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DQS Holding GmbH DQS COMPACT IN THIS ISSUE Page 3 Training opportuniƟes to pro- mote Gender Equality Page 4 ISO 22301 (BCM): do you have courage now? Page 5 ISO 27001 (ISMS): automoƟve customers pay aƩenƟon Page 6 DQS India cerƟfies hyloc hydro- technic to ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS) NEWS Special ISO 45005: Guidelines for occu- paƟonal safety and health during Covid-19 AutomoƟve supplier kößler technologie has been through the transiƟon with DQS. Their experience shows: IATF 16949 is vir- tually a must for suppliers in the automoƟ- ve industry. This is because the “Original Equipment Manufacturers” (OEM) on the InternaƟonal AutomoƟve Task Force IATF insist on implemenƟng requirements of the automoƟve standard without excepƟ- on. In addiƟon to the internaƟonally recognized proof of quality in the automoƟve industry, however, other addiƟonal benefits are also important for an organizaƟon in this sector: Stronger customer orientaƟon Improved process capability and reliability in the supply chain ConƟnuous process opƟmizaƟon and improvement of the organizaƟon Special promoƟon of error and safety culture High level of trust and loyalty among customers Increased compeƟƟveness and image enhancement In conversaƟon with Anna-Maria Wasser- mann, kößler technologie We talked to Anna-Maria Wassermann (M.A.), Head of kößler ProducƟon System, about her experiences with IATF 16949 and the ISO standards over the past three years. In 2017, she was the driving force behind the successfully implemented TransiƟon Circle from ISO/TS to IATF, together with the Head of Quality, Ms. Silke Wieser. kößler technologie GmbH is a medium-sized organizaƟon that supplies industrial compa- nies in the automoƟve and mobile hydrau- lics sectors. The organizaƟon, whose business relaƟonship with DQS dates back to 1999, now has a comprehensive inte- grated management system (IMS) in accordance with ISO 9001, IATF 16949:2016, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. In addiƟon to the classic quality and environmental protecƟon aspects, holisƟc corporate management also takes into account other areas such as automoƟve requirements, energy efficiency or compliance. Thus, with the help of an integrated management system, a good balance can be achieved between the diver- se requirements of the topic-specific standards. The combined, simultaneous cerƟficaƟon of fully integrated manage- ment systems also offers numerous opportuniƟes for organizaƟons, as contradicƟons may be idenƟfied and syner- gies exploited. This applies equally to inter- nal audits and external cerƟficaƟon audits. Ms. Wassermann, first on ISO 9001: Which innovaƟons of the 2015 revision do you consider parƟcularly useful today? The stronger focus on process orientaƟon and risk-based thinking comes to mind immediately. But also the significant increase in the responsibility of top ma- nagement within the framework of the management system, the newly introduced requirements for knowledge management and, of course, the High Level Structure, which proves to be parƟcularly advantage- ous when implemenƟng an integrated ma- nagement system - and this applies to us in parƟcular. How do you see the benefits of the process -oriented approach of ISO 9001 in pracƟce? Customer journal no. I/2021 FROM ISO/TS TO IATF 16949 www.dqs-holding.com
Page 1: I/2021 DQS COMPACT




Page 3

Training opportuni es to pro-

mote Gender Equality

Page 4

ISO 22301 (BCM): do you have

courage now?

Page 5

ISO 27001 (ISMS): automo ve

customers pay a en on

Page 6

DQS India cer fies hyloc hydro-

technic to ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS)

NEWS Special

ISO 45005: Guidelines for occu-

pa onal safety and health

during Covid-19

Automo ve supplier kößler technologie

has been through the transi on with DQS.

