate on tho Islands of Oahu aurMoloknl of the valuo of about $U9(J

and personal property chiefly thlrteershares in Oahu Sugar Co. valued n

$1C80. P. h. Weaver appeared for thradministrator, nnd U. I,. Marx, as guardlan ad litem for Frederick AlbrrPmlth. ndnnted minor don of Mr. anttho late Mrs. Wllhelm.

Judgo Slllmnn today dissolved thr' Injunction nnd sustained the demurrc

of defendants In Mim Ah Leo et al. vs.

with a nign recommenuauon iroinJames Darr Ames, dean of Harviirdlaw school. Mr. Hlgclow la n I). A. ofHarvard, nnd n Ilachelor of Laws ofthat University's law school, where holatterly was assistant Instructo- -.

Wednesday. April 4.

About sixty men wero present at T.II. Murray's hall when tho meetingopened last night which was called toorganize the "Republican Party of Ha-

waii." Half a score camo In later.Clarence L. Crabbo was elected chair-man and Francis J. Berry secretarytemporarily.

The report of a commltco appointedat a preliminary meeting was present-ed, containing draft of constitution andnominations of officers. Doth theseparticulars wcro somewhat changed bytho meeting.

After tho secretary had read tho re-

port with all it carried, a motion wasmado by O. C. Lewis to adopt the con-

stitution ns a whole.A. S. Humphreys moved to consider

It serlatum. Then tho same movercarried tho radical point of changingthe namo by substituting tho word"Club" for "Party."

Mr. Lewis struggled hard againstboth proposals, but had practically nofollowing.

In a recess of ten minutes for sign-ing the constitution, thirty-si- x nameswere appended to tho document. Prob-abl- y

a dozen others signed before andafter adjournment.

1 ho officers of tho club elected arc:Clarence L. Crabbe, president;1 1. L. Evans, vlco president;Frnncla J. Horry, secietary;W. ti. Fisher, treasurer;T. R. Murray, auditor;Dick Daly, sergeant-at-arm-

The president will nnnounco thoexecutive committee of twenty-on- o atnext meeting. This committee has thorcmarkablo power of changing andmaking laws for tho club.

Mr. Murray after business oxproasee!n deslro for Bpeecnes.

Mr. Humphreys was llrst call of thomeeting. Ho was disappointed In themeeting, as ho expected to meet a goodmany Irishmen, consequently n scrap.Somctlmo ago he had been approachedto Join nn Independent party, but declined becnuso ho was a Republican allwool and a yard wide. In a certaintown for years ouo other nnd hlmseltwere tho only Republicans, nnd regu-larly tho other nominated tho speakerfor Attorney General mid ho nominat-ed him for Congress. In n mouth thisclub would have a thousand members.He took no stock In tho propositionthat tho time was Inopportune. Thcicwas u nigger In tho fence there. Itwould have been ntco if they had wnlt-e- d

for others to organize ahead ofthem nnd grab all tho uflices. A gentle-man was coming homo fiom Washing-ton with the project of taking tho en-tir- o

organization of tho RepublicansInto his ow nhatids.

Will 13. Fisher declared himself a Re-

publican and nothing nice. A year agoho advocated organization, but was putdown as a mallhlnl. Vet If they hadorganized then, Hawaii would not havehad to wait so long for Its territorialbill.

J. M. Vivas, though an old warhorsain politics, claimed to bo a mallhlnl usto American parties. Ho requiredtlmo to mnko his affiliation, but whenthe cholco was mailo ho w ould Jump Inwith both feet.

F. 11. Austin made a few remarks asa Hawaiian horn citizen.

The meeting adjourned nt 0:10 forone week.

Thursday, 'April 5.Maria do SHva Pavuo petitions lev

:cttct3 of administration on the eatntijf her Into husband, which consists ori $1,000 policy In tho Ominnia Lite Infinance Co.

Judgo Silllman yesterday ordered tin.vlll of Aunlo N. HnlokaMki ailmlttcio piobiitc, nppolntlm; Willio II. Jlido(nhlki hole executor um!r 3oU Irjiid

Xu-n- e for petitioner; Iv.otnl'iui 'fir 1

ckua, contestant, a hrotht r of the tcs-util-

Tho contest nit" t attorney notd un appeal to n Juiy.

