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.te#ff>' - •-•• jttHnc.utftiiriiiiiiiiiiiiKijwiWpJLili »in )mi w w ninjf i •««• JJji' J m''' •* l "»i' i * im»nm:i»>iiiari ii>»|r|i»r»jww >YA -3P Co id most season. Monday ;m- PLAHO t, in at) are nin c in the IUNCMY Ol. ffi, a.m. C -atn« for t CI eve- its West tKCCfte* a chart*. r alo and H. Lino pSIet. ' v t : I -^ ->:;-^--'.- :.*!*** * %1 0 .•in ; H npi aijiv^^^^^^^^^^fp^p^ ^aiss;- Seventeenth Year, No. 27. .':';t •-•o;w-*t* , *S m m »*<*esi*felf» Saturday Tflli PAOLISl' 0RDEB QREAT WORK OF THIS FAJ#QUS NONARY CONGREGATION, MIS' It' Is m W*«Ily JUmtrUmm XaatttactJwa, Was e**M«e4 - br HaMlraM, '•«*> tta rvtaurx V*««tt«a I* the Coava-s-stoa sal •••-CBtkaUcs la Tkiav Cow«ry.,, The only institute of clerics la the United States of American origin ts tlier Congregation of Missionary Priests of 8t Peal tbe Apostle, commonly called tbe Paulist Fathers. It la American by three titles—It was founded In tills lountry. Its first member* were na- tives and its primary vocation is apos- tolic labor for tbe conversion of aon- Catholics in, this country- la 185i it bad five members of Amer- ican extraction-- Fathers Clarence A. Walworth, Isaac T. Hecker. Augustine F. Hewit, George Deshon and Francis a. Baker, all converts. In May. 1858, the five priests began "to organize the new community. Fa- ther Hecker was elected thefirstsu- perior, and be, with tbe remaining three, Hewlt, Deshon and Baker, drew Dp and signed a "programme of rale." It was approved by Archbishop Hughes July 7. 185a The -two •poles of the Paullst charac- ter are personal perfection: and ieai for souls. The Pauusts are not aO converts. The cornerstone of tbe eburch and convent in New York was laid by the most reverend arcnbisbop on Trinity Sandfly June 19, 1S89. Tbe bouse -was completed and blessed JVov, 24 of that year, and the chapel was dedicated on the following Sunday. The Pauliets were then constitutionally and materi- ally established. The, special work of tbe PaoUsta to: First, the preaching of inisslonB; aec^ oad, seal for the bouse of God; third, the reform of churci moalc, fourth, op- position to Intemperance and the liquor traffic; fifth, the elevation of sennonlc standards and literature; sixth, the spoatolate of tbe presa; seventh, the preaching' of missions to non-Catholics; eighth, the publication of tbe Mission- ary and tbe formation of tbe Catbollc Missionary Union. The Paufists now hare a church, pat-; toral residence, novitiate, parochial school and publlahlng bou«« In, New York city, a house of studies at the Carbonic university and a cburcb and residence in 8an ^anclsco, Introated to then) by Arcbbiahop Rlordan in 1905, at which are stationed flre fa- utera. /'' '•._ The Apostolic Mission houso Is situ- ated on tbe grounds of the Catholic tmlverelty. It was built by donations from Catholics in all parts of ? me coun- try. The Apostolic Mission boase Is at present engaged In training mlsslona- rles. It Is to tbe Catbollc Church what West Point Is to the uriny aud Aiiaap- olls to tbe navy. A priest who has been trained at tblF school is ready to stand before any audience of tho learned or simple and dissipate tbe prejudices that so many have against tbe Church, remove obstacles from, tbelr path and smooth away preconceived antago- nisms, so that- tbe Chnrch may bt known as she la. ' - •'• \y'''•'.f,*. The mission house from tbe begdn- : nlng has had the warmest approbation from Borne and from the bishops of the oouhtry. Tbey have not eaiy econmexMl'' toanclai support The prlest» and peo- ple bare not been beblrkp:totteli'gtsa--: ttOau^. Tbe growth of «ils work bai been truly wonderful. ; A, sbort tba» agoafewprlasts wewoccnpjring afayw fOOOM in Keane bail Today tn*y narra - t beautlfaJ home.; Th«y besran with bat six priest students. The number: now Is tripled, with the prospects of in- creased numbers during* tbe years to . oome. :'.'•'' •' " "-•• •"'-"'" *-v-:"- -.,. i Imjmatlii*. ^<;->.- - Amnesty! Amnesty 1 Power of for- glTanessl Clearness of soul, disposition toward mercy, a desire not to condemn any one definitely, a fear—a great fear —a terror of committing lnlus*;ce—a terror of using one's soul to weigh the aonl of others and to condemn thena— tnay God teach u s all these things! May the simple word of the One who was divine simplicity be boilly carried «ot by as! Hts counsel-rs at the height cf a child's bead, yet It Is-al^o at? iie belghc of tbe stare. Iftospite of all yon wish to judge. If you find it in- dispensable to sit at the tribunal, put Christ as an advocate by the side of the one yon are judging. He will only bava to look at you to teach you what you should do. OWP BsGrAaaa. If we feel that we must relieve orr •orrew or distress burdened bearta by S»nflding In another, let us carefully choose our subject, time and clrcum- •tance. To>rb»»s parade our mental burdens In the sight of our fellow men dat all may see and pity wlU but add to their grievpusneira by making mani- fest the poverty of human sympathy