Their experience shows: IATF 16949 is vir-

tually a must for suppliers in the automo -

ve industry. This is because the “Original

Equipment Manufacturers” (OEM) on the

Interna onal Automo ve Task Force IATF

insist on implemen ng requirements of

the automo ve standard without excep -


In addi on to the interna onally recognized

proof of quality in the automo ve industry,

however, other addi onal benefits are also

important for an organiza on in this sector:

Stronger customer orienta on

Improved process capability and

reliability in the supply chain

Con nuous process op miza on and

improvement of the organiza on

Special promo on of error and safety


High level of trust and loyalty among


Increased compe veness and image


In conversa on with Anna-Maria Wasser-

mann, kößler technologie

We talked to Anna-Maria Wassermann

(M.A.), Head of kößler Produc on System,

about her experiences with IATF 16949 and

the ISO standards over the past three years.

In 2017, she was the driving force behind

the successfully implemented Transi on

Circle from ISO/TS to IATF, together with

the Head of Quality, Ms. Silke Wieser.

kößler technologie GmbH is a medium-sized

organiza on that supplies industrial compa-

nies in the automo ve and mobile hydrau-

lics sectors. The organiza on, whose

business rela onship with DQS dates back

to 1999, now has a comprehensive inte-

grated management system (IMS) in

accordance with ISO 9001, IATF

16949:2016, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.

In addi on to the classic quality and

environmental protec on aspects, holis c

corporate management also takes into

account other areas such as automo ve

requirements, energy efficiency or

compliance. Thus, with the help of an

integrated management system, a good

balance can be achieved between the diver-

se requirements of the topic-specific

standards. The combined, simultaneous

cer fica on of fully integrated manage-

ment systems also offers numerous

opportuni es for organiza ons, as

contradic ons may be iden fied and syner-

gies exploited. This applies equally to inter-

nal audits and external cer fica on audits.

Ms. Wassermann, first on ISO 9001: Which

innova ons of the 2015 revision do you

consider par cularly useful today?

The stronger focus on process orienta on

and risk-based thinking comes to mind

immediately. But also the significant

increase in the responsibility of top ma-

nagement within the framework of the

management system, the newly introduced

requirements for knowledge management

and, of course, the High Level Structure,

which proves to be par cularly advantage-

ous when implemen ng an integrated ma-

nagement system - and this applies to us in

par cular.

How do you see the benefits of the process

-oriented approach of ISO 9001 in prac ce?




Page 2: I/2021 DQS COMPACT

In my opinion, the greatest advantage of process orienta on is

that responsibility for the process is actually transferred to the

process owner(s), as is naturally the case with us. The

competence of our process managers is at the top of our agenda -

not just with regard to automo ve methods.

This means that those employees who work directly on the

process, and may also directly influence it, assume full responsibi-

lity for the success of the process. This extends from the defini -

on and delimita on of the process, to se ng of process targets

and process indicators, to process controlling and implemen ng

suitable improvement measures.

So a full penetra on of the process landscape ...

... exactly! Due to the process orienta on, we are able to push a

clear and comprehensible visualiza on of opera onal processes,

e.g. the representa on of processes by means of the process map

or the turtle method. Our processes are thus easily to understand

for all employees. In addi on, process orienta on promotes a

holis c view of opera onal processes and makes it easier to

recognize dependencies and interac ons between processes and

to iden fy and solve interface problems.

How does this affect the handling of risks and opportuni es?

Well, this also applies to the analysis of opportuni es and risks

associated with the process. Process owners are only able to be

proac ve in avoiding problems or perceiving poten al for

improvement, if they know the opportuni es and risks of the

process they are working on. In this way, they may get the best

possible out of the process - process and risk orienta on thus go

hand in hand.

Where do you see the greatest advantage of the risk-based ap-


I would sum up the biggest advantage of the risk-based approach

like this: Moving away from reac ve ac on - that is, reac ng to

problems a er the fact, "being the fire department and pu ng

out fires" - to proac ve ac on, that is, ac ng with foresight so

that problems don't occur in the first place.

Does the subject of "looking at opportuni es" also play a role in

your corporate prac ce today?