On tho petition of Mri. Hllza K. Cn?-ld-

Judge Silllman h,-.- - (ippcnuu.ioIm Cnssldy ns gun:"i!n of Mrs. Mur-ai- tt

A. Robertson, widow of thr lauius 'Well Robeitson aad plater of

anil who Is now at btni'ktnn'al. The bond Is ti,lM0. A. W. ("fi-

ler fur petitioner.An appeal of Angelina Heveilll of

lanaltl, Kauai, from Judgo Stanley'slecrte admitting to prohrt-- the wtif her mother. Mrs. Hmiiui Angcllne

Devcrlll has been witiit'.ivwii. The will.undo decedent's urothcr, ThomasMndscy of Wulmca, Hawnll, tolo do- -

Iseo nnd executor.Judgo Silllman siut'iined tho execp-Ion- s

to the libel of th- - hark Sonilnoley Sam Furlshtmn on account of

assault anil lal.cj arrest uponomiilnluant by Chlpmuu Tuylor, nius-c- r

of tho vessel.Robertson & Wlldir for plaintiff In

Olcghorn vs. Cnstlo movo to pet n day'or hearing tho demurrer of MaiyDrown, ono of tho defenrtnnts. .

In making nn order upprovlng theaccounts of F. J. Wllholm, ns adminis-trator cf his deceased wife's estate,ludgo Silllman dcn'es tho claim ofFrederlcw Albert Smith, fin adoptedchild, for a portion ot tho estate. Thearticles of adoption did not declaretho child to bo an fcolr of deceased.Mrs. U1II Smithies, wlfo of Archibald

Smithies, daughter, is declared In theiilcr solo heir subject to u life Intcr- -

st of the surviving liuslirnd in one- -

bird of tho Income of tho real i state,Judge Silllman had thn Million watci

ontroxctsy of Lum Ah Leo's vs. AhSoong'H hul heforo hli.t ngnln. Th.Court goes nt to took nt tho premise"this afternoon.

8. FiiriiBlilma, former steward of the-bar-

Seminole, has brnught stillagainst Captain C. Taylor of that ves-

sel. Plaintiff claims $5,009 ilamnges.alleged to have rcsultud to him fiomInjury done to his person, reputation,character and feelings In that the de-

fendant did on Mnrch M, 1000, wilful-ly nnd maliciously assault nnd benthim nnd did then in.l there wilfully,maliciously nnd unlawfully cause himto bo wrongly ImprUoned nnd

of his liberty. Mngoon andLong for plaintiff.

Tho libel has been removed from theScmlnnlo on nccount of the action otJudgo SUllmnn who throw out the hilllibeling tho ship. It wna his decisionthat tho matter should have been personal. As n result nf this, the actionagainst Captain Tavlor U brought.

Friday, April 0.Judgo Silllman opposed tho accounts

of J. M. Dowsett, administrator of thoestate of tho late J. I. Dowsett, and or-

dered' his discharge on filing the re-

ceipts of distribution. Henry Smith,master, was allowed a feo of $250 forhis report. Tho administrator filed asupplemental nccount, showing a bnlance of $4980.43 to bo distributed.

Tho Supremo Court denied tho mo-

tion of Makee Sugar Co., plaintiff, todismiss tho appeal ot Tuck Chew, defendant, and continued tho caso tillnext term. Kinne, Ilallou & Mc- -Clnnnhan for plaintiff; P. Neumannnnd J. T. Do Dolt for defendnnt.

Justices Frcar nnd Whiting, withouttho third Boat tilled, heard tho appeal ofdefendant from the decree of JudgeWilder of tho Fourth Circuit In JohnG. Jones vs. Francisco do Limn andAdolph HuBsmnnn. A peculiarity Inthe caso Is the fact that tho rccoul nfevidence In tho court below Is lost.Tho suit was n libel In equity to setaside a deed.

In his declaration plaintiff sot forththo following statements: Judgmentfor $S0C.3l was cntorcd In lavor ofJones against dc Lima for debt on January 7. On January 1C do Lima by deedconveyed land at Kaauhulu to Huss-man- n,

his for $730, whichwas Inadequate, the land being worthnt least $1200.

Separate answers were mado by thedefendants. They nlleged that de Limemortgaged tho land in question tr,HuFSinnnn as far back ns May 13, 189S,nlso denied that tho consideration forIts conveyance was Inadequate.

Judgo Wilder found thnt tho mort-gag- o

was cancelled when not In defaultand having ten yenra to run before ma-

turity. Ho adjudged tho deed of con-veyance fraudulent, and ordered It setaside nnd declared null nnd void.