and rendering ourselves repugnant to nil with wbom we come to contact. Tbere is but one being who will never dreary of onr loving plaints; It Is al- ways safe— never amiss—to appeal tor ttympathy and solace to tbe infinitely loving God of our hearts. Tie Odor of aeUsjrltnu ; ' !pm rose upon c^ening^ its leaves b*> ghis to throw out fragrance, ana so long as it l» alive it continueo to exhale. send m\, the most grateful odor. Place a single rosetoyour room, and in a abort time that tiny flower will have filled the entire apartment with it» m- vtaible presence. And so with vital re- ligion. When tbe soul has expanded, blossomed forth under the quickening breath of the "8un of Elgbteousaeas," It pours out a fragrance upon, all woo to Its path hftTe a MssC fellowship, making pleasant and. d>ligntfol tins place of its haWtatioo. r r .""buri"sAvioK'•'.",•"H •- PHef»r» «t. CkHat as Mm As* iwswsa- W»«a «• »««*a,, : ' the followingtothe only reliable pen Ifcture of Christ as seen In actual life and Is an exquisite piece of word paint- ing. It Is taken from a manuscript now in the possession of Jjqrd KeQy and In his Ubtary. It was copied from »n original letter of PubUus Lentulus at Home, it being the usual custom of Roman governors to advise tbe senate and the people of such material tbings as happened in their provinces in the days of TiberitHi : C*w**. Pobliuif j^- tulQs, procurator of l9daes^ r |»T0^.djB letter to the senate. ,," ; '''•"-:-': '••';.'/. "There appew^d \a^ these our days a' man of great virtue tiamed J«eti» Christ; wbo^'li- yet living "ahionfst us and ©f the gentiles i# accepted as the prophet of tVuth.- He raises the dead and cures ail manner or disease*, A man of stature somewhat tall and comely, such as die beholder may. jootb love and fear. His hair is the color of a chestnut full ripe; plain to hit ears, whence downward It; Is more orient and curling and waving about his shoulders. In tbe midst of bts head is a seam, a partition in the hair, after fbe manner of toe Nasarltee. HJs fore- head plain and very delicate; his face without spot^^ o r - ' w r i n k l e , beautiful with p lovely red. His nose and" iobttfa' so formed mat x n6^1ng can 6^ repre- bended, His Mtrd! lis color 'like Jih$ hair, not veiy ioijg. *ut fortfed. tOi look innocent and' mature., Hit .eyes gray;, clear and quick and luminous. In reproving be is terrible, his eyes piercing—as with a two edged sword4; the greedy, the selfish and^ tii* oppress- or, but look with tendereat pity on %>i weak, tbe erring and tits sinful. Oour- tsous and fair spokenr pleasant In eon- verntfoa, nu^sdSriuigtii^ify; Jt 'tm? not be rsmembered tiiat any hate ssen jhim laugh, irat maiji Kaff ti^_hj^ weep. In/proportion of body taost «t* cellent—a man for bis sbigulsr beauty surpassing the children of men." ' '•'' *•-",'•'-.••'•'• ,Tfc»•:t^»e*^eiflQiss,. \ '. - , Accbrdlhg to'-, the St Benedlktusbote, 1905,teeBenedictine order has at pt^h eht about «;(irtp members to sixteen congregations, wjth:< t5o mohajiteriesj There ore 3,070 priests; eTe^clericSj 1,435 lay brotiiers, novices and postu- lants. That means an incraa^.of Q&Z persons since the Insk cienstfs m' 1S^ The Wfnok' Benedlctinesi wt6 in $&$Q had but 2,765 membefs, na^ ^puli*»a their number^within^ r^efiry-flWyeajts, GOTcerning tbe -'other;^rs^clJesi of ;tt>H great^Benedictine family, the Monks df CAmaldoil ndflbteF 3fi, f those of Vallombroea 60, tbe C^terclans awl Trappista togettier 4MK t I'&jk »ttvssv trlnes 05. i*e Ofivetsni m, tWMecoi* tarlsta 162: Altogether there ars un- der tbe rule of St Benedict about li«- 280 monks. Adding the number «t the Benedictine nuns, about 10,T«), w# have altogether about 22,000 fcJtowrag .tts'Benedietiaei^le.'; ".>;•••"-] "V: •/-• > -'«-p Ot<ktUM,Ia ttmtm Vi&rmrimm* .•' ' .A writer in ths lkKleslMui»i EsvlW gives sorns Interssflng statistics of tb* ntimberc^ C^ttwlio students at stets universltle*. Tbe figures sbo^ about 2fiQ0 students in these ualveraittM, C^thoUcs are representedtoson» of the leading ones as follows-^^'W' •Shoo! year i^&oe;;^nitwsi|y.'olt:j£ kansas, 20; UniTeralty of CallfornJs, 280 (and OVCT); University of Colorado, GO; University of nilnols, 1S1; ILodiaaa unlversi^ '.'182;".''. SUte University of Iowa, 162 (year lS04-05)f U^tieril^r ^m* BTanBas, S5; l^ulslana State uidversiry, i€0 (and over); University of Michigan, 2S|0; University of Minnesota, 250;, tfai- verelty of' Missouri, 39; Unlyeralry of Montana, 40; University of Nebraska,, 54; University of North Dakota, 29 (In- complete); Uhlversit?. <»f Wlmttsafox, 200 (at least). ITiis large attendaoce will probably be a surprise to many of-us.