In principle, yes. We conduct an annual analysis of the opportuni-

es and risks of all business processes. This takes place in inter-

disciplinary workshops with the respec ve process owners, inter-

nal customers and interfaces. The advantage of this is that we not

only focus on the problems of a process and thus the "nega ves,"

but also draw a en on to the opportuni es, i.e., the "posi ves”.

The process owners encourage their employees, who work

directly on the process, to contribute their own ideas and

sugges ons. In this way, we achieve an increase in employee

mo va on and innova ve power in the organiza on - as a result,

it is similar to a well-func oning company sugges on scheme.

Now to IATF 16949: From your point of view, has the change-

over from ISO/TS had a significant impact on the applica on of

automo ve methods and tools, e.g. on the "8D report"?

From our point of view, strictly speaking, there have been no

significant changes. However, this is certainly also due to the fact

that we were already using these methods and tools in our orga-

niza on before the changeover to IATF 16949. However, at the

me of the transi on, we had considered how we might op mize

and simplify the processing of 8D reports* internally. We then

decided to integrate 8D processing into our proprietary ERP sy-

stem** and thus also into our new project management module

developed in 2018.

Another interes ng IATF subject is the competence of process

owners to execute specific automo ve methods - how do you

deal with this?

We have developed an internal instruc on concept to provide

new employees and

exis ng staff from all

areas of the organiza-

on with the necessary

knowledge and familia-

rize them with our

standards, methods and

tools. Specialist and

management staff hold

theore cal and prac cal

training courses on a

wide range of subjects.

These training courses

are con nuously

developed and op mi-

zed so that they are

always aligned with

current opera onal re-


Since January 2021, all communica on on non-conformi es

worldwide has been running via the new IATF system "CARA".

What expecta ons do you have of this innova on?

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DQS Compact no. I/2021

First of all, I would like to say something up front: we a ach great importance to digi-

taliza on and have been steadily driving it forward for many years. A er all, we have

our own so ware development department, which is certainly not the norm for an

organiza on of our size.

We program the aforemen oned ERP system ourselves, as well as the programs and

apps for internal use, for the driverless transport system, for digital worksta ons, and

so on. So we are basically open to new so ware, provided it brings added value to the

users. I would therefore like to summarize our expecta ons of CARA, in fact of so -

ware in general, as follows:

High user-friendliness (simple, intui ve, self-explanatory)

High system speed

No double maintenance of data (avoid redundancies to reduce error poten al) even

over several audit years

Good and secure interfaces from other systems to CARA and vice versa - this is so-

mething we also a ach great importance to when developing our own so ware.

Ms. Wassermann, thank you very much for again providing us with informa on

about your management system!

Ar cle by Mr. Mar n Röhl, DQS Expert for Automo ve Quality Management  

Originally published in German at www.dqs.de 

Gender-based violence and harassment is a global pheno-

menon. Official figures from the European Ins tute for

Gender Equality indicate that one in three women in the

European Union from the age of 15 experience physical

and/or sexual violence at least once in their lives. One in

two women experience sexual harassment and one in

twenty women is raped. And it is not only women who are

affected by gender-based violence in our society. The ad-

verse effects of gender-based violence and harassment are

considerable, whether the violence occurs in the work-

place or outside.

In order to break down exis ng prejudices and develop a

profound awareness of the problem, DQS Lebanon recent-

ly hosted the UN Target Gender Equality training module

2. The training material and agenda is provided by UNGCL,

while DQS auditor Mrs. Dana Abou Relan delivered and

facilitated the training with local examples.

We are very proud and very excited for this, and hope that DQS Lebanon will con nue to have a frui ul rela onship with UNGCL.


DQS CFS also offers  a Gender Awareness Founda on Training that is designed to sensi ze par cipants to the topic of gender and gender‐based violence and discrimina on. Through sound knowledge, par cipants are empowered to deconstruct exis ng assump‐ons. The training is thus a method that enables companies to raise the awareness of their employees. In this way they can contribute 

to a safer working environment and make a posi ve contribu on to society.     