Carl Smith and J. W. Cathcart forplaintiffs; A. S. Humphreys for defen-dants.

Monday, April 2.

A icqtilbtlou will bo presented bythe Executive to the Council ot Statethis, afternoon for $20,000 to pay thoexpenses of tho Court of Claim"). Ofthis amount $13,000 will bo for pay otCommissioner and subordinate oill-cer- s,

nnd $5,000 for pay of counsel bytho Attorney Gencrui's department, allaccording to this schedule.

Five Commissioners, 510 a day each;t It ton Inspcctnis, $5 :i day each; oneJanitor nnd Messenger, $10 a month.Counsel for Attorney General, $.",00

fee nnd $7 for ueh cnao ad-judicated.

The Minister of the Iiuerlor was au-thorized by the Executive Cotiujil trtawnrd the contract for laying thepipe to Vincent & Helv e at their .ender of $111,500,112. This is $33,S00.uSlower than tho highest bid, by VictorHoffman, nnd $21,993.02 higher thanthe lowest bid, by Schmidt & Dlakf,who asked for ten months to complctothe woik. It Is the matter of titan thutaitscil the disci lmlnalloii. Tho Cabi-

net hnd received n struni; letter fiomthe Hoard of Health, urging tho utmostexpedition in having the seweragecompleted. There aro r,'ime, however,who assert that tho pumping mnclilu-r- y

will be far behind tho plpo laylt.t,in completion.

The Council decided to nsk tho Coun-:I- 1

of Stnto foi $2f00 ,'or tiirther main-tenance of rcllif rnmpi No. 1 nnd 2.

Henry Korhc'a petition for nncais ofsalaiy for custom houso scrvlco wasclcgntcd to the LngU'uturc.

The petition of iOO or 900 Japnnesjfor rimlsslcn of peisutiul taxes, on nt

of their reduce 1 circumstances'hrnugli sanitary flics, was, under nniplnloii of the Attorney General, d

to he Impobslble ':f gi anting onmount (f th? pi i scut !.iw on tho sub-le-

und the hu It of pow.ir of tho Coun- -II ot State to nimml tin" law.

Wulncf dny, April I.The Cumuli of State (.oni'alttro lo

whli h was lefeirtd tho appropriationfor the Court of Clninw In their icpoitfo the CouiKil will critlciso tho np- -ointments made by President Hole

ind will ipcominrml a mwrlnl cuttlm;down of the amount asked for In thobill. It Is understood tlwv will reeom -

menu appropriating for ci, tinsel for tinsgovernment the lump sum of S2500 In- -stead of a retaining feo Jt ?J0U and anadditional feo of $7 for eachuse as dctei mined upon by the Kee-t-Mvc-


The commlttco believes there willbo nt least 2,000 rases which wouldbring tho cost ut fees up to $11,001).

They will recommend a reduction lutho pay to each member of the Courtfrom ?$10 n day to $! n flay, and u re-duced scale of payment for stenogra-phers, clerks, janitors, etc.

Monday, April 2.Tho Oahu Railway & Land Company

today gnvo a contract to Cotton Broth-ers & Co., contractors for UnitedStates harbor works now In progress,to construct a wharf on tho company'sproperty. Tho wharf Is to bo 400 feetlong by CO feet wide.

""'N?w''sr '"vijP'TV




Thanks to tho careful nnd broadminded consideration given Act 4,.linking nppropilntloun from tho LoanFund, by tho Commlttco un Intel lorDepartment, tho prospects for nggres-slv- o

public work throughout the Isl-

ands aro particularly brilliant. WithMinister Young conducting his nftlcc ontho principle thnt IcgUlutUo appropri-ation indicates that the work shall becarried to completion as promptly nspossible tho pcoplo have good reasonto anticipate a period of progress In theconstruction of roads, bridges, wharves,water works, etc., thut will bo In keep-ing with tho Bplrlt and necessities oftho time. Tho reasons which led tnoExecutive Council to tall to recognizetho demands of tho outside districtsIt Is not necessary to discuss. ThoCouncil ot Stato committee has goneover tho situation nnd evolved u billthat will meet tho approval ot tho tax-payers nt all districts.