--;,;:- .; "•;-'-; V-."' XlMUmmrtmrn For J«v*a. " The Congregation of the Propaganda will soon provide a number of mission- aries for Japan. Since die success of tits papal missiontothai country intrusted t o Mgr. O'Oonnell, tbe new coadjutor archbishop of Boston, toe Fops baa been very anxious to follow up the ad- vantages ganied and provide for a more extensive evangeilxatlon of tbat country. Tbe new missionaries will be establishedtoTokyo, wnese mey w^l erect a church on the ground recently given to the Pope by a prominent offi- cial there. A Japanese mission Is soon expected at the Vatican. Princeaa En* D»com«i a Caitltaue. Princess Ena of B&iteaberg, the fu- ture wife of Kmi* Alfonso of Spalbi, was received into the Catholic Church a short time ago at San Sebastian, Spain. Bight Rev. Robert Brtadle, Catbollc bishop of Nottingham, Eng- land, provost of the Catholic cathedral at Westminster and a retired chaplain of the Brlasb army, offldated. CATH0UCS SH0Ul-» «',"ir mwii Sundaj, bafors mora tiaia a taous- «Miia«aadl>OTs»m«krtha»auspio»» otm &oe)xm*T Dioosaaai Fsiar*- -^«;Of Gtmnan Catiolio sBocieus*. The sUte coaveauoa «f U»s fed««- -*«jkV mm im bald in $pmm 9 tn' M*y s*4 Rooheatsr will ss-ad » Urge ddfjffatioB* ''••.•''-•'•;:• to oo«e m^m-m^^m'm —•"^ mm***- usir wmTS^m i astd u wis* t**y m*mmftmL m «^*tuck tas r^e^br. »,w», ^pwbt^smsiatow-, viianf. •' • *«afiiiBtfj| uDbfoJr** front aad wsaaailgrtoarrigsU-Ourehurcbw m* wlirtoas societie. ;ns|' .^rf^. : " wkmm$ ®*i Mi «ot b* threatened and :»»*«* >;.W$*tiL •\aed befora tbs Ajaaricw -p*opt*> ^ B ^ m m WMCJIOSHB okaJr- ; ton^^^^3e? S ^i^|^|^ i ^: man. On the platform wem Bishop* - v »»n;9p..|lc^«ii4"giaa r lis .pit*?- .-. -•-•?% #* to eipreas ,fopM,of,.»r mp&»«A*# immmkvfiitm- ifiHvpoter *e wbohmvmxij and enter iato etfiy parith. I -'kg*•-' :.wttehea. wi.lb' ; ^|tiitlei«|iiJii'*otk of W«» Fe^era^on ©f QltlioHo So* dsftlvi;.. ^fe"^«»^ia-«t»|ileb*' w*Qtofch I g»Ti» wqfyjrma «*a: idwsreg»rdiugUjJsOTffwix«tion,but •mat **&w$*fopimikm. mm tbeii tbeyAftve^wti t»lc«ity,Hy id**ofMndh a so©ietjli p©«tbtiipt dfyoaiigjrpsQ wbo jaa^jt ws|i and iomm % btt£ m iiigmmw&Qm wkion -*•- mmte m*tmm:mi;&m 'Wmmgm ?ofce*^>k4iio rti» oettolry,, Sinna U^'xtum will mtA f m^ tkm tfeft* will be SOBW «€ am raady u taj^t fyfo ^^ <*.m*m & titi* orgsuiation *nd f %tent s t^ mrnktammm- '*&&& *¥*\ -•»•- *&mimi -ffipttlil-lif m toexsey- in Ossoriaa. ,j«itiO|i-|aot.0iiI|r no oath « mSdm mt m *m& work. sowM •m&'-mmmiftm mwtmfat so t h ^ every m m m * . 4,^^ ^^ •m*wmform& ®wm **$m |*W*fti» jj&ing Uab#olu^y Iniepenaent 0 f «U poM<*k pirtiea. We mh not be Ugted to thi l^pablioiiij, BeiJd^i^Fo $ r SooiiiBat •party.: jm. 4»a alt Mislatmfft *<mt : •*f** p^?tto*l bofltoectl0ni» ifoaw W^M l»rty ^atAfli for *bi|Vw, fight fm are st trtllor : t o ' ^ r faiik; -. .^«* .-i«Bjfe-^» i^ awn xn thii organixation SMkiaff office on the strength of their mera- :b^tWp*--' : - : ' >'•<-• 'J ' • V -•---' -.-, •-,'^Whiii^rt-ftrilt wf'mm'mbii •<m^mfym# m&mm* ^mmmmHm immomi' ,-nfev«t ^r«teiiid-/^^'ft-tlalBf.-," ; l _ this or^aniaauoo.thewarwW'oOO can never obuinyooj riglatsfrosa tb« mmmv^Wmmtihrn m^mm- mm*g - m mm w ••**m*mmm?'-im*m^ ®* stop to tbe calomnies against Cath- olics which hav«be«n a ttwed forfoar w^f:^mmfk mm<mfy.4$-&m &.:w* m$im:mmnm -mm monks,nuns and dsr^ofilgttOatfcf* •eonwii.:.tmutiktoi-lA&tim; olio exposed; Ibm «K»ixotwei,"-tdr. any Ct^holie who miubehtreij bat ao tm m*&'m''mf'<te- timfe s**e| m. C&ibolic %ody, :;, :.*%-m*&m»-'$m :Wg^']NltfV|'* grs»t deal »bda| jbg ^ r i s a ^ f o * - edneas and barbarism o f the Kintf of Belgium in the Congo state. W0 t we had a- battle in the Philippines the othier day. We «WB ih* most civilixed and refined jpeople ill tbe world, but if Leopold aid 0&ue tfas brave Americans did and *&»£ down men,women andobildren,wbst a ery would have been raised. In Indi a short time ago tbe aativeg rebelled against England. They were fighting for their homesr»idf their liberty. . The delicate-way of pacifying tbem was to f»Bte» tB«ai to the mouths of csonon an^ them to fragments. will have to move slowly. . There are many abases in this citjr which may be abolished without my pub* licity or threatening. M toys I»ve to do is to show oiir fact!* (fwr newipaperi t es|>eoially tlie older ones Will treat nt hoporably, and the mmmtmkm** r r.'."- ' %*#*"' *itl : * -lopg addraas in Me* mm tatm&tom mi oepitalisa, tm- *h* 0 h htaaid that CufcoKw «mW sot, bs tnembera of tb. gocHJia* He attacksd tbe oapltali^ for thair arroganc* and f nadir** oftfupeo, -'•"• F«ia*f> | » « j t - ' , r « | i i ,.. _ M | '^wmia; miefata made short addresses 4* tbe worlt «f the fadsr * w n t ~ - . ' ; . - ' _ 'fmmmMMm.mm%t tm? .Zttmm Maook »a^ Ussmtwl 100 par «a», m etas* «T sf«w *im-1«*0, a*»o-wi»t»tist jmw*i$M#m& oity tbats*eb- mit^m^Mmmmm^wmm . (mly lov« can "keep frxMoa Uttwftlsa; Jora la atroagtr thaa tbe worWa b*« . Tblreia fiouseoif IrrWifoWtttssj do'not Mp eaw JlTsa, Thsy mus* Jbslp otber- Uvea If la mtiiasilrsatoUrn ftefwef €fod, Happin*** toatop** tfelngs-Hs cap ef cold w*t«*; a kind word, a btiga* is^fe o* pi*tj«nt "good m6mm****& r y*apf"<'^"^r' *^a^rf"^ Aa^»^"#ajAaj#jBaw Try to pleas*, to cocuaole,toaSfts?