Founded  in  1972,  kößler  technologie  is  a 

third‐genera on, family‐run, medium‐sized 

organiza on  with  about  400  employees 

and a planned  turnover of  EUR 80 million 

for 2021. The organiza on based in Baben‐

hausen  in  the  Unterallgäu  region  of  Ger‐

many  supplies well‐known  industrial  com‐

panies  in  the  automo ve  (90%)  and  hy‐

draulics (10%) sectors such as Volkswagen, 

Daimler, Magna,  ZF  and many more.  The 

por olio  includes high‐quality components 

for  engines,  transmissions,  drivelines  and 

chassis.  The  demanding  task  of  mee ng 

increasing  quality  requirements  with  ever 

shorter  product  cycles  is  met  by  kößler 

technologie  through  pronounced  innova ‐

ve strength and high flexibility in manufac‐

turing ‐ through a modular produc on me‐

thod  that  is  planned  down  to  the  last  de‐

tail. The organiza on's mo o fits perfectly: 

Precision. Innova on. Reliability. 




Page 4: I/2021 DQS COMPACT

ISO 22301, the interna onal standard

for business con nuity management

(BCM), provides a framework for imple-

men ng and cer fying a management

system that gives you the ability to

keep cri cal business processes run-


Replying to the ques on of how orga-

niza ons act in mes of crisis and what

effect the individual situa on has on

quality. Business con nuity management

expert Uwe Naujoks reveals in an inter-

view how organiza ons should deal with

the current changes and which long-

term measures are helpful when dealing

with a difficult situa on.

Mr. Naujoks, where do you see the big-gest changes as a result of the crisis? What impact does it have on our work? The Corona crisis is undoubtedly having

a serious impact on the global economy.

Whether there will be a global recession

is s ll uncertain, but the consequences

of the pandemic have been felt for a

long me: supply chains are disrupted,

interna onal travel is very limited, goods

produc on is slowing down and world

markets are unse led.

This, of course, has a concrete impact on

organiza ons. They have to reckon with

service provider and supplier failures,

incoming orders may stagnate and con-

sequently liquidity bo lenecks may

arise. The reloca on of workplaces to

home offices increases the need for

communica on and results in a funda-

mental change in communica on. It is

forcing many organiza ons to think mo-

re about digi za on and to put corres-

ponding implementa on measures that

were started in the short term on a solid

foo ng in the long term (data pro-

tec on, IT security, etc.).

In short, the current crisis is not leading

to individual disrup ons, but rather si-

multaneously to a large number of dis-

rup ons at different levels, which are

pushing organiza ons to the limits of

their resilience and controllability.

What is par cularly important for orga-

niza ons now? Where is there the grea-

test need for ac on?

Corporate strategy should not only ensu-

re the ability to act at the moment, but

also develop medium- and long-term

scenarios, evaluate them and derive

measures from them.

From the retrospec ve, we may learn for

the future. So organiza ons should defi-

nitely ask themselves the following

ques ons now:

Which measures supported us in the

crisis and to what extent?

Were there any courses of ac on that

did not prove successful?

What improvised, short-term solu ons

have been found and how do they fit

in with the long-term goals and corpo-

rate strategy?

Which changes and ad hoc measures

are sustainable and have had a posi -

ve impact?

If necessary, should these measures

be reviewed for their risk and included

in the safety concept?

Which risks need to be reassessed due

to the changed situa on?

What measures result from this in the

medium to long term?

In my view, there is a need for the follo-

wing medium- to long-term ac ons and


Organiza ons should iden fy and secure

their processes. This means that cri cal

business processes must be monitored

and, if necessary, reassessed. Past and

future collabora on with relevant ser-

vice providers should also be reassessed

cri cally and placed on a sustainable

foo ng in line with the strategic needs of

the organiza on. All of this must be con-

sidered from the perspec ve of aligning

the organiza on's exis ng business con-

nuity management for the future.

Legal and security requirements must be

taken into account and implemented

when (re)designing ways of working.