In going over the commit tea's rcpoitpilntcd exclusively by tho Iltillotln, Itappeals that the following increasehas been mado for each Item named.Honolulu Harbor $100,0onHllo Wlinrf 20,000Hllo Sowers 44,000Hllo Post Ofllco 8,003Hllo Streets 15,000Hllo Homestead Roads 10,000Knumnna and Olaa Rondu .... 25,000South Kona Ronda 17.000North Kona Roads 12,000North Kohala Roads 1 ,500Homaktia Roads 18,000North Hllo Road-- , 10,000Walluku Drldge 10,000Hana Roads 20,000Mnknwao Roads 6,000Kauai Roads 15,000Hllo Water Works 12,000Walluku Water Works 4.000Lahalnn Water Works 10,000Knunl Water Works S00

$357,300Decrease Puna road Item . 1,000

Net lucrenso for othor Isl-ands 350,300

Nuuanu Water System 90,000Pumping Plnnt nnd Plpo .... 50,0;i)Additional Water Pipe 70,000Hydrants 3,000

Total $213,000Decrease Honolulu Tug .... CO.OOO

Net Increase for Oahu ....$153,000Total lucrenso urged for com-

mlttco for nil islands ... $.v),300To this total Increase of $509,300 for

public work on nil tho islands may bondded $23,000 for tho hospital for In-

curables which should bo consideredns ii general territorial Item, makingtho total Increase to tho appropriationsfrom tho Loan Fund TL..1 1,300.

It is apparent from this statementthnt tho committee has followed thewiso prlnclplo thnt what Is woith do-

ing Is worth doing well. Thin oldstory ot making appropriations knownto bo Insufllclent to cirry public workto completion should bo relegated tothe wustcbaskct along with tho numer-ous mistakes ot the public works de-

partment, ot which tin least said thebetter.

Thero is not n slnglo Increased Itemof expenditure reported by tho eoni-mitt-

that the Council of State tonnfford to stilko out. Hawaii starts inon Its new career with u bonded Imlcbtcdness of less than a million dollars.In view of tho deniimU made by th"development of tho Island i the addi-tion of another million will not burdentho taxpayers; It is in fact tho best In-

vestment tho people can mnko.

Fndny, March C.

Thero was tho very satisfactory at-tendance of thirty ladles at tho moot-ing of tilQ Dlieetors of tho Frco Kin-dergarten and Children's Aid Associa-tion this morning.

Dirtcicnt reports show the variousktndcrgaitcus opening up very well af-ter quniantluo und 11 ro dlsni range-mont- s.

Many of them have had to opnwithin tho relief cnnips. Outsldo oftut so tho P.ilamn school shows thelargo attendance cf CO, and the Portu-gues- o

Hehool ubout tho same number.The ladles expressed their gratltudi.

to the Tiimtees of tho Queen's Hos-pital for the veiy gcneious tt. atnicnirocclw'd all theko yeais whllo occupying titiceu Emma hall.

Miss Margaret Hopper irslgucd theofllco of HJiretaiy, and Mis. A. IJ.Wood was elected In her place,

The Ways nnd Means committee hadan (nrotiiRKlnt; leport on tho CastleHome fur Children. They had receivedvery Kcncrnus supnoit from tho com -

inanity. Theio aie three chlldicn nowIn tho Institution, nnd n number of up- -

' pllrnuts for admission. Tho meetingpassed on n set of regulations for tho

, home.

Wi'dne-da- y, April 4.Tho coroner's Innuaat In ro tho

death of Peial, Hnwnliin, was held attho police station last evening. Thoverdict tendered was to the effect thattho said Poal came to ills death from nknife wound Inflicted by CharlesDowning. Tho preliminary hearing oftho case Is set for Thuisday uext.

Thur.iday, April 5.Tho former sergoant-at-arm- s of the

Sonato went up to tho ofllco of thnChief Justice- In tho government build-ing this forenoon nnd removed there-from the sign that '.ins ,n long markedtho entrance. This was dono prepara-tory of tho occupancy of the ofllco bythe Court of Claims.

M(3 i,KJ0o'J!iiju. ElSISjaJSJaj'SiiS 5EJ3A. li

i Board of flcalili Woik

For the Week

ttm uHfflHEijsrtPjr EsraraisjaraiBJ naait i

Friday, Mnich fi.At a meeting of tho board of Health

yesterday afternoon thero wcro pres-ent the following: President Wood,Dr. Dny, F. J. Lowrcy, Oijo. W SmithF. M. Hatch, Dr. Emerson nnd Execu-tive Olllccr Garvin.

The meat supply for tho leper fictile-men- twnB brought up for discussion

An effort will be made to use entitled orpreserved meats In tho phu-- of fushmeat at tho settlement. The matterwas left In the hands of tho cxccutlvoofficer.