** aa in Itself m g»»a» Try to d© aw good to tbe aonls of «0mm*m mx*** . ^ E anS *Wy IPsw^siesrsf ^sas^|rt#^^ss^Bj^wsss^s^^BSf^^ ^pv jajsaajsw ^ssj^ ssxtry DrMTneu. It men lookad loviagty iats> aads> otber/s «yss fee the gtuBpeea est trg^b •assp^^f ^aa^sjs^a^a> -aa>e^^s* ^^s^sa*-^*- -^aessassaji^ 'ajgsffss^sji ejSjssa^ tbt coBttbtioai tbe$ c o # M (IsatwfsT^ :|MJW -mticli^.'jPBer* la- t e e « r d 0 ir» m*>* " ^^^f %mm a ^ ^ s ^ -a>a>*af«a4^«-sstf ^Bfc.j»a^CTa)w "Jsrsasaa -SWSS^SJSTT^ ^gww :-,. AM EABTEft TWOU0HT, ', •>»»n.iiww.»iia)ii«iiii • ) » , a Mas wait 4«id, the world was tost. j|Wn*r*a m*y e*m not be, "^ B«t Jrttu* «w«l ana paid ts« «ott A«4--sat •'boft «»Btlii»« tm*.~ * " jafaa get M», ta* mmm-*****, _^^t wbat did leeua g*lnt wmMtotofHk&i ssitsv not stn'* soroMsa, ^ JTor wwoto Ha, O**, was ssaJa, JUd t too, »la*i t«* Isciftte tlsrootf - - :;- Wtd<-.baW-3ito-|o^-rapaW» ----- - & X aioa«4 *j* tt*4t^ fsUo*** wronsri r unf-'•fitattt' tfit sMf tuiwmii.. .' jattt «0Rtrlt« leti tar atoa asatfifas:' ' "Ifr bsatl* tip''insa** t haar: attsj, m M mm!" may fats* pr«s*a»r ^as^BBsrTB*- £pKsat W i t M IcHM asssssl 1 •fi•iBa# l, * f»m «WlforaM, fit is* iatr tats, - MfAtfil *#-tfw wrt tr'-rr.; Xea rest for as* Pli rtst with TtHKi , AaaJkV JudtaaMia. *l*i»Aj« 4 a k W ^aB\JUbA.. - -- •'- "-^~""^*^r' - T ~ ~ *~' -^^ TC ~ T "*~7L2. -"^a^^Mj^^^j *^' a^"^»^f -sasassssw ^ ^ s ^ r s s t ant w*#sHaaas ^vssssr *s^s l%rs«^s^stoed^watka]aa7«sa> •- ^fsswsaliasTasi rasas. ,sWaflt-'jaas«sr i a y , -taa l e t i IS1BSBB^S< 4jH^A^H-M^H^ ^ia'^^Ba a^a^^asssst 4 - ss^aB^asaaaBkiBBlB 1 ' iasfaassyfc •^ams^^wA.-aslasaa- •yj£- H Aan mtfi^mmi^^t sjssisBasssw- awsssaas, aass 1 #es^sj|! s^srsr •••••••> a m 1 ^siTBBSBfiB^BBr™*^ Tfcaawmajir - •* " - INaraoaaarV ' Caaassseteaf 6 Tsasrs - w '^^-wwPas^psss^'' , ^B^sy^Br^sns|Psr^bjB^r^Bs> !•« •# vtsnssw^sj 0 » ^apWl 40lt^:i|pf Ifaw SlMdr Central iiae* offer a asakotioa of oomprsbenaire aad wd^oartlc*«l pet- aonallyeonduetsdtonrfoovaTfaagthe " ^ N i ^ J ^ ^ ^ / f ^ I p t l Calrfornt» and Paoiio Oaet poiate, Portland, - Seattls,tr^ Canadian Eo^kwf^.Yal, lowatona Park, tba Colorado Moon- taina.Salt Like, sto. ,at prioes vaDr- «*itt mr^m.^'- 9°*^i •-« »••., 4^*' 33T" ' »"iaifa«' 6r«nerai -IlllWIIIlfjI. „___f#I» 4 , . ^.^tW^tlisJl^iJwl^ Coikfe ||ti« bydireo*i*»sTwUlai SZt 4 l^t*i<Pf;|» a«W ilsBWtssrfasatlS^ Ay «BBBQBBBI snsdssll |W*lll lilt 3*» BMa^itet^o^* Ua*. {«.>•« »•» ^ » o ^ w4spa tsawrwi 5?^»**^*?** "Wle-ispil'gejsi Iftytfli**} oh*plain*H oaly u _ „ mmjn Caubolk priataa, or ale** one-flfUi walle at laatt Massif ate Msliatad maa mm 4hmm mm. tlm aerriM ef tkt cbapJiiaMare Wgblv 'asss spBBSjf f#aB^s^B/BjssjBsr. jj Jg|W V ^ asay a4k4 'tti^^-'Wifj^' !AJB'4M£»BJ Oaubolis) sHeae, tiwby the e«)BsiHr , «4s:i: tastMsl' %g- _, • i w * , artist, a:. •saaJiaJI mt aa ssssa" i Jt|s&;|NU^'4 «,* , SitlS-ji»'lfifaS»^.i*£«ft,...i-.- ^ ' - * .3**Ktei^W* -'-»*• **> v of aay lew Prsan^sMt o lg^efaw ? ass wears Pfw- iMsrl *immmmm Wal atOssI 'H,4N< t,***" w ***v y r " *>*9*>ct*aa»-«0i »• * - » , ^ * . - •• . .'«< »-.*v-»" «•• for taasry- hsOsaa form of kaoiesrof at4ue,aiT,i.i, ' w* sa^^^^B^^^* 00O aW God finatla isr :?- --»^w thMOsss. T>» are eUrissedlasa) . s^mWlm* '—to* <ftw» -^V->- *W****^ ' f , f - ' . •;,- --\ - • -: .-•-. •'aa---iaci».«v* *• » *. «te . H H w ^ . - . *i ?.^-'" ^ •air: J" JB^Sa^^BgWaf SBBBB the ^ vlls. tit Cba**, * noiHemr*~ j - * * '• tl» ktti, •4. Tbawafore.« |i.' Ottkoliss war Tspiriioil pov«tut#oni*« : '!*1tor4tt y«ar* ago . mm? w»* more ssssii^JsSr-^*'-'-'"^ WStw- ^xstievistSi »••»<«»,.»»« i g*Wif 8Nrt««9-'««.'>«»-: «1 jj» ,\H<&m*n*.mf~ir<$**~*'*'^i'~ •-%- i^^5?:«*:? ^SS^»t^ If contemplating * 'GBfaMm call on nearest New York Oewtral Agent and -i&qpm itinerary of -^ 8m ftjar arranged w aooemmodate delegates and otb«r» att«ttui9g ; ii#- perial Oounoil Atwie^t Armbid Ordw Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, t o be held at Lot Angeles, 3nay ^OEC^Jf*" The rate from Eoob«»teif for the round trip is $186" and inclndea ttt eac«*»pt weais diiriag; tie atop gfr li* Augeicsv-'.-, If one 'wiibe* ,t» r«|tt^|. independent, round trip ticket may be* purchased for f J80, wbbh -" toawivsiat lk*,.A^eIeji'.witJ ( :|^ dependent ticket retnrnmg via *«y direct route. Peraoai WMMB^ to return tta City of Mearftjo, «sw jf ,»10 for %UM extra^oy r«tnrn Via Fort- lantl *»«* Seattle for MUM ixtn. Obtain forttier infomnttioa at Kaw York Central offlce,308iat* St. S*"*!*' to *3s»m«iiijMfs» 181871 ttoe were omly H ^UteBeickt^ ; repieeeuanfno t •me'm*m<.. M.vm^mwm. more-thesi -|0^ rstmeestiiw <)OOei«otG*»~40-d«y they ire :%^^^#«^'i*-i^'-e« ,, itnl- m ; •inperor O0aertt«nd» tbU jn^ssB»y» '.'' f%«IW.'.«i:aM se$sfta^:'«f. _ Wg|» .iil^rlo, whkb m mfr&mk mjfmm&i and a larg*atatae of *he-BJ«iie4 Virgin, were destroyed i^m t mMkw,^^Mm-" m m&.)M i m*^iiflm&'w-' •• «rcmen,E*v.;obn MoCarthy.aasist- *nt pastor of . the Sacred Heart _ Church, wont among the ruin*. He kmm< fvm&~t^^mtptoag. jaaide ""*'' •*" - JJ * wall* bed been oonamned or ' •-.wss>,l t.?^SW?J r *wifl(ew«e*- ijlf •jtaamwati Ittb tte IHpM^sNiWv^-i ". ; -:(. -V 4 si-i'^ AJi^sJa^Nk*^ W^»t - ^ *V^*^lfe*r* J, «t«L «d beyond w tbe Blesscsi tba fe-'^'i^Jfei'^vr sJrQs^jlttJB it.ni •-«>.• •*#• m W* l-Wj", afey»«.#W