These include data protec on and occu-

pa onal safety as well as informa on

security. In order to ensure con nuing

DQS Compact no. I/2021 4 4


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DQS Compact no. I/2021

security, it may be necessary to adjust controlling and the audit


In order to cope with the acute situa on and to be be er pre-

pared for such challenges in the future, it is worth taking a retro-

spec ve view. For this purpose, the overall situa on is com-

prehensively evaluated and subsequently - where necessary -

the crisis, emergency and pandemic plans are adjusted. It is also

important to take into account geopoli cal condi ons such as

exit restric ons and border closures, and to plan resources with

a view to supply chains, warehousing, personnel, technical

equipment, and so on.

The crisis has once again shown us how important digi za on is.

Those who align their IT strategy in a decentralized manner have

advantages. Organiza ons should therefore definitely examine

and u lize digi za on op ons for processes. It may be

worthwhile to implement so ware that supports and facilitates

decentralized coordina on. However, a suitable IT infrastructure

must be created for this.

To have courage! Anyone who takes a close look at the current

situa on and seizes the opportunity not only to discuss changes

in the organiza on, but to actually implement them, has the

best chance of emerging stronger from this crisis.

In doing so, it is important not only to act "inside the box", i.e. to

only circle around oneself, but also to dare to take the leap "out

of the box".

Ar cle by Mr. Uwe Naujoks, originally published at dgqblog.de  

Mr. Naujoks, born 1959 in Berlin, 

is partner and business unit mana‐

ger  "Risk  Management"  at  WG‐

DATA GmbH  (coopera on  partner 

of  DGQ),  a  medium‐sized  consul‐

ng  company.  He  has  been 

dealing with the subject "Business 

Con nuity  Management  (BCM)" 

for about 25 years, for many years 

also  in  leading  posi ons  in  the 

financial  services  sector. Mr.  Naujoks  is  a  cer fied  trainer  and 

auditor  for  ISO  22301  and  also  trains  auditors  in  this manage‐

ment system. 




Today, solid informa on security brings far more benefits to organiza ons than merely securing their technical infrastructure. En re busi-

ness processes now depend significantly on it - whether it's the secure handling of sensi ve data or the legally compliant processing of the

same. That is why the term now encompasses the protec on of the en re flow of informa on. The automo ve supplier Mubea succeeded

in standardizing informa on security in ten European countries through DQS cer fica on according to ISO 27001, thus posi oning itself

well among the compe on. Poten al IT risks were scru nized and and the handling of confiden al informa on was con nuously develo-

ped and improved.

Globaliza on presents many organiza ons with enormous challenges when it

comes to informa on security. The infrastructure and legal regula ons differ

from country to country, in some cases massively. Nevertheless, globally ac -

ve organiza ons are obliged to uncover vulnerabili es everywhere and esta-

blish suitable protec ve measures. This is because the digi za on of business

processes across na onal borders requires a comparable level of IT security

from all par es involved, which must be guaranteed across the en re value


In the automo ve industry, too, the security of data and informa on requi-

ring protec on is becoming increasingly important when it comes to interna-

onal collabora on between different loca ons, subsidiaries or service provi-

ders. The automo ve supplier Mubea was faced with the major hurdle of

wan ng to raise the level of IT security to the same level in ten countries with

a total of 20 subsidiaries.


"We came across DQS rela vely quickly during our research and realized in an ini al mee ng that we were a very good 

match." Chris ane Habbel, Head of IT ‐ Informa on Security & Compliance at Mubea. 

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"The coopera on with DQS was very prac cal and customer‐oriented. We benefited greatly from the in‐depth in‐

dustry knowledge of the auditors, who supported us in all aspects," says Habbel.  

"This is true for both ISO 27001 and TISAX® cer fica on." 