Dr. Wood rend a communicationfrom Dr. Hoffmann stating thn. thedeath ot Frank Peroutka, suicide, wasIn no way due to tho plague.

A. V. Gear of tho Council or Statewas present nt tho meeting nnd, In re-

lation to tho matter of a purchasingagent for tho Hoard ot Health, statedthat tho committee hiving the matterIn hand had consulted with Dr. Woodnnd F. M. Hatch nnd that tho questionhnd then been referred to W. F. Allen.

The Council had discussed the mat-ter but had arrived nt no conclusion.The opinion of tho Hoard of Healthwas nwalted. Mr. Gear recommendedsome good business mnn for thn posi-tion.

Dr. Wood read a communicationfrom tho Minister of tho Interior stat-ing thnt tho action ot tho ExecutiveCouncil was favorable to allowing theInmates of tho drill shed camp to re-

main In their present quarters till May1, 1900.

Petitions wcro then read from thoHawnllans nnd Japanese, nt tho Kallhidetention camp asking to bo allowedto remain there. To send them nwnywould bo to render them homeless.Uoth petitions wero referred to theExecutive.

Next enmo the reading of tho follow-ing letter from tho ilnanco committeeof tho Hoard of Health:

"I beg to report, on behalf of yourFlnnnco Commlttco, that five, payrolls,dated January 31st, 1900, amounting lo$3,47 1.S5, appear to havo been paid bywarrants 1(10. lfil nnd 170. dated Feb-ruary Cth, 1900, without having hvtnpreviously submitted to this committerfor audit. Tho cnnimltUo believesthese payrolls to bo rorriwt, but con-

siders It important to mention to youthis Informality, which affords nn In-

stance of the difficulty ntteudliig thoefforts of thn committee to Hy hfiorotho Hoard accurate statements of thoi.expenditure In the mupiitIou f thbubonic plague, nnd to frmiiq loi lieuestimates ot probable reqiittoiueii i.'

Tho request of W. ('. I'ea.-oc- k & f'uto make shipments of Ameiic.in bottlr t

beer packed In Honolulu to th' otherdistricts of tho Island, was granted.

Dr. Emerson, chairman of tho com-mittee ot tho Hoard on public morguereported that tho jonitulUeo recom-mended that tho Executive Council borequested to nsk tha Council of Stnt-t-

appropriate $5,000 for tho purposeof erecting and maintaining u morgut .

The Hoard concluded to nsk for f lrt,i-i- i

Tho commltteo's report was accepted.After the Introduction ot the follow-

ing resolution by F. M. Hutch nnd thoadoption of thn same, tho Bo.ud ad-

journed:Resolved, That In tho opinion of the

Hoard of Health, tho Hoard havingvisited nnd Inspected tho premises, tillthat tract of land situated south ofOahu prison between tho two roadsthrough iwilcl nnd Kahololo.i, com-monly covered by water and forminga pond, Is deleterious to thn publichealth In conscqucneo of b'ing Im-properly drained, und that said pondconstitutes n nuisance, nnd Is a sourceot filth and cnuso of sickness. Andthat tho Hoard of Health vecouuncniiuthat said pond bo filled to the grndo ofsaid roads, nnd that this resolution Inicpoitcd to the Minister ol the interim.

President Dole reported to tho Cnbl-ni- t

this morning tho receipt ot n rt

by the local medical faculty t nwater llltiatlon which had been adopt-ed by tho Hoard of Health.

A letter was read lioni Dr. Woodlegal ding tho condition ot cattle t;nKauai, mid ot mules nt Olaa planta-tion, Hawaii, particulars In Inr fur-nished In eiiclusuics fiom Dr. Waahop and Dr. Eliot lcspectlvely. 'Hicommunications were lcftiicii to tiiiGovernment vcteiliuiry buiqcuu lo.examination and icpoit.

A communication fiom tho WildeSteamship Co. gavo a list of irip'' mini'

j by the Lchun to Molokal, Lautii nndMaul under tho subsidy, anl tho mut-ter of pa.st bills for the scmmu wis I itto the diiK.utIon of tho Min.sur of llulutcilur.

W. 1. Hall wan grant d have to(Imngc the location of hu liquor saloonfrom Kiihulul to Wniluku. An appll-- tat luu of Luvejuy A: L'o. to maUa th'

sun jiioic, under their liquor dealllcti.se, was kit to tho Judgment of theMinister of tho Interior.