- •-•• j ttHnc.utftiiriiiiiiiiii iiKi jwiWpJLili »in )mi w w ninjf i •««• JJji' J m ' ' ' •*l"»i'i * im»nm:i»>iiiari ii>»|r|i»r»jww >YA -3P


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a.m. C -atn« for t CI eve-its West

tKCCfte* a chart*. ralo and

H. Lino pSIet. '

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.•in ;H npia i j iv^^^^^^^^^^fp^p^ ^aiss;-

Seventeenth Year, No. 27.


•-•o;w-*t* ,*S m m »*<*esi*felf» * « Saturday



It' I s m W * « I l y JUmtrUmm XaatttactJwa, W a s e * * M « e 4 - br HaMlraM, '•«*> tta r v t a u r x V*««t t«a I * the Coava-s-stoa sal • • • - C B t k a U c s l a Tkiav C o w « r y . , ,

The only institute o f clerics l a the United States of American origin t s tlier Congregation of Missionary Priests of 8 t Peal tbe Apostle, commonly called tbe Paulist Fathers. I t la American by three titles—It was founded In tills lountry. Its first member* were na­tives and its primary vocation i s apos­tolic labor for tbe conversion of aon-Catholics in, this country-

l a 185i it bad five members of Amer­ican extraction-- Fathers Clarence A. Walworth, Isaac T. Hecker. Augustine F. Hewit, George Deshon and Francis a. Baker, all converts.

In May. 1858, the five priests began "to organize the new community. Fa­

ther Hecker was elected the first su­perior, and be, with tbe remaining three, Hewlt, Deshon and Baker, drew Dp and signed a "programme of rale." It was approved b y Archbishop Hughes July 7. 185a

The -two •poles of the Paullst charac­ter are personal perfection: and ieai for souls.

The Pauusts are n o t aO converts. The cornerstone of t b e eburch and convent in New York was laid by the most reverend arcnbisbop on Trinity Sandfly June 19, 1S89. Tbe bouse -was completed and blessed JVov, 24 of that year, and the chapel w a s dedicated on the following Sunday. The Pauliets were then constitutionally and materi­ally established.

The , special work of tbe PaoUsta to: First, the preaching of inisslonB; aec^ oad, seal for the bouse of God; third, the reform of churci moalc, fourth, op­position t o Intemperance and the liquor traffic; fifth, the elevation of sennonlc standards and literature; sixth, the spoatolate of tbe presa; seventh, the preaching' of missions to non-Catholics; eighth, the publication o f tbe Mission­ary and tbe formation of tbe Catbollc Missionary Union.

The Paufists now hare a church, pat-; toral residence, novitiate, parochial school and publlahlng bou«« In, N e w York city, a house of studies at the Carbonic university and a cburcb and residence in 8an ^ a n c l s c o , Introated to then) by Arcbbiahop Rlordan in 1905, at which are stationed flre fa-utera. /'' '•._

The Apostolic Mission houso Is situ­ated on tbe grounds of the Catholic tmlverelty. It was built by donations from Catholics in all parts of ? me coun­try. The Apostolic Mission boase Is at present engaged In training mlsslona-rles. It Is to tbe Catbollc Church what West Point Is to the uriny aud Aiiaap-olls to tbe navy. A priest who has been trained at tblF school i s ready to stand before any audience of tho learned or simple and dissipate tbe prejudices that so many have against tbe Church, remove obstacles from, tbelr path and smooth a w a y preconceived antago­nisms, so that- tbe Chnrch may bt known as she la. ' - •'• \y'''•'.f,*.

The mission house from tbe begdn-: nlng has had the warmest approbation

from Borne and from the bishops of the oouhtry. Tbey have not eaiy econmexMl'' toanclai support The prlest» and peo­ple bare no t been beblrkp: to tteli 'gtsa--: ttOau^. T b e growth of « i l s work b a i been truly wonderful. ; A , sbort tba» a g o a f e w p r l a s t s wewoccnpjring afayw fOOOM in Keane b a i l Today tn*y narra

- t beautlfaJ home.; Th«y besran with bat s ix priest students. The number: now Is tripled, with the prospects of in­creased numbers during* tbe years to

. oome. • : ' . ' • ' ' •' " "-•• •"'-"'" * - v - : " - - . , . i

Im jmat l i i * . ^<;->.- -

Amnesty! Amnesty 1 Power of for-glTanessl Clearness of soul, disposition toward mercy, a desire n o t to condemn any one definitely, a fear—a great fear —a terror of committing lnlus*;ce— a terror of using one's soul to weigh the aonl of others and to condemn thena— tnay God teach u s all these things! May the simple word of the One who was divine simplicity be boilly carried «ot by as! Hts counsel-rs at the height cf a child's bead, yet It Is-al^o at? i i e belghc of t b e stare. If to spite of all yon wish t o judge. If y o u find it in-dispensable to sit a t the tribunal, put Christ as a n advocate by the side of the one yon are judging. He will only bava to look at you to teach y o u what you should do.

O W P BsGrAaaa. If w e feel that w e must relieve orr

•orrew or distress burdened bearta by S»nflding In another, let us carefully choose our subject, time and clrcum-•tance. To>rb»»s parade our mental burdens In the sight of our fellow men d a t all may see and pity wlU but add t o their grievpusneira by making mani­fest the poverty o f human sympathy and rendering ourselves repugnant to nil w i th wbom w e come to contact. Tbere is but one being w h o will never dreary of onr loving plaints; It Is al-ways safe— never amiss—to appeal tor ttympathy and solace to tbe infinitely loving God o f our hearts.