DQS Compact no. I/2021

Years ago, the specialist for lightweight body, chassis and power-

trains began to take a close look at informa on security: "Our

customers were increasingly anchoring the subject in their terms

and condi ons of purchase. And in order to con nue to be well

posi oned in the compe ve environment, we wanted to act

quickly," reports Chris ane Habbel, Head of IT - Informa on

Security & Compliance at the organiza on. But that wasn't the

only reason: "We strive to constantly improve our management

system for informa on security anyway and to sensi ze our

employees to the subject. So, in 2017, we decided to have cer -

fica on carried out in accordance with the recognized ISO 27001

standard. That helps us enormously in this endeavor," says Hab-



It is true that TISAX® (Trusted Informa on Security Assessment

Exchange), a standard for informa on security defined by the

automo ve industry, has existed since 2017 and thus provides

another op on for cer fica on, which many automo ve manu-

facturers and suppliers now require from business partners.

However, TISAX® is a European standard for the industry and

not yet established globally.

"That didn't go far enough for us," Habbel recalls. That's why the

A endorn-based organiza on opted for ISO 27001 cer fica on

to give it a compe ve edge in terms of informa on security.

With this decision, Mubea set out to find a suitable partner and

decided on DQS without further ado.

To this end, the DQS auditors first examined the func oning of

the informa on security management system (ISMS) on site. In

addi on, for ISMS cer fica on, Mubea had to demonstrate

successful interac on of the basic values of informa on securi-

ty: Confiden ality, Integrity and Availability. Poten al IT risks

or processes endangering informa on security were listed and

op mized in this context.


Europe-wide informa on security in the organiza on

With the help of DQS, Mubea has not only succeeded in op mizing the security of

sensi ve data and informa on at its headquarters. The organiza on has also

raised 20 subsidiaries at ten loca ons in Europe to a new level of security and

established a common security standard.

Mubea is now able to reliably document its own informa on security to custo-

mers and partners through the two cer ficates. This gives the automo ve sup-

plier a compe ve advantage in the market, Habbel states: "With ISO 27001, we

have not only brought a high security standard into the organiza on throughout

Europe. We also protect ourselves against cyber a acks from outside and have

been able to sensi ze our employees to the security of our confiden al company

values. Because informa on security is much more than just IT security. Now,

however, we are not standing s ll. Key components of our management system

are audited annually in order to achieve further improvements. The already very

good level of our informa on security is thus con nuously evolving."

Mubea Group is the global market leader in the

development and manufacture of complex automo-

ve components that reduce vehicle weight and

contribute to improved environmental protec on

through reduced CO2 emissions. The owner-

managed family business from A endorn focuses on

technical innova ons and opera onal excellence. It

is driven by the ambi on to be sustainably among

the top 100 global automo ve suppliers.

The product range includes chassis components

such as axle springs, stabilizers, fiber composite

springs and precision steel tubes, as well as engine

components such as valve springs, automa c belt

tensioning systems and spring band clamps, and

also transmission components such as drive sha s

and transmission plate springs. The subsidiary

Mubea Flamm also develops and manufactures

components and assemblies for the aerospace and

household appliance industries.


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IRIScerti icationtoISO/TS22163:2017

DQS: Global presence - Local exper se DQS is one of the leading cer fica on bodies for management systems worldwide. With 85 offices in 60 countries, and 2,500 auditors

and experts worldwide, DQS is your trusted partner for sustainable success. DQS Holding, based in Frankfurt, provides the strategic

leadership for all DQS offices worldwide. We strive for one common goal: to improve our customers' management systems and orga-

niza onal health by offering value-adding assessment services

Where to find us Please contact the local DQS office in your area.

The list is available online at the Group website

DQS Compact no. I/2021 7 7

published by responsible

DQS Holding GmbH Dr. Dieter Stadler

IBDmarke [email protected] Petra Träm/Nathalie Guilbot-Sumono

www.dqs-holding.com IBD • Corporate Marke ng

March 2021

During  a virtual cer ficate handover, DQS India‘s Managing Director Dr. Murugan Kandasamy and Head of Corporate Accounts Dwarakanath Kaiwar present the cer ficate to Mr Parag Chitnis, Director of Hyloc.  