I Mr. Young rend a communicationfrom Vliuent &. llclsar offeili",', nndeiceitaln conditions, 10 construct Ihehouse lateral scweis from tho piopenylino to connect with iho hmi.ie plumb'lng. Tho Minister stated tl.ut hi wniiconfer with the plumbcis on the mat-ter. It was left to his dls2)(itlo:i by thoHxecutlvo, tlio proposition being ap-proved.

Attorney Georgo A. Davis of thoCourt of Claims called in at this ofTleutoday nnd In tho cour3tf of n couverba-tlo- n,

nui do the statement, that ho hadalready sent In his resignation m orderthnt tho government might not bo em-

barrassed. "You see, It Is UiIj wuy,"said Mr. Davis. "I havo been appointedas a member of tho Court of Claimsnnd If tho government wants mo stillto act In such n capacity, I am rightthero. However, should the govern-ment feel In any way embarrassed bymy membership, they may act on myresignation at onco."

$200.00 IN PRIZES

The BULLHTIN offers to tin-- per-on- s

who, between February ist nndluty 31st, shall send in the largesttumber of new subscribers, the

prizes :

it Prize Cleveland Kicycle, 70.The winner of the ist prize Is it liberty

0 cliooje between mode's go, qt and 04 ofhe loco Cleveland Bicycle. Model 04 Is

1 roau racer, w eight 20 pounds. Model 934 a light road whrel, weighing 2 lbs ,and4odel 00 a heavier road wheel, wt 24 lbs.he blcvcle to be selected from the stock

.f the Honolulu Bicycle Co.. sgents'or Cleveland Bicycles. (The choice maye made between the corresponding ladles'

Models, should the winner of 1st prize b1 lady).

tnd Prize, Singer 8ewin Ma-

chine $00.00.The winner of this prize may choose

wtween these thrre stvles of machines::hatwlth oscillating shuttle and top cover,:nat with vlbtatlng shuttle and cabinetop, both machines, or the

Automa-lc,- " with three drawers. Thisnachlne will be furnished by B. Bcr-terse- n,

sole agent for the HawaiianIslands.

8rd Prize, Prcmo Senior Camera,4x5, with Outfit, $40.00.

The Premo, Sr., has Double' Swingsack, Double Sliding Front, and Rack andJlnlon for focusing. This camera may beistd with either Plates or Films. Theutlit Includes 1 Plate Holder, Tripod, 3Trays, Developer, Fixer, Negative Rack,jraduate, Stirring Rod and Lantern.Camera and outfit are from the LcMun-yo- n

Photo-Supp- ly Co., sole agents.

Ith Prize, a Zonophonc, the Lat-est Improvement on the Gramo-phone, with O Records, $30.00.This Is the loudest and most natural

'alklng machine yet Invented. It Is to beelected from the stock of the BcrjtetromMimic Co., sole agents for the HawaiianIslands.

The following conditions of the contestnust be observed :

t. All subset Iptlons must be prepaid ateast three months in advance.

2. No renewals or transfers of subscrip-lon- s

will be counted In this contest astew subscriptions. Each name must be aiona fide addition to the subscription lists.

3. Subscriptions should be sent In nswon as secured, together with the nameind address of the person to whom thetubscrlptlon Is to be credited, as well as of.he subscriber. Great care should betaken0 give ACCURATELY the full name andtddress of each new subscriber.

4- - Any person in the Ha-waiian Islands Is eligibleto try for these prizes.

During the continuation of the contestfor the Most Popular Captain, couponsentitling the holder to cast so many votesfor the Captain of his choice accotdlngtothe term of his subscription, will be givento each new subscriber attached to thereceipt for the subscription, as previouslyinnounced.

Subscription Rates: S8.00 per year,(2.00 for three months; strictly In advance.

Friday, April C.

Thero Is no phiKiio at Makao, In thoDistrict of Koolau, on tho other sideof the island. A report was received nttho Hoard of Health otflco from Dr.Carter of Makao lato yesterday after-noon to tho effect that two suspiciouseases had mado their nppearanco ntthat place. Arrangemcnta for a spe-cial train wero mado immediately nndHxectttlvo Officer Oarvln nnd Dr.Hoffmann wcro despatched to the sccnunt once.

"Wo did not find n single suspicioussymptom nnd Immediately authorizedthe removal ot tho Kuard holding p

in ijuarantlno.

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