T i e Odor o f aeUsjrltnu ; ' !pm rose upon c^ening^ i t s leaves b*>

ghis to throw out fragrance, ana so long as it l» alive it continueo to exhale. send m\, the most grateful odor. Place a single rose to your room, and i n a abort time that tiny flower will have filled the entire apartment with it» m-vtaible presence. And so with vital re­ligion. When tbe soul has expanded, blossomed forth under the quickening breath of the "8un of Elgbteousaeas," It pours out a fragrance upon, all w o o to Its path hftTe a MssC fellowship, making pleasant and . d>ligntfol tins place of its haWtatioo.

r r .""buri"sAvioK'•'.",•"H •-PHef»r» « t . CkHat as Mm A s *

iwswsa- W»«a « • »««*a,,:' the following to the only reliable pen

Ifcture of Christ as seen In actual life and Is an exquisite piece of word paint­ing. It Is taken from a manuscript now in the possession of Jjqrd KeQy and In his Ubtary. It was copied from »n original letter of PubUus Lentulus at Home, it being the usual custom of Roman governors to advise tbe senate and the people of such material tbings as happened in their provinces i n the days of TiberitHi :C*w**. Pobliuif j ^ -tulQs, procurator of l9daes^r |»T0^.djB letter to the senate. ,,";'''•"-:-':'••';.'/.

"There appew^d \a^ these our days a' man of great virtue tiamed J«eti» Christ; wbo^'li- ye t living "ahionfst us and ©f the gentiles i# accepted a s the prophet of tVuth.- He raises the dead and cures ail manner or disease*, A man of stature somewhat tall and comely, such as die beholder may. jootb love and fear. His hair is the color of a chestnut full ripe; plain to hit ears, whence downward It; Is more orient and curling and waving about his shoulders. In tbe midst of bts head is a seam, a partition in the hair, after fbe manner of toe Nasarltee. HJs fore­head plain and very delicate; his face without spot ^ or-'wrinkle, beautiful with p lovely red. His nose and" iobttfa' so formed mat x n6^1ng can 6^ repre-bended, His Mtrd! lis color 'like Jih$ hair, not ve iy ioijg. * u t fortfed. tOi look innocent and' mature., Hi t .eyes gray;, clear and quick and luminous. In reproving be is terrible, his eyes piercing—as with a t w o edged sword4; the greedy, the selfish and^ tii* oppress­or, but look with tendereat p i ty on %>i weak, tbe erring and tits sinful. Oour-tsous and fair spokenr pleasant In eon-verntfoa, nu^sdSriuigtii^ify; Jt ' tm? not be rsmembered tiiat any hate ssen jhim laugh, irat maiji Kaff t i ^ _ h j ^ weep. In/proportion of body taost «t* cellent—a man for bis sbigulsr beauty surpassing the children of men." ' '•''

*•-",'•'-.••'•'• ,Tfc»•:t^»e*^eiflQiss,. \ '. - ,

Accbrdlhg to'-, the St Benedlktusbote, 1905, tee Benedictine order has at pt^h eht about «;(irtp members to sixteen congregations, wjth:< t5o mohajiteriesj There ore 3,070 priests; eTe^clericSj 1,435 lay brotiiers, novices and postu­lants. That means an incraa^.of Q&Z persons since the Insk cienstfs m' 1 S ^ The Wfnok' Benedlctinesi wt6 in $&$Q had but 2,765 membefs, na^ ^puli*»a their number within r^efiry-flWyeajts, GOTcerning tbe -'other; rs clJesi of ;tt>H great^Benedictine family, the Monks df CAmaldoil ndflbteF 3fi,f those of Vallombroea 60, tbe C^terclans awl Trappista togettier 4MKtI'&jk »ttvssv trlnes 05. i*e Ofivetsni m, tWMecoi* tarlsta 162: Altogether there ars un­der tbe rule of St Benedict about li«-280 monks. Adding the number «t the Benedictine nuns, about 10,T«), w# have altogether about 22,000 fcJtowrag .tts'Benedietiaei^le.'; ".>;•••"-] "V: •/-•>-'«-p

Ot<ktUM,Ia ttmtm Vi&rmrimm* .•' ' .A writer in ths lkKleslMui»i EsvlW gives sorns Interssflng statistics of tb* ntimberc^ C ttwlio students at stets universltle*. Tbe figures sbo^ about 2fiQ0 students in these ualveraittM, C thoUcs are represented to son» of the leading ones as follows-^^'W' •Shoo! year i^&oe;;^nitwsi|y.'olt:j£ kansas, 20; UniTeralty of CallfornJs, 280 (and OVCT); University of Colorado, GO; University of nilnols, 1S1; ILodiaaa unlversi^ '.'182;".''. SUte University of Iowa, 162 (year lS04-05)f U^tieril^r m* BTanBas, S5; l^ulslana State uidversiry, i€0 (and over); University of Michigan, 2S|0; University of Minnesota, 250;, tfai-verelty of' Missouri, 39; Unlyeralry of Montana, 40; University of Nebraska,, 54; University of North Dakota, 29 (In­complete); Uhlversit?. <»f Wlmttsafox, 200 (at least). ITiis large attendaoce will probably be a surprise to many of-us.--;,;:- .; "•;-'-; • V-."'

• XlMUmmrtmrn For J«v*a . " The Congregation of the Propaganda

will soon provide a number of mission­aries for Japan. Since die success of tits papal mission to thai country intrusted t o Mgr. O'Oonnell, tbe new coadjutor archbishop of Boston, toe F o p s baa been very anxious to follow up the ad­vantages ganied and provide for a more extensive evangeilxatlon of tbat country. Tbe new missionaries will be established to Tokyo, wnese m e y w ^ l erect a church on the ground recently given to the Pope by a prominent offi­cial there. A Japanese mission Is soon expected at the Vatican. P r i n c e a a E n * D » c o m « i a Caitltaue.

Princess Ena of B&iteaberg, the fu­ture w i f e of Kmi* Alfonso of Spalbi, was received into the Catholic Church a short time ago at San Sebastian, Spain. Bight Rev. Robert Brtadle, Catbollc bishop of Nottingham, Eng­land, provost of the Catholic cathedral at Westminster and a retired chaplain of the Brlasb army, offldated.