ISO/TS 22163, ISO's Technical Specifica on for rail organiza-

ons published in May 2017, marks the next evolu on of

the IRIS standard (Interna onal Railway Industry Standard).

It contains the requirements set out in ISO 9001:2015, in-

cluding the high-level structure used in all ISO management

system standards since 2013, but also incorporates needs

and requirements that are unique to the rail industry. Audit

results are s ll reviewed in the IRIS Audit Tool. The result

status is entered in the UNIFE database, where it can be

accessed by industry developers, engineers and purchasers.

DQS India holds more than a third of the market share

in the country and as one of the preferred CB in India,

DQS India works with many large, well-known custo-

mers. The days are not far when DQS India will beco-

me the market leader in India.

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As of February 2021, Covid‐19 (SARS‐CoV‐2) con nues to have a firm grip on the world. Not only in private everyday life, but also and

especially in the workplace, the risk of infec on is high. Strict adherence to rules of conduct and official regula ons is the be‐all and end

‐all to protect oneself and others from the disease. In the workplace, however, one thing is par cularly important: the ability of orga‐

niza ons to respond quickly and flexibly to changing situa ons . While the standard makes specific reference to the Corona pandemic,

its approach is appropriate for any similar type of infec ous event and, as a result, will help organiza ons prepare for and deal with

such events in the long term.

ISO/PAS 45005: Occupa onal health and safety management ‐ General guidelines for safe working during the COVID‐19 pandemic

was published in English in December 2020. This publicly available specifica on (PAS) provides interna onal occupa onal health and

safety (OSHA) guidelines aimed at managing the effects of the Corona pandemic in the workplace. The document may be viewed free

of charge in full on the ISO website (www.iso.org/standard/64286.html).

According to the ISO, this standard also contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal of the United Na ons. These SDG for short

are a call for ac on by all countries – poor, rich and middle‐income – to promote prosperity while protec ng the planet. They recognize

that ending poverty must go hand‐in‐hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including

educa on, health, social protec on, and job opportuni es, while tackling climate change and environmental protec on.

Based on the BSI Safe Working Guidance of May 2020, ISO 45005 contains 14 chapters and two annexes, A and B. These hold prac cal

considera ons for those looking to implement COVID‐19 measures in an organiza on. The numbering of the chapters of the ISO 45005

guide does not coincide with the common basic structure (HLS) of ISO management system standards, e.g. ISO 45001. Nevertheless, a

clear correla ons can be drawn.







ISO 45005



The interna onal guideline focuses on a risk‐ and prac ce‐oriented


Compact presenta on focusing on pandemic situa ons.

Assessment of risks associated with pandemics (specifically


Prac cal guidance on how to deal with risks

Examples of how to implement measures

Inclusion of mul ple loca ons

Reduc on of illness‐related absences even for more benign

infec ons

Support in the prepara on of response plans with a view to


Integra on of the guidelines into the PDCA cycle of an exis ng

management systems based on ISO standards

Regular adapta on to changing situa ons


Companies of any industry, type and size can implement the

guidelines to improve health protec on for their employees, as

well as other interested par es, in mes of pandemic. The gui‐

dance addresses the pandemic situa on in companies at the

management level: risk‐based and with prac cal guidance on

possible ac ons. The global guidelines are equally helpful for

those companies that are resuming opera ons or completely

reopening a er a pandemic‐related closure. Users of ISO ma‐

nagement system standards, but especially those of the interna‐

onal standard for occupa onal safety and health (OSHA), DIN

ISO 45001, may integrate the guidelines directly into their ma‐

nagement system via the PDCA cycle.

Ar cle by Andreas Ri er, DQS Standards Expert for OHSAS and

the Environment. First published in German at www.dqs.de/blog.

published by responsible

DQS Holding GmbH Dr. Dieter Stadler

IBDmarke [email protected] Petra Träm/Nathalie Guilbot‐Sumono

www.dqs‐holding.com IBD • Corporate Marke ng

March 2021