«',"ir mwii

Sundaj, bafors mora tiaia a taous-«Miia«aadl>OTs»m«krtha»auspio»» otm &oe)xm*T Dioosaaai Fsiar*--^«;Of Gtmnan Catiolio sBocieus*. The sUte coaveauoa «f U»s fed««--*«jkV mm im bald in $pmm9 tn' M*y s*4 Rooheatsr will ss-ad » Urge ddfj f fa t ioB* ''••.•''-•'•;:•

to oo«e m^m-m^^m'm

—•" — • mm***- usir wmTS^m i astd u wis* t**y m*mmftmL m « ^ * t u c k tas r ^ e ^ b r . »,w», ^ p w b t ^ s m s i a t o w - , vi ianf. •' • *«afiiiBtfj| uDbfoJr** front aad wsaaailgrtoarrigsU-Ourehurcbw m* wlirtoas societie. ;ns|' .^rf^.:"

wkmm$ ®*i w« Mi «ot b* threatened and : » » * « * >;.W$*tiL •\aed befora tbs Ajaaricw -p*opt*>

^ B ^ m m WMCJIOSHB okaJr- ; t o n ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 e ? S ^ i ^ | ^ | ^ i ^ : man. On the platform wem Bishop*

- v »»n;9p..|lc^«ii4"giaar lis .pit*?- .-. -•-•?% # * to eipreas ,fopM,of,.»r

mp&»«A*# immmkvfiitm-ifiHvpoter * e wbohmvmxij and enter iato etf iy parith. I -'kg*•-' :.wttehea. wi.lb';^|tiitlei«|iiJii'*otk of W«» Fe^era^on ©f QltlioHo So* dsftlvi;.. ^fe"^«»^ia-«t»|ileb*'

w*Qtofch I g»Ti» wqfyjrma «*a: idwsreg»rdiugUjJsOTffwix«tion,but

•mat **&w$*fopimikm. mm tbeii tbeyAftve^wti t»lc«i ty, Hy id**ofMndh a so©ietjli p©«tbtiipt dfyoaiigjrpsQ wbo jaa^jt ws|i and iomm% btt£ m iiigmmw&Qm wk ion

-*•- mmte m*tmm:mi;&m 'Wmmgm ?ofce*^>k4iio rti»

oettolry,, Sinna U^'xtum will mtAfm^ tkm tfeft* will be SOBW

«€ am raady u taj^t fyfo ^ <*.m*m & titi* orgsuiation *nd f %tentst mrnktammm-'*&&& *¥*\ -•»•- *&mimi -ffipttlil-lif m toexsey- in Ossoriaa. ,j«itiO|i-|aot.0iiI|r no oath « mSdm mt m *m& work. W» sowM •m&'-mmmiftm mwtmfat so t h ^ every m m m * . 4 , ^ ^ ^ ^

•m*wmform& ®wm **$m |*W*fti» jj&ing t« Uab#olu^y

Iniepenaent 0 f «U poM<*k pirtiea. We mh not be Ugted o » to thi l^pablioiiij, BeiJd^i^Fo $r SooiiiBat •party.: jm. 4»a alt Mislatmfft*<mt: •*f** p^?tto*l bofltoectl0ni» i foaw W ^ M l»rty atAfli for *bi|Vw, fight fm are st trtllor : t o ' ^ r faiik; -. . ^ « * .-i«Bjfe- » i ^ awn xn thii organixation SMkiaff office on the strength of their mera-:b tWp*--':-:' >'•<-• 'J ' • V -•---' -.-, •-,'^Whiii^rt-ftrilt wf'mm'mbii

•<m^mfym# m&mm* ^mmmmHm immomi' ,-nfev«t ^r«teiiid-/^^'ft-tlalBf.-,";l _

this or^aniaauoo.thewarwW'oOO

can never obuinyooj riglatsfrosa tb« mmmv^Wmmtihrn m^mm- mm*g - m mm w ••**m*mmm?'-im*m^ ®*

stop to tbe calomnies against Cath­olics which hav«be«n a ttwed forfoar

w^f:^mmfk mm<mfy.4$-&m

&.:w* m$im:mmnm -mm monks,nuns and dsr^ofilgttOatfcf*

•eonwii.:.tmutiktoi-lA&tim; olio exposed; Ibm «K»ixotwei,"-tdr. any Ct^holie who miubehtreij bat ao tm m*&'m''mf'<te- timfe s**e| d« m. C&ibolic %ody, :;, :.*%-m*&m»-'$m :Wg ']NltfV|'* grs»t deal »bda| jbg ^ r i s a ^ f o * -edneas and barbarism of the Kintf of Belgium in the Congo state. W0t we had a- battle in the Philippines the othier day. We «WB i h * most civilixed and refined jpeople ill tbe world, but if Leopold aid 0&ue a« tfas brave Americans did and *&»£ down men,women andobildren,wbst a ery would have been raised. In I n d i a short time ago tbe aativeg rebelled against England. They were fighting for their homesr»idf their liberty. . The delicate-way of pacifying tbem was to f»Bte» tB«ai to the mouths of csonon an^ them to fragments.

will have to move slowly. . There are many abases in this citjr which may be abolished without my pub* licity or threatening. M toys I»ve to do is to show oiir fact!* (fwr newipaperites|>eoially tlie older ones Will treat nt hoporably, and the

mmmtmkm** r r.'."-' %*#*"' * i t l : * -lopg addraas in Me* mm tatm&tom mi oepitalisa, tm-*h*0h htaaid that CufcoKw «mW sot, bs tnembera of t b . gocHJia*

He attacksd tbe oapltali^ for thair arroganc* and f nadir** of tfu peo,

-'•"• F«ia*f> | » « j t - ' , r « | i i ,.. _ „ M | '^wmia; miefata made short addresses 4* tbe worlt «f the fadsr * w n t ~ • • - . • • • ' • ; . - ' _

'fmmmMMm.mm%t tm? .Zttmm Maook » a ^ Ussmtwl 100 par «a», i« m etas* «T sf«w

*im-1«*0, a*»o-wi»t»tist

jmw*i$M#m& oity tbats*eb-


. (mly lov« can "keep frxMoa Uttwftlsa; Jora la atroagtr thaa tbe worWa b*«

. Tblreia fiouseoif IrrWifoWtttssj do'not Mp e a w JlTsa, Thsy mus* Jbslp otber- Uvea If la mtiiasilrsa to Urn ftefwef €fod,

Happin*** l« to atop** tfelngs-Hs cap ef cold w*t«*; a kind word, a btiga* is fe o* pi*tj«nt "good m6mm****& ry*apf"<'^"^r' *^a^rf"^ Aa^»^"#ajAaj#jBaw

Try to pleas*, to cocuaole, to aSfts?**

aa in Itself m g»»a» Try to d© aw good to tbe aonls of «0mm*m mx***

. ^ E anS *Wy IPsw^siesrsf ^sas^|rt#^^ss^Bj^wsss^s^^BSf^^ pv jajsaajsw ^ssj^

ssxtry DrMTneu. It men lookad loviagty iats> aads>

otber/s «yss fee the gtuBpeea est trg^b •assp^^f ^aa^sjs^a^a> -aa>e^^s* ^^s^sa*-^*- -^aessassaji^ 'ajgsffss^sji ejSjssa^

t b t coBttbtioai tbe$ co#M (IsatwfsT^ :|MJW -mticli .'jPBer* la- tee«rd 0 ir» m*>* " ^^^f %mm a ^ ^ s ^ -a>a>*af«a4^«-sstf ^Bfc.j»a^CTa)w "Jsrsasaa -SWSS^SJSTT^ g w w

:-,. AM EABTEft TWOU0HT, ', •>»»n.iiww.»iia)ii«iiii • )» , a

Mas wait 4«id, the world was tost. j|Wn*r*a m*y e*m not be, "^ B«t Jrttu* «w«l ana paid ts« «ott

A«4--sat •'boft «»Btlii»« tm*.~ * " jafaa get M», ta* mmm-*****, • _^^t wbat did leeua g*lnt wmMtotofHk&i ssitsv not stn'* soroMsa, ^ JTor wwoto Ha, O**, was ssaJa, •

JUd t too, »la*i t«* Isciftte tlsrootf - -:;- Wtd<-.baW-3ito-|o -rapaW» ----- - & X aioa«4 * j * tt*4t^ fsUo*** wronsrir

unf-'•fitattt' tfit sMf tuiwmii.. .' jatt t «0Rtrlt« l e t i tar atoa asatfifas:' ' "Ifr bsatl* tip''insa** t haar: attsj, m M mm!" may fats* pr«s*a»r

as BBsrTB*- £pKsat W i t M I c H M asssssl1 •fi•iBa#l,*

f»m «WlforaM, f i t is* iatr tats, - MfAtfil *#-tfw wrt tr'-rr.; Xea rest for as* Pli rtst with TtHKi ,

AaaJkV JudtaaMia. *l*i»Aj« 4 a k W aB\JUbA.. - - - •'-

— "-^~""^*^r' - T ~ ~ *~' -^^ T C ~ T "*~7L2. -" a ^Mj ^ j * ^ ' a ^ " ^ » ^ f

-sasassssw ^^s^rsst a n t w * # s H a a a s ^vssssr * s ^ s

l % r s « ^ s ^ s t o e d ^ w a t k a ] a a 7 « s a > •-^ f s s w s a l i a s T a s i r a s a s . •

,sWaflt-'jaas«sr iay, -taa l e t i „ IS1BSBB^S< 4jH^A^H-M^H^ ^ia'^^Ba a^a^^asssst4- ss aB asaaaBkiBBlB1'

iasfaassyfc •^ams^^wA.-aslasaa- • y j £ - H A a n m t f i ^ m m i ^ ^ t sjssisBasssw- awsssaas, aass1 #es^sj | ! s^srsr •••••••> a m 1 ^siTBBSBfiB^BBr™*

Tfcaawmajir • - •* "

- INaraoaaarV ' Caaassseteaf 6 Tsasrs -w ' ^^ -wwPas^psss^ ' ' , ^B^sy^Br^sns|Psr^bjB^r^Bs> ! •« • # vtsnssw^sj

0 » apWl 40lt^:i|pf Ifaw SlMdr Central i iae* offer a asakotioa of oomprsbenaire aad wd^oartlc*«l pet-aonallyeonduetsdtonrfoovaTfaagthe " ^ N i ^ J ^ ^ ^ / f ^ I p t l Calrfornt» and Paoiio Oaet poiate, Portland, -Seattls,tr^ Canadian Eo^kwf^.Yal, lowatona Park, tba Colorado Moon-taina.Salt Like, sto. ,at prioes vaDr-

«*itt mr^m.^'- 9°*^i •-« »••., 4 ^ * '

33T" ' »"iaifa«'



„ _ _ _ f # I » 4, . ^ . ^ t W ^ t l i s J l ^ i J w l ^ Coikfe | | t i « bydireo*i*»sTwUlai S Z t 4

l ^ t * i<P f ; | » a « W i lsBWtssrfasat lS^ A y «BBBQBBBI snsdssll

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lilt 3*» B M a ^ i t e t ^ o ^ * Ua*.

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call on nearest New York Oewtral Agent and -i&qpm itinerary of -^ 8m ftjar arranged w aooemmodate delegates and otb«r» att«ttui9g;ii#-perial Oounoil Atwie^t Armbid Ordw Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, t o be held at Lot Angeles, 3nay OEC Jf*" The rate from Eoob«»teif for the round trip is $186" and inclndea ttt

eac«*»pt weais diiriag; t i e atop gfr l i * Augeicsv-'.-, If one 'wiibe* ,t» r«|tt^|. independent, round trip ticket may be* purchased for f J80, wbbh -"

toawivsiat lk*,.A^eIeji'.witJ(:|^ dependent ticket retnrnmg via *«y direct route. Peraoai WMMB^ to return tta City of Mearftjo, «sw jf ,»10 for %UM extra^oy r«tnrn Via Fort-lantl *»«* Seattle for MUM i x t n . Obtain forttier infomnttioa at Kaw York Central offlce,308iat* St.

S*"*!*'to*3s»m«iiijMfs» 181871 ttoe were omly H ^UteBeickt^;repieeeuanfnot

•me'm*m<.. M.vm^mwm. more-thesi - |0^ rstmeestiiw <)OOei«otG*»~40-d«y they ire : % ^ ^ ^ # « ^ ' i * - i ^ ' - e « , , itnl- m ; • i n p e r o r O0aertt«nd» t b U jn^ssB»y» '.''

f % « I W . ' . « i : a M se$sfta^:'«f. _ Wg|» .iil^rlo, whkbm mfr&mk mjfmm&i and a larg*atatae of *he-BJ«iie4 Virgin, were destroyed

i^mtmMkw,^^Mm-" mm&.)Mim*^iiflm&'w-' •• «rcmen,E*v.;obn MoCarthy.aasist-*nt pastor of . the Sacred Heart _ Church, wont among the ruin*. He kmm< fvm&~t^^mtptoag. jaaide ""*'' •*" -JJ* wall* bed been oonamned or '

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